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Modern Molar Behaviorism And Theoretical Behaviorism: Religion And Science.

Article  in  Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior · July 2004

DOI: 10.1901/jeab.2004.82-95 · Source: PubMed Central

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1 author:

John C Malone
University of Tennessee


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Baum and Staddon disagree on the status of internal states in behavior analysis. Baum advocates
molar behaviorism, treating behavior in temporally extended segments and so avoiding the need for
internal states. Staddon argues that internal states merely represent the effects of different histories
and that their use brings behavior analysis in line with the established sciences. The dispute is one
form of the age-old molar–molecular controversy that characterized Aristotle’s disagreement with
Plato. Both molar and molecular analyses have their place, but molar behaviorism may apply more
naturally to a variety of phenomena, ranging from the matching law and avoidance learning to so-
called ‘‘higher mental processes.’’ When molecular analysis involves internal states, as in Staddon’s
Theoretical Behaviorism (or New Behaviorism), misunderstanding will be inevitable and behaviorism
will be seen as one more instance of the mediational theories in which psychology has long been
mired. Such theories have long dominated the physical sciences, where their usefulness is indisput-
able, but psychology is far behind the physical sciences and nonmediational molar behaviorism better
suits a discipline that lacks the methods and the data of the established sciences.
Key words: theoretical behaviorism, molar behaviorism, molecular behaviorism, internal states
‘‘I like John Staddon; I just don’t like his book!’’
(W. M. Baum, personal communication, May 25, 2002)
‘‘I thought behavior analysis was science, not religion, but maybe I was wrong.’’
(Staddon, 2004, p. 83)

The Baum and Staddon dispute is an im- M ODERN M OLAR B EHAVIORISM

portant one and must be viewed in historical
context—it goes back at least to Skinner’s I am proud to have been a student of John
classic writings of the 1930s. Perhaps it even Staddon and I feel great affection for and in-
goes back to Aristotle’s departure from Pla- tellectual loyalty to him. But I will admit at
to’s philosophy. The debate may be seen as a the outset of this essay that I sympathize with
conflict between an ‘‘old’’ and a ‘‘new’’ be- Baum’s molar rendition of behaviorism and
am skeptical of the rationale supporting Stad-
haviorism. But which is the old and which is
don’s theoretical behaviorism. I confess that
the new? The disputants disagree.
this sympathy and skepticism come in part
In what follows, I will consider the main
from years of convincing undergraduates that
ways I see the views of Baum and of Staddon
Skinner’s radical behaviorism is not the old
differing, namely concerning: (a) modern
S-R psychology typically portrayed in text-
molar behaviorism and its pedagogical advan-
books. It is easy to show that molar behavior-
tage; (b) the application of basic research to
ism is not that old caricature, but I argue that
societal problems; (c) what really constitutes
Staddon’s theoretical behaviorism constitutes
‘‘theoretical behaviorism;’’ (d) the revolu-
a variation on Clark Hull’s theory, which was
tionary nature of modern molar behaviorism;
the very epitome of S-R behaviorism. That
(e) whether the goal is understanding animal
molecular behaviorism (Hull called it ‘‘mo-
learning or human behavior and experience;
lar’’ in 1943) aligns with much of the rest of
(f) the virtue of molar behaviorism; and (g)
psychology, especially cognitive psychology.
molar behaviorism and mental states. I will
As I pointed out in 1987, if you insist on dis-
close with a comment on the dangers of The
crete, proximal causes, then you need medi-
New Behaviorism and a conclusion.
ators, whether they be cognitions or habits.
But Baum’s modern molar behaviorism
Address correspondence to John C. Malone, Depart-
aligns with no other modern psychological
ment of Psychology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, views and so remains largely unknown.
Tennessee 37996-0900 (e-mail: I also teach that behaviorism can deal plau-


sibly with what most psychologists think of as stein & Hineline, 1966) and matching (e.g.,
‘‘higher mental processes,’’ but it does so in Malone, 1990). Despite these successes, how-
the way that Aristotle did in his Nichomachean ever, in each of these cases there are com-
Ethics (4th CBC/1943), as I will discuss below. peting molecular accounts (e.g., Catania,
Molar views like Baum’s lend themselves to 1998; Dinsmoor, 2001).
teaching behaviorism as a plausible and ap- Modern molar behaviorism also is illustrat-
pealing account for many common psycho- ed in Baum’s example of Tom’s uptown bus
logical phenomena. Staddon’s behaviorism ride, in which purposes and intentions ap-
does not have that virtue. This does not make pear in his temporally extended behavior,
Baum’s molar behaviorism better as the basis rather than as internal states or causes of ob-
for a scientific psychology—indeed, Stad- servable behavior. As indicated earlier, an em-
don’s theoretical behaviorism is more in line phasis on temporally extended behavior is re-
with traditional science, as most of us under- flected in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Over
stand it. But pedagogical and public relations two millennia ago, Aristotle proposed that vir-
values should count, especially when teaching tue, love, honesty, happiness, courage, and
and dealing with colleagues who were taught other ‘‘traits’’ and conditions were actually
that behaviorists believe that humans are patterns of activity persisting over weeks,
‘‘machines’’ and that ‘‘the mind is not worth months, and years. Aristotle was no behavior-
studying.’’ ist, to be sure, but this approach is ‘‘made
Baum’s response to Staddon’s (2001) The modern’’ when translated into behavioral
New Behaviorism and Staddon’s reply indicate terms.
a clear difference in visions of a behaviorism For most psychologists, students, and the
held by the two. There is a real difference public, ‘‘behaviorism’’ means nothing more
here, and I am unable to take one or the oth- sophisticated than the simple treatments
er side unreservedly. Baum espouses what he found in introductory textbooks. And those
calls modern molar behaviorism, a view empha- treatments always present behaviorism as a
sizing the analysis and value of treating be- molecular view, that is, as an S-R simple as-
haviors extended in time. Modern molar be- sociationist psychology. Baum was no doubt
haviorism stems from Skinner’s early (1931, alarmed and concerned when he saw that
1935) writings, and examples of its applica- Staddon’s book appeared to advocate old-
tions to cognitive and other phenomena are time molecular S-R psychology and, in addi-
supplied by Rachlin (e.g., 1994). For exam- tion, diminished the importance of molar be-
ple, ‘‘love,’’ ‘‘intelligence,’’ ‘‘memory,’’ ‘‘in- haviorism by substituting internal states for
tentions,’’ and other cognitive/emotional temporally extended patterns of behavior.
terms are made intelligible when described as Even more troublesome perhaps, Staddon’s
temporally extended patterns of behavior, just as a book is stylistically a delight to read, full of
fixed-interval scallop may describe the overall anecdotes and insights—many that seemed to
pattern of responding under a fixed-interval have little or nothing to do with theoretical
schedule. Molar behaviorism is thus an alter- behaviorism but lend support to it by associ-
native to traditional cognitive psychology and ation. Some readers must think that if such a
it is absolutely antithetical to it—cognitive writer is so compellingly convincing in his cri-
psychology, by definition (e.g., Neisser, 1967), tiques of Skinner, cognitive psychology, cog-
always invokes mediators and molar behavior- nitive neuroscience, and applied psychology,
ism never uses them. Staddon’s theoretical he must therefore be correct in his advocacy
behaviorism, like Hull’s (1943) system, is of of theoretical behaviorism—of course, we
the same stripe as cognitive psychology (see need ‘‘internal states!’’
Malone, 1987, where I identified and admon-
ished the promoters of the then popular T HE A PPLICATION OF B ASIC R ESEARCH
‘‘cognitive revolution’’). Although I suggest that molar behaviorism
The molar perspective has offered useful is more plausibly applied to the understand-
approaches to several salient puzzles that ing of what is usually called ‘‘higher mental
have persisted in the research literature. functions,’’ that is not to imply that it is nec-
These include, for example, those variables essarily a more useful approach for applica-
controlling avoidance conditioning (Herrn- tion. When it comes to topics like behavior

therapy and social problems, we find Baum does not guarantee understanding. So, what
and Staddon disagreeing again. Baum advo- does Staddon advocate?
cates extending the application of behavior
analysis toward solving complex human prob- W HAT IS ‘‘T HEORETICAL B EHAVIORISM ?’’
lems, whereas Staddon vehemently argues Staddon’s ‘‘New Behaviorism’’ and its ‘‘in-
against this kind of effort. ternal states’’ invites, even assures, misinter-
I have used Baum’s Understanding Behavior- pretation, because the states will inevitably be
ism (1994) along with Staddon’s (1993) ear- construed by readers as ‘‘events inside the or-
lier edition and concluded that Baum was all ganism.’’ This despite all of Staddon’s good
too ready to extrapolate from the laboratory intentions and his assurances that his states
to the important problems of society, as was merely refer to histories of contingencies—
Skinner before him. For example, Baum’s equivalent states are the bases for equivalent
Part Three, ‘‘Social Issues,’’ deals with credit behaviors, but, certainly, behaviors that seem
and blame, interpersonal relationships, man- equivalent may arise from very different his-
agement, government, and religion much in tories. The rest of psychology takes internal
the way that Skinner did in Science and Human states for granted, as cognitions, wishes, mem-
Behavior (1953), Beyond Freedom and Dignity ories, sensations, and much more. So this
(1971), About Behaviorism (1974), and in means that theoretical behaviorism will join
many other writings. the dreary mainstream of psychology and,
Like Skinner, Baum’s applications tend to worse, behaviorism with internal states will
be vague, but even when they are specific mean that Clark Hull will be reincarnated—
they exemplify the old molecular behavior- ‘‘Theoretical behaviorism is a natural descen-
ism, because such approaches tend to be suc- dant of both classical and Hullian behavior-
cessful in education, behavior therapy, and ism’’ (Staddon, 2001, p. 142). I am compelled
to quote the following:
elsewhere. Rather than temporally extended
behaviors, we find reinforcers, discriminative Nothing is better evidence that Hull’s influ-
stimuli, discrete behaviors, shaping, and the ence remains than this indirect recognition by
rest of the jargon of an old-time behaviorism. his detractors that it is still a force that could
regain strength if the fashion of the moment
Of course, all of these terms need not denote
were to fade or become less appealing. (Amsel
molecular things, and they did not in Skin- & Rashotte, 1984)
ner’s early writings (e.g., 1931, 1935, 1938).
But in the applied literature they are invari- T HE R EVOLUTIONARY S TATUS OF M ODERN
ably used in a molecular way, indistinguish- M OLAR B EHAVIORISM
able from Hull’s usage of similar terms. I Staddon ended his objections to Baum’s re-
would love to see exceptions to this and I am view by implying that what Baum promoted
sure that they exist, but in my examinations was religion, not science. This assertion high-
of applied literature, I have not been able to lights the distinction between these two lead-
find them. Applied behavioral methods ing figures in modern behaviorism. Is behav-
might as well have been inspired by Hull as iorism a system of thought, encompassing
by Skinner. epistemology and ontology, and is behavior
That said, I am in agreement with Staddon analysis the science of psychology, as Baum
and am skeptical, for example, of the value (1994, pp. 25–26) argues?
of behavior-analytic applications, given our
Modern radical behaviorism is based on prag-
current state of knowledge, though I am sure matism. To the question, ‘‘What is science?’’ it
that even he would admit that behavioral gives the answer of James and Mach: Science
methods have a useful, albeit limited place in is the pursuit of economical and comprehen-
education and behavior therapy, especially sible descriptions of human natural experi-
when contrasted with other available meth- ence (i.e., our experience of the ‘‘natural
ods. However, the application issue has noth- world’’). The goal of a science of behavior is
ing to do with the merits of molar behavior- to describe behavior in terms that render it
ism or of the theoretical behaviorism that familiar and hence ‘‘explained.’’
Staddon advocates when it comes to under- If one holds this view, then the science of be-
standing behavior—successful application havior should be applied as widely as possible

and used to inform and reform other visions ‘‘the good news’’ (e.g., 1994) that behavior-
of psychology. That is Baum’s position, and it ism can be a molar enterprise to encompass
may have much merit in dealing with persist- all of ontology and epistemology. But appli-
ing problems in the literature and with tra- cation of the science to a plethora of society’s
ditionally cognitive matters as mentioned problems is another matter, and we should
above. Radical behaviorism as a revolutionary not aspire to be social engineers until we can
movement arouses fervor—similar to reli- agree on what society should be. As Staddon
gious enthusiasm—in many of its partici- argues, even issues that seem beyond debate,
pants. But the revolutionary fervor of such a such as those ills produced by cigarette smok-
position provokes premature efforts to apply ing, may not be so simple. He noted that it is
it as widely as possible. conceivable that cigarette smoking actually
Staddon does not share Baum’s vision of benefits a society in several ways (p. 89),
revolution. For him, Skinner’s radical behav- though most would argue that we should
iorism is only one of several incarnations of eliminate cigarettes as a public health mea-
a more or less proper scientific approach, but sure. Naturally, we can and should deal with
he strongly emphasizes that radical behaviorism the autistic child, the disruptive student, and
has essentially forbidden legitimate scientific theo- the phobia sufferer; successes in these do-
rizing. Worse, modern behaviorists like Baum mains and others such as instruction are most
follow Skinner in recommending extended impressive and clearly significant. However, I
application to mental health care, education, agree with Staddon that we are not compe-
administration of justice, business practices, tent to deal with complex cultural issues such
social welfare, and elsewhere. This is anathe- as the justice or welfare systems. My favorite
ma to Staddon, who views much (but not all) quotation along these lines comes from his
such application as the work of self-appointed 1993 book:
gurus, to be classed with management con-
It is scant comfort that his [Skinner’s] sin in
sultants, motivational experts, and other this respect is no greater than the sins of all
hucksters. those other over-confident social scientists—
psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, econ-
Skinner’s besetting sin is one that he shares
omists—who continue to go beyond their nar-
with all social science gurus: premature ex-
row, particular and often ideologically driven
trapolation. His brilliant and innovative labo-
understandings of human nature and society
ratory research encouraged him to take a ten-
in ‘expert’ testimony of all kinds. They should
uously based and in some ways half-baked set
keep silent, or at least show a decent modesty
of social prescriptions to a public willing to
in the face of our enormous ignorance. Hu-
accept them because of the very real labora-
man nature is stranger than we know—and
tory successes of operant conditioning. He of-
stranger than even we can imagine. In vital
fered false arguments about personal respon-
matters like marriage, raising children, and
sibility and the supposed inefficacy of
the punishment of crime it will be many many
punishment that reflect the way he would have
years before the one-dimensional pronounce-
liked the world to be, rather than the way it
ments of ‘experts’ can be reliably trusted over
actually is. (Staddon, 2001, p. 122)
traditional wisdom and personal experience.
From Watson to Skinner, whether they stud-
(Staddon, 1993, p. 83)
ied rats, pigeons, or people, the leading be-
haviorists were all preoccupied with practical IS THE S UBJECT H UMAN OR A NIMAL
results. Their facts were at least real facts: run- B EHAVIOR ?
ning speed in a maze, key pecks in a Skinner
box, and so on. But their interests were uto- Baum is interested in animal behavior as
pian—to change the world, not to understand well as human behavior, the latter including
it—so they vaulted from fragmentary knowl- what is usually called private behaviors (e.g.,
edge to sweeping recommendations about so- thinking, imaging, and the like) and what is
cial policy and private action. Its weak philos- usually called cognitive activity (e.g., reason-
ophy and grandiose claims made behaviorism
a soft target, even for the poorly guided mis-
ing and planning). Following Skinner, Baum
siles directed against it by Chomsky and other does not hesitate to extrapolate or apply the
critics. (Staddon, 2001, p. 179) findings and principles derived from animal
experimentation to the most complex human
I sympathize with Baum’s attempt to spread behavior. By contrast, Staddon, as a behavior-

al scientist, is interested almost exclusively in scribed in molecular terms, as simple associ-

animal behavior, as he expresses at the begin- ations among events. However, the law of
ning of the book and at its closing: effect may be best treated in molar terms, for
The audience for this book is graduate stu- example, as described by the matching law,
dents and advanced undergraduates interested where the ‘‘response’’ is a class of behaviors
in the psychology of learning, especially ani- extended over time (‘‘choice’’) and is related
mal learning. (p. xiii) to another class of environmental events (rel-
Don’t reach for the stars; reach for a tele- ative reinforcement rate). Staddon has sug-
scope. Study the dynamics of simple animal gested (personal communication, July 2002)
behavior. Maybe the stars will arrive in due that behavioral histories may be similarly de-
course. (p. 180) fined as ‘‘classes,’’ so that internal states as-
Indeed, Staddon’s theoretical behaviorism is sume the same status as stimuli and respons-
currently deemed applicable only to simple es—functional classes to be described as
phenomena, where data are clear, the sort of models. My concern is that histories repre-
data gathered more often in animal studies. sented as cascaded integrators and feedback
Otherwise, he appears to be interested in hu- loops appear to return us to a Hullian past.
man behavior only to the extent that would
be true of any other intelligent person, what-
ever their profession (pp. 73–74). Tom’s boarding the uptown bus is not
caused by his belief that it will take him
T HE V IRTUE OF M ODERN M OLAR home—his boarding the bus is that belief, or
B EHAVIORISM part of it, and it is not a ‘‘covert response’’
The temporal molar view must not be con- that precedes overt action. The situation is as
fused with the old molar learning theories, Aristotle might have described it:
such as Tolman’s, that were molar with re- For Aristotle, the idea would not be a covert
spect to space. Tolman proposed mediating response at all but a pattern of wholly overt
representations of an organism’s environ- responses including the individual’s verbal re-
ment and significant features therein, for ex- port as one part of the pattern. (Staddon,
ample, cognitive maps, to account for many 2001, p. 138)
aspects of learning. The molar behaviorism to But Staddon rightly insists that satisfactory ex-
which Baum refers is quite different and the planation in science often requires reference
question involves what counts as units of be- to contiguous events (‘‘causes’’) and that mo-
havior. The answer is the one given by Skin- lar interpretations have no exclusive, or even
ner in 1931—units of behavior and environ- favored, status (2001, discussion on p. 138).
ment (‘‘S’’ and ‘‘R’’) are defined where Molar explanations rely on histories of ex-
orderly relations obtain between them. But posure to contingencies, that is, ‘‘histories.’’
such order may involve behaviors extending Theoretical behaviorism refers to ‘‘states’’ to
over considerable periods of time. Never represent those histories. Equivalent histories
mind that the question of ‘‘order’’ is an es- lead to equivalent states, not within the or-
thetic one. Because patterns of activity ex- ganism, but as summaries of histories.
tended in time are fundamental, there is no
necessar y reliance on discrete, contiguous I will argue in a moment that this way of deal-
causes. The issue of order necessarily involves ing with internal events as temporally extend-
selection of an appropriate level of descrip- ed patterns of stimuli and responses amounts
to defining internal states in terms of equiva-
tion—molecular analyses may always be pos- lent histories. (Staddon, 2001, p. 138)
sible, but molar descriptions may be more in-
formative, depending on the behaviors in So he argues; whether others will interpret
question and our interest in them. him this way remains to be seen, especially
Skinner (1931, 1935) defined stimuli and when they read his page 142, where his kin-
responses as empirically revealed functional ship with Hull is clear.
classes that are related in an orderly way— Theoretical behaviorism (TB) is a natural de-
these classes may be molecular–discrete or scendant of both classical and Hullian behav-
molar–extended in time. Perhaps phobic re- iorism . . . TB sees internal states as purely
actions or learned taste aversions are best de- theoretical constructions based on informa-

tion from historical experiments. Neverthe- many, if not most, examples the mechanisms
less, it shares with Hullian behaviorism the for emergent phenomena are unknown. In
idea that the ultimate aim of behavioral study such cases, as perhaps in some of the patterns
is the derivation of mechanisms . . . of molar behavior Baum describes, emergent
On page 144, a section is headed, ‘‘The Mod- order may be difficult to explain, if by expla-
el is the Behavior.’’ That is the essence of nation one means translation into proximal
Hull’s behaviorism. discrete mechanisms.
If one must teach classes wherein behavior- T HE D ANGERS I NHERENT IN T HE N EW
ism is discussed, modern molar behaviorism B EHAVIORISM
is a godsend! Descriptions of extended pat-
terns of observable behavior, and the contin- Staddon’s internal states keep us bound to
gencies that maintain them, are both inter- what virtually everyone will view as contigu-
esting and satisfying to students. But the ous causes for relatively simple behaviors.
awkward language of operants, discriminative Most readers will conclude that the internal
stimuli, and reinforcement (to say nothing of states are causal mediators like other pro-
the ‘‘three-term contingency’’) has never lent posed mediators (habits, cognitions, sensa-
tions, and so on)—despite the fact that this
itself to the description of many psychological
is not Staddon’s position!
phenomena, such as perception, memory, in-
As I indicated previously, the insightful,
tentions, and more (cf., Malone, 1987). In ad-
charming and witty pages that constitute the
dition, such language has not dispelled and
bulk of Staddon’s book have little to do with
perhaps has even promoted the mistaken be-
theoretical behaviorism. Many of the issues
lief that radical behaviorism is essentially the
that he so entertainingly and insightfully pre-
same as any old S-R learning theory. Unfor-
sents are framed as trenchant commentaries
tunately, this belief has been responsible for
on Skinner’s arguments and speculations, as
misguided attacks over the years (the ‘‘poorly
well as those of his sympathizers. For exam-
guided missiles’’ to which Staddon referred
ple, Staddon’s convincing arguments for the
on p. 179 of his book). ‘‘Discriminative stim- value of appropriate punishment in the jus-
ulus,’’ for example, can easily be interpreted tice system (chap. 5) are in contrast to Skin-
as meaning what Clark Hull meant when he ner’s general opposition to the use of punish-
wrote of ‘‘stimulus energies’’ (e.g., 1943). A ment. I believe that Staddon is certainly
discriminative stimulus is almost never inter- correct here, but his views on this topic really
preted as a class and the same misinterpreta- have nothing to do with theoretical behavior-
tion holds for ‘‘operant.’’ ism. In fact, as already emphasized, Staddon,
Molar behaviorism allows us to include ev- on the one hand, mostly shows that Skinner’s
erything that is commonly called ‘‘mental,’’ proposals for the improvement of society are
‘‘cognitive,’’ ‘‘ethical,’’ and all the rest of the open to question—the ideal society is not a
conventional psychological categories. Mod- given but is a matter for debate. Baum, on
ern molar behaviorism not only rescues us the other hand, seems to agree with Skinner,
from sole reliance on the language of stimuli assuming that we all know what society should
and responses, but it unites us with a monist be like and we can, with the proper applica-
epistemology, one that could be endorsed by tion of behavior analysis, bring it about.
Aristotle, Protagoras, Hume, Peirce, James, Staddon is careful and sincere in his at-
and Quine (cf., Malone, 2001; Malone, Ar- tempts to bring behaviorism into the main-
mento, & Epps, 2003). stream of science—but not into the mainstream
Marr (1997, p. 77) offered a different per- of psychology—the wasteland that Staddon de-
spective in his description of dynamical sys- scribed:
tems. Many systems, ranging from tornadoes
to double star systems to reinforcement con- Biologists can show off vaccines, antibiotics,
cloning, and other marvels. The by-products
tingencies to biological evolution show large- of mind-science are rather less impressive:
scale (i.e., molar) behaviors emerging cognitive behavioral therapy, Thorazine, Pro-
through nonlinear interactions of sometimes zac, shock therapy, alleged genetic markers for
relatively few controlling variables. Complex- homosexuality, IQ tests . . . Theories of human
ity can indeed emerge from simplicity. In nature never really die; they just go in and out

of fashion. (Horgan, 1999; quoted by Staddon, abstract and historical, unless a fixed-interval
2001, p. 180) scallop fits that description. And a useful
That wasteland is where unrestrained specu- ‘‘physical definition’’ is not necessarily easily
lation on internal states can lead us. given. But here is more or less the difference
Molar behaviorism is apparently unknown in the two ‘‘behaviorisms.’’ If Baum overem-
to the rest of psychology, which is absolutely phasizes the molar perspective, it is because
awash in agency, internal states, and other that perspective has been largely neglected,
mediators of every possible description. So, while attention in all of psychology, including
considering all of psychology, Baum’s mes- behavior analysis, has concentrated on the
sage is still largely a secret. No wonder Baum molecular view and the attendant mediators
reacted so spiritedly to The New Behaviorism — that view requires.
it seemed to him to endorse everything that Whatever path behavior analysis takes—
molar behaviorism battles against. Baum’s, Staddon’s, or surely some combina-
Here is the danger: Many psychologists tion—we remain a small accompaniment to
who would certainly deem themselves as good the rest of mainstream psychology, largely de-
scientists are perfectly comfortable with ex- voted as it is to the study of topics of interest
planatory mediators and thus may view Stad- to common culture (‘‘optimism,’’ ‘‘forgive-
don’s The New Behaviorism as an endorsement ness,’’ ‘‘attention deficit,’’ ‘‘depression’’),
of their own views. In most cases, they will be and largely studied through the ‘‘dark glass’’
mistaken because Staddon is not arguing for of inferential statistics (as Staddon put it on
mediationism per se—but they may well take p. 122 of his book). Baum and Staddon agree
his book as an endorsement (or, worse, ad- that most of psychology is a series of transient
mission) ‘‘even from the radical behaviorists’’ fads and that psychological research is done
of the necessity of mediational theory. largely for the approbation of the public,
which understands only the language of folk
C ONCLUSION psychology.
Baum’s commentary was not really a review They surely disagree on the importance of
of Staddon’s The New Behaviorism; rather, the molar–molecular distinction; Baum sees
Baum reacted to what he perceived as a re- it as crucial whereas Staddon thinks it ‘‘trivi-
prise of mediational behaviorism. The theo- al’’ (2004, p. 83). If Staddon’s internal states
retical behaviorism that Staddon promotes is are to be understood only as components of
easily interpreted as a molecular view where conceptual or mathematical models and not
hypothetical internal mechanisms abound actual causal events inside the organism, then
and one imagines Clark Hull smiling in ap- they are no more objectionable than other
proval. proposed intervening variables, like ‘‘drive,’’
Baum and a few others have promoted an ‘‘value,’’ and ‘‘response strength.’’ However
alternative molar view that is reminiscent of interpreted, Baum’s molar behaviorism and
both Aristotle’s philosophy and Skinner’s Staddon’s theoretical behaviorism each have
1931 and 1935 papers. This molar behavior- their value, but they will never be wholly com-
ism is not known to the public at large or mensurate.
even to most psychologists, judging from the
absence of reference in journals and text-
books. Staddon described two ways of ap- REFERENCES
proaching behavior in his response to Baum: Amsel, A., & Rashotte, M. (Eds.). (1984). Mechanisms of
So there are two choices: either define adaptive behavior: Clark L. Hull’s theoretical papers. New
York: Columbia University Press.
‘‘behavior’’ in increasingly abstract historical
Aristotle (4th CBC/1943). Nichomachean ethics. In L. R.
ways so as to accommodate its real complexi- Loomis (Ed.), Aristotle: On man in the universe. Roslyn,
ties, or stick close to something like the phys- NY: Walter J. Black.
ical definition, and permit proliferation of Baum, W. M. (1994). Understanding behaviorism: Science,
state variables. Baum favors the former, I em- behavior, and culture. New York: Harper-Collins.
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