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Week 6: Teachings About the Temple

Name: [Williams Nancy

● Read and prayerfully ponder Doctrine and Covenants 128:15. What do you think it means that your
salvation is tied to the salvation of your ancestors?
[it means that without us they cannot be made perfect neither without them we can be made
perfect.we can only saves ourselves with all our ancestors.

Living Prophet
The temple lies at the center of strengthening our faith and spiritual fortitude because the Savior and
His doctrine are the very heart of the temple. Everything taught in the temple, through instruction and
through the Spirit, increases our understanding of Jesus Christ.… as we keep our covenants, He
endows us with His healing, strengthening power. And oh, how we will need His power in the days
ahead... The Lord has declared that despite today’s unprecedented challenges, those who build their
foundations upon Jesus Christ, and have learned how to draw upon His power, need not succumb to
the unique anxieties of this era.... Everything we believe and every promise God has made to His
covenant people come together in the temple. Whenever any kind of upheaval occurs in your life, the
safest place to be spiritually is living inside your temple covenants! (Russell M. Nelson, The Temple
and Your Spiritual Foundation, October 2021)
● What are some of the reasons God wants you to experience the temple?
[the reason God wants to go to the temple is to know my spiritual weakness and to build on it, and to make
sure my spiritual foundation is firm so that when challenges comes my way the spiritual strenght that i
recieve from the temple will help me to withstand the storm]

Temple Worship
● NOTE: If you are not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, your tree is too
small to locate an ancestor for ordinances, or there are no ordinances available, you may complete the
alternative Record Hints assignment in place of the Temple Worship assignment.
● Read: How to Find Ancestors in Need of Temple Work
○ Use this resource as needed: Ordinances Ready: FamilySearch App
● Identify at least one individual in your family tree who needs temple ordinances.
● Reserve the name of this individual.
● Print the name card or share it with the temple.
● If possible, take your family name to the temple and perform the ordinances.
● Download and complete the Temple Worship mplate.
● Upload your work to the W06 Submit: Temple Worship assignment.
○ Review the rubric to ensure you will receive the best grade possible.

Alternative Assignment
● Read Record Hints
● Locate a “hint” for one of your ancestors and save the document as a source on their “person page.”
● Take a screenshot of the source.
● Download and complete the Temple Worship Alternative Assignment Template.
● Upload your work to the W06 Submit: Temple Worship assignment.
○ Review the rubric to ensure you will receive the best grade possible.

Partner Site (Optional)

● is a great partner site to FamilySearch that is used by many genealogists. Read the
following articles to learn how to get access to
○ How to create an account for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints
○ How to create a 7-day free trial account
● Once you have accounts with the sites, you will be able to click the links on the right of any
FamilySearch Person Page and have the partner site conduct a search for sources using the
information found on the Person Page. This will help you conduct quick searches without having to add
information manually.

● What did you do this week to spend time on the personal family history goal that you set and committed
to working on each week throughout this course? State your goal and report your progress.
[to help gathered names for temple and family history work
[i was able to get a name and get a reservation for one of my ancestor through my mum .]

● Choose a concept from this study sheet to share with family or friends this week. Spend 20 minutes
teaching. What feelings did you have as you were teaching?
[i was able to teach my mum that without our ancestor we can not be save neither without us they can
be save .exaltation is collectively as a family.i felt happy for i was able to explained temple and family
history work to my mum who is not a member of the church and she was very happy.

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