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The Effects of Having Mental Health Problems to the Academic

Progress of Grade 10 students at Sindalan High School during


Chapter 1

Problem and It's Background

Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being are all part

of our mental health. It has an impact on the way we think, feel, and

act. It also influences how we deal with stress, interact with others,

and make decisions. Mental health is crucial at all stages of life,

including childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Detachment from

reality (delusions), paranoia or hallucinations. Trouble understanding

and relating to situations and to people. Examples of mental illness

include depression, anxiety disorders,

schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors.

It has been 2 years and almost a half since we experienced

worldwide rapid spread of the Covid – 19 virus. In results, mostly

individuals adapted to the new environment where in. The changes

in our workplaces and study settings also affect the safety protocols

that we still need to carry out. Through these years, we encounter

unforeseeable information about students being not able to survive

the new settings in their respective homes. Where it is due to lack of

materials or family matters that hinders their motivation to study.

One of the world news stories about a student from India, after the

lockdown to prevent the spread of the Covid – 19 virus. He started

facing problems in understanding and following lessons digitally and

not be able to deal the pressure; he died by suicide (Moneycontrol

News, 2020). In the Philippines a Grade 11 student in the town of

Tupi, South Cotabato has committed suicide due to difficulty

studying learning materials and alleged pressure as depression and

led to suicide Report S (2020).

The pandemic has shown a spotlight on inequality. School

closures and social isolation really affected all the students,

particularly for those people who lives in poverty or students who

came from a lower-income families are more likely to receive mental

health services exclusively from schools.

In fact,the study conducted by Chen and lucock(2022)says that

stresses and restrictions associated with pandemic put the students

at a greater risk of developing their Mental health issues, which may

really or significantly impair their academic success, social

interactions, and future careers or opportunities.

This phenomenon has led to short and long term as well in

mental health implications of the students. This study seeks to

describe and help senior high students on better communication,

skills, academic achievements and long-term peace of mind during

pandemic education, also to learn about student's mental health at

an early stage in the pandemic and to look into characteristics linked

to higher degrees of suffering.

Researchers claim that such issues as mental health need to be

handled right away, because knowing that you have difficulties with

this type of issue provides a major help that the researchers can


As a matter of fact, understanding others' problems can really

help us to suggest some solutions to their problems. In this case

where in students from every school had experienced mental health

issues that really affects their academic performances in this time of

pandemic knowing their experiences as well as the components that

put them in that kind of situation where in mental health is present is

a good start to address the problem.

Statement of the problem

The researchers aim to determine how does mental health along

with the pandemic, caused by COVID-19 virus gives an impact to

the academic progress of the grade 10 students of Sindalan High


It aimed to answer the following:

1.What kind of unusual behavior, has discovered during the time of


2.How do students deal with a sudden change in mood when it

comes their studies

3.How intense the pressure does the student feel in this time of

pandemic when it comes to their education?

4.By this time what kind of behavior of the students do they think

affects their academic progress

5.How does feelings and/or mood affects the student's academic


Significance of the study

The findings of this study were intend to benefit the following:

Students.The results of this study will provide knowledge about the

effects of mental health problems to the students during pandemic,

who are most likely to experience mental imbalance. This will benefit

the students to understand more about the effects of mental health

problems to their academic performance.

Teachers.This study of mental health issues will also benefit not

only to the students but also to the teachers.This study will help

them to become more aware of their students mental stability.

Teachers can educate themselves and others on the symptoms of

mental health issues , provide a safe environment , encourage good

health , and help students access mental health resources.

Parents.Parents are the one who supports you, comforts you and

shows love to you.Helping you all throughout in any kind of problem

you face.They are the role models that we all look up to , their job is

to protect and understand us to show their unconditional love , at the

same time they can also be educated about the mental health

issues that their child experience while studying

Future Researchers. Lastly, the results of this study will be

beneficial to the curious citizens such as researchers , to achieve

the usual goals.This study will serve as the same identical or related

topic regarding the effects of mental health problems to the

academic progress of the students during pandemic .

Scope and delimitation

This study will focus on the effects of mental health problems to

the academic progress along with the pandemic.The primary

subjects of this study will consist of Grade 10 students who

registered in the academic year 2021-2022. The respondents will be

limited to thirty (30) grade 10 students who study at Sindalan High

School City of San Fernando, Pampanga. The study will only

investigate the knowledge and experience of the students about

mental health problems during the pandemic.

Definition of terms

Mental Health According to the World Health organization (2018)

mental health is a state of well being in which an individual realizes

his or her own abilities and coping with other stress.

Academic Progress As reported by Maine DOE(2018) academic

progress is defined as the comparison of an individual student's

assessment performance scores from one year to the next.

Pandemic In this paper, it refers to a epidemic of an infectious

disease that has spread across large region that prevents the

students from going to school.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literatures

As stated by Bertolote(2008),Given its polysemic nature and

ill-defined boundaries, the idea of mental health benefits from a

historical perspective. What we currently call "mental health" has

roots in public health, clinical psychiatry, and other fields of study.

Although references to mental health as a state appear in the

English language well before the twentieth century, technical

references to mental health as a topic or discipline do not appear

until 1946. The World Health Organization (WHO) was established

during the International Health Conference in New York that year,

while the Mental Health Association was founded in London.

References to the related idea of "mental" can be discovered prior to

that date.

Mental health is one of the topics that is discussed these recent

years. It is a must for the s educators to consider the effects of

mental health on students and what actions are available to take.

This is important given how mental illness may create difficulties on

the students success ( Breslau, Lane, Sampson, & Kessler, 2008;

Cranford, Eisenberg, & Serras, 2009; Elion, Wang, Slaney, &

French, 2012; Keyes, Eisenberg, Perry, Dube, Kroenke, & Dhingra,

2012; Thompson, Connely, Thomas-Jones, & Eggert, 2013).

With over 720,000 cases and 33,000 verified deaths reported to

far, the COVID-19 pandemic is a severe health disaster affecting

multiple countries. Widespread breakouts have been linked to

negative mental health repercussions. With this in mind, existing

material on the COVID-19 outbreak that was relevant to mental

health was found using the PubMed database. The overall themes

of published papers were categorised and summarized. According

to preliminary research, anxiety and sadness (16–28%), as well as

self-reported stress (8%) are prevalent psychological reactions to

the COVID-19 pandemic, and may be linked to sleep disturbances.

This risk is moderated by a number of individual and systemic

factors. Both the requirements of the people concerned and the

essential preventive recommendations must be considered when

preparing services for such populations.(Rajkumar, 2020).

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant global impact on the

lives and education of more than 1.6 billion students at its peak to

combat the pandemic. The United States, like many other countries

has implemented a policy of school lockdowns beginning in

mid-March 2020. Because of the lockdown, schools embraced and

pursued remote learning via video conferencing methods. Teachers,

students and their families have faced a variety of challenges,

including increased stress and anxiety. Which has harmed their

mental health. The problems have been exacerbated by strict social

distancing measures imposed as a result of a lack of vaccines and

high mortality rates,over two million deaths worldwide(Rao & Rao,


The pandemic is also widening the achievement gap for children

living in poverty and children of color, who are experiencing higher

rates of illness, death, and economic impact. During this crisis, we

need to prioritize students’ mental health over academics. The

impact of trauma can be life-long, so what students learn during this

school year ultimately won't be as important as whether they feel

safe (Lewis & Michener, 2020).

Mental health problems can have a big impact on a student's life,

leading to lower quality of life, academic achievement, physical

health, and satisfaction with college. These problems can also affect

relationships with friends and family members. These issues can

have long-term consequences for students, affecting their future

jobs, earnings potential, and overall health.

Mental health problems can have a negative impact on a

student's energy level, concentration, dependability, mental ability,

and optimism, which can impair performance. Research suggests

that having depression or anxiety can lead to lower grades, and that
having both can make the effect even stronger. There is a link

between depression and dropping out of school.

Others may be affected by the students' situation because of the

personal concern it has generated. Depression and anxiety can

have negative consequences on relationships and work productivity.

Suicide and suicidal thoughts can affect other people in the campus

community. Everyone who knows someone who has died by suicide

or who has had suicidal thoughts feels grief.

A lack of degrees from students results in a decrease in the

quality of the labor force and a loss of skills that the community can

benefit from. A study found that 5 percent of students do not finish

their education because of psychiatric disorders, and that if those

students had not been experiencing these disorders, 4.29 million

people would have graduated from college

(Eisenherg,Gollust,Golberstein & Hefner, 2007).

Higher instruction students’ mental wellbeing has been a

developing concern for a long time; indeed, some time recently, the

COVID-19 widespread. The stresses and confinements related with

the widespread have put college understudies at a more prominent

chance of creating mental wellbeing issues, which may altogether

disable their scholastic victory, social intuitive, and their future career

and individual openings. Higher levels of stress were associated

with lower levels of physical activity, higher levels of tobacco use,

and a series of life events associated with pandemics and blockades

such as canceled events, worsening personal relationships,

financial concerns.(Chen & Lucock, 2022)

As our lives remain in flux, this pandemic has put brakes on our

usual day-to-day living. This virus pandemic has presented different

difficulties on the learners, educators as well as to the parents. As

the new normal school year starts, not only the educators have been

pressured and developed mental health issues. Students and their

family experience and discover mental illness due to new normal

learning modality, both asynchronous and synchronous classes. The

COVID-19 pandemic worsened these consequences when

educational institutions shifted from face-to-face activities to mostly

online learning modalities to mitigate the spread of COVID-19

(Malolos et al., 2021). Digital activities aren't easy for others to learn.

Adopting new technologies generally is not easy. Users of

videoconferencing technologies for synchronous online learning

activities have found it mentally exhausting (Bailenson, 2021). Due

to this pandemic, self-taught lessons are the only option for those

who are in asynchronous modality. Learners who are in

synchronous classes are challenged to face internet problems, loud

household and ineffective time management that causes stress that

may lead to serious mental issues.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the

Coronavirus 2019 also known as the COVID-19 outbreak a global

pandemic. The Philippines is one of the countries affected by the

disease. To lessen the transmission, the president imposed an

enhanced community quarantine in the northern part of the

Philippines known as Luzon and certainly the most populated area

of the country. This lockdown implemented curfews, checkpoint

suspension of business, and travel restrictions, In addition, schools

shifted to online learning to prevent the students from getting

infected by the virus, however, the sudden transition of face to face

classes to online classes might bring psychological effects to

students due to isolation, and lack of interaction with other

people(Lim, Regencia, Dela Cruz, Ho, Rodolfo, Ly-Uson, & Baja,


Chapter 3


This chapter presents an outline of the methodology and analysis

design,contributors of the study, instruments, information collection,

and moral considerations.

Research Design
To understand concepts, opinions, or experiences, qualitative

research entails gathering and interpreting non-numerical data (e.g.,

text, video, or audio). It can be used to learn more about an issue or

to come up with new research ideas.

Quantitative research collects and analyzes numerical data for

statistical analysis, whereas qualitative research does not.

In fields including anthropology, sociology, education, health

sciences, history, and others, qualitative research is often used.

Qualitative research is done to learn about people's perspectives on

the world. While qualitative research has a variety of methodologies,

they always focus on keeping rich meaning when evaluating data.

Grounded theory, ethnography, action research, phenomenological

research, and narrative research are all common approaches. They

have certain similarities, but their goals and attitudes are quite

different. (Published on June 19, 2020 by Pritha Bhandari. Revised

on February 10, 2022.)

Qualitative researchers are interested in how people build

meaning, or how they make sense of their world and the

experiences they have in it. These strategies are generally used by

sociologists who reject positivism in favor of interpretive sociology..

Qualitative research is a context-sensitive activity that identifies

observers around the world. It consists of a series of interpretive and

material practices that make the world visible. These practices

change the world. They transform the world into a series of

expressions. This includes field notes, interviews, conversations,

photos, records, notes and more. At this level, qualitative research

involves an interpretive and naturalistic approach to the world. This

means that qualitative researchers study things in the natural

environment and try to understand or interpret phenomena in terms

of the meaning they give them.

Qualitative research aims to study things in the natural

environment in order to understand phenomena in terms of the

meaning they give. It does not include any form of intervention or

method of manipulating the environment being studied. It differs

from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) where studies are

designed to measure interventions. For example, qualitative

research may explore the experiences and perspectives of people

who conduct surveys without impacting the environment in order to

obtain data that occurs naturally within the natural environment.

Therefore, as much as possible, we do not manipulate the

environment to understand phenomena, events, cases, objects, or


(Merriam, S. (2009:13)( Parkinson, G., & Drislane, R. (2011).

Population and sample

The researchers choose the Grade ten(10) students at Sindalan

High School (City of San Fernando, Pampanga) in School Year

2021 – 2022 to be part of the study.Out of all the Grade ten

students, researchers only picked 30 students to become the

respondents of this study, Respondents will be randomly selected by

the researchers.

Research Instrument

This study will be conducted online using google forms to prevent

further issues and to follow the school safety protocols since we are

still amidst of COVID 19 pandemic. Online survey questionnaires

are about thoughts and effects of mental health to the academic

progress of a student during a new learning modality using both

close ended and open ended questions.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers, created a questionnaire to collect data.The

questions to be asked in the questionnaire are as follows: 5

Closed-ended and also 5 Open-ended question

1.Does your emotional state affects your strategy when it comes to


2.Does having mental health issues due to academic progress

during a pandemic, do you think is a serious thing to give attention


3.Does academic pressure affect the state of your mental well


4.Does your mood as a student affect your socializing to your

teachers, schoolmates, peers and to your family?

5.Do you often lose your temper or control?


1.What kind of unusual behavior did you discover during the time of

2.How do you deal with a sudden change in mood when it comes to

your studies?

3. How intense the pressure do you feel in this time of pandemic

when it comes to your education?

4. By this time what kind of behavior of yours do you think affects

your academic progress

5. How does your feelings and/or mood affects your academic


Ethical considerations

The researchers ensured that nobody was harmed physically or

emotionally just because of the running of this study. The partakers

(Selected Students from Sindalan High School ), have been

personally notified by the researchers whether or not they could be a

part of the research.. After getting the consent, the researchers

made sure that the mentality of the study and the scope of the

participants were well explained. The participants were also

informed that all the data gathered from them were handled with

confidentiality and for the purpose of this study only. Furthermore,

the researchers assured that the data from them will not be used in

the future without the consent of the selected person.

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The findings and discussion of the information being collected

from the online questioners that the participants responded in, were

presented in this chapter. The researchers thoroughly evaluated and

interpreted the responses of the participants.

Below is the information that illustrated the responses of the

participants in our study coming from The Selected Grade 10

students of Sindalan High School.

Most of the Participants in Grade 10 Students of Sindalan High

school said that the Kind of unusual behavior they discovered during

pandemic is being Emotional, because during pandemic there was a

lockdown that you can't go out, that's why they we're getting

emotional.Some of the participants said that their getting emotional

without any reason and someone said they are having emotional

behavior like anger issues and being sad. One participants said that,

the unusual behavior they discovered is suddenly crying without

knowing the reason and getting easily irritated.Most of the

participants said that they become moody, mad, and lazy person.

Here are the sample answers of the participants:

The unusual behavior that I experienced during the pandemic is

when I suddenly cry without even knowing the reason why I'm

crying, Emotional behavior like anger issues, and Being Sad. I'm

now moody person.

The majority of the respondents are listening to their favorite

music in order to deal with a sudden mood change when it comes to

their studies. Listening to a song helps them to feel better and also

to be calm as their mood is changing because of the stress of their

schoolworks. Half of the participants stated that also taking a break

or giving themselves a time helps them to deal with their mood. A

break from schoolworks gives them enough energy to do the task

after a rest. On the other hand, there are few respondents who say

that they force themselves to do the task as they have no other

choice or enough time to finish the given schoolworks.

Here are the sample answers from the respondents:

Listening to their favorite music, Take a break or giving self a time,

Force themselves to do the task.

The majority of the participants stated that they are under

pressure in this time of pandemic when it comes to education, and

that they are anxious about their scores in all areas because some

people believe that studying is easier for them because they are in

an online class.Since we are in online class due to pandemic a lot of

students is finding it difficult until it turns to pressure, some stated

that they need to maintain their grades and do the household chores

at home. While the others said that they are pressured when

teachers give a group activity since some of their members are not

participating or helping for the task to be completed.

Here are the sample answers from the respondents:

I'm really pressured because other people think its easy since we're

in online class, I feel very pressured when it comes to my quizzes

and activities since I got pretty conservative more with my grades

than before, It's easy to have a panic attack and get upset all the

time, The pressure I'm experiencing in this time of pandemic is hard,

not like the pressure I had experienced before, I can say that I felt

moderately pressured with my education in this time of pandemic.

Most of the participants said that the kind of behavior that affects

them the most during this time of the pandemic is their anger issues,

wherein as they do their respective schoolwork works they started to

feel frustrated and lose focus because of lots of activities given to

them, moreover, other participants stated that laziness and the lack

of confidence are the other factors that affect their studies. The

participants said that they find it very boring to listen and study

during this time of the pandemic. They also admitted that they were

lacking in confidence during classes, wherein as the teachers

demanded answers to a specific topic, they choose to keep silent,

because they were too embarrassed to address their

answers.Others claimed that they don't want to listen when they

don't like the lesson. Someone also mentioned that being a

procrastinator can result in a reduction in their output if they were

not able to pass it on time.

Here are the sample answers from the respondents:

Probably my low confidence there are many times in online class,

instead of reciting the correct answer, I decided to be silent because

of my confidence, Anger issues and irresponsibility, I'm lazy all the

time, When I don't like the subject I'm not listening, Being a


According to the participants, their mood or feelings really affects

their academic progress, whereas they don't listen or even don't

come to the class because of their frame of mind, they also intend to

lose their focus and interest in their studies, they often say "Bukas

ko na lang ito gawin, hindi pa naman deadline", resulting to pass

their activities behind the given schedule by their teachers, causing

their grades to drop. Furthermore other participants say that their

feelings and mood doesn't affect them to much when it comes to

their academic progress.

Here are the sample answers from the respondents:

When my mood changes, I get stress and annoyed in that way I

can't concentrate to the school works that in need to do and with that

I will lose the desire to make an effort in my activities that will cause

my grades to drop, Whenever I feel so tired I choose to lose my

interest in my academic and always lower my motivation and being

such a pessimistic person, while when I have a great day I always

want to think positive, I'm moody, like I want to do my activity

/assignment early, but later I will say "Bukas ko na lang ito gawin,

hindi pa naman deadline", until the deadline is near that I will do

cramming, In my perspective it does not really affect my academic


Chapter 5

Summary of findings, Conclusions, and recommendations

This chapter encapsulated the findings, gave the conclusions,

and confirmed the suggestions that have been addressed to the

problems introduced in the issue in chapter 1

Basically, this research was intended to determine the effects of

having mental health problems to the academic progress of Grade

10 students at Sindalan High School during the pandemic,and to

spread awareness about it.

Summary of findings

Some of the participants claimed that they were emotionally

unstable wherein anger issues and sadness without any valid

reason Is present. On the other hand being moody and lazy are the

usual behaviors that they discovered during the pandemic.

When it comes to their studies, the majority of the respondents

are listening to their favourite music to cope with a sudden mood

change. There are also participants who have answered that taking

a break or setting aside time for themselves helps them deal with

their emotions. Meanwhile, a small percentage of respondents

stated that they push themselves to pass the schoolwork on time to

avoid deduction points which leads to stress.

Since the pandemic has begun majority of the participants had

been pressured when it comes to their education a lot of them stated

that they find it difficult to concentrate on the lessons since they are

more conservative with their grades than before.Others mentioned

that they strive and study hard since others believe that studying is

easy for them because they are enrolled in an online class.

Some of the participants that the researchers have surveyed said

that, one of the kinds of behavior that affects their academic

progress during this time is having anger issues because of

non-stop schoolworks given to them. On the other hand several

participants said that laziness, irresponsibility, lack of confidence

and being a procrastinator along with the pandemic, made a huge

significant impact on their studies, causing their grades to fail.

As a student, Many individuals said that, they don't give their full

attention and cooperation to the class because of their feelings or

mood, so some of them chose not to attend on class.Not very many

of them stated that , they intend to lose their focus while studying

because of their mood, making them to think that, they should do

their school works on the other day ,in view of the fact that the

deadline of the submission is still in a long way.


1.Some students discovered unusual behavior that they don't really

experience before the spread of COVID-19 virus, that eventually

became a pandemic. They discovered that they became emotionally

unstable where in being sad without any reason is at hand,

uncontrollable anger and laziness has been also discovered during

this time of pandemic

2.When it comes to dealing with a sudden change in mood, the

students stated that listening to music helps them to cope with a

sudden mood change while studying. Taking breaks or prioritizing

themselves helps them to deal with their emotions, however

because of the fear that they won't be able to submit their school

works on time, students push themselves to finish all the activities

given to them which leads them to experience stress.

3.Students indicated that as the pandemic begun, they started to

experience intense pressure, because of being pressured when it

comes to their education, it became a challenge for them to

concentrate on the lessons taught by their teachers during classes.

Intense pressure led the students to become more conservative with

their grades than before.

4.Majority of the students stated that, due to non-stop school work

given to them, anger issues have been present. Indolence or what

we call laziness and irresponsibility had a huge impact on their

academic performance. Loss of self confidence and being a

procrastinator causes enormous problems with their grades.

5.Some of the students don't give their full attention and cooperation

to their studies due to their unusual feelings or mood, causing the

students to be absent from their respective classes. Feelings and

mood made the students more lazy, as they think that doing school

work should be postponed and should be done by another day, this

kind of mentality of the students gives a huge impact to their

academic progress.

This study revealed the effects of having mental health problems to

the academic progress of the students. The following

recommendations are presented:

1.As a student you should be more aware about your mental health.

Practicing good coping skills can improve your mental health, doing

exercises, nature walk, simply playing with your pets or talking to

someone can be a stress reducer. Always look on the good or

positive side, Most important thing to do, is to smile.

2. Students bring up that they were being pressured because of their

mental health issues causing them to become more conservative

about their grades. As a parent they should focus their relationship

with their child to better understand what they are going through.

Above of all of this parents should avoid comparing their children's

performance to one another because this may leave a huge impact

on their child's mental health.

3.Teachers should also prioritize their students' mental health to be

more aware of how their students feel mentally. They can also

encourage play and sports to promote interactions between other

students, this will help the students to have an opportunity to

socialize, play and interact with their classmates.

4.For future researchers, we the researchers, suggest that you must

read the data in this study very carefully, as this paper intends to

give information about the effects of having mental health problems

to the academic progress of the students. The data contained by this

research can be your perception in conducting future research with

the same identical topic.


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