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Saba Nauman
DK 2502
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

Q - 1: Write a comprehensive note on the importance of Sensorial exercises.

1. Children learn about the world around them through their five senses. Sensorial
exercises are therefore those exercises that sharpen the ability to utilize these senses through
external stimulus (from the environment). They are designed to isolate and materialize the
properties of physical matter. Each activity appeals to a corresponding sense organ. Each set
must be complete and in proportion.
2. Since a child naturally uses all his powers of observation during his early years, this is
the ideal time to give the child equipment which would sharpen his senses and enable him to
understand the many impressions he receives through them. Sensorial comes from the words
sense or senses. As there are no new experiences for the child to take from the Sensorial work,
the child is able to concentrate on the refinement of all his senses.
3. Importance of Sensorial Exercises. The importance and aim of Sensorial exercises
are for the child to acquire clear, conscious, information and to be able to then make
classifications in his environment. It is believed that sensorial experiences began at birth.
Through his senses, the child studies his environment. Through this study, the child then begins
to understand his environment. The child is a “sensorial explorer”. Through work with the
sensorial materials, the child is given the keys to classifying the things around him, which leads
to the child making his own experiences in his environment. Through the classification, the
child is also offered the first steps inorganizing his intelligence, which then leads to
his adapting to his environment.
4. Different Grouping in Senses. Sensorial Exercises were planned to cover every
quality that can be apparent by the senses such as size, shape, composition, texture, loudness
or softness, matching, weight, temperature, etc. Because the Exercises cover such a wide range
of senses, Montessori categorized the Exercises into eight different groups:
a. Visual Sense. In this exercise child learns how to visually discriminate
differences between similar objects and differing objects.
b. Tactile Sense. In this exercise child learns through his sense of touch. “Although
the sense of touch is spread throughout the surface of the body, the Exercises given
to the children are limited to the tips of the fingers, and particularly, to those of the
right hand.” This allows the child to really concentrate on what he is feeling,
through a concentration of a small part of his body.
c. Baric Sense. In this exercise child learns to feel the difference of pressure or weight of
different objects. This sense is sharp through the use of a blindfold or of closing
your eyes.
d. Thermic Sense. In this exercise child works to enhance his sense of temperature.
e. Auditory Sense. In this exercise child differentiate between different sounds. In
doing these different exercises, the child will enhance and make him more sensitive
to the sounds in his environment.
f. Gustatory Sense. In this exercise child is given a basic to his tasting sense.
Although not all tastes are given to the child in these exercises, the child does work
to differentiate one taste from another. He can then take these senses, and apply
them to other tastes in his environment.
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

g. Olfactory Sense. In this exercise child is given a basic to his smelling sense.
Although not all smells given to the child in these exercises, the child does work
to differentiate one smell from another.
h. Stereo Gnostic Sense. In this exercise child learns to feel objects and make
recognitions based on what he feels. “When the hand and arm are moved about an
object, an impression of movement is added to that touch. Such an impression is
attributed to a special, sixth sense, which is called a muscular sense, and which
permits many impressions to be stored in a “muscular memory”, which recalls
movements that have been made”.
5. Need of Sensorial Exercises. It is possible for children, to receive any number of
sensory impressions and be none the richer. Sense impressions are not enough by themselves;
the mind needs education and training to be able to discriminate and appreciate. Montessori
materials help the child to distinguish, to categorize, and to relate new information to what he
already knows. Dr. Montessori believed that this process is the beginning of conscious
knowledge. It is brought about by the intelligence working in a concentrated way on the
impressions given by the senses.
6. Sensorial materials are self-correcting to allow independent use, they foster muscular
development which lays the foundation for writing skills, and they are produced to precise
metric tolerances. Correct terminology (binomial cube, isosceles triangle) and mathematically
exact relationships enrich the child's experience so that abstract concepts may attach to familiar
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

Q - 2: What is Stereo gnostic sense and how can we develop it?

1. Stereo gnostic sense is the combination of tactile and muscular memory in which a
child can recognize things by just feeling it. As Montessori says;
“When the hand and arm are moved about an object, an impression of movements
added to the touch. Such an impression is attributed to a special, sixth sense, which is called
a muscular sense, and which permits many impressions to be stored in a “muscular
memory”, which recalls movements that have been made”
2. By doing different kinds of Stereo gnostic exercises, the child can recognize things by
touching/feeling them in his hands. Different materials are used to develop this sense such as,
Geometric solids, Mystery bags, Sorting Trays, Puzzle maps, and Sandpaper Globe.
3. How to Develop Stereo Gnostic Sense. Stereo gnostic sense is very important sense as
it helps children to discriminate between different size and shape by feeling the objects. It
allows children to make a mental picture through the use of touch the object. These activities
are first done with open eyes but afterwards child feels the object by blindfold. There are a lot
of exercises which can be done to develop Stereo gnostic sense. The directress does all exercises
in front of the children.
4. Activities
a. Sorting Trays
(1) Material
(a) A tray with three bowls or dishes.
(b) Small dishes are filled with buttons and beans; one type in each bowl.
(c) One large dish will be placed empty in the middle of the tray.
(d) Material should be different in shapes and size.
(2) Presentation
(a) Place tray in front of the child.
(b) Pick up one of the largest items in the bowl, close eyes, feel it by using
both hands and then tell child that it feels different when the directress
closes her eyes.
(c) Then ask child to feel the object with his eyes opened and closed and
place it in the large empty dish.
(d) Repeat it again for other items.
(e) The child first checks all these things by their hands and feels them.
Introduce names of each item.
(f) Then child closes his eyes or used blindfold, again feel the items,
named it, and then put it into the second tray.
(g) Then ask child to open his eyes and sees how perfectly he has done.
(h) Invite children to repeat it.
b. Mystery Bag
(1) Material
(a) A cloth bag.
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

(b) 10 to 20 small objects different from one another such as, a key, a cotton ball, a
button, a small basket etc.
(c) Pick up one of the largest item.
(2) Presentation
(a) Ask the child to come and work with you.
(b) Show and tell the name of mystery bag to students.
(c) Ask them to sit in the semi-circle.
(d) Take all objects out of bag and place them on the table and ask children
to handle them in their hands if they wish to do so. When they get
familiar to the objects, and then put them back in the bag.
(e) Then put one hand into the bag and feel an object and tell children about
what you feel, for instance, soft, fluffy, light, etc. Also name the object in a loud
voice, i.e. I think this is a ball.
(f) Then, pull the object out of the bag and checked whether you were
right or wrong. If right then say, yes! That’s right.
(g) Repeat it with all children till all objects are done.
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

Q - 3: Write a note on Three Period lesson and memory games?

1. Three period lessons are used for teaching new words to the Montessori children. The
directress teaches both names of material and the names of qualities (positive, comparatives
and superlative) related to the material.
a. Naming Period. The directress presents the child with three contrasting objects,
and places them on a mat leaving some distance between them. Then, she feels the
objects thoroughly one at a time. Then she asks the child to repeat as she does.
After the child has felt these objects and placed them back. Then she places her
finger on a tip of the object and gives name saying, “this is___________.” For
instance, this is cube. She gives names to all objects in the same way. Then, the
teacher will repeat the names of each of the objects.
b. Recognition and Association Period. After naming the objects, the directress
will ask her students to recognize objects by their names … saying,” Show me
______ “. For example, show me the cube.
c. Pronouncing Period. When the directress is sure that the child can name the
object, then she challenges the child to name the object himself. For instance, she
may point out the object and ask “what is this” the child answers “This is cube.”
2. In the three period lessons, there are three grading lesson and that are Positives,
comparative and superlative. Here taking an adjective to explain these periods.
Grading Positives Comparatives Superlatives
First Period This is big cube This cube is bigger than This cube is biggest
Second Period Show me the big cube Show me the cube which is Show me the
slightly bigger than this biggest cube
Third Period What is this? Which cube is bigger? Which cube is

3. Memory Games. Memory games can be introduced to children before and after the
three period lessons. These games are helpful for children to bring interest in those materials
that they already know very well. It is child’s nature to lose interest in the materials that he
knows very well and memory games help them to build interest back in known material.
Children need to revise his lesson again and again which they have already learnt. These games
help them to learn their activities and materials which they have been learnt. These games also
help to motivate students in discovering variations in materials. These games help the teacher
to verify the child’s language of the material as well as these games prolong the activity with
the material which result a stronger absorption by the child.
a. Matching at a Distance
(1) Place two different tables with distance.
(2) Put a pair of materials, one on each table.
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

(3) The teacher takes one object from the table and asks her student to feel it by
holding the object in his hand.
(4) Then asks the child to bring the same object from the distant table.
b. Grading from a Distance
(1) From an Extreme
(a) Place two different tables with distance.
(b) Place the grading materials (e.g. pink tower, broad stairs etc.) at
random on one of the tables.
(c) Pick up one of the extreme (for instance largest cube in the pink
tower) and move it to the other table and place it there.
(d) Then ask your student to feel it and bring that cube which is just a
smaller than this one.
(e) Continues up to the smallest cube.
(2) From a Midpoint
(a) Place two different tables with distance from one another.
(b) Place the grading materials at random on one of the tables.
(c) Then pick-up middle-sized cube in the pink tower and move it to the
other table.
(d) Ask the child feel it and bring the cube which is just smaller or bigger
from that one.
c. Stereo Gnostic
(1) It should be done in the group.
(2) Children sit in the circle around a mat.
(3) Then directress gives them material in their hands (for instance one cube of
the pink tower to each student).
(4) Then children hold cube behind their back and feel them.
(5) Then directress asks for the largest cube and it should be placed on the mat.
(6) Children judge the cube size and place it on the mat.
d. Material to the Environment
(1) Spread out the mat and place the material for instance color tablets on the
mat randomly.
(2) The directress takes tablets and asks her students to figure out something in
the environment of that same color and shade.
e. Matching at the Distance
(1) Spread out the mat and place the material for instance color tablets on the
mat randomly.
(2) The directress gives something to child from the environment and asks her
student to match it to the closest match in the material on the mat.
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

Q - 4: Explain all exercises briefly in chapter 4.1 Exploring dimensions. Make illustrations/
diagrams and mention vocabulary too.

Exploring dimensions group come under the visual exercises. As visual exercises are
an important part of the sensorial development. In this group, exploring dimensions, the child
learns how to discriminate between objects having similar shapes and colors but varying in
length, width, height or thickness.
1. The Cylinder Blocks
a. Materials. 4 blocks each contain 10 cylinders with knobs, each cylinder fitting into
its respective hole.
(1) Block 1: The cylinders vary in two dimensions: The diameter increases from
1cm to 5.5cm, the height remains constant at 5.5cm.
(2) Block 2: The cylinders vary in three dimensions: The diameter increases from
1c, to 5.5cm, the height increases from1cm to 5.5cm.
(3) Block 3: The cylinders vary in three dimensions: The diameter increases from
1cm to 5.5cm, the height decreases from 1cm to 5.5cm.
(4) Block 4: The cylinders vary in one dimension: The diameter remains the
same. The height increases from 1cm to5.5cm.
b. Exercise
(1) Take consent of a child.
(2) The directress begins exercises with holding the knob of the first cylinder.
(3) Remove and place it on the table without making any noise.
(4) When she is done, she will select the largest and return it to its place it to its
appropriate hole without making any noise.
(5) After completing her presentation, she will ask children to do the exercise.
(6) After doing block 1, then he should be presented with 2,3 blocks.
c. Vocabulary
(1) Block 1: Thick and Thin
(2) Block 2: Large and Small
(3) Block 3: No language because no dimension is isolated
(4) Block 4: Tall and Short. The positives, comparatives, and superlatives.
2. The Pink Tower
a. Materials. Ten wooden cubes varying in sizes from 1 cubic centimetre to 1
cubic decimetre.
b. Exercise
(1) Select a mat and spread it on the floor.
(2) Take the consent of the child.
(3) If the directress is right-handed, the child should stand on the left side of her.
(4) Hold the largest cube and move it closer to other cubes and figure out the
sizes of the cubes.
(5) Place the biggest one on the mat and then look for the second biggest.
(6) Place second biggest cube on the biggest one.
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

(7) Compare and place all the remaining cubes in the same way.
(8) Now, place both hands on the sides of the biggest cube and move slowly
upward. The purpose of doing this to give the idea to child about the tower
that gradually it becomes narrow.
c. Vocabulary
(1) Cube.
(2) Large, small.
(3) Large, larger, largest.
(4) Small, smaller, smallest.
3. Broad Stairs
a. Materials. 10 brown wooden prisms of the same length(20cm) but differing in
height. They vary from 10cm x 10cm x 20cm to1cm x 1cm x 20cm.
b. Exercise
(1) Select a mat and spread it on the floor.
(2) Mix the prisms on the floor but make sure they are not touching each other.
(3) Hold the largest prism and compare it with others and make sure that you
are holding largest and thickest one.
(4) Place it towards the far-left side of the mat in such a way that square side of
the prism is facing towards you.
(5) Find the second thickest prism and compare it with other.
(6) Bring it closer to the largest one and push it towards largest one and there
must not be any space between these two.
(7) Continue to arrange rest of the prisms.
c. Vocabulary
(1) Prism.
(2) Broad, narrow.
(3) Broad, broader, broadest.
(4) Narrow, narrower, narrowest.
4. The Long Rods
a. Materials. Ten wooden rods usually painted red having height and width constant
and length increased by 10cm, shortest have 10cmand longest one is 100cm.
b. Exercise – 1
(1) Place all rods horizontally and randomly on it.
(2) First hold the smallest rod with both hands compares with others and put it
on the left of the mat.
(3) After that, take the slightly longer rod compare with other rods; put it
carefully without any mistake aside of first rod.
(4) Repeat it until all rods finished.
(5) The shortest rod near to the directress and the longest rod farthest on mat.
c. Exercise – 2
(1) Directress arrange the rods as in exercise 1.
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

(2) Hold the smallest rod with the index finger of both hands and place it aside
with other rods just to compare its length.
d. Vocabulary
(1) Long, short.
(2) Long, longer, longest.
(3) Short-shorter-shortest.
5. The Knob Less Cylinders
a. Materials
(1) Yellow Cylinders (Big-Small) Vary in height-diameter.
(2) Green Cylinders (Deep-Shallow) Vary in height-diameter.
(3) Red Cylinders (Thick-Thin) Vary in diameter.
(4) Blue Cylinders (Tall-Short) Vary in height.
b. Exercise
(1) Directress use table or mat for this.
(2) Teach the child how to open the lid of the box of cylinders.
(3) Place all cylinders randomly on table.
(4) Hold the largest cylinder with hand compares with others and put it on the
centre of the table.
(5) Take the slightly shortest cylinder compare with others; put it carefully
without any mistake at the top of the first cylinder on the middle of it.
(6) Repeat it until all cylinders finished and tower build.
c. Vocabulary
(1) Large, small.
(2) Large, larger, largest.
(3) Small, smaller, Smallest.
(4) Thick, thin.
(5) Thick, thicker, thickest.
(6) Thin, thinner, thinnest.
(7) Tall, short.
(8) Tall, taller, tallest.
(9) Short, shorter, shortest.
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

Q - 5: How does Montessori program help develop tactile?

1. In Tactile sense child learns to perceive his world via touch. For young children, the
sense of touch is a key to understanding the world around them. Encourage touch and
exploration, discussing what your child is touching. Is it "rough" or "smooth"? Is it "bumpy"
or "silky"? Use rich descriptive words that will teach your child the language to describe what
he feels. It is to be remembered that these games are of the greatest importance in the method,
because upon them, in union with the exercises for the movement of the hand, we base the
acquisition of writing.
2. Tactile Exercises are divided into four classifications
Sense Classifications Different Exercises
Exploring Textures Touch Board, Touch Tablets, Touch the
Exploring Weight Baric Tablets
Tactile Sense
Exploring Temperatures Thermic Bottles, Thermic Tablets
Exercises of Stereo Sorting Trays, Mystery Bags, Puzzle
Gnostic Sense Maps, Sandpaper Globe

3. How Montessori program help to develop Tactile Sense. In Montessori program,

materials such as the Rough and Smooth (Touch) Boards, Touch Tablets, and Fabric Box are
some of the first touch materials that child will use. Look for fabric, wood, different grades of
sandpaper, different types of paper, and other materials that help your child learn about the
language and explore the experience of touch.
a. Exploring Textures: Touch Tablets
(1) Materials. One box having five pairs of wooden tablets with gradations of
roughness and a blindfold.
(2) Procedure
(a) Take out two to three pairs with greater contrast and put it on the table.
(b) Mix them and then pick one tablet at a time feel it in hand, lightly stroke
it and then put aside.
(c) Tell the child “I am going to find the one which is just like this”.
(d) Find the other tablet and put it with previous one. Allow child to feel
the similarity.
(e) Repeat this exercise with all the rest tablets. Now again repeat this
exercise while using blindfold. Now again mix the tablets and allow
child to do this himself.
(3) Here child learn a tactile sense to differentiate between rough and smooth.
The blindfold will help the child to focus on his attention upon one sense.
Children learn the vocabulary by three period-lesson. Vocabulary: rough and
roughest. Directress plays five memory games with the child.
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

b. Exploring Weight: Baric Tablets

(1) Materials. Three separate boxes having six to eight wooden tablets. Each set
is a different weight, color and wood from each other. Tablets are however
same in shape and size and a blindfold.
(2) Procedure
(a) Bring two boxes on table which contains heaviest and lightest tablets.
(b) Directress shows the child how to hold the tablet in palm of a hand.
(c) Feel the heaviest tablet and also let the child to feel it. After that
child can handle the tablet himself. Now again repeat this exercise
while using blindfold.
(3) Here child learn a tactile sense to differentiate between the weights and later
on for mathematics. The blindfold will help the child to focus on his attention
upon one sense. Children learn the vocabulary by three period-lesson.
Vocabulary: Heaviest and lightest. Directress plays five memory games with
the child.
c. Exploring Temperature: Thermic Bottles
(1) Materials. Four pairs of metal containers, each pair containing water at
various temperatures. Bottle Pair 1: 37° (Room temperature), Bottle Pair 2:
27° (tap water), Bottle Pair 3: 17° (Refrigerated water), Bottle Pair 4: 47°
(warm water), Cool refrigerator water, tap water.
(2) Procedure
(a) Directress prepares bottles.
(b) Take out first set of bottles have the child feel the bottles one at a time.
Tell the child that “I am finding the bottle which has the same
temperature”. Put bottles in a line and let the child take the bottles and
feel it.
(c) Repeat with second set, third and fourth. Mix them and line up and let
the child do it by himself under directress supervision.
(3) Here child learn a tactile sense to differentiate between different
temperatures. Children learn the vocabulary by three period-lesson.
Vocabulary: Hot and cold. Directress plays five memory games.
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

Q - 6: Prepare material of smell bottles and mystery bag.

1. Smell Bottles Material for Exercise

2.Picture 1:
3. (things to be used)6 different colours bottles having holes upward3 different
smells bottles

Picure 2:(A baby colone,perfume ans nail polish remover)

Saba Nauman
DK 2502

Picture 3:(Smelly Cotton balls are ready to put into bottles,every two cotton balls are
with same smell)

Picure 4:Cotton balls are in same bottles

Mystery box
Saba Nauman
DK 2502

Mystery box material for exercise

Picture 5: Things inside the mystery box

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