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Francisco, Cherry Lyn A.

April 16,2023


1. Why is being a teacher-researcher important for you as an effective facilitator in the classroom?

It is important to have knowledge in conducting research for us to know which instructional

methods work best with different types of learners, and make adjustments to the needs of every learner.

This will help us to determine the needs and difficulties which the students are facing. It will allow us to

seek more effective strategies and approaches that can cater to the preferred learning style of the students.

Moreover, teachers can contribute to the community by sharing their findings that can help advance field

of education and improve outcomes for all students.

Being a teacher-researcher helps to promote a culture of continuous learning among educators.

Engaging in research helps teachers to stay up to date with the latest developments in the field and have a

continuous learning.

2.What investment should you make to become a good action researcher?

To become a good action researcher, there are lots of things to consider. The first one is time, we

need to invest time in researching and studying the different methodologies and theories associated with

action research. We also need to spend on training, consider attending workshops or training sessions that

are focused on action research. This can help acquire the necessary skills to conduct research effectively.

Connect with other researchers in the field of action research. This can help us to stay informed about the

trends and new developments. Invest in the tools and resources that can help us for our action research

such as software, equipment and literature.

3. As a teacher-researcher, how important is being fixated on your research title and objectives as

you proceed with the action research process?

Being fixated on the title and objectives us crucially important as they serve as the guiding light

of the research project. The title and objectives provide a clear sense of direction and focus in the

research. A clear and concise title and objectives help us to stay focused and on trach with the research,

which helps in achieving the goals for the project. A well-defined and relevant title and objectives help in

identifying the value and significance of the research to the community or organization. The title and

objectives help us to communicate with the research such as research participants , stakeholders , and

peers. A clearly defined title and objectives help in evaluating the effectiveness of the research project. In

conclusion, being fixated on the action research title and objectives is essential for the success of the

research project.

4.As a teacher-researcher, how important for you in knowing the action research process?

As a teacher-researcher, it is important to know the process in doing action research because it

will provide a structure approach. The action research process provides a step-by-step framework for

conducting research projects, which can help us in the organizing our research. Understanding the action

research process helps us to design our research projects in a more effective and systematic manner. This

ensures that the research methodology is appropriate and helps achieve the desired outcomes. The

knowledge of the action research process enables us to collect relevant data and analyze it in a structured

manner. It also facilitates effective implementation of research results. Understanding the action research

process helps us to ensure that the research results can be implemented in a manner that is appropriate and

relevant to the research participants.

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