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Chapter #1
1. The resolving power of light microscope is 250nm, which is about ______times of
human eye:
(a) 500X (b) 1000X (c) 10000X (d) 100000X
2. If a microscopy has objective lens of 40X and Eye piece of 10X, what will be it
magnification power:
(a) 400X (b) 40X (c) 10X (d) 4000X
3. Which stain is used to stain DNA particularly in cell division:
(a) Leishuman’s division (b) Fuelgen’s stain (c) Schultz’s stain (d) Gram
stain stain
4. How much time is required for spinning a homogenate tissue mixture to isolate
(a) 10m (b) 25m (c) 35m (d) 1hr
5. The laminar-flow hood which is used in tissue culture is______ m in length:
(a) 2 meter (b) 1 meter (c) 3 meter (d) None of these
6. Which of the following plant hormone is not used in tissue culture:
(a) Gibberell (b) Auxine (c) Cytokinine (d) None of these
7. Which of the following medium is used in paper chromatography:
(a) Silica layer (b) Paper (c) Glass tube (d) Both a and b
8. In electrophorosis, the proportion between amount of charge and movement of
molecules is:
(a) Directly (b) Inversely (c) Sometimes directly (d) All of above
9. The ratio b/w cellulose and hemicelluloses in primary wall is:
(a) 2:1 (b) 1:1 (c) 3:1 (d) 1:2
10.The widgth of plasma membrane is:
(a) 7nm (b) 3nm (c) 5nm (d) 1nm
11.All of the following is less or more present in cytoplasm except:
(a) RNA (b) Enzyme (c) Inorganic (d) DNA
12.Which of the following is not the function of SER:
(a) Detoxification (b) Transmission of nerve impulse (c) Lipid synthesis
(d) All are correct
13.The ribosomes are attached to mRNA via:
(a) Na++ (b) Mg++ (c) K++ (d) None of these
14.All of the following are function of Golgi complex except:
(a) Synthesis of enzyme (b) Transport of viscle (c) Lipid metabolism (d)
Storing of molecules
15.Which of these molecule is accumulated in the brain in Tay-Sach disease:
(a) Glycolipid (b) Protein (c) Glycogen (d) None of these
16.The size of micro bodies or peroexisoomes is:
(a) 0.5 µm (b) 0.3 µm (c) 0.1 µm (d) All of these

Chapter #2
1. Which of the following make more than 95% of the human body by mass:
(a) O, N, and P (b) C, H, and O (c) C, H, and N (d) N, C, and O
2. The bond make back bone of organic compounds is:
(a) C – N bond (b) C – C bond (c) C – O bond (d) All of these
3. What is the percentage of protein in dry mass of cell:
(a) 50% (b) 15% (c) 30% (d) 18%
4. Which compound/molecules has the same ratio in mammalian as well as in
bacterial cell:
(a) Water (b) Inorganic ion (c) Organic compounds (d) All of these
5. The 2nd most abounded organic compound in protoplasm is:
(a) Protein (b) Lipid (c) Carbohydrates (d) All of them
6. Which of the following reaction has no bi-product:
(a) Hydrolysis (b) Condensation (c) Both of these (d) None of these
7. What is the %age of water in Osteocytes:
(a) 80% - 90% (b) 60% - 70% (c) 20% - 25% (d) All are incorrect
8. Protoplasm cannot survive of %age of water is reduced to:
(a) 0% (b) 5% (c) 10% (d) 20%
9. If hydrogen bond is removed from water, the freezing point of water will be:
(a) 0oC (b) -4oC (c) -80oC (d) -100oC
10. Heat of vaporization of water is:
(a) 2260J/gm (b) 7100J/gm (c) 3260J/gm (d) None of these
11. Which of the isomerism is found in Glucose and fructose?
(a) Stereoisomerism (b) Structure Isomerism (c) Positional Isomerism (d)
Both a & c
12. The covalent bond linkage between glucose and fructose of sucrose is:
(a) 1, 4 Glycodic linkage (b) 4,1 Glycosidic linkage (c) 1, 3 Glycosidic
linkage (d) Both a and b
13. The most abundant carbohydrate in nature is:
(a) Cellulose (b) Starch (c) Glycogen (d) All of these
14. Which of the following carbohydrates has an additional amino group attached to
(a) Chitin (b) Murien (c) Glycoprotein (d) Both a and b
15. How many peptide bonds are there in insulin protein:
(a) 29 (b) 49 (c) 50 (d) 51
16. In sickle cell anemia which amino Acid is replaced with valine:
(a) Glutomic acid (b) Valine (c) Glucine (d) Both a and b
17. Antibodies are specialized protein, which structural level do antibodies have:
(a) Primary (b) Secondary (c) Tertiary (d) Quaternary
18. Human body break beta-carotene to produce 2 molecules:
(a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin B (c) Vitamin B2 (d) All of these
19. Which of the following Phytohormone is lipid:
(a) Auxins (b) Gibberellins (c) Cytokines (d) All of these
20. Glycolipids are important conjugating molecules mainly present in:
(a) Bain (b) Plasma membrane (c) Liver (d) Both a and b

Chapter #3
1. All enzymes are protein except:
(a) Ribozyme (b) Lysozyme (c) Both of these (d) None
2. Lock and key model was rejected by:
(a) E. Fischer (b) D. Koshland (c) Fedrick (d) R. Mortin
3. The structure of enzyme must go a slightly change is the statement of:
(a) Key – lock model (b) Hand – Gloves model (c) Induced – fit model (d)
Both b and c
4. (2H2O2 H2O+ O2)
For the given reaction activation energy is 86 Kj/mol with no catalyst. What will
be the EA required if same reaction is performed in presence of Enzyme?
(a) 86kh/mol (b) 8.6kj/mol (c) Half of above (d) 1kg/mol
5. Vitamin B acts as co-enzymes. What will happen if Vitamin B is
reduced/missing in a body:
(a) No-effect (b) Metabolism is effected (c) Beri-beri is produced (d) Both
b and c
6. Peptidase and esterase both belong to:
(a) Hydrolase (b) Isomerase (c) Transferase (d) Both a and b
7. The optimum temperature for snow flea is:
(a) 37oC (b) 0oC (c) 10oC (d) -10oC
8. What will happen to enzymes Activity if temperature become 0oC:
(a) Activity will be zero (b) Minimum (c) No effect (d) Enzyme will
9. What is physiological pH for most of enzymes:
(a) 7-8 (b) 1-3 (c) 5-7 (d) 1-14
10. Which of the following acts as non-competitive inhibitors:
(a) Cyanides (b) Heavy-metal ions (c) Insecticides (d) All of these
11. The non-competitive inhibitors binds with:
(a) Active of enzyme (b) Receptor site (c) Allosteric site (d) Both b and c
12. Cytoskeleton is discovered by:
(a) Christian de dove (b) Koltzoff (c) Singer (d) Martin
13. The function of centriol is:
(a) locating the cleavage furrow (b) Formation of flagella and Cilia (c) Both
of these (d) None of these
14. All of these are present in mitochondria except:
(a) Primary particle (b) DNA (c) Cristac (d) Histone
15. Which of the following is more aboundant in roots:
(a) Leucoplast (b) Chloroplast (c) Geranoplast (d) Kintoplast
16. The main function of nucleolus is:
(a) Synthesis of rRNA (b) Storage of mRNA (c) Synthesis of Ribosome’s
(d) All of these
17. No. of chromosomes in chimpanzee is:
(a) 48 (b) 84 (c) 52 (d) 28
18. In which of these is present in prokaryotic cell but absent in Eukaryotic cell:
(a) Ribosome (b) Plasmid (c) Mesosomes (d) Circular DNA

Chapter #4
1. The percentage of total sunlight reaching to atmosphere is:
(a) 40% (b) 01% (c) 10% (d) 65%
2. Carbon dioxide is more abundant in:
(a) Stroma (b) Thylokoid (c) Both of these (d) None of these
3. Which of these is hydrophilic:
(a) Porphyrin (b) Phytol (c) Both (d) None of these
4. Which part of plant capture light energy:
(a) Mesophyll cell (b) Plastid (c) Chloroplast (d) All of these
5. The presence of free oxygen made possible the evolution of:
(a) Respiration (b) Photorespiration (c) Both b and a (d) None of these
6. Which part of chlorophyll contain Mg:
(a) Prophyrin (b) Pyrol rings (c) Haem portion (d) All
7. The number of chloroplast in each mesophyll cell:
(a) 20-100 (b) 200-60 (c) 20-40 (d) 60-80
8. Number of chloroplast per square millimeter of leaf surface is:
(a) 0.5 million (b) One million (c) 3 lac (d) 7 lac
9. Oxygen released during photosynthesis comes from:
(a) Atmosphere (b) Soil (c) CO2 (d) Food
10. The color of chlorophyll b is:
(a) Yellow and Green (b) Orange and Red (c) Blue and Green (d) Orange
and Green
11. Which statement best define Bioenergetics:
(a) Reaction or processes that require energy and then store it (b) Reaction
which release energy (c) The anabolic process in living cells (d) Process by
means of which living cells store, sue and release energy
12. The curved~symbol in ATP indicate P-P~P:
(a) Low energy bounds (b) High energy bounds (c) Unstable bound (d)
Both b and c
13. During photosynthesis oxygen come out from water was confirmed using O18
isotopes of oxygen by:
(a) CB ven Neil (b) Robin Hill (c) R. Scarisbrick (d) Samuel Rubin 1941
14. Thylakoids membranes contain chlorophyll are involved in the synthesis of ATP
by process of:
(a) Photosynthesis (b) Chemosynthesis (c) Chemoosmosis (d) Osmosis
15. What does not occur in the light reaction:
(a) Photolysis (b) Photophosphorylation (c) Oxidation of water (d)
Reduction of CO2
16. The total photosynthesis including the food consumed by the producer is:
(a) Productivity (b) Primary productivity (c) Gross primary productivity
(d) Net primary productivity
17. A photo system contains:
(a) ADP+Chlorophyll “b” (b) Photon (c) Light+Chlorophyll “a” (d)
Pigment or light capturing Antenna + reaction center + electron acceptor
18. How many ATP molecules are synthesized and released as a result of substance
level phosphorylation:
(a) 2 ATP (b) 4 ATP (c) 6 ATP (d) 36 ATP
19. Which of the following is not source of carbon dioxide?
(a) The burning of fuel (b) Photosynthesis (c) The decomposition of animal
matter (d) Respiration
20. In photosynthesis O2 in glucose are derived from:
(a) Water (b) Partly water of partly CO2 (c) CO2 (d) Unknow source
21. Which is least important in photosynthesis?
(a) Sunlight (b) Green light (c) Blue light (d) Red light
22. 60% of the world’s photosynthesis is carried out by:
(a) Monocots (b) Gymnosperms (c) Angiosperms (d) Algae
23. The rate of photosynthesis in independent of:
(a) Light intensity (b) Duration of light (c) Light quality (d) Temperature
24. How many ATP produced in cellular respiration are a result of oxidative
(a) A maximum of 32 (b) A maximum of 36 (c) A maximum of 38 (d) A
maximum of 4 ATP
25. How many ATP molecules are synthesized or released as a result of substrate
level phosphorylation:
(a) 2 ATP (b) 4 ATP (c) 6 ATP (d) 36 ATP
26. The light independent reaction occur in:
(a) Grana (b) Stroma (c) Cytoplasm (d) Outer layer of chlorophyll

Chapter #5
1. Which of the following disease is caused by viroids:
(a) Hepatitis D (b) Hepatitis B (c) CJD (d) All of these
2. PSTV is composed of:
(a) RNA only (b) DNA only (c) Either RNA or DNA (d) None of these
3. The first viroid discovered was:
(a) TMV (b) PSTV (c) HAV (d) None of these
4. All are caused by voriods except:
(a) Cucumber pale fruit (b) Citrus exocortis disease (c) Cadang Cadang (d)
Leaf curl disease
5. All are symptoms of Alper’s syndrome except:
(a) Paralysis (b) Dementia (c) Ross of motor control (d) Dilusion
6. Fatal familial insomnia is caused by:
(a) FiV (b) Visna (c) FFI (d) Prions
7. Bagmoviruse causes leaf curl disease, which is transmitted by white fly named:

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