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Unit 4 Progress test A

1 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I love this writer. I _________________ (read) all her books.
2 We _________________ (go) on an amazing skiing holiday last year.
3 I _________________ (not enjoy) the food very much last night.
4 _________________ (you / ever / live) in a different country?
5 Dan _________________ (not finish) his homework and he has to hand it in tomorrow.
6 She _________________ (never / do) work experience.

Mark: ___ / 6

2 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Grandad has been ill, but he’s getting better gradual / gradually.
2 It isn’t easy when you’re angry, but you need to speak more calmly / calmer.
3 I haven’t seen Jack late / lately – have you?
4 I can play the piano, but really bad / badly.
5 The other team played much well / better than us.
6 Liz is going to study really hard / hardly to get a good mark in the test.

Mark: ___ / 6

3 Complete the dialogues. Use the past simple, present perfect, adverb or comparative adverb form of the
verbs in brackets.
Maria: What are you doing after school tomorrow?
Eva: Working – I 1_____________ (not do) my homework yet.
Maria: There’s a lot to do so you’ll have to do it 2_____________ (quick)!
Eva: I know, but I want to do it 3_____________ (good), too. I’m going to try to do it
_____________ (careful) than last time.

Zak: 5
__________________ (you / ever / eat) Mexican food?
Josh: No, I 6_____________ . Have you?
Zak: Yes, we 7_____________ (go) to a fantastic Mexican restaurant for my birthday
last week.
Josh: Last week! I’m sorry. I 8_____________ (honest) didn’t realise it was your

Mark: ___ / 8

Vision 2 Tests 1 Unit 4 Progress test A

4 Complete the sentences with the words below.

disappointed exhibit fascinated ghost live abroad musician

opera published raise money series

1 I’m not very keen on ____________ because I don’t understand what they are singing.
2 We’re going to run 10km to ____________ for charity.
3 Lily was really ____________ that she couldn’t go to the party.
4 I really want to ____________ when I’m older. I love travelling.
5 You play the piano very well. Have you thought about becoming a ____________?
6 My brother is very happy – they’ve asked him to ____________ some of his art in the museum.
7 There are three books in The Hunger Games ____________ .
8 Have you ever seen a ____________? I’m not sure they exist.
9 When was your first book ____________?
10 I love Venice – I was ____________ by it.

Mark: ___ / 10

5 Complete the text with the correct option, A, B or C.

I’d like a Saturday job so I’ve applied for a 1_____________ job in a local
_____________. I really hope I get the job, but after the 3_____________, I’m not so
sure! I don’t have any 4_____________, but I worked as a 5_____________ at an
_____________ last summer, so I’ve already got some 7_____________. I was looking
forward to talking about it with the interviewer.
But as I was walking into the interview room, I bumped into the door. It hit the wall, and
knocked a 8_____________ off the wall. The interviewer looked really 9_____________
– and I have never felt so 10_____________ in my life!

1 A experience B part-time C guilty

2 A art gallery B talent show C orchestra
3 A volunteer B interview C qualifications
4 A candidates B qualifications C wages
5 A volunteer B composer C celebrity
6 A orchestra B exhibition C opera
7 A exhibitions B paintings C work experience
8 A painting B novel C series
9 A proud B guilty C shocked
10 A fascinated B relaxed C embarrassed

Mark: ___ / 10

Vision 2 Tests 2 Unit 4 Progress test A

Use of English
6 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct option, A, B or C.
1 Interviewer: Have you ever worked in a restaurant before?
Interviewee: ______
Interviewer: OK. Could you tell me about that?
A No, never. Is it important? B No, I didn’t. C No, but I have experience of serving customers in a shop.
2 Interviewer: ______
Interviewee: Well, I enjoy working with people, and I’m interested in food.
Interviewer: OK, so tell us …
A Have you got any qualifications? B Why are you interested in this job? C Have you worked in a shop before?
3 Interviewer: Do you have any questions?
Interviewee: ______
Interviewer: You’ll be taking orders from customers and serving their food.
A Can I ask what exactly the job involves? B Will I have to work long hours? C What is the salary?
4 Interviewer: Do you have any more questions?
Interviewee: ______
Interviewer: Sure – they’re from 9.30 to 5.30.
A Could you tell me what the hours are? B When do I start? C I’d like to know what the wages are.
5 Interviewer: Do you have any more questions?
Interviewee: Yes, I’d like to know what the wage is, please.
Interviewer: ______
A Talking to customers and helping to prepare food. B It’s £90 a week. C It’s from 9.30–5.30.

Mark: ___ / 5

7 Choose the translation of the phrase in brackets that completes the sentence correctly.
1 Tom didn’t enjoy the lesson. (Był znudzony) ______________ .
A He was boring. B It was boring. C He was bored.
2 Can I ask (czy pracowałeś) ______________ in a café before?
A you’ve worked B if you’ve worked C have you worked
3 I hope I don’t arrive (później niż) ______________ my mum.
A lately than B more lately than C later than
4 The music festival was absolutely (fantastyczny) ______________ – I loved it!
A awesome B awful C terrible
5 I don’t (mam szansy) ______________ of getting the job as I don’t have the right experience.
A have a possibility B stand a chance C feel very lucky

Mark: ___ / 5

Vision 2 Tests 3 Unit 4 Progress test A

8 Read the text. Match sentences A–F to gaps 1–5. One sentence does not match any of the gaps.

It’s never too late!

There are plenty of famous examples of child prodigies, both in history and in the present
day. They have done amazing things when they are very young. 1___________. Others
are scientists, mathematicians, or perhaps athletes. But what about people who have
become famous or successful later in life?
J.K. Rowling is famous all over the world as the author of the Harry Potter series of
books. It is the best-selling book series in history. 2___________. As a result, J.K.
Rowling has become one of the wealthiest people in the world. 3___________ She has
been a student, a secretary, and an English teacher in Portugal.
She had the idea for Harry Potter when she was 25. 4___________. During that time,
she had a young daughter. For some of the time, she didn’t have a job and she was
quite poor, and ill. She also started training to be a teacher, in Edinburgh. She showed
the book – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – to twelve different publishers.
None of them wanted to publish it. Finally, it was published when she was 32, in 1997.
___________. And the rest, as they say, is history.

A However, she hasn’t always been rich and she hasn’t always been a writer.
B The following year, her publisher sold it to a publisher in the USA for over $100,000.
C She wrote the first book over the next five years, although it wasn’t an easy time in her life.
D Some are artists, musicians and writers.
E She hasn’t always been called J.K. Rowling.
F The books have sold over 500 million copies, and they have won many prizes.

Mark: ___ / 5

Vision 2 Tests 4 Unit 4 Progress test A

9  You will hear a conversation about taking a ‘gap year’. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Lauren did her ‘gap year’ before she went to university. ___
2 Lauren helped teachers in Peru. ___
3 Lauren was more nervous than the teachers. ___
4 Lauren travelled from Argentina to Chile to Peru. ___
5 Lauren cycled alone. ___

Mark: ___ / 5

10 Read the task and write an application letter (80–130 words) for the job in the advert.

Young person to help in our bookshop and café – weekends only
- We need a friendly, hard-working person to join us on busy weekends in our small, friendly,
bookshop and café.
- Your responsibilities will include serving customers, answering queries, clearing tables and
sometimes preparing food.
- Experience of working in a café or shop is useful – as well as a love of books!
Please send your CV and application letter.

 Give your reason for writing.

 Write about your interests and personality.
 Explain about your relevant experience.
 Request a reply and sign off at the end.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70

Vision 2 Tests 5 Unit 4 Progress test A

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