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Acupressure for Emotional Imbalances

For whatever emotion you are feeling, there is an acupressure method for
them that can specifically help heal that emotion. In this chapter, we are
going to explore the methods that can be used to help each emotional


Anger is one of the most natural reactions a human being can have. Most
of our lives are dictated by anger. We’ve all made bad mistakes because of
anger. Learning how to let anger go can be challenging at first, but with the
help of acupressure, you can learn to remove the grip anger has on you.
Anger often is held within our muscles, making us more prone to want to
react. By using acupressure, you are releasing the pressure that has built
up and has been ready to be used again. There isn’t just the benefit of
deep breathing that can help anger, but specific pressure points as well.

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The specific points to help you release that anger are:

· GB 20 (Gates of Consciousness). This point, which is located

below the base of your skull can be pressed on to help relieve
frustration, anger, and headaches.
· B 10 (Heavenly Pillar) is located a half inch below the base of your
skull and a half inch above your spine. This is also an excellent
point to press into the relieve the same sort of anger that you have
been holding onto.
· GB 21 (Shoulder Well) is located on the top of your shoulder.
Pressing onto this point helps relieve irritability, anger, tension, and
poor circulation.
· CV 12 (Center of Power) is located on the center of the body,
which is midway between the base of your breasts and your belly
button. When you are holding onto this pressure point, you are
relieving emotional stress, frustrations, stomach pain, and

Other points include B 23, B 47, P 6, and P 9. All can help relieve the
growing anger that has been holed up inside of you and causes you to
become stressed and lash out.

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