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iuvenis ego Mileto profectus ad spectaculum Olympicum,

As a young man having set out from Miletus to the Olympic Games,

cum haec etiam loca provincae clarae visitare cuperem,

since I wanted to visit these places of the famous province as well,

peragrata tota Thessalia Larissam perveni. ac dum urbem

I travelled through the whole of Thessaly and reached Larissa. And while wandering
through the city,

pererrans tenuato viatico paupertati meae fomenta quaero,

my travel money having diminished, I looked for a remedy for my poverty

medio in foro senem conspicio. insistebat lapidem magnaque

and caught sight of an old man in the middle of the forum. He was standing on a stone

voce praedicabat, si quis mortuum custodire vellet,

and proclaiming with a loud voice that if anyone wanted to guard a dead man,

magnum praemium accepturum esse. et cuidam

he would receive a big reward. I said to someone passing by

praetereunti ‘quid hoc’ inquam ‘audio? hic mortui solent

'What’s this I hear? Do the dead here usually

run away?'

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