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2012-DSE Kenneth Lau


BEACON COLLEGE Name: ____________________

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Candidate Number
Question-Answer Book
(1 hour 30 minutes)

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1. Write your Candidate Number in the space
provided on Page 1. Marker No.

2. Stick your barcode labels in the space provided on Part A

Pages 1, 3, 5 and 7.

3. There are two parts in this paper. Answer ALL Part B1

questions in Part A. In Part B, you should choose
EITHER Section 1 (easier) OR Section 2 (more difficult). Part B2

4. The reading passages are in a separate booklet.

Write your answers clearly and neatly in the spaces Total
provided in this Question-Answer Book. You are
advised to use a pencil to write your answers.
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

5. For multiple-choice questions, you are advised to

blacken the appropriate circle with a pencil so that
wrong marks can be completely erased with a clean
rubber. Mark only ONE answer to each question.
Two or more answers will score NO MARKS.

6. Supplementary answer sheets will be supplied on

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question number box and stick a barcode label on each
sheet and fasten them with string INSIDE this
Question-Answer Book.

© 遵理學校 保留版權
Kenneth Lau Beacon College
All Rights Reserved 2012

2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–1 1 Go on to the next page

Part A (49 marks)

Answer questions 1 – 30 using information from the article about oils in food on page 2 of the Reading Passages
booklet. Write your answers in the spaces provided. For multiple-choice questions, choose the best answer and
blacken ONE circle only.

1. Read paragraph 1 and complete the following table regarding the effects of taking in fats. Name ONE effect
on each line. (6 marks)

Effects which fats bring

advantages a. _________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________

d. _________________________________________________________

disadvantages e. _________________________________________________________

f. _________________________________________________________
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

2. What can ‘shunning’ in line 1 be replaced by?

A. fearing
B. avoiding A B C D
C. despising
D. doubting    
3. What should be the total maximum acceptable amount of fats, including good fats, of an average 16-year-old

A. 80g
B. 90g A B C D
C. 100g
D. 110g    
4. According to paragraphs 3 and 4, what does the writer suggest people do regarding eating animal and
whole-milk dairy products? Give reasons to support your answer. (3 marks)



5. Read paragraphs 3 and 4, complete the following table by deciding whether the following foods are likely to
contain the concerned types of fat. Put a tick () in the correct boxes. (5 marks)

saturated fat trans fat

instant noodles

French fries

cream cakes

2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–2 2
Please stick the barcode label here.

6. Complete the sentences below with reference to paragraph 5. Only ONE word is allowed for each line.
(3 marks)

Only under the condition of being not saturated can a. ___________________ be classified as beneficial to
body functioning, including adjusting cholesterol levels and make heartbeat b. ___________________. It
exists in the form of c. ___________________ in nature.

7. Name two kinds of plant oil mentioned in from paragraph 3 to 5 which are not considered healthy.
(2 marks)
a. _________________________________

b. _________________________________

8. Read paragraphs 6 and 7 and decide whether the following statements are True, False or Not Stated.
Blacken ONE circle only for each statement. (3 marks)

True False Not Stated

i. Before deep-frying, food needs to be layered with flour or

batters.   
ii. There is evidence showing deep-frying will create toxins.   
iii. Stir-frying is the healthiest cooking method.   
9. What does “absorbs oil ‘like a sponge’” mean in line 30?



10. According to Andrea Fraire, which of these dishes are suitable for using extra virgin olive oils?
Mark each picture with a tick () in the box if it is suitable and a cross () if it is not. (4 marks)



2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–3 3 Go on to the next page

11. The main purpose of this article is …

A. to tell people to avoid fatty food.

B. to emphasize the importance of eating fats. A B C D
C. to advise people how to choose fats.
D. to clarify common misunderstandings about fats.    

Your father is discussing his diet with your mother. Complete their conversation with suitable words or
expressions from the box below. Use each answer ONCE only. The first one has been done for you as an
example. (10 marks)

A – it’s a bit overweight G – read about

B – love having fast food H – Veggies are absolutely good
C – are not at home I – your health conditions
D – shouldn’t eat J – can’t just sit and wait
E – are not under K – would rather
F – I’m sorry L – Come here

Oh, dear. Have you G (12)

________________ yet? How was it?
Yeah, it stated that my cholesterol levels
are high and (13) _________. Luckily,
I don’t have other health problems.
But you (14) _____________. Let’s
look into what you usually eat when you
(15) ___________.
Um … My colleagues (16)
___________ at lunch. And I have
dinner at home almost every day.

What? I’ve told you a thousand times

you (17) __________ junk food!

18) _________, dear. But I can’t just

order green salad.

(19) _____________ for you! From

now on, you have to record what you eat
when you’re not (20) ____________.

Does it mean that I need to submit

my ‘homework’ to you? I
(21) _____________ go jogging
every night.

2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–4 4
Please stick the barcode label here.

Tips on how to control cholesterol levels

Below is a draft article offering some tips on how to control cholesterol levels. Read the choice of words and
expressions given and underline the best option as shown in the example. (9 marks)

Lowering (Bad / Good) Cholesterol With Diet

The simplest and often the first choice for lowering cholesterol levels (22) (is / am / are) by
controlling what you eat and drink. This strategy consists of two parts. First, choose foods that
are (23) (high / low / uncertain) in cholesterol and have the best types of fats to consume. This
will help (24) (reducing / reduce / reduces) the rise in LDL levels. Not all dietary fats are “bad”
fats. It is important to learn which fats are okay, or even beneficial to eat. In general, it is best
to cut back on the consumption of fats as well as foods coming from animals, which is the source
of dietary cholesterol. The second part consists (25) (in / of / as) choosing foods that help lower
and control cholesterol. By selecting foods that have certain (26) (nutrients / vitamins /
minerals), you are able to reduce bad cholesterol.

Exercise Your Way To Lower LDL Levels

Yes, exercise (27) (strengthened / strengthen / strengthens) your heart and reduces the risk of
heart disease. However, exercise can also alter your cholesterol levels. With (28) (regular /
irregular / aerobic) exercise, HDL levels increase and LDL levels decrease. Many people are
turned (29) (in / off / to) by the thought of “exercise”, thinking that they do not have the time or
that it is just too hard. It is important to realize that the exercise needed is (30) (attainable /
attributable / affordable) by anyone and not just Olympic athletes. A simple walk every evening
is a great start. With the right planning and with enough consideration, you can include a regular
exercise routine in a schedule that you actually look forward to.

2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–5 5 Go on to the next page

Part B – Choose EITHER Section 1 (easier) OR Section 2 (more difficult).

Section 1 (44 marks)

Answer questions 31 – 48 using information from the web postings shown on pages 3 – 4 of the Reading Passages
booklet. Write your answers in the spaces provided. For multiple-choice questions, choose the best answer and
blacken ONE circle only.

31. Which of the following forms of energy had the greatest rate of increase in 2010?

A. wind power
B. solar power A B C D
C. hydropower
D. geothermal power    
32. According to the website, which of the following is the most popular source of renewable energy?

A. wind power
B. solar power A B C D
C. hydropower
D. geothermal power    
33. Which of the following countries probably saw the biggest growth in renewable energy projects?

A. Germany
B. The United States A B C D
C. The United Kingdom
D. China    
34. Read message ‘A’ carefully and decide if the following are true (T) or false (F) in the writer’s opinion. Put
appropriate symbols in the boxes below. (3 marks)

a. Renewable energy methods are more costly than non-renewable energy methods.

b. Renewable energy will be in high demand in future.

c. Renewable energy methods are old methods of generating electricity.

35. At what time did the writer of message ‘A’ send his message?


36. How many areas are mentioned in message ‘B’ ?


37. Where is the writer of message ‘B’ probably living now?


38. What can ‘game’ in line 17 be replaced by?

A. competition
B. energy production A B C D
C. benefit
D. money    
39. Complete the sentence below. (2 marks)

According to the writer of message ‘D’, the advantage of a. _________________ energy is that it can be
operated even on a b. ____________ scale.

2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–6 6
Please stick the barcode label here.

40. Look at how ‘foothold’ in message ‘D’ is used and decide which if the definitions below is closest in meaning.

A. a crack where your foot can be safely supported when

climbing A B
B. a strong position in a profession from which you can
achieve success  
41. Look for words or expressions in message ‘E’ which mean the same as the following: (3 marks)

a. produce _________________

b. solar power ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

c. used up _________________

42. According to message ‘E’, there is a better way to store solar power. What is it?


43. Which message did the writer of message ‘F’ write in reply to?

A. Message ‘A’
B. Message ‘B’ A B C D
C. Message ‘C’
D. Message ‘D’    
44. Which message did the writer of message ‘G’ write in reply to?

A. Message ‘A’
B. Message ‘B’ A B C D
C. Message ‘C’
D. Message ‘D’    

45. What are TWO of the limitations stated in message ‘G’? (2 marks)



46. What does ‘There is a lot of wishful thinking” (lines 43 – 44) mean?

A. People are too optimistic about the development of

renewable energy.
B. People are conservative towards the development of
renewable energy.
C. People are not sure about the development of renewable A B C D

People are not willing to adopt renewable energy.
   

2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–7 7 Go on to the next page

47. Read through the messages and decide whether the following statements are True, False or Not Stated.
Blacken ONE circle only for each statement. (7 marks)

True False
a. Investment in renewable energy sources had increased by 30%.   
b. Those renewable energy methods are new.   
c. Using more renewable energy can bring benefits to the planet.   
d. Asia has the most up-to-date technology in renewables.   
e. Renewables are cheaper than other sources of energy.   
f. The supply of fossil fuels will dry up one day.   
g. Renewable energy is reliable and consistent all the time   

2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–8 8
48. Complete the information summary below in complete sentences. Identify the writers’ opinions about
different energy sources. Quote ONE piece of evidence to justify your response. If there is no point related
to the required type of source, just write down “not mentioned”. Write down the trends in energy mentioned
in the web postings. Some of the details have been completed to help you. (15 marks)

Opinions about renewable energy Opinions about non-renewable The trends in energy mentioned
sources energy sources in the web postings

They tend to be very costly a. ______________________ b. ______________________

when compared to older ___________________________ ___________________________
A conventional methods. ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

c. ______________________ not mentioned. d. ______________________

___________________________ ___________________________
B ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

e. ______________________ f. ______________________ Renewable sources will

___________________________ ___________________________ continue to become cheaper
D ___________________________ ___________________________ and more efficient.
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

g. ______________________ h. ______________________ i. ______________________

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
E ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

j. ______________________ k. ______________________ l. ______________________

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
F ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

m. ______________________ n. ______________________ o. ______________________

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
G ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–9 9 Go on to the next page

Section 2 (48 marks)

Answer questions 49 – 65 using information from the poem on page 5 and the article on pages 6 and 7 of the Reading
Passages booklet. Write your answers in the spaces provided. For multiple-choice questions, choose the best
answer and blacken ONE circle only.

For questions 49 – 57, please refer to the poem on page 5 of the Reading Passages booklet.

49. What is the relationship between the two main characters?


50. The line ‘Where the green leaves of the orange trees burned’ implies the coming of the season of


51. Which TWO phrases in the poem imply the death of the teacher? (2 marks)

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

52. The poet uses the adjective ‘Sweet-scented’ (line 7) to describe the _______________________ of Jasmine.

53. Look through ALL the verses of the poem, for words or expressions to match these definitions (3 marks)

force or influence that restricts the free actions or

development of a person or group

b. dull; cheerless; lacking in spirit, brightness

c. between two places or points

54. The principal is going to announce the death of the teacher during an assembly. Complete his speech for him
by filling each gap with one word. (8 marks)

This is a sad (1)_________________ of news that traumatizes all of us here. Our (2)_________________
teacher, Mr. Wong, has left us owing to (3)_________________. Though he was restrained by the
surrounding environment, he was a teacher full of (4)_________________, with which he could turn his
narrow and grey house (5)_________________ his favourite places. He had a passion for
(6)_________________ different places. His name may be (7)_________________ one day but we will
always (8)_________________ what he taught us.

55. What is the tone of the poem?

A. amusing
B. sad A B C D
C. bitter
D. reflective    

2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–10 10
56. In line 22, the ocean is described as as clear as glass with the use of …

A. metaphor
B. simile A B C D
C. personification
D. alliteration    
57. What do you think is the writer’s message? (2 marks)



For questions 58 – 65, please refer to the article on pages 6 and 7 of the Reading Passages booklet.

58 This article focuses on …

A. the dried seafood industry in Hong Kong

B. the ban on shark fin trade A B C D
C. shark products
D. restaurants in Hong Kong    
59. Look at how the expressions below are used in the article. Decide which of the options provided is closest in
meaning and blacken ONE circle only. (2 marks)

Epression Meaning

the potent aroma  the road sign

 the potential odour
(line 1)
 the pungent smell

get your hands on

 catch
 obtain
(line 6)
 kill

60. In which four states in the US was buying shark fins considered illegal? (2 marks)





2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–11 11 Go on to the next page

61. The following people are either in favour of (For), not in favour of (Against) or uncertain about (neutral) shark
fin trade. Decide their stance. (5 marks)

(circle the correct answer)

Silvy Pun For / Against / Neutral

Bertha Lo For / Against / Neutral

Ricky Leung For / Against / Neutral

Daniel Chui For / Against / Neutral

Lee Wong-lung For / Against / Neutral

62. Look at the word ‘delicacy’ in line 15. Now read the dictionary entry for ‘delicacy’ below. Which is the best
definition of the word as used in the article?

delicacy [n] (A) the quality of being, or appearing to

be, easy to damage or break; (B) very careful behaviour
in a difficult situation so that nobody is offended; (C)
the fact that a situation is difficult and somebody may
be easily offended; (D) a type of food considered to be A B C D
very special in a particular place.    

63. Here is a list of alterations suggested by the newspaper editor for a slightly different version of the article.
Fill each gap with ONE word only. (2 marks)

para 4 / line 18-19 The _____________ rate of the sharks cannot compensate for the death rate.

para 4 / line 19-20 If they become extinct, the _____________ food chain would be broken.

64. Which kind of wedding banquet hosts usually use shark fins in their menu?

A. rich
B. environmentally friendly A B C D
C. young
D. traditional    

2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–12 12
65. Which person on pages 5 – 7 of the Reading Passages booklet (the poem and the article) would you attribute the
following to? Justify your answers by quoting ONE COMPLETE SENTENCE from the text. (14 marks)

A. ‘Why Mr Smith has been absent from school E. ‘90% of our income came from business other
since last field trip?’ than shark-fin trade.’

B. ‘We are not the only one making money from

F. ‘In 2022, we may not be able to find any sharks.’

C. ‘Hong Kong should ban the trade of shark fins in G. ‘If the sale of fins are banned in this city, people
order to protect them.’ may buy them from black market.’

H. ‘Sir, I am sorry that shark-fin soup is not

D. “My home is in 200 square feet only.”
available in our Chinese restaurant menu.’

Most likely speaker Supporting sentence

D Teacher The house he lived in was narrow and grey.


2012-HKDSE-ENG 1–13 13 Go on to the next page

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