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Translation from Romanian into English ROMANIA THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION “A.T. LAURIAN” NATIONAL COLLEGE BOTOSANI, BOTOSANI COUNTY Tax identification Code: 3372629 No. 46/09.01.2023 TRANSCRIPTS (for the grades 9" to 12") Surname and first name: BOTEZ M. BEATRICE The identity number: 6040329070052 Date and place of birth: 29" March 2004, BOTOSANI Nationality: Romanian The parents’ names: father: BOTEZ MARIUS mother: BOTEZ MARIA-MIHAELA ‘The General Academic Situation Institution Registration [Grade | Academic | Field | no. fear “AT. LAURIAN” National [117-178 [ 9®, Bilingual English College of Botosani full-time | 2019/2020 “A.T. LAURIAN” National [~117-178_[ 10" Bilingual English College of Botosani full-time | 2020/2021 “A.T. LAURIAN” National [117-178 | 11" Bilingual English College of Botosani full-time | 2021/2022 x) Mention, if necessary, the type of graduated form ( vocational, sports, special, within the programme "A doua sansa”, etc) b. The academic situation concerning the subjects and academic years GRADES, SUBJECTS. [o™ 1o™ a 12% Romanian language and literature 9:50 10 9.00 = English language 8.50 9.50 8.00 z French language 8.50 9.00 10 é Latin Language 9.00 10 10 E Mathematics 10 10 s 3 Physics 8.50 [9.50 E zi Chemistry 10 10 : Biolog; 9.50 10 : History 10 10 I {Geography 9.00 10 9.00 jes | Logies: 7.00 - si LE Psychology = 10 = - Sociology = : 9.50 = Universal literature = : 9.00 I Physical education 10 10 10 : | Beonom = 9.50 - Music education 9.50 10 : 3 [Entrepreneurial education : 9.50 : : ("The Geography of England 930 [- - : Religion 10 [10 10 5 The technology of information and 9.50 [10 [10 : communication | Plastic education 7 10 10 = ("The British Culture and civilization : 10 10 = (Ttalian language : 5 10 = [Sciences e - 10 - The History of Botosani County = a 10 a Behaviour i0 10 10 - General Annual Average 9.33 9.86 9.66 = We certify the accuracy of the data registered in the present transcripts. Headmaster, Chief Registrar, Teacher Onofrei loan Babei Mihaela legible signature, official stamp Ilegible signature ‘The undersigned LAZAROVICI ADRIANA-CRISTINA, sworn translator and interpreter for English and French, according to the authorisation no. 1452/11.03.1999 issued by the Ministry of Justice of Romania, do certify the accuracy of this translation from Romanian into English, the text of the document presented was entirely translated, without omitting anything and I haven't changed the contents or the meaning of the text. The text for which the entire translation was requested has as a complete document a number of 2 pages, itis called Transcripts it was issued by "A.T. LAURIAN” National College of Botosani and it was presented to me as a complete document. The translation of the document presented to me has a number of 2 Pages and it was made according to the request registered at no...01/18.01.2023., kept in the archives of the undersigned. The retainer was pai according to the receipt. Swom Translator/Interpreter, ADRIANA-CRISTINA LAZAROVICI Subsemnata LAZAROVICI ADRIANA-CRISTINA, traducator si interpret autorizat pentru limbile franceza si engleza, in temeiul autorizatiei nr.1452/11.03.1999, eliberata de Ministerul Justitiei din Romania, certific exactitatea traducerii efectuate din limba romana in limba engleza, ca textul prezentat a fost tradus complet, fara omisiuni si ca prin traducere, inscrisului nu i-au fost denaturate continutul si sensul. Inscrisul a carui traducere se solicita in intregime, are, in integralitatea sa, un ‘numar de 2 pagini, poarta titlul/denumirea de Foaie Matricola a fost emis de Colegiul National « A.T. LAURIAN » Botosani si mi-a fost prezentat mie in intregime. Traducerea inserisului prezentat are un numar de 2 pagini si a fost efectuata potrivit cererii scrise inregistrate cu nr...01/18.01.202: pastrate in arhiva subsemnatului. S-a incasat onorariul, cu bon fiscal/chitanta/ordin de plata INTERPRET SI TRADUCATOR AUTORIZAT, LAZAROVICI ADRIANA-CRISTINA MINISTERUL EDUCATIE! COLEGIUL NATIONAL "A.T.LAURIAN” BOTOSANI NR.A6/9.0/. 2023 cr (Bl 3[7[2TéeT2T9 ADEVERINTA DE STUDII CLASELE IX - XI BOTEZ M. BEATRICE Cod Numeric Personal 6]o]/4]o[s]{2]{9]o}7]}o} o{s/2 29.03.2004 BOTOSANI romana (Wala gi locul nagteri) ‘Wajonaltatea) tatalul BOTEZ MARIUS INumele si prenumele SSS el mamei BOTEZ MARIA-MIHAELA a) Situatia scolara generala ; Tul i forma do Unitatea de invatamant Nr. matricol ‘invatamant Anul scolar} profilul : ; suey Colegiul National“AT.Laurian” Botogani | 117-178 axe | 20re2o20} SUNY Colegiul Najonal“A T.Laurian” Botopani | 117-178 aozo.2001 | NY Colegiul Najional’A. Laurin’ Botogani | 117-178 extra | 2021-2022] SUING, 7) Sa va menfiona, dacd este cazul,tipul de clasé absoWvia (invalamant de art, sport, special, i Cadrul programiului “A doua sansa” etc.) b) Situatia scolard pe discipline de invatimant gi ani de studii MEDIA PE ANI DE STUDI DISCIPLINELE DE INVATAMANT x x xi xn Limba gi iteratura romana 9:50 70.00 00 = Limba engieza 8.50 9,50 €.00 5 Limba franceza 8,50 8.00 10.00 = Limba latina 9.00 70.00 10.00 5 [Matematica 10.00 10.00 = S Fizica 8,50 9,50 = e [Chimia 70.00 10.00 = = Biologia 9.50 0.00 = = storia 70.00 10.00 70.00 = [Geografia 9.00 70.00 9.00 = Logica 7.00 = = = [Psinologie : 70.00 5 = [Sociologie 5 950 5 [Literatura universala = 5 9.00 = [Educatie fzics 70.00 70.00 10.00 = [Economia = = 9.50 = [Educalie muzicala 350 70.00 - : [Educajie Antreprenoriala 5 9.50 = = [Geografia Angliei 3.50 = = E Religie 710.00 70.00 70.00 = Trac 9.50 70.00 70.00 5 fEcucalie plastica 70.00 710.00 0.00 = [Curtura si civiizafie britanica 5 710.00 70.00 : Limba italiana = 5 10.00 = tine : 5 0.00 = Istoria Jud. Botogani = = 0.00 = Purtare 70.00 70.00 10.00 = Media generalé anuala 9,33 9.86 9.68 = Media de absolvire a claselor D-XIL Se cortifica exactitatea datelor din prezenta adeverinta de studi. Secretar, Babei Mihaela

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