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BS1SX2 Becoming a Professional: Critical Enquiry

Assessment Two: Research Poster

Part 2: Individual Contribution & Critical Reflection
Student Name: AKM Raian Huq
Student Number: 30050044
Group: 2X
Individual Contribution: Provide a brief summary below of how you contributed to the group task e.g. what
elements of the research did you work on? how did you contribute to the poster? how did you contribute to the
conference presentation (Word limit: 300 words)
When constructing the questionnaire in MS Forms, I thought it would be interesting to inquire of the
respondents as to the region of the globe they belonged to. Since the poster consisted of a variety of
components, we came to the conclusion that it would be more efficient for us to divide the task evenly. I
was in charge of putting together the goals and objectives section of the poster.

Our collaborative effort was excellent, and everyone's input was given the same weight. If someone was
struggling with the task, everyone was extremely attentive and cooperative with them. Every member of the
group double-checked the poster to ensure that it was free of errors, had all of the pertinent information,
and was created in a manner that was compliant with the standards before the poster was uploaded.

My teammates benefited greatly from my familiarity with Microsoft PowerPoint since I was able to help
them out. Due to the fact that I was also skilled at Microsoft PowerPoint, I was able to provide support to
any member of the team who was having difficulty creating the poster by utilising Microsoft PowerPoint.

On the day of the presentation, I spoke about the aims and objectives since I worked on that section of the
poster. Because I booked my trip to Japan before the assessment day, I had to attend the presentation online
from Japan, which was really a remarkable experience and a tremendous support for my team members. I
had to do this since I booked my flight to Japan before the assessment date.
Critical Personal Reflection: Critically reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the group research, your poster,
the poster presentation and your personal learning from the module using an appropriate reflective learning model
e.g. Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle (1988). (Word limit: 600 words)
After completing the first project, we were assigned the second. Our last project included five people, so we agreed to
work together again. Our poster project focused on robots and AI. As soon as we completed our survey, we sent it to
our professor so he could disseminate it to students and start getting responses. Once we got enough responses, we
drafted our poster's FINDINGS section to show our professor whether we were on the right track. In subsequent
weeks, further poster components were finished. We decided that each person would display the parts of the poster
they had contributed to.

Each group member was anxious before starting the assignment. As we continued to attend weekly classes, our
teacher encouraged us and made it easier to complete the questionnaire and most of the poster. We developed
confidence over time. Our group was nervous before the presentation. Our lecturer made the presentation easy and
comfortable since it was informal. I was similarly nervous about the presentation, but it was simple and a great

One of the people in our group was really good at completing the FINDINGS part, which was a skill that came in
handy. The success of our team may be attributed, in large part, to the specialised expertise that each member had. I
felt comfortable speaking in front of an audience, so I discussed the group's aims and objectives with them.

My prior expertise with research posters has equipped me to successfully develop surveys and posters. I am familiar
with a variety of research methodologies and have expertise in doing secondary research as well as understanding
original research. By fostering deep ties with one another and working together, this exercise showed me how to
function effectively within a big group as a member of a team. I used to hate giving speeches in public, but now I

Creating the poster presented some challenges due to the pre-made structure of the template and the fact that it was
difficult to change in places, but everything that was accomplished could not have been done without our instructor's
help, the excellent collaboration of every group member, and the internet. Without them, nothing could be done. This
module taught us a lot that would have helped us fulfil first-term assignments had we done it earlier. We should have
done it in the first term.

Action Plan
If I had the chance to redo this project, I would make certain that the surveys and the poster that I made were created
using high-quality software. This is something that I would do if I were given the opportunity. I would be a lot more
at ease and confident than I am right now if I had gathered as much information as I have from this experience
because of the fact that I have learned so much.

Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit. Oxford
Polytechnic: Oxford.

You must upload the completed sheet to Turintin using the link on Blackboard by 23:59 on Monday 18 July

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