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Dear Jazmin, your statement presents a balanced view of globalization, recognizing both its

advantages and disadvantages, and acknowledging the need for effective management of the
process in the future. Agreed, we politicians and individuals have a responsibility to address
the negative impacts of globalization while taking advantage of its benefits.

Dear Elvis, I agree with your discussion of the positive aspects of globalization, such as
the elimination of barriers and increased access to information, products, and

However, some of the possible negative consequences of globalization, are

environmental degradation, cultural homogenization, and income inequality. We have
challenges to face because of globalization such as Cultural erosion, as countries and
communities become more integrated, there is a risk that local traditions and cultures
will be lost as more and more people adopt globalized norms and values; or
environmental degradation, the increased movement of goods and people across
borders can lead to further environmental degradation, including air and water pollution
and greenhouse gas emissions.

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