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OWASP Top 10

The OWASP Top 10 course offered by TryHackMe is designed to provide
participants with a comprehensive understanding of the top ten web application
security risks identified by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).
This report aims to evaluate the course content, structure, and overall learning

Course Overview
The OWASP Top 10 course covers the key web application vulnerabilities and
risks outlined in the OWASP Top 10 project. The course is structured to introduce
each vulnerability, explain its impact, and provide practical exercises and
challenges to reinforce the concepts. The primary goal is to equip participants with
the knowledge and skills necessary to identify, exploit, and mitigate these
vulnerabilities effectively.

Course Content
 Introduction to OWASP Top 10 - The course begins with an overview of the
OWASP organization and the significance of the OWASP Top 10
vulnerabilities. Participants gain insights into the importance of web application
security and the consequences of leaving vulnerabilities unaddressed.

 Injection Attacks - This module focuses on different types of injection attacks

such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injections. Participants learn how these attacks
work, how to identify them, and best practices to prevent injection

 Broken Authentication - This section covers common authentication and

session management vulnerabilities. It emphasizes the significance of strong
authentication mechanisms, secure password storage, and secure session

 Sensitive Data Exposure - Participants gain an understanding of the risks

associated with inadequate protection of sensitive data. The module explores
encryption, secure storage, and secure communication practices to protect
sensitive information.

 XML External Entities (XXE) - This module delves into the XXE vulnerability
and its implications. Participants learn how to detect, exploit, and mitigate XXE
vulnerabilities, which can lead to disclosure of internal files and server-side
request forgery.

 Broken Access Control - The module addresses authorization flaws and the
potential consequences of weak access controls. Participants learn how to test
access controls, identify vulnerabilities, and implement secure access control

 Security Misconfigurations - This section highlights the importance of proper

configuration management to minimize the attack surface. It covers common
security misconfigurations and best practices for secure configuration

 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) - Participants explore different types of XSS attacks,

including stored and reflected XSS. The module provides insights into
exploiting XSS vulnerabilities, detecting them, and implementing preventive

 Insecure Deserialization - This module explains the risks associated with

insecure deserialization and demonstrates techniques to exploit and prevent
these vulnerabilities.

 Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities - Participants learn about the

risks of using components with known vulnerabilities and strategies to identify
and mitigate these risks effectively.

Learning Experience
The OWASP Top 10 course on TryHackMe offers an engaging and practical
learning experience. The course content is well-structured, and the explanations are
clear and concise, making it accessible to both beginners and intermediate-level
learners. The inclusion of hands-on exercises, practical challenges, and real-world
scenarios enhances the learning experience and allows participants to apply their
knowledge in a simulated environment.

The TryHackMe platform provides a user-friendly interface for accessing course

materials, including video tutorials, written instructions, and interactive challenges.
Participants can learn at their own pace, and the platform allows for easy
navigation and progress tracking.
The OWASP Top 10 course by TryHackMe offers a comprehensive and practical
learning experience for individuals interested in web application security. The
course content covers the most critical web application vulnerabilities identified by
OWASP, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills needed to identify,
exploit, and mitigate these risks effectively.

Through its well-structured modules, hands-on exercises, and practical challenges,

the course ensures participants gain a solid understanding of the vulnerabilities and
best practices for secure web application development. Whether you are a beginner
or have some experience in cybersecurity, this course provides valuable insights
and practical skills to enhance your understanding of web application security.

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