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Every hour, thousands of plastic bottles

Are used and disposed of as regular

Garbage. Sadly, only a small portion of
Plastic bottles is recycled around the globe

What do you think about the problem?

I think that if a government implements in the future laws the dictate the future ban
on the use of single-use plastics, the planet would profoundly change its pollution.

About 1 million sea animals die every

year due to plastic garbage thrown in to the ocean.
What would be a possible solution for it?
I think that a possible solution to this problem is to raise public awareness, and be
more environmentalist, to think about a future where those figures of tomorrow will
be reflected in a positive way.

100 acres of rainforest is cut every minute. If

the trend continues, soon we will not have any rainforest left.
3. Do you see this problem in your community? What do people do about it?
No, in M y community this problem does not presently occur, but I think that
worldwide if the problem of deforestation occurs, and in the future everything will
get worse and worse.

4. What will you do in the future to help solve this problem?

To help solve this problem, use less plastic products, save more natural resources,
and take better care of marine and wildlife species

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