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Brash golden hen. Once the Wizard of Wood creatures Scientists developing
Rules all chickens. Oz. Power-hungry looking for more mass magic-control.
fraudster. OVERGROUND STOPS 30 Minutes wood. Can’t speak. Hierarchy
1. Researchers
Simple boy mistaken OZMA GUILDS 2. Test Subjects
for brilliant. Asks a lot Half-fairy Princess UNDERGROUND STOPS 30 Minutes (SECRETIVE)
of questions. of Oz. Banned most (1 GP PER STOP) Assassins, bounty PHANFASMS
magic. hunters, sages, and
CAP’N BILL Magic predators that
WILD REGION AREAS 30 Minutes thieves. consume magic.
Sailor responsible for PATCHWORK
Button-Bright and GIRL Hierarchy
Trot. He lost Trot. Full of wanderlust. Invading rock 1. Large Phanfasms
Collects trinkets. 2. Small Phanfasms
DOROTHY & creatures. Serve Nome
Body contains an ROOMS 10 Minutes
TOTO King. Seek gemstones.
endless void. WATCHERFOLK
Resourceful child and Hierarchy All-purpose civil
stoic dog. Popular. SCARECROW EXPLORING A . . . 1. Nome King servants.
Insecure. Learns any 2. Advisors
COWARDLY LION 3. Masons Hierarchy
written or printed NEIGHBORHOOD 1 Week
Ruler of the forests. 1. Overseers
information stuffed 2. Stewards
Relies on Courage to inside his body. OBJECTIONISTS
WILD REGION AREA 30 Minutes 3. Trainees
overcome fear. Antimonarchy and
SHAGGY MAN pro-magic liberty.
Nomad. Leaves Oz Hierarchy
Aloof Lich of the Playful thrill-seekers.
regularly. Wants to 1. Elected Officials
South. Permitted to save brother, Woolly ROOM 10 Minutes
2. Electors (Hostile WOGGLEGOLOGY
use magic. Man, from Nomes. and Peaceful) Combination religion
HUNGRY TIGER TIK-TOK and business.
Best friends with
Cowardly Lion.
Logical machine. POLITICAL HIERARCHY Warriors and bankers.
Working to make Anti-magic and 1. Professor
Always hungry. clockwork people. Wogglebug
enemy of Zuminati.
2. Woggle Level IV
PUMPKINHEAD Cursed axe turns flesh 1. Tellars 4. Woggle Level II
Made by Ozma. to tin. Looking for his 2. Guardians 5. Woggle Level I
Simple. His seeds love Nimee Amee. 3. Squires
animate vegetation ZUMINATI
and control minds. VERDELLA Monarch All of Oz THE OUTFIT Power-hungry cabal.
Wicked Witch of Organized Enemy of Olive
JINJUR the West. In hiding. crime families. Knights.
Ambitious general Hates outsiders. Opportunistic. Hierarchy
and brief Queen of
Hierarchy 1. The Terzo
Oz. Wants power. POLYCHROME Wardens & Mayors Districts 1. Bosses 2. Upper Order
Sky Fairy. Trying to 2. Underbosses 3. Lower Order
LOCASTA connect with her half- 3. Soldiers 4. Disinformation
Reclusive Lich of the sister Ozma. 4. Associates Agents
North. Doesn’t like to
use magic. NOME KING Watcherfolk & Guilds Individuals &
King of rock Businesses
MOMBI creatures. Hates
Kidnapper of Ozma.
Ozma and Oz. Wants
Stripped of magic as his gems back. 5 GP Simple living, shared room
Civilians (All Ancestries) Self
10 GP Modest living, private room
Level I. Nutrition and removing internal toxins. Tablets replace meals. 25 GP Comfortable living, private room
Level II. Releasing material needs. Tablets nurture satisfaction. Relinquish all belongings.
Level III. Severing toxic relationships. Tablets nurture confidence. Sever non-Wogglegology connections. 50 GP Lavish living, private suite
Level IV. Rare. Some die or unlock magic abilities. Disappear from public eye (except prominent figures).
D100 RUMORS 51 Small stone creatures (Nomes) were seen fleeing a flock of chickens last night

1 Somebody has to do something about these Wheelers 52 Wogglegology is helping a lot of people find balance in troubling times
2 There’s a thriving community of thieves and assassins for hire nearby 53 Cowardly Lion fled to the Forest of Fighting Trees and hasn’t been seen since
3 Polychrome says the Rainbow Realm is unhappy with Ozma’s latest ruling 54 Nomes have been spotted in Oz again!
4 Apparently, there’s a secret black market in Emerald View (G1) 55 Cowardly Lion was seen challenging local restaurant patrons to a boxing match
5 Polychrome is visiting Oz, but the other Daughters of the Rainbow stayed home 56 The Hoppers are claiming the Horners made a huge mistake while mining (Q8)
6 The East and West Wardens are disputing about resources right now 57 Wogglegology is nothing more than a scam taking advantage of rich Ozians
7 There’s a secret guild of Sages, but no one knows how to find them 58 Tin Woodman worries he isn’t doing enough to help the Clockwork Denizens
8 Shaggy Man speaks highly of traveling beyond Oz but hasn’t left in years 59 Folks in Thi (W1) are dangerously racing their custom carts for profit and glory
9 There are secret magic tennis matches happening in Pumperdink Plaza (G3) 60 Tin Woodman was oddly curt when a child tried to swing his axe last week
10 Shaggy Man doesn’t want anyone knowing his rags were a gift from Ozma 61 Strange creatures with bright yellow eyes (Phanfasms) were seen entering the
abandoned building a few streets over
11 Wheelers terrorized another family near the Great Library Ruins (G5) last week
62 Project OZUltra is a secret program developing mass poisons and toxins
12 A Bounty Hunter chased down a target last week, but no one knows the full story
63 Scarecrow wants to reconnect with Patchwork Girl but she’s showing no interest
13 Cap’n Bill says there’s something off about Lake Quad
64 Reports say the Dragons up north are agitated and no one knows why
14 Somewhere in Gugu Park (G7) lies a giant treasure hoard of the Jackdaws
64 Scarecrow seems to always be surrounded by Wogglebugs lately
15 Cap’n Bill keeps going on about someone named Trot
66 Folks say the explosion was caused by a man with yellow eyes (Phanfasm)
16 A lone Wheeler is being held at the Watcherfolk station but isn’t talking
17 67 Project OZUltra is a secret program developing mass magic control
Objectionists are openly spreading misinformation fliers about the Warden
18 Button-Bright hates it when you bring up Trot 68 Dorothy worries that her friendship with Ozma is being tested

19 The newspapers (M2) are all run by a secret cabal (the Zuminati) 69 The Fighting Trees have been acting more aggressive lately

20 Button-Bright isn’t as smart as folks say he is 70 Dorothy solved another jewel heist last week

21 Wooden monsters (Gargoyles) were spotted in the Garden of Wild Beasts (Q1) 71 The local fishmonger is acting strangely (Phanfasm)

22 Why are the Objectionist rallies getting more and more confrontational? 72 Project OZUltra is a secret program developing mass mind control

23 Jinjur is secretly recruiting, but no one knows why 73 Mombi was seen trying to reach Ozma again

24 A Relic of Oz was allegedly found in the mud over in Bricks (M3) 74 There’s a secret stash of weapons in Little Utensia (Q2), but no one can find it

25 Jinjur has been seen at a number of rallies protesting Ozma’s decree 75 Mombi has been spotted near her farm in the Forest of Winged Monkeys (G8)

26 These wooden Gargoyle creatures keep making rude hand gestures at folks 76 A Unicorn was spotted at Hyup (M7), but why would they leave the Grove?

27 Objectionists are planning a demonstration, and some worry it will be violent 77 Has anyone noticed the banks make life harder for folks connected to magic?

28 Billina has been in trouble for speaking out against Ozma again 78 Verdella wants to know what’s going on under the Farmhouse Ruins (M8)

29 Faculty at Wogglebug University (M5) are going missing 79 Someone fell into the Truth Pond (W8) again

30 Billina says her eggs have magical properties, but no one will listen 80 A woman named Verdella is defaming Dorothy’s good name

31 Local businesses are harassed by goons that work for someone called “The Boss” 81 Nome King threatened to sink the Emerald Citadel if his demands aren’t met

32 The North and South Wardens have allied against the West Warden 82 A local spellcaster was taken away by people that looked like bankers or lawyers

33 Hungry Tiger says he’s worried about Cowardly Lion but won’t say why 83 Locasta doesn’t agree with Ozma’s decree to limit magic use
34 Research suggests the Gargoyles communicate by a form of sign language 84 Nome King has returned to collect the gemstones he claims are his
35 Hungry Tiger has been doing a lot of research into the Unicorn Grove 85 Locasta is trying to recover the remains of the Wicked Lich of the East

36 Apparently, the Wicked Lich of the West has returned! 86 The banks are run by a secret order called the Olive Knights

37 All of the casinos and entertainment venues are run by criminals (the Outfit) 87 Giants were spotted in the Great Farmlands (W8) again

38 Patchwork Girl is spending a lot of time with Jack Pumpkinhead lately 88 Glinda knows more than she says but thinks the problems of Oz are beneath her

39 A Warden voiced concern over Ozma’s latest decree, but no one knows which one 89 An eyewitness claims they saw a living doll in an alley in Toasting (Q3)

40 Patchwork Girl has been accused of stealing on four separate occasions 90 Glinda refuses to accept that the Wicked Lich of the West is truly gone

41 Strange stone creatures (Nomes) have been spotted by tunnel workers 91 All four Wardens are protesting against Ozma’s latest laws

42 All organized crime connects back to something called the Outfit 92 The Zuminati have been running things in Oz for as long as I can remember

43 Tik-Tok won’t share the calculation needed for better transit with engineers 93 Oscar Diggs doesn’t want anyone to know he’s in terrible debt to the banks
44 Watcherfolk are investigating a threat against the next South Watch parade (Q6) 94 The Rak was seen flying over the Amethyst Tower (G9) again
45 Tik-Tok is working on an upgrade for the Clockwork Denizens 95 Oscar Diggs will do anything to reclaim the power he had when he was King of Oz
46 If you have something you need to sell fast, go to The Black Branches (W4) 96 The Zuminati are the ones causing all the problems in Oz
47 Don’t bring up Wogglegology 97 Many of the banks in West Bank (W2) store illegal wealth
48 Jack Pumpkinhead was seen trespassing in three different gardens just this month 98 Ozma doesn’t want anyone to find out what happened to Mombi
49 Sinkholes are being tied to small stone creatures with pointed heads (Nomes) 99 Ozma is only a puppet; Oz is run by a secret organization called the Zuminati
50 Jack Pumpkinhead has been trying to meet with Ozma but she keeps declining 100 Ozma isn’t just prohibiting magic; she’s making spellcasters disappear
Cargil Scutter, Ortega, Dumas, Safra, Sunlight, Moonlight, Starlight, First and Foremost, Paradigm, Clear
Buttercourt, Selachii, Lung, Zale, Daylight, Electra, Firelight and Present, Asymmetry, Divide
Chatters, Silent Carson, Ballad Bonin and Conquer, Backbone, Defeat
in Detail, Lancer, Bob and Weave,
Theatre, Phalanx, High and Mighty,
GILLIKIN DISTRICT Lavish, Panettone, Shortcrust, Galette,
Echelon, Carronade, Bait and Bleed,
Mrs. Peanut, Lanvin, Kay Goldman, Sour Sue, Llonguet, Crumbs, Roti,
Herringbone, Once and Always,
Truman, Patton Goer, Armet, Grafton, Crusty Tom, Choux
Motitus, Shock and Awe, Fire and
Pushpin, Miceli, Gorilla Grab, Cornel,
Barbaro, Vito Pastel, Sofonisba, Guell,
Carisbad, Marcel, Inquisitive Indy
Petersen, Quixotic, Scrambles, Fermat,
Konig, Collatz, Basel, Ramsey, Jumble,
Bartlam, Bybee, Elgin, Gladding,
Shimpo, Lenox, Graff, Wheatley, Uhl,
Mari Cassette, Henri, Honos, Cicero,
Hagen, Kenton, Hadley, Niloak, Corn,
Met, Beaverbrook, Engobe, Alumina,
HOPPERS Tile, Frankoma
Iwona Wessel, Filbert, Old Foot,
Hip, Hurdle, Steeple, Beamon, Crus,
August, Ignaz, Osler, Graupel, Firn,
Hogsback, Rail, Gambol, Quad, Kersee,
Chalktalk, Anker Dust THISTS
Dombro, Cator, Vastus, Skip, Oxer
Hete-Ci, Poni-Ti, Way-Lee, Stem,
Yushan, Ochro, Remo-Ti, Mohavense,
HORNERS Zoni-Air, Fontinale, Brevi-Si, Sissimu,
Stora, Oji, Russell Dillon Chatto,
Lur, Shofar, Prong, Oliphant, Bugle, Occi, Coco-Lorum, Mosum
Woden, Lunch, Feniger Go, Alaea,
Sringa, Wazza, Cornett, Dord, Rino,
Gelsey, Winsome, Gelsey, Winsome,
Buccina, Kerat, Cornu, Spur, Nyele
Roma, Hamstring, Litmus, Yoshizawa, UTENSIANS
Malus, Francis Loquat Chopfork, Loaf, Saute, Braise,
HUMANS Mincemeat, Ramekin, Dishdash, Char,
Henry, Lahr, Burke, Em, Jack Hail, Liddle, Serrate, Mallet, Whiskers, Pin,
Neill, Arthur, Betsy Bobbin, Judy, Zeb, Mixer Match, Parchment
Begone, Goadu, Golic, Olerac Boone,
Ruth, Morgan, Bolger, Margaret, Clara
Nada, Chase, Burgundy, Helix,
Blagden, Cary Grim, Beaucourt, Florn, WHEELERS
Sludge, Faraday, Portage, Sorghum, LOONS Spoon, Ward, Pulley, Haberton, Bee,
Bretton Woods, Goosefoot Gum, Bal, Cuplump, Sho, Caucho, Longo, Chov, Saddle, Crank, Sprague,
Mer, Resilin, Elasto, Carom, Pomp Canins, Knox, Axle, Phinney, Vos,
Salvo, Kemp, Rover, Bevel, Delmont
Wag, Shchetka, Fee de Marbourg,
Sculp, Peat, Clay, Turbid, Judd, Silt, WINGED MONKEYS
Ukho, Seryy, Chestnut, Amami, Bristle,
Hew, Murk, Loam, Mudge Askey, Zeppo, Borge, Randle, Ritz,
Boloto, Kashemir
Barnett, Curly, Bergen, Formby,
NOMES Pigmeat, Unwin, Vernon, Skelton,
CLOCKWORK DENIZENS Quillan, Costello, Roberti, Kelton, Tati,
Kaliko, Gabbro, Blug, Dunite, Rubble,
Fusee, Abacus, Pivot, Morse, Alloy, Blanc, Rooney
Crinkle, Mig, Igneous, Boron, Quartz,
Mainspring, Volvelle, Winder, Breguet,
Tavertine, Guph, Pang, Mortar, Tuff,
Chert, Basalt, Hornfels, Breccia, Gravel WOGGLEBUGS
Passalidae, Click, Anobii, Trogo, Bost,
CUTTENCLIPS Nenuphar, Cara, Silvan, Chrysome,
Crimp, Dot, Kirie, Emboss, Lotte, Lema, Oedemerid, Leaf, Hister, Rove,
Petal, Batik, Pleat, Shears, Koerten, Grandis
Papel Picado, Appliqué, Snip, Confetti
D100 LOOT 30 25 GP 58 Map of a bank with an 84 Etched Radium goblet
amount written on it
1 Whatever it was, all that’s 31 25 GP 85 Wogglebug (named Lucite)
left is dust 59 Map of a library with a date trapped in a jar
32 Guild membership card written on it
2 5 GP
33 Dirk that deals double 86 100 GP and a ruby worth
60 Map of a known street with 200 GP
3 5 GP damage in moonlight an “X” on a specific building
4 Used Underground ticket 34 40 GP 87 100 GP and a sapphire
61 Vial of water from the
worth 200 GP
5 Receipt from bakery in Truth Pond (W8, drinker
35 40 GP
Toasting cannot lie for 3 questions,
88 100 GP and an emerald
36 Guild membership card lasts until 3rd question is
worth 200 GP
6 5 GP answered)
37 Mother of pearl ring 89 A trinket from the
7 5 GP 62 75 GP and a wood thimble
Ornamitts that speaks a
38 50 GP and a pouch full
63 75 GP and a gold thimble location and then goes
8 Used Underground ticket of tacks
9 Pouch full of Yellow Brick 39 50 GP and a pouch full of 64 75 GP and a Radium
dust sunflower seeds thimble 90 Simple note describing a
Relic of Oz
10 10 GP 40 50 GP and a pouch full of 64 2 pairs of green glass
coffee spectacles 91 Crude sketch of a Relic
11 10 GP of Oz
41 1 pair of red glass spectacles 66 Zoop footprint on paper
12 10 GP and a press pass and 1 pair of blue glass 92 Sketch of a Relic of Oz
spectacles 67 Zoop footprint on fabric with a location written
13 Objectionist pamphlet underneath
42 Watcherfolk badge with 68 Zoop footprint on tin
14 15 GP number W1312
69 Ring with a shield-shaped 93 Prism containing a rainbow
15 15 GP mirror instead of a that, when broken, will take
43 60 GP and folded piece of a select group to anywhere
blank newsprint gemstone
16 15 GP in Oz (single use)
44 60 GP and folded piece of 70 Dragonette scale
17 Tin Snips 94 Jar of paint flakes from the
wax paper
71 Dragonette scale Magic Picture that, when
18 Cloth bag with a pearl 45 Pair of Gargoyle wings laid out or added to water,
inside 72 Dragonette scale show what the owner is
46 Chiss quill looking at (if anything)
19 Cloth bag with a sapphire 73 Dragon scale
inside 47 Chiss quill 95 Page torn from the book
74 75 GP and a locket with a of records that depicts an
20 Cloth bag with a ruby 48 Chiss quill player character’s portrait important day in history
inside (but constantly changes to
49 10 arrowheads that deal 75 75 GP and a locket with
talk about it from different
21 Purple glass spectacles double damage in sunlight the Warden’s portrait
22 20 GP 50 Dried Goozzle-Goblin 76 75 GP and a locket with
hand in a jar Ozma’s portrait 96 A single piece of straw from
23 20 GP the Broomstick that always
51 Jackdaw skull in a jar of 77 Radium dagger points toward the Broom
24 20 GP black feathers
78 Tinner schematic with 97 Ball of yarn taken from
25 Bundle of Winged Monkey 52 Kalidah claws in a jar bloodstains on it the Magic Carpet that can
feathers grant powerful resistances
53 Nugget of Radium 79 Tinner schematic showing a if used to make a new
26 Scrap of recipe with “2,500 major flaw garment
GP” written on it 54 Deck of cards with the
Queen of Hearts missing 80 Tinner control key 98 Gemstone from the Magic
27 Bank receipt from West
Belt that immediately
Bank (W2) with “Where 55 Deck of cards with no Kings 81 Whistle that summons
transports the party to its
did it go?” written on it Animal Swarm (field mice,
56 Deck of cards with the Ace location
6 pools) and does your
28 Loonville (Q4) Arena ticket of Diamonds missing bidding once
soaked in blood 99 One dose of the Powder
57 5 Green Pennies with of Life
82 Wooden goblet
29 A single jigsaw puzzle piece irremovable red marks
of an eye (Olive Knight coins) 83 Gold goblet with gemstones 100 A Relic of Oz

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