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The Nature of Human Action and the Distinction Between Scientific and Social Scientific Knowledge

The notion of action was a fundamental tenet among all proponents of the Vygotskyan paradigm. The
interpretation of the concept was contingent upon the circumstances; the perception was that the
fundamental basis of linguistic significance, a component of cognitive operations, or a ubiquitous tool for
orienting oneself within the environment (El'konin, 2014, p.22). It gave rise to the inquiry regarding the
substance of a given action. That is, specific actions directed toward particular domains of human
existence. The study identified three categories: manipulative actions involving objects, play, and
learning actions. Besides, the investigation of scientific Knowledge's societal dimensions pertains to
scientific research's impact on human existence and social interactions, social values and relationships
influence scientific research and the communal aspects of inquiry. A confluence of multiple factors has
rendered these inquiries significant to the present-day field of philosophy of science. Ingthorsson (2013)
argued that the human sciences should not replicate the methodology employed in the natural sciences.
The area of human sciences is concerned with investigating significant phenomena fundamentally
distinct from the physical phenomena studied in natural sciences. The study of meaningful phenomena
necessitates the use of particular methodologies. Unlike physical phenomena, critical phenomena do not
readily conform to natural laws. This research focuses on the nature of human action and the distinction
between scientific and social scientific Knowledge.

Nature of human action

Action is seen as a means through which external and interior nature may be idealized and transformed
by human agency (Alexandratos, 2021). Humans' "sensuous openness to the world" and
"intersubjectivity" are the two prerequisites or structural components identified by Honneth and Joas as
being mutually interrelated and upon which human activity as "humanization of nature" is based.

Scientific Knowledge

Social scientific Knowledge

Social sciences encompass diverse disciplines that lack an inherent shared characteristic. Much social
work research centres on the interplay between individuals and public institutions, frequently employing
qualitative research techniques (Miller, 2018). One potential area of inquiry is the optimal organization
of outreach programs to achieve maximum efficacy, particularly in mitigating anti-social behaviour. The
field of economics is concerned with analyzing and understanding various economic systems, frequently
employing mathematical models as a tool for investigation.

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