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NIM :4202227035


Here are examples positive, negative, and interrogative sentences in the simple present tense, simple
past tense, and present or past continuous tense, using various verbs:

Simple Present Tense: (listen)


1. She listens to music every day.

2. They listen attentively during the meeting.

3. The students listen carefully to the teacher's instructions.


1. He does not listen to his parents' advice.

2. We do not listen to gossip or rumors.

3. The baby does not listen when you call her name.


1. Do you listen to podcasts in your free time?

2. Does he listen to classical music?

3. Do they listen to the radio while driving?

Simple Past Tense: (study)


1. She studied diligently and achieved excellent grades in her exams.

2. They studied together for the upcoming quiz and felt well-prepared.

3. The researchers studied the data carefully and made significant discoveries.

1. He did not study enough for the test and struggled to answer the questions.

2. We did not study the lessons thoroughly, resulting in poor performance.

3. The students did not study the assigned readings, causing them to miss important information.


1. Did you study for the history exam last night?

2. Did he study abroad during his university years?

3. Did they study the impact of climate change on local ecosystems?

Present Continuous Tense: (visit)


1. She is visiting her grandparents this weekend.

2. They are visiting a famous museum in the city.

3. The tourists are visiting various attractions in the area.


1. He is not visiting his friends today due to prior commitments.

2. We are not visiting the park because of the bad weather.

3. The family is not visiting any relatives during their vacation.


1. Is she visiting her parents next week?

2. Are they visiting the new art exhibition downtown?

3. Are you visiting any famous landmarks during your trip?

Past Continuous Tense: (drive)


1. She was driving carefully along the winding road.

2. They were driving to the beach while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

3. The driver was skillfully maneuvering through heavy traffic.


1. He was not driving responsibly and caused a minor accident.

2. We were not driving cautiously in the rain and hydroplaned.

3. The taxi driver was not driving safely, exceeding the speed limit.


1. Was she driving to work when the incident happened?

2. Were they driving through the city during rush hour?

3. Was the bus driver driving recklessly, endangering the passengers?

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