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NAME: ZEYNEP AYHAN/19070311025

I wondered how the state reacted to the reactions and what actions it carried out, as well as the
continuing restrictions on women's and personal rights within Iran. However, I also wondered
how publicly known people got feedback as a result of their protest.
Iranian authorities have intensified their crackdown on individuals who violate the country's
mandatory hijab laws. Two well-known actresses, Katayoun Riahi and Pantea Bahram, have been
charged for not wearing headscarves in public and sharing images online. If convicted, they could
face fines or imprisonment. The crackdown follows nationwide protests that started in September
2022 after a woman died following her arrest for not complying with the hijab laws. During the
protests, several prominent actresses showed support by removing their headscarves and were
subsequently arrested. Previously, the authorities had been more lenient towards women without
headscarves in public, but there has been a recent change in approach. The police chief,
Ahmadreza Radan, has promised stricter enforcement of the hijab rules, resulting in the closure
of businesses and warnings to celebrities and pharmacy owners. While adopting a less
confrontational strategy, the authorities are promoting hijab as an Islamic and family virtue
through banners and images displayed throughout Tehran.
This news article, sheds light on the strict enforcement of mandatory hijab laws and the
crackdown on individuals, including actresses, who violate these laws. It highlights the actions
taken by the authorities, such as referring actresses to the judiciary and potentially subjecting
them to fines or prison terms. The closure of businesses that serve women without hijabs and the
warnings issued to various establishments are also mentioned.
These actions indicate a restrictive environment in terms of personal freedoms and individual
choices, particularly regarding women's dress code. The enforcement of mandatory hijab laws
and the measures taken against those who do not comply suggest a lack of freedom and
autonomy for individuals in expressing themselves and making personal choices.
The article provides information about the condition of politics in Iran regarding the
enforcement of mandatory hijab laws and the crackdown on individuals who violate them. The
authorities are intensifying efforts to enforce these laws, as seen by the charges brought against
renowned actresses Katayoun Riahi and Pantea Bahram for not wearing headscarves in public
and sharing images without the hijab online.
The article also highlights the protests that erupted in September and the subsequent arrests of
high-profile actresses who removed their headscarves in solidarity. The authorities initially
refrained from cracking down on women in public, but there has been a shift in recent times.
Police Chief Ahmadreza Radan, appointed earlier in the year, has promised to deal seriously with
those violating hijab rules, which are central to the Iranian government's ideology.
Furthermore, the closure of businesses that serve women without hijabs and the use of "smart"
cameras to identify violators demonstrate the government's determination to enforce the hijab
laws. The warnings issued to restaurants, pharmacies, and guild units indicate a broader
crackdown on businesses that do not comply with the government's directives.

Lastly, the article tells that a politically restrictive environment in Iran, where the government
closely regulates personal freedoms, particularly in matters of dress code. The enforcement of
mandatory hijab laws and the measures taken against individuals and businesses reflect the
political landscape and the government's efforts to maintain control and uphold its ideological

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