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Nama: Ella Biisnilla

Nim: 2011114359
Kelas: A 2020 2

Ma1: first, we should make the sauce for the spaghetti.
Ma2: then, boil the pasta to make spaghetti
Ma3: stir the pasta and leave it to finish cooking for 10-12 mins
Ma4: wait until it turns to a spaghetti
Ma5: strain the pasta with a strainer, the appearance should be bright yellow colour.
Ma6: last, add the sauce and some cheese to make it look delicious

TS: There are several things you can do to improve your vocabulary.
MA1: First, read a parts of sentences in novels, magazines, and newspapers.
MI1: Each parts might have some difficult or ambiguous words
MA2: You can catch some information from previous sentence to get some clues
MI2: The new vocabulary context can be used to make several sentences.
MA3: Third, to find new vocabulary you can use puzzles, anagrams, scrabble, and random
words in the game.
MI3: New words can also be found by carrying out daily conversation activities with family
and friends.
MA4: Finally there is an alternative very easy to use which is the dictionary.
MI4: By the dictionary, we can find many meanings of new vocabulary.

The active ways of public speaking must have some of this:
1. First, you must organized what do you want to speak.
2. You can message the people in your casiest ways possible.
3. Second, you must ask people a questions if you are blank in your speech, and want to
continue your speech.
4. For that situation, ask a question until you know what you want to speech.
5. After that, third paraphrase your word, don't cite the quotes 100%.
6. It may turn you into robot, when information is clear, and you can stop your speech.
7. Fourth, the will all like cues that punch a ball that hole.
8. The will paid attention to you.
9. And said you already gives them a massage.

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