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Science Medicine Obstetrics


Postpartum Care: Pretest

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When checking a woman's document the nomral assesment

fundus 24 hours after the birth
of her 3rd baby, the nurse finds
her fundus at the level of the
umbilicus, firm and in the
midline. The apporpriate
nursing action related to this
assement is to

A woman who is 3 hours assess the height of her fundus.

postpartum has had difficulty
urinating. She finally urinates
100 mL. The initial nursing
action is to

A young mother is excieted Plan to sleep or rest any time the infant sleeps.
about her first baby. Choose
the best teaching to help her
obtain adequate rest after

Postpartum Care: Pretest

A woman who is 4 hours determine if the bleeding slows down to normal or
postpartum ambulates to the remains large
bathroom and suddenly has a
large gush of lochia rubra. The
nurse's fist action should be to

The best nursing give positive feedback when they provice care
enouragement for parents to
care for their newborn is to

Twelve hours after birth, a She is still in the taking-in phase of maternal
mother lies in her bed resting. adaptation.
Although she will be
discharged in another 12 hours,
she does not ask about her
baby or provide any care. What
is the probable reason for her

A gravida 5 postpartum patient uterine involution

is complaining of intermittent
uterine cramping while
breastfeeding. The nurse
knows that these symptoms are
most likely due to

A postpartum patient has cervical laceration

staurated 4 perineal pads with
bright red blood during a 1
hour period. Vital signs are
stable, uterus is well
cotnracted. The bleeding is
most likely due to

Postpartum Care: Pretest

A behavior that illustrates father is sitting in a rocking chair, holding his new
engrossment would be baby boy and making eye contact

A postpartum woman in the limitation of excessive uterine blood loss: it makes

fouth stage of labor received the uterus clamp and contract
Hemebate 0.25 mg IM. The
expected outcome of this
medication is

The nurse caring for foul smelling, profuse lochia

postpartum women should
recognize that the first sign of
puerperal infection would most
likely be:

A woman expresses a need to Taking-hold phase

review her labor and birth
experience with the nurse who
cared for her while she was in
labor. This behavior is most
characteristic of which phase
of maternal postpartum

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