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Multimodal texts are communications that use more than one semiotic system, or mode,

to convey a message. These modes can include written language, visual imagery, audio, spatial
arrangements, and gestures. The integration of these different modes allows for a more complex
and enriched communication experience. Multimodal texts can be found across various
platforms, such as books, advertisements, websites, films, and video games. They are particularly
common in digital environments, where technology enables the easy combination of various
media forms. By engaging multiple senses, multimodal texts can enhance comprehension,
engagement, and memory.

There are five modes that can be combined to create multimodal texts:

1. Linguistic
2. Visual
3. Gestural
4. Spatial
5. Aural

Examples of multimodal text

Graphic Novels: These blend written text with visual images to tell a story. For
example, Maus (1991) by Art Spiegelman.

Websites: Most websites are multimodal, combining text, images, video, and interactive

Film: Films use moving images, spoken words, sound effects, and music to create a multimodal

Video Games: Video games combine visuals, sound, text, and interactive gameplay.

Infographics: These visual representations use images and text to explain complex information
quickly and clearly.

Advertisements: Most advertisements, whether print or digital, combine text, images, and

sometimes sound to sell a product or service.

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