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Count/uncount nouns

I. Grammar
1. Reinforce the concepts of count and noncount nouns on:
2. Do the exercises proposed on
3. Go to the following link and do the exercises 1-2-3:

II. Listening
A. On the following link, listen and fill in the blanks with the appropriate quantifier
(much, lots of, a lot, many, plenty of …).
Option 1:
1. Eat _________ fruits and vegetables.
2. Don’t eat fast food or _________ sugar.
3. Drink _________ water.
4.Don’t drink too _________ caffeine or sugary drinks like soda.
2) Sleep
5. Get _________ rest. Sleep at least six hours a night.
3) Stress
6. Do not stress too _________.
7. Don’t spend too _________ time on social media.

4) Exercise
8. Get _________ exercise at least three times a week.
B. Answer the following questions about the audio.
1) Eat lots of _____.
a) vegetables
b) vitamins
c) cereals

2) Sleep at least _____ hours.

a) six
b) seven
c) eight

3) Do not stress _____ .

a) too much
b) at all
c) a little

4) Exercise _____ times a week.

a) three
b) five
c) four

Otion 2:

III. Reading comprehension

Read the text and answer the questions below.

8 Tips for Healthy Living on the Go

Are you a busy person who is usually on the go and doesn’t have a lot of time, but still want
to be healthier?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people want to get healthy, but they can’t seem to find
the time for it. In fact, I have seen lots of advertisements on TV that promote plans to lose
weight. I wonder how many people stick to the plans when they do not have much time.
However, It is time to find new habits that will serve you better. Don’t you agree? Healthy
living doesn’t have to be hard, but it requires a small amount of commitment and a big love
for being refreshed.
Here are eight tips for healthy living on the go:

1. Enjoy a glass of water first thing in the morning.

If you haven’t got time for anything else in the morning, make time to drink a big glass of
water. We lose a lot of oxygen through the night and to rejuvenate our cells, we need to
supply them with water and oxygen. Drink a glass of water and within a week you’ll begin
to feel less tired.
2. Grab a few fresh fruits on your way out.
Wherever you’re going – whether it’s a walk or drive to the supermarket or on your way to
a meeting – pick up one or two fruits and eat them. If you leave for work in the morning
and don’t return until the evening, take a few fruits and eat them throughout the day.
Fruits give you a lot of nutrients, vitamins and sugars that our body requires.
3. Avoid going to junk food shops with your work mates.
If your work mates are going and you want to go along, go ahead but don’t order the burger
or French fries. Go for some salad instead. Or any other healthy meal you like. Junk food is
plenty of “empty calories” that do nothing for your body but put on extra unhealthy fat.
4. Exercise on the go.
If you work in an office, get up every 30 minutes and go for a walk. If you have an office
with stairs, run up and down the stairs every couple of hours. Get your blood flowing and
your muscles moving.
5. Drink some herbal teas.
When at work or home, many people love to get a cup of tea or coffee. Decide to get a warm
cup of herbal tea instead.
6. Eat a handful of nuts.
Get your favorite selection of nuts (almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts, etc.) and raisins
and have a big handful of them at around 3pm. This increases afternoon energy and
7. Drink some freshly squeezed juice.
One of the biggest and most exciting changes I made in my health about 7 months ago was
when I said “yes” to having my own freshly squeezed juice every morning. Since then, my
energy, body health and vitality has increased a lot.
8. Deep breathing.
When you’ve got time – at your desk, driving the car, cooking food – do some deep
breathing. Inhale and count up to 5 seconds, hold it for a few seconds, and release slowly.
Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is one of the best things we can do for our blood
and cells.
Do you have any tips for healthy living on the go? Do tell…

Adapted for academic purposes only

1. The author gives some tips for people who...

a. Do not have much time
b. Do not like to do exercise
c. Are obese

2. To drink some water in the morning …

a. Is bad for your health
b. Helps to lose oxygen
c. Gives you some benefits

3. When you spend a lot of time out of home the recommendation is to…
a. Eat some fruits before leaving
b. Eat some fruits when you get home
c. Eat some fruits throughout the day

4. When you go to any junk food shop, you should…

a. Avoid salads
b. Order some French fries and a small burger
c. Eat some salad

5. When you are in the office you should…

a. Go for a walk for two hours
b. Run up and down the stairs every 30 minutes
c. Do an active pause every 30 minutes
6. According to the text, eating nuts increase your energy and productivity when…
a. You eat them in the morning
b. You eat them in the afternoon
c. You eat them at night

Speaking activity
Topic: Healthy lifestyle
Instructions: Gather in groups of three and answer the following questions:
a. Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
b. Why do people try to have a healthy lifestyle?
c. What is healthy food?
d. Do you pay much attention to what you eat?
e. Do you think is more important to eat healthy or tasty food?
f. What is better for health?
g. Why are so many people obese in the US?
h. What is the most effective way to lose weight?
i. Do you think diets are useful or not?
j. Have you ever tried to go on a diet?
k. What kind of diet was it?
l. What other healthy habits do you practice to staying sound (both physically and
m. Make a list of some other healthy habits.
n. From the following topics, choose one and give some tips to get healthy habits.
- Studying
- Recycling
- Consumerism
- mental health
o. Give your own conclusions about this issue

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