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The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is a nine membered permanent
intergovernmental Eurasian political, economic, international security and
defence organisation which was established in 2001.
The SCO mainly focuses on strengthening mutual trust and neighbourliness
among the member states; promoting their effective cooperation in trade,
politics, research, economy, technology and culture; making joint efforts to
maintain and ensure security, stability and peace in the region and moving
toward the establishment of a democratic, rational and fair new international
economic and political order.
The SCO covers 40% of the global population, nearly 20% of the global GDP
and 22% of the world’s land mass. SCO is seen as a counterweight to the North
Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).
The SCO security challenges include combating terrorism, extremism and
separatism; drug and weapons trafficking, illegal immigration, etc. despite being
geographically close, the rich diversity in members’ history, backgrounds,
language, national interest and forms of government, wealth and culture makes
the SCO decision-making challenging.
From the Indian perspective, the strategic and geographical space in which the
SCO straddles is extremely important. The security, strategic, economic and
geographical interests are also closely intertwined with development in this
area. India requested access to intelligence and information from SCO’s
counter-terrorism body, the Tashkent-based Regional Anti-Terror Structure
With the landlocked states of Central Asia, and Uzbekistan even doubly
landlocked, accessing these resources becomes difficult. In this regard, India has
prioritized the construction of the International North-South Transport Joining
SCO, it will help India to connect with South Asian states.
The Central Asian region is richly endowed with vital minerals and natural
resources. The major interest is in energy cooperation. But India will also have
to deal with an assertive China, which will push its Belt and Road Initiative.
SCO membership will help India to be a major pan-Asian player, which is
currently boxed in the South Asian Region.
SCO’s meet in 2023 was hosted in India. India as the Chair of the Shanghai
Cooperation Organisation in 2023 hosted the SCO Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
on 4th & 5th May, 2023 in Panaji, Goa.
The theme of India’s Chairmanship of SCO in 2023 is ‘SECURE-SCO’, ‘S’ for
security for citizens, ‘E’ for economic development, ‘C’ for connectivity in the
region, ‘U’ for unity, ‘R’ for respect of sovereignty and integrity, and ‘E’ for
environment protection. India attaches special importance to SCO in promoting
multilateral, political, security, economic and people-to-people interactions in
the region.
The ongoing engagement with SCO has helped India promote its relations with
the countries in the region with which India has shared civilizational linkages,
and is considered India’s extended neighbourhood.
The rotational presidency of the SCO was handed over to India in Samarkand,
Uzbekistan in September 2022 and will hold the presidency of the grouping till
2023. Hosting the summit brings an opportunity for India to strengthen trade
relations with Central Asian countries which are energy-rich nations. The SCO
provides a convenient channel for its outreach to Central Asian countries.
India’s ongoing engagement with SCO can be seen through the prism of
reconnecting and re-energising ties with a region with which India has shared
civilizational linkages, and is considered the country’s extended neighbourhood.
India’s presidency will also help in neutralising centrifugal forces arising from
religious extremism and terrorism in the region.
India focused on countering terrorism, the situation of women and girls under
the Taliban in Afghanistan, regional security, and radicalization. The CFM
meeting was set for the July Summit scheduled to take place in New Delhi
where the top leaders of the member states are expected to participate.
For India, the northern territories are increasingly important because a lot of
challenges that India has faced remain in the northern frontier. India’s focus
always remains on extremism, terrorism and radicalisation emanating from
Central Asia and challenging South-Asian stability. This can be managed by
working together with the SCO member states and taking appropriate steps to
counter such challenges.
Another focus area would be to ensure enhanced connectivity in the region and
strengthen trade relations among the SCO member states.
India would certainly like to share its experience in digital infrastructure and
take it forward to Central Asian countries. With the adoption of technologies
like e-commerce and digital payments, India has made substantial progress in its
digital transformation in recent years. This change is a vital component of
India’s economic growth policy since it offers a chance to boost productivity,
efficiency, and innovation.
Also, the key focus at the meeting will include the state of multilateral
cooperation, and the progress of admitting Iran & Belarus as full members of
the grouping.
India formally assumed the G20 Presidency on December 1, 2022 and took over
the rotating presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) on
September 16, 2022. India’s presidencies of the SCO and G20 will strengthen
the stability and security in Asia and the entire world.
 Both G20 and SCO presidencies are important as they reflect India’s
desire to play a leading role in the international platform and also allow
India to put its own side of the story on a global stage.
 The world is looking at India with a great degree of expectation because
India has shown the world that besides having multicultural and multi-
ethnic diversity it has a stable polity and rapidly growing economy of the
 India is trying to play a very constructive role in the evolution of the
global order. India is a voice that can bring nations together rather than
increase the polarisation that exists in the international arena.
 Both these presidencies give India an opportunity to shape the global
agenda and is also viewed by many members of the international
community that India’s leadership can lead the countries towards greater
consensus and away from polarisation.

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