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HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY ‘Module 6:The Musculoskeletal System: Apponcicular region ACTIVITY 1, GROSS SKELETAL MUSCLES AND THEIR ACTIONS A. Muscle groups and structures of muscles. Match the following terms with the given descriptions below. White the corresponding letter on the space provided! beside the term given. 1___origin ‘A.newe supply 2 prime mover _B. stabilizes the origin 3__innervation aids a prime mover 4___antagonist . muscle attachment aliowing movement to a bone 5__synergst E. basis for dentitying types of muscle shapes 6__frxator F. opposes a prime mover 7__insertion G agonist mussle 8___tendon H. muscle attachment prohibiting bone movement HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY ‘Module 6:The Musculoskeletal System: Appencicuiar region B_ Names and Types of Muscles and Superficial muscles of the Body. Identity the following muscles given by writing the corresponding lelters on the space beside the given muscles-cf-interest. (Image Scurce: VanPutte, Regan and Russo 2017) 1___bicops brachii 11__trapezivs 2_ biceps femoris 12___triceps brachii 3__dotoia 13__otbicularis ocult 4___epleranius, occipital belly 14_pectoraiis major 5_extensor digitorum 15__ rectus abdominis 6___flexor cami radialis 16__rectus femoris 7___gastrocnemius 17____stemocteidomastoid 8___aluteus maximus 18___ tials anterior 9__latissimus dorsi 10____infraspinatus ee ‘A Facial Muscles. Using the choices in the right, match the pointed parts on the image below. ANOS (Image source: Marieb, 2004) HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY ‘Module 6: The Musculoskeletal System: Appencicular region ‘a.Buccinators 'b.Corrugator superciti cc. Depressor anguli cris, {d.Depressor labil interiors: ¢.Epicranlus ((rontal belly) 1. Epicrenius (occipital belly) g.Lovator labii superiors h.Masseter i. Mentalis j. Orbicularis ccut k. Orbicularis oris |. Platysma m. Trapezius 1n.Zygomaticus major & minor B. Match each of the following muscles with its correct description. Write the corresponding letter of your answer. 1. Originates on the sterium and clavicle 2. Cassified as an infrahyoid muscle '3. Consist of 2 belies Elevates and proiruces lower ip ‘5, Amejor chewing muscle 6 Cassified as a suprahyoid musclo 7. Dapresses the tongue & Coses the lips 9. Extends the head 40. One of ine smiling muscles a. Stemohyoid '. Hyaglossus ©. Stemocleidomastoid d. Orbicuaris ors 2. Splenius capitis f. Mentalis 1. Stylohyoia fh. Zygomaticus mejor i. Digastric |: Masseter HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY ‘Medule 6: The Musculoskeletal System: Appencicuiar region . Muscles of the Neck, Hyoid and Larynx. Identity the neck muscles based on their descripton. 1, Stbanded, deep posterior muscles near lateral to the spinal cord. Tater ‘aroup, sorts al T¥ and 2° costal bonos. 2 xiginating from C2-C6 and 3. Anterior group, originating from atlas (C1) and inserts af occiital bone. 4. Innervation of trapezius. 5. Lateral group, 2 origine rem manuteium (elomal) and slaviol, and incerts in ‘mastoid process. 6. Innervates the sivlonycid. 7. Elevaies the hyod and the floor of the mouth so thal tongue Gan push food towards pharynx. 8. The plexus innervations of hyoid and laryngeal muscles. 9. Fixalor or stabilizer of the hycid while swallowing 10. Dopresses and retracts the hyoid bone. @ OQ @ HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY ‘Module 6: The Musculoskeletal System: Appendicular region . Instructions: Referring to anatomical charts and other references. Recognize and identify muscles of the trurk. D.1 Muscles of the Trunk. identity the name of these muscles represented by letters. (image source: Whiting 2016) aes HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY ‘Module 6: The Musculoskeletal System: Appencicuar region E, Muscles of the Trunk. Match each of the following muscles given by writing the ‘corresponding letters on the space beside the given muscies-of-nterest. 1.__dome-shaped muscle that functions in inspiration a. internal intercostals, 2._—loven pairs of muscles that elevate the rib cage _. rectus abdominis 3. —‘trpartite musce that runs from the sacrum to the skull c. quadratus lumborum 4, _tlexes the vertebral column d. semispinalis 5.__large, trangular muscle that extends head 2. trapezius 6._eleven pairs of muscles that depress the rib cage f. subclavius 7.__square-shaped muscle in the lumbar region 4g. erector spinao 8._Irpartite muscle that runs fom the canical or thoracic fh. extern: vertebrae to the skul i. daphragm 9,__ located below the clavicle F, What are the rotator cut! muscles? HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY ‘Module 6:The Musculoskeletal System: Appencicular region Instructione: Referring to anatomical charts and ether references. Recognize and idantfy ‘muscles of the human body, ‘A. Upper Limb Muscles. ingisate whether each ofthe folowing muscles is located on te anterior (A) oF the postarior (P)surtace othe body. 4. palmar ongus 6. biceps femoris Biextensor carp ulearis 7. rectus fometis 3 extensor digitorum 8. vastus laterals 4Hlenor cap radials 8, semimembranosus 5. pronator teres 10. somitendinosus B. Match each of the folowing descriptions with its correct muscles. 4extoncs the toes ‘A. semimombranosus 2 one of the quadricep muscles .sertonus. 3 located dep 1e the gastiocremius CC. extensor digtorum longus 4one otha hameting muscles 0. soleus 5. flees the toes E rectus fenors 6: lonp,rarrow, strap‘ike muscle cated F flexor cigtorum longus Inthe thigh region C1. Match each of the following descriptions with its correct upper mb muscles. 4. Acts as an antagonist tothe flexor carp unas. |. Tiiceps brachit aroiator cut musce tat orignates on te iaial ©, Latissimus corst border af the scapula (. Extoneor carp! radale brevie 3. Hots the humers and statilzes the shoulder 1. Extensor cari racials longus 4.82 forearm extensor innenated by the ratialnene. _, Extensoi cap unaris 8 prme mover of am llexon. F, Supraspnatis Bs located deep te the biceps brachi flexes foream ——_G. Pronator teres 71s a powerful rearm exencor H.Pectoeals maior 8. Extands and adducts the wis. LBrachalis ‘9, Prenatos the orearm, 4 Teres minor 40, Isa rime mover ofarm extension. C2 Match each of the following descriptions with its correct lower limb muscles. 11s the deepest quadroers muscle. A. Beeps femoris 2 Plantar flees and evers the foo 8. Tals anterior 8. Flotoa the thigh on the tank. ©. Adductor magnus 4.152 powertul high extensor 1. Extonsor doitonm longus lateral hamsting muscle. , Fbulris longus 6 Lateraly rotates and iexes the nig, F Soleus 7 Inserts onto the linea aspora and the adductor tubercle. G. Sartorius Prine mover of toe extension, H: Vastis intermedius 4s located deep tothe gastrocnemius. | Gluteus maxrnus 40. fslocated just lateral tothe anterior crestof the tbia Macs MAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY ‘The Musculoskeletal System: Appendicular region ©oo - D. Instructions: Referring to anatomical charts and other references. Recognize and identity muscles of the trunk. D.1 Muscles of the Upper Limb. Identify the upper limb muscles pointed. ) aDeloid b-Teresmator * «Trice nah 4 Brachiradialis 2. ensoren raisons Extensorcaroi radials brevis g.Estensordigtorum é Extensor carp ulnaris | subscapularis j-Bicsps beach 3 |-Pranatoreres 1m. Elexor carp radials . 1 Balmatislongus Blexorcarpiulnatis ‘ pe Elexor digitorum superficialls HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY Module 6: The Musculoskeletal System: Appendicular region D.2 Muscles of the Lower Limb. Identity the lower limb muscles pointed, a. llopsoae bo, Tensor fascae latae E. Clinical Significance: What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

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