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Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 1. The labor department estimated that 10,000 new jobs would be created. (A) original (B) originally (C) origin (D) originate Phan tich:Chi ngir +... + ddng tir => dién trang tir bé nghia cho g tir.Cau “S+.,, t+estimated(v)+N+..”cin mot trang tir dé bé nghia cho dong tir “estimated” Déip dn A la tinh tie=> logi. Dap dn C la danh tle=> logi.Dép dn D la déng tie=> loa. Dich:B6 lao ding ban dé wie tinh cd 10,000 vige lam méi duoc tao ra. 2. The consultant is related to the management. (A) close (B) closing (C)closed (D) closely Phan tich:S+BE+ADV+ADJ.Trong cau c6 dng tir tobe “ist....trelated(adj)+..” ta cin mét trang tir dé bé nghia cho tinh tir “related”. Dap dn A la tinh tir=> logi. Dap én B la tinh tit dang chi: déng=> loai. Dap dn C la tinh tie dang bj déng=> loa. Dich: Chuyén gia te van cb quan hé than thiét voi ban quan ly. 3. Sales of the new products are decreasing. (A) presently (B) present (C)presenting _(D) presented Phan tich: SHBE+ADV+ADJ. Trong cu c6 “ S+ aret...+ decreasing(adj)+...” ta cin mgt trang tir dé bé nghia cho tinh tir “decreasing”. Dap dn B la tinh tie=> Logi. Dap dn C la tinh tie dang chi: dong=> loai Dap dn D la tinh tte dang chi déng=> loai. Dich:Doanh sé cia san phim méi dang gidm. 1s Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group attractive to families with children, 4, Our new ca (A) extreme (Byextremely — (C)extremity — (D) extremes Phan tich: SHBE+ADV+ADJ. Cau “S+IS(be)~.~attractive(adj)~ ‘in m6t trang tir bb ghia cho tinh tie “attractive”. Déip din A la tinh tie=> log Dip dn C la danh tie=> logi. Dap dn D ls tinh tie dang sé ni loai. Dich:Xe méi ctia ching 16i Id vo cig hp dan cho cdc gia dinh co con. 5. GE Motors is described by the media as a good company. (A) frequently (B) frequented (C) frequency —_(D) frequent Phan tich: Bet adv+p2. Cfu : Stis (be)+....+described(adj)+....” Ta cin mit trang tir dé bd nghia cho tir “described”. Dap dn B la tinh tie dang bj dong=> logi. Dap én D lei tinh tir=> loai Dép én C la danh tir=> logi Dich: GE Motors dugc mé ta thang xuyén bang phuwong tién truyén thong, cong ty nay nhue la m6t cong ty tot. Customer Satisfaction Survey Your comments on our products and services are important for us to provide better 6. (A) realities, (B) reality (©) real (D) really Phan tich: Betady+adj. Trong cau ta can mét trang tir dé bé nghia cho tinh tir ding sau né “S+are(be)+...+important(adj)+...+...” ta can mdt trang tir really dé bo. nghia cho tinh tir “important”. 116 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Dich: kién cia ban vé san pham va dich vu cia ching t6i rat quan trong dé ching téi ‘cung cdp dich vu tot hon dén cho ban. services to you. Any dissatisfied customers can present their complaints to the store 7. (A) direct (B) direction (© directly (D) director Phan tich: “(dng tir khuyét thiéu) can+ ....+prevent(v)+...”. Trong ciu c6 dOng tir “prevent” cdn mot trang tir bé nghia cho déng tir “prevent” Dich:Bat kp khach hang khéng hai long nao déu c6 thé true tiép trinh bay khiéu nai cia minh 161 quén I cita hang. managers. Our customer support team will review your comments. 8. (A) thorough {B) thoroughly (C) thoroughness (D) through Phan tich: S+willAvould/shall+ ADV+V. Trong cau “S+will+...+review(v)+...” G trong cau sau will +V nguyén thé, ma trong cau cé V nguyén thé ri nén ta can mot trang tit dé bé nghia cho déng tit “review” Dich: Nhm hé tro khéch hang ciia ching t6i sé xem xét ki cic nhn xét ctia ban. Unit 9, Lién tir (conjunction — conj) va gidi tir (preposition — prep) 17 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group chire nang lién két cau Ching ta khéng chi ddi thoai bang e: ngdn trong cudc séng hing ngiy ma xuyén st dung céc cu dai, Bé tao thanh cdc cau ghép va phite nhur vay tir nhiing c4u don ngin, Trong tim ciia baihge #1 Lién ti n thong ta cn ding lién ti. chon cfu ding, © Trong tim # 1-1. Kathy met her old friend she was visiting the London office. o Kathy met her old friend while she was visiting the London office. o o Kathy met her old friend but she was visiting the London office. WRONG Kathy mether old friend x _she was visiting the London office. sv sv: khéng ¢6 lién tirndi 2 cau Kathy met her old friend _ but she was visiting the London office. sv conj sv :06 ign tirnhumg khéng thich hop RIGHT Kathy met her old friend [whild she was visiting the London office. sv conj sv :lién tirwhile lién két 2 céu véi nhau Day 18 dang cau ghép véi cdu triic cdu don 1a “S + V + O” nén chi e6 lign tir méi ghép duge 2 cau don véi nhau, Do a6, khi lim bai thi TOEIC thye té, khi e6 2 dng tir trong cimg mot cau thi nhdt thiét phai xac dinh xem cé lién tir hay khéng. 118 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group git phap bé sung 1. Trwéng hop phai dién lién tir. @s+v+C S+V+0 @C4 s+v+0,s+v+0 2. Lién tir c6 nhiéu y nghia. (1) Dign ta thdi gian _: while, when, since, before, after (2) Dién ta ly do : because, since (3) Dign ta syrnhugng bé: although [= though / even though] (4) Dign ta digukign _: if, unless (= if~not), once © Trong tim # 1-2. Chon tir ding trong cdc cau sau. 1. [@) If (b) Often] you want to see this report, please let me know. 2. [(a) When (b) At] you develop products, it is important to conduct a market research. 3. Mr. Terry couldn’t attend the meeting | (a) because (b) due to] he was on a business trip. 4. [ (a) Despite (b) Although] she is young, Ms. Rowell has much experience in the field. 5. You should turn off your cellular phone [ (a) during (b) while] the seminar is in| progress. J S+V+0..S+V+0 => didn ign ti vio chd tring S+V+O,S+V+U 1 [if] you want to see this report, please let me know. want to do mudn lam ~ let cho ai lam ~ often thong Tam dich: Néu ban muén xem béo nay, vui lng cho t6i biét. 2. [When] you develop products, it is important to conduct a market research. 19 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group develop phat trién it is important to do lam ~ la diéu quan trong conduct tién hanh market research cuge nghién cttu thi truing Tam dich: Khi ban phat trién san phdm, diéu quan trong la tién hanh nghién ciru thi trong. 3. Mr. Terry couldn’t attend the meeting fbecausd he was on a business trip. attend tham dye meeting cudc hop be on a business trip dang di cong tée Tam dich: Ong Terry khéng thé dy budi hop vi 6ng dang di cng tac. 4, [Although] she is young, Ms. Rowell has much experience in the field. have experience in cé kinh nghiém trong ~ field linh vc despite mac dt Tam dich: Méc dit con tré, ba Rowell cé nhiéu kinh nghiém trong linh vue nay. 5. You should turn off your cellular phone jwhild the seminar is in progress. turn off /¢ cellular phone dién thoai di déng in progress dang dién ra Tam dich: Ban nén tat dién thoai di déng trong khi héi théo dang dién ra. 120 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group ina nutshell Y nghia if diéu kign néu often (adv): thuong when | thdi gian khi at + thdi gian: Iie because | ly do vi due to: vi although | nhugng bd mie da Pespie = Because of, owing to: while | thai gian trong lac pene th pres of time): mo Once | Thoigian | * ey Eh © Trong tam # 1-3. 1. You need to contact your supervisor you are late to work. (A) despite (B) often ©Oit (D) according to 2 he joined our company, Mr, Park has been working in the sales team. (A) Since (B) During (© Within (D) Due to ___ the internship period has ended, you will get a chance to be hired as a full- time employee. (A) Beyond (B) During (C)Between ——(D) After 4. You are not allowed to renew the books other patrons are waiting for them. (A) due to (B) because of —_(C) because (D) from ___we receive your orders, we will check our inventory to fill your orders. (A) During (B) Sometimes (C) Once —_(D) Often 121 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group © Trong tim # 1-3. 1. You need to contact your supervis you are late to work. (A) despite (B) often @it (D) according to 2vé hoan chinh S$ +V+0... + V +0 vay vi tri Ky nang: Can lign tir chi diéu kign, a cdn didn 1a lign tir, nén loai cdc dap an gidi tir (despite +N/cum N, according to +N/cum N), loai luén trang tir (often thing xuyén). Dimg lién tir if chi diéu kign (if: néu). Contact: lién hg Supervisor: ngudi giém sit Tam dich: Ban can lién hé nguéi gidm sat cua ban néu ban di lam mugn, 2. he joined our company, Mr. Park has been working in the sales team. (A) Since (B) During (© Within (D) Due to Trong cau: .. S+V+O, S+V+0 vi tri can lign tir, Nén loai bé gidi tt: During (trong sudt), within (trong khoang), due to ~ because of (do, béi vi). Cn lign tir chi théi gian since: ké tir Khi Tam dich: Ké tir khi anh ay vao céng ty ciia ching tdi, Mr. Park 43 lam viée trong di ngii bin hang. 3 the internship period has ended, you will get a chance to be hired as a full time employee. (A) Beyond (B) During (C)Between ——(D) After Phan tich cau trite: S#V, S+V+0 vay vj tri can dién 1a 1 lién tir nén loai di cae gidi tt: beyond, during, between. Cau dang can 1 lién tir chi théi gian after. 122 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Beyond: qud, virgt xa ‘After: via lién tir via giéi tir+ clause/ving: Sau khi Between +N: giita, khoding gitta hoc between A and B Tam dich: Sau khi thoi gian thy tap két thitc, ban s€ c6 co hi duge thué kim nhan vién lim vige toan théi gian, 4, You are not allowed to renew the books other patrons are w: (A) due to {B) because of —_(C) because (D) from Phan tich: S+V+0O........8+V +O vj ti can dién 1a lién tir nén ta loai gidi tir due to, because of (due to = because of: do, bai vi +N/cum N), loai luén giéi tir from, Can dién 1a lién tir chi ly do because. Tam dich: Ban khong duge cho php gia han quyén sch boi vi khdch hang khdc dang cher dgi né, 5. we receive your orders, we will check our inventory to fill your orders, (A) During (B) Sometimes (C) Once (D) Often Phan tich: .........S+V+O, S+V-+0 ché tréng edn didn 1a lién tir, Once: Khi, mét khi + Ménh dé. During (+N, hodc + khoang théi gian) throughout : During dimg dé dé cap 1 sur viée gi xay ra & mét thdi diém xéc dinh nhung né khéng cho ching ta biét théi gian dién ra bao lau. ‘Vi dy: Nobody spoke during the presentation — Khéng ai néi chuyén trong sudt budi thuyét ‘tinh Throughout: xuyén suét, khip, trai dai thudng di véi + the day/month, year hodc dia diém. 123 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Often, somtime [a trang tir chi thoi gian nén loai ludn. Tam dich: Khi ching t6i nh¥in drge don dat hing etia ban chiing ti s® kiém tra kho hang cua ching 6i d& dép img theo don dat hing cia ban. 124 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Trong tém ciia bai hoc #2 — Gigi tir lién két danh tir ‘Néu ign tir ding dé lién k&t cau thi gidi tir duge ding dé lién ‘Ngit php bé sung 1. Truong hop phai dién gidi tir (prep gidi tir) (DKhi ign két danh tir 6 dau cau According to the survey, many college students want to study abroad. pep on (2) Khi lign két danh tir 6 sau edu hoan chinh He was not able to finish the report because of the problem with his computer. cau hodn chinh prep n Khi lign két danh tir 6 sau cu hodn chinh thi ding giéi tir, khi lién két cu thi ding lién tir, 2. Giéi tir cing cé nhiéu ¥ nghia. (1) Thei gian : during, since, for, before (= prior to), after, within, by QLydo + because of (= due to) G) Nhugng b6 : despite (= in spite of) (4) Y nghia khic : according to, about (=as to) 125 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group ‘© Trong tm # 2-1. Chon tir diing trong cde cu sau 1. We have to accomplish our financial goals | (a) for (b) while] this year. 2. [ (a) Despite (b) Although] the recent increase in sales, the overall profits have| declined. 3. The network access will be suspended [ (a) due to (b) because] the maintenance work. 4, Mr. Perez gave a speech [ (a) while (b) during] the welcome reception. 5. Mr. Raymond succeeded in his business [ (a) because of (b) if his diligent efforts. 4 Danh tir +... + danh tir => didn gidi tir vao ché tréng 1. We have to accomplish our financial goals for] this year. accomplish hodn thanh t6t financial thudc vé tai chinh goal muc tiéu while trong khi 2. [Despitd the recent increase in sales, the overall profits have declined. despite mac dit recent gan day inerease tang lén overall oan b6 profit loi nhudn decline idm 3. The network access will be suspended [due to] the maintenance work. access viée truy cap suspend fam thdi ngung maintenance vige bdo tri 4, Mr. Perez gave a speech uring the welcome reception. give a speech phat biéu welcome reception /é din tiép 5, Mr. Raymond succeeded in his business pecause off his diligent efforts. sueceed in thanh cong trong ~ diligent cham chi effort 126 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group © Trong tam # 2-2, Gigi tir lién két dank tir trong edu 1. the recent high interest rates, there are many people to apply for a loan, (A) Despite (B) Unless (Although (D) While 2. Refunds will be given only the period of 30 days from the purchase. (A) because (B)although (©) for (D) while 3. The City Museum will be open the scheduled renovation. (A) once (B) because (© while (D) after 4, The commuter train service has been suspended a technical problem. (A) because (B) while (©) unless (D) because of 5. ‘The new office can accommodate 1,000 people the advertisement. (A) according to (B) because (C) while (D) before 127 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group ‘© Trong tm # 2-2. Gigi tir lign két danh tir trong cau L the recent high interest rates, there are many people to apply for a loan. (A) Despite (B) Unless (©) Although (D) While Phan tich: oN, S+V+0, Vj tri can. dn la gidi tirnén logi céc dp An la lién tr, Lién tir + Ménh dé. ‘While + Ving/Ménh dé: trong khi/mc di, while cdn ding trong ménh dé chi thai gian c6 nghia “trong khi”, Despite = in spite of: mic dit (gidi tir chi sy nhugng bd). the recent high interest rates: Trong d6 recent li adv, high Ia adj, interest rates 1a danh tir kép két cdu cum N nay la: The + adv + Adj +N. Tam dich: Mac di lai suat gan day cao, c6 nhiéu nguéi xin vai von. 2, Refunds will be given only the period of 30 days from the purchase. (A) because (B) although (©) for (D) while Vi tri can dién la 1 gidi tir: For ding dé chi d6 dai cia thai gian: Indicating the length of (a period of time) Phan tich: S+V +0 .. «Nv tri cn gidi tirnén loai ede lign tir A, B, D. Tam dich: Hoan tién chi duge tra lai trong théi han 30 ngay ké ti ngay mua. 3. The City Museum will be open the scheduled renovation. (A) once (B) because (© while (D) after Phan tich: S + V ..........N. Vi tri can dién 1a gidi tir, Nén loai céc dap dn lign tir gm: while, because, once. Cé after vita lign tir va vita gidi tir: After +clause/Ving/N. 128 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Tam dich: Bao tang thinh phd sé mé cira sau dgt tu stra c6 KE hoach. 4, The commuter train service has been suspended a technical problem. (A) because (B) while (© unless (D) because of, Phan tich: $ + V .........N. Vi tri can gidi tir dé lign két nén loai cae lién tir: because, while, unless. Because of = due to: bai vi, vi + N/cum N. Tam dich: Dich vu di lai bang tau héa da bi tam dimg vi van dé ky thuat. 5. ‘The new office can accommodate 1,000 people the advertisement. (A) according to (B) because (© while (D) before Phan tich: S + V +0 ..........N vi tri cn dién 1a gidi tir vao ché tréng loai cde dap An lién tir: because, while, before (luu ¥ before vita lign tir va gidi tir nhung dich khéng hop nghia nén loa ‘According to +N: theo nhu. Tam dich: Van phong méi cé thé chita 1000 nguoi theo nhu quang cdo. 129 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Két thie bai hoc bing cu hoi thure té Part V_ Chon tir thich hgp dé din vao ché trng dusi day. 1 __ your order was placed after the deadline, no discount will be given. (A) However (B) During (©) Because (D) Despite 2. the recent increase in sales, we decided to hire more sales personnel. (A) Due to (B) In fact (©) While (D) Because 3. The feedback from our customers are great a few bad comments. (A) although —_(B) because (©) once (D) despite 4, the government takes effective measures, the unemployment rate will continue to rise. (A) Unless (B) Also (©) Except (D) However 5. Overall profits of our company increased by more than 10 percent Ms. Serenawas serving as sales manager. (A) during (B) because of —_(C) despite (D) while Part VI Dién vao ché trong trong mau quang cé Return Policy We provide refunds only the item is defective or damaged during delivery, 6. (A) if (B) due to (©) during (D) despite To receive a full refund, you need to return the item 30 days of your purchase, 7. (A) because (B) while 130 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group (© within (D)if If you want to exchange the item with a new one, the new item will be sent within 7 business days we receive your returned item, 8. (A) due to (B) prior to (© according to (D) after ‘Két thiic bai hoc bing cu héi thure té Part V_ Chon tir thich hgp dé dién vao ché tréng dui day. 1. ___ your order was placed after the deadline, no discount will be given. (A) However (B) During (© Because (D) Despite Phan tich: .........S+V+ gidi tir (after) + N, § + V. Vi tri edn dign 18 lign tir nén loai dap én Gi tir despite — in spite of; mae di (chi sy nhugng b6), during ~ throughout: trong suét However la adv nén logi luén, thuéng sau né c6 dau phy. Lign tit: Because +clause: bai vi (chi lf do), Tam dich: Boi vi don dat hang cia ban dat sau thoi han, gidm gié khong duge dp dung. 2. the recent increase in sales, we decided to hire more sales personnel. {A) Due to (B) In fact (C) While (D) Because Phan tich: N, S$ +V+O nén yj tri cin giéi tir nén loai dap An ign tir: because, while. Loai luén in fact: thyc té (adv) phia sau né ¢6 dau phay. Due to = because of: vi, do (chi ly do) ‘Tam dich: Vi gan day ting doanh sé ban hang, ching tdi quyét dinh thué thém nbn vién bin hang. 3. The feedback from our customers are great a few bad comments, (A) although (B) because (once (D) despite 131 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Phan tich: S + V .......N vi tri can di 18 gidi tir nén loai cée dap an lién tir: although, because, once Despite = in spite of + N: Mac di. Tam dich: ‘4c phn hi tir khach hang rat t6t mae dit mét sé it nhén xét x4 4 the government takes effective measures, the unemployment rate will continue to rise. (A) Unless (B) Also (©) Except (D) However Phan tit _«. S#V+0, S+V=0 vi tri cin didn 14 lign tir nén logis + However la ADV: Tuy nhién + except (preposition): Ngoai trix ((Ciing ngoai tri) duge str dung trude khi ban d8 ep dén diéu duy nhat hodc ngudi -ralso (adv-trang tit): Cling — khong ding v6i dng tir phi dinh. ‘mot tuyén bé 1d khéng ding sy that) Unless = if not: Néu khéng. ‘Tam dich: Néu chinh pha khéng dua ra bign phap higu qua, ty 1 5. Overall profits of our company increased by more than 10 percent Ms. Serena was serving as sales manager. (A) during (By because of —_(C) despite (D) while Phan tic S+V +0. {can di dap an cé gii tir: during, because of, despite. While: Trong khi/mae di 1 Clause. ‘Tam dich: Toan b6 Igi nhudn ciia cng ty 4a gia ting hon 10% trong khi c6 Serena da phye ‘vu nhu nan vién ban hang, Part VI Dién vao ché trong trong mau quing cdo sau. Return Policy ‘We provide refunds on! 6. (A)if ___ the item is defective or damaged during deliv 132 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group B) due to (© during (D) despite Only if +clause: chi khi—ding dé nhan manh vao diéu kign dé tao nén két qua. Phan tich: S + V +O ...... S+V+O. Vi tri can dic 18 lign tir nén Jogi cée dap an gidi tir: due to=because of, during = throughout, despite = in spite of. ‘Tam dich: Chu ing tOi cho hodn lai tién chi khi san phém bj 1Gi hod thigt hai trong sudt qué trinh van chuyén, To receive a full refund, you need to return the item 30 days of your purchase. 7. (A) because (B) while (© within Mit Phan tich: To V +O, $+ V +0 veces N, Vi tri can dién la gidi tir nén loai cdc dap dn lién tir: because, if, while. Within (gidi tir): Trong ving + Time. Tam dich: Dé nhan dugc to’n bé sé tién hodn lai, ban cdn tra lai sin phim trong vong 30 ngay ké tirngay mua. If you want to exchange the item with a new one, the new item will be sent within 7 business day we receive your returned item. 8. (A) due to {B) prior to (©) according to (D) after Phan tich: S#V+O lign tir nén loai céc dap an gidi tir: due to, according to, prior to something-before (prior to truéc khong thdi gian, sy kign nao a6). After vita ign tir, vita gidi tr Tam dich: Néu ban muén trao déi mé6n hang v6i mén hang méi, mat hang méi sé duge gui 133 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group ‘rong vong 7 ngay lim vige sau Khi ching ti nbn duge hing tra lat Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Unit 10. Tir vung (01) © Phuong phap hge tir vung Vin dé Tiéng Anh cé nhiéu loai tir duge phat sinh ra tir mét tir géc. Tai sao ching khong 6 chung mét dang tit ma lai phat sinh ra nhiéu hinh thai khdc nhau nhu danh tir va tink tir? Tinh huéng —_D6i khi thi sinh biét nghia m6t tir nhung khéng thé xde dinh tt dé thude tir loai gi ‘Tuong tyr, d6i khi thi sinh khong nhé duge cdch viét cita tir 6: mét hinh thai khée nén di bj mit diém. dat duge Céch giai quyétLé di nhién, viée hoc tir vung co ban 1a van dé ep thiét. Tuy nhié higu qua thi cn nm duge tir gée ma tir dé phat sinh ra nhiéu tir kh. How? Vi du: Khi hoc dng tir consider, ta c6: consider (v) xem xét, cn nhc Tuy nhién dé chudn bj cho bai thi TOEIC thi van thiéu 2%. Hay thir hoc theo cach sau day. () Danh dong tir => consider -ing (2) consideration (n) su suy x¢t, sy cn nhac => take into consideration (3) considerable (adj) dang ké, to tat => through considerable efforts (4) considerate (adj) chu dio, quan tm dén ngudi khéc => be considerate of others Trong trréng hop cé nhiéu tir phat sinh tir mot tir gc nhu consider thi phai sp xép cdc tir phai sinh theo trong tim cau héi duge dat ra trong bai thi thye 18 135 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group ‘Trong tm cita bai hc #1 Tir logi trong cu hoi tir vung cing quan trong 1. Hinh thite cau héi; c6 jung tong tmg voi phan tir loai trong ngir phap. Can nim vimg iu co bin “S + V + 0” dé dé xde dinh cAu tri 1di cho cu héi chon tir loai thich hop dién vao ché tring. 2, Néu nhur vay phai tra loi thé nac Trudng hop dap an Iya chon bao gdm nhiéu loai tir khde nhau. én phai nim duge cdu tric > Xéc dinh tir loai cita tir duge dién vao ché trong, nghia la dau chon tir loai thich hgp dién vao ché trong, 3.Vidu ‘The company adopted an marketing strategy, (A) aggressively (B) aggression (©) aggressive (D) aggress ét cdc dap dn cho sin bao gém céc tir loai khdc nhau phat sinh tir dong tir aggress, Va day 1a cau hoi ve ti lai. -6 thé a tinh tir bd > Tir loai dimg gitta mgo tir an va danh tir marketing strategy chi nghia cho danh tit, Do 46, cin chon 1 tinh tir d8 dign vao 6 tring. (A) la trang tir, (B) 18 danh tir, va (D) 18 dong tt, > Dap an ding: (C) 136 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group ‘Trong tim cia bai hge #2, Khdng ngimg lu © Vocabulary Review 1. attendance (n) vige tham die attend (v)tham de attendee (n) nguedi tham die ‘Ms. Lee has the highest record. 3. submit (v/a trinh, ndp submission (n) vige dé trinh ‘You need to submit the figure a supervisor. * submit A to B dé trinh A cho B 4, raise (vjdvea ra The consultant has __ questions about the merger. 5. introduce (v)gidi thiéu introduction (n) sw gidi thiéu Wewill____a new product next week. 6. notify (v)thng bdo notification (n) sur thing bdo, viée khai béo You must provide written of your plan. We will you when your order is ready. 7. hold (v) 16 chire ‘They are planning to a press conference tomorrow, 8. charge (v) tinh chi phi, dim tréch (n) sue trong nom / coi sbc Mr.Samisin ___ of the shipping department, 137 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 9. implement (v) thc hign, thi hénh implementation (n) sue thi hanh ‘The company is going to new accounting procedures. 10. agree (v) dong) agreement (n) sur déng y, ban hop déng Mr. Morrison the recommendation: qT is can be terminated by either party. * terminate an agreement chdm ditt mét hop déng 11. meet (») dp tng We do our best to our customers’ needs. 12. invite (v) mdi invitation (7) vige mdi, lai mdi Customers are to complete this survey. Thave to decline due to my schedule, * invite A to do mi A [dm ~ decline invitation ti chdi loi moi QEEMME. attendance 2. accept 4. raised 5. introduce 6. notification / notify ESE. hold 8. charge 9. implement 10. agrees with / agreement 11, meet 12. invited / invitation 138 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Trong tim cita bai hoc #2 © Khdng ngirng luygn tp dé ghi nho tir vung © Vocabulary Review 1. attendance (n) vige tham dir attend (v) tham die attendee (n) nguedi tham due ‘Ms. Lee has the highest record. Phin tich: S + V + the + adjt..........N vi tri cin dién IA N dé tao cum N, dua vio nghia chon attendance, Co Lee e6 Tam dicl ¥ luc cao nhit trong viée tham du. 2. accept (v) chdp nhdn acceptance (n) sue chdp thuén We don’t responsibilities for personal belongings. .Nvit Phan tich: S+ trg dng tir+. ‘in 1 V nén chon accept. ‘Tam djch: Ching 6i khong chip nbn chju trach nhigm cho hank ly 4 nhiin, 3. submit (v) dé wrinh, np submission (n) viée dé trinh ‘You need to submit the figure a supervisor. * submit A to B dé trinh A cho B. nén cho trng can to. Tam djch: Ban can giti hinh cho ngudi gidm sat. raise (v) dica ra The consultant has questions about the merger. Phan tich: $+ has ..........+ N vi tri clin 1 V duge chia theo hign tai hoan thanh raised. ‘Tam dich: Chuyén gia tu van da dit ra cfu héi ve vid sip nhap. 5. introduce (v) gidi thié troduction (7) su gidi thiéu We will a new product next week. Phan tich: S + d6ng tir khiém khuyét + ...........+ O. Vi tri cn thiéu dOng tir, sau V khiém khuyét la V nguyén miu nén chon intoduce. ‘Tam dich: Ching tai sé gidi thigu san phim mdi vao tuan sau. 6. notify (1) thang béo notification (n) sy thang bdo, viéc Khai bdo You must provide written of your plan. 139 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Phan ti .of vj tri dang cin 1 N nén chon danh tir notification. Tam Ban phai cung cp théng bao bang van ban vé ké hoach ca ban. We will you when your order is ready. Phan tich: S + V khiém khuyét + ... .+ O vi tri con thiéu dng tir nén chon V. nguyén mau nén chon notify. Ching t6i sé théng bo cho ban khi don dit hang ciia ban di sin sing. T.hold (v) 16 chite ‘They are planning to a press conference tomorrow. tich: $+ V+ TO tascsnnct N Vi tt didn 1 dng tir déng vai t tg0 To V im O in sau nd c6 thé 1a N (a press conference tomorrow), mot syr viée lén lich cy thé thi ding thi hién tai tiép dién. Tam dich: Ching t6i dang dy dinh t6 chite -udc hop bao vao ngay mai 8. charge (v) tinh chi phi, dim tréch (n) sue trong nom / coi sbc Mr. Sam is in of the shipping department, Phan tfc S+ V+ giéi tir. Sau gigi tir-+ Ving/N (Ving khi cé N phfa sau méi chon duge do nd c6 géc dng ti) nén cau nay chon charge mang nghia cia N. ‘Tam dich: Ong Sam phy trach bé phan van chuyén. 9. implement (y) thc hign, thi hanh implementation (n) sue thi hanh The company is going to new accounting procedures. Phan tich: S + V + Tot. +N vi tri can V dé tao thanh To V lam O trong cau (phia sau né c6 N, To V 6 géc V nén sau né N theo sau duge) nén chon implement Ia V. Tam dich: Céng ty sé thue hign cae tha tuc ké toan méi. 10. agree (v) dong j' agreement (n) su ding yi, bain hop ding Mr. Morrison the recommendations. Phin tich: S +. O vi tri dang thiéu d6ng tir nén chon agree (v). Cau dang ké lai lai V chia qué khif la agreed 140 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group ‘Tam dich: Ong Morriss da ddng ¥ véi dé nghi. This can be terminated by either party. * terminate an agreement cham ditt mét hop déng Phdn tich: Phia sau la V nén céu dang thiéu chii ngit nén chon N. Tam dich: Théa thudn nay c6 thé bi mét bén chém dirt. 11. meet (») dip img We do our best to our customers’ needs. Phan tich: To V nén thiéu V nén chon meet. Tam dich: “hung téi Lim hét sire minh dé dap img nhu cau cia khach hang. 12. invite (v) moi invitation (n) viée mai, 1di mdi Customers are to complete this survey. Phan tich: $+ be + smut gidi tir nén dy cdn 1 V chia theo bj dng do né khong e6 O. nén chon invited chia bj dng thi hign tai don: be + ved/v3. Tam djch: Khach hang duge mii dé hoan thanh edi khao sit. Thave to decline due to my schedule, * invite A to do mdi A lam ~ decline invitation tie chdi [oi mai Phin tich: 8 + V+ To V+... vitri can 1 N do To V cé géc V nén sau no can N nén chon invitation. Tam dich: Toi phai tie chdi lai méi vi lich lam vige ctia t6i. 141 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Két thie bai hoc bing cu hoi thure té Part V_ Chon tir thich hgp dé din vao ché trng dusi day. 1. The lawyer usually___ high fees for her consulting services. (A) charge {B) charges (C)charging —_—_(D)is charging 2. Supervisors can offer. on office procedures. (A) advising (B) advised (C)advice (D) advisable 3. Youcan____your key af the front desk when you go out. (A) to leave (B) leaving (C)leaves (@) leave 4, Wehave toimprove_____to make a profit (A) producing —_(B) produce (©) productive (D) productivity 5. According to the company newsletter, our company posted profits last quarter. (A) impress (B)toimpress (C)impresses _(D) impressive 6. The board of directors will conduct an_ search to find a new CEO. (A) extend (B) extensive (C)extending —_(D) extension 7. This special offer is valid only. one week. (A) of Bat (up (©) for 8. We will send the result to you our researchers finish examining the samples. (A) just B) upon (©) once (D) still 9. Managers are invit ___this year's annual conference. (A)attending —(B)toattend ~——(C) attend (D) attended 142 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 10. The company win relocate its headquarters the restructuring plan. (A) once (B)inorderto — (C) dueto (D) next to Chon tir thich hop dé dién vao ché trong duéi day. 1. The lawyer usually high fees for her consulting services. (A) charge (B) charges (C)eharging —_—_(D) is charging Phan tich: C6 trang tir usually chi thudng xuyén nén chon V 6 thi hign tai don, chit ngir sé it nén V chia s6 it nén chon B. Tam Luat su thung xuyén cé mire phi cao cho dich vu tur vin cita c6 Ay. 2. Supervisors can offer on office procedures. (A) advising ——_(B) advised (©)advice (D) advisable Phan tich: Cau tric nhu sau § + dong tir khiém khuyét + V nguyén miu (sau dng tir khiém khuyét V luén nguyén miu) + gidi tir. Trong cu offer IA ngoai dng tir nén sau né phai cé O nén ché tréng can dién la N nén chon C. con A lA V, D 1a tinh tir, B 14 dng tir nén ta ogi. Tam dich: Ngwoi gidm sat cé thé dwa ra léi khuyén vé quy dinh van phong. 3. You can, your key at the front desk when you go out. (A) to leave (B) leaving (©) leaves (D) leave Phan tich: S + dong tir khiém khuyét (can) + + O (your key) vj tri cdn thiéu dOng tir ma true c6 dong tir khiém khuyeét nén chon V nguyén mau chon D. Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Tam Ban cé thé dé ia khia cua ban 6 quay Ié tin khi ban ra ngo 4, We have to improve to make a profit (A) producing (B) produce (C)productive (D) productivity Phan tich: S+V+ToV+.. + to V. Sau to v cé thé dién N vi mang To V cé gic Ong tir nén dign D, Céu da e6 dng tir nén Jogi B, logi luén danh dng tir A, loai ludn tinh, tir vi sau né khong e6 N. Key D. Tam Ching ta phai cai thign nang sudt 4¢ kiém Idi. 5, According to the company newsletter, our company posted profits last quarter. (A) impress (B)toimpress (C) impresses (D) impressive Phin tich: S+ V+. N (profits) + méc thai gian qua khtt (last quarter) nén vj tri cin 1 ADJ dé bé nghia cho N (ADJ +N) nén chon D (dudi tive la ADJ). Tam dj : Theo ban tin cita cdng ty, cdng ty ching tdi da céng bé Igi nhuan An tong trong quy vira qua. 6. The board of directors will conduct an. search to find a new CEO. (A) extend (Byextensive (Chextending —_(D) extension Phan tich: S + tro dong tir+ V nguyén mu + an .... bé nghia cho danh tir search (an/an + ADJ + N, a/an luén theo N sé it) nén chon B. Tam dic $i ddng quan tri sé tién hanh tim kiém rng rai dé tim mot CEO mdi. 7. This special offer is valid only one week, (A) of (B)at (©up (©) for Phan tich: only for nén chon D. Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Tam Phiéu mua hang dic biét chi cé gid tri trong mt tuan. 8. We will send the result to you, our researchers finish examining the samples. (A) just (B) upon (C)once (D) still Phan tich: S+ V+ 0... .S + V+ O vj tri dang cin 1 lign tir nén chon once: m@t khi. Tam dich: Ching ti sé giri két qua cho ban khi nha nghién eiru cia chting t6i hoan thanh kiém tra mau, 9. Managers are invited this year's annual conference. (A) attending —_—_(B) to attend (© attend (D) attended Phan tich: S + bet ved/v3 day dang bj dng thi hign tai don nén phia sau ché tring khong cn O ma la gidi tir nén chon B, loai C vA D Ia dng tir, logi A 1a danh dng tir. ‘Tam dich: Cac quan ly durge mdi dé tham dy hdi nghj hang nim nay. 10. The company win relocate its headquarters the restructuring plan, (A) once (B)inorder to (C)dueto (D) next to N vj tri cdn 1 gidi tir do phia sau IA cum N nén chon C. Céng ty gianh chién thang di ddi try sé chinh cia minh do ké hoach tai cAu 145 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Part VI Dién dap an thich hop vao bite thr sau. Dear Ms. Sharon, ‘Thank you for your letter of August 20, T have enclosed a copy of our current catalog for the products you asked for. I am also pleased to inform you that we are having a special spring sale on every item. We have received response to our spring sale, and supplies are limited. 11. (A) consider (B) considerable (© consideration (D) considerably Phin tich: S+V +. Tam dich: Chang t6i di nhan duge phan hdi dang ké vé danh sé ban hang vao mia .+N vitricdn din a ADJ dé ba nghia cho N nén chon B. xuan cia chung tdi, va ngudn cung cp bi han ché. Some of the popular items are out of stock due to the heavy orders. 12. (A) soon (B) quickly (© currently (D) once Phan tich: be + adv nén chon C hop nghia, soon ady, qickly ady. Rigng once vira ign tir vira adv. Tam Mot sé mat hang phé bién hién dang hét hang do don dat hang lén. To take advantage of the special spring sale offers, please place your order soon. ‘We will deliver two weeks of receiving your order. 13. (A) beyond {B) due to (©) among 146 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group D) within Phan tich: Within + méc time: trong ving + ngay. Tam dich: Ching (0i sé giao hang trong vong hai tun sau khi nbn duge don hang cia ban. Ifyou have any further questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Marco Timothy Sales manager 147 Nguoi soan: Quén Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Unit 11 Tir vung (2) © Phuong phap hge tir vung Van dé ‘Tinh huéng Cach gidi quyét Tir vung thudng cé cae tir hay di kém véi nd. Do vay, cde ban cling can phai Di cic ban da chim chi hoe thude tir vung, nhung chi véi cae tir da duge hoe va chi xem cu hoi thi khé dat duge diém sé cao trong bai thi. BOi vi d6i khi cae ban biét mOt tir nhung nhung thinh ngit c6 mat tir d6 lai mang mot nghia khac, nén ban cing khéng thé tra loi cau hoi Biét tir nhung khéng dich duge? Biét la cdu hoi héi vé diéu gi nhung khéng biét tiép theo sé néi vé digu gi? biét xem xét nghia chung cia cd mét cum tir. Digu nay cé thé gitip cai thign diém thi TOEIC cia ede ban. How? ‘Vi du: Khi hoe danh tir contract, ta e6: contract (n) hop déng ‘Néu chi hoc nu vay thi cé thé dat 10 diém vé kiém tra tir vung, nhung dé dat due diém cao khi thi TOEIC, ban con thiéu 2% nira. Hay thir hoe theo céch sau di contract (n) hop dong [= agreement] (1) ky hgp ding => sign a contract (2) gia han hop déng => renew a contract 3) chm dirt hop ding => terminate an agreement 148 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group ‘Trong tim cia bai hge #1 Hay chii ¥ cde tir vung c6 cing logi tir 1. Hinh thie cau héi: cau héi cé dap 4n bao gim cac tir khaéc nhau vé cach viét nhung cing logi tir véi nhau, Day Id loai cau héi c6 dap én gdm cdc tir vung cé cing loai tir va yéu edu chon tir thich hop nhat. 2. Néu nhw vay phai tra lai thé nao? Hay dich dé hiéu ¥ nghia co ban cia tit roi chon tit phi hop voi nghia ciia toan b6 cau. 3.Vidy The president was advised to take arest forthe __of the week, (A)reminder __(B) resistance (C) remainder (D) remembrance Xem cdc cau tra 16i di cho thi thay nhiing tir nay cé cing loai tir véi nhau. Do vay ta can phai dich timg cu tré 161 dé hidu y nghia ota tr > Nghia ciia ciu hoi la: “trong théi gian con Igi cia tuin 46” nén phai chon danh tir remainder cé nghia la phan con lai > Dap an ding: (C) 149 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group ‘Trong tim cia bai hge #2, Khdng ngimg lu © Vocabulary Review 1. product (n) san pham produce (v) san xudt (n) san pham production (n) susan xudt productivity (n) nding sudt productive (adj) cd nding suai, hitu ich Wehayetoimprovestaf = __ 2. inspect (v) kiém tra, thanh tra inspection (n) viée kiém tra inspector (n) thanh tra vien The special team wilt conduct an The production team always__ the quality of their produets. 3. satisfy (v) lam hai long/ thoa man satisfaction (n) ste hai long satisfied (adj) hai ling Our products guarantee customer. 4, attract (y) thu hut attractive (adj) thu huit, hdp dan attraction (n) sw hdp dén ‘The art center has _ __ many tourists. 5, advise (v) khuyén advice (n) [di Khuyén advisor (n) ngudi cd vn advisable (ad) thich hop Itis___to seek advice from your supervisor. If you have any questions, please contact our legal 6. speak (1) ndi chuyén speaker (n) dién gid, ngudi néi ‘The manager every team member personally. * speak to / with ndi chuyén voi~ 7. conduct (v) tién hanh, kiém soat ‘The research institute will a study on consumer spending habits. 150 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 8. return (vy) tro vé, giti tré lai (n) sue tré lai Please the questionnaire to the customer service center. Please complete the form and return it our office. 9, leave (v) rai khéi, dé lai (n) swe cho phép Please your hotel key at the front desk. ‘The director will leave Singapore. 10. include () baogdm We the next six month’s earning projections in the report 11. compete (1) canh tranh competition (n) sy canh tranh competitive (adj) mang tinh canh tranh ‘Many companies are for the contracts. 12. expand (y) mé-réng expansion (1) si ma réng ‘The company plans to its market 1. productivity 2. inspection / inspects 3. satisfaction 4. attracted 5. advisable / advisor 6, speaks to 7. conduct 8.retum/to 9.leave/for 10, included 11. competing 12. expand 151 v y Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group ‘Trong tim cia bai hge #2, Khdng ngimg lu © Vocabulary Review 1. product (n) san pham produce (v) san xudt (n) san pham production (n) susan xudt productivity (n) nding sudt productive (adj) cd nding suai, hitu ich We have to improve staf Ché tréng can 1 N chinh dé hoan chinh eu. Dau hiéu nhan biétnéu vj tri ché tring dimg & cudi cau va trée diu chim, can dién N. Trong cau nay, phai dich nghia dé Iva chon ding danh tir phi hgp véi nghia ciia cau, Chon : productivity (n): ming suat Dich: Ching t6i can phai nding cao nang suat ca nhdn vién. 2. inspect (v) kiém tra, thanh tra inspection (n) viéc kiém tra inspector (n) thanh tra vién ‘The special team will conduct an a/antN dém duge sé it va vi tri tréng dig cudi cau,truée dau chim nén chon N.Dich nghia dé lua chon ding danh tir phi hgp véi nghia cia cau. Chon: inspection (n): viée kiém tra Dich:Nhém dac biét nay sé tién hanh viée kiém tra, The production team alway: _ the quality of their products. ‘Vi tri tréng can tim cén thiéu V chinh cho céu. S trong cdu “The production team’la danh tir sé itnén V(s/es).Déu hiéu : thay “always: luén luén” - trang tir chi tn sudt trong thi hign tai don. Chon: Inspects : (v) kiém tra Dich:Nhém san xuat luén luén kiém tra chat lugng nhiing san pham cua ho. 3. satisfy (v) Kam hai long/ théa man satisfaction (n) sw hai long satisfied (adj) hai long Our products guarantee customer Vi tri trong can IN dé hoan chinh cau. 152 vy Vv ¥ Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Chon : Satisfaction (n): su hai long Dich: Nhting san pham cita ching t6i dam bio sy hai long cla khich hang. 4, attraet (v) thu huit attractive (adj) thu Init, hdp dén attraction (n) su hdp dén ‘The art center has many toui Vi tri cin 1 Vehinh trong cdu.Vi ciu nay 6 thi tai hoan thanh,edu trie ; have/has +V@/ed).Ma chit ngtt etia cu “The art center” Li s6 én Has+V3/ed. Chon : attracted (Ved): da thu hit Djch:Trung tim nghé thuft da thu hit duge nhiéu khich du lich . 5, advise (v) khuyén advice (n) loi Khuyén advisor (n) nguéi cé véin advisable (adj) thich hop Itis to seek advice from your supervisor. Cau trde: It is + adj + (for smb ) + to do sth .VD: Its difficult for old people to learn English.( ‘gud Ién tuéi hoc tiéng Anh thi khé.) Chon : Ad Dich:Ban nén tim kiém lai khuyén thich hgp tir ngui gid ble( adj) : Thich hop iia ban, Ifyou have any questions, please contact our legal Can tim 1 N cho ché tring. Chon : advisor (n) : Nguai e6 vi Djch:Néu ban cé bat cit cau hi nao, hay lién lac voi ngudi cd van phap ly cua ching t6i. 6. speak (v) ndi chuyén speaker (n) dién gid, ngudi ndi The manager every team member personally. Cn V chinh cho cau. * speak to / with SOndi chuyén v6i ai. Dich: Nha quan ly néi chuyén véi timg thanh vién trong nhém. HE. productivity 2. inspection / inspects 3. satisfaction 4. attracted 5. advisable / advisor 6, speaks to 153 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 7. conduct (v)tién hanh, kiém sodt ‘The research institute will a study on consumer spending habits. > Will+V(bare) Chon: Conduct (v) Dich: n nghién ecru s@ tién hanh mét nghién ciru vé théi quen tid khach hing. ding cia 8. return (i)tra vé, gut trd lai (n) sue trd lai Please the questionnaire to the customer service center, > Please+V(bare) Chon return (v) tre vé Dich: Hay git tri lai bin didu tra cho trung tim djch vy khich hang. Please complete the form and return it our office. > Retum to sth ri trong : to : Vui long hon thinh don va gti lai cho van phong ching ti 9. leave (vrai khéi, dé lai (n) su cho phép Please your hotel key at the front desk. > Pleaset V(bare). Chon:Leave(v) roi khoi, dé lai : Vui long dé lai chia khéa phong khach san trén ban [é tan, The director will leave immediately Singapore. > Leave for: bé di, roi di \: Nguéi quai IY sé roi khoi Singapore ngay lap tic. 10. include (v) baogdm 154 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group the next six month’s earning projections in the report > Chon: included Dich: ching t6i da tinh dén ké hogch Igi nhufn trong s4u thing t6i trong bio eo. 11. compete (v)canh tranh competition (n) swe canh tranh competitive (adj) mang tinh canh tranh Many companies are for the contracts. > Céu 6 thi hign tai tiép dién nén choncompeting : (v) dang canh tranh, Dich:Nhai ng ty dang canh tranh vé nhiing hop dong nay. 12. expand (vind rdng expansion (n) sw méréng ‘The company plans to its market > Chon: expand{ v) Mé rong Dich: céng ty e6 ké hogch me rng th tudng. 155 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group HH. conduct 8. retum/to 9.leave/for 10. included 11. competing 12. expand Part V_ Chon tir thich hop dé dign vio ché tring duréi day. 1. Supervisors must be willing to additional responsibilities. (A)assemble —_(B) as (©) ace (D) accept 2, Before you sign the contract, you need to the terms carefully, (A) react (B) reply (C) remind (D) review 3. Customers can products within 10 days of purchase. (A) retire (B) return (refer (D) resume 4, The new industrial complex will many manufacturing plants. (A) submit (B) expand (©) conduct (D) attract 5. Our new price list is in this letter. (A) reserved (B) advised (C) included (D) checked 6, Many small stores are competing large shopping centers, (A) from (B) with (Con (@) to 7. The investigators the inspection to resolve the problem. (A) conducted (B) returned (C) left (D) satisfied 8 We decided to form international partnerships to our market (A) expand (B) include (C) submit (D) compete 156 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 9, Customers are advised to with our customer service representatives. (A) tell (B) conduct (©) speak (D) apply 10. Bell Institute is looking for researchers in their R&D (A)expensive (B)extended ——(C) experimental (D) experienced 157 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Part VI Dién dp an thich hop vao doan van sau. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS The federal law requires employers to provide portable fire extinguishers. This law is designed to ensure workplace safety to employees? IL. (A) satisfied (B) satisfy ig (D) satisfaction Every employer must receive an annual maintenance : 12, (A) completion (B) attraction (C) approval (D) check ‘The government will send its experienced supervisors to the compliance with the 13. (A) attract {B) inspect (C) compete {D) produce federal safety law. 158 v y Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Két thie bai hoc bing cu hoi thure té Part V_ Chon tir thich hgp dé din vao ché trng dusi day. 1. Supervisors must be willing to _ ___ additional responsibilities. (A) assemble (B) assist (access (D) accept Willing to + V(bare): mudn Lm gi /sin sang lam gi. Chon accept (v) chp nhan Dich: Nhing nha gidm sit phai sin sing chip nh§n nhing nhigm vy thém vio. Assemble (v) tp hgp lai/thu thp Assist (v): To assist somebody in / with something: To assist somebody in doing something: gitp 46, trg'l Access(v) truy cp . 2. Before you sign the contract, you need to__ the terms carefully. (A) react (B) reply (© remind (D) review ‘Need to+V(bare): nén lam gi Chon:D. review(v): xem Dich:Truéc khi ban ki hop dong, ban nén xem lai nhimg diéu khoan mét cach can than, (v)chéng lai,phan tng lai React again: Reply for so (v) tra Idi thay cho ai . Reply(n) sy tra ldi,lai dap. Remind so to do sth. Nhe nhé ai lam gi 159 v v y Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 3. Customers can produets within 10 days of purchase. (A) retire (B) return (refer (D) resume Sau can/could/should....+ V(bare) Chon: B, Return(y): Tra lai : Khach hang cé thé tra lai sin phim trong vong 10 ngay ké tir ngay mua. Retire(v) nghi hu resume (¥) chiém lai/gianh lai. refer(v): xem,tham khio,quy vao. 4, The new industrial complex many manufacturing plants. (A) submit (B) expand (©)conduet (D) attract Chon D : attract(y) thu hit Dich: Khu céng nghiép méi sé thu hit nhiéu nha may san xuat. Expand(y) mé rng Conduct(y) thye hanh,tién hanh Submit(v) np 5. Our new price list is in this letter. (A) reserved (B) advised (© included (D) checked Chon C : included(Ved) da bao gm. Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Di a chung toi di durge bao gm trong bite thu nay. Bang gid moi © Reserve (v): To reserve something for something / somebody: dé danh; dy tri © Advise(v): To advise somebody against something / doing something ; To advise somebody on something: cho ai ii khuyén; khuyén bao. © Check(y) kiém tra 6. Many small stores are competing large shopping centers. (A) from (B) with (Con () to v Chon B :to compete against / with somebody in / for something: dua tranh, ganh dua, canh tranh : Nhiéu cira hang nhé dang canh tranh voi cdc trung tim mua sim lon 7. The investigators the inspection to resolve the problem. (A) conducted (By returned (©) left (D) satisfied ¥ Chon A: conducted(Ved): da thye hign/tién hanh Dich:Céc nha didu tra da tién hanh kiém tra dé gidi quyét vin dé. ‘© Returned(Ved)— Return (y) :tré lai/Tré ve © Left (V3)—Leave(v): bhai © Satisfied(Ved)- Sastify(v): 161 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 8. We decided to form international partnerships to our market (A) expand (B) include (©) submit (D) compete Chon A: Expand(v) Mé rong Dich:Ching tai quyét dinh hinh thanh qua hé déi tac quéc té dé mé rong thin trudng cia chiing tai, Include(v) bao gom Submit(v) np Compete(y) canh tranh 9. Customers are advised to with our customer service representatives. (A) tell (B) conduct (C) speak (D) apply Chon C speak with : néi véi :Nhiing khdch hing da duge khuyén nén néi chuygn véi dai dign dich vy khéch hang ctta ching t Tell s.o about sth (v) ndi ai vé didu gi 10.Bell Institute is looking for researchers in their R&D division. (A)expensive (By extended ——(C) experimental (D) experienced Chon D: experienced (adi) Djch: Bell Institute dang tim kiém cae nh nghién ctru 6 kinh nghigm trong b6 phin Ré&experimental D. Experimental(adj)dya trén thi nghigm 162 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Expensive(adj) dat Extended(adj) m6 rng. Part VI Dign dip n thich hop vio dogn vin sau. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS The federal law requires employers to provide portable fire extinguishers. This law is designed to ensure workpla safety to employees’ 11, (A) satisfied (B) satisfy (C) satisfying (D) satisfaction Chon D .satisfaetion(n) :Luit nay duge thiét ké 48 dam bao an toan noi Kim vige cho sw hai long cia nhan vien, Satisfied(adj)cm thy hai long Satify(v) lim hai long Satisfying(adj) dem lai sy théa man/hai long. Every employer must receive an annual maintenance 12, (A) completion (B) attraction (©) approval (D) check Chon D. check(v) kiém tra Dich : Méi cong nhan sé durge nh! Completion(n) sy hoan think Attraction(n) su thu hat Approval(n) sy tan thanh, sy chp thudn. kiém tra bao dudng hang nam. Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group The government will send itsexperienced supervisors to the compliance with the 13. (A) attract (B) inspect (C) compete (D) produce federal safety law. Chon B. inspect(v) kiém tra, a Dich: chinh phi sé giti né dén nhiing ngudi gidm sit e6 kinh nghiém dé kiém tra vige tun tha lujt an toin lign bang. Attract(v) thu hit Compete(v)canh tranh Produce(v) sin xuat Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Unit 12. Tir vung 3) © Phuong php hge tir vung Van dé Déi véi ning ngudi da lau khéng luyén tap tiéng Anh hoac nhimg nguéi méi bit diu hoc TOEIC sé g&p khé khan véi phn tir vung trong TOEIC. Va chinh phan ti vung la phan khién ching ta gap nhiéu kho khan nhat trong bai thi nay. Tinh huéng Ban biét cu héi nhung khéng biét dich sao cho chinh xdc? Ban dich cau héi ra duge nhung khong biét tri 16i? Cau hoi d nhung khéng dich chinh xe nén dé Céch giai quyét Hay bit dau hoc TOEIC tir viéc lam quen v6i nhimg tir vung co ban nit. ‘Trong cau héi tt vung TOEIC, dang céu héi khé nhat chinh 18 cau héi Iya chon tir thich hop nhat trong s6 nhing tir c6 nghia trong ty nhau. Thuong thi hing cdu hoi nay e6 d6 khé rt cao, How? tan sé sir dung cao nhat, nén ngay Céc cau hdi trong TOEIC bao gém nhting tir vung co ban tir bay gids, khi bat diu hoc tir, cdc ban khéng nén chi sap xép tir theo cach riéng ré don thuan ma hay sp xép cing véi cae tir khde c6 cling nghia, nhdn ra sy khdc biét gitta ching va tir d6 6 thé hoc mét cach higu qua. Vidu: Khi hoc d6ng tir tell, ta 06 tell (v) néi ‘Tuy nhién dé dat durge diém cao khi thi TOEIC, ban cin thiéu 2% nira. Hay thir hge theo cach sau day. tel A B néicho AVeB speak to A néi chuyén véi A say B (to A) n6iB void 165 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Luu ¥: Tuy ea 3 d6ng tir trén déu c6 nghia ld néi nhung tiy theo dng tir ma e6 e: hau, Trong tam cia baihge #1 Chi y nhiing tir dong nghia 1. Hinh thie cu héi: Ii dang cdu héi phin bigt cae tir c6 nghia tong ty nhau va c6 49 Khé cao. 2, Néu vay thi phai tra loi thé nao? Phai hoc lan lugt nghia cua cée tir cimg duge str dung trong cu. Hay chi ¥ hoe ning tit cor ‘ban nhat, str dung thuéng xuyén nhat va phan biét cdc tir c6 y nghia giéng nhau. 3.Vidu Please remember that the total amount does not include shipping (A) prices (B) charges (©) fines (D) taritt Cfc tit trong cae dap an cho sn trén déu 6 thé dich 1 chi phi va gid ca, Nhan xét: nghia cia cdu [a “chi phi van chuyén” va tir nay phai di cing véi tir shipping. ‘Théng thuong, khi hoe tir vung néu chi hoc riéng tir shipping va charge thi kh tra loi duge dang cau hoi nay. Vi vay tét nhat la ghi nhé ca cum tir shipping charge. Dap an ding: (B) 166 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group ‘Trong tim ciia bai hge #2 Khong ngimg luygn tip dé ghi nhé tir vung © Vocabulary Review xem xét 1.considerable (adj) ding ké consider (v) xem xét, cdin nhac consideration (n) vic They made efforts to develop the vaceine. You should take various factors into : 2.impressive (adj) an twong impress(v) gay an tung impression (n) an tong HJ Motors has introduced an new sports car. 3.experienced (adj) cd kinh nghiém experience (n) kinh nghiém (y) tréi qua J&M Constructions is looking for an supervisor. 4 extensive (adj) cd pham vi rong extend (v) mé-réng extension (n) sie mé ring Our researchers will conduct an search. S.directly (adv) mot cdich truc tiép direct (v) chi dén, quan I) direction (n) phueong huéng All team to the director. 6.currently (adv) hign tai current (adj) hién tai ‘The International convention center is josed for renovations. 7. closely (adv) mét cach chéit ché/ ky cang close (adj) gan, cain théin, chi tiét (v) dong (n) viée Khba/ ding ‘The two companies announced the merger before the of the stock market. The consulting firm will examine our marketing strategy. 8. clearly (ad) m6t ecich ro rang, ranh mach clear (adj) r rang, hién nhién Itis, that the president will retire soon. You should pronounce each word : 9. once (conj) khi we finish the tests, we will send you the results. 167 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 10. due to (prep) bai vi because (conj) bai vi ‘The seminar has been canceled the lack of interest, 11. within (prep) trong vong ‘We will deliver eveiy product 48 hours. 12. for (prep) trong ‘The company has been in business 25 years. Answer 1. considerable / consideration 2. impressive 3. experienced 4. extensive 5. directly 6. currently Answer 7.close/ closely 8.clear/clearly 9.Once 10.dueto 11.winthin 12. for 168 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Trong tim cita bai hoc #2 © Khdng ngirng luygn tp dé ghi nho tir vung © Vocabulary Review 1, considerable (adj) dang ké consider (v) xem xét, can nhac consideration (1) viée xem xét They made efforts to develop the vaccine, Phan tic! considerable dé thinh cum considerable efforts né lye dang ké, Tam dich: Ho da cé nhig né lye dang ké dé phat trién vc-xin. ;au chd trong cé danh tir efforts né Ive nén can ADJ bé nghia cho né nén chon ‘You should take various factors into : Phan tich: into 1A gidi tir sau gidi tir phai dign 1 danh tir nén chon consideration. Tam dich: Ban nén xem xét cdc yéu t6 khac nhau 2. impressive (adj) dn tong impress(v) gay dn tong impression (n) dn tong HJ Motors has introduced an new sports car. Phan tich: Cau tric an + adj +N vj tri chi c6 thé Ia adj + adj +N, liu y: an/a +N°s6 it nén ché trong dién impressive. ‘Tam dich: HJ Motors da gidi thigu m@t chiée xe thé thao in tugng mdi. 3. experienced (adj) co kinh nghiém experience (n) kinh nghiém (v) trai qua J&M Constructions is looking for an supervisor. Phan tich: an + + N vi tri can 1 adj nén dién experienced. m dich: Cong ty J & M dang tim kiém mt ngudi gidm sit ¢6 kinh nghigm. 4, extensive (adj) cd pham vi réng extend (v) mé-réng extension (n) sy mé ring Our researchers will conduct an search. Phan tich: an + .+ N vj tri dang can 1 adj nén chon extensive. Tam djch: Céc nha nghién ciru cia ching toi sé tién hinh mét cuge nghién ctu 6 pham vi rng. 5. directly (adv) mét cdch truc tiép direct (v) chi dén, quan bj direction (n) phurong huang 169 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group All team leaders. port to the director. Phan tich: allH- Ns (all team leaders), cau dang dang S+ + V vi tri cin ADV bé nghia cho V nén chon A. ‘Tam dich: Tat ca cde nha inh dao nhém tryc tiép bao céo véi giam dic, 6. currently (adv) hién tai current (adj) hign tai (he International convention center is closed for renovatic Phin tich: $+ be tanunct V+ gidi tir, Day la dang khong c6 O nén 1a bj dng, vj tri chi cé thé la ADV bé ngir cho V nén chon currently. ‘Tam dich: Trung tim h@i nghj quéc té hign dang déng cita dé cai tao. 7. closely (adv) mét cach chat ché/ ky cang close (adj) gan, can than, chi tiét (v) dong (n) viée Khéa/ dng ‘The two companies announced the merger before the of the stock market. Phan tich: The +...0..u.0f vj tri sau The la N nén chon close vi né vira mang tinh chat N ‘Tam dich: Hai dng ty da thong bao vige sap nhp nay true khi déng cita thj trong ching khoan, The consulting firm will examine our marketing strategy. Phan tich: S + will + .........+ V vi tri cin dién 1 adv bé ngit cho V nén chon closely. Tam dich: Céng ty tw van sé xem xét ky long chién luge tiép thi cia ching toi. 8, clearly (ad) m6t each ra rang, ranh mach clear (adj) r6 rang, hién nhién Itis that the president will retire soon. Phan tich: be + adj chi tinh chit nén chon clear. Tam dich: R6 rang la tng théng sé nghi huu som. ‘You should pronounce each word Phan tich: S + V + O+ vi tri cin dién lA ADV bé nj cho ca cfu nén chon clearly. Tam dich: Ban nén phat Am timg tir mot cach rd rang 170 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 9. once (conj) khi we finish the te , we will send you the results. Phan tich: ....... § + V+O, S#V+ O nén vj tri cn 1 lign tir nén chon once: khi. ‘Tam dich: Khi ching ti hoan thanh bai kiém tra, ching tdi sé durge giri ban két qua. 10. due to (prep) béi vi because (conj) béi vi ‘The seminar has been canceled the lack of interest. Phan tich: Sau ché trong la cum N "the leack of interest: sy thiéu quan tim" nén can 1 gidi tir nén chon due to, logi because vi sau né la 1 ménh dé, ‘Tam djch: Hi thao di duge hiy bé béi vi sy thiéu quan tam, 11. within (prep) trong vong ‘We will deliver every product 48 hours. Phan tich: .........mdc time nén chon giéi tir within + méc tine: trong vong + méc time 46, Tam dich: Chung téi sé van chuyén mai san phdm trong vong 48 giv. 12. for (prep) trong ‘The company has been in business 25 years. Phan tich: Cau dang chia thi hign tai hoan thanh has been nén cAn giéi tir for + méc time. Tam dich: Cong ty da kinh doanh khong 25 nim, m Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Két thie bai hoc bing cu hoi thure té Part V_ Chon tir thich hgp dé din vao ché trng dusi day. 1. Itis important to speak _to the audience, (A) currently (B) clearly (C)extensively (D) considerably 2, Investors need to watch news programs to find investment opportunities. (A) tightly (B) strietly (C)narrowly —_(D) closely 3. Questions should be___ forwarded to the director. (A) directly (B) freshly (easily (D) uniquely 4, We will move our office next month the workers can complete the painting by the end of the week. (A) due to (B) during (© within Mit 5. The management of Windows on Economy decided to___the subscription rates, (A) borrow (B) raise (©) advance (©) grow 6. The accounting team will revised reimbursement procedures next month, (A) install (B)implement —_ (C) notify (D) fulfil 7. If you are late to work, you must your immediate supervisor. (A) notify (B)announce —_(C) raise (D) arrange 8. Itis advisable to examine the terms of the __ carefully. (A) guideline (B) invitation (C) production _(D) agreement im Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 9. All department heads have to the monthly business meeting. (A) decide (B)continue —_—(C) attend (D) regard 10. Beleo Electronics will be a press conference about the proposed merger. (A) expressing _(B) meeting (C)eharging ——(D) holding Part VI Dién dap an thich hop vao bite thu sau. MEMORANDUM To: Hamilton Matthews From: Daniel Peterson Date: September 17 Subject: Leave Request Lam sorry to inform you that your vacation leave request cannot be granted at this time because we have to the end of the month deadline on the Jade project. 11. (A) finish (B) supply (C) include (D) meet I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Please understand our position. We are planning to anew vacation policy next month, 12. (A) introduce (B) hold (© notify (D) invite Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group You need to a request form to the personnel department to ask for a leave of 13. (A) charge (B) submit (©) agree (D) accept absence. Thanks, Daniel Peterson 174 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Két thie bai hoe bing cau hoi thye té Part V_ Chon tir thich hgp dé dién vao ché tréng duéi day. 1, It is important to speak _ to the audience. (A) currently (B) clearly (C)extensively (D) considerably Phan tich: CAu tric speak to A néi chuyén vé A. Vj tri cin dién IA ADV bé nghia cho speak, nén chon B. speak clearly: néi chuygn ré ring ‘Tam djch: Digu quan trong [A néi chuygn véi khan gid mOt céch rd rang. 2. Investors need to watch news programs to find investment opportunities. (A) tightly (B) strictly (C)narrowly —_(D) closely Phan tich: Can 1 ADV bé nghia cho watch nén chon D chit ché, A la siét chat, B nghiém khic, C hep. Nha dau tu cdin theo doi chit ché cdc churong trinh tin tire dé tim co hi dau tu. 3. Questions should be forwarded to the director. (A) directly (B) freshly (©) easily (D) uniquely Phan tich: Can dién 1 ADV bé nghia cho déng tir forwarded (chuyén, vé phia) nén chon A. true tiép, B. tuoi, C dé dang, D duy nhat. Tam Cae cfu héi phai durge chuyén truc tiép t 4, We will move our office next month the workers can complete the painting by the end of the week. (A) due to (B) during (© within Mit 175 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Phan S+V+ S+V+ 0 vi tri cin 1 lién tir dip an A,B, Cla giditir, Tam dich: Ching tdi sé chuyén van phing cia ching tdi vio thang téi néu cong nhan c6 thé hoan thanh bite tranh vao cui tuan. 5, The management of Windows on Economy decided to the subscription rates. (A) borrow (B) raise (C) advance (D) grow Phan tich: A. Mugn, B gia ting, C eai thign, D phat trién vi e6 the subscription rates ty 1g ding ky nén chon B. Tam dich: Vige quan ly Windows trén nén kinh té di quyét dinh ting ty 1¢ ding ky. 6. The accounting team will revised reimbursement procedures next month, (A) install (B)implement —_ (C) notify (D) fulsin Phin tich: Cé cum revised reimbursement procedures: sira di thi tye bai thudng do 6 will sy vige sip xay ra nén chon B. Tam dich: Nhém Ké toan sé thue hign thi tuc bi hoan sira déi vao thang téi. 7. Ifyou are late to work, you must your immediate supervisor. (A) notify (B)announce —_(C) raise (D) arrange Phan tich: announce something = thong bao cai gi d6, inform somebody (that.../of...) = notify somebody (that.../of....) = thing bao véi ai dé (vé..../ring. ..) nén chon A chit khong chon B. PHAN BIET "ANNOUNCI NOTIFY" 176 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group eeemorex ét vé edu tre ngit phap: "announce that + ménh dé" hoc "announce sth (to sb)" Nghia la theo sau announce la ménh 48 hoc danh tir chi vat hod su vige. “notify that + ménh dé" hoge "notify sb (of sth)". Nghia 1a theo sau notify li ménh dé hoge danh tir chi ngudi eeeeee* Xt vd mat y nghia: - "Announce" théng bao rng rai cho nhiéu ngudi biét. - "Notify" théng béo cho déi tong cu thé nao d6.Tam dich: Néu ban di lim tré, ban phai théng bao cho ngudi gidm sit cia ban ngay lap tite, Tam dich: Néu ban tré dé lam viée, ban phai théng bao cho ngudi gidm sat truc tiép ciia ban. 8. Itis advisable to examine the terms of the___ carefully. (A) guideline (B) invitation (C) production (D) agreement Phan tich: Cé the terms diéu khoiin nén nghi ngay dén agreement hop déng nén chon D. Tam : Nén thn trong kiém tra cde diéu khoan ciia théa thudn, 9, All department heads have to ___ the monthly business meeting. (A) decide (B)continue ——_(C) attend (D) regard Phan tich: Cé the monthly business meeting cugc hop kinh doanh hang thang nén phai chon C tham gia. Tam Tat ca cde trig phong phai tham dy cugc hop kinh doanh hang thang. 10. Belco Electronics will be a press conference about the proposed merger. (A) expressing (B) meeting (C)charging ——(D) holding 17 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group c hop bao nén chon D té chite. Phan tich: C6 a press conference mot cu Tam dich: Belco Electronics sé té chire mét cudc hop bao vé vy sap nhap du kién. Part VI Dién dap an thich hgp vao bite thu sau. MEMORANDUM To: Hamilton Matthews From: Daniel Peterson Date: September 17 Subject: Leave Request Tam sorry to inform you that your vacation leave request cannot be granted at this time because we have to the end of the month deadline on the Jade project. 11. (A) finish (B) supply (©) include (D) meet Phan tich: Phia sau c6 the end of the month deadline thai han cudi trong thang nén chon D dap tmg, chit khéng chon hoan thanh Ia A. ‘Tam dich: Téi xin Idi vi di thong bdo véi ban ring yéu clu nghi phép nghi phép cia ban khong thé duge cp tai thai diém nay Boi vi ching ta phai dip tng thdi han cudi thang cia dy an Jade, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Please understand our position. We are planning to anew vacation policy next month. 12. (A) introduce (By hold (© notify (D) invite Phan tich: C6 a new vacation policy chinh sich nghi mit méi nén chi e6 thé 1A gidi 178 Neu6i soan: Quan Trong Minh - Toeic Practice Group thigu nén chon A, loai C vi thong bio somebody, logi D moi khong hgp nghia, loai Bt chite efing khong hop nghia, Tam dich: Téi chin thanh xin Ii vi sy bAt tign nay. Hay hiéu vj tri eda ebiing tdi. Chhiing tdi dang e6 ké hoach dé gidi thigu m9t chinh sich ky nghi méi vao thang (6i. You need to a request form to the personnel department to ask for a leave of 13. (A) charge (B) submit (© agree {D) accept Phan tich: Cau cé a request form: mau don yéu cau nén cdn dién tir phi hop i B trinh/git. Tam dich: Ban can phai giri mot mu yéu cau dén bd phn nin sw dé xin nghi phép absence. Thanks, Daniel Peterson 179 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 14. THU’ TiN VA THU BIEN TU" 1. The tin (Letter) Ms. Imai 1934 Main St. Binghamton 32492B December 10 Mr. Park Reader's Book Club 1756 East St, New Camden 6¢721L Dear Mr. Park, I'm writing to express my dissatisfaction with your service The delivery of the books is usually late. I want the books to be delivered on time Sincerely 1. Nguii nd Ia ai ? 2. Nguibi giri IA ai 3. Myc dich ctia thu lm gi? 180 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group * Phan tich bai thu tin dé nam bit cau trée: Ms. Imai (1. tén ngudi giti) 1934 Main St. (2. dia chi ngudi gui) Binghamton 32492B (3. Céng ty va dia chi ciia ngudi giti) December 10 (ngay 10/12) (4. ngay giti) Mr. Park (5. tén ngudi nhén) Reader's Book Club (6. tén céng ty ngudi nhin) 1756 East St, New Camden 6¢721L (7. dia chi ngudi nhin) Dear (8. 1éi chao_hodc 6 thé viét to whom it may concem [dén ngudi 6 lién quan] viét theo théi quen, ndy chio giti nhan thu) Mr. Park, I'm writing to express my dissatisfaction with your service ( t6i viét dé bay t. su khong hai lang cia t6i véi dich vy cita ban). The delivery of the books is usually late ( Vige van chuyén sach thudmg xuyén tré). I want the books to be delivered on time (ti muén cdc quyén sch duge van chuyén ding han). Sincerely (than trong, 9. di chao cudi thu viét theo théi quen) Masako Imail (10. chitc vu hoae tén ngudi giti, ta thdy tén 6 day gidng phan 1 1A tén ngudi gui) 1. Ngwii nin 18 ai ? Mr. Park (trinh bay & myc 5) 2. Nguibi giti IA ai ? Masako Imail (trinh bay 6 myc 1 hoe muc 10 6 cuéi thur) Mye dich cia thr am gi: néi lén sir khong hai long cia dich vu, thuong mye dich trinh bay phan dau. Phan tir vung trong bai: express (v) bay 16, dissatisfaction (n) sy khong hai long, service (n) dich vy, the delivery (n) sy van chuyén, on time (adv) dimg gid. 181 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 2. Thu dign tir (email): To: All manager From: Linda Paimer, Human Resources Director Subject: Upcoming employee seminar Date: July 10 I' m writing to set up a meeting to discuss the details of the employee seminar think that this Friday will be perfect to have meeting (t6i nghi ring thir 7 s® hoan hao dé c6 cude hop Please forward your opinions as soon as possible. Cau hai nhanh: 1, Ngudsi nba li ai ? 2. Ngudi gir la ai? 3. Ly do/muc dich giti im gi? 182 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group *Phan tich cu trac bai thu dign tir (email) dé nim ré cach trinh bay, dién dat y: ‘To; All manager (01. Ngu6i nh§n= recipient) From: Linda Paimer (02. tén ngudi giti~ sender), Human Resources Director (03. chite vu ngudi giti) Subject: (04, chit dé&/mue dich hoae viét bing Re(-regarding: viét khi thé hign ndi dung cita bite thu, fax, van ban khéc mang tinh chat kinh doanh): Upcoming employee seminar (h6i thio nhan vién sap téi) Date: July 10: 10 thang 7 (05. ngay giri) I’ m writing to set up a meeting to discuss the details of the employee seminar [Téi viét 14 thu dé chuan bi cuéc hop dé ban ludn vé cdc chi tiét cita hdi thio nhan vién +Vdé kim gi). (06. trinh bay muc dich cia lé thu, thuémg ching ta thay 6 I think that this Friday will be perfect to have meeting (t6i nghi ring thir 7 sé hodn hao dé c6 cudc hop. Please forward your opinions as soon as possible [xin vui long gui ¥ kién cia ban cang sém cang t6t (08. thuéng cudi bite cé please ding yéu cau lam gi thém nén dé nay thurdng trong cu héi) 1. Ngudi nhan 1a ai: xem muc 01. all manager: tit ca cde quan ly 2, Ngudi giti ld ai: xem myc 2, Linda Paimer 3. Ly do/muc dich giti lim gi: xem doan dau tién, " I! m writing to set up a meeting to discuss the details of the employee seminar” +++ Tir vung lign quan: up coming (adj) sp t6i, set up (v) 16 chite, discuss (v) thio lun, detail (n) chi tiét, perfect (adj) rat t6t, tuyét voi, forward (v) gut, opinion (n) ¥ kién, as soon as posible cang sém cing t6t, July thang 7, employee seminar (n) hdi thao nhan vién, meeting cuge hop. 183 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group 3. Tang hop trong tim ky niing Him bai thw tin va thu dign tir: Nhimg cum tir ding dign 4 muc dich cia bite thir: - I'm writing this letter to do: t6i viét thu nay dé - This letter is to do: bite thu nay la dé Nhiing cau héi vé nguéi gui: - Who sent this e-mail? ai lA ngudi giti email nay - Who wrote this letter? ai la ngudi da vidt lé th nay Nhing c: ngudi giti 6 phan dau va phan cudi cia bai doc. hoi vé théng tin ngudi giti d6i véi thu tin: tim théng in (tén, chire vu, dia chi) vé ‘Nhig cau he \guéi & email: Tim 6 phan cud ca bute thur hoge 6 muc ngudi gir (fro ‘hig céu hoi lién quan vé nguéi nha: Who is this letter intended for? la thur nay danh cho ai To whom is the e-mail intended? nguéi ma email huéng d&n/cdi email nay dinh cho ai + Tim tir khéar Thu tin; tim thong tin cua ngudi nbn bén duéi thong tin cia ngudi gui email: tim trong muc (To...) trinh bay vé ngudi nhan hing cu héi vé mue dich viét thu: ‘What is the purpose of this e-mail? Mue dich cia 1é thu nay Ia gi? ‘Why was this letter writent? tai sao 14 thu nay duge viet Why was this letter sent to Ms, Kim? tai sao la thu nay giri cho ba Kim What is the main purpose of this letter? mue dich chinh cia 14 thu nay la gi? Céch gidi quyét: cde cau héi vé muc dich 14 thu da sé cau tra 16i 6 phan dau bai doc thudng thé hign bang cach cum tir: I'm writing to, this is letter to do,, 184 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Question 1-3 refer to the following letter: Ms. Sara Emma, President Valua Constuction Company 1546 Remington St. Austin, TX Dear MS. Emma finished the building on July 7 as you promised. Thanks! Sincerely yours, Jimmy Carmell On behalf of the entire staff of our company, i would like to express our thanks for your successfully completing the reconstruction of our headquarters building. You 1. What is the purpose of this letter? a. To inforrm staff change b. To express gratitude ¢.To inform schedule change d. To express dissatisfaction 2. When was the construction finished? a. Last week b, august 20 ¢. last year 4. July 7 3. To whom is this letter intended? a. Theo CEO of Pacific Holdings Co b. Employees at Pacific Holdings Co c. The President of Value Constructions Co 185 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group D. Jimmy Camell *** Phan tich cau trie bai (Letter): Ms. Sara Emma, President (1. ngudi nbn ther va chtte vu, tén ngudi nbn thur= 161 chao ciia ngudi giti thir dear Ms. Emma gitip ching ta phan biét duge ngudi nhdn thu). Value Constuction Company (2. c6ng ty ctia ngudi nhin thr). 1546 Remington St. (3. St la duéng /sé viét tit street) Austin, TX (t8n quan) Dear MS. Emma (4. cau chio ngudi nhan gidp nhan biét ai a ngudi nhan duge thu) On behalf of the entire staff of our company, i would like to express our thanks for your successfully completing the reconstruction of our headquarters building. You finished the building on July 7 as you promised. Thanks! (5. Ndi dung bite thu, thuéng noi dung, chinh & cdc dong dau). Sincerely yours (6.16 chao cuéi thu), Jimmy Carmell (7. chit ky ngudi gti ky tén) Jimmy camell, CEO, Pacific Holdings Co (8. dudi phan chit ky tén va chite vy cia ngudi giri thw la 6 day) 1. What is the purpose of this letter ? Mue dich la thu dé Lim gi? a, To inform staff change: dé théng bao nhan vién thay déi 1b. To express gratitude: dé bay to long biét on ¢. To inform schedule change: 4 théng bio thay di lich trinh, d. To express dissatisfaction: dé bay t6 sy khong hai ling 186 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Gi ich: Mue dich 1d thu chung ta tim doan dau trong néi dung bite thu (dé y chi y tr to+ V chi myc dich) i would like to express our thanks for: muén muén bay t6 Idi cém on vé. Nén ching ta chon dap an C phi hop gratitude = thank: cém on 2. When was the construction finished ? Khi nao cdng trinh hoan thanh ? a. Last week: tuan trrée b, august 20; 20 thang 8 c. last year: nm roi . July 7:7 thang 7 Chung ta tim tir khéa the reconstructions va finished trong doan trén suy ra July 7. ‘Thay mat toan n vin cia cng ty ching tdi, 161 mudn bay to I6i cm on cla ching t6i dén vige hodn thanh céng vige x4y dumg toa nha chinh mt cach thanh cng, Ban 44 hodn thanh vige xay dymg vio ngiy 07 thing 7 nhu ban da hita, Cam on! Trin trong, 3. To whom is this letter intended? 4 thu nay danh cho ai? a. The CEO of Pacific Holdings Co. >, Employees at Pacific Holdings Co, ¢, The President of Value Construction Company. 4. Jimmy Carmel, Gi V6i cau hoi tim ngudi duge nbn 1a thy ching ta nhin phan dau tién (1 nhur da ky higu dé biét chire vu va céng ty ngudi nhan va két hop xem phan dear Idi chao dé che chin ngudi nhan dé La ai). Theo bite thu Ms. Sara Emma, President (giim déc), Valua Costruction company va so sanh dap an CEO Value Costruetion company chon ngay C. Tir vung cin nhé: On behalf of sb: thay mat ai dé the entire staff: toan thé nhan vién express (v) bay 6 thank= gratitude: long biét on the reconstruction (n) xay dymg lai/cdi tao lai headquaters building: ta nha try sé chinh 187 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group finish (v) hoan than promise (v) loi hira sincerely (adv) trén trong CEO (vist tit cia chief executive officer) giém déc digu hank = President cht tich. 188 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Questions 4-6 refer to the following e-mail: To: All employees - tat cd nhan vién From: James Morgan, Facilities manager Re: Company Parking lot Date: June 18 This is a reminder of the upcoming maintenance work on the company parking lot. The parking lot will be closed for the work. The maintenance work will begin tomorrow moming at 9:00. The work will be completed by 5:00 PM. Thanks for your cooperation. 4, What is the main purpose of the e-mail? a. To inform maintenance work b, To ask suggestions ©. To respond to a letter d. To introduce a new company policy 5, When will the work be finished? a. Today b, June 18 ¢. Tomorrow aftemoon 4. Tomorrow moming 6. Who sent the email? a. The CEO: gidm déc diéu hanh b, Maintenance office: vin phing bio ti c. Employees: cde nhan vién 4d, Facilities Manager: quan ly co sé 189 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group All employees - tit cd nbn vién (1. nhu bay trudc to: ld noi ngudi nhan 6 day) From: James Morgan, Facilities manager - quan ly co sé (2. From: day li noi ghi ngi dung ngudi gti va chite vu ngudi giti) Re: Company Parking lot - bai dau xe céng ty (3. RE: néi dung tiéu dé bite thu duge trinh bay 6 day nhin v6 biét thong tin dé cap Date: June 18 (Date: ngay giti) This is a reminder of the upcoming maintenance work on the company parking lot. The parking lot will be closed for the work. The maintenance work will begin tomorrow moming at 9:00. The work will be completed by 5:00 PM. (4. ni dung bai day) Thanks for your cooperation. (5. Loi cam on thu’ng gip) Léi dich: Day ki m6t Idi nhc nhé vé céng tée bao tri sip 161 6 trén bai du xe cong ty. vao sing ngay mai kic 9h00. Céng vige s duge hodn thanh vio 05:00. 1 xe s@ duge déng cita cho céng vie. Céng vi Cam on vi sur hgp tie cita ban, 4, What is the main purpose of the e-mail? Myc dich eiia email dé Lim gi? a. To inform maintenance work: Dé thong bio cong vige bao tr b. To ask suggestions: dé yéu cdu dé nghi ¢. To respond to a letter: dé tra loi bite thuld the 4. To introduce a new company policy: dé gidi thigu chinh sich méi cia céng ty Dp An: Myc dich 6 céu This is a reminder of the upcoming maintenance work on the company parking lot ghi nhé cum tir d6 46 nhan dang. dip én phi hgp 1a A. The upcoming maintenance work: céng viée bao tri sip ti, 5. When will the work be finished? Khi nao edng vige durge hoan think? a. Today b, June 18 190 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group c. Tomorrow afternoon 4. Tomorrow moming Dép én: Tim trong bai c6 tir chi su hon thinh nhwr complete = finish dp n phi hgp la C. The maintenance work will begin tomorrow morning at 9:00. The work will be completed by 5:00 PM. 6. Who sent the email? ai lA nguii gti email? a. The CEO: giém déc diéu hanh b, Maintenance office: van phing bio ti c. Employees: cdc nhan vign 4d. Facilities Manager: quin If co sé Dip an: Ngudi gti chinh 1d mye From: chita thong tin ngudi giti va chite vu ngudi git. Tir vung cn thiét bai nay: - employee (n) nin vién, - company parking lot: bai du xe cng ty, +a reminder (n) mét léi nhc nho, - the upcoming maintenance work (in) céng vige bio tri sip t6i, ~ complete (v) = finish: hodn than, - cooperation (n) hop téc/ogng tée 191 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group Question 7-11 refer to the following job advertisement and e-mail (dang bai két hyp quing céo va email): (CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES NEED We are looking for full-time customer service representatives to work at our Customer Service Center in our headquaters, Job Descriptions: Primary duties are to answer customer questions. and also provides advice on prolems regarding orders. Qualifications: Excellent communication skills Ability to use personal computers Applicants must be able to work any shift, including weekends. To apply, send a résumé and cover letter to: To: Recruits From: Denis Ram Subject: Customer Service Representative Date: September 20 I'm writing to apply for the advertised position. I’m really interested in working as a customer i service representative. Although T have no previous experience in the field, I will do my best. enclosed my résumé and cover letter. 192 Nguéi soan: Quan Truong Minh - Toeic Practice Group * Phin tich chi tiét: 7. Which position is being advertised ? 9, What is the main duty of the position ? a. Sales representative a, To respond to questions b, customer service representative b. To support sales personel c. accountant c. To assit manager 4. computer technician d. To prepare for a meeting 8. What is not stated as requirements for 10. Why Denis Ram Wrote the letter ? the position? a. To request a day off a. College degree b. To apply fora position b. communication skills ¢. To explain his career ¢. ability to work weekends d. To answer questions 4. computer skills 11. The word "enclosed'" in line 4 is closest in meaning to: a. closed b, terminated c. detailed d. included 7. Which position is being advertised? Vj tri ma dang duge quang céo la gi’ a. Sales representative: dai dign ban hang b, customer service representative: dai dign dich vu khach hing ¢. accountant: ké toan 4d, computer technician: ky thudt vién méy tinh Dap an: Ching ta nhin tiéu 8 (1) dodn ngi dung truée, sau 46 doc doan cdu cia bai " we are looking .......customer service representatives" ching ta chon A ngay. Thuéng phan mé dau sé néi ly do cia bai + gidi thigu vé cng ty tuyén dung. 8. What is not stated as requirements for the position? cai gi khéng néi dén nhur yéu cau cho vj tri tuyén dung? a. College degree: bing dai hoe b. communication skills: ky ning giao tiép c. ability to work weekends: cé kha nang lam viée cudi tuan 4. computer skills: ky nding méy tinh Kj ning: Nhin ngay vao myc " Qualifications: (4. yéu cdu dua ra) nén logi duge dap dn b, d va

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