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NTV WHA xuAt BAN TONG HOP Cong ty TNHH ‘pHANH PRO HO CH MINE Nhan Tri Viét ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 BIG STEP TOEIC 2 Copyight © 2008 YBI sia Pubished in Vietnam, 2008 This edition is published in Vietnam under a license Agreement between YBM)si-sa, Korea land Nhan Th Vie Co, Lis. Vietnam though Imprima Korea Agency, Korea {Al rights cesewed. No part of his pubieation may be ceproducod, stored ina retiovaleytom, or transmit, in any fem or by any means, elector, mechanical, photocopying, recordng. or others, without the price wrt permission ofthe copyright ovo. ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute Pref a relace, ‘Hau nhu ai trong ching ta cang mong mudi dat thank tich cao dé gidnh duge mot vi tri lam vige tot hon, Trong thot dat ngay nay, diém sf TOEIC 06 thé li mgt minh ching vé thanh tich oh vdy, tay nbion that khong 46 néu ben dt mue tieu cao v8 4iém a6 numg lai khing o6 di thot gian va cing site dé ddu tu tuong xing. ‘Trong efe nha séch va trém mang Internet e6 rét nhiu tat lieu v8 TOEIC nén chile hdn ban 88 khing gép kh6 khan nhiéu trong vige tim kiém tai ligu hye tép. Tuy ahién, atéu quan trong la trong v0 van tal lu 6, ban edn phat chon ra gido sinh no phi hop véi trinh dp cang nhw kha nang eda ban than 8 gip cho vige ho: tp dat duye higu qua. ‘Toi hig day TOEIC tai mét trung tm luyén thi TOEIC c6 uy tin In dat tru 8d & Jong No (Seoul, Han Quéc). Trong qué trinh ging day, tdi nkén thay hoe vien rét dn mot gido trinh hay, dé hoe, o6 phan lueng phi hop, thich ving vet mue tieu Hiém 6 dB ra cia méi nguit. Gido trinh nay duge bién soan nhim giip hoe vién nang eao nang lve st dung agin ‘gu va edt thign diém s6 TOEIC ca ho trong thoi gian ngéin nhit. Cae dae diém eta sido trinh bao gim: 1. Gist thigu ede cau hai ti 48 thi TOEIC thye t8 dupe t6 chute hang théng. 2. Chi tép trung trinh bay nhiing ni dung trong tam gain vi bai thi TOEIC 48 hoe vién o6 thé ndm ving trong thoi gian ngéin, 8. Chon phong phap truyén dat theo so dé dé van dung vio hoe tap, khong hoe theo edch thude Tong. Dé véi ede hye vién mei bat du thi vige 6 duge mot gido trinh phi hop la rét quan trong. Néu ban la ngudi 4a chin ngay v6i ning tai ligu qua kh6 so v6i kha nang cia minh hay ban 14 nguit méi lam quen véi TOEIC, hay vach ra ké hogch hoc tap él BIG STEP TOEIC cho riéng minh theo ting gal doan, ban sb thy duge higu qua. Ban cing nén chit ¥ vio eée trong tim cla bai hoe ma ching t6i da trinh bay, Ichi ndm duye ede trong tém nay, chde chén ban sé ty tin va 58 dat dye dim s6 cao hom trong mot thei gian ngin, Chie ban tién bo. ‘Kim Soyeong va Park Won + Vien nghién ev trugng Nak Seong ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute Contents | (ate a sich 6 Che dfediém chinh cla sfch-vvon- mom 8 TOEICL gi? <-----g Gi thiga chung v8 ef phn trong Listening Cengreersin Res do Carmen ca TOEIG 10 Part Unit 1. Hinh dn lén quan @én cing ty 8 Unit. Hinh dnb lién quan dn ngay nghi cui tudn 23 | Unit. Hinh dnb ign quan dn dung phs a | Part 1 Reviow Test a | Part 2 | Unita. Cau hit Where/ When/Who 8 Unit. Céu hii Why/How/ What - 6 | Unité, Cau hdi Which/ Cau héi ding tro dong tit ma of Unit7. Cau hii gidn tip so | Unit. Cau hii phi dinh (Caw i dui/Cau bit Iya chon 86 Part 2 Roviow Tost . 92 Part 3 ‘Unit 9, Bai doi thoat lién quan dn hoi hop /ebng vige/ vn phng. += 300 Unit 10, Bai doi thost lign quan dén dw Ich gi tri 108 Unit 11, Bai abi thoat lién quan één mua sém/nha hang settee 306 Unit 12, Bai d6ithoat ign quan én ngén hing/ bum. ting : 104 Part 3 Review Test ~ ses 192 Part 4 Unit 13, Thing béo/ Huing din Quang eo 144 Unit 14, Tin tite/Phat thanb/ Du lich anon iga | Unit 15, Tin hin ghi am /GiGithigu nguoi : : wo | Part 4 Roviow Test 68 | ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 Warming-up! TOEIC Grammar! ———— 6 Grammar (Part 5 & 6) Unit 1. Sirhoa hop gita chi nga va dng te so sncemnn 180 Unit 2 Cum dng te/Thé bj dng. =~ mo 190 Unit 3, Thi/Dfng ti nguyén méu. 196 Grammar Reviow Tost 1 206 Unit 4, Vj tri cia damh tit va dai ti 20 Units. Vitro tinh ti va trang ti a8 Unit 6, ‘Tin tt chi 6 lugmg so sinh /phan tit 224 Grammar Review Test 2 234 Unit 7, Lien tr 238 Unit 8. Lien tir két hgp/Lién ti hep 44 Unit 9, Dai tr quan he - ae 250 Grammar Roviow Tost 3 . oo 356 Vocabulary (Part5 & 6) vow so, rang (Ld ig ding da ee Vocabulary Review Test 270 Unit 14. Ta-vamg (2) ~ Ném ving tin ta, trang ti vo 274 Vocabulary Review Tost 2 - mene 80 vat 2,"Thvig ©) ~ Nim vn i ~~~ 284 Vocabulary Review Test 8 nn 290 Reading (Part7) Unit 19. Doe hig (1) ~Thurtin/ E-mail ; 296 Unit 14. Doc hiéu (2) - Quang eéo —— 306 Unit 15. Dye hiéa (8) ~"ThOng bso / Thu béo ~~ = 36 Actual Tost . a 328 Soript & Answer Key an ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute LC Cau tao cla bai LC (Nghe hiéu) _ OF BE) Bi quyét dat diém cao theo timg phin ‘Trade khi bét dau hoe timg phan, chuing ta hay quan sét edch ra edu hil aia ETS (Co quan Khao thi Gido dye) cho bai thi TOEIC. © Trong tim bal hoe Chon ra ede chi dé va npi dung xudt hign niu nat trong edt hei ea bat thi thye t&. Nai phd nay, qud trinh én thi ia hoe vien 6 o6 trong tm hon, do 46 hoe vitn sé dat két qua anhanh hon, (Nang cao ky nang eo bin Buse 1: Tich ly vén tik eo ban ‘Theo nguyén tc, hoe vién sé luyén t4p nghe tir ving trude réi méi nghe edu. Do d6, phan nay trinh bay efe tt va com ti edt Joi trong méi Unit dB hoe vién ném ving dé 44 ti vung trae leh tr Tok eu i. Bude 2: Nghe tix ri nghe cau ‘rong bude nay, hoc vién luyén tp nghe eée etu thug gp r6i vi6t Ia Bude 3: Nghe cu va tra loi cau hdi bude nay, hoe vién phai nghe nbiéu céu cing hie chiz Khing nghe timg edu nhw & bude 2 He vién cing s@ iuyén tp phan dodn edu trd Ibi ndo dung, cau tr 04 ndo sai, Layéa tip ky ning paraphrasing (dién gi): Part 3 & 4 Hige vin Tuyfn tap ky nding dim gi cho he va cfu eda ting Unit trong Part 3 & 4, Nhd dé, ho s6 nban ra ede eéch dién dat khée nhau trong bai nghe. (5 at thic bai hoc bing cau hoi mé phing bai thi thye té Day 1A phan nang cao, gitip hoe vién tra Jéi nbting edu hai o6 ciing dé khé va o6 dc diém ‘tong ty vi cée cu ai trong bai thi that do ETS thiét ke, [Ey Review Test ting phin (Cuil mai chi 48 déu o6 phén edu hii gidng nhw eu hat trong bat thi that, New Inyén tap tat ‘phan nay, hoe vién stra i edu hai trong bat thi that t6t hon, Actual test Cau hi trong phén niy gn nhu hodn toa ging cau haf trong ede ky thi TOEIC gan day shat. Thong qua phan nay, hoe vién sé hiéu ro diém mank va diém yéu ca ban than a tt 466 K& hogch on tap va bé sung kign thie pha hop, ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 RC Cau tao cla bai RC (Doc hiéu) ©] Warming-up! TOEIC Grammar! ‘Trong tam eta phn nay 1a edu trie ctu trong ting Anh. Cu tre ngé php duge phan tich chi tiét va day dil. Hoe vien khong chi hiéu edu trie ma cin phai tré lbi edu hdi mot each shank ching. (EE Nim ving TOEIC Grammar ev bin ‘Trong phn nay, hoe vien sé dn laf nhiing diém ngw phép 44 hoe trong BIG STEP TOEC 1 (oot mye tiéu 600 diém), Day 1a eo 86 dé ge vién hoc tigp ede noé dung mei, (BE TOEIC Grammar ning cao Gée diém net php nang cao nay giip hoe vién vupt qua trinh dp so ofp, dat mye teu 700 didn, (EE Bai tap idm tra m6 phing thyc té Sau Khi dA nim ving ede diém ngit php trong tm, boc vien bit Adu chuyén sang tri loi cdc cdu hai of dang thee ging nhu thi that. Néu da ném ving ngut php nhung vén tra lot sai nbting edu hai nay thi chua dim bio két qua tét néu dy thi 5 crammar/ Vocabulary Review Test ‘Trong timg Unit, kign thife duge sép xép theo ting chi d8 nhim gdp hoc vim tigp thu d& hon. Tuy nhién, bai thi that s8 khéng theo ting chii d@ nhw vay. Bai Review Test cing sé sing nhw bai thi thét, trong 46 edu hdi duge dua ra mot eéch téng hop, cht khong theo ting chi dé riéng Ie. (Vocabulary Review Test duye trinh bay theo ting unit) (© Actual Test Thong qua phén nay, hye vién sé dy dodn duoe két qua hye tap ea mink. Vot ede edt hit tong tu nbuw edu hii trong bai thi that, hoe vién sé hiéu duge diém manh va diém yéu oda ban thén eau khi lam xong bai test nay. worw.ihantrivietcorn ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 Cac dac diém chinh cia sach “BIG STEP TOEIC 2° ed cde muc tiou chinh nh sau: (©) Giip hge vien tra Ini ding ef dang céu hai eu in 6 gia dogn su ip (2) Gitip hoe vien tang cui vi tit va ky nding doe hibu, nh dat dén mile diém ti 630 dn 700 & ep 46 trang ep (2) Loai inh céu hai da dang giip hg vién thich ving d8 dng wi céu hai trong ky thi TOEIC ‘that (©) Layen tap da dang 4& dat diém cao vi hoc tap theo timg giat dogm mot edch hé théng ‘@LC : Sau Kht tréi qua ede giat dogn eo bin ohu “luyén ta", “luyén céu’, “luyén ky nang ‘rd 161 cau his", hye vién bét du hoe tat ed ede noi dung trong tm cila TOEIC ‘rong thoi gian ngén nhat. Cau h6i duge trinh bay theo ting Unit, toomg tw nw cée cd hit trong bal tht that (trong ege phan nhw Part Review Test 1, 2, 3, 4). RC : Cée bai luyén t4p luon tap trung vio ede nél dung trong tém ca ky thi, nim ‘busing hc vien dén mee diém 630-700, Cae bai tp duge sdp xép ti U8 dén ke, ‘MBit Unit két thiie bling ede edu héi trong tam trong Part 5 & 6 hi di of "BIG STEP TOEIC 2" trong tay, vige dat diém s6 cao chi cin la vin dd thai gian. TE Phin tich chi tist bai thi that Phan tich efe edu hit hign 06 cia ETS xudt hien trong ede k) thi TOEIC mét thing. ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 TOEIC 1a gi? Bhai nigm TOEIC TOEIC 1a ti vidt tét eta Test of English for Intemational Communication, la ky thi quée 48 danh gid ning Tue sit dung ting Anh thye dung trong mat truing cling vige do ETS (Educational Testing Service) (6 che va quan If. Day la kj thi nh dénh gid "Kha nding dng tiéng Anh 4 giao ti8p" cia nbiing ngwot khong st dung tiéng Anh nhu tidng mo dé, -vt rong tm Ia tiéng Anh thye dung dage ding lim phuomg tign giao tigp trong méi traing cing vide. © Oa tre ela TOEIC See eee ~ 45 phit | 495ém Dign vao ehé tréng trong eau | 40 | ién vio ché tréng trong bai do Dae higu bat doe dom Doe hig bal doe ghep New TOEIC c6 gi khac? ‘(Gl Phat am va giong diéu da dang hon. Ce bai nghe due dya trén noi dung pha hap véi tinh hug thye té, e6 46 dai dai hon phién ban ci va duge phat. Am theo nhi@u giong khic nhau nhu: Mg, Anh, Canada, Ue, Now Zealand.. (2 Cau hat duge doc qua bing. ‘rong LC, edu hét Khong chi dupe in trén d& thi ma han cin duge nghe cbuing qua bang. | {© Ciw héi RC da dang hon. ‘Tht nhét, phn phat hign 161 sai trong edu dé duge bi di; thi hai, ede dogn van trong phn doe hiéu dai hom va khéng chi e6 ede cau hdi vé bai doe don ma cdn of ed ede eu hi cho bai doe ghép. Ngoai ra, trong New TOEIC, dé dinh gid kha nang doc hiéu mach van, mot iia s6 ctu hoi due xdy dung dua trén ede doan vin. NL ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute ies ZOB01 6418 918 11 | OL LC GiGi thiéu chung vé cdc phan trong — LC TOEIC Part 1(0 cau hi) Bi hinh 66 4 dap sn cho sn, sau khi nghe 4 dp dn cho sin 46, bam phai chen ra dép én ‘miu {4 bie hink chinh xée nit. Vi day 1d part dé nhdt trong mon nghe nén sau khi hoe xong sch nay ban nén of géng lam duing it nhat 6 edu trong téng 66 10 edu hoi (A) The man is fishing from the boat. () The man is putting on a hat. {C) The man is standing at the waterfront. (0) The man is sitting on a chair. Part 2 (30 céu h3i) ‘MBi edu hot c6 3 dap dn cho sin. Cau hit thudng duge bit déu bing nbing tr nghi van nhu: What, Where, Whon, Why, How. Tuy nbién, nbing eau hit hit du bing Do, Have, Be va cau hit phi dnb, céu hi duat eang quan trong khong kém. Q: Why don’t you join us fora cup of coffee after work? (A) | go to work by bus. (B) That sounds good. (C)| prefer black coffee, EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 oe Be a I Part 3 (30 cbu hi) Ban nghe mot dogn adi thoat ngfn rét tré 10 edt hi. Vi day 1a part khé nén nhiing rguit riéi bit dbu hoe hay tép doe doan dé: thoai trude khi bét ddu nghe né, Ban edn phat lam ‘quen v6i “cde cdch din dat tinh hung thumg gép" cing nhu'nhing tit vmg thuomg duge ding dé dat cau hat | Mt: Mark, the vice president has asked that all new employees be in the cafeteria } | lounge on Friday at 6 P.M, for a meeting || M2:A meeting? What for? M51 think he wants to take everybody out for dinner. 'm not sure. fm just instructed. | 10ell everyone about the meeting. | | M2: Well, had plans to take my family fo an amusement park for the weekend and we were fo leave right after work on Fiiday. guess Il have to reschedule. :Who does the vice president want to meet on Friday? (A) Managers {B) New employees (©) Retiring employees (0) Mark’ famiy Part 4 30 ebu hi) ic bai ngho o6 dang: hung dn dua tin, thong bao not cing ofng... Mai bal nghe eé 3 cau hi, va ban phat chon dap én chtoh xée nhit trong s6 4 dip sin cho sin dui mdi céu hit. Vi dy Ja Joa edu hoi xudt hign thuing xuyén va hinh thie ca bai nghe hu abu ef dink nén bn edn phai hoe that nhiéu tt vung va efch din dat ela méi chi 8 tuong ung vit ede bat nghe duge cho. Attention, passengers. Can I have your attention, please? This G tain is going out ot | | service atthe next stop, Grand Avenue. Al passengors must get off the train t Grand | Avenue. Due to fire on the tracks hetween Baltic Street and Mulberry Avenue, the @ local will not be running past Grand Avenue. To continue to all stops on the way t> |. Senter Station, take the H train at Grand Avenue. The H train wil not, | repeat, will nct De running express. The H train will be making all local siops between Grand Avenu and Center Station. No passengers are to remain on the tran once we stop at Grand Avenue. Thank you, and we regret any inconvenience that this causes you. Q:Who is speaking? (A fireman (2) Apaseonger (C) The train's conductor (0) Abus driver weewanhant ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute | Nang cao kha n&ng co ban [ Tid copier (7) may photocopy unoccupied desk (n) ban trong do the paperwork lm cing age nan phing file cabinet (0) ni Ad so drawing table. (r) bam od ngtu Réo hand the paper ‘rao gid 1 view some documents xem rai lie read through pages doc qua ede trang gitiy address (v) din thuyét, ndi edi (ai) face the screen directly di dim mar hinh reach into the cabinet odi tay ndo nl hd so check information ‘idim era thdng tn tum the newspaper ico 10 bdo type on the keyboard diénh meiy (irén bin phim) conduct a conversation di cinoén 6. The woman is 7. She is 8.Heis 9. The desk is 10. The woman is. ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn Gams bi Om make a phone call goidign theai workstation (n) bin 4é’mdy oi ink distribute the papers phan phit béo enter the office odo odn phing hang upthe phone dé‘dién thoai suing {sau khi ng song) phone someone goi dign thoi cho ai look into the drawer nin ndo xgdn Aéo read from the screen doc st mi hin of sich office supplies (0) vin pling phim talkin a discussion phat bieu rong mie cude thd lus attend the conference than dich nghi deliver the speech doc didn wn fix the fax machine sla mdy fas share the office space lou trong cing odin phing ‘organize the paper sip xép gidy 13 Nghe yang, an G6 ahem on the monitor. __. the audience. directly. to the man. Fanpage Hanoi Fee Pivte Tou Guile 0951754259 + Nabe doe tit ed ede chinh ede céu ban 4 nghe. 1. g mo 9 @ > ‘3 Bude 3: Nebe cau va chon dip dn ding (07°79) 1 People are ] Some people are 1 People are ~ ©) People aro _ © People are _. h « A. 0 There is B. [1 Both people are ©. 21 Sheis the paper. D. ©] People are standing 2 [0 Themanis Fisch —THénganhtinnap Wb: sedan smb td bie aah nh dau tick (7) vio ede edu mo ti ding, sau dé viet hoan Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute om | | Wang cao kha nang co ban | A. 0) There are some flowers _ B, [) Themen are__ a __are standing behind the podium. (0 Themen are _ moo 1 One of themenis A. The man _ B. 0] The manis_ his sunglasses. ©. [] The bag has been placed D. Ol Hele ____ at the beach. E, 0 Thereis EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 ag B. ( Tho lights aro___ _ ___at the moment. ©. [5 The chairs are _ D. [1] Some seats are set E (Attendees are A. [J Allthe men are 8. 0) They are__ ©. They've just __ aoeene fae D. 2 They are _. EC) Theyae . I EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 | Nang cao kha nang co ban | Lam quen v6i cm gidc thi that | o=5) ‘x Nghe va chon edu mo t4 ding nhdt nang bite hinh dui day. ao @o @©O MO @®o © OO @o @®o @o OO @®o @®o ©O8 MO ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 @o @0 @©o MO wo @o @o OO ao 8D © MO @®o 80 @O OO EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 Quan st ede bie hinh vé ngay nghi euéi tudn nhu eénh mua sm, nha hing, cao 6, phing khéch, bo sing, ba hi, vx. 1. Mua sdm e © The Items are on display. «None of the chairs are occupied. © The shelves have been stocked with items, © The products are displayed for sale © Tim hiéa trong tam eta bite hinh: Bute hin mo ta cénh hang hia dupe tring bay rit da dang. ne * Tim dap dns § 1% Hoe thude ede cum ti thuing gap Cis) ‘The woman Is purchasing the 4 ee coe Nghe 2 lén theo giong Anh va giong MY r6i doe theo. i a fe ci | be on display ' Se Kedch | 4 dang mua Wig, ef bang ia die | cs ot te atovon ei ae browsing in the store : The bags are being placed on examining some goods the shelf. purchasing the goods 7 Trong bik ch, ltl adh G4 kee be stacked on the floor sadn ton U2 cht King phil ding ee ine sip xp tha kf shu oom bo ‘oli laced matt tem in) edt, mein thine) on display dase rey by shelf (°) RE occupy (+) chiéix (Rhode tne) | stock (v) cid (uing) browse (\) xem qua examine (:) xem xét purchase yma be stacked hang hoa) dige cht swwwanhantrviet EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 © There are famps on both ends of the sofa. | ¢ The painting is hanging on the wall «© Cushions have been placed on the sofa, «© The couch has been placed along the wall, © Timbiéu trong tm ela bife hinh: Bay li bite hinh mo ta phong khéeh, chi c6 mot sf vat dung nhung khong 06 ngudi {5G Hoe thute ede cpm ti thuting gap TES) Nghe # lin theo giong Anh va giong My nbi doe theo. The bed has been made. be covered with tiles bbe hung above the couch bbe made of bricks ‘The food is cooking on the stove, ‘There are plants in front of the windows. ‘Thore is a balcony at each window. end (0) dd (nt) painting (o) bit trank make the bed don giving be covered with die pha! indi Bang ~ te (n) gach It, ni couch (9 ghédai many by brick ir) gach stove. (x) Bép Io ‘aleony (o) ban cing carpet (\) wal thd even ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 . 8 Customers are meats. ng thelr 2 There is a tabla cloth on each table. ‘¢ Some of the chairs are not in use. © One of the men is wearing a long-sleeved shir. © Tim hidu trong tm cia bite hinh: Dong te eiia nhan vin trong nha hang hofe cia thue khdch thutng dupe dit lam dp én, Trong bite hinh nay, Khdch dang diing bua trong nha hang. Foe thude ede eym ti thiting gap (i8inas) Nghe 2 Ién theo giong Anh va giong My ri doe theo. ie taking a food order | studying the menu served eg be served to the table sameness i pouring water into the cup S P \ The silverware is being having thelr meals pie, be busy with customers ea be set fora meal dang duge lau, 16 40) an. da 00 sin tin hn, ie People are finishing their meals. ae | Thue Rhich deng ko, King pai dt aa xoag rh ‘customer (n) Rich dng meal (n) baa dn In use dene dsc sk dune wear () mde lang-slomwed (3) (do) say dai take an order ghi min dn hich goi study (v) xem (hue dom) pour rot be set due -sdpsin sivorware (5) 66 48 dn polish) tau (hi) EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 © Timhigu trong tim eva bile hink: ‘Tren mat hd la vat chide thuyén va vai con vit, mat hd dang yén tinh, Chi ¥ ede tir d& nbém ld nhur duck, dock, deck kbi nghe dap an ‘Sb He thude efe eum tt thuing gap. ( Nghe 21a theo giong Anh va giong My xb doe theo. floating in the water standing on the deck of the boat rowing boat / canoe be docked atthe harbor stroling long the beach overfocking the water rough (a) (mat hd) déng Fisch —THénganhtinnap Wb: sedan @ ratieamn on The bosts are docked at the lake. ‘The water is very calm, ‘The ground by the tres ‘Tim dap an sai ‘The water is very rough. Theo he Moh ti mt MB dag yen Gah et hog tad dng, nin us| hon The water & very rough Bh Abdig ding ‘The boat js being taken outof | the water. ' Chie thinda dang nl tréa.nit hb, bg pi ang bi héo ln Ebi mit} ue nt ing i boing taken 1. be docked dé, cdp bei swim (bol partially (ate) mit phdn chad. |v) che mat (0) bing mle float |.) néi harbor (0) cing row (hea stroll) di deo along (erst) dge theo overtook (x) whim ra Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute pull out ofthe water Aéo ra hhéi nde Porch (n} mdi dm be placed dige dat take a food order ghi tén cde mon din hich got be loaded with cargo. chdi ddy hang near gin atchen utensils ode dung nha bi decide what to eat guyéi dink dn cai gt ‘try on apair of shoes thi mgt déi gidy pay forthe products rd rd (cho mn hang) lead upto dén lén tdi headboard midng ava ddu (irén givimg hode trén ghé) centerpiece dt wang ti é gta ban ds browse the shelves. hin fie qua cic ke hing be laid out dus bay ra Cos) be pled up. duge chi déing doorway ngwing ca bo on display on the rack due mam bity wen gid serve food plive ou thie an In front of pia mide wallpaper (0) gid dé nag look into the store win ado cia hing ‘an outdoor shop oti hing ngoai er tie up aboat cf chide tnedn con both sides ded hai phe be stocked with items duge chi ddy hang hea be sorted into boxes. use phin odo ting hip be displayed tor sale. duye bay rad bin do grocery shopping mursdm dé tap héa chop vegetables xdt ravi Bude 2: Nghe ‘i vung, sau d 6 nghe can 1. The sandals 2. The hats 3. Awoman is _ 4. The boat has been 5. The boat is _ 6. The table on the ground, at the dock. 9. There are lamps _ of the bed. 10. There are _ the front door. ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 Ce Nghe doe tte cde cau mé td bie dh, dnb déu tick (V7) vao ed edu mo td dhing, sau d6 viet hon 4c cau ban da nghe, A. 0 The pictureis___ B. [There is some C. C] The painting has been hung D. Ol There is E. [ Theshelves are___ ‘The clerk is with products. D. There inthe store. & (9 Allthe bottles _ : ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 + B. Cy The boat is _ C. 0 The waves are 5 Donte taka. E, 0] The boatis _ B.C] The woman is ©.) The woman is _ D. ©) The woman ie E. Cl The staircase is. the next level. ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 ‘Checks! A. 0 Themanis B. ©. D. E =. (7) The manis _ ‘The man is The man is ] Vegetables are ALC Woteris B. Peopleare ©. 5 People are D. 15 People are — E. 5 People are Fisch —THénganhtinnap Wb: sedan Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute Nang cao kha ning co ban) Lam quen v6icdmgiac thi that © x Nghe va chon edu mé t4 dking nhét nhuing bufe hinh di day. ao 80 @o MD @o 80 @O MD wo 80 @©0 OO @o @®o © OO ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 @o @o ©O MO wo @o @©o oO @®o @®o ©o OF EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 (Quan st ede ue inh vé dung ph nhu cin lao ding sin xu, cdng traing, ngub va xe oft la tn phi. Nhang bie hinh nay cé thé o6 hinh anh mot ngudi hoge nhiéu ngwéi. 41. Phuong tién giao thong . Corman Tm éu trong tim cia bite hink: G6 2 chiée xe hoi trong anh, mgt chiée dang mé e6p sau, 6 mot ngwit dan ong dving bén cam, » Hoe thude ede eum tit thuting gip Gkn03) ‘Nghe 2 lin theo giong Anh va gigng My réi doc theo. : ‘Tim dp n sai dl parking the car |The train has just arrived. backing up the car «Tic Mt Whig thd hi bit by chi ‘tit ho vé xe tia. pulling into the station loading onto the truck ‘The car is boing lited to be re- be parked in opposite direction fered hig’ se niy dong ju trOa phd, be landed on the ground: ‘khing phii dang duye ning lin €& ach ip vo, ghé vo load (9) chat hing ai «) dd len, point () efit park () du, dé (xe) in front of pia ruc pul opposite, (2) dé dién land (} hg xwine ground (s) md dat platform) sin nde lén repair «) sta chia EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 © Tim hiéu trong tim cba bite ink: Bie hiah nay mé 14 enh 6 (0 dang ehay trén dung, ben ve dung o6 vai nguoi dang di bg, cay efi, bang hiéu giao théng, ép phfch quang cdo © Hoe thube ee cum tit thiting gip isms, Nghe 2dn theo giong Anh va giong My ri doe theo. walking along the street crossing the road waiting for the traffo ight Some people are walking o Pedlesttians are walking along the street. ne signs around the street. Tim dap an sai Children are drinking from the resting around the fountain © water fountain. sitting on the curb ‘Tong aah khong of inh voi phuo le (wats luni), looking into the store window The trees are along the street. ‘The woman is walking faster ‘than the rest of the people, pedestrian (0) Akdch fd hank walk along di doc theo cross (9) da ian thing sign (n) bing hiéu, ign bio sidewalk (9) via hé pave = inlaid fountain (0) vii mnie euro 9) 18 ding Fisch —THénganhtinnap Wb: sedan ‘rong hink 6 mhida put ding i ‘bf, ahang wi hink 6 trang thi tah nin ta khing thé bid dage & dang i ahah hen. uo (dune) talc light >) 460 5») ft (dung) rest ich ngudtiegt Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute "oso isola y | o” PY Passibie abisiees (ns3) » The area is unser construc- ° Anumber of construction materials are piled at the site, © The crane is ir operation. ro trees around the construction site. © Tim hiéu trong tim cia bite ink: Trong hinh ed nguydn vat ligu xay dung, xo thi dng va tm hinh cho thay tién d9 eda cng trinh (mie 46 hodn thanb eong trink, Hoge thade ede cum tit thang gap G9, [Nghe 2 Hin theo giong Anh va giong My ri dge theo be under construction have finished the construction - moving a heavy object ‘Tim dap dn sai digging the earth The man is replacing the win : | dow. The crane towers are against the shy. fo ‘The walls are being built. ng dang thay eh 6. ‘The worker is putting on a protective helmet. puting on & proetve helmet ghia (a dang dia so. Bf. Trong be hin bing ob cia ny mithig be in operation daa hoot dig material in) tli be pled diac citi déne site (> cong tower (%)shdp move (di chwén object (°) ct dig) do earth (9) da replace (shay protective 2) bk EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 ° Croce © The machine is iting us some crates, @ The crates have been piled up outdoors, © The oratas are being moved by the m «The crates are stored bahind the bute © Tim hiéu trong tém cia bite hinhs ‘Voi chi dé nay, host ding cy thé cia nguti lao déng cng ‘hu no: Tao déng thudng duge ding lam trong tam cho cau hit, Trong hinh nay e0 xe efu dang nang mot 66 kign hang. EH® He thude ede cum ti thuding gép EAB) Nghe 2ldn theo giong Anh va giong My r6i dge theo. doing some work at the table using ahand tool climbing the ladder carrying a box under one’s arm painting the fence ‘mowing the fawn assembling the parts thing gé be pled up. dvs cl hank ding outdoors (2°) ngoct tin | aching (9) my store (.) gid, 2m? hand took (°) rig ied tay ladder jn thang leo cary ©) mung, cd under the arm ep nick foXd (o) x€ pant.) aning ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 walk down the street i dpe theo com ng driveway (n) dudng odo ahd (cho 6 18) motorist (1) nguati Idi xe 6 0d resurface the road lim Tai mar dving repair the lamppost sta cd dén push the wheelbarrow dd xe ct kt walt atthe curd chi dl ding intersection (9) giao 16 runway (0) duimg bang use ahammer ding bila get out ofthe taxi suing saxd sweep the road gut dng lay @ concrete sidewalk dé'bé ting via he overpass. (0) cdu owt be under renovation dang duyc ndng 19) Bude 2: Nghe ti vom, sau 46 nghe ci. (24 1. The pedestrians are _ 2 Thetrainis 3. Some people 4. A motorcycle is 5. The building is 6. The road curves 7. The man is — 8. People are 9. They are — 10. The bus has arrived at its ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn ‘operate heavy machinery o¥in hanh may mele ogi nang inspect the car kiémn ira xe pullinto sip oto wait atthe taxi stand chi # bn di tat be under construction dang dupe xéy ding change a fst tre thay lop xe be lined up dine sdp theo Ring into the distance @ déng xa ccimb onto the root Leo lén mai nha limb the tadder leo thang board the train 1én cau ha final destination didn dé cud cing bbe on the crosswalk dang én It qua dung dlink cho Rhdch bg hele wait to cross ché qua dung _ the station. Fanpage Hanoi Fee Pivte Tou Guile 0951754259 f 53 Bude 5: Nghe ctu vi chon dip in ding, 035-705) _ «+ Nghe dec ttc ce eau md ta bie nb, dainh dea tick (7) vo ede edt mo fd ding, saw &6 vt hodn chink ofe eau ban dA nghe. ‘heck A. (Hels Hols ©. () The bus - D. [1] The bus is nee E. ( Heis_ _————- A.C} The umbrellas are _ B. Cl The outdoor cat Most chairs are = D. [1 People are con the sidewalk. E. 1] Some people are oe EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 A. 0) The man has _ B. 2 Theman is _ at the moment. ©. [) Themanis D. [1] The manis E. (] Themanis ___ by himset. ‘A. (7 None of the people is _ B. [1] The workers are C. 1 The workers are: ____ to construct ¢ building, D. [1 The building is _ E. 1] The construction is _ EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 ‘A. 0 Some trees are B, [] Thocars are ©. 1 The sky is D. © The road is E. () The trattic is ™9 9 BP EFisglsh Téa iene Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute fang cao kha nang ci am quen voi cdm giac thi that Gam) x Nehe va chon edu m6 ta diing nat nhing bite hinh dud day. eo @o Oo @®D @5 @b MO @®o 80 @©f OO EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 EFisglsh Téa iene Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute Part 1 Review Test | za ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 EFisglsh—Tiéng nhdinhip, Wie: eteduvn fanpage Maple PrvateTour Gude 096.76.298 Fisch —THénganhtinnap Wb: sedan Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute | ji validate 10. Fisch —THénganhtinnap Wb: sedan Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 BIG STEP. TOEICZ Part2 Unit 4. Cau hdi Where/When/Who Unit 5. Cau hdi Why /How/What Unit 6. Cau hdi Which /Cau héi ding tro dong tit Unit 7, Cau héi gién tip Unit 8. Cau ndi phii dink /cau ni dus / Cau héi Iya chon Part2 Review Test ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute Part 2 yéu cu thi sinh chon edu tré loi thich hop nbdt cho c&t hoi via duge nghe. Da ban nghe dupe hét cd 3 lua chon nhung Khong nghe due cau hai thi cing v6 ich. Vige nghe nhiéu céu héi gém sing nhau ob thé lam ban d nham lén, Gio trinh sé cung ep ede bat tap gitip ban luyén tap phén beter z nay. Hay nghe ede edu hai thuimg gp sau déy va dién vido ché tring bling ede tik nghi van, 2 {question word). a (7) Nghe va dién vio ché tréng cdc te nghi vin, OR ap 1 ib ____are you going to Seattle this aftemoon? e going b+ dan ci na | i hint of ghia La 6 da nei | 2 ‘are you going to Seattle this afternoon? eatacheetattaea a ‘are you going to Seattle for your trip? ppt mb oghi dy ih 4 _are you going on your vacation this summer? ime. 1 5. time are you going to leave for the workshop? Vid 6. ____about going to a movie tonight? Hiss gag f New York. (Ask iy dang fi New York) ‘are you going to take, a bus or the subway? He's cing to mect he clorts. (Anh & ey dink ip Raich [2] Xae dinh cau tra 16i ding. 1. How are you going to Seattle this aftemoon? L. Dang How dé hai cach di dén Seattle (bing phuong tién gi) 2. Why are you going to Seattle this afternoon? Ding wy dé hoi If do di dém Seattle 8. When are you going to Seattle for your trip? ‘~ Dong when dé hoi thoi didm di dén Seattle 4.\Where are you going on your vacation this summer? \. Dang Where dé hai noi nghi he 5.What time are you going to leave for the workshop? & Dang wnat két hop vét time hii thot gian di én cue hoi thio 6. How about going to a movie tonight? | LC. Dong How két hop wéi about a8 d8 nghj di xem phim 7. Which are you going to take, a bus or the subway? | \ Dang which két hyp véi a bus or the subway dé chon hya mét trong hai e ‘rip (n chips di vacation (n) (chapel di) nghi mt leave for ri (net ndo dé) dé dén ~ workshop | =) (n) hdr thdo take a bus bit xe bust ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 2, Nam phuong phép log tric dp én sai ‘Trong s6 30 edu hit ca Part 2 thi Khong 10 edu hi e6 dp sn ding 18 cA tr et gid tip. Nghia la néx cas hii 18 Where thi trong 10 trudng hop, dp dn ding khong phat la edt tr Iti chi noi chén. ‘: Where did you get that camera? A: Oh, it's a gift from my friend, John. Ro ring, cfu tré lai cho cAw héi trén khong phai 1A mot noi chin nhur tz thuimg mong dai. Do 46, ‘ruse hét ede ban phi hoe eéch logi tri eae edu tré 101 hign nhién sai, sau 46 ban sé dé ding chon dtuve dap an ding hon, {7 Nehe 2 dap an cho méi eau hdi duéi day, dénh X vao dap an 7 | "sai, va O vao dap dn dhing, (3:53) © Nghe making phn doin die in Ta ip nai th 1. How much sugar do you want for your cottee? tng th od dng phing a e : sip oi tt | Thing tung tong ee ip én la Part 2, dép én. mho mult 2. Which do you prefer, a window seat or an aisle seat? itn ahog tM age bog a o__. | cha ri thang I pd |, Da 6, 18 ng of ban | eh ohé loing thoing ede im | mid King hidu nghia th King [B) Xée dinh eau trd loi ding. fhkben Bing da, 1 Ao Bx ‘How much sugar do you want for your coffee? o> Hai vé luong dung cn bd vao cd phe (A)! prefer black. > Trd lai la thich ca phé den (tite la khong: edn duimg) (B) Yes, we're out of sugar. '® Day 1a cau hdi o6 ti nghi vdn néa khong duge tra 1éi bang Yes Zio Bx Which do you preter, a window seat or an aisle seat? » Hat véché ban thich ng, gn ofa 6 hay edn Iti di (A) Bithers fina with mo. ChB nao edng duge khong chon 1 hb hu mong doi) (9) Tha cold food sin aise 3. 2 The dn nguét 6 day the 3 Prefer (v)ihick hom be out of ht alste (nj 161 di elther cindy hod edi kia (edi ndo cing di) cold food thie dn nguét ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute unit 4. Cau héi Where/When/Who ea a Part 2 xudt hign edu hdt dang Wh- (Wh- questions) va cau hai Yes/No. 1. Cau hoi Where La cau hit v8 noi cha, Khong thé tr lit bing Yes hoge No. Dép an o6 thé 14 mot dja diém hose mot coum tir khong true tgp chi noi chén, {GE Nee va ip ee td ‘hire ean I gt the us for Seoul? ArAtgste3, 1: Where should put this cup? ‘A: You can leave it there. 2: Where will the staff meeting be held? A: inthe board room. i Q:: Whore do you think | should put the boxes? ‘Noth cum 8 tntheconforence ecm dihing gi wghi myourmbox ony hp dei bar | incichin ——oppostethe park di ign cng siéa—_onyour desk irén bin gdp i | thang sp thor 1G dig ir obtain coh } | centre second oor ir di ai byte door cant ca ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 2, Cx héi When Day 1a cd hei vé thot gian, khong thé tra Idi bing Yes hod No. Cam tré lat hdu hét déu vé thot gian, ‘pan nén edn than Toe bb edu tra lei t61 nghta va khong ph bop. When are you going to finish the report? A:Today. Q: When are you faking your vacation this year? A: As son as L complete this project. @: whens this report due? A: Barly next week, Q: When did you reserve the hotet room? A: 2weeks ago, supposed to do thee Ad hoach ihe ng del thi ~ agin (i) be du fh | ngay bhi complete (y) hoan thank be due dé han reserve the hotel room dat phong khdch son » Nhing cum ti sometime net wook fc no dé twin ti ntuple 2g cid bith gen genow ng ba by Seed he manta ud ut hg dy thifug 2ip — imamhour trang mdr gid wee “two Thursdays ago cach diy hai tht nam cousin ovo ich dy i iy ——_* eww ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 3. Ciu hoi Who Diy 1a cu hit vé ngudi, khong thé tr oi bing Yes hod No. Dap én of thé a ten nguii, che vy, hoge ‘mot cum ti khong truc tiép chi nguéi. Gy Nee a ip ei fe dtd dy, HRD Q: Who presented first at the workshop? A: The department head started off. Q: Who was absent from yesterday's meeting? ‘A: Sophia had a doctor's appointment. | onan 9 eet nd ton ad (0) ung hin —sctang (9) chy hinge wcopresident (cp chick recent (hin oi tif tn thang gp peweoe (9) lin si Boaters (°) Ban Gin de doctor ae ssi jqhantriietcom, ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 gotthe results hn het gud ‘make copies sao chip i ligu bogh production bat dd sn xudé leadengineer fy sceruing invitation (0) i mdi deadline (0) thd hon cut eine somstime next week fie nio dé rudn ui allthe time lun twin hancle (v) x within a week srong odng mde tudn Inless than 6 months trong odny defi 6 thang nia before lunch today snus bi trua hd nay factory sample _mdu sin phim (tai nha may) earthe station edn nhd ga ‘since my graduation Adu hi ui wit nghidp 1. When will the _ 2. Who'll be the 3. When were those 4, Where can | 5. Where 6. Who's going to_ _ 7. When is your mother 8.Who's __ the invitation? Mr. Park handles that, 9. Where did you _.| brought yesterday? They're on my desk. 10. When can__ _____of my physical? Within a week. ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn 2 Near the station, ick up the ticket mua oé get promotion dupe thing tide take the vacation di nghi mat take the rest of the day off gh gid dein het nigiy lam vide predict the rain dic dod 1a eo mua @week from now song I tudin ké tit bay gids be responsible for chu trich whiém vd — Saturdays ago cdch day 3 cht bdy leave for London di Luin Bin facilities department pking thigt bj shipping department ping edn chin board room (n) phong hop ctla ban gidm de cafeteria (n) quate dn se phyee oe director (n) gidim dé Answer 2 In ess than 6 months. ‘Mr. White, I guess. 2 Before lunch today. ‘The machine is broken. His secretary will, 2 Tomorrow night. Fanpage Hanoi Fee Pivte Tou Guile 0951754259 © | Wang cao kha nang co ban | ding. 1 @o ea @o ao eo @a aa oo oo Ao eo @o ca eat sas “ Nehe cfu hit va edu trd Idi, hoan chinh eée edu d& nghe, sau 46 dénh dau tick (x) vao dép én When did you 2 (No, I'm fe) [ry See nnn nena OR RNrEDEORTOESEED a Who's goingto 2 (A)Weneed a oo © ‘Whore is the. 2 @itmns (©) Just. When is the 2 (A) Tomis, (8) I placed ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 «eo ao eo © ao eo oo 10. ao 0 o ‘Who's responsible for. (A) Jonathan or (0) Yes, ‘When wil | A. (8) No, (8) She has get (©) thought Who's going to (A) Sometime. (8) Only ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn wwwnharsrvietcom [Ea Fanpage: Hal re rate Tour Guide cha nang co ban | Lam quen véi cm giac thi that | Gem pees Nghe va chon edu tra lot ding nhat o © © 4 ® ® © 5. ® ® © 6 ® ® © 7. ® ® © 8 ® ® © : ® © 10. ® ® © ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 Unit 5. Cau héi Why/ How/ What ‘Mai tit Why, How va What thetng mang 2 nghfa. Trong mét bai thi thye t€, of it ahdt 2 edu hai bét du bing t Why, How va What. 1, Cin hoi Why Day 1a edu héi vé ly do hoge la lt d& nghi (abu trong Why don't wo ...2). Khong tra l0i bing Yes hoge No. [Nghe va lip Iai ede cfu h8i dudi day. Q: Why Is Mr. Nakamura leaving the company? ‘A: He's taking a job in another city, Q: Why don't we try new restaurant for linch today? ‘A: That sounds good. Q: Why has the presentation been postponed? ‘A: They didn’t mention the reason, Q: Why did Sara go {o New York last week? ‘A: She had to attend the conference, Q: Why don't you call the service center? A: Lalready did, but there was no answer. leave (11rd take ajob whdn vide fam postpone () hoin mention (v) dé cdp déin attend © (v}tham dy conference (0) gi ngh service center (x) ung tém dick aw Rhdch hing = ——— ~ | QED » Phan tich miu dép dn Curing gdp céa céu hol Why | Chui wy ii If do: Ngai necause, dip én cin «ef df hifu Khe abt ue fo hesty anf mnt) to sub te | ‘epet 8 np bo ed), forthe presenta cb bi pht bi. : | 7 hn it wy ng abi nh CB hl Re ng Ci me cu hag hg gs 1 ‘That's a good idea (¥ hay dé), That sounds good (Nghe due ds), 'é love to (Thi rt thich). = a ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 2. Cin hoi How Cf hé: néy rit da dang: How did you...? (phuong ph4p)/How far...? (khong cach)/How about ...? © (@B nghj)/How do you like...? (¥ kién)/ How much...? (gi c@)/How long...? (hodng that gien), Cau ‘héi How khOng duge tré li hing Yes hoge No nhung véi How about ~ 7 (céu dé nghi) thi 6 thé ding Yes/No. (Gi Nie va ip Ii ee ctu bit dua dp, a=) Q;: How many people are attending the workshop? ‘A; fim not sure about it Q: How far is it from here to the airport? ‘A: Only an hour's drive. : How did you finish the project 80 quickly? A: Tom gave me a lot of help. 2: How about shipping the materials tomorrow? A: Sounds lke a. good plan, we @: How do youlike your new place? = ‘Axis more spacious. send (ta tr worn (ido ih (fin in hin ea ch aad fe) 24 spacious (a) ng : (Cc cau hdi How thong dung Ngo ie clch ding rn, How cn nid ch dng hfe br en nm vn: | Honizyourbusbess aoa?» Cling vif asso ri li enh eg vig) | Howcna sho fae mest cece? > Ti sae fy Kg ing ba? do | ‘Howls yourfather? » Bg ela ben o6 khie khing? (sie khée) ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 3. Cau hoi What (Cau hit nay cing rét da nghfa. Ngodi nghta ov ban la “ct gi", what cdn of nhiéu nghfa khée nhaw tily ‘vao ti theo sau n6. Vi dy: What time...? (thoi gian)/ What size...? (kich e0)/What country...” (qué qudn}/ What do you think of (about)...? (f kién) Cu hit dang nay kh6ng tr Idi bing Yes hot No. Nate wl a be cau bad aay hat's the purpose of your visil to Seoul? 'm here on business. 4 Q: What country did she come from? A: She’s from Russia. Q: What do you think about their new plan? A: I think it's impractical. (QD « Cau hei What thing dung ‘What your new pense ta? hanya i de ela mit gibi. Bp ing hog I sgt cn ech a ard | extig (him hi epen-nindd phng Hoop enero ring earache in tia in 8. acai :nhantsivietcom ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 \ foam of the position tim hidad chic ou néo da otto the post office di dé bi dign conference room ping Agi nghi department head truaing phing ‘exhibition center trung tm trig dim take the airport shuttle di xe bust cla san Bay company-wide ‘rin oan cing ty gotothetheater dixem hich employment (0) 2ige lara, vide thud min ‘cancel the meeting hy cufe hep secretarial position of tri thu key anmal banquet ge chung nién mention the date dé cdp dé ngiy roti (v) 08 hare gotothe beach dire bai bién big enough dil lin send out giti di estimate dy dodn visit the branch office thm vdn phéng chi nhanh relocate () di dai restructuring vige slp xép lai applicant (c) ug vign over a decade fon I thip nién last foran hour eo di srg mét eid ding hb paid vacation ky) nghi cd hing hamg following week: tudn saw dé storage room hd Kho award ceremony 1é tao gidi Question Answer What Orange juice, please. — of this position at PPC magazine? | read about itin the newspaper. tothe beach with me? Sure, when are you leaving? changed? ‘Since Mr. Park couldn't bo here then, room? Big enough for more than 100 People. 2 to get to the post office? Through the park. Z over there? ‘That's a good idea. leave? It should depart soon. —_ before we get to the theater? About 15 minutes or so. to all department heads? ——_‘That sounds better. ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute coy + Nghe eéu hai va cfu trd Iti, hoan chinh ede edu 44 nghe, sau dé démh dau tick (¥) vao dap dn dring. 1 ao @o oo ao eo od wo eo oo ad @®o oo ao eo oo I veww.nhantriviewcom_ What bank 2 {A) Yes, the bank financing is (8 Thefactoyis (©) We used Why did you come to _ — 2 (Al Ho, asreanaen te enaNDESIETEDEINIENOBEEEEOED (@) Because : (©) Because there was, How did you 2 a (B) infact, (O)I shouta How about ——__—? (A) No, (8) It sounds (©) We should Whattimedoyou stat ) (8) You don’t need to (©) €or, ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 ao @o oo wo eo oo aa eo oo 10. ao ,ea oo ‘Mr. Kang’s retirement? ()He wi (8) Don't worry. Tom and Mary eI {C) We witt the new computer software? (A) No, we are waiting for — ® @tts the ota program, Why is Sophia 1A) She's (No, this winter (Yes, @_________ tight now? or ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute | wang cao kh nang co ban | Lam quen véi cam gidc thi that | a Nghe va chon edu tra loi diing nbat. ® © ® © ® oO . © © ® © ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 wynw, ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 Unit 6. Cau héi Which / Cau héi ding tro dong tit ‘Trong Part 2, edu hoi Which va edu hoi ding try dong ti 1a phin khé nha, Dae bigt, edu hi ding tre ding tor ust hig kha nbidu (3 — 4 edt trong mot bat thi). 1. Caw héi Which 1a edu hit yeu cu chon 1 trong 2 hay nbidu tht, Cau tra loi c6 noi dung ey thé thang la dap én ding. Khong duve tra loi bling Yes hoge No cho céu hii Which. Q: Which shirt should | buy? A: Thegrey one, ‘Q:: Which medicine do you recommend? A: The one | always take, @: Which way is the shortest to the alisport? ‘A: The highway is the quickest. Q: Which designer did you decide to hire? A: We're stil discussing it. Q: Which report do you want me to go over with you? ‘A: The one we discussed yesterday, ‘rey (a) xm_medicine (0) zhuéc recommend (o) 42 xudt highway (0) xal@ hire (yj thué discuss {y) thdo lin 98 90 over (0) xem xe 4. Trg hep chon dt dt mf ht: Cn td ing tong tring hop ny thutng ding it one, chlng han Tho fist one, ‘Th blue one, The one nearhe door, 2 Tru hop kbong dd hdr Cu rT theo du in tr, eng han nave no asa. swe haven acoxes IyoL hts adtiov question. | | | ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 2. Cia hoi diing tro dong tir (Caw bit dang nay of nghta rét dic biét va luon 6 tro dong tit di kem. Vi du: Can you ...? / Could you |? (ahi va) hoe Would you tke ...2 / Would you care ..? (mdi mc). Dang cfs bi nay of thé trd Joi bing Yes hodic No. Ga Nee vip nt cu it dud dy G: Would you like some help with that box? ‘A: That would be areat. Qs Could you give me a ride to the airport? A: Sure, what time is your fight? Q: Would you like to address at our annual convention in September? ‘A: Let ma check my schedule. Q: Can you send me a copy of the revised contract? A: Yes, ll mail it tomorrow. ‘Would you care to sit atthe window table? - ArThatwould bebetter ie ave mearide cho tdidi ahd xe tight (0) chyith bay addvess (v7) ndichiogn (rade dim ding) Meag annual (a) ching nién convention (nj hgi nghi copy (0) ban, bdn sao revised 44 dupe chink sia ontract.(n) gp déng. mall (v) gia care to do ~ dich lim ~ window table bin gd cis «© Ciw hoi thong dung véi Would like ‘Nene ch ding ten, would ke cbnnhidu ech ding khée tga en nd wing: 2: Homwowayouskayour cones? » Hi vé dp m/abet eed pt |: Jttons spoont lease. ©: How would yout yourstak? > Héi vi &j chin oa itt 1A: Mest wolsdone less, - ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 ever a V4 Would you care to do~? Ath /Chi od smudin ~ khang? look forward to ing ining dai ~ call back goi lai mind (v)phibn speak loudly nai to finan hour irong ving 1 gid déng hd recommendations (whiig) dé xude draft plan ke hoach sothéo extend the deadiine gia ham (thoi ham cut cing) proofread the documents doc dé'sta Id i lidu have a previous appointment cd I cwic hen aie make an overseas call, goi ra nude ngodi do you preter? 1 of these sales reports? Would you like me to do~? Ank/Chi ob much 1% lim ~ hong? fill out the form ign méudon reserve room dat phing supplios. nguéin cing ig bo fully booked. (nha hang) heb ch sales figures dol 36° warranty (o) gd bdo hint conect errors. sia i take Ato the airport. chd tdi san bay meet the goal dat muc tu take the insurance mua hia hidin Answer No, I don't need them. ‘The brighter one is better, i information about our training program? Sure, it sounds like fun. — ? No problem, __foryou? Yes, pleasedo. in an hour? Yes, no prodlem. q a ______ the recent research results? We haven't received them yet. j 8 this weekend? Sorry, wo ao fully booked. 9. to my office in the afternoon? I'm afraid I'm very busy today. 10. message? No, I'll call back later. i worw.nhantrivietcom: j ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn Fanpage Hanoi Fee Pivte Tou Guile 0951754259 ‘Nebo dw hét va edt tra Tei, hodn chinh cde edu da nghe, sau dd démh dif tick (v7) vao dp so ding. 1 with the customer tomorrow? ao (A) Itbegins. @o (8) Yes, I've been, ao (C)It wil be hed 2 when you have some time? ao .... after finishing this proposal. eo a @o a 3. __t0 talk about the meeting this aftemoon? OG Yes, OO eyes, (nL 4 for the last quarter? Ao Wi today, i @O Byes, : oo ©. t 5. for lunch? A PPtbwought toca, e®oa (8) Sure, there is_ O — @)¥es,__ trom your boss. ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 "Yilding Gao iS aliag ca Ba Ss 6 your new laptop computer? = OTHE computers e eo (8) Sure, know Don't worry. ' : © ESony,t | z ‘Woudd you sek Serato 2 ac (A) Yes, 4 ea (i that. | qo (©) Yes, __ 8 _— ao (A) Just a eo (B)lreally ©oo (OK, in minute. ®. Shalt iethor__ @O | Wye, trom ner @o (8) No thanks. | @oo ©. 10. this marketing report for me now? | wo (Sony, ne, | OO | Ose | @o | @i vet j w.nhantriviet com ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 Nang cao kha nai ing co ban | Lam quen vi cdm gidc thi that | x Nghe va chon efu tra Joi ding nhatt, ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 Unit 7. Cau hdi gian tiép : Cau hai gldn tip 18 cau hbi o6 ti ding 48 hoi nlm & gida cu (thay vi é déu edn). Cau hdi dang nay ‘tuong 461 kh6 higu, nha la véi hoc vién so edp. Part 2 tit 2 ~ 3 edu hot dang nay. 1. Cau héi gin tiép (Cau hoi gin tip 18 edu hoi duye chén vao vi tf te tt ea mbt eat hat kde, ching han Do you know who...?/ Can you tell me what...?. Dép dn diing dua vao edt héi dupe chén d6, Deng edu hdl ndy 6 ‘thé tr Iti bing Yos hose No, Ct ‘Qu@ Nehe va lip lai ode edu hbi dui day. eared) sn you tall me where | can find good office furniture around here? ‘A: There's a store on Hamitton Stroct, 9 you Know where the bus stop is? ‘A: Walk down a couple of blocks, Q: Could you please find who handled this shipment yesterday? + Sure, itwill take a minute. Q: De you know how lo install this program? Let me check the manual. Q: Gen you tell me when the meeting is starting? i nan hour. & office funiture dé g6 udn pling block (0) day nha handle |v) au BY shipment (n} 1 dng insta CE iy) edi dat manual (0) sce eine dein ‘OD + Hin the tra ot oa edn hoi gin tig +. Trai trye ip: VE hin dts, fu bl gin tipo th de ra ng Yes hoe No. Tuy io tng bai thi, dp én ‘ng thing ta Tei cho eée eéu hai Where/When How... nm @ gta cfu. Vi dy, vi elu 1¢ you know why 7th dip én) ng phi I v8 gyn ahi, i eu Do you know where..? th dp dn ding pic vE nie f 2 Tr a hol thie: Bay 1a ng on tr oi bing rng, nhung cing dng. Vi dy hasnt beso cited. She tl me z ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 program director gin de chung tink rotum the call goi lai document the meeting li bigw ban cue hop ‘get aloan from the bank ay siéu nga hang shipping company cing ty odin edi moot the deadline oan think ding on last at least 2 weeks kéo dei it nhdt 2 edn submit separately dp ridng 1b lake a bus to work di Lim bang xe bgt much too expensive qué dt goclthes shopping di mua sém qui do now staff recruitmant cide sun nh vig moi update cp what improve sales figures tang doanh s6° cae 2: Nghe ti-vimg, sa 6 nghe Tih iy vn ti vung Gon (2-755) cafeteria. gud dn pie ou vice president pho chil tich placeanad dét I mdugudng cio pay interests wd lai get another plan lam mét kf hogch kinde prime realestate. bi ding sn ca cp starin the movie ngéisaodién dnb start the camcorder ifm may guy phn agenda chong tink nghi oe not until this weekend ci mi ns must have fived here chdc hd da sting d day finance statement ban khai ii chink chair the meeting chil iri cue hop Question Answer to find Mr. White? He doesn’t work here any more. : a8 a new program director? _It hasn't been decided yet. a 2 the picnic was canceled? Probably because it rained. 4 ___ there is any change? Vd be happy to help you in any way possible. - __lean get acup of coffee? At the cafeteria at the corner. returned Catny’s call? Yes, you called her two Saturdays ago. Ms. Mackay is calling this moming's meeting? To introduce anew vice president. __ John while he’s away? A decision hasn't been made, ___the bus comes? About every 30 minutes. _ the repairman is expected to come? —_ Sorry, but she's out of the office right now. ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute | Nang cao kha nang co ban | + Nghe caw hat va eéw tra léi, hodn chinh ede cdu da nghe, sau d6 diinh dela tick (v) vao dap dn ding, 1 has boon set | wo Wes, : eo Be i i 0 — @No | 2 i AO wes! Qo @ / @o @ | 3. your vacation this year? i @o wi ®0 @Frm to Indonesia. oo @ 4 Mr. Brown will be back herein town? aa 1A) No, he's. @o (8) He this weekend. on 8 he always wears that tio? ao Woo ea (B) Somy, __ oa (C)Yes,___ a ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 ac Oo oo ao @o @o 10, ao @o oo she has changed her mind? ao ere (©) Perhaps. this invoice? () You can (0) It should for the next meeting? CO : o a in France. (Oust this camcorder? ()leouldat__this morning. @ ust (©) This camoorder ie_ = to get to the office? a the traffic. (i thi time, ()lusually _wewenhantivietcom ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 E_wwwenhanuiviercom EPS Englsh—Thng Ao he wasp Wie sen Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute Ghi chi chinh sta Iya chon sai. www nhantivietcora, Fanpage: Hal re rate Tour Guide ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn 18 dat diém cao trong Part 2, ede ban phai lam tit Can hdi phi inh /Cau hdi dudi/Cau hat lua chon, vi ba dang nay chim ti 18 1én trong Part 2, 4. Cau hdi phi dinh / Can hi dudi ‘Cau héi phd dinh 1a cu hdi 6 not sau tro ding ti, vi du Don't you like...?/ Hasn't it...?, Caich tra loi cau héi nay gidng nhw tra Joi cho edu hoi tuong ty Ichéng 6 not. Cau héi duéi 1a cét héi o6 thém phan bt (tag) phfa sau, ding dé tai x4e nhén thi va chi ngut phia trude, Dang eau het nay of thé tré loi | bing Yes ho&e No va o6 cach tré 10i gidng nhu edu héi phi dinh. a = Nahe vi lp la ede ctu it dui day, S08 Q: Hasn't it stopped raining yet? A: Yes.ithas, Q:: The food here has improved a lot this year, nasi It? ‘A: Lreally haven't noticed, Q: Don’t you tink: we should take a short break? ‘A: OK, but just 20 minutes, @ : Sophia needs to send her invoice, doesn’t she? A: lt'snot necessary this time. Q : Aren't the ax forms due soon? | ‘A: Yos, tho deadline is Tuesday. | Improve (vedi thin notice () dé’ take a break gid lao Invoice (0) ha dem tax orm nu a CE thud’ deading (0) choi has ew cing (QI + Céch nhgn biét cin héi phi dink /cén 4. Cau hai phi din (em nh king ot not) len'tthere a shortout tothe station? > fa there a shortout tothe station? [Nae ig thoi), et [Ndi dug tt (shout), tri Ia You nu Hing, a hg, No ng td Ti No. | | 2 Cau hai dui (Nha bit thi va chi ng thong qua phén dul tag) ] You didnt meot Chats, cid you? Nii dung Ik gp Cares, qu Kd, cing you i [Néseé lp, te lei Yes ns king gp, ti No. - Mr. Jonson tikes Vietnamese 100d, coesnt ne’? Nol dung a tich mén an Vit Nam, tM BR ta, chi ng NG thi rt Yes nf hing hich, No. sensi a ia . ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap Vb Eseduvm —Fanpage:Hanal Fee PivaleTeurGuMle 0951764259 “La can hét you cdu phai chon mét trong hai thd. Cau trd lot o6 thé 1a “A", “BY, “hode A hoie B déu ‘fuge’, hog “IchOng chon cdi no ed”. Khong tra lai bling Yes hoe No cho dang céu hat nay. Q: Would you ike thie shirt or a smelter one? | ‘A: What size do you have? Q:Do you want to have lunch delivered or go to a restaurant? 's rainning, so [et's order something. ls the new furniture arriving today or tomorrow? Neither. I's going to arrive next week. contract () hap diag plek up (vt Lay come over (°) 141 have lunch delivered dat ng ming em sae (odn phong) | ceo +d tp | 1. Hobe A hoge B dé dane ; he's rete, does mate, leorte, \Wierveryouthe ewptoyou, 2. CAA va B dé khong dupe eit. “Thoyhaven decid yet ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 | Nang cao kha nang co ban | pol cancel a subscription hily bd vige dat bdo work number 36 dt thet ev quan assistant managor ire gm dic choose a candidate chon sng vig ask fora repair visit yéu cdu ai nguii dén sila (cdi gi do) ‘sign the contract Ay hop ding accept the conditions chip nkdn ede didu kién be accompanied duce ship ning be busy all week b4n ed ruin travel agent wh in cing ty du ih flaw in the program mt Idi ong ching tinh ome in for an interview «i/déin pling ean Ithasn't been decided yet. Nevii ta ndn cee dua ra guyét dint The rents rising. Tign sau (wha) dang tang gid. 4.Mr. Kim 1A) Baas [Nghe ti ve, san 6 nghe ein Ce03) | didn’t he? home number 56 din thoai nha house number sé'nka attend the orientation shan di bud hatag din call the help desk go bam hing din expect someone tring ai dé check the terms hidin ia ee didu khodn (trong hop déng) ‘own the properties s hitusdi sin bring the umbrella mang theo dit ‘approve the proposal cha ntén dé suit look promising dng co vé ddy hifa hen Neither do I, Tai cing king. Either is fine. Cai ndo cing dug. Don't bother yourself. Thi, pid ank/ chi gud, No, he is going todo it tomorrow. —____ reading the report? 8. Do you want 4. You will __ — for this evening, won't you? 5. Didn't you _ 2 6.Can|_ + 0rdo have to don't you? ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute No, two more pages are lft. Whichever one I can reach you at. "ve already made ono. Yes, | went witha fiend. Either is fine. {think Jonathan has a good chance. I's open 24 hours day. No, it wasn't very helpful. Actually, Iwill attend. 5D Bae a va chon , Oe ‘Neh cu it va céu tra li, oan chink ede eu 48 nghe, sau dé dah du tick (7) vio dp dn hing. 1 Doyouwantto or tomorrow? ao atthe Blue Moon restaurant. eg ®) oo (ives, 2 Didn't youcallthe ao (A)No, eo (©) Yes, tam @o (C) Yes, 3 or is he still checking the terms? ao Yes, @a (Bytheardhe oo (C) He was talking about 4 Mr. White is of the company, isn't he? wo (A)He eo (ye, © (Ny, 5. Will you 2? ao (A) Ronts are. @o we oo © eran! ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute & = a ea @o ac @o oo ao ea oo ao @o ao 10, Ao ea od wenuvietcom with you? (A) It's been raining ® (C) Oh, thanks. ‘Saturday or Sunday? a every weekend. Isthe probiom with ()ithingi's (here. @ You've chosen Wve ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 ng cao kha nang co ban Nebe vat chon ed tr Io ding nhat, | Lam quen véi cam ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn Fanpage: Hal re rate Tour Guide Gms Part 2 Review Test | Nghe va lua chon dap an dting nhét, 1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao @o @o 2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao ®o ©O ‘3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. @®o @o @o ‘4, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. aco eo @o 5, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, ao 80 @O 6, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. @o @0 @O 7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao eo @O 8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. wo 80 @O ‘9, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao @o Oo 10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao 8oO OO 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao ®oO @O +12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. @®o @o @O 18, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao @o oo 14, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao @®o @oO 15, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. @o @o @O von nhant ERS Engloh—THngamn Neiman vedi Efsaduvm 16, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, ao @o @o 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao ®o @O 418, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. @®o @o © 149, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. aq ®o @O 20, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ac eo @o 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. @®o @®0 © | | | | 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao @o @o 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao @o ©@o 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. @®o @o © 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. @®o @5o @O | 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. wo @o @o 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao @o oo 4 28, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. | ao @®o ©O 29, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ao @o ©o 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. | ao eo wu Fanpage Hanoi Fee Pivte Tou Guile 0951754259 vewew.nhantriviet com ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 Part3 Unit 9, Bai 6% thogi 1ién quan dé hoi. hop /céng vige /vin phong Unit 10, Bai 46% thoai 1ién quan dén du dich /gidi tri Unit 11. Bai 46% thoai 1ién quan dén mua sim /nha hang Unit 12. Bai 463 thoai 1ién quan dén ngan hang /buu dién /giao théng Part3 Review Test ce ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute ” Bi quyét dé dat diém cao : 1, Phan tich cu héi trén gidy thi ‘Trong Part 8, trade hét ban nghe mot bal adi thogi, sau dé trd 10i 3 edu hit cho m6i bai. Phan nay 6 téng ebng 80 cau hit, dda dupe in sn trén gidy. Ban nén doe qua cd hii trade khi nghe 8 ndm bat thing tin eda hai dB dang hon. 1, Cau hoi What [chiém 45 ~ 55% trong téng 86 30 cau hoi] (9) Hi elit dé: Thong tin vé chu 48 thuomg xudt hin 6 phn dau bai di thosi, q What are the speakers talking about? What is the topic of this conversation? ‘What aro the speakers mainly discussing? 4 © Bai G6 thogi miu | 'M : Have you heard Mr. Kim is leaving the company? W: No way, whore did you hear the news? M: Everybody is talking about that, W: Well I think we should go ask him. >> Min dng Kim nghi vige duge cho trong edu dé ca bai di thoat li dp én ding. (2! Hoi noi dung eu thé: Hdi vé mgt vat hode su vige ca thé nao 6. What does Mir, Gomez ask about? : ‘What is the man unsure of? What does the wornsn ask the man to do? © Bal 46 that miu M.: Rosa, did you send out the memo to the sales manager? \W:No, Katherine stil hasn't passed me the manager's e-mail address. M : Could you try to contact him directly? I'd like to get his response as soon as possible. >> Ngubi dan ong d@ du ra yeu eds 6 cud bat d6ithoal vt edu trde Could you... | talk about ndicd ~ tople (i) chi dé mainly (20s chit yéu eiscuss tho Jun leave (0 i hd goask difdi unsure (a) klijng che suggest (v) dé ngli send out ») gi pass \vichayen contact |») lién hé getaresponse hin od tnd lit hantivietcom, ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 2, Cau hdi Where [chiém 5 ~ 18% trong téng s6 30 cau héi] Hii vé dia diém dién ra cuge di thoai /noi lam viee: Dép dn o6 thé xust hign & phan du hode di rée trong ed bai d6i thoai, Where are the speakers? \Where are the speakers probably working? | Where does this conversation take place? © Bai doi thoat miu M.: Hello, | have a package for Sophia Kim. Is this her office? 'W. Yes, but she went out for lunch 30 minutes ago? ‘M: Should | come back in an hour then? W:Oh, I can sign forit instead of her. (Cée tt “buu phim” hay “biia én trua” chi la by. Cube 46: thoai nay dién ra 6 van phong ‘Hai dja diém cu thé: Nhw noi dén, hay vj tri cia mén dé, Phai nghe that ky moi nbn ra duye ede © dja diém nay. Where is the newspaper? Where is Edmond? Where did the supervisor travel on business? © Bai d6i theat mau M:1'm wondering ifthe workshop is still supposed to take place in the north wing next ‘Thursday. W: Actually, they've decided to change that, It will be held at the main building. en | should let my team members know the changed schedule. think you'd better do that. > Dia diém cu la north wing, dja diém moi dye thay 46i la main building. ‘eke place 0) ifn package (hf hay go out) dra ng uporsor 0) gdm se en | behold dig hit wonder {yb supposed to do theo Béhoch thoi ds Wing (r) can fea a nh) decide (0) gi dink main (0) chink seh (ch rn, Réhonch ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 3. Cau hoi Why/ How [chiém 15 ~ 20% trong téng s6 30 cau héi] {Hoi ly do va phuomg tign: Ly do va phuong tifm Adu dae €8 ofp +0 trong bal dl thoa, khing “cn phai suy Ind, Why does the woman suggest contacting Craig? are the speakers going to Florida? How many tables did Mr. Kim book? © Bai dol thot méu 'W : Excuse me, but could you tell me how | can get to Seoul Station? ‘M_: There is a bus stop across the street. You'll see lots of buses there. W: Actually, | am in a huny. Is there any subway station around here? 1M: Then, you ean take line 2 and transfer to line 1. You will find It at the endl ofthis street. > Late dao, ngudi dan ang chi trem xe but, hung sau 46 nguti phu me héi vé tau dién ngdm (subway) nén ngwi dan éng chi tram tau dién ng. suagest (:) 42 nghi contact () Kent he book (v) dat gotto + natch di det nando dé © destination in) dig dy bus stop (°) rar xe bust ina humy dong oft transfer ()chaséh (xe) 4, Cau héi Who [chiém 3 ~ 18% trong téng s6 30 cau héi] Hoi vé ngwoi noi: Thuong la vé nghé nghigp ca ngudi nt. Nghe ip tat 8 ede thong tin v8 ngh8 nghigp, sau 46 tap hop Iai dé suy ra ngh8 nghiep. Who are the speakers? ‘Who is the woman? Who is Mr. Park talking to? © Bai déi thoai miu M: Does the price include meals and excursions? ‘W: It covers hotel costs and the cruise tour, but not food. M:1'idecide after discussing it with my wite then, | >» Thong qua ede tt excursions /hotel costs /eruise tour, ta e6 thé suy ra nguik phu wit nay 18 : nhan viéa cing ty du lich. | expect (ting he meal i bite di. excursion (cute cham gnan cost 0} chipht { raise (7) chine di ngoan én song/bién i ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute asain 2, ih git db Kho cia cu hi bing eich Age qua ce cmt i trén bi hi ‘Vige nghe bat d6i thoal réi tré let tt cd ede eau hai vé bai adi thogt 46 1a tuong dé khé. Do d6, ede Inge sign of trinh dG so cap va trung cdip nén doe qua tt cd ede edu hét va ed ya chon true Kht rnghe, sau 46 n€n tgp trung véo mt hodc hat edu hii cho mdi Id ngbe. (Cau hai vé thot gian ohu: (5:00 pm. (6:00pm. ()7:00 pm. (0)8:00 pm. ‘Voi edu hét logi may, dt-nhién ben sé dB chon ra duge cdu tra loi hon edu héi dudi day. (A) She has already packed her boxes. {8) Sho is still daciding where to go. {C) She has planned the trip for more than 5 years. {(D) She is @ bit worried about being away for so long. Do dé, ban cn tap trung tr Joi cdc cfu hei vé chté 36, thoi gian, tan nguti va die dim trae thi sé a8 ding hon, ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute Unit 9. Bai 464 thoai lién quan én hoi hop / cong viée/ van phong Bai d¢i thoai lién quan én cdc chi dé nu thay déi lich lam vige, Ién lich cho mot cude hop hay bit nghi, thuyén chuyén, thang chile, di cdng tée, han nop bdo edo, dat hang, sia chia thidt bi vin phong, WN, {OO Hoe ede miu ctu hi thing gip CEA Where does this conversation most likely take place? How did Mr. Parker get to work? When Is the meeting scheduled to begin? What is she told to do? ‘When will the man be at the office? ‘What has Ms. Lindon done this week? Why was the man planning to call his clfents? How will Ms. Wong meet the deadline? 57@ Lam quen véi dé tai thing pip (CFE (A) Anew position @)Ajob interview (C)A support team (0) A training program 2. Who is Larry Weston most likely? (A) A university teacher (©) An office assistant (©)A product salesman | 1. What ar the speakers discussing? | | (OVA technical oxpert ‘3. What does the woman say about Larry Weston? (A) She will show him a technology. {B) She will assign him a task. (C} She wall work with hin, (©) She will ask him for help. ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 | {Tiong edu hoi 1, ake com a month since you moved into, ta biét bat dé thogi nt w cong vige | (a new poston). "2 Cain hii nay dbi it phi nghe ky ten nguti, Ho's one ol the best people we have cing ctinh la expert. ‘4. Nhircum tit 've been assigned to his team cia o6 géi, ta chon work with him. wewwenhantrivieteom ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 | Nang cao kha nang co ban Gy ‘Buse Li Tieh ly vin tir | receptionist position oj iri an production line. (0) déy chuyén sain xudt rmalicoom (n) ping oan thie teleconference (0) di nghi vién lién | | expense account bin ké cdg tic phi get a promotion dpe shitug tin | technical support dir ky shud log into the computer ding nip odo may tink I be assigned dave phin cong ‘meet the deadline. jiodn thinh ding han | support team mhdine hd trot heating bill fda don hé chong sui I expert (0) chuyén gia take care of the paperwork este vigcodn f bo understatted hide han oién phing security office phing bdo o¢ make progress tién bé the boardroom pking hop cila ban gidm dee Supplier (n} nha cung ring adjust the schedule didu chink A& hoack alittle behind the schedule held s0 adi ké’hoach marketing meeting budi hop bin vf tip shi sales figures doanh si’ outsource (v) /dy link hién /nhdn lee nt bén ngodi Feschedule the meeting sip ngay hide cho come up with dy ra(sdng bitin) . cube hop Inquire) héi gardening personnel déi ng vhan ign lam advertise aggressively quing cdo mank oun commute to work di iim shrug xieyén bing xe byt, xe 6 16, sin dién nga, v.. _ In Doctor Johnson's office last week. 2. We have been for almost one month. z 8. She suggested __ 4.____ too much. We should come up with a new product. 5.Weneedto___ _for the project. 6. Ihave aquestion about my. 7. Let's step into the office and__ 8. You should speak to someone in. ‘9, Have you had any problems using your computer this moming? 10. It doesn’t look your crew has __ in the construction site. wawnhante com ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 1, Where does the man probably work? (A) At the post office (8) In the payroll department __ 2. Whiat will he man probably do next? {(A) Send the woman's paycheck again (@) Call the woman's new apartment ‘9. What are the speakers talking about? (A) staffing shortage (B) Low wages 4, What can be inferred about the speakers? 1A) They want to postpone the deadiine. 18) They have to wark late for a while, 5. Where is Mr. Wilson now? (J In Seoul @) In New York 6. When will the meeting most likely take place? (8) Wednesday (6) Friday era i 7. How many times has the woman redone the design? & 09 5times e (8) 6 times: 8. Why is IPD Magazine significant to therm? Wi) Htis the biggest account. (©) itis the important supplier. mop 8. What does the man want? (A) To buy new computers (©) To replace his cell phone 10. What does the man finally suggest? (Togo on avacation : (8 To buy ftom a different company wotw nhantiviets ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 | Nang cao kha nang co ban| Luyén tap paraphrasing | wm Dién dat ce cum tit/cdu dui day theo céch khic, 1. We are featuring 2 30% off on all beachwear and accessories. > Holiday vacation items 2. Passengers may ask for help from the flight attendant. Passengers trom. 8, Our flying time will be 17 hours. >The plane will_ 4, If you need more details, contact us at 256-5432. ‘Customers by making a phone call. 5. We are currently offering discounted airfare to Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. The company. tour of Japan. 6. KE Towor is just a short walk from Seoul Station. Itislocated__atrain station. 7. Please make sure your computers are turned off. » The computers should _ ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 1.We ae featuring @ 90% off on all beachwear and accessories. +> Holiday vacation items are being discounted. 2, Passengers may ask for help from the flight attendant. »» Passengers can get assistance trom the cabin crew. 3, Our fying time will be 17 hours. »» The plane will be landing in 17 hours. 4. youneed more details, contact us at 256-5432, Customers can get further information by making a phone call. 5. We are currently offering discounted alrfare to Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. » The company is specialized in tour of Japan. _ 6. KE Tower is ust a short walk from Seoul Station. ‘itis located near train station, eR ERERIORT 7. Please make sure your computers are tumed of, » The computers should be unplugged, wew.nhantivietcom ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute Hy oasis a : Tang cao kha nang co ban | Luyén tap paraphrasing | [1am quen v6i cdm gidc thi that | ama % Nghe ky bai di thoai va tr Toi edu hd. 1. What is being discussed? (A) A shareholder conference (8) A staff meeting (©) A training program (0) Money management 2.What did the man say about the information he received? (A) it raised many questions. (@) Itwas practical. (C) twas detailed. (0) It was predictable. 8. What does the man want to do? (A) Increase productivity (B) Reduce costs (©) Improve quality (0) Start anew project 4, What are the speakers discussing? 1A) A repair work {B) A floor arrangement {C) Anew building (0) A special notice 5.What does the woman ask the man about? (A) The number of workers (8) The weekend schedule (©) Tho basement fighting (D) The meeting time ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn 6. What does the man ask the woman to do? (A) Send a memo (B) Call the contractor {C) Close the facility (0) Inform maintenance statf 7. Why Is the man asking about his phone? (A) He wants to make a call, but is unable to. (8) Hes trying unsuccessfully to answer acall. (C) It doesn’t appear to be working property. {D) He is inquiring about a part replacement. 8. Where is this conversation likely taking place? (A) In the expensive restaurant (8) In the rental vehicle (©) In the office (0) Inthe meeting room What does the man finally decide to do? (A) Order the necessary supplies (©) Talk to the person that is holding on his fine {@) Ask his co-worker to take a message (D) Take the rest of the altemoon off Fanpage Hanoi Fee Pivte Tou Guile 0951754259 DRET NT FEE EPS Englsh—Thng Ao he wasp Wie sen Fanpage: Hal re rate Tour Guide vow Unit 10. Bai d6i thoai lién dn du lich /giai tri (Cée bai 46} thoal v8 du lich /géi tr caing rét quan trong trong Part 3, Day la nbting euge di thoai trén may bay, 6 sén bay vé lich trinh, thong tin du lich hay théng tin vé chayéa bay, cing o6 thé la vé vige ‘mua vé xem phim, lich chiéu phim, v.v. Gi Hoe ee miu ctu ht thing gp CES Who is visiting Tokyo? What are the speakers mainly discussing? Why is the man concemed about the play? What does she plan to do on Thursday? How many indirect tights are avalabie a day? Whereis the woman's final destination? Why are the speakers going to Madrid? \Whon does Yoko's flight leave? What activity is Ann looking forward to? ¢) Lam quen véi dé tai thuting gip (2073) 1. What was the original pian? {A) Going to a movie (8) Going to a dinner (©) Going to meet the woman's cousin. {D) Going to the woman's house 2. Why have the plans changed? (A) She is hungry. -(B) She forgot about a meeting, (©) The woman's cousin is in town. (©) There are no seats at the movies. ‘8. Who is the man going to see the movie with? (A) Mary (B) Robert (©) By himsett (©) Mary's famity ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 hl org. Fm sony. can make to the movies tonight. © Lhave ago ta tow a sae ‘my cousin Robert, He came to See tho family. And we'e planning to go to dinner at Geen Corral. it's a new restaurant near my house. Why don't you come with us? Sounds great and Id ove to meet your cousin, but you know | arn too big a fan of Roky to } ‘miss this. 'd be ashamed of mysoif if don't go see it the first day it's out. |W.:1'm so Sorry. But isn't everyone busy today? © Looks like you're going to see the movie alone. | BD Citi thie 1. Nhieedu ~ the premiere of Rocky Balboa is tonight! We're going like we planned, right?, ta bist | ‘ing chang tral dy dinb di xem phim. 2. Nhe caw | have to go to town to see my cousin Robert, ta biét rang cb gai di y vi ban di gép | ‘gui anh ho Robert. | ‘3. Nh céu Looks tke you're going to see the moe lnm, abi rng hig ro x: pin ot minh : ee fremiore{n) bu hide phim ra md, bust chigu phi dd tin plan.) die dinh cousin (9) an emt ho an make it Widng thé the hien dure didu dé miss) B80 et ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute i | / parole ia acc tu / "| Nang cao kha nang co ban | ‘discounted package i sim gid take time off mgii (phép) bicycle riding wige di xe dap departure time gid kidi hank take the car to the repair shop mang xe di sia fly first class di (dy bay) v€ hong nha 90 away on vacation di nghi mat xa music performance bud bidu dién ca nhac round-trip ticket o¢ ahuirhéi Janitor (n) nguti gc cing have a good relaxation ugh? nget shod mai hhave lots time off 6 nhigu sh gian nghi getthe catalogue nhin co-ta-lé a piano recital budi rink dién piano look forward to ~ing_aréng mong lam ~ fascinating (2) hip déw estimated time of arrival gid dén dy high heating bill (n) hoa dom hd sheng sud reserve a fight dar oé mdy bay get tothe place tinct reception (n) gudy sith an direct fight (0) chuyén bay thing take a maternity leave nghi hg san have a short break righ gid Ja (ngdn) Visit the folk museum shim bdo tang od héa dén gian connecting flight chugéin bay gud cain Tho flight has been delayed. Chuyén bay da bi hod. 1. I'm calling to see if you're stil interested in 2, Can | call you back —? 3. Theyhave andi starts at__ 4.Youare__ _? So are you going anywhere? 5. 'm really looking forward to 7. Lust checked __, and it looks tke: 8. We won't be able to get to Toronto by 6 o'clock 9.1 need to 10. Ihave @ question about my ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn Victoria City. t's a fascinating city. Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute ___ by two hours. 1. Why are the speakers going to the city center? @) To attend a show (8) To have dinner 2. How will the speakers got to the city center? (#) By bus (B) By ferry ‘8. Who is Mr, Park talking to? ()A magazine salesman (His boss 4, Why does Jean call Mr. Park? (4) To inform him of the subscription (€) To inform him of the method of payment 5. When will he woman visit the dinosaur exhibit? (4) Saturday (®) Wednesday 6. What did the man say about the exhibit? (A) The kids loved it. (©) He went there three times. 7, How long is the man going to stay in Edinburgh? (A) Four days, (Bi Five days. 8, What does the woman ask the man to do? (A) Pay with a credit card (8) Sign his name ‘98, When is the woman available? WALA o'olock (Biatasto 40. What does the man say? (A) The meeting won't take very tong. (B) Ho has time at 4:40. we ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute ietcom. | Wang cao kha nang co ban | Luyén tap paraphrasing | 1. 1'd like 10 reschedule my dental appointment anytime next week. The speaker wants to__ for the appointment. 2. 1can help you buy a ticket for a lower price to Japan. » She gives information about how to ‘93. Mr. Smith wil pick us up at 6 p.m. for dinner after the meeting. |= Mr. Smith will 5 4. May | ask you to save this seat for me? The woman is asking the man to — 6. Lwish I could, but | am taking a trip to New York. ‘She has to 6. should fil in for Emily for a few days. > The speaker will 7-1 think | should get rid of the old bookshelf in my house. > She is planning ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 1.1'd lke to reschedule my dental appointment anytime next week. > The speaker wants to change the time and date for the appointment. 2.1 can help you buy a ticket for a lower price to Japan. | She gives information about how to gat.a discounted ticket. ‘8. Mr. Smith will pick us up at 6 p.m. for dinner after the meeting. Mr, Smith will take us to the restaurant. 4. May lask you to save this seat for me? The woman is asking the man to keep her seat. 5. Lwish could, but | am taking a trip to New York, *® Shelhas to go somewhere out of town. | 6.1 shoud fin for Emily fora fow days. | &Thespeaker will handle Emily's job. 7.1 think I should got rid of the old bookshelf in my house. '» Sheis planning to remove the fumiture. — . a _wwyenhants ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 iL wwvvenhantivletcom 1 Wang cao aha nang co pan | tuyén tap paraphrasing i | Lam quen vi cam gidc thi that | esa x Nghe ky bai 4éithogt va tr Iii cau hoi 1. Where did Sally go? (A) Alaska (8) June’s house (©) Abirthday party (D) Khali’s house 2. What did Sally NOT do on her vacation? (A) Fishing (8) Hiking {©) Going downtown (D) Skiing 3. What can be assumed about Sally's vacation? (A) She went there during the winter. (B) She went there during the summer. (C) She stayed at her friend's house. (0) She spent her birthday there. 4, Who are the speakers? (A) Coworkers (B) Best friends (©) Sisters () A businessman and a client 5. What is happening to Tyler? (A) He is leaving to another company. (8) He is presiding a meeting. (C) He is going to Australia. (0) He is going to have a party at his house. ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn 6. What does Julie say she will do? (A) Come back to the office by Friday (8) Go toa restaurant on Wednesday (C) Goto Michigan on Friday (0) Stop by Tyler's office 7. How many people are expected to attend the reception? (Ay19 ()30 (35 (040 8, What does the woman say about the reception? (A) There isn't enough room for 30 people. (6) More people are coming than she thought. (C) Fewer people are coming than she thought. {0} She is looking forward to it. 9, What can be assumed about last year's reception? (A) The reception wasn’t as big as this year's, {B) They had a lot of people last year. (C) The reception last year was bigger. {D) The reception last year lasted longer. Fanpage Hanoi Fee Pivte Tou Guile 0951754259 _ vow nhanutvietcom ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 “ SS 2 corms Unit 11. Bai 46% thoai 1ién quan dén mua sim /nha hang Bai 61 thoai Jogi nay thudng din ra gita nhan vién véi khdch hang & nhing noi mua sm, 06 thé anhan vign eung efi thing tin vé san pham cho khéch hang hay wi lf ede tinh hudng nbw dét lat hang hay loi than phién te khéch hang, Nhiing bai di thoei vé nha hang thi tép trang réo ede tink hudng nihu goi mén an, dat ban, nhan xét vé thie in, vv. [Hoe ede miu clu hii thug gap 5D What i the problem withthe clothes? \When did the man buy the pants? ‘Where most likely are the speakers? \Why isthe woman concerned about fumiture? ‘What kind of business most likely is Hanover's?: Where does the woman work? What does the man say about the dining area? What does the customer ask the man to do? Lam quen vi dé tai thing gip (27:23) 1. Who is Kevin? () Wendy's fiend (©) Wendy's brother (©)Wendy's boss ©) Sejoon's gitriend 2. What does Kevin say about Sejoon? (A) He gets cranky often. (8) His birthday is on Christmas. (©) He has children. ©) Hieis anice person. | 3. when will Kevin probably go shopping? Friday (©) Anytime this week (©) Anytime next week | (0) Never | wnewnhantrivetcom ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 |W: Hey, Kevin, Christmas is near. Are you done with your Christmas shopping? es 3 | Ne Wendy, not yet. [haven't found time to go shopping because of all the work. I need to go shopping soon though « because Sejoon’s birthday is on Christmas and he'd get cranky if __ I don't get him a Christmas and a birthday present. .W/: Oh, that’s right. His bithday is on Christmas. Would you like to go shopping with me on Friday? ‘M: Sory, I'm pretty busy the rest of this wesk. © How about next week? I'm good to go anytime | next week 1, Thong qua céch nét chuyén va noi dung trao ati, ta thay Kevin va Wendy o6 méi quan he rét ‘han thiét vél nhau nén ho of thé la ban ea nha. | 2 Nhi-cdu Sejoon’s birthday is on Christmas, ta chon B. || 8. Nhieau | am good to go anytime next week, ta suy ra Kevin s¢ di mua sdm vao tudn tf. ‘near gdn go shopping di mua sém cranky (a) nd} gidn rest (n) phan edn lai ERS Englsh—TngAohneionip eb: Eseduvm — Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute Dee ocean ayes E vewunhantivietcom recommend (v) dé night get the gift wrapped whi géi man gut produce section (n) gian hing ning phat sporting goods section (n) gian hing thé'thao offering items 30% off idm gid 30% ‘exchange the shirt for a smaller size di do so mi 1a nh hom house goods dé gia dung window-shopping (r) xem hang (chitkhéng mua) seafood restaurant nh hang hdi sdn order a salad with French dressing. goi mdr phan rau tron déu gitin v0 gia vi boring the check mang héadon ta ‘wall mounted bookcase gid séci da ndo ruimg have wider selections to choose from cd nhidu luca chon hom original receipt bién lai gée bbe busy with patrons. bar sigp kiuich hang quen light meal_bita dn nhe isle (0) 6 di clothing section (a) gian king quéin do have the models on display co nog bay hang du a proof of purchase bing ding mua hing dining area. (0) gian hing dn wing retail store. (n) ca hg bin lé sales clerk (0) whdn it ban hang pay the cashier wd ign choshu ngdn take the smaller one id) cdi ni hom browse inthe store xom gun cia hing catalogue (0) catals purchase (0) (0) mu, oft meu onder another cup of coffee kéw thém I rch a phe seems tobe too big. Trig nto gud. 1, What would you recommend __ 2. Do you have any questions ‘3. Would you like these. 4 Are you ready to order or do youneed _ 8. Can you tell me_ ——— 6. Could you please 7. That would be the last aisle & We don't have eis 10. thought that ABC was _ ERS Englsh—Tngamh heinnse Web Eseduvn while I think about it? lve bust Htallan food In the city. Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Gute : £3: Buc 3: Nghe bai d3ithogi, sau d6 tri Joi cau bal 07.705) 4. What is the conversation about? IA) Anew restaurant (B) Office work 2, What did the man do last night? JA) He went to the new restaurant. (B) He reserved tables at the restaurant. & 3. Whereis this conversation taking place? (A) The doctor's office @) A teather bag store 4. Why is the bag so cheap? ()Itis on a big sale. (®) There is a scratch on the bag. 5. Where most ikely is this conversation held? (4) in a movie theater ticket booth @) Ina convenience store 6. What are the benefits of paying in cash? (4) You can get a discount next time you come in. @) You can get a coupon. . What is wrong with the computer? (0) The fan has a problem. {@) tis making strange noises. £8. Under what circumstances can they fi the computer for tree? (9) Ifthe warranty is expired (8) fit wasn’t abused 9. Why has the woman called the store? (A) To order some products (8) To check a delivery date 10.What does the man say about the delivery dato? (A) Ht will be delivered on April 2. (8) itis scheduled for Apri 4 wane ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 1.Do you have the original receipt? » The customer needs toshow 2. Do you want to try lunch at the new restaurant near the ice cream shop? '» They are talking about ‘3. What time does your store close tonight? ‘> The speaker is asking about 4, Ineed a few more minutes to decide if you don't mind. >The customer order food. 5. You will have wider selection to choose from the booklet. '» She can choose items 6. What kind of bookshelf are you looking for? » Sheis ————~ 7. ts regulatty sold for more than $90. » Itused to be sold $100. ERS Englsh—TMngAmhheionap eb Eseduvn —Fanpage:Hanal Fee Pate Tew GuMle 0951764259 meer: eT 1. Do you have the original receipt? ‘> The customer neads to show a proof of purchase, 2, Do you want to try lunch at the new restaurant near the ice cream shop? > They are talking about where to eat, ‘3. What time does your store close tonight? ‘p The speakers asking about the business hours. 4. Ineed a few more minutes to decide if you don't mind. = The customer is not ready to order food. 6. You will have wider selection to choose from the booklet. ' She can choose iterns in the catalogue. 6. What kind of bookshelf are you looking for? > Sheis in the funiture store. 7. It's regularly sold for more than $90. “© Itused to be sold at less than $100. EPS Englsh—Thng Ao he wasp wanwihantrivietcomn Wie: etisedvn —Fanpage Hana Fee Pate Tew Guile

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