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Deep Generative Model for Longitudinal Analysis

Project Management and Software Development

for Medical Applications

General Info intervals. Moreover, there are often missing data at

some time points which does not often exist in
Project Title: Predictive Image Generation for
video prediction problem. In this project, the
Longitudinal Analysis
student will investigate the deep generative model
Contact Person: Seong Tae Kim for predicting follow-up image scans for the given
baseline scan of the subject.
Contact Email:
Student’s Tasks Description
The student’s tasks in this project are as following:
Project Abstract
 Literature review on generative model and
The longitudinal analysis of a disease is important
longitudinal analysis in medical applications
issue to understand its progression as well as to  Implement a new generative model to predict
design prognosis and early diagnostic tools. From follow up scans
longitudinal sample series where data is collected  Setting experimental protocol using public
from multiple time points, both the spatial longitudinal dataset for validating the method
structural abnormalities and the longitudinal  Analyze the results of the predictive model
variations are captured. Therefore, the temporal  (optional) Writing scientific paper
dynamic of a disease is more informative than static Technical Prerequisites
observations of the symptoms, in particular for
neuro-degenerative diseases whose progression  Good understanding of statistics and machine
learning methods.
span over years with early subtle changes. In this
 Very good programming skills in Python &
project, the student will develop a software which
TensorFlow / PyTorch
could model the lesion progression using deep
generative model. Weekly meetings will be
organized to advise the student including discussing References
direction, answering questions, addressing issues. [1] S. Pathan et al. “Predictive Image Regression for
Longitudinal Studies with Missing Data,”
Background and Motivation International Conference on. Medical Imaging with
Since the last decade, longitudinal medical images Deep Learning 2018.
[2] M. Louis et al. “Riemannian geometry learning
are increasingly available for developing disease
for disease progression modelling,” International
progression models. Recent advances and success
Conference on. Medical Imaging with Deep
in deep learning (CNN, RNN, GAN, etc.) provide a Learning 2019.
new opportunity to study longitudinal image [3] J. Lee et al. “Feature2Mass: Visual feature
analysis. Although a large amount of research processing in latent space for realistic labeled mass
efforts has been devoted to developing new generation,” ECCVW 2018.
strategies in video frame prediction, longitudinal [4] C. Bowles et al. "Modelling the progression of
Alzheimer's disease in MRI using generative
analysis is different because it deals with the data
adversarial networks," SPIE Medical Imaging 2018.
collected at different time points with varying time

Please send the completed proposal to, and

Please note that this proposal will be evaluated by the BMC coordinators and will be assigned to a student only in case of acceptance.

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