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5 “ABOUT X-UBERANCE St. Xavier's Collegiate School takes immense pride in presenting the 17th edition of its cultural festival, X-Uberance ‘23. With a remarkable history and an exceptional track record, we aspire to Enkindle, Enchant and _ Enlighten. s X-Uberance has consistently grown bigger Cres better with each passing year, celebrating skills, interests, and learning beyond the boundaries of textbooks. A fest like no other, X-Uberance has garnered the reputation of being the "Biggest School Fest by the Biggest School in East India.” X-Uberance '23 is committed to carrying forward this rich Xaverian legacy and will be a resounding success. tn) SS SPORTING ON-STAGE OFF-STAGE a ray) aaa x-BID pron 0) pate Tm) ot aa Naa = X-GOAL X-VOGUE > Gd eM a lad ‘ pratciay a] par \as) SS ead pati a X-MATE X-TRAVAGANCE xX-30 xX-WICKET x-60 x-OUA ae at as X-STICK X-HEAD ballad at X-QUIZITE et aaleta) dalam X-VALO ns x-COOK pale) ate) od aad se) X-NEGOTIUM xX-BET x-CODE alae ayaa! i > =i 4-1 ST XAVIERS onl tty SCHOOL PRESENTS X-UBERANCE ‘23 ENKINDLE ENCHANT ENLIGHTEN w >, REPRESENTATIVES PROFILE GENERAL eM st = BN =o=3 - Each school must be represented by two students who must be present throughout the fest. - WhatsApp groups for the school representatives will be formed which will also comprise the administration. _ This group shall act as a medium for the clearance of _ all doubts and queries regarding a particular event co the fest in general. + - All information in regard to the fest and specific events will be conveyed via official channels such as WhatsApp groups. Participants and representatives shall use thesegroups as a medium for clearance of all doubts. - School Uniform along with School ID cards is mandatory for all participants and nonparticipants unless specified otherwise. - All events, unless specified otherwise, are open for participation to the students of classes 9 to 12. - Decorum and norms of decency must be maintained at all times. Inappropriate behaviour in violation of the code of conduct of the School shall not be entertained and fo doth oe measures shall be taken to curb the same. 3 5 - Schools participating in all the events will receive extra points. = ro - If a school participates in both the boys and girls event for the same sport, the total jgedlates ) oN, the school will be the average of both. . - Schools will be awarded extra points on finishing in the first half of the leaderboard for that event. ~ - This will be on the basis of the following eee Position Points . Ist Place 500 2nd Place 400 3rd Place 300 Ath Place Phe) 5th Place 175 6th Place VAs) 7th Place 100 8th Place 75 Participation 50 - For example, if there are 16 schools participating in a particular event, only the first 8 will receive points as per the points matrix. The other teams will only receive participation points. - The average points awarded to a school participating in both boys’ and girls’ category of an event will be taken into account for the final points tally. a wa ( ~ Points will be deducted for violation of school rules, X-Uberance '23 guidelines or indulging in iy inappropriate behaviour. = - All participants are expected to refrain from using unfair means while participating in their respective events. . - The decision of the judges and referees’ will be final and binding. - Violation of the rules and regulations of the fest will result in a penalty and may lead to disqualification from the event or the fest. - Team X-Uberance’23 reserves the right to publish and reproduce any content and publications associated with X-Uberance ‘23. -Commercialisation of passes and other material associated with X-Uberance’23 shall not be entertained. Strict action will be taken against the offenders. - Any grievance or issue in regard to the fest or otherwise can be raised with the members of the core committee. The Core Committee shall resolve all concerns to the best of its ability. ae COn Roa kecrkecuee Kh h aceon) Authorities is final and binding. i ~All rights are reserved. ON-S TAGE EVENTS ata) og PROTOCOL - All participants must be in their school uniform and carry a valid school ID card / School Calendar of the year 2023-24 or a bonafide certificate from al school throughout the duration of the fest. bers eS - Any volunteer and non-participating students from any school must also be in their school uniform and carry a valid school ID card or School Calendar of the year 2023- 24. | - Attendees and participants consent to having their bags and other belongings inspected and be frisked b efore being allowed admission / during stay / on exit. - The following items are banned from the fest. Possession of the following items shall be strictly dealt with. The contraband will be confiscated and not returned. The offender will be denied admission into the school campus. The school authorities of the offender shall be notified. iam PAU le - Cigarettes/ Tobacco/ Hookah/ E-cigarettes Alcohol Any narcotics without prescription Any packaged food and beverage item - Any sharp object - Any other objectionable items . a - Any objectionable item (Prescription Drugs / Props / Event Equipment etc.) shall only be allowed for exceptional cases, on prior intimation and permission from the Core Committee. -% wh ( - Attendees and Participants must be in decent attire throughout the duration of the fest. “he - Participants, along with the School Representatives, must register themselves at the registration desk before admission. : = - St. Xavier's Collegiate School will not be liable org colaval oss or damage of personal property. & \ - Participants or Attendees found in violation of the Security Protocol shall be strictly dealt with and shall be expelled from the school campus and not be allowed arial q - The decision of Heads of Security, the Core Committee, and the School Authorities is final and binding. SPORTING EVENTS ST. XAVIERS - ate Se In November 1843, a fire broke out at the Sans Souci ‘Theatre - No. 10 Park Street, Kolkata. This accident forever altered the history of both Park Street as well as the the City of Joy. While fire is a eo aoe purifier too, one that eliminates the ‘old’ and paves the way for something new. The fire that burnt down the Sans Souci Theatre kindled another: "The Fire of Education." | Eventually, the burnt-out theatre found life as the site of an institution that would redefine modern education. On the 16th of January, 1860, a small group of Belgian Jesuits, led by Father Henri Depelchin, united at 10, Park Street (now 30, Mother Teresa Sarani), to create what is now known as a symbol of excellence in education throughout the country: St. Xavier's Collegiate School. 163 years since its inception, St. Xavier's Collegiate School remains an enduring source of inspiration for all. As an internationally recognized and esteemed institution, it continues to reach new heights of excellence. To become men for others and to keep the fire of passion burning has been a major part of Xaverian culture and it is one that all future generations look to uphold. Y Nihil Ultra, Nothing Beyond! X-VALO 7a Te SPIKE PLANTED! Participants: 4 (2 singles followed by 1 doubles) IIH - Each team should have its IGL. - Every member in the team should have his/her IGN as the (school name)_(your name) - E.G. SXCS_ASHOK. The name can be slightly altered or shortened, in-case it exceeds the character limit. - Communications amongst team members will be done via discord channels setup by the event head. There will be an event head present at all times in the communication channel of both the teams. - The matches will be carried out in best of 3. - The rules for finals will be decided-on the spot. - The maps will be decided via veto system. - Use of any 3rd party software that spoils the ethics of the game would lead RueTigse ey disqualification of the team. - Overtime will be played till Round 15 after which, it will be declared a draw. - The matches will be played in Mumbai server only. xX-30 EXTEMPORE THINK FAST LAUGH HARD Participants: 1 it) The Mode of language used will be English. Use of unparliamentary language will lead to immediate disqualification. The Topics will be decided via lucky draw. Judging criteria: Delivery, Content, Enunciation, Body language, Creativity be mi % a @ OL Le oP > TTT S ‘ TS xX-60 ONE MINUTE TO FAME FROM ZERO TO COMEDIC HERO Participant: 1 NUE - Participants must present an original and innovative act. - Participants cannot exceed the time limit. - Any form of uncivilized conduct or hazardous action will result in immediate disqualification. - The final score will be a weighted average of an audience poll and the judges’ scores. - The audience poll will be conducted via our twitter and instagram handle. - Judging criteria: Creativity, Originality, Skill, Composition, Technique. +x X-ACOUSTIC WESTERN DANCE BABY KO BASS PASAND HAI Participants: 5+3 NOES - The 5 participants must be present on stage at all times. - The participants will have to bring their own instruments. - Acoustic drums and sound system will be provided. - Pre-recorded music will not be allowed. - Inappropriate lyrics will lead to immediate disqualification - Solo and Instrumental for 1 minute is mandatory. - The performance should include a rap of 30 seconds. - The timing will commence from the moment the stage is vacant until the subsequent participant assumes their position on stage. - Points shall be deducted for exceeding the time limit. - The final score will be a weighted average of an audience poll and the judges’ scores. - The audience poll will be conducted via our twitter handle, - Judging criteria: Synchronisation, Music, Stage Presence, Audience Engagement, Solo Rap. X-ACT AD SPOOF PEHLE ISTEMAL KAREIN FIR VISHWAS KAREIN Participants: 5 + 2 Rules: - The topics and companies will be allotted via lucky draw during Representatives’ Meet. - The use of vernacular language is allowed, however, discouraged. - The use of obscene language and gestures will lead to immediate disqualification. - The participants will have to bring their own props. - The final score will be a weighted average of an audience poll and the judges’ scores. - The audience poll will be conducted via our twitter handle. - - Judging criteria: Originality, Script, enon Expressions, Delivery. 7s i=) 3 iii bs ee THE DIGITAL PICASSO Participants: 1 Uo -No file will be accepted if not submitted within the given ila -Acceptable file formats: .jpg/.jpeg/.png/.pdf -The files must not exceed 25MB. -The base file is to be submitted along with the .jpg file if possible. Base files should be retained till results are announced. -The canvas used should be 1080 X 720 pixels/ 11.25 X 7.5 inches. It may be portrait or landscape. -Permitted Softwares: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Free hand, Corel Draw. -The style of art will be graffiti and doodling. -Topic will be announced to all the participants 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the event. -Judging Criteria: Presentation, Originality, Concept, Execution, Creativity. - The representatives will receive their updated bet coin balance at the end of each day. - The school with the highest point total wins. - Bets need to be made from a single email ID, which should be notified to the event head. - Once a bet is made, it cannot be withdrawn. - Representatives may bet on one or more schools for each event or choose not to bet at all. BETTING EVENT (REPRESENTATIVES’ EVENT) SATTE PE SATTA Participants: 2 (School Representatives) UL oH -Each school will be provided with 1000 X-BET Coins which they can place on any school under any event of their liking. -The representatives can earn coins by winning bets or completing tasks around the campus. -The tasks can be accessed by scanning QR codes which will be available around the campus. -Every school needs to bet through a Google Form. -Schools can send in more than one bet on multiple different schools per event during the betting window. -The betting window will close sometime during the event, and the school reps will be notified. — -The return on each bet will be determined by a multiplier, which takes into account the finishing position of the school they bet on. SS sa X-BID FOOTBALL AUCTION PAISA BOLTA HAI Participants: 2 it) - Players List and Corpus amount will be provided a day prior to the event. - The participants have to bring their own laptops. - There will be 2 rounds in the event. - 1 Bidding round of 2 minutes followed by a Pitching round of 2 minutes which will include a Q&A session. - Number of Players in each Team: 11+4 - Judging Criteria: Player Selection and Strategy, Corpus Amount, Sporting Knowledge, Pitching, Rebuttal. a ) > pone -| =) =) ae DEBATE BE POLITELY RUDE OR RUDELY POLITE Participants: 2 Rules: - All the schools will be divided into 2 pools. - | participant will be for the motion and 1 participant will be against the motion. - Standard Oxford rules (2 + I-minute speech and 1-minute rebuttal) will be followed. - Preparation time of 30 minutes will be provided. - Pools to be decided by lottery. - 2 teams from each pool will qualify for the Finals. - 4teams of 2 participants each compete in Oxford style debate in the finals. - Preparation time of 30 minutes will be provided. - Finals: 3 + 1 minute speech and 2-minute rebuttal. - Summary speech of 2 minutes given by first speaker of Proposition and Opposition. - House vote will decide the winning EN ColeccMol tate motion. - Judging criteria: Content, Delivery, Relevance, Reasoning, Rebuttal. X-CODE ale Sot el FINDING THE NEXT CHAT GPT Participants : 2 Uo ie eet i REEL MAKING REEL AISA BANAO KI 4 LOG BAAR BAAR DEKHE LU - Each school has to submit 1 reel 15 days prior to the beginning of the fest. - The reels should be made on trending and non-objectionable audio tracks. - The reel must be posted as a collaborative post on the social media account of a student from theparticipating school. The reel posted will be in collaboration with the official Xuberance 23 social media account. - Vulgarity of any sort will lead to immediate disqualificatio - Judging Criteria: Editing, Content, Overall impact, Public Appeal, Creativity. » X-SKETCH ~ tion ctl ot Tat nN — SHAKA LAKA BOOM BOOM Participants: 1 +1 it) - One participant each will be required for spray painting and sketch. - The canvas will be provided. ~- Participants need to bring their own stationeries. - Use of obscene imagery will lead to immediate disqualification. - Spray Painting will be done on a life-size canvas. - Participants will have to place the canvas around the campus. - Theme will be provided later. > - Judging criteria: Creativity, Technique, Style, Relevance to the theme, Placement of the canvas around the campus. X-SPIKE VOLLEYBALL NET KE UPAR SE MADAM G Participants: 6+3(Substitutes) UTES - The tournament will have a separate event for boys and girls. - The tournament will be on a knockout basis. - The participants must carry their school jerseys. - The inclusion of the school logo and number on the jerseys are mandatory. - The matches will be best of 3 sets. - All the sets will be of 11 points each. - The final will have 3 sets of 15 points each. - The teams are allowed to make rolling substitutions. - The referees’ decision is final and binding. - The school must submit all team line-ups before the event begins. on x-STICK FOOSBALL DANDA GHOOMNA NAHI CHAHIYE Participants: 1 UH -The tournament will be on a knockout basis. -If a participant scores 10 goals, the match will end and the participant shall be declared the winner. If this is not accomplished within 5 minutes, the participant with the higher number of goals shall be declared the winner. -In case of a draw, the winner will be decided by a golden goal. -The semi-finals and finals will not have any time limit. -The semi-finals and finals will be best of 3 and first to 10 goals. -All shots that enter the goal, even if the ball pops out, shall be considered a goal. _ . -If the ball stops anywhere Pr the ae | where it cannot be reached by a player figure, the game will resume from the centre. -Spinning, jarring the rods and lifting, sliding the table Tem alot ile) =10] on X-TRAVAGANCE WESTERN DANCE AUNTY JI AUNTY JI GET UP AND DANCE Participants: 6+4 Rules: - The 6 participants must be present on stage at all times. - Inappropriate lyrics will lead to immediate disqualification. - The participants have to bring their own props. - All the tracks to be played will have to be sent to the fest’s official email address 7 days lolol Ra Aria - Objectionable costumes a lead to immediate disqualification. -Each team has to include a prop in their act which needs to be disclosed 7 days prior to the iia - The timing will commence from the moment the stage is vacant until the subsequent participant assumes their position on stage. ae CoNaceh oa cccelckackiacl aia - The final score will be a weighted average of an audience poll and the judges’ scores. - The audience poll will be conducted via our twitter handle. - Judging Criteria: Choreography, Coordination, Costume, Audience Engagement, Stage Presence. eae {=| MOOT COURT TAREEQ PE TAREEQ! TAREEQ PE TAREEQ! TAREEQ PE TAREEQ! Participants: 2 IH - The event will be conducted in the traditional moot court format. - No evidence or witness will be admitted. - Both the cases will be provided 48 hours prior to the Tali - The Plaintiff and Respondent of the first round will be announced along with the case. - The top 6 teams, from the first round, will qualify to the second round. . - Fixtures and Oppositions will be ele on the day of the event itself. - All citations have to be sent 12 hours prior to the event. - Any unspecified citation used will be penalized as per the judge’s discretion. - All the submissions will be oral. - No objections will be allowed between La Mol] submissions. - All legal references and judicial interpretations should adhere to the Indian Constitution and be in accordance with relevant laws and precedents established by the Indian judicial authorities. “ - Court etiquette needs to be followed at all times. - Any usage of unparliamentary language can lead to disqualification. - All participants must be dressed appropriately. Wearing a blazer is mandatory along with the school uniform. - Judging criteria: Legal knowledge, Research, Etiquette, Presentation, Accuracy. x, on X-VOGUE eda Lh GET THAT SKINNY TIE OUT OF MY FACE - HARVEY SPECTER Participants: 8+2+2 (including backstage) OSs - All the tracks to be played will have to be sent to the fest’s official email address a week before the fest. Themes to be declared during the representatives’ meet. - The rules are subject to change. - The timing will commence from the moment the stage is vacant until the subsequent participant assumes their position on stage. - All attire and apparels must follow norms of decency. - The final score will be a weighted average of an audience poll and the judges’ scores. - The audience poll will be conducted via our twitter handle. a } - Judging criteria: Relevance to Theme, Coordination, Audience Engagement, Posing and Walk, Costume. -Other rules to be given on the day of the event. - The rules are subject to change. - The umpires’ decision is final and binding. - The school must submit all team line-ups before the event begins. a X-WICKET =e CRICKET HOWZZATTT!! Participants: 8 + 2 (olliare] substitutes) + 3 (normal substitutes) dU) (eSoH ~ - The tournament will have a separate event for boys and girls. - The tournament will be on a knockout basis. - The participants must carry their official cricket attire, school jerseys and kit. Abdomen Guard is mandatory. - The inclusion of the school logo and number on the jersey is mandatory. - Players are requested to carry their own bats and gloves. - Each Innings will be of 6 overs (only one bowler is allowed to bowl 2 overs). - The teams are allowed to make ella elec ola - Exceeding the time limit provided per inning (20 minutes for 6 overs) will be strictly dealt with and may lead to deduction of runs from the team’s total as well as deduction of the school’s points.

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