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Elite Ball Handling System-Month 4

Week 1, Day 1 - Ball Control

Workout Date: ________________ Total Workout Time: ________________

Plan Recommendations

Today's workout is all about ball control. Remember, if a drill is too difficult you can click on the "easier" variation. For advanced players, push for maximum
speed once you are comfortable with the drill. The goal is to be UNCOMFORTABLE during our drills. If you complete each set without messing up you need to
pound the ball harder and push your dribble speed to a new level. All of our pro players do these drills weekly regardless of their skill level! You can never
become too good at the basics!

On the 1st set of each drill it's ok to look down at the ball until you develop a rhythm. On the 2nd and 3rd set try to get your head up and don't look at the ball.

Exercise Sets Reps Weight Distance Time Rest Notes

Jumpers Yoga 1 00:20:00 --:-- min
Overhead Deep Squat Mobility Progression 2 6 20 sec
Step Back Absorption w/ Stick 3 1 20 sec
Explosive First Step Series:3 Point Start 2 3 20 sec
Explosive First Step Series: Dribble from 3 Point Stance 2 3 20 sec
Finger Taps to Pound 1 00:01:00 --:-- min
Explosive First Step Series: Pushup Position 2 3 20 sec
3 Cone Ultimate Cuff Drill 3 00:00:30 20 sec
High Pound: Cross/Reach Between/Behind 3 00:00:30 20 sec
4 Cone Half Spin Ball Placement Drill 3 00:00:30 20 sec
Off Hand Freestyle 3 00:00:45 20 sec
Rapid 1 Cone Moves-Level 6 1 00:01:00 20 sec
Staff Member Notes:
Jumpers Yoga:

-Follow along with the video. Don't forget to complete the mental visualization training at the end of this video! Complete the yoga portion/visualization training
in a quiet place with no distractions.
Staff Member Notes:
Overhead Deep Squat Mobility Progression :

-Start with your arms extended above your head. Bend from the hips to touch the floor and hold this hamstring stretch for 3 seconds. Squat down and lean
forward as we drive our elbows into the knees and push them outward to get an adductor stretch (inside of the legs), hold for 3 seconds. Rock back to your
heels and place one arm above the head, then the other and stand.
-This drill is a great teaching tool for the overhead deep squat. This drill enhances the necessary mobility/stability required for optimal deep squat form.
Remember, mobility is crucial when it comes to overall movement, which leads to better athletic performance.

Step Back Absorption w/ Stick :

-Use a line 12-15 feet long.

-Jump forward and land on your right leg as you absorb force with your chest over your knee and your knee over your toe. Hold this position for 2 seconds
before jumping backwards as far as possible.

-This drill is great for improving your ability to decelerate (stop on a dime) and develop explosiveness on the step back.

Explosive First Step Series:3 Point Start:

-Start in a split stance and lean over onto your hand. If your right leg is forward your right hand should be cocked back.
-Explode out of this position and sprint 15 feet. If you have someone to time you, chart your time and try to beat it each rep.
-Complete 1 set with your right leg forward, then 1 set with your left leg forward.
-This drill is designed to teach the low position/forward lean that lead to explosive moves on the court.

Explosive First Step Series: Dribble from 3 Point Stance :

-Start in a split stance and lean over onto the basketball.

-Explode out of this position and push your dribble forward/sprint 15 feet. If you have someone to time you, chart your time and try to beat it each rep.
-Complete 1 set with your right leg forward, then 1 set with your left leg forward.
-This drill is designed to teach the low position/forward lean that lead to explosive moves on the court, particularly off the dribble.

Finger Taps to Pound :

-Tap the ball as quick as possible between your finger tips for 5 seconds. Pound the ball as hard as possible 5 times. Repeat the taps and pound on the other

-We will only do 1 set of 1 minute on this drill. This warm up drill is designed to improve hand speed and touch for the ball.

-Tap the ball as quick as possible between your finger tips for 5 seconds. Pound the ball as hard as possible 5 times. Repeat the taps and pound on the other

-We will only do 1 set of 1 minute on this drill. This warm up drill is designed to improve hand speed and touch for the ball.
Staff Member Notes:
Explosive First Step Series: Pushup Position:

-Start in a pushup position leaning onto the basketball.

-Explode out of this position and push your dribble forward/sprint 15 feet. If you have someone to time you, chart your time and try to beat it each rep.
-Complete 1 set with your right leg forward, then 1 set with your left leg forward.
-This drill is designed to teach the low position/forward lean that lead to explosive moves on the court, particularly off the dribble.

3 Cone Ultimate Cuff Drill :

- Set up 3 cones each 1 to 2 feet apart.

- Pound the basketball on the outside of the right cone with your right hand, go behind your back, pound on the left side with your left hand, behind the back
pound to the inside of the furthest right cone, go behind the back to the left, pound to the inside of the furthest left cone, go behind your back to the right,
pound to the left of the middle cone with the right hand, go behind the back to the left, pound to the right side of the middle cone with the left hand, go behind
your back to the right, pound all the way to the left side with your right hand, go behind your back to your left, pound to the outside of the furthest right cone
with your left hand.

- This full cycle completes one repetition.

High Pound: Cross/Reach Between/Behind :

-Pound the ball as hard as possible on this drill. Remember to pound high (near chest height).
-Do a same arm same leg in-between the legs V-dribble to behind the back.
-Repeat on the other side.
-This drill is great for developing your ball control and ability to pound the basketball.

4 Cone Half Spin Ball Placement Drill :

-Place 2 pairs of cones on the floor as seen in the video. Make sure the cones are just spaced enough to dribble the basketball in-between.
-Perform a crossover step with your left foot as you explode right. Pound the ball in-between the cones on the right, step back and do a relaxed behind the
back dribble. Repeat to the other side.
-This drill is designed to improve ball placement and enhance your crossover step/rapid deceleration.

Off Hand Freestyle:

-Perform a freestyle strictly using your left hand. Come up with different move combos and keep the ball on a string, but remember you can't touch the ball
with your dominant hand!
-This drill is great for exposing and working on your non dominant hand. This drill works wonders when it comes to off hand improvement.
-Perform a freestyle strictly using your left hand. Come up with different move combos and keep the ball on a string, but remember you can't touch the ball
with your dominant hand!
-This drill is great for exposing and working on your non dominant hand. This drill works wonders when it comes to off hand improvement.
Staff Member Notes:
Rapid 1 Cone Moves-Level 6 :

-Complete each move for 1 minute before switching to the next move. Make sure you switch the direction of the move after each set. Emphasize change of
pace on each rep!
-Complete 2 minutes straight for each move.
-This drill will increase the amount of reps you get for each move and will also provide a good endurance workout.

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