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Business Management Story

When Alias Green, Alias Coco and Alias Reptile decided to leave the conflict and become
citizens again, they realized that they had to find a job, to star their regular life in society and
they wanted to do it in La Macarena near Caño Cristales, because that was their favorite place.
Alias Green, proposed to Coco and Reptile, to make a small enterprise called CGR Cristal tours,
which would revolve around the preservation of the area, that they would use their knowledge
of the territory to make tours through the mountains beside Rio Guaviare, hiking Caño Cristales
and planting trees to return La Macarena to its natural and jungle state.

Coco and Reptile loved the idea and were ready to start with this new project, but there was a
small drawback Alias Coco said, "With what money we will make our company, because
without it, this is just a simple idea", Coco was absolutely right, it was impossible to carry out
this project without an initial investment and without a basic idea of how the company was
going to work financially. Alias Reptile formulated a small cash flow chart to identify the costs,
what the revenues would be and what was needed for the company to generate profits.

It was established that the biggest cost would be the lease of the transportation that would be
used for the mobilization to the entrance of the natural park of Caño Cristales, at least 2 trucks
were needed and according to the calculations of Alias Reptile the monthly lease for the two
jeeps would be $3,000,000. In addition, they had to consider the salaries of the three of them
and the other two animals they wanted to hire, the salary of each one was $200,000, on the
other hand another expense would be the materials for their main activity, the planting of trees
in the Sierra de la Macarena Mountain to recover the area, for this they needed tools with a
value of $500,000 and the 10,000 tree seeds would cost $205,000. Finally, Alias Reptile decreed
that for the company to really have profits, per animal the whole plan should be worth

While Alias Reptile was doing all this, Alias Coco found a safe source of money, this is the
subsidy that the government gives to the ex-combatants, this money would be the initial
investment. Coco on the other hand achieved a small business with a farmer in the area, Mr.
Bunny who was the owner of 3 trucks, he proposed Coco that if they leased the 3 trucks, the
rent of all of them would be half price, thus generating a drastic decrease in the costs,
remaining at 2,250,000 and obtaining as a benefit one more vehicle. Everything was going
perfectly, and things were ready to start the company. However, there were still two things
missing, the first was to define the organizational structure of the company and the second was
what kind of market they were looking for, Alias Green proposed a chain of command where
Alias Reptile would be the manager, leaving Coco and Green as team leaders, each in charge of
an activity and in charge of one of the employees. Alias Green stated that, "This organizational
structure allows us to define how many rungs the business has, and it fosters positive
communication by the way problems, requests and proposals are communicated up and down
the ladder". Alias Coco and Alias Reptile were very convinced with Green’s proposal, therefore,
they supported this form of organization.
Now it was time to define the target market, Alias Coco mentioned that the best market was
foreigners, since 9100 tourists came to La Macarena in 2014 and every year foreign tourism in
the area has increased by 10%. For such, Alias Coco proposed to make a website so that the
company is better known, and that all the information in it will be in spanish and english so that
foreigners understand and know better the plans that the company offers, he also gave the idea
that at least one of the new employees hired, must have a basic level of english to establish
better relations with tourists. These factors would make CGR Cristal tours more competitive,
because the other companies have the language barrier, while they do not, also each year the
concept of environmental preservation is more significant and as the main purpose of the
company is planting trees to recover areas affected by the conflict, this will lead to tourists with
eco-friendly initiatives to be more interested in CGR Cristal tours, than any other company that
has no environmental preservation plans.

The company was inaugurated a few weeks later and it was a total success, according to Alias
Reptile it is predicted that in the next few years the company will grow by 20% and generate
even more jobs for the people of the region, La Macarena.

Unipymes. (2014, December 30). Caño Cristales, un atractivo turístico para propios y extranjeros.

Unipymes - Diplomados Virtuales Cursos Empresariales.


Revista Semana. (2020, August 29). Gobierno entregará $160.000 a reinsertados durante los prÃ3ximos

tres meses. Últimas Noticias de Colombia y el Mundo.


Ramos, J. B. (2019, December 27). Gobierno pagará mensualidad del 90 % del salario mínimo para ex

Farc. RCN Radio.


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