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A Letter To All Churches

Uniting The Body Of Christ To all of our beautiful houses of God World Wide: I write to you with all the love peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am writing to you with concerns about the unity of the church, the body of Christ & the people He calls His own. In 1 Corinthians 1:13 Paul asks is Christ is divided? With so many denominations within our church community who are separate & isolated unto themselves, unbelievers and new Christians alike might think so. The Lord our God has laid upon my heart a very heavy burden. He has shown me a snapshot of the body of Christ fragmented & scattered. He has also shown me a vision of all the churches united, working together as one body to bring his people into the light of salvation through Jesus Christ. All denominations in the Christian faith respecting each others individual church doctrines and united to evangelize our community. What I am proposing is not some small project. What I am proposing will require pastors & their congregations to step far outside their comfort zones. What I am proposing is not a one time here today gone tomorrow little get together. What I am proposing is a MASSIVE campaign to bring the lost to the throne with all churches of all Christian denominations participating & working hand in hand united as one in the body of Christ. It is a fact that this country is caught in the grip of the enemy. Drugs, alcohol, spousal & child abuse, murder, rape, adultery & divorce. The over all statistic is that over 75% of the country is un-churched & many of the churches are struggling financially partially due to the economy and also due to low membership numbers. In communities where the churches thrive, the above mentioned atrocities occurrences are low in number. People are walking with Jesus & living for the Lord. They are in church & volunteering in the community. Marriages are not ending in divorce. Children are growing up knowing Jesus & knowing salvation. Unfortunately, this is not the case in most of the US. I have met people here in this country who have never even walked through the doors of a church. Our country on a whole used to rely on God. Our national motto is IN GOD WE TRUST. When we stopped relying on God & started to rely on our own means & so called wisdom, we began to crumble as a nation. The Christian values that America was founded on have been thrown out & what we have now is a nation that is uneducated & addicted to drugs, sex & violence. The government can not fix this problem but the churches can. Second Chronicles 7:14 says, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Once upon a time in America even the government relied on God & the church & this once great nation thrived. I implore you to pray about this & I ask you to join in a coalition to unite the Body of Christ in true fellowship so that as the body, we (the church) can go into the community & bring Jesus into the homes of those who do not know him & those who need him most, the fallen & lost. God bless, Sincerely, your brother in Christ, Rev. Gregory J. Schiller

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