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Basic critical thinking - thinking is concrete and based on a set of rules, such as

obtaining the prescription for diet progression

Complex critical thinking - express autonomy by analyzing and examining data to

determine the best alternative

Commitment critical thinking - - expects to make choices without help from others and
fully assumes the responsibility for those choices
- expert level of knowledge and experience

Open irrigation technique with indwelling urinary catheter - subtract the amount of
irritant used from the clients urine output

Fluid volume deficit - causes tachycardia

Adverse effects of opioids - bradypnea, orthostatic hypotension, nausea

Aloe - wound healing

Chamomile - anti-inflammatory, calming

Echinacea - enhances immunity

Ginkgo biloba - enhances memory

Ginseng - increases physical endurance

Evening primrose - used for relief of arthritis

Valerian - promotes sleep, reduces anxiety

Adequate fluid intake - - 2L /day for females

- 3L /day for males

Hemorrhoids - engorged, dilated blood vessels in the rectal wall from difficult defecation,
pregnancy, liver disease, and heart disease

Fecal occult blood testing - the specimen cannot be contaminated with urine

Pt has had diarrhea for 4 days - - hypotension

- elevated skin temperature
- poor skin turgor

Pt has stress incontinence. What are somethings that a nurse could suggest? - -
decrease/avoid alcohol
- avoid caffeine
Clogged/kincked cathater - stimulates the need to urinate

Hearing loss in the left ear - - Weber test showing lateralization of the right ear
- Rinne test showing less time for air and bone conduction

Drugs that can cause hearing loss - - Furosemide

- Ibuprofen

Subcutaneous injection - - abdomen, upper hips, back of arms, thighs

- 45-90 degree

Which of the following medications can be given anytime between 0700 and 1100? - - a
once daily multivitamin
- a subcutaneous injection prescribes once weekly

Inserting an IV catheter - insert the needles at an angle of 10-30 degrees with the bevel

Signs of infiltration - the IV dressing is damp, the tissue around is swollen, the
temperature us cooler

Indications of and IV fluid overload - heart racing, short of breath, bp 150/90


Extrapyramidal symptoms - tremors, acute dystonia, restlessness

Managing anticholinergic effects - taking sips of water, wearing sunglasses outdoors in

sunlight, using the bathroom before taking the medication

Older adult health promotion - - pneumococcal immunization

- yearly eye exam
- periodic mental health screening
- annual fecal occult blood test

Findings associated with aging - decreased height, thickening nails, decreased bladder

Snellen eye test results of 20/30 - "your eyes see at 20 feet what visually unimpaired
eyes see at 30 feet"

Common in older adults - glare intolerance, thickened eardrums, tooth loss

Manifestation of heat stroke - hypotension

Carbon monoxide - binds with hemoglobin in the body

At risk for latex allergy - children with spina bifida

False negative guaiac test for colon cancer - citrus fruits

At risk for heart disease - LDL 170 mg/dL (above expected range)

Suspectful wound infection - increased in incisional pain, reddened wound edges

Narrowed arterial lumen - blowing sounds from blood flowing through occluded or
narrowed arteries are known as a bruit

Antidiuretic hormone - regulates blood pressure, blood volume and tissue water content

Manifestation of dehydration - - tachycardia, syncope, decreased skin turgor (elasticity)

- Hct 55%, blood sodium 150 mEq/L, urine 1.035

Patient at risk of hypovolemia - has nasogastric suctioning

Patient that requires fluid restriction - has heart failure (to decrease the workload on the

Hypernatremia - - a rise in sodium that exceeds 145, decrease in total body water
- Infuse hypotonic IV fluids to fix

Hypocalcemia - - calcium in the blood is too low (NORMAL RANGES 8.5-10.5)

- Crohn's disease (lack of ability to absorb) is a risk factor

Hyperkalemia - high potassium (above 5), make sure to have cardiac monitoring

Hypercalcemia - confusion, bone pain, nausea and vomiting

NG tube - first step is to tell client to keep the head of the bed elevated at least 30

Liquid medication - gently shake to make sure the medication is mixed

A nurse is teaching for a class about home safety. Which of the following instructions
should the nurse include? - Place toddlers in rear-facing car seats until they are 2 years

A nurse is teaching a group of new hired nurses about incident reports. Which of the
following examples should the nurse use as a situation that requires completion of an
incident report? - A provider provides a medication for a client who has a known allergy
to it
Teaching a client about how to perform a capillary blood glucose testing. Which of the
following instructions should the nurse include? - Use a drop of blood large enough to
cover the pad on the reagent strip

Explaining how to walk with a cane - - The client moves the cane forward before taking
a step
- The client holds the cane on their stronger side
- The client moves their weaker leg before moving their stronger leg

Propper contact precaution techniques - Desposting the soiled linens into a covered
laundry hamper

A nurse caring for a client with TB should use which of the following pieces of PPE -
N95 respirator

In-service with new nurses about handling controlled substances. Which information
should be included? - Verify the number of available medications with the number
indicated in the inventory

Client is receiving 1 unit of packed RBCs. Which of the following findings should
indicate to the nurse that the client is experiencing an allergic reaction? - Urticaria
(raised rash), flushing of the face, itching of the skin

Systemic infection - affects the whole body, signs are fever and increased pulse and
respiratory rate

Airborne diseases - TB, varicella, measles

Expected range for sodium - 136-145 mEq/L

Expected range for calcium - 9-10.5 mg/dL

Expected range for potassium - 3.5-5.0 mEq/L

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