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Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas kebaikan rahmat dan
karunia-Nya sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan Bahan ajar Inggris Kelas VIII-2 SMP/MTs
ini. Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII-2 MP/MTs ini dikembangkan oleh penulis dalam kaitannya
dengan kegiatan peningkatan mutu pendidikan dasar, khususnya dalam menunjang implementasi
Kurikulum 2013. Bahan ajar ini juga dibuat berdasarkan KI dan KD Kurikulum 2013..

Penulis mengucapkan terimakasih setulus-tulusnya kepada Bapak Dr.R.Mursid,M.Pd dan

Prof.Dr.Harmonangan Tambunan,M.Pd yang telah membimbing kami dalam kegiatan menyusun
bahan ajar ini serta kepada teman-teman yang telah memberi kontribusi semangat kepada penulis
dalam penyusunan buku bahan ajar ini,. Terima kasih dan penghargaan juga disampaikan kepada
kedua orang tua penulis, yang telah membantu doa dan dukungan sehingga bahan ajar ini dapat
selesai tepat pada waktunya.

Penggunaan bahan ajar ini diharapkan dapat digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya sehingga
dapat meningkatkan kelulusan/ kemampuan siswa-siswinya SMP maupun MTs dalam mata
pelajaran bahasa inggris. Penulis menyadari bahwa bahan ajar yang kami susun masih jauh dari
kesempurnaan. Oleh karena itu, penulis mengharapkan kepada pembaca untuk memberikan
kritik dan saran yang sifatnya membangun demi penyempurnaan bahan ajar yang lebih baik lagi.

Medan, 30 Maret 2021


1|E - M o d ul Re cou n t Tex t


KATA PENGANTAR ............................................................................................................................. 1
DAFTAR ISI........................................................................................................................................... 2
A. RECOUNT TEXT ........................................................................................................................... 3
1. Definition of Recount Text........................................................................................................... 4
2. Types of Recount Text ................................................................................................................. 4
3. Purpose of Recount Text .............................................................................................................. 5
4. Generic Structure of Recount Text ............................................................................................... 5
6. Language Features of Recount Text ............................................................................................. 5
B. EXERCISES.................................................................................................................................... 6

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Kompetensi Dasar 3.10 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/
kegiatan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi,
rutin maupun tidak rutin, atau menjadi
kebenaran umum di waktu lampau, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan
unsur kebahasaan simple past tense)

Indikator 3.10.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi social dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
keadaan/ tindakan/ kegiatan/ kejadian

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yang dilakukan/terjadi, rutin maupun tidak
rutin, atau menjadi kebenaran umum di
waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks

Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa mampu

mengidentifikasi fungsi social dan unsur
kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/
kegiatan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi, rutin
maupun tidak rutin, atau menjadi kebenaran
umum di waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks

1. Definition of Recount Text

A recount is a piece of writing that tells events in a chronological sequence. A recount

text is similar to a narrative text. The story may be an event or a situation that place on a
particular day. The order of the events is very important. A recount can entertain and/or
inform. A recount retells past events or experiences in the order they happened.
Communicative Purpose: to retell something happen in the past; to reconstruct past
experiences by retelling events in the order in which they have occurred.

2. Types of Recount Text

a. Personal Recount : tell about the author's personal experience

b. Factual Recount : presents a report of events that actually happened
c. Biographical Recount : tell a person's life story in the form of a biography
d. Imaginative Recount : presenting imaginative stories based on events that have occurred

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3. Purpose of Recount Text

Sering ditanya dalam teks ujian

 Why is the test written?
 The text is written for…
 What is the purpose….
 What is the social function?

Maka bisa dijawab dengan kalimat :

1. To share a unique or unusual experience
2. To retell something unforgetable past event
3. To give information about incident
4. To make readers learn something

4. Generic Structure of Recount Text

Personal recount and Imaginative recount

 Orientation = introduces who were involved in the story, when and where the story
 Events = tell what happened in a chronological order.
 Re-orientation (optional) = provides the conclusion of the experience; writer‟s
comment about the experience.

5. Factual recounts and Biographical recount

 Orientation introduces who were involved in the story, when and where the story
 Events tell what happened in a chronological order. Examples of recount texts:
incident reports, newspaper reports, police reports, articles, letters, journals,
historical accounts, diary entries

6. Language Features of Recount Text

 Nouns, e.g. man, journey, town, etc.

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 Pronouns, e.g. it, he, him, his, etc
 Action verbs, e.g. wanted, decided, ate, etc.
 Past tenses, e.g. Richard wanted to make a journey to Europe.
 Time conjunction, e.g. before, finally, etc.
 Adverbs, e.g. cheerfully, quickly, etc.
 Adverbs of phrases, e.g. a few days ago, at the end of the journey, etc.
 Adjectives, e.g. old, clever, light, heavy, etc.

Look at the text and answer the question 1 to 4

It was nine in the evening, I was on my way to my bedroom after brushing my teeth. As I
was passing the living room, I saw my brother, Aldo, lying on the floor watching TV. He always
did that every night. He refused to go to bed and chose to sleep in front of the television. I
decided not to say anything and directly went to bed.

I was half asleep when I heard a scream from the living room. It was about two in the
morning. I jumped out of bed and rushed towards the voice. In the living room, I found Aldo
crying. His right hand was on his right ear. He said, "Help, help, help. It hurtsl" Then, he told me
that an insect had entered his ear. I was quite sorry for the insect. I figured out it was an ant. I
imagined how miserable the ant was. Since Aldo couldn't stop crying, I decided to take him to
the hospital. Soon after cur arrival, a doctor in charge examined Aldo's ear. He, then, used a pair

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of pincers to take the insect out. I was so surprised to see the insect. It wasn't an ant. It was a
young cockroachl Gosh! It was as big as a baby's little finger.

From then on, Aldo never slept in front of the television any more.

1. What happened to Aldo?

a. An insect bit him.
b. He felt pity for the insect.
c. An insect entered his ear
d. He was imagining an insect.

2. How did the doctor help him?

a. He took the insect out, using pincers.
b. He used pincers to kill the insect.
c. He repaired the pincers.
d. He charged Aldo.

3. "It was as big as a baby's little finger." (Paragraph 3)

The underlined word refers to . . .

a. the ant
b. Aldo's ear
c. the young cockroach
d. the baby's little finger

4. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

a. The insect was not an ant.
b. Aldo was taken to the hospital.
c. The insect was a young cockroach.
d. A doctor used a pair of pincers to take the insect out.

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5. Where did Aldo scream at 2 in the morning?
a. In the bathroom
b. In the bedroom
c. In the kitchen
d. In the living room

The following text is for questions 6 to 10

Arsya and Ivan joined a tour to Baluran National Park. It is located in Situbondo
Regency,East Java. There were eight tourists in the group and two National Park guards.
Early in the morning, the group arrived at the park. It was a beautiful and peaceful
morning. They started their journey on a path near a small river. Along the way, they saw many
kinds of animals roaming about, such as buffaloes, elephants, and giraffes. Those animals drank
from the river and then walked away.
Suddenly, Arsya saw a black rhino among the bushes. He told the group. The tourists
were so excited to see the rare animal. They took pictures of the animal, which was only a
hundred meters away. Then the guards realised that it was a male mino and it was a bit nervous

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by the tourists presence on its teritory. The guards made some noise by yelling and hitting their
guns with their hands to scare the animal.
However, their efforts didn't work well. The action made the male black rhino angry. It
charged towards the group. It was ready for a fight. Arsya, who was very close to the animal,
was its first target. The rhino struck him powerfully with its horn on his left leg. The rhino then
turned to Ivan who was trying to save his brother. The rhino hit Ivan's chest. It broke some of
Ivan's rib bones.
One of the guards, then, aimed his gun at the rhino before it made another attack. He shot
the rhino in its belly. The wounded animal escaped to the bushes.

6. Why did the rhino feel disturbed?

a. The other animals came to the river.
b. The gun shots from the guards.
c. The sound of the camera as the tourists took pictures.
d. The presence of the tourists in its territory and the noise.

7. What happened when Ivan was trying to help his brother?

a. Arsya was lying on the ground.
b. The guard shot the rhino.
c. The rhino attacked him.
d. The tourists ran away.

8. "It charged toward the group. (Paragraph 4)

The underlined word refers to. . . .
a. the male black rhino
b. the group of tourists
c. the action
d. the effort

9. "The wounded animal escaped to the bushes." (Paragraph 5)

The underlined word has a similar to . . .

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a. tall grass
b. juicy tall cacti
c. lovely flowers
d. woody branched plants
10. What is the text about?
a. An attack by a group of tourists on a baby rhino.
b. An attack by a rhino on a group of tourists.
c. Training to handle rhino attacks.
d. A safari in the jungle.

Look at the text and answer the question 11 to 15

Last January, Raihan took a trip to Genting Highland located in Pahang,Malaysia.

Genting Highland is a popular destination in Malaysia. The town is most popular indoor and
outdoor theme park, hotels, and beautiful scenery.
There, He spent a lot of time walking and trying to ride the cable car. Also in Genting
Highland, there are shopping centers, entertainment venues, luxury hotels, and fine dining
experiences.. This is probably the most commonly visited tourist area in the city. At night, it

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looks so beautiful. All of the buildings light up with bright, neon, eye-catching signs to attract
visitor attention.
A stay in Malaysia can feel similar to a visit to many popular cities worldwide. Next day,
He took a side trip outside of the city to visit the Batu Caves in Selangor and twin tower in the
capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. He managed to see a lot of amazing sites during his visit to
this city that never sleeps.

11. When did John travel to Genting Highland?

12. What is an activity that a tourist can do on The Strip?
13. Which best describes the purpose of the Genting Highland?
14. What does it mean that Las Vegas is a “city that never sleeps?”
15. What does “it” means in paragraph 2 line 3?

Look at the paragraph and answer the question 16 to 20

Maria Yuryevna Sharapova is a Russian professional tennis player. She was born in 1987
in Ngayan, Siberia.

At the age of three, Sharapova moved with her family to Sochi. She began playing tennis
at the age of four using a racket given to her by Yevgeng Kafelnikov’s father. At the age five or
six, at a tennis clinic in Moscow, Sharapova was spotted by Martina Navratilova, who urged her
parents to get her serious coaching in the USA.

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At the age of seven, she and her father boarded a plane to the USA with only $700. Her
father took her to the Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy where one of the coaches check her out.
The story goes that maria knocked his hat off with the tennis ball, thereby making a favorable
impression. This led her obtaining a scholarship. At the age of nine, she was signed up by a
number of sponsors including Prince (racquets), Oakley and Nike.

In 2004, Sharapova became the second youngest Wimbledon women’s champion in open
era (after Martina Hingis) by defeating defending two-time champion Serena Williams in straight
sets (6-1, 6-4). In the process she also became the first Russian ever to win that tournament.

16. What is the text about?

17. In what age was miss Sharpova being a model of some products?
18. “… was spotted by Martina Navratilova …” (Paragraph 2). The synonym of word
“spotted” is…
19. How much money did they bring when they go on board?
20. Who was the opponent that Sharapova beat when she won the second time?

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