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ENROLLMENT #: 02-235231-012


To be Furious To be To get To be
Mad to be Enraged
Irritated Annoyed outraged


1. The customer became furious when her order was delayed for the third time.
a) The customer was very angry and frustrated
b) The customer was very happy

2. The long wait in the doctor's office was making me increasingly irritated.
a) They are becoming angry and impatient as a result of the delay.
b) They are delighted as a result of delay.

3. She was so mad when she realized someone had taken her lunch from the fridge.
a) She was very angry when she realized that someone had taken her lunch.
b) She was glad that someone had taken her lunch.

4. The repetitive advertisements on the radio were beginning to annoy the listeners.
a) The listeners were enjoying the advertisements.
b) The advertisements were making the listeners angry.
5. He was outraged at the way his boss treated his employees.
a) He was very angry at his boss.
b) He was pleased at the way his boss treated his employees

6. The fans were enraged when their team lost the championship game.
a) The fans were delighted that their team lost.
b) The fans were angry when their team lost.

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