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Full name: Ha Thi Nam (21/02/1982)

Group 20C

1.    What are the British educational purposes?

Purposes: to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills to
become active members of society & to socialise them.

- class-conscious

- The school- a clear marker of social class.

- School-very important to your future.

2. What is the difference between Comprehensive and Grammar

schools? Do they belong to primary, secondary or high school?

Eeducation was voluntary & many schools were set up by churches=>

strong influence of the Church on schooling.

+ Religious education was taught

+ Daily praying & singing hymns- a regular part of school life.

}  The Industrial Revolution changed British society=>1870: the

government passed a law -called for government-funded education.

}  children 5 -10: compulsory to come to school.

}  By World War II, the Germans dropped bombs on British

cities=>+school children were evacuated to the countryside.

+ Schools -closed or used for war purposes.

}  Government + the help of Church & newly powerful trade unions

planned to reconstruct the education sys. =>emphasise on the equality
}  In the 1944 Education Act  gave children the right to a free secondary
education & ensured more children had a good education.

}  Working class children with few qualifications still left school at a

younger age to find jobs to help their families.

}  => In the 1960s, comprehensive schools were introduced which

ended the division between grammar schools & vocational schools.

}  Entrance exams -abolished.

They belonged to Secondary School.

3. Which schools are more popular in Britain, private or state ones?


- Education in the UK is compulsory. Children are legally obliged to

attend school from the ages of 5 (4 in Northern Ireland) to 16. In 1992
there were 9.5 million full-time school/college students.

Parents can choose between sending their children to state schools or

to private schools. State schools are funded by local and central
government. About 93% of pupils receive free education from the
public sector.

In the private sector there are independent schools which are

commonly, but confusingly, called public schools. (They are called
public schools because they were originally seen as "public"
alternatives to having private tutors in aristocratic households.)

Thus private schools (public school) are more popular than state ones.

-        Why private schools are more popular than state ones.
Independent schools are not part of the national education system, but
the quality of instruction and standards are maintained through visits
from Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools.

Parents choose to pay fees in order to send their children to these

schools because the quality of education is such that their children have
a better chance of getting into good universities and/or getting better
jobs when they leave school.

1.What do u know about the first white colonists in America? Why did
they go there? In which way did Puritanism influence American culture?

The first white colonists in America was the immigration from Asia. The
first movements began probably 25000 years ago when Siberian tribes,
in search of new hunting grounds or of refuge from pursuing enemies,
crossed over the Bering Strait to Alaska.

Puritanism influence American culture

In 1620:The second English settlement in Massachusetts founded by

English puritans who separated themselves from the Church of

+Followed the doctrine of John Calvin & wanted to purify the church of

+Believed that human beings were predestined by God before they

were born.

+Some were God's chosen people while others were predestined to be

damned to hell. No church nor good works could save them.
+The sign of being God’s elect- success in his work or prosperity in his

+argued that everyone must read the Bible to find God’s will &
establish a direct contact with God.

=> These beliefs had great impact on American culture.

2. What do u know about the American Revolutionary War & the

Declaration of Independence?

- Early 1760s: 13 English colonies in North America developed a similar

American pattern in politics, economy and cultural life.

- In 1756, England and France began to fight the Seven Years' War,
known in America as the French and Indian War.

+ English government invested soldiers & money in North America &

won a great empire=> 1763 :The Peace of Paris, signed in between
Britain & France, gave Britain title to Canada and all of North America.

•        American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) -The War of



+ British wanted to supply the motherland with raw materials.

+ Asked high tax from Americans =>Disagreed=>War broke out in 1775

-        War brothers fighting: British soldiers

-        against brothers

British fighted agains Americans

(left England &settled down in Virginia in 1607)

-        Some “White” Americans refused the war, came to Canada &
became first British settlers in Canada.

Declaration of Independence

•        July 4, 1776 : Congress adopted Declaration of Independence

drafted by Thomas Jefferson.

•        The document declared that:

+ All men are equal;

+ They were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life,

liberty & the pursuit of happiness.

•        It explained that the philosophy of governments: the power of

governments came from the consent of the governed;

•        & purpose of governments were to secure the right mentioned


•        The theory of politics and  guiding principles of the American

Revolution came from John Locke- an English political philosopher in 
the 17th cent.

•        1781: the War ended in with the victory of North Americans.

•        1783: signed the Peace Treaty, Britain had to recognize the
independence of the United States.

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