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Project Scenario: as the chief student representative in the Business Strategy

class, you have been given a total £8,000 budget from the Faculty of Business, at
University to organise an academic conference on the topic of ‘The
Entrepreneurship and Business Management 2023’.

All the students in your class are requested to work in groups to prepare the
presentation slides and to dress formally to present their ideas. Their audience
include both the academics from the external universities and business experts from
external industries who are invited by the Faculty of Business. However, as the
organiser, you and your project team must prepare a list of potential audiences;
once it is approved by the Faculty of Business, you need to prepare the invitation
card and send them out on behalf of the faculty. A small scale of prize-giving
ceremony for best paper is also needed at the end of the conference.

In your project planning report, you are required to provide details of the
following parts.

Part 1: Provide details of the following four tasks (2,500 words)

1. Prepare Project Scope Statement to state the project’s objectives, deliverables,

technical requirements and milestones
2. Prepare Work Breakdown Structure (WBS, to include at least 10 activities) for the



 You can divide the project into numerous teams

 Separate into functions
 Another level on WBS - more detail is required on an activity
 E.g. Venue Management, Delegates
 BE SPECIFIC and be able to justify it

3. Based on the work breakdown structure (WBS) above, create a Gantt Chart, a
network diagram and indicate the critical path by using MS Project software.
4. Explain how you would evaluate this project in terms of key project success factors.
Task 4: Project Evaluation
To evaluate your project, you can first discuss what criteria can be used to assess a project’
success or failure and why consider the discussion we have in session 2 seminar. You can
then talk about which of those criteria can be applied in evaluating your project and how.

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