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Feng Mang

Chai Jidan
Han Dong works as an extra as well as a fortuneteller who
foretells marriage fortunes extremely accurately. One day, he
accidentally foretells his own fortune and discovers that he and
a Mr. Golden will become “a match predestined by fate”. As a
straight man, he doesn’t hesitate to ruin his image in front of
Mr. Golden — acting as a fool, a despicable man, making himself
as annoying as possible because he is afraid that the other man
will take a liking to him.

Did you think that this golden man would fall for him? You’re

Han Dong tosses from side to side but unexpectedly becomes

tempted, he begins to use thousand ways, a hundred plans in
order to rescue the situation. As a result of his acting skills
before, his foolish image already entered deeply into the man’s

(T/N: Thousand ways, a hundred plans = by every possible

Chapter 1 - Grounding Gas
At 6:30 in the morning, the sky was very bright, and the
entrance to the North Shadow Studio was full of extras
wannabes who had come to wait for the show. Almost all men,
and all very good looking. Some of them have anxiously looking
around their heads, and some of them are stunned by the sight
of the outside world. They also have time to spend with the rich
looking people.

Only one person wasn't like the crowd

He was sitting indifferently, and all his hair was combed

backwards, forming a tail of a rabbit dangling with the wind. In
the winter, he only wore a white shirt with a floral collar and a
pair of jeans with holes. He looked full of youthfulness and
unkempt, but doing something completely out of tune. He was
doing physiognomy and reading someone's palm.

"Master, I especially admire you. I heard that you are wise and
see all things! I specially came from Tieling to find you. I didn't
expect that you were so young!"

Hàn Dōng has an enigmatic expression. "The depth of the line

is not read in terms of age but in understanding."

"Yes, yes, the master is right. I don't know anything about this
kind of amateurish. But I wonder, how do you show it in such a
scurrying place?"

Hàn Dōng secretly spit out three words, "Ground Qi."

"Ha ha ha... master you will help me to see if my marriage will

be happy forever?"

Hàn Dōng squinted his eyes carefully. This man has a

horizontal stripe on the mountain roots and dark spots on the
left side. He is doomed to divorce! I want to tell him so, but I
cannot say so. Because this man's eyelids are thin, the face is
short, his mouth is tight, and his face is very rough. In fact, he is
sensitive and vulnerable. I really want to say so but, how to do it
without losing the money?

"You and your lover will be together for a lifetime." Hàn

Dōng's words were sincere.
Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man who had just been polite
as soon as he heard this, his face suddenly changed. "You mean
that I still have to live with that slutty old lady?"

Hàn Dōng, "......"

Sensitive and fragile middle-aged man really began to hurry

up, "I have put up with her for a lifetime, and in order to beg for
divorce I put my kitchen knife on her neck, she just refused to
leave! I wanted to come here for a peace of mind, I didn't expect,
didn't expect you with a few words, to broke my happiness for
the rest of my life!"

Hàn Dōng yelled: You said it earlier!

"There are good things also to discuss." Hàn Dōng was very

The middle-aged man is even more angry. "Let's see, what else
can you discuss?"
Hàn Dōng was going to explain what is actually the issue....
when he suddenly sees the show's head coming out of the
entrance of the North Shadow Factory and wants to "send
work"! The steadfastness of the master of Hàn Dōng's was
immediately gone. He picked up Mazar and rushed over there.

The middle-aged man grabbed him. "What are you doing?

Want to run away?"

"Leave me! I have to go to act."

"Is it a drama? You are an actor! OK! You reading my fortune

is part of the drama, right?"

"Who said anything about this being part of the drama? I am

doing this as a part-time job!

"I never heard of fortune teller who is also a part-time actor!"

"What's the matter with you? Can't you look for the dream?"
The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said, "You're the
one who's still dreaming? I think you're a scammer! Today, If I
don't beat you up. This train ticket will be even more of a loss!"
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Chapter 2
This side has already a fight going on. The group of people
there are in an unresponsive mess and are busy recommending
themselves for the show.

The show is also for extra actors, but among the group of
people there is a man that has zero response to the chaos around
him. The man with arrogant eyes swept around the crowd,
picking out the right ones from the chaos like animals, "You,
you, and you...the rest fuck off ..."

In the in the head-slash like pompous, he

beckons them to follow the show, he didn't choose to continue

When Li Shang arrived here, he saw the scene of Hàn Dōng's

scuffling with a middle-aged man. Because of that, he didn't
dare to rush forward to persuade him to apply to be an extra ....
he didn't understand the situation so he poked at someone else
to inquire.

"Who is that fighting there?"

"It's just a buddy who's with us every day."

Li Shang frowned. "Then if he gets beat, how you do not


"Why? Why do I want to manage him? I can't even control

myself! Again, every time I pick people at the show, I will select
him in nine out of ten. Even if there is only one place, as long as
he is here, other people will not play."

Li Shang looked at Hàn Dōng another time. His legs were tall
and his body was in excellent condition. He was probably
selected and benefited from his size. As for the face, if you can't
say it's very handsome then you also can't say it's ugly... his face
is very recognizable and you can basically remember it with a

"You just do not see him as the person for the part just because
of this?" Li Shang asked again.

"It's not something you don't want to see. What can you say?
This kind of person can't do that part "
Li Shang came to his interest. "Why? What kind of person is

"Him? Ah? There are more problems with that one... The first
is lustful, unkempt.... he is not very serious; you do not know
how many girlfriends he has had. Second, he probably likes
bragging / force, lazing all day long. Third, he looks like a
chronic addiction.... the more you hurry away, the more he
drags you to him. Fourth, there are many hearts and eyes,
special calculations to be done on average person
cannot deal with him. The fifth he is like a God, he is like
psychic or something, sometimes he sees people fortunes, seeing
things in particular ways......"

Not finished yet, the whistleblowers got up and rushed

towards the door. "There is a show again, they need more

Hàn Dōng sees a group of people rushing to the door with an

anxious voice over there, he began to struggle and anxiously yell
at the middle-aged men: "Fuck .... let go...!"

For a moment, the middle-aged man was stunned by Hàn

Dōng's sharp angry eyes, but he quickly eased and dragged Hàn
Dōng away to the farther road. The two men tore at each other

Although Hàn Dōng was young and well-behaved, his body

shape was poor, and the middle-aged man's stout arms easily
pushed him around. He wanted to jump over the shoulder and
instead of falling to the ground he fell on a fence. Hàn Dōng's
shirt tore a big hole and the jean's holes were also penetrated by
the twisted steel pipe, causing the entire person to hang upside
down on the fence.

The middle-aged man had a rough breath and felt almost the
same anger as he had before, then he turned his head and left.

" fuck! ......come back here and put me down! Believe

me! I will curse you! ...Hey?!"

As Hàn Dōng struggled while clamoring for help, his clothes

were hooked. Not only didn't he break free, his shirt also fell to
his face and his waist was exposed to the cold wind. Two long
legs hanged up high in the air.
Chapter 3
A luxury private car drove slowly on the road. The people who
sat in the car were Zhong Ding Television's trump card
producer, Liang Jing and a newly-impressed actress Tao Yun
Yun, who was recently recruited.

Liang Jing has worked as a supervisor, has been a director,

has produced many company masterpieces, and naturally, one
does not need to say more about his power within the circle. But
this time, he had to say something to Tao Yun Yun.

"This film is personally planned by Wang himself. The main

characters are all chosen by him. There is no directorial work at
all. When you are a female, you obviously don't think much
about it. There is a more pleasing character in it.... you want to
fight for a chance to act in it and make him see you today? It's
time for you to know, Wang always never sees the actors alone.
Today, I won directing the movie after talking for half an hour."

Tao Yun Yun's teeth chewed her bright red lips. "So... does
Wang Zhong Ding have any special hobbies?"

"If you have a special hobby, then you stop right now. This is a
very simple and serious person. Even if you really are able to
bend the rules, you will not be able to hide your thoughts from

Tao Yun Yun still does not feel assured, "Then he always has
something nasty to say right? Tell me, what kind of people he
hates? So I can dodge the minefield."

Liang Jing thought for a moment and said cautiously: "First,

he hates lascivious and unruly people. Although he is particular
against men, even if you're a woman you also need to be decent
and dignified. Second, he hates love and bragging. If you feel
the need, you must pay attention to be a low-profile modesty
person. Thirdly, he hates people who are greedy and money-
hungry. You better talk and work within your own interests.
Fourth, he hates people who have too many eyes and talk too
much. You'd better not be acting too smart. Fifth, he is an
atheist, the kind who hates all metaphysical things the most. Do
not make any superstitious remarks."

Tao Yun Yun's head felt overflowed. "God, isn't he too much

"Is there still more?"

Liang Jing grinned. "Do you know what he wants for the
man's body measurements? It's 1.80 meter height...hips at 102.9
cm, legs 58.8 cm, and leg inseam....5.8 cm....anything more than
one inch will not work for him."

Tao Yun Yun's eyes widened. "Isn't it so rigid?"

"There is no way that science will bear that....and he has a

kind of obsession with the data. There are quite a lot of action
scenes and leg scenes in the movie. It is a big production movie,
with a HD picture, and it emphasizes on visual effects."

"Then he simply should look for the actor himself." Tao Yun
Yun said.

Liang Jing laughed. "You think I haven't looked for him? The
problem is that none of the models can be fit that one! Now, I
have a selection of angles, and my head is all filled with data. I
can basically scan your measurements at a glance."

"Is it true?" Tao Yun Yun remain skeptical.

Liang Jing confidently reported three numbers, "93, 62, 95."

Tao Yun Yun grinned. "You... Were you tortured enough to

become a human eye scanner?"

"I suspect he is deliberately trying to make life difficult for me.

How can I find a man who looks like this? How can there be a
180 cm tall man with 110cm long legs? How can he have a 103
inches' hip? Even if these two are reached, 58.5 cm What if it
was 51.7? Even if you put it in a mold, it may not be as accurate
.... It's just all trouble... so noisy..."

Liang Jing lamented while looking outside the window, and

suddenly his face went ashen white.

There are two long legs that hang upside down on the
guardrail. The nakedness of the waistline perfectly highlights
the sexy tunes wrapped in jeans. 180, 102 points, 9,58 points, 5,
51 points, 7 ... ... If there were no eyebrows, Liang Jing's eyeballs
would nearly be popping out.

"Quickly, turn from the front, go around the side lane!!"

Chapter 4
"If I turned, I flipped, uh..."

Hàn Dōng turned and rolled for a long time, and finally he fell
to the ground. He turned quickly and took a big step toward the
entrance of the North Shadow Factory.

Unfortunately, the show has already taken the people it


Hàn Dōng bitterly slammed his foot into the ground, waiting
for an opportunity is not easy! Some people may not be able to
take a job for a few days. And the crew started at 7 or 8
o'clock.... basically they have already finished recruiting by

Hàn Dōng was leaving, and suddenly he saw a young man

smiling at him.

"What's new?" asked Hàn Dōng.

Li Shang nodded. "Yeah, just listening to someone talk about
you and I thought you would want to know. "

"What did he say about me?"

"He said you have bad character."

Hàn Dōng raised up an eyebrow. "Would he like to meet me


"Because you don't have good character." Li Shang grinned.

Hàn Dōng took out a cigarette, suggesting that Li Shang

helped himself to point it out and asked, "Want to get out of

Li Shang nodded.

"Ooh when you're right."

Hàn Dōng took Li Shang up to the road and soon turned away
from the next intersection.

When Liang Jing's car came over, Hàn Dōng's shadow was
gone for a long time. Liang Jing didn't give up on the driver, he
kept asking him to turn around but he didn't see Hàn Dōng's
shadow anywhere. He was so anxious that he almost spurt out
his own blood.

"What about him? Where is he?"

Tao Yun Yun tentatively asked: "Who...?"

"This man who was just here. On this guardrail, a man who
hanged by his head upside down. The fart/strand, the two
strong legs that were what Wang Zhong Ding always wanted!
He would be so happy, how could..." Liang Jing looked at the
scenery endlessly.

Tao Yun Yun asked slyly: "Isn't he just an illusion.... because

you have recently been overworked for the casting job?"
Liang Jing suddenly saw something, he rushed a few steps to
the side of the guardrail and picked a piece of torn denim,
wrapped in a messy thread.

"Absolutely nothing wrong with me!" Liang Jing turned to the

driver and said, "You go back to the company. I have to go

Tao Yun Yun exclaimed: "Don't! I will be nervous without


By then, Liang Jing has flown across the fence, running a few
meters away.


After more than ten minutes, Liang Jing didn't return and
Tao Yun Yun went to Wang Zhong Ding's office.

As soon as she entered, Tao Yun Yun was shocked by a

dazzling array by clocks. One pendulum clock is as large as three
meters high and another as small as a button-like pocket watch;
as early as the "big eight pieces" of the Qing Dynasty, that late to
the latest trend new... Walking further, on the table there's a
five meters high and two meters high frames with valuable
watches on them.

Tao Yun Yun swept to a mesh-snapped watch. Without the

pointer only the mesh, the honeycomb briquettes can be seen

Once again, the computer screensaver is twitching with three

different dials.

This is nothing, Tao Yun Yun suddenly found that the room is
full of time figures. Clear, dark, even crystal pendulums have
numbers standing out in the middle, a living big clock ah! She
felt herself in a game room and was playing "counting how
many clocks there are".

In addition, there is a switch with a Moss code, a Roman

numeral code...
Tao Yun Yun secretly stumbled, how much this man has far
gone to become so mad about the clocks and the numbers?!

Now that I think about it, the selection requirements of the

male model he is looking, for the acting job. Suddenly I can
understand it.

.......Don't forget to comment and vote........stay still.... Feng

Chapter 5
The ticks of the clocks and watches are interwoven in the
ears, like dense drums, and the heartbeats are suddenly fast-

Tao Yun Yun's brain was running at a high speed, and she
keeps reciting the words of Liang Jing. Be dignified, this is not a
problem, and now she does not dare to act out. So he is this
demanding because of so many clock hands urging him.... who
would dare to miss even a second ah? As for his hate for
superstitious remarks, she didn't believe in those things so she
didn't worry about it.

Being humbly low-key person and not too smart, these two
are difficult points.

As she was thinking, the door suddenly opened and a

handsome young man came in.

"Hello, I'm Wang Zhong Ding."

At the moment when the two people shook hands, Tao Yun
Yun gaze circulated to the man in front of him.

Wang Zhong Ding rarely appeared before the public, so Tao

Yun Yun knew nothing about his appearance. In his original
impression, he was a digitally-controlled leader, who would
wear thick glasses with stiff appearance, stereotypical
expressions and full bureaucratic sentiment.

However, in the eyes .... Wang Zhong Ding wore a titanium

gray suit, the line is stiff and neat, full of masculine aroma.

If you were to use four words to describe him, they will be -

Steel! Hard! High! Awesome! -

What makes Tao Yun Yun even more surprised, is that

although Wang Zhong Ding didn't laugh, his eyes were very

"Please sit down!" Wang Zhong Ding said.

Tao Yun Yun slowed down a lot of tension, and after sitting
down, her silence stunned Wang Zhong Ding. Eyes were shining
with cleverness but didn't dash at randomness, expressive and
yet dignified, this man's acting is really good.

However, Wang Zhong Ding only cares about one thing. "Why
aren't you talking?"

"I'm waiting for you first."

"Aren't you going to talk about the movie?"

"Oh oh, I have just remembered." Tao Yun-Yuan showed a

charming smile. "I forget things when I get nervous".

Wang Zhong Ding loosed a faint smile, it seems that Tao Yun
Yun was this simple and pure person...pretty herself.

"Wang, you have a lot of watches here!"

"This is only a small part. Most of them are at home."

Tao Yun Yun narrowed her eyes and said, "Oh, I think that's
only why I was dazed out."

"Not just dazed out, there are some things that are just for
decoration, like the background wall behind you."

Tao Yun Yun had long guessed that the four-column LCD on
the wall was a special-shaped dial, but she put on an incredible
expression. "Is that a clock form? I don't understand it!"

Wang Zhong Ding pointed to a simple one. "Do you see that
this row of potted plants is a formula?"

Tao Yun Yun reprise the surprise she had just discovered.
"Isn't it amazing?"

Wang Zhong Ding was smiling again.

With the increasing smile on Wang Zhong Ding's face, Tao
Yun Yun's humble and simple drama has become even more
exciting. Wang Zhong Ding is surprisingly tall. And it was good
to keep it in mind. Let's keep in mind Liang Jing's words.... like
" He is very agile" these are good enough to be collected. When
time is up, they bid each other goodbye.

Liang Jing searched for Hàn Dōng and returned without a

cause. When he arrived at the company, he saw Tao Yun Yun
walking out from the entrance of the hall.

"How was it?" asked Liang Jing.

Tao Yun Yun smiled and gave an OK gesture with a smile. "He
was very happy talking to me."

Without knowing why, Liang Jing suddenly had a kind of bad

ominous premonition, he quickly rushed to Wang Ding's office,
the results are, when he got there he was stopped by the

"You don't have to go in. Wang has told me to tell you. He

doesn't like smart people, but it doesn't mean he likes silly

Liang Jing, "........"

Chapter 6
Hàn Dōng took Li Shan to the direction of his temporary
residence, and the two men walked and talked.

"Have you ever played a role?" Li Shang asked.

Hàn Dōng said: "I have played some... then there were many
as an Extra, the remake of Journey to the West, I played an
important role in it."

Li Shang became interested. "What is this important role?"

Hàn Dōng eyebrows rose, "You have to guess."

Li Shang had seen the TV show, but because there were

bulldogs and horses and none normal faces, it was quite difficult
to guess. He muttered, "The important role is definitely the
Monkey King..."

"Although it is not the Monkey King, it has a close

relationship with Sun Wukong!"

Li Shang was surprised. "Can it be the six-eared monkey?"

"My so-called relationship is not an image. It is a rivalry!"

"There are still opponents?" Li Shang looked at Hàn Dōng

with envious eyes, "But the performance of the Sun Wukong is a
first-line can anything else top that? You didn't
play in the East China Sea Dragon Palace Third Prince, right?"

Hàn Dōng shook his head. "You guess again."

"The Demon King? Taibai Venus? Too Laojun? Tota

Tianwang? Erlang Shen? Monster? ... ..." Finally, even the
Princess Iron Fan was mentioned.... Hàn Dōng still shook his

"The characters you mentioned are all cast in advance. I'm a

temporary recruit, how can I play those roles?"
Li Shang also thought about it. "What did you play?"

"I was the heavyweight rescuer who came out of the danger
when Monkey King Monkey King was also out of danger. He
wouldn't get anywhere without me!"

"'re not going to say you were the Golden Staff,

right?" Li Shang stared at him

Hàn Dōng swept his fist and said, "How did you think I would
play a golden stick!"

Li Shang coughed with a smile. "That... Who was it that you


Hàn Dōng said unabashedly and impertinently: "I played the

first monkey who came out when Sun Wukong blew the
monkey hair!"

Li Shang almost choked on air. "How can this be called

"Why can't I call it rivalry? I have lines to speak in it"

"What line?"

Hàn Dōng said the line in a monkey voice, "Great King!"

Li Shang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said,
"'s important, but I don't think you are suitable for a
monkey role. You should play the mouth of your king."

"What do you mean?" Hàn Dōng glared at him.

Li Shang smirked, "You can boast a lot!"

"Who is blowing his status with you?" Hàn Dōng voice had a
snigger. "You have to find a position if you're an extra. There
are lines that are already very simple to memorize. How many
people can play as extra dozen shows? There is almost no way to
appear in shots! Wait until we get where i live, and I will show
you the scenes I have participated in, there is just so much that
you can't see them in one go!"
When Li Shang wants to speak, he hears Hàn Dōng whistle.

"Hey, beautiful, we can look at each other, I won't charge you

anything.... just you give your phone number."

The beauty took a look at Hàn Dōng and said, "pervert."

Hàn Dōng still stared at other girl with impunity, until the
beautiful woman swiftly walked away, he turned his face to Li
Shang, humming with half a cigarette butt and smirking, with a
deep aftertaste in his tone he said "What a slut dressed like

Li Shang had to admit that the person who broke the news to
him about Hàn Dōng just now.... he was really right!
Chapter 7 - I don't believe I can't catch
Before walking to the apartment, Hàn Dōng said: "we have

"Hey, this place is not bad." Li Shang tone was quite

unexpectedly, "The location is very good, house is also quite

Hàn Dōng chuckled. "I have this problem on my side. I have

no money to pay for rent...I'm poor and stressed......and can't
clean up by myself."

Li Shang found out that the one-hundred-square-meter room

was split into ten compartments, which didn't include public
toilets or kitchen. Hàn Dōng lived in one of the compartment.
To put it plainly, it was like group housing and for him it was
slightly better than the basement.

"Come in." Hàn Dōng opened the door for Li Shang.

Li Shang saw only shame, the entire room can be simply
described as "chaos", almost everything is piled on the ground.
Rubber peels, newspapers, magazines, bottles, cans, clothes,
snacks, etc.

Where can one even step a footing?

"In the morning, I was in a hurry so I didn't have time to tidy

up." Hàn Dōng said, "Look for a place to sit."

Li Shang looks around to see if this place has a chair. Where is


Hàn Dōng picked up a piece of rubberized leather from a

broken pile and stepped on it a few times and soon an inflatable
stool came out.*

Li Shang asked again: "Where are you going to sleep at night?

Is there a bed?"

Hàn Dōng stepped on another rubber for a while, and an

inflatable mattress came out, and after a few more steps....
inflated pillows came out.

Li Shang swallowed. "Is your computer also inflatable?"

Hàn Dōng cast a cold eye. "Yes, even I'm an inflatable doll."

Li Shang opened the computer with his hands. Because of the

slow start-up speed, he took a wide look around this time. There
is no such thing as a decent piece of furniture in the room,
except that the air mattress is folded with plastic, which is
rubber. After more than ten minutes passed and another
computer screen was displayed.

My day keeps on getting worse ... Li Shang lamented

endlessly, on this poor life should I pay attention to this? If this
is a bit of a stumbling block to myself, can I live in this pity?*

"I have lived in this house for long, in addition to sound

insulation not being good, the rest is fine." Hàn Dōng was quite
Li Shang asked: "How bad is the room?"

Just afterwards, a faint sound was heard across the three

walls of the room. "We used 1 alarm clock in 10 houses."

1] alarm clock ratings throughout the whole


Li Shang, "......."

Hàn Dōng dragged the mouse, "Let me show you the movies I
participated in, look at this, my time in the scene is a little more
than 11 minutes." as he said that, Hàn Dōng dragged and drop
the mouse up to 10 minutes long of the movie.

Li Shang looked forward to wait expectantly. The result is

that the video reached 12 minutes. Hàn Dōng asked him, "Did
you see it?"

"Ah?" Li Shang blinked. "Has it just appeared? I didn't pay

"You didn't see my clear action footage? Let me drag it back
and you focus on it."

Li Shang didn't dare to blink his eyes this time, but the result
was; he still didn't see anything!

"If I don't see it, when it comes to your shot, just help me
pause it...." Li Shang said.

A little more than 11 minutes later, Hàn Dōng clicked his

mouse and the result was that he paused the clip earlier.

He continued playing and clicking again, "Fuck, we passed it."

Dragging it back to the point, "It's too early."

"Fuck, it's too late."

Hàn Dōng's sleeves are gearing up. ".... do you believe I can't
catch it?!"

This time, Hàn Dōng was quick... Then the computer crashed.

"That's nothing, I'll restart." Hàn Dōng said.

Li Shang has a sour heart and was feeling sorrow. He finally

understands what Hàn Dōng's phrase "Look, but don't see" was
about. According to this capture difficulty and the computer
configuration, the two things are enough to make you crazy.
Chapter 8 - will sooner or later explode
After visiting Hàn Dōng's residence, the two people went out
to eat a meal together.

"Where are you from?" asked Li Shang.

Hàn Dōng said: "Inner Mongolia, what about you?"

"..... I came to Beijing to study at the university. I just

graduated last year. Although I studied science, I always like the
performing arts. I want to try it. I've heard that Wang Bao
Qiang was discovering new talent at the entrance of the North
Shadow Factory."

"Don't dream of it kid, it will take blessings of several years of

pious life, again, Wang Bao Qiang is not just relying on a little
luck ah. Someone who was born from disciples of the Shaolin
Temple, all they did was martial arts. Why did you come here?"

1]..... basically do what you were trained to do*

Li Shang asked: "how have you drifted for so many years?"

"Because I will sooner or later launch to stardom." Hàn Dōng

took it for granted.

"How do you know that you will launch?"

"I have figure it out myself."

Li Shang joked and asked, "How can you figure out when you
will become a star?"

"Soon...." Hàn Dōng finished wiping his mouth and leaned

proudly on the chair. "It should be this year."

Li Shang didn't believe but didn't dismiss Hàn Dōng's face. In

order to figure out Geely, he also asked, "Can you see if I will
launch to stardom?"
Hàn Dōng carefully looked at Li Shang for a while, his eyes
suddenly had a strange wave of fluctuation, half of the tone was
truth, "OK, kid, you're going to be a mega star!"

"Oh, how did you see it?" Li asked with interest.

Hàn Dōng used chopsticks to beat the bowl and said: "Because
your body is very similar to mine."

Li Shang laughed and held his fists in his hands. "Your

blessings are good for you."

Because he could not find a suitable place for the time being,
Hàn Dōng let Li Shang live in his house. To Li Shang's
expectations, Hàn Dōng, who was expert in calculations, didn't
even want his rent, but he also said a grandiose proclamation
"buddies don't lack this money."

In the evening, when Li Shang cleans up and picks up Hàn

Dōng's apartment, "Yeah, I said, if you have so many inflatable
things in your room, shouldn't you miss it ...?"
"You mean an inflatable doll?"

Hàn Dōng didn't scruple around for rhetoric and forced the
nine men in the other compartments to raise their heads at the
same time.

"Are you kidding?" Hàn Dōng bombed Li Shang's forehead.

"Brother never had a short amount of women beside him.
Should we need to use it?"

The men in the nine compartments collapsed at the same


Because of a new environment and poor sound insulation, Li

Shang had some insomnia. Hàn Dōng is a heartless child,
hugging a pillow. Li Shang was a little more than awake but
early in the morning he was just a bit sleepy. Hàn Dōng spoke
faintly on the sidelines.

"Look at the door, buddy, why don't you? You haven't shot for
half an hour."
The man who leaned back to the door replied: "Lao Tzu's JB is
tempted with you."

Li Shang mood came to the spirit, "I just rubbed, I didn't sleep
at all!"

Heavy breathing sounds came one after another, no one


Li Shang turned to look ....... Hàn Dōng eyelids closed

together, he was breathing evenly, without any signs of ever
being awake! Suddenly, Li Shang was shocked.... He would not
be a dream-speaker right? The man who leans against the door
is also talking while asleep? This.... can all be talking? Then
how can he live in a place like this?*
Chapter 9 - Sleepwalking
With full of worries, Li Shang fell asleep. He didn't know how
long he had been asleep, yet he was awakened by Hàn Dōng's

"You.... newcomer, introduce yourself so I can know and

understand you."

Is he still talking while sleeping? Li Shang opened his eyes and

found that Hàn Dōng wasn't in bed and looked up only to see
him standing in the window. Who should I call for him? ...*

Li Shang didn't care, he turned over to continue to sleep, the

result was that his arm landed on a cold metal, he touched Hàn
Dōng's mobile phone.

In Li Shang's eyes, it was like he was swept by a thunderbolt.

Here is in the fifth floor. If Hàn Dōng wasn't on the phone, who
is he talking to at the window? Li Shang remembered the critic's
remarks about Hàn Dōng's "psychic " and remembered the so-
called "God of Fortunetelling" spirit. And then, when he gave a
look from the side of Han Dong, his two eyes instantly turned
In front of Hàn Dōng, five women appeared out of nowhere,
their bodies were stiff, and their skin was particularly pale in
the dark.

"Come on, say hello to Li!" Hàn Dōng said to one of them.

Li Shang was so scared for his soul, he rolled out of bed and
ran to the door, but he was pulled and stopped by Hàn Dōng.

"Why do you run?" Hàn Dōng asked with his eyes closed....

Yes, his eyes were closed from beginning to end. He walked

freely in the room and even with his eyes closed he was able to
determine Li Shang's position and stop him accurately.*

Li Shang was completely forced and had no resistance. He was

directly led by Hàn Dōng to the five "women."

"When you hear my sacred command take a short interest!

Stand up! Look to Li Ge!" After Hàn Dōng issued the
commanding word, Li Shang was introduced to them one by
one. "This is Cang. This is Yi, this is Zhi Zhi, this is Jiao....... and
this is Zhao."

After Li Shang looked at them, a cold sweat fell on his whole

body. Tears almost come to his eyes.

The five "women" standing in front of him are not zombies or

ghosts. They're fucking inflatable doll! Li Shang's heart fired up,
motherfucker, he doesn't go to bed at night .... only wakes up as
a ghost to pretend and scare people!*

As soon as he was about to open his mouth, he was slammed

to the door by a sudden intrusive force.

"Don't say anything!" The visitor whispered, "when he is

sleepwalking you can't wake him up."

Li Shang was bewildered, sleepwalking? He not only sleeps

like a dead log; he still sleepwalks? Who did I run into?*

"He cannot hold anything in his heart. Once he has a trouble

in his heart, he will be sleepwalking in the evening."

Li Shang was really thinking about this. During the day, Hàn
Dōng had an inflatable dolls thirst. As a result, he couldn't wait
to get these "private goods" out at night.

"Oh, who are you?" Li Shang thought about it.

The man said, "I live in the compartment across the door."

The man who was leaning against the door... isn't he the one
who was talking with Hàn Dōng while Hàn was asleep ...... Li
Shang once again shows a horrified expression. "You, you, you...
aren't you sleepwalking too?"

"Are you blind?" The man said leisurely. "Are my eyes


Li Shang breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Hàn Dōng

again. Suddenly there was some compassion for Hàn Dōng from
Li Shang. "How sad is this person's life? To reach this state"
The man hummed. "You are still worried about him...that's
pointless.... you should be worrying about yourself. If you mess
with him one day, he won't care about it during the day......but
maybe he'll smash you at night."

Just as finished, Hàn Dōng suddenly slammed "Cang Doll" to

the ground.

"You didn't give your rent!"

Li Shang, "........"
Chapter 10 - Within ten days
At noon, Wang Zhong Ding's assistant, Feng Jun, held a
document and walked out of the elevator. At a distance of 20
meters away from Wang Zhong Ding's office, the temperature in
his eyes fell to the freezing point.

A newly recruited female cleaner was mopping up in the

doorway. She heard that Wang Zhong Ding had high hygiene
requirements. She purposely started cleaning ahead of time and
dragged it back and forth several times in one go. She wasn't
afraid to be quiet about it.

Feeling Feng Jun's gaze, the female worker grinned

graciously, "Manager Feng."

Feng Jun said: "You make sure don't do it at this time


"Why?" The female worker stiffened.

"It's a lunch break. Didn't anyone remind you that when

Wang is sleeping, he shouldn't hear any movement."

The female worker rushed to explain. "I only came ten

minutes in advance."

"Wang's rest time is calculated in terms of seconds."

"But I didn't go in and bother him. I've been cleaning outside

and my brush movements are very light."

Feng Jun replied coldly: "The office door is seventeen meters

to the left and fourteen meters to the right. Any sound made in
the area is caught by Wang's hearing. In this area, how many
steps have you taken and how many steps has he heard?...."

The female worker was furious and angry. "Why is his sleep so
precious? Ah, what's so great about him? Let's talk about
payments! Let's not say ten thousand a month, that is, even if he
gives me one hundred thousand, I will not serve like that!"

Feng Jun expressionlessly reached out, "Will you please shut

up....and go away"

The female worker couldn't swallow this breath. Before she

walked, she spoke to the front door of the office. "What's wrong
with him? I'm going to curse him! I wish him a sleeping and
snoring woman, a dream sleeper and a sleepwalking wife..."

Feng Jun picked up the phone and said to the personnel

manager: "Who brought in the cleaner on the 18th floor in Area
C? Let him come and get her away from here!"

Hanging up the phone, Feng Jun looked at the table, and there
were two minutes before the end of the break. He quietly waited
in place, and two minutes later he took his feet and walked
toward the door.

Wang Zhong Ding was sitting in an office chair and his mental
state does seem to be a bit bad.

"You didn't sleep well?" Feng Jun asked.

Wang Zhong Ding seems to be indifferent. "It's OK, I wasn't
very sleepy."

"How could you not be sleepy? Yesterday you were on an

overnight flight. Why don't you go to bed again?"

"No," Wang Zhong Ding asked directly. "What do you have for

Feng Jun handed over the documents. "Look at these, please."

The eye-catching headlights come into view - "Rising Stars

catch up with Zhong Ding Movie Co., the bosses are expecting
her to star in the big women movie of the year."

The picture was taken by a reporter. Even with a tinted glass,

it was still possible to clearly see the scenes of Tao Yun Yun and
Wang Zhong Ding's "talking with joy". The news about Zhong
Ding Company has always been released by the company
"internal" hired reporters. The way that the outside reporters
captured such hidden content is just not right. It obviously was
arranged in advantage.
The editor of Beijing Entertainment magazine received the
movie manuscript and rushed to call Feng Jun to ask about this
specific situation. The Editor learned that it wasn't the
company's "intention" to quickly destroy the movie manuscript.

"Let's say that she forced it. She's still trying her best." Feng
Jun smiled. "Let me handle it..."

Wang Zhong Ding looked for a long time before opening his
mouth. "You look into it."

Liang Jing heard the news from outside the office and rushed
back to the company.

"Wang, I really don't know if she can do this kind of thing! I'm
not very familiar with her. My uncle's friend had introduced her
to me. The old man face is not easy to refute. I..."

Wang Zhong Ding broke his hand and interrupted. "You

should have retired during this time. Take a few days to rest.
You shouldn't have to worry about the movie for the time
Liang Jing's heart went cold when he heard this. Wang Zhong
Ding's sentence was meant to be saying "have a good rest" and it
means he has to withdraw from the "producer" seat for this

"Wang!" Liang Jing clenched his fists and his eyes were
urgent. "Please give me another chance."

"Why should I give you a chance?"

Liang Jing took a deep breath. "In two weeks, I will bring the
man to you."

Wang Zhong Ding decided to look at Liang Jing and said: "Ten

Liang Jing nodded his head and said, "Okay...."

Turning out at the moment, Liang Jing's forlorn veins

suddenly popped up.......motherfucker, I must find that person!
Even if he can't be found, then those long bones must be "made"
out of this person!*
Chapter 11 - unique advantages
For three days in a row, Li Shang followed Hàn Dōng without
receiving a single casting job at the entrance of the North
Shadow Factory.

Getting up at five o'clock in the morning every day, because of

being afraid to influence the image, he does not dare to wear too
much makeup, the temperature of three or four degrees feels
like a bitch... The torture on the body is is mainly
the psychological suffering that's mind buggering.... Everything
needs to wait, one never knows when the opportunity will
come, and it he has to see it.

Even if Li Shang gets selected, it is only 60 yuan pay and

meagre lunch. Of course, no one is coming. He actually manages
to eat enough but he sees three words in each person's face.


Hàn Dōng's dream has been going on for five years.

"It seems that there is no drama today." Hàn Dōng patted Li
Shang's shoulder. "Let's go."

The two men were about to make a turn. Suddenly a luxury

car approached from the opposite side and went straight to the
entrance of the North Shadow Factory.

"Fuck.... a Bentley." Li Shang's eyes were straight.

Hàn Dōng turned his head over and cheeked. "What is there to
see? Just you wait until I reach stardom and I will buy you one!"

"Hahaha... I'm waiting..." Li Shang patted Hàn Dōng's

shoulder and left.

Feeling a momentary drop in speed, Liang Jing lazily opened

his eyelids. "we're here right?"

The driver hummed and drove in.

"Liang Liang, you have to make a direct call and you have to
come and see for yourself."

Liang Jing could not disclose any information about the film
before the company officially opened the conference. He simply
said to the person in charge there: " This time the casting is very
special, and there is no requirement on appearance and age. The
only conditions are the length of the legs. Starting today, it's 24
hours on going. If you have long legs, you have a chance to be

"Li!! I'll get someone to do it!"

After Liang Jing went out, Assistant Xiao Wen could not help
but ask, "Are you sure that person was from these Extras?"

"Since there is a possibility, I can only try my luck first."

In the afternoon, Li Shang routinely helped Hàn Dōng clean

up the room to relieve the guilt of him for "not paying rent."
Hàn Dōng went out for more than an hour and came back
with more beauties.

"This is my girlfriend, Nan Zhao " Hàn Dōng introduced the

girl to Li Shang.

Li Shang was stunned momentarily, this girl is too beautiful,

with beautiful makeup, sweet smile, so her standing next to a
slag like Hàn Dōng, it is a kind of violation of heaven laws.*

"You should take a rest first. I'll buy you something delicious
to eat." Hàn Dōng said to Nan Zhao

Li Shang hurriedly got up. "I'll go to buy it, you two talk."

"No." Hàn Dōng overbears a gentle look at Nan Zhao. "You

don't know what she likes to eat."

Nan's face revealed a classic smile of a brainless girl who has

fallen in love with the river.*
Hàn Dōng put on his clothes, but before he went out, he still
remembered to kiss Nan Zhao's cheeks. "you wait for me to
come back." Hàn Dōng's smile coupled with a dashing turn, he
turned off the old mad tyrant into a cool handsome prince.

Li Shang was more talkative and Nan Zhao wasn't introverted

either. The two quickly chatted up. Li Shang learned that Nan
Zhao was a native of Beijing and that she was still in graduate
school. His heart was even more puzzled.

"There should be a lot of people chasing after you, right?"

The meaning of the words, why are you getting it on with Hàn

Nancy smiled. "There are, but they just do things

superficially. Hàn Dōng is different. When I only knew him for
a short while. He knew exactly what I liked, what I disliked, and
even what I had experienced. He knew all about it. At that time,
I thought that this man was especially interesting."

Li Shang was the honest man who looks at the looser that has
such a unique advantage in terms of love affairs.*
Chapter 12 - Everything is about you
In order to avoid the light bulb, Hàn Dōng came back after a
while, and Li Shang quickly flashed out so he has been strolling
out tonight, as he just returned from the elevator, he heard an
unusual "motion".

"Tighter, a little tighter." It was Hàn Dōng's voice.

Nan Zhao obviously replied a bit breathless, "Is it?"

Li Shang looked down at his watch, just over eight, long

enough! He walked on with his feet and gently pushed the door
open.... his eyeballs looked around and suddenly stopped

By the graces!

......When Li Shang pushed the door open, in front of him Nan

Zhao was performing a scene for Hàn Dōng. Moreover, the
series of words were written on Hàn Dōng's head, and it was
even more prominent.
Nan smiled and greeted Li Shang: "Ooh you're back?"

Li Shang was a little embarrassed and said, "I just came by to

take something, and then I will leave."

"Where are you going so late?" Hàn Dōng asked.

"Next door."

The man who lives next door is called Ye Chenglin. He moved

in with Hàn Dōng and has been a neighbor for three years. Ye
Chenglin often came to Hàn Dōng's place, so he is familiar with
Li Shang.

"It seems that his girlfriend is not going to go. I can only be
with you tonight." Li Shang said.

"Hàn Dōng won't allow her to stay for the night."

"How do you know?" Li Shang was bored.

Ye Chenglin laughed and said, "I don't believe you heard the

Two hours later, Li Shang came out of Ye Chenglin's room and

Nan Yan was already gone. He stayed alone and Hàn Dōng was
wandering in the room with his cool hairstyle.

"Why didn't you stay with her tonight?"

"I have to get up early!" Hàn Dōng beamed his eyes. "There's
news on the grapevine that there's a big movie crew coming up
to recruit actors tomorrow!"

Li Shang looked at him. "How big is your addiction to drama?

That you can't even attend to your girlfriend."

"It's not an addiction thing." Hàn Dōng sighed. "I can't let the
little girl sleep with me on an inflatable bed. Those cheap
women who are in my bed when I fall asleep, Nan Zhao is not
the same as them. I want to make a good money and fight for
Nan Zhao, and I'm going to work hard to get things done."

For the first time, Li Shang saw Hàn Dōng's deep helplessness
hidden under his unfazed face. When he saw the word
"responsibility" in Hang's eyebrows he felt quite touched, Li
Shang patted Hàn Dōng's shoulder and said: "This girl is really
good, you really should work hard!"

At half past five in the morning of the next day, the entrance
to the North Shadow Factory was overcrowded.

"It seems that there is a big show today, so many people ..." Li
Shang sighed.

Hàn Dōng didn't speak and his eyes were hooked to the side of
a beautiful woman.

Li Shang poked him. "Hey you...wake up! You forgot whom

you just came from?"
"I just used my eyes to sneer at her and let her know she wear
so little clothes. She does know how to be shameless!"

Li Shang, "......."

The door of the North Shadow Factory suddenly opened. A

group of people rushed. Li Shang also rushed past Hàn
Dōng....While all these was happening Hàn Dōng followed with
little care.

"Hear me out! Go ahead and get in line! Get in a good spot and
stand back and forth in a row!"

Hàn Dōng spent five years in this scene. Both, the large and
small actors knew his strange face was clearly different from the
previous situations. It should be the person who came from the
inside of the crew. They seem to always pick the "Great Horn."

The actors were screened one by one in a row, and none of the
five or six rows were screened. Finally, the selector eyes settled
on Li Shang and he looked back at him carefully after three
steps. With a mischievous look, he caught sight of Hàn Dōng
behind and then he never returned to Li Shang.

"It's you."
Chapter 13 - Scum!
Him again...The surrounding people made a buzzing noise,
showing an extreme annoyance in the good fortune of this
person called Hàn Dōng.

Li Shang didn't have much regrets. After all, he had just

arrived. There was no excessive jealousness in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Hàn Dōng abruptly brought Li Shang's

shoulders over and directed him towards the show: "This is my
good buddy and he graduated from the acting department. His
conditions are much better than mine. Don't you want to choose

The showman took another look at Li Shang body, which

wasn't much different than Hàn Dōng's body condition.
Listening to Hàn Dōng's comment, the agent had some

"Are you sure you want to give your chance to him? I remind
you that this opportunity is very rare."
Li Shang wanted to speak but Hàn Dōng started to speak first
"Choose him! You listen to me...... it's right!"

The agent did not say anything again. He waved his hand to
dismiss the crowd and led Li Shan to go inside. When he
reached the door, Li Shang also looked back at Hàn Dōng and
felt an indescribable taste in his heart...

The door closed without a moment, and Hàn Dōng flashed a

smile around the beauties that had just been "harassed" by his
eyes. He greeted the girl with a flowing tone and said, "Beauty,
we met again."

"Do I know you?" The beautiful girl stunned Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng smiled idly. "You forgot? I'm the one who doesn't
want money only phone numbers."

The girl remembered the scene where Hàn Dōng was pursuing
her on the road that day and she felt bored and turned to go
"You should leave him." Hàn Dōng suddenly said, "A man who
is unwilling to pick you up when you come to the city but who is
willing to go to the mall to choose lipstick for you, is not worth
your trouble coming downstairs ...... He had already changed
his mind."

The sound of high-heeled shoes slammed suddenly and the

beautiful woman turned and looked surprised.

" do you know..."

Looking into the North Film Factory, it was just awe-

inspiring, taking the opportunity to play the scene, this time it
was Liang Jing's assistant Xiao Wen's bereavement, no one
would dare to snort.

"Are you short on brains? We said you should recruit qualified

people instead of choosing the best one! Besides, picking the
correct person for the role is our decision.... Are you alright in
the brain?"

When Li Shang heard that he was the only chosen one, he

immediately showed an excited look. "I have a buddy. His
conditions are particularly good. I will call him to you!"

The windy Li Shang rushed to the door and searched in the

crowd for a long time. He didn't see the shadow of Hàn Dōng.
He wanted to call him. As a result, Hàn Dōng's mobile phone
was out of credit. Li Shang had to return with regret.

Until evening, Li Shang returned to Hàn Dōng's residence.

Just after he stepped out of the elevator, he was stimulated by
the scene before him.

Hàn Dōng and a beautiful woman at the door getting heavy,

this beauty is not the beautiful pleasant Nan Zhao, but she was
replaced by a big breasted girl.*

Li Shang took Hàn Dōng aside and yelled, "What did you say
when you were talking to me last night?"

Hàn Dōng spoke meaningfully. "There is no result in a long

distance relationship."
Long Distance Relationship? Li Shang said, "Isn't Nan Zhao
living in..."

"South Fourth Ring." Hàn Dōng interrupted.

Li Shang, "......"

Hàn Dōng also suggested that Li Shang looked at the beautiful

woman behind him. "Her family lives two stops away"

Li Shang gritted his teeth and said, "You - really - are - a-

Chapter 14 - Who set the conditions?
"You keep quiet and don't make even a little noise!" reminded
Hàn Dōng. "My girlfriend is here. Can't you leave me keep my

"You also called her a girlfriend?" Li Shang sneered at Hàn

Dōng's shamelessness. "The other one hasn't got here yet and
you have already changed her."

Hàn Dōng pulled Li Shang's hand and changed the subject.

"How is the casting today?"

Speaking of this, Li Shang's face has a smile.

"You're pretty accurate man.... I'm really going to be a star!"

Hàn Dōng would like to ask in detail, but the beautiful women
behind him was dubiously begging. "Hello Hàn Dōng....aren't
you coming?"
"I'll go be with her first and I'll talk to you later."

After sending the beautiful woman home, Hàn Dōng could not
wait to inquire about Li Shang's "acting situation."

"I told you that the crew who picked me up today is from
Zhong Ding Film and Television Company. It is said that an
annual movie will be undertaken and many characters will be
employed. I'm going to participate in the casting selection
today. There were more than one hundred people. When one
person entered the selection, I heard that the selected person
was the director's choice. Hey, that day you go with me!......."

Hàn Dōng laughed. "What if I choose to not go? Did you not
listen to those celebrities who talked about their debut? They all
went to an audition with their friends and they were selected as
the dog's blood bridge."

"It doesn't matter if he chooses you!" Li Shang was yelling.

"Whoever chosen is going to be the same body wise! I chose to
help you. You chose to help me."
Hàn Dōng laughed.

Li Shang also said: "Indeed it's the industry's leading boss, and
the shot in the movie is heroic! I have just passed short-listed,
they reimbursed my expenses, the travel, food and beverage
costs were all free, and I didn't even do much.... it led to 500
yuan in my pockets."

Hàn Dōng slanted his eyes at Li Shang and said, "I couldn't get
that amount ever after working for ten days!"

Li Shang immediately laughed. "This opportunity is all from

your help. I don't want the money...... I'll give it all to you!"

"What do you mean? Am I the kind of person who would ask

for what is yours?" Hàn Dōng blacked his face and stole the
banknotes. "I'll allow it only this time..."

When Li Shang went to the public bath, Hàn Dōng and Ye

Chenglin sat chatting together.
"Okay seriously who is this Li Shang person?" Ye Chenglin

Hàn Dōng sneered, "At a look he is a white-eyed wolf."

1].... a greedy blind man who is after everything....

"Then why did you help him?"

Hàn Dōng shook his banknotes. "Only I can call myself a

blind-eyed wolf. I don't have any heart."

"You really are a kid!" Ye Chenglin's tone was full of hatred,

"Making others make money for you while you go to pick up

Hàn Dōng took advantage of Ye Chenglin's bad smile. "Don't

say it so directly..."
At night, Hàn Dōng casually asked Li Shang. "You didn't do
any acting today, so how come you're back so late?"

"Don't mention it!" Li Shang said with a grumbling voice over

the matter. "I was being measured for an afternoon today. I was
measured from the toes to the forehead. I heard that the
conditions for this selection were particularly harsh. All body
parts must have exact sizes, and even thigh and leg length
should be counted separately, and it must be accurate to one

Hàn Dōng faintly replied, "Who set those conditions? They're

silly.... right?"
Chapter 15 - This must be a catastrophe!

The editor-in-chief of the well-known domestic magazine

"Beijing Shang Entertainment" was yelling and a senior kept on

"How many times have I been stressed by you? This picture

cannot be published.... Didn't you understand me?"

The senior felt like he was wronged. "But... Why can't I use it
for the magazine cover background?"

"You can beautify, you can add special effects, the problem is
that you can't touch his face! Do you know why it's hard to get
Wang Zhong Ding's face? People specifically proposed not
Photoshop, did you have to hit the man where he hates?!"

"I just fine-tuned a little bit, and it wasn't particularly

obvious. The non-professionals couldn't see it at all."

The editor-in-chief said in an upset manner: "People don't

understand Photoshop. You don't know what your face looks
like. Other people do.... Who is Wang Zhong Ding? You raise by
one micron his hairline and pull out half an eyebrow and he will
be able to see it immediately! Dispose of this picture quickly, use
the original film!"

Hàn Dōng had passed the newsstand after lunch and his gaze
was suddenly caught on a magazine.

"I say.... what a good buddy!"

In a purple shirt with a dark gray suit, whether it is the degree

of calm, tie collar tip cleanliness, or the three-dimensional face
after the collar is folded, his outlooks are just right, he can be
said to have eyes and angular edges. Even Hàn Dōng, a rough
man, saw this person's extraordinary taste and exquisiteness.

Hàn Dōng appreciated Wang Zhong Ding's dress and turned

his gaze to his face.

Then, because of his occupation he is used to look at the faces

of others, predict the marriage of someone and their most suited

After a while, the newsstand owner made a speech.

"I said young man, you have been staring for ten minutes. Is it
because you want to buy or not?"

Hàn Dōng looked up and the newsstand owner was shocked.

The man had a miserable green face, ah, can be played on the
top with a box.

"I will buy it" Hàn Dōng said.

Returning to his residence, Hàn Dōng closed the door and

measured the face of Wang Zhong Ding on the cover of the
magazine. From the interval between the five features to the
central area, every detail strived to be precise. He measured
eight-character test strokes, the faster the measured results
came, the faster the heartbeat's rate. Finally, the cover of the
magazine was brought up in front of the mirror, and compared
with his own face, Hàn Dōng was shaking his hands like a sieve.

How can this, this and this be...?!

Although he calculated marriage for so many years, and it is

considered as a regular thing to do, it is actually only 70% to
80% perchance of actually happening. There has never been a
pair which he miscalculated and each "data" matches.... Hàn
Dōng always beats his chest and says "If you two do not succeed
in marriage.... Lao Zi, I myself will hang myself directly!".*

Today, this rope was finally ready to hang him...

Hàn Dōng's hairs were all fried! This is impossible! How can I
be with a man? There is definitely a problem! This face is
definitely not true! Yes, usually the cover of the magazine will
be retouched and Photo shopped. This face is absolutely Photo
shopped, and some of the facial features must have been

As he was saying, the video that was being buffered was

finally playing normally on the computer
"The Zhong Ding Film and Television Group's family, Wang
Zhong Ding, who has always been a low-key member of the
movie and television industry, has finally made a public
appearance for publicity for the first time. The press conference
attracted hundreds of media reports.

Hàn Dōng slowly turned his head to the computer screen and
his sense of self was overwhelmed.
Chapter 16 - Drop out

Li Shang opened the door and saw Hàn Dōng leaning at the
corner of the wall. He was immediately shocked.

"What are you doing?"

Hàn Dōng's eyes were decadent. "I have decided to withdraw

from all things to do with the entertainment business."

Li Shang wondered, "What nerves do you have to make such a


"I didn't have worries." Hàn Dōng stuffed his mouth with a sip
of drink, as though he was savoring all over the world. "The
waters in the entertainment circle are too deep. In order to get
ahead, you have to give up everything. There are no
restrictions, no limits, no dignity. This is why I hate it. I want to
settle down away from that extravagant and depraved life."

Li Shang replied back with one sentence: "You entered the

entertainment circle.... why? You saying something like this is
really unlike you!"

Hàn Dōng ate, and his eyes cast a glare on Li Shang. "Can't I be
doing this for love?"

"..... for love?"

Hàn Dōng drunkenly and affectionately said: "Nan Zhao is not

the same as those girlfriends before. I want to give up this life
for her. I'm going to look for a job. I won't ask for a big deal. I
just want two people to meet each other... ..."

"You wait a moment!" Li Shang interrupted him. "Weren't you

breaking up with Nan Zhao?"

Hàn Dōng day-dreamed, "Oh, yes, I forgot. Then I'll change

her to another one... Later... Later, what did you call it? Don't
fight... Just make love... Lin Biao? No! Song Wei? Wait doesn't
Mu have children?"
Li Shang looked at the black line. "Who do you ask?"

"It's Mu! Mu is different from those girlfriends before. I


"You've done it!" Li Shang waved his hand impatiently. "If you
won't say something serious listen, I went shopping today and
bought a few new clothes I plan to wear for the day of the re-
selection....... Can you help me?"

Hàn Dōng didn't look at Li Shang's new clothes. He turned his

gaze to the trousers that had been torn off by the railings. They
looked like something he didn't know, so he gave the trousers to
Li Shang.

"Brother, although I can't come to the scene to cheer for you

on the day of the selection, but you should take this trouser
instead of me to accompany you. You wear it on the day of the
election and you will stand out amongst everyone"

Li Shang looked disgusted. "How many days have you not

washed it? You also tore a big hole."
"Mu is wonderful in this big hole!" Hàn Dōng said in a
mysterious tone. "I tell you this hole is your door to the

Li Shang was too lazy to listen to him. He rubbed the pants

and put it them aside. "Are you closing down?"

In the evening, Li Shang slept soundly. Suddenly a crisp slap

rang and his face was burned. Opening his eyes, he saw Hàn
Dōng riding himself and sullenly facing him.

"I'm still dying and you want to mess with me? I'll kick you
down fucker...!"

Li Shang tried to pull away.... but he was kicked by Hàn Dōng

from the bed.

"Back off! Want to sneak from my rules? There aren't any


If it weren't for Ye Chenglin's explanation about a

sleepwalking person cannot be suddenly awakened Li Shang
would have become mad, Li Shang would have a big ear scratch
and smack him up. What do you really want to be submerged?*

Hàn Dōng opened the floor again then he invited the "five
sisters" and put them on the bed and embraced them

Then he fell asleep.

After half an hour, Li Shang quietly climbed up, limped to the

bed, he put the outermost inflatable doll on the ground, and
slowly laid himself down to the bed.... Unexpectedly, when his
head just hit the pillow, he was kicked to the ground.

"Go! Don't mess the bed of your Lao Zi!" Hàn Dōng sadly put
the "inflated beast" back in his bed.

So Li Shang stayed on the icy floor.

Chapter 17 - Changing Jobs
On the day of the cast selection, Li Shang wake up early in the
morning to prepare and put on new clothes. When he turned to
take the bag, he saw Hàn Dōng holding his own broken trousers.
Hàn Dōng pleaded with eagerness: "Change into this."

Li Shang couldn't resist the enthusiasm of Hàn Dōng and put

the pants in his bag.

"I'll change again when it comes to the selection venue."

After Li Shang left, Hàn Dōng could not sleep, he was carrying
a messy hair curls, like a large poodle dog "climbing" into Ye
Chenglin's room.

Ye Chenglin patted the back of his head and asked, "Why don't
you go with him?"

"I want to be completely isolated from this entertainment

Ye Chenglin wasn't taking him seriously, and he laughed and
quipped: "You didn't foresee that you were getting into the fire
in the past two days. Why did you really announce your
withdrawal at this crucial moment?"

Hàn Dōng certainly didn't say the real reason, but reluctantly
said one, "I'm tired of it all."

"When were you ever tired?"

When Ye Chenglin started to know Hàn Dōng. Hàn Dōng

stayed at the entrance of the North Film Factory, and he
wouldn't miss it for three years. In Ye Chenglin's view, Hàn
Dōng has a strong passion for the entertainment industry, and
he belongs to the Lord who does not come back to the South
Wall and he never look back.

"You help me think about my other options. What can I do

with my cash?" Hàn Dōng looked at his face.

Ye Chenglin asked: "How much money do you have?"

Hàn Dōng took out a small amount of money and spread it on
the bed. "There are 87.30 yuan, and there are twelve point seven
on bus cards, adding up to exactly one hundred."

"....... "

Ye Chenglin wondered if it was equal to the question of the


"What's your academic qualification?... Oh, yes, graduation

from junior high school..."

Hàn Dōng emphasized in particular that "I have memorized

The Three hundred poems of Tang poetry...."

"Who cares about your memorization?" Ye Chenglin thought

again. "Got it, why don't you look at people fortunes as a full
time job?"

"That can only be a part-time job, and then again, a lot of fake
rivers and lakes swindlers are now coming in and ruining the
reputation you see in the world of fortune reading. It keeps on
getting worse and worse."

Ye Chenglin reluctantly stated, "You can only be a migrant


"You mean a construction worker? It's too good for a man like
me. I have long godly legs .... It's too hard to do it."

"Otherwise? Where can you apply now that doesn't need

academic qualifications? A lot of construction companies are
now recruiting. You don't necessarily have to have a bachelor
degree to be a migrant worker."

Hàn Dōng buried his head in the sheets and sighed deeply.


"XX has arrived at the station, please swipe your card and get
Li Shang took his foot out and the driver closed the door. Li
Shang's bag was clamped at the bus door and he hurriedly
shouted at the driver. "Oh, Master, I'm still inside, help me to

Before the words were finished, the driver started the car and
Li Shang followed along. Afterwards, the bus suddenly stopped,
and with the doors still closed.... Li Shang and the bag fell

Impartiality, he fell into a mud hole, and the even more scary
thing is that the jacket is all right, but his pants had a large piece
of dirty patch on them.

Oooh for fuck sake! Did Hàn Dōng cursed me?*

Li Shang secretly gritted his teeth. Although Hàn Dōng gave

him trousers with holes... if he wears them he could only be
considered as a weird person. These trousers are muddied and
really unwearable.

In desperation, he can only put on Hàn Dōng's pants.

Chapter 18 - You will be born too
In the rehearsal hall of the film and television city, Li Shang
came early, and the large auditorium was only sparsely
populated. Most of them were staff.

"Hey, take the handle and move this table over." One person
said to Li Shang.

Li Shang secretly thought about idleness, and idleness is bad

so he helped the chores to set up a venue.

After half an hour, people came in succession. In addition to

the selected extra actors, there were art school students,
models, and relationship households, each wearing a famous
brand of clothes. There is even a "RV home", the bodyguard
assistant makeup artist came around.

After reading these people, Li Shang looked at himself again,

especially at his broken pants.

While lining up for the number plate, a handsome guy in front

of Li Shang took his Armani's suit jacket off and pushed it back
into Li Shang's hand. He said, "Can I trouble you to look after

"Me...?" Li Shang was surprised.

The handsome guy raised his eyebrows. "Is there anybody else
around here?"

Li Shang shook his notice. "I'm also in line."

"I'm sorry, buddy, just watched you move the table and
thought you were one of the crew helpers."

Li Shang mouth had a tight lip line and the right ear didn't
hear him.

After more than 20 minutes, Li Shang finally arrived. He

quickly handed over the notice and ID.
The registrar reached out, "What else?"

"Else?" Li Shang stunned.

"Wasn't the group text message notified you that you must
have a full-length photo, a half-length photo, and a leg close-

"I didn't know..." Li Shang hurriedly picked up the phone. It

didn't matter. He found that he had set the strange number
information to be automatically blocked.

The registrar raised his hand directly, "Next."

Li Shang wasn't going to go without trying. "Teacher, do you

think you can adapt?"

"You will have more chances in the future, I think you are not
fully prepared this time." The implication is that even if his data
is complete, he cannot be chosen.
Li Shang was pushed hard by the people behind him. He still
didn't give up, and he planned to go out and shoot two pictures.
Even though he might be too late.

Liang Jing got off the car and saw a man rushing out of the
door. He didn't see anything else. With the light, he saw the
piece of meat that Li Shang exposed at his knees, Liang Jing's
blood pressure suddenly rose.

"Stop him! Hurry up!"

Li Shang hurriedly said: "please leave me alone, I'm in a


Liang Jing's mind was all about looking for Hàn Dōng shadow
these days. His "Two-dimensional code scanners" have been
useless for a long time, and his recognition power has naturally
declined. Li Shang and Hàn Dōng were very similar in stature,
and Li Shang wore Liang Jing's "ironclad proof" which he has
been looking for several days (the part of the pants that was
ripped off). Liang Jing was so excited that he couldn't wait to
make a decision.
"What is your emergency?" Xiao Wen asked Li Shang.

"I need to take a photo quickly when I will take part in the
selection. I won't be able to catch up later!"

Liang Jing lowered his body and put the piece of rag that he
has been saving for a long time on the hole in Li Shang's
trousers, revealing an unhurried smile.

"What photos are you taking? It's you!"

Li Shang looked blankly, "What is me?"

Xiao Wen patted Li Shang on his shoulders. "Thank you god

for your parents."

"Thank my parents?" Li Shang was even more confused.

Xiao Wen nodded. "You will be reborn."

Li Shang had not figured out the situation and he was taken to
the car.
Chapter 19
At 10:00 in the evening, Hàn Dōng came back from the "Wild"
outside and saw Li Shang finishing cleaning the room again. In
addition to cleaning up as usual, Li Shang's personal belongings
were all in one box.

"You want to move?" asked Hàn Dōng.

Li Shang was full of joy. "You really said it would happen"

Hàn Dōng looked at Li Shang's happiness and asked

tentatively, "What do you mean... you were chosen?"

"Hahaha... buddy, I thank you very much for these trousers!"

Li Shang held on Hàn Dōng's hand with excitement, and retold
all the "surprises" he encountered today. Hàn Dōng listened to
everything. Very mysterious, "I wasn't a liar, right?"

"Who am I deceiving? No money and no color."

Hàn Dōng also thought about it.

Li Shang couldn't help but tell him. "Do you know how many
graduates came from North Shadow Theater and haven't played
any role yet? 150,000! I'm a science graduate guy with no
background or acting experience!".

Hàn Dōng's heart was sour. "Yeah, I haven't seen anything in

five years yet you made it in five days."

"It's not by the master that you're dialing!" Li Shang grinned.

"Every time I go back I have to put that pants!"

Hàn Dōng said: "Do you need to move so fast? How far are you

"Where do you think I would go? It's just my poor foundation

that needs formatting...... It takes three months of full closed
devil speed training and I can only live in the company's
"Then you don't have to move in the evening. Can't you just
move tomorrow?"

Li Shang was excited again. "I have to live in the company

starting this evening, because tomorrow morning I'm going to
meet important leaders. Do you know Wang Zhong Ding? He
was on the cover of the last issue of Jing Shang Entertainment.
He is Zhong Ding Film Group's CEO I want to see him
tomorrow, my fucking god.... It's just like a dream!"

Hearing this, Hàn Dōng wasn't sore in his heart, not only he
wasn't sour, but it was totally the opposite...he was feeling as
sweet as eating honey. He slouched toward Li Shang and
whispered: "That Wang Ding is not a good thing. You'd better
defend yourself from him."

"Is he not? I was checking the Internet today, and I saw that
Wang's reputation in the high social circle is particularly good!"

Hàn Dōng cut a cry, "Can you believe every online

commentary? It was all brushed out by special people...."
"How did you know...?"

Hàn Dōng thought for a long time before squeezing out, "He is
not good!"

Speaking of appearances, Li Shang remembered one thing.

"Right, can you calculate a fortunate name?"


"Then you help me think of a stage name that can keep my

stars flowing."

Hàn Dōng blurted out, "Li Tian Bang."

"So fast?"

Hàn Dōng laughed and said, "I've thought of you from the first
day of your life. I was waiting for you to become a superstar, Li
Tian Bang's name was a King of Han, and was domineering!"

Li Shang wanted to speak out but the phone rang....

"The company has sent someone to come pick me up

downstairs. I must hurry to leave. I will contact you later!"

Hàn Dōng stood next to the window and groaned. "When you
have money, don't forget your brother!"

"I can't forget you!" Li Shang said, truth is he couldn't wait to

get into the car.

Hàn Dōng geared his fangs, seeing your true virtue is like
turning your face off!
Chapter 20 - kills destiny on this day!
Before Wang Zhong Ding came, Liang Jing relayed to Li Shang
the speech of the "five bans" that he once told to Tao Yun Yun.

Li Shang stayed, "How do you know Hàn Dōng?"

"Hàn Dōng?" Liang Jing didn't understand Li Shang's way of


Li Shang nodded. "Yeah, you're describing Hàn Dōng aren't


"What is Hàn Dōng ...?" Liang Jing was dissatisfied with Li

Shang's thinking. "I'm talking to you about the type of
characters Wang always hates, I'm not specifically referring to

"But it does resemble with Han..."

Liang Jing interrupted him with a hard tone. "Are you not
awake yet?"

Li Shang's heart was broken: I didn't sleep at all...

1].... refers to being kicked around by a sleepwalking Hàn


Liang Jing called Wang Zhong Ding. "Wang, are you free

"I will be out all day today."

"You should come this way..." Liang Jing was helpless. "I want
to give you a surprise first time."

"Don't worry about it. There are three days. When the
deadline comes, even if you don't send him to the door, I will
reach out."
After Liang Jing hanged the phone, he said: "Go back and

"No... is he missing the appointment?"

"......another day."

Hàn Dōng worked as a migrant worker on the first day.

Although there were not many jobs, he was very hard working.
It was hard for him to get to the lunch hour. Hàn Dōng sat down
on the floor and started to gorge on meal boxes.

The peasant brother sitting beside Hàn Dōng smiled and

asked, " you haven't worked in hard labor before?"

Hàn Dōng nodded. "I used to be an actor."

"Ah? Is that enough for you to fall."

"There is no difference in the acting "

"Also you're right, anyway, they are all for the film and
television industry. There is no difference!"

Hàn Dōng's mouth was covered with oil stains. "You can't pull
it off.... There is a thin difference between film and television

"How does it not matter? This project is a film and television

scene studio!"

The chopsticks in Hàn Dōng's hand stopped suddenly. "Is this

a movie studio?"

"Didn't you see that big sign?" The migrant brother pointed to

Hàn Dōng turned his head and several characters in the

"Zhong Ding Film & Television Group" appeared in the column
of the construction parties.
Hey, please.... fate.... let me go! I wanted to avoid him and
went to work in a construction site and it turns out to be the
construction of his company's investment!*

Hàn Dōng's back was cold and he has an urge to run. The
wages here can be settled on a daily basis. If I leave now, it is
equal to the morning job where I get nothing. Hàn Dōng
hesitated when he thought of the upcoming 100 yuan.... that's
the paid by the end of the day.

Wang Zhong Ding would not come to this kind of place, right?
Even if he wants to come, he would not necessarily come today?
Hàn Dōng's eyes shined with a flash of light, right!!! Li Shang
said that he went to see Wang Zhong Ding, ha ha ha ... ... then I
don't have to worry about it!

"Wang, go look over there and watch out for the dirty on the

Hàn Dōng tossed the lunch box into the trash can and looked
at the leaders visiting with a group not far away. When he saw
the face of the man who dared to go to the magazine without
Photoshop, his two calves began to shiver.
This is going to kill me completely!

Hàn Dōng was going insanely crazy but he can't run without
running into Wang Zhong Ding.

What if he runs too swaying only to be kissed by Wang Zhong

Ding? The only way to be safe at the moment is to hide. Where
can he hide? There was only a trash can in front of him and if he
jumped near it, it will send out a group of flies to make a small
report. In a hurry, he suddenly saw a well three meters away.

With his two long legs he thought it's okay to stuck inside the
well. Just until Wang is far enough.

As he was thinking, Wang Zhong Ding's eyes suddenly shot to

Hàn Dōng.

Not good!! Hàn Dōng resolutely jumped in the well in order to

avoid "love at first sight."

As a result, this is the end...

Chapter 21 - Repentance
That night, Ye Chenglin rushed to the hospital.

Hàn Dōng was lying on the bed holding a magazine to himself.

"I didn't want to see this man face to face. How did he manage
to come to me? Does he specifically want me to have a
problem?" Hàn Dōng shakes his hand and picks up a small
mirror, checking his face right and left. "Oh, I'm such a baby! I
have the courage to doubt myself."

"Why?" Ye Chenglin lived.

Hàn Dōng hurried to close the magazine and picked up Ye

Chenglin's hand and cried: "Today, my buddy I was

"What is going on?" Ye Chenglin hurriedly asked.

Hàn Dōng briefly summed up, "I fell into a well more than
thirty meters deep, I was only saved thanks to the goodwill of
the police!"

"How did you end up in the well? Don't you have long eyes?
How couldn't you see a big well ahead of you!"

1].... What Ye Chenglin means is that if Hàn Dōng can predict

fortune (long eyes) why didn't he see this misfortune....

Hàn Dōng yelled: This year is not a year of bad eyes, and I'm
not worried about my long eyes been too good... If I didn't see
that destiny, then I fall off into a well.

"You've done enough.... come you lay down." Ye Chenglin

gave Hàn Dōng a quilt.

Hàn Dōng said innocently, "You tell me if this wasn't a


"Retribution? What did you do wrong?"

In the past, I can't remember. "Oh... I killed a good young man
nine years ago!"

"How ....?" Ye Chenglin was curious.

"I was just learning to chat online. I didn't know which online
activities were wrong. I actually added a male friend and talked
to him... naked..."

Ye Chenglin's eyes went round. "You talk naked with other


"..... don't get excited!" Hàn Dōng held Ye Chenglin. "I hid the
bird(penis) with my legs and pretended to be a woman while
talking to him. I also knew that my two legs were white and
long. He had no doubt. Then I blew on a cigarette smoke and
cheerfully stared at him masturbating for a moment! As I was
waiting for him to shoot, I sent a text..."

"What did you say?"

"I said, brother, don't blink your eyes. Your girl will make
magic for you."

Ye Chenglin's mouth pumped. "Don't tell me that ... You

opened your legs?"

Hàn Dōng shook and hid his face with both hands. "You know
me so well."

Ye Chenglin laughed and cried. "And then what?... Didn't that

guy give you a hard time?"

"I pulled a dark move on him. He couldn't find me. Until now,
I don't know where he ended up."

"You are too shameless! If you left a psychological trauma on

him, then what happens after you see him failing to get it on
with women?"

"So, yeah..." Hàn Dōng cried in tears. "I deserve what

happened to me today."
Ye Chenglin still didn't understand, "you say that you deserve
to fall into the well.... how does that have to do with anything?"

"How do I say this?"

Hàn Dōng is clamped up, but what Hàn Dōng cannot say is
that because he might have distorted a man sexual orientation
that year, he is now in danger of falling into the hands of a

Ye Chenglin sighed. "Forget it, I think you're just thinking

silly. It's a cold day! The policemen have good eyes and have
saved you, so don't worry"

Speaking of this incident, Hàn Dōng was once again sighed

with emotion. "I have no other ideas at the moment and I would
like to repay my life-saving benefactor! Since the past wrongs
cannot be changed... the men who were harmed by me ....
Nobody knows where he is. I can only seize the opportunity in
front of me and cleanse my sins from my body."

Yep the man Hàn Dōng is talking about is none other than....
Xia Yao...from Advance Bravely......

What a mess!!!
Chapter 22 - Errors
Living in high-end apartments, wearing natural fabric
bathrobes, sitting on imported leather sofas, and searching for
all the well-known blockbusters that Liang Jing had ever
produced, Li Shang mind still has an unreal feeling.

A university classmate called him and asked: "Do you have a

formal job?"

Li Shang smiled back: "Actor...?"

"Get outta here, you finished mechanical engineering degree

.... if you're an actor then I will eat a bucket of dung!"

Li Shang laughed. Just before he spoke, the doorbell rang.

"Come on, I am telling you."

When Li Shang opened the door and saw the person who is
always with to Liang Jing, he was nervous.
"I can't sleep, so I come over to check your body." Liang Jing
walked straight in.

Li Shang was surprised, "Check my body?"

Xiao Wen then arrived and introduced altimeters, squares and

angle rulers.

"It has been a long time since we last met. During this whole
time, if you didn't pay attention to your diet, it may cause data
changes. If there is a slight deviation, we can make up for it
these two days."

Li Shang was confused. "When have we...met?"

Liang Jing didn't explain, but he shoved his chin for Xiao Wen

Li Shang was once again paralyzed....*

Xiao Wen meticulously measured the data of Li Shang's
various body parts. In addition to the height, hip circumference,
and leg length that Liang Jing once talked about, he also
involved items such as thigh circumference, calf circumference,
and leg curve. The whole process took half an hour until Xiao
Wen confirmed it and handed the data to Liang Jing.

Liang Jing scanned the data in the table from top to bottom,
the expression on his face was changing.

Li Shang sneaked a look at him and saw it raised an ominous


Liang Jing mumbled and muttered to himself. "what I saw

was very precise at that time. Even if it was a dynamic change,
your body wouldn't have such a big error..."

After saying that, he stood up and walked towards Li Shang, "I

personally will measure you"

The second measurement is still the same.

If you look with your googly eyes, Hàn Dōng and Li Shang are
similar in body size. Once the clothes are off, the differences
will be fully highlighted. As for hips and leg circumferences, it's
easy to say that you can take some measures. Li Shang's leg
length is 18mm shorter making his height not enough. It is
impossible to make up for that height within two days.

"Do these pants belong to you?" Liang Jing suddenly asked.

Li Shang's tongue was stiff "What...why?"

Xiao Wen went to stand next to him: "Our director was in the
street when you were also in the street, so when he drove past
he saw you hanging, when he came back you were gone, leaving
only a piece of cloth of the pants you were hanging with on the
guardrail. We just wanted to find you before we went back to
the North Shadow Factory to hire people, otherwise, why would
you think "WE" such a big company would still be lacking
performance artists, and would take YOU with no acting

Liang Jing interrupted Xiao Wen and asked Li Shang directly.

"Are these pants yours?!"
Li Shang had a very clear answer about his trousers, but he
has no idea whether his mouth is still his own. His current
situation is winning 10,000 yuan or 3,000 yuan, and finally
decided not to lose the 10,000 yuan. Although he hasn't lost
anything yet, his attitude is completely different from before he
was lucky.*

"Oh...what? you are talking about that day? Yeah, I was

fighting with someone and ended up hanging upside down on
the guardrail."

A side of the evidence, completely shattered Liang Jing's


"Wang Zhong Ding, it seems that you are serious about not
wanting to use me anymore." Liang Jing sneer.

Xiao Wen began to persuade: "Director, you do not worry, we

have two days to look for him"

"Look for him where?!!!!" Liang Jing screamed out loudly. "In
this world, how can there be a living person who will grow up
according to the demands of others? I have been looking for him
for three months and this one was such a reliable one. Now he is
nearly two centimeters in error! You can pick up your Laozi
Chapter 23
On a flight back from a business trip to Shanghai, Feng Jun
and Wang Zhong Ding talked about Liang Jing.

"You think that the person who Liang Jing found would meet
the conditions you set?"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't lift his head and said directly: "It's

"How are you so sure? From his tone I think Liang Jing is very

Wang Zhong Ding said with more confident: "The data I give
is simply against ergonomics, no one will meet those standard."

Feng Jun knew why, and he asked: "So you made it hard on
purpose so Liang Jing would not be able to find the person?"

"There is no other way. This person is too greedy into power.

The company has a dozen studios and so many supervisors. He
wants to monopolize power I just want to check and balance
him. It is necessary to split the resources and projects from his

Feng Jun wondered, "Why didn't you just directly withdrew

his power over the film supervision?"

Wang Zhong Ding replied with special earnestness: "Aren't

you the one always saying that I am too straightforward, and
that my way of doing things is too simple and rude? Therefore, I
am a bit reserved this time."

Feng Jun looked at Wang ...... Now the company is waiting to

see Liang Jing's being a joke.... Are you sure you should be
showing euphemistic?*

"What if there is such a godly man and that man is going to

tear down your theory with the so-called 'anti-ergonomics'
counter-body?" Feng Jun looked at Wang Zhong Ding with
Wang Ding's expression on his face didn't change "Then I
really want to see that man. If someone dares to fit perfectly, I
will spare no effort to make him a star!"


After descending from the plane, Wang Zhong Ding received

another emergency call and he returned to the terminal again.

"It's family, I'm going to be alone. You help me check things at

the company."

Feng Jun nodded. "That Liang Jing ..."

"You can let him toss and turn a little longer, so that he slaps

Liang Jing was unable to do anything in his office. Suddenly

Wang Zhong Ding had to take a two-week business trip and his
cold blood boiled again. That's two days he didn't return to
power, but then he added another two weeks. The
entertainment industry is prevalent with body modifications
and plastic surgery is one of them. Only by this Wang Zhong
Ding's requirements and qualifications can be achieved.....
plastic surgery is rare for these qualifications, as for the height
that is already 1.8 meters, the cause is that the legs are not long
enough. Even if the bones are surgically modified, the height of
the legs will exceed the limit. Moreover, there are problems
with the proportion of legs and arms, and the existing medical
level restrictions of these kinds of surgeries make Liang Jing

A thick pile of information turned to the bottom of his eye,

and when Liang Jing almost collapsed, Li Shang's data sheet
saved him.

"You look at the man he is 18mm shorter in his height and leg
length!" Xiao Wen was amazed. "That's too good, isn't it? He is
like a noble man!"

Li Shang had already prepared himself to pack and leave, and

Liang Jing threw a contract in front of him.

"Three million signing money, given after signing!"

But the premise is that Li Shang must accept a series of plastic
surgery, including liposuction, fat filling, and bone lengthening.
The first two are okay, but the last one is very risky. Xiao Wen
has sincerely informing Li Shang about the drawbacks of
surgery, including the lack of advanced medical technology and
the unpredictable after-effects.

Three million yuan is simply astronomical numbers for the

newcomers, so Li Shang would not dare to think again.
Moreover, with signing contract, even if Li Shang didn't get this
role, Liang Jing would use some other ways to make him make
money for himself. In the hands of Liang Jing's resources and
power, Li Shang obviously wants to be just around the corner
for all of this.

Liang Jing also gave him a contract. The above clearly stated
that if the operation fails, all subsequent treatment costs will be
paid for by Liang Jing, and another one million yuan for
spiritual soothing payments will be compensated for him.

"I will give you time to think about it, but you have to
understand that the longer you think about it, the greater the
risk to your body and the greater your stretch of recovery time."
Chapter 24 - sins plus one
When Li Shang went to the hospital to see Hàn Dōng, he was
worrying about medical expenses.

"Motherfucker! The hospital is too corrupt! It charged me

fifteen thousand to stay here for a few days! I don't have the
money, and Ye Chenglin helped me. But he is getting married in
half a month. It was then, when he wanted to use the money. I
am embarrassed for dragging him into this. I want to lend some
from my girlfriend first but her phone call has been blocked for
a long time! Hey, you tell me, how can I not find a person who
really loves me?"

"Do you still don't know why?" Li Shang still smile.

Hàn Dōng had a painful head thinking.

Li Shang asked: "What about your parents? If they know you

are in the hospital? You can ask them to borrow money first"

"I'm an orphan, how do I open my mouth and call?"

Li Shang was surprised. "You don't know them?"

Hàn Dōng sighed. "Since I have said this to you, I will tell you.
You're never telling anyone about it. I will really tell you
because I consider you my brother."

Actually, Hàn Dōng didn't know how many people he had told
this to...... Waiting to chat with a sweeping street can bring out
the old friends of their own home.*

"I was born with a hand with six fingers. We have a saying
that six-fingered children cheat their parents, so my parents
passed me to my uncle. Later my uncle's family also had their
own children and heard that in the village was a couple with
three daughters who wanted sons and took me to their home,
which is my current foster parent's home."

Li Shang is skeptical. "Really?"

Hàn Dōng stretched out his left hand. "If you don't believe it,
that place is the one left after the surgery."
Li Shang asked again: "What happened later? And what about
your biological parents?"

"Dead." Hàn Dōng said superficially.

"They're dead?"

With a dark cheeky face, Han Dong said "Was it right for them
to throw me away? They should have just killed me!"

Li Shang, "......."

Hàn Dōng replied, "Right, how are you getting along up over

" I have a quickly been signed," said Li Shang.

"Ah! My buddy..... you're almost all developed, and I don't

have a chance..." Hàn Dōng made a blackmailing look.
"You don't say anything..... I was about to mention that when
I sign the contract, I'll give you 30, 000 immediately. There are
fifteen thousand for Ye Chenglin, and the rest of the fifteen
thousand you will have it."

Hàn Dōng was overjoyed. "That's too much!"

Three days later, Ye Chenglin rushed to the hospital and saw

Hàn Dōng wrestle with his legs and quickly rushed to ask, "Why
are you leaving the hospital in advance? If you lack of money, I
will give you a help!"

Hàn Dōng turned his face to Ye Chenglin and expressed his

desire to apply for Guinness's hardest face record.

"I have no face here!"

Ye Chenglin is in a hurry. "What is wrong with you?"

"Last night I went to say grace and thanks and what

happened?... can you guess? It was the good young man I had
flashed with my bird nine years ago! What's worse? he really
was with a men! I wanted to be a greater person, but because of
this incident, there was no grace! I also wanted to repay my debt
and as a result, my fucking sins increased!!!!"

"And then? He is not looking for you?"

"How could I not be desperate?! If it weren't for the use of my

legs..... I'm already a Scum!"

Ye Chenglin didn't know what to say. "What are you doing

here then?"

"Two great people I messed with!" Hàn Dōng said, "I have to
suffer retribution! How could they not want to punish me?"

Hàn Dōng seems to have seen the old lady carrying pepper
water, the matchmaker carrying a small whip, and smirking
toward him... It seems that this robbery is doomed to not
Chapter 25 - Everyone Can be trained
Li Shang also accepted limb lengthening surgery. The doctor
cut off his limbs and put two sets of steel needles on both ends
of the bones. They were connected with bone external fixators
weighing up to 10 pounds. In this way, the proliferation of tissue
cells in bones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels is stimulated
to achieve a rapid growth.

The surgery has ended for two days. Pain has not only eased
but has become increasingly fiercer. Several times, Li Shang
wanted to call the doctor to help him reset everything.

However, this is only the beginning of a nightmare.

On the third day, the doctor began to rotate the screw on the
holder and forcibly stretched the line one millimeter. During
the implementation process, Li Shang experienced pain that
made him faint, the hospital ward was like a slaughtering site,
and the screaming sounded abhorrent.

The most difficult thing to do was to stay in bed at night. The

sickbed was like a frame of torture. Li Shang was tossed on it
and was afraid to call out for help. That kind of loneliness,
helplessness, and suffering was all horrifying when he thought
about it later.

In addition to the two days of preparation and the two days of

restoration, Li Shang endured ten days of inhuman torture!

This ten days, he lost 13 pounds!

So the leg circumference that didn't meet the standard was

also been removed by the liposuction, and the buttocks were
filled with fat. This man made the "rebirth" done.

The instant that the steel needles were taken out, Li Shang's
biggest feeling was that no one's money was blown by a storm!
No matter how his new body is obtained, what it carries is it's
equal amount of effort.

The next day, Liang Jing drove over to pick him up.

According to normal medical procedures, the recovery period

is at least three months, Li Shang is now unable to go to the up
ground. But no way, he can escape it this time...... it was Wang
Zhong Ding's opening for him to see. That is, Li Shang, who was
nailed to the floor, had to step on the blood with pain.

Li Shang had thought that the pain was already gone. He

thought that truly.... but the moment when his feet touched the
ground he knew what Hell was. The kind of cruel bone pain
almost made him suffocate, not to mention struggling, the
walking made him dizzy.

"Whether he can walk or not can we put him in the car."

Asked the bodyguard next to him.

Liang Jing resolutely refused. "No, we must let him go for

now.... We can't go because he can't walk even to Wang."

Li Shang has no way out, so cruel torture has come. Now if he

gives up, it is not only pitiful but terrible. Moreover, he only
needs to take these few steps and he can go back to continue
nursing and restore.

With such a thought, Li Shang shielded his sensory system

and trotted him through this section of the road.

"Wang, I have brought him to you," Liang Jing said.

Li Shang was struggling with his facial muscles. "Wang is

always appreciated...... My name is Li Shang."

Wang Zhong Ding smiled and nodded his head. Then he took
a look at Li Shang's body. Without any equipment, he could see
that his body was in line with the ergonomics requirements.

"You are really amazing." Wang Zhong Ding said to Liang


Liang Jing smiled. "It has nothing to do with me. It is as the

president wanted."

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding made a turn and said, "The

data is correct, but something doesn't feel right."
Liang Jing's face was instantly frozen. "What do you mean?"

"The script has received some changes and adjustments. The

actor role is an undercover agent. The previous setting is only
easy to accommodate. Now it's completely easy to change. I
need a pair of women to behave not only amazingly, but also be
able to go smoothly. There should be a good body that cannot be
distinguished between man and woman."

1].... androgynous people....

Liang Jing's desire to "turn the table away" has rushed to the
top of the head. With the resources in his hands, jumping to any
company can be a problem on his reputation, but he would be
completely free from this humiliation. However, as Li Shang
suffered, when a person pays too much, he loses the courage to

"However..." Wang Zhong Ding watched Li Shang's forehead

condense into a lingering sweat bead, and opened his golden
mouth: "This person can be trained well!"
"It's still better today!"
Chapter 26 - Your grandson!
Liang Jing also lost the authority of the director for this

Li Shang also changed from a single-person suite to a

dormitory. Although the luxurious treatment has declined, his
mood is much better than before. With roommates who have
been trained together, life is less boring and quiet.

"After consultation, your stage name will be Li Tian Bang. You

will be a man from a family of artists, your grandfather was an
appointed chairman of the American Chinese Art Association.
You emigrated to the United States with your parents at the age
of 10, graduated from Yale School of Drama, and you came to
China to attend at the "time of the art" exhibition, you were
supervised by Liang and signed on to the company."

Same as Li Shang, the rest of them are also packed in various

ways. In order to prevent future artists from dismantling each
other, their true background can only be stored privately. Like
Li Shang's physical shaping surgeries, it is even more necessary
to delete them entirely.
"Beginning today, you have to replace all communication
equipment and switch to the company's customized numbers
for you, also you have to block any contact with your friends.
This is done to avoid all kinds of harassment from them after
your first exit. Of course, once you enter as the new character,
you should have the ability to shuffle the social circle and we
will let you be free."


Hàn Dōng was discharged from the hospital after staying for
more than a week, and for that period of time no one answered
his numerous calls to Li Shang. Seeing Ye Chenglin's marriage
entering the countdown, the bank account is still with a few
hundred dollars ...... Hàn Dōng was feeling poor and miserable.

"Motherfucker! I knew this kid can't be trusted!"

Hàn Dōng, while sulking on the side, he didn't give up, he

would go there and casually say that he was a buddy's buddy.
That he came to borrow some money, they were all faked after
all. Li Shang alone is worth much ...... why should he not look
for him?
Just as he was about to go out, Hàn Dōng suddenly realized
that there was a serious problem, Li Shang signed contract was
from Zhong Ding Film and Television Company. If he goes to Li
Shang now, won't he encounter Wang Zhong Ding?

Hàn Dōng refers to this, as the omen!

No, I have to ...

Hàn Dōng put on an old uniform that was already scratched

on his feet, and he wore a pair of pants with his crotch falling to
his knees, revealing the shiny cotton trousers. The corners of
his mouth covered with oil from the ground, and his hair was
sprinkled with cinders ashes even on the cheeks, and a few more
hairs were placed on the lower cheeks. He wasn't enough dirty
.... He rolled two times on the floor. It wasn't enough ...... he
even sprayed some shoddy fly hormones

This enchanting went so far!!

The results can be imagined; when Hàn Dōng reached the

company's door he wasn't allowed to enter.
In the end, the solemn security guards squatted and begged
him: "Brother! Can you stay a bit farther from me? At noon at
that time, the rice is turned blind."

1]....rice is turned to blind....flies ?...maggots?


A coach carrying the agent and a trainee slowly approached

the door. The assistant who was eating suddenly belched off an
indecent vomit. He immediately pointed to the window of the
car. "I'm going to go....... This man is disgusting... ..."

Li Shang swept his eyes out of the car window and suddenly
felt this person was a bit familiar.

At the same time, Hàn Dōng also saw him and hurried to stop
the car.

"Hey, stop!"
Li Shang's roommate closed the window, and Hàn Dōng was
turned off again. Li Shang could only ask from inside: "Who are

Hàn Dōng shouted: "Li Shang! Its Hàn Dōng! Come out!"

The broker coldly asked: "Li Tian Bang, do you know this

If it were replaced with usual surrounding Li Shang may give

Hàn Dōng a wink, but now for the sake of appearances... Li
Shang really does not dare to look at him.

1].....remember new profile...he is forbidden from associating

with people from the previous life.

"I don't know him."

When he saw the car open, Hàn Dōng couldn't help

"Li Shang, it's your grandson!"

Just finished, a famous car behind him rang a horn.

Chapter 27 - The body is not like a human
bear toy!
Hàn Dōng turned his head back and was facing up with Feng
Jun's cold face.

The driver pressed the horn a few more times.

Hàn Dōng wasn't happy, and then he saw the self-

righteousness of perfectly clothed people and their pure
discrimination to drive away from him, and the flames in his
heart rushed.

"What's with the noise?! I have long ears.... I can freaking

hear you!"

Wang Zhong Ding, who sat behind, opened the window.

"What happened?"

Hàn Dōng saw Wang Zhong Ding and he was like a bear that
flies and run in all directions or like a balloon that deflates
"There is one beggar on the road," the driver stared blankly.

Hàn Dōng had already made preparations for evacuation. As a

result, he forgot those and rushed to the driver's car door. "Are
you talking about a person who is asking for food? Come out so
you can say that to my face!"

Before Wang Zhong Ding made a speech, the driver dared not
act rashly.

Hàn Dōng had wanted to walk straight away and found that
Wang Zhong Ding was staring at him ......his heart was
suddenly empty.

This guilty conscience is not because of his ugliness but

because Hàn Dōng is afraid that he is not ugly enough. For
insurance, he directed the spearhead face directly to the future
husband. "What the fuck are you looking at?"

As soon as the words came out, the bodyguards at the back all
got up but they were ordered to sit back by Wang Zhong Ding.
"Let's go, be careful.... just don't touch him."

Wang Zhong Ding's indifferent tone and intimidating

enthusiasm put up a few hairs on Hàn Dōng's face. After a wave
of fear passed in his heart, just by fucking luck: I will not be
tempted by his virtue.

Inside the car that stopped not far away, the sound of peace
suddenly fell to the freezing point.

"In the future, something like this human bear thing. Don't let
me see it around here again."

Feng Jun nodded, "Yes, Wang Zhong Ding, I will take a look at
the administrative logistics department to rectify the doorway
area policy"


When Hàn Dōng returned to his residence, he received a text

message. Someone posted 30,000 yuan in his bank card .... with
a Postscript: As I promised to do it, don't return here.

Fuck! Laozi is not a rare gem!

As a result, Hàn Dōng returned the money to the original


Ye Chenglin pushed the door open and saw Hàn Dōng sitting
on the floor with no change in clothes. The "makeup" wasn't
removed and Hàn Dōng was perfectly integrated with the
surrounding rubbish.

"Ooh jeez .... you scared me!"

Hàn Dōng patted the open space next to him. "Come and sit

"I think I will stand still." Ye Chenglin looked disgusted. "How

did you get so dirty?"
Hàn Dōng leisurely said: "Li Shang left and nobody picked up
after me."

"Yes, didn't you say you were going to find him today?"

"Look, he has no bird."

Ye Chenglin had to tell the truth. "You only known him for a
few days. Why do you rely on his heart and lungs? Besides didn't
you think of him as a white-eyed wolf?"

"Don't talk about him." Hàn Dōng looked up at Ye Chenglin.

"Do you really want to get married back at your home town?"

"Of course, there is no room in this apartment. How can we do

the ceremony here?"

When Dōng thought of Ye Chenglin going back to his

hometown in Guizhou he was very sad, "Will you still come to
Beijing later?"
"Come on! I will come just to see you!" Ye Chenglin laughed.

Hàn Dōng feels more comfortable. "So how come you haven't
moved yet? How many days left till the wedding? Isn't it getting
too late?"

"A bunch of tattered belts I won't take with me... Just pack
them up. I'll have a banquet here before I leave. Please ask the
brothers and sisters in Beijing to wait a day before coming."

"OK, then I will help you clean up."

Chapter 28 - One Thing
In order to repay the money as soon as possible, Hàn Dōng
also started the old business.

Finding a place that is relatively easy to manage, sitting on it

for many years, and putting up a sign in front of it. The banner's
entire row of characters—face reading, marriage prediction ....
character measurement, and Feng shui.

However, those who have just a little of masterly on the

subject will not be clearly priced. It is indifferent to the people
who see it casually. Generally speaking, people here are sincere
(they don't know about it). Hàn Dōng felt that when people are
sincere it's natural they're willing to give more.

Of course, there are also people with intentions to find fault,

and there's more of them in the afternoon.

"Master, can you predict how many bubbles I pulled

"If I predict your future.... Master, will you be giving me your

Seeing that Hàn Dōng was speechless, several people smirked

and dispersed, smirking loudly as they walked away, they spoke
with the intention of being heard by others.

"Fortune telling? Don't worry about this uncle! Your fate is in

my own hands!"

"He would have fortune telling. It is not a useful virtue any



Hàn Dōng smoked his cigarette indifferently and his eyelids

didn't blink.

After a few days of training, Li Shang felt strong pressure.

Five people lived in a suite with him. All of them were from
his class. In particular, the roommate who had lived with him in
a room had been admitted to the North Film Performing Arts
Department in the first place. Because he had no background,
even when he graduated with many years, still has no long term
job...As soon as he talked about his history of blood and tears, Li
Shang couldn't help but think of Hàn Dōng who had been in the
acting business for five years. Sometimes Li Shang woke up in
the middle of the night to find that Hàn Dōng was still reading
the past scripts. Li Shang had a deep sense of guilt.

After a tiring day, their broker took a few of them to the

nightclub to relax.

Perhaps they were suppressed for too long. These people

partied very high and the brokers were even more reckless.

When Li Shang saw one of them using drugs, he immediately

asked, "Why did you use that thing?"
"This is not a contraband product in foreign countries. Many
people are using them... In fact, these are not addicting at all, if
you do not believe you try..."

Li Shang's face flashed to the other side.

It was late in the evening and the show began to be more

lively, Li Shang looked at a whole naked pole dancing women
for the first time, and given that he had suppressed the pants in
a few days things were not easy. The same is true for the rest of
the people, who are all clamoring for the young lady.

Li Shang has concerns. "Does the agent know that it's not
alright to be doing this?"

"You thought of it as if you weren't looking for it. She would

treat you good!... better than them."

"Maybe the agent is on a celebrity bed now, Hahaha..."

In the end, Li Shang didn't participate in it, not because he

didn't want to. He wasn't allowed to suffer leg injury. Later, a
young lady took the initiative to tease him, saying that she could
suck his JB. Li Shang didn't know whether it was the inhuman
perseverance of surgery or not. Li Shang simply insisted that
the young lady should go away.

Six people did not return overnight.

The next day, someone started to speak. "Except Li Tian Bang,

all of you get out!"

The trial period for these trainees is three months. "Getting

out of the confinement " means that they failed to advance.

The news came too suddenly. Even Li Shang, the only

surviving person, he still felt a cold sweat.

Someone revealed before leaving: "My parents and I had all

emptied my family bank accounts in order to grease the hands
to sign my contract."
As for his roommate, Li Shang could not bear to look at his

Compared to Li Shang's stunned sigh, it was just a cold laugh

for their brokers and actors.

"In the eyes of Wang Zhong Ding, lust is a taboo. If you

suppress this one hurdle. Everything is free to be discussed."

Li Shang realized at this moment only that the original "Going

out" last night was just a setup.

"But they worked very hard! They just suppressed it for too
long, and I drank some wine too. Don't make mistakes..."

The broker gestured a finger and interrupted Li Shang's plea.

"One, as long as it's a scandal.... It can destroy a superstar."

Chapter 29 - On that position
In the evening, Hàn Dōng went to the bus stop. After passing a
massage parlor, a girl with exposed clothes and heavy make-up
shouted at him. "Brother, come in and get a massage ..."

Before the words were finished, Hàn Dōng went in.

The hostess arranged a hut for Hàn Dōng and other girl
knocked him right back. The sweet voice hinted: "Big Brother,
our first massage is free."

The girl's hand was soft and boneless, and he couldn't stand
thinking of any other man touching them and especially her
pink-colored little sweet spot.

Therefore, Hàn Dōng could not help but asked: "How much
money do charge for 'value-added services'?"

"It depends on the one you want, but the ordinary is one
Hàn Dōng asked again: "how much is that one outside?"

"You're talking about Shan Shan who is standing in the

doorway? She is expensive......for her you need 300 yuan."

"She is that expensive? She is too profitable!"

"She is our signboard!"

Hàn Dōng didn't let this girl continue to massage him, but he
went to the door and called the signboard.

"Beauty, my cell phone is dead. Can I borrow yours?"

While Shan Shan did this, how can she understand what's in
Hàn Dōng's mind? She just passed it without thinking about it.

After Hàn Dōng left, the girl inside came out and Shan Shan
said: "The man is the first person to get massage for free in the
shop. You tell me he really wanted to chase you?"

Shan Shan twisted and smiled: "Fuck off!"

Just getting off the bus, Hàn Dōng called the phone number
he had secretly nipped. "Hey? Is this Shan Shang's mother? Ah,
Hi. I'm Shan Shang's friend. Sorry to bother you..."

Five minutes later, Shan Shang mother's sobbing was heard

from the other end of the mobile phone. "Thank you so much, if
you hadn't told me, I would still be in the dark now... uh..."

"Auntie, you are polite. This is what I feel I should do."

Hanging up the phone, Hàn Dōng discovered that he had just

arrived at the entrance of the North Ying factory. It is now more
than eight o'clock. There are still many people waiting for the
night scene. He swept a look at a few familiar old faces, Hàn
Dōng could not help but accelerate his pace.

"Hey, isn't this Hàn Dōng? Why haven't we seen you lately?"
"Isn't he always following Li Shang's butt?"

"Hey ... you have this conning mouth.... thousands of

predictions for so many years, you still didn't predict
themselves as fire to stardom, you just let someone else get a
great deal, if I may say so, I have to say I feel sorry for you!"

Hàn Dōng pretended not to hear him and rushed directly to

the mall.

The next morning, with a black high-necked shirt, a pink

tight-fitting pencil trouser, a thick layer of powder on the face,
and a delicate red lip. Plus wearing a big black coat and carrying
a small bag, a tall sexy "big beauty" took walk to the streets.

...... at the entrance of the North Ying factory, the group of

people who ridiculed Hàn Dōng yesterday fixed their eyes
straight at him.

"Fuck me... look at that girl, see her legs!"

"Oh my God! This figure is just..."

Hàn Dōng's sneered: This group of stupid horny B ...*

The bus arrived at the station. Hàn Dōng came back to the
massage parlor he visited yesterday. He slowly walked to the
front desk in the amazement of the boss and arbitrarily pushed
his "resume" to the top.

"Can I apply!"

"Okay, okay..." The boss nodded. "Yesterday, my best girl was

gone. I am short of front personal.... What position do you want
me to hire you for?"

Hàn Dōng pointed to the empty doorway, "just in that

Chapter 30 - What a pity!
After the boss agreed the two men discussed the issue of

Hàn Dōng said: "I won't take care of customers."

The boss's face was immediately pulled down. "When you take
a job its 300$, you can divide it into five. You can only use the
days to calculate the money. Just for one day its 100$.... you can
do it yourself."

Hàn Dōng thought for a moment and said: "How about this;
one client will be commissioned at 10$ and above 100 clients will
be commissioned at 20$."

More than 100 clients? The boss's wife felt that Hàn Dōng was
simply an idiot, although she was very optimistic about Hàn
Dōng, the size and grade of the shop was small.... When the
business is good, there are twenty or so passengers flow. Like
the current off-season, the peasant workers who have left their
hometown to see their wives are rushing home for the New
Year. Where does Hàn Dōng thinks so many people would come
"You have to think carefully about it. It's possible that you
can't get 10 people a day."

Hàn Dōng made it clear that "You should hire several people
to take care of the few people's money."

"Okay, then we'll count on what you said."

So, Hàn Dōng moved a chair to the front door, tilted his legs
and sat on it, his eyes were not looking in the street, and his
hands were playing with his mobile phone.

"How do you do this?" The boss hurried. "You must go to the

street and take the initiative to call them in."

"I don't need it." Hàn Dōng didn't lift his head. "If no one
comes in ten minutes, I'll give you 10$."

Sure enough, in less than five minutes, a bald middle-aged

uncle came and smiled at Hàn Dōng and asked, "Miss, do you
have a massage services in here?"
Hàn Dōng pointed his finger inside. The proprietress
immediately welcomed the guests warmly. "Come on, come on.
Please come in."

Some men are so wonderful that they don't have the slightest
appearance of a woman. They don't look so good. Some men can
look amazing after being camouflage and feminized. As for Hàn
Dōng's two God-level legs, he just needed to wobbled them twice
and took one to count and no man's eyes could run away from
that pose.

The parlor's no customer situation that lasted for many days

was broken and the business was hot and out of control.

There are only seven or eight young ladies in the shop. It's not
an exaggerated thing to describe it; the line up is comparable to
the public toilets of the 51 tourist attractions.

"I said, buddy, how are you there? We are waiting for this!"

"Yeah, I've been waiting for an hour!"

"No more tricks!"

In addition to the frequent "affordable men" patronizing here,

seemingly there are "big customers" who usually do not bother
to spend time at this leisure shop and go straight to the door and
say, "I'll be waiting for the one at the door."

Usually if you come to this kind of shortage, the boss must

choose any move and keep you satisfied with the decision!
Today, she actually put up a shelf and clearly stated.

"She only accepts guests and does not accept jobs."

"I have two thousand yuan!"

You are not spending 2000 yuan for a woman! If your

sensitivity is low, I would have to shut the door for two hours.
How many guests will I have to lose?

Three days later, Hàn Dōng counted his money softly. In

addition to the money that he had seen before, Hàn Dōng
already had a small fortune of 10,000 yuan. According to this
trend, he only needs to reload for two days.

Hàn Dōng sighed with relief. After listening with his eyes
closed for a while, looking at the dark, his breathing has slowed
down and he also fell asleep.


In recent days, Liang Jing had a lot of disappointments. First,

Wang Zhong Ding ate in closed doors, and then the producer of
the film produced a flat response and the business entered a low
period. In addition, his relationship with the company is very
tight, and if the momentum is weak, someone will ride it.

In the car, the chief screenwriter of the film kept talking to

Liang Jing: "How would I dare to go with that idea? This is not a
matter of adding a random piece of drama. Two-thirds of the
script must be rewritten. How big is it? The amount of work is

Liang Jing smoked a cigarette with an anxious look. "I know it

has nothing to do with you. I just want you to talk to Wang
about what's wrong with this change. Wang always respects you
for the writing. You have more words than I and your words
carry more weight."

"The problem is..." The chief screenwriter hesitated for a long

time before he said, "I think Wang Zhong's opinion is very good!
Such a change is more conflicting, more viewable, and more of
selling point. Otherwise... Liang Director, you can try again to
find someone like him?"

Liang Jing's heart focused on not getting angry, what is there

to look for? I'm not even looking for qualifications!

He cannot be reconciled, really cannot be reconciled.

The more Wang Zhong Ding is trying to make his work

difficult, the stronger his anti-repression awareness is.

Suddenly the car stopped because of a traffic jam, Xiao Wen

rolled down the window to check the situation outside. It looks
like the parking in front of a store is too narrow. The traffic
police are now evacuating a little congestion.

"What shop is so famous?" Xiao Wen slowly moved forward

and looked curiously outward, finally tracing back to the source
of traffic jams...


A sudden brake made the unguarded Liang Jing and the chief
screenwriter rush forward from their seats

"What are you doing?" Liang Jing harshly screamed.

Xiao Wen is very embarrassed. "Almost ... almost rear-ended a


"I mean, don't you know how to drive? What were you trying
to see?"
Xiao Wen finger pointed to the window, "The woman's legs
are very long!"

Ling Ling King came to breathe, cheeky replied: "Apparently

you haven't seen legs in a long time?"

"They're really long and they're longer than Li Shang's."

When Xiao Wen said this, Liang Jing took a peek at the glance
and as a result, his aim was fixed.

There is a feeling of Deja vu...

"Isn't it a new cross? You may want to consider her!" Xiao

Wen rushed to remind.

Liang Jing leaned at him. "You have brains? Is she a male or

"Oh, I forgot."

Liang Jing took his eyes back and urged Xiao Wen: "Drive the

Xiao Wen couldn't help but sigh: "Oh... it's a pity!"

Hàn Dōng's game played well but suddenly there was a hand
reaching over his neck and dragging the scarves he used to cover
the manly throat.

"Miss, your neck is so beautiful. It's a shame to cover it."

Hàn Dōng grabbed the man's wrist, hard words: "I'm cold."

"Your hands are not small." The man once again played with
Hàn Dōng's gloved fingers. "I like a woman with long hands.
they're thin and long, just like your legs."
Speaking and crouching down, Hàn Dōng played an
"offensive" pose with the beautiful legs that drove many men
here for many days.

Hàn Dōng's heart is annoyed, Motherfucker! I am also more

rogue than your Lao Zi!*

"Miss, I have come for you for three consecutive days. If you
don't pick it up, you should give it up a little, please?"

Hàn Dōng looked at him with a small eyelid. "What do you


"I would be content if you entered the house to drink tea and
chat with me alone."

Hàn Dōng directly quote, "Five thousand!"

Where do you want to run into a coal boss today? Of course,

Hàn Dōng, as a rogue heart mirror(womanizer), he knows the
purpose of this man's invitation is not just to drink tea and chat.
As for the five thousand dollars, in order to go and see Ye
Chenglin get married and buy him a decent gift, Hàn Dōng can
take the risk.*

Sure enough, after closing the door, the true face of the man
was revealed.

In the beginning, he only chatted with Hàn Dōng and

occasionally ate some tofu, which was within Hàn Dōng's
tolerance. Later, the light mouth could not meet and he laid on
the bed to let Hàn Dōng massage him.

"You are working at a massage parlor, rubbing and massaging

shoulders and knocking back the head office, right?" Then he
said, throwing away two thousand dollars. "Take this as an
extra tip."

Hàn Dōng decided that he could only wait on him for the two
thousand dollars. But later, the man wasn't satisfied. He
staggered his hands on Hàn Dōng legs and that hand almost
went to the danger zone in-between the legs.
"Miss, is there any other service you can give me?"

Hàn Dōng looked back at the man's copy of the purse: "What
kind of service do you want?"

The man exposed the sickly expression of the nausea.

"Something exciting, pleasant surprising, something that is

"When you first gave me the five thousand dollars you

promised that you won't have to ask for any other service."

The man smiled and twisted his hand a bit on Hàn Dōng's
cheek. "Little girl, you're with a lot of eyes!" The money was
taken by Hàn Dōng and the man couldn't wait to see it.

"Look up!" Hàn Dōng tore off his scarves, took off his coat and
opened his trousers chain.

The air in the entire room was frozen.*

The man's lips twitched at high frequencies as if they had
their own generator.

In the end, Hàn Dōng threw the silicone fake chest on the
man's face, and said: "Is this enough to stimulate you? Is this
enough to surprise you? Is this enough to make it

Chapter 31 - Puts into practice
Liang Jing didn't know what to think, suddenly he shouted:
"Park the car!"

Xiao Wen rushed to park on the roadside.

"She is not a man, but she can share a corner with Li Shang!
After she has performed, she can make up for Li Shang's
shortcomings. How come I didn't think of it?" Liang Jing said
with excitement: "Quick, drive back!"

The car galloped all the way back to the massage parlor.

Liang Jing hurriedly got off the car, but when he reached the
door, he didn't find Hàn Dōng. He found that the wife and a
man were arguing.

"The kid ran away with my money, and you have to pay me
for my loss of seven thousand!"
"Why should I pay you? I didn't take your money!"

"This money was consumed for your shop. If you don't pay
me. I'll sue you for fraud!"

"You go to tell anyone you like! Without proof, how can

anyone tell that he is a man? Can anyone prove that he took
your seven thousand dollars?"


Liang Jing interrupted temporarily. "Excuse me, is this about

the girl at the door?"

The boss didn't speak, and the man spoke dispassionately: "Big
brother, it wasn't a girl at all. It was a man! He was a man! We
were all cheated!"

...... A man?! Isn't that?... Liang Jing felt his heart burst! This
is really a tragedy for other people but it is definitely a pleasant
surprise for Liang Jing!
"Where is he? Where is he now?" Liang Jing hurriedly asked.

The man pointed to the east. "I saw him running in that

Liang Jing, apart from anything else, got on the car and run to
catch up.


The result was the same as the sad reminder last time. Liang
Jing didn't catch up with Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng went to the store on the way to the mall, picking up
two men's clothing. Then he got into a taxi and went into his

In the evening, Hàn Dōng counted the money and found that
he had made more than 20,000 dollars. He intends to give Ye
Chenglin fifteen thousand, and the remaining five thousand as a
red envelope, leaving only less than one thousand dollars for

Finally, he had solved the problem of money, Hàn Dōng

breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, yesterday, even if he would commit a crime today, he

would use a surgical method to dissolve the crime in advance,
and he escaped today. Hàn Dōng decided to think about
yesterday's array, suddenly realized that something was wrong,
yesterday the villain clearly pointed to the entertainment
industry, how is he going to replace his omen?*

Isn't it difficult for the coal boss to invest in filming? At the

thought of this, Hàn Dōng was scared and he quickly burned the
sunglasses, the small leather bag and all the lady's items that the
coal boss had seen.*

Because tomorrow he had to participate in Ye Chenglin's

banquet, he was sure to go out, Hàn Dōng still considered it as a

He is also a villain! And this time, the villain is alluding

someone whom he's destined to marry.*

In other words, tomorrow he might encounter Wang Zhong


Hàn Dōng heart felt irritable, Ye Chenglin pre-wedding dinner

he could not participate, and he cannot be dressed up as the last
appearance of a nauseating beggar. Since he can't escape, he can
only manage to shove disasters away.

Wang Zhong Ding, since you are always a lingering shadow,

Lao Zi this time would put a big shrine to be completely
separated from you!*

So, Hàn Dōng ran to the photo studio at night and combined
the photographs of him and Wang Zhong Ding into one. Wang
Zhong Ding was photographed in black and white. His color
photographs symbolize the separation of yin and yang. After
returning home, he used scissors to cut the pictures of the two
people. Then the two photographs were framed separately, one
hanging on the south wall and the other hanging on the north
wall. At the end, using the ink to write the characters of the two
people's birthdays on the yellow paper, he cut it again with
scissors, and put one on Wang Zhong Ding's photo and one on
Hàn Dōng's photo.

After setting up the shrine Hàn Dōng stood silently in the

center of the room: were the front and the back of the universe,
yin and yang, and whatever future bound us together it is now

Then he turned his body to Wang Zhong Ding's black and

white photo, saying, "Wang Zhong Ding, go away all the way!"

Actually, whether or not Hàn Dōng used his mind to control

the situation...the bottom line is that he was better at predicting
and fortune telling than cracking destiny. The only time he
tried that was when he put an apple at the benefactor and he
didn't know if he had survived the disaster.

However, Hàn Dōng made it clear to himself that wine is a

taboo. If tomorrow is stained with even a drop of alcohol,
today's curse breaking will fail. If he wants it to work, also he
would have to put it in a new position, and he must hide it. If
someone else sees the shrine, the destiny will not break.*
In order to be on the safe side, Hàn Dōng decided not to drink
alcohol tomorrow, and no one would force him to drink.

After tossing over, Hàn Dōng knocked on Ye Chenglin's door,

and his head crawled into his room slowly, closing his eyes and
pretending to be sleepwalking. "I'm going to sleep with you

The highest realm of badness is that he is obviously playing

tricks, and Ye Chenglin still feel that he is naturally

Despite knowing that Hàn Dōng likes to hog the quilts, Ye

Chenglin resigned himself to lifting the bed.
Chapter 32 - Drinking
The next day before daylight everything was still dark, Ye
Chenglin set out to start cleaning up. While looking around, he
didn't know where to start, and finally he set his sights on Hàn
Dōng and swept a boot in Hàn Dōng's ass.

"Get up!"

Hàn Dōng waking up was like a child. "Why?"

Ye Chenglin said: "help me move this bed!"

"Can't you move something else first. How is the bed going to
get in and out of the aisle when it's big?!"

"Nothing else can be moved. These cupboards, chairs, kettles,

etc. You can look at the good ones and take them away, It's
useless to let them here waiting for the landlord to clean them
" You're hard to understand" Hàn Dōng then continued. "Is
nothing else in this room better than this bed? How will you go
with it? Do you think you just can get on the train with it?"

"I don't care what I would use. I just want to move it out."

After completing the work, Ye Chenglin patted the soil off his
hands and fixed a look at Hàn Dōng.

"How long are you planning to live here?"

Hàn Dōng didn't think about this issue. "How long it takes to
stay is how long I will take."

Ye Chenglin's voice suddenly softened. "Get married early,

don't be single growing old."

"Do you think that I don't want to get married?" Hàn Dōng
dreamed he was getting married last night and that his bride
covered her head, and when he pulled the veil the result that
face turned out to be the black and white photo of Wang Zhong

Ye Chenglin smiled and said nothing.*

In the evening, brothers from all over gathered to see Ye

Chenglin off.

Because Guizhou is too far away, these people may not be able
to catch up on the day of the wedding. They send their red
envelopes and greetings in advance as a pre-wedding party
hosted by Ye Chenglin in Beijing.

Ye Chenglin's girlfriend also made a special trip to bring her

toast from her hometown. Hàn Dōng met her for the first time.
Her appearance wasn't outstanding but her face was very good.
At first sight, she would be a good married woman.

"This is the man I often mentioned to you!" Ye Chenglin said.

His girlfriend smiled and poured a glass of wine for Hàn Dōng.
"Ye Chenglin always told me If he didn't meet you he didn't
know how he would have lived in Beijing."

Hàn Dōng sighed with relief. "The blind man couldn't live
him...Today my stomach is not comfortable I absolutely can't

The person next to him said: "Hàn Dōng you're too boring.
Hàn Dōng you have a big mouth and your buddies are waiting...
Your brother is going far away! It's useless to swear not drink.
Today, whoever doesn't drink at least three glasses..... Is a bad

The buzzing sound became louder and louder, and Hàn Dōng
was a little shaken. Just as he was about to put the glass to his
mouth then it was robbed by Ye Chenglin.

"I'll drink for him." Ye Chenglin was drunk to his neck.

Han didn't know why, when liquor was pouring into Ye

Chenglin throat, the spicy feeling was lingering in the mouth of
Hàn Dōng.
After the guests finished the three drinks, Ye Chenglin was
completely drunk. The girlfriend had already returned to his
place to eat. He also spent talks on various dinner tables. In the
end he wandered to Hàn Dōng table and sat down and refused to

"Xiao Dong Zi.... you come.... there is something that I want

to say to you..."

Hàn Dōng clutched Ye Chenglin's shoulder. "Say it. I'm


"Actually ... you have been sleeping in my bed for half a


Hàn Dōng looked surprised, "What do you mean?"

"You. I only know that when I went to sleep last night and you
went to bed with me, I didn't know if you were really
sleepwalking like the other days.... you always came to my bed."
Hàn Dōng's eyes are flat, and he had nothing to say

Ye Chenglin's drunk smile showed a different kind of

emotion. "You know why I didn't bring anything, but I just
moved the bed away? Because I'm afraid that after you sleep,
you would go to my bed.... and you would be all alone."

Hearing this, Hàn Dōng's heart was hard-knotted

He suddenly discovered that he wasn't so cool and calm. He

was sitting on the ground with his head out of sleep that day,
because of Li Shang. He was humiliated by people on the street,
and it wasn't just for the money that he stood on the platform.*

"Dong Zi, I you brother have nothing, and I'm going to leave
you with a rope..." Ye Chenglin said, choking with a sad voice.
"When you go to bed, you tie yourself up. I'm afraid when I'm
gone I will not be able to look after your and you will wander
around sleepwalking"

Hàn Dōng resisted the tears from his eyes. "You're not afraid
I'll hang myself with it?"
"Obvious........" Ye Chenglin was still immersed in grief.
"Bundle yourself, or I will never be at ease over there "

Hàn Dōng summoned the dumplings. "Ye Ge you're drinking

too much. You help me to eat rice there!"

Ye Chenglin still glared at Hàn Dōng not letting go, and later
two buddies erected Ye Chenglin to forcefully move him to the
original main table.

Then, Hàn Dōng started to haze himself with a cup and a glass
of wine. He couldn't attend anything! His heart was
uncomfortable, everything is uncomfortable! He just wants to
drink, in addition to drinking.... He cannot think of other ways
to make himself strong.*
Chapter 33 - Cars on the road
At the end of the banquet, a box of drunken people barely
retaining their wise. Men and women were dragging along with
the swaying buddies. Ye Chenglin was so drunk to do anything,
because tomorrow morning he had to catch the train, his
girlfriend had to ask the two waiters to take him to the taxi and
sent him to the hotel.

Hàn Dōng had withdrew from the group earlier, and almost
nobody knew where he was going.

On the streets of Beijing during the twelfth lunar month of

winter, Hàn Dōng cried to himself holding a rope. With alcohol
on the brain, he was feeling more and more unbearable, he
began to run wildly in the street, coupled with heroic tearing of
clothes move. From coats to sweaters to T-shirts, from pants to

It is an extra acting and he can vent his emotions

1] extra is an actor who you don't notice or the if a scene is in a club.... the clubbers are extra ....or
when a scene is in a walk side....the normal goers are the extra

If this is matched with a piece of sad background music, put it

in the "Break Up Scene" in any idol drama, you can sway lots of

At this moment, the "TV and Film Night" theme event

organized by Zhong Ding Company was held in the luxurious
hall of a five-star hotel.

In addition to Zhong Ding's all-star luxury lineup, there are

hundreds of heavyweight guests and celebrities from the film
industry. Media reporters blocked the entrance to the hotel, and
the flashes came and went. On the red carpet leading to the
central hall, limited edition sports cars made their appearances.
Stars and supermodels were on the same catwalk.

Li Shang and several newcomers appeared together on the red

carpet. Although their popularity was low, there were many
journalists competing to shoot them. When the numerous
lenses were aimed at him, Li Shang finally understood why so
many people wanted to be stars.
In such a big venue, the seating arrangement is very

The first five rows are for media magnate people, sixth rows
to eighth rows are high-level socialites and the film giants in
China. The ninth row is for the signed stars in subsequence, the
smaller the backing company is, the smaller the seats are. When
Li Shang walked backwards, he just looked at the rows of
superstar posters on the seats, all of them made him feel dizzy.

Finally, Li Shang found his place.

"Isn't that the last row?"

Is there a lesser actor than us? Li Shang glanced back

curiously and found a particularly familiar performer who
looked like someone who was still fired to stardom three years
ago and later disappeared.

Pan Song, who sat next to Li Shang, whispered to him, "This is

a 'frozen' people row."
Li Shang heard of this special "scandal" that almost all of the
actors and actresses who were tempted by other companies
were frozen by their own company. The contract could not be
changed in the short term. Most of them are reluctant to
participate in these activities, so many seats in the last row are

Li Shang's saw a seat on the back with a panel printed only

with the bare three characters - Tao Yun Yun.

Tao Yun Yun's signed company wasn't originally Zhong

Ding's. Since she had borrowed Wang Zhong Ding's hype during
the Wang Zhong Ding meet, her broker's appointment had to be
bought for by Feng Jun's at a high price, and the signed contract
was for five years. The best of her youth, a rising star, was to be
buried in an unpublished press release.

As the opening ceremony of the grand party is approaching,

the stars on the red carpet are getting bigger and bigger. After
the first sister and the international movie stars have appeared
one after another, the people present are particularly curious
about which female partner Wang Zhong Ding will lead.

Finally, a private custom super luxury car slowly entered the


When both sides of the door opened, Wang Zhong Ding and
the mysterious female guest just got out of the car and were
nearly killed by countless flashes.

Wang Zhong Ding was dressed in a standard three-piece suit, a

gray four-buckle vest, a snow-white shirt and a dark blue plain
tie. The shoulders, collars and sleeves have reached a
suffocating degree. The female companion is in a haute couture
Chinese style red dress, matched with noble's privilege handed
down jewelry, and every step and gesture can convey this
person's pride.

Participating in such a number of events, walking through so

many red carpets, replaced so many female partners. This is the
first person who is important. Wang Zhong Ding walked with
her to the front room.

Li Shang wasn't aware of this woman, and many people

present are not familiar with her. Only knowing that she is
called Wan Li Qing and she seemed to be very close to Wang
Zhong Ding.
As for the relationship between them, it is still a mystery.

Before entering the venue, Wang Zhong Ding also accepted a

short interview as usual.

"Wang Zhong Ding, I heard that your company is about to

make an annual blockbuster. The general planner is you, right?"

Wang Zhong Ding nodded frankly. "Yes, it's me."

"We have found that all the movies you handle are more
inclined to the old opera style and new people in the cast. Will
the film still maintain this feature?"

"Well, this movie will use new people."

At this time, the reporters were very excited.

"Wang, will you have a preliminary candidate cast for the

male and female protagonists?"

"Wang, can you reveal the subject of this movie?"

"Wang, what's your expectation of this movie's box office?"


Feng Jun rushed over and waved a tribute to the reporters

present. "Dear reporters and friends, thank you all for your
support of Zhong Ding Film and Television Group. Now that the
event is about to begin, Wang must attend inside...... Please also
invite friends from the media to the venue. You can sit inside
and thank everyone for their cooperation."

After the opening ceremony was started, the award ceremony

was held. Each winner had to perform on the stage. Many of the
behind-the-scenes staff were very inexperienced. It was easy for
them to perform.

When the atmosphere was warm, Wang Zhong Ding's cell

phone rang.

Wan Li Qing turned her head and saw Wang Zhong Ding, who
had hung up his phone, showing a glimpse at the cloudy face,
which contrasted sharply with the smiling faces around him.

"Is there a situation with XiXi...?" asked Qing.

Wang Zhong Ding nodded. "The high fever has been


"I knew that your emotions would only change because of

him." Wan Li Qing reluctantly consoled. "Maybe he is just
unaccustomed. You think about it. His body is not good at all in
this Beijing weather ...You also just got him from Hainan.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't speak and his face was heavy.

Wan Li Qing has an ominous sense of foreboding. "You don't

want to leave in the middle of the awards don't you? This is
your company's event. The final award will be awarded by you."

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding not only has to go, but also has
to go alone and leave Wan Li Qing here.

"What? I accompanied you to attend an event. Do you want to

leave me alone? In the whole hall, I only know you."

Wang Zhong Ding said: "You will handle for me this award
and they will all know you."

"Hey you......"

Wan Li Qing has not finish yet, Wang Zhong Ding quickly got
up and left.

Hàn Dōng was streaking two streets barely functioning with a

pair of boxer pants, and he reached to the door of a five-star
hotel, he could no longer run. When he stopped, his eyes were
hung on his omens eyes. When the sweat on his body met with a
cold wind, he was never cold like this before!
Hàn Dōng in his wine fueled walk, he didn't awake, he was
drunk in the parking lot, he waved to intercept the dozens of
empty vehicles.

The hotel is the one holding the movie event of Zhong Ding
Film and Television Company. The famous car outside the hotel
is also the private cars for the biggest stars inside the venue.
Because there are hundreds of stars participating in the event
and there are only 80 parking spaces, in addition to the seating
arrangements on the venue, exclusive off-site parking spaces
have also become a tool for identification.

Hàn Dōng, after lovingly waving his hand, he came to the

front of a car with the most prominent position, knocked on the
glass and looked into the empty seat inside: "Master, your first
parking violation I will hit you with a fine."

No response.*

Hàn Dōng hung his arms around his chest, and his two bare
legs were shaking.
"Master, you're a bit better! I'm almost freezing dead!"

The door is still closed.*

Hàn Dōng was in a hurry. He drew the rope to slap the car
lights and the soles of his shoe slammed the door. The spit was
sprayed directly onto the glass. "motherfucker! What does it
mean when you refuse to lower the window? Believe it or not,
Lao Zi will file complaints about you..."

If someone does this in normal times in the parking lot, in few

seconds as much as seven or eight security guards would show
up. But today it was a coincidence that the hotel exit C had
experienced more than just a few riots. The security guards
went there to maintain order, and nobody was there to manage
Hàn Dōng.*

Wang Zhong Ding arrived at the entrance of the hotel and

opened the car with a remote control. Just as he was about to
walk toward his car, he heard Feng Jun shouting at the back:
"Wang Zhong Ding wait!"
Hàn Dōng twisted the door open: What...? The car is not

Hàn Dōng quickly opened the door and jumped in, just then
he saw a row of blankets in the back seat, apart from anything
else he went lying directly on top and wrapped himself, Hàn
Dōng wrapped himself tightly.... feeling really warm ah.

Wang Zhong Ding looked back at Feng Jun. "What


"The driver is on temporary leave. I will drive you back."

"It's no use." Wang Zhong Ding raised a hand. "I can do it

myself, you help me to drive Wan Li Qing back."

When Wang Zhong Ding got in the car, Hàn Dōng was already

Wang Zhong Ding didn't look into the backseat as he drove

home anxiously. Hàn Dōng was lying flat and could not be seen
in the rearview mirror.

So, the car hit the road...

Chapter 34
Less than five kilometers drive, the car went in front of a
traffic jam.

Wang Zhong Ding opened the car player and selected a light
music, so that his anxious mood would ease.

The seat heating in the car was very good, and Hàn Dōng
initially wrapped himself like a cocoon and didn't move. Now
that it was warming up, he began to unconsciously drag the
blankets off.

Despite the loud music, Wang Zhong Ding still felt abnormal

When he listened carefully, the movements stopped.

Maybe it was just something in the car that rolled by or rolled

into something... That way, Wang Zhong Ding didn't care, and
continued to concentrate on driving.
Light music changed for the first time. Compared with the
first rhythm, this music is easier to stimulate the cerebral
cortex. Especially for a sleeping Hàn Dōng, this kind of
miraculous activity is a stimulant that mobilizes nerves.

Soon, Hàn Dōng followed the rhythm.

When Zhong Ding once again heard of abnormal movements,

he directly turned off the music. As a result, Hàn Dōng also
stopped. Waiting for Wang Zhong Ding to open the music again,
strange sounds appeared again.

How can there be noise? Is there a problem with the player?

Just as he was thinking, someone suddenly sang along with


Wang Zhong Ding's face was furious at the time.

Because he heard the lyrics...

What is in this light music?!!*

Which company produces a radio player that emits such

annoying noise? Stringed he changed the lyrics of a Phoenix
legend to a music piece by Richard in Clayderman's piano
music, Hàn Dōng actually banged his feet to it!

Wang Zhong Ding's foot hit the brakes.

Wang had not had the time to turn interior lights on yet, and
a bright white arm stretched out from behind.

"Master, please go to Hewan Community..."

Wang Zhong Ding was frozen in his face and looked over his
head. He saw that Hàn Dōng didn't hold the renminbi (Chinese
bank note) in his hands, but had the remaining yellow paper
symbols from last night. Then with a glance at the rearview
mirror, the face which suddenly appearing had double open
If Wang Zhong Ding is not a materialist believer, this moment
nearly scared the soul away.

How can someone come from nowhere?

Hàn Dōng threw Huang Fu into Wang Zhong Ding's legs and
went back to sleep.

Wang Zhong Ding turned on the interior lights and saw a

person lying on the rear seat, wearing only a small crotch
underwear. People who generally appear with this image are
either crazy people or have a little bit too much drink.... This
person must think that his car was parked in front of the hotel.
Wang Zhong Ding speculated that the latter possibility is even

If you throw him on the road, he will freeze to death, if not

frozen to death he will be disabled.*

Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding moved to the rear seat and

wanted to wake Hàn Dōng to ask him some questions. As a
result, his hand just got up and exchanged with his eyes which
fell on Hàn Dōng's legs.

At close-range, high-definition, multi-angle... There is

nothing like it.*

No surgery, no adjustment, no scars... He is all natural!*

Wang Zhong Ding has not been this stunned for a long time. It
is impossible to imagine that a problem he made up about
human data created in order to suppress his underling (Liang
Jing) would actually be solved on this person!!

Hàn Dōng seemed to be trying to show off his good figure. He

was uncomfortable lying flat and he turned over again. A large
long leg was raised directly on the backrest, highlighting the
large angle of the two legs. Amazing curve when the legs opened
like that.

Wang Zhong Ding's excitement at the moment was no less

than when he was seeing a vintage watch that had been lost
through time for a long time.

Because Wang Zhong Ding's address is in Beijing, he knew

that The Extra Passenger wasn't far from his home. Therefore,
Wang Zhong Ding intended to send Hàn Dōng home first and he
would be able to check his personal data to facilitate contact.

After the car stopped, Wang Zhong Ding tried to wake up Hàn
Dōng but could not succeed. In desperation, he had to wrap him
up in a blanket and carry him straight down from the car.

During the elevator's ascent, Wang Zhong Ding's cell phone


Hàn Dōng was shocked by this sudden sound. He pushed and

struggled from Wang Zhong Ding's body, he was half awake and
half asleep, and took the rope and rolled it up around Wang
Zhong Ding's neck.

Wang Zhong Ding just connected the phone call and felt his
neck was looped three times. However, Hàn Dōng didn't make
any other moves. Wang Zhong Ding only noticed that Hàn Dōng
was talking like he was on the other end of the phone when in
fact he was drunk.

"Miss Wan has been sent home by me, so you can rest


As a result, Wang Zhong Ding opened his mouth and didn't

know how to wake the man.

Hàn Dōng began to squeeze Wang Zhong Ding's neck. A little

bit unambiguous, Wang Zhong Ding's head was dribbling, his
face went all purple from the lack of oxygen.

"Was it not your wife's who urged you to go to the car station?
Ah? Isn't it time for you to get a ticket? How would you like to
go? There is no chance anymore!"

"Hello....Hello... Mr. Wang What's wrong with you? Hey? Mr.

Wang? Why don't you say..."
When the mobile phone was hung up, Wang Zhong Ding, who
had not turned his face this anger for so many years, was forced
by Hàn Dōng to burst into foul language today.

"You motherfucker... calm down!!"

This voice stunned Hàn Dōng, but after he woke up, he was
still drunk and looked at Wang Zhong Ding with a glance. He
grunted and said: "Fuck! Why the fuck do I keep dreaming about

When the lift prompts for destination reached sound, Wang

Zhong Ding endures his temper and sends Hàn Dōng back to the

As a result, When Hàn Dōng was just put on the bed he

hanged on Wang Zhong Ding's neck and clung to him. His
mouth was very close with Wang Zhong Ding's and the thief
smiled. "Didn't you actually sent me a rope to tie me? You are
kinky right? wanting to tie me to you? Isn't it? Hahahahaha..."

If this is what Ye Chenglin would have heard, he would have

surely burst into tears, and when he is replaced by Wang Zhong
Ding, what is that you can expect huh?*

Hàn Dōng pull the back of Wang Zhong Ding's head again.
"Isn't that what's in your heart? Ah? Isn't it? Hahahahaha..."

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

When Hàn Dōng was being noisy, Wang Zhong Ding

inadvertently scanned around and saw a picture of Hàn Dōng
hanging on the opposite wall. Most people use photo frames to
decorate photographs that are not an artwork or a
commemorative photo. Who would enlarge the photo of the
passport to nth times and put it on the wall? Fortunately, it is
colored photo. If it was black and white, there would be no
difference between him and a dead man.

1]....So in China they use black and white photo to signify the
person is dead ....for more info ...Google..

It seems that this man right here is not just a product of over
boozing but he has a mental problem.
When Wang Zhong Ding was hesitant, Hàn Dōng provided an
"evidence" for his inference.

Hàn Dōng suddenly began to cry, he was crying while pulling

out the rope. Wang Zhong Ding watched Hàn Dōng loop his
rope around himself. Yes, he cried so heartbroken, as if he were
harassed by Tian Da and forced to humiliate himself with a

The more he cried, the more rope he tied....and the more he


If it wasn't seen with his own eyes, it would be difficult for

Wang Zhong Ding to imagine that such a thing can be done by
one person.

Wang Zhong Ding was originally intending to find Hàn Dōng's

documents in the room in order to learn more about him... Now
that doesn't seem to be a good idea. Moreover, there are urgent
things at home, and Wang Zhong Ding really has no time to
spend with him. He just wants to get out of this place as soon as
As a result, in the moment when Wang Zhong Ding turned, he
had to take a big step back.

He actually saw his own "situation"

...... 1] The black and white photo of himself

Wang Zhong Ding had not recovered from the shock and Hàn
Dōng was already climbing out of bed.

Hàn Dōng then shook off the rope with his eyes half-closed,
his expression suddenly became solemn. This kind of silence
can't only frighten people, but it scares the spirit from people's

Poor Hàn was only a male, even if he is sad to be in such a

situation, still he does not forget that if he drinks alcohol
......then the shrine must be re-arranged and this technique
must be concealed. If anyone else is present here.... The destiny
will not break.
However, in the eyes of drunken Hàn Dōng, Wang Zhong Ding
is not human.....he is a devil.

Hàn Dōng didn't let Wang Zhong Ding go out, but he

forcefully turned his face to Wang Zhong Ding, with a tone that
wasn't angry or confident he said: "You ghost are finally in

Wang Zhong Ding's face was stiff like an iron plate.*

Hàn Dōng fumbled for yellow paper and ink from the
cupboard, and wrote his birthday character in front of Wang
Zhong Ding without any mistakes. Then, as yesterday, he cut
the yellow paper that reads the two words of life. Each of them
packaged with a copper coin, and one was tossed to the north.
He thrown the other one to the south. Another dragon tortoise
was taken out of the cabinet and hung under the black and
white photo of Wang Zhong Ding. The so-called dragon tortoise
was the leading point and it was specially designed to melt the

After all was set up, Hàn Dōng once again stood in the middle
of the room to meditation on that phrase.
"Heaven and Earth.... the yin and the yang, the two-line tether
are now broken, and everything is indiscriminately over..."

In the end, Hàn Dōng walked in front of Wang Zhong Ding

himself, bowed deeply to the "live photo" and said respectfully:

Wang Zhong Ding's face at the moment looked particularly

like the black and white photo on the wall...

If only Hàn Dōng was dressed in a robe and was holding a

whisk to exercise the evil ghost .... It would not be so difficult to

The problem is that Hàn Dōng wears only a small boxer ....
With an attractive body he looked like he was doing nothing but
playing! He looked as if he was an international supermodel
wearing bikini pants while fighting off pesticides on fruit trees.
It can be described as horror and cute wriggling fly...soon
elegant and magnificent all rolled up in a single sexy
Chapter 35 - Royal Capital of the First
In the afternoon of the next day, Er Lei walked into Wang
Ding's office.

"Wang, this person's general information has been found"

Er Lei is also the deputy manager of Wang Zhong Ding's

affairs. He is more of a low-key personnel than Feng Jun, and he
rarely intervenes in the internal affairs of the company. Wang
Zhong Ding prefers him to deal with private affairs and
miscellaneous matters that are not on advisory capacity....

"This person is called Hàn Dōng. He..."

"You wait." Wang Zhong Ding suddenly interrupted. "What is

his name?"

Er Lei said with a word: "Hàn Dōng!"

"What's that ?......East (Dong) or winter(Hàn Dōng)?"

1]....Han means East and Han Dong means Winter

East (Dong)

(Hàn Dōng)

"East(Han) as in East(Han) and West(Xi)."

Wang Zhong Ding is decidedly unhappy. What is even worse?

He has this name!

1] Xi is the name of the mysterious child of WZD...

"This year he will be 27 years old, he is an ordinary

Northerner drifter.... He has been an Extra Actor for 5 years,
has remained indefinitely like that."
Speaking of the back of the second page Er Lei swept away at
Wang Zhong Ding, knowing that this will incur his boredom, Er
Lei said "He calls himself the first fairy of the imperial capital of
Beijing and he is good at measuring fortune, Feng shui, and
careers, especially marriage..."

"You have done it now...." Wang Zhong Ding had a black face.
"Get to the more important part!"

Then Er Lei had to skip this paragraph. "He was abandoned by

his parents since he was young and was fostered at his uncle's
house. Later, because the Auntie of a neighboring village had no
children themselves, the Uncle took him to the current foster
parents' home."

1]....Old women who have no children or their children have

dies ask or buys young men to stay with them....not as houseboy
or anything they're actually like adopted into the family....

"Why was he abandoned by his parents?" Wang Zhong Ding

"It is said that because he was born with six fingers, that
village is more superstitious, he just..."

Wang Zhong Ding's complexion changed again. "He was also

abandoned because of six fingers?"

This confused Er Lei too? But Er Lei couldn't help but stay
here and think too. Who else was abandoned because of six
fingers? It's hard to believe... This is not right!!

The doubts in Wang Zhong Ding's eyes are fleeting and soon
return to the topic.

"Has his adopted parents, relatives, friends, and me have any


Er Lei said with certainty: "As far as I know, his adoptive

parents and relatives are in the remote mountainous areas of
Inner Mongolia. His friends and yours are not in the same social
circle. There is completely zero contact."
Since he is a passerby who had not have any contact with me,
how could he regard me as an imaginary enemy? Wang Zhong
Ding was completely puzzled....

"The only thing that I can find right now is that I want to
understand him more thoroughly. If I were you I would
probably only ask him."

Er Lei just finished, Feng Jun rushed to the door. Seeing the
marks on Wang Zhong Ding's neck, Feng could not calm down

"Where is he now?"

Er Lei pointed through Wang Zhong Ding's office towards the

back room.

Because of Hàn Dōng's affair, after last night Wang Zhong

Ding finished his family affairs, he sent people back to Hàn
Dōng's residence and those people kidnapped him secretly back
to the company for further investigation. However, because of
recently incidents involving Hàn Dōng..... he does not want to
speak loudly and this meeting can only be held in his own office.
"Is he still asleep?" Feng Jun burned in anger. "I'll go sort the
fucker up right now!"

Hàn Dōng really didn't drink less than his body weight plus he
was streaking again last night. His physical exertion was too
heavy. He didn't wake up until now.

Feng Jun pushed the door open, he took three steps and two
steps to the bed, and he opened the bed quilt...

Hàn Dōng only wore a small pants and his body stretched
comfortably on the white sheets.

If Feng Jun had a camera in his hand right now, he can take
many scenes twice at random, without the Photoshop, without
looking for an angle. If there is a person who wants to take a
more attractive man in his bed than this, Feng Jun would prick
that person's eyes on the spot.

Although Er Lei had spoken the summary in advance and said

that Wang had found the legendary man who was in "violation
of his ergonomics" in the man deadly body, Feng Jun didn't take
it seriously, because of that Li Shang's person from before.....
Feng Jun felt that this man was much more stunning.

But this time, Feng Jun had really seconds out.

They're not the same, They're too different.*

The difference between Hàn Dōng and Li Shang is not that Li

Shang is 18mm less in proportions, but Hàn Dōng has the
natural lines and body texture.

Just with these two legs, you can put the legs of the actors in
the entertainment circle to shame, if you take the legs as the
selling point ..... then various long-legged male gods have
become one will measure up!*

Feng Jun froze for a few seconds.

Okay... then because you're perfect I will forgive you...*

When he returned to the outside, Feng Jun completely
changed his face.

"If you really want to shape him up I can let my sister take
him with her."

Feng Jun's cousin is called Feng Mu, she is a gold agent in the
movie circles.... and many superstars were trained by her. She
was called "vampire" in the superstar management circle.

Not only she is good at exerting economic pressure, but she

also uses iron wrists and discipline..... Before working in Zhong
Ding, she has established her own brokerage company and has
been working closely with Zhong Ding. Although notoriously
reputation, because of her powerful network resources and
superb public relations capabilities, there are still a steady
stream of artists who have failed to her.

"There is something I still don't understand. It's a little early

to talk about this," Wang Zhong Ding said.

Feng Jun was rather enthusiastic. "A person who has

performed for five years as an Extra is not likely to want to be a

"I'm not worried that he would refuse, but I have questions

about his character. Imagine if yesterday's event wasn't me, but
the media. How seriously mess will it be for the company which
signed him?"

In Feng Jun's opinion, feudal superstition and traditional

culture are only the first-line problems, and they should not rise
to swallow his character. However, this "black-and-white
photograph" issue is indeed a little over the line.

"Perhaps he is that way because of so many years of his

unknown self-future...... and you happen to be an
entertainment magnate so it's expected to take this extreme
approach." Feng Jun asked, "In addition to this.... does he have
other problems?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: " I haven't seen yet."

"Then he will be handed to my sister, and it will not take one

month to completely smash the Feng Shui ...fortune calculating
remnants from his brain!"


After Feng Jun left, Wang Zhong Ding was caught in a mess of
dilemmas he had never had before.

It can be said that Wang Zhong Ding has read countless people
in his life. There was never a single person he couldn't read,
except this Hàn Dōng's character. He was disgusted by the fact
that on one side Wang hated him to the bones and yet there
wasn't a single person who amazed him like this one does.

If you use the same thing to describe Hàn Dōng, it is that he is

like the golden diamond viper in the pit. If you want to get rid of
it, you have to stick a handkerchief and after you see no wet
patches then you can say that there is no poison anymore!

Half an hour later, Hàn Dōng finally woke up.

Han felt tired, like a dried up farm worker... Hàn Dōng
diligently opened his eyes and because the room clock is too eye-
catching, he first saw the time.

Suddenly he was startled!

Why are you still here? He also had intended to get up early to
send Ye Chenglin on the train!*

My mobile phone ... where did the phone go? Hàn Dōng
touched around and discovered that he wasn't on his own bed.
Looking up again, the wall is not that wall, the roof is not that

Fuck me! what happened?*

Hàn Dōng's blood-shot eyeball looked around in horror, and

he noticed that the room decoration was quite particular, not
like the bedroom where ordinary people like to live. And the
sheets and quilts are all new, and slippers and cups are also
disposable kinds.
Fortunately, it's just a hotel...

Hàn Dōng was fortunate that he didn't run around naked and
was slapped by annoyance.

"It's really a dream! The sleepwalking has a luxury suite!"

Although nothing happened, the last one thought about Ye

Chenglin also disappeared. Hàn Dōng was lost for a while and
when he was just about to get out of bed. Suddenly he
discovered that the little underwear on his body had been
replaced with new ones.

"Eh the fuck...who changed it for me? Also a Calvin Klein


Hàn Dōng's crotch trousers were lost a few streets back.... His
mind was with fog and haze alone, and eventually gloriously
undertook, and his exhausted steel body also exudes the delicate
fragrance of a creamy scent at this moment.
No way, so who would dare to get dirty enough to bathe me?*

Hàn Dōng grinned, good hotel service is very thoughtful, he

should spend more money's worth it!

Dressed in bathrobes, Hàn Dōng swaggered out.

Wang Zhong Ding heard the sound of footsteps and was just
about to take a look. He heard a loud exclamation from Hàn
Dōng. "Motherfucker.... which dumbfounded moron put so
many watches in the house?"


When Hàn Dōng finished......he felt cold on his back, he

slowly turned his head and was suddenly scared by an
appearance of a sudden cold face. How could this ghost be here
ah? After a closer look, tears almost fell from Hàn Dōng's eyes.

"How the fuck could you be here?" Hàn Dōng swept a look into
the company's logo and immediately changed to another way.
"How the fuck could I be here?"

Wang Zhong Ding also asked, "How the fuck could my photos
be with you?"

How can Hàn Dōng remember a black and white photo? He

was full of new underwear and creams that spread scents all
over his body. *

Was he who did the silly lotioning and put an underwear on

his body?*

......Hàn Dōng rushed over and grabbed Wang Ding's collar

with a cold eyes and screaming.

"Why does this happen to me? You tell me why can't I change

Wang Zhong Ding froze for a moment. Suddenly with his one
hand he pinched Hàn Dōng's wrist in disobedience, and the
other hand grabbed Hàn Dōng's waist and involuntarily pressed
him into his arms.

No matter how many curses were used, even if it wasn't

helpful after several rounds of struggle, Hàn Dōng felt his
mouth was quite intolerable. "Wang Zhong Ding, I can tell you
this now.... if you dare to make that kind of..... !"

When words were not finished yet, they were thrown outside
by Wang Zhong Ding.

"Find your sister and talk on the matter again.... It's

imperative to scrub him from his sickness!"

After finishing, Wang Zhong Ding face was livid and he hung
the phone.
Chapter 36 - He is a normal man
Motherfucker...! He is still very arrogant...*

Hàn Dōng clambered up from the ground. The temperature in

the corridor and the office was far from the normal
temperature. Hàn Dōng wore only a nightgown and it was cold

He had to press the bell again.

Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng's face on the intercom

screen at the entrance and asked coldly, "What do you want?"

"It's so cold outside. I can't I freeze to death outside like this."

Wang Zhong Ding was indifferent. "Aren't you good at

streaking naked?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Hàn Dōng's expression
is clearly displayed on the intercom screen. "You may want to
play tricks in your heart.... but don't say it in front of me, OK?"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't want to say anything. He walked

back to continue his own business.

Hàn Dōng also started ringing the doorbell frequently, and

Wang continued to ignore him. Twenty minutes later, when
Wang Zhong Ding thought that the offender had left, a gloomy
sound suddenly appeared outside the door.

"Wang, if I haven't guessed correctly, shouldn't you have a

child at home?"

Wang Zhong Ding heart nearly stopped....... Apart from Wan

Li Qing, he didn't mention this issue to anyone, that includes
Feng Jun and Er Lei.

After the door opened, Wang Zhong Ding asked Hàn Dōng:
"What do you want?"

"Not very good attitude.... I want to go in, change clothes and


Wang Zhong Ding let Hàn Dōng come in.

As a result, Hàn Dōng's dialect was very happy at convincing

and it was full of shit in action. Ten minutes later, Wang Zhong
Ding looked at the door of the bedroom again. Hàn Dōng's body
was still in that nightgown.

"This material is very good, that is, the model is a bit old-

"This pants are so light that you can't see any dirty at a

"This pair of shoes are very easy to use right?"

After five seconds, Hàn Dōng was forcibly dragged to the
corner by two strong men, one responsible for the shoulders
and one responsible the legs. After three seconds, Hàn Dōng was
neatly "dressed" and thrown out of the office.

However, after he broke the news, do you think he would be

easily allowed to leave? No no ....!

Hàn Dōng was taken directly to the Black House by two


The person under investigation was Guan Quan, the manager

of the supervision department, and he had mastered many first-
hand information of the artists. Under his sharp eyes, no one
would dare to tell anything but the truth.

"Well, what's next?" Guan Quan Sheng asked in a cold voice.

Hàn Dōng asked: "What.... do you mean by the beginning?"

Guan Quan Sheng said concisely, "Who is working behind


"There are many people who have ordered me. Who exactly
are you referring to?"

With the increasing use of nonsensically words by Hàn Dōng,

the atmospheric pressure in the room kept getting lower and
lower. The faces of the two men after standing in power are
getting more and more stricken, and there are quite a few ways
to read the guy's posture.

Guan Quan said in a blank expression: "About Wang.... tell me

everything you know."

Han Dong then remembered his comment about "Wang Zhong

Ding having children", Hàn Dōng was then livid.

At that time, he was standing outside the office door. The

electronic display on the wall just jumped out with the face of
Wang Zhong Ding. Since Hàn Dōng saw the marriage match
between them, he never wanted to see this face again. Today on
a whim, he was trying to calculate the obstacles between their
relationship (his and Wang), the results are he actually
predicted the child coming between them!

What is wrong with my special vision? Hàn Dōng wants to cry

bitterly, first you say that my perfect marriage is to a man, and
now you say that I have become a homemaker!

"Hey I'm asking you!" Guan Quan slammed the table.

Hàn Dōng honestly said, "I figured it out."

"You figured it out?" Guan Quan sneered. "Then you tell me

one more thing you have figured out "

Hàn Dōng just took a quick look at the right....and then leaned
into his ear and whispered, "Manager Guan, you have a pet
outside it is a white tiger"

Guan Quan's face was instantly distorted, and his eyes

revealed a shock of concealment.
"Isn't It right?" Hàn Dōng laughed badly.

"You're crazy!" Guan Quan voice chilled. "Which cult are you

"I'm from a white lotus cult! Isn't this the company which
Rong Hao signed? let her come to tie me up, hahaha..."

Guan went to stand up and he waved anxiously toward the

two bodyguards.

"Go and call the doctor directly."

The psychiatrist and psychologist gave Hàn Dōng a five-hour

fine checkup.... and the final result was fed back to Wang Zhong

"In the process of talking with Guan Quan, his attitude was
sincere and what he said was true. After inspection, there was
no sign of mental illness and there was no obvious psychological
disorder with him."
In conclusion, he is a normal man!*
Chapter 37 - Wang privately visit a
private house
"However, he made it clear that he didn't want to sign with us,
nor would he want to develop any career in the entertainment
industry." Er Lei said.

This point, it touches on Wang Ding unexpectedly.

"Has he said why?"

Er Lei shook his head. "He didn't say."

In the evening, Wang Zhong Ding once again drove to Hàn

Dōng residence....

The last time Wang was in a hurry, he couldn't even

remember to lock the door, but there wasn't a thing to steal.
After two nights, the low-cost inflatable mattress has not been
stolen......The mattress was littered with clothes, daily
necessities, and half-eaten snacks... In this pile of tatters, a
storage box would be more useful in telling about Hàn Dōng's
life than the inflatable bed...

After Wang Zhong Ding opened it, he found that the things
inside were quite neat.

Almost all entertainment magazines, were neatly arranged

according to the release date, from the first to the last issue,
books too. When Wang went further down, he saw professional
books for performance classes, and each page was marked.

In the end, Wang Zhong Ding took out an old yellow "Three
hundred Tang poems" from the box....

The book was signed: "First love girlfriend."

A Gift*

From the old look of the book, it can be seen that it's from a
long time ago. From the level of content, you can see the
beginning of a brimming love, and sure enough, some colorful
sense is born.
Soon, Wang Zhong Ding found another magazine that was

The magazine is the one with him on the cover. The face on
the cover is messed up, but it's not a mischievous graffiti sort of
mess.... It's littered with a variety of different symbolic signs.

At the same time, Wang Zhong Ding looked up a picture of

Hàn Dōng not far away and he was painted with the same

Wang Zhong Ding tore this cover off and put it in a bag along
with Hàn Dōng's photo.

After that, he opened Hàn Dōng's computer again.

Hàn Dōng's computer is like a miniature of his room, it was

filled with all kinds of messy programs and icons, but the folder
named "Perfomance" was recently opened, and the arrangement
of files in it is so neat and refined.
There are hundreds of videos in one of the sub-folders. All of
them were movies and TV series which Hàn Dōng performed
in.... in the past five years. Many of them were produced by
Zhong Ding Film and Television Corporation. However, Wang
Zhong Ding never knew that there was a Hàn Dōng person
appearing in them.

These videos are all named in a unified way, such as 12'15′′—

12′17′′, 47′33′′—47′34′′, etc. The length of time shown above is
Hàn Dōng's scene screen time.

For a digital control enthusiast such as Wang Zhong Ding, it

only took a sweep, and he can calculate the total amount time of
Hàn Dōng appearance in TV and films scenes.

For Five years - Hàn Dōng appeared less than the main
character's playing time in a single movie.

And this also includes one or two wonderful extensions of Hàn

Dōng's self-examination. If it counts with quick eyes, it can
really be ignored as nonsense...
It is hard to imagine how such a nerve-racking second item
will have such a persistent attachment to something. What is
even more difficult to understand is that since he is so fond of
performances, why did he reject the great opportunity for
signing with Zhong Ding company?*

Wang Zhong Ding also opened another sub-folder, which had

a still photo of Hàn Dōng, and there were a few pictures taken
with the main actors and actresses of the movies which Hàn
Dōng was in. The mouse slides to the bottom, and an
unexpected photo jumps on Wang Zhong Ding eyes.

Hàn Dōng and Li Shang's photo!*

Two people were shoulder-to-shoulder at the entrance of the

North Film Factory, that day coincided with Liang Jing sending
someone to pick this protagonist.

Li Shang in the photo laughed very much. But this person

now looked different than when Wang Zhong Ding first saw
Wang Zhong Ding also copied this picture into his hard disk.

Before leaving, Wang Zhong Ding also found the rope on the
doorknob, that reminded him of the day when Hàn Dōng cried
and used the rope to tie him. It looked like an ordinary hemp
rope, a few strands of twine braided. After Hàn Dōng toss it
around, the middle of the twine was a little unfurled, and it
seemed that something was coming out of it.

Wang Zhong Ding dismantles the twine with his fingers and
draws a piece of paper.

"My favorite Dong Zi"

Obviously, this is a man's handwriting.

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly remembered that scene when

Hàn Dōng was crying and tying himself that evening...

If no one found it in say seven days? Ten days? For a

maximum of one month, the piece of paper will be rotted.
Fortunately, someone discovered the secret, but unfortunately,
the person who discovered it wasn't Hàn Dōng.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't put it back after pulling it out.

Instead, he shoves it into his own pocket.

Then .... He locked the door tightly.*

Chapter 38 - Stealing food
"Well I say.... you have reviewed the interview, the
investigation in my affair has also been checked, since there is
no problem, why do you keep me here?" Hàn Dōng was at a five-
star prison cell door facing Er Lei.

"Wang Zhong Ding will never let you go before giving a

reasonable explanation!"

"He doesn't say anything? Can I see him?!"

Er Lei didn't respond.

Hàn Dōng's cold eyes were drawn on Er Lei's face and the
master card was revealed again.

"......Yang Chun Lei....... 31 years old.... You were the second

squad leader of the second detachment of the second squadron
of the Armed Police Squadron, hence the name Er Lei. I will sum
up your personal preferences into a poem: Does not eat seafood
and does not eat spicy food, prefers barbecue and love oily foods
deep-fried, likes to wear socks, and he most love wearing flower

Er Lei's muscles twitched for a moment and returned to

normal soon.

"You believed me this time?"

"My believe it's of no use. You should want Wang Zhong Ding
to believe it."

Hàn Dōng bit his teeth. "He wouldn't admit even if he believed

What's more, he will not believe it!

Hàn Dōng now regrets everything to the point that his

intestines have now all turned to green. You said that you didn't
have anything to do with him. Don't you know if he is a
materialist? .......Now it's time to bring out the secrets of the
children. Explain it to him! You will have to admit that you
don't want to leave if you don't attempt to do it. If you admit it
then you don't want to leave.

"Why on earth do you put someone under imprisonment

without conclusive evidence? This is illegal and you do
understand that, don't you?"

Er Lei was serious for so long and finally said something


"If you are really a Feng shui master, we cannot hold you
down. Your soul can fly to any place."

Hàn Dōng was blocked and said nothing!

I admit it ......You are great at comeback!

Er Lei added: "We have not limited your freedom. As long as

you don't have anything to do, where do you want to go? Even if
you want to go out with group for two days, we can consider it."
"But I want to go home!" Hàn Dōng pleaded again and again.
"Brother, you let me go home and I have to go and get the rope.
If you don't trust me..... come with me....or you put me in
cuffs.... You can do it!"

Er Lei said: "We have some of this rope."

"Is the same one as mine?" After Hàn Dōng's angrily shout, he
was into a grief again. "And there are my five young married
women who have gone so many days without my touch .... they
must be remembered."

Hàn Dōng always mentioned the "five sisters" in these two

days. At the beginning, Er Lei didn't know what it was. Later,
when he listened to him more, he knew that it was a few
inflatable dolls.

"Wait if you become a big star in the future would you want to
buy more or less of them."

Hàn Dōng yelled at him saying back: "Dirtied wife cannot be

abandoned ...... what would you understand? When you're poor
and you're still willing to accompany your woman. That's a
special feeling called true love!"

Er Lei felt like he was punched in the abdomen: inflated

dolls... How is your wife ruined?

Hàn Dōng bitterly gasped, and said: "have you got my mobile
phone....and am I allowed to use it? My buddy got married two
days ago I have to give him a congratulation call!"

As for this request, Er Lei still agreed.

As a result, Hàn Dōng finally found it hard to get a mobile

phone and it could not be connected after several hits.
Suddenly, he remembered that Ye Chenglin had said before he
went. That is when he gets there, he will change the number
and he would send the new number to Hàn Dōng cell phone. "

Hàn Dōng immediately showed a painful face and wrapped his

head in the bed. "Let me go home, let me go home, let me go
home, let me go home..."
Er Lei took a long time standing beside him and finally spoke.

"Actually, Wang wanted us to put you here, but not to check

on you."

"I know!" Hàn Dōng was already tired. "He want to sign me in!
He wants to hold me! Isn't that why?"

......Why don't you give me another brainwashing? It's hard

for me to cast a star dream!

......Thinking of the hardships of these years, Hàn Dōng was

sad for himself. In fact, he didn't have more than a person's
perseverance, but early on he figured that he had a stardom in
him.... that's why he is so persistently sticking to it. What he
never expected was that this stardom launch he had been
looking for five years didn't miss him but dragged him into the

Do you want to eat or not?*

Er Lei again said, "Do you know why Wang wanted to sign you

"What is this nonsense? Why does he come chasing my tail?"

"Then do you know why he was on your tail?"

Speaking of this, Hàn Dōng finally stopped tossing around. He

really wanted to know how he was seen in Wang Zhong Ding's
eyes in order to destroy that image be free....

Er Lei took a piece of information that was circulated by the

senior officials. The above papers show the preparatory plans
for Zhong Ding Film Group's annual blockbuster film casting
selection and the conditions for that casting selection.

Hàn Dōng was a savvy man and his eyes went straight to the
casting requirements. He had heard Li Shang mentioned about
this harsh condition before, but Hàn Dōng thought that it was
just a vine gossip. Now that he has seen the exact data, he has an
idea in mind. Wang is an abnormal fucker! Who can a person
grow up so accurate? How is this not a joke?!*
"You are in full fit compliance of all those requirements." Er
Lei said.

Hàn Dōng mind had a bunker. "That's impossible, it must be a

condition set beforehand."

Er Lei laughed. "You look at the date of printing carefully. We

have been searching around this role for a few months. If we
had already seen you, why would we need to waste that

Hàn Dōng had an idea in his head at that time - God wants to
kill me!*

Not to mention also Wang Zhong Ding, that is, Hàn Dōng
himself dreams of a coquettish sexy big breasted hip-heavy big
beautiful girl, and then when this big "beautiful girl" suddenly
got out from the wall, he didn't let go!*

When the moon is old, you are really naughty!*


Every three days, Er Lei will report to Wang Zhong Ding about
Hàn Dōng.

"He only eats and sleeps these days."

Wang Zhong Ding was surprised. "Doesn't he do anything


"No, just lying in bed all day, eating three people's worth of
daily food."

With a rhythm Er Lei mentioned that Hàn Dōng once weighed

himself every three days.

"Fucking hell.... how does one not get up in one or two days?"

Hàn Dōng collapsed, after overeating for full six days, and
drank oil, and he hasn't increased his weight.

Realizing that he has the kind of body that eats but does not
increase in weight...., Hàn Dōng decides to change his strategy.

I have to lose weight!*

When I thin into a thinner rod, I become thin and sticky, and
I'm thin and dry.*

........ People who have lost weight have this experience, when
they are hungrier they won't eat.... Eating nothing can be
uncomfortable for a while, but it is only unbearable for a whole

During the day everything is fine. In the evening, Hàn Dōng is

hungry and unable to sleep in bed. His eyes kept staring at the
refrigerator, and the various foods stacked in there kept
shouting slogans to Hàn Dōng teasing him, chicken legs! Big
chicken! Hamburg! The hamburger...
Hàn Dōng gritted his teeth and hid his ears on the palms of his
hands to finally sleep.

As a result, in the middle of the night, Hàn Dōng climbed out

of bed again.

Just like The Big Wolf who saw the Pleasant Goat, he walked
towards the refrigerator and pounced. Eating everything, Hàn
Dōng thought it was a dream, it is a joy to eat! If someone shoots
down to advertise, the absolute business will burst out the next

The next morning, Hàn Dōng woke up and felt that his
stomach wasn't as unpleasant as he had imagined.

He sat up with a sense of accomplishment, looked at the

ground, and lost his perkiness

Food bags were scattered everywhere, and there is a can that

is not finished.
.......I don't know if I ate it until I was done, or because I am
feeling guilty and wrong...

As a result, Hàn Dōng painstakingly resolved to empty out the

entire refrigerator.


At half past two in the morning, Wang Zhong Ding stayed up

late again, and only the lights of his office were lit in the entire

Suddenly, there was a rustle of footsteps in the corridor.

Although there is security on duty in the building, but

security generally will not come to bother Wang Zhong Ding,
even when they really come here to inspect they will walk with
as little sound as possible and not be so uniform rhythm
prattling around.

Finally, the footsteps stopped at the door.

There was no doorbell ringing, no knock, and it was only a
bang. The door was pushed open.

Then, Hàn Dōng's two highly recognizable legs were walked


Wang Zhong Ding eye sight obliquely looked at the door and
he saw Hàn Dōng was walking with his eyes closed, though his
heart, although he was unhappy by the late night intrusion,
Wang didn't make a sound.

Hàn Dōng didn't come to Wang Zhong Ding, nor did start
anything, he went straight to the refrigerator.

Then, in the presence of Wang Zhong Ding, Hàn Dōng "stole"

a box of canned meat from inside the refrigerator

.......Perhaps he was very hungry, Hàn Dōng got the can....

after that he quickly pulled hard enough, the result is that he
could not open the can....
Then, Hàn Dōng eagerly tossed a can on his lid he knocked his
fists against it, and tried to open it with his fingernails... His
hungry face reminded Wang Zhong Ding of the Ethiopian
people and the tears that he shed for their sympathy.

1]...CJD.... ....hates black people

There is only one box of canned meat in the refrigerator, and

the rest are drinks.

Just as Hàn Dōng was walking in the room and he was looking
for a tool to force the can open, the can was suddenly taken
from him.

In less than three seconds, the can lid was opened.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't know where he found a spoon, he

inserted in on the can with an expression, then handed it to Hàn

Hàn Dōng walked away with the canned food.

Chapter 39 - Strong players have strong
The next day, Er Lei went to Wang Zhong Ding to report the

"He has not been idle for two days. When he is not going to
the rehearsal hall, he is going to the gym and exercising for
more than ten hours."

Wang Zhong Ding expressed surprise at the sudden transition

of Hàn Dōng day to day life "Didn't he use to just lay on the

"Don't just say he was lying down he was just sitting straight
for an entire day."

Wang Zhong Ding asked again: "What about eating? Is he

eating as before?"

"I guess..... because I stuff the refrigerator every morning and

it doesn't have anything left when I come back next day. He
used to eat so much all day long. Now that he has these
exercises, the refrigerator is always ending up empty at night."

"Well, you let the Master Chef give him a few leeks, and then
change the refrigerator into a bigger one and put more snacks."

Er Lei nodded and had just left when he was stopped by Wang
Zhong Ding.

"You can give him some meat canned food from my fridge."

"Okay, I'll go."

Hàn Dōng was looking forward to the weighing scales, the

result is that he has lost only a pound: Bitch!!! Is this scale
rotten? *

Hàn Dōng was still annoyed, suddenly several people carrying

a huge size hotel-specific refrigerator came in.
"What are you doing?" Hàn Dōng was puzzled. "Why do you
change a good refrigerator?"

Er Lei said: "Wang Zhong Ding is afraid that you are not fed
enough. So he specifically called for us to change your
refrigerator into a bigger one."

What a nasty man! Hàn Dōng secretly cursed Wang. I want to

lose weight, then you send more food against me.*

However, in the presence of Er Lei, Hàn Dōng didn't dare to

show his irritated face. He was afraid that he would be hard-
pressed and would be force-fed the food.

After Er Lei went away, Hàn Dōng opened the refrigerator and
when he was just about to throw something, he suddenly
realized that that would not work. Such a big refrigerator, if I
empty it all at once, they will doubt me.

......As a result, Hàn Dōng would take out batches after a while
and handled batches one at a time...
Because he is reluctant to throw them away, these snacks can
only be stored temporarily under the bed. Hàn Dōng was afraid
that after his sleepwalking he would go to the bed and eat the Hàn Dōng put a few trails on the box full of snacks.

When Wang Zhong Ding came to the company early in the

morning and opened the office door, he discovered that the code
locker had been opened.

In such a large company, the anti-theft system for the general

manager's office is highly sophisticated, and it is by no means an
ordinary person can just crack such a coded lock. Since the thief
had to avoid layers of guards, he is bound to have been plotting
for a long time. Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding's first thought was
that company trade secrets were stolen, and secondly it might
be those valuable limited edition watches....

As a result, after heavy inspections, it was found that no one

thing was lost but two boxes of cans were lost.

Wang Ding's expression at that time was like he was chewing

a bag of counterfeit medicine.
In order to find out the truth, Wang Zhong Ding put a code
lock on Hàn Dōng's room. The code was set by him personally,
and Er Lei locked the door after Hàn Dōng fell asleep.

As a result, on the third morning, two code locks were cracked

and four cans were lost.

Hàn Dōng once again weighed himself and was surprised to

find that he lost half a pound

Quickly he went to the drawer to find the soft tape ruler, he

cannot wait to measure his own data, and sadly he found there
was no change.

In general, the first three days of weight loss are all about
losing water and waste, and it takes only two days for change to
become visible... Hàn Dōng comforted himself! Persistence is

After the slogan had just been shouted in his heart, Er Lei took
two large bags of food and walked in. He opened the refrigerator
door and stuff the cans inside.
Hàn Dōng was livid, "Why? Did you fill it just this morning?"

"Wang said that as long as the refrigerator has an empty space

on it, we must put things inside and continue until it is full."

Chapter 40 - You really Think of yourself
as a mouse?
Thus, Hàn Dōng wasn't going to be idle on this day.*

Er Lei is responsible for continuing stuffing things inside the

refrigerator, and Hàn Dōng is responsible for plugging them
under the bed. This tug-of-war battle continued until late at
night. Until Hàn Dōng pretended to fall asleep, Er Lei assured
himself that the refrigerator was full before he could lock the
door and quietly left.

Hàn Dōng quickly got up and poured everything out of the


As a result, when he was about to hide them under the bed, he

suddenly found there was no space.

how did it get filled, so fast!*

It seems that he must set the time aside to deal with these
As for how to deal with these overflow... The only way to
solve the current situation is to find an appropriate time to send
them out. Since they are inconvenient for a courier to pick up
the door. How can he contact the courier to match the time of
arrival? How can the courier unwittingly carry so many things?
It is a nerve-wracking thing.

Hey... loosing weight leaves me so tired! Does Hàn Dōng even

doubt that half of pound lost on his lean body is not brain

The next day, Wang Zhong Ding's office didn't escape the fate
of the thievery beggars, and he lost 8 cans this time.

Wang Zhong Ding inspected Hàn Dōng's room himself before

Er Lei delivered food and found that the refrigerator was full.

Hàn Dōng's snacks, which he had hidden in it last night, were

returned to the refrigerator this morning.

The layout is amazingly sophisticated!*

This time, Hàn Dōng was on the scales and he barely stopped
himself from cursing out loud!

I have lost half a pound.......As it counts, there is only a one-

pound loss...!*

Apart from the excitement of that loss for Hàn Dōng, he didn't
forget to sort the food under the bed first so that when the
courier comes he could make a quick decision. As he was about
to finish his work, he suddenly found 14 cans with no pull ring
scattered beside the box.

Hàn Dōng took a look at them. The missing pull ring wasn't a
packaging problem. It was obviously artificially broken.

"Who is fucking stupid enough to do this?" Hàn Dōng could

not resist from cussing.

Because the cans had no pull ring and were difficult to open,
they were not within the scope of Hàn Dōng's worry. So he took
the cans and found a drawer to stuff them in.....
Two minutes later, Hàn Dōng clapped to himself.

You're done!*

As long as no one is staring, it is OK to use the landline in the


As a result, Hàn Dōng waited for a full day. Normally, the two
bodyguards at the entrance will continue to move around the
area from time to time. Today, there was no movement at that
station, and when they needed they would go in turns.


In the evening, Wang Zhong Ding stayed overnight in the


In the middle of the night, he was very much in the middle of

the work. Even when Wang Zhong Ding was busy with part of
his work and still he went to Hàn Dōng's room to conduct a raid
As a result, the refrigerator that was still full in the morning is
now empty again.

This is not science trick!

Since the night before it was empty and no one sent anything
in the morning, how is the refrigerator full?*

Wang Zhong Ding's questioning eyes went to Hàn Dōng who

was fast asleep. He carefully found that the ground on the left
side of the headboard had scratches at 17 mm, and the four bed
legs also had a deviation of 1mm~3mm.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding slowly walked toward Hàn

Dōng's bed, stepping in two steps and three steps... Finally, he
walked to the bed, fixed his eyes on Hàn Dōng for a moment,
and then leaned over to open the sheets.

Wang Zhong Ding face turned green instantly...

I say.... you steal food, you eat it! You say you have food, you
still classify yourself as a beggar!*

you really treat yourself as a mouse?*

He wanted to pick Hàn Dōng up, whack him on a table and

teach him a lesson, but he felt that it was worthless to be angry
at this matter. Moreover, any table in the office can buy a few of
these snacks, and Hàn Dōng only took a few cans. Maybe he is
greedy, or is used to hard life or he lacks confidence in his
economic security...

However, tolerant is tolerance, Wang Zhong Ding had to stay

up late to do business, and he must not let Hàn Dōng wake up
only to bother him. So he took a few cans from his office and
put them into Hàn Dōng's refrigerator.

He thought this could make his night quiet, but when it came
to the end of the night, the rustling of footsteps were heard

Wang Zhong Ding frowned, didn't I let him eat over there?
How come he is coming here?*
This time, Hàn Dōng pushed the door, but didn't go to the
refrigerator, but went toward Wang Zhong Ding. In front of
him, he eagerly opened the food bag in his hand.

Wang Zhong Ding almost died.*

In the bag, there were more than twenty meat cans without
pull rings! Including the 14 stolen by Hàn Dōng and the ones
Wang sent for tonight, none of them were spared, and pull rings
were all ripped off.

Wang Zhong Ding finally understands why the number of

stolen meat increased... Because this product (Hàn Dōng) has
not been successfully investigated since the beginning! Also
Wang thinks that on a question of cans, think that you can
avoid giving him more!

Had it not been for Hàn Dōng's eyes being closed and his
expressionless face.... Wang Zhong Ding would really have liked
to smash his fingers!*

What do you owe for it?*

Chapter 41 - If you want to lick?
Realizing that the cans would not be opened and that Hàn
Dōng must not be left without this food... Wang Zhong Ding
could only bite the bullet and help Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng smelling the fragrance wafting from the can his
mouth salivated and he wanted to eat barehand.

Wang Zhong Ding grabbed Hàn Dōng's wrist. "Wait, I'm going
to get a spoon."

As a result, When Wang Zhong Ding just released his hand,

Hàn Dōng's hungry paws stretched their claws into the box.

"Can you wait a moment?" Wang Zhong Ding yelled at the

Dog(Hàn Dōng).

What do you think happened to Hàn Dōng? As long as Wang

Zhong Ding is not near, he hurries to start pawing at the opened
The last time it was because there was a spoon on his hand.
Wang Zhong handed it directly to him and he was finished. This
time, he went inside the kitchen ....... In order to avoid seeing
disgusting scenes, Wang Zhong Ding grabbed the cans and
carried them away. As a result, Hàn Dōng followed behind him
like a big dog.....when walking, Hàn Dōng was leaning left and
right his claws pawing at Wang Zhong Ding's arm back and
forth, causing Wang to almost spilling the cans.

Wang Zhong Ding did not have the patients to scold Hàn
Dōng. He could only hold the cans in one hand and he used the
other hand to grip Hàn Dōng wrist and pull him along.

The kitchen door was a bit narrow, and it was very difficult
for two men to walk side by side. Wang Zhong Ding let Hàn
Dōng wait at the door, but Hàn Dōng couldn't stay there. Wang
Zhong Ding only advanced by himself, and then he glances back
to make sure that Hàn Dōng will not hit himself on the door
frame before he called out: "Come in."

Hàn Dōng walked in.

Wang Zhong Ding once again took Hàn Dōng out of the
kitchen door and handed him the can with a spoon.
While eating canned food, Hàn Dōng slowly walked towards
the door.

Finally sent away ... ... Wang Zhong Ding felt relieved and
walked up to his desk.

As a result, When Wang Zhong Ding stopped at his desk, Hàn

Dōng was there.

Wang Zhong Ding looked at the canned food in Hàn Dōng's

hand that he had already eaten.

Then, a scene of angry man appeared.

Hàn Dōng took out a box of cans from the bag and handed it to
Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding was delayed for a moment and resisted the
urge to scream .....He took it again.
This time will he go away?

What do you think happened?...... Hàn Dōng knowing that

Wang solved the problem with a couple of three cans, now he
handed him an entire box.

Wang Zhong Ding had a black face in an instant.

Lao Tzu stayed in tonight for his own work.... not for solving
you can's issues!

But for a sleepwalker, how can you get him to understand? If a

Sleepwalking kills a person they can't be found guilty of their
crimes. Who can be blamed for a canned food fiasco?

Wang Zhong Ding opened 10 boxes at a time, eat! See I will let
you eat enough!

As a result, Hàn Dōng did not go away, and he sat next to

Wang Zhong Ding.

How was Wang Zhong Ding supposed to take care of a dog

next to him and bury himself in his own business......?
But "this dog" is unwilling to be lonely and has something to
eat. Sometimes he was pouting, sometimes he was sucking out
the spoon with a particularly loud noise, and even clinking his
teeth on the spoon, Wang Zhong Ding was this close to
knocking his teeth.

Wang Zhong Ding doubted that Hàn Dōng was a good-hearted

person. Every time he looked at him. Hàn Dōng had his eyes
closed and there were no traces of fakeness. Wang Zhong Ding
specifically checked the data about this issue...sleepwalking
people are basically blind or half-asleep and half-deaf how can
this man with wholly closed eyes move freely?

If he talks to him, can he reply?

Wang Zhong Ding tried to open his mouth. "Is it so delicious?"

"If it comes with pancakes will be even more delicious!"

Hàn Dōng cheerfully said.

Pancakes ... You think it's right for you to brand it! Wang
Zhong Ding did not return his words calmly.
After a while, Hàn Dōng reached out to Wang Zhong Ding
with the can that had been crushed, and Wang managed to open
it through with much disgust .....After a while, Hàn Dōng
stretched out again, and then withdrew quickly. After he
repeated this act back and forth several times, a scoop of rotten
meat was pulled from the can, spilled in front of Wang

"Want to eat some?"

.....No response.

Hàn Dōng face revealed the sneakiest smirk. "Hello! Hello......

I want you to taste it."

Wang Zhong Ding simply ignored him.

Hàn Dōng felt bored and started to eat by himself.

After a while, Wang Zhong Ding got up to pick up some water,

he suddenly discovered that Hàn Dōng had a piece of sauce on
his nose. As a patient with the obsessive-compulsive disorder,
Wang Zhong Ding was about to open his mouth to tell Hàn Dōng
to wipe it himself, and Hàn Dōng put his tongue out.

Few people have tongues that can reach the tip of the nose.
Hàn Dōng cannot only find the splotch of sauce on his nose but
also his tongue has more than enough length.

"How is it? Is my tongue long?" Hàn Dōng asked wilfully.

Wang Zhong Ding eyes went cold.

As a result, Hàn Dōng extended his tongue again and slowly

licked around his mouth. Left lap, right lap, clockwise,
counterclockwise... also with a clear sense of rhythm. "If you
want~~~ to lick in any way ~~~I can lick ~......."
Chapter 42 - Are you that Heartless?
Wang Zhong Ding did not make any comments and he just
stared at Hàn Dōng. The expression on his face was

Hàn Dōng felt embarrassed himself and raised his eyebrows,

sending out evil and perverted laughter. "Ha ha ha ha... amazing
isn't it?"

To be honest, if Hàn Dōng was awake, Wang Zhong Ding

might be exasperated by his shameless actions. But now Hàn
Dōng's eyes are closed. Wang wants to deduce the kind of evil
spirits and arrogance Hàn Dōng has. If Wang doesn't care, he
would become a wretched blind man.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't know if laughing was an appropriate

response, and even he himself was baffled.

Later, Wang Zhong Ding also thought: Since you can use this
method to talk to him, why not ask his reason for stealing food?
It is possible that the truth will come out at this time.
So he tried again, "Why do you eat in the middle of the night?"

"I can't eat meat during the day," Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding understands, "Is it easier to eat meat at


"You're so funny, but it's not really. How can you lose weight
then?" Hàn Dōng chucked his mouth again.

Wang Zhong Ding heard the reasons this time, Hàn Dōng is
keen on losing weight, so he will hide things to enforce his diet.
Then he asked: "Why do you want to lose weight?"

Hàn Dōng did not raise his head and said, "I must be thin and
not decent to make someone surnamed Wang give up!"

"The person surnamed Wang" said nothing and he just went

straight to the kitchen. When he came back, he had something
more in his hand, and he flung it in front of Hàn Dōng.
"what is this?"


Hàn Dōng had eaten his food in his weight and wiped his
mouth with satisfaction before he stood up from his chair.

Wang Zhong Ding originally intended to wait for Hàn Dōng to

finish eating before continuing. He wanted to ask him why he
did not want to sign the contract. As a result, when he went to
the bathroom, no one came back. Only a table of empty cans
was left there.

Wang Zhong Ding recalls that as he mentioned above,

sleepwalking is a symbolic desire for compensation. When
sleepwalkers are satisfied, they will return to their own bed.
This process lasts no more than one hour. According to this
standard calculation, Hàn Dōng should no longer be walking

If so, then there will be another chance to ask him again...

Wang Zhong Ding thinks.
After finishing cleaning the rubbish on the table and working
for a while, Wang Zhong Ding returned to the bedroom to rest.

Because there are decorative lights on the balcony, and they're

lit every night, it's enough to keep the bedroom in basic
visibility. Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding habitually does not turn
on the light and takes off his clothes and goes to bed.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding was keenly aware that the

depression of the bed was not correct.

Just as he wanted to stand up, suddenly a hot body wrapped

up around him

Hàn Dōng is a principle person, knowing what mistakes he

can make and what mistakes cannot be committed. For
example, mistakes on the wrong bed can occasionally be
committed, but it's absolutely necessary to avoid the mistakes of
sleeping naked.

...If you think that Wang Zhong Ding's disgust with his bare
body contact is bad.....thinking of Hàn Dōng's mouthful of meat
is enough to make Wang unbearable. But Hàn Dōng is too tired
and people love to hold a stove to sleep in winter, he is good,
especially like that kind of hot "special physique."

And Hàn Dōng whispered and murmured, "This is very



At 3:30 in the morning, Wang Zhong Ding had to get up again,

pack Hàn up and send away the assassin who had actively
climbed into his bed! If not for anything else, just for his own
sleep time. If Hàn Dōng really wakes up, he will once again stage
a narcissistic drama that involves not recognizing people. In any
case, Wang Zhong Ding's remaining two or three hours will
surely be shaved off.

In the "packaging" process, Wang Zhong Ding's eyes were

inevitably "raped" by Hàn Dōng's two long legs.

Wang Zhong Ding is an atheist. He never believes in spirits or

the devil in his entire life. But today, he had to clench his teeth:
God! Why did you give such a stunning figure to such a thing?
Are you that heartless?!!!
Chapter 43 - Ultimatum
Early the next morning, after Hàn Dōng got up, he weighed
himself as usual.

As a result, in the first three days, he was a pound skinnier,

not more than a few hours those pounds have all returned.

what happened? Hàn Dōng was dumbfounded.

Is it caused by poor bowel movements in these two days? Or

excessive physical exertion leads to edema? Hàn Dōng brushed
his teeth while looking for the reason.

1]....edema....the body water gets pulled from the circulation

into the cells...causing a size increase.

Suddenly, there was a horrible shredded pork(meat) appeared

on the toothbrush!

Hàn Dōng hurried back to the bedroom and opened the

drawer for a look. The dozen cans he had hidden had
disappeared. Hàn Dōng was so annoyed that he straightened his
hair. He knew that he should have handled all of this together
earlier and blamed himself for waiting too much!

Hàn Dōng slouched and went to empty the trash can, and
found that neither of the two bodyguards at the entrance were

The possibility of them being late together is not high. It

should be that they have a temporary task... Hàn Dōng secretly
thinks that Er Lei is usually sent to eat at 10 o'clock. Now it is
just half-past eight, and there is plenty of time for it.

So, Hàn Dōng rushed to the hall to call the courier.

In general, Hàn Dōng knew the courier always will open the
box to confirm the content before receiving.

However, in order to save time, Hàn Dōng sealed the box

ahead of time, so he pleaded with the courier: "I have checked
all of them, nothing is no prohibited items and you don't have
to bother checking"
Hàn Dōng made it easy for the courier to agree. "Every item is

"No problem."

Hàn Dōng looked at the courier's safe departure and was


Then he went to the bathroom and comb his hairdo.

Hàn Dōng's hair was seriously long and was dyed yellow, and
with his slightly deeper eye sockets, he has the body shape of
Westerners.... long and straight. At first glance, he looks like a
handsome guy from Europe or the United States. Until you look
and notice at the billboard on his shoulder. "Fortune-telling,
seeing, measuring, feng shui."

Hàn Dōng picked up his comb and found a strange face staring
at him.

"Manager Feng called you for a visit."

Hàn Dōng heard that many female stars in the circle changed
careers as bosses and he rushed to inquire: "Male and female?"


......Forget it, there is no need to comb, Hàn Dōng went out

with an Einstein's hairdo...

Walking into Feng Jun's office, he saw a few boxes stacked on

the wall, Hàn Dōng could not help but glimpse.

Those are sure enough to stay.

Feng Jun gave Hàn Dōng the first two courier orders in his
hand. The first single item read "Beer and Beverage: Mineral
Water," and the second one read "Peanut Melons and Eight-Bao

"Do you want to send this to the Ministry of Railways?" Feng

Jun asked.
"Hey" Hàn Dōng himself just realized, "Don't tease me, my
laughter is particularly annoying."

Feng Jun replied: "I didn't see how annoying you were
laughing, but I can see how high you are."

When Hàn Dōng came to the company to find Li Shang, he

met Feng Jun. At that time, he did not even recognize this
person. Even if he was captured, he could not be guilty. Sitting
calmly opposite Feng Jun, Hàn Dōng face had a pair of rogue

Feng Jun looked at Hàn Dōng, "......explain it."

"What is there to explain? I can't eat it and I don't want to

waste it. I gave it to a friend."

"Why send away what you can still eat?"

Hàn Dōng braced his hand and said, "I didn't want to! It was
they who kept putting it in the fridge and didn't even bother to
ask me .....Er Lei."

"You treated Wang's admiration for you as a liberating capital,

so let's talk frank to you. Even if someone brings in a dog, our
company can still hold it! I haven't found anyone who has been
here for so many years without getting the kick... No, you're
like a spare tire, you will soon be replaced."

Not only did Feng Jun's remarks not induce Hàn Dōng's sense
of crisis, but they also made him more vocal.

"Since you have a spare tire, why don't you let me go?"

Feng Jun revealed Li Shang's poster. "The spare tire is

certainly not as good as the original one."

Hàn Dōng first paused for a moment and said cheerfully,

"Hey...This is my buddy. If the spare tire is him, then I'd be
more willing to make room for him... Therefore, you have used
the wrong method in selecting me."
"We have no use for the wrong person, you understand this in
your own heart." Feng Jun tapped his fingers on the table. "Li
Shang seized the opportunity and has become a newcomer artist
to the company this year. You don't have this position, but you
only have a small one block of land.....If you take this position
you're taking now, he will certainly occupy all your territory."

Hàn Dōng still does not change his heart, let him take it, it is
best for me to lose this piece of land in Wang Zhong Ding

Feng Jun no longer whirled around the issue he

straightforwardly said: "I'll give you three days of freedom, and
you'll think about it. If you continue to walk away after three
days, we'll definitely not take you again!"

"You don't have to wait for three days." Hàn Dōng's attitude is
clear. "I can give you a reply right now."

"I don't need to know your business. I'm only responsible for
giving you the message....."
Chapter 44 - Harmony is ironic
No matter what of time Hàn Dōng come in or what will
happen when he goes out he will still be a with poor skin, his
rabbit's tail hair knot is overwhelmed by the sky, and the
turbulent wind is making it flow sideways...

The person in the opposite car can be considered to be quite

different from before.

It was coincidental that Hàn Dōng spent a dozen days here and
never met Li Shang even once. The result is as he is going away
today. He met him at the door.

Hàn Dōng just stood in place, Li Shang was still sitting in the
car, it was like that scene where he had to borrow money to pay
... but this time, Li Shang attitude completely changed.

"Hey, why did you come over?"

Li Shang took the initiative to get off to say hello as if he was

not a star and his enthusiasm for Hàn Dōng is still there.
Hàn Dōng smiled very casually. "It's okay. Just hanging out."

"Beijing is so big. When you stroll around, you end up here?"

Li Shang intent seemed inadvertent to ridicule, but it was

interpreted by Hàn Dōng as a sharp sense of tension, to reveal
the truth of who is "authentic" in front of Wang Zhong Ding .....

"Just looking for you," Hàn Dōng said lightly.

Li Shang handed out a piece of cigarette to Hàn Dōng and

personally ordered lit for him. He also lit one for himself.

The smoke lingered beside the faces of two men of the same
height, the same proportion, and the same fatness and thinness.
The harmony was ironic.

"Did you receive the money?" asked Li Shang.

"It's useless. I gave yours back."

"Ah?" Li Shang seemed to know, "I never noticed."

Hàn Dōng smiled wickedly. "Yeah, you are rich now, and tens
of thousands of dollars are not really to be taken seriously!"

Li Shang got off the car and Hàn Dōng saw that he has at least
six figures in the line. Although it's still impossible to conceal
the taste of a village hood man .... Hàn Dōng's eyes can see a
mortal man as clear as day, even if Li Shang's body is completely

Li Shang was embarrassed. "You tell me this now! My account

has always been managed by a broker. I had to spend a bit of
money on my own. There is no concept of money for me"

"'s still showing up!" Hàn Dōng showed a

contemptuous expression.

"Who is showing up? What do I have to show?"

Li Shang joked with a punch, and Hàn Dōng slammed a punch
back and refused to admit it.

"Hold it!" Hàn Dōng hurriedly stopped. "I'm showing up? Did I
take that 30,000 yuan to show up?"

Li Shang remembered and asked, "Why are you so useless?"

Hàn Dōng coldly yelled. "I saw that you pretended not to
know me..... And still, use paint money on my face."

"That's not quite the case, you listen to me ...I have explained
that I didn't recognize you at first. It wasn't until you yelled at
me that I knew it was you. But then the car was already
driving....and so many people were in the car. I couldn't make
the driver stop again!"

Hàn Dōng nodded frequently, actually whatever Li Shang said

did not enter his ear.

Instantly after he finished smoking a cigarette, Hàn Dōng still

did not mention his purpose for being there. Li Shang looked at
Hàn Dōng ambiguous and deliberately evasive look, and he
inevitably thought about it.

"Are you short of money again?"

Hàn Dōng said in surprise, "No, no."

"Don't come here to find me next time. I run outside all day
and night. I rarely stay in the company. This is my new mobile
number. An assistant usually handles it. When you need money
just call directly."

"I don't need to," said Hàn Dōng. "I have enough money to
spend now."

"Why are you so hard to please? Without you, I still would be

drinking the northwest wind now! There is no money enough
for me to give you in a lifetime that will equate with what you
have done for me, and I can't say more. There is no problem
with it."
The two men were chatting and a foreigner came over and
said something to Li Shang.

Hàn Dōng still remembers that when he first met Li Shang, Li

Shang's English level was basically the same as that of Hàn
Dōng. He was on the horizontal line of one being able to
understand "come.....means to go and no..... to not nod".
Unexpectedly, in less than two months, Li Shang could
communicate with foreigners in English without any obstacles.

Just because of this, Hàn Dōng has no reason to look down on


Then the foreigner turned away, Hàn Dōng glanced into the
car, and then he went toward Li Shang and said, "Oh, whatever
is going seems to be going on well, They just give you a car after
being here for a few days."

"Why do I have to have that treatment? This is the car of our

company's sister. The foreigner was her assistant just now."

"Oh, your eyes are good enough!"

Hàn Dōng laughed. "She has been my Goddess for more than a
decade. How can't I recognize her?"

These days brokerage companies train new people from

nothing more than two ways, one is a large area cast net
casting, the other is pairing a mature artist with new artists. Li
Shang got a big-name star, which shows that he is valued.

"I'm going to go to show right now. I'll recommend you to the

director if I have a chance! But I'm also a newcomer and I don't
have a lot of words(powers) to speak. For important new
characters that would be an embarrassment ....but at least there
is a name mentioned and a few positive shots. "

Hàn Dōng smiled and waved his hand. "I'm not going to go
bustling for that"

"I have said that I will help you. Do you think your buddy is
making fun of you?"
"Well, you hurry to return to the car, don't let the big star
wait for you .......a newcomer!"

Li Shang nodded and deliberately said: "The company recently

rectified the doorway environment for non-company people. A
few days ago, a fan was beaten by the security guard. Afterward,
he was contacted by telephone in advance. He asked me to make
a telephone call. Please don't come here!"

"Well, I know." Hàn Dōng waved.

After getting on the car, Li Shang returned his face into the
coldly looking one.

Fang Yi could not help but asked: "Who was it?"

"A fan." Li Shang said.

"How can a fan chat with you for so long?"

"He talks a lot of nonsense."
Chapter 45 - The delicate relationship
Hàn Dōng and Li Shang did not continue to speak. Li Shang
got on the car... His mouth licked his cheeks, and his heart was
sly: He was a good man, and he scolded me as a child!

The foot lift is about to go, and behind it, there was a car

The last time Hàn Dōng heard a horn some people poured fuel
into the flames(the car horn made Hàn Dōng and Wang's eyes
meet). As a result, this time again the situation is likely to repeat

However, Hàn Dōng did not say a word this time.

Today I thoroughly saw what is called a handsome man......

The man in the car dressed in white shirt + black suits +

military coat ...bright and proud, extravagance.
He makes the other people look as they are all invisible and
the handsome man was whistling and rushing toward Hàn
Dōng. Hàn did not want to give him any time to dazzled him
exposed. Then he went off again, throwing off the silk.

Hàn Dōng's, doesn't this look a bit familiar?


Feng Jun stood in front of the window and watched a figure

flashing into the building like a pillar of light. Then he looked at
Wang Zhong Ding and scolded him: "Every time Xià Hòng Wēi
comes to our company, he will force all the male stars into a silk

"Not only when he comes here, but it's also the same when he
goes everywhere." Wang Zhong Ding made an objective

Feng Jun said with emotion: "His family gene is too strong. I
can only wait for the fucker to go away."
It was said that the young master who was handsome enough
to knock on the table entered the door. He took off the
sunglasses and did not say a word, he went to took Wang Ding's
cup to get water and then referring to Feng Jun. "I have
something to say with your boss......You get out first."

After Feng Jun went out, Wang Zhong Ding made a joke to Xià
Hòng Wēi.

"What's the big deal that you ran into this company

Xià Hòng Wēi sat down next to Wang Zhong Ding, and his
arms naturally on Wang Ding's shoulders.

"I ask, how much money are you investing for this movie that
you're preparing?"

"The current budget is two hundred million."

After all, movies are a high-risk investment. The 200 million

yuan in the Mainland has basically reached the peak of the
amount of money one can invest. The most frequently used 3 or
5 billion per movie are just speculations. In terms of operating
rules, the box office income must be of triple its investment in
order to not lose money.

Xià Hòng Wēi said without thinking: "If I invested 100 million
can I pick the actor."

"The funds have been put in place." Wang Zhong Ding directly

Xià Hòng Wēi's eyes turned gloomy, and after a short period
of silence, he shouted, "These one hundred million dollars
should buy me a male acting lead"

"Your infatuation with heroism is amazing to me, but this role

is not suitable for him. You can take 100 million to customize a
movie for him. I will help you find the best director and the
most luxurious star lineup."

Xià Hòng Wēi tightened his fingers on Wang Zhong Ding's

shoulders, pressing against the depths of the flesh.

"I just fancy this storyline."

Wang Zhong Ding smiled. "There's no way."

Xià Hòng Wēi's attitude is tough. "I'm going to get this role!
You have to give it...... you just have to give it!!!"

Wang Zhong Ding's face turned from indifferent to cold, when

he extended his hand to the shoulder, grabbed Xià Hòng Wēi
wrist, the smell of gunpowder spread in the room ferociously.

"Xia Ke.....!"

Suddenly a shouted voice was breaking the deadlock in the


Wan Li Qing looked unhappy in the doorway. "How did you

two get on?"

The Xià Ke name in her mouth was Xià Hòng Wēi in the room.
Xià Hòng Wēi was called Xià Ke before the second grade in
primary school. This caused certain troubles to the teacher and
changed his name to Xià Hòng Wēi.

Therefore, being able to call this name is bound to remember

his growing up in a kindergarten.

Also growing up in this kindergarten was a small

mathematical person who has been working on his tables- Wang
Zhong Ding.
Chapter 46 - Overnight
When Hàn Dōng returned home, the first thing is to find a
mobile phone.

He narcissistically thought that there would be an

overwhelming number of missed calls after turning it on. As a
result, only three strange numbers had contacted him in more
than 10 days, and they all stopped after a second miss call. Even
if he knew that the phone might be fraudulent or wrong call.....
Hàn Dōng tried to call back again and again until the
unsuspecting call fees were shut down.

Throughout the day, Hàn Dōng was using various methods to

contact Ye Chenglin.

His message on the Internet has not been answered yet. Ye

Chenglin's final landing time was one night before his departure
from Beijing. After that, there wasn't any development other
than that. Hàn Dōng went to find Ye Chenglin's other buddies to
cross-examine. The results all indicated that there was no new
number for Ye Chenglin. Some people still communicated with
him on the day of Ye Chenglin's marriage, and then they could
no longer contact him.
Hàn Dōng once thought he could go to find Ye Chenglin in
Guizhou in a flash, but later dismissed it.

There may be thousands of reasons why a person may contact

you, but there is only one reason why he does not contact you -
it's only because he does not want to be contacted.

In the evening, Hàn Dōng lost his sleep.

The rope left by Ye Chenglin was toyed around in his hand,

and he was turning it into a circle. He squatted in a circle,
squatting and smashing the middle position, and a tiny invisible
paper dust fell.

Hàn Dōng looked away, and suddenly he felt like he had been
struck by something.

Eyes to the rope, he did not find anything strange.

The next morning, Hàn Dōng dressed as a model dog and took
a small pony head to the street. Seeing acquaintances stinky and
sloppy, seeing beautiful women and whistling, he walked to the
entrance of the North Shadow Factory, he habitually paused
and then continued to move forward...

In this film, there is a blind man who also gives people fortune
telling. Because of peer competition, he and Hàn Dōng have not
dealt with each other. However, today, Hàn Dōng went to the
blind man's homeland for "pointing" finger for the first time.

"Aren't you the first fairy in your capital ... how are you
worthy of me?" The blind man deliberately put a flattering

Hàn Dōng scowled. "I really haven't lost it. When I go down,
my heart is stinking. Anyway, you are blind and you don't know
what I look like. I won't come here to see you again if you fail."


Hàn Dōng then endured the humiliation in his heart and told
the man of his marriage disaster he had calculated. He also
presented the various encounters in recent days and his story
was full of tears and tragic.

After listening to his voice, The Blind man only wondered

about one thing. "How do you know he likes you?"

"This is not clear to you yet!" Hàn Dōng felt that the problem
of man was simply ridiculous. "Because I can't like him! If he
doesn't like me, how are the two of us going to get together?"

The nephew asked again, "Why can't you like him?"

Hàn Dōng smiled contemptuously.

"I told you that the question you asked is an insult to me! You
may not know my other title - the first toughest man in the
capital! I usually do not bother to say it because you are blind.
You can't see my whole body and I have to say this thing."

"They said you act over the stage." The blind man suddenly
Hàn Dōng's face was distorted 360 degrees and his mouth was
drawn for a long time. "You ... who did you listen to?"

"I figured it out."

Hàn Dōng's taunting face immediately erected and he shouted

down. "No wonder you are embarrassed. It's because you're
talking to people all day long."

"I'm naturally awkward, just like your six fingers."

"Okay.....Don't say these useless things..... I'm waiting for you

to give me advice!"

The Blindman said: "Is there anything to be pointed out?

Since you don't like him, isn't it likely going to end nowhere?"

"That's ... that's it?" Hàn Dōng did not understand.

The blind man immediately showed a contemptuous look.
"What's wrong with your brain? How will you live with him all
day long?"

Hàn Dōng was upset....."You don't know what the authorities

are doing? Come here and say it clear"

"I ask you, are you 100% certain that you will not like him?"
The blind man asked Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng's eloquent tone, "Absolutely sure!"

"Since you are convinced that you will not like him, then the
two of you cannot become a married couple! You think about
how unrequited love can be called marriage? This marriage
requires the two people who are enamored with each other!"

Hàn Dōng blinked, seemingly to find the kind man words a bit

"You want him to not like you? Manage yourself on the side.
The red line needs two people to pull it together, if you do not
reach out ... you will not have it!"

Hàn Dōng suddenly realized: "Yeah, I certainly wouldn't like

him, and I couldn't agree to be with him. Then why would I still
have a worried heart?"

"I've never seen someone so stupid, obviously you can get

double happiness, but you have to make a double loss."

Hàn Dōng did not understand, "What is the double


"I ask you, What is more important to you, career or love?"

Hàn Dōng thought for a moment and said: "This scorer, if the
lover was like Fan Bing, then love is definitely important. If its
Feng Xià or anyone looking like that, then it is important to
have a career first...."

The Blind man,"........."

"Why did you ask me about this?" Hàn Dōng still did not
understand the intention of the blind man question......

The Blind man said: "We have set your life as an arithmetic
problem. There are now two known conditions: one is that you
and him are a perfect married match, and the other is that you
have a chance to be a star.

There may be four kinds of outcomes: One is; you become a

star and you are not with him.......
The second is that you are not a star and you are not with
The third is you become a star, but with him. .....
The last one; you're not a star, but you're with him...
Then I ask you what is the best result of these four

Hàn Dōng thought for a long time before he said: "You repeat
it again."

The Blind man "......."

After the blind man repeated, Hàn Dōng decisively chose the
first one. "Of course, I being a star without him!"

"Since you know that this is the best, why are you looking for
the second choice?"

Hàn Dōng went dizzy, "well, why shouldn't I choose the


"Then I ask you again, what is the worst result?"

"The fourth kind, he is with me and I haven't become a star."

"Yeah, you think about it, if you take the opportunity in your
hands and realize your dream of becoming a star, then you may
get the first result, that is, you can make it to the stardom.....
then you can have the third one too, but if you don't cherish this
opportunity the best result will be to just go with the second
one, and the worst will be the fourth one."

Hàn Dōng finally came to understand.

"What you mean is... these two things I've got to do, are at
least the same ....right?"

The blind man nodded. "Yeah! Why should you give up a

steady career for an unsure marriage? You can't cut your two
legs in order to not be on the battlefield!"

After Hàn Dōng had silenced for a full five minutes, he

grabbed his handcuffs and thanked him.

"Brother, your words really made me awake from dreaming!"

The Blind man smirked. "This time, is your heart happy?"

"It's so happy, all understood now." Hàn Dōng said.

The blind man suddenly sighed. "It's been years in my heart

that I have had something to say...... Now I want to say it in a
happy and good way."
"Big Brother, I won't laugh at you, even though you are

The blind man paused and said: "Actually, I'm not blind."

Hàn Dōng, "......."

"I can see what you look like and remember what you look
like. When you become a star, I'll point out to others, knowing
which man has been seen by me? It's him."

Hàn Dōng, "......."

A few seconds later, the blind man laughed. "Ha ha ha ha...

teasing you."

Hàn Dōng smiled and said: "Go to your uncle you dead sister!"

".....Six fingers!"

After such a meal, Hàn Dōng felt more euphoric and went
back to planning a grand blueprint for an international

When he thinks about it, all kinds of troubles come again.

The first is Feng Jun's "three-day agreement". Although Feng

Jun gave Hàn Dōng freedom, he can go back if he wanted to go
back. Thinking of Feng Jun's arrogant attitude when he
compromises himself, Hàn Dōng felt that he could not show his
face to Feng Jun.

Moreover, if he put the words in front of him so decisively

and directly, when he looked back and think about it, it would
be as if he was deliberately carrying and deliberately pursuing
something sinister.

How can I go back and not look so embarrassed?

Hàn Dōng was tense and he went to sleepwalking at night

With the "five sisters," Hàn Dōng was overwhelming with

affectionate expressions. "They are very strict in their
management. I don't know if I can take you over there... To be
honest, you are also an important reason for me!"

The next morning, Hàn Dōng got up and crashed.

His "five sisters" exploded!

Chapter 47 - The wife of the married man
is difficult to come to the door
Hàn Dōng burned all the "five sisters," and burned their bras
and panties together.

He was about to clear the ashes and suddenly Hàn Dōng heard
the sound of unlocking the door.

Hàn Dōng rushed to the door and saw the landlord and a
strange girl. This girl not only looks beautiful but also she is the
most beautiful woman he has seen so far.

Even if he has been changed, Hàn Dōng's evil teeth would

surely come out from the corner of his mouth.

But today, he did not have any excitement at all.

Just glanced at the perspective skirt and closed the door.

It seems that everything is really over.

There is no longer any need to think or stay in this place.

For a whole day, Hàn Dōng wondered how to go back to this


Calling Feng Jun to send someone to pick him up? According

to Feng Jun's temper, he would speak something like a slogan
"take a taxi", isn't that even more shameful? Call Er Lei? Er Lei
will be reporting to Wang Zhong Ding. If Wang Zhong Ding
personally drives to pick him up, his face is enough to cause
issues and Hàn Dōng would have the feeling of selling himself.

Seeing it was night, he reached the "three days" deadline.

Hàn Dōng kept the phone and looked forward to getting a

phone call to convince himself a few steps. The result was there
was no movement from him.....

It seems that only he can go to the door on his own...

At this moment, Hàn Dōng is like an old married woman,

desperately looking for a red hijab that covers her whole body.

And this top red cover, only if he wants to come and think
about, it can only be "sleepwalking".

However, Hàn Dōng cannot guarantee that he will be

sleepwalking at night, nor can he guarantee that in his
Dreamwalker he will visit Wang Zhong Ding.

Therefore, he can only pretend to sleepwalk.

Master Hàn had a small calculation and went out tonight.

Knowing from Wang Ding, Hàn Dōng directly translated the

synonym of "disaster" into Wang Zhong Ding, and by "disaster"
means that he would meet Wang Zhong Ding. As for the
disaster, in the end, if Han Dong is not careful there is bound to
be trouble fact, there is no good thing that can come from
meeting Wang Ding. However, it (Faking sleepwalking) is still
necessary for the operation tonight. He needs the "quasi-
husband" to testify that this "posted wife " didn't voluntary
come to the door.
At 10 o'clock in the evening, Wan Li Qing stayed in Wang
Ding's office to accompany him to work overtime.

"You will not agree with Xià Ke this time? No matter if you are
forced by any method?" Wan Li Qing asked.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "I can't promise that, I voted for ' the
three pieces of his family ' and finally lost the scum. No matter
how luxury technology packaging, multi-professional operation
team, cannot counter the box office poison. " (?)

Wan Li Qing smiled and said to Wang Zhong Ding, "I have
read about the two of them and I have to be honest. His
character itself is not lovable."

"He has completely zero acting skills. Any director would balk
at this powerlessness. In the end, he can only perform one sort
of acting, that is, being himself."

Wan Li Qing was incomprehensible. "What does Xià Ke think

will happen in the future? Even with money, how can he be
such a bad thing? There is no audience at all in his family and he
can go straight on the big route. How could he win?"

"He didn't want to make money." Wang Zhong Ding said.

"What do you mean?"

"If he really wants to invest in filmmaking, he has long been

propagandizing hype. With the kinds of things he does, it's no
problem taking over the headlines every day, but have you ever
seen the entertainment news from there? To put it plainly, he
invested money to make films. Not for the audience but for

Wan Li Qing Qing sighed, "Xia Ke has always been so weird

since childhood."

"It's not too late, I'll send you back." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng asked the driver to park several hundred meters
away from the company's front door. Because the front was full
of cameras, Hàn Dōng had to pretend his sleepwalking perfectly
and realistically.

This is not difficult at all for Hàn Dōng.

But there is one thing that Hàn Dōng cannot overcome.

It was during Hàn Dōng's true sleepwalking that he could see

things and avoid all obstacles with his eyes closed, but Hàn
Dōng couldn't see anything when he was pretending to be
sleeping walking.

Therefore, in order to be safe, Hàn Dōng looked a small slit in

his eyelids and opened the road with his eyes open. At the
entrance to the company, Hàn Dōng observed the environment
and secretly recorded where there were trees, where there were
stairs, and safe walking routes... and then took a breath and
closed his eyes.

The car drove to the gate, and Wan Li Qing suddenly asked:
"Who is the man you planned for the role ?"

Wang Zhong Ding turned the car and just as he wanted to

answer, he heard a bang.
Chapter 48 - for self-tied
Wang Zhong Ding made an emergency brake and Li Qing face
suddenly changed color.

Looks like he has hit something...

Wang Zhong Ding got out of the car and Wan Li Qing walked
with him to the front of the car. He saw a person curled up on
the floor, one hand covering his face and the other hand
clutching his ass.

Motherfucker!!! Hàn Dōng whispered in his heart, which

grandson has this kind of wickedness? when I closed my eyes
you crash into me? I don't have long eyes, why don't you watch
where you drive?

Wang Zhong Ding had indeed been distracted. He did not

expect someone to be standing alone in the middle of the
road.... not less here.

The guard watched this incident and explained it out: "Wang,

I wanted to stop him, but Manager Feng had greeted him before,
saying that this man can be released and be allowed to move
around. I would ..."

Hàn Dōng twisted his face and it was just right on Wang
Zhong Ding's doubtful eyes.

The two people's expression is surprisingly consistent. How

could it be him?

After a few seconds of stalemate, Wang Zhong Ding had

vaguely guessed what he could do. However, the doubts in Hàn
Dōng's eyes were still strong, they even proceeded
progressively, turning the doubts into complete disorder, the
transition was quite smooth.

[SALEM]:... he is such an actor xD...

"How could I be here?" Hàn Dōng muttered without a focus

and said, "Am I not sleeping in bed?"

The guard didn't dare to step forward and asked, "Are you

Do I look okay? Hàn Dōng's heart reprimanded: Would you be

okay after you get hit by a car, you wanna try it on your ass

"I... What happened??" Hàn Dōng's eyes seemed to be still in

the air.

Wan Li Qing had certain medical and nursing experience, so

she first went to Hàn Dōng to investigate his injuries.

"How are you feeling now? Can you stand up?"

Hàn Dōng looked to Wang Zhong Ding, and he did not pay
attention to Wan Li Qing. As soon as he saw him he was careful
to immediately fake a tremble.

.....let me hit your ass and make you roll on the road, then
let's see if your face can stand up!
"It's okay. I just fell."

Hàn Dōng immediately stood up, and the movements of

straightening clothes became handsome and stylish.

Wang Zhong Ding stepped forward to Han Dong and said: "I
will send you to the hospital to check that up."

"There's no use." Hàn Dōng did not forget to continue playing.

"I don't blame you for this. It's me who was sleeping. I don't
know how I got there. I'll go back and sleep."

Wang Zhong Ding completely ignored Hàn Dōng's rhetoric

and continued to speak to Wan Li Qing: "I have to send him to
the hospital. I can only find someone to send you home."

"I will accompany you," said Wan Li Qing.

"It's already so late. It will be at least midnight after he gets

checked it out. You have to go back and rest early."
"No," Wan Li Qing insisted. "I must accompany you to see the
result of the inspection before I feel at ease."

When the two people said this, they were being very dull, and
Hàn Dōng fell beside stealing looks, oh!! Listen to this tone!
Hahaha ... ... very good, and quickly implement it!

Because of Hàn Dōng falling on his ass. ...after performing a

full-body examination, doctors should focus on checking this

"In case of any trouble can we have one of you inside?"."

There are only two people outside, and it is impossible for

Wan Li Qing to go in and help, so this task can only be handed
over to Wang Zhong Ding.

After Wang Zhong Ding came in, the doctor did not even
acknowledge him with a greeting. He pulled Hàn Dōng's
trousers down and stuck them in the mid thighs. He looked at
Wang Zhong Ding and said: "The nurse is not there. You help
with holding the trousers and make sure they don't go back up"
Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding hand had not even reached
out and Hàn Dōng extended his hand like a shocked electrician.

"No, no, I'll do it myself."

The doctor said: "How can you do it by yourself? You need to


After that, he gestured for Wang Zhong Ding to help.

Wang Zhong Ding just took two steps. Hàn Dōng turned to his
waist and turned to his doctor.

He said to the doctor: "I can take my trousers off..he doesn't

have to help."

"It's okay," said the doctor. "I was afraid you were not happy
with him"
Hàn Dōng finally felt relieved.

Just as Wang Zhong Ding went out, the doctor stopped him

"You don't go! Who's going to help him hold his trousers in
place? There's no place to put it!"

Hàn Dōng, "........"

Chapter 49 - Pfff
It was more appropriate to describe Hàn Dōng as a self-
tethered person, but it was clear that he couldn't solve the
problem of hiding his buttocks. He had to shove his hands with
all of his strength to hide his lower body from the touchy
people, and Dr. YY and Dr. Wang Zhong Ding were good
partners at collisions.

After Hàn Dōng had been in bed, the doctor couldn't help but
applaud him.

"Oh! Your legs are really long. I have checked so many people
and I have never seen anyone with such long legs."

Hàn Dōng said: " are you sure you're not too exaggerated? I'm
180cm, there are so many 190cm+ out there"

"You don't understand this..... you can't read height and

compare it in terms of leg length. You have to look at the ratio
carefully. Some stars have 110cm+ legs long. In fact, it's just the
length of the pants they wear. The actual length of the legs
depends on the high level of the perineum. The average person
will have half the height as leg length..... and you've got more
than half of the gluteal groove."

Hàn Dōng couldn't understand it. He could only smile brightly

so that the doctor would shut up as soon as possible. After all,
there was a pair of eyes next to him, which were particularly
interested in this topic.

"And your bones are very straight, your legs gap is less than
1cm apart, your shape is sleek, there is no fat build up, and your
skin is smooth and elastic. It's a rare sight.....such beautiful

"Thank you for your compliments. Thank you very much......"

But can you hurry up?!

As a result, the doctor was lazier than Hàn Dōng. After he

praised Hàn Dōng, he turned his gaze to Wang Zhong Ding.

"It is said that the highest level of a womanhood can be

guessed by wearing a cup of clothing. In fact, if the eyes are
poisoned enough, a man strength can also be seen by the
strength of the waist when he wearing clothes."
.... I think I thought that there was nothing I hadn't see in the
media! You are standing here like this: strong waist and good
health; look at this one again: he has long legs and beautiful

After admiring enough, the doctor began to inspect Hàn Dōng.

"Relax and calm down" The doctor repeatedly reminded.

How can Hàn Dōng relax? His brain was full of thoughts: Did
he look at me again? The doctor rubbed my buttocks so
ruthlessly that he was already thinking about biting him? Did
you put my ass's image in your head?

An all-day he was seeing beautiful women and countless ugly

women a primary school when the female teacher..... YY
mind he turned her into a big slut for him, at the moment that
slutty teacher looked like an innocent little virgin, even if she
had the chance to lift up her pants.

"It's just a soft tissue injury. Apply some medicine."

Finally, it ended... Hàn Dōng breathed a sigh of relief.

The doctor said to Wang Zhong Ding: "I'm going to prescribe

medicine. You give him his clothes and help him put it on."

Hàn Dōng did not sit up and wear the clothes, but took a
squatting posture and carefully concealed his own baby bird.


After waiting for a long time, he could not hear the motion of
a person getting out of bed. Wang Zhong Ding turned his gaze
over and found Hàn Dōng's weird dressing posture. He could
not help but ask, "Aren't you injured? sitting like that won't
hurt you more?"

"Don't look at me!" Hàn Dōng shouted without warning. "And

stay far away from me!"

Wang Zhong Ding's face changed but he did not open his
As per Hàn Dōng shout, Wang Zhong Ding turned his head to
another place, Hàn Dōng sat up and quickly wear his clothes. As
a result, when the underwear had just been pulled to the thigh,
Wang Zhong Ding's head turned back again. Hàn Dōng's
persecuted peace suddenly broke out.

"Why the fuck did you look at?!!!!!!"

After he finished cussing, Hàn Dōng discovered that Wang

Zhong Ding's eyes were on the watch.

Then he slowly turned to himself...

Hàn Dōng was so foolish that felt it wasn't Wang Zhong Ding
who quickly dismissed his eyes and pretended to be jealous.

However, Wang Zhong Ding cannot pretend to be spurned


He was silent for so long and finally asked coldly: "Why

shouldn't I see you?"
Hàn Dōng replied in a particularly embarrassing tone. "You
know it yourself."

"I don't understand." Wang Zhong Ding once again issued a

strong question. "I have both of what you have and I'm better
looking than you. Why should I look at you?"

Hàn Dōng, "......"

Chapter 50 - Fulfilled his wish
Wang Zhong Ding took the results of the rest of the hospital
inspections. Hàn Dōng limped out of the examination room and
saw Wan Li Qing sitting not far away. He took his feet and
walked toward her.

"How are you feeling now? Is it better?" Wan Li Qing asked on

her own initiative.

Hàn Dōng nodded, then did not speak again, he leaned against
the wall with a look of cool face, his eyes from time to time
zoomed to Wan Li Qing face. In addition to satisfying her
wishes, she would like to see advance her relationship with
Wang Zhong Ding.

Wan Li Qing discovered Hàn Dōng's deliberate gaze and said,

"What's wrong?"

"You are Wang Zhong Ding's girlfriend?"

"Ha! Where did you hear that?" Wan Li Qing asked.

Hàn Dōng said something: "I heard Wang Zhong Ding saying

"How could it be?" Wan Li Qing laughed. "Did he tell that to


In fact, in the beginning, Hàn Dōng saw that Wan Li Qing was
interested in Wang Zhong Ding, but the two people fated was
doom, and although the relationship was not implemented, it
was really anxious!

"He didn't say it, but he has already defaulted for you in his

After all, Wan Li Qing was born from fortune, she was not the
silly girl who could easily be captured by the sweetness of one or
two words. Therefore, Hàn Dōng's remarks though reconciled
her mind, she was not easily affected, after all, she and Wang
Zhong Ding are not new friends.

"What did he say?" Wan Li Qing asked with a joking voice.

Hàn Dōng didn't say how Wang Zhong Ding protects his
image by dissociating himself from the people and is only close
to one woman. He didn't say how Wang depends on her
emotionally either. He often hangs on the words in his mouth
just to be more convincing.

"He said that he could not accept you because of the children."

The psychological defense line put by Wan Li Qing was

shattered because Hàn Dōng was the only person who knew
Wang Zhong Ding had a child beside Wan Li Qing. This
confirmed the good relationship between Hàn Dōng and Wang
Zhong Ding.

"What else did he say?" Wan Li Qing asked again.

Hàn Dōng only moved out of those bad reasons, but at this
moment he would not leave a good taste in her ears. Hàn Dōng,
in particular, is a school of acting in himself. He can turn white
into black. In the end, a few more sublimations came to express
his feelings of resoluteness. He seemed to be showing a face
saying I'm sorry that you are not together.
"Ms. Wan Li, I'm a rogue person, and I won't dazzle you with
those rhetoric words. But I would dare to pat my chest and say,
"I have lived for so many years and I never saw any man who
was so dead out of love like my brother Wang!"

Wan Li Qing does not like to show her heart in front of

outsiders, especially if Wang Zhong Ding
was about to come back. She needs to calm down in time to face

But Hàn Dōng is still unbearably cold "Sometimes I see Wang

Ge staying up late at night three or four in the morning. There
isn't even a distressed person around him. I feel like... " Hàn
Dōng sobbed, and he poured his head back to hide tears, and
then he couldn't continue again. "Really... I..."

"Well, it's all right..." Wan Li hurriedly patted Hàn Dōng's

back to appease him. "I understand your mind, but this kind of
thing is not an emergency... We'll let it go."

Hàn Dōng's tears were coming down, don't let it go! Go with
the flow... What's the matter with you?
"You're not getting any younger, and I'm really worried that
he wouldn't be active in a few years..."

After seeing Wang Zhong Ding was coming over, Hàn Dōng
immediately ceased with the questions "But, let me call you, can
you call me in advance? Can you?"

On the surface... Wan Li Qing nodded in answer. In fact, there

was a worry in his heart. It was: Man, really? What is it?

Wang Zhong Ding came over and saw that Hàn Dōng's eyes
were red and he could not help but ask, "What happened?"

Hàn Dōng shook his head. "It's okay. I'm just happy for you."

Wang Zhong Ding's newly relaxed face was once again stiff.
You dive under our car at night. Make us spend time with you
for your body inspection. And you're happy for us?

Wang Li Qing saw Wang Zhong Ding's thoughts, and

immediately she said: "He didn't mean that, he..." suddenly she
didn't know how to speak

"Forget it, I'll send you back."

The car was traveling on the road. Wan Li Qing asked Wang
Zhong Ding: "How is this person familiar with you?"

"I have known him for less than a month, I met him less than
five times."

Wan Li Qing's face went green for a while, and she did not
speak for a long time.

Wang Zhong Ding saw something wrong with Wan Li Qing.

He asked, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's okay." Her clear eyes turned to the car window.

Wang Zhong Ding also sent a car to pick up Hàn Dōng. After
Hàn Dōng got on the car he slept and the driver tried to wake
him up several times. In desperation, he had to call Wang Zhong

"Wang, where do I send him?"

"For the time being, first return him to the company."

Hàn Dōng finally fulfills his wish.

Chapter 51 - Making plans
The next morning, Wang Zhong Ding transferred the
surveillance video of the entrance.

The video clearly records the beginning and the end of Hàn
Dōng's "crash" last night. The video started from the moment he
entered into the camera angle, and he was completely in a state
of sleepwalking. Immediately after he walked to the left corner
of the doorway, Wang Zhong Ding's car just went out and Hàn
Dōng was unprepared for the moment he collided with the car.
Wang Zhong Ding couldn't see the slightest flaw.

The doorbell rang and Wang Zhong Ding closed the video.

Feng Jun came in and asked: "When will you send Hàn Dōng
to my sister?"

Wang Zhong Ding and Feng Jun had already reached an

agreement. Once Hàn Dōng accepted, Wang would let him sign
into Feng Jun's sister brokerage company. Although Zhong
Ding Film and TV's artist brokerage business is second to none,
for corporate image considerations, "problematic artists" will be
sent to the cooperative brokerage company to learn, and after
"domestication" they will be re-signed back.

Only after a night's work, Wang Zhong Ding changed his mind

"I decided to leave him in the company."

Feng Jun was surprised. "Are you really thinking clearly about
it? He is not a good man."

"Do you question my vision or question the ability of our

brokers?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Feng Jun smiled sheepishly. "No, how can so many excellent

agents of our company not be able to settle a small artist? I'm
just worried that in the short term, his rebellious behavior may
cause unnecessary trouble for you personally and to the
company's image "

Wang Zhong Ding laughed, "You think too highly of him."

"If this is the case, then I will go and arrange for his stay"

Feng Jun's agent who was personally arranged for Hàn Dōng
was a girl surnamed Jiao, she was very popular in the company
and everyone called her Jiāo Jié. At the moment, Jiāo Jié is
managing three new artists, who are unified in the apartments
arranged by the company and they all live in the same suite.

"This is your room." Jiāo Jié brought Hàn Dōng to the door.

Hàn Dōng looked inside, and the conditions were good.

Although it was not comparable to the previous "five-star
prison," it was at least fully furnished and much better than his
"inflatable dog house."

"You have to make it for one night tonight and someone will
help you with picking new furniture tomorrow," said Jiāo Jié.

Hàn Dōng waved his hand and said, "There is no need to

change. Isn't this very good the way it is?"
"This is the instruction from above."

When Jiāo Jié said, "Above," Hàn Dōng naturally associates it

with Wang Zhong Ding. Immediately he "cuts" his heart and
gives me special treatment? Isn't it good for me that you just

After the agent left, Hàn Dōng went to the next two rooms
across the door. As a result, one door was locked from the
inside, and one door was locked from the outside. No shadow
was seen.

Hàn Dōng had to return to his room and took out a picture of
Wang Zhong Ding.

Although Hàn Dōng has already decided that he will not like
Wang Zhong Ding, it does not mean he has to sit still. After all,
if two people get along day by day all kinds of unexpected
situations may arise.

What he has to do now is to prevent problems before he can

encounter them.
"He hates the lustfulness of men for the beautiful girls and the
hooligan people; hate the people who love bragging and feel
good by it; he hates feng shui and the people who seek Feng
shui, people who can fortune telling people with the special
eyes, hate the people who worship gods and feudal

Hàn Dōng, looked at Wang Zhong Ding's face, as he guessed

and guessed, and at the end his face was green.

Is it too late to back out?

All of these shortcomings. I didn't even have one!

Hàn Dōng is particularly worried. In his opinion, it is not as

simple as it seems for him. He needs to put all these defects in
his body and use them freely. Insufficient strength can leave
troubles. Excessive effort can be counterproductive to his goals.

It takes a fool to say, you think you can play stupid, but you
may actually become foolish when you are not careful, this
problem is actually very difficult to pinch.
Therefore, Hàn Dōng needs to formulate a rigorous and
careful plan.
Chapter 52 The completely opposite
Hàn Dōng suddenly heard the sound of the door locks in the
middle of the night.

He put down his pen and walked out of the room to see that
someone was carefully checking the door.

"Hey!" Hàn Dōng greeted with no warning.

The man at the door was immediately startled and quickly

turned on the entrance light. After seeing Hàn Dōng's face, he
eased his breath. "You are new?"

Hàn Dōng nodded and carefully the two men looked at each

.....The eyes are black and white, not scheming, a bit straight.
Located at the end of the eyes of the couple's palace drooping
and stripes, face color is peach which is very prosperous. The
nose is firm but the bridge of the nose is slightly shorter, and
the career in performing arts can be good but hardly stardom

"My name is Zhang Xing Hu. How about you?"

"Hàn Dōng."

Zhang Xing Hu asked Hàn Dōng while drinking water: " It's so
late, why are you awake?"

"I can't sleep." Hàn Dōng also asked: "How come you're
coming back this late?"

"There was a night show today."

"You are already in the casted show?"

"No, I just went to observe and learn the experience."

Hàn Dōng saw Zhang Xing Hu was a man without any
difficulties and sat down to chat with him.

"How many brokers are there?"

Zhang Xing Hu thought for a moment and said, "About 20 or

so, I didn't pay attention."

Hàn Dōng's calculations show that an average broker has to

bring 7 or 8 artists. It seems that there is still a small number of
artists under Jiāo Jié.

"Is there a broker with only one artist?" Hàn Dōng asked

Zhang Xing Hu nodded. "Yeah, Li Dazi's agent only brought


"Li Da Zi?"
"It's Li Tian Bang."

Hàn Dōng's face changed and he did not speak.

Talking about Li Shang (Li Tian Bang), Zhang Xing Hu was

quite impressed. "I came to the company with him almost at the
same time, but the treatment is not fair! The training period has
not yet been signed, and I have not yet settled down. There is no
signing bonus, they pay only a few living expenses, but when
he(Li Shang/ Li Tian Bang) signed the contract, he was paid
millions in advance. I have heard that he was dug up by Xiao
Liang. That man is equal to being the second hand of the
company. The agent is just a nanny for him, you need a rich
family background....!"

"Is his family strong?" Hàn Dōng really does not know.

Zhang Xing Hu nodded. "He is said to have come from a family

of artists. Do you know the chairman of the company? He is
Wang Zhong Ding's uncle, Wang Hai Zi. It is said that half of the
contemporary paintings in his room are from the hands of Li
Shang's grandfather ."
An artistic family? A month ago he ate from my plate! This
boy (Li Shang) is shameless!

1].....Li Shang new stage name is Li Tiang Bang...his summary

is that the name comes from a family of influential artists.

"In short, the company has positioned him on a variety of

routes. They claim that modern dramas only take the second
generation sons of celebrity elites. In the Republic of China,
only the warlords and wealthy sons are accepted, and the
costume dramas only receive the young and noble masters of
the high families."

Hàn Dōng wanted to vent his anger and Zhang Xing Hu

gestures to him with a little voice.

"Someone is sleeping in there."

Hàn Dōng's surprised eyes swept toward the locked door. "Is
there someone there? I haven't heard anything."
"He sleeps earlier. He usually goes to bed at nine in the

Are there more people who sleep that early? this year?
And he is mixed in entertainment? Hàn Dōng felt younger when
he heard it, so he asked, "How old is he?"

Zhang Xing Hu is happy. "Only 22, well?"

So young? Is it an illness that causes this person to sleep

early? Hàn Dōng though.

"I have to go to bed. I have physical training tomorrow

morning." Zhang Xing Hu rubbed his eyes and walked towards
the room.

Hàn Dōng sneaked to the locked door and tried to steal a

glimpse of the person through the cracks of the door. As a
result, there was a curtain in it that prevented anything to be
seen except for the blackness.
Early the next morning, Hàn Dōng did not get up, and the
staff came to change furniture.

"I really don't need to change them. These types of furniture

are all pretty good." Hàn Dōng was polite.

The master carrying the box said: "This is not something we

can decide. Only the boss decides what has to change."

"Your boss has too much money to burn"

As a result, such annoying sense of superiority from the

carriers quickly disappeared.

Hàn Dōng saw the old furniture move out, but he did not see
the new furniture lifted in... His head went into the corridor
and the elevator didn't come up.

He only saw the master's hand lift an open box...

Hàn Dōng's sleeping arrangement changed to the same one he
had because the company thought that he is used to such "kind"
of things: inflatable mattresses, inflatable pillows, inflatable

"Don't ....stop!" Hàn Dōng hurriedly said, "Why do you replace

it with these?"

"This is a unified arrangement of the company."

Hàn Dōng ran to the next room, all kinds of furniture were
readily available, and then ran back and asked the master,
"What is this unified shit? The furniture in Zhang Xing Hu's
house is obviously solid wood."

The master said: "The boss's idea is to unify your previous

style of decoration so that you can feel at home and adapt to the
environment as soon as possible."

Hàn Dōng collapsed in an instant and kicked the wall. "I don't
want to feel like a home, I need those wooden types of
"I'm sorry, we just do things as ordered by the boss and I can't
change decisions for you."
Chapter 53 tell him to come over!
On the first day of Hàn Dōng's training, he and his agent
broke down.

"Why can't you call me Han Tian Wang? What's wrong with
this name?"

Jiāo Jié directly replied with a single word: "Vulgar!"

"Why does the information has to be changed? What

happened to my six fingers issue? I didn't graduate from junior
high school? What about when I was a five-year extra actor? I
want to stick to my true nature! I came from poor roots!"

Jiāo Jié looked at him coldly. "Do you think that the
community is still believing that now?"

"Who is lying? This is my real experience!"

"I just want you to change to being real and non-destructive."

Jiāo Jié directly slammed Li Shang's files in front of Hàn Dōng.
"Have you seen him? This man is in line with the new
generation of stardom!"

Hàn Dōng tossed it aside without looking. "Why should I be

like him? Why should I go the same route as him? Why should I
eat his leftovers?"

"Because people have already put this gold rice bowl together,
all you can do is grab the food before is gone."

Hàn Dōng and Jiāo Jié argued for a long time and finally came
down with an indescribable attitude.

"As long as I don't have to do it according to his routine. No


Jiāo Jié continued to ask: " So what talent do you have?"

Hàn Dōng thought for a moment. "What specialty do you

"Natural talent is more attractive."

" I have more than that, my tongue is like a lotus, I can spray
water through the teeth, and can tell the people's hair just by
looking at them..."

When Jiāo Jié heard these unfamiliar words, she suddenly

became interested.

"What is a lotus tongue ?"

Hàn Dōng immediately opened his mouth to demonstrate that

the tongue was first rolled into a bend, followed by two bends,
followed by three bends, and finally rolled into a flower shape.

Jiāo Jié shouted obscenities.

"I can also turn my tongue over, like this, I can fold my
tongue, but..."
"That's enough!" Jiāo Jié couldn't stand to look straight.
"What's next!"

Hàn Dōng also demonstrated the water spray from the teeth,
which is very easy to understand, that is, it's a mouthful of
water sprayed from the teeth... According to common sense,
this is impossible, but for Hàn Dōng, this freakish act says
something else.

Looking at a dozen streams of water sprayed from the Hàn

Dōng's mouth, Jiāo Jié was petrified.

"As far as people's hair..... down there I know..." Hàn Dōng

smiled mischievously. "Just whoever I look at, I'll know what
color the hair below is and what shape. Take it for you, the color
downstairs must be ¥ %%&%@......"

Jiāo Jié's face was green, and she stood up and walked outside
after a brief moment.

"I'm going to ask Wang for a change."

Hàn Dōng hurried to stop her. "Don't be angry with me Jiāo
Jié. I just made a joke to ease the tension."

Jiāo Jié heart roared: Such special man can't be nervous, this
old woman is nervous! Who would dare to leave this strange
man around with them given that he has his third eyes in your
pants? Who has this much shamelessness?

"Sister Jiao, I have almost finished filling the file..." Hàn Dōng
opened a vicious and energetic childish smile that turned into a
sharp white eye focusing on the waists.

Jiāo Jié took a look at the file table and her brain pulp almost
burst out.

"OK, you do..."

Jiāo Jié took the file out of the door and said
would be useless this time.

Hàn Dōng said in an upset manner: "You can go, but you can't
tell them that it is because of me."

Jiāo Jié is completely gumming in her hairs, you just keep

waiting for it, If I don't send you out to darkness. I will be a
moron for so many years!

Hàn Dōng hides his unpredictable hilarity under his


Jiāo Jié went to Wang Zhong Ding's office and said nothing,
she directly banged the file to the table.

"Wang, you have to see this for yourself."

Wang Zhong Ding picked up the file and saw that Hàn Dōng
himself handwrote the file form. His name, age, home address,
and so on were all right in front of him. To the column of
"Artistic Name", Wang Zhong Ding's eyes paused.

"Nicholas..... Buddha."
The following buzzwords are also quite dazzling.

"The world's unparalleled First Fairy in the vast universe, the

one who's best and can be compared to Gods, proficient in the
two languages of yin and yang. A master of talents and powers
that are rare in this world"

Looking at one of the talents in the back of the file, it's simply
difficult to read.

"I can get your chest calm."

Wang Zhong Ding's hand slammed his desk and raises a dust
that soaks in the people's face.

"Call him to me......!"

Chapter 54 Coming short.
Fifteen minutes later, Hàn Dōng had not arrived yet.

Er Lei called again, and the reply passed over there was:
constipation, large size.

Wang Zhong Ding's face was shadowed again.

Hàn Dōng gave Jiāo Jié time to complain, and he was almost
the same before heading to Wang Ding's office. The moment his
feet fell to the door, Jiāo Jié's voice just finish and Wang Ding's
patience was also exhausted.

"Wang, are you looking for me?"

Wang Zhong Ding's glances over his eyes, but Hàn Dōng only
answered with an incomparable smile.

"Come in." Wang Zhong Ding ordered.

Hàn Dōng did not realize the danger he was advancing
towards. He was still wearing a pair of cool looks with his hands
hanging in his pockets. He swayed as he walked, and the rabbit's
tail hair knot twitched with chaos, forming a sharp conflict
with the tightly structured angry lines in the room.

If it wasn't for these two legs, if there was a gap of one micron
in his leg's measurements, Wang Zhong Ding will not hesitate to
kick him flat!

"You tell me....what does this mean?" Wang Zhong Ding's

fingers hit the file list.

Hàn Dōng explored his head and froze with an unknown


"what happened?"

"What's the matter?" Jiāo Jié said with angrily. "What do you
think you wrote about?"
Hàn Dōng fluently answered "You said that Hàn Tian Wang is
a vulgar I changed to Nicholas Buddha now you say
that my resume has not only been foul....but I also changed it
according to your requirements. And these talents, did I not
show you all of them? You tell me about it....which of the
following is not filled out to the truth?"

Jiāo Jié looked at Hàn Dōng speechless and finally nodded.

"Well, I say to you, if you can get the same skill except for these
wonderful skills, I immediately will withdraw from this work! "

As a result, this sentence not only did not quell Hàn Dōng fire,
but also provided him with an opportunity to "fight back".

"I don't think that anything Hàn Dōng does will associate with
the arts. If you don't have ready-made instruments at hand,
then I'll come to make a cappella song of my own composition."

The face of Jiāo Jié has changed, but in fact her heart is not
worried to the end, but the words ... She have already said
them, she can only insist on it.
Wang Zhong Ding is also waiting for Hàn Dōng to show his

Hàn Dōng first looked for a rhythm, then hummed and you
have to say that his tone was really good.

"Ah... ah... um... um... come-on... yeah buy a dish..."

At first, he listened, and the more he heard the more wrong

Wang Zhong Ding felt, Hàn Dōng tuned the chanting language
of 26 countries into a song. Coupled with obscene genre,
contemptuous eyes, he portrayed a look of a rogue artist!

Er Lei has felt everything in the room was going awful and
tried to stop him and was stopped by Hàn Dōng.

"Don't worry. There will be dialect and animal versions after a


Ms. Jiao couldn't stand it. She had red eyes and ran out of the
door. There were only three men in the office.
On Wang Zhong Ding's face you can no longer see any
expression, and the tone of speech also loses its temper.

"It seems I really underestimated you."

Hàn Dōng looked around and after determining that Jiāo Jié
was gone, he went to Wang Zhong Ding's ear and said: "I told
you that the woman's face is not good, her vital energy is
subsidence, three stops are unfavorable, her face is thin, and her
life is not lively enough. It's best to keep her well-maintained
and stop doing heavy work... ah..."

Hàn Dōng's words were not finished yet, and he felt a firm
kick on the buttocks.

Er Lei was shocked.

......He had been with Wang Zhong Ding for so many years
and this was the first time he saw Wang Zhong Ding attack
someone..... People who have a status like Wang Zhong Ding
usually hate cold violence. Even if he really want to punish
someone, he cannot commit it himself.
This time, Wang really couldn't stand it!

Before Er Lei was at the side, Wang Zhong Ding has already
put Hàn Dōng on the ground and he has stepped on him.

How can you be so annoying?

Hàn Dōng patted his buttocks, but he still did not forget that
he should not show an indifference.

"If you drive into me and hit me, would you still make up for
it? The drugs that were prescribed before will certainly not be
enough. I'll have to buy another ones. Anti-inflammatory drugs,
pain killers, plasters. A total of 43$... plus plastic bags 44$.... If
you don't believe me you go to see the drug bill, don't say I
fiddling you, you must give me the 44 dollars!"

Wang Zhong Ding made another attempt at kicking.

Hàn Dōng shouted : "88!"

Er Lei looked at Hàn Dōng madness and he said, "What are
you doing? Stop!"

Hàn Dōng still doesn't stop. He was dobleing the bill for each

"Well, then!" Wang Zhong Ding murderously gnashed

between the brows. "You'll get ten thousand dollars today!"

1].....meaning Wang will kick Hàn Dōng worth of 10000$

medical bill....that's a world of hurt and pain

Hàn Dōng had to run after he heard this.

Chapter 55: sells cool stuff.
Wang Zhong Ding was so angry that his head was running
with smoke.

"I smiled proudly and laughed smugly. I laughed at the red

dust; I smiled proudly, and I smirked with a smile. I was happily
happy; I laughed proudly and smiled happily..."

Laughing and crouching on the elevator, Hàn Dōng smiled

and shook the building with laughter, smiled and he ran toward
the door, smiled and saw the super invincible guy, and then Han
Dong couldn't laugh again...

Xià Hòng Wēi looked like a glorious face that once again
appeared in front of Hàn Dōng eyes.

And this time, Hàn Dōng really looked at him.

"Who, who is this? You look like someone who came out in a
comic manga!"
With the exclamation of an animal girl next to him, Hàn Dōng
sat against the pillars in the hall.

This world is so special, it's funny...

The man who looked familiar was not only the same one who
shared the same table with Wang Zhong Ding's childhood
school but also the benefactor(Xia Yao) whose sexual orientation
had been turned by his(Hàn Dōng's) great white legs and saved
him from falling into the well is his cousin.!!!! The most
important thing is that Hàn Dōng treats him as a benefactor and
he(Xia Yao) treats Hàn Dōng as an enemy! ! !

If I let his cousin know that, how can I be mixed in this circle
in the future?

Just when Hàn Dōng had his chest beaten and regretted, he
was swept back to a familiar figure.

Although a car was changed, the people in the car did not
change, Li Shang and Fang Yi. The two people sat side by side,
Fang Yi's makeup shined in starlight, Li Shang looked tired after
excessive exhaustion.
Li Shang vaguely thought he saw Hàn Dōng. When he looked
back again, Hàn Dōng disappeared again.

Did I see it wrong? This is inside the company. How could he

come in?

Hàn Dōng laughed and walked towards his apartment without


"Reliable news, Yi Wei was signed back to our company." Fang

Yi suddenly said.

Unknown to him ....Li Shang eyes have been swimming

outside the window.

Fang Yi changed her face instantly. "I'm talking to you. Have

you heard?"

Li Shang hurriedly returned his gaze and nodded his head:

"Heard it , you said that Yi Tong is going to sign our company."
"Yeah, that woman's skin is really thick. When Jinfeng
Entertainment came to sign her, she took their money and ran
to them! How was the result? After three years of being there
she didn't do any decent work but she created gossips."

The assistant also said: "Jinfeng Entertainment lost several

big productions and lost momentum. Their momentum kept on
getting weaker and weaker. Yi Weu was unable to calm down
after that....she had to change jobs agency, she is now very

Fang Yi rolled her eyes. "I don't know what Wang Zhong Ding
thinks. I would never have accepted her back."

"I heard that there is a grand signing ceremony to be held,"

the assistant added.

Fang Yi face is even worse, in her resentment she severely

blamed him: "That does not comfort me."

Li Shang exquisitely persuaded her off: "Where does your

acting, fame, reputation, appearance can match hers on the
street ? Your rivalry with her serves to raise her popularity."

Hearing these words, Fang Yi's face appeared to look like she
was smiling, but when you look at Li Shang, it's still a matter of

"What happened to you today? Your mood is so bad."

Li Shang reluctantly smiled. "Maybe the recent pressure is

quite big and there is always an illusion if a stardom."

Fang Yi pulled Li Shang's hand softly and comforted: "When

the new man ascends too fast he inevitably will end up

"Yes, hasn't the company recently signed a new person?" Li

Shang suddenly asked.

Fang Yi turned his attention to her assistant. The assistant

said that she was not very clear on the issue. "I haven't been
back to the company recently. If someone have been signed I
haven't paid attention to this issue."

Fang Yi said: "You can rest assured that the movie will now
immediately go to the trial stage. Now that he hasn't been
reported yet, it will prove that you are the man needed. As long
as this character is your hand, it will be shown in the film. In
the past, the company will spare no effort to hold you to their

Li Shang nodded and did not speak again.

Xià Hòng Wēi found Wang Zhong Ding in the open-air cafe on
the roof of the building. His eyebrows still had unruly breath.

"You seem to be very busy today." Xià Hòng Wēi said.

"Not busy but just not in the mood to do things."

Xià Hòng Wēi sips coffee and asks: "Who provoked you?"
Wang Zhong Ding did not answer directly, but asked Xià Hòng
Wēi: "If there is an actor, he is very eager to become famous, but
frequently does things that I hate, what kind of mentality is

"It's very simple....the actor is out to draw your attention," Xià

Hòng Wēi said.

Wang Zhong Ding still had difficult to understand this

concept. "I've paid enough attention to him.... he does nothing
yet he still receives more preferential treatment. And he himself
knows this too well, but he still makes me angry at all costs."

After listening to Wang Zhong Ding, Xià Hòng Wēi carefully

examined the situation.

"Perhaps, the attention he wants is not a career wise but your

personal attention "

Wang Zhong Ding narrowly converges his eyes. "what are you
trying to say?"
"He wants to be emotionally appealing to you. This kind of
appeal has nothing to do with what you are as a manager or
boss.... It is only for you as you....."

For this statement, Wang Zhong Ding is quite in disagreement

with his friend. "He has always treated me as an imaginary

"As an imaginary enemy, does not mean that he hates you, but
he may like you." Xià Hòng Wēi expressed his expression.

Wang Zhong Ding was very clear-headed. "He did absolutely

nothing that left a room for liking me."

"This person is it a male or a woman?"


Xià Hòng Wēi laughed. "Hahaha... I really want to know and

understand this man "
.....For the next two days the company canceled any training,
Hàn Dōng leisurely laid in the apartment ......every day he had
to keep his lazy ass, drumming up some useless things. There
was no message from his agent, and if it was someone else
would have been anxious for it. But Hàn Dōng was still relaxed
and happy.

It seems that this time I am not angry! Do I hate him? He

should die!

Anyway, I will soon fire to stardom there is no hurry to ask

preferential treatment for a short while, I should be
accumulating it in a long-term manner..... in a long-term way,
slowly every thing will come.

Hàn Dōng took his own English booklet to learn himself,

"! (I am the cool son of the

When Zhang Xing Hu returned, Hàn Dōng was applying drugs

on his ass.
Every time he saw the place where it has been swollen, he
would remember Wang Ge's fierceness, and then smiled and felt
satisfaction.... The hand stretched hard to the back and touched
the wound .....while he was enamored and intoxicated, happy
and painful. Hàn Dōng does not know how many years he has
been looking forward to finally hope for the monarch's favor,
only he was kicked this time.

"Your ass is not good yet?" asked Zhang Xing Hu.

Hàn Dōng laughed. "It's too early to heal."

"Then why are you so happy?" Zhang Xing Hu had difficult to


Hàn Dōng waved at him. "Come here."

"What are you trying to do?"

"You help me to see if my ass is wounded seriously?"

Zhang Xing Hu took a look and said, "It looks like it's very

Hàn Dōng was quite satisfied with the answer, and excitedly
asked, "What is the attitude of the person who kicked me at that
time in your own observation based on the degree of my

Zhang Xing Hu thought for a moment and said: "He should

have been angry....."

"Is it right? He couldn't wait to revenge?"

"Guess so."


Hàn Dōng smiled and called a Desai, as if it was how much

Zhang Xing Hu looked straight at him. "You can't be a
masochistic person right?"

When Hàn Dōng wanted to deny it, he heard two knocks on

the door. This he thought that the kid next door was willing to
show up, and found that the man standing at the entrance
turned out to be Feng Jun. He also held a gift box in his hand.

Hàn Dōng was momentarily stunned: What is this situation

playing right here?

Zhang Xing Hu also was surprised, isn't this Feng Jun? Wang
Zhong Ding's personal assistant and manager of the artist
agency company, who often speaks to the media on behalf of
Wang Zhong Ding and is definitely one of the number one figure
in Film and Television industry?

"Manager Feng." Zhang Xing Hu hurriedly said hello, and then

whispered to Hàn Dōng: "I will go out first."

Hàn Dōng snorted.

Hàn Dōng and Feng Jun were left in the room. Feng Jun
didn't even sit .....he immediately indicating his intentions.

"Wang told me to tell you that he was mad about something at

that time, despite finding his faults in kicking you.....he doesn't
pay for the trampling of performing arts."

Hàn Dōng was speechless.

Feng Jun did not explain too much. He left

Hàn Dōng looked blankly at the gift box on the floor. Wang
didn't respond for half a day. What does this mean? Aren't you
not supposed to not care? Why send someone to visit me?

You can't go too far, but you can go too far!

Hàn Dōng could hardly believe that Wang Zhong Ding was
such a demanding person, a person with such a tolerant mind,
even if he did not care about it, he also said something so
Why is Wang suddenly being a gentleman?

Hàn Dōng quickly slaps himself and stamped that thinking

line down!
Chapter 56: How did you become more
Abnormal Than Me?
After Feng Jun left, Zhang Xing Hu rushed back to Hàn Dōng's

"Wasn't that Feng Jun.....the manager just now?"

Hàn Dōng was surprised. "Didn't you say hello to him?"

"I just wanted to ask... Are you familiar with him?"

"I'm okay."

Hàn Dōng casually perfunctory replied and began to play with

the used lamp.

Zhang Xing Hu wondered, "What are you doing with this?"

"I want to make an Irish piccolo."

Zhang Xing Hu laughed. "Why not buy it directly? Isn't that

cheaper...... is it ?....."

Hàn Dōng stopped the action in his hand and turned a lofty
aloof expression to Zhang Xing Hu.

"Isn't this art ....can't you see?"

Zhang Xing Hu snorted and thought that drumming with

some rags all day long would also consider as art? I think you
are crazy!

"Go, go, you don't know what to do here."

Zhang Xing Hu went out and changed his clothes back to the

Hàn Dōng saw some blueprints on the Internet. He studied for

several days and finally started work today. A ruler was used to
measure the distance, and then carefully he began to drill the
holes, He was busy until midnight, and a white Piccolo finally
was made.

It looks decent, but Hàn doesn't know how to play the


Hàn Dōng wanted to try, but when he thought of the

neighbors sleeping next to him, he was a little adamant.

It is also strange to say that Hàn Dōng has been living here for
three or four days and he never saw anyone next door.
Occasionally, he heard a slight movement from the next room
but he never saw the door open.

.......Doesn' t know if it was intentional or for the sake of art,

Hàn Dōng took the flute to audition in the middle of the night.

Hàn Dōng started to choose a very lyrical song; "Titanic."

Hàn Dōng tried to play. The timbre was quite crisp, and the
treble was a bit inaccurate. After a little repair, it felt much
better. Near the end, Hàn Dōng heard the movement in the next
room, but soon it was gone.

So, Hàn Dōng blew from "Titanic" to "Farewell Song" and then
"How are you doing the third?"... One song followed by one song
until it reached the best New Year's Eve. The next door finally
came alive with the sound of footsteps.

Soon the door rang.

"You're disturbing me..... I'm sleeping."

Hàn Dōng put down the Piccolo and looked up at the person in
front of the door. The face is more expensive, the lifeline is
more powerful, but there is no hunger for stardom in it.
However, it is also inevitable that a public face in the
entertainment circle, came with a solitary and unsophisticated
personality, this person can only be a wild card.

"Man, you finally appeared." Hàn Dōng said with emotion.

Yu Ming still said: "You bothered me from sleeping."

"I know."

"You knew and you still blew that thing?"

One of Hàn Dōng's unassuming tone came up: "I just want you
to breathe."

1].....his neighbor locks his door and stays inside

"You're boring." Yu Ming walked back with a cold face.

Hàn Dōng also called: "Hey, going back so soon?"

Yu Ming ignored him.

"If you go back to the room.....I will continue to blow the


Yu Ming paused and asked coldly Hàn Dōng: "What do you


"I just want you to spend some time outside."


"I'm afraid you're looking pale Iike shit."

Yu Ming spat out indifferently: "You are sick."

Hàn Dōng is indeed sick. The more people don't see him, the
more he sets up his own mischievous ways.

"Don't you think that the flute is melodious? Don't you think
it's better to sleep with it?"
Yu Ming finally responded to the sentence: "I had learned to

"What about it?"

"As long as I hear music, I can't help but want to dance."

"Hey" Hàn Dōng's intrigued "So when I was blowing, wouldn't

you be jumping in the room all the time?

Hàn Dōng was already laughing like this, Yu Ming face was
still expressionless.

"I'm done with you" Yu Ming returned to the room.

Hàn Dōng secretly thought: how this good for nothing is more
abnormal than me?
Chapter 57: This is safe.
The next morning, Hàn Dōng sat up on the bed and stared at
the boxes of high-end gifts at the door. He looked for more than
half an hour. In his mind, he recalled the words that Wang
Zhong Ding had made Feng Jun come through: There was an
anger on Hàn Dōng face. Even though he was looking for him to
vent, he should not use the cost of trampling on performing

[SALEM] using the art of acting as an excuse for him (Han

dong) to get the attention of Wan Zhong

Indeed, Hàn Dōng also feels that he can't be this confused for
much longer so...

He decided to set aside his personal grudges and listened to

Wang persuasions as he advised him that it was time for men to
have the courage and vision to choose a pathway. Since it is a
problem on the emotional level, then start moving from all
aspects of life, venting privately and vent personal anger.

Article 1: Does not eat odor foods, especially citrons.

At this point, Hàn Dōng is just the opposite of Wang Zhong
Ding. He particularly likes to eat citrons. He remembered when
he first came to Beijing, he rented a bungalow in the outer
suburbs. The neighboring compound just planted a camphor
tree. Because every year the first musk cricket will be stolen, so
Hàn Dōng sprinkled a lot of white flour as it was a pesticide on
the tree, only then people didn't want the fruits and he alone
stole them.

Through an observation, Hàn Dōng discovered that Wang

Zhong Ding rarely returned home at noon, and occasionally
went out for leisure. Most of the time he ate in the company's
restaurant. There is a direct elevator from the office to the
restaurant. Wang Zhong Ding usually buys it himself unless he
is too busy then he sends people to buy it for him.

At noon today, Wang Zhong Ding went down to buy a meal.

As a result, when he just got on the elevator, he heard a scream
coming from behind him.....


A figure with a strong smell rushed up to him. At the moment

the elevator door closed, he was firmly locked in this narrow
enclosed space.

Hàn Dōng was holding a tortoise soup and tofu standing next
to Wang Zhong Ding. Compared to the previous hostile attitude,
Hàn Dōng broke his ground and greeted him with a mouthful of
pungent smell.

"Wang, how fortunate!"

Wang Zhong Ding smelled the pungent smell of tofu, his brow
furrowed slightly, and he moved silently to the side, he
responded with a cold voice. "I remember that the restaurant
has never sold anything like that."

"I didn't buy it in the restaurant. I bought it myself from the

outside. " Hàn Dōng said, chewing it again so that the pungent
smell was dispersed more thoroughly.

Wang Zhong Ding smelled the awful fragrant. "Since you

bought it from the outside, how could you come here to eat it?
Isn't there an elevator right where you enter the door?"
Because I want to annoy you... Hàn Dōng has a small monk
cheering in his stomach.

"There are too many people in that elevator and they always
have to line up. This elevator is quiet."

After Hàn Dōng finished speaking, his body swayed violently

along with the elevator. He nearly poured the citron from the
lunch box onto Wang Ding's clothes, but Wang Zhong Ding
quickly escaped being splashed.

The elevator stopped at this time and all went dark inside.

"What happened?" Hàn Dōng madly pressed an alarm to

express the sudden panic. The voice was even accompanied by a
vibrato scared voice. "Could it be that we suddenly went

Wang Zhong Ding calmed him indifferently. "It's okay. It

should be because of a blackout."
Hàn Dōng waited for a moment and felt that there was no
change in the elevator level, and he calmed down and continued
to eat his tofu and chew.

When the eyes can't see things, the sense of smell becomes
very sensitive. If Wang Zhong Ding can still rely on other things
to divert attention, he really has no place to hide his nose. He
can only hold his breath and endure it.

Hàn Dōng deliberately reminded him, "Hey, while you wait,

why don't you eat lunch? It's time to relax."

If Wang Zhong Ding opens his mouth, it would mean that he

would have to smell the disgusting smell, so he remained silent.

1].....Wang Zhong Ding doesn't want to smell the he

breathes through his mouth....if he uses his mouth to speak he
will use his nose to breath hence smell the silence is
golden ....... literally

Hàn Dōng came together and said, "Why don't you taste this?"
Wang Zhong Ding pushed him away.

"I'm being gracious to you? I don't think it's dirty, come, take
a bite." Hàn Dōng also went forward.

Wang Zhong Ding couldn't stand it. "You stay far away from

The results of this speech, he didn't know how but he scared

Hàn Dōng, he tried for a long time to block the turbid air out of
the crowd(Hàn Dōng + Tofu) into his nasal cavities, with that
speech he breathed in the stale air of the tofu at that time
......the taste of the smell..... how an "ecstasy" it had!

After the elevator opened, Wang Zhong Ding's didn't eat his
meal and he threw it into the trash.

In the afternoon, the elevator repairman identified the cause

of the fault: the elevator door jammed because it was stuck with
foreign objects, causing a failure of the door lock protection
circuit, causing the elevator to stop operating.
"How can it get stuck?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

"There are many reasons for this. Discarding screws, plastic

parts, and the like may cause the elevator door to jam."

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face and didn't ask anymore.

The next day, still at that same time, in the same elevator.
Hàn Dōng came again. This time, he was with pungent
scrambled eggs.

"Wang, it's a coincidence. I meet you again."

Coincidentally, the elevator rose to half and got stuck again.

However, this emergency light could be turned on and Hàn

Dōng showed his carefully designed food. The eager chewing
movement, the savory and distorted swallowing expression, and
the gorgeous egg yolks and grease sticking to his mouth.
1].... Eeew

The result can be imagined; Wang Zhong Ding threw the meal
to the trash bin again.

In the afternoon, the elevator repairman came to check the

fault again. It was exactly the same as yesterday: The elevator
door jammed stuck with foreign objects, causing a failure of the
door lock protection circuit, causing the elevator to stop

On the third day, the familiar scene was again re-enacted.


Wang Zhong Ding is not a fool and now knows that Hàn Dōng
malice is behind it.

Only this time, he changed his usual straight cold face, he

didn't call Hàn Dōng to activities, did not take any steps to avoid
him. Instead, he continued to buy food, continued to take the
elevator, and continued to watch Hàn Dōng eat deep-fried
squid, sweet squid dumplings, scallops and duck eggs, and
savory buckwheat rice...

Moreover, Wang seems to be getting numb to this disgusting


1] ......... that's lovebitch (Clapback)

Hàn Dōng, on the contrary, has eaten a volume of bad food for
a few days, as a result, he was riddled with farts...poo smelling
farts which were soo pungent ......Even if Hàn knows he has to
eat them..... He is also tired of eating them.

At one o'clock in the midnight, Wang Zhong Ding didn't go

home directly after finishing the work..... but he went to the
back apartments.

Moreover, he also picked a fragrant twig with green citron

leaves which exudes a unique aroma.
Only a few rooms in the apartment building were still lit. The
suite in which Hàn Dōng lived was one of them, and the door
was not closed. Wang Zhong Ding went inside.

Hàn Dōng had fallen asleep early, and his snore rang
throughout the room.

The computer was still on and stayed on the blog interface. A

paragraph has caught the attention of Wang Zhong Ding's eyes

"Entertainment lives are just an enhanced version of the lives

of ordinary people. People like artists are ecstatic, ordinary
people are sad, artists have greater sadness; ordinary people
give high-quality gifts, artists are sending themselves to the top.
It's like "Vampire Diaries" with vampires and people, the
relationship has been magnified between them."

The editing date was more than a week ago, which was the
day when Hàn Dōng accidentally ran into Li Shang.

Wang Zhong Ding spent a moment and was soon attracted to

the piccolo next to the computer.
Although the selling point is not very good for it, it gave Wang
Zhong Ding a small shock.

Before you make a piccolo with these glass materials you need
to remove the phosphor from the lamp. A slight mis-handling
can cause the lamp to crack. Hàn Dōng used the method of
filling sand and shake for several times before cleaning the
inner wall.

In addition, the length and thickness of the lamp must be

carefully calculated. Sometimes ten lamps may be wasted to
finally be made into a flute. But also drilling, polishing,
audition. Especially when tuning, it requires a hole and a
scraper to adjust, and the distance between them directly
determines the pitch timbre, even the slightest error will have a
great impact on the tune.

However, Wang Zhong Ding didn't find a discarded lamp in

the room. There were only leftovers in the trash. The
meticulous thinking and powerful hand control of the
operator(Hàn Dōng) were impressive.

For a "digital control freak " like Wang Zhong Ding anything
with this kind of precision has a different kind of charm.
Just like Hàn Dōng's legs.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't know what kind of smell he actually

had in his hand when his scent wafted towards Hàn Dōng's

Hàn Dōng smelled the smell of pungent and instantly showed

an annoying expression. He quickly rolled over with his luscious
back to Wang Zhong Ding and swallowed the taste. He even
showed the gorgeous beautiful buttocks to Wang Zhong Ding.

Sure enough ......

On Wang Zhong Ding's mouth appeared a smile, he bullied the

man(Hàn Dōng ) and then he took it to the other side.

Hàn Dōng was like an annoyed big dog, with a growling buzz
in his mouth. He plunged into his bed and held his head under
the tights.

The results can be imagined; the scented citrons twigs also

were plunged into the quilt.

Hàn Dōng evades Wang in such a way that he turned from

side to side, and from up to down, no matter how he changed
his posture, changed his angle, or changed his direction, that
damned fragrant smell(citron) was like a shadow he couldn't

After finally drilling to nowhere trying to hide from the citron

scent.....he heads into Wang's arms...

This is safe.
Chapter 58: Smiles.
Wang Zhong Ding wanted to push away Hàn Dōng, but where
can he push?

Hàn Dōng looked for "this nest" without the pungent smell.
His two hands were like a vise and his head fell into the middle
of Wang Zhong Ding's waist half an inch besides the
wonderland (The D). If brute force is used, Hàn Dōng will speak
out and the remaining two people will be implicated in this

Wang Zhong Ding had mastered Hàn Dōng's "rabbit tail"

behavior and tried to push his head out of his chest. As a result,
the scalp was slicking off and Hàn Dōng's face was still buried in
Wang Ding's arms.

It was fragrant, really fragrant.

Wang Zhong Ding's shirt has a fascinating fragrance in it.

In desperation, Wang Zhong Ding had to insert the citron leaf

backward into the collar and let the aroma of the leaves pass
through the cloth.

Sure enough, Hàn Dōng's head was no longer affixed to his

shirt and he began to move slowly...

Finally, a soft landing in the middle of Wang Zhong Ding's

two legs.

The fuck...

Wang Zhong Ding's body muscles were all stretched at that


After a moment of stern stature, Wang Zhong Ding put down

the citron away and pulled Hàn Dōng's head slowly, bucking it
back into his arms. Forget it, it's better if he stays up here.

After more than twenty minutes, Hàn Dōng's muscles slowly

slackened back into bed.
Although he was not waiting to see the goods(Hàn Dōng's
body), Wang Zhong Ding still covered him with a quilt.

When he went outside, Wang Zhong Ding found that there

was one room with lights on. A boy paced back and forth inside,
chanting in his mouth, the expression on his face rich and vivid
as if he was playing against himself.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't bother him and went out to cover the

The next morning, when Hàn Dōng woke up, he complained

to Zhang Xing Hu. "I had a dream last night. I dreamed that a
camphor tree had long legs. It chased me and I ran for half a

Zhang Xing Hu laughed. "I think you've eaten bad food

recently. I smelled that awful smell all day."

"Even nauseated someone has to eat!" Hàn Dōng looked

Zhang Xing Hu doesn't understand. "you're sick and you still
want to eat it? How would you treat the sickness?"

"It is taken not as a cure, it is just a prevention." Hàn Dōng

said in the Martian language.

Zhang Xing Hu wanted to ask in detail but the phone rang,

and after receiving a call, his face showed inexpressible

"You know what? There is a director who wants to audition

me. It's so unexpected! I never gave him a resume. I didn't think
I would be seen"

Hàn Dōng was happy for him. "Surely someone is

recommending, you have been trying hard."

Zhang Xing Hu excitedly changed his clothes and went out.

Hàn Dōng looked at the time and saw it was a little too soon
for lunch and quickly changed his clothes to go out.
Half an hour later, Hàn Dōng went up again with Wang Zhong

The citron was still the citron, but Hàn Dōng could not eat it.
Fortunately, the elevator was stuck and the lights were turned
off. Hàn Dōng could just pretend to be disgusted.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding pulled out a spare light and

brightened the entire elevator.

Hàn Dōng's face was blazing.

What can I do? Keep eating it!

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly asked: "Is it all right?.... is the

butt ok?"

Hàn Dōng's pungent smell of scented citron hastened his

chance to speak slowly.
"It's all right, but you said a wrong thing that day."

Wang Zhong Ding has no impression. "What did I say?"

"At that time, you said that you wanted to put together a
10,000 yuan, but when I thought about it later, I would get 44
yuan and 10,000 divided by 44 would be 227.272727... It
wouldn't be possible to kick this times, this account is not

Wang Zhong Ding coldly said, "The remaining 0.27, if its a big
deal for you, I'll give a few big slaps."


Hàn Dōng couldn't control it anymore. Can this stuff still

come? Ha ha ha ha ha ... ... The loss... you can even think of it!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ... Hàn Dōng laughed, the five facial features
in a special way wrinkled together, with perplexed joy.

Wang Zhong Ding was forced by Hàn Dōng to throw a smile at

the same time.

This is the first time that Hàn Dōng saw Wang Zhong Ding
smile. Although it was fleeting, there was a strong sense of
visual impact. In fact, Wang Zhong Ding has a very good face,
this man is very gentle.

Hàn Dōng looked at Wang Zhong Ding for a while before he

rushed back.

Hey, I went... Did I laugh with him? Did he laugh with me?
And also, we laughed so free and easy, so true temperament,
without evil spirits, bohemian! Is this not an intentional
attraction? Hard hatred is needed!...... I will not let this
charming smile erased it! Haven't I been busy these days trying
to make him hate me?!
Chapter 59: Can there not be such a man?
Feng Jun frowned as soon as he entered the office. "Why do I
smell citron's pungent in this room?"

Wang Zhong Ding said superficially: "Your nose is still quite


"You haven't smelled such a strong smell...?." Feng Jun was

surprised. "I remember that you were very sensitive (disgusted)
to the smell of citron. The bowl flies into a citron bud and you
will pour the rice."

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding not only did not fall down but
also eat the food that was full of fragrant smell.

Is it my nose that has a problem? Feng Jun didn't continue to

ask about it, he directly went to address the matter.

"What are you going to do about Hàn Dōng's broker?"

Wang Zhong Ding thought for a moment. "Change it to Ji

"I also thought so. Ji Tao has about the same temper as yours.
You can't rub the sand in your eyes. If you bring him with him,
he should be able to get Hàn Dōng's stench sorted out."

After Feng Jun finished, someone knocked on the door.

"Wang Zhong Ding, Miss Wan heard that you have to go on a

business trip in the afternoon and specifically made us send
some pastries. Please take it with you on the road."

Zhong Ding nodded. "Thanks, let's go."

Feng Jun quipped: "It is really considerate."

In the afternoon, as soon as Wang Zhong Ding got on the bus,

he asked Feng Jun: "Is the pastry brought?"
"Take it with you.....or do you want to eat it now?"

In fact, Wang Zhong Ding has no appetite right now, but in

his philosophy of life, dessert cannot be eaten every other day
and can only be taken with afternoon tea, and the afternoon tea
must end before four o'clock.

It is already 3:55. For Wang Zhong Ding, whose biological

clock is extremely strict, has only 5 minutes. After more than
five minutes, precious memories for the dessert became junk.

No way out, His digital obsessive-compulsive disorder is so


"Hey ... ... I can't eat them at noon, I can only take snacks to
fill my hunger!" Hàn Dōng braved the five or six gales, standing
in a hidden corner and said bleak, "Hey to get hungry, just
devour them so you won't be afraid of rushing! This is a
business trip again? If I ran from day to night and couldn't even
eat enough food. I really would be sad..."

Talking about it, Hàn Dōng suddenly felt: Am I that wicked?

Recognizing this dangerous idea, Hàn Dōng rushed to
brainwash himself.

When one show kindness to the enemy he is being cruelty to

oneself. Happiness is not compromised, but it is made out!

As a result, Hàn Dōng erected his collar and walked back to

the apartment with a swag pace.

The second night, when Wang Ding came back, there was a
surprise on his business trip - which was about bidding for the
world's only super single-button chronograph watch. Even if his
clothes are too late to take off, he cannot wait to take out the
baby, and look carefully at its detailed work.....and magically
enjoy it the middle of the night.

Hàn Dōng was also insomniac, and he did not know which
door he was going to. He hurried out of the room in the middle
of the night. When Hàn Dōng walked under the office building
and looked up, the lights in Wang Zhong Ding office shined.

When I go to fill my stomach, he stays up late?

After a while, Hàn Dōng regained his consciousness.

Do you stay up all night to shut your ass? How can you be such
a man? See anyone wanting to protect! Isn't your heart good

Fuck! Go back to sleep and continue to be mad tomorrow!

As a result, at noon of the next day, when Hàn Dōng walked

into the office building with a lunch box, he suddenly
remembered that Wang Zhong Ding's snacks were only "filling
hunger" and the light that he saw last night was turned on all

Forget it, leave him alone for once today, so I(Hàn Dōng) can
change the meal for myself!

1].....remember he eats the awful stuff to annoy Wang

Just as Hàn Dōng wanted to throw away the lunch box he

turned and found a cool figure standing not far from the
elevator. Huh? Is that not Zhong Ding? How did he get to this
elevator(The non private)?
Hee hee... He must be frightened by my awful smelling food!
When one thinks of a dignified president who is forced to
squeeze elevators together with his employees. Hàn Dōng has a
sour heart.

But no way can he back out, Wang Zhong Ding has already
seen him.

Since he was already seen, it meant that Hàn Dōng's lunch box
could not be thrown away. Not only does he have to remain
there, but he also has to pretend to act like a pair of gray wolfs
who has seen the face of a beautiful sheep running over and
continue to complete the task of harming others. No way, Hàn
Dōng could not allow Wang Zhong Ding to see his own inner
turmoil, even if it wasn't that big.

1]....gray wolf chasing sheep....Hàn Dōng wants to harass

Wang Zhong Ding....
Chapter 60 A pitiful child.
Today there are activities within the company group. Most of
the employees go to the meeting. The hall is different from the
usual quiet. Only Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding are on the

After standing still, Hàn Dōng couldn't wait to open the lunch

Since this elevator will not be having that "manufactured

malfunction" problem, Hàn Dōng only has about ten seconds
left... Hàn Dōng racked his brains on how to achieve inducing
the same nauseating scene in a short period of time ......this is a
test of Hàn Dōng's acting skills.

One of the important criteria for measuring artist

performance is eye gaze.

Hàn Dōng's attention has always focused on the scent. This

focus is not deliberately focused, but it naturally takes a turn
and acclimated. The most obvious manifestation is that when
Wang Zhong Ding reached the button, although Hàn Dōng gave
him a glimpse, his eyes were scattered(he didn't react). Only by
turning Wang Zhong Ding gaze back to the lunch box would
Hàn Dōng focus on it, which indicates that his skill has been

Similarly, acting requires brains.

Just like Hàn Dōng's chopsticks, his acting was a scrambled

egg, but he had the brain of a glass ball! Knowing that the
audience(Wang Zhong Dong) is a digital controlling compulsive
Hàn Dōng chose an extremely precise angle and intensity. When
the friction reaches a maximum, the speed of the clip is the
fastest, and the state of expression from Wang Would also be
most hungry.

Finally, his good talent can make a character itself shine.

Hàn Dōng created a set of homemade "line-work" styles of

eating: his mouth, teeth, tongue, and throat cooperated and
operated uninterruptedly. That is, when he opened his mouth,
there were teeth chewing egg yolks, cilantro leaves with the
tongue rolled over, and chores that were transported to the
throat... Green and yellow mixed alternately, how could it be a
"little fresh"!
If Wang Zhong Ding did not try to use incense sticks (Hàn
Dōng hates the citron smell) in advance, Hàn Dōng wouldn't be
here at the moment.

Hàn Dōng is very cool, his eating is really painful when the
actor is not sliding easy in his role! In particular, when the role
is negatively affecting others and passed along with nausea,
what figure can resist?

With a bang, the horn of victory finally blew for Hàn Dōng.

When Hàn Dōng was preparing to go out, the bad news came
again and the elevator door couldn't open!

Strange, I didn't sabotage this elevator. How could it be stock?

And it's not the only bad thing, it's not bad but the layer in
Wang Zhong Ding's office is bad! It's like the last bit of water in
the desert is stuffed into the nose, too special!

At the same time, Wang Zhong Ding's eyes once again cast
toward Hàn Dōng.
Hàn Dōng suddenly realized what, Wang turned his eyes to
the bowl, like Hitler's butcher knife.

Even before he had decided to move his chopsticks, Wang

Zhong Ding for the first time ever opened his lunch box and the
elevator and it was filled with a fragrant smell, exposing a
crispy, freshly baked pancake and a box full of canned meat.
Then, like when Hàn Dōng was in sleepwalking, he crushed
meat and sauce into the bread and ate it without turning.

Hàn Dōng blatantly squatted beside and his hunger could pour
two acres of land.

So you say that his acting skills are arrogant, his eyes are
concentrated again, no matter how streamlined he can play
again, Wang pancakes and meat stops him!

Hard-hearted man. The smell was something that can bring

back memories... Hàn Dōng swallowed his mouth and looked at
Wang Zhong Ding sympathetically with the miserable eyes of a
man horribly abused by the locusts.

Afterwards, the elevator door opened, and Hàn Dōng was still
chasing after Wang Zhong Ding, obviously running into the
yummy smell of Wang Ding food, but Wang Zhong Ding walked
into the office.

"Eat it in the kitchen. There isn't that awful pungent smell,"

Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng looked at the pancakes and canned meat on the

desk. Suddenly he felt that this scene was very familiar and very
intimate and that this damn feeling could not be eliminated.

"Do you not want to eat?" Hàn Dōng asked Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding raised his head and said, "I'm full."

Hàn Dōng can't wait to put a piece of meat on the

pancakes.....bite and swallow it. It's still an unpredictable mix.
"Hey, I said... Your pancakes are for you, but it doesn't mean
that it will happen tomorrow. I will continue to eat citron just
like before!"
"Why you little -----." Wang Zhong Ding tone was faint.

Hàn Dōng looked at Zhong Wang Zhong Ding ....... he did not
even say a word of refutation, but he didn't say anything in his
heart: The pitiful look, I can't stand it anymore...
Chapter 61: The power of evil.
On the next day, Wang Zhong Ding once again traveled on
business. This time he was invited to attend the leaders summit
and there was a series of related social activities. It took at least
one week before he could come back...

The scourge named Hàn Dōng was also assigned by Feng Jun
to a new agent, Ji Tao.

"I hope that after Wang returned, he can see an artist who is
in full compliance with the aesthetic requirements of the
company. In this short time we have arduous tasks. You have to
work hard these days." Feng Jun said on Ji Tao shoulder.

Ji Tao nodded. "I understand."

"Especially those in his head which are guilty of an evil and

superstitious way of thinking.....those thoughts must be
completely eradicated! This is something Wang can't stand... If
he can't change this one the rest of him has no chance!"
Ji Tao's eyes were firm. "As long as I live in one more day,
there is no possibility of him pretending to be a ghost."

"I'm relieved that you say it so."

Seeing Ji Tao, Hàn Dōng saw Wang Zhong Ding's "Chinese

version" in him.

.....The so-called "Chinese version" thinks that in addition to

the absence of Wang Ding foreign style and character
disposition, he(Ji Tao )and Wang Zhong Ding are exactly the

On the first day of training, Ji Tao invited a professor who

had been engaged in the publicity work of "exposing spiritual
and promoting real science" for many years. He often gave
lectures everywhere, and many people with ignorant thoughts
suddenly realized their fallacy in the form of his own ideas.

"I ask you, boy, what do you think of superstition?"

Hàn Dōng didn't want to say

"We must abandon superstitious thinking."

The professor doesn't understand at all, this person has a

problem? The eyes of the inquiries were directed at Ji Tao, and
Ji Tao lifted his chin to indicate his continuation. Hàn Dōng's
words should not be believed decisively.

The professor turned his gaze back to Hàn Dōng's face. "Since
you are not a superstitious person....why are you still eager to
practice fortune-telling?"

"What contradicts the two? How do you know that

fortunetelling is superstitious?"

The professor said: "Fortune-telling has no scientific basis, is

that not superstition?"

"Who said that fortune telling has no basis? Fortunetelling is a

prediction method that professionals use to analyze a person's
life and fortune according to the eight-character horoscope, and
infer their predictions of good and bad fortunes. If you listen
well, you're a professional, not a swindler. It's analysis and
prediction, not your concluding remarks. 'Fortune-telling is a
superstitious' statement itself is a kind of superstition. Do you
not deceive the public to it?"

Ji Tao's face changed, but he didn't interrupt him out of

respect for the professor.

"I'm superstitious? I deluded the crowd?" The professor life

almost passed away.

Hàn Dōng took it for granted: "Yes, that's according to you!

What is superstition? Superstition means people blindly
trusting and worshipping things. How do superstitions come
about? Because people's cognitive ability is relative bent to the
huge unknown space. It is limited, in the face of unsolvable
problems, it will produce groundless speculation and inference.
Then I ask you, you know what is money, official? Do you
understand eight-character numerology? Have you ever read
the "Biology of Human Biological Rhythm", "Book of Changes",
and "Geographical Dialectics"? If you don't understand
anything, then you believe that fortunetelling is superstitious.
Isn't that in itself superstitious? I'm saying you're deluded.
What's wrong with you?"

Professor looked at Hàn Dōng......he could not say a word.

Ji Tao called the professor out to the outside while appeasing

his emotions and said: "This is a man of a bewildering set of
truth, you can say anything as long as you directly put the truth

A few minutes later, two men entered the classroom. One is

wearing a robe and an Umbrella Hat. He walks and shakes his
head. He reads in his mouth: "Fortune-telling is scientific,
illness and evil are eliminated; predictions are fortune-telling
and good fortune ..." The other hunched over, faltered while
walking and played a diseased tired old lady.

Hàn Dōng was carrying a small cigarette, cheerfully staring at


Old lady: Great Fairy, can you count on your life and avoid
Great Fairy: Xin Cheng is spiritual! A calculation will be clear!
Be accurate, give incense; the count is not accurate, you can take
your money.

Old lady: I have often been feeling pain in my chest recently

and I feel sick and dizzy.

Great Fairy: (dignified expression) You are caught in snakes. If

you don't drive them out, your life is hard to save!

Old lady: (Frightened) Great Fairy, help me!

Great Fairy: (closed his eyes and read) Chichuan snakes are
really wicked, and they have many evil things! Wait until I come
to reduce the snake, where do I hide? (Pulls out a white sheet
from her pocket) Look, there is nothing on it.

"Wait!" Hàn Dōng suddenly interrupted, walking straight to

the two people, taking the white paper in the hands of Da Xian,
"OK, let me help you!" A mouthful of water sprayed up and he
told Great Fairy. "The snake is coming out, and there is no more
colorless powder for the next time. You have broken off the tail
of this snake."
Great Fairy and the old lady looked at each other, and thought
this show must not be played down?

Hàn Dōng reluctantly ridiculed them "A few centuries ago

there was an old son, and faces are moving up? Where is your
writer? Ask him to call me over! I want to preach and teach
something the children would love to see!"

After that, Hàn Dōng took a red flower from the pot next to it,
took another glass bottle, removed the bottle cap, and placed
the bottle on the safflower. After a while, the red flower turned

"This..." Great Fairy shouted at him, "What did you do?"

The professor on the side was disdain. "There are chemicals in

the bottle. Of course it will fade. Isn't it the same scientific
principle that God used for a long time?"

Hàn Dōng came to him and smiled and asked: "Professor, are
you having a problem of fishbone getting stuck?"
The professor's face changed. "How do you know?"

"Are you using a lot of methods and haven't been able to get
your fish bones out?"

The professor admitted, "I'm going to get the doctor to take it

out for me."

Hàn Dōng didn't continue asking, but took the water bottle
out of the professor's bag and asked the professor to take a sip.
"See if you can swallow it with water?"

"I have use a few bottles of water."

Hàn Dōng said: "Just you try."

The professor tried again and the result was the same. He
couldn't swallow.
Hàn Dōng took the bottle of water and poured it into a clean
cup with two chopsticks crossed. The left-hand three-fingered
with a holding cup, the right-handed sword means a cup, and
Hai Dong reads a few words in his mouth.

Then hand it to the professor. "You will drink it again this


Cut ... This bullshit? The professor took the glass coldly.

As a result, he just took a drink and his eyes changed.

"How is it?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Although the professor does not want to admit it, the answer
can be written on his face.

"What did you do to take it from me?" The professor looked

Hàn Dōng braced himself. "This water is what you have just
drunk which came from your bag. The cup is also taken from
that table now. What did I do?"

"This..." The professor was speechless.

For Ji Tao this was still unacceptable. He even suspected

Professor and Hàn Dōng had made a pact in advance.

In order to dismantle Hàn Dōng's tricks, Ji Tao personally

found cups and chopsticks, as well as clean water that was
tested without any additives. He didn't care anymore, he
swallowed a fishbone abruptly, and it was deeply stuck. Many
methods were used but all of them were useless. Several people
on the spot encouraged Ji Tao to go to the hospital.

Ji Tao turned his eyes to Hàn Dōng. His deterrence was full.
help me, you have the ability to take it out of me now!

Hàn Dōng deliberately asked the people to check his hand and
make sure there were no corrosive things in it. Then he calmly
took the cup and chopsticks and walked through the procedure.
"Please drink!" Hàn Dōng personally to Ji Tao mouth.

Ji Tao shamelessly took the cup and drunk a big saliva.

"How are you now?" everyone asked.

Ji Tao was shocked momentarily and his eyes were somewhat


Everyone was in an uproar.

Someone suddenly said: "A friend of mine went to travel the

previous year and saw a similar performance in a minority
sight. It is called 'bone technique.' It was said that he could
swallow glass residue and a staple. I thought it was a lie. !"

"It's just a lie." Hàn Dōng looked at the black line. "Glass ... it's

The voice just fell and the quiet took the classroom.
"Master, when can I make a fortune?"

"Master, no matter what you say, I always think that there is

an evil spirit that surrounds me."

"Masters of Masters, there is a fortune telling me that I will

have a disaster this year. You can help me to see."


The professor couldn't stand it anymore. He pulled Hàn Dōng

out of the crowd and pulled him out to a hidden corner outside.
His eyebrows instantly stained with a smile. "I see you are a
literary person."

Hàn Dōng laughed. "Look for me when you have time to chat"

Two days later, in that same classroom, Hàn Dōng took

leather boots and walked on the podium.
"Today we will talk about the Ghost Haunting. Most people
are not really believers of Ghostly Haunting Rooms because
Ghost Haunting has many associated symptoms. In addition,
'Sucking Yang Vital Energy' is nonsense, what can you have
with ghosts? Benefit?......"
Chapter 62: Received this enchanting!
At night, Feng Jun stood on the balcony, getting blown by the
sea breeze while talking with Ji Tao.

"Well, well, he will listen to you."

Wang Zhong Ding had just come to see the green plants. He
heard Feng Jun talking on the phone and casually asked, "Who's

"Ji Tao, reporting to me about Hàn Dōng."

When he heard the word "Hàn Dōng," Wang Zhong Ding

snorted and there was a kind of subtle emotion inside.

Feng Jun didn't wait for Wang Zhong Ding to take the
initiative to speak .....he spoke first: "Hàn Dōng not only did not
make trouble but also worked with Ji Tao, the two people got
along very well, are you surprised?"
Wang Zhong Ding didn't expect it, he thought that Hàn Dōng
would make a fool of people and nothing would turn up very

"There is even more stuff than what you can't think of." Feng
Jun secretly smiled, followed by proudly saying: "Ji Tao actually
praised Hàn Dōng ....saying his talent is high, saying that he is a
rare talent."

For Wang Zhong Ding this is unacceptable. How can a man

with a temperament like himself be so appreciative of Hàn

"Are you sure that you are talking about the same Ji Tao?"

Feng Jun handed the phone to Wang Zhong Ding. "Or would
you prefer to call him personally?"

"Forget it." Wang Zhong Ding waved.

Feng Jun secretly stared at Wang Zhong Ding and said slowly:
"In fact, I think it is false.....The reason why Hàn Dōng was so
rebellious was to draw your attention."

Having heard the second person say so, Wang Zhong Ding had
to pay attention to this issue.

"Why do you think so?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

"This is obvious. When you are in the country, Hàn Dōng is

not willing to be disciplined and he is acting up. When you go
away, he is immediately paralyzed. And Ji Tao and your temper
are so similar like that. If Hàn Dōng really refuses to accept your
convictions, how can Ji Tao control him peacefully? Ah?"

Wang Zhong Ding went silent for a long time before opening
his mouth, "Forget it, what he thinks is okay as long as someone
can control him." Then he turned into the room.

Feng Jun grinned behind Wang Zhong Ding.

Ji Tao hung up here and Hàn Dōng could not wait to ask,
"....was the call from Wang Zhong Ding?"

"No, it was Manager Feng, Feng Jun."

"Oh..." Hàn Dōng patted the space around him. "Come on. You
will sleep with me this evening."

Ji Tao didn't say anything. He lay down directly on the bed

with Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng said: "I haven't slept with someone for a long time."

Ji Tao said: "I never slept with someone else. If you didn't tell
the secret that has been buried in my heart for more than 20
years, I don't think I would have been totally open to one

"You were living too depressed! Learn how to be a friend..."

Hàn Dōng took a self-portrait. "My buddy you are living a lot
more upbeat, more energetic, loving for someone else, and you
should live for yourself!"
Ji Tao had to admit, "In some places, I should learn from you
how to live."

"But yeah..." Hàn Dōng said, "I understand you. What you
have is exactly what I'm missing. The fact that we are opposite
sex sucks. No, the trick is we are the same sex. There will be a
lot of things. It doesn't seem right..."

Ji Tao said: "it should be a complementary effect."

"That's right, it's complementary. You look at me I'm a

hipster. You're old-fashioned, I'm smart and you're stupid. I'm
calm and you're impatient. I'm confident you've low self-
esteem. You're pursuing without faith, right?"

The more imperfect Ji Tao is, the more bad things Hàn Dong
get out of his mouth.

.......This "What you have is what I lack?" Obviously is "What

you lack is what I have."
"So, I can get extra spiritual satisfaction from you," Hàn Dōng

Ji Tao suddenly puzzled. "Why don't you like Wang? They all
say that I'm very much like him."

Hàn Dōng has a black face. What I don't like has nothing to do
with his personality.


Three days later, Feng Jun and Wang Zhong Ding returned
home together.

Just after entering the office building, Wang Zhong Ding

smelled an unusual odor. Although the floor was spotlessly
polished, his digital eyes swept the scribbles, which seemed to
have been treaded by countless pairs of soles for several days.
There are few figures in the halls, but there is a thick human
flesh scent in here.
"Did the company have any activities these days?" Wang
Zhong Ding asked Feng Jun.

Feng Jun thought for a moment and said: "There are several
small-scale events."

Wang Zhong Ding looked puzzled. "Why do I think that

during this time I was away, the office building had received too
many people?"

"Is it? Their activities are held outside."

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Zhong Ding heard the two
newly signed female artists walking up and talking.

"Have you heard of him? We have come to a big fair recently.

The fortune-telling here is accurate."

As soon as he heard the words "Da Xian Er",(The Great

Fairy)...... Wang Zhong Ding's face changed immediately, and
Feng Jun also had a vague premonition. However, he still gave
Wang Zhong Ding a calming look. Since Ji Tao vowed to ensure
that Hàn Dōng had repented, the so-called "Great Fairy" must
have been someone else.

The female artist doesn't seem to realize that the big boss is
behind and was still chatting happily.

"In the past few days, many of our company's employees have
come to him. Those bigwigs who have announced their
departure have made special trips coming back. I heard that
there was a film crew that stopped shooting the movie.....They
all paid a chartered vehicle coming back to the company made
him count their fortunes."

Wang Zhong Ding's face became more gloomy and thought it

was indeed someone who fouled the air.

The previous conversation continued, and the silent female

artist opened her mouth.

"Don't mention him to me! When I think of him, I get angry!"

"Ah? You know him?"

"Oh...Last time I went to see him..... he blew it with me and

said that my hands are so special, which he wants to make
convex, and he said he wanted to do good if I'll let him help me.
As a result, he was grinding for more than half an hour, not
only it has no effect at all, but also accounts for a lot of my costs
this week."

Fortune-telling, bragging, lust, swiftness... Excuse me, its Hàn

Dōng isn't it?.... who else can still hold so much?

Wang Zhong Ding's face was obviously a lot worse, but Feng
Jun still cast an eye toward him "slightly avoiding misfortune".
As long as the difference is not consistent, there is a possibility
that it's not "Hàn Dōng". Even Hàn Dōng can progress.

Soon, the former female artist made another speech.

"Has he asked you for money?"

"The most annoying thing is this! I thought he was so cheap
and he was embarrassed to ask for money again. As a result,
what can you guess? He not only asked me for money but also
said that it was time-based!"

"My God, this person is good at counting all?"

Well, this time it has finally taken up... Wang Zhong Ding
examines Feng Jun: What else can you say?

Feng Jun's eyes are still cruel with a glimmer of hope. Who is
Ji Tao? Can a person who has the same rigorous style as you,
without any warrants, openly promise a false tale?

At this time, he was walking to a turning point. Suddenly, a

familiar voice came and Wang Zhong Ding's fierce foot did not
follow the two female artists in the back.

"Hey, beauty, meet again!"

"What are you doing?"

"Why didn't you call me to get a massage from me recently?"

"Who wants your massage? Asshole"

Afterward, a series of high-heeled shoes stepped away.

The familiar male voice sounded again. Just by listening to

the tone, Wang could imagine the evil face.

"I still got her."

Another male voice rang. "I think that the girl is pure!"

"Pure? That's because you didn't see her. When she was with
me for ten minutes, she said it itched for a while, then said that
it was still itchy and kept twisting in the bed, so I didn't dare to
keep on with her. She was too slow for me. There were many
business people behind her... how much business do you think I
would miss?
Hearing this, Feng Jun finally recognized the plant, and sure
enough another broker was converted to the dark side and he
didn't know how he fell for the devil.

The conversation outside continues.

"That's it. Don't say anything to her......."

"You? You must have kidney deficiency."

"My kidney?"

"Yeah, you are just like Wang Zhong Ding. He has kidney
deficiency too"

"Wang Zhong Ding has always had kidney deficiency? Really?"

1].....kidney deficiency= Sexual Impotence

"He wouldn't do it if he saw it"

1]....the the girl

As soon as the voice fell, a gloomy figure appeared at the

corner, more precisely two figures.... but the back road was cut
off by the terrible field of landmines in front of it.

Hàn Dōng was dumbfounded at the time and there was a

cannon fodder guard next to him.

Feng Jun thought that no one would be more impulsive than

himself. He was also a good-natured figure. He never said a bad
word in public. At the moment, he wants to be a public menace
and cuss and shout like a crazy man! but what image would he
give? Now he has to stand this scourge(Hàn Dōng) to the end! As
a result, when his foot had not yet stepped out, he felt a
swiftness in the shadows, and a fierce physique (Wang Zhong
Ding)surpassing him whistling forced him(Feng Jun) to retreat
in two steps to the back.

To take a closer look, someone actually rushed in front of

Chapter 63: Wang's Penalty Station
When no one responds, Wang Zhong Ding carried Hàn Dōng
into the elevator.

This elevator, which has always been filled with fragrant

awful smells, has finally relied on Hàn Dōng's love with "shoe
bottoms scent and stew pork stench".

Wang Zhong Ding can't figure out why if he has always been
so calm, after he touched this stuff(Hàn Dōng ) he felt like he
had swallowed a few kilograms of explosives? Is it because he's
covered up, and he steps on the minefield(Hàn Dōng)? Or
because Han Dong buttock looks too close to his own heart, and
only "close contact" with it can calm down the anger?

Hàn Dōng also could not figure out why a returning

intellectual would pass on the essence of Chinese martial arts so

1]....Wang Zhong Ding got violent with Hàn Dōng I suspect he

kicked Hàn Dōng...such fun
Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is "the nightmare of house
leaks," but in Hàn Dōng's eyes everything is "unintentional."
Without any planning, he naturally offended Wang Zhong Ding,
how much cheaper is this man! However, the feeling of "pain
and happiness" was replaced by the feeling that "pain is far
greater than happiness", and Hàn Dōng finally blew up.

"Don't kick me, you Dickhead! Hey, I have to say two

sentences first? Why are you doing this? You haven't finished
yet, right? You try again! What's more? Are you still waiting?, I
will go looking for someone to... "

Hàn Dōng dialect is called a horizontal, eyes like a beggar, but

no one's believing the sad face.

The hero doesn't accept the immediate loss. Not to mention

that Hàn Dōng is not a proper hero. He is a grandfather(baddest
guy) and he can stand a few pains. Seeing that he can't do the
hard work, like push Wang Zhong Ding off....he begins to use a
soft method to garner sympathy.

When Wang Zhong Ding heard Hàn Dōng was choking ..... his
action stopped and he didn't even know how he lost his power
so quickly.
The purpose of Hàn Dōng gist succeeded, and he(Hàn Dōng)
began to feel bad in his heart: My suffering stops you from
continuing kicking me and you are not so firm like before... It
seems that you still have unfair thoughts.

Out of the elevator, Wang Zhong Ding dragged Hàn Dōng into
the dark house and asked him to reflect on his punishment.

This penalty station is not a penalty station in the ordinary

sense, but he(Hàn Dōng) has to stand on an instrument. If his
posture is incorrect or slightly shaken, the instrument will
sound an alarm and the timer for keeping still will be reset.

Soon, Ji Tao was also called to the office by Wang Zhong Ding.

"The entertainment stage is so big that individual artists can

meet the diverse needs of the audience. If we make all the artists
into a particular model, that is not a stardom-making company
but a paper mill," said Ji Tao.

"I didn't give him to you so you can annihilate his personality.
I gave you permission to do to the worst. What did you do? Not
only you didn't extract the spiritual nonsense, but you also
absorbed the rubbishness of it all!"

"It wasn't bad in my eyes."

"Superstition is rubbish. Is this still a debatable point?"

"He is not superstitious." Ji Tao said calmly, "He is really


Wang Zhong Ding "......"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't know how long he was silent, and
when he spoke, he looked very dignified.

"Then I can only reluctantly cut it off."

Ji Tao looked stubborn. "If you want to fire Hàn Dōng, I will
go with him."
Wang Zhong Ding was angered and said, "I will fire you!"

Ji Tao was taken aback and quickly said something to surprise

Wang Zhong Ding.

"You can do that too, but I will take Hàn Dōng away with me."

The office has a kind of rhythm of changing sky....from a

thunderstorm to a windy thunderstorm... Fortunately, Feng
Jun arrived in time to calm the storm.

"You go out first," said Feng Jun to Ji Tao.

After Ji Tao went out, Feng Jun faced Wang Zhong Ding
alone, but he also had a little lack of confidence. "It seems... We
really have to send Hàn Dōng to my sister."

Wang Zhong Ding pointed out at the door. "You're also going
out with him!"

When the office was empty and Wang Zhong Ding was alone.
The ashtray was full of cigarette butts.

In the beginning, the sirens of the Black House continued to

ring constantly. Then they stopped and Wang doesn't know for
how long the siren hasn't rung. The silence of more than two
hours had finally caused Wang Zhong Ding's suspicion to

There are a lot of people who practised standing on this

instrument, including Er Lei, but Er Lei wasn't just trying. He
detected that he had maintained the limit of the same stance for
1 hour 30 minutes, and Wang had set this as the initial standard.
Once someone can exceed this standard, the instrument will be
automatically replaced with the latest record. But for a long
time, this standard hadn't been broken.....

However, just today, a brand new record "penalty king" was


When Wang Zhong Ding walked into the dark room, Hàn
Dōng was standing on the instrument. His stature was as
straight as a gun and he looked like a sculpture.

Hàn Dōng was not aware of the arrival of Wang Zhong Ding,
he looked as if he had meditated to leave all material everything
in the world.

Wang Zhong Ding walked in front of Hàn Dōng and looked at

his face.

Eyes were closed...

"I have to say something about Hàn Dōng's ability. I always

believe that strange things exist. Well, of course, if the parents
don't believe it, they can also be viewed as urban powers."
Chapter 64 From child thief to the
In the evening, Ji Tao came back to Hàn Dōng's dormitory.

"I see Wang Zhong Ding's intention is to send you to Feng

Mu's brokerage company."

Hàn Dōng frowned slightly. "Feng Mu?"

"This is Feng Jun's cousin, the most famous agent in the

circle. Now many of our company's brokers are the ones she
trained. I'm one of them. She's had years of friendship with
Wang, but Wang always invested in movies. He will give her
artists certain appearance opportunities, so signing with her
was also a good choice."

It sounds really good. He can avoid distress from Wang Zhong

Ding and get along with it all the time. If I can continue to
follow this path. It feels like the first result of The Blindman is
approaching perfection... but Hàn Dōng can't get excited yet.
"What's wrong?" Ji Tao asked.

Hàn Dōng hooked Ji Tao's shoulders and licked his lips. "Am I
an inconvenient to you?!"

"It has nothing to do with me."

It is true that there is not much relationship with Ji Tao, but

the specific and what is related, Hàn Dōng also can't help but
look around, seemingly nothing was worthy of his nostalgia ...

Ji Tao inadvertently talks about Feng's personal experience.

"In fact, she started as a star and later changed career to become
an artist manager and a beauty"

Hearing the word beauty, Hàn Dōng's eyes finally light up.
"Do you have any pictures of her?"

"I don't have it, but I can search it online."

Hàn Dōng can't wait. "Quickly."

Ji Tao looked for a moment and selected a recent activity

photo op to refer to Hàn Dōng. "This is her."

Hàn Dōng was healed in an instant. Yes, life is good.

"Then when do I have to go to her company to report?"

excitedly asked.

Ji Tao looked cold. "As far as we can see, you would like to see
something different?"

Hàn Dōng smiled slyly. "I'm afraid of dragging you ..... Feng
Jun spent so many talks persuading Wang to let you stay."

Ji Tao thought for a moment and said: "The day after

tomorrow, Wang will talk to you."
Hàn Dōng geared up and looked forward to the day.

The next morning, Hàn Dōng woke up and began to crisscross

the thoughts in his head

Tomorrow I will be gone, and today I will not be annoying

Wang Zhong Ding again?

In fact, Hàn Dōng's heart is not quite tolerable, because since

he hit him at the company, Wang Zhong Ding didn't go straight
home... If before he left, he has to make a fuss it's a little
unappealing. But this is the last chance for Hàn Dōng... It is a
shame to waste it. What if Wang Zhong Ding left with a slight
thought about Hàn Dōng and changed his mind temporarily?

After repeated weighings thoughts, Hàn Dōng decided to take

the wicked way and get Wang cut off for good!

At noon, Hàn Dōng wrapped up an odor on the elevator. This

time he played with big, fragrant smelly tofu and durian, and
the whole person was incarnated with the pungent shell. He
struggled hard to breath.....everything in a lift smelled like a
fouled toilet...
After the meal was brought, Wang Zhong Ding didn't say
anything and he left empty-handed.

The elevator didn't stop. It rose directly to the office floor.

Hàn Dōng watched Wang Zhong Ding walked out.

Then the elevator descended and Hàn Dōng returned to the

restaurant floor.

"What did you say to Wang Zhong Ding ah? Whenever he

comes with you he does not find what he wants to eat, and goes
straight away." The waiter said.

Hàn Dōng's infamy isn't the same thing. He told himself to

listen: This boy is too wicked! I haven't had an appetite yet. I've
eaten so many stinky things.

In the afternoon, Hàn Dōng continued to play big detective,

wandering around the hidden corners of the company to see if
Wang Zhong Ding had any food to eat... Hàn Dōng doesn't know
if he wanted to prove that the hard work at noon was not in
vain, or something else was afoot...
In the evening, Hàn Dōng accompanied Ji Tao and had a meal.
When he returned, it was nearly ten o'clock. After passing
through the office building, the lights of Wang Zhong Ding's
office were still on. It seemed that he would stay up late again.

"Why are you standing there?" Ji Tao asked Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng immediately changed his face and blew a whistle

with excitement. "Tomorrow, I must see the big beautiful girl!"

"Well, let's go. If you go back, you have to pack things up."

At one o'clock in the morning, Wang Zhong Ding watched the

cooperation agreement faxed by Feng Mu and slowly turned the

Suddenly, there was a familiar rustle in the corridor.

Wang Zhong Ding looked back at the refrigerator with a

reflexive look. Later, he thought about it. Hàn Dōng didn't live
in this building anymore... Even if he was a sleepwalker, he
should not walk so far!

As a result, the door still rang.

Immediately afterward, an arm came in and sneaked

something. Even though no one was exposed, the thief left.

Wang Zhong Ding walked over and saw a lunchbox lying on

the floor...

1] ........ A sleepwalking Han Dong is more caring towards

Chapter 65 I personally will raise you.
The next morning, when Hàn Dōng woke up, he stretched his
big lazy waist. Today, the weather looks good. It's sunny,
cloudless, and it's in line with his mood!

After packing things up, Hàn Dōng jumped on the bed again,
his fists slamming on top of his excitement, I finally got rid of
the inflatables! He turned over and got out of bed again and took
out the scissors and shoved them toward the inflatable sofa. In
any case, your king is always rich, and if I go, no one will use it.
There are a few more to puncture and it adds to the joy of this


After a while, Yu Ming came to the door. "Can you stop it?"

Not only did Hàn Dōng not know what he wanted, but he also
hurried him in and said, "Aren't you learning to dance? Your
buddy is going to leave today. Don't you still have a twist to get
Yu Ming ignored him and went straight to the door.

Hàn Dōng blocked in the doorway again. The dead skin face
was asking for help. "You should give me a pass today and just
jump on one. I can't see it after I jump today."

Yu Ming didn't look down at Hàn Dōng's face.

Hàn Dōng still couldn't beat it. "If you jump well, wait until
I'm fired to help you carry it. Otherwise, where did you learn to
dance? It's really embarrassing that you just mean to take a
pose. Or do you want to impress someone? Let me give you an
advice. Don't wear it up. Is it a man or a woman?

Yu Ming was really annoyed. He casually took a one-horse

pose and secured his feet in 180 degrees in a vertical line. He
asked Hàn Dōng, "Is this OK?"

"You are so flexible, too! Can you give yourself a blowjob?"

Yu Ming sank and turned away.

"Don't ....don't...I was just playing with you." Hàn Dōng then
grabbed Yu Ming and excitedly asked for advice. "How did you
practice that? You have to teach me! I want to kick someone
else's head."

"Then you have a lot to practice." Yu Ming said.

Hàn Dōng was puzzled. "Why? Is it too late for me to learn?

Isn't my physical fitness enough?"

Yu Ming glanced at Hàn Dōng's long legs and said: "If you
practice you can only end up with Yao Ming's brain."


After kicking things up for a while... Hàn Dōng was preparing

to have breakfast and suddenly he discovered that the cake he
bought yesterday was gone. Strange, I obviously remember
putting it on the computer desk. How could it be gone? Can it be
that I smell it at night and sleepwalk to eat it? The problem is
that the lunch box is also gone. Surely I couldn't even eat the
lunch box?
Hàn Dōng rummaged again, looking to find Yu Ming, and
found the same lunch box at his place. Hàn Dōng immediately
shouted: "Well, I may have stolen from you a pack of melon
seeds and nuts and you're actually going to get back two big
cakes, evil enough!"

Yu Ming couldn't understand what Hàn Dōng was saying. He

didn't know how he lost his melon seeds until now. As for the
lunch box, it was the company's gift...

"It's all right. All of you come out from the countryside. I
understand you. I'm a straight man. You have to do something
don't stop yourself. Anyway, it's all good. Whoever eats
them....there is no difference. You take mine too I wouldn't ask
you for a bag of sausages, right?" A handful of sausages were
taken from Yu Ming hand, and Hàn Dōng instantly showed his
kindness. " My buddy, I see you are a rich man, and I'm sure
you're going to go big in the future...... you're just waiting to
enjoy it!"

Yu Ming face had a cold pair of eyes from beginning to end: Is

this man sick?

Not for a moment later, the exit door was blazed with a
stirring voice. "I want to live in full bloom, like flying in the vast
sky, like walking in the boundless wilderness, and having the
power to break free..." (singing)

Hàn Dōng went all the way to the office building, for the first
time he walked smiling into the office of Wang Ding.

"Wang, are you looking for me?"

Zhong Ding nodded. ".... sit there."

"No, I will stand on the line." Hàn Dōng still smiled.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "I have thought about your staying

Although he knows already what is going to happen, Hàn

Dōng still felt inevitably anxious, it was just like the excitement
of being a popular candidate waiting for the results..... just the
moment before the announcement of the "Dream Emperor."
"Don't be so nervous, you don't have to go." Wang Zhong Ding

Hàn Dōng's mouth was already smiling, but it twitched at the

moment he got up.

"What did you say?"

"From now on, I will train you personally."

Chapter 66 Gap
Hearing a bang, Yu Ming subconsciously looked at the door,
and Hàn Dōng, who had gone out two hours earlier, flew back
and lower his eyebrows in anger...

Nobody knows what Yu Ming was thinking, he even blew the

corner of the month for the first time, he wanted to give Hàn
Dōng a piece of his mind.

Motherfucker! I usually let you laugh though you don't laugh,

you gloat!

Hàn Dōng's legs are not overturned, and his head is not
shaking, some people are not able to grow up. He completely
turns into a blasphemed god and stands in the doorway of Yu
Ming's room, and strongly supports the dilemma of poor
diligence from his subject.

"What are you laughing?? I tell you, you have just crossed that
white line ... I won't go!"
Yu Ming answered Hàn Dōng's cold face: You love to run but
not walk.

The most unfortunate thing in the world "has nothing to do

with death". Hàn Dōng looked at his inflated mattress, sofa, and
stool. He just wanted to have a few big mouthful cries. What is
this ah?!

In desperation, Hàn Dōng had to pick up a barely available

unpunctured at the view, inflated sofa and sat upon it.

If the previous inflatable sofa was designed to allow Hàn Dōng

to rest, it is now used to prove how long Hàn Dōng's legs are.
After a cigarette has been drawn before it was even put in the
mouth, Hàn Dōng's knees are over his shoulders he fell

He still can't figure out why Wang Zhong Ding changed it.

How fascinating is my charm? !!!

In front of him, a picture appears: President Wang hits the
wall with a punch. The red blood contrasts sharply with the
white wall. He turns and whispers to himself: You are a little
goblin, I would take you on. But how?

Ji Tao...The Chinese version of "Wang Zhong Ding" came to


"If Wang doesn't like the acts of the agents, he will operate
secretly and will not announce it to others. In the eyes of others,
you are still free and the company is only in a cooperative
relationship with you."

Hàn Dōng complained: "In the eyes of others, I'm free to have
a butt... It doesn't mean it actually belongs to him?"

"Because both your interests are directly linked to each

other....he will spare no effort to give you this advantage. Other
people are eager to seek his approval, this includes all of the
company's signature stars numbering into hundreds of people.
There are only two people who can enjoy this kind of
There is one more? Hàn Dōng immediately asked: "Who is

"Didn't you know when you came here?."

"I don't know all the artists in this company, you say it, who is

Ji Tao intends to give a perfunctory answer. "I'm not quite

sure. This is an internal secret."

Hàn Dōng didn't continue to ask, but he was only interested in

what Wang Zhong Ding's personal training with him would be

"I don't want him to be treating me any better. As long as I

stay in this company, about who is my agent, why does it have
to be different? You go and have a talk with Wang Zhong Ding
and then you continue to be my agent."

"I have already talked with him," said Ji Tao.

Hàn Dōng asked quickly: "What did he say?"

"He said he will give me two options I can continue working

here but.......either as your agent or as an executive director."

Hàn Dōng immediately stunned and only said for a long time:
"Tao, you shouldn't be treated by this kind of person"

"I certainly wasn't changed before, but this time I learned a lot
from you, especially what you always said to me: You should
only live by yourself!"

Hàn Dōng, "......."

Two people fell into silence.

Hàn Dōng began to feel unbalanced and later changed his

mind. If Ji Tao became the executive director of the brokerage
firm, it also meant that he had entered the management level. It
was not necessarily a bad thing to have such a person as a friend
holding real power.
So he went back to Ji Tao to make up the past. "Since you are
already a leader, can you give me a piece of furniture? Even if it
isn't new, I had no idea I would be moved back to the old one."

Ji Tao was a bit distressed. "I mainly manage the brokers."

"Yeah, the brokers are all under you. Can't you handle this
little thing?"

"The problem is that your broker is President Wang."

Hàn Dōng, "....."

Ji Tao also said: "Not to mention I'm just the vice director. I
have the director above me. There are also managers above the
director. The final approval authority is the manager, that is,
Feng Jun. After Feng Jun has finished the approval, he still has
to go to Wang for him to sign off"

After all, Hàn Dōng finally understood that Wang Zhong Ding
had dug a gap between him and Ji Tao!
Chapter 67 I can only help you get there.
Hàn Dōng looked at Wang Zhong Ding and said. "I can sign
with you, but there are two conditions."

Wang Zhong Ding indicated that Hàn Dōng should despite his

"First, get me a set of furniture; Second, give me a ' beautiful

assistant' " Speaking of the two characters, Hàn Dōng
specifically aggravated the tone, so that Wang Zhong Ding
would listen his heart needs.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding's reply was: "The second one

can be considered, the first there will be a talk about."

Hàn Dōng never imagined that the second one could be

considered and the first one was actually the one rejected!

"Why can't you change a furniture? Are the company's funds

so nervously tipped?"
"It's not about money, it's about your personal habits."

Hàn Dōng's hair under the armor exploded. "I'm not

accustomed to inflated stuff because I like it. It's because I don't
have money! Now that your company is not short of money,
why can't you give me a set?"

Wang Zhong Ding examines Hàn Dōng and asks: "Why must
you change them?"

Hàn Dōng voice lacked confidence. "...They're broken."

"How bad?"

Hàn Dōng slammed his eyes away and said: "How can it be
bad? The inflated ones are not strong enough. They break just
by scratching it."

"This is a property of the company and the damage to it has to

be compensated."
No change to furniture for me, but he especially makes me
lose money!!! Hàn Dōng had a dark face at that time. It was your
hard-to-need to sign for me... It was not God who was hurrying
to bring me to you. The face should be thrown away by me!

"Then If I pay and don't sign it... Can I leave ?"

Wang Zhong Ding promised him to be very happy. "As long as

you pay the compensation, you can go at any time."

Hàn Dōng immediately patted the table: "How much? Give me

a few days."

Wang Zhong Ding pulled out an invoice from the drawer and
handed it to Hàn Dōng. Hàn Dōng was dumbfounded. It was just
a bed ....and it cost more than 20,000 yuan.
Isn't this stealing money?

"Your mattress is not an ordinary inflatable mattress but is

tailored to your height, weight, and body shape. It perfectly fits
your body curve and can provide protection to all intended
Hàn Dōng just wants to burst his foul mouth. What are
you?.......stupid!!! .....All that money you spent can buy a set of
solid wood furniture!

"You're sure like to spend ridiculous! I told you that the

Xiaowuji wholesale market can be bought within 200 yuans or

"I don't have that ability anymore." Wang Zhong Ding pokes
his invoice with his fingers, "a total of 71,225 yuan, because of
the equipment being used for less than a month, with the rate of
depreciation the total cost amount is 56,980 yuan, are you
paying with a credit card or cash?"

Hàn Dōng searched his pockets, which had less than 50 yuan.
He couldn't even get a breath out.

Wang Zhong Ding once again said: "If it is not there, you can
use your property to offset your debt."

"What things?"
"Your ass."

Finally, that forced the voice of his cuss out!! Hàn Dōng felt
that his old blood had reached the eyes of his sister-in-law, and
he made a pat on his buttocks. "I tell you Wang: You don't even
think about it! Even if I owe you a few hundred million I won't
let you touch me with one finger!"

"What did you say? would you say it clearly?"

Hàn Dōng immediately got surprised, What is it?

Wang Zhong Ding reminded: "The price that you said was
your own. Forty-four dollars and fifty-nine's is 1,295 kicks. As
for when it is finished, it depends on my time."

Hàn Dōng's face instantly turned into a purple sauce and he

only laughed for a long time. "That's nothing. I'll go first. You're

"Stop!" Wang Zhong Ding suddenly called Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng's muscles on the entire back were stretched to
death. It wouldn't be.

"Didn't you say you wanted an assistant?" Wang Zhong Ding


It turned out to be the matter. Hàn Dōng breathed a sigh of

relief and turned to look at the other person.

"What are the special requirements?" Wang Zhong Ding asked


Hàn Dōng said in a vague manner: "On a simple request, you

must pass a personal image. At least to what I think is worthy of
me and the two of us would coordinate with each other."

"OK, I understand."

Hàn Dōng nodded and flew out of the office.

Wang Zhong Ding laughed

On the second day, Wang Zhong Ding's hand-picked assistant

who he recommended himself came to Hàn Dōng.

"Hello, my name is Shèn Hua. It is Wang who asked me to

come to you."

Hàn Dōng was stunned at the time. How can Hàn Dōng
describe the appearance of this person?

There is a sense of "respect," so Hàn Dōng can't sell his ass

because he may insult her. As for the body, Hàn Dōng has to
admit that Wang Zhong Ding really has a set of good eyes...The
woman's lower body length is exactly equal to Hàn Dōng's upper
body length. He is "legging and sitting on his knees over his
shoulders ." This woman is "bending his body and hitting his

1]....... yeah l didn't get that one too

SALEM]...... I don't know but I think he is imagining the
woman in sexual positions with him. xD

What a special coordination!

"You don't like me?" Shen asked early flowers.

Hàn Dōng was upright. "Do you think I am that kind of

person? There is nothing to say. It is you who have been

Shèn Hua was thrilled. "You are the first person to see me and
not hate me. To be honest, I'm not particularly confident about
my appearance. The big stars just don't like me. The young stars
also pick and choose someone other than me..... I'm always left
behind. I was really touched by you and you let me regain my
confidence. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you..."

"Are you finished?" Hàn Dōng asked.

The early flowers were embarrassing and nodded. "I'm


"You have to quit."


"I'm only helping you here."

Chapter 68 Hàn talent.
Hàn Dōng was secretly signed to Wang Zhong Ding.

However, this doesn't prevent his plan from proceeding. If it

was said that Wang Zhong Ding's antagonism was purely a
crime, his antagonism is now a naked revenge.

Oh shit! Even a set of furniture he can not bear to change for


I still won't count on him, I'll do it myself, and I have enough

food and clothing!

Hàn Dōng went to pick up some rags and bring them back to
the dormitories. Today, it's a tree trunk that he comes back
with. Zhang Xing Hu who was coming from outside saw Hàn
Dōng's situation and he was instantly intimidated.

"My God, you... How did you get that to the elevator?"
Hàn Dōng trow back one sentence: "I didn't take the elevator,
I climbed up the stairs."

Zhang Xing Hu was stunned: "You are really addicted to this.

How thick is this instrument going to be? A blow horn for the

"What made you think this will be an instrument? This one is

for the bed."

How many amounts of work is required to sawing a wooden

bed? Zhang Xing Hu was starting to admire Hàn Dōng's carefree

"Why don't you buy one?"

"No money."

"You should have said it earlier! I'll lend you some" Zhang
Xing Hu looked generous.
Unexpectedly, Hàn Dōng waved his hand and coldly refused:
"Remember, I will not take a penny!"


On the set, Li Shang was again directed.

"Your expression is not in place... it's too much. How many

times have I told you? The act is to play 'fine'. How does that
detail processing fail for you? How do you feel the need to be
realistic? The feeling you give me is always so-so, it's always not
so good. come out......"

The agent stepped forward. "Director, let him have a rest, I

think you are tired."

The director waved his hand impatiently. "Forget it, let's do

what we come here to do today."

Li Shang's assistant is not far from the phone and the agent
saw a slap to the face.
"What are you scurrying about? Hurry to send towels for him,
haven't you seen any of them."

Li Shang was very good-tempered. He also ridiculed his

assistant. "What are you talking about? Laughing so happily'."

"Talking about the Big Fairy. He's a godsend. Many people go

and look for him."

Hearing about the three words of Great Fairy, Li Shang was

skeptical, and he did not dare to ask directly who it was.
"Doesn't Wang especially hates all those feudal superstitions

"But this man is very good! Even Wang Zhong Ding doesn't
leave him alone, hahaha..."

Shortly after returning to the hotel, the agent went to Li

Shang's room.

"I checked him and his name is Hàn Dōng."

Hearing this name, Li Shang somehow laughed and his
laughter was particularly indescribable.

He's still coming...

"But I saw a list of new artists signed. There was no Hàn

Dōng... He has been in the company for more than half a
month, he has changed two agents and finally lost everything.
With this time the company's enthusiasm for you .....Because of
strength, Wang did not take him seriously, and his stay is likely
to be a problem." Broker analyzed.

Li Shang was very clear-headed. He remembered Liang Jing's

"five bans," and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It is a
miracle to have Hàn Dōng stay so long in a company with a
person with Wang's character."

"But you also have to think about it in reverse that the bad
things in the article are also the fatal factors that limit his
development. What kind of person has Wang always hated? Do
his eyes have a grain of sand? Think about what you used to
have. A roommate, which is not a superior qualification? And
you don't forget, he has all you have, and he does not have your
Li Shang was silent.

The agent patted Li Shang's shoulder and said: "Don't think

about it, you two are not in the same grade at all. Your concern
is not good for you except it will lead to self-devaluation."


A piece of land on the east side of the Zhong Ding

headquarters building has been built into a "private manor
house". Xià Hòng Wēi will always come here to feed the fish
without any problems. The nine-foot body will form a bridge
over Wei Li, with ponds, wooden pavilions, and swans... So

"Is the yew plant from the United States species still alive?"
Xià Hòng Wēi casually asked.

Talking about this Wang Ding felt quite a sense of

accomplishment, "Just nearly died when the time came, the
domestic experts were basically invited by me all over again,
and after a hard work for more than two months, it finally

"You really have that much heart for it and I don't even care
for it."

"Yeah, your mind is spent losing money."

Xià Hòng Wēi slanted Wang Zhong Ding, "Do you believe it or

"If you dare to fold a tree, I will break my arm."

Xià Hòng Wēi immediately threw all the bait from his hands
into the water and said coldly, "then you will have to break two"

Both men laughed and walked towards the forest area. Apart
from the yew, there were other tree species planted here.
However, these trees have all the hired help to take care of them
on a regular basis. Only the new tree is personally taken care of
by Wang Zhong Ding.
"That tree is more than 300 years old?" Xià Hòng Wēi asked

Wang Zhong Ding said: "It is almost 600 years old."

"Is it so old? I can't tell it."

"The wild yew grows slowly, and it can't grow thick for ten

"As you said, the tree is worth a lot of money?"

"When I bought it, I spent 370,000 US dollars, and now I'm

estimating it is worth 3.7 million... but I will not sell it."

Talking about it, Wang walked in front of a fence surrounded

by elaborate security fences, he opened a small iron gate, and
two people got in together. A bare trunk that's been cut
appeared in the field of vision.
Chapter 69 This is my lifeblood
Because Taxus Chinensis is an endangered plant in China, the
state has banned transplanting or harvesting it. Therefore,
there is no way to report the loss of a yew tree and Wang Zhong
Ding can only rely on internal manpower to conduct

"On the night of the 3rd, the monitor was completely

ineffective until it returned to normal the next morning. We
guessed that the thief committed the crime during this time." Er
Lei said.

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "Have you collected the fingerprint

on the monitor?"

"No fingerprints were found on the operator's room,

monitoring probes, and iron gates in the surveillance room. Not
only were there no fingerprints, but no suspicious footprints
were also found. I think that the perpetrators would have been
professional and have been carefully planning this for a long

Feng Jun could not help but swallow: "Since he stole the
trunk, it must be shipped out. Through what door? The
situation at the door did you investigate it?"

"At the same time, the monitoring equipment at the entrance

was normal. It was late at night, and there were very few
vehicles entering and leaving. We checked each of the several
cars that appeared one by one and found no traces of the tree
trunk being shipped."

Feng Jun was puzzled. "Are there other passages besides the
entrance? Every company has sirens on its walls. Not to
mention a trunk, it's hard to jump it out with bare hands."

"I suspect that the trunk hasn't been shipped out yet."

It was a pity that Feng Jun gave it to him instantly. "Since

they have planned so carefully, they will certainly consider the
problem of shipping it out of China. I have no doubt that the
trunk remains in the company. I suspect it's an inside job."

As soon as Wang heard that there was an "internal thief," the

three people's minds flashed in the same picture. There is no
other person who likes to take action at night and has a bad
record of stealing cans.

So Er Lei said the truth they all were thinking. "Can it be Hàn

Unexpectedly, Feng Jun gave him another question. "A person

who even packs snacks and sends them out, how can he steals
such a sky-high trunk and not sell it to run away with the
money, why would he stay here ...really?"

"It couldn't be him..." Wang Zhong Ding also agreed with the
side of reason. "He has no reason to steal the trunk. If he really
lacks money or mischief, he can steal the watches."

The office fell into silence and the atmosphere was somewhat

Wang Zhong Ding first said: "Forget it, you are all busy.... go.
We will discuss this in the future."
Feng Jun and Er Lei just went out and Wang Zhong Ding
dialed Hàn Dōng's phone number.

"Come to my office."

Whenever he goes to see Wang Zhong Ding, Hàn Dōng will do

a lot of preparations on the road, he would think of what makes
Wang feel offended.... what moves to recruit people, what
words are annoying... so every time Wang Zhong Ding sees Hàn
Dōng he feels like The devil himself doesn't feel like a serious
wave. He didn't say hello to him or acknowledged him... He
went straight to the sofa and took him for granted.

"There is a signing ceremony in two days. You must also

attend and prepare a decent suit..."

Wang Zhong Ding didn't even finish his speech and he was
interrupted by Hàn Dōng.

"No what? you are not going to buy it?"

"No money!"

"Where are the living expenses money that the company sends

There are faces to mention living expenses ...... Hàn Dōng

secretly felt abdominal cramps: That little money is not enough
for me to buy nails! Originally I thought that homemade
wooden beds could save me money, and as a result, the number
of light tools and parts took a few hundred, and if I knew this
earlier I wouldn't cut off that tree.

Wang Zhong Ding knew that Hàn Dōng had made no money,
but he didn't have any general knowledge of his life . He said
directly: "This time the company provides the clothing. You
must prepare yourself for the next time you participate in any

Hàn Dōng's eyelids rolled upwards, and Wang Zhong Ding

couldn't help but hum loudly.
"And, about the name of the stage... It will be your own
name." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng can hardly accept such a mediocre name. "Can't I

call myself Hàn Tianwang?"

"The loudness does not mean that the crowd should be


"Why couldn't I call myself Nicholas Buddha? The

combination of Chinese and Western cultures, multiple

"Why don't you call yourself 'Nicholas. I'll go for it'? There is a
combination of Chinese and Western cultures, as well as vulgar
and elegant collisions, and more personality." Wang Zhong Ding

Hàn Dōng's strange laughter started again and made a giggle

on the couch. "Nicholas. I'll go for it... Nicholas. I'll go for it...
Hahaha... Nicholas. I'll go for it... hahaha... ..."
Wang Zhong Ding also began to scold and sneeze two times,
and was defeated by Hàn Dōng's "duck barking" laughter... The
laughter-inclined voice dictated: "OK, ok stop."

Hàn Dōng finally stopped.

Wang Zhong Ding returned to the topic. "Always wanted to

ask you, what advice do you have for your own character
development orientation? Have you got an initial idea of your
own style?"

"What style can I borrow to become a good style?" Hàn Dōng


"Not necessarily, it depends on your plasticity."

"I have absolutely no problem with the plasticity. I see that

you are willing to refuse to lay down the packaging for me."

"First of all, don't talk about these things. Say your own initial
Hàn Dōng thought for a moment and said: "I'm positioning
myself as a high cold type."

"High cold?"

"It's not Li Shang's kind of luxury, but it's proud and

indifferent from the bones. My character usually cherishes
words like gold, but as soon as he speak, it will faint down a
large piece of that." Hàn Dōng said bluntly.

For a person(Hàn Dōng) who can't find a position in real life,

asking him such a profound question is simply looking for
trouble. Wang Zhong Ding continues his next topic, "What are
the preferences or taboos in the drama?"

"I don't have taboo. I just don't like some people are so high
and mighty, I don't like kissing, you can look for substitutes and
so on. What are so many foul smells? What are you doing? The
actor knows not? Since it's done, There must be a spirit of
devotion to the arts. As long as they do not love to shoot, they
are all given me to shoot!
After a round of generous speeches, Hàn Dōng still had a small
regret. Did I just behave more seriously? Shouldn't it be faked
with bullshit and forced him not to recruit him?

Wang Zhong Ding replied with a cold eye to Hàn Dōng: You
think more.

"And what?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng laughed twice. "Nothing, for the time being."

"Chop your hair," said Wang Zhong Ding suddenly.


"Cut your little knot and replace it with short hair."

This is like killing the lives of Hàn Dōng and he immediately

retorted: "No, this is my lifeblood. I absolutely cannot accept
Wang Zhong Ding got up and walked toward Hàn Dōng. "How
can you not accept that?"

"I was born by chance. It is not good to have short hair." Hàn
Dōng hurried back.

Wang Zhong Ding still approached him. "The roll has no

problem at all for the stylists, it is easy to handle but its too
obtrusive and must be cut."

"If you dare to cut my hair ..... I will commit suicide on the
spot!" Hàn Dōng bluffed.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding even wanted to see and

experience the rare curl. As a result, there are still eight feet
away from Hàn Dōng. He heard Hàn Dōng screaming and pulled
a drill from his pocket.

"I'm not kidding. If you dare to come. I'll use this on myself!"

Wang Zhong Ding looked at the black line. "Why do you have
this kind of thing?"

The fuck? Hàn Dōng himself also froze a bit, why did I bring
the bed tool parts here?

Soon, Wang Zhong Ding found something different. Hàn

Dōng's three fingers were covered with Band-Aids.

"How did you get these bruises?"

Hàn Dōng had to deal with hammers, drills, and shaving

knives all day. His fingers were inevitably hurt. But he didn't
tell the truth. He just put it up: "How can I not get it? It's a knife

Wang Zhong Ding was about to go up and check it out. The

doorbell rang.

"Wang, I'm looking for your signature."

Hàn Dōng hurriedly squeezed to the door and fled without
heading back.

Going back at the dormitory, Hàn Dōng saw a pair of

woodworking cut-resistant gloves on the computer table.
Turned to look out, Zhang Xing Hu has rarely come back since
he to took the stage acting. Most of the time, only Yu Ming is

Hàn Dōng suddenly raised his lips, got stinking smug, as if all
the people around the world felt he was painful.

"Oh, did you buy it for me?"

Yu Ming is still with a cold and faint face... He does not

confirm or deny it.

Hàn Dōng is a person who is crazy and can't afford to shake

things up. Just give him a little sweetness and he can't find the
North Pole. He got together and kept Yu Meng awkward. "OK,
Xiao Ming, kinda conscience, it seems that the buddies are not
Yu Ming can't stand it. "Can you stay away from me?"


In the evening, Wang Zhong Ding worked overtime. Er Lei

quietly handled chores nearby.

"Is there anybody in the dressing room?" Wang Zhong Ding

asked suddenly.

"The next layer seems to be there. Yang Li's cover is making

progress. She is going to Taipei tomorrow."

"Look at how they're going. If the staff is not enough, please

come up with a stylist."

Er Lei nodded and was just about to go outside but was

stopped by Wang Zhong Ding.
"And, find ways to get Hàn Dōng in here."

Er Lei looked at the watch. "Now it's too late. He's estimated
to be sleep?"

"He accepts orders when he's asleep. He will not cooperate

during the day."

"Will that not wake him up?" Er Lei was a little worried.

Wang Zhong Ding said with certainty: "He would be in a deep

sleep at this point, the reaction will be sleepwalking."

Er Lei immediately felt that Hàn Dōng was not a future

superstar but a giant baby.

About twenty minutes later, Hàn Dōng and the stylists were
all in place and they were sent to Wang Zhong Ding to be
Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng's dazed feet, but he
couldn't bear to see them... However, he saw Hàn Dōng's
unsightly taunting face ...he got down and said, "Start ."

"Okay." The stylist asked the assistant to wash Hàn Dōng first.

Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng's entire shampooing

process.....and Hàn Dōng did not have the slightest rebellion, so
Wang Zhong Ding calmed down and left the dressing room to
walk toward his office.

As a result, he hasn't even sat on his office chair and a call

rang out.

"Wang, he...he won't let us cut his hair." The stylist's

assistant's face was embarrassed.

Wang Zhong Ding was surprised. "He woke up?"

"If he hasn't woken up, then you're just struggling with him.
Get two people on the line and restrain him."

"He is not struggling..." The assistant said nothing.

Wang Zhong Ding sank down. "Then what is it?"

The assistant said carefully: "He...he's crying."

"Crying?" Wang Zhong Ding off all things didn't expect that

The assistant nodded. "He cried so badly that we couldn't bear

to start cutting it"
Chapter 70 Haircut.
Wang Zhong Ding rushed to the dressing room and found that
Hàn Dōng really was crying, and just as the stylist described it,
he cried pretty tragically. Not only tears rushed down the drain,
but he also mourned about "second uncle" and made others feel
at a great sense of loss.

In many places in the North, when the word "Ye" reads softly,
he represents his father's elder brother and second uncle.
Because it was known that Hàn Dōng was an orphan, Wang
Zhong Ding didn't expect this surprise.

"Will it be the trauma he had experienced when he was a

child?" Er Lei guessed.

Wang Zhong Ding had not yet stood, he was hugged by Hàn
Dōng, and a shout of "second uncle" was heard.

Several people next to Hàn Dōng pinched his sweat, fearing

that "the second uncle" would knock him up. As a result, Wang
Zhong Ding not only did not push him away. On the contrary,
when Er Lei came forward and tried to pull Hàn Dōng away, he
was stopped by Wang Zhong Ding.
After a long time, Hàn Dōng calmed down.

Wang Zhong Ding slowly put Hàn Dōng's head back in his
chest even when struggled for a moment, and finally made a
concession. "Forget it we won't cut it, we would simply repair

Afraid of Hàn Dōng's reassuring moths, Wang Zhong Ding

simply stayed and looked at him.

This is Wang Zhong Ding's first "in person" guidance work so

that the stylists feel the pressure while dealing with the two
difficult to serve the Lord, the degree of hardship can be

"The second layer of hair is cut short by 1.3mm."

The stylist's forehead oozes perspiration, 1.3 long is


Finally, Wang Zhong Ding said: "There are six."

"I lost six?" The stylist is not sure.

"You didn't get hold of it all There were 6 hairs falling down
and adding to the third layer."

6th root...6 roots... The stylist instantly shakes, which 6 roots

are these?

Wang Zhong Ding couldn't stand it anymore. He reached for

the stylist's comb and scissors.

"Let me do it."

Stylist momentarily shocked to death, you come here to do

this? This...can you cut hair?

The stylist was not at ease. "We can give you a hand."

"No, you standing here and you're blocking the light."

The stylists and assistants had to leave. Er Lei also went back
to sort out the chores. Only Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding
were left in the dressing room.

Wang Zhong Ding once again combed Hàn Dōng's curly hair
and slowly combed it from his hair to the roots. He was very
patient. He discovered that Hàn Dōng's hair is not quite like the
Hàn ethnic group's volume....but similar to the Caucasian race.
It is large and full, fluffy and layered. But it also has distinctive
personal characteristics. For example, most of the self-volumes
are hair-curls. Han-dong's hair is rooted and the hair is
voluminous so when the combs pass through them...... It's very
neat and round.

If you don't look at Hàn Dōng's face directly, and you just
looking at him from the back of his head he is still very cute.

"Second uncle." Hàn Dōng called.

Wang Zhong Ding's soft eyes once again stained with a cold
"Second uncle." Hàn Dōng called again.

Wang Zhong Ding still ignored him.

As a result, Hàn Dōng repeatedly called for more than a dozen

times, louder than the previous one.

"Second uncle! second uncle!! second uncle! second uncle!!!!


Wang Zhong Ding coldly said: "keep saying that and believe it
or not ... I will shave your hair from your head"

Hàn Dōng whispered again and again, just like a monk

chanting a scripture, "second uncle, second uncle..."

Wang Zhong Ding finally knew why Hàn Dōng's family had to
take him to another family's house. For this kind of mixed play,
he had to let go of everyone else.
Delayed from receiving a response, Hàn Dōng finally quieted
down his chanting, and his muttering was gradually replaced by

The facts proved that the stylist had many concerns now.
Wang Zhong Ding would not only cut Hàn Dōng hair, but he
would be very skilled at it. He would like for him to do this
regularly. In particular, his style is very accurate, and each layer
can't go up and down, and its length measure was like a ruler.
Although Hàn Dōng has curly hair, the lines were clear and
smooth after Wang Zhong Ding trimmed the layers. It is just a
circle rolling and the haircut is quite artistic.

Hàn Dōng's straight neck sat softly and his head quickly
dangled his hair.

Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng's back-neck was littered

with a fine layer of hairs, which gathered from both ends to the
middle, especially like the bristles of some animal. His fingers
wafted over it and his furry, perplexed shouted, "The swine

Unexpectedly, this mutter was heard by Hàn Dōng, and he

laughed twice.
Wang Zhong Ding almost sipped into the water. "That is you,
are you still laughing?"

Hàn Dōng didn't say anything, as if it was the first times he

was in a night sickness.

Ten minutes later, Wang Zhong Ding work was completely

done. He just wanted to clean up the hair from Hàn Dōng neck
and he was obsessed to death.

"second uncle, give me some money ~"

Wang Zhong Ding almost kicked him up. I worked overtime to

cut your hair, but you want me to pay you down.

Hàn Dōng continued to plead, and his tone is particularly


"second uncle, give me some money ~"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't reply with a good manner: "Say it

Hàn Dōng still doesn't give up, he keeps up with the endless
bowing ground.

"second uncle, give me some money ~ ~ second uncle, give me

some money ~ ~"

Wang Zhong Ding was so uncomfortable that he had to take

out a few hundred dollars with a sulking expression and pushed
them to Hàn Dōng.

After getting money, Hàn Dōng quickly got up and walked

toward the door.

"You don't want to clean your hair? Let me look in the neck
for a while." Wang Zhong Ding coldly warned him.

Hàn Dōng went out without turning his back.

Wang Zhong Ding returned to the office because there were
still some things left unfinished. In addition, he felt that Hàn
Dōng would return but Hàn Dōng was delayed for some time.
After reading the watch below, it was nearly 4 in the night...,
Hàn Dōng was unlikely to return. So Wang arranged his desk
and went to take a shower. After he had finished cleaning up, he
finally prepared for a good rest.

As a result, just three minutes after lying down, the damn

doorbell rang.

Wang Zhong Ding walked to the door with a gloomy face, and
his blood pressure rushed up.

Hàn Dōng said to him: "The neck is tight."


Hàn Dōng woke up the next morning, feeling perplexed

soreness on the neck and shoulders, especially when combing.
Fortunately, today's little knot is surprisingly stylish. In the
past, there were always a few miscellaneous hairs spilling over.
Today, it is different from the conventional ones, so that the
face is more pointed and three-dimensional, and Hàn Dōng's
mood was cured instantly.

When eating breakfast, Yu Ming rarely speaks.

"Is your wooden bed completed?"

"The skeleton of the row has been cut and it would be done

Yu Ming said: "I think there is still a lot of wood left."

"I can rest assured knowing that I won't waste it. I planned it
well. After I finished my bed, I was able to make a cask that
could be a bathtub after I had done the cask. I could also make a
wooden bowl after I finished the tub. Wooden bowls also lead to
double wooden chopsticks, what remains after wooden
chopsticks can be used as a box of toothpicks. Even if the cut off
the leftovers, stick it stick it can also be a craft.
Although Yu Ming is not good at expressing himself, you can
see from his eyes that he still appreciates the ghosts who made
Hàn Dōng.

"I can also do a few hand-pickups, and I'll see who's is pleasing
to the eyes." Hàn Dōng found out that Yu Ming was yelling at
him, and immediately smiled and added, " I can reassure that
it's you."

Yu Ming did not say anything. He got up, got a box of canned
food and went back in the room.

Hàn Dōng fixed his eyes on it. Isn't that what I had eaten at
Wang Zhong Ding's? He has always been obsessed with this
taste, but after running to a few supermarkets he never found

"Where did you buy it?" Hàn Dōng quickly inquired.

"I didn't buy it, my friend sent it."

"Then you ask a friend, where did he buy it from?"

Yu Ming was silent for a long time before opening his mouth.
"This is a military canned food. We don't just buy it."

Wang Zhong Ding's special offering to Hàn Dōng was not

unexpected, but Yu Ming's friend made Hàn Dōng very
surprised. Because Yu Ming's family background is known to
him, and Yu Ming is so unsociable, how can he have that kind of
friend? In fact, he went deeper and thought that Yu Ming's
company had some unreasonableness, and after coming in, he
lived every day to support him....

"You don't want someone to support it?" Hàn Dōng suddenly


Yu Ming's eyes didn't see a trace of ripples, still cold and light
tone: "You only have people to keep it."

Hàn Dōng also thought about it. Who was being kept in the
house and bored himself in the house every day?
Not one to withstand the temptation, Hàn Dōng put the
chopsticks into Yu Ming's canned food, a piece of twice-cooked
pork was put through his mouth it really was that same taste,
chewing chewing, there is actually a kind of perplexed emotions
in Hàn Dong heart.

"I dreamed about my second uncle last night." Hàn Dōng said.

Yu Ming has always been a good listener because he never

interrupts others.

"I was eight years old that year. My second uncle's family had
another little niece. The family had two children. He planned to
take me to another family's house. I still remember it clearly. I
slept early that night....I was also awakened by my second
uncle, and he said he would send me to get a haircut and deliver
me to someone else's house. When I cried and asked my second
uncle not to, he was still desperate to take me away. Then I
hugged second uncle's legs asked him to give me some money.
Do you know how much he gave me? He touched his pocket for
a long time, and he only put out five dollars. My heart..."

Yu Ming pointed to Hàn Dōng's money from his pocket: "Isn't

that five hundred?"
"I'm putting an analogy. Later I took the five dollars and ran
away. My second uncle chased after me. "Hey what about my

Hàn Dōng took another five red notes on his hand before he
discovered something was not right, "Where did this money
come from?"

Yu Ming responded with his eyes: If you do not know, how

could I know?
Chapter 71: Closed doors.
When Hàn Dōng was wondering, Er Lei's phone call came.

"Your new clothes are ready. When you have the time come
and pick them up."

"Okay, I get it."

After hanging up the phone, Hàn Dōng asked Yu Ming :

"There is a signing ceremony the day after tomorrow. Are you
going to participate?"

"I have something to do that day." Yu Ming said.

Hàn Dōng couldn't think of anything. "What do you have to

do? There is nothing you do from day to night. Is it interesting
to stay in the room all day long? Since you are mixing in the art
of business, you must have the courage to sell yourself out
there. You said that you didn't have any special talent. If you
don't show your look at this public activity and show your face.
How do you expect people to make you a star?"
Yu Ming didn't move and continued to eat his canned beef

"Wouldn't it be because you haven't received an invitation? If

you didn't get invited, I'll go and talk to Wang Zhong Ding and
let him give you an invitation."

"No." Yu Ming said.

Hàn Dōng was urging the other man. "Are you signed to Jiāo
Jié ah?"

Yu Ming nodded.

"How can she ignore you?"

Yu Ming said superficially: "she is probably busy."

"Who is busy? Who is busy? Busy with Zhang Xing Hu ah? Do

you mean she cares about others and leaves you behind? Why is
Zhang Xing Hu better than you? Isn't he going to come? You
have to have half of his EQ for her to treat you like that and help
you mix with the scene?"

"You have lower EQ and you should know there are ready-
made beds."

Hàn Dōng poked Yu Ming at the back of the spine and

immediately started to slap. "Keep talking and believe me I will
eat all your beef cans!!"

After a noisy breakfast, Hàn Dōng went to Er Lei.

"Take a try on this one."

.....Hàn Dōng thought that Wang Zhong Ding would prepare

him for a formal dress and he would have to wear it very manly.
The result was a wave of clothes were brought for him, some
were original retro style or subversive new design, which won
the love of Hàn Dōng. Especially because they were precise fit
.......and that was hard to resist.
"You don't say ... Wang Zhong Ding's taste is really good." Hàn
Dōng had to admit.

Er Lei felt residue powder immediately fired up in his brain,

"Of course, Wang Zhong Ding is always a man of taste."

Hàn Dōng looked in the mirror, with a free and easy arrogant
pose, without losing the atmosphere, without losing the sense of
high-profile. Hàn Dōng poked the mirror and asked Er Lei, "Is
there anything that his majesty does that makes you very upset?
Have you ever wanted to punch him?"

"I don't want to punch him. I want to punch you." Er Lei said.

Hàn Dōng smirked and laughed, then turned his gaze to the
mirror and saw the clothing logo on his chest. He immediately
felt fresh. "When did McDonald's start to make clothes?"

"That's EV&SU."

After a while, Er Lei asked Hàn Dōng: "Is the hairstyle still

......hairstyle? Hàn Dōng passed his hand through his hair

unconsciously, is it different from the past?

"This is Wang's personally haircut for you." Er Lei said.

.....As for when he cut it, then he can ask him? It must have
been last night... Hàn Dōng's anger fumed ...That fucker! He
sneaked on me while I was sleeping!

It was too late to pick up and replace the clothes. Hàn Dōng
took great strides with his indignant pose toward Wang Ding's

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding didn't open the door to him.

As soon as he thinks of Hàn Dōng, Wang Zhong Ding's mind

will have numerous crosshairs and short hairs! Last night he
used sponges to clean Han's hair on his neck and found that
some of them remained on his neck. Originally he did not want
to cut them but with his obsessive-compulsive disorder, he must
deal with the clean heart before he is useful again. These
hairpins were mixed with the "bristle" on Hàn Dōng neck, not
only he has to distinguish them accurately, but also to pick
them up one by one. After choosing to look at those little hairs
on the neck, there is no more furry feeling. Wang just wants a
knife to shave him !!!

Hàn Dōng repeatedly pressed the doorbell five times before he

heard the door lock open.

Because the bodyguards stood at the door, Hàn Dōng dared

not be too agitated and he wanted to put a mad face and attack
again. As a result, when he entered with the imposing manner
and saw Wang Zhong Ding's dark complexion, his eyes
darkened, and his perplexed anger went away. At that time,
even the postures were perfectly placed, and his hands were
thrown up for a rant. The jaws were squatting and he couldn't
take it back. So he stayed in this position and posed for a long
time before he uttered: "That... I have changed to the new

Wang Zhong Ding didn't lift his head.

Hàn Dōng had abdominal cramps: Motherfucker This is the
clothes you picked, you look at them...

If you want to think he said that're wrong, but Hàn

Dōng opened his mouth and laughed, "Hey, look at me and give
an opinion."

"They looked good on the line." Wang Zhong Ding still didn't
look up.

Hàn Dōng's heart broke open again. Did you really dare to not
look at me? Do you fear you can't control yourself? If this is the
case, I forgive you!

"Is this your haircut?" Hàn Dōng finally took some of the

Wang Zhong Ding's tone is still so indifferent, "I cut it, what's
wrong with it?"

Did you hear that Hàn Dōng? He's always first saying hello to
you. Don't you give him some color to see? If you want to think
about it just now, you are not a man! You are alive... Hàn Dōng
thoughts irritated him with a need to annoy Wang, Has he done
that much? What's wrong with cutting hair?

"It's okay. It's good. I'll also cut it for you next time."

After talking about hair, Hàn Dōng's expression of

constipation came again, what is wrong with my mouth today?
Did I go out and forgot to charge it?

"What's the matter?" Wang Zhong Ding voice has a

thunderous tone.

Hàn Dōng racked his brains for a long time and finally pulled
out 500 yuan from his pocket. "Is this money from you?"

"It's what you wanted," said Wang Zhong Ding.

Hàn Dōng asked with a calm face: "I wanted you to give it to
Wang Zhong Ding's patience has reached its limit.

"Didn't you hear yourself when you called out "Second


"I didn't think that you loved me so much? Hahaha... Since

this is the case, I will not pay you the money, so I will pay my

Finally, Wang Zhong Ding issued a sly statement: "Get out!"

Hàn Dōng was numbed from the scalp to the soles of his feet.
At that time, he didn't say anything. He just walked away and
all the words that were left to be said were cussed out on the
way back: Motherfucker! Dares to play with me! Shameful man,
right? You just wait! Wait for me to snub you the next day, and
then you will get your own neck pain!

As he was returning to the dormitory, Hàn Dōng's fire almost

burns the wood in the room.
Yu Ming was preparing to go to lunch and suddenly heard the
buzzing noise from the next room. It feels like Hàn Dōng is
making a noise. After walking past, it was clear that someone
was smashing wood inside and it was not the same as working
to make something. It was obviously meant to break something.

"What happened to you?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng hated it, "I'm upset!"

"What is it that makes you smash the wood?"

"I don't know what's going on. As long as I'm not happy, I
really want to smash up this pile of wood!"

Yu Ming said nothing and turned away.

"Stop!" Hàn Dōng yelled

Yu Ming turned his head and his eyes remained cold and he
asked "What?"

"Why don't you ask me why I'm not happy?"

"Why should I ask?"

The flames in Hàn Dōng's heart rushed upwards. "You are just
like him...... Wang Zhong Ding!"

"Wang Zhong Ding? Wang Zhong? What happened to him?"

Yu Ming didn't understand.

Hàn Dōng bitterly sat into the ground, pure anger, he said:
"What's the matter? He scolded me and I didn't know why? He
wanted to chase me! He acted shamelessly! Just my clothes, he
saw them? NO!... The more I said I don't want to stay here the
more he wants to send things to me! I scold him and he doesn't
give up. How do you talk to this person?"

Yu Ming only spoke for a long time. "I don't think that's the

"What is it? It's infatuation? It's Narcissism? It's nonsense!"

"No." Yu Ming said: "There is a problem with IQ."

Hàn Dōng looked at his meal and his eyebrows quickly picked
up. "You mean he has problems with his IQ?"

Yu Ming denied him again. "No, I mean there is a problem

with your IQ."

Hàn Dōng, "...!!"

The two people had not begun to quarreled about IQ yet, and a
footstep was heard at the door, followed by a familiar person

"Dong Zi, Dong Zi ?"

Hàn Dōng put down his hand and walked out. He saw Li
Shang exploring Yu Ming's room and he coughed. "Oh, There
you are!"

Li Shang turned to see Hàn Dōng, first, he gave him an

enthusiastic hug, and then punched two fists in Hàn Dōng

"You didn't even come to say hello to me!"

Hàn Dōng smiled. "I didn't .....I was watching you being busy."

"Let's go! Let's have a talk, how long have you been here?" Li
Shang handed Hàn Dōng a cigarette.

Hàn Dōng smoked and pondered. "It's not quite clear. It's been
a month I think"

"You're still so heartless!" Li Shang murmured.

Hàn Dōng smiled irrelevantly. "Originally it was a mix-up, so
why do you remember it clearly?"

"How can it be a mix up? Well, you've been going in the

doorway to the North Shadow Factory for five years. It's not
easy to get into this place! You made me a knot for this, how
wouldn't I miss you." Li Shang said.

Hàn Dōng smiled and said nothing.

"Yes, did you get signed it?" Li Shang finally asked.

How did Hàn Dōng behave?

"Not signed, what's wrong?"

Li Shang looked eagerly. "It's just that because I know a

manager, I have a good relationship with. He has two artists in
his hands now. If you want to talk to him, I can help you get in
Hàn Dōng face had the abdominal cramps: How special do you
think you are?!

"I don't want to sign it. What is good about selling my deed? I
have a part directly signed with the crew. My drama is free" Hàn
Dōng said.

Li Shang nodded. "Is not bad."

As he said that, Yu Ming came out of Hàn Dōng's room.

Li Shang saw Yu Ming, his eyes went flashing in the lightest

color. After Yu Ming entered the room, Li Shang still stared at
him for an endless period.

"What's wrong?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Li Shang only regained his feelings. "Nothing. I won't stay

with you for a while."
"OK, let's change the topic." Hàn Dōng waved.

Before leaving the house, Li Shang glanced at Yu Ming's room

and Gu Zi mumbled: "Strange, how could Yu Ming stays in this

Upon returning to the vehicle, Li Shang turned to his assistant

and said: "help me check it out. There are two people, Hàn Dōng
and Yu Ming living in close quarters. Who else lives there? Who
are the brokers who sign their contract?"

"No problem."
Chapter 72: Good-Intentioned young
The next day, Hàn Dōng stayed at home and kept tapping in
the room.

In the evening, Yu Ming looked in on Hàn Dōng and found

that the large sample of the wooden bed had been made and he
only had to paint it. Hàn Dōng was busy all day and he was tired
like a dead dog. He also had to go out to buy paint.

"Why are you rushing ?.... can't you sleep on the couch?"

Hàn Dōng waved his hand and said, "You don't understand. I
took a look at myself yesterday. The cards showed that I had no
chance to sleep on this bed. If I don't work overtime, I'm afraid I
won't sleep on it." Then he rushed out.

Less than ten minutes later, Hàn Dōng returned empty-

handed and his face was a bit bad.

"Why didn't you buy it?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng said: "The chain store opposite is too shifty...... 1L
of wood wax oil costs me 300 yuan. Then I asked for the owner
for a bargain..... the one who owns chain stores..... the shares of
the company and co-owned the money ......I was thrown out. All
of the stamps have the surname of Wang. Damn, is there
nothing this lord has no hands on? No, he isn't going to be on
the wholesale market too isn't he?"

"Then why did you come back?"

"To get a bus card."

"The wholesale market is not close. You don't have much

money for taxis."

Hàn Dōng's disappointment climbed up again. "Remember,

Yu, I will not take a penny."

Yu Ming, "......."

As a result, when Hàn Dōng came back two hours later, he was
still empty-handed.

"Why didn't you buy it?"

"Caught up with the rush hour and to rush there I had to

walk. When I got there, the shops were closed."


On the second day, a signing ceremony was held at a club in


The senior leaders of Zhong Ding Company all attended the

exhibition and the famous leaders gathered. Fang Yi's circle
friends also came to join in. The interior of the hall was bright
and the red carpet was full of flowers.

Li Shang dressed in a high-profile debut in Chinese costumes,

and the limelight man was immediately pressed to the side of a
girl. In particular, the slim, light-colored leggings made the
most of the enviable girly long legs.
Fang Yi found his place to sit, and Liang Jing pulled Li Shang
to Wang Zhong Ding and Director Ho's side.

Director Ho is one of the best directors in China and is also the

first in the Investment's annual large-scale directors. He has
always been famous for discovering newcomers. He and Liang
Jing have already worked together three times and the two have
a great friendship.

Director Ho smiled at Liang Jing and scolded: "This is your

'new favorite' right?"

Liang Jing first looked at Wang Zhong Ding and said: "I'm
guiding him only...... You say this wrong. He is not my 'new
favorite' but he should be Wang's 'new favorite'. Wang is the
real owner I'm just his helper."

"Hahahaha... Right, right, it's Wang Zhong Ding's, Wang's."

Director Ho smiled and looked at Li Shang. His eyes were full of
appreciation. "The guy is really good, there is a spirit in him
...... good for the market!"
Wang Zhong Ding has not seen Li Shang for a long time.
Seeing that he has a good mental outlook, he is still pleased.

"What about the recent filming? Is it going well?" Wang

Zhong Ding asked.

Li Shang nodded. "Well, it's very smooth. The crew is taking

care of me."

Wang Zhong Ding heard a little bit about the fact that Li
Shang was insulted by the director in the crew. Now that Li
Shang is not talking about it, it may be because he is not
arrogant, or that he may be afraid that Wang Zhong Ding will
question his ability. In short, he is commendable. If you change
it to Hàn Dōng, it would be a blessing for him just to not kill the
director when he's sleepwalking!

As soon as he thought of Hàn Dōng, Wang Zhong Ding's eyes

went along the red carpet to the door. No shadow of Hàn Dōng
was found.

Where did this kid go?

Hàn Dōng has been sharpening himself and met with such an
important occasion today. Not willing to pay for a taxi, he can
only wait for a bus, which takes a lot of time on the road.

When Hàn Dōng arrived at the door of the clubhouse,

everyone had already entered the stadium.

Even so, Hàn Dōng still looks east and west, catching who is
talking to whom. It wasn't easy to sit on the designated floor. As
a result, the elevator door opened and a small girl came in
crying. He sat down with her.

"He was ... just in front of him... so many people... uh... uh

uh... he's just letting me dress well... okay... eh... eh..."

The little beauty cried and complained, Hàn Dōng finally


.... This beauty is the company's up-comer... They're hard to

force small artists, prepares for three or four years before they
mixed with the upper class. At the moment, she enters as an
Extra and still plays a supporting role. This signing ceremony is
also accompanied by the Extra and the Real Actress......
In order not to look too shabby and make connections, she
didn't hesitate to borrow money to set up a line of twenty
thousand dollars to dress up..... As a result, because she wore
more fancy than the Real Actress, she was taken away by the
assistant director. Twenty thousand yuan were lost and not
even a corner of the red carpet was stepped on by her.

In fact, this kind of thing is common in the entertainment

circle... How can Hàn Dōng, the first tough guy in the capital, a
master of the arts and crafts of flirting tolerate a women crying
in front of him?

Apart from anything else, Hàn Dōng took out a small rose
carved out directly from his pocket which was originally
intended for the heroine of the event, the goddess Yi Wei. As
soon as it was pressed to the girl's hand, it was stuffed to the
little beauty, and she still remembered to pry the back of the
soft and tender hands of the person next to her.

The tone of the upper body of an idol hero said, "Stupid, you
know its bad to cry."

The little beauty asked: "Yes, what is your name?"

Hàn Dōng didn't reply, but he just swung his forefinger and
dangled it twice: You don't have to know who I am.

When the little beauty walked out of the clubhouse, she

discovered that the wood carved rose had Hàn Dōng's phone
number written...

When Hàn Dōng arrived at the entrance to the hall, the

signing ceremony had already begun.

"What red carpet? Didn't you see the red carpet being
withdrawn?" The security guard at the entrance was impatient.

Hàn Dōng also didn't feel good. "Then you have to let me in"

"You can go in, go in from the small door beside you, don't
quarrel to the leader of the rostrum!"

As a result, Hàn Dōng dipped into the hallway.

Although there were many people, the two of them still found
each other.

Wang Zhong Ding naturally, needless to say, Hàn Dōng had

just entered the door, he was almost cut into a layer of meat by
Wang Zhong Ding eyes. Li Shang was very divine. His eyes
which had been fixed on the stage were instantly captured by
Hàn Hàn Dōng figure.

Strange... how did he come to be there? Li Shang couldn't

figure out, isn't it only the signed artists who are eligible to
participate in this thing?

"We have asked Wang to speak in the next stage."

With a round of applause, Wang Zhong Ding went to the stage

and gave the gift box on the tray for Miss Yi Tong. "I welcome
all of you on behalf of all members of Zhong Ding Film and
Television Corporation."

The young lady etiquette helped Yi Tong open the gift box.
There was a shiny watch inside. Wang Zhong Ding liked to
collect watches, but it was the first time that he gave one.
"thanks, thanks......"

When the host asked Yi Tong to speak, Yi Wei was so excited

that she was choking.

"Excuse me, I'm kinda..."

Fang Yi snorted at the audience and her face was extremely

poor. Li Shang extended his hand and allowed Fang Yi to use his
fingers to channel the rage. He was silent.

The same cold voice is for Hàn Dōng.

A watch worked her up like this? I also will take you as a

goddess. Thousands of watches in his office which maybe be
mine in the future will be given to you and then you must
consider thinking about crying again!

....After the signing ceremony, Wang Zhong Ding walked out

and Feng Jun followed, Feng Jun could not help but whine:
"This Hàn Dōng is simply hopeless! Originally I hated Li Shang
since I saw him, I think Li Shang is getting more and more

"Don't say it, whenever I think of him..... I have a bad

headache." Wang Zhong Ding chilled his voice.

Feng Jun secretly shut up.

Two people walked to the door of the clubhouse and saw

many entertainers waiting across the street waiting for their
cars. At this time, Hàn Dōng came out too.

There was a ragged old man with a broken bowl walking in

front of each entertainer.

However, not one person gave the beggar anything. The rich
people were either lean on their cell phones or pretend to look
elsewhere, or he was quickly stopped by the assistants, who
feared that the beggar would dirty their perfect clothes.

At this moment, Hàn Dōng passed by and actually took out a

dozen dollars from his pocket and secretly stuffed it with the old

Many stars are willing to donate millions of dollars in front of

the camera, but may not be willing to give a few dollars behind
the camera.

Who could not have expected, Hàn Dōng such a person who
eats himself and refused to accept help, will actually take the
initiative to take out the money, but also be the only one to save

This scene was shocking to Wang Zhong Ding's inner heart, it

was no less than seeing his own black and white photos.

Not only did Hàn Dōng donate his money, but he also didn't
care about the old man's mud. He straightened into his ear and
said, "Yeah I also did it this way, and I know it's not easy..."

The old man took a breath, and then he took advantage of

Hàn Dōng's feelings.
"I didn't think I could meet my peers in this place..."

1]...... Hàn Dōng is not a beggar but remember when he acted

as one and was shamed by people....that when he went to find Li
Shang at the movie factory....he was he
understands how this beggar feels.

Feng Jun could not help but murmured, "I just don't believe
it! There are still people with this kindness?"

The administrator of the clubhouse shouted: "He is really

good-natured. Just now a little girl was kicked out. There was
no one to help her.....Only he comforted her with a few words."

Is it because of this that he came in late? Feng Jun turned his

eyes to Wang Zhong Ding, and Wang Zhong Ding changed his

"I think he just played a cheap act, wants to account for the
little girl's cheaper feeling." Er Lei poked the truth.
As a result, the manager once again denied him, "I thought so
at first, but then I heard the little girl ask him what he was
called. He left without saying anything. Now, this kind of
person is really scarce, especially in this circle, and this is one to

Hàn Dōng and his "old colleague" finished talking about the
bitterness of the past. They just went to the bus stop and he
heard a whistle. Looking up, it was exactly the car that Wang
Zhong Ding used to drive.

"Get in the car." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng pretended not to hear.

Wang Zhong Ding immediately got off, picked Hàn Dōng and
stuffed him in the car.

This scene happened to be seen by Liang Jing, who had just

left the door of the club.
Chapter 73: Give him no way to Go.
As the car drove on the road, Hàn Dōng took out his phone
and played some games without anyone seeing. This cell phone
is simply designed according to his temper, and Wang Zhong
Ding, who was watching the turtle speed, could not stand it.

"Let me have it," said Wang Zhong Ding.

Hàn Dōng's face had a look of alertness, "Why?" Want to peek

at my affair?

Wang Zhong Ding didn't make any explanations. He looted

Hàn Dōng's mobile phone, the memory card inside and the two
cards were destroyed, and then the window was opened and the
destroyed contents accurately were thrown on the garbage
truck driving across the opposite road.

Hàn Dōng suffered a loss and responded with speed. When he

wanted to stop Wang..... the mobile phone had already flown
"Why did you throw my cell phone?"

Wang Zhong Ding said superficially: "The company will give

you a new mobile phone with a new number."

"Then you didn't have to throw it. You could have given me a
new one...... And then I would have sold the old one!"

"I'm afraid you would have sold the new one and keep the old

Hàn Dōng reluctantly shook his face, well, you know me so


After a while, Wang Zhong Ding again took out his purse and
handed over a dozen red notes from the inside to Hàn Dōng.
"This is an extra allowance for you this month....... take it "

Hàn Dōng asked: "Is this what the company sent for me?"
Feng Jun answered this question for Hàn Dōng. "The
company treats new people equally. No one can enjoy special
treatment. After saying that....please do not ask again."

"Since this is the case, then can you give me some cans?" Hàn
Dōng blew his nose on his face.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't react for a moment. "What cans?"

"I think that canned food that I had in your office that day was
very tasty."

As Hàn Dōng's speech came out. The two people in front of

the driver's seat and the co-driver's seat were at the same time
flabbergasted: This man was allowed to eat in Wang's office.
Since when did President Wang allow other people to eat in his

"It doesn't work like that," Wang Zhong Ding refused.

Hàn Dōng does not give up, "why can you not?"
"Because you can't open it."

I don't know if the reason why is because the sixth finger was
cut off making Hàn Dōng's efforts to pull the ring not good

He will fail to cut off the ring pull nine times out of ten times,
but he doesn't admit it. "How do you know? I cannot open it?"

Nonsense, I stayed up late to give you more than 20 cans...

Wang Zhong Ding didn't say anything he only had a stiff face.

"Park here" Hàn Dōng suddenly opened.

Er Lei did not slow down. First, he asked, "What do you want
to do?"

"You don't have to know ...... stop first." Hàn Dōng hurried.

Wang Zhong Ding lifted his chin and motioned Er Lei to park
on the side of the road.

After Hàn Dōng got off his car, he quickly ran into a store and
bought a pot of rice pudding. Then he concentrated all the
internal forces on the index finger and meditation in his heart:
Must be successful, must succeed, must succeed...

A bang!

He opened the can smoothly.

Hàn Dōng, was on top of the world, ah, that fun, mouths are
forearm. With its own DIY function, the absolute force is 'I
straightforward present without reservation in front of
President Wang and this action instantly would melt the cold
heart of President Wang.'

Then he didn't say a word, he put it in front of Wang Zhong

Ding's face...You have something to say,??

Sure enough, Wang Zhong Ding used a tone that says he was
defeated by a handicapped child and said: "Er Lei, see if I have
any stock, and if there is something, send him a few cans."

Hàn Dōng had a stupid count, and happily ate the rice
pudding, but he still didn't forget to glance at the side. He
wanted to see Wang Zhong Ding's facial helplessness, Hàn
actually looked at himself as he felt panicked.

Why did I suddenly feel that he was a bit kind?

And how can I be so happy? He promised to give me cans.

Shouldn't I be troubled by his indulgence for me? Shouldn't I be
happy when he told me he doesn't believe me? What am I doing
when he scolds me? What is wrong with me? Knock! head!

After the end of Hàn Dōng heart alarm bells, he began to

brainwash himself like crazy: how long haven't you done
anything to annoy him? It's not going to work like this. You
have to do this as a lifelong death sentence.

At the conclusion of the signing ceremony, Li Shang
accompanied Fang Yi to her private home, located in the prime
location of the International Trade CBD, a large house of several
hundred square meters, and its interior decoration was full of

As a result, after Fang Yi entered, she began to scold and shout

at a high voice and a hundred thousand of tea sets were pushed
to fall ...... Li Shang eyelids did not blink.

Seeing Fang Yi rushing to the bathtub again, Li Shang rushed

forward to stop her, but Fang Yi was so mad that Li Shang had
to pull a few big mouths. "Get off! Don't you hear it? I'll say it
again, get out of here!"

Li Shang still clings to Fang Yi, and his gaze is as firm as ever.
But this determination is not related to feelings for her, but
intellectual soberness.

"What kind of treatment did she enjoy on her return? I stayed

in the company for so long. What did Wang give me?"
Li Shang has a good temper: "Giving the watch is just a form
of appreciation. It doesn't make much sense. You think about
it.... Didn't Wang promised in public that if the company
produced a movie, he will give you a proper role?"

"That's because I'm going in age! If not going, these character

role won't be able to come to me! What I'm getting now is all up
to my strength. What about her? In addition to loading it in
front of Wang..... What will you do? When the shortcut is gone
and I won't be able to go on any longer."

This sentence hit the muzzle again, and Fang Yi slammed

back. "You're not deaf, are you?! You will use me, and end up
vomiting on me!"

Li Shang licked on the swelled mouth and his tone was steady.
"You are not my short-cut to fame... You are my goddess, and I
have loved you since I was young."

"What is it? Why don't you think about it? You look in the
mirror and see what's on your face besides the word 'desire'?"
Li Shang still does not change his face, "I have desires, but
only for you."

Fang Yi rushed to the ground for a while and finally fell softly
in Li Shang's arms. She couldn't help crying.

"I'm not willing to..."

Is Li Shang still not?


Not long after coming from Fang Yi, Li Shang was called to
the studio by Liang Jing.

"Have you seen this person before?" Liang Jing flung Hàn
Dōng's photos and materials to Li Shang.

Li Shang just glanced.

"Seen him"

Liang Jing did not expect Li Shang to be so calm, but this is a

good thing. Since Hàn Dōng's existence is already an
indisputable fact, then Liang Jing's task is to accept this fact and
make Li Shang accept it. Judging from the current state of Li
Shang, he not only calmly accepted, but also prepared to fight a
long battle.

"What do you think?" asked Liang Jing.

Li Shang said: "Going to block his way ..... give him no way to

"Ha ha ha ... I really didn't choose the wrong person."


Hàn Dōng went to the wholesale market while he was out and
came back emptyhanded.
"Why didn't you buy it again?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng has bad luck. "The wholesale market is going to be

demolished. It's all closed today."

"What are you going to do about the paint?"

"Online shopping."

"Doesn't it still take two days to arrive?"

Hàn Dōng also expressed worry. "What is the solution then? I

can't go walking out all day and night. It's time to do something
practical. The old one is not doing the right thing, and he has
eaten all the stage he had left."

"You still have the old one?"

Yu Ming knows that what Hàn Dōng calls the "old textbook"
Liang Jing's favorite with Wang Zhong Ding.

Hàn Dōng thought a lot last night, and this time it was a bit of
a negative reaction. He thought that rebelling against Wang
Ding is a long process, and there should be no slack in it. It is
necessary to "react in a strict position" so as to prevent Wang
Zhong Ding from taking the opportunity to "drill the hole" in
his 'I can't like Wang' defense.

"You tell me....., how does one person reduce their own
charm?" Hàn Dōng suddenly asked.

"Reducing charm?" Yu Ming said, "Isn't it simple? Just do

something bad."

Hàn Dōng shook his fingers and his tone was mad. "No, no,
no! Maybe that worked for others, it didn't work for me at all."

Yu Ming thought again "You really have no room for

"What do you mean?" Hàn Dōng's eyes went round.

Yu Ming once again showed his smile with kindness.

"I found that you're not only poisonous but also bad ..."

Hàn Dōng stared at him bitterly, "Do not say those useless
words and quickly help me think about how to make a person go
from liking me to hating me? "

Yu Ming said: "I think you can change your mind."

"Change ??" Hàn Dōng does not understand.

Yu Ming explained: "If one person likes you, it may be your


"why is that?"
Because you don't have any advantage of a brain at all... Of
course, Yu Ming can't say that. He can only express himself with
euphemism. "Guess it."

Hàn Dōng carefully thought that it seems that there is such a

possibility...I have had little success in selling my ugly behavior
performances during this period of time. Is it really a problem
with my policy?

"Let's talk about your strengths." Yu Ming really can't think of


"I can create a combo ejaculation with one shot after the end
of a shot, and let my penis voluntarily swing under the
condition of an erection.... like an elephant's nose, it is
completely hands-free, and it depends on ideas. Do you want to
look at it?"

Yu Ming looked disgusted. "Well, you still can talk about your

"Doesn't this seems like a hard thing for you?" Hàn Dōng
finally said after he had meditated. "My shortcomings... I was
born so handsome."

Yu Ming would like to think this was a bad joke but he was
surprised to find that Hàn Dōng was serious.

"I know, this is the face...... of trouble!" Hàn Dōng, a face had
a look of open-mouthed expression, "I told you that I was such a
person. If a woman looks very beautiful. Even if I eat shit..... she
would still like this face."

Yu Ming, "...what else would you like to do? Can you be


"I don't need to, I still have a stunt that I haven't told you
about.......I'm rotten-faced king! I can put on 10 twisted faces
without interruption to guarantee that anyone will be scared to
death!" Hàn Dōng said with one face twisted after another.

Yu Ming's fear really reached one meter.

"Back off and, stay away from me."

Chapter 74 Midnight Cry.
In the evening, when Hàn Dōng went to Er Lei to get the
canned meat, he deliberately probed. "Where did this juncture
come from? Why did I run several supermarkets and did not
find this brand?"

"Special offerings, not for sale." Er Lei said straight.

Hàn Dōng asked again: "Where did Wang Zhong Ding get
them from?"

"His uncle sent it."

Uncle ... Hàn Dōng suddenly remembered Wang Zhong Ding's

uncle is not Wang Hai Zi right? Chairman of Zhong Ding Group!
At the signing ceremony today, he still met him. Is it that Yu
Ming does not appear in public because he and the chairman of
the board have a problem together?

Er Lei backed off! Isn't this man pressing this on me?

After returning, Hàn Dōng, as he was in the car, he focused all
his internal forces on the index finger, and mourned in his
heart: Must be successful, must succeed, and must succeed...

A bang!

The pull ring is broken.

Hàn Dōng changed the can again, and it was still the same
result. He didn't believe in this evil and repeatedly fought again
and again. He defeated all the rings until he had completely
taken down all the rings and only then he finally gave up.

Holding a bunch of bare cans in his hand, Hàn Dōng suddenly

had a feeling of deja vu and recalled it carefully. It looked like he
had found a batch of cans with no easy-to-pull ring under the

At that time, he thought: if they are so easy to handle? Why

was the pull the ring cut off? I thought it was my own doing for
a long time. But Hàn Dōng couldn't remember how he had eaten
the canned food...
Forget it, don't think about it. I will open it tomorrow and eat
it again.

Hàn Dōng laid on the sofa outside, doing a warm-up before

bedtime practicing the rotten face.

Counting silently: 1, 2, 3, 4... With each digit of a number he

quickly transforms a deformed grimace, each expression is so
abhorrent, and the speed of convergence is getting faster and
faster. Ten expressions are still completed within half a minute,
and they can all be completed in 10 seconds.

After finally exhausting his physical strength, Hàn Dōng fell


At night, Wang Zhong Ding returned from a class outside and

returned to the office as usual.

Er Lei didn't feel relieved and asked Wang Zhong Ding: "Why
don't you use me to stand guard outside? What if Hàn Dōng
sleepwalks in and disturbs you?"
Wang Zhong Ding said: "Aren't you sending two security
guards to guard on the same floor of my office?"

"I'm afraid that there will be a special situation, you know this
kid likes to play tricks."

"How can he play tricks when he can be dealt with two people
with bare hands?"

Er Lei wanted to say something but was stopped by Wang

Zhong Ding.

"Well, you go back and rest early, I will call you later."

Er Lei nodded.

Wang Zhong Ding did not return to the office for a while. Hàn
Dōng walked in his sleep mode over here, but this time Hàn
Dōng didn't take the elevator to reach this floor. Instead, he set
the elevator to a floor below Wang's office and then climbed the
stairs again.
The lights on the stairs are voice-activated. Hàn Dōng's
footsteps are very light, and the steps to the top level are not lit.
Then he stood there and did not move and seemed to be waiting
for something.

Not a moment later, the security guard on duty arrived here.

He felt like there was a person on the stairs and the light of the
flashlight was not on and when he got near and spoke the lights
turned on and he walked into a distorted grimace. And the
grimace face has been changing fast. The complicated tricks and
the heinous visual effects are not what most human beings can


The security guard then felt down to the floor, his face pale ....
he could not stand the visual stimulation.

Vaguely when someone heard a call, another on-duty security

also came to this scene, fearing to not disturb Wang Zhong
Ding, he did not dare to walk too fast. So when he got to the
stairs, the lights went out again, and he took the electric torch
and lifted it to Hàn Dōng's face. Then the tragedy of falling
scared just happened again.

When the door was pushed open, Wang Zhong Ding had to
face his fate.

Some people are born to trouble you.

Hàn Dōng opened the food bag again, and all the canned food
taken from Er Lei were there.

Maybe it was a habit. This time, Wang Zhong Ding was

prepared to help Hàn Dōng without saying anything and opened
all the cans in the bag. Then line them up on the desk, so Hàn
Dōng can eat it, and hurry to leave after eating!

As a result, Hàn Dōng suddenly said, "I'm not looking for you
to open cans."

"........?" Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng.

"I just wanted to tell you that the bottle of rice pudding at
noon was opened only accidental. In fact, I couldn't open the
other cans." Hàn Dōng really sold himself out

Wang Zhong Ding, "......"

"I can't finish eating these within a day, so many cans will be
eaten within 24 hours after their lids are opened. So please close

Wang Zhong Ding's expression is not much stronger than the

two outside guards. "If you don't want me to wake you up, give
me these cans and leave!"

"I will not go so far, even for these cans." Hàn Dōng suddenly
put out his arm to protect the cans. "If you push back you're
going to spill it, I'm not willing to spill the cans you gave to me."

Listen, how warm these words were!

What Zhong Ding thought at the time was: Why you do listen
to this neuropathy?

The result is the opposite. When Wang got up and went to the
kitchen to get a crisper and pour all the meat and sauce inside a

As a result, Hàn Dōng picked up a can again and put his

tongue into it to dip into the remaining sauce.

"I'm not willing to waste a drop when you give me these beef

Sure enough.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't want to see that tongue so he had to

bite the bullet and scrape all the meat on the cans before he
handed them to Hàn Dōng. This process was delayed by another
ten minutes.

As a result, Hàn Dōng didn't go and excitedly said to Wang

Zhong Ding: "I'll give you a present."
To sum up, Hàn Dōng took out his guardian skills - the show
of rotten-faced king to Wang Zhong Ding.

When a person's negative emotions are extreme enough and

cannot be interpreted by any expression, there is nothing he can
do but to laugh. Wang Zhong Ding is in such a situation.

He really wanted to go to Hàn Dōng's parents' tombstone to

pay a special tribute, and sincerely ask: Why did you make this
kind of monster?

After Hàn Dōng's "face skills" presented a series of expressions

such as Zheng monster.... flashbacks, and interludes, Wang
Zhong Ding finally understood how Hàn Dōng escaped from the
two security guards. He immediately rose and walked outwards.

As a result, Hàn Dōng hugged him from behind.

"Don't go, I'm scared!"

Wang Zhong Ding bit his teeth and said: "Is there anyone
scarier than you?"

Hàn Dōng still clung to Wang Zhong Ding, and Wang Zhong
Ding tries to move Hàn Dōng away from him, but then he hears
Hàn Dōng's screams just before leaving.

This kind of screams cannot be faked and Wang Zhong Ding

thought Hàn Dōng was really crazy after being woke up. He
found it was not faked. Hàn Dōng didn't wake up and he did not
fall down, but his face was cramped.

Yes, his face was cruelly cramped after the high-strength

physical exertion of facial contortions.

Hàn Dōng still kept his eyes open and his eyes slanted. He
couldn't get his muscles back in place, and his tears came out.

Wang Zhong Ding had to give Hàn Dōng an emergency help

first. As for how to deal with the emergency, he could only
fumble through it. No matter whether the towel was hot or not
it didn't help to soothe the muscles, and the instrumental
massage wasn't working, Wang Zhong Ding tried to cover his
hand on Hàn Dōng's cheek and rub it gently. Until the heat from
the palm of the hand reached deep into the cheeks, the rigid
muscles slowly relaxed and the facial features return.

Hàn Dōng was completely calm this time. He took the crisper
bowl and walked out followed by Wang Zhong Ding.

The two security guards also eased their scared fears out...
They were washing their faces in the bathroom. When Wang
Zhong Ding walked past them, he glanced inside. When he saw
that they didn't cause serious problems, he did not say hello.
Instead, Wang Zhong Ding went through the elevator directly
back to the office.

The result was less than half an hour's sleep and the doorbell
rang again.

The moment that Wang Zhong Ding opened the door he had
been well planned out. If the person standing at the entrance
was Hàn Dōng, he would absolutely blow him down with a
punch and never be weak in his resolve...

As a result, it was the two security guards on duty standing in

the doorway. After washing their faces.... redness and swelling
of the eyelids could still be seen.

"Wang, we didn't want to interrupt your rest, but there are

some words we have to say, eh, the office building is haunted.
Really, I and DaQiang both saw it..."

Wang Zhong Ding's face was gloomy, "This matter will be

talking about tomorrow."

"Wang, I know you are atheist, but there are things you have
to believe..."

"Get out!"

The two poor security guards in front of Hàn Dōng suffered a

terrifying shock, and as "his husband"did, this scared them
both, again...

Early the next morning, Hàn Dōng went to the refrigerator to

take the cans. As a result, he did not see the cans. Instead, he
saw a large crisper filled with canned meat.

When he went to Yu Ming's room and took a small hammer

there, he said to Yu Ming with all his tenderness: "You're more
and more thoughtful, no wonder the chairman will see you."

Yu Ming cast a cold eye to him and he thought Hàn Dōng was
too crazy early in the morning.


Wang Zhong Ding and Director Lu went on the elevator

together. Lu was the director who was good at filming
suspenseful horror movies. He was regarded as a rare ghost
filmmaker in the mainland's new generation of directors.

"How is the shooting progress?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Lu is not optimistic about the director's expression. "Now

when the audience is watching ghosts, all they pay attention is
the visual effects. To tell you the truth, these three original
ghost actors are not ideal. They have no impact even on me"

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly thought of something but didn't

directly say it.

"Wang, ah, if you have any suitable actor from a brokerage

company, you can help me with my problem ."

Wang Zhong Ding nodded. "Ok, no problem."

After the meal was over, Hàn Dōng went to the office building
and people saw Wang Zhong Ding greeting him with a smile. He
waited for the sweetest side to be given to the general manager.

As a result, Hàn Dōng took advantage of Wang Ding's

distraction to sending him an appetite... his gross face. He didn't
get the expected response, so he also intensified to send a few

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding didn't show any fear or

discomfort from beginning to end. Instead, with the longevity
of Hàn Dōng's performance, the smile in his eyes grew stronger
and thicker.

Fuck! Lao Tzu wants to scare you, not to make you laugh!

As a result, Hàn Dōng strengthened the degree of distortion

and the result was tragic.

His face cramped again!

Painful stuff, whatever methods he tried to relax his facial

muscles didn't work, Hàn Dōng almost hit the wall with his

Wang Zhong Ding knew that Hàn Dōng will receive this
retribution from early on. He reached out and rubbed his manly
hands straight to Hàn Dōng face. Hàn Dōng's cramps were cured
in just a few moments, but Wang Zhong Ding's hands hadn't
come down.

The two people suddenly looked at each other.

Hàn Dōng at the moment was thinking: Why is this scene so
familiar? Where did it happen before?

Wang Zhong Ding said to him at that moment: "I have a very
suitable role for you here."
Chapter 75 Seizes opportunities.
After listening to Wang Zhong Ding's description of the role,
Hàn Dōng was not calm enough.

"What kind of people acted this kind of demeanor when they

made a debut? I'm debuting as a ghost?"

Wang Zhong Ding said very seriously: "The value of actors is

not determined by their roles."

Hàn Dōng knew that Wang Zhong Ding was a hard-fought

man, so he would not be convinced easily. He rushed with a sly
smile and explained behind him: "I don't mean how low quality
the ghosts are. I mean this role may not be suitable for me."

"Why is it not for you? Didn't you pretend to be a ghost every

day?" Wang Zhong Ding hummed.

Hàn Dōng's attitude toward Wang Zhong Ding was cold and
he looked annoyed....."You always misunderstood me, Wang.
I'm not pretending to be a ghost. I just had facial cramps. You
saw what happened just now..... and if it happened on the set,
Things will not be good enough, i will have to delay the
shooting process, right?”

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding said: "The appearance of

your cramps is particularly infectious and explosive. If you can
really act it out, I would like to let the entire medical team
escort you on the set."

"Aren't you planning on letting me cast the big role of the

year? Think about it. If this ghost is too deeply perfect, what
happens when the audience sees the new character in the game
for a second?"

Wang Zhong Ding once opened the door of his office and said:
"You can rest assured that I have seen the script. The character
of this ghost has a special effect makeup. If the real person
doesn't show up, the audience can't see what you were like and
it will not cause any harm to the next tv appearance influences."

"I still don't get to show my face?" Hàn Dōng cried with no
Wang Zhong Ding said in a positive face: "I will let you play
this role, not to increase your exposure, or to redeem you, but to
exercise you."

Hàn Dōng's eyes were chasing Uncle's trash can and he saw
more than a dozen empty cans. He suddenly realized what was
in his mouth, and there was a trace of uncertainty in his tone.
“Yesterday the cans were... ?"

Wang Zhong Ding completely avoided this issue and

continued to say what he had not finished.

"Although I'm your agent, I respect your wishes and can't

force you."

Hàn Dōng is still immersed in his own world. Why did I

sleepwalk to find him and have him open the cans? Is it a
similar move I made before? Hàn Dōng suddenly remembered
that when Wang Zhong Ding first hosted Hàn Dōng in his
car....he took out the can, and the sentence he said when he
suddenly blurted out yesterday: “You can't open the can”...
"Is it good?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng finally nodded, "I will act it."

Maybe when one person has too many shortcomings, people

will habitually enlarge his advantage. Just like Hàn Dōng, who
was nothing in Wang Zhong Ding's eyes, his bad behaviour had
already made Wang Zhong Ding numb to his tricks. What really
imprinted in his heart was the trifling advantage. For example,
to aid the beggar, to comfort the little girl who got thrown out
of the venue; or to know that Li Shang's “old child” would never
get the slot if Hàn Dōng didn't give him his spot; even if he is
only a submissive obedient now, it will make Wang Zhong Ding

When Wang Zhong Ding just gave Hàn Dōng some sort of
sensational news, Hàn Dōng brainwashed himself: I promised to
play this role but not to be touched by his silent payment, but
because its not good to owe to others.

"Don't take the bus later, the company will give you a car."
"Why didn't you say it earlier?" said Hàn Dōng's remorseful
expression. "If I knew that I would not buy paint on the
Internet. I haven't shipped the owner until now."

Wang Zhong Ding immediately questioned, "What do you buy

paint for?"

"The hell is... is to color the craft."

Originally, Hàn Dōng also worried that such an excuse was

difficult to be accepted by Wang Zhong Ding. As a result, Wang
Zhong Ding actually defaulted. "I saw the flute in your room and
you did a good job."

Hàn Dōng wondered, "How could you see it? When did you
visit my room?"

Wang Zhong Ding's finger knocked on the desk and said after
a moment of thinking: “You should go to the crew first, and
take the script and take a good look at it.”
"I will go, but you have to say..."

"This is the director's business card." Wang Zhong Ding said

directly to Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng would like to ask again, but unfortunately the

strength is very different, and his pace running is even slower
than the pace of Wang Zhong Ding's walking. The complete
sentence has not been finished and Wang Zhong Ding has
already been on the elevator.

From such a small matter, Hàn Dōng realized a truth.

..... Did you see it? We are completely two extremes ends of
spectrum. Even if we are together in the future, there will be
various contradictions. When I just picked up the chopsticks he
would already finished eating. I just untied my pants and the
man has already pulled his up. When I want to be affectionate
he would had fallen asleep...and the most intolerable one, I just
came to touch him ...and he has already shot....!

Thinking of this .....Hàn Dōng feel that the days are falling
apart, and he has to constantly replay hard to tell himself: In
order to be happy in the future, be sure to kill this destiny, I can
not be this Overlord penis licker with my sexy little long tongue,
a man under the arm of another man, keep that in mind!

After returning to the dormitory, Hàn Dōng quickly picked up

those unused wood blocks and went with them to Yu Ming's
room. “Can you store them for me for a few days, I'm afraid that
Wang Zhong Ding will make a surprise attack again.”

"Is Wang coming here?" Yu Ming was very skeptical.

"Nonsense, he has already been here!" Hàn Dōng put a pile of

wood blocks on Yu Ming balcony, and said, "If at night I knock
on your door and said you hand it over. You must not accept it.
Even if I no longer say it myself.... you must insist that you are
not here!"

Yu Ming pulled his lips. "I didn't know you have such

"You don't have to care about it. Anyway, it's the right thing
to listen to me. Please!"
"What about your bed and tub? Wouldn't he see it ?"

“The beds and bath tube would be finished soon. When he

sees the finished product, even if there are opinions, he can't be
suspicious... It's just that this wood is hard to be acquired. It
would be a pity if it has to be confiscated.”

There was something that Yu Ming can't figure it out. “Why

would he confiscate it? Didn't you make furniture yourself and
save money for the company?”

"The key is..." Hàn Dōng was very embarrassed to say it, "He
had already sent a set of inflatable furniture over."

"and then?"

"Then... he thought I sold it to you."

Yu Ming didn't know what to say.

Hàn Dōng used the overbearing tone and defended himself. "I
don't want to sleep on inflated bed, I just want to use solid wood

"You can ask the company for that, ah, anyway, you can still
use these furniture. The company should not refuse your

"Can't refuse me? I don't know how many times I was

refused!" Hàn Dōng said, "I think it's a question of why Wang
Zhong Ding's brain is invaded with this idea? Why does he want
me to use inflatable household items? Even if he wants to save
money, He bought these things very expensive ah, and the
transfered person (Hàn Dōng ) do not admit it, and finally sold it
for a few nail money."

Yu Ming didn't know whether Wang Zhong Ding's brain had

entered the battlefield, or it's just in Han Dong's mind.

"Forget it, I do not want to say anything about this, I wanna

say a little happy news." Hàn Dōng blinked, "I may have a role to
"Really?" Yu Ming was surprised.

Hàn Dōng nodded. "It's still a big pick."

"Yes." Yu Ming suddenly remembered one thing. "I saw your

friend on the magazine cover."

"My friend?" Hàn Dōng respond.

Yu Ming said: "Li Tian Bang."

Li Shang... Hàn Dōng has an instant interest. "Where is he?

Show me."

Yu Ming handed the new issue of the fashion magazine

"Guide" to Hàn Dōng. This magazine has a huge circulation in
China, and it's almost the top magazine among fashion
magazines. It basically accepts only front-line movie actors. Like
Li Shang, a star who has not made his debut for less than two
months, only a handful of people can have such treatment.
Li Shang's full coverage on the cover of the magazine,
especially the two long legs, was originally eye-catching,
coupled with special effects and refinement, it simply created
the level of diamond-like legs. Not only the front cover, but also
a series of large pages on the inside pages, a variety of high-
profile buzzwords, like "born big names", "long-legged men's
gates to show off," "entertainment of the aristocrats new
favorite" and so on a series of promotional " Legs' centered title.

Zhang Xing Hu happened to come back and saw Yu Ming and

Hàn Dōng reading the magazine.

"This cover was temporarily replaced. It was originally meant

to feature Yi Wei. I didn't know what the reason was but she
was replaced by Li Tian Bian. And Li Tian helped this group of
big scenes to be taken yesterday. There has never been a sudden
change of cover within 12 hours. It was said that they were all in
manufacturing at the time and there were people who bought
the reprints .....and bought them at high prices."

As for why Li Shang was such a hurry, Hàn Dōng's heart could
not be more clear.

"And he got another TV show. A group of male models

adorned him. It was all one yard long. It was estimated that he
was from a rich family of high society. It is said that the
investment cost of this film has not been high. As a result, Li
Shang brought funds into the group and instantly it became a
big production."

Yu Ming seems to be not interested in this topic, but also said

to Hàn Dōng: "Yes, you haven't said what role you want to play."

"You have an act.... what role?" Zhang Xing Hu also joined it.

The two people stared at Hàn Dōng with a glance. The eyes
seemed to be saying: When he play celebrities, what do you

"Ghost.....," Hàn Dōng said.

Zhang Xing Hu sprayed a mouth full of water at that time. Yu

Ming seemed to think of the reasons why Hàn Dōng was
selected to play ghosts.
He also smiled. “Smiling shithead? What's wrong about
playing as a ghost? Most people still couldn't play it!” Hàn
Dōng's face fell out.

Zhang Xing Hu laughed and said, "No, no... I just think it suits

Later, after chatting about the rewards, Zhang Xing Hu asked

Hàn Dōng: “What is your pay ?”

For this issue Hàn Dōng himself was not clear, so he called
Wang Zhong Ding again.

"How much do I get paid ?"

"This will only be known after talking to the crew."

"Then you give me an estimate."

"Up to 10,000."
Hàn Dōng was quite contented and told Zhang Xing Hu to go
back, "Ten thousand."

"Only ten thousand for playing ghost?"

Hàn Dōng deceived himself and said, “You get paid 30,000 on
the 3rd role and I get paid 10,000 on the 1st. Isn't that correct?”

Zhang Xing Hu no longer runs against Hàn Dōng, and

cheerfully defaults, “But when you just played the game, the
price is not too low. You shouldn't ask the crew, the crew will
definitely give you the lowest pressure. You should ask the
broker, The agent usually speaks of an ideal number. For
example, when Jiāo Jié started talking to me about 50,000, she
went to the other side and she would get 30,000.”

Hàn Dōng thought 'who should I ask? Who is my broker?......'

Chapter 76 I don't like to step into the
After Zhang Xing Hu entered the room, Hàn Dōng continued
to clean up his wooden strips in Yu Ming's house.

Yu Ming looked at Hàn Dōng for a long time and suddenly

said, "He is not as good as you."

"Who is inferior to me?" Hàn Dōng didn't understand.

Yu Ming said: "Li Shang."

"How did you know that his name is Li Shang?"

"I heard it by chance when you were sleeptalking."

Hàn Dōng grinned badly. "It turns out that you're a bad kid
who listens to the wall."
"I sleep very lightly, and I will stay up when I am basically
upset, so I often hear you sleep talking."

"You still hear me talking? What else have I said?"

Yu Ming thought for a moment and said: "One night I heard

you say, 'You ...... man surnamed Wang, you don't come over',
you shouted this several times, and your tone was particularly
anxious. I thought you were practicing acting lines at the time."

Hàn Dōng suddenly felt ashamed to do so.

"You also said...Li Shang, you asshole!"

Hàn Dōng didn't feel embarrassed and said coldly: "He is an


[SALEM]: Oh yeah. He is... :)

"He is developing so well now. Does that making you upset?"

"Why do I have to be upset?" Hàn Dōng is totally indifferent.

"Everyone has aspiration but I don't like this to step into the

Yu Ming is very difficult to understand, "Why?"

“You see, each actor has to go through a process of being an

Extra Actor, group specialities, groups, special feature roles,
supporting roles, protagonists, and then as stars. During the
five years I played in the group, even if there was a line crossed,
it would be very a sense of accomplishment. After the results I
jumped from being an Extra Actor to the Supporting Roles, how
many levels have I jumped in the middle? How much pleasure
have I lost? Now there are only two level from being a
Supporting actor to being The star. If I don't feel a little more, I
will go directly to the climax and then... What's the point?"

Yu Ming didn't agree. "Maybe we can have a continuous

climax at the top?"
"Don't think about it, you won't be happy with the same
reason as for the second one."

Yu Ming thinks it makes sense.

Hàn Dōng said: "But for someone who wants to climb up to

the sky but is not sure if he can climb to the sky, he will take
advantage of the opportunity to climb up there in one leap. I am
not the same, I know that I would climb to the sky someday.
Why won't I enjoy this step-by-step climbing process?"

"I also feel like you, I want to slowly enjoy the feeling of a
little harvests step by step." Yu Ming said.

Hàn Dōng patted him on the shoulder. "What's the hard part?
There are three ghosts in the movie. Then I scare away one.
When you come to play, it's not over."

"It's a good idea," said Yu Ming.

Hàn Dōng was originally joking. He didn't expect that Yu

Ming would even nod. He immediately showed an overjoyed
expression. "Oh, you're not staying in the room? Are you finally
going out to meet people?"

After being made fun of by Hàn Dōng, Yu Ming's face was cold
again. "I was just kidding. I wanted to make you a little jealous.
As long as I can tell you, I'll definitely recommend you. Don't
worry, buddy.....that man will never get one over you."

After returning to his room, Hàn Dōng carefully reviewed the

director's profile and watched the films he had made. One of
them was quite liked. This movie watching thing went to the
middle of the night.

When he turned off the computer, Hàn Dōng did not

immediately go to bed, but instead knocked at the door of Yu
Ming's room with his eyes closed.

For a long time, Yu Ming dragged his sleepy body to open the

"What are you doing?"

Hàn Dōng asked dumbly: "Is my wood in your room?"

When Yu Ming looked at Hàn Dōng's state, he thought he was

sleepwalking and he replied, “Isn't you the one here? It's
impossible. I have to come in and see.”


"Let it go. I want to go to bed..." Yu Ming looked seriously.

Hàn Dōng opened his eyes and laughed. "Ha ha ha...I wanted
to test you!"

"You asshole!"

With a bang, the door closed in front of Hàn Dōng.

The day before the next day had not yet lightened, Hàn Dōng
received a wake up telephone call.
"Han, it's time to get up. I'll pick you downstairs in half an
hour." It was a sweet female voice.

Hàn Dōng was immediately awake. "You are?"

"I'm your assistant. Today, I officially took office. If there is

any shortage I have, I hope Hàn Ge will have more tolerance for

"Of course, of course..."

This sound was from a big beautiful girl, how can I not
tolerate it? Hàn Dōng came to spirit momentarily, and the squid
man leaped up from the bed. After washing, he rushed to the
ground floor.

As a result, the person standing at the door of the unit was

actually not who he thought .

"Why did you come?" Hàn Dōng didn't look around.

The sound of Shèn Hua's sweet voice came again. "Wasn't I
who called you just now?"

Hàn Dōng's expression at that time was like he ate a bug

"I've done my best to you. Would you please let me have a way

Shèn Hua said to Hàn Dōng unusually and firmly: "Hàn Ge

said that people who talked with each other were hard-working,
pragmatic, and capable. I heard that you would also look at it. I
think you should look at me before you decide."

Hàn Dōng really looked , but he has to look down!

He was reluctant to brush up the discomfort and taking a

glance at Shen, Hàn Dōng suddenly has the urge to cut his
wrists and commit suicide, because this woman not only has
"Wang Star" face, but also his hit noble manners!

He can bit his teeth , "Okay, let's go!"

Before Hàn Dōng arrived there, Feng Jun greeted Director Lu
and told him about the basic situation of Hàn Dōng. He also
said, “Wang says that he hopes that he cannot only excercise his
acting skills but also put his body on it. Changes in the

Director Lu claps Feng Jun's shoulder and says: "Rest assured,

this film is very positive and he will not infiltrate any ghosts
and thoughts."

Feng Jun nodded and said, "Yes, I hope you will let him(Hàn
Dōng) build this awareness in himself"

"OK, when will he arrive?"

Feng Jun looked at his watch. "It should be soon Then I won't
bother you to shoot."

"Sure, you have two free drinks."

Feng Jun told Director Lu in front of the car, "Don't you worry

"Where is Mr. Feng ? I have to thank him for sending me a

good actor." [???]

When Feng Jun left, Director Lu immediately changed his

face: Hey, even you will be sweet, can you send me something

When Hàn Dōng arrived at the studio the crew didn't have
anything to do, Director Lu just went to the bathroom, Hàn
Dōng saw a senior prop teacher. Two people simply talked a few
words, seeing Director Lu has not returned, the prop teacher
took Hàn Dōng to his studio.

As soon as Hàn Dōng entered, there was a bloody rush toward

the front, with a series of silicone prostheses such as "heads,"
"broken arms," ​and "mutilated bodies." When some scenes are
not safe for live performances, these prostheses are used

"Funny." Hàn Dōng took up a beautiful woman's head and

played with it, fiddled with an impulse to send it to his crotch,
but fortunately the prop teacher's words shifted his attention.

"It's fun? This stuff is also for scaring people. At night, I

myself I'm scared to come in."

Hàn Dōng couldn't help but wondered, "What are you doing in
this house?"

"What can we do? The current audience tastes are heavy."

As he spoke, a sweet call came out of the room. "Hàn Dōng,

Director Lu is here."

The props division's manager voice was crisp, and he patted

Hàn Dōng's shoulder and said, "Good luck buddy."

Hàn Dōng smiled awkwardly.

Because he had previously seen Director Lu's interview and
Hàn Dōng's own ability to prediction, he knew that the director
was an informal person. He was so sloppy that if Hàn plays
arrogance he would create a sense of distance. Therefore, when
he saw the foreign director he gave him an embrace.

"Director Lu, I adore you."

Originally, Lu was already ready to meet the villain's

psychological preparations. When he saw Hàn Dōng, he actually
felt this man was very eye catching and was quite angry with

"I heard that you like fortune telling!" Director Lu


Hàn Dōng has no scruples and readily admits, "Look at the

fortune-telling, measuring words, divining, and naming...
whatever you choose."

Director Lu laughed. "Would you do that?"

"Why? I can try it now," Hàn Dōng said.

Director Lu immediately put away his smile and hummed Hàn

Dōng aside and said, "I wasn't joking with you."

Hàn Dōng said: "I'm not kidding either."

Director Lu replayed his heart and sighed and said: “The

doorway to the horror film is clear to everyone who knows that
this kind of film is too heavy, and the crew will do rituals in
court before they start shooting. They must either burn incense
or invite a living Buddha. Blessing, but you can understand my
situation with Wang, I wouldn't dare to, since I didn't do it
before, and now my heart has not been in peace, I feel my life is

"You can rest assured, this is wrapped for me, as for Wang
Zhong Ding ..." Hàn Dōng took out his grandfather's spirit, "I'm
used to his bad smell!"

Director Lu seemed to find a friend, and he instantly made a

joke. "Now this kind of review system, we as creative people,
have been very aggrieved. Sometimes I think, first shoot it out,
big deal finally in the end. To catch up with investors like Wang
Zhong Ding, I didn't dare to stop shooting ."

"Wang Zhong Ding is dead brains, serious!"

Two people chatted and returned to the studio.

Because Hàn Dōng is new, and he is not familiar with the

script, Lu didn't let him get started, but instead let him watch.

When shooting a group of shots, it was repeatedly many times

because she couldn't control the blinking of an eye. It was a
taboo to blink when she was playing a ghost, because once the
actor blinks, the viewer's nervousness disappears.

"Director, you are asking too much of me. When I'm tired....,
it is totally challenging for my psychological limit not to blink.
Any average person simply cannot do it."

The actress complained.

Chapter 77 Gifts.
Director Lu suddenly shouted, "Is there someone who can do

"If you can find such a person who can act the scene, I
immediately will apologize to all the staff!"

"This is what you said..." The director looked around and

finally landed on Hàn Dōng. "Let him try it out. He is new and
without any training, if he can sit there and not blink, that will
be proof that the problem is your personal ability problem."

After that, with one eye signaled Hàn Dōng over.

Hàn Dōng sat in the chair according to the director's

instructions and he did not blink in front of his eyes, as long as
he could keep like that for more than two minutes, his
expression will naturally fulfill the requirements.

Two minutes? The actress snorted was filled with unbelief. If

you insist on not shed tears for a minute, I will admire you.
"Hàn Dōng, come on! Hàn Ge, you're the best!" Shèn waved with
her short legs passionately twitching.

Hàn Dōng exposed the classic expression of the no blinking.

The God of Blasphemy is the master of every chronic child,

and it is the best companion for Hàn Dōng leisure and
entertainment....compared to other stunts, this is simply a piece
of cake for Hàn Dōng...Not to mention blinking, even his eyes
didn't turn around.

In the beginning, the staff was watching with the lively state
of mind and they didn't hold much expectation about Hàn
Dōng. As time went on, they secretly pinched sweat for Hàn
Dōng to win... fearing that he would blink halfway.

Hàn Dōng lived up to the expectations, had stabilized his play,

and persisted until the last second.

"Director, it's time." Someone reminded.

The actress's face instantly becomes very ugly.

Hàn Dōng didn't immediately blink but continued to look

ahead, eyes without a trace of focus.

Director Lu hinted that the staff members need to be quiet

and let Hàn Dōng persist for a while and set an example to
others. Also, he let the actress to be convinced, everyone was
completely silent.

Nobody knows how long, the actress finally issued an

impatient inquiry.

"Director, does she still need to apologize?"

Director Lu was fighting, and when he hears it, he wakes up

and asks, "How long has it been?"

Fieldworker said: "Half an hour."

Director Lu was surprised. "He hasn't blinked yet?"

Not to mention blinking Hàn Dōng didn't move at all, the staff
suspected that Hàn Dōng's eye is a silicone prosthesis. Some
people deliberately searched it to see if it was drawn on the
eyelids. It was ridiculous to think about it.

Director Lu told Hàn Dōng in a proud tone and said, "You can

Hàn Dōng still persists and his eyes are persistent unblinking.

"Don't continue...., give her a little face." Director Lu

whispered to Hàn Dōng.

1]....when you're shamed you have no to leave some

face is to spare one of full humiliation

Hàn Dōng turned a deaf ear.

Director Lu discovered that something was wrong and
reached out and shook his eyes before Hàn Dōng's eyes. Again,
he didn't respond. In the end, he put his ear to the mouth of
Hàn Dōng and found out that ... Hàn Dōng had fallen asleep.

Hàn Dōng returned from the studio and someone reported his
activities there to Wang Zhong Ding.

In addition to saying that Director Lu had a good impression

of Hàn Dōng, he also mentioned Hàn Dōng's falling asleep on
the studio. The spy thought that Wang Zhong Ding would have
a black face. He didn't expect him to just whisper that's an
understatement. When he strolled around in the middle of the
night, how would he not be sleeping during the day?

"Wang, Miss Wan came."

Zhong Ding nodded. "Let her in."

"You workaholic, did you forget what day it is today?" Wan Li

Qing said when she entered the office.
Wang Zhong Ding looked at his calendar and found nothing

Wan Li Qing reminded: "Today is your son's birthday."

"Not tomorrow?"

"To others, it is tomorrow, for you is today, is there any day

you do not spend in the office?"


When Hàn Dōng came back to the company, he happened to

see Wan Li's clear steps accessing the parking lot. He didn't
know who she was talking to the phone but her face was ugly. It
looked like she was in bad mood.

So, Hàn Dōng secretly followed her

"I really took Wang Zhong Ding as a slave son. There was no
other person in his eyes."

"Everyone else he can hurt, but his son he can't afford it. With
others, he wants to be fierce but he has a good temper for his

"If it wasn't because his birthday was tomorrow, I would just

turn my face."

It turned out that tomorrow is his son's birthday... Hàn Dōng


"Isn't he just a child? It's not as if he were a baby. I think if

Xixi doesn't want to have a stepmother, Wang Zhong Ding will
not marry!"

Another terrible bombardment to Hàn Dōng's brain, his son

was not a natural child? It wasn't natural! No wonder that Wang
Zhong Ding's facial features do not show him having a son.
He does not know why, but when Hàn Dōng heard the news
he actually blinked.

"Am I exaggerating? If you look at the look he had just made,

you'd know I'm not exaggerating..."

As Wan Li Qing was speaking, suddenly a familiar face jumped

into view.

Hàn Dōng said hello with a smile. "I haven't seen you for a
long time."

Wan Li Qing shouted in her head 'I'm unlucky', how could I

meet this man again? If she wants to hide, she can't... In the
end, I can only smile at him..... and I can step up to my car.

As a result, Hàn Dōng followed her again.

"You don't be angry with Wang Ge. It's not a bad thing for a
man to love a child. It shows that he has strong feelings and has
a sense of responsibility. Just because the child is too young, he
will have difficulty getting along with it. When the child is
older, some problems are naturally resolved. You must not lose
faith in Wang Ge. Ah, you must stabilize your feelings. This is
my last spiritual pillar..."

Wan Li Qing wanted to get on the car quickly, but Hàn Dōng
walked in front of her and when she tried to evade him left and
right she could not get around. In the end, she couldn't stand it.
She finally spewed out a long time coming fury.

"What's the matter with you? Its none of your business...can

you not worry about it?!!"

With a bang, the door closed in front of Hàn Dōng.

Looking at the car that is getting off the road, Hàn Dōng's
expression was full of hateful iron that is not worthy of steel.

Into the office building, Hàn Dōng discovered that Wang

Zhong Ding was also talking in the phone in the corridor, but he
didn't speak with Wan Li Qing.
"Is there no dinner at noon? What are you eating? A few
tablespoons of rice? How about the taste of spinach?
Ummm...well ...Dad will definitely come home today...... I'm a
bit busy now"

After Hàn Dōng heard what Wang said he thought louder than
Wan Li Qing, Motherfucker!!! How can you talk so tenderly?
How can you smile so beautifully? You know!!! Ah ah ah ah ah...

In the evening, a noise was heard in an apartment.

Yu Ming took a look at the doorway and found that Hàn Dōng
was holding a hammer and he was beating and beating on a
piece of wood as if he were doing crafts. So he had no questions,
he quietly went back to his room.

As a result, this beating sound continued until midnight.

Yu Ming finally went to Hàn Dōng with an unforgiving face. "I

said, why won't you sleep yet?"
" I will sleep after its completed..... soon."

"what is .....?"

Hàn Dōng smiled so softly, "I want to send a wooden comb to

my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Yu Ming curious, "Where's the girlfriend?"

"Saw her on the set."

"Since when are you together?"


Yu Ming, "...tomorrow?"

"Yes, when I give this comb to her, she will be with me." Hàn
Dōng said as it was a must.

Yu Ming can only look back with a wooden face: "Come on."

After a while, a small, well-crafted comb was completed. Hàn

Dōng carefully wrapped the comb and put it in a gift box.
Feeling sleepy, he fell asleep on the couch.

Nearly two in the morning, Wang Zhong Ding finished the

matter at hand, just as he drove out the door, suddenly a
familiar figure flashed into his eyes.

Hàn Dōng was coming from the direction of the apartment,

and his pace is much faster than the usual. It seems like he can't
wait to do something, and he obviously runs to the office

Thinking of his promise to his son and thinking about the

tangled issues of Hàn Dōng, Wang Zhong Ding had a slight
worry and he could only continue to move forward with a
worried mind.
As a result, when he turned left, Wang Zhong Ding suddenly
flashed a picture of Hàn Dōng's knocking himself into the head
and stopped the car again.

Seeing that the elevator door was closed, Hàn Dōng rushed in
with his eyes closed. Unfortunately, the figure had already
become the second step. Hàn Dōng could only wait for another
elevator to come.

When Hàn Dōng arrived at the door of the office, Wang Zhong
Ding's breath was already uniform. He sat at his desk as usual
and stared at a document that had been reviewed.

The door opened, and a head came in.

"Happy Birthday."

Wang Zhong Ding was stunned, he did not expect Hàn Dōng's
purpose would be to send him a happy birthday blessing.
Although the method is a bit special, the sincerity was
absolutely sufficient.
This time, he didn't wait for Hàn Dōng to come over and
Wang Zhong Ding walked straight to him and took the gift from
his hands.

"The gift is small, the affection is deep, and it represents my


Wang Zhong Ding smiled. "Are you sure it really represents

your heart? Don't give it in the evening, and end up regretting it
in the morning."

"Absolutely will not." Hàn Dōng patted his chest to express his

Wang Zhong Ding tapped Hàn Dōng's head and said: "Go

Hàn Dōng was obediently going to the elevator with Wang

Zhong Ding.


Chapter 78 Big shoe print.
The next morning, when Hàn Dōng woke up from the sofa, he
got up and went back to the room. He wanted to appreciate the
"masterpiece" he made last night and turned the place over for a
long time trying to find it...

It's strange... I put it in this place yesterday, how could it have


Hàn Dōng went to Yu Ming's room to find him. Yu Ming

disliked others flipping through his own things, especially Hàn
Dōng. Every time he turned over the place..... It would end up
looking like a disaster site, he held Hàn Dōng's arm and asked,
"What are you looking for? "

"I ask you, did I really make a wooden comb last night?"

"You were banging annoying me half asleep and you still say it
isn't true?"

Suddenly, Hàn Dōng swept the piccoon not far away and
thought about what Wang Zhong Ding said. He seemed to
understand something. A fierce kick, it must be him, he must
have attacked again.

Think of this, Hàn Dōng, apart from anything else, walked

toward the office building against the head of the corporation.

Wang Zhong Ding had already arrived at the office. There

were so many piles of gifts inside that he could barely open it.
Only the gift box sent by Hàn Dōng was opened when he first

It turned out to be a wooden comb, and it was purely hand-

made... The man sent a man's comb and Wang Zhong Ding was
somewhat surprised. Just looking at this wooden object, the bell

When Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng's murderous face and
unique Einstein's shape through the video screen. His good
mood in the morning was destroyed. It's more appropriate to
say that Hàn Dōng has split in personality. During the day, all
sorts of arrogance are mixed in his mind, and in the night he
becomes silly and stupid.
"Are you secretive..." Hàn Dōng asked halfway and saw the
wooden comb in Wang Ding's hands, immediately posing a
"good" gesture.

"Wang Zhong Ding this was your deed, and even a wooden
comb you have stolen. How can you still want to 'manage' me

Sure enough, what Wang Zhong Ding was worried about, still

"You said that I stole it?" Wang Zhong Ding had a weak tone.

"Otherwise? Or did I personally send it to your door?" Hàn

Dōng laughed ironically. "You should admit it when you did it.
How could you dare to not admit it? How do you always like to
rely on others? Does it make sense to deceive people?"

The smell of gunpowder in the room was getting richer.

"I really hope you will sleep and never wake up." Wang Zhong
Ding suddenly burst out.

Hàn Dōng dazzled his eyes and said, "Why won't I ever wake
up? Why?.... you do really want to steal from me for an endless
one, right?"

Wang Zhong Ding eyebrows were getting more and more

irritable ...... in an instant there is a tendency to burst.

Hàn Dōng saw the situation was going wrong, he immediately

adjusted his tone.

"Well, I know you maybe didn't mean to, I blamed myself for
acting in such a conspicuous place that you misunderstood that
this was my birthday present for you. Although today is your
birthday, I still have to say it. In your hands, it's not my true
gift. You too..."

Hàn Dōng suddenly feels like a cold lower body, and that his
trousers actually fell! Before he could not say sorry he said, "You
dare to mess up," ........Wang Zhong Ding's soles greeted him.
This foot is strong, like a stampede, Hàn Dōng at the time was
kicked till he reached outside the door.

"Yeah, that's right!" Hàn Dōng raised his pants and said, "I
deserve it! I'm doing something that hurts you. You should kick
me. But I still have to say, give my comb back to me. Don't be
reluctant if..."

The wooden comb slung out from Wang Zhong Ding's hands
and hit Hàn Dōng's buttocks, causing Hàn Dōng's pain. Not only
was the ass still in pain from the kick, but the comb was also
bringing it back, and the kind of feeling of sympathy was
lingering, and it was taken to the studio.

Hàn Dōng had already planned to deliver his own personal,

plus a hundred unbeatable girl pick-up skills – watching each
other and catching up with a female dragon is a sure thing. At
the end of the day, he didn't feel the same thing, and he didn't
send a comb to the girl.

Later, when Hàn Dōng took a shower, he found that the shoes
print on the hips could not be washed, so he went to Yu Ming's
room lightly...
At the time, Yu Ming was still in a video conversation with
other people. The naked man suddenly broke into his house. Yu
Ming jumped.

"What are you doing?"

Hàn Dōng turned his back toward Yu Ming. "You help me to

see why the shoe on my hips can't be washed?"

Yu Ming sighed. "It is not a shoe print, it is a swollen bump."

Hàn Dōng secretly gritted his teeth and thought Wang Zhong
Ding has really gone to far!

"Who did this to you?" Yu Ming asked again.

"Isn't there a lot of red roundabouts on the left side? It's like
nail marks."
Hàn Dōng glanced at him and found that his cheeks flew two
fire clouds. No wonder he used a comb to kick me away. It
turned out that he wanted to make this effect. Fu*k it, that
fucker got perverted too!

Yu Ming originally wanted to ignore Hàn Dōng, but his eyes

always lingered. No way, the naked Hàn Dōng butt has a sense
of presence. Two perfect shaped legs that were all muscles ,
regardless of what pose Hàn Dōng makes it is at the top
temptation. And his buttocks are quite perfect. Few men's hips
can grow so full in this way.

It's not only Wang Zhong Ding, but even Yu Ming would also
like to try to feel them up.

Hàn Dōng returned to the bedroom with a tall body and an

extremely discordant personality. He took a bath and lay on the
bed. He was forced to turn over by the pain in his buttocks, and
lived on the day of the turtles.

1].....face down butt up!!!

Thinking about how he was being beaten and kicked before,

Hàn Dōng also made a special micro-blog Weibo post, the
content header is "a happy foot," with pictures of the wound on
his butt. If its now, the content is still a "happy foot" but with
this pictures, it has become "It's impossible ...I am your servant

1].....Yeah even I didn't get that

How can he not be happy? Hàn Dōng also played with the
comb before going to bed.

As a result, a powerful schizophrenia patient during the day

was cold to the east and returned to Wang Zhong Ding's office at
night. Hàn Dōng cried and complained about the injury, and
returned the comb to Wang Zhong Ding in exchange for

"Why kick me? How can you beat me? Look at this big shoe
print, how can I endure it?"

"I really wanted to give this comb to you. I am sincere!"

"Receive it. This time I promise I won't go back on my word
Can you accept it?"

Wang Zhong Ding "........"

Wang Zhong Ding carried the "mixed stuff" out, he handed

him over to the bodyguard at the door, and spoke a martial law,
"Remember, at any time later, do not let this person into my
office or within 20 meters area!"

"Zhong Ding, I am sorry, I can tell you the truth......"

The next morning, Hàn Dōng felt that his voice was
uncomfortable. He felt like he had been crying in the mountains
for thousands of times.

"The director hasn't given you the script yet?" Yu Ming asked
by chance.

Hàn Dōng said: "It was already given."

Yu Ming was shocked by Hàn Dōng's broken voice and asked,
"Why is your voice like that ?"

"I don't know. It's just like sleeping and woke up like that."

Yu Ming said: "You seem to have gone out last night because I
heard the opening door in the middle of the night. Zhang Xing
Hu never returned last night. I guess it should be your door."

....Gone out? Why did I go out? Hàn Dōng's tone is somewhat

uncertain. "Maybe it was a practice session. There was a ghostly,
ghostly scene in the script. I probably just tried to do that before
I made myself like this."

Speaking of the script, Yu Ming remembered what he had just


"Why .....didn't you see your lines?"

Hàn Dōng was puzzled. "Is there a backlash to the lines? It's
almost something I can remember at a glance."
"How few are your lines?"

"Not few.... it is very logical......Basically, I'm familiar with

the content of the script. The lines will be coming down easily."

Yu Ming thought that Hàn Dōng was blowing up gas again. He

took the script and took several sets of shots. As a result, Hàn
Dōng really came out with no words. And Yu Ming is very
certain that he is not secretly backed up because Hàn Dōng
spent almost all of his personal time in drumming the wood, he
didn't even touch the script...

The days went by without delay, and Hàn Dōng had officially
joined the group to participate in the shooting.

Li Shang is also chasing the opportunity to pursue 20

magazines shoots within a week and become a super newcomer.
Concerning the rumors that he will be participating in the
annual big men's shoot as number one, the media's curiosity
about the casting of the film has caused Liang Jing to release
material, but he denied it in an official interview.
Raw water.

The relationship between Director Lu and Hàn Dōng has been

getting better and better, almost to the point where they talked
about nothing and everything. When Director Lu accidentally
spoke about temporary roles, Hàn Dōng immediately excitedly
said: "I have a buddy in my dormitory... He is idle, let him try

"What's the name?" asked director Lu.

Hàn Dōng suddenly blurted out, "He's called Yu Ming."

Director Lu's face changed, vaguely said: "Let's see him."

Hàn Dōng saw that Director Lu didn't feel much about Yu

Ming, and quickly put all the advantages of Yu Ming on it. "You
don't look at him without fame. In fact, his professionalism is
quite high. Dancing and being able to endure hardship... "

After Hàn Dōng's hard-wearing bubble for several days,

Director Lu finally agreed to check out Yu Ming.

On the weekend, Hàn Dōng accompanied Yu Ming to go

shopping. Because the company has certain requirements for
the artist's clothing brand, the two can only be locked in several
high-end shopping malls.

Yu Ming had in a hand-woven cardigan sweater, but after

seeing the price of 14,000$ he suddenly lost the feeling of trying
to buy anything...

"Too expensive.... let's forget it."

Hàn Dōng wants to speak and suddenly hears a familiar


"Dong Zi, are you here too?"

Hàn Dōng looked back and saw Li Shang and Fang Yi holding
their hands walking to the store. Both wore black, wrapped in
scarves, and were armed quite tightly.
" I'm strolling around with friends." Hàn Dōng turned his gaze
back to Yu Ming. "How about? Do you want to try it?"

Yu Ming's expression of incompetence on the price he quickly

put his clothes back.

"Fang Sister, you haven't been here for a long time." The
worker who had been indifferent to Hàn And Yu suddenly
became enthusiastic after seeing Fang Yi.

Fang Yi revealed a special big smile and immediately pointed

her finger at him. "All the new XL codes you listed this year are
to be sent to my house. Thank you."

Because this is a men's brand store, the "All New XL Code" in

Fang Yi are naturally bought for Li Shang.

"I have enough clothes and I can't wear it after I buy it," said
Li Shang.

"Wasted on you? its worth it."

After Fang Yi finished talking, Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming waved
and smiled. "You continue to choose. Let's go over there."

After Li Shang left, Hàn Dōng comforted Yu Ming: "Don't let it

go to your heart. Now how can you not buy a piece of clothing?
Your life is so precious. There you will be able to step on him
sooner or later."

Yu Ming seems to be indifferent. "Nothing, I continue with

Chapter 79 The new progress of Yew.
After picking and selecting clothing for a few hours, Yu Ming
finally found a suit with a style and price that appealed to him,
but at the time of payment, he was told that his bank card could
not be used here.

"Why?" Yu Ming was puzzled.

The cashier smiled and said to Yu Ming: "Because your

account has been registered here beforehand and you haven't
shopped ..... the money has been blocked....our system cannot
remove the money from your card, but you can take the goods

"What do you mean?" Yu Ming still doesn't understand.

The advisor next to him said: "It's just something you can
pick, and you don't have to pay a penny."

In the eyes of others, this treatment cannot be expected, in the

eyes Yu Ming who is a pool of stagnant water, he can not
withstand any waves.

"Then can I use someone else's card to brush it?" Yu Ming


The cashier nodded. "Of course, we can't stop it."

Yu Ming left, and a few idle cashiers began to join together


"What did he think? He didn't want to take it in the open? If I

had replaced him, I would have already swept them up!"

"I've been waiting since the day when his account was locked.
Today I finally saw that he was alive. Turns out he's ordinary?"

"Who is the rich man behind him? Can't the system check him
"I can't find out. The background is too deep. I heard that
several large shopping malls have locked his accounts."

"My God, it really is true love!"

Yu Ming returned to the same place and asked Hàn Dōng:

"How much money is there on your bank card?"

"I don't know. There should be a few thousand. What's

wrong? Not enough money?"

"My card is out with a bit of a problem. I'll borrow yours first
and get back to you," Yu Ming said.

Hàn Dōng waved his hand generously. "Even if you don't pay
anything later, take it first."

Yu Ming used Hàn Dōng's bank card to pay for the money.
In the evening, Hàn Dōng had turned to sleep and suddenly
received a text message: Your bank number 2XX6 card on the
13th 21:56: XX had an income of 100,000.00 yuan, the balance is
100027.23 yuan.

Hàn Dōng counts the zeros and finally sits up fiercely.

100,000! So much?

Hàn Dōng barefooted walked to the door of Yu Ming's room

and asked, "Ming Er, did you paid back my money?"

Yu Ming has fallen asleep and stumbled back: "There was no

time to go to the bank today, I will do it tomorrow."

"Oh ok... it's fine, no hurry."

Hàn Dōng went back to the living room sofa and pondered the
source of the money. Among the people he knew, Wang Zhong
Ding was the only one who could have taken such pride. Why
should he have to fight for money?
He must remember me... Hàn Dōng reveals a sorrow that he
can't detect.

On this day, Hàn Dōng has been busy shooting in the crew.
During the day, he almost had no interaction with Wang Zhong
Ding. At night, he fell back and fell asleep. The two men had not
seen each other for a long time. Although Wang Zhong Ding is a
manager/broker of Hàn Dōng, most of the time he will not
appear in person. If something happens, he orders other people
to take charge of it and basically adopts a stocking policy.

The next day, Hàn Dōng got up early in the morning. It took
more than an hour to start the scene in the morning. He began
to hang around under the office building.

The beauty accountant of the company's financial department

said this to him "Why do I feel like I haven't seen you for a long

"Is it? I only went out for seven or eight days, and you would
have passed through the world?" Hàn Dōng laughed with a
"The main thing is that you've been too diligent in the past.
You were around the company a lot."

As Hàn Dōng sees a luxury car coming from the doorway, the
one sitting in the car is as who Hàn Dōng's self-righteous
thought of. He can't remember how to vent, can't open his face
and can't open his mouth, and he can only secretly give him a
fight through the eyes...... One hundred thousand yuan's look.

Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng the minute after he got off
the car. He didn't know whether it was because Hàn Dōng's
presence was really strong. Wang Zhong Ding actually had a
feeling that he had not see Hàn Dōng for a long time.

For the first time, Hàn Dōng smiled at Wang Zhong Ding
during the day.

How can he describe this smile? It's a bit cool and a little bit
wicked, and all the features can be summed up to a single word -

Wang Zhong Ding was stunned... apparently being

"electrified". However, this kind of electricity is not a spark of
love, but an alert mechanism formed after being poisoned by
Hàn Dōng mischief for a long time.

He immediately said to Er Lei : "You go and see if he is awake"

"How do I do that?"

Wang Zhong Ding thought for a moment and said, "You ask
him if he thought about me in the past few days."

Er Lei shook and felt his own thoughts blowing him: How
could Wang Ding say such a thing? And where does the
verification effect of this sentence come from? What did you do
when Hàn Dōng fell asleep?...

"Why aren't you going yet?" Wang Zhong Ding was not
satisfied with the dullness of Lei movement.

Er Lei had to bite the bullet and he walked towards Hàn Dōng.
To tell the truth, this issue even made him difficult to open his

"Wang asked me to ask you, did you miss him?"

[SALEM]: Aaaawwwwww..... *_* just like in primary school.

Hàn Dōng frowned. "What did you say?"

"Have you ever thought of Wang?" Er Lei repeated


Hàn Dōng immediately stated his position: "One hundred

thousand dollars is a good reason for me to smile at him, and he
wants me to miss him too? Maybe he wants to fool himself too!"
Then he turned and walked away.

After Er Lei went back, Hàn Dōng's words were repeated.

Wang Zhong Ding wondered, "What 100,000 yuan?"

"I don't know. I haven't stayed in contact with him for a few
days so I didn't understand him." Er Lei said.

Wang Zhong Ding also has this feeling. Hàn Dōng, who was in
contact with him every day, if he is not exposed to Hàn Dōng's
tricks for a while, Wang feels that his brain cells have created a
lot of puzzling things, and Hàn Dōng will be a lot harder to

"Yes, is there any progress in the matter of the yew tree ?"
Wang Zhong Ding asked again.

Er Lei hesitated and said: "There is something, but..."

"How could you not say it earlier?" Wang Zhong Ding has a
tight line of sight.

Er Lei whispered, "This progress is not ideal."

"Any progress is better than no progress........ Say it."

Under pressure, Er Lei had to open his mouth. "The progress
is... The remaining tree trunk was cut up again."

Wang Zhong Ding, "........"


When Hàn Dōng returned to the dormitory, Yu Ming had not

gotten up for very long.

"Why did you get up so early?" Yu Ming wondered.

Hàn Dōng fakely made a chest-stretching move, "morning

exercises ..... morning exercises."

When Yu Ming saw Hàn Dōng's smiles, he could not help but
ask: "Why are you so happy?"

Nonsense, who's cheeky white and if his card would have

more than 100,000 yuan would he be unhappy?
"Is it not because you are going to try acting today? Ge is
happy for you!" Hàn Dōng raised an eyebrow.

Yu Ming didn't say anything and continued washing.

Hàn Dōng sang a small tune in the room and had painted
wooden beds and bathtubs two days before. It was almost dry
today. It looks like he can bathe in a wooden bathtub at night
and then lie down on a wooden bed and go to bed with the
original petty bourgeoisie.

......A life lived largely.

Before leaving, Hàn Dōng took the wood stakes that were not
used to Yu Ming's room.

"You're giving me this too " Yu Ming wondered, "How could

you have another one? I remember you used it all."

"Oh, this is my new cut."

"Where did you cut it again?"

Hàn Dōng said seriously: "This tree is a lot of years old, and it
has a soul. The tree spirit sent me a dream yesterday, saying
that it wanted a whole body, and I went back for the rest of the
tree. It's time to get a footbath."

Yu Ming, "......."

On the way to the crew, Hàn Dōng sang music from time to
time. Later he finds out that Yu Ming is looking at him so he
points out of the window and says, "You look at the railings, it's
more fun."

Yu Ming is completely unaware of what he says. "What's fun

with the railings?"

"It's all the same, hahaha..."

Yu Ming, "......."
After a while, Yu Ming suddenly remembered repaying the
money. Hàn Dōng said: "When I come back, I will send you the

"no need."

"No? Why not?"

"Li Shang was dressed in the pants that I sent to him. You can
get good luck with the clothes you bought ."

1]..... Yu Ming bought the clothes with Hàn Dōng money

Yu Ming glanced at Hàn Dōng and tried to say that he didn't


On the set, Hàn Dōng could not wait to introduce Yu Ming to


"Lu Lu, this is Yu Ming whom I told you."

Originally..., Hàn Dōng was worried that Yu Ming's restraint
mood would cause a bad impression to Director Lu. As a result,
Yu Ming relaxed, but Director Lu was a bit uncomfortable.

"Well, did you read the script ?" Lu asked Yu Ming.

Yu Ming said: "Just simply swept at it again."

Hàn Dōng also secretly told Yu Ming, clearly for so long, why
do you want to be humble? Director Lu cannot like this mood.

Unexpectedly, accustomed to yelling at the studio, Director

Lu, who has a temper, made an unusually easy-going talk this
time. "It does not matter. You have a lot of time to become
familiar with the script."

Immediately afterward, the staff was told to be in place to

prepare Yu Ming for a shot.

This film is a typical Chinese-style horror film, in front of a

series of supernatural events, the end revealed that these
"ghosts" are the product of the protagonist delusional, very old-
fashioned model. Fortunately, the story is full of suspense,
interlocking, and viewability in still very high taste. Especially
in the special effects and makeup takes a lot of time, not so
many pictures have this visual impact.

Although this role of Yu Ming's audition was temporarily

added, it is a key figure in the film. There are not many lines. It
is mainly expressed through demeanor and limbs. This is
precisely the weakness for Yu Ming.

"All units prepared,'Tears' No. 003 shots, action!" Director Lu

shouted with a loudspeaker.

With the sound of the "calligraphy" on the field card, Yu Ming

extended his head from behind a wall.

He saw him looking around as if looking for something. This

process lasted for a long time. Suddenly a "ghost" descended
from heaven, and Yu Ming instantly exclaimed: "Ah..."

Hàn Dōng also jumped "ah" in his heart and felt bad at the
time. Not to mention the vision of Director Lu, that is, Hàn
Dōng sees this shot as unsatisfactory.

First of all, the figure played by Yu Ming is very timid, and it

is too far away from the calm temperament of Yu Ming himself.
Not to mention that during the interim period of time, Yu Ming
did not have any changes in expression. He said that at the
moment when he finally saw the "ghost," he did not show fear
but more like surprise.


Sure enough, director Lu's face was gloomy.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly explained for Yu Ming. "Lu Dao, he may

be a little nervous. Can he try a shot again?"

"No." Compared to disappointment, Lu's tone is more


Hàn Dōng gave Director Lu a cigarette, and he calmed down

his emotions.

Then he said " Director Lu, actually I was in the dorm with
him and he had a good show. Can you give him one more
opportunity ?......"

Director Lu thought for a moment, replied faintly: "I have no

problem, just look at him."

"That is, can you agree that he played this role with no

Lu is still the director, "He has no problem."

Hàn Dōng went to Ming and told him about this news.

"You have to thank me. If you didn't have the clothes I sent
you, who will keep after that acting?"
Yu Ming snort was filled with disbelief, but he looked very

After a while, the other actors continued to arrive at the

court. Yu Ming briefly met with them.

Because today's filming mission was heavy, it was only until 12

o'clock in the evening that it was completed. It was followed at
5-6 o'clock shoot in the morning. So the crew arranged most of
the actors and staff to stay in the nearest hotel. And Hàn Dōng is
still the same as usual, no matter how late he will be taken back
to the company.

On the way, Yu Ming's drowsy asked Hàn Dōng "Why can't

you live with them?"

Next to them, Shèn Hua said: "This is Wang's request."

Hàn Dōng smiled half-openly and said: "I just want to go back
and try my new bathtub and new bed."
Yu Ming didn't say anything.
Chapter 80 Returning to Liberation.
When he returned to the dormitory, Hàn Dōng couldn't wait
to put the hot water in the tub......then the whole person sat in
the tub. The wood exudes a touch of natural fragrance. The hot
water nourishes the tired body and the music evokes the
depression of the unfailing soul. Then Hàn Dōng put on a
cigarette, stretch out one leg, slid the foot along the tip of the
bath tub... How much ecstasy there is in this life?

It's so freaking cool! At this moment, who cares?... I'm too


Hàn Dōng raised his neck, rolled his throat, and the smoke
swelled down from the clavicle, and his entire chest was

After a busy day, it was hard to stop relaxation from catching

up. Hàn Dōng fell asleep before taking a full shower.

At the beginning, his head dangled, he was motionless in the

tub and his neck lifted again within a moment. He took the cell
phone on the side, turned off the music and called someone
while his eyes were close.
Wang Zhong Ding just happened to be busy and saw Hàn
Dōng's phone call and he answered it without thinking.

"I miss you," said Hàn Dōng.

The answer given when he was awake was immediately

overthrown by the answer given when he was asleep and Wang
Zhong Ding's verification method was correct.

"I missed you. I missed you. I missed you..." Hàn Dōng began
chanting again.

Wang Zhong Ding could have hung up the phone, because

Hàn Dōng's tempering skills would not stop him for thousands
of times. However, Wang Zhong Ding, who has always been
fond of the fast knifing calls he had not even hung up the
phone, but took it with him to the elevator, went out of the
office building, and walked towards the parking lot.... That
statement always haunts his ears.

The psychiatrist said that the dream is the expression of

human subconsciousness desires.
Hàn Dōng has played an abnormal role today and Wang
Zhong Ding has not yet reached the parking lot. He thinks
that.... he stopped. And it was not a normal pause, but his own
self-interruption, followed by a "weird sound"

Hàn Dōng quickly removed the phone from the water, but
unfortunately it was dead.

No matter what, he would just went on to take a shower, after

he took a shower he went to sleep in his new wooden bed, newly
made wooden bed...

Originally, Hàn Dōng planned it this way. The bathtub was

placed beside the bed and the bath towels were placed on the
bed. Even if he fell asleep while taking a bath, he can wait until
the water is cool and climbed into bed.

As a result, he never expected that the bath tube would have


Comrade sleepwalking Hàn Dōng, was a hard worker, he

didn't go to bed after crawling out of the tub instead, he went to
the bathroom to fill the bucket with hot water again. As if he
had never soaked, he went lying in and enjoying it again.

As a result, the water ran quietly to the door, quietly crawling

through all the room...

When Wang Zhong Ding came down from the elevator, the
water had already flown out.

Thinking of a suicidal drowning accident in the bathtub that

he had seen in movies.... and the thought of Hàn Dōng's
disreputable sleepwalking, Wang Zhong Ding heart raised a
panic alarm that only appeared when his relatives were in

Because of the key to this suite was with him...Wang Zhong

Ding successfully opened the door and quickly walked toward
Hàn Dōng's room.

As soon as he enters the door, the smell of fragrant wood blew

in his face.
Newly built luxury wooden bed, small wooden square table,
wooden pen holder, wooden table bowl, wooden chopsticks,
wood toothpicks... and the big wooden bathtub containing Hàn

When Wang Zhong Ding walked over, the water in the cask
was gone, leaving a naked Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng also maintained his posture before going to bed.

One leg bent and one leg slightly lifted out of the tub. The
length arc, which were surprisingly high, all brazenly shifted
Wang Zhong Ding's attention.

Unfortunately,the yew tree still died!

You said that if you would want to do the same thing to the will also take care of the man by five-horse body and
dismember it.... to please your heart.

1].....5 horse dismemberment is the worst punishment for basically they attach iron chain on you hands and
legs and neck....and all all five horses run away in five separate
directions...till your bones tendons muscles and skin split...
Lovely ain't it.

Wang Zhong Ding touched the old ring of yew on a wooden

bath tub and felt his heart was minced.

Hàn Dōng also held Wang Zhong Ding's arm in his arms and
his face was covered with a fiery face.

Left the hot water for more than two hours, he finally caught
cold. Hàn Dōng was shivering and moaning, like a shaggy

Wang Zhong Ding grabbed his hair and forcibly lifted his face
and questioned, "Where is the wood from?"

"Cut from your garden." Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding feels his heart is bleeding, "who allowed

you to do it?!"
"You didn't give me a set of wood furniture. I can only make it
myself." Hàn Dōng also took a standoffish figure

Wang Zhong Ding head had a big fire. "Didn't I buy you a
batch of inflatable furniture?"

"Sold them...." Hàn Dōng also sold himself without hesitation.

Wang Zhong Ding's face can no longer be described as poorly

angry ..... a word to be used should be explosive

"In addition to these where is the left wood?" He questions

Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng said: "There is still some wood left, its in Yu Ming's

Wang Zhong Ding thought that disturbing others at night was

not very good. After all, Yu Ming was innocent, but Hàn Dōng
was very enthusiastic. When he heard that Wang Zhong Ding
wanted to see the remaining wood....he stood up from the tub
and pulled his naked bird to Yu Ming's room. .

"You come back and put on your clothes first." Wang Zhong
Ding ordered his face black.

Hàn Dōng waved his hand and said, "No, I'm often walking
naked in the dormitory."

"You are not afraid of people watching. People may be afraid

to see you naked."

When Wang Zhong Ding said that Hàn Dōng turned back
went back in to his room, do you think that Hàn Dōng wore his
pants ???....he still didn't wear it. Finally, Wang Zhong Ding
could only put it on for him. When he knelt down, Hàn Dōng's
bird swayed in front of his eyes. Two long sexy legs rushed to
the limelight.

1]..... I would die to be Wang

After being dressed, Hàn Dōng rushed to Yu Ming's room.

In fact, Wang Zhong Ding should have stopped Hàn Dōng.
However, he would like to know how the yew died. Hàn Dōng
went .

Yu Ming awoke long ago, or maybe he didn't fall asleep at all,

but he did not know about the leak because he hadn't turn on
the lights.

After opening the door, Hàn Dōng asked Yu Ming, in what he

had tested him in the previous days: "Where are the wood sticks
I put in your room? Can I have them"

After seeing Wang Zhong Ding behind Hàn Dōng, Yu Ming

obviously froze a bit, but because Hàn Dōng had talked about
Wang Zhong Ding numerous times, the current state is
obviously in sleepwalking.

"What wood?" Yu Ming played stupid.

In fact, Yu Ming couldn't understand clearly, and from the

moment Hàn Dōng asked him, Wang Zhong Ding had already
decided that there was a wooden strip in this room. The reason
why he didn't break the door apart is purely to see the two
entertainers who have brought troubles to their own hands.

"Is it right? I don't know if I put it by myself. Come out, don't

wait for me to come and turn it over!"

Yu Ming's face had the expression of unrequited love, “You'll

be fine, I'm going to bed.”

Hàn Dōng also showed a mischievous smile. "Ha ha ha ha ... I

actually am not sleepwalking. I am just playing with you."

As a result, this meter soon let Yu Ming see through the plot.

"I'm not playing with you too.. I really want to go to bed. I'll
ask you to let it go."

Hàn Dōng didn't give up and continued to march forward

heroically on the road to death.
"I know, the two of us have discussed in advance. That it
doesn't matter how I ask you, you can't give it to me right? You
have said this in secret. What else do you believe? Come and
open the door.... Wang Ge is not an outsider. You will make
Wang Ge scold you for the wood sticks..."

At this moment, Yu Ming wanted to make Hàn Dōng say: You

mothefu**er ....are you tired of living?

As a result, he didn't know how to make him leave.

"Let's go, let me say it again, let's hear it!"

Yu Ming really has enough meaning. All of this is still hard for
Hàn Dōng.

"Get out! Get lost!" Yu Ming also bowed.

Hàn Dōng is still in a hurry, and his mouth is not good enough
to get started directly. “Why are you telling me to get lost? I will
bring out those wooden sticks today! I'm not afraid of you!”
Yu Ming's fists were also waved . “ Stop talking shit. How far
can you take you mouth!”

"Who are you calling? Who are you talking about? Do you
believe me or not I will kick your face?"

"You smoking, you pump, you just try!"

Seeing that the paws of the dogs running to the face ....Wang
Zhong Ding could no longer stand by and watch, and Hàn Dōng
was pulled over by a force and looked at both of them with
hateful gaze.

"OK, I saw it early."

After that, Wang Zhong Ding walked straight into Yu Ming's

room and moved all the wood, wooden sticks, bark, and tree
shrews hidden in boxes, cabinets, and even those hidden under
the bed.

Hàn Dōng was frustrated enough to return to the sofa and

sleep well.

Yu Ming looked at Wang Zhong Ding and said: "I'll give you
the money for the tree. Don't take away his furniture."

"I can't sue him for a penny, but I must move these furniture."

Yu Ming is puzzled. "Why?"

The next morning, Yu Ming woke up to the screams.

"Ah ah ah ah ... Why? Why did you return to the liberation?

My lovely bed!"

Then there was a knock on the door, ".....Yu Ming you sold me
out! Know that you kid could not be relied on .....I'm going to
give you a set of drill holes on the face..."

1]...... ...okay that was funny....

Chapter 81 I fell in Love with Him.
Although the case of stolen yew was solved, Wang Zhong Ding
took into account the cold-handling process in consideration of
the movie shooting task by the “criminal suspect”.

All furniture was confiscated and put in his warehouse for

safekeeping. As for Hàn Dōng, for the time being, he kept an eye
on him and waited until the film shooting task was over.

When Xià Hòng Wēi heard about this incident, he laughed for
more than three hours. Wang Zhong Ding's face was in black

"You don't say ... these furniture are done really well. Look at
this bedside sculpture, it's not worse than the craftsman I hired
from Italy." Xià Hòng Wēi could not help but praise Hàn Dōng.

This is also the reason why when Wang Zhong Ding found out
that Hàn Dōng had cut his yew tree to make a pieces of art .....
he was not that furious.
Xià Hòng Wēi added: "It's not like this. Anyway, if you see that
this pile of things is blocking your heart should sell it to

Wang said "Not for sale "

There was no room for negotiation.

"I can help you find a yew tree to ensure that the tree age,
variety and shape are better than yours."

Wang still stuck to those two words, "Not for sale."

"Why?" Xià Hòng Wēi knows it.

"I can help you find a face again and make sure that it is better
than yours"

"... it really deserve to be cut."

Hàn Dōng had no consciousness for self-examination. What a
yew, he knew that the furniture was a little polished, spliced,
coloured, and... it took me countless nights to make it, and the
result before he could enjoy it someone came in and moved it

In order to discuss it, Hàn Dōng went to Wang Zhong Ding on

his free time. Every time he tried to enter seven or eight people
came out and Hàn Dōng couldn't even see Wang Zhong Ding.
They even spoke about the furniture he was thinking about.

Hàn Dōng hated Wang Zhong Ding, and he had been thinking
of revenge for the past two days.

"I decided to kill him with a dead fish!"

Yu Ming believes that Hàn Dōng's fish will surely kill, but
Wang Zhong Ding will not break this net.....

"I decided to expose his son!" Hàn Dōng said in a tone.

Yu Ming was surprised. "He has a son?"

Hàn Dōng lacks morality to distort facts. "Yes, an illegitimate


"How did you know?" Yu Ming can't believe it.

“I saw his son from his face, and on that day he had a phone
call with his son and he had a father's tone. Hey...I should have
recorded then, and throwing it to a that is
explosive news!”

Yu Ming, on the other hand, felt that it was not that easy.
"Even if you give them recordings, they may not dare to report
it. Maybe the final recording will be sent back to Wang."

"Of course we can't give the company's cooperation media a

chance to kill the story... I just don't believe there is no strong
enemy of Wang Zhong Ding in the entertainment industry, and
that person doesn't want to secretly cover for him!"
Yu Ming said: "It's just a few pieces of furniture....why are you
so mad?"

"I just can't swallow it!"

"You can change to revenge in a different way. If you do this,

it will certainly hurt him completely. After that, you wouldn't
want to be mix in this circle again."

Hàn Dōng's uninhibited expression was evil, "I want to

completely hurt him!"

As long as you take care of yourself, there is no possibility that

the relationship between the two will be changed. Hàn Dōng
will also completely eliminate this heart disease, he no longer
need to devote his heart to recruiting him(Wang) to hate

Yu Ming saw Hàn Dōng's intentions have been decided, and he

only wished him good luck.... silently.
For the next two days, Hàn Dōng tried to track Wang Zhong
Ding's car, but he was also limited to knowing his home address.
The rest of the time he couldn't do anything. Because the guards
at the gate are too tight, they won't let anyone go in. From any
angle on the periphery, reporters don't even think of taking a
picture of his home.

Later, Hàn Dōng changed his tactics and began to

psychologically suggest it before going to sleep. Even if he is
caught, he can use unconscious mind to escape guilt.

After three days of hard work, Hàn Dōng finally successfully

got into Wang Zhong Ding's villa.

Wang Zhong Ding has not returned yet, only Nanny and child
were at home

Once in the villa, security is much more relaxed. No one

checked the post, only a few cameras clearly recorded
everything that happened in the rooms.

The nanny's room was right next to the child's room. When
Hàn Dōng passed by, she hadn't slept and she was chatting with

"Yeah, it has been three days. He has always had a high fever.
We have seen many doctors and I have not seen anything
making him better. In the afternoon, he was burning up and
confused. As a result, when we went to the hospital for a check,
they were not able to detect any problems. Stupid people."

"Did you mean Wang ... Wang Zhong? Wang always returned
late. He is always busy. I never dared to call him."

"Emm, I know."

Hàn Dōng's heart was tight .... Wang Zhong Ding is coming
back? Then I must seize the time to act...

The child would still be in high fever, sneaking at him is a

little immoral ah?

Forget it, take the picture first and go...

Hàn Dōng quickly sneaked into the child's room and quietly
paced in front of the cot. Just about to get out of the room, Hàn
heard the child whisper.

"Dad ... dad..."

Hàn Dōng hated his indecisiveness. What the child called was
not you. What's more, whoever does not have a child's scent?
What kind of hypocritical thinking is this?

With this in mind, Hàn Dōng again put his hand in his pocket.

As a result, the camera didn't come out and the child began to
talk nonsense.

"Hot...I eat popsicle...Hot...come on..."

Hàn Dōng's head was hot and his hand came out of his pocket
to touch the pulse of the child. The result was that he found that
it was not a normal fever but a virtual heat caused by the
explosion of yang energy.
After a moment of hesitation, Hàn Dōng drew himself
up...and thought he absolutely would die in noisy matters!

Hàn Dōng took the child's body on the side and looked at the
lines. He couldn't tell how ugly he was, but he was definitely not
good-looking. In short, he was far from the lovely invincible
child he expected. As for why Wang Zhong Ding's willingness to
adopt him, he still treats him as a child. Hàn Dōng is not sure.

Hàn Dōng pinpointed the acupuncture points and began to

massage the boy from the head.

His hands were very strong, but the child didn't wake up and
he continued to sleepwalking while treating the child.... He
actually slept more calmly as Hàn Dōng progressed.

After a period of time, the child did not move anymore, and
his breathing was smooth, so Hàn Dōng stopped.

Wiping the sweat on the forehead, once again he grabbed the

child's little hand, suddenly felt something was wrong. The big
finger licks the little fingers and counts it back and forth six
At that moment, Hàn Dōng suddenly woke up from

This was the first time he had woken up from sleepwalking in

the middle of the night and opened his eyes. A room resembling
a bouncy castle was lighting up in front of Hàn Dōng. Hàn Dōng
didn't know what to think, and he burst into tears in an instant.

The nanny again and others chatted about Wang Zhong Ding's
original adoption of child.

“Wang Wang, who originally represented the company in

charity events, visited the children at the orphanage and never
thought about adopting them. But when all the children in the
baby's room were asleep, the only one awake was Xixi. Wang
touched the child's little hand. He took one of Wang's fingers
and kept it, so long as he tried to remove it, the little one would
cry and Wang Zhong Ding took him back without saying

Hearing this, Hàn Dōng cried even more, as if he had returned

to Ye Chenglin on that night. The emotions that had been
suppressed for a long time were instantly released and flooded.
The villa was calm again, as if nothing had happened.

Wang Zhong Ding rushed back with the doctor and found that
the child's burning had already receded.

The nanny was shocked and pleased. “He was 38.9°C when I
was taking his body temperature. Did the medicine work for a
while actually making the fever fade away?”

"I would said that this medicine is slow acting, but as long as it
burns out, it's good" the doctor said.

Wang Zhong Ding touched his child's cheek and found that
not only did the fever retreated, but his color was much better
than before. Since taking the child over from Hainan, the child
hasn't been “satisfied with the city soil and water” and has
repeatedly had a high fever. No matter how he treats him... he
can't get to the root cause. He hopes that this time it can really
end the torture.

As it was still dark, Yu Ming was awakened by a "deep love
singing" next door.

“I'm praying to heaven, and give me courage to face

everything? OK, but I weakly make you turn and walk away. It's
no longer important to miss you! Let go and love cannot escape.
Love is not something you want. Whoever wins or loses is no
longer important. It's good to be happy..."

Yu Ming looked at the door and could not help but be shocked
by the scene.

Hàn Dōng had a broken guitar on his waist and he didn't know
where to look, bare-chested, shirtless, eyes crimson red, voice
hoarse, the body followed the rhythm of crazy swing, singing
while passionately crying, seeing this Yu Ming went straight to
his feet and threw two dollars in the pot.

"Hey, I said, what are you going mad about?" Yu Ming walked
to Hàn Dōng.

"Don't stop me!" Hàn Dōng pushed Yu Ming away and plucked
the strings heavily. "Let me once-love enough! Give you all of

After a long period of time, Hàn Dōng dropped the guitar and
sat cross-legged on the bed. He lost his soulful expression.

"What happened?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng said: "I went to Wang Zhong Ding house last night."

Yu Ming has a tight heart. "You really went?"

Hàn Dōng nodded...

"And then?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng was silent for a moment, suddenly he was bursting

into tears with a deep smile and said: "I fell in love with him."
Yu Ming had originally faced a expectant face and when he
heard the words, his face completely became paralyzed.

"You... what did you say?"

Hàn Dōng dared to said it, "I fell in love with Wang Zhong
Ding! I fell in love with his child ....what is wrong with me?"

"I can't tell you what to do....I want to know how you got
yourself in there" Yu Ming's hand probes Hàn Dōng's head.

Hàn Dōng handed his hand down, "I am confused with the
former me, and now I am sober."

Yu Ming knows that Hàn Dōng and him had a small pumping
three days ago and a big pumping in five days. He couldn't even
understand this one!

1]....I couldn't understand this paragraph myself

"Can you tell me why?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng began to shed tears. "The son was not his own, but
he was adopted. And I only know that the child had six fingers."

Yu Ming knew that Hàn Dōng used to be a six-finger child, but

he didn't know how this matter had anything to do with his love
for Wang Zhong Ding.

"Do you know how many people I was afraid of when I was
young? Do you know how many times I was kicked by my
relatives? So far I feel that the parents who have kept their six-
finger children are the greatest in the world! But Wang Zhong
Ding is Wang Zhong Ding, he actually adopted such a child on
his own initiative! Who will take the initiative to adopt a six
fingered child?"

Yu Ming can understand Hàn Dōng's feelings, but there is no

need for Wang Zhong Ding to help others. He has moved
himself to the point where he can meet him.

“And that child also had sleepwalking issue .... Wang Zhong
Ding made the furniture in his room inflated. He was afraid that
he would hurt himself. I didn't know until today the reason why
he wouldn't let me use wood furniture is because he is afraid for
me...”Hàn Dōng said.

He spoke again and said: "How could he be indifferent when

he treated me like this? How can I bear to refuse him?"

While Hàn Dōng says so much about his heart, Yu Ming feels a
lot, but he hides ir in deeper doubts.

"That kid... It wouldn't have been your parents throwing it,


Hàn Dōng's cry came to an abrupt end, and his red eyes
flashed with disappointment.

"Are you still a person? Do you still have any human feelings?"

He didn't refute this on Yu Ming's face, but he groaned in his

heart, he didn't know he had been sneaking at the child to take a
paparazzi picture? As a result, because one finger is added, Hàn
Dōng began to behave ethically and morally.

"Go....., I don't have a common language with you cold-

blooded animal..."

Hàn Dōng left Yu Ming and continued to sing in the room.

I'm sure I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing

And you are my prey.

The lamb I have in my mouth...

How much I love you,

How tender you are , and I believe this tenderness will move
the world!”
Chapter 82 Power Leverage.
When Yu Ming returned to the room, he received a phone call
from the crew. Taking into account the fact that everyone
turned black and white during Hàn Dōng act, the director
decided to take a day off and adjust the situation to start work.

Even thought he rarely caught a rest today, Yu Ming quickly

took the opportunity to make up for the not good results with
the next living ancestors(Hàn Dōng) who cried for a long time,
then he went out for a long walk and came back late at night to
study English, the next morning he heard a knock on the door
with vigor.

"Ming Er, Ming Er, it's time to get up!"

Yu Ming looked at the watch. Isn't it just half past six? Just as
he was turning over to continue to sleep, he was awakened by
the loud knocking sound.

"Yu Ming, how can you not wake up? I have been calling you
for several times ah? You are a sign of spiritual slackness. Are
you so worthy of Wang's hard work on you?"
These words are what Yu Ming wanted to say to Hàn Dōngs
face. The result turned up today.

Yu Ming opened the door and saw Hàn Dōng he couldn't help
but sigh. The blue shirt above the blue sky and the Slim trousers
with the following slender sculpted to a pair of fashionable
leather shoes, a sculpted figure, a coniferous figure, a
fashionable hairstyle, and a good temperament. You would
thought this man is going to the catwalk show, in fact, he is just
going to play as a ghost.

"Why are you doing this? Is there an activity today?" said Yu


"Why must there be activities to dress up? WHY?" Hàn Dōng

shrugged and expressed his incomprehension, "clothing is just a
prop, it's like a pocket stage for the wearer, and it is to serve the
hidden inner world of the characters. DO YOU

Yu Ming cold eyes reply: riiiiiight.

"Hurry up, hurry up..." Hàn Dōng pressed again.

Yu Ming wondered, "Isn't it too early to start shooting? Why

are you so early?"

"We're shooting a horror movie. It takes a few hours just to

apply a special effect. SO we needs to be fully prepared. PLEASE
hurry up. OK?"

Yu Ming went to the bathroom with a silent face.

Because it was too early, the driver didn't pick them up, and
the two slipped into the office building.

Hàn Dōng's eyes were sullen from time to time, and his mouth
was buzzing with a smile. Later, Wang Zhong Ding stepped to
the window. He even kissed the air at him and showed his love.

Wang Zhong Ding had tightened his eyebrows from beginning

to end, and later he gave a call to Feng Jun.
"I think the mixed boy is a bit abnormal, send people to look
at him closely."

Upon arrival at the studio, Hàn Dōng zealously helped the

staff set the scenery, moved the equipment...... lift the shelves,
wiped the equipment to sweep the garbage, and afterwards he
gave everyone the tea and poured water. He was an attentive

Hàn Dōng stopped working only when the makeup artist


Character makeup is the hardest part of a horror movie. A

simple scratch will take half an hour to paint. From the
peripheral bruising to the most central defeat of flesh and
blood, the light-colouring process has gone dozens of times.

Hàn Dōng is particularly interested in special effects makeup,

and usually does nothing on his own. Seeing the makeup artist
smearing in the mirror, Hàn Dōng also had some patience.

"I think this place would be better with this color. There is an
edge to it. It is recommended to deepen it. Yes, I designed a scar
shape myself yesterday. Do you want me to show it to you?"

The makeup artist saw Hàn Dōng get up before seeing the
prop and it was made by Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng made the makeup artist sit and he demonstrated

the makeup on the artist's face. At the beginning, it was simply
to draw a contour, and then it went on the first color. Because
the effect was not obvious, the makeup artist let him continue.
Secondly, feeling a little bit of worry, indicating that he
continued to go down. Waiting to go to the third floor, the
makeup artist's eyes were bright...

Three hours later, Yu Ming came to Hàn Dōng from another

dressing room.

"Okay? My God..."

Yu Ming could not help but scream with exasperation. Sure

enough, there was some truth in coming early. Today, this
makeup is far more detailed and realistic than usual, and it is
impossible to see the original appearance of Hàn Dōng.

"How is it?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming was suddenly surprised, who is talking? Listening to

Hàn Dōng's voice, the seated one obviously didn't open his

"Oh, what about you? How is it?"

Yu Ming turned his eyes to the top of the ramp before he

discovered that this one was not Hàn Dōng. He was almost
vomiting blood. He was willing to call me in the early morning
just to come to be the make-up artist!

However, Hàn Dōng's facial make up effects was rushed to

completion before shooting.

And after such a demonstration by him, this time the makeup

feels a lot better than the previous ones, and even the whole
person with Hàn Dōng is getting better.
"One camera is ready!"

"Unit 2 is ready!"

"The third unit is already in place!"

"The clearance work has been completed!"


As the sound of preparation work was transferred to the

director's ear through the walkie-talkie, Director Lu directed
the assistant to start the work.

The deputy director shouted loudly with a loudspeaker: "All

units pay attention to each crew's attention, and the "Tear"
seventh shoot...on!"

As a result, all the camera's lenses were fully aligned in the

middle of the street.

The appearance of one of Hàn Dōng's and the male

protagonists played the "car accident ghost" and the former

The "car accident ghost" was called He Chun. The car accident
occurred in the early 1990s. At that time, a type of bike with a
front basket was popular. Many adults would put their children
on a basket.

When He Chun in the movie was being carried by her mother,

she was cut off by the front of a truck. The moment her head
fell down, the back of the head covered most of the face...

The perpetrators left a psychological trauma from it and he no

longer dared to drive, instead he was riding a bicycle.

But even so, he still can not get rid of the shadow of the car
accident, each time he is riding a bike there will always be a
basket, and sitting on it was the grown He Chunhua, which is
the role played by Hàn Dōng.
The shot being taken is a re-enactment of the twisted version
of the car accident in the imagination of the perpetrators.

As the camera slowly zooms in, a person appears on the

crossbar of the bicycle. The back of his head looks a little weird,
which seems to hide the restless oozing plasma and is twitching

Suddenly, the camera rotated 180 degrees. An ugly face

appeared in front of the camera: bald head, ghost eyes, broken
nose, bad teeth... The people watching the act all felt like they
were having a bad day. They couldn't help it. They stepped back
two steps.

The scene of horror proportions appeared. When Hàn Dōng

turned his neck, two fingers were inserted into the fake leather
of silica gel, and his tears filled the plasma-filled catheter. The
entire "scalp" was lifted.

During this process, Hàn Dōng's face slowly distorted.....

slowly twisted. At first, he was only awkward. After that, all his
five senseas were twitching like electric shocks...
The director stared at the monitor without hesitation and his
blood pressure rose instantly, he was feeling dizzy.

Then, Hàn Dōng's head dangled, and the head slowly drew to
the front due to the effect of gravity, covering the eyebrows,
covering his eyes, covering the nose... No matter which part he
covered, he could feel it inside. The organs are constantly
twitching violently, just like the image of the beginning of the
scene - the restless head.

At this time, people watching the act have a sense of reverie

and fear.

Originally, He Chun initially did not face forward, but faced

backwards, but only covered his entire face with his head...

Director Lu was in lost in the scene and dragged himself for a

long time before he shouted cut

All the people on the scene at the same time let out a heavy
relief from holding their breathing, especially Hàn Dōng's
perpetrators in the show. At that time, both of his legs were soft
and were taken by the assistant to the seat. Fortunately, this
actor was very experienced in performing at an older age,
switching to a regular new actor and sitting on the ground

Director Lu watched the show after the playback.

"Visual rape, this is definitely visual rape, ha ha ha ha... Hàn

Dōng, you are not an average person!" It was the first time
Director Lu praised an actor like this.

Some people think that horror film alone can produce horror
effects through props, scenes and sound effects. This is not the
case. Horror movies have higher requirements for actors' acting
skills. Shooting this kind of movie requires full attention. All
the senses in the whole body must be opened, and even the
rhythm of breathing should be effortless.

Hàn Dōng's acting skills have been well-known to all since the
team was enlisted, but today this skill is truly out of this realm

Wearing a dozen heavy weight silicone prosthesis weighing

more than 10 pounds, a scene of , the whole person from head to
foot he was wet. He can't go to the bath immediately and change
clothes because there are still scenes needed to be shot in a

Hàn Dōng made Shèn take a cup of tea to the oldtor from the
show. Hàn Dōng took a towel and simply processed the plasma
and blood around his head and quickly entered the dressing

After the senior had almost finished drinking tea, he and the
assistant next to him talked with emotion: “I only understand
today why so many actors don't like to pick up this role. I feel
like my life got shortened!”
Chapter 83 Feeling Greasy
As Hàn Dōng performed too good, the scenes of other actors
were often rejected by Director Lu, and all kinds of cut were
yelled. The originally planned five-hour shooting task dragged
on for 12 hours, and it has been shot from dark to dawn. The
entire studio was yawning and the rest of the room was
overwhelming tired.

When Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming returned to the company, it was

approaching noon...they have been shooting a whole night and
half a day.

Yu Ming slept several times in the car, and every time he woke
up, he saw Hàn Dōng sitting upright, his eyes open and full of

"Hey, aren't you sleepy?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng Yang grinned. "I'm sleepy, but I must force myself
to stay up."

“After a look, we never talked about love.” Hàn Dōng has a

feeling of superiority. “Love needs mutual tolerance and
understanding to maintain long-term affections, so I have to
learn to adapt to the time of the middle school.”

"Wang Wang?"

Hàn Dōng nodded and solemnly read the full name: "Wang-

"You haven't got back at him yet?" said Yu Ming.

Hàn Dōng suddenly didn't like to listen, he pulled a small

cigarette and squinting at Yu Ming. “How do you speak like
that? Are you telling at me? Is it because I have married a great

Yu Ming has never been arguing with Hàn Dōng because it is

meaningless. It is enough to be expressionless.
Hàn Dōng looked at Yu Ming and pointed out: "Yes, I can't
have lunch with you today."

Did you want to have lunch with me? Yu Ming though : Did
we always eat with each other?

Hàn Dōng deliberately emphasized the tone. "I have to eat

from our family's mouth. It's just like his mouth, oh, ... it's
erotic, but most people can't wait......"

Yu Ming is not interested in Hàn Dōng's autonomy. He just

wants to ask: “Have you ever made apologies with Wang?”

"No, why should I?"

Yu Ming remembered the serious face of Wang Zhong Ding's

in “rounded room” that night and he was deeply worried about
Hàn Dōng's situation.

"You didn't apologize to him, you're going to eat with him.

Don't you think it's abrupt?"
Hàn Dōng can hardly understand Yu Ming's thoughts. “How
could it be sudden? A person who likes me for so long has finally
received my response. shouldn't it be a surprise?”

Yu Ming nodded. "Well, a surprise is a surprise."

Although Hàn Dōng is confident, he still has some concerns.

Due to the turmoil of the previous period, especially the yew, he
didn't even have the right to go to Wang Zhong Ding's office.

Facing, suddenly saw Ji Tao standing in the elevator with a


“Hey, Ji Tao!” Hàn Dōng warmly greeted.

When Ji Tao saw Hàn Dōng his smile came in an instant.

"Long time no see, how are you?"

"Not bad, what about you?"

"I'm OK, just a bit tired."

Hàn Dōng patted Ji Tao's shoulders with a tone of earnest

tone. “It's normal to be tired. After all, you didn't had time to
rest until you've been in an office. You will definitely encounter
a lot of problems. However, the company believes in you, and
the artists believe in you, you can overcome anything. ."

When Ji Tao heard this he became more and more awkward,

always feel Hàn Dōng was the ejection point for all problems. It
is reasonable to say that Wang is Hàn Dōng's broker who is an
artist, and if he is bad, he should be a friend. How can he not
listen to him as “boss wife”?

"Yes, what are you going to do now?" Hàn Dōng interrupted

the contemplation of Ji Tao.

Ji Tao said: "Send a document to Wang."

Hàn Dōng finally caught the opportunity to break through

and said eagerly: "I'm just going to his office. I'll help you with
Ji Tao thought that Hàn Dōng was an artist signed by Wang
Zhong Ding, and he has assured him to hand it over.

Hàn Dōng didn't go directly to Wang Zhong Ding, but went to

the restaurant to buy a few of his favorite dishes and escalated
the elevator.

With the document in hand, Hàn Dōng easily got into Wang
Ding's office.

Wang Zhong Ding went out to go outside the kitchen and Hàn
Dōng went to the kitchen. The dishes in the lunch boxes were
emptied and loaded and placed one by one on the table.
Knowing that Wang Zhong Ding is a clean freak.... Hàn Dōng
also pretends to tie aprons and poses a cool and handsome
sideways selfie with great difficulty. It is completely candid

Then he sent this selfie to his Weibo coupled with a fine

explanation of the speculation: "This handsome guy takes care
of a man this year, women don't wait up"
After all the packs were completed, Wang Zhong Ding had not
yet returned and Hàn Dōng passed the time.

The watch in this room~ Maybe it will be mine after ...... I

haven't enjoyed it yet. Thinking about it, Hàn Dōng began to
play around and touch this and that one.

Finally he found a box, which is actually a watch modelled

chocolate. A kind of 24 blocks, each showing a different point,
represents the moment of care.

Just hungry, first let me taste a pad bottom.

Hum~~ mellow and smooth....the taste is good

Hàn Dōng wanted to eat a few pieces at a time. As a result, he

found that each piece had a different taste. Then one bite into
half, and then return the other half of the code, such as a dog.

Wang Zhong Ding's car is still on the way back to the company
at this time.
Feng Jun said to him: " The chocolate watch is ready for her.
For the time being, I put it in your office. Can you see if it's sent
to her in person or if you can send someone to deliver it?"

"I may not have time today." Wang Zhong Ding said.

“it's easy to store a chocolate cake now, or is it best to send it

as a good morning delivery?.” Feng Jun said, he called the
assistant “Wang's office has a box of chocolates. You
immediately send it to Miss Wan's home.”

"Ok, I understand."

Hanging up the phone, Feng Jun turned to Wang Zhong Ding

and said: "I have seen the box of chocolates, and the
workmanship is very beautiful. I think any girl who sees this
sincerity should be awed."

Wang Zhong Ding nodded.

Not a moment later, the commissioner went to Wang Zhong

Ding's office to remove the chocolate.

Hàn Dōng heard the door ringing and thought that Wang
Zhong Ding was back. As a result, he did not see a person after
coming out of the bathroom.

After another ten minutes, Wang Zhong Ding didn't return.

Hàn Dōng's food was cold, so he put it in the microwave oven.

It was busy and the door finally rang.

Hàn Dōng gave a tentative greeting in the kitchen: "Back


Who is speaking? Wang Zhong Ding looked puzzled.

Hàn Dōng walked out of the kitchen with an apron and said
after a while, “How busy are you coming now?”
Wang Zhong Ding was shocked at the time, and only after a
long time did he ask, "Why did you come here?"

"I see you are so busy that you can't attend to dinner. Then I
brought the food to you." Hàn Dōng face still has a natural

Wang Zhong Ding remembers that he was obviously carrying

something fishy, how could he feel that he has lost his memory
for many years and missed many things?

"Just eat it, or it will be cold again." Hàn Dōng turned him to
the kitchen again.

Wang Zhong Ding ordered a cry, "Stop!"

Hàn Dōng stopped and looked puzzled at Wang Zhong Ding.

"What happened to you?"

Wang Zhong Ding went to Hàn Dōng and asked tentatively,

"Did you miss me?"
Hàn Dōng smiled at the time and smiled badly. Ah, Wang
Zhong Ding, who was very calm and steady, wasn't able to hold
his gentleness.

"Can you not think like that?" Hàn Dōng asked with a meek

The answer is the same as that answer, but this answer does
not have that tone. Wang Zhong Ding couldn't make a clear
judgment. He carefully looked at Hàn Dōng's eyes and looked
very focused. Hàn Dōng also stared at him with deep feelings
and was also very focused. The two men stared through their
eyes for a long time. Hàn Dōng finally closed his eyes slowly.

He really was sleepwalking... Wang Zhong Ding thought.

As a result, a fiery kiss smacked his lips in the next second.

When Wang Zhong Ding was stunned, he felt a blood column

falling on his head and his scalp was burning.
He pushed Hàn Dōng away and held out his hand to cover the
advancing Hàn Dōng's hand. His expression was tough and his
eyes were chilly. The tone was rather calm. “Why did you kiss

Hàn Dōng also said a lot of words in an aggrieved manner.

"You first asked me if I missed you, then looked at me like that.
Weren't you just waiting to kiss me?"

Wang Zhong Ding yelling tirade was actually blocked by Hàn

Dōng. How come he has never encountered such a thing from
childhood. Is he angry? A big man is not a child...does this mean
he has or he does not have to get angry? This kind of mixed act
led to a kiss!

"Hurry up and eat!" Hàn Dōng said with his own calm voice.
"It's all you love to eat."

For Hàn Dōng's bizarre attitude, the only possibility that

Wang Zhong Ding can currently think of is that this is the
apology for the 'yew tree'

"I won't give back to you those furniture. So don't beg."

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding's chilling reminder has
caused Hàn Dōng's sensation of pressure to move on again. Even
his words are accompanied by a unique tenderness. “I don't
want to use those furniture anymore. Afterwards, I will only use
inflatables. Only use inflatables. ”

How can Wang Ding accept it?!!!

"You will love this, eat more." Hàn Dōng frequently served
food to Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding found out that the dishes Hàn Dōng gave
him were really all the ones he liked, and they were also fried by
the restaurant. All the side dishes he didn't like to eat were
avoided, and all the spices were added in exactly the right
amount. Wang Zhong Ding had asked so many people to bring
food. No one brought back the food so similar to his taste.

As a result, his attitude towards Hàn Dōng relaxed.

"What are you thinking?" Wang Zhong Ding asked earnestly.

Hàn Dōng also seriously replied: "I just feel that I used to be an
asshole, and I failed you."

Although the words were a bit overdue, fortunately Wang

Zhong Ding saw the sincerity of Hàn Dōng and said bluntly:
"You still have a little conscience."

After lunch, Hàn Dōng sat on the sofa outside. Once had to do
certain goods to adapt to Wang Zhong Ding's time, he fell asleep
in less than two minutes.

When Wang Zhong Ding went to work in a bathroom, he

returned to see Hàn Dōng on the couch. Until this moment,
Wang Zhong Ding had finally confirmed that Hàn Dōng was
awake all that time Wang thought he was sleepwalking.

If someone else was there, Wang Zhong Ding will be kicking

them out right this time. However, taking into account that Hàn
Dōng was shooting a horror movie, there were many night
shows, he didn't use force to drive him out, but tried to open his
mouth to wake him.
"Is this office for you to sleep? What if anyone comes in and
out, and they end up seeing you like this? Get up! Go back to
your dorm to sleep!"

Hàn Dōng didn't move at all.

Wang Zhong Ding kicked Hàn Dōng's ass lightly. "Come on, if
you don't get up again. I'll looking for someone to come in and
bind you."

Hàn Dōng mulls over it for a long time before he gets up, but
when he walks, his eyes are still closed apparently he is now not

"Well, I will go back to sleep ...... go back to sleep."

Wang Zhong Ding once held a black face and held Hàn Dōng

No way, sleepwalking is good at night, wandering around the

daytime, let alone not say that the impact is not good, he would
really get in trouble.

In desperation, Wang Zhong Ding had to pull Hàn Dōng into

the back room to sleep, then the door closed and he came out to
continue working.

Not a moment later, the door of the back room rang again,
and Hàn Dōng walked out with a cruel hand. Sitting down at the
desk, not saying a word, just stayed still, with a smile that says 'I
am accompanying you today.'

Wang Zhong Ding's response to his eyes is: Is what you want
from me, to accompany you to sleep? ...... Roll back to the room
and sleep your feelings!

Hàn Dōng still did not leave, even if he was being poked he
still remained motionless.

Hàn Dōng didn't hear anything and Wang Zhong Ding decided
to ignore him and conducted his own business.

The result was as he was staring at the computer screen with

full attention he suddenly felt a numbness on his arm. Turning
his head, Hàn Dōng was actually drawing on his arm.

"I'll draw a special scar on you," Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding pulled his arm with a cold face and
continued to turn his gaze back to the computer screen.

After a while, Hàn Dōng took his arm again.

This time, Hàn Dōng clamped Wang Zhong Ding's wrist under
his armpits to prevent further withdrawal. Then he continued
to throw hot hands and squat on the cold arm, the pen nib
occasionally touching lightly, occasionally sliding, crisp, hemp,
there is a kind of special feeling for tired people.

"Okay lets just change the arm." Wang Zhong Ding took a step
back. "My hand must also be able manipulate the mouse."

Hàn Dōng does not give up and draws this arm that moves, in
order to make Wang look at Han!
Chapter 84 Does not believe we are
Time seems to be standing still.

Nobody knows for how long it went but finally Hàn Dōng
head slipped into Wang Zhong Ding's arms, Why didn't Wang
kick him up? Maybe he is really tired. He hasn't closed his eyes
for two or three days. Even the power of sleepwalking is gone.

In fact, at this time, Wang Zhong Ding wanted to allowed the

bodyguard to return Hàn Dōng to the dormitory. However, he
feared that Hàn Dōng would fall asleep and walked here "in the
distance," so he stayed with Hàn just to save him from himself.

Hàn Dōng didn't wake up again when he fell asleep. The office
was quiet.

Suddenly a doorbell rang.

"Wang, this is what Miss Wan sent back"

When Wang Zhong Ding saw the box of chocolates that had
been snaked on, he was a bit puzzled. Wan Li Qing was not a
person who was careful. How could she not receive his personal
feelings because of such a small thing?

"OK, I know. Let's put this."

After the dispatcher had left, Wang Zhong Ding opened the
chocolate box and saw the "miserable" inside, he couldn't help
but feel angry.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a shitty decoration....If

it's for romance, it's at least a tidy bite. There is one missing
piece in the West. how many people can "accept" it.

Hàn Dōng woke up in the evening and walked straight to the

outside. He happened to see the box of chocolates.

"Eat, it's all for you." Hàn Dōng grinned.

Sure enough... Nothing was wrong... Wang Zhong Ding's

muscles were all strained.

"Who said you could eat them?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng still laughed in a shameless manner. "What

happened to you eating some food? How old were you till you
had to have someone tell what food to eat? After all ....I didn't
eat it all....... Didn't I leave some for you?" Hàn Dōng looked
into the box.

Do you think Wang went looking again? Let's look at Wang

Zhong Ding's desire to smash Hàn Dōng's dog teeth one by one.

The atmosphere is deadlocked. Feng Jun suddenly pushed in.

"Wan Li Qing asked you to call her..." Feng Jun suddenly

discovered that there was other person(Hàn Dōng).... After a
pause, he turned Hàn Dōng as the object of questioning. "Why
are you here?"

Hàn Dōng hadn't spoken yet, and Feng Jun discovered

something. He strode over and looked at the eaten expression
on chocolate in the box.

"Who did this?" The harsh tone was clearly directed against
Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng dared to look innocent, "What did I do?"

"What's the matter? Did you know that this is a gift that Wang
wanted to send to Miss Wan?"

Hàn Dōng only paused when he heard this,

Feng Jun also wanted to say something, Wang Zhong Ding

waved his hand to indicate that he should go out first.

The office left with Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng had no intentions to back down. He also asked

Wang Zhong Ding with a sullen look. "Why did you give her a

Wang Zhong Ding replied abruptly: "Whose gifts I give to

who..... have to do with you?"

What does it have to do with me? A copy of Hàn Dōng's

appearance appeared on Wang Zhong Ding's face. "Are you
chasing her? Have you accepted her? Have you decided to make
her your girlfriend?"

According to Wang Zhong Ding, Hàn Dōng's behavior was like

a man being attacked by a gangster with a gun to his head. But
this is Hàn Dōng....

He did not try his best to ask the gangster with a gun to spare
his life, but repeatedly asked him what the gangster had eaten at
noon. If this is not to ask for death.... what is it? Ah

Wang Zhong Ding was just about to start worrying but he was
forced to retreat from Hàn Dōng.

"You don't like me?"

Wang Zhong Ding felt he was like being knocked on by a
stunner. He was paralyzed.

"Me..... like..... you????"

Hàn Dōng's natural expression was ' Don't you'?

Wang Zhong Ding in turn questioned Hàn Dōng: "Who said I

like you?"

This time it was Hàn Dōng's turn to be stunned.

"You... don't you like me?"

Wang Zhong Ding expressed a 'you're talking nonsense'

expression on his face. "Why should I like you? I like all things
that you lack, I don't like what you bring on my face....but have
you ever given me a reason to like you?"
a bolt from the blue!

Hàn Dōng was uncomfortable. "You don't like me. Why did
you try to stay with me? Why did you force me to use inflatable
furniture? Why did you open cans for me? Why did you give me
a hundred thousand? Money?"

Wang Zhong Ding almost thought without thinking: "I left

you because of love. I let you use inflatable products to ensure
the safety for you as an artists. I wanted to open the cans and
send you away as soon as possible. As for the 100,000 yuan, I
don't know anything about that at all."

Hàn Dōng had a feeling of being deceived by his own feelings.

You should have said it earlier! Then I wouldn't have to worry
about it all day long, I'm still anxious to finish now, love is also
sprouting, and when I a'd like to pick it up? There is no escape!

"Have you never liked me before? Did you not have a bit of
love for me?" Hàn Dōng couldn't believe his own evil tone.

Wang Zhong Ding has a tone that you don't believe and all he
can hear, "No!"

"Yes, Wang Zhong Ding, Well just keep waiting..." Hàn Dōng's
went wrestling out of the door, If I really do not make you like
me, Hàn Dōng will be in the mix for many years!


Sure enough, Yu Ming didn't expect Hàn Dōng to leave with a

deep affection, and returned with viciousness.

Opening the refrigerator door, taking out two cans of beer and
pour it down the throat then throw away the beer bottle and
walk back to the house. Yu Ming did not want to even ask about
Hàn Dōng's business. As a result when he saw that Hàn Dōng
picked up the guitar again he rushed to inquire about it.

"Are you OK?"

Han's Grandpa voice said "nothing." Then he plucked the

guitar strings and sang them.
"I love you the most is me

How can you make me sad?

When I need you most,

You leave without saying a word.

It's gone..."

Yu Ming, holding Hàn Dōng's hand, clearly asked: "What


Hàn Dōng's face suddenly turned gloomy, as if someone had

made a few million off with his money. "What did you s
ay? It is not the hooligan named Wang Zhong Ding. That
Mountainous fucker is hypocritical, and when he sees me, the
attitude changes."
"What did he change?"

Hàn Dōng sneered. "Today I asked him if he liked me. Can you
guess what he said? He said he never liked me! How ridiculous
does it sound when you hear this?"

Yu Ming did not have a slight change of expression. "How is

that ridiculous?"

Hàn Dōng stiffly livid.

"He doesn't like you at all." Yu Ming made another knife.

Hàn Dōng immediately fired, and asked a question. "How do

you know he doesn't like me?"

Yu Ming bit his cucumber while talking with the vegetable

market voice, saying: "All people in the company know that ah,
the person whom Wang doesn't like most is you. Don't you
Hàn Dōng's guitar hand was tight, he kept telling to himself
"don't, don't be impulsive, don't use a guitar to rearrange this
asshole face up"

Hàn Dōng desperately suggests himself: What does he know

about that cold-blooded animal? I just wanted to speculate on
the thoughts of others in a wishful way...

"Even if you think with your toes instead of brain, you know
that what you lack is what Wang always likes. Wang doesn't like
what you bring. How could he like you?" Yu Ming directly
respoke Wang Zhong Ding's words.

Hàn Dōng hands both slammed his mouth. "You-thats-


"I only objectively stated it."

boom! There was a loud noise from the guitar in the room.

"Aren't you finished? When I usually ask you to speak

don't speak. Now I don't want you to speak with that stinking
and big mouth! You speak in your mind so that you can show off
your skin, I tell you, even if he doesn't like me, I'm also saying
thanks to the Lord! You know why I give thanks to the Lord?
That is, he liked me first, and I didn't dare to like him.

Yu Ming is particularly curious. In the end what kind of

adversity can sharpen such an optimistic attitude?

"I was acting so well. It was my subversive performance that

conquered him. Don't you understand?"

Yu Ming still does not feel shame. "When did you overthrow?
You obviously appeared."

The guitar was raised and what Hàn did was not a mighty
slam on Yu Ming's body. Instead, he picked it up to his waist
and said a sentence with a look of rejection. "You forced me to
sing for an entire night."

As it turned out, Yu Ming immediately changed his shameless

1]..... remember whenever Yu Ming hears music he if Hàn Dōng plucks the guitar all night....then Yu
Ming will dance all night....

"Didn't you always wish that he didn't like you? Now that he
doesn' means you don't have to worry. You don't have to
feel owed to him. You two can still be friends. Isn't that the best
of both worlds?"

"You are very pleased with your egg head!" Hàn Dōng is totally
unreasonable. He can only be interested in me. Even if he's
stalking for me, I can accept it. But I can't accept that I made
such a big sacrifice for nothing. I didn't mean anything to him!
What did he think of me? How can he use me: Hàn, however he
wants to?

Who's playing you?... Yu Ming's belly: it's obviously you are

playing yourself!

"If Hàn Dōng can disappoint him with subversive

performances, he can use his true colors to make his old feelings
rekindled. If you do not believe... we will see"
Chapter 85 Used in the Right Place.
After Hàn Dōng stormed out, Wang Zhong Ding also thought a
lot about this whole situation.

He doesn't remember when he gave this psychological liking

suggestion to Hàn Dōng...

Is it true that those special treatments could have caused

misunderstanding to Hàn Dōng? But Wang Zhong Ding clearly
remembers the first day he and Hàn Dōng met. Hàn Dōng once
said a rejecting word like "Why am I wronged, I can't change it
yet?" They didn't talk about any special treatment at that time.
The two didn't even know each other.

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly remembered what he had done.

He opened the bottom drawer and took photos from the rented
unit in Hàn Dōng previous room.

One is Hàn Dōng's photo, and another one is his own cover
magazine cut photo... Both photos are drawn with odd symbols.
At that time, Wang Zhong Ding wanted to find someone to
crack it. Then he forgot about it.
"Er Lei, you come in."

After Er Lei entered, Wang Zhong Ding handed over the two
photographs to him.

"You go and get someone and check to see if anyone can read
the above symbol."

Er Lei stared at the photos for a long time and there was a
feeling that he couldn't understand. This Chinese is not
Chinese, English is not English, Arabic numerals are not Arabic
numbers, who am I looking for?


The next morning, when Yu Ming sat on the bed and pulled
his hair, Hàn Dōng went out again in a valiant manner.

Last night, Hàn Dōng wrote a script for the whole night. The
venue for the performance was on the first floor of the office
building. The shooting equipment was the camera in the hall.
As for the participating personnel ... see the situation.

As Wang Zhong Ding and Er Lei entered the hall, they were
starring at Hàn Dōng acting.

They saw him in a python leather jacket, black tight jeans,

curled bangs and leaning on the black super... It looks like he's a

A short walk from the lobby to the elevator, Wang doesn't

know how many pairs of eyes looked at Hàn Dōng. Hàn Dōng
resisted the East's(Han) impulse to talk to the West (Wang) and
didn't say a word... He looked ahead and walked steadily. The
pace was hard and steady.

The charm of Hàn Dōng is still beyond doubt.

A big-breasted woman stared at Hàn Dōng for a long time and

finally, she took the courage to walk to him. Hàn Dōng eyes
looked down at the "global stock market" on the phone and he
never looks at her. The big breasted beauty looked at him with a
look of interest. The chest just hit Hàn Dōng's arm. Hàn Dōng
sneered and shook his teeth, and as a result, the girl pushed her
breast up again.

After repeated back and forth several times, Hàn Dōng

couldn't stand it. He pushed the big-chested beautiful woman
with one hand and said coldly: "Please take your own weight
somewhere else"

Wang Zhong Ding and Er Lei just walked by and witnessed all
the action that had just occurred. Er Lei still muttered, "Why
did Hàn Dōng do that today? Even beautiful women he doesn't
pay attention to them..."

Wang Zhong Ding said with a glance after leaning over Hàn
Dōng: "Is she employed?"

Er Lei, "......"

When the two people just walked to the elevator inside, they
found that the elevator had broken down. In desperation, they
had to return to the lobby to get on with several other in the
staff elevators.
Hàn Dōng's side was surrounded by a lot of women, Hàn
doesn't know how many times he was tempted during the
period of thinking: so many beautiful women around me,
directly pushing me enough to go back to my many
days can I take this? What I don't know about? Why are you still
trying hard to force a face?.

When Hàn Dōng sees Wang Zhong Ding returning again, his
heart was worth two words!

The beautiful women still chatted around Hàn Dōng, and Hàn
Dōng always had an unresponsive expression for them. Until
Wang Zhong Ding's eyes swept over here, Hàn Dōng finally set
up his collar and cleared his throat. The corners of his lips
evoked a touch of bleakness and a smile. He said "How many
hundred thousand red gems are in the world, I love you alone. A
kind of infatuated prodigal child."

Wang Zhong Ding's lips are also accompanied by a smile, and

they are becoming more and more intense as the distance from
Hàn Dōng to Wang increases.

Hàn Dōng smiled and walked out of the beautiful women

"You're a good producer. I didn't expect you to arrive so early.
If you also said that you were coming... I would have sent you a
car to pick you up."

"Oh, don't need to, who are you and whom are you looking

Hàn Dōng's rising mouth slammed back and turned to look at

the two people who enthusiastic embraces... His face was so
dark that you couldn't find the five senses.

The result even more tragic is still behind him, Hàn Dōng
asked the administrator of the logistics department a question.

"The elevator really wasn't broken by me," Hàn Dōng said.

The administrator said: "We do not doubt you for no reason,

but because of the elevator accidents were caused by you in the
past, you have an unshirkable responsibility, so our first suspect
is you."
"You can't treat me unfair because I have a criminal record!"
Hàn Dōng was indignant.

The administrator said he was helpless. "I want to treat you

equally, but Wang always asks me to focus on you. How can I
not follow the orders?"

Hàn Dōng, "......"

Two days later, sponsored by Wang Ding Group, the "Fashion

Code" organized by "Leader" magazine was grandly opened. It
was also a grand carnival. Naturally, it will inevitably take to
the red carpet.

Even if this kind of red carpet ceremonies is the one that did
not prescribe the appearance sequence, the fight between the
artists is still very obvious. Many celebrities have arrived and
deliberately stayed in the car, so as to be able to make a grand

But not everyone can afford it. Some people do not have the
courage to do so. Some people don't have a big impact.
Ultimately, this seat naturally falls on the hands of contractor Li
Tian Bang.

Li Shang came with a Porsche, his exclusive driver, on the red

carpet. He immediately attracted a lot of scenes after he posed,
and the limelight was unstoppable.

Compared to the weakness of the red carpet on the first time,

Li Shang has now done his job. It is the last one, why not take
advantage of this free publicity opportunity and stay in front of
the camera for a while?

Seeing Li Shang, Feng Jun spontaneously thought of the

unwilling Hàn Dōng.... and Wang Zhong Ding whispered, "Why
hasn' Hàn Dōng come yet?"

Wang Zhong Ding snort was filled with unbelief, "On his
chronic ill, just getting him out of the company's door is not a
bad day."

Just as he finished, the red carpet was boiling around, and the
cries were like the incitement of an international superstar. At
this time Li Shang has been on the red carpet for a long time, he
was not the reason to set off a climax.

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes swept away toward the entrance to

the red carpet. His eyes fixed on time and he could no longer

Two long, straight legs stretched out to the red carpet,

trousers and military boots, a neatly cut double-breasted
military long coat, as a soldier walked in the ruins...

Facts have proved that Hàn Dōng's personality development is

truly outstanding.

His facial features are not in line with the aesthetics of the
public, and they are even somewhat garish. But his face is very
three-dimensional(mega handsome), such people born for the
red carpet. When you see these three dimensional people it feels
like a wild model suddenly mixed into an international
supermodel, a sudden appearance of a horse in a group of
hooligans, who can withstand this kind of explosive field?

The two men walked in tandem as if suddenly returning to the

sea election at the entrance of the North Shadow Factory. The
MC's eyes once stayed on Li Shang's body for a moment, but
after seeing Hàn Dōng, he never moved back.

There are even two lingering media reporters whispering to

each other.

"Why do these two people look so much alike? Who is Li Tian

Bian in the end?"

"You're blind? Of course it's the back one, what's up before the

"Yes, I forgot, Li Tian Bang is the finale."

Li Shang apparently felt that there was a strong explosive field

in the rear, but because the red carpet had not yet been
completed, he couldn't just turn back and could only continue
to maintain a good posture to face all media.

Hàn Dōng is different, he is like a hurricane shuttle between

light and dark alternating flash. He did not stay or pose for a
shoot, he does not please anyone lens and always stride forward
with calm...

Wang Zhong Ding calculative eye found that Hàn Dōng's pace
and steps are carefully designed. Just like his acting time, it was
obviously through prior observation and preparation that he
was able to do so right.

This kid finally used his heart in the right place.

Hàn Dōng came to stand side by side with Li Shang and came
to a friendly exchange of eyes: Rest assured, I will not grab your
stardom, I will definitely finish it...

Then Li Shang unceremoniously, went to the auditorium.

"I will present this year's new Idol Award..." The award-
winning guest, Fang Xiao Yeao, aimed his gaze at Li Shang and
said with a tone of pride: "Li- Tian-Bang."

When Li Shang knew that he had won an award, he didn't

know whether it was a pompous demonstration or something.
His eyes always veered to Hàn Dōng intentionally or

Hàn Dōng didn't even look at him right. His eyes were still on
Wang Zhong Ding's body and he didn't turn around.

After the fashion festival, many entertainers, famous guides

and media people went to the banquet hall downstairs for
dinner. In order to exchange feelings with each other and seek
opportunities for cooperation.

The media, directors, and advertisers who came to Li Shang's

cooperation are in a continuous stream. On the one hand, Li
Shang is the fastest rising newcomer in recent years, and on the
other, it is because of the decline of the Mainland actor Yin
Sheng Yang.

Looking at the back, the entire banquet hall is littered with

girls, but there are very few male artists who really show off.

This is especially true for Wang Zhong Group, which has a

significant gap in male artists. However, most of the celebrity
big names are almost self-reliant, and there are still a few people
who can't get up. Therefore, the company will make great
efforts to promote male artists in the past two years in order to
make up for this vacancy and create a mainland international
male superstar.

From the perspective of investors at this level, Wang Zhong

Ding is naturally the object of many actress's hotspots.
Regardless of the big wrists and small wrists, everyone has to
come to Wang Zhong Ding. This is like a bright day.

"Wang Zhong Ding, I heard that the company has invested in

a large film. Nobody knows if I have a chance to play a small

"Wang Zhong Ding, I plan to invest in a movie myself and be a

producer myself. Can you give me the how's and what's to do!"

"Wang, why do I think you've lost your skin recently? You

must pay attention to your body!"

Hàn Dōng stood on the opposite side of Wang Zhong Ding. He

looked like a grim expression of irritability and indifference. In
fact, his heart was long gone: it was all right, you would be back.
It's useless to fight it, he will be mine sooner or later...

Later, Feng Jun came to the rescue and Wang Zhong Ding was
stolen from the stream of questions.

Hàn Dōng has been watching Wang Zhong Ding secretly. He

found that Wang Zhong Ding had something special to eat.
Although it is a self-serving food table, Wang Zhong Ding will
not eat all things caught on the plate. But first clip one, then he
would stand there and not move, only to eat another clip. And
each time he eats its almost the same amount, the number of
chewing is almost the same.

So Hàn Dōng pulled Shen Hua and asked her: "Don't you think
that Wang Zhong Ding is really stupid?" The tone that sounded
like derogatory was revealing a rare meaning.
Shèn Hua took a look at Hàn Dōng's dish it was full of messy
meat, and he was gorging himself with his mouth full of oil
....and he was making fun of others. Then he took a look at the
dishes in order to cut the dish in an orderly way and conveyed
his expression in a mouthless expression. Shèn said, looking at
Hàn Dōng with an apology, "I think you're stupid ."

Hàn Dōng's face immediately pulled down. "Because I have a

silly assistant, I'm silly too."

In the early days Shèn, she didn't mind laughing and showing
a mouthful of teeth.

Later, Hàn Dōng eyeballs began to calculate in front of Wang

Zhong Ding, picking Wang Zhong Ding's favorite dishes and
calculating the weight.

When Wang Zhong Ding had eaten this dish, Hàn Dōng had
already eaten, leaving just enough size for Wang Zhong Ding.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding naturally sandwiches all the

remaining dishes in his plate.
Hàn Dōng had been staring at him until he had eaten the last
ball, and Hàn Dōng opened his eyes.

"I also want to eat meatballs."

"Is it missing?"

"Who took the meatball away?"


So, two seconds later, the meatball dropped from Wang Zhong
Ding's plate to Hàn Dōng's plate.

Hàn Dōng's food rape was a success. He pulled it and frankly

shoved it in his mouth and it really ~ really ~ tasted ~ especially
Chapter 86 Borrowed from the figure
Hàn Dōng is like a big dog who especially likes to eat leftovers,
he followed Wang Zhong Ding all the way.

It was not until they finished eating that he asked, "Why

didn't you push out, but you condone me?"

"Why should I yell at you?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng smiled. "You knew that I was intentionally doing


"You also knew that I will see through you gimmicks. Why do
you still want to do this?" Wang Zhong Ding replied coldly.

Hàn Dōng was blocked, and had no choice but to sneeze in his
hearts: I wouldn't let my heart go straight and say something.
I'm going to make a comer... I'm thinking about stealing Wang
Zhong Ding's eyes. After repeated brewing, I open my mouth
"Don't insist on it..."

Wang Zhong Ding didn't hear clearly. "What did you say?"

Hàn Dōng immediately turned his head back to Wang Zhong


After a while, Wang Zhong Ding's thoughts were just pulled

back, and Hàn Dōng mumbled again.

"Anyway ... in the end, we have to be together... Why does it


Wang Zhong Ding sank down. "What the hell are you
tempering with now?"

Hàn Dōng flung up his legs again, dug his ears, and looked
away. The clothes were deliberately tightening.
Wang Zhong Ding didn't ask anymore, he simply went to
another place, he and the producer talked about a movie.

Hàn Dōng entertained himself, and a foreigner came to say



Hàn Dōng practiced his spoken language hard these days and
was looking for a foreigner to practice. He didn't expect
someone to take the initiative. He shook hands and eagerly and
enthusiastically, and replied, "Nice-to-meet-you-too!"

When a foreigner meets Hàn Dōng and speaks English, he has

no more wandering around. He said bluntly: "I just saw your red
carpet show. It was really great. I appreciate your temperament.
I am now the editor of an international fashion magazine....and
I would like to ask, are you interested in shooting cover art for
our magazine?"

Hàn Dōng stopped for a moment. Seeing the foreigner waiting

for him, he reverberated: "Thank-you, thank-you..."
The foreigner smiled happily and asked, "Would you like it or
not? It doesn't matter. You can promise or reject me directly.
Don't worry if the answer won't make me happy."

Hàn Dōng still laughs, "Thank-you, thank-you..."

The foreigner's expression was a bit confused. "I think I may

not quite understand what you mean."

Hàn Dōng wanted to continue to say "thank you" but he was

pushed aside by Shèn Hua.

Comrade Shèn Hua, who had been disgustingly accepted by

Hàn Dōng, spoke fluently to foreigners with an extremely
standard American accent, and when Hàn Dōng heard her.
Finally, he feels his stupid assistant is not that useless.

After the foreigner left, Shèn Hua told Hàn Dōng about the
specific content of the just-talked conversation.

"The magazine is one of the four international fashion media,

and it is even higher than the "leader." Its a high-end fashion
magazine representing the aesthetic and value orientation of
this elite social group, so the corresponding brand spokesperson
is also a top star and must have powerful appeal in one
cover is a great business value..."

Then Shèn Hua once again described the meaning of

professional knowledge such as the classification of fashion
magazines, cultural circles represented, and mainstream
consumer groups to Hàn Dōng. After listening for a while, there
was only one feeling.

"I found you look good now."

Shen Yang shyly smiled at the beginning, revealing uneven

teeth, "Really?"

Hàn Dōng quietly shifted his gaze. "That... I still want to talk
about magazines."

Immediately after the "Fashion Festival" was over, the live
photos of the scene were sent to the editors of major media.
With a little selection and repair, they could be published.

Liang Jing was furious because of a photo.

The reason is that the entertainment portals of all major

media have the "fashion festivals" cover and the cover selection
photo is also one from the red carpet show. However, the
original plan was for Li Shang alone to appear in them.... but
there was no reason why Hàn Dōng was above him. As a result,
Hàn Dōng became the main cover focus Li Shang became his
main cover extra.

"Make them immediately remove this picture." Liang Jing told

Xiao Wen to do it.

How can the magazine repair the damage after the photo has
become a headache?

Because all the pictures of Li Shang, Hàn Dōng is almost at the

top. Even if Li Shang is in close quarters and Hàn Dōng is a
distant prospect, he can clearly feel that Hàn Dōng's attractive
field is much stronger than Li Shang.

The removal of this print is even harder. It was originally

planned as a distant view. The faces of the two people are not
clear and their bodies are so similar. Li Shang is even more

"Hàn Dōng must be dropped. "Liang Jing was a bit irritated.

Li Shang was very calm and determined for a moment. He

said: "No."

"No? You want to be swallowed by him?"

"You misunderstood me... I mean, you don't need to drop him.

He will drop me."

Liang Jing's face became even more ugly when he heard this.
"Are you crazy? You spend so much effort on promoting him for
Li Shang laughed. "Who said I would give him promotion?"

Liang Jing looked at Li Shang's expression and suddenly

realized it. After obtaining Li Shang's eyefulness, he felt the
blood in his body boiled.

"That's smart," said Liang Jing.


In a moment's rest, Yu Ming took a newspaper and asked Hàn


"I see, is this intentional or what?"

When Hàn Dōng saw the news Yu Ming pointed to, the first
reaction was to say that it was an accident. How could the
"Fashion Festival" poster be his own picture? To publish, Li
Shang's talents should also be published... After seeing the
words "Li Tian Bang" in the picture below, he immediately
yelled, "I rubbed and gave him a red carpet!"
However, after Hàn Dōng pondered carefully, he still sighed:
"Li Shang is still very smart."

"This obviously is disgusting to him... right?" Yu Ming


"I didn't mean that he stole my photo. I mean the whole game
of his planning. He asked the newspaper to get my picture. The
name below is his name. He went to the newspaper office again
and asked how the wrong name was over there. The president
certainly felt embarrassed, but he didn't want to take this
responsibility. After all, reputation was even more important.
Therefore, in order to keep quiet, they would surely make
several publicity for Li Shang name"

1].... Hàn Dōng's picture with Li Shang name makes Li Shang

name famous

Listening to Hàn Dōng's statement, Yu Ming feels that Li

Shang is a calculating ass.

"I don't think there is no such low limit for red line? Did he
already have so many publicity plans in place? Why does he
want to steal your pictures? He already has a good reputation,
and why does he have to compete with a small artist who
doesn't have a name? You are you still his buddy. How can he be
so selfish that he doesn't pluck the excess food for his buddies?"

Hàn Dōng has a look of optimism." What are you afraid of? I
have a large granary."

"I just can't swallow this breath," Yu Ming said bitterly.

Hàn Dōng pinched Yu Ming's face. "You swallowed this breath

for me today. I can't swallow it for you tomorrow. How can you
swallow your breath? Why don't you worry about yourself?"

Yu Ming did not speak, but his face was clearly written: You're
not in a hurry, I wouldn't have that calmness.

Hàn Dōng comforted Yu Ming: "It's okay. Don't worry about

me. I hope he bullies me. You think, who's my broker? His
name is Wang Zhong Ding! He angered Wang Zhong Ding, and
there still good fruits in the future.....Did we eat? We were like
playing a battle. He was telling me I was dark. I was waiting for
him to find my trump card that day he would be formally

Yu Ming thinks rightly.

When Hàn Dōng made a turn, he said, "If I can bear the
burden of humiliation at this time and keep quiet, Wang Zhong
Ding will definitely look at me with a lot maturity... Even if I
don't look for him, he will take the initiative to come to me.
Then I would curl up on his bed with a bag of airbags, hahaha..."

All right... Yu Ming discovered now what he was worried. No

matter what the others do to screw with Hàn Dōng's future, his
life would survive in the cracks and grow luxuriantly.

After seeing this report, Wang Zhong Ding really didn't look

Feng Jun also snorted, "Liang Jing has a lot of tricks."

"This is not what Liang Jing thinks. There is no such thing in

his mind." Wang Zhong Ding knew Liang Jing very well.

"What do you mean......this is Li Shang plans?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak on behalf of the default.

Feng Jun was in charge of the artist's brokerage. When Li

Shang was signed to Liang Jing, Liang Jing and Feng Jun did
not deal with the issue... Feng Jun rarely intervened to manage
Li Shang, and Feng Jun did not quite understand this person. It
is only because he feels that Li Shang has a lot of energy,
determination, and hard work, but he never knew that Li Shang
has such a calculating mentality.

"Did Hàn Dōng come to you?" asked Feng Jun.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "No"

Feng Jun was surprised. "According to Hàn Dōng's temper, he

should have been here a long time. This time it was so heavy...
And still, he has stayed quiet?"
Wang Zhong Ding thought about it for a moment and said,
"I'll go and see him."
Chapter 87 Is God blind?
Late at night, back from the studio, Yu Ming has been
trapped. Hàn Dōng is still coming in and going out moving

"What are you doing?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng hung a copper wind chime out of the window and
wrote a “phoenix” on it with a red pen. Also put a pink perfume
flower in the window, the petals had his name and Wang Zhong

Then he wrote a yellow paper sign and pressed it under a

powdered stone gravel pillow. In the end, Hàn Dōng would
drink another cup of pink tea and memorize its fragrance. He
will spit out three words: "Trick-Peach-Flowers."

Yu Ming also returned his three words: "Neuropathy."

"Do you believe me or not, such a trick, Wang Zhong Ding will
come here after a while?" Hàn Dōng has a plan.
Yu Ming snorted, "How many days have you mumbled this
nonsense? He hasn't come yet."

"I only talked a few days ago but officially acted today."

Yu Ming was too lazy to put attention to him so he climbed

into bed.

The door of Hàn Dōng's room was not closed. He could hear
Yu Ming.

"Ming Er, do you have any objects?"

Yu Ming said only after a long silence: "No."

"Are you still not present or haven't been there yet?" Hàn
Dōng asked again.

"Ergh.... What do you mean by living like this? I wanted you
to die long ago."

Yu Ming rolled his eyes.

Hàn Dōng's voice came from next door again. “Did you roll
your eyes?”

Yu Ming surprised, how did he know?

"Are you thinking about how I knew?" Hàn Dōng started to


Yu Ming didn't open his mouth to admit it.

“I tell you, your ears are so good but my ears are better than
yours. As long as you are within ten meters of me, I can hear
what you say in my heart. The buddy who used to live in front
compartment facing my door, as long as he thinks something...
I would know it."
"You lier...." Yu Ming cried foul.

Hàn Dōng said: "I didn't lie to you, but unfortunately later he
went too far away. I didn't know what he was doing."

Yu Ming didn't speak.

"Ming Er, don't want to learn from him."

Yu Ming was insomniac.

Hàn Dōng had a good time and he had a bad heart to his
family. He himself slept and snored.

Don't know how long it passed, Yu Ming really heard the door

Wang Zhong Ding silently walked into Hàn Dōng's room.

Hàn Dōng was already asleep. The temperatura was pretty low
in the night yet Hàn Dōng didn't cover himself with the quilt,
inted he hugged himself on the bed. The big ass was pushed
toward the doorway, the round arc was quite fierce, and there
was a kind of unpleasant sensation.

Wang Zhong Ding resisted the urge to kick that butt and
shook the quilt and dumped it on Hàn Dōng.

The computer was still on, and the screen shows what Hàn
Dōng feels like today.

"Gentlemen don't argue, groups don't party."

"The strong will is like iron, and the measurement is like the

"The loss is affordable, whether you believe it or not, anyway,

I believe it."

Although Wang Zhong Ding sees the composition that are

artificial and pleasing, there is still a hint of smile between his

Nobody knows what happened, the account suddenly closed

off. When Wang Zhong Ding logged in, he logged into the
computer's automatically into the saved microblog.

"This handsome guy has taken care of a handsome guy so

women don't wait up"

Wang Zhong Ding: "......"

In the dream, Hàn Dōng felt that Wang Zhong Ding was
walking towards his bed step by step, with distress, pity and full
tenderness in his eyes. Then he moves his quilt and Hàn Dōng
couldn't help raising his mouth. The result...


A palm-sized flame burned his ass, the burning made Hàn

Dōng hurriedly hid his ass back.
On the second day, Yu Ming didn't get up. He heard the
yelling from Hàn Dōng from next door.

"My flower is ah ah ah..."

Yu Ming walked to Hàn Dōng's room and found that he had a

brilliantly potted flower last night and he left the branch today.
Wang Zhong Ding had cut off each petal with his own name,
and the flower was... bald.

“And my wind chimes, let it pick me off. I don't know where

my yellow paper characters went. My pillow is gone, and even
my Wang Wang confiscated it. ......"

Yu Ming grinned, "Nothing, there is nothing about this, just

buy it again!"

"It's not about money. It's just too shameful of him."

Yu Ming didn't think there was anything more shameful. "You

wrote his names everywhere and you are unhappy when he took
it away."

"I didn't mean that he was shameful cause he took things from
me. I mean he took away the the items with his name on them.
How could he not take off my little pants? I also wrote his name
on my underwear!"

Yu Ming: "......"

Er Lei spent the past two days and asked for someone to look
at the photos.... But while he was searching, a lot of people said
it was difficult to understand. Later, a professor who studied
ancient literature took a look and felt they look like numerology
symbols, but he was unsure. It seems that there is a set of laws
of that class of its own, which cannot be guessed for a moment.

"I think you can look for yourself or someone in his circle."

The suggestion of the professor is already very obvious, that

is, Er Lei has to find a fortune teller......
Although Er Lei is not superstitious, he is not a pure
materialism person.... Some things he still retains his
attitude.... For example, those Hàn Dōng's tricks, and the bursts
of material from time to time, are indeed unpredictable. So after
thinking about it, Er Lei decided to give it a try.

After a few days of inquiries, Er Lei got X coordinate No. XX

North Third Ring Road, there is a fortune teller, his reputation
is still good. Taking into account that the blind man can't see
anything, Er Lei finds a new copy of the same writing in braille.

Because he didn't want to let Wang Zhong Ding know about

this little escapade... Er Lei made an excuse to take a day off and
took a taxi to go there.

"Where are you going?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng said: "There is a burial ground not far from this

Yu Ming tremulously, " will be twelve o'clock."

"Then we have to seize the time and try to get there before

Yu Ming: "......."

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming sat

smoking in the middle of the two graves. When the wind swept,
Yu Ming could not help but shiver.

"Are you afraid?" asked Hàn Dōng.

Yu Ming felt it but not so strong. "Okay, it's not terrible."

Hearing this, Hàn Dōng shouted a loud voice. "That's a copy of

the tombstone."

Yu Ming's heart froze.

Hàn Dōng said "You don't need to copy inscriptions. Just copy
your name. I will copy from the east to the west. You rush west
to the east. We will meet in the middle. You have to stay here
for a short time."

Yu Ming swallowed his mouth. "Are you sure?"

Without saying anything, Hàn Dōng threw away the cigarette

butt and went straight to the east.

When the two people were together, they did not feel
anything. When Yu Ming is alone facing the grave, the sense of
fear was truly extended from the bottom of his heart.

"Zhang Hua, Liu Yunzheng, Ma Zhimin, Zhang Yourong..." Yu

Ming's hands are getting more and more sloppy and the pace of
movement is getting faster and faster.

Finally at the middle, Yu Ming glanced at the gravestone and

muttered, "Han ... Hàn ... Hàn Dōng?"

Yu Ming felt an instant excitement, reflexively shooting the

flashlight toward the deceased person.

Hàn Dōng's grinning smile appeared in Yu Ming's vision.

Yu Ming threw a handle at the time and panicked and

shouted: "Hàn Dōng? Hàn Dōng? Are you still..."

Only two ravens cawed in response to his question.

Yu Ming ran without a shadow, Hàn Dōng was from behind a

cypress tree not far away, tearing off his own photos and yelled,
“Is it easy for Lao Tzu to find a duplicate name? I wouldn't
believe with this shot you will survive. !”

Then he went to the dead and bowed three times: "He was
offensive to you and you to have a shadow without your

The next day, the same shot, director Lu was excited on the
"Okay, okay, it's great, it's this feeling..."

"Hey!" They have successfully completed the work.

Director Lu and Yu Ming talked in a tone again immediately.

“I'll say that. I've shot so many large films. I can't even cope
with such a small scene on this one”

Hàn Dōng was surprised, large? Who took the big movie?
Looking back at Yu Ming: "You shot a large film?"

Yu Ming didn't say anything and walked.

"Oh, what are you not saying?" Hàn Dōng put his hand on Yu
Ming's shoulder.

What we saw Yu Ming slamming a kick to the front of Hàn

Dōng's forehead and ran away.
1].....So the whole cemetery thing was to make Yu Ming find
his fear..... Hàn Dōng you're a special case.....

2]......if you find a paragraph you don't understand....please

know that I also didn't understand I'm just as confused
as you.....where my Chinese people at....if you see a confusing
paragraph ...comment the correct translation and I will punch it
Chapter 88 There is a Result.
Hàn Dōng remembered this and thought he never seemed to
search for Yu Ming's information.

He searched for Li Shang on the Internet, searched for Zhang

Xing Hu, even searched for himself, and did not search for Yu
Ming. Probably think that Yu Ming cannot have any show
visibility, even if the search also found nothing.

As a result, when he really tried to search, the overwhelming

information made him completely blind.

The three large investment heroes who have invested millions

of dollars have only received two major productions in the past
year. Even if he wasn't the protagonist, the top star give him a
supporting role, simply do not be too overbearing! At the
beginning, these movies were not well-regarded because of their
reputation, and Hàn Dōng didn't show interest. Some even had
a glimpse of the protagonist.

Hàn Dōng always thought he wasn't old and always thought

that someone was behind him.
He also worried about Yu Ming from day to night. He was
afraid that the crew would think that Yu Ming was a normal
worker because of Hàn relationship with the crew. He thought
that for a long time.

Hàn Dōng suddenly had a feeling that he didn't know Taishan.

He rushed to Yu Ming's room and sneaked out the smelly

socks that had been thrown into people's pots.

Yu Ming happened to see it and asked: "What's wrong?"

"Oh, yesterday I accidentally dropped the socks."

Yu Ming's indifferent expression, "Will you go back with it? I

will help you to wash it. You will stay in the province all day
and night, making the dormitory smell bad."

"You mustn't make it sound impossible." Hàn Dōng hurriedly

waved. "I'll wash it now, wash it right away, and I won't be
shouting again!" Han Dong rushed into the bathroom.
Yu Ming slapped his back, what did he do?

Later, Hàn Dōng further searched Yu Ming's information and

found that Yu Ming had been a hot topic in the gossip section
three years earlier. Since his debut, the discussion on
"background person" has never been interrupted. The netizens
are divided in their opinions, and there are endless news
rumors. There are entertainment bosses, real estate developers,
and even the richest women in Asia.

Either way, he was eventually overturned.

However, it seems that the wealthy insider who is behind You

Ming can't be disclosed.

The background history that led to Yu Ming's fall is still a


Seeing this, Hàn Dōng suddenly had a supreme sense of

superiority. This feeling of superiority was stronger than
signing with Wang Zhong Ding. Because his signing to Wang
Zhong Ding group cannot show up everywhere, this is different,
he can register a trumpet to post, then hit a line of words: your
pervert's big god lived next to me!

Hàn Dōng then fantasized that netizens flocked and countless

hungry eyes stared at this grand occasion.

Please tell us who the great rich man behind Yu Ming is.

Where is he coming from?

How much is the net worth to throw a few dollars only for the
people laugh?


As a result, Hàn Dōng came to discover that he didn't know


Although Yu Ming had received the help of noble person early

in the career, but who exactly was this noble man, Hàn Dōng
certainly couldn't see it. However, he refrain from directly
asking and he feared to annoy Yu Ming because he knew Yu
Ming's temper too much. If Yu Ming wouldn't want to say this
matter, he wouldn't mention a word even if he was threatened
to be killed.

But don't ask Hàn Dōng to not be itch again!

Thus, Hàn Dōng played the role of a big detective.

No one else is the same as Yu Ming. As long as there is a

chance, he will slap on the sidelines. As long as there is a little
movement, he will sneak at the door to peek. Obviously he lived
next door. He chose to communicate improperly. He had to hide
in the bed and watch people gossip, and he could live

After seeing the news again, Hàn Dōng finally couldn't resist
loneliness, and he pretended to open a tentative chat.

"Ming Er, are you sleep?"

Yu Ming replied lazily: "No, what's wrong?"

"Why didn't you sleep? its so late"

"I can't sleep."

Han quickly asked: "What do you want?" Is it your big rich


After a long time, Yu Ming returned with a faint tone: "Aren't

you particularly good at the eavesdropping? You can hear what
my heart wants within ten meters? Why do you still ask me?"

Hàn Dōng: "....."

These two days and Er Lei always handed the newspapers

with the wrong photos to Wang Zhong Ding, and each time they
put Li Shang's page on the top, it seems that he was hinting at
"What happened to you?" Wang Zhong Ding was surprised. "Is
there any problem?"

Er Lei said: "Their entertainment section has been headlined

by Li Shang for three consecutive periods."

"Is this not a good thing?"

Er Lei wanted to say nothing and said nothing.

Wang Zhong Ding once again said, “I understand what you

mean. Didn't you just want to say that Li Shang secretly engaged
in tricks? He is also an artist of our company. His interests are
also directly linked to the company. So no matter what method
he uses, for me as a boss this is understandable."

"I didn't want you to criticize Li Shang. I think you should

think about Hàn Dōng's ideological work." Er Lei finally put out
the words in his heart.

"Doing ideological work for Hàn Dōng?" Wang Zhong Ding is


Er Lei said: "Yeah, it was his photo that had been stolen, but
the newspaper didn't give any explanation about him. Instead,
it was Li Shang's headline on the first page. How will he
inevitably be reconciled with him using his image to pump his
own fame?"

Wang Zhong Ding had thought of this issue but he was

puzzled. "Why do you speak for Hàn Dōng?"

"The amount ... It may have been due to contact with him
more recently."

"When did you contact?"

Er Lei hesitated to say: “He's been looking at me several times,

saying that he was mentally unbalanced and the likes, but he
dared not to venture to bother you. After all, you work is so
busy that he didn't want to give you a mind block...”
Hàn Dōng is so sensible?

However, Wang Zhong Ding never had doubts about Er Lei, so

he could only grow a breath when he heard this.

"You call him to me."

On the way, Hàn Dōng discovered that Er Lei's attitude

toward him seemed to be softer than before. In his opinion, Er
Lei has always been like a mirror of Wang Zhong Ding, and
always reflects Wang Zhong Ding's attitude. If Er Lei makes a
slight change to him, it will prove that his "natural appearance"
has had some success.

"What? Why is your attitude so good today?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Er Lei smiled for the first time. “Wang always said that I'm too
cold towards you. In fact, I'm like that to everyone else. I don't
know why Wang always mentions you. I think... In fact, Wang
always cares about you. He's just not talking about it."
At the time, Hàn Dōng's crease had already floated on the
eyebrows, but he still had a guilty look. “Don't say anything
else. Don't say that, Wang always treats everyone the same, and
treats everyone equally. Hahahahaha... ”

Compared to the past, when Hàn Dōng re-entered Wang

Zhong Ding's office, he had completely changed his attitude.
The legs were not overturned, the head was not shaking, the
pace was steady, the expression was serious, and the door was
greeted first.

"Wang, are you looking for me?"

For someone who is not accustomed to Hàn Dōng's change......

Wang Zhong Ding always feel that Hàn is weird.

"About the newspaper's mistaken photo, I wanted to talk to


As soon as he talks about this matter, Hàn Dōng's forehead

heads up 45° to see the sky, resists the flow of tears, and then
pushes Wang Zhong Ding out of a grim smile.
"I'm fine, actually." Hàn Dōng voice trembled slightly.

Wang Zhong Ding had a great deal of uncomfortable eyes on

Hàn Dōng. "Do you really think so?"

Hàn Dōng suddenly looked down at the floor, inhaled and

inhaled, and when he looked up, he was already a classic
ridicule of the dramas when the idol heroine was wronged and
didn't want to put the male in a dilemma.
“Of course, why would I lie to you? ”

"That's good," Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng's smirking smile was taken back. I acted that and
you didn't see through it?... Wang didn't see it. He hasn't seen it
so clearly yet.

"Go to your own business." Wang Zhong Ding said back.

Hàn Dōng's erroneous expression at this time was more pity

than all the other expressions.
After leaving the house, Er Lei pointed to Hàn Dōng's forehead
and his face looked like iron and steel.

"You shouldn't be turn around! Wang always does that one!!!

You should just say it straight!!! Tell him want you want!!"

Hàn Dōng's expression was even more wrong. "I'm not in a

hurry. What are you anxious for?"

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly made a sound in the inside. "Er

Lei, you come in."

Er Lei hurried back in.

"Yes, I just forgot to ask you, did the photo's thing pan out?"

Er Lei was feigning ignorance, "Photos... photos?"

"Those two pieces full of symbols, I asked to look for people

who can decipher it..... Is there a result?"

Er Lei nodded.

"There is a result."
Chapter 89 I accepted My Life.
"What's the result?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Er Lei took a deep breath and said: "You two are a pair."

Wang Zhong Ding's expression at that time was like someone

hearing someone say that he was actually good.

"One pair? What pair?"

Er Lei has already felt the dangerous atmosphere in the room

and is still struggling to calm himself down.

"You and Hàn Dōng are destined to be a matched pair."

Wang Zhong Ding spent a long time to ask: "Who said this to
you ?"
“The metaphysician .” Er Lei looked a little underestimated.
“He has a lot of research on people's facial structure. He said
that people's looks are not always irregular. Two people with
intersections will also have connections appear in their
faces.There is a certain connection, so he accurately measured
and concluded that Hàn Dōng is your ... Perfect Couple."

Wang Zhong Ding was really furious. "What Fortune teller?

You tell me his name!"

Er Lei was silent.

"You just say fortune telling! What metaphysics does have to

do with me? I asked you to check the photos to understand the
mindset of Hàn Dōng from the symbol, not to make you
examine the relationship between us!"

Er Lei whispered: "Isn't this Hàn Dōng's mentality?"

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly paused. He took the two photos

and looked at them. What did he mean?
It seems that Hàn Dōng hung his own black-and-white photos,
and deliberately provoked himself to be angry at him again and
again, and then somehow said that he liked him... All doubts
were solved at this moment.

"What do you mean to say is that Hàn Dōng saw this since the
beginning?" Wang Zhong Ding asked Er Lei.

Er Lei nodded. "It should be why.....He is convinced of this."

Wang Zhong Ding has a thoughtful expression.

Er Lei quickly took the opportunity to wash Hàn Dōng at the

side. "There is a reason why he just do things that makes you
hate him ."

"He was already annoying! How can he use it? Even if he does
like me, I can't even look at him that way!" Wang Zhong Ding
doesn't know where he's sulking.

Er Lei did not know what to say.

Wang Zhong Ding eased his emotions, and he ordered Er Lei:
"Let's try to save Hàn Dōng's thoughts and in addition to his
beliefs for the gods and ghosts I don't care, but this matter we
cannot let him believe it!"

After Er Lei went out he called Hàn Dōng.

"Wang now knows that you and him are matched up. How do
you deal with it's on you!"


Zhang Xing Hu's TV series held a broadcast conference and

Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming went to the scene to help him.

Hàn Dōng's arrival is what Zhang Xing Hu expected, but Yu

Ming's arrival made Zhang Xing Hu very surprised. If you don't
say that you are a big player, you would say that the attributes
of Yu Ming's are as those of dead house it's not easy to get him to
go out.
"We have prepared for you a 'two-person turn'. How can't he
come?" Hàn Dōng quipped.

Zhang Xing Hu was even more surprised. "You're going to

perform on stage?"

"Why can't I perform on stage?" Yu Ming's tone was light.

“No, no, I'm flattered by it.” Zhang Xing Hu smiled at Yu

Ming. He turned and punched Hàn Dōng's chest. “It's no
wonder you're dressed so handsome. You wanted to steal the

"Of course, how is that the first work getting him from the
dormitory? It must be enough for the atmosphere! Rest assured,
your buddy will definitely give you a hard time!"

Just as they were chatting, there was someone who yelled in

the doorway: “Just received a notification, today Wang will
come here.”
Hearing this, the entire dressing room was boiling. This kind
of boiling did not stem from the company's emphasis on this TV
series but from Wang Zhong Ding coming to the set.

It is no exaggeration to say that all the women began to update

their makeup after the voice had just fallen.

Hàn Dōng also started stealing people's sights. At the moment,

he saw people's make-up flurry and began to sniff: what make
up is useful for? To make up for that man, what about him
coming? You haven't seen the world one by one...

Then he patted Zhang Xing Hu's shoulder again and said, "I'm
going to the locker room to change clothes and you two talk
first." Then he rushed into the locker room hurriedly.

Zhang Xing Hu wondered, "Didn't he dress handsome


Yu Ming returned with a special eye.

Hàn Dōng went to the locker room and what said he wasn't
wrong, but instead of being handsome, he went in the opposite

He took off his good clothes and put on a work uniform. The
overalls were worn by others ..... The stains and sweat were still
on them.

Then he moved to the background to the lobby and arranged

the venue with the staff.

Hàn Dōng lifted one leg of the table and Wang Zhong Ding, Er
Lei and two people arrived.

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly said: "I remember that the male
lead on the TV series was Hàn Dōngs friend, right?"

"Yes, yes, Hàn Dōng also came here today." Er Lei reminded.

Wang Zhong Ding grunted. "Here's a good thing. He can't do

anything wrong."
Er Lei suddenly nodded at the southeast corner and said
excitedly: " Wang look at Hàn."

Wang Zhong Ding looked in the direction of Er Lei's

guidelines. Hàn Dōng was working over there. Contrary to the
high-profile styling of Wang Zhong Ding's imagination, Hàn
Dōng wore a rather simple dress. He did not care about the dust
on the shelf, he helped carry things, the entire clothing he wore
has been wet.

"It looks like he has been busy for a long time." Er Lei

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face. "You find for him a place
to rest."

Er Lei repeated Wang Zhong Ding's words in the back.

Hàn Dōng exaggeratedly gasped a few words. "Now we are

short of manpower. I will wait to rest then"
After saying, the man with a loud voice pointing to the
lantern next to him said, “Can you go a little quicker? How long
have you bern for these few bulbs? Go and come down here, I'm
not used to you. You're accustomed to this kind of person who
are lazy!"

Without a moment, he pointed to the floor again and said,

"You're too sloppy, right? There's a dandruff 0.7mm in diameter
from 2.4cm beside your feet. You don't see anything. What do
you eat!"

The little girl who turned to see the brother holding the mic
couldn't stand it again. "Are you serious? What's this place? Is it
a joke to you?"

Later, a handyman could not bear to ask the man next to him.
"Who is that boy?"

"Who knows? Ah....That goddamn thing unwilling to quit still

in progress, just blindly disturbs and looks for trouble when it
doesn't exist that moron speaking manages to make people work
for an entire life ."

The conference officially began.

The chief creative personnel came on stage for introduction,

followed by a media interview, and then interactive
communication. There were crew members who broke the
news, guest fans gave gifts, and various small programs took
turns. The atmosphere was rising.

Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming performed what they co-wrote

together for a while. Hàn Dōng played the flute and Yu Ming

Rather than being prepared in advance, they thought it would

be better to improvise on the spot. Because Hàn Dōng and Yu
Ming haven't practised, the rhythm of music keeps changing.
Fortunately, Yu Ming's dance skills are good, almost any music
he can handle it. Later, Hàn Dōng suddenly blew a birthday
song. Yu Ming didn't dance this time. He only claps on the stage.

There was a smirk from below, but with the launch of the
birthday tune the atmosphere of the entire venue became very

Today is the birthday of Zhang Xing Hu. Zhang Xing Hu

himself has forgotten and almost cries when he sees the cake.

Wang Zhong Ding was also indifferent to the audience. "When

Hàn Dōng is not playing tricks... he looked very pleasing to the

Er Lei reconciled: "Yes, enthusiastic, and respectful, he doesn't

look heartless, He remembers his birthday."

Wang Zhong Ding now remembered the comb and realized

why Hàn Dōng sent him a daytime reply and regretted it so
many times. Actually... subconciously Han still wanted to send
it to him?

“When is his birthday?” Wang Zhong Ding asked casually.

Er Lei said: "His birthday was edited because his second uncle
gave him to a second family when he was born. Later he
changed the accounts of several relatives and he actually forgot
when his birthday was."

Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng on the stage again and
said nothing.

The end of the show's performance time, the rest is the

interaction of the actors and the audience.

Hàn Dōng cut a piece of cake and brought it in front of Wang

Zhong Ding with a smile.

"Eat it."

Wang Zhong Ding took a fork to eat.

"Oh, I said, even if you do not say thank you, at least you can
smile at me" Hàn Dōng said dissatisfied.
Wang Zhong Ding glanced at him. "Why should I smile at

"If it was passed by someone else, you would have smiled!"

Wang Zhong Ding snorted, "Since you understand me in your

heart, why do you want me to do this?"

Hàn Dōng grinned and said nothing.

However, Er Lei was rather happy because Wang Zhong Ding

didn"t like to eat cake and he didn't even ate a few mouthfuls on
his birthdays.

Hàn Dōng made Er Lei staggered aside, and he sat around

Wang Ding. After staring at him for a while, his eyes were dyed
with a touch of evil.

His voice was open: "Oh, I heard what Er Lei said ?"
"What happened?" Wang Zhong Ding doubted.

Hàn Dōng smiled. "On the matter of marriage match!"

Hearing this, Wang Zhong Ding's face was immediately pulled


"How can you think of this matter? Is there something

seriously wrong in your head?"

Hàn Dōng scraped himself into Wang Zhong Ding's ear and
made an unquestionable tone. "I won't lie to you, we are really a

Wang Zhong Ding simply wanted to smear his cake in Hàn

Dōng's face and hide his cheeky skin.

"I tell you believe it or not I will tear your mouth if you
continue speaking?"
As a result, Hàn Dōng was even more annoyed than Wang
Zhong Ding. "I really don't talk nonsense, and after all, we are a
matched pair."

Wang Zhong Ding has lived so much and has seen everything
before, but he has never seen such thing.

Hàn Dōng was still not afraid of twisting Wang Zhong Ding
stomach, and whispered, “I've accepted my life, and you have to
recognize it.”

Wang Zhong Ding ran out of patient and suddenly throw the
cake. Hàn Dōng hurriedly pulled his face back. That face just
then “blocked” Wang Zhong Ding's deafening voice, and he was
very understanding.

Wang Zhong Ding's face was green then.

Hàn Dōng also had an unreasonable posture and pointed to

the cream on his face. "Wang Zhong Ding, how can this be
explained? I think you want to smack me and only put our faces
together. As a result, you can't... You have to give me an

Wang Zhong Ding stared at him. "You just wanted me to

touch your face?"

Hàn Dōng heart was screaming and it said: It's a trick! There
was a scorpion's throat on his face. "How to speak? It's not

One of Wang Zhong Ding's hands clasped the back of Hàn

Dōng's head, and the other hand stretched towards the cream
on his face.

It was late when Hàn Dōng meant something bad. The dirtied
cheeky finally made the vise paired. It was called an ecstasy and
a new hatred was reported.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ... ah ya yeah ... ... you do not wipe ... ... ah
ah ah ah ah ah ... ... I can do it myself ... ... ..."

Going back at night, Yu Ming saw Hàn Dōng sitting on the

couch holding a small mirror. He happily followed his
asymmetrical face, and the narcissism on him was hopeless.

"I told you that he was interested in me. Whoever you liked
you would love to pinch someone's face."

Yu Ming yelled, "why is it so swollen?"

Hàn Dōng looked down on the mirror and looked annoyed.

"How could you be so incompetent? This is a question of hand
strength, not a question of attitude. OK?, and my skin is very
delicate. Not to mention pinching it. Just pat it and it will be

As soon as the voice just fell, Yu Ming came over and gave Hàn
cheek a handful of pinch.

Don't say it' was swollen, it didn't even blush.

"Is it swelling?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng: "......"
Chapter 90 Stealing a Kiss.
The next day, the TV drama conference was on the
entertainment headlines. It's not that Zhong Ding Company
uses its relationship, nor is it because the promotion of the press
conference is very large. It is only because of Yu Ming's dance.

Yu Ming himself is a topical figure. His very moves has

received the attention of the media. In addition, he has always
been low-key and rarely appears anywhere, so the sudden public
appearance naturally attracted the media coverage.

Feng Jun sighed with a smile and said: "Yu Ming really did not
go low, he saved us a lot of publicity fees"

Wang Zhong Ding didn"t show any joy, but rather some

In the afternoon, the news of Yu Ming's press conference was

lost to the layout and replaced with other headlines.

A series of promotion reports on the TV drama launching

conference are also the topic of the chief creative personnel
talking about the TV series. Any information concerning the Yu
Ming name has disappeared.


In the evening, when Wang Zhong Ding returned home, the

child was already asleep. He took a shower and went to a look at
the child's room. As a result, the little guy woke up again. He
held out a small arm around Wang Zhong Ding's neck.

"I have dreamed," said Xixi.

Wang Zhong Ding sat on the bed holding Xixi, and asked:
"What dream?"

"The man who I dreamed is the one father had been looking

Wang Zhong Ding stared at him with interest. "What person?"

"Uncle long-legged."

Wang Zhong Ding had talked with Xixi early on that he

wanted to find such a actor with these features... He didn't
expect the child to remember it. Moreover, Xixi fully inherited
Wang Ding's digital obsession talents, and he didn't take this
data back down.

"He fits perfectly." Xixi said seriously.

Wang Zhong Ding just joked: "Do you still remember what he
looks like?"

Xixi thought carefully and said, "I only remember that he

combed his hair in a small pigtail like a rabbit's tail."

Hearing the child saying this, Wang Zhong Ding's nerves


"What were you dreaming about?"

Xixi said in one hundred and tens: "I dreamed that I was
feverish again. He pressed a hand on my head and I didn't feel ill
for a while."

Wang Zhong Ding went to the other room and looked for the

"Did you take Xixi out at any point in this time?"

The nanny shook her head: "I was afraid he would have had a
fever again and dare not to let him out."

"What kind of person did you allow to enter home?"

"No, all who come here were screened by you in advance."

Wang Zhong Ding still was not resting assured, so he went to

the surveillance video inside the villa and found a few days
while Xixi was having a fever in the room. Dragging little by
little, Wang finally saw a figure that was grooming and
slammed his hand to the side of the mouse.
Hàn Dōng entered Xi room with his eyes closed, and the action
was sneaky. Wang Zhong Ding's heart immediately raised his
mind. Then he saw that Hàn Dōng came Xixi bedroom...and his
hand twitched several times in his clothes. Finally, after a short
delay, suddenly he brought the child's body over.

Later on, those actions that were described by Xixi to Zhong

Ding took place.

The camera will not lie, Wang Zhong Ding saw the process of
the massage that Hàn Dōng did for Xi and Xixi face getting
better and better, he was then divergence from discomfort and
his face was getting lighter and lighter. In just a few minutes,
the child's condition quickly improved.

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly found that a certain kind of belief

that he had held for many years was kind of shaken.

Then he saw Hàn Dōng hovering a look with Xixi small

hand.... but he didn't know what to think...

Suddenly, Hàn Dōng's eyes opened.

Wang Zhong Ding has a tight heart.

Hàn Dōng looked around and turned his face to the screen
then he burst into tears...

What happened afterwards, Wang Zhong Ding couldn't

remember, and in his mind only the picture of Hàn Dōng crying
and sitting near the door of the child's room was repeting.

In the middle of the night, the guard at the gate watched

Wang Zhong Ding's car enter the villa area and drove out of the
villa area in the same night.

Hàn Dōng was already sleeping like a dead pig and Wang
Zhong Ding looked on his face. The left and right sides were still
asymmetrical, with red finger marks on the swollen side.

Wang Zhong Ding looked at the upper body, and two arms
were on both sides of Hàn Dōng's head. He was determined to
watch him for a while, and suddenly he went to his swollen
cheek and kissed it. That place happened to be the place he had
smeared cake cream yesterday.
[SALEM]: aaaawwww.... i can't! It's too beautiful!

Sure enough, Hàn Dōng was showing a happy smile on his


Wang Zhong Ding froze for a moment and soon calmed down

Hàn Dōng didn't wake up. The smile on his face was just a
conditional reflex.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding's head went low again. Hàn

Dōng quickly caught his face and looked at him like an enemy.
Hàn Dōng was afraid that Wang Zhong Ding would screwed his
face again.

"Fool ......" Wang Zhong Ding laughed.

1]......Lemme clarify something the word used for that

'Fool' Er Huo....which is a slang meaning fool....or a foolish
cute what Wang means is that Hàn is a foolish cute
person.....oooh taay leew

Just when he left from Hàn Dōng's bed, Wang Zhong Ding
saw Yu Ming standing at the door and he looked at him with a
wrong expression.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't explain anything. He walked

impassively around Yu Ming and left the door.

The next morning, Hàn Dōng woke up and he was happy.

“Last night, I dreamed that Wang Zhong Ding was running to
kiss me. Your uncle's happy!, it felt so real!, ha ha ha...”

.......He did not hear a response, so Hàn Dōng looked next

door and found that Yu Ming was not in the room.

"Where is he?"

In the hotel's presidential suite, Yu Ming was not allowed to
move in the corner.

"I don't contact you. You didn't contact me, right?"

Yu Ming voice was faint, "Xià Hòng Wēi, you let me go."

Xià Hòng Wēi used him palm to slam that place between Yu
Ming's legs. The tone was overbearing and arrogant. There was
no compliance. "How many times have you said this? Can you
change it to something fresh?"

Yu Ming cold eyes turned to him, "How many times did you
use this trick? Can you change to something new?"

The air pressure in the room dropped instantly.

Xià Hòng Wēi threw Yu Ming into the bed.

Then he stood on the bed and unbuttoned the shirt one by one
in front of Yu Ming's face. Strong chest, sexy muscles,
impeccable beauty, simply too handsome to restrain a blood-
shot face.

Everyone who sees such a man in front of his own

eyes....undressed, the result is that they will have a feeling of no
regrets for the rest of their life. However, Yu Ming couldn't buy
his account, but he didn't even bother to look at him.

Xià Hòng Wēi pressed Yu Ming's body and kissed him on his

Yu Ming subconsciously dodged.

Xià Hòng Wēi chased him overbearingly.

Yu Ming couldn't stand it any more. "If you want to do

something, you be quick."

Xià Hòng Wēi decided to look at him for a moment. Suddenly

he was swift and fierce. The big hand grabbed Yu Ming's hair
and forced him to look directly at him.

"Who told you to dance at the conference?" Xià Hòng Wēi


Yu Ming doesn't speak and puts a cold face.

Xià Hòng Wēi angered and shouted, "I ask you, who is the
Motherfucker who allows you to dance in front of so many

"What's wrong with that? Isn't it because I have learn to dance

in order to make myself jump in the house?"

Xià Hòng Wēi bit Yu Ming's cheek, neck, and ear lobe, gasping
for breath and says: "You're just jumping for one person."

Yu Ming endured the pain without making a word.

Xià Hòng Wēi tore his clothes and was rubbing the two
nipples on the chest, seeing no reaction, then he was biting with
his teeth. Underneath the hard object hid by a pair of pants, his
movements were rough and rude.

Yu Ming's lips were tightly closed from beginning to end, and

occasionally it would reveal the sound of the world, but he was
by no means comfortable, but rather depressed and painful.

"What equipment do you carry to me?" Xià Hòng Wēi

suddenly suddenly stiffened, muzzle and movement consistent,
"Where do you have a good stuff in your circle? If you really
don't want anything to do with me.... why do you want to
follow me? Is it for a superior hand above?"


Until the afternoon, Yu Ming came back.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly followed up and asked, "Where did you

go? Coming back now."
Yu Ming's expression seemed to return to Hàn Dōng's
indifference at the time when he first saw him.

"No, went out to meet with friends."

Hàn Dōng asked inquiries curiously. “Do you still have

friends? Men or women? Which people? What do they do?
What are they looking for ?...”

Yu Ming didn't return any words. He directly pushed Hàn

Dōng away, walked straight into his room and lazily slept on the

Yu Ming's "squeak," Hàn Dōng immediately became a thief.

He didn't directly ask, but he used his own little book to

explore the situation.

"I'm going to rewrite a song. Now that the lyrics have been
written in half, I'll read it to you..."
Yu Ming directly said, "Don't bother me."

Hàn Dōng doesn't favor the partial preference for Yu Ming.

Yu Ming couldn't stand it. "You haven't finished yet? I can't

figure it out anymore. How can you change this person?"

"What does it mean to change? What do you mean?" Hàn

Dōng didn't understand.

Yu Ming hesitated for a moment, then he asked the question

that had always been in the bottom of his heart: "How can you
make Wang Zhong Ding's attitude change? How did you do it?"

Can you teach me? I haven't fallen in love with someone for
three years.

Hàn Dōng said: “Is it very difficult? He is the one I spend the
most time falling in love with, I have a first lover now but spent
a few dozens before.”
Few dozens people... Yu Ming really asked the wrong person.
Chapter 91 Sudden Change.
Hàn Dōng took a bad smack on Yu Ming's ass. "Why ask me

Yu Ming heart groaned, I.... f*ck your ancestors!

His head was swollen, the neck was sweating, and his face
froze in the bed sheet for a while before he said, "I just

Hàn Dōng stared at him with a staring gaze, clearly revealing

what he meant.

"My attitude has changed so long. How do you ask now?"

Yu Ming spoke with an icy tone: "At first I thought you were a
joke. Now I have discovered that you are a real player."

"Then why did you discover it now? How didn't you realize
this before?"
"Are you finished?" Yu Ming tired.

Hàn Dōng is no longer true but has changed the way he tries
to probe.

"Today I listened to Director Lu and he asked if there are new

investors for this movie. Did you know this?"

Yu Ming returned from a yawn and quickly replied, "I don't


"He said that the domestic horror film industry is so sluggish

and it has taken a loss. Why does someone still want to pay for
it? What's more, we have reached the end of the filming period
and we have a shortage of funds. Why does the cost increase
without any reason?"

"Why did you ask me how would I know?" Yu Ming was a bit

Hàn Dōng smiled indifferently and finally got up and said,

"Have a good rest, I won't bother you. There is a shooting task

Yu Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

After Hàn Dōng returned to the room, he continued to listen

to the motion of the next room.

Finally, Yu Ming's voice came out of the room and it looked

like he was talking on the phone.

"Can you fund my current movie too?"

"Fund it? You took the film role without my consent, and you
also took such a low role. You're lucky I didn't let the filmmaker
break up your crew. That's a good thing!"

Yu Ming hanged up the phone in a flash and throws the phone

away with a dark face.
I hate him....... Why should I listen to this asshole?

Taking advantage of Yu Ming's time to get out of the house to

take delivery, Hàn Dōng sneaked into his room, picked up the
phone and found the call record, and quickly wrote down the
number Yu Ming had just call...

Hey rich man, you just wait for me!

The results when Hàn Dōng came to the crew at night he

found out that the increased investment costs are not false, but
with the change in the proportion of funds, the new investor
has given large stocks, he asked the entire inauguration team to
take a big shakeup.

That is, from the director to the actor and then to the staff, all
were removed, all the scenes taken before were set aside!

When they heard this, all the people involved in the shooting
were shocked. Because from the beginning of the shooting to
the present, in addition to the two scripts, the shooting progress
has been very smooth. Generally speaking, if there is no fierce
conflict between the investor and the film crew, it is impossible
to replace the entire original team halfway. Not only it's going
to waste money, but it will also hurt many people.

As a result, the problem lies in modifying the script.

The deputy director said dignifiedly: "The investor's response

to the script has changed too much and the script has lost the
story's original brilliance. The writers' opinions are also very
large and the writer believes that the crew didn't respect his
labor achievements."

"The f*ck!" Director Lu was very emotional. I was talking to

him before he changed the script. He said it was good at the
time. How would he say that he would turn his face? It's
obviously an investor's speech!"

Hàn Dōng heard this speech and asked, "Can't we just

continue to shoot on our own?"

"The new film crews have already been set up. We are to be
directly replaced. How can we shoot down?"
Producer looked sideways bitterly with his feets full of
cigarette butts. "Liang Jing is not a small thing! The last time he
was secretly engaged in ghosts filmmaking, a good project then
becomes obsolete."

"Liang Jing?" Hàn Dōng frowned slightly.

The supervisor said: "Yeah, that is, Liang Jing. Once the
investor comes in, he immediately became the supervisor and
director of the film. The new shooting team is formed by him!"

Hàn Dōng understood this immediately.

"You can't swallow this breath," said the producer.

The deputy director also said: "The old crew was busy for
more than two months. The new crew came in and the whole
black and white were upside down, and it was going to kill the
eye. Who could swallow this?"

Lu directed the table and said impetuously: "I can't make a big
deal if I don't want to fight with them"

The supervisor also thinks so, but the question is where does
the money come from? In the first half of the year, the Zhong
Ding company's schedule for the film has been filled. Almost
every producer's studio has its own project in operation and
cannot be said to vote out for another project.

Just as the director was frowning, a cold, faint sound

suddenly rang.

"Maybe I can try ."

Everyone turned their eyes to Yu Ming, with a strange look in

his eyes, right! How can you forget that there is such a godly
existence in the crew?

But Hàn Dōng was worried. "Do you have a way? If you have
difficulties, don't force yourself."

"I will try my best." Yu Ming said.

Although the funds have become more visible, the bigger
problem has not yet been solved. Where does the script come
from? You can raise money and say shoot it? At least you should
have a ready-made play?

This year's good script is already scarce, especially in the

subject of the horror genre. How easy is it to find a favorite
script? If you ask people to write now, let's not say about
quality, it's not going to be easy to produce finished products in
a short time.

The director's eyebrows are covered with a deep sense of


Nobody knows how long, another sound up.

"Maybe I can try ."

Everyone is looking for the source of the sound. When the

person who spoke is Hàn Dōng, the burning flame of hope
instantly extinguishes... You? you didn't even graduate from
junior high school and you will write a script?
"I can provide ideas for others to polish."

Hearing this, Director Lu and his deputy director exchanged a

wink. Hàn Dōng's writing skills are not well, but his sensibility
was high, and maybe he could try it.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Director Lu asked.

In fact, Hàn Dōng actually wanted to say that your(The

Director) script has long been out of sight. However, in order to
respect him, he still said discretly: "I will be doing my best. You
best prepared."

In this way, the crew was temporarily disbanded and several

of the creative staff took separate actions. Everyone was busy.


Wang Zhong Ding is also having a bad day for this matter.
The film is a joint production. In addition to Zhong Ding Film
and Television, there are three media groups involved in the
investment. Originally, Zhong Ding was a big shareholder. The
entire production process was also controlled by his company.
However, now that new investors have joined, Zhong Ding
Group has relatively lost its main right to speak and it is
imperative that he had to increase investment in order to win
his company back.

"I don't think this is necessary. This is the maximum amount

of investment we can make after risk assessment. The
possibility of losing more money than this number is very high."
Feng Jun said bluntly.

Wang Zhong Ding dealt with numbers all day, and his account
was naturally better than Feng Jun.

"I just hope that Hàn Dōng has his beginning and end,
although I just put him there to exercise, the mixup of such
things in the middle will still dampen the enthusiasm of any

Feng Jun is also having a look of hardship. "It is not

impossible for Hàn Dōng to retain his role, but since the
producer and director have been replaced by Liang Jing, the
main actor is definitely going to be Li without a doubt. Instead
of letting Hàn Dōng give Li Shang a supporting role, It's better
to give him another likable role, so he's more balanced."

Wang Zhong Ding breathed a sigh of relief. "Let's talk about it

later. Did Director Lu contact you?"


"How is it? Is he okay?"

Feng Jun smiled helplessly. "Will you be if you were him?

Now that the entire crew is very emotional, I guess it will take a
long time to ease their worries"

Zhong Ding nodded. "Well, you go do your own thing."

After Feng Jun left, Wang Zhong Ding smoked cigarettes in

his office. Er Lei stood close to his lips and looked dignified.
"If you were to swap places with Hàn Dōng, what would you
be feeling now?" Wang Zhong Ding asked tentatively for Er Lei.

Er Lei said seriously: "I would want to die."

Wang Zhong Ding caught a cigarette with his fingers, and his
doubting eyes cast his eyes on Er Lei. He was also from soldier's
origins. When the firecrackers and gunfire came over, he
wanted to die in such a small matter.

"I just understand Hàn Dōng's mind." Er Lei explained.

This point Wang Zhong Ding also has experience, in his view,
Hàn Dōng has a typical appearance of strong inner
vulnerability. In particular, after watching the surveillance
video, Hàn Dōng's wailing scene. It always lingered in his

It seems that you really need to comfort him.

Late at night, Wang Zhong Ding was busy and planning to go

home and sleep. As a result, when he had just left the office
building, he heard someone shout loudly at the top of the
building: "Wang-Zhong-Ding!"

Hàn Dōng's voice was heard. Wang Zhong Ding raised his
head and found that Hàn Dōng was waving at him on the 26th

Because the distance is too far away, Wang Zhong Ding can't
see whether Hàn Dōng is sleepwalking or awake but with
experience, Hàn Dōng would have generally been asleep at this
time and is more likely in sleepwalking mode.

Wang Zhong Ding thought of the fact that the crew was
replaced. He thought of Er Lei's thesis.

"You stand there and don't move a muscle!"

Wang Zhong Ding then returned to the office building and

rushed to the elevator to the top of the building.
Hàn Dōng couldn't help but listen to him. He had to listen to it
and Wang had to come up. He thought of picking up the guitar
then he happily sang. He finally found his way to work. He was

Then, Hàn Dōng sang on the narcissistic version.

"The red line in the hands of the old man, we are half one
person ..."

From the elevator, Wang Zhong Ding rushed up the ladder

and almost directly climbed to the roof. Finally, he saw Hàn
Dōng's figure not far away, sitting on the edge of the roof and
shaking his body.

Wang Zhong Ding's heartfelt the eyes of the blind mass.

He didn't dare to yell or rush over, fearing that if he startles

Hàn Dōng he would fell away, he could only move quietly
toward Hàn Dōng, step by step...
Hàn Dōng knew that Wang Zhong Ding was behind. In order
to have a more delicate atmosphere, he intentionally didn't look
back and didn't see him. He continued to sing and rejoice: "I told
you this is fate... ah..."

Hàn Dōng sang eagerly, and suddenly his collar was picked up.
The entire body was thrown to the floor. It was a real ground
slamming. The guitar in his hand was also pulled and a buzz was

Wang Zhong Ding just breathed a sigh of relief and listened to

Hàn Dōng yelled: "why did you do this? Do you have to do this
with such an excitement? Almost throwing to make me break
my back?"

Wang Zhong Ding realized that something was wrong. "You're

not sleepwalking?"

"I'm here for you. Do you say I'm sleepwalking?"

Wang Zhong Ding face blanched white for a while.

Hàn Dōng scrambled up from the ground, patted his soiled
butt and mumbled. "A very good atmosphere has been destroyed
by you, and I haven't finished singing..."

Wang Zhong Ding couldn't stand it when he heard this. "What

song do you sing when you don't sleep at night?!!"

"I have just finished writing. I'm very happy. Want me to

share with you?"

"Will that make you happy?" Wang Zhong Ding could not
simply imagine that.

Hàn Dōng's head was particularly awkward. "Yeah, I wrote

the song for you personally."

Wang Zhong Ding saw that Hàn Dōng was not at disguised but
happy and he didn't know what it was like. Suddenly he was
embarrassed by his entire day of worry and his own passionate
Hàn Dōng is not just outside soft, he is as soft on the outside as
on the inside, he is a pure man!

Regardless, Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng and said: "I
have already heard about the replacement of the crew. If you
want to continue playing that role, I can..."

"It's no use!" Hàn Dōng interrupted Wang Zhong Ding. "We

refinanced the new script!"

Wang Zhong Ding has a lingering look. "Re-establish the

project? Where will you get the script?"

"I will write it!" Hàn Dōng said with his chest.

Wang Zhong Ding felt fainting dizzy, "You will write it?"

"Yeah, I will write." Hàn Dōng still feels confident.

Wang Zhong Ding first asked: "Have you written a script


"Why must I write one before I can write this one? If there is
no second piece where is the first work coming from? Not to
mention that I haven't written songs before. Isn't this one still
Chapter 92 I can't swallow this Tone.
When it comes to this, Hàn Dōng remembers the purpose of
his trip. He quickly sat down next to Wang Zhong Ding. He
solemnly said, "I'll sing a song i have written for you. After you
finish listening, you will know my level of creativity."

Wang Zhong Ding immediately remembered the song “King of

the Bed” that Hàn Dōng had compiled and directly waved and
stopped him. “You don't have to sing. I know on what level you

“Don't make a final decision so quickly. Only after hearing it,”

Hàn Dōng played a confident and cool gesture.

Wang Zhong Ding sat down with difficulty.

Hàn Dōng hit the guitar and sat opposite to Wang Ding. The
starry sky, the quiet roof, the gaze, the fingertips flow out
wonderful notes...

"The red line in the hands of the old man,

we are half of us,

I said to you this is fate,

but you said it was nonsense ..."

Wang Zhong Ding, "......"

Hàn Dōng didn't realize that Wang Zhong Ding's face was
cramped and he continued to sing.
“Escape during the day,

betrayal at night, be duplicitous,

don't know how far you go...”

Wang Zhong Ding, "........"

Finally arrived in the chorus part, Hàn Dōng's nod, full of
enthusiasm gushing out,

"l ~ love ~ you ~ my ~ little ~ Zhong Zhong ..."

Wang Zhong Ding pulled Hàn Dōng up. "Come on, go back to
sleep and don't say anything. I'll take you to the new crew for
audition tomorrow..."

"No!" Hàn Dōng didn't stop "You listened to me and only when
I finish singing. There is still another verse."

"I heard you sing and I don't want to listen anymore" Wang
Zhong Ding is quite tough.

Hàn Dōng clings to Wang Zhong Ding's arm and rubs it with
his face. “You don't want to compare a certain word in the
lyrics. Do you mainly listen to the artistic conception? After
listening to my arrangement, is it okay? If you finish the
arrangement, This attitude, then I will completely died ..."
Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng's eagerness to be
affirmed. He couldn"t bear to attack his enthusiasm and sat back
down with his head low.

Hàn Dōng cleared his throat and re-emphasized that “this is

mainly to listen to the arranger, listen to the arranger!”

Soon, the music rang again, and Hàn Dōng sang in delight
with his eyes closed.

The result, it took less than half a minute and Wang Zhong
Ding pulled him up. This time even the guitar was taken away.

"Why? Can you give me a reason?" Hàn Dōng was indignant.

Wang Zhong Ding was even more angry than him. "The
reason? Singing twice.... not the same you still have a
face to ask for a reason?"

Hàn Dōng also wanted to quibble. As a result, Wang Zhong

Ding didn't tolerate him and Hàn Dōng was forcibly taken to the

As the elevator slowly descended, Hàn Dōng suddenly became

particularly calm.

Wang Zhong Ding slightly bowed his head. "How can you be
so noisy at this time of night?"

"Finally not bothering you, why do you want to cause trouble?

Why don't you put me down?" Hàn Dōng thief smiled.

Wang Zhong Ding intended to put him down. As a result, Hàn

Dōng crawled back and forth, still waiting for an endless one.

As soon as they got out of the lift, Hàn Dōng began to say, "I
can't swallow this breath."

Wang Zhong Ding's arms pulled on Hàn Dōng's arm.

Hàn Dōng jumped off from his body, determined to look at
Wang Zhong Ding, the sight of the playful intentions fade away,
leaving only full of persistence and seriousness.

"I want to write a better script and compete with him."

"Don't be angry with your acting career."

"I only ask you to give me three days. Don't force me to go to

make arrangements for these three days. When I get the script
in front of you, you will know if I'm upset."

Having said this, Hàn Dōng didn't go back.

The morning of the next day had not yet lightened, and
Yu Ming's phone rang. Hàn Dōng was even more spiritual than
his ear. Yu Ming had not picked up the phone and Hàn Dōng
went to the door to listen.

"This morning? I'll take a look. I will send you a text message
when I have the time."
Hearing the bed move.... Hàn Dōng quickly ran back.

Yu Ming is washing and suddenly hears Hàn Dōng calling him

next door.

"Ming Er, you have to come to help me."

Yu Ming put down the cup and walked toward Hàn Dōng's
room. "What?"

"help me put the quilt cover, I will not cover this." Hàn Dōng
took the newly removed quilt to Yu Ming's hand.

Yu Ming's contemptuous expression, you stupid! Even a quilt

you cannot set it properly without help.

Hàn Dōng took advantage of Yu Ming's quilt bedding and he

dipped into his room and looked at his mobile phone. The call
number shown above was the same one he remembered
yesterday. Just at that number, a text message was sent over
and Hàn Dōng opened the address above.
"Hàn Dōng ..." Yu Ming shouted next door, "It's done."

Hàn Dōng hurriedly dropped the mobile phone and returned

to his room with no complaints. “Thank you.”

After breakfast, Yu Ming silently walked out of the door.

About twenty minutes later, Hàn Dōng also silently walked out
of the door. At the same address, two people arrived one after
the other.

When Hàn Dōng arrived, Yu Ming was chatting with a man at

the door of a hotel. The man was wearing sunglasses, Hàn Dōng
cannot see what he looks like, only know that he is a man.
During the conversation between the two men, the man has
been trying to move Yu Yu's hands and feet, preventing Yu
Ming from escape.

" are you borrowing money or asking for money. .......Make it

clear." Xià Hòng Wēi gazed at Yu Ming.

Yu Ming has a clear tone. "Borrowing money."

Xià Hòng Wēi then laughed. "You lost money on making your
own movie and you want to invest in making movies?"

"You don't want to lend it?" Yu Ming asked.

Xià Hòng Wēi said: "I won't borrow you money. I will only
give you money. You must do what I say... Don't forget it."

Yu Ming's cold eyes focused on Xià Hòng Wēi face and Xià
Hòng Wēi was only a tease. He blew a breath in his ear and said,
“If you borrow from me and don't take the money, I'm sure you
can't borrow from anyone else."

Yu Ming does not speak but puts a grim face.

Xià Hòng Wēi bit his lip against his lips.

Yu Ming clearly hides but doesn't escape. Xià Hòng Wēi's hand
buckled on Yu shoulder and forced him to turn his body in an
unstoppable direction to the direction of the hotel entrance.
Then they stepped inside.
Hàn Dōng's heart was tight and he always felt that Yu Ming's
situation was not as good as it was outside. Although he knew
what Yu Ming was doing at the hotel, but because of curiosity
and out of concern, Hàn Dōng secretly followed in.

Xià Hòng Wēi took advantage of Yu Ming relunctantness and

pulled him all the way. Hàn Dōng followed him all the way to
the door and he completely failed to follow beyond the door.
This is a luxury suite, it has four or five rooms, the bedroom is
in the innermost, and the soundproofing is so good that
obviously nothing can be detected.

Hàn Dōng thought about waiting for the two people to come
out and see the true feelings of the rich, but suddenly a waiter
pushed a clean cart passing over. Hàn Dōng mind gave birth to a
plan and he took the waiter into the bathroom.

It took a lot of work, and Hàn Dōng convinced the waiter to

take off his work clothes and give it to Hàn Dōng for his own
use. He also pushed his clean cart to pretend to be a waiter in a
luxury suite.

Xià Hòng Wēi was probably a frequent visitor here, so when

Hàn Dōng came in, Xià Hòng Wēi didn't even come out. Hàn
Dōng was out there and he just kept holding his heart in his
chest and went inside.

Hàn Dōng wiped the key pass and walked into the door of the
bedroom. The door was veiled. Hàn Dōng gently pushed a small
seam and his eyes aimed at the scene inside. He couldn't help
but be shocked.

Yu Ming was spread up and tied directly to the bed. According

to Hàn Dōng's observation, Yu Ming's expression is not like this
was a fun game between lovers, more like a physical transaction
that is being coerced.

Hàn Dōng can't figure it out. Why should Yu Ming sacrifice

himself? Is he with this ambition? Does he want to be abused?
At least Hàn Dōng did not see it. In this case, why did Yu Ming
do this?


With a loud voice, Hàn Dōng's blood pressure rushed up and

he couldn't stand it for a moment. Skull and fists, heart
shouted: Ming Er! Brother came to save you!
As a result, Hàn Dōng was petrified as soon as one foot had not
yet even entered.

Because he saw Xià Hòng Wēi's face!

That familiar, handsome face was mattered with blood-shot


Hàn Dōng was weak on his legs and slipped out onto the
ground. Why... why is he here,again... Why is my benefactor
and his brother ...

Ming Er, I can't help you!

Hàn Dōng ran away.

When he returned to the dormitory for a moment, Er Lei

walked in with a big box.

"What is it?" Hàn Dōng wondered.

Er Lei said: "You open and see."

After Hàn Dōng opened, he was stunned. In the velvet box

with a blue base, a guitar with a beautiful finish was lying in

"Wang gave it to you," said Er.

Hàn Dōng's psychological trauma at the hotel was instantly

Chapter 93 War has started.
This is a handmade guitar, using the high quality top spruce
panel veneer, fingerboard and piano code....use of Indian
rosewood, the entire bath tub is inlaid with Australian imported
abalone shells, it not only has the appearance of high-end, the
very timbre Hàn Dōng simply loved it.

"The LOGO on the head has your name."

Hàn Dōng didn't find it for a long time. "Where is it?"

Er Lei finger showed him.

When Hàn Dōng looked closely, there were indeed two words,
but it was not "Hàn Dōng," but "Buddha."

"Yeah--" Hàn Dōng grated and laughed. "Ha ha ha ha ha ...

Buddha, Buddha, Wang is so cute, lets go back and you must
help me squeeze his little ass, er er..."
Er Lei thought : you go yourself to pinch it, I am afraid to
loose off my fingers.

"Also, Wang says don't tell anyone about your guitar."

Hàn Dōng waved his hand. “You can rest assured that I
understand this rule.”

After Er Lei left, Hàn Dōng kept holding the guitar. It took a
few hours for Hàn Dōng to forget about writing the script and
put it all behind his head.

Yu Ming came back with a calm face and heard a "buzzing

sound" next door. He would just turn around when he entered
the door.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly dropped his guitar and rushed out to grab

"Ming Er...where are you going ?"

Yu Ming's words were cold and chilly. “Looking for a quiet

Hàn Dōng's attitude was surprisingly good today. Perhaps he

has found that Yu Ming was a beggar to his own benefactor. The
unreasonable attitude on weekdays was all taken away.
Immediately he said, “I am not playing, I am not playing it...”

Yu Ming didn't say anything again and he returned silently to

the room.

Hàn Dōng received a good mood from the guitar but because
of Yu Ming's arrival, that mood was covered with a layer of
haze. He particularly wanted to ask but he was afraid of hurting
Yu Ming's self-esteem. After all, he is a man. Everyone knows
how disgraceful this kind of thing is.

Nobody knows how long, Yu Ming's room door knock

suddenly rang, Hàn Dōng looked up and saw Yu Ming standing
in the doorway, his face looks better than a few minutes ago.

"I got the funds." Yu Ming said.

Doesn't know why but Hàn Dōng feels a little shal. However,
in order to make Yu Ming feel better, he was eager to exalt and
praised him: "Too much force? How did you do it?"

Yu Ming said: "Borrowed from someone."

"Oh, then I will write the script well. I will write it now. I will
never allow you to waste this money!" said Hàn Dōng, swearing
at the computer.

Yu Ming walked over to his bed and looked at the guitar.

"Where did this guitar come from?"

Hàn Dōng could not hide the eyes of sorrow, "Wang Zhong
Ding gave it to me."

Yu Ming nodded. "Oh, yes."

"That's right, just don't talk about it, don't tell anyone else."
Hàn Dōng said.
Yu Ming somehow was helpless and self-deprecating. "I don't
think I deserve to be your friend."

Hàn Dōng had a tight mind and he felt that he should be right.

"Why do you say that?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming said: "You have told me everything and you have

never hide anything from me."

Hàn Dōng immediately sweated and almost found a crack to

drill into it. I have just tracked you, and now you say
this supossed to make me happy?

"I always felt that no one in this circle would treat me with
frankness. They all came into contact with me for a certain
purpose. Only you look at me with a sense of peace. Only you do
not feel jealousy of me, you know that my old friends are still
unwilling to deal with me... You helping me find a cast to play."

"You don't say that!"

Hàn Dōng nodded with tears. I didn't know your old friends at
first, but I knew I could gossip better than anyone else. There
were nine of your new posts on the forum that I posted.

Yu Ming discovered that Hàn Dōng's expression was

somewhat strange and he asked, "Why can't I say that?"

Hàn Dōng only spoke for a long time before saying, "This is
what buddies should do. Didn't you say this was not seen

"So I don't think I deserve to be your friend. I haven't said

anything to you for so long."

"You still don't have to say anything." Hàn Dōng hurriedly


Yu Ming was surprised. "Why? You don't want to know?"

I want to know, but I'm afraid I'll solve it for you when I'm
"If you really don't want to say, don't force yourself, everyone
has the right to keep secrets, and the embarrassing feelings you
don't have to divulge." Hàn Dōng said.

"But I wanted to find someone to talk about it today."

Hàn Dōng took a deep breath and said, "Well, as you said,
buddy I will listen and promise to keep your secret."

Later, Yu Ming told Hàn Dōng about his and Xià Hòng Wēi

At that time, Yu Ming was still attending university. By

chance, he was arranged by the school to participate in disaster
relief exercises. Xià Hòng Wēi's father was the local leader. Xià
Hòng Wēi was accompanied by his father sitting in the audience
to watch the performance. At a glance, he saw the dancing Yu

“I don't know how he would have noticed me. At that time,

we were dancing in a group dance. There were more than 40
people performing together. I was the most inconspicuous one.”
said Yu Ming.

Hàn Dōng also said with emotion, "I don't know why you
didn't look at him."

"Why should I look at him?" Yu Ming does not seem to


Hàn Dōng asked: "Are you a straight man?"

Yu Ming said: "I don't know about my sexual orientation. I

haven't liked anyone yet."

"That means you don't reject men." Hàn Dōng immediately

slapped his hands."Thats easy to handle. If you don't say
anything else, just say what he looks like. If he is such a
handsome man, what else should you think?"

"he isn't handsome" Yu Ming did not approve.

Hàn Dōng thought that Yu Ming was just duplicity. Later he
discovered that he was talking the truth. Hàn Dōng suddenly
felt that Xià Hòng Wēi was in sorrow. It was like a night when
seven nights watched Liu Xiehui, and he had no place to make

Yu Ming also said: "In my opinion, he can't even match you.

How can his legs have your length? How can he have a good
figure? How can the curvature of his thighs have your beauty?"

Hàn Dōng understands that Yu Ming is not embarrassed. He is

really tall and awkward eyed!

Xià Hòng Wēi was very picky about him, and he was still
compared to the non-human Hàn Dōng, but Yu Ming caught

"You should be with Wang Zhong Ding. Really, you two are a
pair. You give me Xià Hòng Wēi. I won't abandon him." Hàn
Dōng said.

Yu Ming said: "And you will not like his character."

“What character is he?” Hàn Dōng is also very concerned
about this point.

"Overbearing, unreasonable, whatever he finds to his likes

must fall in his hands, and everything that he hates must be
crushed to death. And he must not be reported to anyone. As
long as someone aggravates him, he will give it back tenfold. ”

Hàn Dōng took a breath. “What about his family? If someone

hurts his family, what would he do?”

“He is especially short-fused and the family's concept is

particularly heavy. Not to mention hurting his family, that is, if
there is a chance his family was implicated. He couldn't stand it.
There was one thing that happened last year. His cousin(Xia
Yao) was nearly not drowned in a well.....Did the peasant
worker almost lose his life you ask? Guess what he said? He said
that if he catch the migrant worker, he must be tied up and
thrown into the underground and drowned!”

1]....remember the scene when Hàn Dōng to escape Xia Yao he

jumped into a well???
Hàn Dōng patted Yu Ming's shoulder and said, “You go out
first and leave me alone.”

Yu Ming didn't respond well enough and Hàn Dōng's face

suddenly deteriorated.

"What happened to you?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng reluctantly made his voice a little more stable. "I'm
inspired. It's appropriate to write the script now."

When Yu Ming went to the door, he didn't feel relieved

looking back at Hàn Dōng.

"Are you OK?"

"What can I do?" Hàn Dōng smoked a cigarette.

When Yu Ming went out, Hàn Dōng took his head to the bed
and hugged his pillow to cry.

What can I do???


The next day, Wang Zhong Ding asked Er Lei: "was the guitar
sent to him?"

"Sent it," Er Lei said. "He likes it."

Wang Zhong Ding coldly heard, "The LOGO on the head was
also seen?"

"Yes, he also boasts that you are cute."

Wang Zhong Ding's face immediately fell apart. His original

intention was to make Hàn Dōng feel ashamed of his gift. And
Wang Zhong Ding always watched that Hàn Dōng liked the
guitar and would play it seriously. Won't be as perfunctory as he
was originally named.

Fortunately, Er Lei didn't mention the "pinch ass" comment.

"This guitar is enough to distract him for a few days." Lei said.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "As long as it can distract his

attention, let him not worry about what is wrong with his

"Relax, he plays with a heavy heart. There is no such thing as

a determination inside him." Er Lei said.

Wang Zhong Ding once again said: "I hope he will not spread
my guitar gift everywhere. It will be troublesome to catch up."

"You do not worry about this, I deliberately made it clear to

Just as he finished, cleaning aunt came to clean the door. This
cleaning aunt is a mute person. After Feng Jun request
following the noisy eavesdropping cleaning staff, he specially
selected this one for Wang Zhong Ding for the sake of future

When cleaning the desk, Auntie suddenly thought of

something. She pulled out a paper and a pen from her pocket,
wrote a note, and gave it to Wang Zhong Ding with a smile.

"Wang, I heard that you sent Hàn Dōng a guitar. Rest assured,
I will not say anything about it."

Wang Zhong Ding was gloomy at the time and dumped the
note to Er Lei. After Er Lei saw it, he was sweating on the
forehead and it was too hard to prevent Hàn Dōng from going to
the advertisement department.


Li Shang has entered the newly formed horror film crew. This
is the first time the horror makeup is applied. It is the makeup
team that comes with the design..

The make-up artist was full of praise while he was on the side.
"Why are you so handsome?"

"It's because you didn't dare to start painting. It's okay. You
can make the most of it....make it even more scary."

"I've tried my best, but it's still handsome. I really can't help

Li Shang only smiled and didn't speak.


The makeup artist said with emotion: "I was surprised. I

didn't expect you to take this role. Although the screenplay has
changed a lot, I still think it will destroy your acting image."

Li Shang reply was very indifferent. "I'm still a new person. I

should try more acting role to exercise myself. I don't want
people to say whom I rely on. I hope they see my real acting

The makeup artist turned to Li Shang for an appreciation.

"You are the most sturdy newcomer I've ever met. Unlike some
people who don't know what their last name is, they don't even
know what their middle name is. Take that Hàn Dōng for
example. Well, Wang sent him a guitar and he spread the news
everywhere. I haven't seen a manlike that in the world."

Li Shang looks stiff, "Wang sent him a guitar?"

"Yeah, it sounds like it goes."

Later, Liang Jing visited the crew and they talked about it.

"He must have signed the contract without a doubt, but the
signer has never disclosed it. It shouldn't be any person," said
Liang Jing.
Li Shang said cautiously: "I think he may have been signed by
Feng Jun."

Xiao Wen laughed. "Is he on the second hand? Thats a bit

exaggerated, right? Who is this Hàn Dōng?"

Li Shang didn't say anything.


Hàn Dōng had already locked himself in the room for two
days. Since Yu Ming finished Xià Hòng Wēi's business, Hàn
Dōng closed the door and concentrated himself on creating
something that never happened again.

Yu Ming worried about Hàn Dōng's situation and could not

help but went and knocked on the door. The result was that the
door was not opened for a long time. As soon as his hand twisted
he finds that the door is unlocked, he opens the door directly.

Hàn Dōng sat in front of the computer and braved the cold.
The inflatable sofa underneath was already paralyzed, but he
still stared at the computer screen with his hands and tapped his
fingers mechanically.

"Hàn Dōng?" Yu Ming exclaimed tentatively.

Hàn Dōng didn't respond.

"Hàn Dōng?" Yu Ming shouted again.

Hàn Dōng suddenly jumped a meter away from the whole

body, and he shuddered like a sieve. He shouted in horror: "Why
are you scaring me?"

Yu Ming is also scared by the jump so who in the end is


Hàn Dōng panted, "I may have written a bit too much." Hàn
Dōng endlessly played countless cold.
Yu Ming looked blank. What did you write that made yourself
frightened like this?

"Hey!" Hàn Dōng suddenly erected his index finger, spoke

with a secretive tone of God, "Soon ....will write your part soon,
this time the role your brother arranged for you is absolutely
brilliant it will definitely play to your maximum potential."
Chapter 94 Marched toward Victory!
After Yu Ming went back, Hàn Dōng continued to “work hard
for a book”.

The guitar was tuned by hand and he tried to play it three or

five times.

As the plot progressed, Hàn Dōng's dark clouds shrouded his

head, his stiff shoulders shook more and more, and the
characters in his eyes began to jump. In a gloomy mood, he saw
Xi Hòng Wēi's sly faces appear on the desktop, and the man
fierce fangs had been stretched out of the screen.

'Did you dare to write about my Yu Ming? I will tie him up

and throw it into the well.'

Hàn Dōng feels that the floor under the sofa he sitting on has a
large hole, and his body is not under his control. Suddenly the
top of the eye became a showerhead, and Xià Hòng Wēi was
sullenly laughing on the other side.

Hàn Dōng rushed out of the house after yelling.

In fact ...., Hàn Dōng had fell asleep just now.

On these two days, Xixi was sent to Wang Zhong Ding's

parents' house. Wang Zhong Ding has been living in the office.

Sleeping in the middle of the night was hard enough and then
he heard a rush of footsteps. Wang Zhong Ding just opened the
lamp and Hàn Dōng quickly cracked the code lock on the office
door. Then, as if it was his house. Hàn Dōng rushed into the
bedroom, his clothes didn't even come off and he got into the
bed, and hugged Wang Zhong Ding who was about to get up.

Wang Zhong Ding had a stiff body and turned to look at the
culprit.... Hàn Dōng had his eyes closed.

Hàn Dōng, who was like a stove on weekdays, had already

turned into a big ice cream tonight and was cold under his

Wang Zhong Ding explored Hàn Dōng's head, it was very cold,
without any signs of fever.

"help me, Xià Hòng Wēi is going to kill me!" Hàn Dōng

Xià Hòng Wēi? Xià Hòng Wēi wants to kill you? Wang Zhong
Ding didn't know how this logic of Hàn Dōng was derived.

"Why does Xià Hòng Wēi want to kill you?"

Hàn Dōng's head pushed hard toward Wang Zhong Ding's hug
and he continued to say. "He will throw me in the well, throw
me in the well ... help me..."

Wang Zhong Ding pulls Hàn Dōng's head and push him from
his chest,
"He wants to throw you into the well? Why throw you in the

Hàn Dōng said nervously: "he told me to do it myself....I

should jump! Yu Ming made me write..."

Wang Zhong Ding, who had jumped in front of the bridge?, he

didn't understand it, but Wang Zhong Ding, who was behind
him, understood that Hàn Dōng wrote the script of a horror
movie. He frightened himself into this mess.

Wang Zhong Ding patiently said: "Do not be afraid, it's false."

Hàn Dōng was still not finished. "This is not a fake! This is
true! The first time we met, I jumped into the well... I... I...
Well, it was more than 30 meters deep, Hey, I'm so cold! Just as
I was on the verge of killing a hero, I saw that the hero was eight
feet tall, with high nose and good eyes, saying that I was too

All of Wang Zhong Ding's patience has become cold-eyed.

"Yu Ming is like a big bug crawling on me " Wow! Yeah, Hàn
Dōng is confused again.

Wang Zhong Ding took out a duct tape from the drawer of the
bed cabinet and blocked Hàn Dōng's mouth directly.

How can I see how poor you are this time? Calm down and

As a result, Hàn Dōng didn't say anything, and his limbs began
to swing, especially the long legs down there, they were
scurrying around Wang Zhong Ding... Like a creepy big
caterpillar, he was grieved.

Wang Zhong Ding took Hàn Dōng's foot back.

As a result, Hàn Dōng's indomitable "Big Caterpillar" slowly

climbed back and landed on Wang Zhong Ding's leg again to
begin his long grinding process.

If there is a camera on the roof it would show, two entangled

bodies in the lens. One person's body is stiff and motionless, and
his face is full of endless disgust and forbearance. The other
person is rolling around everywhere, scurrying around, and
enjoying his eyes.

Wang Zhong Ding finally exclaimed, "I told you that if I can
accept you, you will be fine. If you dare to pick up your nose
again I will make you leave the bed immediately!"

Hàn Dōng has finally been calm but this calm is limited to a
great deal of torment, and there are some small insurmountable
difficulties. Such as teeth tattering, snoring, and murmuring...
For Wang Zhong Ding who had just closed his eyes, he was
turned upside down and had a hot leg wrapped around his waist
and hugged to death..

Wang Zhong Ding finally fell asleep. The result was he was
awakened by a burst of itching.

Hàn Dōng's claws reached out to Wang Zhong Ding's pajamas

and rubbed on the long-suppressed chest. Compared to Wang
Zhong Ding's pampered place, Hàn Dōng's hands are definitely
rough enough and hemp enough to cause bruising. Just a few
moments later, Wang Zhong Ding's forehead with youthful
muscles, and his eyebrows are filled with strong male

"You--I--I-----------!" is almost the hard word left in the teeth.

Hàn Dōng who continued to rub this "blind man" his hand
soon ran to the "elephant".

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly burst out, with a fierce he turned

around and forced Hàn Dōng under his body. Hàn Dōng
clutched his wrists with both hands, and his fierce eyes stared at
him, feeding Wang his breath.

"Calm down will you?"

Hàn Dōng didn't say anything. It looked like he was stunned.

Wang Zhong Ding had a long deadlock before releasing his

bondage from Hàn Dōng and turning back to sleep.
As a result, he wasn't touched again.

Wang Zhong Ding quickly grated his molar when his heart
had a thought: If you do not give me a good script, Lao Tzu will
break you!

Then, he rolled his face over Hàn Dōng's face and slept
directly on Hàn Dōng's hand.

Deep into the night, everything had finally calm down.


The day before dawn, Wang Zhong Ding called Er Lei.

"Bring him back to his room." Wang fingers pointed to the

back room.

Er Lei looked at Wang Zhong Ding with horror in the eyes,

you actually stayed together overnight?

Wang Zhong Ding looked unhappy. "What are you looking at?
Don't you have a person to get rid of?"

Er Lei rushed into the room and saw Hàn Dōng as the person
slept on the bed. At that time, Er Lei was so excited that he lifted
and shouted: “Long live the little Lord, and the little Master
finally gave the slave a sigh of relief!”

Er Lei carried Hàn Dōng toward the door and Wang Zhong
Ding suddenly stopped him.

"What's wrong?" asked Er Lei.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Use your back"

Er Lei was surprised. "What's the difference between carrying

in the front and carrying on the back?"
"..... carry him on your back."

Wang Zhong Ding took Hàn Dōng with his hands and changed
his position to Er Lei's back

Hàn Dōng was taken and Xià Hòng Wēi came after a while.

"I want to invest in a movie."

Wang Zhong Ding immediately realized which movie he was

talking about, and then he blocked him from continuing. "That
movie isn't reliable at all. You don't have to lose money."

Do you think Xià Hòng Wēi is willing to listen to Wang Zhong

Ding's advice? He only says "I'm here to inform you".

"50 million investment, this is a contract!" Directly shot in

front of Wang Zhong Ding.
Although the 50 million investment is nothing in today's
movie market, it is already risky to invest that much in a horror
movie. In particular, the crew is not a big-time leader, the
director is also from a new generation, the box office appeal for
horror movies is far from enough. You have to know that the
previous four joint ventures companies only invested 30 million
in total, and now Xià Hòng Wēi will pour 50 million as a one
person, this is simply death!

Wang Zhong Ding directly pushed the contract back. "You can
find other companies to make distributions. I won't pick that

"I'm going out in your company!" Xià Hòng Wēi said with a

The colliding of each other's eyes caused another smoldering


"There isn't even a script now," Wang Zhong Ding reminded.

Xià Hòng Wēi sneered and said, "You know what? If this
movie is lost, Yu Ming will follow me!"

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Zhong Ding no longer

had any room to refuse.

"The contract puts this first. If there is a problem call me, I'm
going beforehand."


In the afternoon, Hàn Dōng took his first work to Wang Ding's
office with joy.

"Yes... please don't hesitate to enlighten me."

Wang Zhong Ding picked up the manuscript and just sank his

"This is what you wrote?"

"Yeah. Hàn Dōng is a self-feeling person."

Wang Zhong Ding fiercely dumped the manuscript on the

desk. "Was your language skills taught by a sports teacher?"

"Well.....How did you know? All our primary school subjects

are taught by a sport teacher."

Wang Zhong Ding, "......"

“You don't have to look at the format. They are all clouds. At
that time, there will be special screenwriters advising me what
to change. You look at the content and see the central idea.”
Hàn Dōng again carefully pushed the manuscript to Wang
Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding reluctantly believed him once. He took the

manuscript and read it again. After reading for less than a
minute, he got up and dragged Hàn Dōng directly to the door.

"Where are you going with me?" Hàn Dōng is not sure.
Why else but to smack you? Wang Zhong Ding didn't want to
say it. The script is not segmented, to be ridiculed in the end, all
through the wrong words, logical confusion, speech is not
clear... you come to tease it?

Hàn Dōng didn't give up. "You look at it again. I have spent a
great deal of time writing."

"Bring him back to the dormitory immediately." Wang Zhong

Ding said to the bodyguard at the door.

The bodyguards directly carried took Hàn Dōng away.

Wang Zhong Ding still has a headache, and the messy

manuscript is still shaking in front of his eyes. One look at it
again and he sat down to read it.

Hàn Dōng's work is sloppy, and his writing is also a matter of

nonsense, and an overview of the story involves three major
pieces. During this period, Wang Zhong Ding repeatedly picked
up and let go, put it down and picked it up. Nobody knows how
many times he did it .
Suddenly there was a feeling that Wang couldn't described.

He immediately turned back and re-read it again. This time,

he had a lot of fluency (reading Hàn Dōng messy writing) and
the story was clearly organized.

Wang Zhong Ding initially thought that what Hàn Dōng wrote
must be focused on the scene rather than on the plot, but the
fact is exactly the opposite. This story is not a summation of
fragmented horror clips, it is not an amazing miracle of killing
demons and ghosts, but a suspenseful horror drama that is
original and fantastic.

What was most unexpected to Wang Zhong Ding was that the
capturing effect, which is a visual form of recursion, was
applied to this drama. It meant that a certain part of a scene was
the same as the entire scene, thus creating an endless loop.

Like that story we often talk about, “There used to be a hill

and a temple in the mountains. There was an old monk in the
temple telling the little monk a story.

What did he tell him? There was a hill in the past and a
temple in the mountains. In the temple, there is an old monk
telling the story to the young monk.

What is it about? There was a hill in the past and a temple in

the mountains..."

1]..... trust me this movie plot is the most original ever.

And after reading it in depth, it was discovered that the logic

was clear, the layout was tight, and the chain was buckled. The
suspense was laid directly to the end, and suddenly a big turning
point made Wang scared.

It involves not only capturing effect, but also a series of

fragments of dream and reality, such as hypnotism and Qing
Ming. They played the game very well and completely evaded
the review ban.

Especially this role is tailored for Yu Ming, it is just fitted to

him right.

Yu Ming's performance in the play was a student from a dance

school who was killed and became a ghosts torturing his master.
The greatest feature of this ghost is that the ghost is very
flexible. He will wriggle on the hero's body in an extremely
distorted posture. It is quite possible to imagine the abruptly
rotating waist, twisting the deranged muscles, the buzzing
joints dancing in front of your eyes, and exhausted the horror of
his face.

Zhong Ding Film and Television has created such a large

number of films for Yu Ming. Wang never thought he could
have such a role.
Chapter 95 Husband and wife together.
An hour later, Hàn Dōng was escorted back to Wang Zhong
Ding's office.

There is an auxiliary office area next to Wang Zhong Ding's

desk. When he is busy, Feng Jun sits here to assist in office
work. Safe and proper second-hand seats, today Hàn Dōng
children's shoes won this honor.

"I looked at what you did I will let you modify the
manuscript!" Wang Zhong Zhong directly said.

Hàn Dōng simplifies the content according to the

requirements of “Mr. Wang.” Then, after subsections and
punctuation, Hàn feel that there is nothing more to modify, and
raise his hand to indicate: “I have modified it.”

Wang Zhong Ding simply glanced at it and began to

relentlessly rebuke him.

“What format did I just tell you to use? When you change
your voice, you need to start a new one. How can you not get it

"There is this sentence, you read it yourself. Is this a person?

Can you read well?"

"Isn't such a big typo invisible to you?"

"Rewrite it!"

Hàn Dōng repaired it for a long time and finally raised his
head and tentatively asked Wang.

"This time, its okay right?"

Teacher Wang had just looked at his eyes and once again
slapped the back of Hàn Dōng's head. "What punctuation should
this place have? Is it the name of the book? Think about it
Hàn Dōng smiled and said, " everything I do is wrong, that
wrong should be the number of an extension."

"Where's the extension number? That's double quotation


"I'm wrong in right and right, double quotes."

When an obsessive-compulsive disorder man meets careless

free men, when the elite meet the illiteracy, how bad can it not

After Wang Zhong Ding corrected the script word after word,
he felt that there was no problem, and his face was slightly

"Come on, I will teach you how to change a story into a

script." Wang Zhong Ding beckons Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng moved the stool to Wang Zhong Ding's side and sat
down. He looked at the computer screen and his face looked like
a serious, studious appearance.

“You have already filmed a role and you have seen the script.
You know the difference between the script and the story. In
addition to the plot, there are scenes, action expressions,

Wang Zhong Ding was saying, suddenly there was a dog paw
touching his hand to manipulate the mouse.

"Your hands are really slippery." Hàn Dōng had a googly


Wang Zhong Ding reprimanded harshly: "Come on pay


Hàn Dōng quickly gave up and seriously listened.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding didn't speak for long. Suddenly

he said, "Hand it over."
Although Hàn Dōng didn't know what, he still put his hand

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "Why is your hand so rough?"

Wang felt it when he slept with Hàn Dōng....he felt that hand
last night. The skin of this man was not rough. All parts of the
body including the face are very smooth, except the two hands
.....those hands feel just like sandpaper.

"I am the son of a peasant. This is a pair of hands that have

gone down on the construction site and have done farm work!
They are my hands and full of wisdom that have worked in a
high-rise building in the capital so that you elite white-collar
workers can nourish yourselves in it!"

Wang Zhong Ding looked at him obliquely and said faintly:

"Only one day after the construction site worker fell into the
well, you also said that he was a long term migrant worker?"

The amount... Hàn Dōng laughed. "How do you know?"

Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng's silly appearance and
couldn't help but chuckle. "You said that last night."

"I said it myself? When did I meet with you last night?" Hàn
Dōng said with a look of disapproval.

Wang Zhong Ding directly turned his attention to the

computer screen. "Lets continue."

“No!” Hàn Dōng interrupted immediately. “You must make it

clear for me. When did I tell you? And what did you tell me?”

Wang Zhong Ding could only be patient with his crazy signee
and repeated all the nonsense Hàn Dōng has said.

Hàn Dōng was paralyzed. "I... said Xià Hòng Wēi?"

"You didn't just mention him. You kept talking about him all
the time."
Hàn Dōng hurriedly asked: "Didn't you tell Xià Hòng Wēi?"

"Had no time to tell." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng almost fluttered to the ground and said, "Don't tell
him ah, he will kill me! Please I'm begging you..."

Wang Zhong Ding was unmoved.

"If you tell this secret, I will shake you out. Anyway, the trick
is the grasshopper lying on a rope."

Wang Zhong Ding wondered, "What does it have to do with


"How's it okay? I saw you before I jumped!"

Wang Zhong Ding even after he thought for a while he

couldn't understand. "Why did you see me and then jump into a

"I was afraid you'd see me." Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding asked again: "Why were you afraid of

seeing me?"

Hàn Dōng grinned. "It's not... I was afraid you would have fall
in love at first sight..."

Wang Zhong Ding, "... you think my eyeball is too useless."

Hàn Dōng has no shame, but also happily raises eyebrows at

Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding looked alert. "What are you doing? I tell
you, don't pull those useless stunts!"

Sure enough, Hàn Dōng pinched Wang Zhong Ding's waist

and looked at him: "After the trick, we are really a couple."

"Keep talking and believe me or not, I won't smoke you"

Hàn Dōng immediately twisted his face away and his

shoulders continued to laugh.

Wang Zhong Ding ignored him and turned his face to the
computer screen. He personally edited the script format for Hàn
Dōng and patiently explained the points for him.

Hàn Dōng's chin rested into the shoulder of Wang Zhong


Wang Zhong Ding stared at him with a squint and Hàn Dōng
saw another blush on Wang .

"The old neck is so tired, I will need to rest on for a while..."

He doesn't know why, but Wang Zhong Ding actually allowed
Hàn Dōng's behavior.

During the exchange process, Hàn Dōng suddenly asked: "Can

you give me an extra bed?"

"Can't!!!" Wang refused bluntly.

Apart from the loss, Hàn Dōng was a little swindler and he
deliberately asked, "Why can't you add it to my expenses?"

"Because you have no matters in bed."

Hàn Dōng, "...Okay."

After the script was completely revised, Wang Zhong Ding

sought Hàn Dōng's opinion on authorship

Hàn Dōng said: "Write the company's literature department."

"Why not write your name?" Wang Zhong Ding is quite

Hàn Dōng said: "If you write the company's literature

department, it means you have returned the director's feelings."

Wang Zhong Ding didn't expect Hàn Dōng to be this much

considerate. Now Wang looks at his opponent's expression and
suddenly feels very strange.

"Isn't it that I'm not scared?" Hàn Dōng is stinky.

Wang Zhong Ding angered him furiously. "Go out ..... I have
to do my own business."

Hàn Dōng took the printed script out.

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly stopped him again. "First .....wait

a moment."
Hàn Dōng looked back in puzzlement. Suddenly, a thing
landed in his hands and it was a big round bottle.

"Go back and take care of your claws. The horror film looks
very much on the shape of the body. You have a big, shiny paw
and you have a mirror. The audience will definitely be scared."

Hàn Dōng nodded. "I know, it must be as smooth as yours."

"Go....please go away"

When Hàn Dōng left, Wang Zhong Ding gave Xià Hòng Wēi a

“The script has been settled. I will send someone to review

and approve the project tomorrow. However, if the amount of
investment changes, you don't have to spend 50 million, just 20
million will be enough.”

"Twenty million?" Xià Hòng Wēi accepts incompetence. "Are

you kidding? These days ..... 20 million can still be enough to
make movies?"

"If the script is good, 20 million can also bring in 200 million
at the box office. If the script is not good, 200 million
investment may not be able to recover 20 million." Wang Zhong
Ding said.

"Twenty million is too little and it's easy to earn back." Xia's
investors screamed, "50 million will not be less, and the big 30
million you can give them to Yu Ming as a pay!"

Wang Zhong Ding smiled indifferently. "You're giving him 100

million rewards. This movie can't pay that much "

Xià Hòng Wēi was bored and still dead in the morning. Bai Lai
was trying to stop. What to do?

1]..... I dont know any Bai Lai ....I didn't get that


Liang Jing made an order, Li Shang finally put down from


His leg has undergone such a big operation. Although it has

recovered, it is still not as good as before. It took more than an
hour to massage it awake, and when it landed, it was a bit

"How are you? Alright?" asked Liang Jing.

Li Shang waved his hand and said, "It's okay."

“The acting progress is very great.” Liang Jing praised Li

Shang's shoulders and said, “In the future, the Chinese
Mainland movie will depend on you.”

Li Shang's face suddenly became much better.

During the break, the two men talked again about the
director's new film.

"It is said that it is the original crew, the script is new made."
Xiao Wen said.

Li Shang was curious. "Did Wang invest in it?"

"Wouldn't Wang Zhong Ding always be the big man investing?

If he didn't do that business, then Yu Ming's rich man dared to
take it."

Speaking of the rich man behind Yu Ming, Xiao Wen couldn't

help but chuckle. "If it's his investment, then this drama is a
good payoff! He just has money and no use for it, hahahaha..."

"How much did he invest?" asked Li Shang.

Liang Jing replied faintly: "I heard it was 20 million."

"So little?" Li Shang quite unexpectedly. "Isn't the rich man on
the billionth level?"

"He is not a fool. He said that the show is for Yu Ming's

pleasure. By the way, he gave the script to Director Lu to help
him regain his face."
Chapter 96 Corruption interest.
These days Director Lu has been looking around for a good
script, he has also tried to write, and he hasn't held much hope
for Hàn Dōng. What surprised him was that Hàn Dōng actually
sent the first draft of the script within a week.

"So fast?" Director Lu deeply worried about the quality of the


Hàn Dōng grinned. "You can look at it first."

Director Lu watched the script content, and the blood from

his body was hot. Both eyes were burnt red.

"This... what did you write?"

Hàn Dōng sent a bureaucratic slogan. "I will provide an idea,

which is the result of the collective creation of our company's
literature department."
Director Lu was very uncomfortable with the deputy director.
"The other day I was still dismissed by the crew and the
company's overwhelming opinions. Now I think I shouldn't
think so. You first take the script to the Deputy Director and the
diary to see. I'll give him a call."

After that, Director Lu hurriedly picked up the phone and

went outside.

Hàn Dōng and Shèn Hua talked about the magazine's cover

Shèn Hua said: "The magazine cover front person has


"Changed? Who replaced me?" Hàn Dōng surprised.

Shèn Hua said: "Swapped into Li ."

I rely on ... ... Hàn Dōng heart secretly: This is a dog and a
man rolled into one, all day long, besides grabbing food he is not
doing anything else.

"What was the editor of that magazine? The foreigner who

was chatting with you that day while you were so

Shèn Hua said: "The full name is Nicholas Spethy. Usually,

everyone calls him Nick."

"Nicholas Spethy?!! That's relatively new to me. How can you

turn your elbow?"

Shen Hua spent the day looking at the sky(rolling her eyes)
"Nicholas is a name, not a surname."

"Is not the same name as fate?" Hàn Dōng said.

Shen let a sigh and said nothing.

Hàn Dōng waved his hand. "Forget it, I'm too lazy to fight
with a girl."


Unexpectedly, Shen Hua suddenly said openly.

"I must take this place back!"

"You? You rely on what to grab?" Hàn Dōng contemptuous


Shèn said calmly and calmly: "Fang Yi relied on something on

me and leaned on what to grab. When Fang Yi met Mr. Nick
four times, it proved that Mr. Nick's original intention was not
to give her the spot ... but he was forced by human being
selfishness... In this case, I also can establish a friendship with
Mr. Nick and let Mr. Nick return the cover magazine to you."

Hàn Dōng thinks that Shèn Hua is simply talking about

fantasy... let alone the disparity between the status of a popular
star and an assistant of an unknown artist. Say the most
intuitive appearance is bad, for people like Mr. Nick ah?

"Mr. Nick does not want to give Fang Yi the magazine cover.
Fang Yi then will directly say to him: As long as you return the
cover to me, I'll be willing to sleep with you. Can you?" Hàn
Dōng's speech was sharp.

"How can I not? I can also say to him: If you do not return the
cover to her I will sleep with you!"

Hàn Dōng had a glimpse of laughter and then full laughter "Ha
ha ha ha ... you really do more deterrence!"

At the end of the day, Shen didn't bother and she wasn't
angry. She said seriously: "Then I will do it."

"Oh, would you really go?" Hàn Dōng shouted.

In the early days of Shen, she didn't go back.

Hàn Dōng wanted to stop her. As a result, he saw Director Lu
came back and had to give it up first.

"The film has been reviewed." Director Lu could not conceal

his excitement.

Hàn Dōng grinned, "It's pretty fast."

Lu filmed his smile on his face and hesitated with a slight

hesitation: "I may have to discuss one thing with you."

"What's the matter? You say it."

"I've just communicated with the investor. He said that the

cast selections all obeyed to comments of the crew. I was
thinking about this with Deputy Zhong . Even though this crew
is from the original team, because the script changes, there will
be changes in personnel. Before Ma Bin was a man number one
actor, I also promised him if there was a new script, I would let
him be the protagonist, so you see..."
Hàn Dōng replied immediately, "I should have been the
protagonist of Ma Bin's predecessors. We have already
considered the script when we should set it up. Me and Yu Ming
are supporting actors. We are just playing ghosts."

Director Lu smiled and grabbed Hàn Dōng's hand. "As long as

you and Yu Ming have no qualms ...... I'm here to coordinate.
Really I thank you very much. I don't know what to say. After
that, I'll have the opportunity to cooperate in the future and I'll
make you act as my main actor!"

"Ha ha ha...I will remember."

As the crew here just prepared, the tide of propaganda war

from Li Shang has already started.

Liang Jing, after all, is an ace producer and directs so many

works that he knows how to properly manage the film. The
film's marketing strategy completely adopts the Hollywood
model. The distribution, promotion, and filming take place
simultaneously. And has to occupy the largest television
platform set to carry out strong overbearing publicity and
promotion, in addition to the audience there are cinemas.
After the shooting task was over today, Li Shang changed
suddenly and Liang Jing filed for a change of script.

Since Liang Jing took over, the script for this movie has been
overhauled once. Originally three ghosts were to be used...but
in order to aggravate Li Shang's scene, it was compressed into
two. However, with the resulting decline in the plot's brilliance,
Liang Jing also deeply regretted this move.

"I think we can add another episode and make me play as a

female ghost. It means there is more than one ghost. If you
reveal the truth at the end of the film, you can increase the
impact of the film."

Liang Jing was pensive for a moment, his eyes lightened.

"Your suggestion is really good."

Li Shang also said: "And the big movie also has costumes for
men. This can be used as a warm-up."
By Li Shang's suggestion, Liang Jing suddenly realized that.....
he slaps immediately.

"You..... kid is getting more and more good at this, plus, this
must be added!"


Hàn Dōng was learning the design of the camera script with
the crew and received a call from Wang Zhong Ding.

"Come to my office to receive your reward."

When Hàn Dōng returned to the company, Wang Zhong Ding

also just came out of the car. Hàn Dōng followed him closely and
then took advantage of Wang Ding's carelessness. He swiftly
jumped over his back and facing the back of his neck with a kiss.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't see it coming, and Hàn Dōng

attacked him first.
"Why didn't you push me? There is no lack of virtue for you,
you keep acting shamelessly!"

Er Lei, big brother, how can he find a decent excuse? Who

can't do this if you can't prevent it?

Hàn Dōng falsely reprimanded Er Lei. "Don't you have to

worry about this? It's clear that I sneaked on Wang," he said.

Er Lei thought: You are alone in two hundred miles, How do I

control what you and Wang do Ah?

At the moment when Wang Zhong Ding turned around, Hàn

Dōng rushed onto a bear hug and asked the Er Lei to take a
picture of them... Then Wang Zhong Ding quickly evacuated
before responding, and the expression on his face pointed to Er

"On him, he not only doesn't care, but he also pushed me!"

To everyone's expectation, Wang Zhong Ding didn't turn his

face, but only made a faceless expression,

When he arrived at the office, Wang Zhong Ding directly gave

Hàn Dōng 50,000 yuan.

"First pay half of the proceeds, and the remaining half will be
given after the boot."

Hàn Dōng was shocked. "So much?"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't explain, but asked Hàn Dōng: "Have
you eaten?"

"No, what's wrong?"

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly said: "Come on let's go eat


"Ah?" Hàn Dōng was a bit flattered.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't say it a second time, he directly took
the wallet and walked out of the door, and Hàn Dōng responded
with joy and followed behind.

The two people were dining in the restaurant downstairs. Hàn

Dōng ordered a large table of dishes and was about to have a
good meal. He listened to Wang Zhong Ding asking him: "Have
you washed your hands yet?"

"Washed...." Hàn Dōng said without lifting.

Wang Zhong Ding's hand caught Hàn's hand, and as a result,

he saw there was a big black dot on it.

"What is this?" asked Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng brazenly said: "a birthmark."

Wang Zhong Ding forcibly rubbed Hàn Dōng's hand on his

face. With such a touch, the " birthmark" was transferred.
"Go wash it!"

Han can't deny the tone.

Hàn Dōng went dingy to the bathroom.

When he came back, he just moved the chopsticks and Wang

Zhong Ding asked, "Would you like a hand cream?"

"I used it in the morning."

"Go apply it in your hands you have to apply it one more time,
otherwise when will your hand be able to recover smoothness?"

Hàn Dōng said, "I didn't take it."

"What if I look out at your pockets?"

Hàn Dōng grinned. "Come back and you apply it for me."

How could Wang Zhong Ding be used to this problematic

man? Just one word of iron command, "Use it again!"

Hàn Dōng had to take out the small bottle and then he
dropped it to the ground.

He also stared at Wang Zhong Ding with a smile, and

deliberately asked: "What kind of concern you have for my

Wang Zhong Ding said lightly: "Nauseating."

Hàn Dōng immediately retaliated with the look of a rotten-

faced king.

"OK you can eat!" urged Wang Zhong Ding.

At the time of eating, Hàn Dōng had a stronger sense of

disobedience. Wang Zhong Ding was eating slowly, and Hàn
Dōng pulled at food like a pig eating leftovers. He also picked a
piece of meat from the inside and put it in Wang Ding's bowl,
saying: "A Fish, you love to eat."

Wang Zhong Ding actually ate it. Even he himself didn't

expect he would eat it.

The atmosphere was warm, and Li Shang came from

nowhere. He saw Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding and that
didn't help his mind.

Hàn Dōng raised his hand toward him. He gestured to say

hello but he didn't expect Li Shang to actually go over here.

"Dong Zi, Wang Zhong Ding, you are also eating here? It's
such a coincidence."

Hàn Dōng politely said, "Sit down and let's eat together."

When Li Shang heard this, he immediately sat down next to

Wang Zhong Ding and began to eat when he picked up a bowl.

Hàn Dōng cussed: You are shameless!

Later, when Li Shang was eating, he chatted with Wang

Zhong Ding about the movie and completely treated Hàn Dōng
as the air.

1]....something that is there but you can't see

Hàn Dōng observed Li Shang across the table... He discovered

that Li Shang had changed his life. Formerly he ate like him,
which was devouring food, and now he and Wang Zhong Ding
are reconciled in their eatery manners.

"Liang Jing did discuss it with me, so I added a costume for

women." Li Shang looked hard.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "It's also good to try different types of
performances. Didn't I say that? The actor in the new movie
plan should have a costume for women."
Li Shang had an unexpected expression. "Is it? I don't
remember. It seems that I really have to perform myself."
Chapter 97 All in vain.
"There are men who play the role of women's clothes?"

Li Shang's surprise was faked and Hàn Dōng's surprise was


Wang Zhong Ding slapped him, "What? Can't you play?"

"How can I play that kind of character? The shape is trapped, I

can't get through it." Hàn Dōng's eyes are still more hypocritical
than Li Shang.

Wang Zhong Ding also admitted, "I can't imagine looking at

your face posing as a woman."

Hàn Dōng's sense of injustice was that he had not been buried
deep, but there was a sense that he was lucky enough to escape.

Li Shang is different. When Li Shang heard Hàn Dōng saying

that he heard hope. Originally, he was rejected by Wang Zhong
Ding because of this male actor. Therefore, he is afraid that Hàn
Dōng is better than himself in this term. Since Wang Zhong
Ding has expressed his meaning so clearly, Li Shang is
equivalent to eating assuarance pill.

It was very difficult to get close to get Wang Zhong Ding's

grace. Li Shang wanted "gre'vita chase" and draw more feelings
to win over Wang. The result was he was interrupted by Fang
Yi's phone call.

"If you don't come over in fifteen minutes, your role will be at
your own risk!"

Li Shang's face changed, but when he turned to face Wang

Zhong Ding again, he put on his usual smile.

"Wang Zhong Ding, Dong Zi, you ate slowly. My crew is in a

bit of hurry."

"You have just started eating and you're going so soon?" Hàn
Dōng pretended to be shocked.
Li Shang nodded. "There will be time to get together again."

After that, Li Shang evacuated running like a bolt of


Hàn Dōng alone faced Wang Zhong Ding and he could not
help but mention a large number of castings.

"I don't want to be the actor." Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding looked at him straight and asked, "Why?"

Hàn Dōng said: "I don't want to play the role of a woman, I
think it will destroy my image."

Wang Zhong Ding can't figure out why Hàn can play men and
not women ...but then again he can play ghosts? You can even
play the rotten king, does refuse to kiss in the acting scene, how
could he be trapped by "male dressing"?
Thinking that Hàn Dōng had misunderstood, Wang Zhong
Ding had to explain, he put his chopsticks down and explained
to him: "I don't think female costumes are the kind of foreign
thing you imagined, but actors who are brave enough to
sacrifice their heroic image for special tasks. They're worthy of
respect. It's amazing, not ridiculed, and you don't have to worry
about your image being damaged."

Hàn Dōng is afraid of this amazing chance, in case Wang

Zhong Ding took out his expression of a woman to a familiarity
and then suspect that he usually has this trouble.

"Weren't you the one who has just said? I don't look like a
woman to be sure. Then you didn't break the bridge." Hàn Dōng

Wang Zhong Ding is unmoved. "The actor has to adapt to the

character rather than let the character adapt to him. It doesn't
look good to makeup.....the make-up artist. With what do you
feel confident?"

Hàn Dōng's abdominal walls trembled: It's not that I can't

play a woman because I'm too confident about it. If I really act
like one you won't be able to let it go!
"I just don't want to act that anyway."

Wang Zhong Ding's face sank. "If you don't want to be an

extra actor for the rest of your life. You're pulling your own

Hàn Dōng grinned and said nothing.


Li Shang was three minutes late, and he wore three-legged

high-heeled shoes.

"What happened to you?" Li Shang still looked good-


Fang Yi bitterly said: "It is not because of you! Originally I

didn't expect to rely on magazine cover boosting your
popularity, and now also for you to compete with that hairy
boy. Even if you fight over it, the result actually made him ugly.
His assistant dug a corner."
Speaking of Hàn Dōng, Li Shang's expression immediately
became tense.

"What's going on? You speak slowly."

Fang Yi still struggles with anger.

"Originally, Mr. Nick promised me that the contract would be

signed soon. As a result, he called me again today saying that we
might have to wait two days. Then I asked his assistant ....he
says that the ugly woman who was called for Hàn Dōng had
flowers delivered. For frequent days she met with Mr.
Nick.......Mr. Nick also said that he had found a rare soulmate
for the magazine cover, and now he rejects my offer, can you say
that foreigners have problems with their eyesight?"

Li Shang looked at the foreign assistant next to Fang Yi and

asked his opinion. The assistant said that there is no problem
with the eyes of the foreigners. The ugliness of Shen spent in
the past has already crossed national boundaries.

It can only show that this woman really has two brushes.
"He just said two days, and he didn't say anything else?" Li
Shang asked.

Fang Yi shook her head. "Although it wasn't said, what it

meant was already obvious, but it was an excuse to drag this."

"If he doesn't make it clear that someone has replaced you, it

means there is still a chance to change it to our favor."

"But I can't pull that face!" Fang Yi was upset.

Li Shang patted Fang's back, sighing deeply with

congratulations: "That's it. You've done your best. The
magazine has so far been for a Chinese actress. You're not even
up. What will you say."

And the only one that has taken over is Yi Wei, who has had a
thriving experience three years ago.

"Then I can't really forget it." Fang Yi momentarily changed

her face. "Getting this cover is up to me."
Thus, Fang Yi once was more cheeky to find Mr. Nick, and
this time she stood for more than an hour outside the door,
which is the beginning of the early days spent in teaching Mr.
Nick .

The end of the game was finally over and she had to rest in the
gap. Mr. Nick invited Fang Yi.

"I'm sorry, I'm too tired for the day."

Fang Yi lifted her lips and her fingers circled Nick's chin's in a
lustful touch.

"How is Mr. Nick with all this? I have waited for you and I
can't afford to wait any longer."

Next to the flowers, Shèn Hua said, "I will go first."

"Don't go." Fang Yi stopped her. "Let's listen to him together.

Maybe you don't have to come afterward."
Nick also waved his hand to let Shèn Hua stay

Thus, Fang Yi was in front of Shèn Hua, showing a series of

prosperous conditions, which could be adding up to almost
equal to buying a period of Chinese sales. After all, Nick is a
businessman, and his friends can hardly be anything other than

Hearing these words, he almost agreed to Fang Yi's request

without hesitation.

"Miss Shèn, I can only say sorry, I hope this will not affect our
friendship." Mr. Nick looked guilty.

Contrary to Fang Yi's surprise, Shèn Hua didn't have the

slightest contention for competition, nor did she leave any
intention of blaming Nick for going back on his word, but she
also gave Mr. Nick a generous hug.

"It does not matter. I think we will have the opportunity to

cooperate again. But I know it is very difficult for Mr. Nick to
come to China. Hàn Dōng wants to send you a large blockbuster
for your commemoration."

Mr. Nick didn't expect that Shèn would only not blaming him
but also giving him a chance for a photo shoot, immediately he
expressed his wish, "I am willing to provide Mr. Hàn Dōng with
the best studio and cameraman, if he has a chance later, I will
certainly invite him to serve as our cover model. ."

Fang Yi heart strimmed a cold hum, he will not to die, but also
delaying the surety chance?

"Mr. Nick, you see this contract..." Fang Yi handed the pen

Mr. Nick had to pick it up.

Once the two sides signed down, it was a matter of nailing the

As for the rest of Hàn Dōng's filming day, the Nick subject
didn't bring him down and he was not concerned.

Because Mr. Nick's plane is leaving the day after tomorrow,

Fang will have to shoot also tomorrow, so Hàn Dōng can only let
go of everything in his hands, and complete the tragic mission

In the shooting studio, two foreign photographers waited for

Hàn Dōng to finish getting his clothing styled.

When the curtains opened, both photographers were stunned.

In a black thread perspective installation, millions of Ming

and Qing Dynasties rosewood furniture went to accompany the
photoshoot scene....Hàn Dōng sat cross-legged, visual camera
angled with a leisurely sitting smile, or evil spirits or masculine
temperament to show the sexy beauty of the oriental man
incisively and vividly.

In the back, harsh and demanding photographers were like

the shuttering camera in their hands at the moment, they all
have been out of control, and they can't stop shooting at all
Next scene is the photo shoot of a full-necked drunken
bathtub, a lazy figure, uninhibited eyes, covered with a leaf in
between the legs, then boldly digging the ultimate perfect legs
sloping over the edge of the bathtub.

The cameraman's shot was almost something pulled out of


Later, he took a series of styles, sexy, wicked and cool

MAN's... only you can't think of it like that and he can't control
it. The shooting speed of the set kept going for more than ten
minutes it was a historical record, and the cameraman called
Hàn Dōng the best model who used the body to interpret the
beauty of a man.

The next morning, Fang Yi received a call from Nick's


"Miss Fang Yi, I'm really sorry, we decided to use Hàn Dōng's
photo on the cover of this magazine."

Fang Yi was a sober lady when she heard this, buDon't forget
to comment and vote..... And please do note that this is not
proofread..... all mistakes lies with no-one......stay still....Feng

the sudden emergence of a raging woman also awoke Li Shang


"Why? We signed the contract!"

"Mr. Nick said, he will pay in full the liquidated damages,

hoping to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"Hey! Hey? Hey... Hey!"

Fang Yi flung the phone directly to the ground and it


In the eyes of Li Shang, she was dyed with a gloomy layer of


Hàn Dōng and Shèn Hua here have already started to
negotiate with Nick on which blockbuster covers to use.

"I think it's better to ask the broker about this kind of thing,"
Nick said.

Shèn Hua thought so too. "We should let Wang pick. He has a
very good eye for this thing."

Only Hàn Dōng vetoed it. "No, he will make himself get into
the old-fashioned thinking. There are nine sets of ten sets."

Mr. Nick said: "But we sign the contract to get in touch with
the broker."

Although Hàn Dōng disagrees, the rules are placed here, he

can only accept the fate. No matter which one Wang choose, it
is better than nothing.
Chapter 98 From Bears to giant Panda.
The conference room on the 6th floor of Zhong Ding Group
Building is holding a performance report meeting.

The participants are mainly the major shareholders in the

group. The natural head position is the chairman Wang Hai Zi.
Sitting next to him is the chairman's secretary and deputy
president, Wang Hao, and Wang Hai Zi's youngest son. He
usually supervises the two fields of advertising and games, so he
rarely shows up except for meetings.

The chairman and general manager Wang Zhong Ding and

Feng Jun assisted in the meeting.

Before the meeting began, Feng Jun first stressed the meeting
discipline. Although it is an entertainment company, but under
the high pressure of Wang Zhong Ding's digital obsession, the
discipline in the venue is quite strict.

"Prohibit the use of PPT and prohibit writing on documents.

One thing must be clearly explained within three minutes. A
question must be answered within three seconds."
Afterwards, Feng Jun looked at Wang Zhong Ding who
nodded, indicating that the meeting could begin.

Wang Zhong Ding briefly made a preliminary speech, and

then announced performance of various departments. Each
speaker's expression is very serious, the speed is quite fast, and
it is clear and fluent. It can be seen that much work has been
done before the meeting.

Afterwards, Wang Zhong Ding made a summary report.

Three seconds before the end of the speech, Wang Zhong Ding
expertly opened the mailbox and clicked on the first email. As a
result, one second before he started speaking , suddenly a new e-
mail came and caused his hand to click the wrong email.

This email is a Photoshoot from Mr. Nick. The headline is the

all-encompassing "Naked Drunk Bathtub" set that everyone is
optimistic about.

Wang Zhong Ding spent a dozen seconds thinking....

What is the concept of explaining for more than ten seconds?
For the average person, a Blasphemy God passed, and for Wang
Zhong Ding, it was simply a major looting of the spirit. There
was no point in breaking the news that people were so busy that
they would never have such a situation.

Feng Jun whispered, "What's wrong?"

Wang Zhong Ding regained his eyes and turned his attention
to the shareholders and company executives. His cold voice said:
“I'm very sorry. Just now the computer has some troubles. Now
I will announce the performance growth of the last quarter for
everyone. First of all, We review the performance of the last
quarter of last year...."

When Wang Zhong Ding went to the power point again,

another e-mail was sent over. This time it was a perspective
black yarn set.

All the participants were stunned with Wang Zhong Ding

being stunned. What is the situation? Is he blind? Do you think
that Wang Zhong Ding will actually swear?

Before Wang Zhong Ding goes to a meeting, he glanced at the

data and basically writes it down. In order to calm himself, he
directly closed the computer. After the results were disclosed,
the situation still didn't improve.

The head full of databases was now occupied by Hàn Dōng's

"photos". Fortunately, he still retains the basic qualities of the
leader, even if his heart has been racing seriously out of shape,
he had to rely on his strong mouth to support the audience.

At the end of his speech, Wang Zhong Ding had a feeling of


"Your speech has timed out and exceeded 16 seconds." Feng

Jun whispered.

Although not much time had passed, Wang Zhong Ding is still

Wang Hai Zi also found out that Wang Zhong Ding was an
anomaly today..... After the meeting, he asked Wang Zhong
Ding nervously. “Is there anything in your family? Is eveything
all right with my older brother?”
Wang Zhong Ding, "'s all fine, don't worry."

Although Wang Hai Zi does not get involved in the operation

and management of the company, he still inquire about them
from time to time.

"what did your new director say about the preparations for
the film?

Wang Zhong Ding explained: "The director group is still in

contact and it has not been implemented."

"Isn't Liang the director?" Wang Hai Zi was a bit surprised.

"No, we plan to use Hollywood first-line directors."

Wang Hai Zi patted Wang Zhong Ding's shoulder with a smile.

"Then I will wait and see."
When the two went outside while chatting, Wang Hai Zi
suddenly talked to Yi Wei.

"I want her to hold shares."

Wang Zhong Ding changed his look and turned his eyes to
Wang Hai Zi's suddenly sinking face.

"Thats the only way to put her firmly in this movie!"


What was not expected by Hàn Dōng. Wang Zhong Ding really
whiped on all of Hàn Dōng's blockbuster photos.

"Absolutely they cannot be used! What is this called? Do you

see for yourself that with this kind of thing you can climb up the
ladder of success?"
Hàn Dōng was puzzled. “How can I climb the ladder? The
company did a large-scale photo shoot .... only not one of me.

"What this about someone else shoots? What is it that

you shoot? It's not artistic beauty, you look like a rogue!"

Hàn Dōng was not anxious. "It is obviously the same style.
Even the poses are similar. What is the art value of the shoot?
How can I be a rogue?"

“The postures are the same, but the effect that is presented is
totally different. When someone's two legs are apart, what is
shown is a kind of muscular beauty, a kind of power beauty.
What about you ......when your two legs are apart? It show
virtuous, lustful, provocative, vulgar, and are that all negative

Hàn Dōng immediately replied: "Is it my wrong picture or

your negative attitude?"

Wang Zhong Ding's face suddenly changed color. "What did

you say? You say it again!"
Hàn Dōng's unconvinced expression murmured: "Anyone who
knows doesn't need a repeat."

This sentence was hit on the nil and explosive gas permeated
the air and when Wang Zhong Ding dangerous face approached,
Hàn Dōng fled in desperation.

Unexpectedly, there is a semi-high oceanic bell in front of the

shoe and the tip is pointed. If someone else will surely hit the
tip, the dangerous part of it will fall on Hàn Dōng thigh junction
to the crotch, and he wants to stop it. The eyes were about to
hit, and suddenly Wang Zhong Ding has returned his foot.

Hàn Dōng gasped for a while and turned to Wang Zhong Ding.
He also had a shocked expression.

Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng staring at him, his face
suddenly turned gloomy, and he threw him on the sofa next to

"While running, can you please try to not break the clock?"
Hàn Dōng also didn't speak, and his sharp eyes kept watching
Wang Zhong Ding, revealing a thievery inside.

Wang Zhong Ding returned to the office and ordered a

cigarette. He smoked his face and eased some.

"You want the cover to be featuring you....fine , but which one

must be decided by me."

Hàn Dōng's heart is still not balanced. "Isn't it supposed to be

negotiated or...?"

Wang Zhong Ding tone was very tough. "I don't want to
negotiate with you!"

"Is it because you are too unapproachable?"

"If I'm really impatient and can't keep

one of these pictures. Even if you were wearing clothes, you
have to be serious. It's very kind of me to not deleting them all."
As a result, Hàn Dōng became an air force directly, and he had
a frightened cat look on his face.

Nobody knows how long, Wang Ding and Hàn Dōng looked at
each other then he said: "I have already sent the selected picture
to Nick, and that is the end of the matter."

"Wait a minute!" Hàn Dōng interrupted quickly. "Which one is

it? Can you show it to me?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "You don't have to see it. It has been

"Why didn't you leave me a clue? Mr. Nick gave me an entire


"Not only this CD is destroyed but the original film from Nick
also needs to be completely destroyed. If it is left undone all
cooperation between ours and their company will be
Hàn Dōng hurriedly said, "Why are you doing this ah?"

"It's not good for you to have this kind of pictures out." Wang
Zhong Ding has a sharp voice.

But Hàn Dōng didn't understand until now. How could Wang
Zhong Ding have seen these photos?


After Hàn Dōng left, Wang Zhong Ding's eyes remained on the
computer screen.

Er Lei didn't knock and pushed directly into the door.

Unexpectedly, just as soon as he entered, he felt that Wang

Zhong Ding was suddenly in a stiff state, and then as sharp as
the blade, he changed it and scared Er Lei like he had seen a
"Wang, are you?"

Wang Zhong Ding quickly closed his notebook and his face
returned to normal.

"Nothing, give it to me."

Er Lei took a somewhat curious attitude and stepped forward

slowly. His eyes only stayed on Wang Zhong Ding's face for half
a second, letting Wang Zhong Ding's keen nerves sense it.

" What are you looking at?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Er Lei shook his head. "Nothing nothing..."

After that, he turned and went out.

In the evening, Wang Zhong Ding rarely had to work overtime

and also manage to go to bed at ten o'clock. The result was that
he felt overwhelmed and he couldn't sleep. He smoked a few
cigarettes on the way, and he was a little annoyed in the
indifferent look.

At near 12 o'clock, Wang Zhong Ding picked up his tablet and

looked at the photos one by one.

Suddenly he stood up and took a few steps in the doorway. He

looked straight at the ocean clock that Hàn Dōng almost ran
into. He didn't know what to think of at that moment ..... Hàn
Dōng can only go out after the approval of a piece of clothes to
wear by Wang Zhong Dong.

"Er Lei , help me to arrange a special plane. I am going to

Hong Kong now."

Er Lei wasn't able to sleep ..... what happened? In the middle

of the night, to make Wang Zhong Ding to run to Hong Kong...

When Wang Zhong Ding made a phone call, he went to Hàn

Dōng's dormitory, and Hàn Dōng had already slept. Wang
Zhong Ding didn't put on clothes for Hàn Dōng. He covered him
with a blanket....and carried him away.

Hong Kong is a city that never sleeps. When he arrived, it was

already three in the morning and the streets were still very

Wang Zhong Ding was transferred to a hotel where a

professional auction house appraisers had been waiting there
for a long time.

Seeing Hàn Dōng sleepy figure, the appraisers have some


"I will have to touch him in a moment. Will I wake him up?"

"At this point he will not wake up." Wang Zhong Ding tone is
very certain.

As a result, appraisers took a series of professional tools to

measure Hàn Dōng.
In foreign countries, physical insurance is no longer a surprise
thing. Many celebrities are insured for an organ on their own,
the insureanrance ranging from a few million to several tens of
millions, and even to hundreds of millions.

Although there is no such insurance in China, there are still

many celebrities who make a special trip to a particular
location. For example an actress once , when she insured 60
million for her long hair, she caused a stir in the circle.

Wang Zhong Ding's purpose was to insure Hàn Dōng's lower

body, mainly the hips and legs.

The appraisers took over many of these customers

measurements and saw many good looking parts. However,
when they saw Hàn Dōng's legs they were still stunned. During
the period of estimation, Wang Zhong Ding constantly kept eye
contact, suggesting that he might have to pay for this time.

The conservative value given by the last appraiser is 300

million for the legs and 120 million for the hips, and they are all
US dollars!
According to the insurance company's claim terms, if the
amount reaches 420 million yuan, it will be tens of millions of
premiums that need to be paid every year.

This thought, Wang Zhong Ding would consider again and

again. He did not expect him to directly say, "3 billion 500

"3,500 million? Do you want it to double or single increase?"

Thw Appraiser does not understand.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Single increase."

"That means you have to add 50 million insured to his leg?"

"And hips." Wang Zhong Ding corrected it.

The appraiser was shocked. "Hip? You want to increase his

hips to 340 million? What about those two legs?"
"One billion."

The appraisers were then quelled. Not even the top

Hollywood superstars come to this price!

Er Lei silently calculated that 1.35 billion U.S. dollars was

equivalent to 10 billion yuan. Hàn Dōng turned overnight from
Wang Zhong Ding's "bear stuff" to a "giant panda."

And all of this happening, Hàn Dōng is completely ignorant.

Wang Zhong Ding deliberately criticized Er Lei. "Don't talk to

anyone about this, especially Hàn Dōng."

"Why?" Er Lei didn't understand.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "If his leg and ass are in thin
condition, he will become a beneficiary. I'm afraid that he
would saw off his lower body when he is sleeping."
For Er Lei this is really a wake-up call.
Chapter 99 Again burst!
The moment Hàn Dōng got the magazine, he knew which
photo it had on the cover.

Sure enough, it is the most conservative of all the photos.

This photo was taken in a steam room. Hàn Dōng was dressed
in black skinny leather pants and sweated to the edge of the
wall. A bucket of hot water poured down and the white steam
floated, and wild water splashed on the leather pants.

Light and shadow, light and dark, levels and textures,

interpret a sexy, unrestrained atmosphere.

Although it was very small one in the pile of photos, that did
not prevent it from becoming an artistic treasure in the eyes of
the fashion industry.

The moment Yu Ming got the magazine, he scorned Xià Hòng

Wēi from the bottom of his heart.
Back at the dormitory, Hàn Dōng was sitting cross-legged on
the bed.

Yu Ming teased or a second.

"I said, can you stop doing these things?"

Hàn Dōng didn't understand what Ming was talking about .

"What's wrong?"

Yu Ming did not answer and he left the magazine with Hàn
Dōng at the computer table.

"Congratulations, the has magazine sold out....even the

magazine poster was still stolen from the company's
promotional stand."

Hàn Dōng started to smell grease again. "Is this ugly thing sold
out of stock? How is the fashion circle's vision fallen this low?"
Yu Ming couldn't understand and expressed happiness for
him. "You have caused a lot of sensation with this group of
photos on the Internet. I think the picture section of the portal
sites all have you on the headlines."

Hàn Dōng immediately listened to the Internet and read it.

"I'm fucking microblogging actually rose a few tens of
thousands of followers in a day!! I spent two years on it before it
rose a few thousand followers and I was a dead skin face. "

Yu Ming stimulated him with enthusiasm. "Li Shang's

followers have already broken from him in the millions."

"Cut..... what are the people who pay attention to me? Those
who are in the fashion circle are high-end people! The audience
is like a pyramid, and the fewer people at the top, the less you
see them. You look at the people who are following him. It's all
a group of brain-dead fans, all day 'Oppa, I love you so much oh''
Stay up late again, so distressed 'this kind of non-nutritive
comment.' "

"Look at the comment below. You read this, 'The character

himself is part of fashion';
look at this again, 'Your styling reminds me of the design
inspiration for Morocco, India and the Middle Ages.
You Look at this again, 'Looking for big... Big Bird''???

Hàn Dōng suddenly changed his face and spoke.

"Motherfucker! Who commented that? Fuck! Look, I want to
sent him a scathing reply!"

Yu Ming hurriedly stopped him. "You are a public figure now.

You can't go back to that hooliganism ."

Hàn Dōng, with a twist, turned his head and said: "It has
already been sent."

"What did you send?"

"I... I said, 'The Lao Tzu's will wedge your big JB'... okay?"

Yu Ming's mouth twitched, "Good God man! You should delete

Hàn Dōng's hand just passed the point and found that
someone had deleted it before him.

"My fucking hell... Who's so fast?"

As soon as his voice just fell, Wang Zhong Ding's telephone

call was ringing over and his tone was gloomy.

"Don't ever let me see that comment again, or I will delete

your account directly!"

Wang did not give Hàn Dōng any opportunity to respond and
he hang up directly.

"Who is that?" Yu Ming asked.

"Who else you say? Wang Zhong Ding!"

"How did he react so fast? Is he always sending people to

monitor you?" Yu Ming doubted.

Hàn Dōng reply was not good. "In the past, he never took care
of me. Since I finished shooting the cover magazine, I'm bound
by him! Even if I have a little bit of a situation here, and he
knows about right away. I'll be like a burglar!"

Yu Ming grinned, "It means he cares about you."

Speaking of this, Hàn Dōng suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, what do you think of my cover?"

Yu Ming's tone is light, "it's good!"

"Not sexy enough?"

"It is ok."
Hàn Dōng beat his thighs. "Yeah, like you're so stingy with
praise... you can see that my picture is sexy. How can he not see
it completely? You tell he not sexually incompetent?"

"He isn't.... Is he ?" Yu Ming could not accept it.

Hàn Dōng suddenly smirked and patted Yu Ming's lower belly

to ask: "You tell Wang Zhong Ding's JB not big?"

"The fu*k-..." Yu Ming said, "How would I know?"

"He went to the toilet but you didn't see it. I wanted to sneak
at it ....Sometimes he looked across from me and I stared at him.
I found that the bulging bulge was not as expected."

"Have you two not met each other? Can't you see his size from
his face?"

Yu Ming's remarks awoke Hàn Dōng, right, why don't I guess?

I can see it indirectly!
So, Hàn Dōng took photos of Wang Zhong Ding again.

"I'll calculate on it! It's a good gun! This is a good gun!" Hàn
Dōng looked excited and looked at Yu Ming. "You see how wide
his eyebrows are, his eyes are flawed, and it shows his sexual
desire is very strong. Ah! You tell me how he usually vents? Will
you say that he is always jealous?"

1]..... Gun is penis.....

Yu Ming hesitated to open his mouth. "There are so many

female stars who want to go to bed with him. Shouldn't it be the
other way around?"

"He must have been upsetting the kidneys with the staying up
late. Staying up late for many years will lead to serious kidney
problems, and the good men and women will give themselves
up. His face is embarrassed"

1]...kidney function = libido

Yu Ming gave him a look. "Aren't you thinking too much?"

Facts have proved that Hàn Dōng does not think too much but
thinks quite a lot.

"I know just why the comment was just found out so quickly,
and it's fierce because it was his comment I was replying to... He
just had kidney failure and he got a psychological satisfaction in
taunting me this way."

Yu Ming laughed: "Is he thinking that way, or do you want to

send him something ah?"

"What do you say? Brother has no shame, the basic bottom is

still there! Besides, he wants to see me..... I must send it to him?
I hang him, I deliberately make him anxious, I'll... oh! Why are
you going?!"

"Washing your feet!"

In the evening, Yu Ming slept in and he was awakened by the

heavy gasping next door.

Everyone is always sneaking in doing something like that.

Even if two people sleep in a bed, they cannot feel it. Hàn Dōng
on the other way, doesn't know how to avoid suspicion, every
time he was more excited.

Yu Ming looked at the wall, "I said, can you get a little bit
more private?"

"Immediately, it's all right now...the amount..."

Yu Ming irritably put his head into the bed sheet, whichever
magazine he touched on his face he saw the cover photo of Hàn
Dōng's cold eyes.

Yu Ming snarled inside: Is this assho*e a real person?

After the venting...Hàn Dōng fell asleep.

After a short while, he got up from his bed again. Turned on
the light and took up the phone. He took off his little underwear
and released the big bird. Closed his eyes and held the phone
exactly under his palm.....

On the way home, Wang Zhong Ding received a message,

when he opened it, his face nearly hit a wall...


The next day, Hàn Dōng entered Wang Zhong Ding's office as
nothing was wrong...

"I'll be in the crew tomorrow!" Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't respond, but he looked at Hàn Dōng

with a complex gaze.

Hàn Dōng put his hand in his trouser pocket and squinted
upwards, aiming for a cold tone. "Why do you look at me like
"Do you have something else in your head?" Wang Zhong Ding
asked suddenly.

Hàn Dōng has an unknown expression. "In my head?

Anything else? What else?"

Wang Zhong Ding originally intended to come up with the

nude photographs to question Hàn Dōng. As a result, the mobile
phones have been picked up. However, this has not been
changed. Before doing so, Hàn Dōng's rogue behavior was
enough for him to kill him ten times. But this time, Wang
Zhong Ding actually acquiesced.

"I will enter the crow tomorrow." Hàn Dōng emphasized


Wang Zhong Ding still calmed his face. "Then, get ready."

"I mean I'll have a box lunch tomorrow. We'll have another
meal together today."
As a result, Wang Zhong Ding just got up and Hàn Dōng
pressed him down again.

"You don't have to meet me in the afternoon. You're waiting

for it here. I'll buy it in the afternoon. I'll buy it and send it to
you" Hàn Dōng said as he was rushing out the elevator.

After a while, Hàn Dōng came in with a few lunch boxes.

Wang Zhong Ding smelled a strange smell, "What is it?"

"If you eat it, you will know!" Hàn Dōng picks an eyebrow.

As he was waiting for Wang Zhong Ding to open a lunch box,

Hàn Dōng couldn't help but recount the list on his head ..... pig
kidney, sheep kidney, cattle kidney ... ...

"What are you doing with these products?" Wang Zhong Ding
Hàn Dōng, couldn't talk directly to Wang Zhong Ding's self-
esteem, so he took the problem to himself. "I've been a bit of
kidney deficiency recently and I'm trying to make up for it."

Do you still have to make up? Wang Zhong Ding was part-time
speechless, then make up for it in your room but don't you to
send it over!

"Eat! You see that I have eaten, taste it!" Hàn Dōng has to be
intoxicated to seduce Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding didn-t have any interest. "I don't like to eat
something that tastes like this"

"This is odorless. It's all clean. You smell it." Hàn Dōng clipped
a piece sent it to Wang Zhong Ding's nose.

Wang Zhong Ding fled away and was ridiculed by Hàn Dōng.

"Ha ha ha ha ... you scared cat!"

Wang Zhong Ding silently looked at Hàn Dōng's sillyness.

"Er er, your waist is really good at this time. Eat! You have to
eat it even if you don't want to."

In the end, Hàn Dōng really did eat.

1]..... kidney deficiency or lack of sex drive..... repaired by as

you guessed it.... sheep kidney, cow kidney etc... according to
Chinese old medicine
Chapter 100 He is stupid!
In the afternoon, Hàn Dōng was full of anger and enthusiasm,
watching people's eyes fully charged.

Yu Ming was packing things in the room, and Hàn Dōng twists
and turns with his soul-stirring pace. He was obliquely docked
on the door frame, the hot scorpion eyes watching Yu Ming,
Hàn Dōng said faintly: "what do I do when I feel a hot stream on
the lower abdomen ?"

1].....Hot stream on the lower diarrhoea I think

because he ate all that awful food

Yu Ming didn't lift his head and said, "Pull it!"

Sure enough, Hàn Dōng strode into the bathroom.

This excretion lasted for half an hour. When Hàn Dōng stood
up from the toilet, he felt more like an immortal.
1]......eeergh that disturbingly true..... feel like an
immortal...he felt like he was on air.

The new film was formally named "Theft of Shadows," and a

relatively simple boot up ceremony was held in the evening. In
addition to the appearance of the creative staff, hardly any
guests was allowed in.... Wang Zhong Ding's people went in
other provinces, Yu Ming has other arrangements, the
protagonist is less old topics... The final media focus was on Hàn

Hàn Dōng is like a natural actor. As long as he is facing the

camera, he will be stripped of his own senses. The moment the
scene is set on his face, the best angle is always ready, the
coolest handsome expression, and the strongest aura.

"Next, can we ask Hàn Dōng to introduce his own role."

Hàn Dōng had originally prepared a lot of profound words to

interpret his simple role, but when the host's microphone was
handed over, Hàn Dōng felt a hot stream to the lower abdomen.
And it was an acute attack. It instantly cleared all the words in
Hàn Dōng's mind.
So, Hàn Dōng only returned one word, "Ghost."

After passing the microphone directly to another person,

there is no chance of the host to ask again.

The host had to laugh and make a joke. "It seems that our Mr.
Hàn Dōng is not only cool on the cover, but also so cool in real
life. Now let's interview Director Lu..."

Hàn Dōng didn't show any embarrassment in front of the

camera, but Shèn Hua's discomfort was revealed at the
beginning of the show. She took him to the stage and took what
she said to Hàn Dōng. Hàn Dōng took a look at her and left

As a result, Hàn doesn't know it's a matter of a few steps and

several media have caught up.

"Hàn Dōng, what are your next arrangements?"

Hàn Dōng abdominal cramps rolled: arrangements? What can

I arrange? Let me pull this bubble first!

"Hàn Dōng, how are you so convinced of acting as a ghost who

has such a heavy fashion?"

Hàn Dōng: Can't you convince yourself to look at someone


"Hàn Dōng, are you so maverick, you're act is deliberately

faked out or is it your character?"

Hàn Dōng face cramped: You eat two pounds of that food and
any of you will know if I am faking it or not,


In the face of the reporter's relentless pursuit, Hàn Dōng has

always kept his face from making a statement. Shèn Hua took
the side to rescue him, and kept exceeding the reporter: "I'm
sorry, Hàn Dōng is not convenient to answer anymore "
Seeing a turn in front of her is the bathroom. If you let the
camera capture the shot of Hàn Dōng, all the fake forces would
have just been exposed. So Shen went and stood directly in front
of the camera, smiled, showing her uneven teeth.

"You can ask me any questions."

As a result, the reporters all ran back.

As soon as Hàn Dōng got into the toilet, he resumed his old
style and buried his head in his knees. “Just hurts
me...I'm so unlucky...”

Feng Jun received a video from the media and gave it to Wang
Zhong Ding.

"I specifically asked reporters to give him a few more shots,

not to mention ... this kid usually looks at the swaying, in front
of the camera there really is a big fan range for him."

Wang Zhong Ding laughed inexplicably, "He was



"Well, he had an urgency."

Feng Jun wondered, "How did you see it?"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't answer directly, but rather decided

to continue to say: "He certainly left the camera and must have
taken a squat on the toilet. If you don't believe it, just ask him."

Feng Jun looked at Wang Zhong Ding's smiling expression,

and it was hard to imagine that Wang Zhong Ding would
actually talk about such a boring thing. What makes him even
more puzzled is when have Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng
became so intimate?

"You didn't come to me just for this video, right?" Wang

Zhong Ding asked.
Feng Jun hesitated for a moment and said: "Not all, I still
wanted to talk to you about Wan Li Qing. Wan Li Qing will go
abroad tomorrow. This time she will take a few months to go,

"I understand." Wang Zhong Ding interrupted Feng Jun's

words and asked directly: "When is the plane going?"

"Tomorrow morning."

Wang Zhong Ding looked at the watch below. Now it is more

than eight, and he said, "I have some urgent things on hand. I
can finish them in about two hours. I'll go and find her after I

"Don't work too hard, call me at any time."

As Feng Jun was leaving. Wang Zhong Ding once again

stopped him.

"Hàn Dōng enters the crew tomorrow so sent more than a few
people to look after him."

Feng Jun doesn't understand, "Is this necessary? I think he

has performed well recently."

"That's just a surface phenomenon." Wang Zhong Ding looked

positive. "He is so stupid that accidents may occur at any time."

He is also stupid? No he is fine?!

Not only Feng Jun, but all eyes can be seen out, Hàn Dōng's
silly smile is mostly faked. In fact, there are more than anyone
else's minds and ghosts.

But Wang Zhong Ding stubbornly observed, "He is stupid."

Feng Jun confessed, "Well, I'll find someone to watch over


Feng Jun haven't left for a while, and Hàn Dōng knocked on
the door.

Wang Zhong Ding sees Hàn Dōng in the video and compares
him to Hàn Dōng himself who is completely an expression.
Seeing Hàn Dōng himself, his face sank naturally.

"What are you doing here?"

Hàn Dōng leaned against the wall in a slanting manner. There

was no answer at all.

"Looking for you to play for a while."

Wang Zhong Ding immediately yelled back. "Who is free to

play with you? I'm busy."
"Are you still working so late?" Hàn Dōng said helplessly and
lost. "Well, you're too busy with yours and you're now ready to
take a rest."

Hàn Dōng's sudden considerations had allowed Wang Zhong

Ding to endure some hardships, so he broke ground for a few
more words.

"You have shooting tomorrow?"

Hàn Dōng nodded. "For now I just want to stay with you for a

"Do you need someone to accompany you? You manage

yourself better than anyone!"

Hàn Dōng didn't say anything.

"I'm honest with the crew, don't recruit anyone to your

Hàn Dōng still kept silent.

Wang Zhong Ding paused for a moment before opening his

mouth. "OK, let's go."

Go? Think beautiful!

When Hàn Dōng was about to close the door, he suddenly

made a savage effort. In the case of Wang Zhong Ding's
unpreparedness, he slammed into the door and picked up an old

"You will come! You will come now! You come with me to save
this watch!" Hàn Dōng looked threatening.

At that time, Wang Zhong Ding had a dark face and swallowed
him as he took a look at Hàn Dōng.

"Since you didn't plan to go since the beginning, why didn't

you just come in?"
The thief smirked. "If I were to come in directly, you wouldn't
listen to me just now."

The unexpected violence didn't happen.

Wang Zhong Ding's body has already produced the “Hàn Dōng
Immune System.” When he is annoyed by Hàn Dōng to a certain
degree, the system will automatically operate, turning the full-
hearted anger into an outright ignorance.

"OK, you just hold it, it's best to take one overnight stay."
Wang Zhong Ding resumed doing his own issues.

Hàn Dōng didn't speak, and he was still motionless while

staring at Wang Zhong Ding.

After a minute and a second of time, Wang Ding's work in his

hands was almost over, and he had planned to go to Wan Li
Qing. Still he didn't look at Hàn Dōng, didn't talk to him,
bypassing him straight to the bathroom.
Hàn Dōng quickly poured some transparent powder into
Wang Zhong Ding's water cup at this time.

This is the secret recipe that Hàn Dōng concocted from the old
Chinese medicine practitioners. It can play a role in hypnosis
and it has no major side effects on the body.

After it was over, Hàn Dōng rushed back to the place holding
the old bell, like nothing happened.

Wang Zhong Ding's laws of living are very strict. If he wants

to drink water, and his hands touch the table supplies for a long
time, he will certainly go to the bathroom to wash his hands,
and then he will come back to lift the cup.....then drink...

Sure enough, when Wang Zhong Ding returned, he drank a

few sips of water and then he focused his gaze on the computer
screen and did the clean-up work before leaving.

A moment later ....Wang Zhong Ding felt a heavy trapped

attack and could not ascertain how. In less than ten minutes, he
let the "fool" in his mouth fall asleep.
Hàn Dōng's arm was withdrawn from the ancient bell, and
slowly swung around to Wang Zhong Ding's side. With his hand
on his shoulder, he tried to take a few pokes and felt that Wang
Zhong Ding had indeed fallen asleep. He dragged him into the

Hàn Dōng lifted Wang Zhong Ding to the bed, took off his
clothes and shoes and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I can only help you to do this.

Be kind to your kidneys, that's good for me!

Hàn Dōng wants to turn around and go out but suddenly he

thought of something again, and his mouth slowly floated a
layer of evil laughter.

Looks like ... There is another doubt that has not been solved

Hàn Dōng rubbed his hands with excitement and walked back
with his feet. After a while, he stared at Wang Zhong Ding for a
moment. Then he said "Wang, take out your bird and let me
take a look."

Then, Hàn Dōng extended his hand into the private room!

" Emma ... it is not small" This is Hàn Dōng courage to open
the blanket and carefully watched with a lot of appreciation.
Tongue licking his lips, eyes filled with a spring. Yes, yes, my
heart is finally practical.

Just as he was to cover Wang Zhong Ding with a quilt, Hàn

Dōng's eyes turned thief.

Or do I... Should I take a picture?

But how if I don't have a cell phone?

Hàn Dōng was thinking and suddenly swept eyes to Wang

Zhong Ding's mobile phone, and his eyes instantly lighted.
correct! I can use his first, and then send it to myself!
In this way, Hàn Dōng picked up his mobile phone and
excitedly aimed at Wang Zhong Ding's pubic area presence.

A big bird figure in the underwear

Hàn Dōng wants to send it but accidentally clicks out and can
only find it again from the folder. The results of trying to found
what he was looking for, he even found a photo of a second big

"I say... Why does this scene is so familiar?... You kidnapped

me and it turns out you have been photographing me for a long
time! It's really a slap! Wang Zhong Ding, Wang Zhong Ding, I
will do the same, oh... ”

After Hàn Dōng was proud, he sent photos to himself.

Suddenly, he was guilty of being confused. The two photos were
of a big bird, a small bird, and the gap was quite obvious. Which
one was Wang Zhong Dings?

In fact, Hàn Dōng's heart is like a mirror, is to keep playing

with his own silly.
"Small? his is definitely smaller?"

But when it was too small, Hàn Dōng refused to make it.

"Well, I will let you go once. This little one is mine."

So Hàn Dōng sent the big one to his mailbox and deleted all

After all the fixing, Hàn Dōng covered Wang Zhong Ding with
a quilt and went outside in a crappy walk....

Wan Li Qing could not wait for Wang Zhong Ding ......she
waited until her heart filled with grievances, but she didn't
want to say so. So after thinking about it, she decided to come to
the company to find Wang Zhong Ding, and asked him in the
end what Wang Zhong Ding thought of her.

When Wan Li Qing came out of the elevator, Hàn Dōng had to
go in. The two people met face to face.
Wan Li Qing was annoyed: how did she meet him again?

Hàn Dōng at first saw a glimpse, and then showed a smile, as

usual filled with sunny weather.

"Oh, sister-in-law what are you doing here?"

Chapter 101, Hàn Flips Out.
Wan Li Qing had a long memory but this time she didn't evem
pay attention to Hàn Dōng.

As a result, Hàn Dōng stopped in front of Wan Li Qing and

asked, "Where are you going sister-in-law?"

Wan Li Qing's heart is full of gas, faintly she replied: "Looking

for your brother."

This little ... ... Hàn Dōng face changed, I say ....who wrote
this default relationship between two people?

"Don't mention it! You can listen to me and say that your
current state of affairs doesn't have the slightest benefit to ease
the relationship between the two of you. It may increase
misunderstandings between you. two"

"I'm sorry, there is no misunderstanding between us."

Wan Li Qing originally intended to get rid of Hàn Dōng's
rhetoric, but it only stirred Hàn Dōng's desire for a struggle.

"Isn't there a misunderstanding?" Hàn Dōng laughed heartily

as if he were more excited than Wan Li Qing.

"I'll just say, Wang Ge is fussing about it. He also said that he
has enough of you..... and how can it be so serious?.....Virtuous,
you're so patient, if so why is it that Wang Ge doesn't want to
get married?"

Wan Li Qing's eyes changed momentarily. "You've had


"What's enough? No!" said Hàn Dōng, using one of Wang

Zhong Ding's arrogant voice. "I just said these three words? Hee
hee... No, hey, you listen to me, how could my Ge say this?
What kind of thing is this? No matter what ..... He values his
child. How can he say it if he feels that you are careful and that
the child is passionate with you? He cannot say such words!"

Originally, Wan Li Qing would not take Hàn Dōng's words

seriously. However, women are sensitive. Especially after they
become accustomed to the praise of Wang Zhong Ding by Hàn
Dōng, one or two words "Smashing Words" suddenly would
make her wonder her authenticity.

"What else did he say to you?"

Hàn Dōng deliberately squeezed out a ditching oil boss who

throw a fake smile and shrewdly put forward a budding lousy
tone. "Nothing...nothing! He said that you are a very special
person and said that if he gets married, you are definitely a
candidate. He is not married ..... How could he not be married
to you? No, no, don't listen to what the other people are

Although Wan Li Qing has taken the words to heart, it is by no

means a few words that can be used to fooling her.

"Since this is the case, then please let me go." Wan Li Qing
politely asked.

Hàn Dōng didn't continue to stop her but smiled and greeted.
"Well, that's good. Wang Ge has been waiting for you. I'll give
him a call and let him get up and open the door for you."

"Get up?" Wan Li Qing doubted.

Hàn Dōng nodded and said without hesitation: "He slept early
today. I was afraid to knock him awake so l have to give him a
call first."

Wang Zhong Ding generally sleeps with his mobile phone, but
when Hàn Dōng took a photo, he put it in silent mode.

"Oh, he sleeps a bit deep..." Hàn Dōng muttered.

Wang Li Qing doesn't believe that Wang Zhong Ding will sleep
on this day, and even more unbelieving that he will sleep at this
time. He personally gave Wang Zhong Ding a call and the result
was the same as Hàn Dōng ..... the call only kept ringing.

Hàn Dōng came to the door and mockingly asking her, "Would
you like me to open the door for you?"
This thought would make anyone turn and leave, and as a
result, she would really nod!

Yes, it is to see if you have this will!

Didn't you call Wang brother all day every day? Are you not
always the face of an insider ...... a close person? Today I will
have to look at the extent to which your relationship with him
is intimate, and how much credibility your words have!

Hàn Dōng's heart secretly whispered, he didn't know the door


So he smiled at Wan Li, then closed his eyes and made no

sound. Originally Hàn had thought of excuses and rhetoric that
he could use as an excuse saying he couldn't open the door. As a
result, the cat crashed into the dead mouse and cracked it. Even
he himself hadn't believed it.

It seems that if there is a Godly helping hand in the dark, his

brain suddenly emerged a series of familiar characters.
"That... open, you go in." Hàn Dōng smiled more

Wan Li Qing's face at that time was already very unsightly,

and when she went in and saw Wang Zhong Ding's sleepy face,
her face was even worse. A gambler did not even say hello, and
she immediately took the elevator going off.

Hàn Dōng looked at her back and sighed deeply.

Hey, actually you are a good girl, but no way... Wang Zhong
Ding is destined to be with me. Instead of letting you have a
false hope, it's better for me to be the wicked person and help
you correct mistakes in time before you fall deep.

The next morning, Feng Jun received news that Wan Li Qing
had already boarded the plane. He wanted to ask Wang Zhong
Ding about the situation last night. As a result, Wang Ding's
mobile phone wasn't answered, the messages he had sent were
unanswered too. In the end, it was found that Wang Zhong
Ding's car was still parked in the garage and has not been moved
since last night.
Seeing this, Feng Jun was faintly aware that something was

He hurriedly called Er Lei and Er Lei rushed to the company.

When Er Lei arrived, Wang Zhong Ding's office door was


Feng Jun and Er Lei rushed to the back room together and saw
Wang Zhong Ding lying on the bed. There was no chance that
Wang Zhong Ding might be sleeping by his own will. He
immediately rushed to "rescue".

After being shaken drastically, Wang Zhong Ding finally woke


"What happened?"

For the first time, Wang Zhong Ding spoke in a sleepy voice.
In the past, no matter how late he was, he still maintained 100%
energy when Er Lei saw him again.
Feng Jun hesitated and said: "Why did you ... sleep till now?"

Sleep till now? Wang Zhong Ding seems to realize that he is

sitting in bed. With his eyes open, he can see dials that are
visible everywhere in the room. Each dial reveals his time to
him in a naked way. He can't escape even if he wants to escape.

Wan Li Qing just left.


These days, Li Shang suffered from the filming of the crew.

In order to catch up with the best schedule in the summer

movie screening, the entire crew is rushing to work, almost day
and night shooting. During this period, Li Shang also tried to
challenge himself wearing large women's clothing. In order to
adapt as soon as possible, he used all the rest of the time to learn
the woman's attitudes and even used high-heeled shoes to enter
himself into the role.
In the case of long-term lack of adequate rest and wearing of
high-heeled shoes, Li Shang's legs became a swollen figure.

Don't mention running, it is difficult to walk normally!

With too much pressure, Li Shang's mood over the past few
days has been very bad.

After another overnight job, Li Shang almost collapsed in his


Liang Jing asked about his situation. "How is it? OK?"

"I'm fine." Li Shang waved.

Liang Jing ordered the fieldworker to pick up the props and

listen to Li Shang requesting: "Let me look at the replay just
Therefore, Liang Jing ordered Xiao Wen to reopen the

After seeing it, a disappointment appeared on Li Shang's face.

"No, no, I feel bad about it... Can I retake it once more?"

In the past, Liang Jing kept shouting CUT!!, and the actor
would be bitterly complaining. Now that Li Shang has been
frequently criticized, even Liang Jing, who is a broker, couldn't
afford to be too much harsh...

"Is it okay? I think I can fix it." Liang Jing said.

Li Shang was totally unacceptable. "This is not what I want.

You look here, drag it back, right, that's the expression. The
transition is too unnatural."

As a result, the dozens of people in the crew that had already

withdrawn, and because of Li Shang's obsessive-compulsive
disorder, all returned with a weary body and re-shot the footage
several times until Li Shang nodded and they finally got rid of

Li Shang himself was seriously overdrawn and he fell asleep

while lying in the car.

Nobody knows how long, he suddenly was woken up by a slap.

"If I could afford sleep, I would sleep. My ambassador for the

foundation has said Yi Wei."

He was also familiar with the sound from Fang Yi of

complaints, and the buzzing sounds that lingered around Li
Shang's ear. It was like bugs crawling on his body. The bugs
started with two and began to gather, and finally, they buzzed

A catalytic explosion broke out.

"You shut up!" Li Shang suddenly burst into anger.

Fang Yi heard this and she began to scream even more
intensely, and she raised her hand towards Li Shang's face. As a
result, Li Shang caught her wrist.

"Let go, let me go... l... you !" Fang Yi red eyes threatened him
"Li Shang, I repeat it again. If you don't let go, I'll let off your
scandals now!"

Li Shang didn't know how many times he heard this, and

finally, after he was under heavy torture... it failed.

"Go ahead, go to the media, as long as you are away from me!"
Li Shang said.

Fang Yi looked at Li Shang in disbelief. "What did you say?"

Li Shang said with a single word: "I - say - you - Fu*k off!"

"Li Shang, you have to remember your words today. I will

make you regret all your words!"
Having said this, Fang Yi got off the car with a cold face.

Li Shang slammed his head on the seat and felt that a huge
rock was pressed down from the top of his head and he couldn't
breathe. The car began to move slowly again. Li Shang didn't
even know where the car was going and what direction it was in
front of him...

Dashingly, Li Shang was pulled by the driver to an event

venue where a television premiere conference was held. This
was a small-budget film shot by the company's studio below.

The press conference now has a lively atmosphere. There is a

reporter lying in the background crying on the floor.

Li Shang turned a blind eye habitually. As soon as he was

about to go, he heard a familiar voice.

"What happened to you?" Yi Wei asked softly.

The reporter also didn't look up to see who it was, and he

cried and said something happened.

It turned out that she made an appointment in advance to

interview the actress's hero. As a result, the other party hanged
him dry. He did not even give an explanation. He also used big
names. He said that the newspaper was so unfamous that she
should not bother to report on it. As a result, the reporter
couldn't go back.

Actually, that protagonist was at most a C-List actor and the

newspaper was more than sufficient.

"You interview me." Yi Wei suddenly said.

Not only was the reporter surprised, but Li Shang, who was
hiding around the corner, was stunned.

Yi Tong also said: "I just have time now."

The reporter raised her head and instantly revealed a stunned

expression. The person in front of her was the big-name actress
who was recently crowned with brilliance. How could she just
agree to be interviewed for no reason?

"Come on, follow me back and let's have breakfast."

The reporter happily followed Yi Wei.

There was something in Li Shang's heart that couldn't be

explained clearly. He stayed for a long time before he was ready
to leave. When he got in the car, Yi Tong happened to be in
front of a car.

Although it wasn't clear who was the person who received Yi

Wei, Li Shang knew the license plate number.

It turned out to be Wang Zong Ding Group Chairman's car...

Li Shang's fists slammed slightly.

In the evening, the test results for Wang Zhong Ding checkup
came out.
"It is not a drug, it's just an ordinary hypnotic compound,
pure Chinese medicine formula, safe and reliable." Er Lei said as
much as possible to reduce the crime being tied to Hàn Dōng.

Wang Zhong Ding looked at him faintly. The question on his

face .....Did the drug come from your hometown
pharmaceutical factory? The advertisement sound beats so

"Is Hàn Dōng back yet?" Wang asked.

Er Lei said: "Today's crew meeting is simply to meet and talk,

to talk about the role of the script and I supposed he should be
coming back in the afternoon."

"Call him!"

Ten minutes later, Hàn Dōng pushed in.

Wang Zhong Ding directly pushed the test sheet before him.
"You explain this... and explain to me clearly."
Hàn Dōng grinned. "That's a little bit of my heart... You saw

"You still smile?" Wang Zhong Ding bit his teeth. "Do you
know, because of that glass of water, I never even saw the last
side of Wan Li boarded plane!"

So this was about Wan Li Qing... Hàn Dōng's face sank.

"What is more important? that Wan Li Qing or your kidney?"

"My kidney?"

"Yeah, it's your kidney. You kidneys are all shattered. What
kind of machine are you using? If it weren't because you were
my future married woman, I would be too lazy to control you!"

This is no problem even on peacetime. However, Wang Zhong

Ding guns are already in the air. Hàn Dōng also said that he,
Wang, had a "kidney deficiency" and he was a "living wife". How
can you not worry?
"I tell you Hàn Dōng. If you dare to make trouble, I will
immediately fire you!"

Am I making trouble? I've tried my best to make you go to bed

early to rest....ah?

"Well, then I'll tell you too. If I were to just leave, I wouldn't
be a man surnamed Han!"

After he finished, he stepped out of the door and his face was

What do I should do? when you chase after others? Even so,
didn't know how to lift the destiny! Anyway, the trick is we will
be together in the end, I will not chase you ....... this time you
have to come to chase me!
Chapter 102 Back at you!
[As per promise..60 votes for chapter 102....the rest on 15-16th]

Yu Ming heard a bang, and his head went to the door and saw
Hàn Dōng coming up with an imposing manner.

"What's wrong?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng slams a hand on his face: "Reason for me!"

Cut... Who loves to reasoning with you? Yu Ming shrank his

head back and continued on his own business.

After a while, there was a sudden sound of loud music next

door. Yu Ming could not help sighing and came again...

"If it weren't for destiny to make me tease you, I wouldn't be

so sad to think of you. I just would forget about you. This is the
best punishment for the impulse. Ah... ah... ..."
Hàn Dōng sang a tearful tone, and Yu Ming ate the donkey
meat on the next door as if nothing had happened.

Finally, Hàn Dōng red eyes opened Yu Ming door.

"You're too cold-blooded? I'm like this. You don't ask what's

Yu Ming sneaks in a cold tone: "Didn't you say I should ignore


Hàn Dōng nodded and nodded again. "Look, Yu Ming, OK,

you're in this mood! You're dead to me!"

After that, he banged the door again.

"Neuropathic fuc*er." Yu Ming language is totally

Hàn Dōng pulled the rope out of the box again and tying
himself again and again and again, tears lingering. Now if Ye
Chenglin was here, surely the ropes will be covered for me.
Motherfuc*er! It's hard to have a good knot made by me, I can't
do it! !

After mourning for a long time, Hàn Dōng fell asleep within
three minutes.

On the contrary, Wang Zhong Ding couldn't do any work....he

was feeling sleepy, he was tossing half-board overnight.

Finally, the cell phone came vibrating.

......Don't know why, when Wang Zhong Ding picked up the

mobile phone, the first thing he thinks of in his mind is the
summation of information sent by him during his sleepwalking
mad actor. The resulting text was indeed sent by Hàn Dōng and
it was also made during sleepwalking, but it was not a
summation of anything.

But it was an image which made his face look like a thunder.
Wang Zhong Ding's big bird photographed!

Below are three characters that are "inspiring" - "Returning it

back to you!"

Early in the morning of the second day, Hàn Dōng heroically

stood in the doorway of Yu Ming's room. Putting his hand in his
trousers pocket and looking cold and indifferent. You didn't
ignore me first and I won't take care of you.

Yu Ming didn't take him seriously, especially casually said:

"Let's go."

Hàn Dōng also thought that his face was so big that he had
stunk for a long time. As a result, just as he walked out of the
unit's doorway, he saw the cold statue of Wang Zhong Ding
standing next to his car.

Hàn Dōng's small heart suddenly slammed down but quickly

"You come over, I have something to tell you." Wang Zhong
Ding opened his mouth.

Hàn Dōng grinned coldly. "I'm sorry, I don't have time."

Wang Zhong Ding would not allow him to resist and dragged
his collar directly to where it was private. At that time, Hàn
Dōng had only one idea: If you brought me here to kiss me I will
forgive you!

As a result, there is no strong kiss, but toughness comes in full


"what is this?!!"

Hàn Dōng was shocked and quickly put away his guilty
conscience, revealing a disdainful smile.

"Isn't it what it is? As a man, don't you even know what this
is? Why would you still ask me?"
Wang Zhong Ding scowled and scolded, "Stop acting dumb!"

"How do I play stupid? Are you talking about this, what is

this? What is it?" Hàn Dōng questioned badly.

Wang Zhong Ding's face was almost black.

"If there is nothing I'm leaving"

Hàn Dōng turned to go and he was pulled back by Wang

Zhong Ding.

"Is this what you did?"

Hàn Dōng laughed and calmly turned around.

"Do you have any evidence that l took that picture?"

Wang Zhong Ding directly opened the mobile phone
communication record and showed it in front of Hàn Dōng.

"Isn't this your number?"

Hàn Dōng didn't change his heart and he took out his mobile
phone from his pocket. There it was.... a photo and an email

"No, this was sent from your cell phone first."

Wang Zhong Ding was stiff and opened his mouth after a long

"I was sleeping at that time. How could I email this to you?!!"

Hàn Dōng returned Wang Zhong Ding's tone of rebuke. "But I

was also sleeping at that time. How could I send you a message?"

Wang Ding didn't expect that the evidence would be in sight,

and Hàn Dōng would able to exonerate himself from the crime.

[SALEM]: remember that Han sent the image from the phone
of Wang so now he is using the email to confuse Wang... He is
brilliant XD

Facts have proved that Hàn Dōng's talent is far more than

Once again, he seized Wang Ding's mobile phone and took out
his own[Hàn Dōng] big bird, which in turn he questioned Wang
Zhong Ding.

"When did you shot this one then?"

Wang Zhong Ding has stunned.

"You wouldn't want to say that this is what you captured on

the phone.....right?" Hàn Dōng deliberately asked.
Wang Zhong Ding always cleans up messages and emails
before going to bed every night, so only the records sent by Hàn
Dōng last night are kept in the phone. Although Hàn Dōng
didn't have the habit of deleting records, he was always
consciously rehabilitated to doing it during sleepwalking. So he
brought both phones together to Wang Zhong Ding.

"What about your evidence? Uh?"

Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng's face for three full
minutes and didn't say a word.

Hàn Dōng smacked Wang Zhong Ding's lower abdomen and

said with a smile: "The next time you sneak in my room and
take my naked photos, remember the passwords, including
those large magazine Photos. If you don't hide them, then you
would force the magazine out of print."

Afterward, Wang Zhong Ding pushed away his stiff face, Hàn
Dōng walked past and grabbed Yu Ming's shoulder.

"Ming Er, let's go!"

Wang Zhong Ding looked at the back of Hàn Dōng. He was not
a "grinding tooth" but there was no feeling that could describe
his mood at this moment.

When Hàn Dōng was still on the car, he was still grimming,
and the next second he took advantage of Yu Ming's madness.

"Quickly help me to look back and see if his face is on the


Yu Ming looked at him obliquely. " weren't you there?"

Hàn Dōng squeezed Yu Ming's face and said: "I didn't

understand it before. why you were so old-fashioned. I
understand now. It's so cool. Wow hahaha..."

Yu Ming snorted and said nothing.

Wang Zhong Ding's anger towards Hàn Dōng was not over
yet. The company had a big event again.

The artist burst into a terrible scandal!

But this artist is not Li Shang but Fang Yi.

When Wang Zhong Ding returned to the company, things

were already out of control and all major media were rushing to
report: "Fairy actress Fang Yi fell into the sex trading door and a
foreign photo editor was exposed in a hotel."

1]...... Fang Yi and Nick the magazine guy

After the news was reported, Zhong Ding's stock price

plunged by nearly 6%. The senior management of the company
had to hold an emergency conference to respond to the
measures to contain the scandal. Fang Yi's public relations team
also acted quickly.

However, the severity of the developments far surpassed their

expectation. This incident has not been suppressed and another
scandal has surfaced: Fang Yi's private house move 'Duck-Boy'
was photographed and a man and a woman were shamefully
living together... ...

And all the photos that were revealed were bare and half-
naked, there were no traces of Photoshop, and they couldn't be
concealed even if Wang Ding wanted to cover this up.

In general, the big-name actress's explosion of such scandals is

by no means "accidentally". Someone had to be "involved
politically" or she provoked people who should not be provoked.

There are still many unreleased pornographic videos and

videos in Wang Zhong Ding's mailbox, which are constantly
coming from overseas. The sender of the information didn't
have any threats or hints but simply wanted to disgust Wang
Zhong Ding.

"Miss Fang, you cannot enter."

"You let go!"

"Miss Fang, please calm down."

"I want to see Wang, let go! let go!"

Wang Zhong Ding's cold voice spread from the office. "Let her

Two seconds later, the door was pushed open.

When Fang Yi entered, she fluttered to the ground and the

pride and arrogance she had shown in the past were all absent.
The only remaining was the makeup of a crying girl and the
pleading face.

"General Wang, save me..."

Wang Zhong Ding stood back against her, silently standing

and exuding coldness.
Fang Yi again hugged Wang Zhong Ding's thighs and pleaded,
"Wang, please I beg you, only you can help me..."

Wang Zhong Ding is still indifferent.

Fang Yi desperately took off her clothes one by one, when she
was naked she turned to face Wang Zhong Ding, and pulled
Wang Zhong Ding's hand on her chest, showing a low level of

Wang Zhong Ding directly pulled his hand back and you could
see no trace of appeasement in his eyes.

"you make me sick."

Plain tone, but like a knife, it cut Fang Yi's face.

....You have to say that people who sent emails are very smart.
It is not the general public's opinion that really put Fang Yi
career to death. It is a disdainful look from those in power.
"Get out," Wang Zhong Ding said.

Fang Yi went on to sit on the ground like a lost soul.

Finally, Er Lei came in to pull Fang Yi out and brought her

clothes out.

After a while, Feng Jun pushed in and his expression looked


"This incident was plucked out of Jinfeng Entertainment. I

suspect that it was Yi Wei's job hoping that would make them
feel resentful, so it was reported in this way..."

"You don't have to cover up for her." Wang Zhong Ding

interrupted Feng Jun. "I know who is behind it."

Feng Jun reluctantly nodded, the fact is in front of him,

discerning eyes can be drawn. The news report stated that Fang
Yi didn't hesitate to sleep with powerful men in order to get
opportunities, and the other actress involved obviously hinted
at Yi Wei.

"So we don't do anything about her?" Feng Jun asked.

Wang Zhong Ding was silent for a long time before he said:
"Since it is the company's artists, we have an obligation to be
responsible to the end, at least in the face of a hard time, to do
enough to support."

Just as he finished, the phone on the other side of the board

was called.

Wang Hai Zi's voice carries a full blow.

"Don't ignore this thing. As for this entertainer, let her by

Chapter 103 Inexplicably Longing
Fang Yi hides in a large empty house, the house is sorrounded
by little journalists outside.

All of the "crime cards" that she used to threaten Li Shang

were looted. Not one was left behind, and her own "privacy" was
dug up.

It's hard to imagine that this happened overnight.

What is even more unimaginable is that Li Shang started

acting two months ago.

Once Fang Yi woke up from her sleep and saw Li Shang's

sleepless face, she also fantasized that he had a slight sense of
self worry...

It was not the first time that she felt the indifference of this
entertainment circle, but it was the first time she felt desperate.
Fang Yi took out the sleeping pills she had at home and
emptied the bottles at one time.

Then, rubbed it all into her mouth, she swallowed a mouthful.

After a while, Fang Yi fell asleep.

Unexpected pain, but it feels very easy.

Finally freed...

Nobody knows how long it has been, Fang Yi stumbled over

and she heard someone calling her, sound familiar.

"Fang Yi, Fang Yi, what's wrong? Can you hear me talking?"

Fang Yi opened up a small gap in the eyelids, vaguely seeing Li

Shang's face.
"What are you doing?" Fang Yi's feeble deflation reveals her

"I'll take you to the hospital."

Li Shang picked up Fang Yi and rushed outside. As soon as he

left home, he let layers of reporters surround him.

"What's wrong with Fang?"

Li Shang rushed out in an anxious manner. "I'm sorry, she is

dying. Please have shame to let it go."

" Is it sudden illness or suicide?" the reporter asked again.

Li Shang didn't bother to explain that under the circumstance

of many shots, he picked up his car and rushed Fang Yi to the
Reporters blocked the entrance to the emergency room.

After a while, Fang Yi was pushed out and transferred to the

VIP ward in a crowd of reporters.

"Is it a doctor diagnosis... Was Fang Yi committing suicide by

taking drugs?"

"What's the situation with her? Will there be any sequelae?"

The doctor told the reporter very responsibly: "Despite the

fact that the patient claimed to have taken 35 tablets of
hypnotics at one time, we detected only 5 tablets of the dose. So
she is only experiencing dizziness caused by overdose. Resting
for some time and everything will be fine."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was appalled and

voicing their opinions.

"What? Only 5 tablets? Why did it was lied about 35 tablets?"

"Do she want to use fake suicide to gain sympathy?"

"Fortunately, I personally rushed to the scene, or the truth

would be blinded again."


Li Shang walked out of the ward and was surrounded by


"Li Tian Bang, why did you appear in Fang Yi's apartment?"

Li Shang admitted generously, "I went to see her."

"Is this time to still be in touch? you are not worried about
being implicated?"

Li Shang smiled. "I only remember that she helped me at any

time I asked."
The reporter also asked if he had finished, "Li Tian Bang, can
you talk about the new movie you shot recently?"

"You said on Weibo that you will surprise everyone in the new
drama. Can you tell us a bit about it?"

Li Shang has always evaded talks and was finally chased by

reporters to a car and he can't hide. Then he showed his stance.
"I came here to see Fang Yi's, not to do personal promotion. If
the reporter's friends want to know more about it, they can
come over the studio....We have a crew to visit the studio and
we are always waiting for you to come in. Thank you, thank
you, please let me know when..."

All of the above pictures were headlined on the day.

The title is - "Fang Yi had a false suicide, and Li Tian helped

her with his true feelings."

The following commentary was even more exciting. The press

almost fell to the ground and held Li Shang.
"Goddess she used so many RMB to stroke her 'duck
boys(prostitutes)', but only used 5 sleeping pills in exchange for
the true feelings of Li Shang, can we dare to ask if that is

"I always thought that Li Tian Bian was the kind of person
who had been hung up. I never expected that there would be
such a true man."

"We didn't want to see Li Tian Bian for what he is now. Now
it's time for him to turn pink."

In so many comments, only a few sporadic questions

challenge Li Shang's original intention.

"What happened in Fang Yi's apartment? Wouldn't it be that

he went there to deliberately borrowing money?"

Soon, numerous threads are appearing below this comment.

"Please take a look at the video and comment on it again.

didn't the reporter want to give Li Tian's promotion a go....but
that he refused?"

"It's ridiculous, does Li Shang still need to borrow that little

sister celebrity to hype his own?"

" His mentality is distorted and I think everyone is as distorted

as he is."


Overnight, Li Shang's fans soared.


On the next day, Hàn Dōng saw the video interview by Li

Shang and couldn't help but sigh and said, "This kid is getting
more and more capable."
Yu Ming gave a sweeping glance and asked, "Can Fang Yi turn
over again?"

Hàn Dōng grinned, "No."

With the explosion of two sexual scandals and a so-called

"fake-suicide", the woman's stardom road has come to an end.

"Come here, the meal is over. Everyone is taking a lunch box."

Hàn Dōng patted the buttocks and stood up. He took a glance
at the sight and could not help but whine.

"Are these the same dishes again?"

The assistant director happened to be right next to him.

Hearing these words, he could not help saying: "The crew is so
nervous that it's good to have meat. Don't pick anything, eat
When Hàn Dōng had eaten, he still couldn't die muttering: "I
want to have a barbecue."

Yu Ming gave him a look. "So many people in the crew need
more time only for barbecue?"

"I mean to say it, and I didn't expect to eat it. You licked this
meat, and get a sulfur stained tooth."

Just as he finished speaking, Shèn Hua grabbed his lunch box.

"You eat mine I don't mind it."

Hàn Dōng gritted his teeth. "You look your big belly and who
would want to eat!"

"Hahaha... Isn't it a bit of a shot to block the camera?"

When Hàn Dōng saw her laughing teeth, he had no appetite.

During the afternoon shooting, Director Lu and Hàn Dōng
discussed the script.

"Can this hypnosis and Qing Ming's dream be a thing that can
be deleted? I think the basic meaning is almost the same, won't
it make the audience feel like there is a repetitive script?"

Hàn Dōng very seriously explained to Director Lu, "The

hypnosis and the Qing Ming dream are completely different.
The two kinds of spirits are too dark. The person who is
hypnotized is not subjective and he is completely controlled by
others. The Qing Ming dream is the opposite, he is in the dream.
No outside active control of his state......he is completely free in

After Director Lu thought about it again, he still had concerns.

"If the two items are not the same, the plot is a bit too
complicated. Not to mention the audience, I think I can't get
around it ."

"I think you are a bit underestimate IQ of people from the big
city." Hàn Dōng said.

Director Lu replied: "This is not just about an IQ problem, it

also involves the market positioning of the film. It's good to
burn a large brainy plot, but if it is too brainy, it will make the
audience lose the plot. Ultimately, the film is meant to relax and

All the plots here are Hàn Dōng's... and for him, it's too
painful to delete them.

Director Lu also said: "With such complicated routines, there

is no way the movie can use three-hour explanation it all."

Hàn Dōng pondered for a moment and said: "My judgment on

the commercial value of the film is completely zero... I have no
experience. Whatever you feel confident about, I'll respect your

Director Lu was very pleased with Hàn Dōng's understanding.

He smiled and said: "I will discuss with Wang."
"Will you talk to him?" Hàn Dōng made a crying noise without

Director Lu was shocked. What's wrong with this kid? How do

you say that you have turned your face on Wang's name?

Hàn Dōng added another sentence: "I can't stand his

annoyance ."

What the f ..... Director Lu couldn't figure it out. What

qualifications do you have to look down on him? Looks like you
are even less qualified than him?

"Do not discuss me with him!" Hàn Dōng emphasized again.

Director Lu waved his hand in a perfunctory manner. "Look, I

won't discuss you with him. You are relieved to prepare for the
next show."

After Hàn Dōng left, Director Lu made a call to Wang Zhong

"Wang, I want to talk to you about something. I want to
change some part of the script..."

After listening to Lu's comments, Wang Zhong Ding spoke.

"Have you asked Hàn Dōng?"

"Asked, he said he would follow your opinion."

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Well, I will give you a reply as soon as

After taking down the phone, Wang Zhong Ding took a deep

There have been so many things happening recently, with

artists scandals, stocks falling, and opinions from the top being
the unsatisfactory handling of it all... The company atmosphere
is quite tense. Everyone who enters the office is dignified,
cautious, and afraid to say a word.
At this time, Wang Zhong Ding suddenly remembered the
sound of grinding.

Looks like his voice, he hasn't heard it for a long time.


Before the crew came to work, someone shouted.

"Let's do a barbecue today!"

A cheer came from the entire studio.

"Where to eat? Under the restaurant or to cook it ourselves?"

Hàn Dōng cannot wait to ask.

"Nothing. After a while, Wang will come to the crew and he

will bring someone to do it."
Chapter 104 Barbecue.
Hearing this, Yu Ming coughed twice in the direction of Hàn

Hàn Dōng's heart was uneven and the big teeth were almost
falling, and his face was still filled with squeaky, unresponsive

"What is that cough for?"

Yu Ming said: "Wang has never come to the crew for no reason
unless the crew conditions are very poor."

"Isn't the conditions of the drama group bad enough? The

funds are so small. There are a few bad foods all day long. I
don't want to shave even the umbrellas when I want to rest and
we don't even have stools..."

Yu Ming couldn't do anything...

In the early days, Shèn Hua took the powder from the small
sachet and kept smearing it on her face.

Hàn Dōng ridiculed her. "I said, don't you dare to do it! I'm not
into seeing a real ghost!"

Shèn Hua threw the entire powder on Hàn Dōng's face.

Not a moment later, not far from them, a car noise was heard,
a few transport vehicles stopped side by side, each car came
down with three or four people to help carry food, items,
snacks, drinks ...

Er Lei said with a loudspeaker: "The snacks fruit, parasols,

and folding stools in this car are all Wang's well wishes. Please
hurry up and pick it up."

As soon as the voice was over, everyone was excited to rush

over to lead things and Hàn Dōng was unmoved.

Yu Ming poked him and deliberately asked, "Will you go?"

"No, I don't want it!"

Yu Ming didn't say anything again. He went to the transport

vehicle to get his own share.

Hàn Dōng said that he didn't have to use his mouth, but his
eyes were aimed at other people taking food, and he kept going
away: Han Hàn Han? It's not my time...

After Yu Ming came back, Hàn Dōng looked at an item in his

hand. In his heart, he was an angry person. "What's so special
for you! I said, "I'm not letting you bring food, I won't receive it.
You can't bring two food boxes ah?"

Yu Ming said: "I originally wanted to take two, but when I

went to that collar, I could only leave with one."

"Just... One?" Hàn Dōng was nervous.

"Yeah, don't believe me? you go check in the car... It's empty."
Hàn Dōng said he didn't care about the food, his eyes went to
steal the sight, to see who received a second dish, and found that
the hands of everyone were filled except his...he was empty-

"They estimated a wrong number of people." Yu Ming said.

Hàn Dōng saw Wang Zhong Ding get out of the car and took
out two big bags in his hand. Immediately put them in his
trouser pocket, toes to the ground, the eyeball filled with full of

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding went straight to the grill and

two large bags went with him.

"This is a condiment. I bought this"

"Wang, how can you do it personally? We will prepare it."

"Sure thing."
Hàn Dōng's face was cold.

After a while, Director Lu announced early work break and

everyone participated in the fun barbecue. Wang Zhong Ding
took advantage of this opportunity to talk to Director Lu about
changing the script and was concerned about the shooting
progress of the crew.

"I took a moment to think about it. The shot was still taken.
Even if it was later edited, I personally still want to see the full
version. The additional investment would be paid by the
company," Wang Zhong Ding said.

Director Lu nodded. "Okay, then I will listen to you."

"A lot of things happened recently in the company. I haven't

freed up a time to ask you. Did your shooting experience any
hardships recently?"

"Everything is going okay, the actors are very cooperative, and

everyone is familiar with each other. The crew relationship is
also very harmonious."
As they were talking, Wang Zhong Ding suddenly swept to a
scene not far from him... There was Hàn Dōng and an actress.

Because this is a field, Hàn Dōng doesn't know where to find a

wildflower, secretly don't act on the actress's ear.

The actress had clearly known the expression and pretended

not to know Han .... deliberately letting Hàn Dōng watch her
and make a fun of himself.

Wang Zhong Ding's face suddenly sank, perplexed.

"Too harmony is not necessarily a good thing."

What the f**ck? The cooling rate of Wang Zhong Ding's tone
of voice made Director Lu get goosebumps.

Wang Zhong Ding also said with a straight face: "The filming
is important, and the discipline of the crew is more important.
Fang Yi's business should have been a wake-up call. Now no one
will use working hours to develop a messy relationship."
Director Lu doesn't understand the direction of this talk .....
how can he pull it and push it?

Wang Zhong Ding sees Director Lu hasn't yet understood

the"deep meaning" in his words, he immediately said: "You have
some actors who are not honest in your cast. It's better to put a
closer look."

"Aren't my hands and feet honest? Who are you talking

about?" Director Lu could not help but ask.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't answer and he turned away.

Director Lu's face had abdominal cramps: Why does Wang's

temper become a bit like Hàn Dōng's? Speaking nicely... Then
suddenly, there's a big turning point, and he wouldn't wait until
you to understand him, he would leave.

"Hàn Dōng, what would you want me to barbecue for you?"

asked the barbecue chef.
"Sheep kidneys, sheep balls, and long tail," Hàn Dōng said,
happily answering.

The barbeque chef was very happy. "Hey, what you picked is
nothing but sex organs."

When he heard the word "kidneys," Wang Zhong Ding's face

changed again and he immediately asked through Er Lei.

"Why did you bring this in?"

Er Lei smiled and thundered. "I didn't bring it did......

It was the sheep meat that came with you... That thing was on
the sheep. Can I just let it go in the dug pit?"

Wang Zhong Ding only remembered that these sheep were

directly slaughtered from the farm.

"Then you will talk to the barbeque chef and tell him not to
roast it."
Er Lei just had to go and he found that those things had
changed hands, and Hàn Dōng was there doing the barbequing
himself, and the chef was firmly holding nothing at all.

"General Wang, you see..." Er Lei seemed very embarrassed.

Wang Zhong Ding lifted his chin and motioned to Er Lei to

continue with his own business.

Then, Wang Zhong Ding walked in front of Hàn Dōng's grill.

Hàn Dōng pretended not to see him, and he took a bunch of

half-fatty lamb's kidney to his mouth.

Wang Zhong Ding's face is even more ugly. To know that the
half-roasted kidney is the most deadly, its power can be
comparable to two pounds of Croton.

"Who said you can eat those?"

Sure enough, a reprimanded flew to the ear.

Hàn Dōng immediately looked at Yu Ming upper body, coldly

replied: "Do I still need to ask who to eat this food?"

Wang Zhong Ding's hand stretches directly toward the rest of

the sheep meat kidneys. "I mean, who told you to eat these

"I love to eat these" Hàn Dōng said, putting the sheep's kidney
into his mouth.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding, apart from anything else,

simply grabbed them and threw on the ground.

In Hàn Dōng's heart, the young monk started to chant again:

Emma ~~ he didn't calm down .... the horse is too much loved...
overbearing to stop the horse of God is not too cute, Ouyeye ~
Ouyeer ~ his face is still chilling cold, Hàn Dōng let go of those
things that were not baked yet and walked towards another
As a result, Wang Zhong Ding's heart is not calm at all

At this point, Yu Ming played with a game on his phone while

reeling at Wang.

"He doesn't like to eat kidneys." You Ming voice still had no
ups and downs.

Wang Zhong Ding looked at Yu Ming and he didn't know what

he meant.

Yu Ming explanation was awkward to Wang Zhong Ding. "He

was trying to induce you to eat them... That day he forced
himself to eat so much. He vomited and had diarrhea when he
finished eating that meat that day. He also said that it would be
worth it as long as you could eat it."

When Yu Ming finished, he added one sentence to his heart:

He was too sick the last time and if it was me I wouldn't do this
for you again next time!
Originally, Yu Ming didn't want to say this to make it difficult.
As a result, Wang Zhong Ding mistakenly thought that Hàn
Dōng didn't want him to say that he had achieved a good result
that was counterproductive to what he had meant to do.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't speak and took out some raw meat
skewers for the barbeque.

There are several actresses there arguing about what Wang

Zhong Ding was doing.

"Look quickly, Wang is barbecuing"

"Is it for his own or to others?"

"Or... Let's send one person to use two strings in the back to
see if Wang can give it to him... Who would go? He Yu, you go.
Don't you always call yourself a geeky man like him? It's time to
test your similarity."

"I don't dare go. I'm still responsible for taking pictures."

At this moment, the scene is like the bridge section of the

president's text. In the bridge section ... A group of high-quality
brain-dead women watched the president acting differently
than usual with surprising eyes. He was an exception for

........ The only difference is that if you are standing next to

the meat... the nerve of the nose is actually stronger than
anyone else's eyes: these meat parts stinks shamelessly! But this
is obviously for me to bake!

Sure enough, as Hàn Dōng expected, the president handed the

skewers to him.

Hàn Dōng seemed to feel that countless hot, envious eyes

flashed from the surrounding men at him, instantly giving a
chilly expression and then he said, "What do you want...?"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't speak, the meaning from his face is
already obvious.
However, Hàn Dōng was afraid that the people around him
couldn't read into it and still didn't pick it up. He turned himself
and continued to cook the food in his barbeque

Wang Zhong Ding was finally forced to speak. "What? Is it

that I didn't cook it well?"

Hàn Dōng laughed. "No, I can't afford it."

Wang Zhong Ding's face instantly becomes very ugly.

At this moment, Yu Ming braced himself again. Wang raised

the meat to Hàn Dōng. "Eat this."

Hàn Dōng didn't even think about it. He eat while still
interacting with Yu Ming's eyes. Yu Ming was too attentive to

No wonder you(Yu Ming) have a great desirable bachelor (Xia

Hong Wei) chasing after you after three years, you deserve it!
Chapter 105 Without cheating this way!
Wang Zhong Ding head was shrouded in a cloud of darkness.
The string of meat in his hand was stubbornly held to Hàn Dōng
with a strong word in his mouth.

"..... Eat!"

Hàn Dōng is still busy with Yu Ming's eyes "show closeness,"

he acts and he doesn't care about Wang Zhong Ding's actions.

Wang Zhong Ding's face has been quite unsightly, and he

didn't have a big sensation due to his face being stoic. But his
hand has been stretched out, and there is no reason to withdraw

"I want you to eat!"

For the average person who wouldn't want to eat, he wouldn't

know how to open his mouth, let alone eat it.
Hàn Dōng secretly thought in his heart: You'll have to be
louder, louder, let them all hear it, and let the world hear it."

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding actually did this, and in

combination with a powerful "feeding" action, its deterrent
force almost lifted a plot of land.

However, Hàn Dōng didn't receive the envy expectations.

Instead, they were full of sympathy.

the group of actresses just whispered.

"He is pitiful."

"I have heard that Wang doesn't particularly care for him."

"Yeah, just now I listened to what Yu Ming said about Hàn

Dōng eating kidneys and vomiting. He didn't expect that Wang
would really force him to eat."
"My God, it's horrible. Fortunately, I didn't do it or I'd become
a libidinous maniac ."


Hàn Dōng refused to eat the barbecue, the big guys are
content to carry their things back, and only Hàn Dōng was left
empty-handed. He still didn't desperately look at Wang Zhong
Ding's car.

Something has been rushed out. After a while, people were

gone. Who am I going to show off to?

As a result, people have and Wang Zhong Ding's car has gone.

Returning to the dormitory, Yu Ming deliberately asked Hàn

Dōng: "You said Wang had bought less?"

Hàn Dōng face held an indifferent expression. "The one who

buys less is predicted by me I didn't want it anyway."
Afterward, he couldn't help but look in the bag. "Is there
anything there?"

"Why do you ask?"

Hàn Dōng shrank his head back and stumbled back to the


At one o'clock in the morning, Wang Zhong Ding also watched

the report and he was unable to concentrate for a long time. He
doesn't know if it was because of the recent pressure. His work
efficiency has dropped significantly. Sometimes it is obviously
not necessary to stay up late, but he is also delayed as usual
because of the obsessive-compulsive disorder, and sometimes he
cannot sleep.

Nobody knows after how long, the corridor has finally

sounded with the footsteps of someone being out there.
In the past, when he heard a scuttling voice he was irked, now
after hearing it... It resolved the frown between his eyebrows.
The cloud that suppressed him for many days suddenly
dissipated, and the whole heart became clear.

Soon, the door was pushed open.

Hàn Dōng went to Wang Zhong Ding's desk with his eyes
closed, and asked: "What about my food share?"

Wang Zhong Ding asked him, "Do you want it?"

"I want it..."

"I want you to reach out your hand."

Hàn Dōng extended his hand and Wang Zhong Ding stuffed a
drug to prevent diarrhea in his hand and handed him a glass of
"Eat that first."

Hàn Dōng ate it down.

Wang Zhong Ding approved this and pointed his finger to Hàn
Dōng. "On the shelf at the entrance..... go get it yourself."

Sure enough, it was cooked in advance and it was clearly

superior to the other one given to people. Two full bags of
snacks, packed of kidneys. There are some necessities for life,
but also high-end goods, costing on thousands of dollars.

In this way, the general eccentric eyes who are just the same
for everyone, who always treats his mouth and others mouth as
equals. Only the "monster" who acts at night can enjoy this.

Hàn Dōng eats slowly, but he doesn't mention it when

moving. Like the curse of the gravitational pull of the Earth, the
entire arm is falling in an exaggerated manner, he was too full
causing a struggle to move from the ground.
"I can't move~"

Wang Zhong Ding snorted loudly and acted like he didn't

notice Hàn Dōng's overfeeding.

So he helped him up and lift his chin. "Let's go. I'll take you to
your room."

Nobody knows how many times Wang had to walk on this

road, but it was the first time someone was accompanying him.

As Hàn Dōng walked, he stopped suddenly, Wang Zhong Ding

also followed his footsteps. "What's wrong?"

Hàn Dōng patted Wang Zhong Ding on the shoulder. "Don't

work yourself to overexertion...."

Wang Zhong Ding was a first-in-a-kind man who had not yet
realized the feeling of comfort. Hàn Dōng jumped on Wang's
back, his two long legs wrapped around his waist... Coupled
with the handful of tens of pounds of overfed person, Hàn Dōng
is really a burden.

The body was heavy, but Wang's heart is very relaxed.

Hàn Dōng also lacked the shame of a normal man and tried to
wiggle on Wang Zhong Ding ass. In fact, Wang Zhong Ding
didn't put him down. He just shrieked " Hàn calm down".

"Call me Buddha." Hàn Dōng said seriously.

Wang Zhong Ding ignored him and continued to move


Hàn Dōng suddenly put his cheek on Wang Zhong Ding's neck
and said idly: "This kebab meat is really fragrant ~"

Wang Zhong Ding still didn't speak.

"Especially the sheep butt, it's fragrant ~"

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly said, "Is your ass sweet?"

"Ah....?" Hàn Dōng didn't understand.

Not to mention him, even Wang Zhong Ding felt baffled

himself, how come out of nowhere he uttered such a phrase?

After entering the room... Wang Zhong Ding helped Hàn

Dōng to straighten things up and wait for him to be picked up.
Then he looked around and his eyes burned. Hàn Dōng didn't
know about avoiding suspicion. He went to the room and took
off his clothes and when he takes off his clothes .... he even bent
over and picked them up, and the embarrassed mathematician
gaze was a steel pickaxe...

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes instantly shifted, then he closed the

door and left.... the speed of which is historically

The next morning, Hàn Dōng woke up and saw the bag at the
door. He went to Yu Ming's room and looked at his. He found
that Yu Ming's things were all there, and they were very much
the same.
Finished... Hàn Dōng thought, was it that I was slamming my
face on the door last night?

"Did you hear footsteps last night?" Hàn Dōng asked Yu Ming.

Yu Ming nodded. "Heard them"

"......coming in or going out?"

Every time Hàn Dōng goes out, he goes like a thief and he can't
be heard by Yu Ming most of the time, but Wang Zhong Ding,
his footsteps are heard clearly.

"....On the door." Yu Ming is very sure.

Hàn Dōng didn't ask with confidence: "Was it the footstep of

one person or two people?"

"I only heard the sound of a person walking."

Hàn Dōng was relieved. Since he didn't go out, it must have
been sent by Wang Zhong Ding. This man was genuinely
aggrieved, ah, during the day he doesn't state his caring feelings
and in the evening he secretly comes here to show love.

Hàn Dōng rushed through the bag to see if Wang Zhong Ding
had given him something good. The result he turned over and
suddenly found a small problem: these things seem to have

Yogurt sucks, the canned meat doesn't have the ring pull off,
the assembled umbrella was missing screws, sunglasses were
missing lens...

There is also a small wooden cup with a toothpick. There are

no tips on both ends. It is impossible to see what it is used for.

Do you know what happened? Hàn Dōng was mad...

Suddenly, Yu Ming hurried in and asked, "How do you deal

with these things? Are you planning to use it on yourself?"
"Of course not!" Hàn Dōng face looked domineering.

"Then you want to send it back?"

"What are talking about? As if I've taken him seriously, let

them rot."

Yu Ming is quite skeptical. "You didn't steal them?"

"You come to see for yourself. I put straws, pull rings,

screws... All those that can be demolished are demolished. I
have a lot of determination!"

Hàn Dōng's remarks to himself whether it was a night of

sleepwalking to see this pile of things. In order to allow himself
to adhere to principles and strictly abide by self-discipline, he
secretly removes it.

Just my luck... Hàn Dōng almost pumped himself a big

mouth, who told you to be smart?
After Yu Ming went out, Hàn Dōng began looking through the
box. With his understanding of himself, he should not be doing
such a thing. He must be hiding the missing parts somewhere.

"What are you looking for?" Yu Ming suddenly appeared


Hàn Dōng hurriedly concealed, "No, nothing."

Yu Ming reminded: "I think you should carry the camera with
you, so you don't have to guess what you did in the next

Hàn Dōng suddenly realized.

Correct! How didn't I think of it?

In this way, I can see Wang Zhong Ding's true attitude and
will not miss the happy moment of my mission.
So, Hàn Dōng quickly bought two cameras. One that can be
hidden in clothes, one in his own room.

In the evening, Hàn Dōng fell asleep with expectation.

The next morning, he turned on the monitoring device and

restored all the scenes of the previous night.

As a result, he didn't see anyone who entered the door for a

long time. Hàn Dōng saw that he only got up and got out of bed.

This... How can I take the initiative?

As he was thinking, Hàn Dōng saw himself walking toward

the door, and he stayed beside the two bags for a moment.

I must have wanted to send these things back to Wang Zhong

Ding. Certainly ... Hàn Dōng thought, but if Wang Zhong Ding
once again came back, so why are they still at the door.
As a result, Hàn Dōng in the video didn't take anything, he left
with his two hands empty.

Then Hàn Dōng saw the camera shake for a while and that
means he was walking. This road is so familiar that it is clearly
heading to Wang Zhong Ding's office.

Did I really find him? Why did I go for him? Hàn Dōng is
extremely nervous.

Sure enough, the screen cuts to Wang Zhong Ding's office.

Hàn Dōng breathlessly looked at the screen, he saw himself

walking directly into the door. Zhong Ding wasn't only not
angry, but also smiled at him so tenderly, and as not in the

Hàn Dōng was annoyed. When I blinked, you didn't smile at

me. So who are you smiling at?

Then, Hàn Dōng saw himself sitting at his desk honestly.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't have any dislikes, but he looked like he
was happy.

The environment of the office is good and warm. Hàn Dōng

himself would have been germinating if he didn't see the
following scene.

"What you gave me is incomplete."

Wang Zhong Ding knew it: "What are you missing?"

"Yogurt lacks straws, can lack pull rings, assembly umbrellas

lack screws, sunglasses lack lens..."

He saw Wang Zhong Ding bring up a bag, which has all the
missing things.

Hàn Dōng suddenly saw that there was a bag that was not
brought back ..... No wonder...
As a result, Wang Zhong Ding didn't hand over the bag to Hàn
Dōng but took a straw from it.

Yes, Hàn Dōng is not mistaken. There is only one straw.

"What else are you keeping?" Hàn Dōng heard himself ask.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Others will be given when you come
back tomorrow."

Seeing this, Hàn Dōng's facial muscles were all necrotic.

As a result, he collapsed far more than this. He actually saw

himself obediently holding a straw and leaving. He really
returned to the dorm and drank a bottle of milk...

Remembering the box of wooden sticks, Hàn Dōng suddenly

realized what it was. It was a few hundred cotton swabs without
the pieces of cotton!
Collapsing and sulking, with such a pitty...
Chapter 106 Grieved
Hàn Dōng didn't pick it out.

He enjoyed Wang Zhong Ding's "love extortion" in a degrading

manner. He continued to wear a cold face during the day and his
equipment remained indifferent. In the evening, he put on the
camera and go to Wang Zhong Ding where there is a lot of
sweetness. Then he would be waiting until the morning to open
the surveillance video and watch the happy bits and pieces.

One day, Yu Ming went to Hàn Dōng's room and took things.
He saw Hàn Dōng's eyes staring at the computer.

"What are you watching'?" Yu Ming was curious.

Hàn Dōng choked and said: "Documentary."

"What documentary is that sad?"

Yu Ming thought that it would be a heavy topic of the

country's fall into poverty.... the massacre, and national heroes.
He even thought that Hàn Dōng's face was seen on the screen.

Hàn Dōng also shamelessly pointed to the monitor and asked:

"Isn't it very moving?"

Yu Ming, "......."

"Do you see his face.... is there a feeling of reluctance to be


Yu Ming replied indifferently: "There is a kind of impulse of

wanting to hit you."

Hàn Dōng's tears were taken back and turned into an

undaunted face. "Let me tell you what's good? How can you not
have a bit of sentiment about this person?"

Yu Ming didn't refute, he asked directly: "Aren't you afraid of

sleeping out of the camera when are you sleepwalking with it?"
"When I'm in a sleepwalk mode... I have the ability to think
clearly. Everything I do is thought out. Not to mention it's been
so many days. I would have to do it earlier. Why wait until

As soon as Hàn Dōng finished, he heard the voice from inside

the video.

"Actually, I watch the video every morning."

Hàn Dōng's trepidation turned to the computer screen with

incredible attention.

Wang Zhong Ding was then asking: "When was it recorded?"

"It's recorded every night. I see it the next morning and I can
review it."

At that moment, Hàn Dōng felt like he had been stricken. He

didn't even have a place to hide his face.
Then, Hàn Dōng saw Wang Zhong Ding's face zoomed in, and
his eyes looked straight at the screen.

"Since this is the case, then come to the office and look for me"

Hàn Dōng's face had aglare.

Yu Ming patted him on the shoulder. "You should be good at



In the following days, Hàn Dōng demolished the camera and

never looked for Wang Zhong Ding again at night.

After Wang Zhong Ding enjoyed a few days of "relaxation

from the schizophrenia patient" he finally walked out of the
office and went to Hàn Dōng's dormitory.
Hàn Dōng was already asleep and didn't realize the arrival of
Wang Zhong Ding.

When Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng, he suddenly

found a line of rope protruding from his pillow.

He took the rope out and took a closer look, remembering that
when he first met with Hàn Dōng, Hàn Dōng tied his own leg.
There was a piece of paper that was inadvertently seen from the
rope when he visited his rented room again.

The content he remembered clearly.

"My favorite Dong Zi."

He also remembers the handwriting clearly.

It's a man handwriting

And the note was still locked in the office drawer.

Wang Zhong Ding's face suddenly changed and he became

cold from softness. He tossed the rope into the palm of the hand
little by little, and then he pinched his mouth and took it in

Every morning, Hàn Dōng's quilts and pillows are likely to be

on the ground. Today is also the case. When Hàn Dōng went to
the ground to smash a pillow, he suddenly discovered that there
was one less thing on the bed

Eh? What about my rope?

Hàn Dōng went searching around and didn't find it after a

long time.

He ran to ask Yu Ming: "Did you see my rope?"

"Is that the one under your pillow?"

Hàn Dōng nodded. "Yes, that's the one."

"Weren't you playing with it last night?" Yu Ming reminded.

"Yeah, how did I lose it overnight?"

Speaking of this, Hàn Dōng suddenly realized what happened

and changed his clothes to go out.

Just as Wang Zhong Ding had arrived at the office, Hàn Dōng
hurried in.

"My fucking rope?"

Hearing this, Wang Zhong Ding suddenly felt uncomfortable,

and his tone regained its past coldness.

"What rope?"
Hàn Dōng breathlessly said: ".... the rope under my pillow!
One night it was gone, except you who would go to my

"How do you know that it was your dormitory I went to, and
not that you sent it to me on your own initiative?"

Hàn Dōng immediately said with a clear-cut tone: "I can't be

confused, I would never send that rope to you."

"How can you be so sure?" Wang Zhong Ding raised his

sulking voice for no reason.

Hàn Dōng saw a glimpse, but the firmness in his eyes

remained unchanged.

"I'm pretty sure."

Wang Zhong Ding's face suddenly cooled, and the

temperature in the entire room dropped.
"It's not with me." The words sent Han swaying.

Hàn Dōng doesn't believe it; "Impossible, its certainly with

you, hurry, give it back to me!"

"Er Lei ." Wang Zhong Ding directly ordered, "Take him out."

Hàn Dōng looked anxious as soon as he saw him Er Lei

hurriedly appease him: "There may be words to be said.....but
you shouldn't bother Zhong Ding."

So, Hàn Dōng was dragged out.

Wang Zhong Ding's mood was bad all day.

This kind of badness is different from the badness of the

previous few days. The bad things the previous few days were
merely emotional. This kind of badness has spread to the depths
of his spirit. It goes wherever he goes and cannot be dismissed
in any way.
In the evening, Wang Zhong Ding lost his sleep again.

[SALEM]: IT's called JELOUSLY!!! our Wang is heartbroken

just by a rope.

Just as he wanted to find a way to let himself fall asleep

quickly, he heard the rustling of footsteps.

After the door opened, Hàn Dōng clung to Wang Zhong Ding.

"Please, I beg you, will you return the rope to me? Anything
else I can give you, just you give me that rope..."

Wang Zhong Ding bluntly throws him away and directly says:
"I cannot give it to you!"

As a result, Hàn Dōng didn't let go of Wang Zhong Ding he

started to clamoring and scruffing but continued to plead hard,
words, words and words, a tearful nose, and his face Iooked so
Nobody knows how long this process lasted, Wang Zhong
Ding finally threw the rope out of the door.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly went out.

The door slammed behind him!


The next morning, Hàn Dōng got up to see the rope and he
was relieved.

But as soon as he saw it the heart froze again.

He tried to call Wang Zhong Ding and the call was rejected.

Because he had to rush to the crew, Hàn Dōng could only put
down personal affairs and hurriedly got into the car.
As a result, on the set, the makeup has been applied. However,
due to the problems in the venue, there was a dispute with
another crew.

This crew is Li Shang's crew.

This was the case. Li Shang's crew reserved the filming studio
A30 from April to June. In principle, no other crew was allowed
to use the venue during this time.

However, because of the change of the script, Li Shang's crew

moved to the new movie studio this time, resulting in the studio
being idle.

So Hàn Dōng's film producer negotiated with the

management staff here to temporarily borrow this studio for a
period of time and the cost would be paid to Li Shang's crew at
the original price. Originally it was already negotiated. As a
result, the producers on the Li Shang side reneged and took a
group of people to come here to make trouble. Because of that
Hàn Dōng's crew occupied their venue.
"How shabby is your crew? That you can go and steal the
shooting venue?"

"We would rather not use it and have it empty than allow you
to take advantage of it!"

"Yeah, you have thick skin!"


Director Lu had a straight temper and it was easy to tear his

face when he was slightly stimulated.

As a result, this dispute gradually evolved from a war of words

to fighting, and the staff of both parties joined hands. Li Shang
has been trying to dissuade them, but the producers there have
been tough and have always refused to bow. In the end, they all
recruited reporters.

Li Shang still said to Hàn Dōng: "Our producer is really a bit

unreasonable. Don't let it go to your heart."
"It's the producer's fault. Why are you talking to me?"

"I'm afraid that this will affect my brother Hàn's feelings"

Hàn Dōng smiled and said nothing.

The final dispute resulted in the invalidity of Hàn Dōng's crew

agreement. All personnel, including props, were withdrawn
from the studio.

The next day, this matter was reported.

Although the news report describes objective facts, the story

has been indiscriminately criticizing Hàn Dōng's crew. After the
news was published on the Internet, the critics leaned toward Li
Shang's crew and even angered the actors.

"This crew is disgusting, you need to beat it!"

"The movies both involve ghosts. On this side, on the tall side,
there is an ugly explosion there? Is makeup also linked to the
quality of the crew?"

"Sure enough, compared with the true knowledge, Li Tian

Bang's shape is also very handsome, right?"

Finally, this matter hit the ears of investors.

Yu Ming received a phone call from Xià Hòng Wēi that night.
He could only feel his stunned explosive voice by listening to the

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Yu Ming is still faint ignorance. "Didn't you already know?"

"I asked you why didn't you tell me?!!!"

Chapter 107 He treats his man with a
Hàn Dōng went to Wang Zhong Ding on the second day.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he was rejected claiming

that Wang was discussing with others managers and shouldn't
be bothered.

Hàn Dōng had been waiting outside and waited for no more
than an hour, the manager of the TV drama department went to
Wang Zhong Ding's office for his signature and immediately was
stopped by Hàn Dōng.

"Are there still people inside?" asked Hàn Dōng.

The manager looked perplexed. "What people?"

"People who had a meeting with Wang Zhong Ding!"

"What meeting? There is no meeting schedule."

Hàn Dōng was livid and responded after quite a while. When
he wanted to ring the door, Wang Zhong Ding had opened the
door. He didn't look at him at all, and he coldly lifted his face.

Hàn Dōng wanted to keep up, but he was directly blocked by

two bodyguards around Wang Zhong Ding, so he had to keep
watching the elevator door close in front of him.

What to do?

Hàn Dōng had to go to another elevator to go to the lobby on

the first floor, where he saw Wang Zhong Ding already walking
to the east exit and Hàn Dōng chased after him.

"I'm not talking to you about anything more. I'm trying to talk
to you about the crew shooting venue."

Wang Zhong Ding replied indifferently: "The producers are in

charge of these things. What can I do?"
"You don't worry about it. I'm unbalanced. Why do they..."

"I feel unbalanced enough to want to find someone who can

balance you." Wang Zhong Ding directly interrupted Hàn Dōng
and told the driver, "Go to the Chinese and Western project
construction base."

Hàn Dōng hurriedly said, "There is that rope. I have found it.
Yesterday I told you..."

The result was not finished yet. Wang Zhong Ding pulled up
the window. Hàn Dōng knocked twice on the glass and had no
effect. The car went straight away and dumped the dust on Hàn
Dōng's face.

"Fuck, don't you doubt what you say, but are you so careful?
Who makes a stinky face to someone in need? If it was not for
the crew, I would be too lazy to look for you!"

As he finished, Hàn Dōng didn't feel good enough to go.

When it came to the crew, the situation still did not resolve.

Director Lu sighed: "We have been renting this studio from

the beginning until now. The scene is fixed. If we change it now,
all the scenes taken before will have to be set aside."

If it is true then that it is a "waste" twice in a row, let alone the

waste of funds, that is, the team's cohesion and confidence will
be significantly reduced, and the entire team's vitality will be
greatly demolished.

"Can't think of a way to negotiate with the administrator

again? Even if there is a little more money to be paid," Hàn
Dōng said.

Director Lu shook his head. "He would be willing to be paid

money, but it is too late to think about it."

Hàn Dōng heart is unwilling to give up. "In fact, this matter is
easy to solve, as long as Wang Zhong Ding can come out and side
with us."
Director Lu didn't count on it. "The company's studios are all
independent. Each studio runs its own movie project. If there is
no major event that damages the company's interests, the top
management will not be involved. To be honest, I was very
contented with the fact that he would always worry about the
script and come to visit the crew."

Hàn Dōng is indignant and won't let it go "Even if they are

bosses, they should intervene."

Mutual affection? Director Lu felt that Hàn Dōng's words

were simply naive. "Who has any sentiment between Wang and
us? Is he being difficult or are you? Your picture of Wang
feeding you meat skewers is still alert to the crew."

Hàn Dōng did not speak. He thought that Wang Zhong Ding
was only tough to talk. He didn't expect this time to be
completely ignored by him.

"It seems that I can only give up this old face and go to the
crew. But can't afford to move it." Director Lu sighed.
Hàn Dōng stopped Director Lu. "I will go." Eighty percent of
this incident was caused by me, Hàn Dōng thought.

"You going? Will people buy your face?" Lu Dong didn't look
down at Hàn Dōng.

In fact, Hàn Dōng didn't think that Li Shang would be bigger

than him, three times and five times, and he could not make a
living with him.

"Director Lu, you believe me for once." Hàn Dōng eyes firm.

Although Lu didn't have much hope, he still went hand in

hand with Hàn Dōng. This kid has so many tricks, and maybe he
can really drive the villains away.

Hàn Dōng braced himself and went out. Li Shang was maybe
very shameless to surpass him! But no way, things started from
him. The husband was able to flex his energy. There was
nothing too good to be lost for the benefit of the crew.
Not a moment later, the Director's phone rang. It was the
administrator of the film and television base who said that the
studio could continue to be used. All he also said was a pile of
sorry things. The attitude was just like before.

Director Lu was horrified, Hàn Dōng this kid is too evil, right?
This was only a few minutes away?

Li Shang is having a tea chat with Liang Jing at the business

club. The topic is about the venue.

"You said that Hàn Dōng will not ask for our mercy for the
crew?" Liang Jing asked Li Shang.

Li Shang nodded. "Yes."

"Why do you think that his temper is not easy to bow to

people? To tell the truth, I heard that he had just brought scams
to the company's miscellaneous accounts, I was afraid of myself.
Fortunately, I didn't sign him at first, or I wouldn't be able to
keep it."
Li Shang had a confident voice. "You don't know him. He's a
tough man. He's really tough in his bones. It's affordable and he
will always have an easy way to get out."

This is also the culprit that caused Li Shang's sense of crisis to

multiply just by the thought of him.

Liang Jing said in a playful tone: "Is that all? I really look
forward to seeing him and see how he would look down on you."

Li Shang didn't say anything but began to inquire about Wang

Zhong Ding's attitude. "What is Wang's attitude towards this

"He hasn't mentioned this yet."

It seems that Wang Zhong Ding is also less concerned about

Hàn Dōng. Li Shang thought that maybe it was a coincidence
that the two people had lunch together. It was him who
overestimated the charm of Hàn Dōng.
Liang Jing looked at his watch. "It's not too early. Let's go. If
Hàn Dōng has already gone to the movie studio he's waiting for
us, please let's not have him waiting too long."

"Careful what you wish for." Li Shang couldn't help smiling.

As a result, at the entrance of the film and television city

studio, Hàn Dōng was not ushered in. On the contrary, there
were more than two dozen black special guards. All of them
were full of burly muscles, muscles, and chilled faces. At the top
of the ladder they all lined up, not moving, the battle is really
not one where the average person dares to take a step.

Li Shang saw a lot of people gathered around, all of his own

crew, and he used to inquire about the situation. "What

"They said that someone had rented the entire film and
television studio and no one was allowed to enter."

Liang Jing was shocked. "How could it be the entire movie

There are six large studios inside, divided into ancient,
modern, war and other scenes. Which crew will occupy all at

Therefore, Liang Jing directly forwarded the document.

"We signed the contract. There was a shooting session from

April to the end of May in Studio 07. The white and black
characters were clearly written. You can see it for yourself."

The burly men captain took a look at it and then, in front of

Liang Jing, silently he tore the contract.

Everyone shouted, and several of them would have to rush to

try to save it. The result they were stunned by experienced

The other man look is not a simple one.

"This is a compensation agreement, If you agree by pressing

fingerprints you will not be facing lawsuits in court," said the

Liang Jing is motionless.

Someone was yelling around, "why should we listen to him? If

we came first, we should mention it and you should know it!"

"Time, I told them nonsense."

Li Shang stopped it and stepped forward to negotiate, "Can we

first move out of the props and equipment?"

Just finished, there are more than a dozen strong men out of
the building and they are holding Li Shang crew equipment and
props. Usually, only a few people can move such a heavy-duty
video camera and carry it in their hands.

Seeing this, all the people who were rushing to fight didn't
make any noise.
Wow, all the equipment is still on the ground.

Let yourself out...!

Liang Jing's face has been quite ugly, but he can't be hard to
come by before he knows what is going on. He can only swallow
it for a moment and contact the vehicle to pull away the
equipment and props.

Li Shang's assistant looked around. "Are we going back to the

previous photo studio afterward? Didn't we move from there?
The facilities there are poor."

"If you want to go there, you may not be able to go back." Li

Shang said.

"What do you mean?"

"Even the entire film and TV city over there has been
packaged. How would there still be a studio?"
The assistant didn't say anything.

While the crew here was still waiting for assistance vehicles
guarding a bunch of equipment, a dozen luxury cars were lined
up in a row. In the head-up car, the "Shadow" crew was
blatantly pulled over and Director Lu was chatting with the

Seeing the "Desolation Scene" on this side, Director Lu shakes

the window and greets Liang Jing with joy. "Liang, are you also
here? Hahahaha..."

Liang Jing does not return his mouth and start to snorting
again and again.

"As for them are they worthy?"

"Won't you just keep a small white ignorant, face?"

"What's the thing? There's a good movie to be shot!"


At this point, Liang Jing really got settled.

Chapter 108 Temptation
After returning to the studio, the crew organized a celebration

All the people at the banquet were very happy and cheered,
except Yu Ming. Although he nevertheless insisted that this had
nothing to do with him, he still had a steady stream of people
toast and thank him, making him quite uncomfortable.

In the middle of the reception, Yu Ming quietly withdrew.

In an RV not far from the hotel, a man keeps looking at Yu

Ming coldly.

Finally, Yu Ming slowly walked toward there.

When the door was two meters away, Xià Hòng Wēi came
down from the front and grabbed Yu Ming's collar and pushed
him into the car. The door was closed and the car environment
was completely isolated from the outside world.
Without Yu Ming's expectation, he received a yell after he got
on the car.

"Has your cell phone been bugged up? They already bullied
people into such a situation. Didn't you TM know how to make
a bang?" Then he was slamming banged the newspaper onto Yu
Ming's face. "You let them photograph this kind of drunkenness
from you?"

Yu Ming didn't speak, as usual, he was waiting for Xià Hòng

Wēi to quickly vent so he could quickly get off the car.

Xià Hòng Wēi slammed Yu Ming on the seat again.

Yu Ming desperately resisted, seeing Xià Hòng Wēi's eyes full

of hatred.

"Pushing yourself on others? Being expensive for me?

Everyone bullies you and you don't say anything. You haven't
said a word of gratitude to me. Do you say that you are not
owing me?"
Yu Ming's tone was sullen. "Yes, then fuck off!"

Hàn Dōng was drinking and then he found Yu Ming was gone,
while he was busy looking for him, just out of the hotel door, he
saw Yu Ming walking out from a dark corner, his face was a bit

"What's wrong?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming shook his head. "I'll go back to the dormitory first."

"Don't say that, the Director Lu also said he wants to have two
drinks with you."

"I really can't drink anymore, you drink it." Yu Ming stopped
talking and went in a car.

Hàn Dōng saw that Yu Ming's face was a little offensive, and
he let the driver wait a minute. He went in and took out his bag
and went to the car with Yu Ming.
Upon returning to the dormitory, Hàn Dōng heard about Yu
Ming sighing and immediately comforted him: "If you are in
trouble, I will be willing to help you out. I am free for a long
time and Wang Zhong Ding will not be a trouble anymore."

"How did you know that Wang did not participate in this
matter?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng laughed. "What is it? With his temper, if he knows

that Xià Hòng Wēi wants to do this, he will certainly stop him,
he would not help him."

Yu Ming spoke for Wang Zhong Ding, "I think Wang Zhong
Ding is unconvinced. Even if there are measures, he may not
make you see it. Xià Hòng Wēi has done everything with so
much ease that he does not consider other people's feelings."

"Fuc* him! or do you really want to change him?" Hàn Dōng

looked again.

Yu Ming said lightly: "I'm not with him anymore. If you like
to chase him go ahead"
Hàn Dōng hurriedly stated, "He and I are not destined to be

"Why?" : It sounds like you and Xià Hòng Wēi are a bit alike.

Hàn Dōng left a thief in his mind and didn't tell Yu Ming that
he was afraid that one day when Yu Ming and Xià Hòng Wēi
lingered, climax took their own business.

"What future can we have? Am I not trying to show my

resolve with Wang Zhong Ding," Hàn Dōng said.

Yu Ming suddenly remembered something, "Why did Wang

suddenly become indifferent to you?"

"It could only be because of that rope."

"The rope?" Yu Ming didn't understand.

Hàn Dōng explained " he was fine before the rope issue. I
thought he had secretly taken it for me, so I went to see him. My
attitude was a bit bad that day, and he just turned my face. Then
I found the rope again and when I tried to explain it to him he
ignored me."

"Because of such a small thing?" Yu Ming is unbelievable.

Hàn Dōng nodded. "Yeah, you have to say this person is so


"I think it's definitely not because of this. There must be some
other reasons."


Yu Ming said: "You think about it. You have done so many
things before. He didn't get into this attitude with you.
Therefore, there is definitely another reason didn't
perceive it yourself."
Hàn Dōng's face had a look of obsessive expression, "He only
changed his attitude after this rope, how can it not be because of
this rope or else because of what?"

"Does this rope have no other meaning?" Yu Ming asked.

Implicitly... Hàn Dōng's vague tone said: "There is a meaning

but it's for me, not for him!"

"Maybe its because it is for you, he will care, ah, maybe you
accidentally leaked the secret when you were sleepwalking, he
heard it and became jealous, then there will be this attitude."

Hàn Dōng still didn't understand it. "This rope was sent by my
buddy. There's nothing to make someone jealous!"

"You may think he is a buddy, Wang Zhong Ding may not

think so. Like Wan Li Qing is also Wang's ordinary friend, but
you would also like to bully her!" Yu Ming accidentally burst the
"Wan Li Qing is an ordinary friend of Wang Zhong Ding? How
do you know this?"

Yu Ming said lightly: "Xià Hòng Wēi mentioned it."

Hàn Dōng was happy and painful at the same time. The
biggest feeling was that he wanted to kill Yu Ming.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask me!"

Hàn Dōng pulled his hair. "Well, let's continue with the rope."

Yu Ming is still peddling that view. "I think he is jealous."

Hàn Dōng discovered that Yu Ming's views on Wang Zhong

Ding and his own relationship have changed a lot. At first,
whenever Hàn Dōng mentioned that Wang Zhong Ding liked
him..... Yu Ming snorted. He didn't know when it started, and
he was baffled by this Yu Ming flipflop..... Hàn Dōng, on the
contrary, is now a bit undecided.

"How can you be so sure he is interested in me?"

Yu Ming accidentally burst again. "I saw him kiss you."

Hàn Dōng's eyeballs almost exploded when he heard this.

"He kissed me? What happened at the time?"

"Looks like it was more than a month ago. One night when I
heard the movement, I took a look at your room and saw him
lying in bed and kissing you."

Like Yu Ming, Hàn Dōng exchanged his soul and instantly

became a facially paralyzed.
"What happened to you?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng was stunned for more than ten seconds before he
broke out. "Your mouth is too tight, right? It's been over a
month! More than a month! You haven't gone to the
intelligence bureau and it's just too tough!"

1]....go to the intelligence bureau... It means Yu ming kept

quiet about something potentially mind-blowing.

"You too didn't ask me." Yu Ming is still having that

indifferent expression.

Hàn Dōng's tears almost burst out. "If on any day you see that
I'm doing something that seems uncharacteristic, you don't
have to wait for me to ask you before I die or ask if you want to
tell me? Ah?"

Yu Ming actually thought very seriously and told Hàn Dōng:

Hàn Dōng, " Ah......!!"

Yu Ming also said: "Isn't Wang Zhong Ding telling you?"

"Yes, YOU both didn't say anything, and one saw it the other
did it... Fortunately, you two are not together. You two must be
destined to be together. So then you may not be able to say ten
words when you die."

Yu Ming is still lying in bed with a comfortable mind.

After Hàn Dōng's mood calmed down he was very happy, but
at least he confirmed that Wang Zhong Ding was interested in
him. Is it really jealous? Really? Hàn Dōng played with the rope
and winks at Yu Ming.

"Or... Should I try?"

"You are saying that you will take the initiative?" Yu Ming
Hàn Dōng coldly yelled. "I'm not taking the initiative. I just
want to force him to submit"

Yu Ming only gave two-word advice, "Be careful."

So, the next morning, to catch up without a film, Hàn Dōng

went over to the office building.

At noon, Wang Zhong Ding's car came in from the outside.

In addition to Er Lei and Feng Jun, there was also Manager

Ma, and Wang Zhong Ding went to the restaurant with a smile
and laughed. Hàn Dōng quietly followed him up.

After the dish came up, Wang Zhong Ding just moved his
chopsticks and he saw a familiar figure.

Hàn Dōng came in from the doorway and didn't look at him.
He went directly to the fast food window and ordered a
dumpling. Then he sat not far from him and eat the food.
However, Wang Zhong Ding clearly saw that Hàn Dōng didn't
hold a chopstick and on his hand, he tied a rope.

"Wang, why don't you eat?" asked Manager Ma.

When Wang Zhong Ding turned his eyes back, Manager Ma

clearly saw a sharp touch in his eyes.

After a while, he doesn't know who asked Hàn Dōng: "Why do

you have a rope on your hand when you eat?"

Hàn Dōng said, "Oh, I used to get lost before this rope. I have
to take it with me."

Speaking and tying the rope to his waist again, he put up the
bowl and slobbered it up. Halfway through it, he looked down at
his own rope, as if he was afraid of someone else taking it.

"Wang, what's wrong with you?" Manager Ma reminded

Wang Zhong Ding had a long sigh, then reply reluctantly
saying, "I'm okay."
Chapter 109 Invite for Tea.
Actually that was not a response.

Hàn Dōng began to speak again. "You say you go and leave,
why do you still leave a rope to torment me? This is still firmly
tied to my heart ~ tied up and lived ~ ~ "

There are many people in the restaurant and there is music, so

nobody can hear what Hàn Dōng is saying.

However, Wang Zhong Ding was able to select Hàn Dōng's

voice from the mess of voices and heard it into his ears word by

Manager Ma also heard strange noises, he couldn't help but

glanced to the side and saw Hàn Dōng, who had tied the ropes
and obsessed with speaking words, tentatively he asked Wang
Zhong Ding: "Is that man... also in our company?"

Wang Zhong Ding's face was already dark and not decent. He
didn't want to admit that this product of misdeed was
personally brought in by him, and he also spent tens of millions
of insurance on his lower body.

Hàn Dōng faintly replied, "Oh, I'm not afraid of thieves

stealing it, I'm afraid that thieves won't remember."

Suddenly, Manager Ma felt an abnormal noise on the opposite

side. When he looked up, Wang Zhong Ding still looked blankly.
The plate in front of him was elegant as if nothing had

But Hàn Dōng is indifferent. He is eating as a UFO pebble hits

his forehead and kicks him out.

This is not an ordinary peanut kernel and meatball, but a

small glass. Although the caliber is very small, it still makes a
red mark on Hàn Dōng's forehead.

Seeing the thrower's anger!

1]..... Wang chipped a marble and used it to hit Hàn Dong


Hàn Dōng didn't feel the anger in the sneak attack. Instead, he
sneaked Wang Zhong Ding with his eyes while playing with the
cup in his hand. His eyebrows were all smiling. It seems that he
guessed well.

"You eat first, I go to the bathroom." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Manager Ma nodded, "OK."

Hàn Dōng's dumplings were all eaten, but he didn't see Wang
Zhong Ding go back. So he followed him to the bathroom.

After he went in, it was found that no one was in the


Hàn Dōng looked around and saw a chilly figure in front of

the bathroom's window at a short distance. From here he can
see Wang Zhong Ding, he can see that he is smoking. The kind
of extreme sultry figure shows a manly manner of gentleman
demeanor, so that Hàn Dōng's heart itches, there is a strong
desire to see the wretched mentality of Wang Zhong Ding shot
from perfect calm to him having difficulties with his self-

Nobody knows how much later, Wang Zhong Ding's mood

finally calmed down and he walked toward the bathroom.

The result as he came to the door was to suddenly hit Hàn

Dōng's cynical face.

Wang Zhong Ding's footsteps were instantaneous backing like

he was being pulled by a hand. Although he quickly recovered
and continued to move forward, he still struggled with the two
elite eyes of Hàn Dōng.

"Wang Er, are you jealous?" Hàn Dōng asked with a laugh.

Wang Zhong Ding eyes settled, his figure suddenly raised his
chest muscles holding up a sexy suit arc, and that action made
Hàn Dōng experience a little heart jolt.
"Why should I be jealous?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng shook his hand and the smile on his face was full of
bad boy vigor.

Wang Zhong Ding coldly said: "I just wonder why he sent you
a rope? Is it that a necklace cannot fit your neck, only that rope
can hold you?"

"What do you know about it? He was afraid that I would run
around sleepwalking when he left me a rope!"

Wang Zhong Ding once again mocked: "Actually? Didn't you

run around again even with the rope?"

"That was my personal problem. It has nothing to do with his

mind. His starting point is..."

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly interrupted Hàn Dōng and said:

"If he is really afraid, he would not have gone."
Hàn Dōng was surprised.

"If he really does care, he should stay on your side of the

pillow for the rest of his life, and press you back when you get
up in your sleepwalking, until one day you are completely

1].....completely bed ridden = till old age when you can't stand
up at all

If these words were spoken from other men's mouths, they

would make Hàn feel hypocritical and ridiculed, but Wang
Zhong Ding said it with so much enthusiasm that Hàn Dōng
almost shed tears.

Since you understand TM is not yet hurried? My brother Ye

just had a place to go!

Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng's facial expression and

thought he was frustrated because of his own words. Hàn Dōng
has pushed aside rudely, and Wang cleaned and left.

When Hàn Dōng returned to the dormitory, he received a

phone call from Xià Hòng Wēi and he threatened to invite him
to tea at home.

"Ming Er ..... help me!"

As a result, Yu Ming didn't appease Hàn Dōng's emotions but

instead made a few words.

"If you help him, he won't have to do this trick."

Hàn Dōng's unannounced roared: You may think he just

wants to ask for help from me, but I'm afraid it's not...

It took nearly an hour to go to Xià Hòng Wēi's lavish private

home. The swimming pool, tennis court, and the hectic
helicopter pad instantly revealed Hàn Dōng's eyes.
Xià Hòng Wēi was sunbathing on the rocking chair on the
rooftop when he hears the sound of footsteps. His eyes squint at
the side, revealing a gloomy air.

"So you came?"

Hàn Dōng smiled guiltily. "Came."

Xià Hòng Wēi said, "Sit."

Upon hearing this, Hàn Dōng eased his mind a bit and looked
at his attitude. It should not be because of the well...

"You are the God stick who cut Wang's yew to make himself a
bed?" Xià Hòng Wēi suddenly asked.

Hàn Dōng nodded. " me."

Xià Hòng Wēi laughed and finally sat up and weighed Hàn
Dōng from head to toe and finally set his sights on his lap.

"It's long enough."

Xià Hòng Wēi praised this top handsome guy, Hàn Dōng
immediately sensed a kind of floating feeling.

"What's the use of using such a long time to explain? I think

Yu Ming just did that." Xià Hòng Wēi added another sentence.

Hàn Dōng, "......."

Xià Hòng Wēi asked again: "Do you have a good relationship
with Yu Ming?"

"It's OK," said Hàn Dōng.

"Does he talk to you about anything?"

Hàn Dōng's stomach had abdominal distraction: If he told me
everything. I wouldn't be in this situation with Wang Zhong
Ding right now.

"Occasionally," Hàn Dōng replied relatively conservatively.

Xià Hòng Wēi nodded. "He still knows how to measure his

Hàn Dōng thought that Xià Hòng Wēi would be angered by Yu

Ming's queer temperament. He did not think he could
understand it, and it seemed that Yu Ming didn't speak of this
man so well.
Chapter 110 Draught people do not forget
to dig.
Xià Hòng Wēi pulled a cigarette, and the cold eyebrows were
dyed a touch of softness.

"I took him out for two sentences yesterday. Although it was
for his good sake, his tone was a bit rushed, and I feared that he
would hate me."

Hàn Dōng busy said something good to Yu Ming. "He didn't

remember you. He thanked you very much."

Xià Hòng Wēi didn't question the truthfulness of this

statement and nodded directly. "He is indeed not a very careful

Hàn Dōng suddenly discovered that he and Xià Hòng Wēi

talked about this short sentence, Xià Hòng Wēi looks like
boasting about Yu Ming. First of all, he praised his leg length
just fine, and praised him for his senses. Then he said that he
had an attitude...
"That, I want to ask you a sentence, do you think Yu Ming is
particularly good?" Hàn Dōng is very curious.

"I think anyone who appears with him in front of the camera
is an insult to himself."

Xià Hòng Wēi's arrogant and calm tone deeply shocked Hàn

Hàn Dōng suddenly discovered that there is still a kind of

narcissism that is not love yourself, but love your own eyes.

In fact, he particularly wanted to say: The only place where

you can match is tunnel vision. One sees nothing wrong with
the other, one sees the other being flawlessly, and the others
vision so inaccurate.

"So the purpose of finding you today is very simple. I need one
person to be my eyes and ears, help me stare at him and manage
him if there are situations that promptly need response from me
so I can respond in time." Xià Hòng Wēi said.
Hàn Dōng felt awkward, Me... ... to control him? Are you

"Ehy? Is there a problem?" Xià Hòng Wēi asked.

Hàn Dōng thought for a moment. This is equivalent to being

an undercover agent. If Yu Ming is made aware of it, there will
be absolutely Cold War between them. However, if he does not
agree, Xi Hòng Wēi will know that he was the one who jumped
in the well in the future, and there will be no room for

Thinking before thinking, Hàn Dōng gave a compromise.

"let me consider it."

Xià Hòng Wēi was kind and nodded in agreement.

Hàn Dōng breathed a sigh of relief, so dragging it first, maybe

two days later Xià Hòng Wēi would understood what he meant
and then he found someone else.
The result just as he got up just to go, and Xià Hòng Wēi was
living again.

"Think about it ........ and reply before you go." Xià Hòng Wēi

Hàn Dōng was in a stiff body and quickly turned to Xià Hòng
Wēi to reveal a thick and honest smile to gain trust as much as

"I have to think about it for a long time."

Xià Hòng Wēi completely does not eat that lie, and directly
puts Hàn Dōng's wrists on his hands. "How long do you have to
think about it? How long does it take for you to accept?"

"That's too much embarrassment." Hàn Dōng smiled while


Xià Hòng Wēi is still having the attitude. I'm not looking for
you to discuss. You should nod yes directly to me.
When the atmosphere was tense, Xià Hòng Wēi's cell phone
suddenly rang and finally gave Hàn Dōng a chance to relax.

"You're going to come over? Well, I don't have anything to do

with this, er er er... don't you want me to come to pick you up?
Well, then you're driving careful and watch the road "

Hàn Dōng listened to Xià Hòng Wēi's tone and looked like the
other person was very close to him. He hurriedly took the
opportunity and said, "Since someone is coming to visit your
house, I will not bother you.

Xià Hòng Wēi replied faintly: "It's not a guest, it's just my
cousin. I can introduce you to him."

Hàn Dōng has a vibrato tone, "Your cousin?"

"Yes, Xià Yao."

Hàn Dōng immediately turned into a happy expression. "I

have thought about it."
"So fast?" Xià Hòng Wēi could not help but doubt.

Hàn Dōng is very sure, "I'll help you."

Xià Hòng Wēi examined Hàn Dōng for a moment and saw that
he didn't seem to be deceiving, only showed a satisfied smile.

"I like you to be happy doing it."

Hàn Dōng wipes sweat, I'm not happy about it? After a few
moments, your cousin will kill me in the door.

"If it's going to be all right, I'll go first." Hàn Dōng hurriedly
turned around. "I'm going to shoot a movie."

"Before you leave, there is something for Yu Ming."

Saying that, Xià Hòng Wēi brought Hàn Dōng to the storage
room on the second floor and placed a variety of foods on
several shelves. No wonder Yu Ming could not leave the house
for a few days, and he had a steady stream of supplies every day.

"Put these on the car."

Hàn Dōng was stunned. If they were loaded on the car? How
long would it take?

"That, I can pick a few kinds of it. He can't finish it even if he

gets it." Hàn Dōng said.

Xià Hòng Wēi nodded. "Okay with you."

Hàn Dōng quickly picked out what he loved and bagged and
packaged it quickly. It took less than three minutes before and

Waiting for the car to start, Hàn Dōng finally felt relieved.
The car steadily traveled on the road and Hàn Dōng rested his
eyes on the rear seat. Suddenly, the car stopped in the middle,
and Hàn Dōng's heart suddenly raised itself again.

"What are you doing?"

Hàn Dōng heard that the driver was asking, and the tight
nerves were let go. It was okay. It was just an acquaintance.

"We are going to my cousin."

Hearing this, Hàn Dōng is also ghosted.

"Your cousin didn't go out?"

"No, he is at home."

"Then who are you sending this to?"

"Send him to one of his friends."

Hàn Dōng opened his eyes and his benefactor (Xia Yao) was on
the side of the car. So was the benefactor's commando husband.
And at that moment, the benefactor's eyes swept toward him.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly fell down on the seat.

"Then you pass." The voice of the benefactor.

As the driver started the car and said, "OK, you go."

The two cars crossed and Hàn Dōng finally got up.

So close……

When Wang Ding returned home at night, Xixi had not yet
slept and was sitting in his bed.
"Why are you not sleep?" Wang Zhong Ding took him to his

"Daddy, why can't I go to your company to play?"

Wang Zhong Ding is helpless. "Daddy doesn't want to disturb

your life."

"But I'm bored at home ..... all alone." Xixi pouted his mouth.

After repeated considerations by Wang Zhong Ding, he said, "I

will invite a few children to come and play with you at home."

"I don't want to play with them."


Xixi looked proud. "They only have five fingers."

Wang Zhong Ding immediately said: "Don't look down on

"I'm just saying truth from facts."

Wang Zhong Ding did not continue this topic. Instead, he

patted Xixi's hair and said, "you need a haircut."

"I don't want to cut it. I have to wait for it to grow for a long
time. I want it to be like the uncle who treated me."

Wang Zhong Ding was puzzled. Xixi only saw Hàn Dōng in a
dream. How could he always remember him vividly?

"How do you still remember him?"

Xixi said in a serious manner: "the one drinking water does

not forget the one who dig wells, we must always remember to
be grateful."
In other words, Wang Zhong Ding was pleased that this
digging wells was a bit of a nuisance.

"The person who treats your sickness was a doctor, not him."
Wang Zhong Ding tried to reverse the idea in ​Xixi.

Unexpectedly, Xixi held a small hand on Wang Zhong Ding's

mouth whispering he said: “Not a doctor, it is him.”

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly saw the appearance of Hàn Dōng,

and felt that the child in front of him was a smaller version of
Hàn Dōng. Small curls, deep-expressive eyes, sleepwalking... As
soon as he thinks of Hàn Dōng's current mixed accounts, Wang
Zhong Ding has a deep concern about Xixi's future.

"I tell you, you mustn't say anything without any " evidence "
or I'll kick your ass."

Xixi smirked, and he was silent in Wang Zhong Ding's arms.

Wang Zhong Ding was also soft-hearted. He touched his hair

and said, "I will come home early and spend more time with


The problems faced by Hàn Dōng's drama crew were now

transferred to Li Shang's crew.

The progress of Li Shang's crew was much more than that of

Hàn Dōng's crew. If the scene is temporarily replaced, many
scenes taken before can no longer be used. The loss is even
greater. Moreover, there was a great deal of disagreement
within the crew, and several actors quit.

This includes the play of another ghost. Because his screen

time was great suppressed by Li Shang for a long time, he was
already dissatisfied. In the event of such a thing, he left the crew
without even thinking about it.

Liang Jing frowned on these two days.

Li Shang advised him, "Maybe this is an opportunity for us."

“What opportunity?” Liang Jing laughed. “Where did you see

this is an opportunity?”

Li Shang said without hesitation: “When the two crews had a

dispute, I guessed their subject matter and ideas from their
makeup. I think I can learn from it.”

"What do you mean?" Liang Jingwei converged his eyes.

"You think about it, when we went to the studio, they had a
bed in the set. All three seats were aligned with the bed, and
they also played a piece of 'machine cassette' sound, which
seemed to be to make the actors enter the state quickly." From
these details, they should play a fragment of a ghost sound..."

Liang Jing didn't think about it. "What about this? The
footage of the ghost sound has appeared in many movies. There
is nothing surprising about it."
“But I listened to the company's employees and said that Hàn
Dōng had talked to them about a lot of spiritual when Wang was
gone, and it included the topic of “Ghost Haunting.” So I think
the script there should have the infusion of Hàn Dōng mind in
it. ”

"What happened to him? Didn't he graduate from junior high

school, full of brains and evils, what valuable ideas can he

"But they said that Hàn Dōng had a special depth in his

Hearing this, Liang Jing's face changed.

Li Shang also threw a small disk to Liang Jing. "I've got people
to record all of the videos Hàn Dōng teachings at the beginning.
It's better to take a look at it, maybe we can have unexpected

"We still need to learn from his tricks? You too think so highly
of him!"
"Do not need to look how to know." Li Shang was very open-

Thus, Liang Jing was accompanied by Li Shang, who had

watched him for a while. At first, he was sneakily disgusted.
Later, he became more and more involved. At the end of the
day, he had the feeling of being unprepared.

".... Nothing ?" asked Li Shang.

Li Shang shared his head. "Afterward Wang returned."

Seeing here, Liang Jing had to admit that Hàn Dōng did have
two brushes in his mind.

Obviously something that is difficult to understand becomes

vivid and interesting through his mouth. And he is very
organized, his logical was of thinking is very strong, these
advantages can be used to script writing.

Li Shang said: “We have seen several big topics he has talked
about. They are usually suspenseful, appetizing, telling
examples, reversing the plot, and finally returning to reality. I
think his thinking model is likely to be used into the movie."

Liang Jing began to think deeply. "And many of the stories he

has said involve a 'lnfinite Loop'. I think he should be very
interested in the ghost effect."

"In other words, the film he shot is likely to be a ghost bed

theme, and then the suspicious reasoning throughout them, and
finally a dramatic reversal of the plot, the end is a loop of
death." Li Shang concluded.

Liang Jing thinks that the script, whether it is intention or

routine, is slightly better than what they are shooting. The most
important thing is that the difficulty of shooting and the
amount of money spent is significantly less.

" So what you mean is to take this routine to the screenwriter

and let him rewrite the story according to this framework?"

Li Shang nodded. "Yes, instead of asking them to return the

studios in a low voice, it's better to learn from them the idea of ​
saving money and attracting people, and finally seize the

Liang Jing's face finally cleared after so many days.

Holding Li Shang's face, he said: "This way, you can also

change the first author of the script to yourself. In case the
script fires at the time, you can be a true Li Da Xai."

Daxai= The Here Li shang is egging Liang Jing that

he could become The great Li....he would be triple
threat...Producer.... Director..and Author.... The holy spirit of
Film making
Chapter 111 Reversal.
In order to avoid the situation of the last time and to save
money, Li Shang's crew shot the film at Liang Jing's home,
freeing up an entire space for shooting. It took only 3 days to
prepare for the filming, and it took only 2 days to set up the
scenery. After a week, all the cast members were in place.

After two weeks, Wang Zhong Ding visited the class. In the
studio, he screamed and shouted. There were various people
lying on the floor. Liang Jing also came out to greet Wang
Zhong Ding with two dark circles.

"Wang...." Liang Jing said yawning.

Wang Zhong Ding could not help but ask: "How long have you
not taken a rest?"

Liang Jing could not remember the time and turned to ask
Xiao Wen: "Seven or eight days."

"Yes, even if the axes grind for seven or eight days, those
actors are okay with it. After participating in their own segmant
shots, they can take a break. The people in our film crew have a
dozen or so hours of rest, and each one has a big swollen face."

Wang Zhong Ding still appreciates this kind of

professionalism from Liang Jing.

"Li Shang?" Wang Zhong Ding asked again.

Speaking of him, Liang Jing smiled helplessly. "A lot of his

scenes were taken on the bed. After they finished the shoot, he
didn't get out of bed. He just took his break on it. Sometimes
they slapped on him, and you guessed it. He slept again."

Wang Zhong Ding had seen the script before. After all, this
film was also turned in the hands of Director Lu. He did not
remember that there were too many scenes in the bed. So he
asked, “Did you change the script?”

"Yes, almost overturned the rewrite. You also know that we

were forced from the studio. If we retake the previous shot, not
only the actors are in conflict, but also the capital cost will

Wang Zhong Ding nodded and asked: "How about the new
script? where is it?"

"I'll show it to you." Liang Jing suddenly came to Wang.

Wang Zhong Ding also looks forward to it because he was not

very satisfied with the previous script.

After a while, Liang Jing took the script.

Wang Zhong Ding sat on the sofa, drinking coffee again and
reading new scripts. Turning to the third page, coffee swiggled
swift in his throat before swallowing, then turned back, more
and more subtle emotions in the eyes.

In the end, Liang Jing even saw Wang Zhong Ding smile for
the first time.
He doesn't know for how long he didn't see such a positive
expression in Wang Zhong Ding's face.

"How is it?" Liang Jing can't wait to ask.

Zhong Ding nodded. "Very good."

Liang Jing looked like chicken blood and said in a confident

tone: "We have already thought about it. We must complete the
shooting within 20 days, and will not exceed 2 months we must
strive to seize the summer film exposure in August."

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding said: "You still have to be


Liang Jing thought that he was excited enough. He didn't

expect Wang Zhong to be more excited than him.

Zhong Ding nodded and "it has to be released in July."

Liang Jing's calculations, its now in mid-May, and to be in

time for release in July, the production cycle should be only a
month or so, that is, the time for all links must be greatly
reduced, which is not a small challenge. However, since Wang
Zhong Ding spoke, it proved that he was very confident in this
film, Liang Jing intends to fight for it.

"The script was written by Li Shang?" Wang Zhong Ding

suddenly asked.

Liang Jing saw Wang Zhong Ding return to the script home
page and frantically bowed and praised: "Yes, he provided the
main idea. After discussing with the writer, he added his name
to the first one."

Wang Zhong Ding didn't have the slightest disagreement but

instead nodded his head to indicate that he was okay with it.

"I didn't misread him at first."

This sentence separated Liang Jing full horsepower, Wang
Zhong Ding just turned around, he immediately shouted with a
megaphone: "All units pay attention, immediately atmosphere,
we are ready to shoot the next one."

Wang Zhong Ding walked outside and said to Er Lei:

"Tomorrow, give the crew some supplements."

"Okay." Er Lei opened the door for Wang Zhong Ding.

Feng Jun was in the car and had just gone out to talk with
Wang Zhong Ding because he really didn't want to see Liang
Jing's face and he had been staying in the car.

Wang Zhong Ding dumped the screenplay from Liang Jing to

Feng Jun.

Feng Jun smiled and shook his head when he saw only half of
it. "Isn't what you expected."

Wang Zhong Ding cannot help but sighed: "I have tens of
millions of insurance, really no white flowers."

"Insurance?" Feng Jun looked perplexed. "What insurance?"

"It's nothing."

The front two thunders rushed to shift Feng Jun's attention.

"Wang, where are we going?"

"Let's go and see the "Theft of Shadows" crew."

Wang Zhong Ding moved from Li Shang's crew to Hàn Dōng's

crew. It was like he immediately moved from the battlefield to
the vegetable market. He doesn't know if it was because of Hàn
Dōng.... But the whole crew's rhythm has slowed down with
him around. When Wang Zhong Ding got out of the car, there
was a scene of a chaotic dance. Among them, Hàn Dōng was the
most joyful person.

Because Hàn Dōng's bizarre storyline led to all the dancers in

the show having a dancing act and a rest time, these old
gentlemen began to feel frenzied.

At the beginning, Yu Ming will guide a few more times.. But in

the past two days, he had a cold eye.

Hàn Dōng has been doing high-legged dance moves, but also
wearing loose big pants, every time he dances the small pants
will be lowered each time. Nobody cares about it. After all, they
have stayed in this circle and dealt with it every day. They had
already been immune to this scene. Besides, the short moment
of lifting the legs, the people will be bored to capture the picture
of the exposed underwear?

Some people may not only capture this picture, but also see
two edges of the pants that it was less than 2mm in length,
ordinary people may not be able to see the buttcrack in the
pants, but Wang caught it at a glance.

"Wang Zhong Ding has come!" Nobody knows who said that

Director Lu hurried to the cinegrapher on the opposite side of

the small square table to make a wink and hurry to close the
cards! Followed by him, he quickly got up, mockingly shouted to
the loudspeakers: "The actors pay attention, and the training is

All people acted after seeing Wang Zhong Ding, and the crew
made a mess shuffling around.

Wang Zhong Ding's gaze has always focused on one person,

but that person is unhurried, and he is still lifting his legs with a
cool look. Every time he lifts ... Wang Zhong Ding's face adds on
a jealousy layer.

"Wang, you are here." Director Lu seemed to find Wang Zhong


Wang Zhong Ding reluctantly closed his face, and he

answered with a calm voice.

"How is it going?"

Hàn Dōng's self-feeling sensibility didn't know how to spread

it to Director Lu. He didn't want to say anything like, "It's pretty

Wang Zhong Ding looked at the back and said, "How fast?"

"Almost two-thirds of the shooting has already taken place,

and it will take another month to finish."

Director Lu is not blindly optimistic, because according to his

estimates, Liang Jing can boot them right away. Even if he tries
it, his will be released before Liang Jing.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding even said: "It needs to be a

bit faster."

Director Lu smiled sheepishly, "Wang Zhong Ding, we

couldn't be slower anymore. The enthusiasm of actors is too
high. The work efficiency of the entire crew is greatly

Wang Zhong Ding asked with a lot of interest. "You have shot
some scenes today?"

The director threw a glimpse at the next person, and the

slogan next to him whispered: “From yesterday to today, just
after a shot, the second cut hasn't been finished in 16 times...”

Director Lu's face changed, and Wang Zhong Ding was still
waiting for his answer. He smiled slyly, and felt a little
emboldened: "After one scene, the second shot is difficult,

"Enough." Wang Zhong Ding suddenly interrupted Director

Lu. "This is the end for today."

Director Lu was surprised, seemingly just started.

"Call Hàn Dōng to the lounge. I have something to say to him."

Having finished this, Wang Zhong Ding advanced.

After a long period of time, Hàn Dōng walked in.

"What?" Hàn Dōng voice tone was the same as the kind of kid
who didn't care.

Wang Zhong Ding has still an unspeakable face. "Can you

think of your own image?"

"What ?" Hàn Dōng put his own question.

Wang Zhong Ding's face was calm, his brow furrowed, and it
seemed as though he had not been able to stop people from
doing so.

"What did I say about your clothes? You look disheveled!"

Hàn Dōng looked up and down, and the t-shirts and shorts
were all sent to the crew. Everyone wore this one set. How could
he be seen as dishevelled?
Wang Zhong Ding said: "If people wear shorts, how can you
wear shorts?"

"Is this the seven points thing again?" Hàn Dōng growled.

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face, he forgot Hàn Dōng had
these two lame legs.

"So why don't you wear what l chose for you?" Wang Zhong
Ding continues to be true.

Hàn Dōng gritted his teeth. "This agreement that all the
clothes made are in accordance with the size. The bigger the
size, the looser they are .... Isn't it better if I wear those shorts?"

Wang Zhong Ding hasn't tried on clothes for a long time. His
clothes are sized for him.

Listening to Hàn Dōng's comment, his tone eased slightly, but

his attitude was still tough.
"Change to trousers later!"

Hàn Dōng mouth is almost crazy. "Today's highest

temperature is 32°C degrees. Why do you want to make me wear

"If you don't wear trousers, then you'll need a tight

underwear." Wang Zhong Ding finally said what he was

Hàn Dōng was stunned, "ah?"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't wait for him to react and he left his
face calmly.

Hàn Dōng just had a mirror in front of him. He tried to do a

high leg lift and really saw the corner of his underwear. But the
problem is... If one focuses on the tightness of the underwear,
what are they trying to see?

After Wang Zhong Ding left the crew and rushed to the Film
Association, it was dark when he came out. The nanny suddenly
called him.

"Wang, ah, the child is crying for you. I really don't want him
to cry. I'll take him to your company. You can rest assured that I
won't let him off. We're on the east side of the company parking
waiting for you.”

Wang Zhong Ding had to wait at least an hour before he could

go back. He really didn't want his son to wait outside the
company and wait for him Then he said, "Stop waiting, I'll find
someone to take you in."

After taking down the phone, Wang Zhong Ding thought that
he could only have Hàn Dōng go take them.

So he passed a text to Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng happened to be shopping at a nearby supermarket.

He saw Wang Zhong Ding text and couldn't help but snort.
"This time you think of me..."

Yu Ming asked: "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing ....... how about you go back first, I'm still gonna
lookaround for a little bit of something." Hàn Dōng said.

Yu Ming didn't ask anything. He took both their bags and left.

According to Wang Zhong Ding's instructions, Hàn Dōng

walked to a private car and knocked on the window. The nanny
opened the door and smiled at Hàn Dōng. “I'm troubling you.
Then I won't go in.”

Hàn Dōng wants to take Xixi out of the car, and Xixi pushed
his hand.

"I can get down on my own!"

The two small arms swayed a few times, and the words in his
mouth were like he was counting. Then his two legs squatted
and the little body popped out of the car in a dexterous manner.
The feet touching the ground like he had a great sense of

Hàn Dōng laughed loudly next to him, and Xixi glanced at

him, staring at his mouth and looking serious.

Hàn Dōng was surprised. The last time he saw the child he
was sickly.... and obedient ..... how did he feel that the child had
a change of temper?

Yes, Xixi was quite lively from some time ago, because Wang
Zhong Ding found that he had certain similarities with Hàn
Dōng .....

Wang kept brainwashing his son for fears of his son's

development later in life he would turn into another Hàn Dōng.
And each time when brainwashing was done all the doctor of
that little nephew (Xixi) were telling the negative teaching
Over time, the uncle (Han Dong) turned from a great guy to
god stick in little Xixi's eyes.

Little Xixi in Wang Zhong Ding's eyes's was “Little Hàn

Dōng”, and after the brainwashing from Wang Zhong Ding
....Little Xixi in Han Dong's eyes has become a “Little Wang
Zhong Ding”.
Chapter 112 Regarded as Rabid.
From the entrance to the elevator, there were several people
who asked Hàn Dōng: "Is he your son?"

You can't blame the people for saying that ...... Xixi really has
some similarities with Hàn Dōng. For example, if Wang Zhong
Ding's had small curls and deep-eyed eyes that have been
discovered for a long time, the small and long tongues that
swerved his mouth from time to time would have been washed
out. If he had been instructed to guide Xixi sleepwalking and six
fingers, Hàn Dōng would have jumped into the Yellow River.

After the three people said the same things, Xixi finally
couldn't bear staying quiet and he ha to yell back.

"You are his son!"

Hey! Hàn Dōng's eyes blinked, what does that mean? I haven't
disappointed you yet you're picking on me first!

On the elevator, Hàn Dōng had tried to press the number key,
but he was quickly overtaken by Xixi's finger..... which pressed
the floor number where Wang Zhong Ding's office was located.

Hàn Dōng patted his tiny head and quipped: "Well, you know
where your father's office is."

Xixi also learned to imitate Wang Zhong Ding's appearance

and raised his face.

"Pay attention to your words and deeds, in the company you

cannot mention Dad by his must use two words, to
say Mr. Wang."

Hàn Dōng was happy again, this little one really was Wang
Zhong Ding's son, ah, this is a very serious example... But Xixi's
pose is not intimidating like that of his father, because of the six
little fingers and the two little curls at the back of his head did
not set to his father's appearance. It feels like a toddler version
of Hàn Dōng when he is imitating Wang Zhong Ding..... his
perplexed joy.

In Wang Zhong Ding's office, Xixi first rushed in and quickly

seized the sofa, when Hàn Dōng was about to sat in the back, he
immediately used his legs to prevent Hàn Dōng from sitting

"Why not let me sit? The sofa is so big." Hàn Dōng asked.

Xixi said with a small face and said: "Keep your distance."

When Hàn Dōng heard Xixi tone, he knew that he had already
known himself, and he knew, he spoke knowingly, "Why do you
want to stay away from me?"

"I don't want Mr. Wang to misunderstand."

Hàn Dōng jokingly said: "Misunderstanding what?

Misunderstanding that I am your biological father?"

Xixi's little chest fluctuated violently. "If you let my dad hear
this, you will be in trouble."
"Please -----call him -----Mr.--- Wang----," Hàn Dōng warned.

When Xixi face suddenly had a flushed cheek, his small mouth
wriggled for a long time before reluctantly saying, "You're

Hàn Dōng laughed. The kid was too funny. He cannot help but
want to kiss him, as a result Xixi's anti-rabid was strong, Hàn
Dōng could not get close enough, Xixi used his small hand and
pushed him away.

Hàn Dōng snorted; you couldn't stop me. You still wanted to
fight me...

As a result, Hàn Dōng took a handful of sugar from his pocket

and sent his sugar to his mouth under Xixi's pointy gaze.

Xixi's little face quickly squatted down and his mouth was
squeezing tightly. The boring sultry face was like Wang Zhong
Ding, Little Xixi looked like someone who clearly wanted to eat
but couldn't ask for it.
Hàn Dōng deliberately put his tongue out and licked his lips,
and said faintly, "My mouth is sweet!"

Hàn Dōng's secret meaning: Child....Uncle is whispering to

you, he has the ability to draw hunger and he hopes to quench
your thirst is stronger than you!.

Hàn Dōng took a piece of candy again, and when Xixi thought
that it was his turn, Hàn Dōng sent it to his mouth.

Unusually he said: "Anyway, your mouth can automatically

secrete sweetness, and your uncle will not let you eat more

Xixi's tongue came out again and secretly swept his lips. The
little face was clearly disappointed.

With Hàn Dōng eating one after another candy, Xixi finally
couldn't help saying: "The daily sugar intake should not exceed
10 grams.
"You are talking about children's intake. I'm an adult."

Xixi also said: "Adults intake of 0.5 grams per kilogram, you
have up to 70 kilograms, should not exceed 35 grams, you have
eaten so many blocks of candy enough to tip a scale over."

Hàn Dōng deliberately put his hand near his own ear and
pretended that he didn't hear.

"What did you say? How much intake?"

Xixi repeated it again loudly.

"5 pounds? Then I didn't overeat ah." Hàn Dōng continued to

pretend to be confused.

Xixi's mouth had a crashed expression, "its 0.50 grams per

kilogram, not 5 pounds per kilogram!"
Hàn Dōng took advantage of the opportunity and moved his
ear to Xixi's mouth.

"Can you say that again!"

Xixi diligently shouted in Hàn Dōng's ears and Hàn Dōng head
made a sudden turn. In the unsuspecting Xixi, Hàn quickly
kissed on his small mouth.

As a result, Xixi had not yet had time to complain, and Hàn
Dōng himself complained first.

"Oh, I shouldn't kiss you, I'm in a loss, but some of my sugar

will run over you, and I will not be sweet anymore."

After finishing, Hàn Dōng deliberately poser his head and

looked annoyed and regretful.

Xixi was busy licking his lips where Hàn Dōng had kissed
him....he did this when Hàn Dōng didn't look at him. The first
lick was sweet, and finally it was sweeter, and he suddenly
became a disadvantage these wasn't anymore sweetness.

Hàn Dōng put another piece of candy in his mouth and was
really stared at by Xixi

When Xixi looked at Hàn Dōng, he spoke again, he

deliberately whispered and whispered so low that Hàn Dōng
could not hear it, giving him a chance to make a raid. Then
when Hàn Dōng didn't pay attention, Xixi was secretly kissing
his lips, with a pair of earnest expressions.

At the third block, Hàn Dōng deliberately refused him to go

over and waved his hand and said, "If you're tired, you can't
hear it."

Xixi didn't want to come down from the sofa and secretly
moved to the side by shift his little ass.

So, Hàn Dōng sat down right beside him.

After breaking through the barriers of communication at the

first level, Hàn Dōng observed Xixi's appearance. He found that
because his age was very young, so he started at the school

"You're in kindergarten now?"

Xixi shouted disdainfully: "Is that a big class?"

Hàn Dōng smiled: "I know one of your secrets."

"What secret?" Xixi spoke really nervous.

Hàn Dōng said: "There is a girl in your class who likes you."

Xixi's small eye turned around, but he wasn't as skeptical as

Hàn Dōng expected. Instead, he spoke with pride: "So what? I
don't like her."

"Why don't you like her?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Xixi simply thinks funny, "How could a large class leader like
her like a team member like me?"

He went to beeing so small to there is a concept of crew!

"According to that, only half of the cards are worthy of you?"

Hàn Dōng was playing and he didn't expect that Xixi could not
speak loudly and his face was cautious.

Hàn Dōng eyebrows saw the light, it seems that there is a


"You haven't answered me yet. Isn't it they are only half

worthy for you?"

Xixi said sullenly, "I can't like her."

Hàn Dōng immediately took the position of an elder brother's

head and poked carefully at Xixi's head.
"I know that there is a deputy class leader between you and
her, so you see, you hesitate..."

Xixi didn't want to say more at first, but later he finally

opened his mouth boldly.

"The deputy class leader has to compete with me fairly, but he

is taller than me and he is bigger than me. I am afraid of losing
to him."

Hàn Dōng patted Xixi's calf and said, "Why do you compare
with him? You should be stronger."

Xixi looked frustrated. "I can't compare myself to him."

"It depends on how you can take him on. You thinking you
can't beat him its better than carrying a table and moving a
stool. You should compare it to a bottle and see who takes it.
You think about it, he can only hold four fingers together. You
can hold five."
Xixi counted his six fingers, yes, this looks like a big win!

Hàn Dōng quirked an eyebrow, "How is it! Do you think your

dad can think of this good plan?"

Xixi eyes gleamed looking at Hàn Dōng with idol worship to

admire him, the uncle really is high.
He said my dad said "The six fingers are good" for so many
years, and he didn't say exactly how, and uncle is the first
person who truly puts my six fingers into practice!

After a while, Wang Zhong Ding returned.

Xixi pounced on him with excitement on the little face.

Wang Zhong Ding saw his son's happiness, and his mood was
also a lot smoother. He looked at Hàn Dōng with eyes softer
than usual.

"That, you father and son talk, I will go first." Hàn Dōng
hurried back.
In the room was left the father and son.

Wang Zhong Ding found the candy papers in the trash and
asked questions to Xixi

"Did you eat the candy?"

Xixi shook his head. "I didn't eat anything. The rabbit tail
uncle had eaten it."

Wang Zhong Ding never dared to put too much sugar at home,
because Xixi often steal sugary food from time to time. Even if
he can't control his son's mouth, how can Hàn Dōng do it?

"You really didn't eat any?" Wang Zhong Ding again


Xixi was clearly emboldened than usual. "No."

Wang Zhong Ding saw that Xixi didn't seem to lie, so he asked:
"Is he willing to eat infront and you didn't eat any?"

"I didn't take the initiative."

Wang Zhong Ding was amazed at Xixi performance today and

was even more surprised at the positive guiding role of Hàn

Xixi saw a piece of candy left on the coffee table, he was busy
pointing to Wang Zhong Ding, looking forward with a small

"Daddy, you eat"

Wang Zhong Ding immediately said: "It is already late, and we

cannot eat any more."

"This candy is for Daddy." Xixi pointed at his father.

Wang Zhong Ding feared that if he would not eat it Xixi would
steal it. He had no choice but to plug the candy into his mouth.

Then Xixi watched him eat again and said: "Daddy, you lick
your lips and you will find something unexpected."

Wang Zhong Ding tried lick his lips. As a result, Xixi quickly
rushed past and kissed Wang Ding's mouth.

Wang Zhong Ding had not been spurned by the child's

naughty behavior, but instead looked at him with distressed

Hàn Dōng you really made me embarrased..

Chapter 113 Ghost Haunting
In the evening, Hàn Dōng practiced doing the splits in a two-
meter-wide bed with only one underwear...

He wasn'tfully pressed to the bed, the two feet had already

extended out of bed. Yu Ming, who just came to the door and
saw this scene, couldn't help but stop.

Wang Zhong Ding was right.

In the same position, it is common for others to do it and look

awkward and when Hàn Dōng does it. It brings in a different
kind of ecstasy.

Yu Ming suddenly wanted to see Hàn Dōng shooting the film

scene of him falling into the water. In that shot, Hàn Dōng fell
rapidly from a height of 100 meters, and his body was ripping
apart in the water. If someone shoots this shot, it will be very
disgusting, but if Hàn Dōng comes to shoot it, the dislocated
limbs scene will be quite amazing.

As Yu Ming was thinking, he suddenly saw Hàn Dōng's hand

reaching at the center of his legs, and he pulled the edge of the
underwear very indecently. The scene of spring floods
interrupted Yu Ming fine thoughts momentarily.

Just as he was about to turn back to his room, he heard Hàn

Dōng shouted behind him.

"Ming Er, come here."

Yu Ming resumed his cold and faint expression. "What?"

"I tell you a funny thing." Hàn Dōng smiled.

"what's up?"

Hàn Dōng took Yu Ming's hand to his underwear and said,

"You pull it."

"Are you insane?"

When Yu Ming wanted to withdraw his hand, he was stabbed
by Hàn Dōng.

"You can help me try its tightness," said Hàn Dōng.

Yu Ming picked up and bounced back, saying: "It's quite


"Right? It is obviously very tight, and even i have to try hard

to find my nephew. Why do you think Wang Zhong Ding
wanted to send me underwear?"

Yu Ming did not know the cause and effect of the incident.
How could Wang Zhong Ding's idea be this incendiary?

"It should be right." Yu Ming gave a quick answer.

When Hàn Dōng heard this, he suddenly exposed evil light on

his face.
"With his temper, he couldn't face me. I guess he'll sneak a
look at me when I sleep. Can you believe it?"

Many of Hàn Dōng's previous speculations were usually

accurate, so Yu Ming had to believe.

As a result, Hàn Dōng got up and picked up the underwears

scattered everywhere, including the one on the body, and threw
them onto trash bins together. In order to avoid going back to
sleepwalking, he also deliberately slapped a few mouthfuls.

"If he sees me naked, he will have to put on panties on me

with his own hands."

Yu Ming is simply serving as Hàn uncle: Can you say hello

before the next "bird"?

Hàn Dōng, regardless of that, dried himself on the bed,

stretched one leg, one leg bent, and his legs were separated by a
large angle. The naked bare buttocks lifted up in a high-profile
manner, and all that could be exposed was exposed, fearing that
Wang Zhong Ding would thought he was wearing underwear.

At this moment, Wang Zhong Ding's brainwashing campaign

is being unveiled at home.

The reason is that Xixi refused to leave Wang Zhong Ding's


Except for the few days that he had just moved to Beijing, Xixi
did not adapt to sticking to Wang Zhong Ding. He stayed alone
during the rest of the day. As a result, Hàn Dōng and him got
along with each other for a while. Now he came back to Wang
Zhong Ding he was like the cover and nothing Wang said would
return him to his room.

Wang Zhong Ding naturally took responsibility to Hàn Dōng

and began a difficult re-education process.

"You were fooled. He just did it to kiss you."

Xixi always thought that he was the one who had the

"I made to eat his sugar before I deliberately let him kiss."

"He just knew you would kiss him to eat sugar."

"No, I deliberately made him kiss me. He was willing to give

me the sugar to my mouth."


Hàn Dōng spent a few minutes to complete the trick, but

Wang Zhong Ding spent a few hours to explain it to the Xixi.
Moreover, not only did he not play a positive role after being
understood, but he also caused Xixi to misinterpret and
question many of Hàn Dōng's remarks.

"Dad, do you not want me?"

Wang Zhong Ding immediately retorted, "Who said that?"

"Uncle Hàn he said that he will be my dad."

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

"You really want to give me to him?"

Wang Zhong Ding explained, "He didn't mean that."

"What does he mean?"

Wang Zhong Ding temporarily stopped talking, can he tell

Xixi that Hàn Dōng wants to be with him(Wang)?

When Xixi saw Wang Zhong Ding's failure to answer, he

collapsed, and Wang Zhong Ding didn't give up.
"Daddy, don't give me to my uncle. I still thought he was fine.
But after you told me the truth, I couldn't accept him."

Wang Zhong Ding patiently advised: "No, why would I send

you to the bad guys?" As a result, Xixi has not settled down.
Instead, he suddenly became aware of what it was and he was
seriously exposed. "Since Daddy knew he(Hàn Dōng) was a bad
person, why did you let him pick me up?"


"Daddy, you said you didn't want to leave me to him!!!"

Wang Zhong Ding was forced to agree with Xixi sleeping in his

"Then you have to get down from me.... How do I sleep with
you on my back?"

"No, I will sleep on you."

Xixi didn't sleep for a while, and his little hand clutched Wang
Ding's arm. As long as there is a slight shake he will wake up
and sleep very unsteady.

Wang Zhong Ding patted his little curls, touched them.... and
the small volume became a big roll. Even his head got bigger,
suddenly there is a little more.

Wang Zhong Ding couldn't help but wake up.

Then, Xixi body slowly sat up.

Wang Zhong Ding in his mind saw Hàn Dōng smile with a
laughing face, he was stayed naked, his two long legs in a split
frog position riding on his waist.

Wang Zhong Ding wants to push Hàn Dōng with his hands,
but he cannot lift his hands.

He knows that he is in a "ghost haunting" dream and more

accurately, little Xixi should be "sleepwalking." Wang
consciousness is awake but the body is still asleep.

Wang Zhong Ding struggled for a while and finally recovered.

The body that was lying on him was just an illusion because
his chest had oppressive things.

Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding and his mentoring apprentice

held Xixi open, but he just woke up with a hard on so he show
embarrassing twice. Wang Zhong Ding was reluctant and afraid
to wake him and he continue to surfer.

Not a moment later, a familiar scene occured in his dream.

Hàn Dōng began to sway on him, as if Wang saw him again on

the field. Only the shaded clothing faded, leaving only the bare
hips twisting.

Wang Zhong Ding forced himself to wake up and this time he

had to awaken the child and Xixi hugged him sideways.
As a result, after the child fell asleep, the child became his
second hugger, but only changed his posture.

This gesture coincides with Hàn Dōng's sleeping posture. He is

lying back on the side of Wang Zhong Ding, his hips are tilted
high, and his legs are wide apart, revealing his private parts.

"Touch me... touch me..."

The terrifying sound of a machine-cassette became an

attractive note, lingering around Wang Zhong Ding's ear.

Wang clearly felt that his palms were walking on the inside of
Hàn Dōng's thighs, causing severe trembling. Everything
seemed so real.

Suddenly he would not wake up...

When his body has not move and remained stiff, his
consciousness has long been rioting
Wang Zhong Ding allowed his fingers to knead the soft flesh
on Hàn Dōng's ass, and he used his ankle to reach a position
where it felt so familiar. Then he put a finger into the buttcrack
and caressingly stroke the middle fold. Even he himself doesn't
know why his perverted hand likes to touch here...

Everything that happened later completely broke through the

deep-rooted bondage of desire in Wang Zhong Ding's head.

He never knew that he likes to see such a naughty posture,

likes to listen to such vulgar swear words, likes to use such a
brutal way to "do" the other man till he was crying for mercy...

1].....Wait a fuck....Wang is having a wet dream....

When Wang Zhong Ding really woke up, he still didn't move
and his child had already rolled over to the other bed.


Hàn Dōng had no dream overnight.

How did I sleep last night? What happened this morning?

Poor Yu Ming, almost sleeping without a sleep, he heard that

there was a movement next door, rushed in, pointing to Hàn
Dōng's nose and shouting: "Didn't you say he was coming last
night? Did he?"

Hàn Dōng stared at him in confusion. "How are you more

excited than me?"

"Nonsense, just because you said that he would come last

night, I was waiting on the door for a whole night! Teaser! How
can I not be seduced? I also tossed my underwear, and I wanted
see what you wear today!"

Hàn Dōng could not hang his face, desperately to find their
own face.

"If he doesn't send me underwear, there will definitely be

other ways."
Yu Ming nodded. According to Hàn Dōng's idea, he said,
"Yeah, he will dig down all the eyes of those who saw you. You
are satisfied?"

Hàn Dōng, "......."

Yu Ming returned to his room after he had enough.

Hàn Dōng squatted at his door and pleaded: "I have to wear

"Nothing new." Yu Ming chilled.

Hàn Dōng said: "It's also through."

Yu Ming ignored him and got bored doing his own stuff.

Hàn Dōng laughed: "Are you afraid that I am lying?"

"Get off, I don't have one which you borrow!"

As a result, Hàn Dōng continued to take a rogue approach, and

he use himself to just sway in front of him.

In the end, Yu Ming couldn't stand it anymore and finally

pushed a new underwear on Hàn Dōng's face.

On the way to the crew, Hàn Dōng also yelled at Yu Ming:

"Your little pants are too tight, and they feel like they have
devoured my butt"

Yu Ming said in an irony: "Isn't that exactly matching with

Wang Zhong Ding's mind? You can think of this as him giving it
to you. Anyway, if you lied to yourself, you would believe it."

Hàn Dōng secretly bit his teeth, Yu Ming Er... I'm waiting for
you, you keep waiting for me someday I will focus on your
affair, after deceiving my own success for you!

Into the crew, Director Lu is beckoning everyone to lead


"Summer is coming, and Wang Zhong Ding has taken a lot of

hard work and has sent us a batch of custom-made clothes. Just
now I tried it, it was comfortable and cool, I could wear it even
when I was resting."

Because the studio was noisy, Hàn Dōng didn't hear what the
director was saying.

"What is this?"

"Oh, Wang always sent us a lot of clothes."

Hàn Dōng's back board got up instantly and deliberately

poked Yu Ming. "What was I talking about? He'll definitely
think of something else! But he's sending his underwear... This
man's golden finger is a bit too big?"

Yu Ming gave a look at him. "Rest assured, no one will feel

that it is for him running you."
Hàn Dōng doesn't have his tongue stretched. He understand it

When two people went to take the lead, Lu directed Hàn Dōng
to pick from another place.

"this is your cloth set."

Hàn Dōng shrugged anxiously. "I enjoy the special treatment.

I feel that everyone is right."

Yu Ming ignored him and he went to the locker room.

After unpacking, Yu Ming took Hàn Dōng to see it.

"Oh, it's not underwear, it's shorts."

Hàn Dōng was a stunned and then shoved a thigh in them.


Yu Ming did not understand. "How smart is it?"

Hàn Dōng said bluntly: "Isn't it smarter to send me shorts and

send me underwear than to send his underwear gift to the

Yu Ming wanted to say: I didn't think that Wang would send

his underwear.

Hàn Dōng opened his bag and his face was stunned. What are
these?..... Are they shorts? They look as thought they would be
used to cover the ears, and he turned them upside down again,
they looked like a pair of shorts.

It's just that mine that has a buckle button to hold it really

1].... yeah I'm I didn't understand half of this chapter other

than Wang's wet dream
Chapter 114 Strange Emotions
In the blink of an eye, it was the end of May, the shooting of
the movie from Hàn Dōng's crew came to an end.

The remaining scenes were shot in the night and concentrated

on two people, Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming, so the two people lived
in black and sleep in daylight.

Today is Yu Ming's scene. Although Hàn Dōng didn't need to

participate, Hàn Dōng went with him.

At 11 pm, the car set off from the company. Hàn Dōng glanced
at the office building through the window and couldn't help but
mutter: "Wang Zhong Ding doesn't seem to stay up late during
this time."

Yu Ming replied slyly: "should it be that the work is not that

much anymore and he is not as busy?"

"How could he be not busy? If so many films are to be on the

market in the summer, there should be meetings and publicity.
He should be more busy than usual."

After Hàn Dōng finished, Shèn Hua, who had been yawning,
suddenly became mentally active.

"Yes, Wang was really busy this time. At 10:28 this morning,
he attended an opening ceremony. Just after the opening
ceremony, he flew to Hangzhou to attend a guided activity class.
He returned at 5:11 pm. It's non-stop..."

"Hey! Hey!" Hàn Dōng interrupted Shèn Hua. "Are you my

assistant or his assistant?"

Shen Hàn showed a shameful smile. "The Eight Diagrams King

schedule is my hobby."

"Wouldn't it be better for you to work properly for me? I

didn't ask you to remember my schedule so clearly. I only hope
that next time I let you buy two packs of meat, you don't buy me
two pounds!"
Shèn Hua said, "I don't want to do anything for you, but also
you don't have anything for me to do. I'll tell you there isn't
anything for me to do ...... You're not happy when I try to help

Hàn Dōng did not have a word to say. "What's the

announcement? Isn't it because I have a shooting task?"

"But Li Tian Bang can shoot everywhere during the shooting!

Even Zhang Xing Hu is on TV every three times."

The driver was anxious for Hàn Dōng. "It's reasonable to say
that after you finished the shoot, there should be many
advertisers and print media trying to contact you. How could it
stop you?"

In fact, Hàn Dōng couldn't figure it out. At that time, Mr. Nick
also mentioned that he wanted to cooperate again. Later, he
didn't contact him again. As for what advertisers, print media,
large and small, no one seems to have found him(Hàn Dōng).

"In general, who can call such a contact with those people?"
Hàn Dōng asked.

The others said in unison: "Of course your broker."

Hàn Dōng tried to call Wang Zhong Ding and the result was
there was an automatic transfer to voice mail. This has
happened several times.

Wicked man, what is he busy doing?

The result is, as he came to the crew, Hàn Dōng inadvertently

heard Director Lu talking on the phone.

"Okay, Wang, don't worry, I'll be sure to check for the rest of
the day."

Director Lu just hung up, and Hàn Dōng's questioning face

came over.
"Why did Wang Zhong Ding pick up your call but didn't pick
mine up?"

As the voices just fell, all of the crew cast a puzzled look at
him: Do you even have toask this question? Isn't it obvious

Director Lu claps Hàn Dōng's shoulder and comforts him, "It's

not that Wang doesn't seem to like you. It's only temporary. You
have to think, he has already sent you an item. Although his
aloofness is shrinking, it proves that it is no longer the same.
You will have to work harder. In the near future, President
Wang Would answer your call."

Hàn Dōng, "........ "

After a while, Yu Ming had his makeup done and the staff was
ready. This scene shot began.

And Yu Ming's understanding of the play was led by Ma Bin.

Ma Bin was lying in bed with his eyebrows locked. He was
obviously suffering from a nightmare.

In the current survey of "Ghost Haunting", many people have

seen "unclean things." This "thing" is not necessarily true. Most
of the time it is the reality of the projection of inner
consciousness. That is, the more you are afraid of seeing
something, the more you will see it.

1]....The entire move is set on an inescapable nightmare loop

When the actor just entered sleep, he already felt "haunted."

Various horror ideas began to creep into his mind, and

anything in the room could be distorted into a horror scene.

For example, the sheets in front of the actor, severely and

desperately cracked a large hole in the middle, the size of a
tennis racket at the entrance.

It is impossible for ordinary people to crawl through this hole,

but Yu Ming can.

In addition to his own advantages, it must also be attributed

to Yu Ming's hard training these days.

Because flexibility can create a distorting effect, it also shows

visual beauty. To achieve an outright terror, an actor must work
hard in his posture and speed.

So this shot will be shot at the end.

Don't say that the male protagonist lying in bed is afraid .....
the entire studio is scared.

They saw only one head rise slowly and the scattered wigs
spread out on the bed.

Then, a pale face appeared in the shot!

At the same time, there was a strong twisted arm behind the
neck, the scene showed out half of the arm. Then the upper
body was covered with blood, and the two arms have been
popping in the joints while crawling.

If people with distorted phobias see this picture, they will be

forced to faint forever.

When everyone felt very uncomfortable, Hàn Dōng drank

blood next to the scene.

The horror film is inseparable from the blood and gore... and
now the blood's manufacturing ingredients are mainly honey
and pigments, and sometimes mixed with some spices.
Therefore, Hàn Dōng often follows props division to make more
than two bowls, not only to drink it as anti-fatigue but also cure
his constipation.

Yu Ming has climbed onto the bed and hung on Ma Bin.

Suddenly, the 180-degree spin of the waist turned out at the
back of Ma Bin's upper body ....... the upper body was instantly
twisted. The lower body was maintained as it was.
Everyone is covering their mouths and the atmosphere full of
fear started to seep out.

Hàn Dōng alone hides in the dark and secretly recorded the

It's too hard to make out this position during sex. When did
you want to play?

Suddenly, the silence in the room made a terrible horror.


Everyone who can hear this voice had shocks from their inner


Just passed!
As the lights were turned on, all staff members applauded at
that moment.

"It has been hard work." Director Lu took Yu Ming out of bed.
"It's fantastic, completely out of my expectation."

Hàn Dōng rushed to send the clips he had recorded to Xià

Hòng Wēi, and then he took the phone and walked towards Yu

Zhang Xing Hu came to the crew from another studio and saw
a mouthful of people walking out with a pale face. He was
suddenly scared. "You two are really..."

Hàn Dōng laughed. "You have just finished work?"

"Yeah." Zhang Xing Hu shook his arms. "You are so wicked.

When you got up I just got goose bumps."

"Were you?" Hàn Dōng didn't feel it.

As a result, an actress next to him also said: "What's the
matter? My dreams have been connected to that bed scene for
days. Especially with you, because of you ..... I had a few days of

When Hàn Dōng heard her say this, many people came to echo

"Han Big Fairy, do the cleansing ritual ...... "

"That's right, let us be practical."

..... Horror film crews have always been filled with

supernatural events. The reason why "The Exorcist" has become
a king of horror films, apart from the plots and special effects,
there is also an important reason an that is that many staff and
actors died strangely during the filming process. They all ended
up suffering from schizophrenia. Although there is no evidence
that there is a causal link of the schizophrenia with the
shooting, shooting a horror film is seen as the inevitable cause.

Hàn Dōng went to seek advice from Director Lu.

Director Lu said: "Others are easy to handle..... But I am afraid
of Wang ..."

"Now it's more than two oclock in the night. Wang shouldn't
be coming here ." The photographer spoke.

Director Lu thought deeply for a moment then nodded his


Hàn Dōng has recently been in a row with people who are not
in a good state of mind, especially those who have had a ghostly
experience. For them, they made their own symbols to get rid of
body suffocation.

The atmosphere was serious, and suddenly a door rang.

Everyone turned their eyes to the door.

Wang Zhong Ding's grim face appeared before everyone.

In the room it was silent, even the dust falling on the ground
can be heard, and many people are afraid to come out.

Hàn Dōng's face also had a look of twilight. While he will not
come late in the morning, but this time.

There was an incence burner in the middle of the room. Hàn

Dōng took the "Sword" in his hand. His head was affixed with
magic symbols... Such a grand scene, they couldn't conceal it.

Director Lu walked forward with a sly look and tried to

explain this to Wang Zhong Ding. The result was interrupted by
Wang Ding.

"Go ahead," Wang Zhong Ding said suddenly.

When this was said, everyone was embarrassed and even Hàn
the Great, who was a god-like person, was stunned.

Wang Zhong Ding went to the group of people suffering from

the ghostly haunts and he sat in a row and he waved to Hàn

"You continue."

Wang Zhong Ding didn't make it clear that he was worse

affected than anyone else. He was already connected to Hàn
Dōng's ghost sexually haunting him for several days.

With permission from Wang Zhong Ding, Hàn Dōng tried

harder. Oops, dancing, just like in a play, Wang Zhong Ding
now could actually endure it.

"Everything that entangles you will be killed under my


The "Sword" in Hàn Dōng's hands has been waving in front of

everyone and his stances have been very smooth. When Wang
Zhong Ding arrived at this scene, his arm suddenly felt like it
had a case of muscle paralysis, and he couldn't even shake it.

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes changed, is it true? Is he a believer?

As he was thinking, Hàn Dōng suddenly fell back and made a
big comeback.

There was a burst of laughter in the room.

"I said, Great Fairy, how did the little ghost drive you to dirty

Hàn Dōng hurriedly got up from the ground and decided to

look at Wang Zhong Ding and asked, "You're also haunted?"

Wang Zhong Ding looked cold, "Tricked you to act it."

Hàn Dōng deliberately reminded: "Ghost haunts are generally

sexual dreams."

"It has nothing to do with me." Wang Zhong Ding is still with
a chilly face.
Hàn Dōng breathed a sigh of relief. "Is it so? I thought you
dreamed to have me on."

Wang Zhong Ding's righteous eyes suddenly turned


1]....remember Wang dreamed he was violating Hàn Dōng


..... Hàn Dōng would still like to continue to ask, and as a

result, people came in and force him and Wang Zhong Ding to
put a hard distance apart. And such people are not yet leaving.
Later, Hàn Dōng went to see Wang Zhong Ding.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Hàn Dōng could not help but ask.

An actress said: "We are afraid that when Wang always sees
you, he wouldn't want to stay here."

Hàn Dōng, "......"

Director Lu saw that Wang Zhong Ding was pleased today and
ventured toward Hàn Dōng: "Since you are a fortune teller, it's
better to calculate whether our movie will be sold out or not."

Wang Zhong Ding didn't show any dissent or dissatisfaction,

and he also turned his attention to Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng's licked his fingertips and at the instant, he showed

director Zhao Lu an excited expression.

"It will be a sold out!! It would be kicking it at the box office!"

Wang Zhong Ding can clearly see Hàn Dōng's eyes mixed with
a touch of strange emotions.

Director Lu laughed and said, "Wang, did you hear that? Even
Hàn The Great says that."

Wang Zhong Ding didn't say anything but said: "Everybody is

working hard. I will be on my way out."
Just out of the door, Hàn Dōng chased him out.

"Hey, did you push all my tv announcements?"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't deny it.

Hàn Dōng asked: "Why?"

"Keeping you as a mystery."

After that, Wang Zhong Ding turned and left.

Does Hàn Dōng snorted, is it you keeping me as a mystery or

as your mystery?
Chapter 115 Calm.
After the work was completed, Hàn Dōng first returned to the
dormitory. After sleeping until the afternoon, Yu Ming came
back with a weak footstep.

"Oh, can you be walking funny?" Hàn Dōng deliberately asked.

On Yu Ming's face is clearly written: Don't provoke me.

However, Hàn Dōng still sneaked in unintentionally and spent

a great deal of effort to elicit the words from Yu Ming.

"I think there are spies in the crew." Yu Ming suddenly said.

Hàn Dōng was shocked. "How do you know? Xià Hòng Wēi
talked to you last night?"

Hàn Dōng wondered. "If he didn't even mention it. How do
you know if someone spied on it?"

"He didn't mention it or didn't want to mention it..." Yu Ming

said, "Forget it, I'm going to sleep."

What happened is that Hàn Dōng suddenly realized that Yu

Ming contortion was very obscene in his eyes and Xià Hòng Wēi
really liked that taste!

In the evening at the crew meeting, everyone was discussing

whether or not on Children's Day they should go on holiday.
Suddenly an explosive news came over - Li Shang's crew was
finished shooting.

The greatest response was directed by Lu. "How could it be? It

has not even been one month since the film change studio! And
how are the time-consuming and laborious scenes in the script
shot so fast?"

Hàn Dōng voice faded: "They changed the script."

"How do you know?" Director Lu wondered.

Hàn Dōng said: "I guessed."

The person next to him immediately excused: "The new script

would need more time to prepare after the film is finished, it
must have been a raw one. The plot doesn't show how much
confusion there is!"

Someone also said: "It may be that they want to rush in front
of us. We are both shooting horror films. They are all schedule
summer programs. They may have the advantage of showing

"Not necessarily, it's mainly the case of the crew."

"If you think about crew strength, then you think we don't
look active like they are?"

Director Lu interrupted everyone's comments. “We don't have

to panic, we're still going according to the schedule. As long as
the quality is good, the audience will definitely buy it.”

The deputy director also said: "I have considerable confidence

in Han's story. I dare to say that this subject is unprecedented in

Everyone is talking about it. Only Yu Ming has been silent.

The producer looked at Yu Ming and asked: "What do you


Yu Ming said a word, "I believe in Hàn Dōng."

Hàn Dōng was stunned, and when he looked at Yu Ming, he

had again a cold and his face had a faint expression. It was as if
the inspiring words he had just said were not what he meant to

Director Lu laughed and said, "Yes, I believe in our team! The

more stable it is this time, the better it is to erode. So I decided
to take a day off for Children's Day."
The crowd cheered and then returned to normal. As in the
past, they started the shooting scene of the day.

At more than three o'clock in the morning, Yu Ming was

already trapped. Just as he wanted to sleep, Hàn Dōng woke up.

"Ming Er, I didn't realize that you were such a buddy.

Seriously, when I heard you saying that ...... My tears almost
fell down..."

Yu Ming humiliated Hàn Dōng with an annoyance. "Go away,

can you not be so annoying?"

"Ming Er, are you particularly admiring me in the bottom of

your heart? Just you don't want to say anything." Hàn Dōng is
not finished.

"I was just talking about a scene then." Yu Ming's head fell on
the seat again.

As a result, it didn't happen for a while. "In fact, in your mind,

am I like a mountain? As long as I am there, you will feel
particularly secure."


Yu Ming blocked his ears.

Hàn Dōng, who never knows how to stop having the bastard's
face, becomes the last image before Yu Ming closes his eyes.
When he opened his eyes again, he had woke up half an hour
later. Hàn Dōng was still in that sitting position, but the smile
on his face had receded. Suddenly, the quiet face made Yu Ming
somewhat uncomfortable.

"What are you thinking?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng said: "I was thinking, if my parents saw me on

television, would they regret having thrown me away at the

"Aren't your parents dead?"

"...... not dead."

Yu Ming frowned. "What?..... are you telling the truth?"

"I wish they were killed ..... but in reality, they are still alive."

Yu Ming is silent.

"I'm afraid if I shoot to stardom. They will come back and ask
me for money."

Yu Ming shames. "They are not so shameless are they?"

Hàn Dōng sighed. "I am particularly confident in the

shamelessness genes of our family."

Yu Ming, "......."
On Children's Day the next day, Li Shang's crew held a
celebration. A lot of media came over and Wang Zhong Ding
also participated. Hàn Dōng watched the broadcast on that

The host is the famous XX TV station and is also a friend of

Liang Jing. With his lead, the atmosphere of the event was
particularly lively. The crew member described various things
encountered in the filming process, and also referred to the
scene replacement.

"About this matter, I'm not already saying I don't want to say
more, but we speak with the work we did!" Liang Jing gave a
generous speeches.

A piece of applause below.

The host also said: "Xiao Liang, you come and estimate the box

"Two billion." Liang Jing said.

Although this number is nothing more than the current movie
market, it is unprecedented to be gained in the field of horror
films. You have to know that the highest grossing horror movie
at the box office in mainland China has not yet managed to
reach over 100 million yuan, and if the total production hits tens
of millions, investors will be able to laugh with big teeth.

The host also cast his gaze on Li Shang. "Li Tian Bang, I heard
that you have participated in this scriptwriting?"

Li Shang smiled humbly and answerer. "The crystallization of

the script is a collective creation."

“Before ..... you mentioned this movie on Weibo, it would

bring surprises to everyone. Will the surprise remain after the
script changed?”

Li Shang nodded. "Sure it will."

Then, the host asked Li Shang the last question.

"Who do you want to work with in the future?"

This question seems simple, but it is not so good. Because the

following are predecessors, it seems that everyone who is
neglected is not treated right. But if he say it wrongly you will
end up seeming too slick.

Li Shang smiled with embarrassment. "only one choice?"

"Yes, only one can be chosen."

"Do you really want me to tell the truth?"

"Of course, we ask you to answer the truth, listening to lies is

not as good as your own truth."

"I want to act with Wang." Li Shang is amazing.

[SALEM]: You just got to be KIDDING me! i hate this

This answer was an instant success.

You have to know that no one dared to ridicule Wang Zhong

Ding in public, Li Shang was the first one.

“I think that Wang is the most handsome men of our

company. This is absolutely a known conscience..... isn't it?”

"You motherfu*ker!" Hàn hated it.

At the end of the celebration ceremony, the first publicity film

of this movie finally made its debut. Hàn Dōng decided to stare
at the various familiar slogans on the screen and his expression
was somewhat complicated.

The next day Hàn Dōng arrived at the crew and everyone was
talking about it. Presumably all people watched the promo and
felt a strong sense of plagiarism.

When Hàn Dōng set down things, he was called by Director

"Isn't our script taken al road?"

Hàn Dōng shook his head. "lt shouldn't have even if the
subject matter is similar."

"That's too far off the mark?" Director Lu obviously didn't

have the calm of yesterday.

Hàn Dōng doesn't change his face.

If the words haven't already been said, Director Lu's face is

not good anymore and he doubts what he have to do. He shouts
at the loudspeakers, "Prepare for the next shot."

Although everyone is conscientiously fulfilling their essential

work, each person's face is no longer "sticking" to happiness.....
but filled with naked "death."

At the time of the work, Hàn Dōng heard someone talking

about it.
"Isn't history of subjects unprecedented? Isn't that someone
dared to be in front of us while copying ours?!"

"To tell the truth, I didn't think I would compete with other
people at the beginning. My wish will not be fulfilled"

"Oh ... it seems that this wish is hanging on a thin wire."

Yu Ming asked Hàn Dōng, “What do you want to eat at


Hàn Dōng circled Yu Ming's shoulder and deliberately asked,

“Don't you worry you will get it?”

Yu Ming still said, "What do you want to eat?"

Hàn Dōng laughed. "That's my buddy!"

Two weeks later, Li Shang sent the ticket directly to the door.
"This is so fast... wasn't it said that it will be released in July?
"Hàn Dōng is quite surprised.

Li Shang smiled.: "The original plan was July, but Wang

proposed to advance the schedule. Now that the college
entrance examination has just ended, the students can just
watch horror films to release the pressure."

Hàn Dōng nodded. "......Not bad."

"The day after tomorrow is the premiere, don't forget!"

Hàn Dōng replied quickly, "Be assured, I won't forget."

After Li Shang left, Yu Ming asked Hàn Dōng, "Are you really
going to go?"

"Nonsense ..... Do you want to miss a free movie?"

Chapter 116 Pathetic.
At more than eleven oclock in the night, Hàn Dōng and Yu
Ming entered the theater.

Before the movie began, Hàn Dōng watched the row chart and
found that there were a lot of movies that were packed together
during this period of time. However, the ticket sale rate for
"Tear" still topped the list.

Nowadays, the sum of the marketing techniques of the films is

also not comparable to the number of "sequences". In particular,
the high rate of filming in the past has become one of the
powerful means of promotion.

The first week of showing Tears was 46% praised, which

means that even if word of mouth is worse, box office money
recovery is very safe.

Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming walked into the VIP box after the
check. It looks like the sky is light, but in fact everyone has a
sigh of relief.
The lights went out and the film officially began.

The title is a picture of a dozen artistic conception. A person

was standing between two parallel mirrors. There are many
infinite spaces in the mirror. Like a corridor, there are
thousands of themselves in the corridor.

This screen hints at the haunting effect and is one of the

promotional points of the film.

All the film and various theorems and effects have been linked
together, and they are instantly taller. If there is room for the
audience to resolve at the end, it seems that once it has become
a high IQ movie, domestic movies are still blanked in this area.

The role played by Li Shang in the movie is Tang Jing, a

micro-film fan. He is good at shooting horror scenes and likes to
make some horror props themselves.

On the stand, Tang Jing watching the mobile video, and

suddenly there is a beautiful woman who comes to explore.
"What are you looking at?"

Tang Jing lifted his cell phone in front of her. "Want to watch
together with me the horror micro-film I have directed myself?"

The beauty didn't respond yet, and the people around him
panicked and dispersed.

Tang Jing's heart was strange, but after looking at the screen
of the mobile phone, he discovered that the scene at the
moment was exactly showing the scene in which he used his
bloodied hair to strangle his own neck.

He didn't think that the beautiful lady would not be afraid,

but also came to join him.

The two people got to know each other this way.

The beautiful woman saw Tang Jing's bag open, and she
reminded him eagerly: "The subway is full of thieves, you better
pull it up."
As a result, it wasn't a while it was closed and the bag opened
up again.

The scene is focused on the inside of the bag. It contains the

horror props made by Tang himself and bloodied hairs.

The two walked and Tang Jing said, "What is your name?"

The beauty said: "I'm Zhang Xiaoning."

"Can you tell me your cell phone number?" Tang Jing asked.

The beautiful woman smiled and nodded. She took Tang's

mobile phone and entered her number.

As a result, after the beauty went away, Tang Jing discovered

that his bag had opened again.

Seeing this, Hàn Dōng turned to Yu Ming and asked, "What is

the actress's name?"
"It seems she is called Zeng Wei." Yu Ming said.

Hàn Dōng thought secretly: Not too bad. her chest size is a bit


The film continues.

Tang Jing and the administrator of a video site meet to discuss

how his own microfilm can be on the network distribution site.

After meeting, Tang Jing found that the administrator at the

same station was a bald and bearded man with a very strange
temper. Tang Jing asked the administrator to look at his self-
made film. He not only didn't look at it but also dropped Tang
Jing's cell phone.

There was a dispute between the two people. Tang Jing pulled
his beard!
There was a loud laughter in the studio. How is this a horror
movie? This is obviously a funny movie!

The laughter quickly freezes because the administrator in the

camera was gone. Tang has only a bloodied beard in his hands.

Tang Jing ran away with his beard and hurried back to the
leased apartment.

In the following days, strange events took place one after

another, showing Tang Jing finding that the beard he had
thrown away appeared at his home again, and later he was
tortured every night by a ghostly presence.

Of course, during this period, something happened that made

Tang Jing happy.

Originally he thought that since the cell phone broke, he and

Zhang Xiaoning's fate was broken, he didn't expect Zhang
Xiaoning would also move into this building and rented the
room right next to him.

A 204, a 205, high-definition close-up of two house numbers,

as if suggesting something.
After a short period of happiness, it was a long nightmare.

The horror scene of Ghost Haunting should be the biggest

attraction of this movie.

On the screen, Tang Jing fell asleep with his hands on his
chest. He opened his eyes and found the head of the
administrator and his beard was wrapped around Tang Jing's
neck in an erroneous manner. The bald head exploded and a
large hole appeared in the center. Looking through the hole,
there is no brain pulp and no tissue. It is completely empty. The
entire head is like an empty jar.


Some instincts can't help but make a person want to scream.

Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming have no facial expressions. This

picture is simply childish for them.

Tang Jing told Zhang Xiaoning that his nights were ghostly
troubled. Zhang Xiaoning asked him to look for a psychiatrist
answer. Tang Jing listened to her suggestions.

The psychiatric reply was also very bizarre. One of his hands
was always in his pocket.

After Tang's treatment, there was no improvement, and the

dreams changed. The bloody beard became a hand, and the
hand had six fingers. The extra finger was pulled as if it were
about to break.

Hàn Dōng sighed in a faint sigh, even the body's defects they
had stolen from me and put it in the film.


On the next day, Tang Jing went to the psychiatrist again and
told him that he was in a nightmare and he saw the six-finger
scene in his dream.

As a result, the doctor suddenly pulled his hand out of a

handshake and his expression was extremely high.
"Are you talking about this hand?"

Tang Jing was surprised and the audience was shocked.

The sixth finger of the psychiatrist's hand broke suddenly and

fell on the table. Then the man was gone, leaving only a
truncated finger, just as the master was missing.

At this moment, Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming both expressed their



Tang Jing's ghostly haunting is getting worse and worse every

night. He tried to call Zhang Xiaoning, but she was always on
the phone.

One night, he went to knock on the door next door, but no one
answered, and his own door is locked tightly.

Tang Jing was shocked and was near to pee on himself..... The
toilet was on the first floor. He couldn't find the stairs.
Li Shang expressed the expression of his urine incisively and

At this moment, many viewers have guessed that Zhang

Xiaoning is the ghost.

Sure enough, the next day, Tang Jing actually awoke in Zhang
Xiaoning's room.

And on Zhang Xiaoning's bed, he found a broken finger and a

bloody hair, and a five-year-old newspaper.

The newspaper published a car accident. The victim of the

accident was Zhang Xiaoning.

At that time, Zhang Xiaoning was dragged by the car for more
than 30 meters. The entire scalp and her hair were separated
from her head. A big hole was broken in the top of the head and
the brain was left empty, leaving only an empty shell.

Out of the hair, a cut-off finger was left at the scene of the
Tang Jing shuddered, he suddenly remembered his own
understanding of meeting with Zhang Xiaoning.

The scene started a playback.

On the subway, Tang Jing's cover has been pulled open, he

took out the bloody hair. The camera slowly raised, and Zhang
Xiaoning was wearing the top hair on her head in front of the
camera without the scalp.

After being separated from the subway, Zhang Xiaoning's soul

has been following Tang Jing. She put her bloody hair on her
chin, and she became a balding beard webmaster.

The "bloodied beard" that was lost by Tang Jing was also
returned to him by Zhang Xiaoning. At the same time, she also
moved to Tang Jing next door.

There is also a reply from the psychiatric department. It is

also about the evolution of Zhang Xiaoning's soul. The hand
that is always inserted in the doctors pocket happens to had
been disabled in an accident.
Offensive here, it seems that everything has become plain.

However, the domestic movie screening system does not allow

ghosts to exist.

In addition, the movie was only half-hearted picked.

There are still a few doubtful points. For instance, Tang Jing's
bag was not only opened once but repeatedly opened and closed.
If Zhang Xiaoning's soul really borrowed this wig, why did it
appear in the bag again? For example, a broken finger remains
on the scene of the accident, but there is no information that
Zhang Xiaoning was a six-fingered person. For example, what is
the relationship between the two building numbers?

Hàn Dōng's appetite was finally hung up.


Tang Jing continued to suffer from the Ghost Haunting, and

the subsequent Ghost haunting scene was quite amazing. It was
Zhang Xiaoning who rode on Tang Jing's body and wrapped
him in a dream. This bedtime scene lasted for 4 minutes.
Hàn Dōng eyeballs are red, Motherfuc*er's! they really took

Tang Jing decided to move out of there. As he was packing

things up, he suddenly found two house numbers in the drawer
and instantly sat down on the floor.

"What's going on?" The audience was puzzled.

Hàn Dōng suddenly understood and a cold chill climbed up on

the spine.

In fact, there is only one room and there is only one person in
the household.

When Tang Jing took 204's number and replaced it with 205,
the room became Zhang Xiaoning's. So that night, he would not
knock the "next door" of the door, and he could only open his
"own" door. In his original impression, Zhang Xiaoning's right
side of the room is the stairway, so when he hangs his room
number, he would no longer find the stairs.

Tang Jing trembled and turned the newspaper to the second


On the scene of the accident, he clutched his girlfriend Zhang

Xiaoning crying. The finger next to him was not Zhang
Xiaoning, but his own which he had torn to save his girlfriend.
Because he Tang Jing was a six-fingered person, he was no
different from normal people after it healed.

The camera began to playback, to the subway, next to Tang


So when he lifts his mobile phone from his own words, the
surrounding people will spread out.

The reason for his repeated opening and closing of the bag is
not that of Zhang Xiaoning's soul doing, but each time he talks
to Zhang Xiaoning, Tang Jing will first wear the wig on his own
head and act as his own girlfriend.

The so-called surprise of Li Shang is also the debut of him in

women's wear at the moment, and he was presented on the big
screen in a way of consternation and experience. The entire
movie hall is boiling.
Then the administrator, as well as the psychiatric doctor,
were also part of Tang Jing's two roles, and the crux of the scene
is that the whole time he was talking to himself ..there was no
administrator or psychiatrist... The reason why Zhang
Xiaoning's number is always in the call is because Tang Jing has
always dialed his own number.

That is, Tang Jing was the only one in the entire movie.

He suffered from amnesia and schizophrenia as trauma from

his girlfriend's accident.

If you thought that this great reversal had already picked up

on the last climax. You wouldn't expect surprises later.

Tang Jing suddenly discovered that the camera was placed in

the room. He took out the surveillance video and saw the whole
process of the ghost haunting. All this time he had used his
horror props to haunt himself.

Tang Jing, who knew the truth now didn't suffer from
depression. He decided to make these videos into micro-films
and send them to the video service administrator to state
affairs. He hopes that the video can be distributed online.
So he went to the subway again.

He has changed a group of people around him, but he still

plays a horror micro-film "self-directed" in his cell phone. When
he saw himself using his bloodied hair to wring his neck, the
familiar voice sounded in his ear again.

"What are you looking at?"

Everything that was thought the haunting to be over. It was

only the beginning.

The ending song sounded and the hall was bustling.

From the audience's expression, they can be seen as quite

satisfied with the movie. When they were walking out,
everyone was still exploring various kinds of writings, dramas,

Only Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming sat in silence.

There was only two solitary figures left in the cinema until the
sound of noise drifted away.

Suddenly, a burst of angry roar sounded.

"will there ever be a more pathetic thing?"

"Don't dare to compare with this story?"

"Fucking, been so nervous for so many days, turned out to be

only an annoyance!"

Yu Ming suddenly put away his smile and said coldly: "You
mean to say that you are not nervous? Do you have a special
confidence in yourself? Then why are you filled with anger?"

Hàn Dōng also squinted at him. "Didn't you say you believe
me? Then why are you anger too?"
After watching each other for a while, the two men finally
made unbridled laughter.

Chapter 117 Great Hero.
The next night into the crew, everyone was alive.

Director Lu's face, the vicissitudes of life, finally rekindled his

past youth.

There was a lively yelling campaign in the crew and the film
was the target.

Hàn Dōng directly pointed out the film's biggest flaw.

"Our storyline is not dead, but it is not the haunting effect.

What is the capturing effect? It is a part of the scene that is the
same as the entire film. Applying that to the movie, it should be
the same part of the movie as the whole movie. How can be
called the haunting effect!"

"The 'part of' that film focuses is obviously the mobile video,
but the content of the mobile video is not the whole movie. It's
just a surveillance video on his own. Do you understand what I
Understanding Hàn Dōng's M.O. was the same as predicting
early flowers.

"I understand what you mean. You mean that only when he
watches the cell phone video and the video itself is the same as
the real playing movie content .... it plays in the Haunting

"Yes! But this is impossible. Because the passengers on the

subway are constantly changing, it is only his personal behavior
which remains the same"

Someone once said, "Their screenwriters must have been

omitted that part. If there weren't for those passengers on the
subway, the film would be all the same from the beginning to
the end. This theorem was established."

"Even if this is not true," Hàn Dōng said. "One cannot possibly
make two identical moves. Moreover, the haunting effect is the
infinite cycle. While the lifespan of the protagonist is limited."

1].....this is like what Itachi did to Kabuto....he genjutsu him

into an infinite repeating nightmare every time he loses.... So
the effect of the loop is endless while human life is limited.

[SALEM]: HAHAHAHA i didn't know Joel sama watches

naruto. but yeah it is a GENJUTSU! XD

Director Lu finally told Hàn Dōng to say what he wanted to


"To be frank, this effect doesn't seem to be established in real

life. As long as it is based on reality, it is bound to be a paradox.
But what people can do if they want to advertise this way?"

In addition, Hàn Dōng pointed out that another BUG. "Ghost

haunting is when the mind is clear and the body can't move, but
the surveillance video shows that it is indeed Tang Jing's self-
strangling on his neck! How is this a ghost haunting? It's
obviously a crime movie!"

When this was said, everyone burst into laughter.

Another actor said: "I was thinking at that time that the
blood-beard was self-sufficient, and the six fingers were self-
inflicted. What was Zhang Xiaoning's bedtime scene?


In the heat of the process, the deputy director broke the


"They just copied a few keywords."

"And their content has not been written according to the

keywords stolen." Hàn Dōng had no choice but to spread his

Another burst of laughter.

To put it bluntly, this movie is under the banner of a new

theme and not the old routine of domestic horror films. You
may not want to play high-end and can not play the low end and
finally, the movie made was neither fish nor fowl.
1]..... The movie is neither a horror movie nor it is a crime

Director Lu patted Hàn Dōng's shoulders and said, "You've

done it. I have to get out and give you a salute... Do you think
anyone is as smart as you?"

Although these words have the meaning of ridicule, they

recount the thoughts of all the crew members. Who can let
people steal themes and routines, but also ensure that the script
has no similarities? Only forced Hàn to make them ridicule

Being happy, a box office message suddenly came.

"Tear" boxed up to 35 million on the first day, not only it

created a horror film first-day box office record, but also created
the first-day box office record of Chinese non-3D movies."

The crew was shocked.

"Motherfu*Ker How can this kind of slotted movie bought so

"What does the audience think?"

"Wasn't this expected? Liang Jing did everything!"


Director Lu waved everyone quiet.

"We don't watch movies with the eyes of the viewers. The
viewers watch the movies completely out of relaxation. For
them, just look at the fun and when they watch several times is

Hàn Dōng didn't feel surprised. "The film came out with false
promotion words. The rest of the places are quite good. There
are enough suspense, interlocking, rhythm grasping very well,
the entire movie was not too tiring nor too boring. It should be
considered a very good commercial film, especially in the field
of domestic horror films."

Director Lu gave a high degree of recognition to Hàn Dōng's


"Yes, their box office success is not a bad thing for us. It's an
encouragement! If we can all sell seats, do we have anything to
worry about? We're all right!"

A cheering response rang in the studio.

"Yes, our story bursts with them!"

"If we release it now, we must be sure to put them into a

second slot scum!"

Director Lu took up the loudspeakers and said loudly,

"Although there are two more scenes to be finished, we must
not take it lightly and we must always stick to the principle of
Finally, another slogan uniting the whole crew.

"Let us welcome the box office with full enthusiasm!"

Crashing applause.


"Tear" was a frequent success story, with over three hundred

million tickets in three days. With this stone, 200 million box
office is not a problem at all.

Wang Zhong Ding, as one of the investors, is naturally happy.

Er Lei now understands why Wang Zhong Ding, after seeing

Li Shang's playbook, he would have the feeling of giving Hàn
Dōng's insurance value. Hàn Dōng is a person who has made Li
Shang achieved two movies a success!
Even Feng Jun, who does not readily boast, said: "It is rare for
an actor who can compile this much and have a good skin."

"He is more than able to compile and perform? He was able to

make props, make-ups, and sometimes he will follow giants and
groceries. He can do most of the crew's errands."

Never make an economical person an actor!

Er Lei will just say one thing: In the future, if the two people,
Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding are in the company that in
itself is enough.

Feng Jun tilted and looked at the second shot, this cargo
didn't make a sound in the past ten days, now how so many
words it speaks for them?

Wang Zhong Ding asked Er Lei: "How is the progress of their


Er Lei said: "There was one film scene left."

"What scene?"

"It is a scene of Hàn Dōng falling into water."

Wang Zhong remembered it. There really was such a scene in

the script. In the play, Hàn Dōng fell from high altitude, and the
body collapsed on the water. Shooting this scene is very difficult
and dangerous.

The main point is that Hàn Dōng needs to be naked.

"When are they shooting?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Er Lei said: "Tomorrow evening."

Wang Zhong Ding looked at Feng Jun asked: "What

arrangements do I have tomorrow night?"

Feng Jun checked and said: "The dinner with Chairman

Zhang of Tongfang Film."

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "It seems that there is no

way I would be able to go."

Feng Jun nodded in agreement and said, "You can visit the
film crew at any time, or discuss is a more important thing."

"I meant the dinner...I will not be able to go there....." Wang

Zhong Ding said.

Feng Jun was stunned, "Ah?"

Wang Zhong Ding added, " You go for me."


Feng Jun also wanted to say something. As a result, Wang

Zhong Ding's eyes fell.

On the evening of the second day, Hàn Dōng had been absent-
minded. He usually speaks many words. Today, he is silent and
his eyes are squinting. His looks are very unimpressive.

"What's wrong?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng stretched himself. "Nothing, just a bit sleepy."

"Yes, you wanted to know what Wang is busy with this period
of time right?. I asked Xià Hòng Wēi. He said that Wang doesn't
stay up late. He just brings homework."

Brought homework? Hàn Dōng could not help thinking: Is it

Xixi the little devil has changed again?


To the crew, Director Lu directed the show for Hàn Dōng.

"We didn't want you to go into the water. We wanted you to
shot more than the surface of the water. The silicone prosthesis
would be used below the water surface. However, after
discussing it with the deputy director, I think it is a pity to use
your own body. The appearance after entering the water is also
a prosthesis."

Hàn Dōng nodded so readily. "I can swim and shoot

underwater. It's not a problem."

"If you feel uncomfortable on the way, you can stop at any
time and don't try hard."

Director Lu is not an alarmist because even real people want

to eliminate the effects of incompleteness.

If you want to shoot a broken thigh, you must paint all parts
of the thigh as an accident really happened... Then use the
computer to remove the green ones. Only one thigh left.

If you shoot a picture that is fragmented, Hàn Dōng needs to

shoot each part of the shot.
After a cumbersome makeup process, Hàn Dōng needs to
enter the water again and again. And it is not ordinary water,
but also he has to stay flat on the water. Even if the body is
hanging on a wire, it will need a certain height and speed to
enter the water in order to achieve the desired effect. This will
certainly cause a strain impact on Hàn Dōng's spine.

"Rest assured, I have no problem with this body bone." Hàn

Dōng said.

Director Lu nodded. "You first go to the coach and let him

guide you."

"Oh, I see."
Chapter 118 Lend a Hand.
Although this part of the shot is a nude show, Hàn Dōng must
not be so naked at the shooting scene. At least one pair of
swimming trunk should be worn.

The moment Hàn Dōng came out of the locker room, the eyes
of some people in the venue were not moving to anything else
other than Hàn Dōng physique.

In particular, he also spent time with Shèn Hua. The gorgeous

thigh roots are almost perpendicular to a girl... To exaggerate a
bit, Hàn Dōng can ride to the shoulder of Shen Hua with his

"Undoubtedly you are so good!" the photographer sighed.

Hàn Dōng was surprised. "Haven't you seeing the magazines I

was photographed?"

"I saw it, I didn't recognize you at all."

Hàn Dōng, "......."

Wang Zhong Ding had not yet approached the shooting venue
and he heard Hàn Dōng's iconic wild laughter.

"Don't don''s just...I..."

Normal people would know that someone was tickled, but

Wang Zhong Ding mind didn't know where to go. His face
suddenly fell and he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

After he went in, he still only heard their voices.

Director Wang Zhong Ding turned to Director Lu and asked,

"Who is doing that?"

Director Lu turned, "Who are you referring to?"

Wang Zhong Ding seemed to realize that he was visiting every

one of Hàn Dōng shootings scene, not to explore the crew.

"The laughing one," replied Wang Ding, the second king of the

"You mean Hàn Dōng? He was in the dressing room."

Wang Zhong Ding approached the dressing room and saw Hàn
Dōng being painted on the bed.

The part to be shot first is the head, so the place above the
neck should all be painted green.

As a result, Hàn Dōng skin itched. From the beginning of his

neck, he laughed all the way, resulting in an endless shaking of
his shoulders.

"Can you calm down?" The makeup artist was helpless.

Hàn Dōng still kept laughing. "Can you let me go?"

How could a makeup artist be willing to go away in front of

such a magnificent body? Then a responsible attitude said: "You
would be uniformly painted"

As a result, a more responsible voice than his sounded at the


"You have to be painted evenly."

Hàn Dōng and the makeup artist were stunned.

Wang Zhong Ding walked in straight and reached out to the

makeup artist. "I'll do it."

The makeup artist gave a fearful expression for Hàn Dōng and
said, "Wang, he didn't mean to not cooperate. He was just afraid
of being tickled"
"I know, you get out." Wang Zhong Ding's tone is even harder.

The makeup artist was worrying about Hàn Dōng, Hàn Dōng
is stinking for himself: President is a bully ah! Possessively

"Wang, we..."

Before the second makeup artist had finished speaking yet,

Wang Zhong Ding had taken away the brush from his hands.

"You get out too."

The second makeup artist had no choice but to walk out.

Director Lu was at the door, and when he saw them coming

out, he couldn't stop asking "What is the situation inside?"

"I don't know how Hàn Dōng provoked Wang Zhong Ding, but
Wang wanted to paint him himself."

Director Lu once again wasn't worried about Hàn Dōng. He is

a talented genius!

The makeup artist asked: "Will Wang pour his anger directly
on him?"

Director Lu wiped his sweat. "It should not happen. Wang is

always very professional."


Inside, Wang Zhong Ding ordered Hàn Dōng; "Come here."

"The front hasn't finished drying yet." Hàn Dōng reminded.

"I will beat you."

As a result, Hàn Dōng turned over and turned his hips

Wang Zhong Ding planned to paint Hàn Dōng's back first

because the back is relatively less sensitive. After Hàn Dōng
slowly adapts to it, he would apply other parts.

As a result, when the brush touched Hàn Dōng's back, the

man twisted like mud.

"I can't... I'll go... hahahaha...hahahaha..."

Wang Zhong Ding was employed as a part-time man, even if

he was a painting man, he was also used to Han Dong hysterics.

"Stay calm!"

How can Hàn Dōng stay clam?

He was twisting his hip and rolling.

In the end, Wang Zhong Ding didn't paint much on him and
he managed to splatter himself with a green color.

Wang Zhong Ding had to think of a way to calm him.

"If you move again, I will not paint you."

This trick really worked.

In order not to lose the opportunity for intimate touching Hàn

Dōng endured staying motionless even if he felt tickled.

However, with endurance, it looks like it is not so itchy.

He can also catch his breath and chat with Wang Zhong Ding.

"Why did you want to personally paint me?"

Even if Hàn Dōng head is down, Wang Zhong Ding can also
imagine his sleek smug face.

"Too lazy to hear you make a fuss"

Hàn Dōng asked again: "So why did you come today?"

"I just happened to be free."

"When I usually have a scene shoot, why didn't you have time
to show up?"

Wang Zhong Ding nodded his face. "Aren't you pitiful


Hàn Dōng doesn't say anything.

"That's enough...... turn here." Wang Zhong Ding ordered.

Hàn Dōng said: "The leg hasn't been painted yet."

Hàn Dōng overturned his ears and stared unscrupulously at

Wang Zhong Ding. It was like to uncover his solemn and severe
skin, and how much boredom there was inside.

Wang Zhong Ding let him stare at him and finally, he couldn't
help but look back.

"What are you looking at?"

Hàn Dōng is serious, "Nothing."

When Wang Zhong Ding continued to paint and apply

makeup to his chest, Hàn Dōng particularly slammed a
reminder: "My nipples are very sensitive. You should be

Wang Zhong Ding didn't respond.

Hàn Dōng intentionally moaned when Wang was painting
there. The result he was rubbed harder by Wang Zhong Ding
and no longer dared to say anything.

After the upper body was painted, Wang Zhong Ding ordered
Hàn Dōng to stand up.

"Is the lower body coated?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Cover your upper self, stand and I
will paint."

"What do you want to paint as I'm standing?"


As a result, Hàn Dōng stood with his hands on both sides of

the wall.

Wang Zhong Ding sat beside Hàn Dōng and smeared his lower
body like a wall of paint, which was not easy to imagine.

As a result, he brushed on Hàn Dōng and Hàn jumped like a

man standing on the fire pit.

Standing on the line, he would like to stand still....he


Wang Zhong Ding couldn't stand it. "What is wrong with your

Hàn Dōng has a considerate look. "When you are looking for a
cushion, you can put your head on it."

Wang Zhong Ding has no desire to use it as a pillow, but he

certainly has the desire to smack them.

In fact, Hàn Dōng bending over is helping with his

observation of Wang Ding crotch Department he tries to notice
some subtle changes.
After painting his legs, Wang Zhong Ding lowered the brush.

Hàn Dōng is still full of meaning. "Is it over?"

"Didn't you say that the ass doesn't have to be painted? Your
swim trunks are green."

However, Hàn Dōng said with a serious face: "If swimming

pants are missing during the shooting, won't the butt meat
inside be exposed? If you don't want to paint it completely, you
can fill the edges ."

Saying that Hàn Dōng pulled the back half of his swim trunks
into the buttcrack "Come on."

Wang Zhong Ding's face was colored as the paint color (green).

Wang doesn't know what word to use to describe Hàn Dōng.

Wang Ding has seen shameless people, but it was the first time
he saw "This " wave.

"This" does not refer to the degree but refers to the way one

If Wang Zhong Ding really looks like someone's wink and

twists, but every time Hàn Dōng is in a special ecstasy posture,
holding a swaying face. The feeling is particularly annoying.

Finally, the two fat buttocks are done and the final step is

"Hands... stick em out."

Hàn Dōng sent his paws.

Wang Zhong Ding muttered: "Finally, it's kind of humanly

"Every day, I apply hand cream," Hàn Dōng emphasized.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't care for him and directly passed over
one hand.

Wang Zhong Ding's motion paused when he applied a raised

scar on the edge of his little finger.

"When did you do the surgery?" Wang asked Hàn Dōng. Hàn
Dōng has no idea. He should have been very small at that time.

"Is it awkward?"

"I have gotten used to it."

Wang Zhong Ding didn't ask any more questions and

continued his actions.

The dressing room is full of warmth and the people outside

the dressing room are worried.

"I don't know if this movie can be shot today."

The makeup artist looked at the watch. "It's just over twenty
minutes. It's estimated that they will be finished soon."

"If the painting is okay, it will be even slower if it is smeared."

As he said that, the door of the dressing room suddenly

opened, and Hàn Dōng walked out to the ground.

"Finally, let's get started."

Director Lu hurriedly asked him: "Everything okay?"

Hàn Dōng asked: "Do you need to change makeup a few

"I'm afraid it will take more than a dozen times."

Hàn Dōng shook hands with Director Lu. "This is a great day
to shoot!"
Chapter 119 I am coming.... OK!.
Before he was hoisted, special protection personnel performed
the final inspection. After eliminating all risk factors, he sent an
okay gesture toward the technicians.

Soon, Hàn Dōng was lifted to an altitude of five meters above

the surface of the water. The whole body was tied, only the head
can rotate freely.

After all of them were ready, Director Lu made an order.


In a flash, everyone held their breath.

Nothing on Wang Zhong Ding's face indicated that he had

bursts of blue veins on his back.

Hàn Dōng's body fell rapidly, and his body broke into the
His heart almost came out from the throat!

Although the body was protected, it was still painfully

photographed. Without any protective headgear, he could faint.
The back of the head was hurting.


With the order of Director Lu, the five lifeguards lurking

around swam to him and took him out of the water in less than
two seconds.

The director asked, wonderingly: "How many lifeguards are

employed each time?"

"It does not seem so much."

"Looking quickly, the cost of hiring a person is not low! How

can I use so many people? Isn't it a waste of money?"
After the scene has been checked, the production director
said, "Just hire two, you see."

The production director wonders, where are the other three

coming from?

"Perhaps they are just helping."

"There are two hundred people here in one day, and there are
people who are coming over to help?"


Because it was the first time to hang on a wire, it was the first
time to shoot an underwater scene. Hàn Dōng suffered
inexperience and felt embarrassed.

When the script was written by himself, he was very clear

about what criteria to meet at the moment. Therefore even
without Director Lu to remind him. Han had to quickly adjust
the state and prepare for the second shot.
A female student who was internship with the crew diligently
brought Wang Zhong Ding a chair.

"Wang, you sit."

Wang Zhong Ding waved his hand and signaled that he didn't
need it. Soon he turned his eyes to the center of the pool.


With an order, Hàn Dōng's body fell again.

According to the requirements of the script, this scene

occurred in a dream, so the entire state of falling into water is
very relaxed. However, when Hàn Dōng fell .... from the
beginning to touch the water, his facial muscles are always in a
rigid state.

After a short break, Hàn Dōng was hoisted again.

With the previous two experiences, Hàn Dōng can control his
facial expressions this time, but his eyes are still stiff.

"No, he still didn't make it." Director Lu sighed, "Pull!"

Hàn Dōng fell into the water again and again, until his back
felt dull, his head buzzed and he couldn't find a state. Feeling
beyond the reach of his own spirit, he can't concentrate on

After another lose... Director Lu eagerly picked up the

loudspeakers and blamed Hàn Dōng loudly.

"The biggest thing you can hear now is that the nucleus
muscles are unable to achieve synergy. After your brain sends
out instructions, the muscles cannot keep up with the speed of
reaction of the brain. This happens because of changes in the
shooting environment..."

Director Lu was sullenly talking, and the man who had been
staring at the monitor suddenly interrupted him.
"He is scared."

Director Lu turned to look at Wang Zhong Ding, his face had

an incomprehensible expression.

He is not even afraid of you, but afraid of water?

Wang Zhong Ding didn't explain, but his face was clearly
written: You can choose not to believe me, but you must accept

Sure enough, Director Lu tried it with a loudspeaker.

"Han .... don't be afraid."

As a result, such three words actually made Hàn Dōng's status

suddenly improve.

Director Lu watched the playback of the monitor in disbelief,

and he also looked at the assistant director.
Hàn Dōng had a subtle over expression at the moment.
Because his head burst into contact with the surface of the water
during the play, Hàn Dōng's face shifted from psychological
relaxation to physical paralysis in a short period of time. Such
meticulous performances made the two directors clap full of

After one shot, Hàn Dōng was finally put down.

There was a burning sensation in the back and ass because it

was painted green and now it was red, causing the skin bruise
on the back to be much deeper than before.

Director Lu asked Hàn Dōng's situation in the dressing room.

"How about it? Do you want to continue shooting?"

"Weren't we just shooting a shot?"

Hàn Dōng's subtext words are: This red is not painted!!!

Director Lu gave a big breath and said, "I'm afraid you can't do
too much."

"It's too early to give up." Hàn Dōng really shakes his head.

With the next shot, Hàn Dōng needs to wash off the color of
one leg and dye his head green.

The makeup artist was prepared to paint Hàn Dōng's face and
Wang Zhong Ding took the brush away again.

Wang has not left yet?

This time he had spent too long to visit the crew.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't apply paint to his face, but directly
put a green hood on him.

The makeup artist was even more puzzled and asked another
makeup artist: "Where did the prop come from? How can I not
see it beforehand?"

"I don't know, maybe it's temporary."

Is that suitable? Set up in a tight seam, even the holes in the

nose are as big as his!


Because of the need to shoot underwater footage this time,

Hàn Dōng wears on a ventilator.

In order to make the picture more impactful, the height

increased to six meters, and Hàn Dōng's body was released.


Hàn Dōng's beautiful body entered the water, and a wave of

water spread out.
But Hàn Dōng couldn't feel anything but pain.

Without protection, the burning tingling was felt directly into

the bone. Even as he was wearing a respirator, he was still being
overwhelmed by the huge impact.

According to the plot, his leg is now separated from the body
and requires a slow landing.

That is to say, his body should continue to sink with his legs,
and he should also feel confused, light and floating.

However, Hàn Dōng's body has been out of control and he has
reached the bottom of the pool.

Wang Zhong Ding's face instantly changed color.

Fortunately, several lifeguards quickly pulled Hàn Dōng up.

Director Lu also inhaled cold air, and the assistant to the side
asked: "Is Hàn Dōng insured?"

Assistant's girl, "it looks like he is not."

"How could it not be? All the actors were signed together at
the time?"

"It is said that Wang refused to give him any money, and he
was afraid that he would cheat the insurance and deliberately
create a filming accident to cash in the insurance."

Director Lu reluctantly sighed. "This crew is also very poor."

Hàn Dōng took off his respirator and shows a nosebleed

flowed out instantly. The staff was shocked and was about to
respond to Lu's directions. Hàn Dōng stopped him.

"It's okay. I often have nosebleeds. I'll plug it."

After a short break, Hàn Dōng was suspended up again.

After entering the water, Hàn Dōng's legs finally stretched,

and the sinking rhythm was also quite good. Both directors are
quite satisfied and others feel perfect. Only Wang Zhong Ding
saw subtle deficiencies, but given the difficulty of shooting, he
didn't say anything.

Just when Director Lu decided to pass this one, Hàn Dōng

suddenly raised his hand to make another shot.

Wang Zhong Ding was somewhat surprised but didn't


However, Hàn Dōng not only re-shot once but again and
again. Hanging up and falling, floating into the water... Even
when Wang Zhong Ding has not spoken up, Hàn Dōng still
demanded a remake.

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly felt that today Hàn Dōng had a
unique spirit...
This kind of fighting is no longer a description of the desire
for performance. It has reached a state of madness.

Once again watching the monitor playback, Wang Zhong Ding

found that in addition to the leg being stretched, the rest of the
parts are stiff and twisted together.

So he decided to interrupt.

As a result, Hàn Dōng suddenly raised an index finger at him.

Give me one last chance.

Wang Zhong Ding still acquiesced.


After a powerful landing on the back of the head, Hàn Dōng

head was dizzy. Feeling a particularly light body, it is entirely
natural to slowly fall. The leg in the shot in the scene flipped
over several angles in the water. The entire scene really looked
like a dream.

Director Lu couldn't help but burst into foul language. "That's

too much reality. Even the special effects can't reach this point!"

As a result, Hàn Dōng didn't float.

No one expected that Wang Zhong Ding would jump into the
water, but even he didn't think he was going to save Hàn Dōng
in time.

The five lifeguards were not on the same speed as the speed of
Wang Zhong Ding's swimming. When they reached around .....
Wang Zhong Ding had already held Hàn Dōng...... and was
swimming towards the shore.

After getting him out, a group of medical staff gathered


Hàn Dōng was unconscious and his entire face was dark
The medical staff gave Hàn Dōng a first aid treatment and
said: "He must go to the hospital for further treatment."

When the staff was uncertain about which car to use, Wang
Zhong Ding suddenly put Hàn Dōng on his car.

"Let me do it."
Chapter 120 Your Body is Irreplaceable
Er Lei drove in front and Wang Zhong Ding pulled Hàn Dōng
to lie on his lap so that he would not turn over and hit his back.
On the road, Hàn Dōng suddenly opened his eyes.

"How are you feeling?" asked Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding knew that Hàn Dōng hadn't been

completely clear-headed and Wang had to use his hands on the
back as a support for his head to make him continue to sleep.

After a while, Hàn Dōng wanted to turn over again.

Wang Zhong Ding held him down.

"It's not yet painted..." Hàn Dōng muttered.

In order to let him calm down Wang Zhong Ding said: "Yes, I
have painted it yet."
As a result, Hàn Dōng slowly extended his hand to the back.

"What are you doing?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng did not answer but used his swollen fingers to
pinch the edges of the underwear. Slowly pulling it in the
middle of the buttcrack and finally stuffed it in...

Wang Zhong Ding, " are doing it!"

What's the difference? He doesn't forget to play tricks.

Hàn Dōng apparently doesn't feel good. His hands are here
and there, and he is active as always.

In the end, Wang Zhong Ding put his finger on top on the
buttocks imitating a brushing stroke.....

Hàn Dōng's hand finally came down slowly.

Er Lei saw Wang Zhong Ding's soft eyes from the rearview
mirror. Suddenly he felt that the blind man fortune prediction
was well prepared. He knew that Han Dong had also calculated
the marriage for himself.

At the hospital, Hàn Dōng did receive a full-body

examination. After determining that there were no serious
problems, Wang Zhong Ding truly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Hàn Dōng also had a fever and was in a semi-

conscious state.

Here it is far from the company, Hàn Dōng staying alone in

this hospital, Wang Zhong Ding does not trust it... So he decided
to send Hàn Dōng back to the dormitory and find a private
doctor to care for him.

After arriving at the company, Wang Zhong Ding made Er Lei

drive home first. Then he sent Hàn Dōng to the dormitory.

The car drove to the door of the apartment and Wang Zhong
Ding carried Hàn Dōng in.
As the elevator slowly rises, Hàn Dōng suddenly made a

"My shot is going to be deleted."

Wang Zhong Ding stunned, "What shot?"

"The shot taken today."

If it had been in the past, Wang Zhong Ding would not be

seriously concerned about Hàn Dōng's words prediction.
However, when thinking of Hàn Dōng's calculating the box
office at the time of the movie, he felt an unusual emotion.
When he thought of the madness of Hàn Dōng's filming, Wang
Zhong Ding's heart suddenly looked like it was pulled by

"You have figured it out yourself?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng snorted.

When the elevator door opened, Wang Zhong Ding went out
and found that the dormitory door was locked.

"Ming Er is not around." Hàn Dōng said again.

Wang Zhong Ding hesitated for a moment, then reached for

the key.

"I sent the Xià Ke a set brief which Ming Er gave me, and Xià
Ke took Ming Er away."

Wang Ding didn't comment on Hàn Dōng's behavior. He only

asked him: "How do you know that he is called Xià Ke?"

"I calculated it." Hàn Dōng said.

At this point, Wang Zhong Ding still didn't fully believe that
Hàn Dōng had such a calculative power. He simply felt that he
had mastered some kind of psychological suggestion method .....
until Hàn Dōng said the following...
"Ming Er always looked forward to seeing me shoot today's
scene. I'm afraid he would expect too much after watching it.
Finally, it will not be released. He will be disappointed."

Wang Zhong Ding twisted the key to open.

"Since you know that you will be cut out, why shoot it?"

When Hàn Dōng was in a coma, he didn't forget to play pitiful.

"Since you know that food will become a pile of shit, why eat

Wang Zhong Ding replied, "Eating is necessary to survive, and

dinning is a kind of enjoyment."

"Filming is also a pleasure."

"Can you enjoy this kind of scenes shot today? You tell me
where you enjoyed it?"
"I feel I'm very good at it."

Wang Zhong Ding didn't know where the anger came from
and he kicked the door open, throwing Hàn Dōng directly into
the bedroom bed.

"Aren't you arrogant? Then you don't take medicine. Don't see
a doctor. Treat yourself!"

The result is as he turned to go out, Hàn Dōng spoke again.

"I'm just someone who makes money for you right?."

In Wang Zhong Ding's heart, there is a kind of unspeakable


In fact, from the moment he hesitated, he was doomed to how

Hàn Dōng came in and how Hàn Dōng backed it out. On the way
home, Wang Zhong Ding turned to Hàn Dōng and said: "I signed
you to the company, not to make money for me."
In the entertainment circle, watching the stars floating in and
out, a generation of new people for the old people, is simply too
big and normally it has long been unable to excite Wang Zhong
Ding's heart with a wave of waves. He not only wanted Hàn
Dōng to become famous, but he also wants Hàn Dong to be
irreplaceable. There is no shortage of superstars in his
entertainment circle. What is missing is one legendary in a

Unfortunately, Hàn Dōng didn't hear these words.

So Wang Zhong Ding brought Hàn Dōng to his own home.

He never brought anyone inside his home. Hàn Dōng is the

first one.

Because Hàn Dōng was still feverish, Wang Zhong Ding placed
him in his own room. He made sure he slept very well before
Wang pushed the door open and went out.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't sleep for almost all night. He went to
the room to check Hàn Dōng's condition and measure his body
The final test was more than five minutes ago and the
temperature had finally retreated.

Before Xixi slept until it was too bright in the morning, and
ever since he thought that Hàn Dōng is going to be his father, he
often fell asleep and ran out of the room and went to Wang
Zhong Ding's bed to sleep for a while.

Today is also the case. At less than six o'clock, Xixi got up out
of bed and ran up at Wang Zhong Ding's room.

Because he was still in a sleepwalking state, Xixi didn't look at

the person on the bed at all and he just slept on his arm. After
Wang Zhong Ding finished washing, he sat on the sofa. What he
had passed was Hàn Dōng's life. Drink morning tea, watch
global stocks and plan his next day's journey.

After a busy night, he can finally enjoy a moment of ease.

As a result, from the room suddenly came a crying voice.

"Dad ... dad... dad..."

Wang Zhong Ding walked toward the room and the babysitter
rushed out and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You go see"

Wang Zhong Ding went to open the door! Xixi ran toward the
door with horror. Wang Zhong Ding knelt and caught the son
who had rushed over and picked him up.

"Are you scared?" Wang Zhong Ding asked softly.

Xixi nodded. "The uncle's dead body came to our house."

Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng, who was still green and had
decided to deal with it in the future, reluctantly he explained to
the Xixi. "He is alive."
"Why did he come to our house?"

"He was injured. I saved him."

"You hate him so much. Why save him?"

"After all, it's a human life."

"Yeah, save one life and make a seven-level reaping to


Wang Zhong Ding nodded and handed Xixi to the nanny.

"Take him to brush his teeth."

After Xixi left, Wang Zhong Ding only looked at the status of
the "corpse".

To be honest, Wang Zhong Ding was embarrassed to admit

that Hàn Dōng is "living." Just now the child cried so loudly and
Hàn Dōng actually slept like a pig.

"Hey, wake up." Wang Zhong Ding called Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng didn't respond.

"First let's wash your body, apply medicine and then you can
continue to sleep."

Hàn Dōng still gives no response.

Wang Zhong Ding lifted Hàn Dōng's quilt and saw a large area
of dark purple.

Looking at him this way, even if he woke up, he might not be

able to clean himself up. Wang Zhong Ding intended to take
advantage of Hàn Dōng's sleepiness to give him a simple scrub
taking advantage of the time before going to work.
Xixi had breakfast and was sent to the school by the driver.

When Wang Zhong Ding walked to the bathroom while Hàn

Dōng was walking, Hàn Dōng was conscious but still, he didn't
wake up. Wang Zhong Ding guessed that he was over-fatigued
during this period of time and was tired out.

The bathtub was full of water, and Wang Zhong Ding just put
Hàn Dōng in. Hàn Dōng rushed out in a hurry and nothing done
would make him soaked in the tub.

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly came to understand.

He didn't forcibly force Hàn Dōng into the bathtub. Instead,

he temporarily found a small bed with a bath towel on the bed
so that Hàn Dōng could lay straight up. Wang Zhong Ding then
rinsed him with a sprayer, just like he painted him in a dressing

Hàn Dōng gradually relaxed.

Wang Zhong Ding took out a special cleaning agent, poured it
on his hand and smeared it on Hàn Dōng's body.

As the paint gradually faded, the black purple on the back

turned reddish-purple, and finally, it looked less cruel.

After the skin regained its luster, the creamy feeling begins to
flow at the tip of the finger. Unconsciously, Wang Ding's hand
had already lingered on the inside of Hàn Dōng's thigh for a long

Hàn Dōng's body is still wearing swimming trunks.

The familiar scene jumped into Wang Ding's mind. Hàn Dōng
took his hands to the edge of his underwear, slowly and slowly
gathered it to the middle, and finally stuffed it into the

Hàn Dōng's rogue face jumped in Wang Zhong Ding's heart.

Chapter 121 Steal the Show.
Wang Zhong Ding could have taken off Hàn Dōng's swim
trunks and wiped the paint on his ass directly, which was more
consistent with his organized style of conduct.

However, he chose to do it the same way as Hàn Dōng.

His thick fingers rolled up the edge of Hàn Dōng's swimming

trunks, slowly gathered the fabric in his palm, and finally
stuffed into the hip seam, to form a thong.

Silently looked at it for a long time.

A picture flashed in Wang Zhong Ding brain: Hàn Dōng

squeezing the upper and lower ends of the swimming trunks
between his hands and pinching his lustrous hips, pulling the
undewear back and forth between the gaps. The expression on
Hàn Dōng's face is definitely not as good as Wang Zhong Ding's
on weekdays...

As soon as this picture appeared, the male beast in Wang

Zhong Ding's pants raised its head.

But apparently this time it cannot be blamed on estrus.

He still maintains the basic bottom line, and he also wants to

avoid being in danger, although Hàn Dōng's body is extremely

Wang Zhong Ding still poured the cleaning agent on his hands
and smears it on the swollen buttocks.

The result was as it was smeared, Hàn Dōng's swimming

trunks were wet, and several sets of wet temptation photos
jumped into Wang Zhong Ding's mind.

In order to restrain him, he took Hàn Dōng's swimming trunk


As a result, Hàn Dōng turned to lie on his back, in exactly the

same manner as Wang Zhong Ding's ghostly nightmare.
1]....remember Wang seeing Hàn Dōng naked self is a sexual
nightmare for him

Of course, this is Hàn Dōng's habitual sleeping position.

One leg is bent, one leg is stretched, and two legs are separated
by a large angle. All the private parts were exposed, highlighting
the true infatuation and madness in Wang Zhong Ding's heart.

Wang's heart can not stand it anymore, it was just like a horse
breaking free from the reins and galloping wildly crazy on the
grasslands of lust.

Wang Zhong Ding bit into Hàn Dōng's neck.

In fact, he is a manly man, better than any man. The reason

why he has been dormant for so many years is not that he is not
sexual inclined.

Hàn Dōng's fingers wrapped around Wang Zhong Ding's hair

and gasped a heavy, sultry moan in his half-dream state.
After that Wang Zhong Ding was like a wolf out of control!

Wang Zhong Ding was rudely sucking on Hàn Dōng's neck and
ears. The urgency and fanaticism had betrayed his long-
pressurized bad mentality.

When did it start?

...... Was it from Hàn Dōng's use of his tongue to swear and
say how he wants to swear? Or when he did sleep on Wang's
bed, stumbling and being confused taking his beautiful sexy
photo? Coquettish and attractive co*k photo? Or simply the
appearance of Hàn Dōng's body tailored for Wang's ...

Whenever it began, Wang Zhong Ding clearly realized that he

was now obsessed with this person.

Perhaps he had already understood it, but he couldn't let go of

his usual pride..... Unable to accept someone who likes to be
tempered and doesn't match with him, or even completely
commit to something.
Hàn Dōng was confused, unclear, and responds
enthusiastically with his physical instincts.

Wang Zhong Ding felt his emotions have become more

unscrupulously and his tongue slips from his neck to his chest.
Suddenly he remembers the phrase “My nipples are very

At that time, Wang Zhong Ding was cold-eyed and right now
he was sucking and biting. The fiery red curtain clearly stated: I
just want to see if you are sensitive...

Hàn Dōng didn't lose his voice. His hands pulled Wang Ding's
hair and forced him to suck his nipples harder. His mouth
interrupted intermittently: “aaah... Hum... So good...”

On the same way, in the dressing room, he reprimanded Hàn

Dōng's muddy, wiggled behavior and now he completely (Wang)
changed his face.

In Wang's mind he was all 'I just like to make you feel itchy,
the more you can't stand it, the more you struggle, the more I
like it ...

Suddenly, a knock on the door sounded, and the atmosphere

of fanaticism was interrupted abruptly.

"Daddy." Xixi's voice came over

Wang Zhong Ding couldn't help but curse.... didn't the child
go to school? How come he is back?

"Daddy, are you inside?" Xixi asked tentatively again, and his
tone sounded even more pitiful.

Thus, Wang Zhong Ding put on his coat to cool his face. When
he went out again, he was still a true gentlemanly father....not a
rude sexually frenzied monster.

"Why did you come back?"

The driver apologized and explain next to him. "He is not
willing to have me send him halfway. I had to come back. You
didn't pick up your call."

In fact, the cell phone is outside, and Wang Zhong Ding's

powerful listening didn't even hear it admist in all that horny

"OK, I know."

After the driver left, Wang Zhong Ding looked at Xixi and
asked, "Why are you coming back?"

"I'm afraid that you and my uncle would discuss things about
transferring me." Xixi was aggrieved.

In exchange for peace, Wang Zhong Ding would have allowed

his son to use this excuse to skip school. But today, he was
uncharacteristically reproachful and comforted with a few
"Nothing, no matter what happens, I am your father. This
matter will never change."

Xixi seemed relieved. He asked, "Is that little uncle a good


If it was in the past, Wang Zhong Ding would not hesitate to

say: Do not force it... he is not a good person!

But now he can only give a vague answer, "Not everything has
two sides, we cannot simply define a person as good or bad."

Xixi seemed to understand, and asked again: "When do you

plan to let him go?"

"I have to help him, at least wait for his injuries to recover."

"Fighting!" Xixi held a small fist.

Wang Zhong Ding nodded, "Yes, fighting."

Xixi seems to have completely put aside the negative emotions

and rushed to his own schoolbag.

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "Can you return to school now?"

Unexpectedly, Xixi only took out the brush from his bag and
placed it on the writing table. "No, I want to stay with my dad."

“What would you be doing with me?” Wang Zhong Ding


Xixi said: "I don't want to let my father suffer alone. If I go

away, you and your uncle will be left at home. You hate uncle,
so I won't let you do it alone."

Wang Zhong Ding finally said: "I don't hate him."

Unexpectedly, Xixi showed the same expression as when
Wang Zhong Ding first taught him, and even the tone of speech
was the same. "Daddy, you let him lie there. He's particularly

Wang Zhong Ding knew that he wouldn't be able to explain it

for a moment and he was afraid to shoot Xixi's head and said, "I
won't stay at home. I'm going to the company. You're going to
school this time."

"Then I can't go anymore. When you leave for work who is the
only one person that can stay at home with him? I want to look
after him! He especially loves candy. What if he defrauds our
family of candy stock?"

Wang Zhong Ding took a deep breath and said: "A piece of wall
covering your family can buy a house filled with candy. Why
does he have to steal it?"

As a result, Xixi again grabbed Hàn Dōng's lines.

"I am not afraid that a thief will steal it,... I'm afraid the thief
would remember it"

1]..... This was spoken by Han Dong I still dont know what it
means--- anyway สูสู้ นะ

Chapter 122 Snatch the show.
Because the company was in a hurry and couldn't afford to
delay, Wang Zhong Ding told the nanny to take good care of
Xixi, and he hurriedly went out.

Hàn Dōng woke up near noon.

Dizzy, severe pain in the back, stretched out to pain that's able
to kill people.

It took more than ten minutes until Hàn Dōng saw the huge
numbers on the bed sheets and realized that it was not his own
room at the dormitory.

Looking around, the room of nearly 100 square meters was

that of the master bedroom. The walls are beautifully decorated
with clocks. The bed in front of him is a silver tower clock with
pearls and polished gems. So local tyrant, who is obsessed with
time.... can it be any one else besides Wang?

Did I enter the room so quickly?

Hàn Dōng thought for a while sitting in bed.

The phone was on the pillow, and Hàn Dōng took a quick look
and found that all were missed calls from Yu Ming and Lu.
"Hey? Ming Er."

Yu Ming quickly asked: "Where are you now?"

Hàn Dōng laughs ridiculously, smiles ridiculously and adds a

proud smile. Just about to speak up, Yu Ming interrupts.

"You don't have to say."

Hàn Dōng said with certainty: "You know it?"

Yu Ming said indifferently. "You'll be fine."

Hàn Dōng snorted.

According to Yu Ming's temper, it was already long time to
hang up, but he asked one more time.

"Is your act back in the scene?"

Hàn Dōng, hearing the deep desire of Yu Ming and the regret
he missed it, Hàn Dōng suddenly felt that he couldn't live with
himself, but he still had to say, “My injury is estimated to be bad
for a moment I won't be able to shoot any scene.”

Yu Ming replied after a long time: "Well, I know."

Hanging on his phone, Hàn Dōng quickly called Director Lu.

Director Lu's voice sounded eager. "What's the situation with


"It's okay, it's a minor bruise."

Director Lu said: “I just made a call to Wang and said that the
rest of the scenes will not be shot. Let's make it straight
forward. So when you return to the crew, you can finish”

"Don't do it! Why didn't you take half the film? Didn't this
crime happen to me?"

"Reassuringly, the scenes you made are kept as they are. You
just need to make up for the scenes that haven't been made. You
can't slow down any more. If it's time to recover, what time will
it have to wait?"

Hàn Dōng looked anxious. "I don't need it, just two or three

Director Lu directed a long period of silence and then

reluctantly said: "This is an order made by General Wang. He is
the boss of the producers. I only work for him I can't challenge
the Lord's wishes "

"What if I get him to reverse? Would you let me continue to

shoot it?"
"Conditions can be considered."

"I will remember that, you wait for my news."

Hàn Dōng hung up and saw a man standing in the doorway.

This thought he was Wang Zhong Ding, and it turned out that
the model was wrong. At a glance, it was discovered that it was
"Wang Xiao Ding."

"You quarrel..... I will continue to paint." Xixi said.

Hàn Dōng took a closer look at Xixi and found that this baby
had regained his initial hostile attitude. It seems that the baby
dad didn't make much of an effort in the child's ideological

Therefore, Hàn Dōng quipped Xixi: "What? So did you get this
class leader?"

This thought that Xixi would be calming down, and as a result

his little chest was still arrogantly bulging.
"Not needed."

Hàn Dōng asked: "What do you mean?"

"Now I'm already a class monitor."

Hàn Dōng heartily teased him. "Is it your father who ran the
relationship(bribed) privately?"

"Impossible. The former class leader's father was the General

of SARFT. My dad still has to look at his face!"

1]..... SARFT is like the Department Arts which give' permits

to movies ban actors just all around regulate the entertainment
industry,.... so being a General Director of SARFT means that
person is above Wang.

Hey, you still know everything... Hàn Dōng's belly turned in:
How? Are you the one who took the class leader?
Hàn belly flopped: My scene was cut, is it because of your class
leader loosing his chair?

"Then, as you said, only the captain can be worthy of you


This thought that Xixi would defy himself decisively, and as a

result he showed his cautious expression. It was clearly written
in his eyes: It was all under my control... Hàn Dōng was
speechless, but what was your real aunt?

Then Xixi took a look at Hàn Dōng, and he also walked away
with a small head.

Hàn Dōng thought of getting up and getting out of bed. As a

result, he didn't get up at the first time. The next time he took a
huge strength, he tried to get up. Because the foot was swollen,
he can only walk slowly against the wall.

Even so, he relied on his tenacity to reverse all three levels.

The last time he was in a hurry, only looking at Wang's room...
this time he walked slowly to get a good estimate of Wang
Zhong Ding's personal belongings.
If the first and second floors still incorporate the concept of
clocks and numbers into the decoration style, then the third
floor is directly integrated into the clocks and figures, which is
simply a beautiful art palace!

Hàn Dōng has already begun to imagine the future .

Buy a piece of Xinjiang cake, slap a large piece, and asked:

"How much?"

The seller looked guilty. "I'm optimistic. This is ten or twelve,

not ten pounds. It's five pounds, five hundred dollars. Cut
bark!" The knife in his hand threatened to wave.

Hàn Dōng asked: "Can we sell this for 50,000 yuan?"


"Ten grams, ten jins, I will give you fifty thousand."

The seller's knife fell to the ground and cried for mercy: "Can't
you just let me hang you?"

Hàn Dōng directly sent a gun to the seller's head. He also said,
“You don't have to beg! I have to spend a million a day for my
family. I will be punished. Am I humming?"

While he was thinking, the cry from Xixi finally pulled him
back to reality.

"Hàn Dōng!"

Hàn Dōng has a dark face. “How can you call my name
directly? It's not too big or too small. Will you change your
mouth and call Dad later on?”

The words of Hàn Dōng suddenly poked Xixi heart and

immediately he lifted the table.

"You say that again, and I will not be polite to you."

Hàn Dōng laughed. "You're not being polite to me now... if I
tell you how much you have."

Unexpectedly, Xixi directly took out the recording pen and

pressed "play".

The voice of the head of the household sounded. "Whatever

changes, I am your father, this thing will never change!"

"Heard it?" Xixi said with a deterrence tone.

Hàn Dōng is happy. "What does this prove?"

"It proves my dad's not handing me over to you!"

Hàn Dōng lived, "Aren't you wrong? I meant we both are your

"That doesn't work. My dad is unique. I have only one dad!"

Hàn Dōng swallowed his mouth and said, "I don't have any
opinion on Wang Zhong Ding's name, you can call him
mother...... I'm afraid you haven't changed your mouth for so
many years."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished, he heard a bang.

"I have already recorded your words. You will have to explain
yourself to my father."

Hàn Dōng secretly gritted his teeth. "You are sinister enough."

"You two being with each other.....what a joke" Xixi small face
reveals a sense of arrogance.

Since they know each other, he is easy to handle, Hàn Dōng

directly tickled Xixi while holding him up.

Xixi instantly twists and giggles while rolling. Calf kneeling

cheerfully, not the Wang image at all.
Hàn Dōng thought that he had won Xixi in this regard.
However, after stopping his hand, Xixi's rising mouth rose like a
spring and quickly recovered his serious posture.

And he also grabbed Hàn Dōng's cheeky lines. "No big deal."

Then he walked out of the room with his little hands clasped.

Hàn Dōng sneaked out and Xixi just giggled as soon as he went
out. It seemed that he was just happy again. When he sat on a
small desk and drew, the little one sneezed, and the big one was

Hàn Dōng cannot help feeling: Wang Zhong Ding, you still dig
around for a perfect talent? Your son is a living movie actor!

"Tear" had 200 million RMB in a week in the chest room and
completed its scheduled goal ahead of time. So the crew decided
to hold another celebration party, after the victory, praying so
that the box office creates more success.
Liang Jing also made a comeback because of this movie, and
finally stabilized his position in the company's food chain.

Of course, the biggest winner is Li Shang.

After a hot movie hits the head, Li Shang has two TV dramas
to be released in the summer. Coupled with frequent
appearances of some variety shows, fashion shows, etc., this
summer vacation has become Li Shang's special event fame.

When preparing for the celebration party, Liang Jing and Li

Shang talked about future plans.

“In the next few days, the company will meet to discuss the
annual plan for large-scale plans. This time it is officially on the
agenda! You are now enjoying a prosperous year and there is a
film festival in September. If you win this movie, you will be the
man. There is a play."

Li Shang said: "The film directed by Director Lu has not yet

been released."
Liang Jing has not taken him seriously. “The likelihood of
selling two movies of the same genre in the same period is too
small, let alone a film with the same storyline.”

Xiao Wen inserted a sentence, "They are completely panicked

over there. Hàn Dōng was injured when he filmed."

Upon hearing this, Li Shang's face changed.


"Yes, it's allegedly because it's too much hard to shoot the

Li Shang did not say anything.

Liang Jing also said: "Their failure is doomed. You have to

look higher and don't keep staring at Hàn Dōng. I can tell you
that this big company is wholly-owned and Wang has the
monopoly. Can you? When you are promoted to the front line,
it depends on what Wang says. So your main task now is to take
down Hàn Dōng image in front of Wang."
Chapter 123 Small Tortoise mixed with
Older Mantis
In the evening, Zhong Ding's VIP room welcomed a guest who
had come from afar, Hollywood director Cain.

Cain is the youngest of Hollywood directors, by this year he is

only 36 years old. It is because of his youthfulness that he has
created a mad personality. On the surface, there is a common
passion and talkativeness among Westerners, and it is difficult
to build trust with people.

This time, in order to cooperate with Cain, the company also

spent a great deal of effort.

For the first time, Wang Zhong Ding sent an invisible watch.
After censoring, the feel of the hands was drawn on the arm,
and Cain loves it.

However, Cain still said that he would not agree with the
direction without a suitable actor.
"I have a preliminary candidate for the protagonist. You can
look at it first."

After Wang Zhong Ding finished, Feng Jun handed Hàn

Dōng's large photos to Cain's hands.

Cain is a Westerner, and aesthetic nature is different from

that of the Asians. He is generally not optimistic about Asian
male actors, so when he got his hands on the folder, he didn't
expect much.

After a glance, Cain's eyes flashed brilliantly.

"Is he a China's born male artist?"

Wang Zhong Ding proudly said: "Native Chinese."

"Aren't you wrong? I think he should be of a mixed race.

There must be two kinds of blood on him."
Wang Zhong Ding did not continue discussing this topic with
him and asked directly: "What do you think of this actor?"

"I am completely satisfied with my expectations. I am very

satisfied." Cain looked at Hàn Dōng's photo like a Christian who
saw God.

Wang Zhong Ding motioned Feng Jun to go to the company.

Cain's hand caressed the photographs and made no secret of

his appreciation. "This is the sexiest body I have ever seen..."

Wang Zhong Ding's expression has undergone some

temperature lowering changes.

Feng Jun handed the contract to Cain. Cain didn't take it. He
was still expressing emotions in the photos.

"Although I'm a man, seeing such legs. My body still has the
urge to fuck him."
Wang Zhong Ding originally gazed at the contract, and when
he heard this, Feng Jun immediately caught his eyelids, and the
stern sight was so stunning.

Feng Jun coughed beside him, suggesting that Wang Zhong

Ding should calm down.

Cultural differences, cultural differences.

Cain didn't find Wang Zhong Ding's change of behavior an

anomaly at all and continued to humor him. "Don't you think

Wang Zhong Ding's face looks like an iron plate.

Feng Jun hurriedly pushed the contract in front of Cain.

"Director Cain, you first look at our contract."

This time, Cain turned his attention to work. Wang Zhong

Ding's face finally eased.
The negotiation process was very smooth. Cain expressed his
willingness to cooperate. The contract would last for half a year.

Before leaving, Cain asked Wang Zhong Ding: "Do you still
have other photos of Mr. Dongdong?"

"Dong Dong?" Wang Zhong Ding seems to have a slight

phrasing on this call.

Cain nodded. "Yes, don't you Chinese people like to use

overlapping words to express intimacy? It's Dong Dong."

"No." A particularly blunt answer.

Cain looked at his expression of regret. "Well, I can't wait

until I get to shot a movie with him."

After Cain left, Feng Jun discovered that Wang Zhong Ding
didn't reflect any joy, but he kept staring at the position where
Cain sat.
"What's wrong?" Feng Jun asked.

"What photo did you just give him?"

Feng Jun casually flipped over and said: "It should be what file
the director Cain took ."

It was understandable that the director had kept the actor's

information. However, Wang Zhong Ding thought how he felt
unhappy about that.

Feng Jun discovered that Wang Zhong Ding was emotionally

annoyed and thought that it was from Cain's words so he said
jokingly to ease the atmosphere.

"This Director Cain is crazy! There is no way he is saying that

he actually wants to fuck this Hàn Dōng kid, he has that much
distortion in the heart that it produces a desire for Hàn Dōng!"

Wang Zhong Ding turn his back to Feng Jun to drink water,
and the water was very difficult to swallow.

At the celebration party, almost everyone was in the field.

Only Wang Zhong Ding didn't come.

Liang Jing looked at his watch and said to Li Shang: "You

called Wang and asked him how come he hadn't arrived yet?"

Li Shang dialed Wang Zhong Ding's phone number.

"Wang, where are you now? I'll pick you up."

Wang Zhong Ding's voice said indifferently, "I am not

working today, I have a bit of something to do at home. You
express my congratulations to the crew, I wish the box office
continue to sell."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Wang."

Then, when Li Shang came to check on, Wang Zhong Ding's
message was passed.

"Today Wang has something at home, so he can't come to the

scene. He would like to congratulate everyone on his behalf."

Inside the company, the relationship between actors and

senior management has always been a sensitive topic. Li Shang
publicly chanted Wang Zhong Ding's name speak up for his
voice. He didn't fear gossip and was obviously an indication of
the senior management and the actor development prospects of
those present.

Sure enough, He arrived at the stage and came to a few knots.

After the celebration party was over, Li Shang was drunk.

Liang Jing had already booked a room for Li Shang at the hotel.
As a result, Li Shang secretly took a taxi to the company.

When Yu Ming wanted to lock the door out, he saw Li Shang

walking out of the elevator with something big.
"Is Hàn in?"

Yu Ming replied coldly: "He is not."

As a result, Li Shang still walked in with something.

Yu Ming didn't want him to enter Hàn Dōng's room and

blocking him he said, "You just put things here."

Li Shang still tries to walks toward the inside and walks

around Yu Ming. "How bad is Dong Zi's hurt?"

"No big deal." Yu Ming said.

Li Shang tried to push down Hàn Dōng's door and actually

pushed the door away. Li Shang didn't enter the house for the
first two visits and suddenly he really wanted to go in.

After seeing the layout of the room, Li Shang was stunned and
felt as though he had returned to the rented compartment of
Hàn Dōng's previous place. Although it was only half a year pass
from today, it feels like it is still alive.

"Why would he still buy this broken furniture?" Li Shang

voiced a deep drunkenness. " could he not get on the

If this was the question for Yu Ming, Yu Ming will definitely

turn a deaf ear, but when the question was directed at Hàn
Dōng, he cannot calm himself.

"We've had a good relationship before. I went to the selection.

He sent me with pants. I still have those pants."

"He is a talented person who is among the even more talented

people, but he doesn't know how to deal with people.
Sometimes I really want to help him. But once I mention it to
him....he shakes his head and says that Wang will always limit
his exposure."

"You know what? He has been in the doorway of the North

Shadow Factory for five years. He has a lot of patience! But he
has destroyed his chances and destroyed in this patient. He lived
so easily that he was accustomed to himself."


Li Shang was pitiful for a long time, and Yu Ming only gave
him a word.

"Hàn Dōng has more shortcomings, but he is more confident

than you."

Having said this, Yu Ming went to the elevator and left Li

Shang alone to stay at the door.

When Wang Zhong Ding arrived home, Hàn Dōng was

wearing his T-shirt and sitting in bed, performing the most
mundane acts borrowing temptation.

Although Wang Zhong Ding is a few centimeters higher than

Hàn Dōng, their proportion of upper and lower body is not so
similar. Therefore, while he was dressed in suitable clothes .......
for Hàn Dōng it was a bit too long to just cover his buttocks,
leaving only two bare legs.

Hàn Dōng seems to be unaware of it. In fact, the remaining

light has been sweeping toward the doorway. How can he stop

Sure enough, Wang Zhong Ding could not bear to say: "Why
did you change into my clothes?"

Hàn Dōng grinned, "No, my upper body is shorter."

"I mean, did you change your fatness diet?"

Wang Zhong Ding wears loose clothes, how when his eyes laid
on Hàn Dōng's body his clothes become that tight?

Hàn Dōng laughed. "I just collected a little roundness on the

waistline. Shouldn't it be obvious?"
That shirt is one of Wang Zhong Ding's favorite two set T-
shirts. Although his clothes are not many, the pieces are of high
quality... Careful attention is paid to ironing them carefully, he
was wearing them for two-year and the shape did not change
even a millimeter, then this man came to destroy his clothes
with a pair of scissors.

Rightly angry, Wang swept his eyes to the "Little Taoist" not
far away.

Xixi wore Wang Zhong Ding's T-shirt and it was the other one
he liked the one which came with the one which Hàn Dōng was
wearing ..... This T-shirt went directly to Xixi soles of the feet,
to him it just looked like a priest robe.

"How come you are wearing Daddy's clothes?" Wang Zhong

Ding asked Xixi.

Xixi said: " I can't let him grab the limelight."

At that time, Wang Zhong Ding's heart was screwed into a

twine, and Hàn Dōng was still laughing in the room.
Sometimes he really wanted to show his heart when Hàn
Dōng was awake, but he couldn't do it!!

Thus, Hàn Dōng let Wang Zhong Ding get out of the bedroom.

Wang Zhong Ding is oriented in the name of two people, one

in the east of his room and one in Xixi. Hàn Dōng's temporary
room was the one reserved for Xixi, so it was also inflatable

In the dead of night, Wang Zhong Ding laid awake in bed.

He remembered something in the head that he hadn't finished

in the morning. He remembered the look of Cain when he was
looking at the pictures. He remembered Feng Jun's distorted
heart and remembered that he had been changed clothes...

Thinking caused a lot of chaos, there was no relation, but it

boils down to a simple conclusion; Hàn Dōng.

Wang Zhong Ding feels that his emotions have developed in

an uncontrollable direction.

Suddenly, the door rang.

Wang Zhong Ding turned to look at the door, and Hàn Dōng
walked in with his eyes closed.

Wang Zhong Ding's breathing gradually increased until Hàn

Dōng's body was on the bed and his breathing instantly reached
the highest value.

Hàn Dōng planted himself on Wang Zhong Ding's body and

suddenly opened his eyes, causing Wang Zhong Ding to be
caught off guard.

This is the first time things are happening while the two
people are awake.

Wang Zhong Ding began to be a bit unrestrained, then Hàn

Dōng's cheek went to stick itself to Wang's neck, and Wang's
psychological defense immediately collapsed.
At first, the sensation that was on the body was the "small
tortoise cover," but in the mind, it was the "big mantis." What I
finally think of now is "big mantis", and what is on his body is
"bigger mantis".

"Did not sleep well? Why would you run into my room? What
do you want to do?" The words are still the words, but the tone
has completely changed.

Hàn Dōng still looks like a slag.

"I have a back injury and I can't lie down."

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Then you can lie on your own bed.
Why do you have to come to mine?"

"That bed is not soft and yours is." Hàn Dōng lazily laughed.

Wang Zhong Ding stared at him for a while, his eyes gradually
disappeared. The originally stiff arm in his bed slowly lifted up,
and his hand landed on Hàn Dōng's back.
Suddenly, the door opened again.

Xixi wrinkled face rushed to bed. The little one tried hard to
pull Hàn Dōng off but he didn't pull him down, and finally, he
climbed directly onto Hàn Dōng's body, so Hàn Dōng on top of
Wang and Xixi on top of both of them ...... together..... there is

Wang Zhong Ding said, "All of you get down."

On the third day, Hàn Dōng asked to return to the crew.

Wang Zhong Ding had a dark face at the time. "Where do you
want to go? Just stay here, healing a little bit more."

Hàn Dōng is only eager to see what he wants to see when he

sees it. If he doesn't make a mistake, how can he continue to
rely on this?

"I must go, or I will not be at ease."

Wang Zhong Ding knew that he would have to compromise
because Hàn Dōng was such a person. Once something has been
started, it must be completed.

Hàn Dōng asks, "would you want to go with me?"

Wang Zhong Ding looked gloomy and said nothing.

In fact, he has spent a full week with Hàn Dōng.

Pushing off the job and using up the rest of time just to see
Hàn Dōng's repeatedly being lifted and falling into the water: In
order to give Hàn Dōng a skin paint coloring, it is necessary to
do several actions of rubbing and massaging...

If the scene is really cut, it will be worthwhile to at least let

Hàn Dōng see the process.

With the passage of the last shot, Hàn Dōng's crew finally got
the last shot.
Chapter 124 Raises Oneself.
The crew movie finishing banquet didn't attract any media
and it didn't invite the company's top leaders. Only the crew
were sitting and drinking and talking, it was like a family party.

Yu Ming has been locked up with Xià Hòng Wēi these days.
For a long time, Hàn Dōng hasn't seen Yu Ming. Naturally, there
are many words to talk about.

"You have been living in Wang's family house?" Yu Ming


Hàn Dōng nodded. "Basically after we finished the show and I

went to him."

Yu Ming's eyes changed slightly and he only asked after a long

time: "You two are together...?"

This problem is even Hàn Dōng questions it himself.

"You think that we are not together?"

Yu Ming was speechless, "Who are you asking?"

"No, I want you to analyze it for me. Look at it from your

perspective ok?... He allowed me to live in his house. Allow me
to enter his room and allow me to be close to him. Is it equal to
acknowledging our relationship?"

If this happens to others, it is at best a friendly gesture. But

this happening with Wang Zhong Ding it was indeed enough to
prove that Hàn Dōng's weight was in his heart.

Yu Ming still wanted to say: "Didn't he take the initiative to

allow it?"

Han Dong thought for a minute and looked like he hadn't seen
it before. Every time they got together Wang Zhong Ding had
more to do with it. "Didn't you say that you wouldn't be
surnamed Hàn if he doesn't do it again?" Yu Ming suddenly
remembered this sentence.
Hàn Dōng had already thrown behind his head and broke the
posture of breaking the jar. "I don't want to have his surname

Yu Ming, "......."

Hàn Dōng looked at Yu Ming face to face. "I'm a big gentleman

and I should be the one active, right? The initiative is good for
the future division of labor on the bed issues."

"In the future? Are you two still haven't a division of bed
labors?" Yu Ming was surprised.

Hàn Dōng said without a face, is there no division of labor? I

didn't even get a job yet!

1]....Division of labor....who tops who bottoms

"That... we both rely on feelings."

Yu Ming thinks it is sex that is used to judge whether the two
same-sex relationships are friendship type or love type. There is
no desire to even cross the border, let alone love...

For this, Hàn Dōng is not sure. Because everything in Wang

Zhong Ding life was carried out secretly, Hàn Dōng had not seen
him getting hard in front of his own face.

"You say... Is it because I was so strong that he had a low self-

esteem, so I couldn't pull my face?"

Yu Ming sneered, "You want more."

"What are you talking about?"

"I think it's because he's too strong, so his self-esteem doesn't
allow him to take the initiative. Just think about it. He used to
be a rejectionist person against you. Suddenly he changed to
being enthusiastic about you. It was like he was throwing in the
"What happened to be the older gentleman?" Hàn Dōng

Yu Ming rolled his eyes. "You think everyone is as thin

skinned as you?"

"I don't call this shameless, I have to dare to make him react!
In the beginning, I was always repulsive towards him. You say
that I started chasing after him? Now you say my shamelessness
is bigger than his!"

Yu Ming scoffed: How much is calculated onto the value of

people, how much does your face worth?

"His concept of ostentatiousness is deeply entrenched. What

can I do with him? It is too late to turn around now." Hàn Dōng
glared at Yu Ming.

"I'm not saying you should reverse his character. I'm saying
you should raise yourself so he feels worthwhile for you."
Raise myself? Hàn Dōng wondered, and the director's words
rang in the crowd.

"To tell the truth, it is really difficult for us to reach today.

The things we have experienced in the middle should not be
mentioned. I mainly want to thank two people here. One is Yu
Ming. This may not be a reality without him. Another one is
Hàn Dōng, he made me meet all the fantasies about acting."

"Next, we asked them to say a few words for everyone."

Yu Ming didn't know what to say for a long time. What he

fears most is public speech.

Director Lu reminded everyone, "Today is my own people, I

don't want to sing the praises of the song. Say what you want to
say most, even if the director is not all right!"

Yu Ming said lightly: "This time I'm very happy."

A lot of filming took a lot of energy, and the crew entered a lot
of problems but this is Yu Ming's first time enjoying the process
of filming.

"Nothing else?" Lu was surprised.

Yu Ming nodded.

The following laughter was sent out. It wasn't the simpleness

of Yu Ming's laughter, but the laughter of Director Lu's. Yu
Ming said that so many words have been very difficult to get
out. Some people spent more than two months in the crew and
they didn't hear him say a word.

When Hàn Dōng took the stage, everyone's ears are ready for a
protracted war.

As a result, Hàn Dōng only said one sentence. This sentence

has long been in his heart. Its weight has made Hàn Dōng not
dare to say the others, for fear that this sentence is buried.

"Wang doesn't hate me."

As soon as this statement came out, the following crew
shouted laughter.

"Han Ge, won't you try better?"

"You think we don't know that .......The reason Wang was the
first one to jump and get you was because you didn't have
insurance. If something goes wrong, he has to take
responsibility for you!"

"If you say that you are a woman, we may believe you."


Hàn Dōng was one of the most embarrassed people on the

crew, but he was also the fiercest one to cry.

Even so, everyone thinks its nothing. A person who sings

"Little New Year" can cry for himself. Who can expect him to
calm down on this sensational occasion?
Out of the hotel, some people pick up the shuttle bus, and
some people drive their own cars. In the end, there were only
two people, Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming. There was also a car. There
was no such treatment since the filming.

"Stop the car," said Hàn Dōng.

Yu Ming's eyes swept into the darkness where there was no

street light, here a car stopped.

Hàn Dōng also found out and waved directly. "You go with the
car and I will go back alone."

"Then you are careful on the road."

Having said this, Yu Ming left with the car.

Hàn Dōng walked by himself on the road, and his back injury
was not completely healed. His walking posture was a bit
uncomfortable. However, it is not good to stand on the road, so
he must go ahead.
As soon as Hàn Dōng came to the intersection, he suddenly
heard a harsh car horn coming from behind.

As he just wanted to go back and see the driver's face.

Suddenly he could not open his mouth.

Wang Zhong Ding opened the driver's door, "Come in."

Hàn Dōng feels that he has turned from a pitiful man into a
target of many people jeering.

Wang Zhong Ding swept Hàn Dōng's eyes with a peripheral

look but he didn't ask anything. Because of his past experience,
Hàn Dōng will surely install his own pity for comfort and
doesn't need him to speak.

As a result, Hàn Dōng is now unconventional. There was no

talking from the start of the car and on the entire road, he was

Wang Zhong Ding's heart suddenly burst into tears.

Hàn Dōng repeatedly thought about Yu Ming's words.

Raise yourself...

Do I still have room to raise?

The figure is set here, acting, compose my own songs, write

screenplays, be fortune-telling gossip feng shui... what other
tricks can I use?

Thinking about it, the car stopped.

If Hàn Dōng walks in shape, he doesn't know why Wang

Zhong Ding took him to his home. Went straight to his own
room and continue to wonder about the door.

Wang Zhong Ding smoked a lot of cigarettes inside.

Hàn Dōng mind flashed!

Wang Zhong Ding's door didn't close, he heard the next door
movement, his chest suddenly felt hot.

As a result, Hàn Dōng went straight through his room to the

storage room, took a box of paper and silently returned to his

What does he want to do with tissue paper?

Wang Zhong Ding also remembered Hàn Dōng's swollen eyes.

After destroying the last cigarette, Wang Zhong Ding still got
up and went to Hàn Dōng's room. He wanted to push the door
directly, as a result, he just pushed a small seam, what he saw
made Wang Zhong Ding freeze!!

Hàn Dōng leaned against the bed and his upper body was
naked. There was only one underwear underneath, and his
hand was stroking the tented part of the underwear.

Hàn doesn't know that Wang Zhong Ding is outside

....peeping on him.
With regard to the ability of Hàn Dōng to do something, he
was Yu Ming's trainee. He definitely belonged to the type of
HIGH invigorated people. He simply finished his work. He
himself didn't let go of himself, and he had to be sly.

Wang Zhong Ding's feet were sucked on the ground by a

magnet and could not move at all.

This scene also once appeared in his dream.

In the dream, Hàn Dōng didn't volunteer but was forced to

this position by Wang... In the dream, he forced Hàn Dōng to
perform some unbearable and said some lascivious words.

The reality is that Hàn Dōng didn't need him to force him to
react to his dream.

Wang Zhong Ding's pupils kept getting red.

Hàn Dōng twisted his neck and shouted, his two long legs
twitching along with the waist and semen splashed on the back
of his hand.

Wang Zhong Ding's lower body is already hard.

If it wasn't for Hàn Dōng's paper towel that was used to wipe
this stuff, he would then push in the door.

However, after Hàn Dōng wiped it, he didn't throw it, but
wrapped it carefully and placed it on the closet.

Wang Zhong Ding's mind flashed through the metamorphosis

of numerous tissues.

And Hàn Dōng didn't stop there! Because his purpose today is
not to seduce someone but to raise himself. As for how to raise
oneself, Wang had to see Hàn having two consecutive cum

Wang Zhong Ding thought that he had survived the scene,

and the result was plunged into dire heat straits.
Wang began to lament in his heart that Hàn Dōng's wrist
movement is not flexible enough! The meticulousness touching
was not meticulously enough and the cum reaction was not
fierce enough ... Wang wanted to go in and "give some
directions" but his mind refused to give in, and he stayed

Finally, the second orgasm shot went well.

Hàn Dōng wrapped it in a paper towel and placed it on the

cabinet. Breathing out, he looked ready to try the third round.

Because of physical decline, Hàn Dōng needs something

interesting to stimulate his sensory nerves.

When Wang Zhong Ding almost tossed his feet off the ground,
Hàn Dōng actually squeezed his nipples with his hand and bit
his tongue out with pain. His waist shuddered.

Wang Zhong Ding's knee instantly opened the door and a

jingle sounded, scaring Hàn Dōng.
My God!!, how many tissues did you come with together?
Chapter 125 Determines the relationship.
Wang Zhong Ding stroked Hàn Dōng's neck and slammed him
on the bed. His entire body sat on Han's body and Wang put his
two hands around Hàn Dōng's shoulders, his eyes were filled
with flames.

"Are you finished?"

Hàn Dōng's face was confused. "You think I've tried to mess
with you? Why are you yelling at me?...

If the words were not finished yet, Wang Zhong Ding


"Why did you moan it then?"

For the first time, Hàn Dōng heard Wang Zhong Ding speak in
such a mocking tone and felt exhausted at the time. Even such
words are hidden, and it is clear that He wants to leave me
As a result, Wang Zhong Ding came to kiss him in the next

Hàn Dōng didn't think of it. It was a monstrosity. The turning

point was too sudden.

The kiss with Wang Zhong Ding is not the same as what he
imagined. He thought that like Wang Zhong Ding's oligopolistic
elite, his family members would also have strict calm ways of
kissing. The result is entirely the opposite. Wang Zhong Ding
has no logic and no rules, and his actions are eager and

He "Gnawed" Hàn Dōng's mouth.

Both people paused at the same time.

Hàn Dōng said: "I am awake now."

"I know." Wang Zhong Ding gasps heavily.

Hàn Dōng deliberately asked: "What is it that you pulling

"Can't pull it down."

"Can't pull it?"


Having finished, Wang Zhong Ding buried his head and

formally broke through Hàn Dōng's lips, and sucked his tongue.
The two male bodies hugged together, seductive long legs
gripping the strong waist, tearing between the sparks, full of

Wang Zhong Ding's mouth rushed to the sensitive point of

Hàn Dōng's chest without any warning, and Hàn Dōng's gazing
spirit wrapped his arm around a solid neck.

Wang Zhong Ding's hands, after numerous "haunting"

dreams, finally, in reality, rubbed Hàn Dōng's legs.
From the knee to the inside of the thigh, the heat was ignited
along with Wang Zhong Ding's palm.

"Touch this..." Hàn Dōng could not wait to pull Wang Zhong
Ding's hand to the center of his legs.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't respond to him. Instead, he put Hàn

Dōng's own hand up. "Leave it."

Hàn Dōng voiced his dissatisfaction, "Do you not want to


Wang Zhong Ding's face said that he was not accustomed to it.
In fact, he wanted to see the waves rippling through Hàn Dōng.

When he saw enough, he pretended to look like he couldn't

stand. "Stupid, it's better to be so"

Then he took it for granted.

When he changed one hand, it would feel really different.

Hàn Dōng was excited to go to Wang Zhong Ding's pants. "I

want to see your x."

Hàn Dōng felt Wang Zhong Ding's impeding sinister. How can
he do such a thing? He reacts with the pleasure of breaking the

The result was he was rejected by Wang Zhong Ding.

"Then you help me." Hàn Dōng said.

In the beginning, Wang Zhong Ding also shoved Hàn Dong

hand with a look of rejection.

When Hàn Dōng was stunned, he immediately tightened his

eyebrows and ran his hands through the two round meatballs.
The fire has been burned to the eyebrows.

Wang Zhong Ding's obsession for many days was finally

vented at this moment, and his mouth murmured loudly.

Hàn Dōng immediately raised his head and said, "Do you
know my English name?"

"English nickname?"

"Cool Dong Dong!"

Wang Zhong Ding pressed Hàn Dōng's head again and blocked
his smile with his mouth.

Hàn Dōng discovered that Wang Zhong Ding was particularly

loving. That is, every time Hàn Dōng doesn't look at Wang's face
his face is full of enjoyment and intoxication. As a result, when
Hàn Dōng shifted his sight to this face, he became serious again.
So, when Wang Zhong Ding felt like he was about to cum, Hàn
Dōng kept staring at him. The naughty eyes, Wang Zhong Ding
couldn't wait to eat him.

Finally, Wang Zhong Ding issued a rough groan cursing med.

The moment of releasing, Wang was watching Hàn Dōng with a
gaze that's full of tenderness.

Later, Hàn Dōng was like a big dog. From the back, taking
advantage of Wang Zhong Ding's neck, he didn't drop his hand,
and his mouth whispered in Wang Zhong Ding's ear and said,
"Ah, Wang, you just shot a lot of cum."

Wang Zhong Ding slapped Hàn Dōng with a glance and his
eyes contained an unseen smile.

Hàn Dōng hung up on Wang Zhong Ding like a bride. His two
ankles were pulled from the ground and he was carried into the
bathroom like noodles.

"You use that nozzle." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Er would not let go of Wang Zhong Ding's sprinkler. "I
want to use yours."

Wang Zhong Ding had to go to another one.

As a result, Hàn Dōng owed too much and pulled him back.

At last, the two people still washed under a sprinkler. Hàn

Dōng asked Wang Zhong Ding to give him a backrub. He also
said, "These days you have to shower me and I will never wash
myself again"

"Is there anything that will not be washed? I just helped you
to paint color, but I didn't waste your hand."

"That you didn't wash clean."

Hàn Dōng saw Wang Zhong Ding pick up the shampoo, and
then he praised, "You gave me your hair shampoo so my hair
would be smooth all day long."
Wang Zhong Ding snorted, "That's my shampoo. What does it
have to do with who uses it?"

" has something to do with your hand stimulating my

scalp. I feel like I'm alive"

Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng: How lazy are you?

In the end, Wang squeezed the shampoo into his own hands.

Returning to Wang Zhong Ding's bedroom, Hàn Dōng only

remembered and asked, "How did Xixi stop coming this way

Wang Zhong Ding said: "I told him not to come today."

Hàn Dōng remembered and asked, "Why did you bring me

Wang Zhong Ding didn't speak.

"I know, you already have plans of deliberately installed for

me" Hàn Dōng narcissistically said, "If I knew it earlier, I
wouldn't have bothered on surprising you. "

"Surprise me?" Wang Zhong Ding looked perplexed.

Hàn Dōng took up three groups of tissue paper stained with

cum and showed them in front of Wang Zhong Ding. "See?"

"What's this?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

"What?" Hàn Dōng blinked in an exaggerated manner. "This is

three consecutive cum bursts. Have you come yet?"

Just finished, another start of things, has come...

Another "intimate interaction", Wang Zhong Ding felt that he

was not tired at all, but he felt more and more spiritual again.

Hàn Dōng was not to be outdone, and his big eyes always
looked at him for fear of Wang running away.

"I say Wang, are you not submerging me?"

Wang Zhong Ding gave him a look. "Who is bringing you


Han: I just want to help out in the house.

Hàn Dōng stretched his hand to Wang Zhong Ding's tenting

bird, and Wang Zhong Ding responded quickly and pushed his
hand back. Hàn Dōng who was happy soon became quiet again
without talking.

Wang Zhong Ding asked at this time: "Why were you crying
"Cry? When did I cry?" Hàn Dōng voice wasn't blunt. He really
forgot it.

Wang Zhong Ding thought that because Hàn Dōng's tearful

eyes he was silent the entire road.

Hàn Dōng remembered. "You said that at the feast, I saw

people cry, how mean would l be if I did not cry."

Wang Zhong Ding clearly saw the people at the entrance

smiling ...

Hàn Dōng explained again: "I am a person who is sensitive,

and sometimes a poem makes me cry."

"Is it three hundred Tang poems?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng laughed, "How do you know?"

Wang Zhong Ding simply didn't want to say that to him, and
it was just a little bit of knowledge that he got together.

"Look .... go to sleep."

Hàn Dōng asked with poor confidence: "After you wake up,
you won't turn your face and not recognize the person in front
of you?."

1]....meaning after Wang wakes up won't he regret what


"Do I known you?" Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng's big curls were all blown up. "What did you say?"

Wang Zhong Ding deliberately turned over to him.

Hàn Dōng really got wrapped up.

The next morning, when Xixi just got up, he quickly drilled
into Hàn Dōng's room to inspect the situation. Seeing that the
bed was empty, he was relieved that his father did not lie to

As a result, Xixi again found several groups of tissues things

on the cabinet.

"What is this?" Xixi began to inspect while muttering.

Hàn Dōng was still asleep in Wang Zhong Ding's room, and
the ever so diligent Xixi has already accompanied his father for

"Daddy, you have to take medicine on time," said Xixi,


Wang Zhong Ding looked perplexed. "What medicine? What


"Cold medicine."
"Who said I caught a cold?"

"I found a lot of sneezed on paper in the room where my uncle

was staying."

Wang Zhong Ding, "Oh, thank you son."

1]..... How does he even begins to tell his son that the sneeze is
Chapter 126 Cherish
After Xixi left, Wang Zhong Ding went to Hàn Dōng's room.
Picking up the three tissues left on the cupboard and smelling
the special odor, his brain instantly reflects the scene of Hàn
Dōng masturbating.

Wang Zhong Ding body feels like a lion that has entered
estrus. The entire body has undergone a tremendous
transformation. This change is not within his controllable
range, and even worse, it makes him feel unbalanced.

The culprit responsible for all this is just now waking up.

Wang Zhong Ding disposes of the paper towels and walked

toward his room.

When Hàn Dōng saw that the person on the other pillow had
disappeared. He suddenly sat up and rushed toward the
entrance, just nearly colliding with Wang Ding, who had just
come in.
Wang Zhong Ding supported him. "Whats wrong?"

Hàn Dōng stared at Wang Zhong Ding's face for a moment,

revealing a heartless smile.

"Nothing, just getting out of bed activities."

Wang Zhong Ding scolded and looked at Hàn Dōng's place

without trace.

"Why were you not wearing underwear?"

Hàn Dōng seemed to realize it only then "I didn't wear it last

He ran back to the bed and rummaged, bending over without

fear of the two burning eyes behind him, he still bent over his
hips and showed off the gorgeous little butt appearance, as if he
was implying to Wang Zhong Ding: You forgot about this
Wang has been silent for a long time.

"Found it," said Hàn Dōng.

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "I'll give you twenty minutes.

Immediately after your departure, I will go to the company!

After that, he closed the door and went out.

As a result, after 20 minutes, Wang Zhong Ding once again

pushed open the door, and Hàn Dōng was still there like a
wooden man, poked in place.

"What are you doing?" Wang Zhong Ding started worryingly.

Hàn Dōng was stunned: how did I stay so long? Quickly he

picked up the underwear and put it on the body.

Wang Zhong Ding originally wanted to scold Hàn Dōng but he

saw him wear the extremely hard-to-control pure white tight
jeans that interpreted what is called Lord-level legs. After all the
horizontal remarks went back, there were only three words in
the heart: They're really sexy...

In the car Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng sat together in the

When Wang Zhong Ding is in the car, he usually closes his

eyes and rests. Occasionally, he will continue to work on the
company files with his notebook. Rarely, he just sit around
today, driving less than two kilometers, He even spent more
than a dozen times looking at Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng guessed that Wang Zhong Ding would ignore him
so he went for playing with his mobile phone. When he was
playing, he was getting sleepy, his head stumbling, and after
several swayings, Wang Zhong Ding's hand has finally pressed
Hàn Dong on his shoulder.

He thought Hàn Dōng was looking at him because he was

shaking his head too much. In fact, Hàn Dōng slept honestly and
Wang Zhong Ding still looked at him. His eyes were aimed at the
nipples in his T-shirt, aiming at the slender knees in his jeans,
and even smelling his feet in the shoes.
Wang didn't understand it himself. The driver in front of him
didn't understand it either.

Who is this person? Why is he acting so cherishing to him?

At the company, Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng spoke

about preparations for the new film.

"You are ready for it this time. It is estimated that you will be
auditioning next month."

Hàn Dōng seemed to think of it like, "You mean the annual


"Yes, that's the one I told you earlier."

"It's July now. Will it be released at the end of the year?"

questioned Hàn Dōng.
Wang Zhong Ding said: "There have been some changes in the
plan. Originally we were planned to use the domestic Director
Team. Now we have decided to activate the Hollywood team
and build an oriental giant system. It will take at least one year
later, so the release time will be shifted to next year."

Hàn Dōng was so excited, "What about the director? Is the

director also from Hollywood?"

"Yes, he is a popular director from Hollywood."

Hàn Dōng took his fingers to count the Hollywood names and
couldn't help but say, "I am very fascinated by Cain. If I can play
a role in his film during my lifetime, I would be grateful!"

Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng's eyes change momentarily.

"I won't really make you say it?" Hàn Dōng was so happy that
he would have to draw a look.

Wang Zhong Ding voice was faint and cold, "NOT!! HIM!!."
Hàn Dōng's shoulder collapsed instantly, but fortunately he
didn't dare to hold such a luxury, so he could not be

It was Wang Zhong Ding's bad day and his face became

The preparations for the film will be held in the afternoon and
all senior leaders of the company will attend. Several major
studio producers also came to the meeting, including Liang

When it comes to casting questions, senior leaders

unanimously selected Li Shang. Although the other producers
have their own hearts and minds, because Liang Jing's situation
on the other side is excellent, even if they raise objections, they
are unimpressed.

"Li Tian Bang is the most suitable candidate regardless of

which aspect he considers. With his current momentum of
development, when this film is released, he has the ability to
fully explode the box office."
Liang Jing pulled another data sheet and sent Xiao Wen to
give it to everyone present.

"I think you may still remember that Wang proposed a casting
standard that was almost impossible to achieve. But now I want
to tell you that all the data of Li Tian Bang meets his

Everyone shouted.

No way? He is even so clever?

Although his heart is holding a few questions, but no one

dared to think about the surgery, because the body shaping has
more risk than facial surgery, and who will be gaining by
exposing that crime? Moreover, people do not want to mud it,
and how to pinch how to squeeze, even if the whole must also
have an extraordinary body configuration.

Liang Jing turned his attention to Wang Zhong Ding, and his
smile was full of compliments.
"Wang Zhong said before that Li Tian Bang was inconsistent
with the character temperament, thinking that he couldn't
manage this part of women's clothing. I don't know if Li Tian
Bang's women's performance in "Tear" has changed his

Wang Zhong Ding said candidly: "His performance is indeed

beyond my expectations and it is excellent."

Hearing these words, several producers made private

exchanges and they felt that this role was not Li Shang.

"Manager Feng, you give some advice, too." The moderator


Feng Jun said clearly: "I still support Hàn Dōng."

When this came out, many people were shocked. Who is Hàn
Dōng? Does this company have this person?

Later, Nobody knows who whispered Hàn the Great, everyone

came to this reaction, the meeting room in a flash of laughter.
All seemed to think that Feng Jun is humiliating Liang Jing
after saying this remark. After all, the disagreement between
the two is clear.

A producer can't help but say, "Manager Feng, you can't think
that he can play a woman because he combs a little girly hair

"That is what he looks like, can't he look good as a woman?"

"And his temperament and the character itself are too far
away. Li Tian is hard to manage and he can stir up this beam."


Feng Jun didn't make any explanation and waited for Wang
Zhong Ding's position.

Wang Zhong Ding had been stunned for more than a minute,
and since Feng Jun had talked about Hàn Dōng, he had been
imagining Hàn Dōng's in women clothes in his brain. As for Hàn
Dōng's face, he really didn't have confidence. He was a
handsome man and he could count on him as a beauty. But for
Hàn Dōng's scene where the two legs were shown, Wang Zhong
Ding thought and thought again, thinking that all of them will
turn their eyes on him.

"Wang Zhong Ding? Wang Zhong Ding?"

Wang Zhong Ding returned to reality and finally gave his

answer in the eyes of everyone.

"Can you say it again?"


When Hàn Dōng heard that he had to wear women's clothes,

he also showed his original attitude and said nothing would be

"You can't be an actor and say no. I'll look at the makeup
effect first," Wang Zhong Ding said.

"No, I'm just too masculine. I'm recoiled at any feminine

product. When I was a child, I mistakenly wore a cousin's stocks
and I was sick in bed for more than a week."

How can Wang Zhong Ding listen to his nonsense? He was

bringing the clothes directly to Hàn Dōng. "The lower half has a
higher appearance rate. You should change it first."

Hàn Dōng was like a hot potato throwing the clothes far way.

"I told you ... you want to do this again...I will get mad at
you...I...I...I don't want to wear it!"

After Hàn Dōng finished, he ran out of the door and ran away.

Wang Zhong Ding looks suspicious and engages in something

In the evening, Yu Ming was watching TV in the living room
and suddenly heard the movement from the door.

Turned to look, it turned out to be Hàn Dōng!

"Why did you come back?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng said: "Wang Zhong Ding is on a business trip and it

will take several days to come back."

Yu Ming nodded and asked no more.

Hàn Dōng went straight into his room and saw what was piled
on the door and couldn't resist asking, "Who sent it?"

"Li Shang." Yu Ming seems reluctant to mention the name.

Hàn Dōng lived, "Li Shang? When did he come?"

"The few days when you were injured, he came to see you."

Hàn Dōng laughed. "This kid still has a little conscience."

Yu Ming finds it difficult to understand Hàn Dōng's attitude.

"How do you know that he had good-natured? Maybe he came to
show off at you!"

Hàn Dōng doesn't think so. "He gave me another set of things
in his career. It certainly didn't hurt my heart or my life."

Yu Ming still cannot understand. "Hace you seen today's news

headlines yet? Li Shang is about to appear in the annual large-
scale blockbuster No. 1, he has noses and eyes."

Hàn Dōng lived, "He will act in it?"

"Yeah, didn't you say that Wang wanted that role for you?"
Hàn Dōng asked quickly: "Where is that news?"

"You can find it on the Internet."

Hàn Dōng saw it. The news that Li Shang had subverted the
image of the cross-cutting image in "Tear" has given a number
of producers a good look and he is expected to star in the highest
level of action buster in the country.

"Then let him perform, it will just go to my heart disease."

Hàn Dōng muttered.

Yu Ming wonders, "Heart disease? What kind of heart


"Nothing, Why are you not living in Xià Hòng Wēi's room?"
Hàn Dōng quickly opened the subject.

Yu Ming also showed a cold look. "Why should I go to him?"

"Weren't you with him a few days ago?"

"That's what he forced me to do, and it's not what I wanted."

When Yu Ming reveals his hated expression, "I must take that
thief out!"

Hàn Dōng forced his topic again.

"How much pay did you get?"

Yu Ming said: "I took 20,000."

"20,000?" Hàn Dōng was unbelievable. "How could you be

getting 20,000?"

Yu Ming said lightly: "I'm just as important as you. You get

20,000. Why can't I get 20,000?"

"The tricks are not the same as the fame. After all, investors
are not..."

Realizing that he had to speak to Xià Hòng Wēi again, Hàn

Dōng hurried retracted back . "Since the bills are so low, the cost
of production is reduced by more than half!"

Yu Ming nodded. "It was originally planned to spent 50

million. It looks like it took less than 8 million."

"So little? Where is the rest of the money gone? Return to Xià
Hòng Wēi?"

"No, they should all be controlled by Wang Zhong Ding, and

left it to be the cost of movie publicity."

Hàn Dōng, a disapproving expression, "Using 8 million for

making films and advertisement costing of 42 million RMB.
After that, we must start promotion and prepare for it. How
come we haven't moved even a little now?"

Yu Ming also did not understand what cards Wang Zhong

Ding secretly played.

"Is it hard for him to swallow it? But what does he swallow
this money for?" Hàn Dōng said.

Yu Ming joked and said: "would it be a dowry?"

"Fu*k off! The bride dowry should be sent by me!"

"As for your little money, it won't even break the door."

Chapter 127 Narrow Escape
Before going to bed, Hàn Dōng heard that Yu Ming's mobile
phone kept sending SMS tones and he casually asked, “Who is
chatting with you and making you so much?”

There is no response.

Hàn Dōng went into Yu Ming's room and found that Yu Ming
was already in bed, and the phone was still on the table, and it
rang from time to time.

"Do you need me to help you answer it?"

Yu Ming straight said: "No, you can help me shut it down ."

"Directly turn it off? Don't you want to see who is looking for
you? If there's anything positive."

Yu Ming's impatient tone: "Nothing is right, you just shut it."

Hàn Dōng took a moment of interest and gave his message to
Yu Ming.

"Your account was successfully transferred 520 yuan."

"Your account was successfully transferred 999 yuan."

"Your account has successfully transferred 1314 yuan."

" ......."

Hàn Dōng reminded Yu Ming, "You still said that there is no

business, money transfer isn't a business matter ah?"

Hearing this, Yu Ming was even more annoyed, and the whole
person inhaled silently.

Hàn Dōng suddenly realized, "This money wouln't it be what

Xià Hòng Wēi called you for?" Then look at the amount of
transfer, I think it's not even ten."

Xià Hòng Wēi knows that Yu Ming does not love to go out and
love online shopping. So every time Yu Ming is angry, he
directly send money to Yu Ming's online banking payment
account until Yu Ming talks to him.

"My God, you're ... I don't know how to be to receive this


Yu Ming couldn't help saying, "You're going to spend your


"No, there is no meritorious deed. I am not a little cheaper."

"Is it okay if I beg you to exchange for me? When I see that
pile of money it's annoying!"

Hàn Dōng feels that Yu Ming has lived his fantasy life ahead of
The next day, Hàn Dōng was idle and went to the market to
get a piece of yellow rosewood.

"Hey? So the last time Wang Zhong Ding didn't take all of the
yew?" Yu Ming was surprised.

"This is what I bought from the timber shop again. It cost me

a few thousand dollars. I feel sorry for my loss. I knew that I had
already stolen a large piece of it at the begginning that made me
suffer so much."

"What the hell are you doing?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng did not lift his head and said, "Making a watch."

"Giving it to Wang Zhong Ding?"

Yu Ming was not surprised by Hàn Dōng's mode of thought.....

but he was surprised by Hàn Dōng's generosity. Spending a
thousands of dollars ..... for Hàn Dōng its simply equivalent to
bone marrow extraction.
Hàn Dōng said: "Yes, I want to give him a gift."

"You want to give him gifts?" Yu Ming secretly whisperer: you

can send yourself to the door is that not good enough?

Hàn Dōng sighed in a faint sigh. "Urgently, I don't want to

give up that role."

"You want to please him just to get back that movie role?"

"I don't have to grab anything, this role is mine!" Hàn Dōng
knew that last night.

Yu Ming was puzzled, "Then Why are you still wasting this

Hàn Dōng's look of bitterness said, "I just wanted Wang Zhong
Ding to delete the scene of that man being dressed as a woman."

So it turned out to be the case ... As Yu Ming was thinking, his

cell phone's tone was ringing again.

Hàn Dōng rushed past him with excitement. "I'll see how
much it is this time."

After reading the single amount, Hàn Dōng flipped up again

and tried to figure out how much money Xià Hòng Wēi had sent
since last night. The result turned over and suddenly saw a bill
of expenditure message.

"Who here said he would not spend his money, who secretly
transferred two thousand dollars today?" Hàn Dōng yelled at Yu

Yu Ming looked perplexed. "Who's transferred it? I haven't

touched that account since last night."

Hàn Dōng sees that Yu Ming is not joking, and he thinks

something is wrong. With Yu Ming's character, he can't care
less about this little bit of profit.
"This will not be that your account was hacked, right?"

Hàn Dōng is still more nervous than Yu Ming. I haven't made

a dime yet. Who's rushing in front of me?

Yu Ming said: "What time did you see it turn out?"

Hàn Dōng took a closer look. At two o'clock in the middle of

the night, who would have had stayed up so late? Or to say...
who fell asleep and got up, and hacked a phone for their own
unfulfilled wish?

Yu Ming directly aimed his eyes at Hàn Dōng.

"Impossible. I am so decent, how would I be capable of doing

this kind of stealing dog?" when he said this, he was a bit

Yu Ming said: "It doesnt matter if you have spend it anymore.

I don't need to use it anyway."
Hàn Dōng logged in his own bank account and saw there was
no more money in it. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Zhong Ding went to Switzerland to go to an exhibition,

and he also went with Yi Wei, who went as a brand

On the same day, Yi Wei dressed in a v-neck blue dress and

took Wang Zhong Ding's arm to the debut.

Every year, Wang Ding will participate in the exhibition. With

the increase in the number of collections, he will find it
increasingly difficult to buy new products. This new exhibit
does not mean style, but refers to a breakthrough in the
production process and technology. The visual inspection of
this exhibition again has to go hand in hand.

Yi Wei is different. As a woman, she only needs to be

beautiful. So she came to pick the hottest pieces, with seven or
eight pieces in the middle, Wang Zhong Ding's eyes are all
tasteless, and the price is so high.
Yi Wei brushed off more than 30 million in one breath.

When she paid, Wang Zhong Ding made a wink at a man not
far away. The man flashed behind Yi Wei and quickly scanned
her card number and account information.

"Trouble you to take this watch out and see it for me."

Hearing a familiar voice, Wang Zhong Ding couldn't help but

look around and saw Li Shang's presence.

"How did you come?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Li Shang replied with a smile: "I just happened to be all free,

and I came around."

"Then why did you not apply? If you wanted to come, the
company will consider reimbursing you for some of the
Li Shang waved his hand and said, "No, I just came here to
look around."

As he said, the staff took the watch from Li Shang.

"Sir, this is what you need."

Wang Zhong Ding took a look and found Li Shang's taste in

watches was good. This is the rare few among thousands of
brands in the showroom.

Most importantly, this watch is suitable for Li Shang.

With the comparison of Yi Wei, the image of Li Shang in

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes is not as many times as high.

"Do you like to collect watches too?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Li Shang said: "If I don't have a collection, I will buy it if I like

it. But my watch taste has both high and low prices, but it
doesn't have to be worth much. It's mainly personal preference.
If I basically buy it, I won't be willing to sell it."

This idea is exactly the same as Wang Zhong Ding. When he

meets this confidant, Wang Zhong Ding will chat a few more
times. During the chat, Li Shang's views were found to be very
insightful. It seems that a lot of work has been done during this
period of time.

"Sir, sorry, you are not eligible to purchase this."

Many top-level watches will be limited to delivery, generally

only serving the brand's vip customers.

This kind of vip service is not costly. It is necessary to make

new comers purchase some low-end products of the brand and
experience a process of improving taste before allowing them to
join the V.I.P

And after joining, if you don't want to buy it. Many styles
require a long time ranking.
These styles are not very expensive, such as Li Shang's watch
that only cost more than ten million dollars. However, when
people meet this watch they know what kind of status this
person belongs to.

Wang Zhong Ding is the supreme client of major watch brands

and a regular guest on the ranking list.

This watch he just qualified for purchase.

But for those who love that watch, qualifications are not
enough for the watch. Therefore, after Wang Zhong Ding
bought it, he did not receive a penny from Li Shang, but gave it
to him as a gift.

Li Shang knows the truth within it, so he did not have any
hypocrisy and he accepted it.

On this trip to Switzerland, Wang Zhong Ding eventually

turned away.

“Excuse me, is this Yu Ming?” the courier knocked at the


Yu Ming rushed out and said, "Here."

"This is your delivery."

Because Xià Hòng Wēi sent something from time to time, Yu

Ming didn't even think about signing it.

Hàn Dōng was even more at ease than Yu Ming was. He

hurried over to remove the parcel. "I'm helping you to look for
what good things are sent for you."

After opening it, Hàn Dōng was dumbfounded, it was a full

box of lady supplies, underwears, clothing bags, cosmetics ...
almost all together. When he looked at the price, it is exactly
two thousand dollars, which is the exactly amount spent on Yu
Ming's account.
Hàn Dōng suddenly thought of a possibility that could not
help but make numb his scalp.

When Yu Ming saw Hàn Dōng's face was wrong, he asked,

"What is it?"

"No, nothing." Hàn Dōng looked embarrassed.

Yu Ming walked over to see a look, his face could not bear to
express an instant fury .

Hàn Dōng feels like a thunderbolt ray will soon fall from the
top down in his head.

"It must be Xià Hòng Wēi. It must be Xià Hòng Wēi's


Suddenly, Hàn Dōng lived out of abundance, and he was too

busy to put up with an expression that he could not tolerate.
"Hurry to put these things back. What is it called? Is this not an
insult to you?"
Yu Ming didn't say anything. He closed the laptop.

Hàn Dōng hurried back to his room and opened the computer
to find the shopping site Yu Ming was visiting. He really saw
that the login account was Yu Ming's. Yu Ming bought
something on his computer, also saved his account number and
password, and he had set up an automatic payment.

Hàn Dōng cried out without tears, almost slammed his hand.

What he could not tolerate the most. He also saw his own chat
with the owner.

"Can't be cheaper?"

"2118$ is the lowest price."

"2000$ put together an integer, no matter what problems arise

I will not return them."

"OK then."
After staying for a few seconds, Hàn Dōng rushed to Yu Ming's
room and said in a more sullen tone: “Whatever he spends is his
money, what will I withdraw? Just throw it away”
Chapter 128 Gifts.
When Wang Zhong Ding returned to China he was picked up,
seeing the door open, only Er Lei and a figure flashed from the
car, Wang Zhong Ding's eyes inadvertently dimmed after a few

Returning to the company, Feng Jun reported to Wang Zhong

Ding the details of his work over the past few days.

"Tear" had been released for nearly three weeks. It was

affected by the importation of a large number of other movies.
The box office slipped in this late period, but it was far ahead of
the other domestic film of the same quarter.

The popularity of the film has declined, but Li Shang's

popularity has only increased. In particular, these days when
Wang Zhong Ding walks around the rumors about his playing
male nickname are still around. Feng Jun has always been a
follower of Wang Zhong Ding's instructions. In any case, he
didn't spend a single publicity fee, and he was willing to
speculate that it was gonna go away without damaging the
interests of the company.
In contrast, Wang Zhong Ding is more concerned with the
progress of another movie.

"What's the point of the other one late completion?"

Feng Jun said: "The six-hour rough cut version has been cut
into 150 minutes, and the crew is currently busy with special
effects entry into the movie."

Wang Zhong Ding nodded. "We should also embark on


"Well, I have already sent some newsletter to the major

theaters. They are all very willing to cooperate with us. We are
now looking forward to the closing trial. I hope it can be

At the thought of submitting the movie for trial, Wang Zhong

Ding's heart became perplexed.

After Feng Jun left, Wang Zhong Ding began to deal with the
work accumulated in the past few days.

This time he was innocent of his caring, but today he is always

quiet. The two rounded bum flashed in the mind openly and
crashed into the door, swinging in and out, and monkeys darted
to themselves and laughed at the sky.

However, today's entrance is unusually quiet, and Wang

Zhong Ding is very quiet and irritated.

Hàn Dōng's actions went on from day tonight. Almost

instantly, Yu Ming fell asleep and heard Hàn Dōng's coming
from next door.

Later, Yu Ming said, "Oh, why didn't you go to him?"

"Who?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming was speechless. "Aren't we talking about Wang

returning from a business trip today?"
Oh! Hàn Dōng just remembered and hurriedly cleared up the
table and said to Yu Ming: "These parts I will put them in your
house first. I'm afraid that he will enter as thief at night."

Yu Ming nodded. "Well, take it yourself."

As a result, when Hàn Dōng looked for places to put the watch
parts, he suddenly discovered that the ladies' supplies were still
in boxes.

"I said, why didn't you throw it away?" Hàn Dōng asked

Yu Ming replied: "I didn't go out these few days."

“Go throw it away, if you keep it till now why don't you just
wear it?”

Yu Ming wondered, "why do I feel that you are still more

furstrated about these than I am?"
Hàn Dōng had a heart-felt voice tone "Am I not saying this for
your sake? If on any day someone comes in and sees these
things, how would you explain them?"

Yu Ming said: "Then you help me throw it."

Hàn Dōng originally wanted to reach out for the box, but he
immediately contracted back. This matter absolutely cannot be
done by him. As long as he throws it by his own hands, there is a
risk of him getting it back in his sleepwalking mode.

"I'm hurrying to go out so you go throw it yourself. Be sure to

clean these things before I get back!

Having said this, Hàn Dōng took the bag and left.

Knowing that Wang Zhong Ding was still at the office this
time, Hàn Dōng went straight to his home. He wanted to create
an illusion that he had long hoped for his return, a surprise to
Wang Zhong Ding.
As a result, Wang Zhong Ding couldn't help but went to Hàn
Dōng's dormitory.

Hàn Dōng was no longer there when Wang arrived. Yu Ming

was carrying a box and went outside.

The box is not covered tightly, and the silk is looming in the
gap. The past Wang Zhong Ding would not have noticed this,
but he has recently been in a "special heat period" and is
particularly sensitive to certain things.

"What have you got there?" Wang Zhong Ding really said.

Yu Ming knows that concealing an incident can easily lead to


"Wang, can I bother you with one thing?"

Zhong Ding nodded. "Say it."

"Help me give this box back to Xià Hòng Wēi and tell him to
stop using these things to disgusting me.

After that, Yu Ming returned to his room.

Wang Zhong Ding took the box to the car, opened it, and
couldn't help but be stunned. This is simply a treasure box!
Whatever he had fantasized about, it had everything here, and
even the style was all the same as the one in his dreams.

And most importantly, the size of these clothes are based on

Hàn Dōng's body measure, which makes him best to

"Master, I encourage you to drive faster." Hàn Dōng has been

urging the driver on the road.

The taxi driver said: "It can't be faster, we are already

speeding at full capacity."

Wang Zhong Ding's car was faster than the taxi driver. He
didn't know that Hàn Dōng was going to surprise him. He just
wanted to go back as soon as possible so that Hàn Dōng wouldn't
have trouble entering the door.

In the end, in this contest between speed and mood, Wang

Zhong Ding won.

Hàn Dōng arrived after ten minutes than Wang did and was
droven to him from the parking area to the entrance of the villa.
Hàn Dōng flew in directly, like a wild wind, fanning the blood of
Wang Zhong Ding's body hot.

Wang said: "Dad has prepared a gift for you."

"Where is it?" Xixi waved his fist with excitement.

"You go look for yourself in your father's room."

Just as Xixi ran off, Hàn Dōng came in and pushed in. At that
time, Wang Zhong Ding had already prepared for the pick up.
As a result, Hàn Dōng did not flutter, but he looked

"You're ... back?"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't speak yet and Xixi emerged from his
room again.

"Dad, I didn't find a gift."

Hàn Dōng immediately pushed Wang Zhong Ding to run

toward his room. "There is a gift. Where is it? I will help you
find it!"

Wang Zhong Ding's two handcuffs fell into fists and the
muscles on his face were extremely stiff.

He found that the gift is cheese and chocolate, as they were

Xixi's favorites, Hàn Dōng had a greedy look.
"Why didn't you bring a watch back?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "There is no watch for you."

Hàn Dōng was happy when he heard this. "Did you really have
such a plan?"

Wang Zhong Ding had not answered yet. Xixi said with a
superior face next to him: “Daddy will only send you a watch,
but he gave me cheese and chocolate!”

The most important thing that Xixi had ever seen was the
clock. According to the principle of being rare and valuable, he
thought that the watch was the most worthless, and Wang
Zhong Ding's restrictions on his things were precious.

Hàn Dōng reminded Wang Zhong Ding with a worried look. “I

don't like to say this but I think your son is very likely to
exchange his candy for watches with others. You'd better guard
against it.”
Wang Zhong Ding didn't speak, he went on to cut the dried
cheese from the middle, cut the cross section of the cheese with
an open flame, scrape it off with a knife, and handed it to Hàn
Dōng with a small cooked potato.

Hàn Dōng took a bite, praising “nice smell.”

Wang Zhong Ding didn't even realize that he was satisfied

with Hàn Dōng expression at this moment.

In the evening, Wang Zhong Ding first went to Xixi's room

and saw his son was still up.

"Daddy, will you stay with uncle today?"

"No, he came to talk to father about business he will leave

after. You can rest assured of that."

Having said this, Xixi went on to fall asleep.

Hàn Dōng is really ready to go. He has to make a watch as
soon as possible and go to this heart. So seeing Wang Zhong
Ding come out he just waved at him.

"I'm going."

Wang Zhong Ding thought Hàn Dōng was playing his tricks
again, so he looked blankly at him.

As a result, when Hàn Dōng's legs really stepped out Wang

Zhong Ding's face suddenly changed color. The two big steps
strode past and Hàn Dōng was turned and pushed against the

Hàn Dōng grinned, "What?"

Wang Zhong Ding's face was clearly written: What did you
forget to say? I miss you.

Back into the room, Wang Zhong Ding put the thought into
practice. As a result, Hàn Dōng fell asleep. He chiseled his watch
on these past days, and his energy was seriously overdrawn.

Wang Zhong Ding's hand still lingered on Hàn Dōng's leg.

He remembered the trunk in the car. After he picked it up, he

picked a silk from the inside and stared at Hàn Dōng for a while
and finally decided to start.

As a result, just the moment his hand touched Hàn Dōng's toe,
Hàn Dōng suddenly shook his ass at the center forning a circle.
The whole man turned a big circle in bed and said in a
mechanical tone: “Now, it's twelve o'clock! ”

Wang Ding's face at that time was like being smashed out with
a few kilos of bells.

Early the next morning, Wang Zhong Ding said to Hàn Dōng:
“I've contacted several teachers and coaches for you. I'll drive
you today to meet them. You'd better wear a formal dress.”

"What teacher?" Hàn Dōng was puzzled.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "There are motion coaches, speech
teachers, and physique teachers who will prepare you for your
new role."

Hàn Dōng also wanted to emphasize that he didn't want to

learn how to act like a woman, but he thought about it
afterwards. When the watch is completed, he must raise this
issue again.

Wang Zhong Ding led Hàn Dōng to the cloakroom and asked
him to pick his favorite clothes.

Hàn Dōng is afraid that clothes are not suitable for him. Every
time he picks up a piece of clothing, he will first look at the size.
Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding said: "You don't need to look
at these clothes sizes. You can wear them."

Hàn Dōng instantly stopped and when he turned to look at

Wang Zhong Ding, he had already gone out.

Wang Zhong Ding also took down a watch from the third
floor. This watch was created as a representative master figure
for four years and can be said to be an invaluable piece in his
watch collection. He originally wanted to leave it to Xixi, and
later when he heard Hàn Dōng complained that he did not bring
him back anything, he decided to send him this as a gift...

As a result, Hàn Dōng didn't look at it, he was pointing to

another watch and saying, "I want that. That watch can be
bought everywhere. "

Wang Zhong Ding naturally feels that it is not worthy of Hàn

Dōng, but he does not explicitly say it. He simply says: "The
watch is not suitable for you."

"How is it not suitable? This watch costs a lot!" Hàn Dōng said
to himself.

Wang Zhong Ding nodded his head. "You can take it."
Chapter 129 Who is showing off Wealth?
At the end of the training course, Hàn Dōng returned to the
company and happened to see Li Shang's car parked under the

There are 10 people in the car with the tour, drivers,

assistants, company promotion, make-up artist, hair stylist,
photographer, costume designer plus three bodyguards. If he
goes out in any activities he will also send more staff, the parade
is comparable to the first-line superstars.

The assistant took Li Shang down and followed him with

three bodyguards.

Hàn Dōng went to say hello, "hello hello?"

"Looking for Wang to talk about something."

Li Shang's entourage was staring at Hàn Dōng then staring at

each other, as if Hàn Dōng would stead the property of their
master at any time.
"How is your body?.....still hurt?" asked Li Shang.

Hàn Dōng said: "It's all right now."

"I went to your dormitory that day and saw that you still use
those inflatable furniture. What's going on? Is it economical or
something? If its economic you can come to me at any time"

Hàn Dōng said lightly: "It is only a matter of habit, and it does
not have anything to do with money."

Li Shang nodded. "That's good."

The two men talked for a while, during which Li Shang raised
his arms several times to look at the watch. Hàn Dōng asked,
"Are you in a hurry? If you are in a hurry go find him."

"I'm not in a hurry, he is participating in the brand conference

at the International Convention Center. It will take at least half
an hour before he can return."
Hàn Dōng sneered: What kind of watch did you get?
Deliberately showing it off with me? Then would like to worry

So, Hàn Dōng took the initiative to say: "Your watch very
good, where did you buy it?"

Li Shang said loudly in front of others that Wang Zhong Ding

had given it to him but he also said it was bought in Switzerland
in front of Hàn Dōng.

"How much?"

Li Shang smiled modestly. "Not much money, more than


"You go fool your mother! Seven hundred thousand you say?

Can you get a new car?"

Hàn Dōng sneered: No wonder this ass is showing it off with

Li Shang looked at Hàn Dōng and said: " Are you not wearing a

Hàn Dōng is now extremely sorry that he did not take the
expensive watch given by Wang Zhong Ding before, but chose a
humble sport watch..... Compared to Li Shang..... his stainless
steel is simply less explosive than the rose gold case.

"Show me yours, too," said Li Shang, intentionally.

Hàn Dōng is even more modest. "Don't tell me, I'm here to
distribute the goods. I really can't get it out."

"The grade of the watch has nothing to do with the price, as

long as it suits oneself." Li Shang comforted Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng knew that Li Shang was looking for superiority so

he extended his arm.

Li Shang did indeed have such a mentality at the beginning,

but when he saw it, his attitude was reversed.
"Where does this one comes from?" asked Li Shang.

Hàn Dōng bumped his face and became fat merchant. "I
bought it myself."


Li Shang's tone was decisive so as not to give Hàn Dōng any

opportunity to argue.

As a result, Hàn Dōng went back to his dorm room.

"Motherfucker! Wearing hundreds of thousands of dollars

worth watch is amazing! Why didn't you also mention the fact
that you didn't give your rent?"

"Surely it wasn't that I bought this watch! Even if it wasn't for

me to buy it, how would it cost me thousands of dollars?"
Yu Ming asked: "Why didn't you pick a better watch to wear?"

"I was afraid I would sell it when I'm sleepwalking so I chose

the most common one. Who knew that I would met him today?"

Yu Ming said: "Show me your watch."

Hàn Dōng extended his hand and Yu Ming saw his hand slap

"In the end who is showing off wealth?"

Hàn Dōng was paralyzed by these words. "What do you


“This is one of the Audemars Piguet Royal Oaks collections.

You can check out the specific price on the Internet.”

After Hàn Dōng checked it, he was shocked.

"Eight, costs more than eighty thousand, isn't it more than ten
thousand more expensive than his? Oh my god, you help me
before I faint."

Yu Ming faintly, "You have forgotten a few zeros."


"You have forgotten a few zeros."

Hàn Dōng almost couldn't breath... more than eight million...

What is the concept? Li Shang was able to get a car, and he
could get an apartment!

Yu Ming asked: "Do you believe you are more powerful now?"

"Don't talk to me, let me calm down first."

Yu Ming shouted, "Hey, you're fainting ..... Hàn Dōng...Hàn

Hàn Dōng stared at the ceiling, his eyes went empty.

"My life is meaningless, too rich, and there is no passion to

fight for life anymore."

Yu Ming "....... "

After a while, Hàn Dōng said, "I originally thought that the
watches I made would make an immeasurable contribution to
Wang Zhong Ding's collection . Now I only found that my made
watch is a stain on that collection!"

Yu Ming said: "In fact, wood watch are also very valuable,
especially pure hand-made, they usually can sell at high prices.
And that watch is not affected by cold weather in the winter,
during the summer you would not be afraid of sweat, and skin
tone match is even higher. The most important thing is that you
would feel that this kind of watch is dignified, represents the
cultural connotation of China, and does not lose to the watches
of the world."

1]....basically a wood watch is culturally more considered to be

high level that a gold watch....

Inspired by Yu Ming, Hàn Dōng resolutely worked hard day

and night.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't catch the shadow of Hàn Dōng for
several days. During the day, Hàn Dōng trained. Wang also had
his own business. At night he was idle, and Hàn Dōng was still
busy at his dorm room.

Everyone can see that Wang has not been very happy these

Couldn't stand it any longer, Wang Zhong Ding sent a call to

the training teacher to ask about the situation.

"He always sleeps in the past few days. We call him to wake
up. Even if he wakes up, he doesn't blink, and he goes to sleep

Wang Zhong Ding finally found an excuse, pretending to be

with an angry tone. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

As a result, he just rang the phone and the teacher in the

training class told Feng Jun about this.

Feng Jun said, "How can you mention Hàn Dōng at this time?
Isn't he burning it up?"

"Ah? What about it? Wang said that on the day heis coming to
inspect us. What if Hàn Dōng does not perform well?"

"What else is it? Let's just leave him alone!"

Hàn Dōng took advantage of this precious one-day holiday to

complete the watch, and excitedly went to Wang Zhong Ding's

"What are you doing here?" Wang Zhong Ding was calm.
Hàn Dōng's face is mysterious. "Give you a surprise."

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes ran directly to Hàn Dōng's lower

body. "What surprise?"

Hàn Dōng used a box to block his sight.

"This, open it up."

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes have a hint of indistinct darkness,

but soon re-blocked with the opening of the box.

The watch is made of Hainan pearwood, and the face means

the texture of wood. The entire watch has only one screw that is
not made of wood, and the remaining wooden parts are all made
by hand.

The skill is not superb, but the mind is absolutely heavy.

Wang Zhong Ding was stunned all the time. It took him half a
minute to even form an incredible opening.

"This is... you made this?"

"Yeah." Hàn Dōng pointed to the master signature on the back

of the case. "Cool-Dong-ee."

For the first time, Wang Zhong Ding did not hesitate to move
and hugged him. As he smiled and said to Hàn Dōng, "You are
really capable".

Hàn Dōng secretly sneered: I couldn't bear to cheat you to the


In the evening, Wang Zhong Ding tried his best to help Hàn
Dōng with all kinds of favors. Even put down the shelf to Hàn
Dōng's fingers, indulge in the release of tenderness and touch in
the heart.

Hàn Dōng thinks the time is almost the same, and now Wang
Zhong Ding's face clearly reads "Responsiveness".

So he finally spoke.

"I want to ask you something."

"what's up?"

"I want to play the actor, but I don't want to play the role of a
man dressed as a woman. Can you remove this?"

Silence for a long time...

Hàn Dōng's heart was ticking mad.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "I can think about it, but you must
give me a reason."
Hàn Dōng seemed reluctant to speak. "In fact, the reasons I
said at the beginning were lies to you. The real reason wasn't
that I thought that acting to be a woman would be too ugly. I
once tried, and there are still trauma after I did it."

"Maybe it's just that your makeup technology is not working."

Hàn Dōng shook his head. "Whatever cosmetic techniques .....

They're useless...... It is already ugly to a certain limit."

"What if only the lower half of the scene does not work?"
Wang Zhong Ding still does not give up.

Hàn Dōng's head went into bed and sobbed and said: "Please,
don't make me."

Wang Zhong Ding finally sighed. "Since you don't want to,
then forget about it."

Hàn Dōng exhausted all his acting skills to suppress his

flirtation and embarrassment.
Soon, Hàn Dōng slept with satisfaction.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't feel uncomfortable, and went to the

balcony alone to smoke. Unconsciously, half an hour later,
Wang Zhong Ding finally annihilated the last butts and turned
back to the bedroom.

As a result, Hàn Dōng actually disappeared from the bed.

Chapter 130 Hàn Damei
1]... When you see Hàn Damei it just means Han Dong in
female clothes or when Hàn is playing a woman.

Wang Zhong Ding hurried out to find him.

As a result, Hàn Dōng was not seen after looking for more
than ten rooms upstairs and downstairs.

Wang Zhong Ding asked the guard on duty at the gate. The
guard said that no one had been going out. It proves that Hàn
Dōng is still in the villa and may be hiding somewhere.

Wang Zhong Ding first thought of the cloakroom because

there were many cabinets in the room and there were many
places to hide.

As a result, Hàn Dōng was not found after entering the villa. It
turned out that the place was looked for and the location of
many clothes changed. And Wang Zhong Ding also found that
those lady items that he had locked in the cabinet had
Is he fearful that he will regrettably be throwing these things
secretly during his sleepwalking?

But the premise is how does he know how the villa floor plan

Wang Zhong Ding was wondering, suddenly heard a noise

from outside, like the sound of high-heeled shoes on the ground.

How can a woman come and go in here so late?

With a bit of curiosity, Wang Zhong Ding went out.

Before, Hàn Dōng was in the nanny's dressing room. because

the room of the nanny is the one which Wang Zhong Ding did
not go in, so he did not find Hàn Dōng. Now, Wang Zhong Ding
walks out of the door and just sees the back of a fleet of fleeting
ships. He stays still in an instant.

At that moment, Wang Zhong Ding didn't dare to think of

Hàn Dōng.
Even if the "beauty" had a supermodel-like stunning figure,
unique and beautiful legs, and even dressed in Wang Zhong
Ding's familiar clothes... but because of the flirting vigor that
"she" exudes, that figure made Wang Zhong Ding's "electronic
eye" experience an instant failure, anyway who would rather
believe that this female beauty is a man.

Hàn Dōng stepped into Wang Zhong Ding's bedroom with a

cool pace.

Wang Zhong Ding silently followed in the back and when he

pushed into the room. The room was empty.

When Wang Zhong Ding thought that everything he had just

seen was an illusion, suddenly a familiar voice sounded.

"Your surname is Wang."

Wang Zhong Ding turned his head and found a person at the
entrance to the bathroom. When "She" turned her face, a
concept called "gender-bending" completely collapsed in Wang
Zhong Ding's heart.
If Hàn Dōng shoots a picture of Wang Zhong Ding's expression
at this moment, it will be enough for him to spend his whole life

In addition to physical data, Wang Zhong Ding does not see

any signs of Hàn Dōng. If Hàn Dōng didn't speak, Wang Zhong
Ding would almost think that he was being tempted by another

Poor Hàn Damei, considered that Wang Zhong Ding would

love him at first sight, but he was wrong.

Sure enough, the present-day newspaper is such a thing. Ten

years ago, Hàn Dōng pretended to be a "great" young woman.
After ten years, Hàn Dōng re-appeared as a woman "herself" for
once more in a lifetime.

At this point, Wang Zhong Ding heart is dead.

From now on no one else can ever enter his eyes.

Wang Zhong Ding took Hàn Dōng horizontally and steadily
toward his big bed.

Hàn Dōng is a natural actor. Even in sleepwalking, as soon as

he wears makeup, he immediately embodies the act.

Wang Zhong Ding kissed Hàn Dōng's red lips. The woman's
scent was mixed with the man's breath. The disorderly pleasure
almost destroyed all of Wang Zhong Ding's moral ideas.

The silk-wrapped legs outlined a beautiful curve, and the two

butt cheeks hidden beneath the skirt formed a complete circle,
perfectly illustrating what is called the pinnacle of sexiness.

Wang Zhong Ding's face was buried deep in the gully where he
longed for it, and he took his dream of death.

Hàn Dōng waved and his waist shook like a sieve, and he kept
rolling. His moans numbed his ears, itched his heart, and drunk
the old stuff that already was full of powerful things.

And that mysterious domain eventually survived well until

the beauty woke up and continued.

After everything had subsided, Hàn Dōng's makeup on her

face was almost all her own, and her clothes were torn. In
particular, the silk was wiped off and a large hole was torn in
the crotch.

Wang Zhong Ding was such a clean-skinned person and he

was indifferent to this situation.

Because once Hàn Dōng's clothes were removed, it meant

tearing all the cold and enchanting state. Restore the nature of
the Fool again, turning his head in bed.

Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding took advantage of the last

precious time of his sleepwalking to communicate with Hàn

"Why did you lied to me that you don't wear female clothes for
The Damei smiled: "Because I'm afraid that once you find out
that I interpret women well and I can deal like them freely, you
wouldn't doubt that I have transvestite or perverted habits, and
thus you would have aversion to me."

The usual portrayal of wife to Wang Zhong Ding, of course, is

disgusting, but she usually does not leave any traces, but it is
not only disgusting but also very liked by the pure man who can
turn the makeup up to surprise everyone.

"Why did you dress for me?" Wang Zhong Ding asked again.

Han Damei's hand rubbed at Wang Zhong Ding face and said,
"I know you wanted to see it."

Wang Zhong Ding grabbed Hàn Dōng's fingers and played

around with them, and indeed the honest Hàn Damei won
Wang's favor.

This process he didn't know how long it lasted. Until the day
had dawned, Wang Zhong Ding reluctantly put his hand on Hàn
Dōng's clothes and he intended to return him to reality.
As a result, Hàn Dōng caught Wang Ding's hand at that

"I haven't told you another thing yet."

Wang Zhong Ding looked at him tenderly and waited for the
final sweet ending.

"Actually, I've been crossing the street and pulling passenger."

1] ... Yall remember the Massage Parlour thing right

The smile on Wang Zhong Ding's face slowly and slowly


"You really should be back to the original."

When Hàn Dōng woke up, he was chased by full houses and
received a more tragic news. Not only would women's scene not
be deleted, but they would also increase its screen time.
In the restaurant box of a business club, Li Shang stirred

"The watch on Hàn Dōng hand was given by Wang Zhong

Ding." Yi Wei is very sure.

Li Shang stirred and paused but he didn't speak.

"I don't know the extent to which their feelings have

developed, but I can tell you clearly that Wang Zhong Ding is a
perverted lover of accurate people or things. If it was not
because of Hàn Dōng's personality problem, the idea that he is
in love with Hàn Dōng would be totally possible."

Li Shang gave her coffee, "Drink it."

Yi Wei took a sip and the sweetness was just right.

"I told you long ago that Wang Zhong Ding's goodwill was not
to be pleased, but spontaneity. You didn't believe it, causing me
to disguise myself as an upstart in order to enhance your

Li Shang nodded. "I understand that I will have to withdraw

my hand."

"That's right. Don't fantasize with Wang Zhong Ding about

who is better. Instead of wasting time on him, it's better to hold
on to your existing strength."

Li Shang asked Yi Wei: "Do you think I have the possibility of

a comeback?"

"If the film fails, Hàn Dōng will not even have a chance to
succeed. Even if you do not protest, the company's top
executives will not let it go. Wang Zhong Ding not only makes
money for himself but also makes money for this group of
people. He will not be so confused about his priorities."

Li Shang took a deep breath. "It seems that I can only pray for
his movie to fail."
"good luck."

Li Shang nodded and just needed to turn around and Yi Wei

stopped him again.

"As early as possible divest from Liang Jing, you followed him
that far."

Li Shang didn't say anything and pushed the door to go out.

In the blink of an eye, by the end of July, the later stages of

the film had been completed and they were sent for trial.

Feng Jun gave the sample to Wang Zhong Ding. "Look at it, I
just glanced at it."

In Wang Zhong Ding's heart, he was inexplicably intimidated.

"First let go of this, and I still have one to open." Talking, he
customarily looks at his own yellow rosewood wristwatch.
Feng Jun jokingly said: "Since its likely to not pass, what do
you think of it?"

"It is accurate now," said Wang Zhong Ding.

Feng Jun asked: "You repaired it?"

"No, it only slows for two hours a day. It happens on every

seventh day. It's normal again."

Feng Jun was happy. "Why don't you change to another one?"

Wang Zhong Ding does not explain that he likes this chronic
sub-watch. Wearing it is like hanging Hàn Dōng's goodies on his

As a result, he didn't abandon the watch from Hàn Dōng. Hàn

Dōng dropped his watch and fled into the office, he picked it
and threw it directly to Wang Zhong Ding.
"I will give it back to you."

Wang Zhong Ding is puzzled. "Why?"

"Why? Ever since I put on this watch, I haven't slept or rested,

and I worry about selling it all night. You hurry to take it. Don't
make me upset."

Wang Zhong Ding scolded him, "Hey you're making a little


"I'll give you something." Hàn Dōng nearly broke the jar.

Er Lei jokingly said, "If on any day you go to claim a partial

insurance and you would have a compensation of hundreds of
millions, will you really sell your legs when you're sleeping?"

Hàn Dōng told him very confidently, "If it is several hundred

million, I will certainly sell them when I'm sleeping."
"What if it is a few billion?" Er Lei asked again. Hàn Dōng said:
"Then I will cut them off now."

Wang Zhong Ding's face was "beautiful" he could not bear to

look straight.

"Wang, the meeting." Feng Jun reminded.

When Wang Zhong Ding just went out, Hàn Dōng grabbed
him and asked, "When will the film go to trial?"

"The day after tomorrow." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng nodded.

On the way, Feng Jun asked Wang Zhong Ding uneasily: "Not

"It's tomorrow."
"Then why do you tell him that it's after tomorrow?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not say anything.

Chapter 131 "Theft Of The Shadows"
On the afternoon of the next day, the filming location was set
at the XX film and television base. The relevant leaders of
Zhong Ding Film Group and the Film Bureau appeared one after
another. In addition, the crew and several actors also arrived at
the scene, except Hàn Dōng.

"How come Hàn Dōng didn't come?" Director Lu asked Yu


Yu Ming said: "He has been training recently. He would not be

allowed to go."

Director Lu still wanted to ask again. As a result, Feng Jun

beckoned him and called him to the back.

Wang Zhong Ding told the company's staff to pour water on

the leader's tea and wait for it. Before that, he also ran to several
movie bureaus. Naturally, gifts and bribes are indispensable.

He didn't want to let Hàn Dōng come today, first because he is

afraid that the result would not be good to stimulate him, the
second is he didn't want to let Hàn Dōng see himself as a low
pitched auditor.

One of the film bureau chiefs who often dealt with Wang
Zhong Ding said to him: "You don't need to be so nervous, Xiao
Wang. I have read the script and the basic problem is not big."

Wang Zhong Ding replied politely: "Thank you for your


"Come here, we all sit here. Are there any people who haven't
arrived yet? If not, then it will begin."

As he spoke, he suddenly flashed in from the back door.

Because of his quick movement, almost no one noticed him.
Only Wang Zhong Ding turned his face at that instant.

Hàn Dōng sat down next to Yu Ming and kept breathing

"Fortunately, I was moving fast or I couldn't keep up."

Yu Ming was surprised. "Weren't you not coming?"

"Who said I wouldn't come?"

"Ah, Wang."

Speaking of this incident, Hàn Dōng annoyance came to the

air. "Wang Zhong Ding is not nice! He actually told me it would
be tomorrow!"

"He couldn't have been wrong, right?" Yu Ming didn't believe

that Wang Zhong Ding would make a mistake.

Hàn Dōng said: "He committed it knowingly!"

"Oh, don't talk, it's starting."

Hàn Dōng also had a foretell and turned his gaze to Wang
Zhong Ding. Just saw Wang Zhong Ding and the leaders next to
him whispering to each other, and his heart was dark: old man!
What else are you deciding for me when I'm not there?

After a while, the demo officially started playing.

Hàn Dōng turned his attention back and looked forward to the
first work of his career.

At the beginning of the film, there was an endless darkness

that lasted more than ten seconds. Suddenly, a voice sounded.
"It's just over there..."

When the sentence is not finished, the voice jammed. At first

glance, it sounds like there is a problem with the sound. If you
listen carefully, you will notice that the slightest undulations
and sensations on the brains and your entire scalp are numbed.

This voice was recorded by Hàn Dōng. For a person who has
not experienced the Ghost Hauntings he would hear nothing but
feels uncomfortable and his chest is tight. If you have
experienced a ghost haunting, you will get an instant
goosebump and fear.

Then, the lights in the room light up, and Zhao Bin, the
protagonist played by Ma Bin, appears in the camera. Pale,
sweating, eyes staring straight at a certain direction, not a

This process lasted for a few seconds.

Suddenly, the camera moves to the ceiling. A white shadow is

attached to it, and it looks like a person's back. In Zhao Bin's
horrified eyes, he straightened up and down.


The cracking voice of the body overlapped with Zhao Bin's

horror scream. Then, the camera switched to two eyes full of
fear. As the camera zooms out, the entire sweaty face appears in
the lens, the protagonist Zhao Bin.

It turned out that before he turned on the lights in the dream,

he wasn't really awake.

Zhao Bin gasped heavily, his muscles which had just relaxed,
suddenly twisted again, and his head was shaking with extreme

This is followed by Yu Ming's classic "crawling" scene.

His role in the film is Zeng Ming.

There was a big hole in the bed board. When Zeng Ming
climbed out in an extremely distorted posture, those leaders
who were "very well-kept" men were not calm. Some clear held
their released tension, and some simply don't look at the screen.

Zeng Ming climbed on Zhao Bin's body and began to

frantically twist. From time to time, the sound of joint
misalignment and muscle tears is constantly oozing out of the

Suddenly, Zeng Ming's waist was rotated 180 degrees and the
upper body and lower body were completely twisted in two
different directions.
Not to mention that... For the first time, the Leader of the
film was watching it, the Director Lu who played it back
countless times. Still, Director Lu's heart still has a gurgling

Obviously, some leaders could not sit still and began to

whisper scared.

Hàn Dōng patted Yu Ming's leg as a sign of comfort. "Rest

assured, your shot will be reviewed."

Yu Ming is still has a touchy tone. "I don't care, I don't want to
influence the whole movie."

The two men turned their gaze to the screen again.

The scene was once again occupied by Zhao Bin's face.

Nor the room, or the bed. Only the hole in the bed was gone,
and the view of the room was just like reality.
This time Zhao Bin really woke up, and the whole process of
ghost pressing finally came to an end.

The characters "Theft Of Shadows " appear on the big screen.

Some viewers feel like they have been frightened for long
hours of time, and only then have they discovered that they
have just played a title.

As the subtitles pop up, the list of film crews and the list of
actors appear one after another on the big screen.

When Hàn Dōng name played, the biggest desire was to pop
up his name on the screen. Although he is now a veteran, it is
still difficult to resist the satisfaction of this progress.

Just when a leader took a shot at Wang Zhong Ding, when

Wang Zhong Ding turned to talk with him, his eyes
involuntarily swept toward Hàn Dōng. The merchandise (Hàn
Dong) was staring at the big screen. At first glance, it is a
complacent name.
Wang Zhong Ding's heart was disgusted with him and his eyes
were followed by a smile.

As a result, Hàn Dōng's eyes suddenly swept aside and he

looked at Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding responded with eyes: Hey, are you okay?

Hàn Dōng ignored him and excitedly stared at his debut.

Wang Zhong Ding saw that Hàn Dōng was so easy to satisfy.
He was a little relieved.

The film continues.

After Zhao Bin has subjected to a ghost haunts, he began to

seek treatment everywhere. After all kinds of medical treatment
could not solve his problems, he finally found a psychiatrist.

This psychic is the role played by Hàn Dōng and he is called

"Ma Dong" in the film.

Ma Dong was dressed in a white coat and was still holding a

small pen. It looks like there is no difference with Hàn Dōng.
But when he appeared in the mirror, he gave a gloomy dark
presence. This feeling is not based on the sound effects of
horror. It is not created on the basis of slyness expressions. The
fear is naturally emitted after entering the scene.

Zhao Bin told Ma Dong about his own suffering.

"I had a good friend who died in a car accident 20 years ago.
He danced very well. But every night, he will dance on my

Ma Dong told him: "What you see is not a ghost. It is an

illusion of your own subconscious."

"Then how do I get rid of these illusions?"

"Why did you want to get rid of it instead of using it?" Ma

Dong asked.
Zhao Bin is puzzled. "How can I use it?"

"Have you ever heard of Qing Ming Dream?"

Zhao Bin shook his head.

Ma Dong explained briefly that "it the sensation which is to

know the dream when you're dreaming and to control the

Zhao Bin gasp is incredible. "How is this possible?"

"How can it be impossible? In the so-called ghost haunting

isn't the body still conscious in reality, but the consciousness is
still alive in the dream?"

Zhao Bin seemed to think that this was true. Every time he
was subjected to a ghostly haunting, the scene in the room was
as peaceful as ever, but he could see the illusions that he would
not see on normal day.

"So, you have a greater advantage than ordinary people. As

long as you can effectively use it, you cannot only get rid of the
illusion of horror but also create your own dream."

Then, Ma Dong told Zhao Bin about the training methods of

Qing Ming control. For the average person, if he wants to
manipulate his own dreams, he must first know the dreams
inside of dreams. That is, the dreams clearly determine that he
is dreaming.

Because Zhao Bin's consciousness is sober when he is haunted

he can do it. What he needs most now is to overcome fear and
turn from being passive into taking initiative.

"You remember, he is just a fantasy about you. There is no

lethality. As long as you are brave, you can easily destroy him. If
you feel that you are not capable, you can try to use your room
as a safe space."

In the evening, shortly after Zhao Bin fell asleep, the bed in
front of him broke another big hole. Zeng Ming once again
crawled through the hole and climbed into him.

Zhao Bin tried to use his mind to manipulate his fantasy hand
and grabbed Zeng Ming's waist, attempting to twist his waist.
Zeng Ming was not as vulnerable as he had imagined. Instead,
he continued to oppress Zhao Bin's heart in an attempt to
suffocate him.
Chapter 132 It's all right.
[You have to read this chapter at least 15 times before you ask
any questions about it.... I want you to understand it and please
read slowly and remember all the characters and their roles...
Why? because I read it 30 times to translate it...... ]

In the fierce confrontation, Zhao Bin found a white shadow

floating on the ceiling. He remembered what Ma Dong had said:
"You can try to use any of the things in your room to save

As a result, Zhao Bin used his mind to manipulate the white

shadow and froze it down.

The bedroom finally recovered its calmness.

Since then, Zhao Bin has never dreamed of Zeng Ming.

He told Ma Dong about this situation.

Ma Dong said: "You are now the primary stage of Qing Ming
Dream. You can only use the existing things to change your
dreams. When you self-train to the advanced stage, you can
create the dream you want. You can walk through the wall and
fly away. You can be enthroned by the public and embraced by
beautiful can experience anything that you cannot
do in the real world."

Zhao Bin said: "I have no experience with Ghost Haunting

now. How do I know I am in a dream?"

Ma Dong told him one way: repeatedly press your chest

during the day, suggesting that only when the chest collapses if
you're in a dream, you would be rebounding into a reality.

"When you know that you are dreaming, you can try to find a
way to take yourself into a whole new world. For example, if
you can open a window and jump off, but there is a certain risk,
you can really die if you are not sure. So I recommended that
you construct a well in the room and go through the well."

So at night, Zhao Bin could not wait to start trying.

After dreaming, he pressed his chest with his hand and saw
that he collapsed and jumped out of the bed. Looking for a
room, finally found a well under the bed.
He got into the well following Ma Dong's instructions.

However, when Zhao Bin climbed in from the well hole below
his bed, he climbed out of the well hole under another bed.

At this moment, the scene of terror appeared, and Zhao Bin

himself became... Zeng Ming.

The sudden reversal hit everyone by surprise.

Zeng Ming pressed Zhao Bin's body again and tortured him
again and again. The movie seems to have been played from
scratch, but the perspective changed from Zhao Bin being a
ghost to being the conduct of haunting the victim Zeng Ming
who is himself.

1]...... It's like the victim collapsed into the body of his
torturer and through his hands, he tortured himself.... freaky!!!

Soon, Zhao Bin and Zeng Ming confronted the scene again.

Zhao Bin handcuffed Zeng Ming's waist and tried to twist it.
Zeng Ming continued to press Zhao Bin's heart in an attempt to
suffocate him.

However, this person who had become turbulent became Zhao


The person in bed became Zeng Ming.

The camera flashed.

Zeng Ming sat up in bed and sweated.

Standing beside him is still the psychiatrist Hàn Dōng playing

—Ma Dong.

Ma Dong asked faintly: "are you free?"

Zeng Ming nodded. "If I don't have this dream, I still can't
accept reality until now."
"I'm curious, what kind of dream are you building?" asked Ma

"I was still a spiritual master in my dream, but I turned myself

into Zhao Bin because I wish I was the person who died instead
of Zhao Bin. However, I was haunted again and again and
finally, it made me understand that in the car accident Zhao Bin
has been crushed to death."

There was a deep sadness on Zeng Ming's face.

Ma Dong patted him on the shoulder and comforted: " Did you
made him fade in the past."

Is this the case?

Those who have not read the script beforehand have an

incredible expression.

At this moment, the film was only one-third done.

The atmosphere in the cinema is very tense, and everyone is
holding their breath and waiting for the development of the

Zeng Ming removes psychological trauma but leaves a habit

that cannot be changed - twisting his own waist.

This is the method of dream testing taught by Ma Dong.

Same as Zhao Bin's "pressing the chest". If Zeng Ming cuts off
his waist, it proves to be in a dream. If it is safe, it proves he was
in the real world.

Even though he was safe every time, Zeng Ming still couldn't
help but stretch his hand to his waist.

One night, Zeng Ming went to the park with his girlfriend.

There was an uncle selling ice lollies at the entrance of the

park. The girlfriend stopped and picked one. After the purchase,
Zeng Ming took his girlfriend's hand walking into the park.
After walking a long way, Zeng Ming once again created the
idea of "kicking his waist". When he released his girlfriend's
hand and wanted to implement this move, he suddenly
discovered that there was one more thing in his hand.

A small change of coin!

But he has already handed the uncle the money!

Zeng Ming turned back and found himself a few hundred

meters away from the door where his girlfriend still picked ice

The sudden reversal caused everyone to get a goose bump.

At this time, Ma Dong appeared in Zeng Ming's field of vision.

Zeng Ming can not wait to ask: "What's going on here? Am I

still dreaming?"

Ma Dong's face was chilling.

"You are not in a dream. You are dead."

Zeng Ming didn't dare to look at Ma Dong. "What do you


"You died with Zhao Bin."

Zeng Ming shook his head. "How is it possible? From my

accident to the ambulance and then to the hospital, I remember
everything clearly..."

"In your dream, does Zhao Bin think so ...?"

Yu Ming appeared in his own right. At this moment, his face

can't be praised.

Ma Dong said: "You were killed by two cars."

"You speak nonsense!" Zeng Ming shuddered.

"You and Zhao Bin crossed the road together and a car hit
both of you in both directions. One of them hit Zhao Bin and he
flew against the other, and you happened to be in the middle. In
the beginning, you didn't die, and You saw the tragic situation
of Zhao Bin's being crushed to death, but when you wriggled
and struggled, a car drove and drove over your upper and lower
body into two directions and cut you off directly from the

Zeng Ming still refused to accept. "Why should I believe you?"

"Because I was walking behind you, because we are good


Zeng Ming was shocked but soon questioned.

"Since you're my friend, why didn't I know you?"

Ma Dong grinned and laughed, "Because you are in my


"Everything that happened to me was dominated by myself.

How could it be in your dream?"
"You take a look at your own waist."

Zeng Ming shook his hands and stretched his waist, gently he
twisted around, but the waist was broken.

"How could ... I haven't broken yet...

"I said, you are in my dream. I didn't want to break it because I

was forced to accept the news of losing Zhao Bin and I didn't
want to lose you like that. From the beginning to the end, you
were all tools that I built to heal myself."

This great plot reversal once again surprised everyone.

However, the movie is not yet over.

After Zeng Ming stayed still for a while, he showed a strange


This smile was unexpected in Ma Dong face and it was also

unexpected by all moviegoers.
"What are you smiling at?" asked Ma Dong.

Zeng Ming said: "How can you be sure that you are not in
Zhao Bin's dream?"

"How can it be?"

Zeng Ming looked at Ma Dong with a cold and faint eye. "Then
you tell me why the Zhao Bin in your dreams is 40 years old? If
you say that I was dead for more than 20 years and I say he
should be dead for more than 20 years?"

Ma Dong is now deadlocked.

"Since you're so confident, then jump off this viaduct. But I'd
like to remind you that after you jump, you won't be the one
who wakes up."

The park really became a viaduct.

Ma Dong finally showed his guilty conscience. "How did you

know my dream test?"
Zeng Ming didn't explain directly.

"Jumping or not?"

Everyone's heart was buzzing at that moment, especially

Wang Zhong Ding.

In the end, Ma Dong still jumped down without hesitation.

Like Hàn Dōng during the filming process, with a touch of

desperation in his eyes, a touch of ease, a touch of reluctance,
and a touch of immersion in the dream of the last moment of

At the instant of touching the water, Ma Dong's body was torn

apart, and the red blood exploded explosively toward the
surroundings. The scattered limbs sank in with the blood and
slowly drowned...

Pretty glamorous! Extremely bloody!

There was a dead silence in the movie hall.

Suddenly, a loud exclamation sounded.

"Director Zhang, Director Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Zhong Ding's heart creaked and looked away. Director

Zhang sat in a chair, his face gray was covered with convulsions,
like a sign of heart attack.

"Quick, go to the hospital."

The crowd lifted their leaders going outwards..

Wang Zhong Ding didn't go out with the other people, but
first rushed to the side of Hàn Dōng, grabbed him and patted
him on the back of his head to comfort: "I'm okay."
Chapter 133 Burning Brains.
Hàn Dōng was more calm than Wang Zhong Ding, and he also
comforted him in turn.

"I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with the movie."

Wang Zhong Ding first showed his distressed look in front of

Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng saw that Wang Zhong Ding used to be accustomed

to it. The thought of the crew burst into the room and suddenly
he saw that his gentleness was a little unsuited.

"That... you don't want to waste time with me, and you go to
the hospital quickly, or you'll end up playing yourself in the

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhong Ding walked out with

It was also filled with people's movie halls, and there were
only two people left in a flash.

Yu Ming did not leave his seat from beginning to end and is
still watching the big screen.

"Oh, I said, you don't bother too much?" Hàn Dōng patted

Yu Ming looked at Hàn Dōng, showed his hateful eyes. "Why

didn't you let me see the scene you shoot?"

"Who...who won't let you see?" Hàn Dōng was not confident.
"Isn't that you had no time to watch?"

"It's less! Do you think I don't know what you think?"

Hàn Dōng didn't say anything.

Yu Ming seems to be really angry this time, watching Hàn
Dōng's eyes with difference from the usual indifference.

"I did not expect that you would betray me."

After that, he got up and went outside.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly pulled him. "Mr. Ming, you listen to me.
Was I not afraid that your expectations are too high and you will
eventually be disappointed?"

"So you pushed me to Xià Hòng Wēi because you're scared of

what ..... A disappointment? How much disappointment do you
think is more comfortable than that man?"

Hàn Dōng owed a backsliding sentence: "It's a little bit


Hearing this, Yu Ming didn't discuss the package.

In the end, there is only one person left in the movie hall.

The movie continued.

While smoking a cigarette, Hàn Dōng silently looked at the big


Before moving to the scene, Zhao Bin, Zeng Ming and Ma

Dong danced in the practice room. There was also Zeng Ming's
girlfriend next to them. Both men and women went to the eye
to make Zhao Bin and Ma Dong very envious.

"Hey, how can I not have a girlfriend in this dream?" Ma Dong


Zhao Bin said: "Who told you to pretend to be a ghost all day

"You haven't been stronger than me!" said the 20-year-old,

with a 40-year-old face!"
"Can you believe I will smack you?"


However, joy and warmth are always short-lived.

A sudden accident caused three people to separate from the

yin and yang.

The screen is switched to the viaduct again.

Zhao Bin and Zeng Ming crossed the street before and after,
and Ma Dong called at a distance a little further from them.

Zhao Bin suddenly turned to Zeng Ming and said: "Your

girlfriend is buying an ice loller opposite. You still don't pay for

Zeng Ming was holding coins to the outside world and the
tragedy happened.
After Zhao Bin was knocked down by a car and rolled over,
Zeng Ming did not notice that a car came to the other side when
he was panicking ..... As a result, the two cars were squeezing
them in the middle.

Zeng Ming saw Zhao Bin, who was under pressure in the car,
gasping and rushed. Zhao Bin saw Zeng Ming, who had been
deformed in a deformed body, writhing and wrestling.

"There is a car accident!"


"I don't know, it looks like two students."


After hearing everyone's arguments, Ma Dong heart was in a

tight grip and was busy holding someone up and asked, “Where
is it?”

"It's over there."

At this time, there are two close-ups.

One is that Zhao Bin's eyes have turned in the direction of Ma

Dong, and the other is Zeng Ming's struggling stopped for a

Ma Dong saw the tragic situation of the two men and he

rushed toward this side in a hurry.

As a result, a car squeezing Zeng Ming suddenly started and

instantly crashed Ma Dong.

At that moment, Zhao Bin and Zeng Ming saw a white dress
flying in the air.

The moment when Ma Dong fell, he just saw Zeng Ming's

girlfriend who was standing at the ice-cream stall.

The scene began to alternate between the three faces.

At this moment, Zhao Bin has not died of suffocation due to

pressure on the heart, and Zeng Ming has not broken the upper
and lower waists. When Ma Dong, who was facing the water,
broke up before his body broke apart, the camera stopped short.

Then, a person woke up.

The person who wakes up is crucial because there must be one

of the three people who survived the multiple vehicle car
accident or there is no dream.

So who is this person?

The camera gradually pulls away, and the person who wakes
up is Ma Dong.

Seen from the look on his face, he breathed a sigh of relief and
a deep sense of sentiment.

Then his cell phone rang.

"Mr. Ma, someone is left with psychological trauma because of

a car accident and wanted to find a solution."
Ma Dong replied faintly: "Let him come in."

Not a moment, the door opened.

Ma Dong's eyes suddenly stopped at that moment.

Then, the ending song sounded.

Hàn Dōng walked out of the studio.

Sudden heartattacked Director Zhang was finally rescued and

finally returned to the general ward.

Wang Zhong Ding sat at his bed with a deep apology in his

Director Zhang did not mean anything to blame. “I had a little

arrhythmia before. Although I did not develop myocardial
infarction, there are potential possibilities.”
"I can't live without you," Wang Zhong Ding said.

Director Zhang waved his hand and said, "You misunderstood

what I meant. I didn't blame you on this movie. I just thought
that this movie was very good and it really shocked me."

Wang Zhong Ding didn't say anything.

“But then...” Director Zhang spoke up and said, “I've been so

ill, and several leaders in the Bureau were watching. Even if you
don't care about them, they will hold on it. They don't want to
make things big. You can only bear to cut off and delete that

It was still coming... Wang Zhong Ding's brain flashed over

Hàn Dōng's dark purple back and all the pain he went over
shooting that scene of falling in the water, his heart was like cut
with a knife.

"Isn't there really any room for negotiation?"

Director Zhang sighed. "I can't blame the film on my illness,
but after all it's the first time it's still acute. It's hard to
guarantee that the scene is not the cause. If the theater has
potential patients like me, they will all die out. What to do?
After all, the movie is to serve the public. You cannot be
exacting perfection, but you must ensure that everyone's mind
and body are safe."

"I understand." Wang Zhong Ding spit out the three words
with extreme difficulty.

"Moreover, the performance of the rest of the actor is also

very colorful. Cutting this shot should have little effect."

In Wang Ding's heart, the impact of any screen time by Hàn

Dōng is huge.

Director Zhang suddenly said: "Could you cut that camera and
send me a copy?"

Wang Zhong Ding was puzzled.

Director Zhang smiled sheepishly. "The scene is the most
visually stunning scene I've seen all these years. The beauty is so
violent that it can be said to be the best!"

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly had some suspicions: Did the old
man's illness became to because he was frightened or amazed?

So, he apologized to Director Zhang and said, "For your safety,

I cannot promise this request."

Director Zhang was busy defending himself. "I don't want to

watch it. I just want to keep a memorial."

"I'm sorry, I still do not rest assured." Wang Zhong Ding does
not discuss the expression.

Director Zhang sighed. "Well, since you don't want to, I won't
insist on it. But I can't compromise on you when you should cut

Now, Wang Zhong Ding has already accepted the reality that
the scene would have to be deleted.

"Since this is the case, I will not disturb your rest." Wang
Zhong Ding said.

Unexpectedly, Director Zhang also stopped him. "You don't

have to hurry ....sit down. I still have something to say."

Wang Zhong Ding had to sit back and wait for Zhang to order.

"Can you tell me about what has happened in the rest of the
movie? I have only seen half of it.

Wang Zhong Ding smiled. "Okay."

After listening to him, Director Zhang revealed an incredible

expression. "This is what it is."

Wang Zhong Ding nodded.

"Who did he see in the end? Was it stated in the original


Director Zhang's face was puzzling. "Isn't it the person who

announced that he survived?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "This is the suspense left by the film."

Because from the end of the film, it seems that anyone who
survives can be the dreamer.

If the person entering the gate is Zhao Bin, then it can be

understood that the living person is Zhao Bin. If Zeng Ming is
the person who enters the door, then it can be understood that
the living person is Zeng Ming.

No matter who of these two individuals are alive, this dream

is an endless cycle. It doesn't sound like much, but it's very
scary, because this kind of development makes it impossible to
find the starting point and the end point of the dream.
If you are a stranger at the door, then the living person is Ma
Dong. Everything that happened before..... was it his dream?

Wang Zhong Ding said: "The easiest way to judge whose the
dream is to look at the imagery that happens in the dream. If he
hasn't experienced it, he will prove not to be his dream."

Director Zhang tried to analyze: "The images in the dream

include: Zhao Bin's ghostly pressing Zeng Ming's chest, Ma
Dong's white shadow, Zeng Ming's girlfriend, and the phrase
'On the other side'...

Zhong Ding nodded. "It's almost like this."

Director Zhang started again. “First of all, these three people

have seen each other's misfortune. As for the picture of Zeng
Ming's girlfriend buying ice lolly, only Zhao Bin and Zeng Ming
saw it at the beginning. Later when Ma Dong fell to the bridge,
he also saw it. In the end, there is only Ma Dong, who is
'listening over that side there'.

"No, I haven't told you a detail. When someone told Ma Dong

about Zhao Bin and Zeng Ming he reacted. It's understandable
that they all heard it."

Director Zhang's face collapsed. "Doesn't that means there's

no solution?"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't say anything.

"It seems that I have to watch it again." Director Zhang


Wang Zhong Ding said: "You still have a good rest."

...... If you look at it once, you will never make out of the
movie alive ... If you look at it again, you will not see the entire
Chapter 134 Public screening.
In order to vent his discomfort, Hàn Dōng gave the movie to
Xixi. It was originally intended to scare him. As a result,
throughout the movie little Xixi looked very calm.

"How is it?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Xixi palyed with his shoes saying: "its just-so-so."

Oh, people are not low-eyed and not low spirited!

Thus, Hàn Dōng decided to make things difficult for him.

"Can you tell who was the last person to survive this film?"

Xixi did not want to say: "Zhao Bin."

Hàn Dōng was surprised. "Why do you think that?"

"It's very simple. Both of them have footage of ghosts
haunting in the film. Only Zhao Bin doesn't. How can a person
who believes in his own life create his own ghost image in his
own dream?"

Hàn Dōng was shocked by the powerful insight of little Xixi.

Xixi also said: "If I come to experience that, I will not let Zhao
Bin climb out and become Zeng Ming."

"How do you say this?" Hàn Dōng asked shamelessly.

Xixi said: "I'll let either Zhao Bin or Zhao Bin climb through
the bed or Zeng Ming pressure Zhao Bin, and then Zhao Bin and
then pressed him to Zeng Ming's body. Two Zhao Bin
sandwiched with Zeng in the middle a composition of 'meat
burger' so this would restore Ming's scene of the accident.”

Hàn Dōng was truthful to him at the time.

"Your existence is a great threat to me. I'm really afraid I

would be killing you when I'm sleepwalking." Hàn Dōng said to
Little Xixi.

Xixi did not worry, "You can't kill me."

"How do you know?"

"Because I would kill you before you killed me."

Hàn Dōng snorted, "How do you know you would kill me


"Because I can move faster than you."

Hàn Dōng "......"

When Wang Zhong Ding came back, he saw that someone he

was extremely worried about was chasing a six-year-old child
like a mad patient.
"Daddy." Xixi rushed up first.

Hàn Dōng really slowed down.

Wang Zhong Ding said to Xixi: "Daddy has something to say to

this uncle. You should play by yourself for a while."

Xixi was very obedient going to his room.

Wang Zhong Ding called Hàn Dōng to the bedroom.

"What happened to the movie... Hàn Dōng suddenly

interrupted." You don't need to say anything... I know. “

"How do you know?" Wang Zhong Ding asked him.

Hàn Dōng said: "I figured it out."

"Was it still before?"

"Before?" Hàn Dōng looked confused.

As soon as this happened, Wang Zhong Ding had nothing to

hide. He told Hàn Dōng what he had heard.

Hàn Dōng suddenly understood why Wang Zhong Ding

wanted to stop him from shooting that scene, and he also
understood why Wang Zhong Ding would accompanied him
every time when he was filming... But when the two moved, he
didn't hold Wang Zhong Ding down and shed tears, but he was
self-righteous person.

"Don't you never believe this? Huh? You don't insist on your
scientific thinking?"

The words prepared by Wang Zhong Ding were wasted.

In the evening, two people showered together. While the

movements are fine and delicate, they are even more polished.
Wang Zhong Ding's eyes have all been washed, and Hàn Dōng
is still humming a little tune there.

"Do you need me to wash you?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng said no without a word for the first time.

When Wang Zhong Ding walked away, he still looked back

unsteadily. Seeing the water flow down Hàn Dōng's face, it was
clear that water only made him see tears.

Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding still went back.

Hàn Dōng did not say anything, but when Wang Zhong Ding
washed him, he didn't appear to be too happy.

"Since I wanted to wash you, why didn't you just agree?"

Wang Zhong Ding asked.
Hàn Dōng had a look of grief. "I just wanted you to take the
initiative. I wanted to see the tangled look that you couldn't
help yourself on your face."

"You can't be that soft can you?" Wang Zhong Ding finally said
this sentence.

Hàn Dōng was not just as cheerful, but he was not as fragile as
Wang Zhong Ding hoped.

"You were already with me when I was sick. Why would l feel

Wang Zhong Ding was moved by his heart "You shouldn't cry
when you supposed to cry, or cry when you aren't supposed to

Hàn Dōng twisted the white ass butt.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't think that Hàn Dōng should be

allowed to cry by himself, he could just call him.
Hàn Dōng didn't give him this opportunity.

"I have to go back to the dormitory today."

Wang Zhong Ding is obviously not happy. "Why?"

"Yu Ming has a misunderstanding with me, I have to go and

explain with him." Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding said coldly, "There are a lot of people you
remember to explain things to."

Hàn Dōng pulled up Wang Zhong Ding's chin and dawdled his
face in front of Wang Zhong Ding, constantly chasing his eyes
and asking, “Are you jealous? Are you jealous?”

"OK! Go quickly!"

Hàn Dōng smiled and shook his face.

Yu Ming was alone in the dormitory and repeatedly looked at
the shot of Hàn Dōng. He suddenly remembered one day in the
car, Hàn Dōng mentioned his parents.

Now Yu Ming knows why Hàn Dōng had to say that.

He doesn't really worry that his parents will come to ask for
money after he has become a star. He is just comforting himself:
Even if the scene is deleted, it doesn't matter. If one shot is less
likely to appear in the movie, then one parent has less chance of
recognizing him.

Thinking about this, Yu Ming was even more uncomfortable.

His uncomfortable situation was not that Hàn Dōng pushed

him to Xià Hòng Wēi, but that while he should have stood by
Hàn Dōng for support. Hàn Dōng pushed him to Xià Hòng Wēi.

When he heard the door ringing, Yu Ming hurriedly closed the

play window on the computer and put away his worries and
resumed his usual indifference.
Hàn Dōng put himself together in the back, "I bought your
favorite peach canned food, do you want to eat one?"

Yu Ming completely ignored him.

Hàn Dōng shook his face again. "Don't let it go between the
buddies? Come lets go out and have a drink!"

Yu Ming still ignores him.

Hàn Dōng began to play hardship. "Ming Er, really, when I

sent you to Xià Hòng Wēi, did you know what I was feeling?"

Yu Ming still ignored him.

Therefore, Hàn Dōng went out...

Back to the room and Hàn Dōng picked up the beloved guitar,
with the vicissitudes of life and husky voice he sang,
"Friends wow friends,

you may have remembered me?

If you are enjoying happiness,

please forget me.

Friends wow friends,

you can remember Me? If... "

" Enough! " Yu Ming finally banned the door.

Sure enough, this move will help.

So, two people have their share of hatred!

When the "Theft of Shadows" was reviewed, the news that the
Group Leader was shocked to nearly death out was passed in

Liang Jing natural and ultimately said , "drink intoxication."

"The company's top executives have never been to see Hàn

Dōng. It is now estimated that his movie will be banned."

Li Shang has gradually taken Liang Jing's words out of his


Xiao Wen sat in next to him: "On these days the company is
sending tickets everywhere. It is said that it will cost money to
pick up packages.

"Do they want to use viral marketing?" Liang Jing suspected.

Viral marketing is word-of-mouth publicity. By using public

enthusiasm and interpersonal networks, marketing information
is spread fast and spread like viruses. Marketing information is
quickly copied and passed on to tens of thousands and millions
of audiences.

Xiao Wen said: "In general, not all of them are limited to only
six? This way there is room for publicity. But if they send two
tickets to one person, so who can help them to promote it?
Everyone will change the ticket to each other."

Li Shang was surprised, "A person with two tickets?"

"Yes, but it's still different. You don't want to watch with your

Li Shang could not figure it out. Why do you have to send so

many free tickets?

Liang Jing said: "Obviously you want to brush at the box

office, Yu Ming's rich man is so rich, investing billions of dollars
in once fell swoop and he would spend a little money to ask
everyone to watch a movie."
Li Shang asked Xiao Wen. "Have you received a ticket?"

"A few people gave me, I didn't want them."

As a result, Li Shang's assistant said: "I took one and it is in the

bag. I will looked through."

After turning it over, the assistant handed it to Li Shang.

"They also gave out a poster for free."

Li Shang saw that the slogan on the poster was actually a

fantasy version of his movie "Tear."

When Xiao Wen also saw that he immediately spit on the

road: "If you don't have a downshift yet, they will be cheeky and
take advantage of the favorable east wind. I really want to make
a Weibo micro-blog: If you don't have publicity fees, I will give
you some!"
Liang Jing waved his hand and said, "What is it? This is from

Xiao Wen snorted in disappointment. "I don't think They're

going to have our banner. No one will pay for it."

Li Shang didn"t think that Wang Zhong Ding would be stupid

to do this, but he didn't understand why Wang Zhong Ding
wanted to do so.

In short, before the film was released, Li Shang was not as

calm as he had imagined.

Wang Zhong Ding spent only 8 million on the production fee.

The promotion fee didn't come from him .... The rest of the
money was used to send free tickets.

Because of certain box office guarantees, the cinema team

agreed to give a reduced rate of 20% in the first week.

Even so, it was a far cry from the platoon rate of “Tear”,
which was as high as 40% in the first week of the release.

Moreover, when the audience walked into the theater, they

could barely see a "Tear" poster.

Xiaowen's words are not without reason, if you do not say a

movie was offshoot of "Tear", some people may not take the

The premiere of the first six days, the company's cinema vd

hall are professional film critics, well-known bloggers, forum
moderators and so on a series of people who have guided the
role of public opinion.

Most people look at the faces of Zhong Ding Film and TV.
They also know that even if they are not satisfied after reading,
they can't be too embarrassed, at least to give the little piece a
living space.

Li Shang also followed the crowd into the theater.

Chapter 135 Big Sale.
At the beginning of the film, Li Shang felt the superiority of
the picture.

Compared to their speed finishes, this film, which has dragged

on for months, is a masterpiece. Whether it is special effects, art
or lighting, it gives a feeling of heavy feeling.

Of course, this is just selling point.

A lot of gorgeously advertised movies are empty and boring,

and there is no other merit than a gorgeous leather bag.

Just like this movie, the title is nothing new. Li Shang doesn't
know that it really sound like the sequel to his movie "Tears".
Only the details are more elaborate and the special effects are
more scary.

Yu Ming's appearance on the field is barely compelling, but in

Li Shang's view it is just an upgraded version of various ghosts
in "Tear". The only thing that is fortunate is that Yu Ming has
acting skills.

Until "Ma Dong" character showed up, Li Shang's eyes

lightened slightly.

He has to admit that Hàn Dōng is born with the focus of a

character, he looked like he could just be coming out of the big
screen at you.

He did not deliberately show his role. Everything seemed so

natural. The gesture shows the atmosphere between the
gestures, and there is a steady degree of interpersonal behavior.

Li Shang had also been worried that Hàn Dōng's long-awaited

on-screen debut would be "excessively forced". Now it seems
that he has more experience than they think.

Soon, Ma Dong explained Zhao Ming's dream to Zhao Bin.

A lot of viewers just took this interest.

Li Shang did not expect Hàn Dōng to break into the dream,
but it was reasonable to think about Hàn Dōng's maverick

In the first third of the film, Li Shang did not see what was
outstanding. Most of haunted victims cannot escape the "ghost
haunting" routines, just change the soup and not change drugs

Without their "Tear", these plots may be commendable.

However, unfortunately, "Tear" has long looted the limelight in

One-third of the plot reversal came too suddenly. Li Shang,

who had been as stable as before, was finally a bit calm.

Dreamers inter-twined with a bit of meaning.

Many viewers are holding a casual look. After all, tickets are
free and they don't look blank. Their evaluation criteria for this
film have also been minimized, as long as it is not a waste of
It now appears that this is really worth it.

The story is now getting better.

The audience began to become tense from being lazy at the

beginning of the movie. Everyone's eyes were captured by the
big screen and they felt that something was going to happen.

Zeng Ming has turned back and his girlfriend is still in front of
the park.

The reverse plot made all people suck in a cold breath ..... Li
Shang's heart finally raised a hint of uncertainty and fear.

Two-thirds of the movie, Ma Dong character then said:

"Because you are in my dream."

A blockbuster line hit him and Li Shang felt that his entire
forehead was numb.

It seems that Ma Dong is not Zeng Ming in the play, but Li

Shang outside watching the screen.

The movie hall fell into silence.

Li Shang seems to hear everyone's heartbeat, including


The story reversed again.

The attitude of Zeng Ming, who had been in a bad mood,

suddenly changed.

"How did you know you were not in Zhao Bin's dream?"

Everyone screamed in horror

Everyone's head is running at a high speed, seeking Zhao Bin's

clues of him being the alived one. This is a process that make
someone scares themselves. Whenever they think of a certain
possibility, they will get an instant sweat and a cold sweat.
The fear derived from the bottom of the heart is the most
difficult to defend.

Li Shang has already seen the superiority of this script.

The rhythm is laid out at every step, and the Qing Ming
dreams are expertly layered. Unexpected reversal of the plot,
the role of the game gripping, the film is quite craftful.

But at the moment, he still had a silver lining and hoped that
he would end up with a dog's blood and let the film fall into the
routinous horror movie.

Therefore, at the moment when Ma Dong blinked, it wasn't

just him who was relieved, and he was sincere and fearful.

However, the film is not yet over.

The vaguely unpredictable hunch reached the highest value at

the moment the phone rang.

"Mr. Ma, someone survived a car accident and wanted to find

a solution to a problem."

Li Shang heart was shocked.

Staring at the eyes of the big screen no one even dare to

stagger, because the person who will enter the door is related to
whether the movie will become a banner or will eventually
leave a trace of regret.

This is a pity, Li Shang has become a life-saving grapping at


However, Hàn Dōng will not give him this opportunity.

The ending song soared.

Li Shang's body is stiff like a rock, and his hands and feet are
cold and his body is numb.
The entire movie theater exploded.

"My God! Is What I see a domestic horror movie?"

"Oh, ah, ah... Why did I give that ticket away? Why? I'll watch
it again!"

"I want to see it too, but I'm too scared!"


Before Li Shang came, he wrapped himself up tightly, fearing

that someone would recognize him. But the reality is that
everyone is talking about the film with excitement.

Some viewers simply did not leave and waited for the next
round of ticketing.

Li Shang finally understood why one person was given two


The brain is blank and the two legs go mechanically outward.

Obviously it is daytime, but from everyone it is like walking in

the night.

His only plea now is that the film would be buried and it
became a high-profile, niche work.

However, he underestimated the viewer's IQ.

He also underestimated their enthusiasm for good works.

On the same day, from the screening package hall, dozens of

professional film critics scored 10/10 points for the movie at the
same time in major movie forums. The low profile of the film
and the high complicated plot triggered an earthquake in the
film critics circle. Looking at the domestic horror film industry
in the past, there was a spectacle without a bad review.
However, this is only the beginning.

Afterwards, the popularity of “Theft of Shadows” began to

grow. Just as the virus spreads, its speed and momentum have
reached an uncontrollable point.

In just a few days, there have been up to 1 million Weibo

microblogs Posts related to “Theft of Shadows”. Thousands of
Weibo users have changed their nicknames into related words
with “haunting”, and the noble and loyal phrase “because you
are in my dreams” has become a microblogging buzzword.

With the ups and downs of the Internet, the traditional media
has embraced it. The promotion of the film seems to have just

The posters were posted one after another, with tidbits and
documentaries occupying the headlines in major video websites.
The search volume, click-through rate, downloads, and
comments constantly refresh the history.

With the increase of heat, the box office is also climbing.

In the three days before the country wide release, there were
only 40 million $ at the box office, which was a big gap
compared to the three-day break of “Tear”. And half of the 40
million box office were sent out on their own, and few people
actually bought tickets for viewing.

As a result, the box office began to double in size, breaking 100

million in five days, and breaking 200 million for only seven

In the second week, the major cinemas began to increase the

number of screenings for “Theft of Shadows”. Some of the small
and medium-sized movie theaters almost let the “Theft of
Shadows” have a monopoly screen time. Even if the cinema is
still full, some cinemas even have a difficult producing extra

The biggest regret of this summer holiday is that you once had
a precious movie ticket in front of you. You didn't cherish it.
You didn't regret it until you lost it...

At the same time, "Tear" silently downshifted.

A lot of people said: After watching "Theft of Shadows", they
found that "Tear" was a comedy film.

In addition, the “Music Deficiency” media recession dug up

the news of the two crews at the scene, and also made a high-
profile announcement of “talking to movies ” at Liang Jing's
press conference. At that time, the public opinion direction
turned to Hàn Dōng's crew.

Li Shang screamed madness.

Originally they succeeded in finishing first and they took the

lead in the summer. “Theft of Shadows" should not have an
impact on it. However, because the two films are of similar
types and similar themes, even the promotion words are almost
the same, but the level of horror is much worse.

What "high-spiritedness" and "wholesomeness" has been

turned into a bubble.

Now Li Shang's only plea is that the box office for this film
should not be so hot, the momentum should not be so fierce,
and the heat should not be so unprecedented... Even if the gap is
reduced a little, his heart will be better.

However, the bad news is still there like a shadow.

"The box office data came out." Xiao Wen voice did not
embolden him.

Liang Jing pretending to ask calmly: "How much?"

Xiao Wen said: "More than 500 million."


"More than 500 million."

Two-Friday to come it would be billions More... Liang Jing

was completely dumbfounded.
Li Shang's one-month-long glory has unfortunately become a
stepping stone for the rise of Hàn Dōng.
Chapter 136 Great Surprise.
Zhong Ding Film & TV's stock price has been rising along with
the "hot spot" hot box office. In less than three weeks, Wang
Zhong Ding's personal assets have risen by more than a billion.

Not to mention Xià Hòng Wēi, he is an investor in this film,

with more than four box-office receipts. Not only did he earn
back all the money he had previously lost, but he also had a mad
tide sum.

When the two winners "went for a wine talk", Xià Hòng Wēi
had been staring at Wang Zhong Ding with hostile eyes.

"What did you do?"

Wang Zhong Ding's face was quickly ignited by the word

"happiness", and even calmly asked, "What happened to you?"

Xià Hòng Wēi's strong tone warned: "Don't let him get
"Reast assured, as long as Dong Xi does not participate in
activities, Ya Ming will not participate in it ." Wang Zhong Ding

Xià Hòng Wēi screwing eyebrows, "Dong Xi?"

Wang Zhong Ding bowed, as if he did not understand why the

name would come out of his mouth.

"Hàn Dōng." Hastened to correct.

Xià Hòng Wēi raised his eyes and looked at Wang Zhong Ding
and said in a faint voice "Your voice is so sweet enough ~"

"The company's people also called him that, I was furstered."

Wang Zhong Ding said in a salty tone.

The company's people uttered voices in the distant sky

collectively: Wang Zhong Ding, we all call him Hàn the Great ....
Xià Hòng Wēi added: "How do you guarantee that Hàn Dōng
will not overexpose him?"

"He has excessive consumption when he is unstable ..... He

will result being the 'big dish' being full before it reaches the

Each hot movie will have a red or two role.

Ma Bin has limited topics on the subject of age limitation. Yu

Ming has enough topics but his personal characteristics are not
clear enough.

Hàn Dōng alone, has been a hot character since the release of
the film. The reason why Wang Zhong Ding only let him receive
very few notices is that the endorsement should be more
cautious. This caused his fans to be like private detectives,
digging around every day. Even if they dig into a bit of dynamic,
they will be chewed repeatedly until they reach the top, until he
can't be touched any more.

Chatting and talking, Wang Zhong Ding's cell phone rang.

"Wang Zhong Ding, Hàn Dōng is out drinking wine with

It was Wang Zhong Ding's bodyguard and driver Liang Hu

who had recently arranged following around Hàn Dōng.

Comrade Xiao Liang stood out from the thousands of elites by

virtue of his love of playing a small detective, and was favored
and appreciated by Wang Zhong Ding. When Wang Zhong Ding
was unable to drive him himself, he was accompanied by Xiao
Liang's guarding around Hàn Dōng.

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face. "You didn't stop him?"

"I went to stop him. He let a room full of people stop me."

Wang Zhong Ding, "... where are you?"

"Imperial City Barbecue ."

"Yes, I know it."

Hanging up the phone, Wang Zhong Ding and Xià Hòng Wēi
said goodbye and they left in a hurry.

Under normal circumstances, Wang Zhong Ding will not limit

Hàn Dōng's freedom, but Hàn Dōng drinking is another matter.
Hàn Dōng's wine consumption is too bad, while his sleeves are
pulled down and his legs are heavy.

Sure enough, when Wang Zhong Ding arrived, Hàn Dōng was
bare chested and other people stroked his fists.

"The moon of the fifteenth is sixteen and sixteen. Let's guess

the slutty, who is lewd (stone-scissor cloth)..."

He was very happy, suddenly there was a hand on Hàn Dōng's


"Don't mess up," Hàn Dōng pulled his hand back.

Others in the box also were drunk high, even if they did not
drunk high they may not know Wang Zhong Ding. Because
these are the former friends of Hàn Dōng, and their circles does
not touch.

There was no connection for many years, and as soon as Hàn

Dōng star shot up, they rushed to fight again.

For other artists they prefer to hide .... Hàn Dōng prefers to
swagger. He can't wait to call them one by one and tell people
where they live and make those people hurry to come back to
the back door.

Hàn Dōng continued to cry, "Who is lustful? I'm lustful...


His shoulders were almost screwed, and Hàn Dōng turned to

see Wang Zhong Ding.

After sluggish for a moment, he grabbed Wang Zhong Ding's

neck again and said to the group of buddies, "This is what I
always said to you. You have something to find him. Don't look
at Wang's hard look. Don't you..."

If no words have been spoken, Wang Zhong Ding dragged him


There is nothing to say about the drunken person. The only

lesson is to continue to punch him after returning.

"Who is lustful? I am lustful--who is lustful, I am sensuality--"

Wang Zhong Ding, "You lost, take it off."

Hàn Dōng just took off his vest and was brutally "sucked" in
his lips ... Immediately, Hàn Dōng shouted with a sharp voice,
and then he rolled up.

"Aren't we still in public?"

Wang Zhong Ding asked him: "Does it hurt?"

Hàn Dōng attached himself to Wang Zhong Ding's ear and

said: "In fact, it feel so good."

Wang Zhong Ding slammed his body to press Hàn Dōng under
his body and the wine taste went to his nose.

"What about the tongue? Why ..... don't you play with it?

"I can't play with it. I'm drunk."

"Do it, don't be lazy."


Later, Hàn Dōng pressed Wang Zhong Ding under his body
and called out, "Wang Wang."
"Don't call me that." Wang Zhong Ding had a black face.

Hàn Dōng said with certainty: "Why can't l call you this?"


"Then you also called me Dongdong. Were we not equal?"

"Did not called you."

"What's wrong with me calling you that?"

"Its nauseating."

Hàn Dōng twisted himself on Wang Zhong Ding with a

mischievous twist and asked, "How much hemp? Is it numb
Wang Zhong Ding finally could not help but yelled: "You're
OK, how old are you?"

Hàn Dōng smiled, looking in a certain direction with drunken

eyes and said: "I want to play."

"Play? With whom?" Wang Zhong Ding understands the gist

of it all

Hàn Dōng said, "Playing alone."

"Why alone?"

"Because you don't want to play with me."

Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng's slightly tired face and
suddenly remembered that he looked like he hadn't relaxed and
entertained for a long time. For Hàn Dōng's playful person,
long-term high-intensity work is really hard for him. Perhaps
from time to time, he was looking for his relaxation to drink
mountains, just to vent it.
Wang Zhong Ding patted Hàn Dōng's head. "I will wait for you
to finish this time..."

Take care of yourself.

On the second day, last week's box office statistics were sent to
Wang Zhong Ding's computer.

"760 million." A considerable number.

To be honest, Wang Zhong Ding never thought that it would

be so high.

Feng Jun said: "The summer vacation and in more than one
week it will be over, and the box office will slowly decline, but it
should be no problem to make 800 million. In this case, the total
sum of the two box office accounts is 200 million higher than
our estimate of 1 billion. This summer, our company's harvest is
not small!"

Wang Zhong Ding nodded his head and the joy was over all
over it.

"Hàn Dōng is a great hero." Feng Jun stressed.

Wang Zhong Ding thought so, but refused to admit it, as if it

was to praise someone who like narcissism.

Feng Jun reminded: "Tomorrow weekend, a celebration party

will be held! This film has been released from the shooting to
the release, the company has not had anything to say about it"

Wang Zhong Ding thinks right and says. "You can arrange it."

On the second day, the celebration ceremony of "Theft of

Shadow" was held in the banquet hall on the top floor of the
company building.

Compared to the previous low profile of the crew, this time it

was a big fanfare. Senior executives all arrived at the scene,
hundreds of media came to help out, and many artists came to
join in.
Hàn Dōng's appearance caused riots when he came on the
scene ... It was such a rare occasion for him to appear that the
media's enthusiasm was quite high. Almost from the moment
he started on the red carpet, the flash lights did not stop.

After walking through the red carpet, Hàn Dōng signed the
promotion board under the guidance of the host.

At this time he turned his back to the crowd and wore the
clothes that Wang Zhong Ding personally matched for him.
Especially the thin trousers, the two bums were wrapped very
round and strong.

Wang Zhong Ding's two eyes are still more persistent than the
cameras and have been firmly sucked on those bums.

When Hàn Dōng turned around, Wang Zhong Ding's face

returned to normal, as if he were watching other actors.

The host also asked Hàn Dōng's question about Li Shang.

"If you have the opportunity, who do you want to work with?"

Hàn Dōng also asked the same question as Li Shang.

"Do I have to tell the truth?"

"Of course," said the host.

The people under looked forward, especially one.

Hàn Dōng first saw Wang Zhong Ding and cleared his throat.

Wang Zhong Ding has already made preparations for his last

"Director Cain! The collaboration with Director Cain is the

biggest dream of my life."
The temperature on Wang Zhong Ding's face turned down

Then the host said: "The company has prepared a big gift for
you today. Please close your eyes. We all count down together,
five, four, three, two, one..."

Hey, in the applause and cheers, Cain really appeared on the


Hàn Dōng was dumbfounded at the time and exclaimed at the

stage without imagination. "Oh-My-God! am I dreaming?"

Cain hugged him directly. "You're not dreaming. I admire

you, young man."

The temperature of Wang Zhong Ding's face was completely

gone, and he turned to question Feng Jun: "Who designed this
part to appear?"

"I designed it so that it can help the film, but it can also warm
up the viewers to the next film. Fortunately, I asked Hàn Dōng
this question in advance, otherwise I would not think of this

Chapter 137 The gift from me had not
been sent yet!
The tone replied harshly: "It has nothing to do with me."

"I didn't know you couldn't pull the face and admit it." Hàn
Dōng smirked.

"I said it wasn't me."

Unexpectedly, Hàn Dōng hugged Wang Zhong Ding and said:

"I didn't think I would mention it to you. You helped me to
achieve this wish."

Wang Zhong Ding was irritated, but it was difficult to resist

Hàn Dōng's hugs in all kinds of tiredness.

"Hey! I'm going to take a good training class. I'm good at

practicing the spoken language. I must take this character
down! I will never let you down." Hàn Dōng patted Wang Zhong
Ding's thigh.
Does not live up to my heart? When Zhong Ding gritted his
teeth, how could you be able to live up to the loss of Cain?

"Oh, I can't believe you said that .... Did I go too deep into the
drama and you haven't come out of the movie dream?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Yes, actually I am dead."

"How did you die?" Hàn Dōng asked.

"I was killed at the celebration party!"


When he returned home, Hàn Dōng was still grinding,

grinding from the living room to the kitchen and grinding from
the coffee table to the dining table.

Finally, Wang Zhong Ding could not stand it.

"Isn't it over yet? Do you think he really wanted to see you?
It's just polite. You're too serious."

Hàn Dōng disagreed. "He was serious."

"That's what someone have bothered you with, and you want
to hurry to get out! You aren't a citron. Why does someone want
to see you?"

"Am I bad?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak yet, and Xixi spoke on the
side. “You are made of cornmeal. He is made of meat.”

Hàn Dōng's laughed and the serious tone was gone from the

After eating the meal, Hàn Dōng sat on the sofa watching TV
and Xixi was sitting next him playing with a small robot. Hàn
Dōng gave him a few glances. Suddenly he remembered one
thing. "Why don't you ask your father to stay here with me?"
Xixi said: "I will not be sympathizing with you."

Hàn Dōng does not understand, "What do you mean?"

"I often hear you crying in my father's room. If you don't do

bad things, Daddy won't punish you. So don't expect me to
advise Dad to let you go easily."

1]...... aah little Xixi you're too innocent .....

Hàn Dōng shouted that he thought that for a long time.

As a result, Hàn Dōng repeatedly abused Xixi small robots in

his later time, and he was tempted to pull it apart for hatred.
Finally, Xixi was holding a small robot and went to Wang Zhong
Ding's case.

"Daddy, don't let him go. Punish him well for me!"

Wang Zhong Ding took two strokes on Xixi small bum and
said. "No problem, baby."

Hàn Dōng ears training, when Xixi just left, he said to Wang
Zhong Ding: "I just heard you call him baby."

"so what?"

Hàn Dōng was shy. "When you can't help it, you can call me
that way too."

As you are so unlucky, I still have to call you baby? You're

lucky I didn't call you a bastard .....and it would be a good thing!

Hàn Dōng is in a good mood today and added another sport

before going to sleep - swimming.

Standing in the window on the second floor, Wang Zhong

Ding saw Hàn Dōng stretch his exquisite limbs in the pool. The
curve of the hips and legs can be considered as the “esthetic
heritage” of mankind. With a heartbeat, he shot it with a
Then he also went outside.

Hàn Dōng dumped the water on his face and excitedly waved
at Wang Zhong Ding. "You come swim with me."

Wang Zhong Ding ignore him.

Hàn Dōng had to continue to swim on his own.

Wang Zhong Ding's appreciation of Han while enjoying wine

is originally a bliss, if there was no subsequent landscape in
front of him.

"There is a scene of underwater fight in a Cain movie, it is

super stunning."

“I like the time and space illusions he created with unique

artistic ideas and rich scene skills.”
"He is handsome and talented."


At first, in order to not destroy the atmosphere, Wang Zhong

Ding can tolerate this idolisation. Later, when he heard the
phrase "really handsome and talented," Wang Zhong Ding could
not tolerate it any longer.

Hàn Dōng was swimming, and suddenly he felt that an

unknown creature had stabbed his chrysanthemum, and he
came to the surface to ask for help.

As a result, there was no one on the shore, and "unknown

creatures" came from underwater and grabbed Hàn Dōng's

"Who is handsome and talented?" Wang asked his face.

Hàn Dōng was surprised by the situation and changed his

mouth quickly. "You are handsome, you are handsome, you are

Wang Zhong Ding pressed Hàn Dōng into the water and
pressed his hands into the majestic zone where the “water
mixed with grass” making it suspended. Wang forced Hàn Dōng
to recognize the true "male god" and to realize his mistakes

In order to avoid drowning Hàn Dōng can only wrap tightly

around Wang's lips, and his tongue is dexterously flipped inside.

Wang Zhong Ding's hard face shows an intoxicated expression

and whispered rough: "Little Whore Tongue..."

Hàn Dōng was smitten and uncomfortable with a "handsome

and talented person." He began to squint with his eyes and then
he just closed his eyes.

After a romantic and exciting underwater passion, Wang

Zhong Ding broke Hàn Dōng into the bedroom.
When Hàn Dōng put things back, Wang Zhong Ding
inadvertently discovered that Hàn Dōng had an unread email on
his mobile phone. The sender was Cain. Wang Zhong Ding
looked down and Cain sent his own handsome photo with his
personal signature.

Others may not see anything, but Wang Zhong Ding noticed it
at a glance. The size of this handsome photo match Hàn Dōng's
mobile phone screen.

Wang Zhong Ding's face sank and he did not even say anthing.
He deleted the email.

The next morning, Hàn Dōng opened his cell phone. The first
thing that caught the eye was Wang Zhong Ding's handsome

Eh? Who replaced my mobile wallpaper?

Is it my sleepwalking fault?
Hàn Dōng did not think to suspect Wang Zhong Ding, because
Wang Zhong Ding didn't play with this kind of thing at all. His
mobile desktop has always been as it is predeterminated.

And this picture originally existed in Hàn Dōng's mobile

phone, and Hàn Dōng had thought about using it as a desktop
before, but the size was different and it was somewhat distorted,
so it was useless to use it.

He didn't expect this picture to change again, the size

suddenly became appropriate, and the picture was even better
than before. Hàn Dōng felt that the entire mobile phone was

So Hàn Dōng asked Wang Ding: "Can I use your photos as


Wang Zhong Ding did not speak.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly raised the phone in front of Wang Zhong

Ding. "You see, you look handsome. You have more sexiness
here.... It's a pity to take if off."
Wang Zhong Ding seemed to be moved.

Chapter 138 What happened ?
The next day, the news that Director Cain wanted to
cooperate with Zhong Ding Film and Television Company made
headlines. As for why Cain appeared in the "Theft of Shadows"
celebration party, what is the deep meaning behind this move
..... It has triggered speculation among the media.

That is, before Hàn Dōng said that he wanted to cooperate

with Director Cain, and the host said that a series of scenes of
Hàn Dōng and Cain were deleted, only to retain the last shot of
Cain announced cooperation.

Even so, everything that happened at the celebration party

was passed to Li Shang's ear.

During this period of time, he was pushed out of many

circulars, the rate of appearance was significantly reduced, and
the entire person was in a state of blanking.

Until this news appears.

Before that, he had always been curious as to why the director
was " the general director" who ran infrequently with Liang
Jing. He has now discovered that Liang Jing's sources are not
reliable at all. In other words, his power has not penetrated into
management at all.

It seems that he would be playing a less and less important

role in his future development and he has almost no practical

However, there are only two years before the contract is full,
and Li Shang's casting roles are in the hands of Liang Jing. With
Liang Jing's current power, it may be a bit difficult to lift
himself up, but it is still a matter of minutes till he can leave the

Therefore, Li Shang can only endure.

Liang Jing also said to him: "The only thing you can count on
is the suppression of Hàn Dōng by senior leaders."

Li Shang did not understand, "Why would they suppress Hàn


"Because Hàn Dōng's scene scared The Director of The Film

Bureau, it was just this sin, and the high level was enough to
wanting to block him."

"Why is that leader blaming it on Hàn Dōng?"

"He wouldn't even say it face to face if he blamed Hàn Dōng

for his crimes. He is afraid that he would have to share such
unclear things. It's hard to prevent a conflict from being
hidden. This kind of person has no extraordinary ability. The
company's top officials don't dare take risks..... Pull hatred."

Li Shang did not say anything.

"Do you see the news that you just made that you don't see a
high-level attitude? Cain clearly has an interaction with Hàn
Dōng. If the truth is revealed, it will certainly cause a stir. But in
the end all his scenes were deleted. What does it mean?"
"Also, the movies are already so hot for him. Have you ever
seen the company tour him around the city? If this movie was
ours, now you would've already passed through half of China!"

The same question was given to Yi Wei. The opposite answer

was obtained.

"Wang Zhong Ding is in the next big game."

Li Shang was silent.

Yi Wei also said: "But what Liang Jing said that it is true that
the scene incident has caused a certain degree of negative
impact. The differences in attitudes of high-level officials
toward Hàn Dōng are quite big."

Li Shang suddenly focused his gaze on Yi Wei, and the hints in

it were obviously obvious.

Yi Wei said: "You don't have to be mad at me. I can help you
but I will not harm Hàn Dōng for no reason. Fang Yi's business
is that she has caused me to come first. Hàn Dōng and I don't
have anything to do with it. She was frenzied to bite anyone."

Li Shang said: "Is there really nothing to be worried about?"

Yi Wei paused and turned and looked at Li Shang and said, "I
would like to advise you that you cannot be a too super hungry

After that, Yi Wei left with a bag.

Li Shang didn't know how long he had been staring, and

finally put the computer up. There was a scene in which Hàn
Dōng was cut in pieced down. He had never dared to look at it.
He was not afraid of the horror but he was afraid that a huge
gap would hit him.

Now I finally saw my courage.

After watching it, Li Shang stayed staring at the computer for

a long time and felt that his entire life was one dark void.

In September, "Theft of Shadows" took box office with a

perfect score of 800 million. At the same time, it sold copyrights
issued to 21 countries, and the copyright revenue alone was
already more than nth times the cost. At the same time, it
received 3 nominations from foreign film festivals and 12
nominations from domestic film festivals, and the crew was
ready to get a soft hand.

In contrast, although "Tear" has 400 million box office, its

overseas copyright has only sold in 4 countries, and the price is
lower than "Theft of Shadows" by more than several times.
There are no award nominations from foreign film festivals,
and there are only two nominations for domestic film festival

Therefore, in this half-year contest, "Theft of Shadows" won.

In September, members of the two crew members

successively debuted at the Venice Film Festival and held
various promotional activities for the film.
Hàn Dōng was going abroad for the first time, and had all
kinds of fresh and varied restlessness. Wang Zhong Ding
couldn't get out of the company because of the company's
business. He could only send his henchmen and Er Lei to guard
Hàn Dōng.

Even so, Wang Zhong Ding did not rest assured was at
ease enough that he took the plane and arrived here by special

At this time, Hàn was catching up with the "Theft of Shadows"

press conference. Yi Wei happened to be near the exhibition
hall. Seeing Hàn Dōng's body was parked on the side of a car,
the window was half-opened and shaken. The man inside wore
sunglasses and couldn't be seen who it was from a distance.

After the press conference began, Hàn Dōng waved his hand
and the car drove away.

Then, Yi Wei sent a message to Wang Zhong Ding. "I know

you are near here....come to Penlume Cafe. I'll wait for you."
Ten minutes later, the two met as they were.

"I didn't think you would come," said Yi Wei.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Do not worry, I would always come
and see you."

Yi Wei stared at Wang Zhong Ding for a while, tentatively

asking, "You are... you came to Hàn Dōng?"

Wang Zhong Ding admits generously, "Yes."

As a result, Yi Wei knew the relationship between them to be


"You are serious about Hàn Dōng?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "As long as I am certain, I will be

serious about it and will have no relationship with anyone."
Yi Wei said with sad emotion: "It's hard to imagine that you
would like people in this circles. Didn't you say that the industry
is the dirtiest?"

Zhong Ding said: "He is not dirty."

Yi Wei suddenly smiled and said nothing.


At dinner, Hàn Dōng took Wang Zhong Ding to his favorite

restaurant. In the beginning, Wang Zhong Ding didn't know
why he liked it, and when he got into it, he understood why. In
the eyes are blond sisters wearing bikinis to entertain guests.

"Why did you always look at other people?" Hàn Dōng also
counted on Wang Zhong Ding. "I warn you put your mind in the
right place."

Wang Zhong Ding can't stand it.

Two people faced each other to eat, Hàn Dōng looked up at
Wang Zhong Ding every time, his eyes always involuntarily
looking sideways.

However, Wang Zhong Ding still kept staring at him, so Hàn

Dōng's meal became more and more guilty from eating here.

Finally, he couldn't help it. The thief's eyeballs glanced to the

side, and she really kicked it.

In the evening, on the hotel's large bed, Hàn Dōng cried into
the repeater mode again: "Wang, Wang, Wang, Wang..."

Wang Zhong Ding directly shielded his neck and ravaged only
the sensory system below. It took less than three days, and
when they met again, he couldn't wait to bring Hàn Dōng to

Afterwards, Hàn Dōng asked: "Do you want to go back with

"Won't go back with you, the company still have something to
do. I will go back tomorrow."

Hàn Dōng didn't say anything.

Wang Zhong Ding's heart is inexplicably soft, although the

tone is still so hard.

"Be obedient here. Don't bother the staff."

"Who causes trouble? Haven't I always been a good person?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak and he stared at him


Hàn Dōng asked again: "You'd really go tomorrow?"

Wang Zhong Ding hummed.

Hàn Dōng seemed to have made a great determination. "Then
you clean my ear it have been itching for days."

Wang Zhong Ding, "... about this matter.... Do you also let
others help you?"

"I cannot clean it myself." Hàn Dōng directly put a cotton

swab into Wang Ding hands.

Wang Zhong Ding reluctantly raised an arm and let Hàn Dōng
lay on his side, cleaning him up to remove rubbish from his

"Don't move, don't tamper with it?"


Wang Zhong Ding did not know how much effort he took to
clean Hàn Dōng well. To tell the truth, this was the first time he
had done this kind of work for others. Not even Xixi had such
Later, Wang Zhong Ding went to wash his hands, and Hàn
Dōng tinkered with his mobile phone. Suddenly he found an
email sent by Cain. The general idea was that he needed a
photograph of Hàn Dōng to create a file.

Hàn Dōng excitedly and hurriedly sat up and opened the

notebook that Wang Zhong Ding had with him.

"Photo, photo..."

Hàn Dōng found out that a folder was named with his own
name. After entering, it was a picture. It should be these...

Because Wang Zhong Ding did not allow Hàn Dōng to

outsource the photo, and these pictures were displayed in a list
form, so he immediately chose a "4" to send out without

When Wang Zhong Ding came out of the bathroom, Hàn Dōng
just sent the email and deleted it.
It's done!
Chapter 139 Must be found Out.
As a result, Hàn Dōng received a reply in less than five


"It shocked me too much"... Hàn Dōng laboriously translated

it out, and he was curious. What kind of surprise made him so
shocked? Seeing that Wang Zhong Ding is still packing things,
Hàn Dōng secretly opened his eyes and glanced.

As a result, it was stupid.

What he sent to Cain was his naked sideview!

The gorgeous little chrysanthemum and looming meatballs

are simply robbed!!

Hàn Dōng has a kind of self-slapping impulse.

The question is, where did this photo come from?

With all sorts of questions, Hàn Dōng opened another photo,

but it doesn't matter if it looks like this. There are hundreds of
photos in this style. According to sleeping posture, swimming
photograph, selfie photo, high-capture, women's temptation...
The most important thing is that Hàn Dōng didn't know when
Wang Zhong Ding was snapping these photos.

After seeing the photos over there, where is the photo sent to

Hàn Dōng was thinking, suddenly found two more eyes next
to him.

Wang Zhong Ding was here watching the naked figure on the
screen with Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng blasted his head!

However, he also found a grudge from Wang Zhong Ding's


Two people with guilty conscience were facing each other and
Hàn Dōng preemptively attacked Wang Zhong Ding.

"Why did you photograph me?"

Wang Zhong Ding, for the first time in his life he acted
shameless , "Who secretly photographed you?"

If it was in peacetime, Hàn Dōng will certainly seize the

opportunity to take advantage of a comrade!

But he is very understanding today, not only he is not

aggressive, but also Hàn Dōng was pretending to be having a shy
expression: "The next time if you want to shoot, tell me to pose
directly ~ I will do it for you ~"

"When you say this kind of words later, can you not use bad
Hàn Dōng knew why: "Why?"

"What are you saying?" Wang Zhong Ding's hand gripped Hàn
Dōng's chin. "Because looking at your virtue, you want me to
beg you for it!"

Instead of being humiliated, Hàn Dōng was thrilled and he

pulled Wang Zhong Ding tie under his breath and said, “I'd like
to listen to you when you say swear words with that naughty

Thinking of tomorrow's various company activities, Wang

Zhong Ding had to look sideways and push Hàn Dōng back to

"Don't make a fuss, sleep."

Hàn Dōng just fooled around the things that were sent in the

Before going to sleep, Hàn Dōng suddenly asked Wang Zhong

Ding, “Have you ever slept with a man?”

"No," Wang Zhong Ding answered altogether.

Hàn Dōng was curious. "Do you know how to sleep with one

"Nonsense, you can do anything with an imagination"

"Can you accept that kind of thing?"

To be honest, as long as it is a normal man... that man will be

rejected, Wang Zhong Ding will certainly have psychological
barriers. However, judging from the current development
momentum, his obstacles will soon be wiped out by Hàn
powerful temptations.

"Don't say these useless things, let's go to sleep." Wang Zhong

Ding patted Hàn Dōng's shoulder.
Hàn Dōng, in turn, patted him with a thoughtful expression.
"I know you can't accept it for a while. It's okay. I won't force
you. I have enough patience."

The more wronged Wang Zhong Ding thought, "What do you


"Nothing interesting, lets sleep, sleep."

Having said this, Hàn Dōng also went to the bathroom with a
forbearing face. The special man smoked a cigarette and calmed
down his desire before returning to the bed.


The incident was not alone. On the second day, Hàn Dōng
actually met Cain in the studio.

At that time, that babbling man, all he wanted was to dig a

hole to bury himself.
Cain looked rather open and volunteered to greet Hàn Dōng.

"How are you? Are you still getting used to this?"

Hàn Dōng had the expression of a strange mood, "Fortunately,


Cain's eyes moved downwards and he looked unscrupulously

in at the "mysterious zone" on Hàn Dōng's crotch. With a bad
man tone he asked: "Was the picture sent last night because you
were trying to hint at me?"

Hàn Dōng busy explained: "No, no, I made a mistake."

"Is it wrong? Is it so clever?" Cain smiled wickedly.

Hàn Dōng was misled for the first time by other people.

Cain is curious, "Who took the photo?"

Hàn Dōng immediately joined the road: "A friend of mine...he
is full of mischief, mischievous."

Cain remused again: "Say-thank-you-to-him-for-me."

Hàn Dōng squeezed a ugly smile even more than crying, "No-

Later, the two men exchanged effortlessly talks for a while.

Hàn Dōng belonged to the kind that was not particularly afraid
of disrespecting people. The worse his spoken language was, the
poorer he was, and finally the Cain's iron powder was forced to
cool off.

"Don't tell Wang Zhong Ding about the photos."

Cain is puzzled. "What does this matter have to do with


Hàn Dōng didn't know what to say. Shèn Hua was not around
and had to ask Xiao Liang: "How is your English?"
"It's OK."

"Then you helped me tell him that Wang does not allow artists
to send private photos."

Truly he beamed the sentence to Cain and truthfully re-told it

to Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding broke the chapter out of justice and not
only did not get angry but also smiled.

Why is it so embarrassing?

Even when he is not here, I can manage myself...

However, he still ordered Xiao Liang: "Don't let Hàn Dōng get
along with anyone, especially Cain."

"I know, I will report to you any situation."


Three days later, the Venice Film Festival celebrated its

closing ceremony.

The two domestic works were shortlisted. One was the

director's masterpiece of this year, and the other was "Theft of

The former is the sincerity of Director Ho's long absence and

is one of the biggest favorites in the Best Lion Golden Lion
Award. Although “Theft of Shadow” was short-listed, but
because the award itself does not attract people's attention, the
creative staff is stress-free. The selection is an unexpected
surprise and there is no regrets in choosing.

When he read the best director award, Hàn Dōng lifted his

Cain stepped on the podium in cheers and spoke in full of

winning speeches, bringing in cheers.
Hàn Dōng has a bit of suspicion that the photo was
deliberately made by him.

As he was thinking, there was a burst of cheers from the

sudden absence of warning.

"Winning, winning." Shen Hua yelled.

Hàn Dōng was completely out of the situation, and he kept

asking, "Who won? Who won?"

"We won the award!"

World-class prizes are simply a joke for someone who has just
left being an Extra.

"We won?"

Shen nodded at the beginning, "The Best Original Screenplay


Hàn Dōng turned his gaze to the podium, and discovered that
the chief editor of the company's literature department had
already received the award.

The honor that originally belonged to Hàn Dōng was now

occupied by a group of people who contributed zero to the

Hàn Dōng did not have the slightest feeling of grievances.

Instead, he was so excited that he could tell Wang Zhong Ding
the best news with his fingers.

Wang Zhong Ding who was perplexed in panic, suddenly feels

that he is very sorry for Hàn Dōng.

Suddenly there was a kind of desire to pour all his impulses' to

him all right.

"Theft of Shadows" is full of rewards, and soon it will usher in
various awards for the domestic film festival.

In this festival, "Theft of Shadows" was nominated for the

Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Director, Best Makeup,
Best Photography, etc... They got 12 awards .

The situation was very good, and as a result the crew came
back from Venice the next day.

Hàn Dōng's deleted scene somehow was exposed to the

Internet, clicked over a dozen or so million times overnight.
The most terrible thing is that Hàn Dōng's Weibo has been
hacked, and he even praised this news.

A stone can provoke a thousand waves!

Although the company formed a crisis public relations team as

soon as possible to help the relevant departments to block the
news, it still caused irreversible adverse effects. In particular,
for Hàn Dōng personally, his "like-like" behavior undoubtedly
implies dissatisfaction with the auditing system. Coupled with
the echoes of many netizens, Director Zhang scary disease, was
pushed directly to the front.

"It looked good, how could he get sick from it?"

"If you don't have some taste, but at least do you really have to
send fault ."

"Who is hospitalized, is he the two long legged spirit?"


Comments like this one are emerging on the Internet.

Director Zhang has never blamed him. As a result, it was so out
of control that he did not calm down. The relationship between
the Film Bureau and Zhong Ding Company became tense. The
approval of the new film was delayed and the company's stock
began to plummet.

High-level leaders are in serious trouble, and the general

meeting of shareholders has done the same.
"I suspect this is a self-promotion by certain artists who do not
care about the interests of the company!"

"He doesn't know the rules and it's not a day or two."

"Anyway, we have to state our position, otherwise it will

certainly be endless."


After all the others had finished their work, Wang Zhong Ding
had his eyes narrowed and his cool eyes glanced at everyone's
face for a week.

"This person, I must find him out."

Chapter 140 Awards.
After the meeting, Wang Hai Zi stopped Wang Zhong Ding.

"I don't care whether the artist is the one who did it or
someone else leaked it.... In short, the situation isn't any

Wang Zhong Ding replied: "I have a sense of self justice."

Although Wang Hai Zi was slightly dissatisfied with Wang

Zhong Ding's attitude, he did not care about the fact that he was
under a lot of pressure recently.

During the sensitive period, all Hàn Dōng's commercial

activities were cancelled and he lived in a homestead.

"Hey, you're on fire," said Yu Ming.

Hàn Dōng's cut scenes were hot rods and became the most
persistent "bad information" of vitality. Almost immediately
after being taken, some people continued to upload and reprint,
and they "had no hesitation" to spread Hàn Dōng's large-scale

"I finally know that there was such a thing as a committing

suicide for the stars. I don't need to eat even if I eat rice every
day. I just need to read the private letters of various courtships."
Hàn Dōng said.

He is now lost in the official experience of the people's hearts,

although it was "bad" holding out, but seeing the number of his
fans have been greatly rising, his vanity is still greatly satisfied.

Yu Ming sighed: "It's just a pity for Wang Zhong Ding. He is

definitely under pressure now."

Hàn Dōng's face changed, and since the incident took place,
the two of them had almost zero exchanges. In order to
convince the public, Wang Zhong Ding must temporarily clear
off his relationship with Hàn Dōng. Therefore, he never came to
Hàn Dōng during this time, and he rarely contacted him on the
In addition to Wang Zhong Ding, the rest of the company also
avoided Hàn Dōng, fearing that this leaking matter was his own

Hàn Dōng is now like a human poison. As long as anyone is

affiliated with him, it means "rebellion".

Only Yu Ming didn't dislike him, because Yu Ming himself is

also a poison.

Two poisons sitting in town. Who else dares to come to this


"Yes, you then can't participate in tomorrow's awards

ceremony?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng took it for granted: "Why wouldn't I attend? I'm

one of the finalists?"

"You are not afraid that no one will sit with you?" Yu Ming
Hàn Dōng laughed. "What is it got to do with me? Nobody is
more comfortable coming to the stage to accept the award!"

"You know you will win?"

Hàn Dōng is full of confidence. "The best supporting actor is

definitely me! I will rush to perform this technique, have a
degree of relaxation, and feel comfortable if this award is not for

Talking, Hàn Dōng suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong with you?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng grinned. "I just thought of you. You are also in the

Yu Ming cry was filled with unbelief, "Forget it, this time it
will be given to you."
Originally, he did not expect to get it. Although compared to
previous movies, Yu Ming's acting has made a qualitative leap.
However, compared to Hàn Dōng, the gap between the two is
still very obvious.

Therefore, Yu Ming thinks that among the three people who

are short-listed, he and the other one are all shoring up the
numbers. The end result is not suspenseful...and Hàn Dōng will
end up with the award.

"That buddy is not polite." Hàn Dōng began to have doubts

about winning the prize.

The next day, two people went to the award ceremony


In these days, the domestic film festival was held in full swing,
from the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony for seven
consecutive days. Other members of the crew took advantage of
this opportunity to make their debut. Only Yu Ming and Hàn
Dōng showed up once.
"omg ..... he dared to show up? Is he really thinking he could
get a prize!" The actress sitting next to Li Shang said she talked
about Li Shang's favor. Li Shang's face was expressionless and
she could not see how good or bad his mood was.

The "Theft of Shadows" crew were all arranged to sit in one

place. When Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming walked over, an actor in
the same group quickly got up and off the seat. He said slyly to
Hàn Dōng: "I thought you weren't coming. "

"It's okay. I can sit somewhere else." Hàn Dōng pressed him to
sit back and sat in another seat away from the crew.

With the host's debut, the award's curtain opened.

The two television stations and numerous home network

platforms will be broadcast live simultaneously. Each winner
will attract much attention.

Hàn Dōng didn't have anxiety like other finalists. He just

watched the leader in the front row. Wang Zhong Ding's
position was empty.
The process is the same as other awarding ceremonies. The
awards are given first, followed by the major ones.

"Theft of Shadows" almost swept all the technical awards,

what the best photography award, the best makeup award, the
best scene award ... and so on.

After winning five awards, even the honored guests couldn't

help but ridicule: "Today's award ceremony is simply a
"grabbing" award ceremony for Theft Of Shadows."

After that, the host cast a hint of suggestion and read it out
loud: "The best director - Lu Zhen Yuan."

The area where the crew resided burst out again with warm
applause and cheers. After Director Lu and the crowd embraced,
he walked happily toward the podium.

Through this movie, director Lu successfully joined the ranks

of the best directors. In the future, the situation of looking for
an investor will no longer be a problem. There will be a steady
stream of people meeting him.
The next most important award is the best movie award.

"Theft of Shadows" and "Tear" were short-listed at the same

time, and there was a gap between the two crews. Although it
was a blockbuster movie, the cheers continued to be heard here,
but there was a cold and clear side.

"The best picture is -"

The guests of the awards intentionally paused until the

atmosphere of the scene reached the highest level of tension and
it was announced loudly.

"Theft of Shadows!"

As the cheers began again, a few of the founding members

cried. Although it was expected, it was not easy to feel each
other's emotions, and finally, it came to the day!

Liang Jing's face was worse and he could hardly see clear now.
If it wasn't the camera frequently sweeping here, Liang Jing
would like to throw the guy away.

The host once again embarked on the podium and this time
the best supporting actor was awarded.

The finalists were Hàn, Yu Ming, and the supporting actor of

another film and they all have different expressions. However,
the photographer only shows scenes of Yu Ming and the other
finalist. They didn't even sweep Hàn Dōng here.

"The best supporting actor is -"

Hàn Dōng's eyes were fixed on the lips of the readers.

"Yu Ming!"

Hàn Dōng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the name.

When Yu Ming walked past him, Hàn Dōng punched his

hands and slapped his ass. "Fuck! Let your kid take it away!"

Hàn Dōng really thought that it was Yu Ming who would win.
Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to show his face here. Yu Ming
didn't know that until this moment.

"A little speech from the winner," said the host.

Yu Ming gazed at Hàn Dōng under the stage and spoke two
words in a subtle way: "Thank you."

It wasn't thanks to Hàn Dōng for giving him this reputation

but thanked Hàn Dōng for accompanying him to receive the

1].... Yu Ming knows Hàn can predict who would win so he

must have known beforehand that Yu Ming will win.

Maybe everyone thought of Hàn Dōng, but Hàn Dōng thinks

that Yu Ming's prize is worthy of his name. Only he knows how
much time it takes for a natural facial mask to perform a role.
Only he knows that a person with various kinds of rights can
only be willing to be a supporting role.

Therefore, Hàn Dōng cried like a dude on an occasion where

he should not cry.

So that people around him comforted him: "It's all right. You
didn't get it this time. You'll work hard next time!"

Soon after Yu Ming came down, he would award the best


The finalist is Li Shang, Ma Bin, and the actor of another


In fact, everybody has a lesson in mind, including Liang Jing,

whose heart will run in secret before each award. But this time,
the jury totally rejected the attitude of being thousands of miles
away, so Liang Jing guessed it was Ma Bin.

Li Shang's face did not see the slightest expectation.

"Li Tian Bang!" The guests read clearly.

Everyone was stunned, especially Liang Jing.

The applause didn't ring until the moment Li Shang got up.
The lifeless crew members finally gave a long-lost cheer.
Finally, they managed to keep a prize, not too shameful!

"How could it be him?" Director Lu secretly frowned.

Ma Bin is a very large pedigree. He is, after all, a predecessor.

Although he does not have a strong reputation, he has won
many awards and will certainly not be concerned with a
younger generation.

Li Shang apparently did not expect it, otherwise, he would

certainly be prepared for a perfect acceptance speech. He would
not be as incoherent as he is now.

"I would like to thank a lot of people. The most grateful to

thank is Director Liang Jing. Without him, there would be no
honor for me. Thank you for your training me. I... I really..."

The host rushed to give Li Shang a hand. "It seems that Li

Tian Bang is so excited today. From the Best Newcomer Award,
the most promising actor award, to the best actor nowadays, we
saw his growth and saw China cinema future. Hope for the
future of the film, let us once again applaud him!"
Chapter 141 uprooted.
After the award ceremony, everyone went out of the banquet

Compared to other winners, Yu Ming's face had not the

slightest color of excitement.

Xià Hòng Wēi's car was still parked in a hidden corner.

However, this time Yu Ming did not get in the car directly.
Instead, he looked at Xià Hòng Wēi and said: "I want to go back
to the dormitory today."

Xià Hòng Wēi didn't discuss the tone. "Your award-winning

celebration feast has been arranged."

Hearing this, Yu Ming showed a reluctant expression.

"I don't want to celebrate. There is nothing to celebrate."

Xià Hòng Wēi didn't consider his opinions. He said, "I have
sent down the invitation letter. I have already gotten people
together since then. Do you want to skip it?"

Yu Ming doesn't believe that "the awards were just given. How
could you be so fast?"

"Awards were just given but it does not mean that the results
of the selection have just come out."

Yu Ming suddenly thought of something. The questioning

eyes punctured Xià Hòng Wēi's face. "Did you know the results
of the selection in advance or interfered with the results?"

"What is the difference?" Xià Hòng Wēi's tone is faint.

Yu Ming's heart suddenly became cold. Suddenly, even the

desire to speak with Xià Hòng Wēi was gone and he turned to

Xià Hòng Wēi grabbed him and pressed him hard on the door.
He said, "You'd better clear your mind. If this award wasn't
yours, it won't be his!"

"It has nothing to do with him, I'm just disgusted by you

whenever you open your mouth!" Yu Ming was furious.

Xià Hòng Wēi's eyes were once again gloomy, and the thick
scorpion climbed into the brow.

"What did you just say? Disgusting?"

Yu Ming finally released the emotions that he had depressed

for a long time. "Yes, disgusting, I'm sick of your omnipotent

Xià Hòng Wēi's face was red.

"Yu Ming, do you know what to call a scorpion and stand up to

a squadron? Since you've been disgusted with me, why are you
using my position all the time?"
Yu Ming asked: "Do I have choices?"

Xià Hòng Wēi suddenly smiled and smiled even more than the
phantoms in Theft of Shadows.

"Then I will give you this choice, as long as you can just say: I
will not use you, Yu Ming! I will let you free!"

Yu Ming has only been silent for a long time.

"I, Yu Ming, never wanted to use you."

Xià Hòng Wēi grew up as a child and lived with Golden Spoon.
It can be said that Yu Ming's sentence is the first knife in the
heart in his life. And he had to get a solid knot, and he doesn't
have the will to fight back.

"You remember what you said today."

Leaving these words off, Xià Hòng Wēi's car flew out of Yu
Ming's vision.

Hàn Dōng was quite eager to make a party of it. He followed

the crew to go to the nightclub to celebrate. He was mad for a
few hours, and when he got back to the dormitory, it was
already two in the morning. Feeling a bit hungry, he went to the
kitchen and cooked a big pot.

When he was eating he heard a cold and faint sound behind


"Why are you still cooking noodles so late?"

Hàn Dōng was so scared that he nearly spit out his face.

"Oh fuck.... Why are you in the dormitory?"

Yu Ming's tone is still subtle, "I have always been here."

"I obviously saw Xià Hòng Wēi's car. Didn't you go to celebrate
with him?"

Yu Ming did not answer. He directly turned his gaze to the

surface of the pan. "Can you give me some food?"

Hàn Dōng looked at the rest of the pot, and his expression was
a bit far-fetched.

"I'm afraid this is not enough for me to eat, or do you want me

to cook some more?"

"I'll take two, try it."

Hàn Dōng is still holding the pot along the edge. "So what...
How many problems are there between you two?"

"Forget it, I don't want to eat it." Yu Ming didn't get angry.
Hàn Dōng hurriedly pushed the pot away. "I'm playing with
you, eat."

Yu Ming came to the pot and took a sip, showing an

unexpected expression. "It tastes good."

"Well, there is one more left," Hàn Dōng said.

Yu Ming,...

It really isn't a joke.

Eating and eating, Hàn Dōng asked again: "Has Xià Hòng Wēi
created a grand celebration for you?"

"Putting it mildly" Yu Ming admitted.

Hàn Dōng had an instant interest. "How was it?"

"I didn't go."

Hàn Dōng's chopsticks paused and his face was puzzled. "Why
didn't you go?"

Yu Ming did not say the reason but told Hàn Dōng: "I broke up
with him. After that, I will not ask this person again."

"Why should you break up with him?" Hàn Dōng said, "I don't
feel I can train it. Anyway, if you don't like it anymore, isn't it
better to pursue one more away?"

"I like someone else." Yu Ming said suddenly.

Hàn Dōng's chopsticks completely stopped.

"Who do you like?"



Hàn Dōng replied the classic line, "I love you, but I already
have a 'Zhongzhong'."

Yu Ming said: "I am serious."

Hàn Dōng said: "I'm a person who spends time with many
lovers, but I can only love one at a time, or do you have to queue
up behind the last number?"

Unexpectedly, Yu Ming repeated it again.

"I am serious."

This time, Hàn Dōng froze and looked up at Yu Ming and

found that he didn't have the slightest trace of being joking.
Hàn Dōng tears almost fell.

Do not! I've been in debt to the Xià family. That wasn't paid
off yet. You can't make me owe a lot more!

"Ming Er, you listen to me, I have read the fortunes, and the
tricks do not have any emotional lead. You must be mistaken."

Yu Ming said firmly: "You are wrong."


Hàn Dōng adjusted his state and renewed his courage.

"Can you tell me where I am better than Xià Hòng Wēi?"

Yu Ming said: "You have much more than he does ....much

more than money, which is why you're stronger than him. Only
you can give me happiness, give me unexpected surprises. Only
with you, I can completely let go of myself."

Hàn Dōng hurriedly opened his solution. "You are wrong. You
can let yourself be just a friend. And the one you really like is
precisely the one that can't let you go. Take my word for it. I'm
the one most reserved in front of Wang Zhong Ding. Absolutely,
I never reveal my flaws. I always show him the perfect one."

"Then you went to the public toilet and took the paper with
you. Why did you call him but didn't call me?"

Hàn Dōng lived, "How do you know?"

"Because I was right next to you."

Hàn Dōng, "......."

"continue to speak... I'm listening." Yu Ming said.

Hàn Dōng looked guilty. "I think. Your feelings about me are
probably like Ye Chenglin's. Because we have always lacked
other real friends, we cherish it very much."

"I have friends," said Yu Ming.

Hàn Dōng, "......"

After a while, the room was finally filled with helpless


"Didn't you give advice to me saying that I should chase Wang

Zhong Ding some time ago? How did you suddenly have this

"I really didn't find myself liking you during that time."

"Then when did you start to discover your liking for me?"
"From when you didn't let me see you shoot that scene"

Hàn Dōng regretted that decision so much that his intestines

turned green. I knew I should have let you go and see it!!

There was nothing left. He had to push the pot to Yu Ming.

"Will I let you have a bite again? Would you let me go?"

Yu Ming said nothing and went straight to his room.

In the past few days, Zhong Ding's technical department

cooperated with cyber police to conduct investigations. After a
detailed investigation of more than 1,000 leads, the criminal
suspect was finally identified.

A tech company's staff did not have anything to do with Hàn

Dōng. It was clear that he had been paid for the job.

Wang Zhong Ding sent Er Lei and several other confidants to a

three-day interrogation of the staff and finally picked up the
people behind him.
With this result, Feng Jun is not surprised.

He was just curious. "What would you do?"

"I want him not never turn over for a lifetime!" said Wang
Zhong Ding.

Feng Jun tentatively asked: "Will we continue to investigate?"

"Check and uproot it!"

In the evening, when Wang Zhong Ding returned home, Xixi

asked him: "Isn't the uncle coming here?"

Wang Zhong Ding asked back: "Why do you think he should


"Because I listened to Auntie! She said he has caused trouble

for your company. You should take him home to stay and
punish him." Xixi looked forward with a superior look.

Wang Zhong Ding laughed dumbly. "Quickly."

Chapter 142 Treats equally.
The next day, Liang Jing was taken away by the police on
suspicion of infringing other people's reputation and spreading
bad information.

As soon as news broke out, the entire company was


Wang Zhong Ding directly convened an all staff conferences

to talk about Hàn Dōng.

"If on time later I hear someone saying that Hàn Dōng was the
one who leaked the scene for self-promotion, that person will
immediately be fired."

This is the first time that Wang Zhong Ding has spoken for
one person on public occasions, and in the eyes of everyone, this
person is still the last person Wang Zhong Ding doesn't like to
see or...

So Feng Jun added a sentence next to him.

"Through this matter, I hope that everyone understands that
Wang Zhong Ding is always on the look of anyone. Even if you
don't get the affirmation, when you are wronged, the company
will also uphold justice for you. Similarly, you have to know
how important is it, once you do something that harms the
company's interests, the company will not have mercy!"

After the meeting, Wang Zhong Ding gave Feng Jun a rather
profound look.

Feng Jun is not sure. "Was it wrong?"

"Yes." Wang Zhong Ding said in a light tone.

Feng Jun looked at Wang Zhong Ding's back and looked

puzzled. How could he feel that he couldn't understand him?

Er Lei kindly came to remind: "You should never want to say

that Hàn Dōng is not good in front of Wang."

Feng Jun not only didn't have a sense of sympathy but instead
questioned Er Lei: "What do I have to say that to Wang and what
does it have to do with you?"

Er Lei, naturally blocked Feng Jun impressively.

"The thing that you are in charge of, if you have to control it,
don't you know what to do?" Feng Jun warned again.

Er Lei explained, "I didn't want to control. I just...just..."

"What?" Feng Jun asked.

Er Lei was speechless again.

"Go ahead and do your own business. The company's people

are too impatient!"

After finishing, Feng Jun walked away with a calm face.

Er Lei looked at his back and sighed deeply: You quickly lost
you way back!

It was not long before Liang Jing was arrested. Li Shang was
called by Wang Zhong Ding to be askes questions.

Surprisingly, Li Shang did not hurry to clarify the

relationship between himself and Liang Jing, nor did he show
any guilty conscience in front of Wang Zhong Ding. Instead, he
was more indifferent than Wang Zhong Ding.

"Is this your doing?" Wang Zhong Ding asked directly.

Li Shang has a clear-hearted expression. "No."

"You tell me a reason to convince me."

Li Shang said without thinking: "Compared with letting Hàn

Dōng be criticized by everyone for this coming out, I was even
more afraid that the scene clip would flow out because I knew
that the company's problems were not a problem for Wang
Zhong Ding. You can shake people's hearts. Steady down, but if
Hàn Dōng's scene clip flowed out and the shock and excitement
that exited the audience lingered."

"You are smart," said Wang Zhong Ding.

Li Shang is still a calm tone: "Thank you for your praise."

"But you didn't say what you really think you said what you
thought I wanted to hear." Wang Zhong Ding said again.

Li Shang's face changed.

"You didn't participate because you knew I liked Hàn Dōng

and knew it all the time, even before I myself knew it." Wang
Zhong Ding said bluntly.

Li Shang finally got a little calm.

Wang Zhong Ding once again said: "But I hope that you won't
harm his heart based on this foundation. I hope you would even
show a little gratitude for him."

After that, Wang Zhong Ding dumped the photo he had stolen
from Hàn Dōng's rented apartment with Li Shang.

Li Shang looked down to see himself and Hàn Dōng in the

photo shot at the time of the day of Liang Jing casting corner.

1]....Remember before... Hàn gave his spot to Li Shang...

After a lapse of more than half a year, Li Shang has already

been quick to recognize himself, and Hàn Dōng is still Hàn

"People can't live too rationally," Wang Zhong Ding said.

Li Shang silently closed the photo.

Wang Zhong Ding also said: "If you are smart enough, you
should know why I came to you."

"I'm willing to do it" Li Shang said.

Two days later, Li Shang went to the detention center.

Liang Jing's sense of prestige was still in the body, the

treatment he received here is still good, he actively contacted
the lawyers these days, naturally, he understands the outside
movement clearly.

"I heard that you want to seek another man from him. Were
you brains kicked by donkeys? My sins are at most a dozen days
off. When I go out, I want to see how you would grow without

"You don't have a chance to get out," said Li Shang.

Liang Jing converged his eyes on Li Shang. "What did you

"I reported to you on the evidence that you had
misappropriated the funds. You will be sued immediately for
the crime of occupational misappropriation. For tens of millions
of dollars, you must wait for more than five years locked- in
prison. The entertainment circle changes rapidly, etc. When
you come out, nobody will know who you are"

Liang Jing's pupils were split, and the entire face was

"I did all this for you. How did you repay me?"

Li Shang smiled. "You probably don't know that the one I hate
most in my life is you."

Liang Jing froze his whole body. "You hate me? I promoted
you to this position. Do you hate me?"

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have mutilated my body."

"You wouldn't be able to afford it if it wasn't for me to

mutilate your body."

"You buried my second spring of life."

After everything was found out, Wang Zhong Ding personally

opened the door and apologized to Director Zhang. Finally, the
misunderstanding was resolved. The new film was successfully
reviewed and the company resumed normal operations.

However, there is still a problem that has not been resolved.

That is the casting role of the new film.

After this incident, although Hàn Dōng's crimes have been

removed, senior leaders still have a few words about Wang
Zhong Ding choice of the protagonist. Especially Wang Hai Zi,
his preconceptions about Hàn Dōng have not been eliminated.
In particular, after Wang Zhong Ding had said that, he complied
with the authoritative question involving him as chairman.

Moreover, although Hàn Dōng is innocent, in the eyes of

everyone, he is still unqualified as the protagonist.
Especially in this incident, Li Shang offered to provide
evidence to help everyone remove Liang Jing's giant tumor,
which should be considered a great achievement. Even though
he had lost Liang Jing's backing, many people are eyeing his
current development momentum and trying to win over him as
their cash cow, so Li Shang's position has risen instead of

As a result, in the new film talks, the top leaders also argued
over the issue of casting.

"We cannot be prejudiced against Li Tian Bang because Liang

Jing has committed a crime. His development momentum is
obvious to all."

"I agree with Shun's view that in less than a year, the Best
Newcomer Award, the Most Potential Actor Award, and the Best
Actor, would you like to ask the company employees which
actor is better suited to be the hero?"

"Yes, what did Hàn Dōng achieved? To date, only one movie
has been accepted, and a supporting award has not been won.
Do you want to reduce the standards by enforcing Li Tian's
agent issue?"

After the dispute was over, Wang Zhong Ding waved his hand
to indicate that everyone should be quiet.

"I really can't make a decision."

Feng Jun was surprised by Wang Zhong Ding's eyes.

Wang Zhong Ding then said again: "I have always treated
everyone equally, so this time, let them both put makeup on the
audition. By then, who is good or bad, you and the Directors will
judge together."
Chapter 143 On the battlefield.
After the meeting was adjourned, several leaders walked
outside while discussing.

"Is it still necessary? Li Tian Bang's qualities should be

dumped on Hàn Dōng."

"Wang always takes a form and blocks the mouth of individual


"I think Hàn Dōng's performance is very colorful, especially

the deleted shot."

"That's all special effects, and if anyone can achieve that kind
of effect, it's just a matter of time for Li Tian Bang's women's


Wang Zhong Ding acted as if he did not hear it, walked

directly from such a person and went to Hàn Dōng's dormitory.

Hàn Dōng didn't get up very late. In the past, he wore panties
that swayed from day to night. These two days he actually
showed some civilization, and after wearing neat and tidy, he
would walk out of the room.

Smelling a piece of rice, Hàn Dōng secretly dive to the kitchen

door, seeing Yu Ming is making sandwiches. Clean and fresh
little vests are worn, and the soft and smooth little hair is

Hàn Dōng sighed. A new son was born!

Yu Ming packed the fried bacon and eggs and turned to make
toasts. Hàn Dōng hurriedly retracted his head back and ran back
to his room like a thief.

After a while, Yu Ming also went to the bedroom.

Hàn Dōng came to the kitchen again and saw the sandwich in
the dish didn't move and it was exuding a seductive aroma.

Should he eat or not eat?

Will Yu Ming have unrealistic expectations when he eats

them? If I don't eat, then it would hurt his heart too much, the
most important thing is that Hàn Dōng is really hungry.

After hesitated for less than three seconds, then Hàn Dōng's
thieving paws stretched out.

Yu Ming walked back to the kitchen and saw the scene in

front of him. The moment was not calm.

"Why did you eat my sandwich?"

Hàn Dōng stuffed the last toast into his mouth and said,
"Weren't you making it for me?"
"Who said I made it for you?"

Hàn Dōng swallowed hard. "You... didn't you say you like me

Yu Ming said, "I only said it yesterday, and it didn't start

yesterday. I liked you long time ago. We have not been eating
each other sandwiches!"

Hàn Dōng "......"

Yu Ming didn't hesitate to spin him aside. "Go away, and don't
get in the way when you are full."

Hàn Dōng's miserable appearance shows sadness: Why is it

that every person who likes me expresses love with disgust?

Just thinking about it, another man who abandoned him also
Assumed, Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding had not been in
close contact for half a month. Suddenly, Hàn Dōng didn't know
what to say.


A dazzling cute greeting.

Wang Zhong Ding face has no expression. "What is wrong

with Yu Ming?"

Hàn Dōng's heart was tight and he said that he was


" know?"

"Nonsense." Wang Zhong Ding calmly said, "how can I not

know such a big thing?"
Hàn Dōng looked at Wang Zhong Ding's miserable look. He
could not help worrying about Yu Ming and rushed forward to
solve Yu Ming's case.

"Ming Er:... this person, his brain and other people brains are
a bit different, the problem is he always likes to think he knows
what he wants. In fact, it may not be his inner true thoughts,
but ..."

"I don't want to listen to you." Wang Zhong Ding interrupted

Hàn Dōng. "You call Yu Ming to me."

Hàn Dōng pushed Wang Zhong Ding to go outside. "I have

something to say to you in the car."

"This is a matter between me and Yu Ming. It doesn't matter

to you." Wang Zhong Ding pushed Hàn Dōng away again.

When Hàn Dōng heard this, he couldn't even let Wang Zhong
Ding open his mouth when he heard this had made Wang Zhong
Ding breathlessly angry, and he almost drove him to the place.
Asshole, can you stop for a while?

Finally, Yu Ming's voice rang around.

"Are you looking for me?"

Hàn Dōng was shocked and stunned, and a tense tone to Yu

Ming advised: "What are you doing out? Get back in there!"

Yu Ming directly ignored him and asked Wang Zhong Ding:

"Is there anything you want to say?"

Zhong Ding nodded. "I have something to say to you."

"Come in." Yu Ming invited Wang Zhong Ding into his room.

Hàn Dōng also wanted to go in. As a result, the door slammed

shut in front of him.
He also eavesdropped on the door nervously.

"Xià Hòng Wēi has already said things to me." Wang Zhong
Ding said.

Yu Ming has not spoken yet.

"As his friend, I think I still need to say a few words for him."

"You don't say anything, I don't want to listen to it"


Hàn Dōng was listening out of the door, and so it was this
thing that was said for a long time. He was scared that he

Well, it's a false alarm.

After Wang Zhong Ding came out, Hàn Dōng resumed the
appearance of a statue. His tongue licking at the corners of his
mouth, and his sly eyes swept towards Wang Ding's crotch.

If it was in peacetime, Wang Zhong Ding would have had

already dragged his neck to the car.

Today, however, he stood firm, and said to Hàn Dōng with

seriousness: "Tomorrow, you will have a positive battle with Li
Shang for the new movie so try to prepare for it."

After hearing this, Hàn Dōng's eyes finally recovered.

"What are you comparing?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "It is the investigation of the

comprehensive actor's capabilities related to the new role."

For Hàn Dōng the word "investigation" is a bit embarrassing,

to know that he never passed the exam. If only the examination
skills are considered, he would be afraid to insert some
professional knowledge assessment.

"Disclosure in advance." Hàn Dōng picked an eyebrow.

Wang Zhong Ding does not respect fairness and non-fairness,

of course, the premise is that he has 100% confidence in his wife.

"The question is not from me. Even if you ask me it's of no


Hàn Dōng did not give up. "If it isn't you? Is it an impossible

"Why .... are you afraid?"

Hàn Dōng immediately laughed loudly and put his elbows on

Wang Zhong Ding's shoulders. "I'm just teasing you, don't say
that I should go and prepare in advance, there is no problem
with improvisation."
"That's good."

Wang Zhong Ding just as he got in the car he was caught by

Hàn Dōng at his waistband.

"What?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng smiled. "It's hot at night."

"Do you really want to be warm, or want to get questions from

my mouth?" Wang Zhong Ding added in the phrase.

Hàn Dōng smiled contemptuously and disgustedly. "I can't

think too much about those questions."

"Then let go," Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng's face changed, and eventually, he gave up and

looked at the car in front of him.
In the car, Wang Zhong Ding's feelings could not be calmed
for a long time. You have to know that the moment Hàn Dōng
took his waistband, he wanted to pull Hàn Dōng in the car and
roar. However, in order to avoid suspicion and convince the
public, he must have to live the last night alone.

Er Lei was worried from a few days away and finally saw a
smile on Wang Ding's face.

"Wang, what are you smiling at?"

Wang Zhong Ding quietly smoked a cigarette, and when his

mouth opened, smoke slowly diffused from his mouth.

"I didn't smile."

In the evening, Wang Zhong Ding sat on the sofa and watched
TV while holding his son. Xixi suddenly turned his head and
waved a small hand towards Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding instantly remembered the dazzling cute
greeting he had received in the morning from Hàn Dōng.
Suddenly he was confused and couldn't help but kiss his son's

Xixi turned again and said, "Hi~"

Wang Zhong Ding unabashedly continues to kiss his son's


The father and son stopped after a while.

"Dad, my hair is a bit long."

Wang Zhong Ding's attitude suddenly changed. "If you don't

cut it, get a small one head knot "

Somewhat troubled Xixi asked, "will it be the sissy?"

"Why do you think Hàn Dōng is a sissy?" Wang Zhong Ding
deliberately asked.

Xixi carefully thought about it and said, "Sometimes he is like

a sissy, and sometimes not."

"When is he like the sissy?"

"When he was cleaned up by you, he was a mess."

Wang Zhong Ding inexplicably said, "He wasn't a sissy... He

was a wave."

"Daddy, did you misunderstand it? I said 'mother' as in the

female, and the 'wave' you said is next to the water."

1]... He is a wave means he is a stimulant

Wang Zhong Ding was stunned: Why would I say this to my

"Daddy, you help me comb it better?" Xixi suddenly asked.

Wang Zhong Ding took the comb, and his hand gently stroked
the small curls on Xixi head.

"Only one more should be shifted by 3mm, and the left by

2.6mm. Right, that's it. I don't want to listen to Uncle Han's
saying that I'm imitating him." Xixi murmured.

"Rest reassured, you two are completely different."

Hàn Dōng's ponytail is round and the hair ends are curled
inward. Contrary to Xixi, his hair curled outwards.

Xixi saw Wang Zhong Ding's picture taken with his cell phone
and couldn't help but stare at his mouth.

"Dad, Is this what you call a fountain?"

Wang Zhong Ding carefully said, "It's kind of like."

"So, I'm calling this wave!"

Wang Zhong Ding, "......"

Before going to bed, Wang Zhong Ding received a call from

Hàn Dōng.

"Are you sleeping?"

Wang Zhong Ding felt that the muscles underneath his body
were all loose at that moment and the resistance fell directly to
negative values.

"No sleep, what's wrong?"

Hàn Dōng smiled. "I'm practicing my spoken language. Do you

want to talk to me?"

"How is it?" asked Wang Zhong Ding.

"For you, I'll pick it up."

Wang Zhong Ding, "...are you making fun of me?"

"Where does your mind want to go? I just want to hear you
say I love you!"

Although Hàn Dōng was known to be scornful, when he heard

the phrase from his mouth, Wang Zhong Ding's heart shook and
managed to calm his tone. "Let's go to bed earlier, don't fuss it."

"Good night!" A special and handsome farewell.

At one o'clock in the morning, Wang Zhong Ding actually

received a sleepwalking call from Hàn Dōng.

"I didn't want to say I love you at all. I just wanted to get
questions from your mouth."
Wang Zhong Ding secretly gritted his teeth. "Hey, you're up to
a little bit mischief!"

On the second day, Hàn Dōng put on his robes and got into the

Li Shang arrived almost at the same time. Two people took a

picture outside the rehearsal hall.

"How is the preparation?" asked Li Shang.

Hàn Dōng was pretentious and modest. "I just came to give
you cannon fodder. Hahaha..."

"Don't say so, I'm the cannon fodder."

Hàn Dōng secret passage: As long as you understand it.

Two people walked in together.

The rehearsal hall was filled with people, and the middle stage
was surrounded. The top leaders of the company's film
department were all in attendance. More than a dozen studio
producers, producers, and directors were all watching the
challenge. The lineup was comparable to a talent show for the
final spot.

Hàn Dōng couldn't help but suck cool breath.

Although Li Shang has done a lot of preparations, he will

inevitably be nervous.

Wang Zhong Ding and Cain were seated in the middle. The
two people had a friendly exchange. As soon as Hàn Dōng
appeared, Cain immediately gave him an air kiss. Cain again
turned his head to Wang Zhong Ding and found that his face
suddenly changed.

After the officers arrived, Feng Jun read out the competition

Two people are going to get tested in three areas and the two
wins will eventually win the whole thing.

Hàn Dōng did not expect that there would be an assessment of

spoken English, and it was the first item.

The second item is the skill test. Because the protagonist is an

agent, he needs a variety of skills, such as cracking passwords
and stealing things out of the box.

The third item is to dress up as a woman.

Chapter 144 Shining Talents
Of these three items, there are two items in which Hàn Dōng
has them stable.

One of them is the third that's the one he has problems with
and if that one is the first item he must lose!

"I said that under the first game rule, two people
communicated with the examiner respectively, and the contents
are centered around this new film. On the one hand, it is to
examine your English speaking ability, and on the other hand,
to examine your understanding of the script.

Li Shang nodded, "I understand."

Hàn Dōng thought, Wang Zhong Ding seems to have given me

a script, where had I put it?

"Hàn Dōng?" Feng Jun calmly asked again.

Hàn Dōng finally recovered and hurriedly said: "Understand,

As a result, the first inspection began.

The first appearance was Li Shang.

The subject discussed by the examiner was agreed upon by

Cain and Wang Zhong Ding, and this was delivered just before
the game. Cain and Li Shang met for the first time and there is
no possibility of quitting. Even when Wang Zhong Ding and
Hàn Dōng defended, Li Shang was even better.

After the topic was introduced, the two parties talked very

Li Shang saw that he did a lot of homework in advance. He not

only responded fluently to every question asked by the
examiner but also made the point of view very clear. He did not
say anything in half, and the entire exchange process made the
examiner enjoy it.
Even Cain had his thumbs up for Li Shang.

Li Shang breathed a sigh of relief.

When Hàn Dōng came to play, the question he talked about

was changed again. However, there is no difference between
them, because he didn't understand most of what was talking

Of all the people present, it seems that Wang Zhong Ding is

the most determined. In fact, he is the most nervous.

The reason for his nervousness is not that he is afraid of Hàn

Dōng's failure to answer the questions ....... but that Hàn Dōng
is in a "too good" position.

Because the question is what he and Cain put together, he is

sure that he has not evaded the question, if Hàn Dōng overacts,
then... you know.

Hàn Dōng didn't fail Wang Zhong Ding's expectations.

Hàn Dōng mouth had barely stopped talking. The chief
examiner said one sentence to him and said that he spoke all
words that were incomprehensible. The most amazing thing is
that he did not understand the words of the chief examiner and
the chief examiner could not understand what Hàn Dōng said.
The two men could still communicate easily for more than ten

The people sitting under the table can't stand it. Hàn Dōng
and the examiner are like the rhythm of two different songs
with different style.

Shen spent several times trying to get to the door, but when
he saw a couple of handsome guys, she was still staying strong.

Only Wang Zhong Ding was enjoying it.

Sure enough, life is everywhere in the examination room!

In this game, Li Shang won with no suspense.

Some leaders began to whisper below.

"Is it still necessary to continue? I think the result is obvious.

Even if Hàn Dōng wins the next one, the third one he will lose to
Li Tian Bang."

"That is, I feel that comparing Hàn Dōng and Li Tian Bang
...... is an insult to Li Tian Bang."

"I think Hàn Dōng character is very poor. Is it a bit excessive

from Wang to do this?"


Feng Jun waved his hand to indicate that everyone has to be


"We will take the second test below - crack the Code."
There are two safes in front of Hàn Dōng and Li Shang.

In order to prevent cheating, passwords are set by technicians

on the spot. Two people, whoever cracks it first win, it will not
even win even if one can't break the password ..... there is a
timed lap constraining them

Li Shang is obviously at more ease than the previous one.

Because in his opinion, this one he will certainly lose.

Why do you say that?

Because the password was set by Wang Zhong Ding, since it

was set by him, it proved that this was to play to Hàn Dōng's

Losing this game is not a bad thing for Li Shang. Even if Hàn
Dōng does not win, he also has the meaning of letting go.
Because Li Shang hopes that he can enter the third game
quickly, he can show himself in front of the international
director. Cain was recruited by Wang Zhong Ding. His presence
is far greater than his role. If Cain was from China even Wang
Zhong Ding would not accept him.

Therefore, after Feng Jun's shouting began, Hàn Dōng's

nervous and earnest study focused on scrutiny.

Less than three minutes, Hàn Dōng cracked it.

However, no one applauded at the scene, and some were only


They didn't question Hàn Dōng's cheating. After all, Wang

Zhong Ding was in the town and technicians were all tuning the
password on the spot. This possibility if cheating is very small.
They questioned Hàn Dōng's use of tricks.

Someone who didn't have a long brain actually said it in

"Han the Great, have you cracked it or predicted it?"

Hàn Dōng wants to curse, you Motherfucker! If this can be

figured out, Lao Zi would have long been out of here!

The person who said it realizes that he has said something

wrong, and his head quickly dipped into his pants.

Others also gave him a sweat. In front of Wang Zhong Ding,

he said these superstitious words. Isn't he courting death?

The atmosphere at the scene was tense.

Li Shang immediately broke through and said, "I lost this


Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding interrupted.

"The just said makes sense."

Everyone snorted big!

Wang Zhong Ding, did you also fell under Great Fairy's spell?

"In order to eliminate suspicion of cheating, they will redo it

this time and do this while being blindfolded"

Er Lei secretly sweeps a glance at Wang Zhong Ding: Wang

Zhong Ding, do you want to make sure you are not showing off
your wife?

Once Wang Zhong Ding ordered that ..... no one dared to


As a result, the technician took the boxes back and reset them.

Li Shang did not worry about Hàn Dōng. Since Wang Zhong
Ding had so demanded, it proved that Hàn Dōng did have this
ability and he had seen the ability of Hàn Dōng's action while he
was sleepwalking.
Hàn Dōng wiped his sweat: I worked myself tired and did not
get paid for it!

Soon, the second round of investigation began.

After Li Shang was blindfolded, he was no different from him

and Hàn Dong, but he was able to try it out just now. Now the
position of the lock can be quite good.

Hàn Dōng, on the contrary, after his eyes were closed, the
sensitivity of thinking seemed stronger than when he was
seeing things. In addition, he has already figured out the
internal structure of the code lock and cracked it in less than
two minutes.

The "Jury team" issued a convincing exclamation, but they did

not expect the Great Fairy to have a double shot at cracking it.

When Feng Jun announced the result, another discordant

voice sounded.
"A lot of fortune tellers are blind. The more invisible they are,
the more sensitive they are to mystical thinking."

The person who spoke was a small staff member of the

Ministry of Technology and that was Li Shang's iron powder. As
for why he knew so much about the mysticism subject, he
would ask the two comrades standing next to him.

Er Lei's little abacus was clanking loud enough: now that you
want to show off your wife, I'll let you show him off thoroughly.
This statement has naturally been criticized by everyone.

"You really stand up and say no pain."

"What is the basis for cracking? If you have this skill, he will
meet the requirements of the character."

"Or why don't you provide a perfect solution!"

As a result, under the misguided attitude of Er Lei, this small

staff really put forward a scheme of "deficiency of virtues".
"We shouldn't let them guess the password. We should let
them set the password. Then it should be cracked by the
technical staff. Which password is set by the technician cannot
be solved by the technician, even if he wins. If it can be cracked,
then it will be counted as a win."

Everyone feels it is weird ...... Without professional training,

how can this technical job be completed?

Even Li Shang is "anxious" for Hàn Dōng, because in his

opinion, Hàn Dōng's eyesight and brain power are good but his
ability to make a puzzle is not necessarily strong.

So Li Shang stepped forward and took Feng Jun's microphone

and said: "I volunteered to give up this game. The handsome guy
you kindly received my acceptance, but I hope this is a fair

"No need to!"

Hàn Dōng directly interrupted Li Shang, and grabbed the

microphone in his hand. "I've got your good intentions, but I'm
going to win and I'm going to win a lot. So, I'm okay!"
Everyone thinks that Hàn Dōng is dying inside.

Give you a step and let it go.

That's just right, you quickly lose the challenge, we also want
to accompany you in this loss.

Feng Jun cast his inquiries to Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding hadn't spoken yet, and Cain fell aside.

"I very much wanted to see Mr. Hàn Dōng's skill, knowing
that cracking passwords is a common part of Hollywood
blockbusters. Every time you film this episode, technicians need
to teach the actors how to move about. If the actors themselves
understand this, It would be better."

Hearing Cain to say so, Hàn Dōng has to throw off his arm to
do it.
Thus, the third round of inspection began.

Hàn Dōng took the technician's tools and opened the

operating surface of the safe and started to drum it up.

Li Shang was jealous on the side.

If Hàn Dōng completes this impossible task, Cain is bound to

admire him. While Li Shang would like to draw Cain's attention
that would be even more difficult.

However, Hàn Dōng completed it.

Three digit passwords were changed to four digits, and

technicians were dumbfounded.

Facts have proved that any one of man's efforts is not

meaningless. For example, when people were running the crew,
Hàn Dōng was bored in the dormitory. Watching him is a waste
of time, but who can think that he is so brilliant!
The enthusiastic Director Cain whistled directly at the table
and shouted: "Dongdong, I love you!"

The person seating next to him had not yet had time to be
proud, and his face turned from red to green.

Feng Jun announced: "Second round, Hàn Dōng win!"

The third study was makeup trials.

Specific performances: The actor has to be dressed up as a

woman and sneak into the enemy's interior and use his smart
skills to cover up his identity when he meets the enemy in bed.

This requires two men to be dressed as women.

Li Shang will not have to brag, his style of wear would be for
all to see.
Mainly Hàn Dōng's appearance, he can really imagine an

The two left the rehearsal hall together and went to the
dressing room.

Li Shang secretly struggled, because Hàn Dōng's second

performance was too prestigious, so this one he must not only
win but also grab all the limelight back.

It doesn't matter if Hàn Dōng is involved. Someone even

works on the street to solicit visitors. Would he care about this
little scene?

Because makeup takes a certain amount of time, people inside


Cain is still exaggerating Hàn Dōng characters with Wang

Zhong, fearing that Wang Zhong Ding's face is not appreciating
"I heard that you don't really like Dongdong. I really can't
figure it out. Dongdong is so good. Why didn't you like him?"

"Your ideas are too sloppy and the thinking is too old. I think
you should try to change your mind."

"In my eyes, Dongdong is the embodiment of beauty, the

embodiment of wisdom, and he..."

Cain said, and suddenly he was stunned, and then shouted out
with a voice, "oh my god!"

With the sound of his exclamation, everyone turned their eyes

to the door...

The person who came in happened to be Li Shang who

finished makeup.

Li Shang is wearing a delicately embroidered floral skirt! The

velvet and sequins have a shiny sheen. Head black hat, face
mask lace veil, creating a sexy and mysterious temperament.
Although many people have already seen Li Shang's women's
style, they are still stunning when they see this gender bender

Cain kept asking Wang Zhong Ding: "This is Dongdong? Is it


Wang Zhong Ding did not speak. Li Shang went straight to

Cain and smiled and introduced himself: "I'm Li Tian Bang."

Cain excitedly crossed Li Shang's hand and kissed him on the

back of his hand.
Chapter 145 A blockbuster.
Just when Li Shang was in the limelight, Hàn Dōng was still
pleading at the entrance more than ten meters away from the

"I am Hàn Dōng. Do I have to say it several times before you


"Proof? How can this be proved? I would have to unload my


"Can't you hear my voice?"


This is the reason for the incident. After Hàn Dōng made good
makeup, he walked brightly and vividly toward the rehearsal
hall. Originally full of confidence, who would have thought he
was going to be stopped at the entrance.
"I'm sorry Miss, the activities inside are confidential, so you
can't go in."

Hàn Dōng had still a gesture of a girl. "I don't want to go to see
the game. I went for the competition."

"We don't care what you do. We only need your credentials,"
said the security guard.

Hàn Dōng still maintained an elegant smile. "Excuse me, my

credentials are placed inside. And before that, I have already
registered and If you do not belive me... you go check."

The security guard took out the register dubiously. "What are
you called?"

"Hàn Dōng."

Hàn Dōng thought the security guard would be surprised, but

people just smiled contemptuously.
"Don't pull it, Hàn Dōng is a man."

Hàn Dōng immediately resumed his male voice. "I was

originally a man. It was an character test project that asked us
to dress up as women.

The security guards didn't know about the events in the hall.
They only performed their duties and saw all suspicious persons
have to be stopped. No way, there are too many reporters who
want to mix in and steal news, and everyone can use any trick..

Li Shang is more clever and comes with a make-up team to

follow him.

Hàn Dōng went to the dressing room with a single hand and
didn't take it back. When the result came out, he completely
changed himself.

So, there is a cause for the above scene.

The people inside haven't seen Hàn Dōng enter the court for a
long time, and the patience is gradually being worn down.

"what's up?"

"How long has it been yet?"

“Is he going to paint himself or the wall? I can't cover it.”


Feng Jun turned his eyes to Wang Zhong Ding, you do not let
Li Shang perform?

Wang Zhong Ding knew Hàn Dōng's tempering degree and

nodded his head in agreement.

Li Shang and Cain chatted fiercely, and when they heard the
notice, they waved and reluctantly said, "I go to the show first."
Cain looked forward to his face, "Come on!"

The moment Li Shang came to the stage, he felt that the blood
in his body was hot, and it seemed to be more exciting than
receiving the prize.

The person who played with him happens to be a teacher who

teached Hàn Dōng how to make a good posture. This teacher is a
reference to the cross-border industry and when he sees Li
Shang still he can't help but praise: “You are the tallest boy I've
ever seen. OK."

Li Shang knew that this man had coached Hàn Dōng, so he

deliberately asked: "Hàn Dōng is not well-dressed?"

"He? He's willing to play well! Since I gave him classes, he

hasn't matched your seriousness once. Then again he didn't

When listening to the teacher, Li Shang was practically

The performance process seems simple, but in fact it is not
difficult. There is no single line of speech, and it is basically
improvisation to rely on the two's demeanor and movement.

They saw Li Shang lying on the couch, gesture enchanting.

The teacher opened his skirt and revealed his beautiful legs.
When the skirt slipped to the base of the leg, Li Shang gently
held his hand and looked charming. Originally it was a helpless
move to cover up the identity of men, but it made the audience
feel half-hearted and refusing the hand from touching up.

Cain praised Wang Ding and said: "This actor is not simple. He
could mimic the woman's demeanor to such a fine detail."

Wang Zhong Ding just smiled and did not speak.

Then, the teacher's hand began to stroke Li Shang's leg again,

and he looked into the danger zone between the legs. Li Shang
suddenly turned an embarrassed turn and cleverly hid his legs
This process does not have the sensation of panic, but it is like
the playfulness coy between lovers, which looks naughty and

Cain took the lead and applauded.


Even Feng Jun, such a calm person, had to shout ahead of


"Can't play it anymore. It's a real thing again."

After a laugh, applause rang from the rehearsal hall.

At this moment, Hàn Dōng still hasn't shown.

In the early days of Shen Huan's visit, the master of the people
was so profuse that he did not calm himself, and she rose and
went out.
Hàn Dōng anxiously saw his nobleman and was busy pointing
out to the security guard.

"That's my assistant. She can prove it."

Unexpectedly, Shèn Hua didn't go out at all but just glanced

out at the door. When she see Hàn Damei who is not far from
here, she can look down on her nose: I don't have long legs, but
your makeup is strong. What's remarkable?

When Hàn Dōng saw that Shen spent no time, he shouted:

"The guard don't know me. You quickly helped me prove it."

The people outside were so noisy that Shèn Hua didn't

understand what he was saying. It was only secretly replied: She
was indeed stronger than I was, but the vocal sound was worse
than me...

So she returned to the rehearsal hall feeling good.

Xiao Liang asked her, "Have you seen Hàn Dōng?"

Shèn Hua spent thinking of his own purpose. "Shall I go and
look for him?"

The beam held her on the shoulder. "Forget it, but lets go."

Hàn Dōng saw Xiao Liang come out because he did not
recognize him and yelled.

"Xiao Liang, Xiao Liang, I'm Hàn Dōng!"

Liang Xiao Liang looked at Hàn Dōng for a while, and then
like Shèn Hua, he entered back without saying a word.

I'm going to .... Hàn Dōng just wants to explode foul language.
Are you all blind?

However, after he entered, Xiao Liang did not directly sit

down, but went to Wang Zhong Ding to make a small report.
"Wang, I doubt Hàn Dōng has a tendency to cheat."

"Cheating?" Wang Zhong Ding is not clear.

Xiao Liang said seriously: “Hàn Dōng hired a woman who was
about the same size as him, and she was at the entrance. When I
went out, the woman was fighting with the security guards and
she said in a tone that she was Hàn Dōng. I didn't dare to believe
it. If she is led in, i'm afraid that in case anyone was exposed,
she lost her big hair. I think losing the game is not important. It
is important not to lose dignity."

Wang Zhong Ding's face was pumping at the time.

Nobody knows whether it was because of the unusual

appearance of Xiao Liang's complaint and Wang Zhong Ding's
appearance. The atmosphere at the scene was even more

"Is Hàn Dōng still coming?"

"Isn't it dare to go on? If yes, then I will abstain from voting.
Don't delay everyone's time."

"I can completely declare the results directly."

Cain also asked Wang Zhong Ding: "What happened to

Dongdong?" There is only a trace of expectation in the eyes.

Wang Zhong Ding had to say to Xiao Liang: "You go out and
take her in."

"Where ?"

Wang Zhong Ding squeezed a few words out of his teeth.

"That woman is him."

Xiaoling was stunned, "......."

Hàn Dōng really did not have anything to do but to reach out
to the security guard.

"Can I use my mobile phone ? I will call Wang."

The security guard said, "Sorry, the company temporarily

confiscated the phones in order to prevent us from recording
whats going on inside!"
Hàn Dōng is simply going to collapse. At this moment, suddenly
a familiar figure flashes into his eyes.

Not a Xiao Liang, it is Yu Ming.

Why is he here?

Hàn Dōng was a bit panicked. He clearly stared at Yu Ming,

afraid that Yu Ming would see himself in such a deeper state.

What to do?

Hàn Dōng's tangled direction has been reversed. He does not

say whether Yu Ming can recognize him or not. Instead, he will
tell whether he will enter or not.

At this moment, Yu Ming's eyes suddenly turned.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly bowed and fled in the opposite direction.

"Hàn Dōng!" Xiao Liang shouted.

The two people's footsteps paused at the same time.

Yu Ming was still just skeptical, because he was running at

Hàn Dōng's "women's dress," and Hàn Dōng's figure was so
familiar to him. Now that someone has made such a shout, he
can believe it.

Hàn Dōng took the initiative and Yu Ming to say hello in order
not to look so embarrassed.
"Hey, Ming Er."

Hearing Hàn Dōng's voice, Yu Ming was dizzy at the time.

Hàn Dōng and Xiao Liang first went in and Yu Ming stayed

"Wang, Hàn Dōng is here!"

This voice, all eyes are attracted to the door.

Han Damei's high-waisted blouse with tapered trousers, sexy

and unrestrained majestic tail, oblique wavy bangs, gorgeous
red lips, sharp eyes... this step from the door to the stage, the
entire rehearsal hall was like a quite chamber.

Some people still involuntarily looked at the door, not to say

that Hàn Dōng came? Where is this person?

In order to avoid a misunderstanding, Hàn Dōng took off his

silk scarf and then introduced himself with the original voice.

"Hàn Dōng, Hàn the Great is also me."

As soon as the voice fell, the silenced rehearsal hall instantly


Everybody's expression can no longer be described as a

surprise. It is simply panic.

Even Feng Jun, who has always been cold-faced, made a joke
for the first time. “Hàn Dōng, am I in your dream?”

1]..... Theft Of Shadows line

The "oh my god" in Cain's mouth was directly replaced by "oh


Wang Zhong Ding responded by pressing the palm of his hand

in Cain's chest quickly, stopping him from getting from the seat.
Li Shang was paralyzed in the entire body, and his crimson
face couldn't cover the pale complexion.

The comrades of our most melancholy gourd Yu Ming actually

couldn't wait to speak in public.

"Isn't there a show?"

Feng Jun seemed to react like that and said: "Yes, but also we
had to trouble the teacher."

The teacher also nodded like a dreamy man, "should, should


The show officially began.

Hàn Dōng did not pose in any position, just lazily scattered in
bed, there is a dazzling glamorous feeling.
The teacher's hand reached Hàn Dōng's belt and slowly
patted. It does not seem like he is trying to test Hàn Dōng's
ability to cope, but Hàn Dōng is trying to test his ability to cope.

All people's hearts are picked up at that moment.

The teacher's eyes were struggling and he struggled. He

wanted to quickly take off and fear that he would show up. Hàn
Dōng posture allows him to do whatever he like. Take off and
continue to touch.

The belt was finally unlocked, and the teacher's hand grabbed
Hàn Dōng's waistband and tried to pull it down.

Hàn Dōng did not hold his hand like Li Shang, but only
slightly turned his body.

The moment the trousers were squatted, the teacher's eyes

appeared half looming. It seems as if another force is exerted,
and the whole round meatball will pop up.
Cain's eyes are now bleeding red.

If Li Shang's performance can also make Cain feel the man's

delicate grasp of the woman's demeanor, then Hàn Dōng's
performance has made him feel like he couldn't breath, the
person in front of him is an out-and-out gorgeous woman.

The teacher's hand glided from the Damei buttocks through

the legs. When his hand moved, Hàn Dōng did not stand up and
did not hide. Instead, he jumped up on the teacher's body.

The teacher felt a heat wave soaking in his throat at that time.

Hàn Dōng's legs sandwiched between his waist, eyes and evil
spirits, and his flamboyant smile swept away from the corner of
his mouth. He looked like he was saying, "You touch, I give you
the permission to continue touching!"

Which process is to examine Hàn Dōng's acting skills? It was

like a prostitute character testing the teacher acting skills.
Everyone tried to disguise their crotches in various ways, even
secretly, to see who was the most tolerant.

This is where the most amazing acting is crowned.

Chapter 146 Vinegar Vigor.
Until the end .... the teacher's hand did not dare to reach
inside but surrendered .... and turned to give Feng Jun a hint of
the eyes.

Feng Jun finally put a "STOP" gesture.

"It's all right. It's OK... Hey!"

Many people have not yet emerged from the shocked state and
the muscles on their faces are still stiff. Nobody knows who took
the lead and clapped the palm twice. At first, it was sparse. It
took a long time for brewing, and it flooded like a flood.

Hàn Dōng politely shook hands with the teacher.

The teacher felt that Hàn Damei's extraordinary handshake

was really convinced that this was a man, and that he was not
optimistic about the mixed boy.
However, Li Damei, who was praised as “the best”, has now
completely missed his appearance.

For the first time in my career, he look away and only went so

“Please bring the two actors to the stage. The teacher and Cain
will give the evaluation of this study.”

Hàn Dōng went up and Li Shang disappeared.

"Li Tian Bang?" Feng Jun asked looking for Li Shang.

Just a dozen screaming sensational of Li Shang In the end, the

assistant's lack of confidence gave the following reply: “Li Tian
went remove makeup because his face would be allergic to

There was a buzzing noise underneath.

In the end, Feng Jun solved them. "We don't have to wait.
When the teacher and the director commented on it, you can
record it for Li Tian."

The teacher first gave Li Shang a comment.

"Li Tian Bian's acting skills are very good and his role is very
precise. I feel very happy to play against him."

When it comes to Hàn Dōng, the teacher is concise.

"I think that Wang told me to guide Hàn Dōng. It's just too
much for me!"

People laugh and applause.

Then turn Cain.

Cain was more than the teacher his speech is also

straightforward, like the teacher he also stood good to give Li
Shang a certain affirmation, Cain directly announced: "This
film's actor is Dongdong! If you change him then you loose me!"

Hàn Dōng felt a current hit in his little heart at the time, when
he was intoxicated, suddenly swept to the face next to Cain, and
quickly restored his true colors.

Li Shang went into the bathroom, a pot of cold water splashed

over himself the whole face makeup is flowing down, the wig
sitting horizontal next to the ears, he looked like a howling

This is the first time he has been in a state of public shame. No

matter how difficult it may have been in the past, he will not be
exposed in public. But this time, he is completely unreliable as
an actor

He lost not only a game, but also all the development


In the entertainment industry, the most tragic reminder is

that there are two artists of the same type. One of them is not as
good as the other, and he is suppressed everywhere. He thought
that if he took advantage of the initiative and take the limelight,
he could seal off the development of Hàn Dōng's path to
stardom. In the end, it was him who first went to the dead path.

Li Shang can even imagine how after this game he has turned
from a citron to a shunned object.

Used to be held up by people, but also he has to accept being

stepped on?

Li Shang was madly ripping off the women's body, at that

time it happened to be a man going to the toilet, he first saw his
dress, and thought he was wrong. After seeing it later, his face
was immediately disgusted.

"What are you looking at ...fuck off!" Li Shang scolded.

As a result, the person he met today is not a good boy. When

he hears it, he kicks him back.
"Who did you tell to fuck off?"

Li Shang fell to the side of the pool and tried to stand but
couldn't stand up. He felt that his leg twitch as if he had been
kicked. The pain forced him to twitch.

This dear friend didn't let him go, but also gave him a few feet
of solid kick up, while screaming fiercely: "Dead transvestite,
dare to bully me? Why don't you look at yourself for a few
pounds or two! ”

Li Shang painfully rolled up and shouted for help, until the

security arrived, he barely escaped life.

The leaders of the rehearsal hall have already begun to

withdraw. The fastest flash is those people who have been
derogatory to Hàn Dōng and have not given themselves any
room to hide their shame.

What followed was the one that said that Hàn Dōng would
definitely lose.
There was also a group of people who yelled at the public and
were stopped by Er Lei. He issued a “tip” one by one. Their role
was to instigate emotions, encourage everyone to constantly
reduce their expectations of Hàn Dōng, and so it can make the
final big reversal have even more impressive results.

"It was really troublesome for you just now " Er Lei said.

Some gentleman couldn't dare to say. "We didn't help

anything. Wang wanted us to come to approve Hàn Dōng. As a
result, the boy was eventually approved."

Er Lei looked forgiving "It doesn't matter. You did your best.
It was Hàn Dōng who was too powerful. Wang always had no

These few people are not able to see Hàn Dōng. At the
moment, they said to Er Lei: "We must persuade him to do a
good job. Hàn Dōng is so good that Wang should not be
prejudiced against him."

Lei Er deliberately sighed. "The general idea on ​Wang will not

be changed for a while. It also requires you to open up a
compromising solution."

"Rest assured, we will boast about Hàn Dōng in the face of


"Emm, you will cause trouble."

There are still two people on this side who have been
reluctant to leave. One is Cain, who has been shouting at him
since Hàn Dōng stepped down. The other is Yu Ming, who has
been attempting to separate two people since Cain kept hugging
Hàn Dōng.

"I admire you so much. I love you so much. I'm going to go to

the Maldives the next day. I want to invite you to go with me.
Whatever your expenses are ...They're on me, how about it?"

Cain was so excited that his speech was fast, and Hàn Dōng's
hearing was poor, so he said "OK" to everything.
Yu Ming pulled Hàn Dōng aside and said, "That's not OK? For
your three-day, stinky foot rash, but also to accompany others
to the Maldives? Don't try to come up with a protagonist, and
then because At the same time, the heavens are soaking you

Hàn Dōng is not clear, what Maldives?

Wang Zhong Ding, who has been watching him with a

dispassionate attitude, when he heard that “OK” he was not
calm, but as he was about to speak he was pulled by Cain.

"Wang, I really thank you very much and thank you for letting
me know Dongdong."

Wang Zhong Ding's fists just got up and Cain spoke again.

“Wang Zhong Ding, I especially admire you for being such a

person. You never bring personal feelings to work. Even if you
don't like Dongdong again, you will mention him without
hesitation. You are great. I thank Dongdong for you.” Cain
spoke up and hugged him up.
Wang Zhong Ding had eaten two of the most embarrassing
losses in his lifetime.

The two words "thank you" are definitely the most poisonous
language he has ever heard.

Before leaving, Cain also kept reminding Hàn Dōng: "Do not
forget, Maldives, starting the day after tomorrow."

Hàn Dōng was once again confused and said OK.


On the way back, Wang Zhong Ding has been angry but didn't
say anything.

Hàn Dōng is still dress as Hàn Damei. Wang Zhong Ding

wanted to “attack” this panties and every time he ends up
turning his head away.
"How did I perform today? I didn't ashamed you right?" Hàn
Dōng asked leisurely.

Wang Zhong Ding coldly yelled, "How can you give me

shame? Performance is so wonderful, that when you get to
climb on someone's body, you can't help to be the teacher. Who
else has your shameless?"

Hàn Dōng didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing." Wang Zhong Ding is neither lukewarm nor hot.

Unfortunately, this pair of attitudes did not work at all. Hàn

Dōng slammed a cold face and said, "I don't care about you," and
fell asleep on his shoulder.

If it was before, Wang Zhong Ding definitely would throw this

heartless thing out of the window. But now he doesn't even
think about it, because he is too hot and Wang is afraid maybe if
he throw him he will not be coming back.
After Hàn Dōng unloads the burden, he usually sleeps heavily.

Wang Zhong Ding knows him properly and turns off his
mobile phone directly.

As a result, when Hàn Dōng woke up, it was already three in

the morning.

Opening his eyes and everything around him is strange.

"Oh my god... where did this come from?"

Hàn Dōng got up from his bed and used his toes to smash the
glass floor in the room and felt he would step into the sea.
Walking barefoot on the balcony, there is a large piece of jewel-
green water pool in front of him.

It wouldn't be Wang Zhong Ding's intentional romantic get

away wouldn't it?. When I was sleeping, he packed me up to the
Just thinking, a strange voice rang behind him.

"Sir, please breakfast."

Hàn Dōng turned to see the waiter and asked, "Is this

Unexpectedly, the waiter said, "How would the Maldives have

such beautiful ocean water?"

"Where is it here?"


Hàn Dōng was shocked. "Australia?"

"Well, Wang bought an island here."

Chapter 147 Long-lost sweetness.
"You don't scare me. I'm particularly easy to be swindled "
Hàn Dōng said seriously.

The waiter couldn't help but smile. "I didn't mean to scare
you. The original owner of the island had to make a sale for the
sake of economy. Wang bought it and gave it to you as a gift."

"Hey???? Gave me????"

If Hàn Dōng had just exaggerated the ingredients of the word,

he was really scared.

The waiter said very seriously: "Yes, this is a heart-shaped

island. You are now the island owner."

"Heart-shaped?????" Hàn Dōng sat in his chair.


"The island is in a semi-developed state, with its pristine
beaches and abundant vegetation. There is also a wide variety of
marine life. You can use local materials, build tree houses, build
wine cellars, build estates, and plan and manage this area."

For a person who is likely to be a sofa jumper, getting a place

where one can do what he likes is simply the ultimate dream.

"You don't have to say." Hàn Dōng has a breathless


The waiter continued: "Private islands are sufficiently

concealed that they are especially suitable for people of this
status to come here on holiday. In addition, you can also build a
holiday resort and rent them to other people for profit when
you aren't living in them"

Can make money????!

Hàn Dōng's eyes turned white, his mouth twitched, and his
appearance was unconscious.
The waiter was really scared, shaking Hàn Dōng hard, "Sir?

Hàn Dōng suddenly jumped up and issued a loud laughter.

The waiter was helpless. "Just enjoy your breakfast."

How will Hàn Dōng still eat? The whole person is in an

uncontrolled state. He is mad at the island and his inner
excitement can hardly be described in words.

Heaven! This is absolute heaven! Who has stopped to kill me?


Wang Zhong Ding saw a black whirlwind sweeping away

towards him. Although he was ready to hold Hàn Dōng he was
forced to withdraw by two steps to buckle up.

Hàn Dōng jumped on Wang Zhong Ding's body and kissed him
without any explanation. Wang Zhong Ding was quickly cooked
by Hàn Dōng's enthusiasm, and he only stabilized him after a
long time.

"Why did you give me this island?" asked Hàn Dōng.

In fact, after "Theft of Shadows" was sold, Wang Zhong Ding

wanted to send Hàn Dōng a gift as a reward. At that time, he
didn't think about what to send, but later he heard Hàn Dōng
grumbled to the crew and complained that Wang Zhong Ding
didn't accompany him to play before so he decided to buy such a
place of entertainment.

Of course, Cain is also a catalyst. Without his stimulating

enthusiasm, Wang Zhong Ding may not immediately decide to
abandon his work to take away Hàn Dōng for a few days.

"How do you know me so well? Why do you love me so much?

Why is it that I've eaten so hard? Is it just for you to make me a
smile at all costs?"

Although Hàn Dōng said that it was all honesty, Wang Zhong
Ding thought: Why shouldn't this be for you?

After enough trouble, Hàn Dōng suddenly collapsed, and his

head was pulled over Wang Ding's shoulders, causing a sickly

"You will make me suffer from this loss."

Wang Zhong Ding put his hand on Hàn Dōng's chest... shit!
The heartbeat was still so sluggish that he didn't notice it at first

"Yeah..." Hàn Dōng laughed and shot Wang Zhong Ding's

hand. "Don't be so worried~"

Of course, Wang Zhong Ding is not in a hurry. He still has a

lot of accounts with Hàn Dōng.

Seeing that Wang Zhong Ding's face was suddenly gloomy,

Hàn Dōng took his hand back to his chest and smiled fondly.
"You touch, I will let you touch it..."

Wang Zhong Ding bluntly pulled back. "This is not a matter of


"Then you touch this!" Hàn Dōng again put Wang Zhong
Ding's hand on his ass.

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly remembered that Hàn Dōng was

pulled by his teacher and his face fell again.

"Why are you so casual to anyone?"

Hàn Dōng said: "I'll be casual with the man, in front of the
little girl"

Wang Zhong Ding said, "You have a weird similarity to the

little girl? Which little girl will miss the butt to a man?"
Hàn Dōng immediately answered, "Which man will remember
my butt?"

So, the man who remembered his ass was just staring at him
with no words.

"Wrong, wrong, its no meaning to humiliate you..." Hàn Dōng

began to appease him with his affection.

Wang Zhong Ding found out that arguing with Hàn Dōng is
simply masochism, not as straightforward as hard. Give him
some "heavy stuff" to see. Next time he will have a long

As a result, the color of Wang Zhong Ding was not yet on the
list, and Hàn Dōng came down to give him a bit of "color".

"On this island, if we only are two people, why don't we do

anything we want? On the beach, on the roof, in the groves, in
the caves, it's really not enough to stimulate the road, you can
fix the road and we can work it up in the middle of the road..."
Facts have proved that attacking horniness is the best defense
method, and Wang Zhong Ding hears only black faces and
doesn't say anything.

Hàn Dōng whined again and again, "Can you keep your face
not strict like that? you're not in the company now. You don't
need to establish prestige for anyone, so smile ok?"

"I don't laugh, it doesn't matter where I am. It only has a

relationship with the people I face." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng immediately went to Wang Zhong Ding and asked

him: "So you can't laugh when you see me? Huh? Don't you feel
guilty? Huh?"

"Okay, stop it." Wang Zhong Ding deliberately removed his


Hàn Dōng does not respect, he kept chasing Wang Zhong

Ding, poking, funny words with a strong humorous offensive
step by step, and finally, Wang Ding's defense had to break
"You really are..." Wang Zhong Ding finally rewarded Hàn
Dōng with a helpless smile.

"What am I really?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Zhong Ding changed the word "cute" to one.


Hàn Dōng did not care, and he had to twist and squat two
times. Wang Zhong Ding has swept his hands in the buttocks.

"Let's go for breakfast first, I haven't eaten for two days."

"Two days?" Hàn Dōng was surprised.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Nonsense, you don't look at where we

are now. Is it a night's work to get here?"
Hàn Dōng suddenly thought that he had left so quietly, and Yu
Ming would certainly worry, so he asked Wang Zhong Ding:
"Does my cell phone connect here?"

"No." Wang Zhong Ding's tone hardened unconsciously.

Hàn Dōng said: "Then use your mobile phone for my own use.
I have to make a call."

"No," Wang Zhong Ding said straight. "I've called Cain and
told him you're not going."

Hàn Dōng murmured, "Where does Cain want me to go?"

Wang Zhong Ding realized that Hàn Dōng did not understand
Cain's words at all. He had been eating vinegar vigorously for a
long time yesterday for nothing at all.

1] Wang has been mad because he thought that Hàn wanted to

go to the Maldives with Cain.
"I want to call Ming Er." Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding handed him the phone.

Hàn Dōng opened Wang Ding's cell phone and something

caught his eye, it is his cool photo, it would be his second
picture. Put on such a high-end distinguished mobile phone
screen, it seems extremely inconsistent.

"I used to like the true nature of you ah?" Hàn Dōng really
played again to expose the total game of Wang's shamelessness.

Wang Zhong Ding did his best to grab it. "Do you still want to
keep using it?"

"Use, use, use..." Hàn Dōng hurriedly retracted his face.

Not a moment, Hàn Dōng's voice sounded again.

"Hey? Ming Er, are you still up yet?"

"Me? I'm on an island now, my own private island, eh..."

Nobody knows when it began, to hear someone bragging it has

become delightful for Wang Zhong Ding to watch.

1]....... Remember Wang hates people who brag a lot


At noon, Hàn Dōng put on a pair of swim trunks and

sunbathed on the beach. He would like to take advantage of
these days of vacation and breathed his skin to a healthy wheat

Indulging in the sunshine caress, Hàn Dōng suddenly heard a

rustling sound. Turning around, one of the "little monsters" was
climbing out of the sand pile not far away.
This "little monster" also wears small sunglasses and wears
sexy shorts. He leans on the small fleshy legs and basks in the

"How did you come here?" Hàn Dōng deliberately advocated

himself with his master's tone.

Unsurprisingly, Xixi was rightly committed. "This is my

island. How can I not come?"

"Your? What evidence do you have to say is yours,"

Xixi pushed his small sunglasses with his fingers and said
seriously: "This island is shaped like my ass."

Hàn Dōng was very happy. "It is heart-shaped. Is your ass so


Xixi did not explain, directly turned over the buckle on the
beach, and showed his little ass proudly upward.
In fact, Hàn Dōng guessed that Xixi would come early in the
morning and that Wang Zhong Ding had come out for so many
days. He certainly did not trust to leave the child at home.

He just wondered: "why did you come up just now? Where did
you go early in the morning?"

"I had a case of jet lag" Xixi said lazily.

Hàn Dōng laughed and said, "Hey, this is an hour away from
Beijing. Is it necessary to have a jet lag?"

Xixi's little face was dismissive. "An hour is an hour for you.
For me, it's 60 minutes, 3,600 seconds. Don't impose your idea
of time on my rigorous attitude to life. Okay?"

Hàn Dōng exposed him mercilessly unmasking him. "You

admit directly that you haven't gotten to sleep any more than
me. What's the difference?"

Sure enough, Xixi couldn't hold his face and swung his four
claws, making a big bunker.

Hàn Dōng teased him again. "Why do you want to enjoy the
sun? Low on calcium are we?"

Xixi said faintly: "Don't be so annoying. I want to make my

skin into a sexy bronze."

Hàn Dōng cussed: he is really better than me.

In the evening, Xixi who had been playing for a day quickly
fell asleep.

Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng took a walk on the beach,
and Hàn Dōng stopped suddenly and sat on the beach without

"Let's go!"
Wang Zhong Ding rubbed Hàn Dōng's buttocks with his toes
and he scolded: "I have eaten so much and I wander up again."

Hàn Dōng is like a big silkworm wriggling on the beach,

looking like a very tired person.

When Wang Zhong Ding saw that he was not up, he walked to
the edge of the sea and kicked the water lightly with his feet.
The spray hit Hàn Dōng's face.

Hàn Dōng is very easy to shake, and as long as Wang Zhong

Ding makes a little trouble with him, he will be able to rise up
immediately and Wang Zhong Ding will be chased on the beach.

Joking, Hàn Dōng suddenly felt someone hugging his waist

from behind. He thought he would be thrown into the sea.
Unexpectedly, he was stumbled and fell into a man's arms.

This was the first time that Wang Zhong Ding had taken the
initiative with Hàn Dōng. It is no exaggeration to say that Hàn
Dōng was enough happy to have a goose bump.
"Will you stay here for a few days?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Six days."

"According to your watch is that not a success?" Hàn Dōng


According to the wood watch Hàn Dōng made for Wang

Zhong Ding, six days became seven days.

Wang Zhong Ding coldly yelled, "You are showing off in front
of so many people. How can I tolerate it one day?"

"Who made a show-off?" Hàn Dōng did not admit it.

Wang Zhong Ding directly scratched Hàn Dōng's side tickling

him, "Who did you say, huh?"

Hàn Dōng rolled to beg for mercy. "Ha ha ha...I sigh...I

show...I show..."

Wang Zhong Ding just let go and Hàn Dōng came to tear his
clothes. The monkey's swift action and heavy breathing made
Wang Zhong Ding's adrenaline rapidly go soaring. There was
almost no overwhelming force.

The two men were naked and the sexy bodies lingering on the

Hàn Dōng kissed all the way from Wang Zhong Ding's lips to
his knees, and at last, he grabbed the lifeblood roaring rod, and
came to do a "what he wanted to watch him swear," and forced
Wang Zhong Ding breath to come in wheezing again and again.

Then, Hàn Dōng's disgusting tongue swept the meatball again,

trying to penetrate into a deep area. The result he was blocked
by Wang Zhong Ding.

"Hey, this is super good ~" Hàn Dōng heart temptation.

Wang Zhong Ding not only did not "fake" but also gave Hàn
Dōng counter pressure in his body, his fingers drilling into the
buttcrack badly blown on the small chrysanthemum and he
asked: "does it feel good?"

Hàn Dōng gave an irritating moan, and his hip cheeks


"Uh...ah good..."

Wang Zhong Ding thought that a fire was blowing into his
throat was never gonna be quenched and he could not wait to
move his mouth.

When Hàn Dōng was implicated in the possession of yang, he

was sullenly muttering, waiting for Wang Zhong Ding's tongue
to invade his buttcrack interior and finally he cried

Wang Zhong Ding once again turned Hàn Dōng on his back...
He put a hard object on the sandbag and Hàn Dōng buttocks
were raised high. The two long legs were separated, and they
spread freely on both sides, revealing the private area at the

With such a tempting attitude at present, Wang Zhong-Ding

could not stand to just watch it.

Psychological obstacles and acceptance of the bottom line

began to fall apart.

He picked up Hàn Dōng and the muscley object dangling

beneath him repeatedly lapped up in the twitching bud.
Suddenly Wang really wanted to plug his rod in and work that
chrysanthemum hard, especially when Hàn Dōng was dangling
his hips. This desire kept growing stronger.

"Don't be like that... good..."

Wang Zhong Ding not only he did not stop but also changed
from sharpening into a tongue stabbing the wet G head
infringed on the central sensitive area from time to time.

"Wangwang ... I want to shoot... ah ah..."

Hàn Dōng's sexy buttocks, which twitched in waves and

sweat, trembled and twitched fiercely. It was simply a savage
murderous technique that drained Wang Zhong Ding's

Hàn Dōng showed his second cum burst of ability and put his
mouth in Wang Zhong Ding's ears to stir the wind.

"Let's go do it for real!"

When the two people moved to the bathroom at lightning

speed and flushed their bodies with sand, they faces were all
with very embarrassed expressions.

Finally rolled to the big bed, Hàn Dōng rubbed Wang Zhong
Ding's neck and smiled.
"I didn't expect you to agree so soon."

Wang Zhong Ding doesn't see Hàn Dōng's unreasonable

thoughts. Only when Hàn Dōng could not wait to be done, his
heart was burning.

As a result, Hàn Dōng began to struggle to prepare foreplay,

all kinds of tease all kinds of provocative, "proactive" was

When the result was squeezed into oil, Wang Zhong Ding
grabbed it.

"I will do it."

Hàn Dōng gently said: "Don't say nothing. For the first time,
this kind of thing should still be done by me."

Wang Zhong-Ding's fiery eyes glanced at Hàn Dōng: Do you

dare to say something else?
However, Wang Zhong Ding did not allow Hàn Dōng to do it
by himself.

As Hàn Dōng said, after all, it is the first time that such things
should be done by Wang Zhong Ding. On one hand, he is afraid
that Hàn Dōng will be mischievous. On the other hand, he is
also afraid of hurting him.

The oil in Hàn Dōng's hands was taken away again, but he
thought that Wang Zhong Ding's good face was attributed to

As a result, he lost all of his lives.

The lubricating oil was wiped into his buttcrack and without
warning, and by the time he responded, half a finger went in.

"Hey, why?" Hàn Dōng held Wang Zhong Ding's wrist.

Wang Zhong Ding is also puzzled. "What's the matter? Did it

hurt?" He thought it was just the right pressure.
Hàn Dōng's face had a ridiculous expression, "You wouldn't be
wanting to do me?"

It turns out that the funny thing is, he is right.

"Is there any other possibility?" Wang Zhong Ding's fingers

went deeper again.

Hàn Dōng's legs were weak and he hurried to stop him.

"I think you might be mistaken. I'm a TOP." Hàn Dōng said

"Me too." Wang Zhong Ding finger still explored that special

Hàn Dōng's face was embarrassed. "Isn't it weird? How can

two TOPs have sex together? Is this a joke?"
Wang Zhong Ding poked again at that place and that told Hàn
Dōng that Wang was not joking.

Sure enough, Hàn Dōng was paralyzed in one second.

"... OK... I don't care .... just giving it to you ... ... ah ah...
show me.... don't be ..."

Hàn Dōng did not think that Wang Zhong Ding's "digital
control" had any substantive effect in the bed. When he was in
bed today and he finally realized the uncommon enjoyment that
"timely precision" brought him.

First of all, the previous channel expansion, whether it is the

angle, the strength or the replacement speed of the fingers, it
has made Hàn Dōng reached a level of comfort. Hàn Dōng felt
completely painless and almost completed the difficult

Even at the moment of Wang entering him, Hàn Dōng did not
feel any more intense discomfort.
Instead, Wang Zhong Ding, for the first time, couldn't help
himself. He laid on Hàn Dōng face and gave a low purr.

The subsequent piston movement really made Hàn Dōng

insides turn.

Wang Zhong Ding is alternating between fast and slow, from

shallow to deep, and the f*cking force is just right. The
precision is so precise that Hàn Dōng was willing to chase the
inserting rod and the insertion angle... The frequency of
pumping seems both hurriedly and slowly... Hàn Dōng's mouth
sobbed and cried Wang Zhong Ding's name... The man spoke
such an indecent language ..... so slutty.

"You're so arrogant ...... Zhong Zhong ...... I can't stand it ...

fuck me... ah... just like that... You keep slamming into the
depths..... deeper..... So good.. oh... "

With the increase in fitness, Wang Zhong Ding began to adjust

the frequency and intensity, bringing Hàn Dōng's "pain-
pleasure" to the new extreme, so that Hàn Dōng's love of his
instant submission rode to a new height.
"How could it be so good?.... is this heaven..... F*ck me am I
going to die?"

Wang Zhong Ding's infatuation with Hàn Dōng slutty

language must have been forced to a new height, and the waves
were coming in wetness and tightness. Wang has exceeded his
tolerance limit and allowed him to expose himself step by step.

From the beginning of the most conservative posture to

pushing Hàn Dōng in the front, Wang Zhong Ding pulled one of
his legs and inserted his cock back in deeper that caused Hàn
Dōng eyes to roll back his head, and Wang was obliged to enjoy
the obscene scene.

From the beginning to the demeanor, to the later ecstasy to

the distorted face.

From the very beginning of depressing scorn full to chasing

desperate swearing.

Later, Hàn Dōng was riding on Wang Zhong Ding's body. Two
people faced each other directly.

Wang Zhong Ding's hands smacked Hàn Dōng's buttocks and

forced him to operate his buttocks from top to bottom. Hàn
Dōng then squeezed Wang Zhong Ding's nipples and pounced
his hips from top to bottom.

"What's good?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

"Uh...its so good..."

"Will you let me fuck you in the future?"

"Let ..... let you ..... let you..."

Wang Zhong Ding cock suddenly swelled, slamming Hàn

Dōng's ass hard, "Would you dare to talk to another man?!!"
Hàn Dōng was begging for mercy.

" I will let only you fuck me..."

Wang Zhong Ding felt that an explosion of heat exploded in

the lower abdomen, and the two men were swept like a huge
wave, and the tangled bodies froze.

At that moment, both people had the feeling that they

wouldn't live without each other.

Chapter 148 full load and return.
In the middle of the night, Hàn Dōng turned to lie flat and was
forced to breathe out by the pain in his ass.


Wang Zhong Ding heard the sound of his waking up and

squinted at Hàn Dōng. There was no sign of pity or sympathy on
his face.

"Is your butt hurting?"

Hàn Dōng smiled. "It doesn't hurt."

Wang Zhong Ding coldly cry, "Who told you to feed me the
sweetness of the endless cum burst? I told enough is enough,
and if you go on, you will certainly suffer later, and you did not
listen to me."

Hàn Dōng murmured, "I didn't listen to you, but you too did
not listen to me"

Wang Zhong Ding's words and phrases were cut off.

"The pain you should also endure."

Hàn Dōng sighed faintly, pretending to be a silent figure.

After a while, Wang Zhong Ding's voice began to sound again.

"Let me look at it"

Hàn Dōng quickly took off his underpants and had no

awkwardness in doing so.

Wang Zhong Ding just glanced at it and quickly turned his

eyes away. The swelling did not seem to have completely faded,
so he went out to take ointment to disinfect the swab.
As a result, when Wang applied a cotton swab to the drug then
the area, the twitching bud was tight and Hàn Dōng began to
twist his hips and shouted. In addition, the big bird in his
underwear had become alive again, and all kinds of storks came
out to find presence.

1]....the cock leaked more cum

Wang Zhong Ding can't stand it. "You're doing it again."

Hàn Dōng also cheekily asks: "Are you jealous?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak, quickly pulled Hàn Dōng's
underwear up.


How can Hàn Dōng be so obedient? With his elbow pressed

against Wang Zhong Ding's chest, his uninhibited eyes glanced
over his face, and his mouth steadfastly questioned: "How about
I do you?"
Wang Zhong Ding resisted the smolder in his heart and calmly
pulled Hàn Dōng aside.

Hàn Dōng again put his hands on Wang Ding's flat belly and
licked up his navel. He asked endlessly: "What the hell did you
do? Huh?"

"Who said you should sleep? So you really are saying that you
won't go to bed!" Wang Zhong Ding really had a black face.

Hàn Dōng quickly shrank his hand back.

Before long, Wang Zhong Ding suddenly turned over and

pressed Hàn Dōng down starting again.


Li Shang was also awake two days later.

He could smell the strong smell of disinfected water when he
was not blinking. The memory in his head still stayed in the
scene where in the bathroom he was beaten, but those who beat
him he could not remember them.

Li Shang thought that only the medical staff and assistants

surrounded his bedside. He did not expect that the first person
to see him would have been Yi Wei.

"Woken up?" Yi Wei opened his mouth.

Li Shang was surprised. "How are you here?"

"I'm looking at you, can't you see me?"

Li Shang stubbornly laughed. "Of course I can."

Yi Wei shakes his inspection report and asks: "Why is there a

steel spike in your leg?"
Li Shang froze for a moment then nodded his approval.

Yi Wei did not continue to ask, just told him: "You have
broken bones. The doctor said your legs are more fragile than
the average person. You should pay attention to it."

Li Shang could only cry.

"Yours and Liang Jing's brokerage contract has been

terminated. Do you intend to stay in the company or find
another way out?"

Li Shang sighed. "I definitely do not want to stay in the

company, but I have no better place to go."

"I have one." Yi Wei suddenly opened.

Li Shang asked quickly: "Where?"

"Have you heard of Feng Mu? She is Feng Jun's cousin."

1]...Full name is Feng Mu Zhi....but I shortened it to Feng

Mu.... My brain loose circuit at three names thing...

Li Shang nodded. "Of course I've heard of her I've seen her a
few times. She has been a very powerful agent. The problem is
that she is so demanding that she won't necessarily take over a
brokerage ."

"You don't have to worry about this. I was brought up by Feng

Mu in the same year. Now her relationship with me is
particularly good."

Hearing this, Li Shang's dim eyes finally lighted.

"And if you go to Feng Mu's company, you can also receive

preferential treatment from our company and even enjoy more
benefits than your stay here. Because Wang always gives Feng
Mu's face and helps her to hold her artists. If Hàn Dōng is
pressing on, it would be better to go to Feng Mu as a citron."
Li Shang did not speak, and it looked as if he had already made
the decision.

Yi Wei also said: "You don't have enough wings now, so don't
try to take risks. It's impossible for the company to allow you to
go solo. If you fly out of the sphere of influence of Wang...
There will not be a good fruit to eat"

Li Shang took a moment and nodded.

"I'll listen to you."

Yi Wei smiled. "That's right. Man you will have to take it


Li Shang was completely desperate before entering the

hospital. He now heard what Yi Wei said and he was so full of
his aspirations.

"Thank you so much. I really don't know what to do without

Yi Wei was afraid for him. "What's this? Isn't it losing a game?
In addition to these snobbish 'dog minions', who else saw it? Did
the audience see it? You were still the best man in their eyes.
The protagonist, Hàn Dōng is still not a mixed up-play actor.
After all, the audience base is your real backstage."

Just as she finished, a nurse came in and asked Li Shang to

check the dressing and asked him: "Are you Li Tian Bang?"

Li Shang nodded.

"eergh ... I like you so much. Can you sign your name ?" Starry
eyes looked at him.

Li Shang took the pen from the nurse's hand and signed the
beautiful three characters.

Then, in the afternoon, several reporters came to visit and

there was an interview.

Li Shang kept silent about the challenge and had a good

mental state. He also described the "beating" as "a careless fall
during training" and became a new model worker and
inspirational brother. He succeeded in making headlines.


By contrast, Yu Ming's situation is much worse.

Although Xià Hòng Wēi is not a person in the film circle, he

has numerous eyes and ears in the circle, and all looking at his
eyes and act snobbishly. When Yu Ming was favored, they were
the same as the other pugs. When Yu Ming and Xià Hòng Wēi
were broken up... they immediately showed their true faces,
and they were indifferent to Yu Ming.

Yu Ming thought that since there was no Xià Hòng Wēi, and
he would be free to do what he wanted, but the fact was far
from what he imagined.

There were too many people who fell into the rock and waited
to stone him up.
Some people didn't even know Yu Ming because he had been
leftover and now he humiliated and embarrassed himself with a
proud face.

The black stickers on the Internet are gone one by one, and Yu
Ming does not even have to go out to be the focus of everyone's
angry looks.

There are also some local tyrants who have long been curious
about Yu Ming. After hearing of Yu Ming becoming a free agent
they came throwing away thousands of hates wanting to taste
what it tastes like being bullies. The result was not even a small

These are not the main ones. The main thing is that Yu Ming
cannot find the focus of life.

Although he still stays in the dormitory every day, he still

does not go out and remains indifferent to the media's
attention. But Yu Ming can no longer find that indiscriminate
and cool feeling, accompanied by a variety of emptiness.
Especially after Hàn Dōng left, Yu Ming was like a soulless
walking corpse. One person ran through the rooms in a blank
and walked to the doorway of Hàn Dōng's room.

The probe rushes in. The first thing that catches his eye is the

Suddenly he missed Hàn Dōng's song a bit.

Even if it is noise, it can at least confuse his emotions, and it

will not make his heart look like a stagnant pool of water.

Moreover, Yu Ming had a serious insomnia.

Hàn Dōng was originally absent, and there were more people
in the dorms, but Yu Ming could not sleep over and over again.
Just then there was a little movement in the room, and his
nerves quickly tensed.

After another sleepless night, Yu Ming painfully pulled out of

bed with two big dark circles.
Hàn Dōng please you come back soon!


Three days later, Hàn Dōng dragged his disabled butt into the

The first thing is to go back to the dormitory and to find Yu

Ming. As a result, the door next door was locked. Hàn Dōng
wanted to call Yu Ming and found that he forgot the phone.

Therefore, he can only stay waiting in the dormitory.

After so long a plane ride, and an overworked, asshole.....Hàn

Dōng waited and waited to lie awake in bed.

Nobody knows how long the familiar voice finally sounded in

the ear.
"You still know you're back?"

Hàn Dōng awakened momentarily, getting out of bed and

moving too much, with the wounds behind him. However,
contrary to the issue in front of Wang Zhong Ding, Hàn Dōng
did not even wrinkle his head in front of Yu Ming. He
stubbornly used his tenacious facial muscles to hold up his face
and walked to Yu Ming striding forward.

"What have you been doing?" Hàn Dōng asked Yu Ming.

Yu Ming said: "Go to the crew."

"New crew?" Hàn Dōng is not clear.

Yu Ming's expression is a natural one. "Yes, I cast a resume

and I rely on acting"

Hàn Dōng lived. " don't like it there?"

"We're not talking about me, how about you? How about

Hàn Dōng posed another look of hypocrisy. "That's it."

Yu Ming cry snorted with unbelief.

Hàn Dōng mysteriously pulled something from his pocket and

then shook it in front of Yu Ming's eyes.

"How is it? want it?"

Yu Ming saw that Hàn Dōng had a stone with a unique color
change effect. The stone appearance was sleek and beautiful.
This kind of stone is called "Australian treasure," also called
Opal, a gems from Australia, and the Orientals regard it as a
symbol of holiness. Hàn Dōng felt it was particularly suitable to
calm Yu Ming's temperament, so he secretly gave it to him.

Yu Ming particularly likes it, and his eyes that have been dark
for a few days finally have color.
However, he still asked: "If you give it to me, won't Wang be

Hàn Dōng immediately put on a posture of oneself. "He dares

to be jealous. He will die!"

Yu Ming put this jewel into his pocket.

Hàn Dōng's face changed. "You want to bring it out?"

"Yeah, I like to take things with me."

Hàn Dōng's tone was slightly uncomfortable. "That ... you'd

better put in the dorm. This stone is so dazzling that it will
definitely be stolen."

Yu Ming thinks that's right, so he carefully put the stone into

the box and Hàn Dōng relaxes.
"Did you eat dinner?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng Ming did not eat, but because he didn't want to
show it, he just said he had eaten.

Yu Ming looked a bit disappointed.

"I can go out to eat with you." Hàn Dōng said.

Yu Ming shook his head. "I didn't want to go out to eat. I

wanted to order a takeaway with you! I have to pay 50 yuan for
delivery. I can't eat as much as you can."

Hàn Dōng remembers that Yu Ming used to order meals often

costing 70-80 yuan, sometimes he would pick several dishes and
still put them on the side, how he could suddenly be this stingy?

"Forget it, I'll cook some noodles." Yu Ming turned into the
Hàn Dōng looked at Yu Ming's back and felt that something
was wrong. He checked the latest news on the Internet and only
discovered that Yu Ming had not been there these days. With Yu
Ming's appearance apparently so many things have happened.

"Fuck me...! Whose fucker is so mouthful?" Hàn Dōng

slammed into the computer.

Yu Ming came out from the kitchen and looked at Hàn Dōng.
"What's wrong?"

Hàn Dōng had already rushed out with some words, but he
swallowed it.

"It's okay. You don't have to cook noodles. Order takeaways."

Yu Ming wondered, "Did you not want to eat it?"

"Eating noodles too early, and I'm hungry now."

Chapter 149 Your cattle X You are the
After dinner, Hàn Dōng was paralyzed downstairs for a long
time. Finally, he picked up the public telephone and decided
that he should get a fair explanation for Yu Ming.

After a while, Xià Hòng Wēi picked up.


When he heard Xià Hòng Wēi's deep voice, Hàn Dōng was

"That .... I'm Hàn Dōng."

Xià Hòng Wēi asked indifferently: "What are you looking for?"

Hàn Dōng bragged for a long time before asking: "I know you
have quarreled, but do you need to encourage your personal
attacks against Yu Ming?"

"Who inspired personal attacks?"

"Then why are there so many negative information on Yu

Ming after you quarrel?"

“Before there were, but they were under pressure and couldn't
spread .... or they were pressured to back off after they sent it.
You can't blame someone for being conscience because
somebody has been sending you sesame pancakes and all of a
sudden one day they haven't sent it.”

When Xià Hòng Wēi said this, Hàn Dōng completely did not
refute the powerful rebuke.

"Yes, I admit that this responsibility is not yours, but Yu Ming

is so miserable now. You can't just sit back and ignore him. The
reason why these people are blunt, is because of your attitude."

Xià Hòng Wēi only pays attention to one thing, "How


Hearing these words, Hàn Dōng suddenly felt that he had a

pathway to a come back and he had been busy adding Yu Ming's
condition to the scene.

“Every day to night he has to run around to make a living, but

also has to tolerate the cynicism of others, he can't sleep well.....
the whole person is lost in a big circle.”

Unexpectedly, Xià Hòng Wēi replied coldly after hearing:

"That is what he deserves."

"However, he..."

When Hàn Dōng's words were not even finished, Xià Hòng
Wēi hanged up the phone.

You pompous fuck, Hàn Dōng secretly gritted his teeth.

At this moment, he realized how good Wang Zhong Ding was.
Even though he was making a nuisance on his face all day long,
Wang never really got angry with him.

With this in mind, Hàn Dōng sent a condolence call to Wang

Zhong Ding, who had been busy after coming back.

"You are so nice."

Wang Zhong Ding moves a file and asked: "How am I going to

be better?"

"I can't say it. Anyway, that's good."

Wang Zhong Ding paused. "Is there anything... I'm busy, I

don't have time to talk to you."

The phone hanged up quite sharply, but on Wang the smile

has been stuck in the corner of the mouth, it kept dragging and
dragging for a while before fading.
Hàn Dōng's steps upstairs are still heavy.

Yu Ming saw Hàn Dōng return and his tight facial nerves
unconsciously relaxed.

"I thought you were looking for Wang."

"No, I went downstairs to eliminate food only." Hàn Dōng


Yu Ming uttered a gagging sound.

Hàn Dōng deliberately asked: "How? Are you disgusted by


Yu Ming has a disgusting look. "You're so noisy. Why would I

still be scared of you leaving? I'm anxious that you will come
back every day."
"Do you like me or not?" Hàn Dōng was very skeptical.

"I like you, but I like myself more. You think I can't live with
myself because I like you?"

Hàn Dōng, "......."

Yu Ming pushed Hàn Dōng out the door with a smile on his

Hàn Dōng had not touched the guitar for many days, and his
heart was very itchy. He wanted to play and was afraid that Yu
Ming would be annoyed ...... so he only used his fingers to check
the strings, and he let it go.

Unexpectedly, after Yu Ming heard the sound of the guitar he

actually said to Hàn Dōng next door: "I want you to play it."

Hàn Dōng exposed Wang Zhong Ding's classic forsaken look.

"I don't want to play."
"I want to hear." Yu Ming suddenly said.

Hàn Dōng snapped his fingers in an instant. "You are waiting.

Today, for you my buddy I have made you a good song."

In the beginning, Yu Ming heard a long-lost noise, and it was

kind of intimacy in his heart. However, with Hàn Dōng's one
song and one innocence is pilfered away, the noise regained its
noise and he was even louder than before. In the past, Hàn Dōng
was also able to sing two lyrical songs in a slow atmosphere.
Now he has become a singer.

I don't know if it's because of that too good of a fuck on the


It's hard to endure enough loud noise, but also tolerate dark

Hàn Dōng just couldn't help but feel lonely when he returned
to the dormitory and started to do something in the room. From
the fact that Yu Ming likes to be by himself, Hàn Dōng has
changed from a clear-cut to a secret one. The forbidding
wheezing, the reluctance to stand up, the long-lasting gritted
voice that couldn't be released... Hearing in Yu Ming's ears was
even more painful.

He finally understood.

This kind of person is only suitable for memorizing and is not

suitable for getting along.

The first person to accept him must be a pure man, and the
second one must be true love.

So in the middle of the night, Yu Ming sat up in bed again.

Because Hàn Dōng's return barely filled his heart, he was now


After Wang Zhong Ding return, he had been busy with these
days, the backlog of work had him working till more than two
in the morning. He wanted to sleep in the office, but Hàn Dōng's
phrase "you're so good" kept repeating in his head and
eventually he couldn't resist it. He went to Hàn Dōng's

After Hàn Dōng fell asleep, the big bird was exposed and a
white sticky material was on the back of his hand.

If this man was awake, Wang Zhong Ding will surely pick it

"Hey you're here!"

But after sleepwalking, it was another matter, especially after

hearing the sentence “You are so good” and then saw Hàn
Dōng's unpromising kind of sample, it is easy to misunderstand
that Hàn Dōng's sudden emotion is a certainty for himself. .

Which man feels that this sense of accomplishment will not

come to an end?
In particular, Mr. Wang, who looked super noble on the
surface and was vulgar than anyone else in his bones.

Afterwards, Wang Zhong Ding again gave Hàn Dōng a hand

and gave him an ostrich. He waited intently for a while.

In the end, the quilts were all covered, but he still couldn't
help but pushed them aside and touched Hàn Dōng's meat and
hips for a while. Wang doesn't know why after doing it so many
times on the island, the itchiness in my heart is still endless.

Finally he did not succeed in getting out of this room.

Dating for an entertainment company executives one needs to

avoid suspicion, just stays in the artist's dormitory.

Hàn Dōng doesn't care about that. People still adhering to the
principle that there is not enough hooliganism in the daytime
and in nighttime there dreams and ambitions to fill in, and he
begins to talk to Wang Zhong-Ding.
"It's so good when I do it with you," Hàn whispered, playing in
Wang Zhong Ding's ear.

Wang Zhong Ding decisively asked: "How good is it?"

“I used to think that stroking the bird was good and tasty and
now it is really not good as before and after this discovery.”

1]Stroke the bird = Masturbation

Wang Zhong Ding gently bites off Hàn Dōng's ear lobe and
asks: “Do you still have any thoughts on it?”

"It's not going yet." Hàn Dōng's face wass stunned. "Because
you're so jealous, you're going to be stabbed."

Wang Zhong Ding laughed dumbly. "How could I be stabbed

by this?"

"Whatever I think in my heart, you can do it"

"You really think so?"


Yu Ming said that it is true that Hàn Dōng is only suitable for
those people who do not remember how to live with other
people. He will indeed overwhelm you in a certain moment, so
that you will never forget to repeat it. But once he comes back to
reality, it's bad to be bad! ! !

For example, after Wang Zhong Ding had a little refreshment

of Hàn Dōng's body, he wiped and washed Hàn Dōng and felt it
was a bit dirty after rubbing it. After the replacement, the whole
room was found to be dirty...

Thinking of Yu Ming's current situation, Hàn Dōng was very

likely to stay with him for a while in the dormitory. Wang
Zhong Ding couldn't bear to let Hàn Dōng stay in this doghouse
for a long time, so he decided to help him clean it up.

The result can be imagined...

Dirtiness is something he just couldn't stand!

Wang Zhong Ding removed more garbage from Hàn Dōng's

room than the entire office building.

On a very good night, after the cum burst release, Hàn Dōng
could sleep with satisfaction on the beloved, because Wang
Zhong Ding owed a hand, causing him to be buried for hours

It was not until dawn that Wang Zhong Ding managed to go


Yu Ming has already got up and stared at Wang Zhong Ding's

departure out of Hàn Dōng's room.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't feel uncomfortable. He immediately

said to Yu Ming: “The production studio called Hou Zhi is going
to launch an urban inspirational drama. I think a main
character is suitable for you. Try it in two days.”
Unexpectedly, Yu Ming was not sympathetic, and his tone of
rejection was very blunt.

"I won't go!"

Wang Zhong Ding was a bit unhappy. "I'm your agent. You're
taking it for granted that I arrange work for you. Not only do
you have the obligation to satisfy yourself, but you also have the
obligation to make money for me."

"I do not want to fulfill this obligation. If you are not satisfied,
you can quit managing me."

After that, Hàn Dōng banged the door.

Wang Zhong Ding had a black face at that time. If he did not
consider Yu Ming's current situation, he certainly would not
have done so. In addition to Yu Ming's attack on him, the most
important thing is that Wang didn't know where Yu Ming's
hostility came from!
At this moment, Wang Zhong Ding didn't have any
dissatisfaction with Hàn Dōng.

Suddenly he found that the man in his house was so lovely

that he lifted his feet and walked toward the door. Wang
returned to Hàn Dōng's room and kissed him before he left.

After Hàn Dōng awoke, he took a cold breath again.

Why is my chrysanthemum still not feeling well rested?

It seems that God can not tolerate me to be a bottom ah!

Hàn Dōng sighed and went out to see Yu Ming walking


"Hey, where are you going?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming answered unrestrainedly: "Running to a drama

"It's not me. Why are you doing yourself so bad? Actually you
are now..."

Hàn Dōng's words have not yet been collected, and Yu Ming
has gone out of the cold.
Chapter 150 Heavily in debt.
Not long after Yu Ming's departure, Hàn Dōng's cell phone

Eh? How did my cell phone come back to me?

Hàn Dōng only felt puzzled but didn't realize that the room
was cleaner than before, or that he didn't felt any dirt at all.

The person who called was Li Shang.

"Are you free? Let's chat" asked Li Shang.

Hàn Dōng thought that he would not have any arrangements

for the day and he promised to go.

On the way, Xiao Liang told Hàn Dōng: "Li Tian was injured."

Hàn Dōng has been isolated from the outside world these days
and has no knowledge of Li Shang's situation.

"Injured? When was it?"

"As far as the day before you finish the challenge he said that
it was a fracture to the training. But I heard people say that he
had no training at that moment and they didn't know why he
deliberately lied"

Hàn Dōng shook his head. Li Shang certainly wouldn't

venture to use the “bone surgery” to lie. Mostly he was really
hurt, but the reason wasn't because of training. It might have
been a hidden thing....

Twenty minutes later, Hàn Dōng arrived at the appointed


Li Shang was already waiting for him. Compared to the

previous big entourage, he only brought a bodyguard this time.
And after Hàn Dōng came in, this bodyguard was told to go out.
In the private room, Hàn Dōng and Li Shang left alone.

"Are you injured?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Li Shang smiled back. "You know, my bones are more brittle

than the average person."

"You didn't tell me about it.... How could I know?" Hàn Dōng
deliberately played a fool.

Li Shang said quietly: "Aren't you a fortune teller?"

"You really believe it?"

"I didn't believe it at first. Even when you gave me your

trousers, I thought it was a good thing. I didn't believe you said
anything until the end of the match. You will definitely shoot to
Hàn Dōng laughed. "You talk to me and finally no longer
turning around. You know how many times I met you before I
wanted to smack you?"

"I won't bend around, you might even want to smack me

more." Li Shang laughed.

"I'm puzzled. Aren't you trying to mess with me. How can you
live without it?"

"Because what I wanted to have is yours, and you haven't paid

much for me."

Hàn Dōng does not say anything. "Who pays more? I stayed at
the entrance of the North Film Factory for five years. How
many days have you been squatting like that?"

Li Shang said: "You only took five years to shoot up..... I have
to fall for the rest of my life."

Hàn Dōng did not speak for a long time.

"But I'm looking for my chance." Li Shang admitted.

Hàn Dōng didn't want to talk about this topic and asked him
directly: "What did you call me here?"

"I just want to tell you that I want to leave the company."

Hàn Dōng lived, "Where are you going?"

"Feng Mu's brokerage company."

Hàn Dōng's envious expression, "well fuck ... She is a big

beautiful woman."

Li Shang said: "She's too old and it's not fun."

"How many mature girls have you shacked up with?"

"I wasn't having sex with Yi Wei"

Hàn Dōng let off a coldly cry, "I am not interested in knowing
your dirty things."

"You are not interested in her and you can't say she's
interested in you." Li Shang said.

Hàn Dōng seemed to be clearer than him. "You don't have to

worry about my business. You still have to manage yourself."

Just as he finished, the waiter came in with tea.

"Ah, are you Li Tian Bang?" The waiter looked at Li Shang's

eyes straight.

Hàn Dōng was directly looking at the left aside.

No way, although Hàn Dōng is full of momentum, his

exposure and reputation are far less than Li Shang.

After the waiter left, Li Shang continued to respond to Hàn

Dōng's words.

"Rest assured, I'm sure I'll be fine and it will get better and

"Don't use the tone with this kind of demonstration. I'm not
so poor that I take your pain as a happy gainful moment."

Li Shang laughed "Hàn Dōng is the Great Fairy. It's so easy to

live. But I want to tell you. I saw Ye Chenglin."

Hàn Dōng was not calm at the moment. "Where did you see

"Huang Si Er, help me push the wheelchair forward." Li Shang

is doing a flash job.
Hàn Dōng stopped in a hurry. "Don't hurry to leave. Tell me
first. Where did you see Ye Chenglin?"

"I paid the bill." Li Shang was pushed out after finishing.

Hàn Dōng gritted his teeth behind.


Two days later, Hàn Dōng was notified to see the crew.

The crew of the film is very strong. There are only six
directors in the film. In addition to Cain, the director, there are
five assistant directors. Three producers ....the director of the
whole system is also from Hollywood, and Director Cain has had
many cooperation. The chief producer is Wang Zhong Ding, and
there are several producers under his hands...

Therefore, when Hàn Dōng arrived at the conference room, it

felt like he was returning to the venue of the challenge
auditorium and familiar faces.
Those who dismissed him at the time were now completely

There is also a serious demeanor who looks at Hàn Dōng and

asks: "Why didn't you wear women's clothes today?"

Hàn Dōng grinned miserably. “I used to wear it just for work.

How can I wear it on a normal day?”

"Oh? Is it? I thought you would dress up like a woman from

time to time, or how could you pull that whole persona with

"I have won the prize. I'm just a cat that has run into a dead
mouse, just in time to catch it up."

Probably it seems that Hàn Dōng's face is serious, and he

doesn't continue to play tricks.

He just walked less than a minute, Hàn Dōng turned a

treacherous mouth and face to Zhong Ding.
"He just asked me why I didn't wear women's clothes today."

Wang Zhong Ding's face was gloomy.

At the meeting, Hàn Dōng secretly sent a message to Li Shang.

"Where did you see Ye Chenglin?"

Li Shang didn't reply for a while.

"I have forwarded this message to Wang."

Hàn Dōng looked up and saw Wang Zhong Ding's face was no
different. He took a deep breath.

Motherfucker! Really scared me!

At this time, Cain turned sideways and asked Hàn Dōng: "Why
didn't you reply the message I sent to you a few days ago?"

Hàn Dōng was stunned, "You sent me a message? I didn't

receive it!"

"Is something wrong with your phone?"

"Impossible. I have received other people texts"

Having said this, Hàn Dōng suddenly understood what was

going on. The questioning eyes went to Wang Zhong Ding, and
the result Wang did not offer the explanation. Instead, he
exchanged a chilling reminder.

"Do not whisper during meetings."

Hàn Dōng grinned and just as he wanted to put the phone

down he received a message from Yu Ming.
"I got the role."

Hàn Dōng stared blankly at the information he had sent to Li

Shang. Cain's message was deleted. Yu Ming sent a message...
Suddenly he wiped his sweat. How did he feel that he was in

After the meeting was over, the person in charge of each

department took their planning book back and went off to

Cain and several deputy directors began to open the nuclear


Hàn Dōng was not needed. He only came to familiarize

himself with several other actors.

As Wang Zhong Ding said, the actors chosen this time are
almost always new. Hàn Dōng's calculations have been mixed
for a long time, and others are all new faces. Some have just
made their way, some are still watching.
The only person he did not see was the actress.

Hàn Dōng wondered and asked an assistant director next to


The deputy director said: "The heroine has been finalized

from the beginning of the preparation and does not need to go
through these procedures."

I wipe! Who is so strong in connections?

"Don't you know?" The assistant director seemed surprised.

"I don't know! Tell me, who is it?" Hàn Dōng looked forward

The deputy director is not salty "Yi Wei."

A pot of cold water poured down from the top of the head,
pouring a cold on Hàn Dōng.
Why should she be the one? Why isn't it a new actress? Even if
she grows into a flower, it makes Hàn Dōng feel withered!

"Isn't it all about starting with new actors and actresses? How
can she be picked, she is so old..."

While Hàn Dōng is vomiting, suddenly he saw a familiar


"I'm sorry, I'm late." Yi Wei came in with a smile.

The directors are all tolerant. "If you know you're busy, we
won't be spending time with you."

After Yi Wei givr them greetings, she came straight to Hàn


Although two people have known each other for a long time,
the formal exchange is still the first time.
"I hope the teacher(Yi Wei) can give advice." Hàn Dōng looked

1] Hàn Dōng called her teacher in a sense that she is a


Yi Wei smiled softly. "I am your teacher on the age. I still have
to learn from you on acting skills."

In the same false sense of security, it is so right to say that this

sentence felt like words coming from Li Shang's mouth that it is
so falsely sincere to be said from Yi Wei's mouth. This is the
difference in the number of paragraphs!

Although Hàn Dōng has seen from this woman's appearance

that she is by no means a good person, he still cannot resist her
good feelings. In particular, those two gracious words are
almost hypocritical to Hàn Dōng's heart.
Chapter 151 Cain's charm.
In this movie, the actor's relationship with the heroine is very
subtle. When the male protagonist was playing as an
undercover woman, in the early he was in a relationship with
the heroine. Later when he changed back to his real identity, he
conquered the heroine and they became a thing.....A romantic

The filming sequence is exactly the opposite, with the couple's

scene shot behind the former rival.

So, Cain said to Hàn Dōng and Yi Wei: "You have to cultivate
more emotions with each other during this period of time. So
when you formally shoot, you can quickly enter the state."

Hàn Dōng said respectfully: "I have no problem."

Yi Wei is an old actor. This kind of thing does not require

Cain's direction.... She understands it.

Cain was soon called by several deputy directors. Hàn Dōng

was a familiar character. Yi Wei was also very easy-going. The
two people quickly talked together.

"Wang told me about things that you're together." Yi Wei said.

Hàn Dōng was very surprised, Wang Zhong Ding actually

talked about their relationship out there?

"It was from my line of probing to Wang's life, but he

admitted it." Yi Hong said the truth.

"How did you see it?" Hàn Dōng was curious.

Yi Wei smiled. "He looks at you differently from others."

Hàn Dōng's tone of pleasure was in search of pleasure. "How is

it different?"

"He sees you with softness, and with us ...fierceness."

Hàn Dōng immediately fluttered. "Is this what you see?

When the two were talking, Hàn Dōng suddenly heard that
Wang Zhong Ding was calling him, so he ran to stand in front of
the deputy director, and put on the expression of a “wife”.

"I have to go somewhere" Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng asked: "Where are you going?"

"I'm meeting with a friend at three o'clock."

Hàn Dōng wondered, are you not often meeting with friends
or customers ?....Why do you want to inform me of this one?

Wang Zhong Ding seems to have realized that his words are
superfluous, and before Hàn Dōng can understand, he flashes
his face blankly.
Several of the actors in the group also continued to leave. Hàn
Dōng saw nothing wrong so he went out with Yi Wei.

"Dong, wait a minute," Cain suddenly shouted.

Hàn Dōng stopped and turned to see Cain walking toward him
with a reed weaving skirt.

“I wanted to take you to the Maldives for a game, but

unfortunately you didn't have the time. This is a reed skirt that
I made exclusively with the teacher there, and weaved it for you
personally, with my hand-painted signature on it.”

Hàn Dōng was flattered and older Yi Wei complained: "The

director is too eccentric and there is no present for me."

Cain immediately sent a warm smile to her.

Yi Wei saw the indifference and perfunctory behind this kind

of enthusiasm. In fact, Cain was always the same with anyone.
He could talk with anyone here and make them laugh. Then the
only one he was watching was Hàn Dōng.

Tragically Xiao Liang felt that the opportunity had come and
hurriedly asked: "How was Cain to Hàn Dōng?"

Shèn Hua knew that Xiao Liang would go to complain and she
leaned on him with a look of disgust. "You said that you are a big
man with five big fingers and three rough feet. Is it interesting
to chews people's tongue?"

Xiao Liang's eyes hidden the resentment, since he had no

complaints about Hàn Dōng these days, Wang Zhong Ding was a
little cold to him.

So he hesitated a moment and then waggled his tongue to

Wang Zhong Ding

"Wang Zhong, Director Cain sent Hàn Dōng a reed skirt that
was brought back from the Maldives."

Wang Zhong Ding sank, "Are you sure it is a skirt?"

In order to liven up to Wang's trust in him, Liang Xiao Liang
said, “Yes! Hàn Dōng said that.”

Wang Zhong Ding's face was a little too good. After returning
to the sentence, "okay," he left the phone aside.

On the side, Feng Jun reminded: “The Chairman of the Board

of Directors has just cashed out 7.998 million.”

"I saw it," said Wang Zhong Ding.

In the past six months, Wang Hai Zi has sold a total of 70.7
million shares and cashed out 270 million yuan. His official
explanation is to supplement the company's liquidity, but Wang
Zhong Ding secretly checked the accounts and found that he has
not reached such an amount.

"After all the money we have found out not a penny can be
missed." Wang Zhong Ding eyes were cold.

Feng Jun nodded. "I know."

Hàn Dōng and Yi Wei bid farewell and found their bags in the
conference hall. They went back to collect the packages. When
he came back, he inadvertently saw Yi Wei, who was in the car,
getting off again. Hàn Dōng thought it was the fault of the car.
As a result, after Yi Wei just got out of the car for a while. The
car left..

Hàn Dōng's heart was puzzled and he secretly aimed his eyes
at the car not far away.

Not a moment later, another car drove over, and Hàn Dōng's
sharp eyes shot into the car, instantly recognizing Wang Hai Zi,
who was sitting in the last row.

"Shit, this is not the chairman is it?" Hàn Dōng secretly


The car quickly fled from Hàn Dōng's vision.

On the road, Hàn Dōng could not help but inquire: "Isn't the
chairman married yet?"
Xiao Liang was laughed at by the question of Hàn Dōng. "The
son of the chairman of the board has become the deputy
director of the company. Did you say he was married?"

"Is he divorced yet?" Hàn Dōng asked again.

Shèn Hua said: “Can you leave it alone? This company was
originally built by the chairman and the wife. Two people are
model husband and wife..... The relationship is good.”

Hàn Dōng never paid any attention to this old guy. Feeling the
whim of the day, he searched out his photos.

The results does not matter, the old man and Wang Zhong
Ding are just two extremes fartherst points.

From Wang Hai Zi's face Hàn Dōng discovered that he was an
extremely devoted person and spent all his middle age in the
tender countryside. It is no exaggeration to say that all the big
actresses here have been touched or bedded by him. But before
it was just peach trading, when he was only fifty years old he
should began to fall into real emotional entanglements.
“How old is Mr. Chairman this year?” Hàn Dōng asked again.

Xiao Liang said: "Fifty one."

Doesn't it mean it will happen now ... Hàn Dōng was secretly
surprised, Yi Wei is really not the simple person she fakes up!


After returning to the dormitory, Hàn Dōng sees that Yu Ming

has returned and asks: "What is your role?"

Yu Ming said: "It is a very common role."

"Supporting role?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming shook his head.

"It's not even a supporting actor. How did you pick it up?"

Yu Ming said: "I have received nothing from my own


"If you didn't rely on your popularity and strength, you

shouldn't take this role any more. You have played in so many
large films. Why do you do this to yourself?"

"What popularity do I have? The scandal? What strength do I

have? What can I get with the best supporting actor award?"

Hàn Dōng's face was instantly frozen.

After a long time, he continued to open and said: "Ming Er,

the current situation is very unfavorable to you. You shouldn't
show up on this drama. You listen to me. You better stay in the
house for a while and I ..... your brother will raise you alive.
Even if you can't reach your standard of living, I can at least
guarantee that you will not have your star die...."
Yu Ming did not speak.

Hàn Dōng also advised: “Do you not like this home? Now take
just a chance to sleep in the dorm every day to see how cool the
movie streaming is!”

"I can't be alone now."

"It doesn't matter, as long as I do sometimes..."

Yu Ming suddenly interrupted Hàn Dōng. "I only ask you a


Hàn Dōng was quite and Yu Ming asked.

"If it were you, would you choose to just live in a dormitory?"

Hàn Dōng was completely stunned.

The answer is obvious. He certainly will not be in the
dormitory. He will not only stay in the dormitory, but will go
out of the door with great fanfare and fight with the evil spirits
who are trying to harm him.

"That's just it." Yu Ming turned to the dormitory.

At this moment, Hàn Dōng suddenly received a message from


"Would you take a photo with this reed skirt, I want you to be
more sexy and color ~"

Hàn Dōng was busy chasing the past towards Yu Ming. “ Ming
Er can I ask you something?”

Yu Ming thought that Hàn Dōng would say something like

“You must take care of yourself” and the like, but Hàn Dōng
took out a reed braided skirt and said with a sly grin: “This is
the gift that director Cain sent me, I'm afraid that Wang will
think wrong of me if I take it , so……"
"No....!" Yu Ming's face was instantly cold.

Hàn Dōng asked his face and pleaded: "help me, help me."

Yu Ming could not stand the deafness of Hàn Dōng's

whinning, but he had to come over.

"Don't make fun on me!"

Hàn Dōng smiled and pinched Yu Ming's face. "You know I

will not do that kind of thing."

Yu Ming locked the reed dress with Hàn Dōng's gemstone.

In the evening, Yu Ming accidentally saw a piece of news and

asked Dong Han: " Is Yi Wei the heroine of the new movie?"

"How do you know?" Hàn Dōng was curious.

Yu Ming said: "Today's headline."

Hàn Dōng is very surprised, is it not to say that all the casts in
this movie were kept confidential? How could this news leak?

"It's not official news. It's just a gossip from reporters."

Hàn Dōng went to the computer. "Let me see."

It was Yi Wei's exposure of a photo that showed ...... Director

Cain and her embraced in their microblogging Weibo post. As a
result, this microblog was retweeted hundreds of thousands of
times, and some stars have also retweeted, expressing their envy
and hate towards Yi Wei.

Hàn Dōng was surprised. "How does Cain have such a high
reputation in China?"

"Crap, do you think he knows a thing ah? The reed skirt

wasn't sent by Cain. It was already cut it for you."
When it comes to this, Yu Ming suddenly thinks of something,
deliberately reminding, "Didn't Director Cain sent you the skirt?
Or do you want to expose it online?"

In fact, this has been in Hàn Dōng mind for a long time.

This world is not fair! The chairman of the company dared to

use other men to show his arrogance and madness in meeting
room of his General Manager... and he did not dare to put a
Chapter 152 You deserve it.
Three days later, Yu Ming officially entered the crew.

In the past, Yu Ming has never travelled with other members

of the crew, he would either be sleeping in RVs or living in
nearby five-star hotels at his own expense. Now that there is no
such treatment, the living producer took him to the hotel where
the crew stayed, and arranged for him to pick up the room.

"You entered the crew late, so such a room had to be arranged

fast, I hope you understand" the producer said.

For Yu Ming this does not matter. "This is it. It's good."

After the producer had left, Yu Ming took in the luggage and
placed it in the same way.

Just as he spread out the quilt and tried to make a bed, he

suddenly noticed a large smudge on the quilt. It was like
someone spit on it and it looked extremely disgusting.
Yu Ming went to find the boss to reflect the situation, the
boss's attitude is very cold.

"These rooms were already covered by your cast. You're also

responsible. We can't enter your room without your producer

Hearing this, Yu Ming gave a phone call to the producer.

Unexpectedly, the producer is worse than the boss.

"I just asked if you can't do it. You say it was good. Now you
say it's too bad. What do you want?"

Yu Ming replied: "I'm not too sure. I'm just asking you to

"Don't want to live in it!" The life producer interrupted Yu

Ming chillily. "If you have money get your own hotel room!"
Yu Ming said nothing and hanged the phone directly.

The assistant has already been dismissed from him. Yu Ming

can only remove the quilt and wash it. As a result, the laundry
room of the hotel suddenly was locked and when he asked the
front desk service saying that the washing equipment had a

In desperation, Yu Ming had to wash it by himself.

This means he worked till midnight and he laid down less

than two hours. He was awakened by the telephone.

"Before five o'clock we will rush to the set to prepare."

Yu Ming hurried to get up, pack up and went down the stairs.
The result was, he waited for more than half an hour and none
of the crew was found.

A security guard flicked his gaze to him and asked, "Are you in
a group with them?"
Yu Ming nodded.

"The crew's car has already left," said the security guard.

Yu Ming wondered, "When did they leave?"

"Three and a half ."

Yu Ming looked at the watch and was almost half past four.
The driver of the crew didn't wait for him to drive away.

Because it is not far from the studio, there are few taxis on the
road, so Yu Ming didn't hit the tax and ran all the way to the
studio. After that, the whole body was tired.

As a result, the door of the studio was locked.

Yu Ming looked at the empty set of scenes in a dejected

manner, allowing the perspiration beads to drop in a string.
He understood that he was being played.

Without any irritability, Yu Ming sat back and forth in the air.
After waiting for more than two hours, several crew members
of the film crew arrived one after another.

When setting up the scenery, the field manager looked at Yu

Ming and said: "Coming so early and just stay lazy.... take the

Yu Ming stepped down to help. As a result, the moving work

was more than two hours. Regarding the most beautiful
position of the set they dared to step on his head and point him
to go east to west.

Ten o'clock in the morning, Yu Ming's scene was formally


This is a vulgar costume drama. Yu Ming plays an unfettered

prince and is bullied in the drama.
Yu Ming thought he would be killed by the director, but he did
not expect this shot to go smoothly.

And the director praised Yu Ming. "You are in a very good

state today."

Yu Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"So I discussed it with the producer and decided to add a set of

scenes for you," the director said.

The producer and actor of this TV series are all one person -
Sun Mu.

Sun Mu has been tepid for the past few years and has
succeeded in selling his "Sphincter Muscle" to be successfully in
the past two years.

Yu Ming's nine scandalous post on his Weibo were all posted

by him. There was no intersection between the two. Sun Mu
didn't even know who Xià Hòng Wēi was. He simply couldn't
help but want to see Yu Ming razed to the ground. As soon as he
heard that Yu Ming's background sponsor slash help fell, he
immediately asked the director to recruit him into the crew.

All of these Yu Ming was unaware of , he only heard that he

need to add a scene..

Plus the scene is also on horrible bridge, a horrible scene.

Yu Ming had three layers of sponges on his ass, and the sticks
in the hands of the guards were made of foam. Basically all the
sound effects are added at a later stage, and Yu Ming can just
perform a painful expression.

As the director began, Yu Ming was pressed by two people on

a wooden bench.

Then the stick collapsed. Because the pad was too thick, Yu
Ming felt insensitive, causing the rhythm of the screaming to be
completely inconsistent with the sticking down of the stick.
"Cut," the director stopped.

Yu Ming's cushion on the buttocks was removed again, he was

feeling more sensitive, but his expression was still not in place.

This time no director used to call it out, Yu Ming himself took

the initiative to stop and said to the field manager: "If you don't
use a real stick, I wouldn't feel pain. Use a real one so I can get
into the state faster."

As a result, the foam stick was replaced with a real stick.

The director specifically told those actors who acted as

guards. "You must lift it up smack it down hard enough that we
will hear it."

The two guards promised the director to be very happy so, but
at the "execution time" was still light and heavy. Several times
they played very heavily, and several times were very light,
resulting in Yu Ming's entire performance being extremely

The director said graciously to Yu Ming: "Your state is not

stable, it's not good or bad, and you have to control yourself."

Then, Yu Ming turned to the two guards and said: "You hit
hard, don't worry about me."

The two guards seemed to be waiting for this sentence, and

they had just picked up the stick and whipped him up.

Although there are two layers of cushions, Yu Ming still feels a

strong dull pain, and the painful expression on his face has not
contained much ingredients.

But the director still shouted cut. "You can't do this. Your
expression looks so unnatural." He turned to the producer.
"What do you think?"

Sun Mu just smiled and does not speak.

Yu Ming saw what he was laughing and he knew something
was wrong in his heart. However, he did not complain and
didn't defend himself. He still ordered the clothes to come off as
directed by the director.

The demonstration was even more embarrassing, and Yu

Ming also acted very hard, but it was still cut...

The director's spoke angrily, "Is the expression on your face

rejuvenated? The feeling you give me now is the kind of pain
you can hold back, and you are not in a state of unbearable

The atmosphere of the entire studio has become particularly

impatient, and Yu Ming has heard complaints from people
around him.

So he said nothing and he removed the foam mat on the


After this time of beating, Yu Ming's blue veins were suddenly

on the verge of bursting, and the entire face was extremely
distorted. If this is not painful enough for real acting, he is
afraid that this state will only be able to play out by his
roommate Hàn Dōng.

With a stick after a stick, the director's expression has been

very satisfactory. The result is approaching the last few seconds
and the eyebrows suddenly wrinkle.


Everyone didn't understand where the problem was. The

director was also silent for a long time.

"The makeup on his face is a bit overdone, and the makeup

artist will remake it for him."

Yu Ming got up and waited for makeup artist to make up. As a

result, the makeup artist said: "You sit down, too high for me to

When Yu Ming sat down, he sucked in a cold air. In order to

facilitate the makeup artist, he could only “vainly sit”. His legs
were like that of a horse , the two legs were only too tired to
hold up the buttocks.

As a result, it was almost finished. Suddenly, there was a

person kicking over the chair under his buttocks. Yu Ming
suddenly fell down with a big butt-pierceing pain, and he was
going dizzy from it.

Withdrawing him from his chair, Sun Mu's assistant was

extremely arrogant.

"This is the main actor's chair. What qualification do you


Sun Mu coughed and made a superficial tone toward the

assistant: "What is this nonsense? This chair, was this stool not
marked by the name? who is it for if not him?"

Then, he took the chair back to Yu Ming and pressed him on

"Sit down!"

For ordinary people, they long would have been forced to cry.

However, even if Yu Ming's face is feeling frosty, a little

expression of change is not there, he was calmly sitting in a
chair. He did not even look at Sun Mu's eyes, and he completely
considered his provocation as air.

In this world, there is no cold violence.

Sun Mu was anxious at the time and went back and gave the
director a wink.

Another strong stick kicking pain scene, once again when the
Assistant director said cut ....
Director directly asked: " is there still a cushion on the butt?"

Yu Ming did not complain and did not plead. He withdrew

himself directly in front of everyone and showed a single line
This time a stick fell and Yu Ming's screams scared the guards'

Sun Mu was applauding beside him.

"It is the best supporting actor, wonderful!"

The director was somewhat intolerable, whispering with Sun

Mu. "I think it's okay"

Sun Mu asked: "Is it okay?"

As a result, the director again bitterly shouted "Cut."

1]....Yu Ming just stop go away...I'm feeling so sad translating


Many people who were watching with the lively state of mind
had previously been a bit obnoxious. Yu Ming has been advised
to put down this scene first, so that the director is in a good
mood and then shoot, but Yu Ming does not listen.

Over and over again, Sun Mu has been waiting for Yu Ming to
speak out extra lines.

However, Yu Ming was so devoted throughout his career. No

matter how heartbreaking the pain it was, he stopped and
returned to normal.

In the end, everyone couldn't stand it. The Director was under
pressure to aceept the scene shot by him.


At night, Hàn Dōng was packing things in the dormitory and

suddenly saw Yu Ming coming in.

"Oh, how did you come back?"

Yu Ming endured the pain and said: "The crew hasn't arranged
a room for me."

"Don't they need to stay with you?” Hàn Dōng put down his

Yu Ming is still that cold and faint expression, "they want to

stay far away from me."

Hàn Dōng smiled. "Then I'm leaving, but don't regret it."

Yu Ming hit the door of the room directly.

Awkward like ... Hàn Dōng would go away.

The moment Yu Ming heard the sound of closing the door it

was like hearing an amnesty order, and his legs were completely
out of support. He threw a bang on the bed and slowly crawled
for a while.
Large patches of cyanosis on his butt looked shocking

Even in his room, Yu Ming didn"t show any weakness. There

was always an ointment in the cabinet. In the past, he was only
injured in the middle. Today, there is no one in the middle
except for the perfect one.

After finishing applying the ointment, Yu Ming heard the

door opening sound.

He quickly covered himself with a quilt and pretended to have

fallen asleep.

But the person who came in this time was not Hàn Dōng but
Xià Hòng Wēi.

Xià Hòng Wēi just heard that Yu Ming had been nearly killed
when he was filming. The buttocks had some bitterness. As
there were multiple difficulties, he didn't understand.
He was holding a declining mentality, but when he saw Yu
Ming's sleep, he began to feel distressed.

Yu Ming heard what he thought were Hàn Dōng's footsteps

but he did not look up.

Xià Hòng Wēi went to Yu Ming's bed and sat down. He wanted
to open Yu Ming's quilt and look at his situation. But he was
caught by Yu Ming.

"Get out." Two words were said hard.

Xià Hòng Wēi's distressed feeling was instantly replaced by

anger, and the words of concern at his mouth also changed.

"I heard that your butt was frayed?"

Yu Ming still barely made a face.

Xià Hòng Wēi was completely irritated and added a slap to Yu
Ming's injury.

"I just came to see you joke, by the way to send you three
words: you - live - that."

Under this ambiguous remark, Xià Hòng Wēi never returned.

At the moment the door crashed, Yu Ming's back was still

stiff. Nobody knows how long it took, but his shoulder suddenly
collapsed, tears falling out nonstop.

Hàn Dōng has come to the door of the company and suddenly
felt a stinging light on his chest and stopped again.

Xiao Liang beckoned to him.

"Oh, I'm here!"

Unknown to Hàn Dōng, Hàn Dōng suddenly began to turn

After Xià Hòng Wēi left, the door of Yu Ming's room was still
open. When Hàn Dōng walked in, Yu Ming was crying badly.
This was the first time Hàn Dōng saw Yu Ming crying. At that
time, he felt that his heart was broken.

"What happened to you?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming went on cry for a moment, still did not speak.

Hàn Dōng suddenly realized what happened, one opened Yu

Ming's quilt.

Large tracts of cyanosis burst into the sight of Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng body was all stiff.

Yu Ming tightly grabbed his hand and pleaded: "You don't
make trouble, I beg you."

Hàn Dōng suddenly smiled at him, never smiling so "good".

"Rest assured, I will not go cause trouble"

Chapter 153 This seems like my wife,
On the second day, Yu Ming arrived at the set on time.

The buttocks have been swollen, and the walking is a bit

awkward. It is difficult to detect if you don't look at him closely.
The expression is still cold and the mental state is no different
from usual.

The only thing that enabled Sun Mu to find a sense of

accomplishment was that Yu Ming buttocks were swollen and it
took a lot of effort to get the make up done...

Thanks to Sun Mu's gift, Yu Ming's shot today is not a play or

an action movie.

Next day, Yu Ming's ass swollen again, and the walking

posture was uncoordinated.

Sun Mu walked behind Yu Ming, shouting loudly and walking

up beside him, and his laughter was harsh.
Yu Ming stopped before stopping at the bus stop.

Sun Mu deliberately asked him: "Why do you take a bus?"

"Convenience" Yu Ming faded.

"It's been a hard day. You must be tired of taking the bus!
Come, I'll give you a ride..." Said as he pushed Yu Ming in the

When Yu Ming tried his best to break free, he yelled: "I don't
need to ..... let go!"

Sun Mu seems to have finally achieved his wish. Not only did
he not feel bad because of "good intentions are not good", but he
laughed cheerfully: "That's it."

All this happened to be seen by Xià Hòng Wēi, not far from
Since Yu Ming came out from the gate, Xiao Hòng Wēi eyes
had never left Yu Ming's body. Until the bus came over, he saw
Yu Ming struggling to get into the bus, next to a lot of empty
seats, Yu Ming only stood on the handrail. The whole face was
covered tightly, leaving only a pair of red eyes looking out of the
bus window.

At that moment, Xià Hòng Wēi felt his heart was torn.

Huge pain hit him. He closed his eyes back and rested on his
seat. The whole person was in a state of collapse.

Sun Mu happened to come to pick up the car. At one glance,

he saw the parked Maybach. What attracted him more was the
man who sat in the car. Sun Mu's eyes were straight and the
assistant next to him asked: "Who is this man?"

The assistant also looked at him .... and only returned for a
long time: "I don't know."

At this time, Xià Hòng Wēi suddenly opened his eyes and Sun
Mu felt that the heart was instantly shocked and the entire
person was like a wooden figure.

Xià Hòng Wēi stared at him with a glassy look and annihilated
all the self imposed power of Sun Mu.

Looking at the car, Sun Mu's bones are still crisp.


The next day, Yu Ming did not go to the crew and he had to
stay a day in the dormitory.

Hàn Dōng waited on him with tea to pour, and all kinds of
teased treasures. Yu Ming's mood finally got a lot better.

At noon, Hàn Dōng added some hypnotics to Yu Ming's rice,

and Yu Ming soon fell asleep.

Hàn Dōng faded his playful expression, stuffed things into his
bag, and held out a negative face.

He arrived at the film and television base filmed by Yu Ming's

crew and entered the door with his own identity certificate.

Hàn Dōng then sneaked into the locker room and quickly
changed his makeup. In less than half an hour, a beautiful and
aggressive young woman walked out of the dressing room.

Sun Mu played well, suddenly the door of the studio was

opened. Hàn Damei went straight ahead to Sun Mu, apart from
anything else, there were two big slaps heard.

Everyone was shocked.

The security guard has yet to intervene, and Hàn Dōng is

picking up his throat.

"Did you go rent a room with your name yesterday?"

Sun Mu wanted to act but he was stiff, he really hooked up
with a married and wealthy businessman whom he didn't know
his named. But every time they meet he was careful, the secret
timing of each visit was comparable to the husband's private
visit. How could this person have known about it?

"You wonder how I know, right? I tell you, I'm his wife!
Everybody in the room listens. This TV series is invested using
my husband money. Your big producer play wife to my
husband. He is a special kind of asshole to grab a man who has a

"What did you say?" Sun Mu finally hurried.

"What did I say? In March of last year, the property of Fujing

Garden, who contributed 80 percent to your investment? Last
September, in Macau you lost more than 50 million on gambling
bets. Who wiped your ass?"

1]....Who wiped your has a meaning of who fixed

your shit...literalllly

Sun Mu was shocked. Is this woman really his wife? The man
had said that his wife is ugly and old. If this woman is not the
wife, how could she know so much?

At the beginning, all people cast an incredible look at Sun Mu.

When Hàn Dōng was exposed and Sun Mu was thoroughly
questioned, those eyes clearly showed a tendency to change to

Sun Mu was anxious and incoherent. "You are talking I will sue you believe me or not"

"I'm talking nonsense?" Hàn the Great smiled coldly. "Is your
RT underwear a choice of brand? Don't you like to be fucked
while wearing it? Aren't you using mango-flavored lubricant
every time?"

Sun Mu was completely stunned. She knows about that too?

Hàn Dōng aggressively said, "This is what my husband said

when he was drunk!"

Sun Mu tried hard to argue, but Hàn Dōng teared open his
clothes and pointed to everyone in the room to his RT

"You see, is what I'm saying wrong?"

When this was said, the entire studio was in disorder.

Sun Mu's face was purple, and he attempted to push Hàn

Dōng, but Hàn Dōng gave him two more slaps.

Then Hàn Dōng was also a victim of being bullied. "If you grab
my husband, even if you do, do you dare to make yourself a
woman for my husband? Will you dare to be a man again and
hit me? Is your shame so arrogant?"

Sun Mu is almost going mad and yelling at the bodyguard.

"What are you waiting for? Get this crazy woman out!"

Hàn Dōng yelled at the last second, and threw all kinds of
rotten eggs, rotten melons to the director's face. Then he took a
small bag to his shoulder and slapped the bodyguard trying to
reach out to pull Hàn Damei

"I will walk on my own. If you dare touch me, I will sue you."

After finishing, Hàn Damei walked out gracefully with his

high-heeled shoes.

You have to know that Sun Mu cares most about his face,
when he is holding a rotten egg and rotten skin, when the
recipients are ignorant and disdainful, all he wanted was to die.

Because of this incident, the shooting of the TV series was


Sun Mu set about making a phone call to the wealthy

businessman before he found that the man's wife had gone
abroad. This woman was simply fake.

"Hurry chase her! She must haven't been gone yet!"

Hàn Dōng really didn't go out. He went to the bathroom, took
off the womanly clothes and washed the makeup out. Then
walked out again.

Sun Mu's bodyguard passed several times from him and

finally stopped to look at him.

"You... are you from the Ma Dōng?"

Hàn Dōng shook hands warmly. "I am him..."

"I superly like your movie. When I don't have anything to do

here I take it out and watch it. Especially like the scene you
played, it feels too much real ...... Every time I look at it, I get
scared with goose bump."

Hàn Dōng laughed.

"Can you share a selfie with me?"

Hàn Dōng gladly agreed, hooking the shoulders of this
bodyguard and taking a photo with him as a "hard guy and
tough guy".

Then Hàn Dōng asked tentatively: "I just watched you

running in a hurry. What are you doing?"

"Hey, lookin for a woman."

Speaking of this, the bodyguard seemed to realize what it was

and asked Hàn Dōng: "Have you seen a beauty passing from this
area? The head is about the same height as you, with thick eyes
and long legs."

Hàn Dōng pondered for a moment and asked, "With big

breasts and a yellow bag?"

The bodyguard nodded. "That's right, that's her. Where did

you see it?"

Hàn Dōng said something: "I just came out of the toilet door
just to see her go through there. Because the woman was so
beautiful, I couldn't help but look two-times more."

"What happened later? Did you see where she went?"

Hàn Dōng had a dull tone. "I saw her walking to the west.
Then there was no shadow."

When the bodyguard heard this, he went west and Sun Mu

happened to be there. He saw him hurriedly ask, "Did you find

"There was an actor who said that the woman went to the

Sun Mu said: "I turned to the west side and didn't see her..."

Talking about it, suddenly he remembered something, there is

a small gate west of the film and television base, outside there is
a garbage dump. The average person rarely goes out from there,
but does not rule out that someone specifically went there to

"I know. She must have ran from there."

Saying, Sun Mu ran toward the small door, followed by

bodyguards. For security reasons, it was the bodyguard who
opened the door to Sun Mu. After the gate was opened, Sun Mu
was not calm at the moment.

In front of the rubbish dump, there was a lost woman's dress,

exactly the same as that worn by Hàn Damei.

Sun Mu rushed in with an excitement, and he fell into the



Because Yu Ming is an artist signed by Wang Zhong Ding, and

Xià Hòng Wēi is in the middle of it all .... Wang Zhong Ding paid
special attention to his every move. Yu Ming's career being
bullied spread to his ears.
"But Sun Mu was got retributed back in kind" Er Lei said.

Wang Zhong Ding has a tight vision. "Retribution, what


"It is said that Little Sun was found out by the righteous Lord's
wife and her beautiful brain went on the set to completely
dirtify Sun Mu's reputation."

At the beginning, Wang Zhong Ding thought that Hàn Dōng

would be the troublemaker he immediately let go of this story.

"Didn't he called the police?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Er Lei said: "How can he dare to call the police! Only a few
people can be hired to secretly check that one out."

"How did you check such things? The person had already run
Speaking of this matter, Er Lei wanted to be more happy. "The
woman left her clothes after she ran from Sun Mu, and Sun Mu
wanted to find the fingerprints on the clothes. As a result, guess
what? There was no evidence on the clothes. Mu also fell on the
garbage and took the clothes back, and the person clearly
prepared themselves in advance."

Wang Zhong Ding laughed and said, "This woman is quite


He seem to have a fight with the "wife".

"I heard that it was more lively than any drama on stage." Er
Lei said again.

Wang Zhong Ding asked with interest: "Is there surveillance


Er Lei's face had uncomfortable expression, When did Wang

always start to enjoy watching this kind of thing?
"None?" Wang Zhong Ding asked again.

Er Lei nodded. "There is definitely something, but you have to

go over there."

He thought that Wang Zhong Ding would wave his hand and
said with a positive face: "That's just it. I just asked casually."

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding said: "Then hurry go get it!"

Er Lei, "......."

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Er Lei came back from there.

He thought that Wang Zhong Ding had left, and found that
the lights of Wang Zhong Ding's office were still on. It is
reasonable to say that he should not work overtime today. Was
he waiting hard to watch this video?

Er Lei was thrilled by this idea.

Is he so addicted to it?

Although Er Lei was so addicted before he seen the video.... he

did not thoroughly read his desire after watching it.

As he was thinking, the door of the general manager's office

suddenly opened, and Wang Zhong Ding directly copied Er Lei
enthusiasm. "Is the video here... did you take it?"

Er Lei nearly choked.

"Well?" Wang Zhong Ding asked again.

Er Lei had to sent it.

Er Lei wanted to ask why Wang Zhong Ding thinks so much of

it .....was it because Hàn Dōng has been with Yu Ming during
this time. Wang Zhong Ding has too little fun and will use this
kind of thing to clear his loneliness.
Wang Zhong Ding inserted the CD and stared at the screen
with his eyes, trying to see how this woman played the act

Er Lei consciously avoided looking at it

When Hàn Damei was just on the court, Wang Zhong Ding
was stunned. Later, the more he saw the more wrong he felt...
Finally, when Hàn Damei held out Sun Mu's RT proof
questioning everyone, his face calmed down completely.

This... This seem like my wife, right?

Chapter 154 Courting Disaster
After a few minutes, Wang Zhong Ding finally opened his
mouth outside.

"Er Lei, call Hàn Dōng to me."

"That... he has come already." The foreseeable Er Lei directly

pushed Hàn Dōng into the house.

Counting that two people have not been alone for more than a
week, plus the subordinates of the video, Wang Zhong Ding sees
Hàn Dōng's eyes with quite a bit of a posture to eat.

"Explain this and explain it well to me," Wang Zhong Ding


Hàn Dōng grinned. "Don't you think it's a special damaging?


"A man in the ladies clothes everywhere, what for?" Wang

Zhong Ding yelled powerfully.

Hàn Dōng leaned forward and hung his upper body on the
desk, his hips swaying high, and his smiling eyes had a naughty

"But the joy on your face is clearly written and appreciated!"

Wang Zhong Ding took advantage of Hàn Dōng, and he did

not make a word for a long time.

Hàn Dōng had a little bit of guilty conscience, but his doggy's
paws came in from Wang Zhong Ding's shirt hem, provokingly
touching Wang Zhong Ding's abs.

Wang Zhong Ding grabbed his wrist and his hands pressure
were amazing.

Hàn Dōng bit his teeth and asked: "Are you really angry?"
As a result, Wang Zhong Ding kissed his mouth without
warning then pushed back.

When Hàn Dōng reacted, he found that Wang Zhong Ding's

face was still tense, as if nothing had happened before.

“There is a wall .... go there.” Wang Zhong Ding pointed Hàn

Dōng to the west.

Hàn Dōng looked perplexed. "Did you just kiss me yet? Why
did you stop?"

"Who kissed you?" Wang Zhong Ding lied shamelessly.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly said, "Without this, you just became


"That's your hallucination." Wang responsive tone, " Why

would you think that I'm going to kiss you when you do that
kind of thing over there? You're lucky I didn't smoke your
buttock. And that's a good thing!"
It's too much to believe. Don't you think so?... Hàn Dōng's
face was pumped out. Is it popular to imitate me this year?

"Go to the corner and reflect on it!" Wang tone could not be

To say so, in fact, Wang Zhong Ding hopes that Hàn Dōng will
disobey, and when he disobeyed Wang Zhong Ding would spank
him and he could follow the a spanking with something more...

As a result, Hàn Dōng was shaken for the first time. He walked
up to the corner and silently stood straight as a stick.

Wang Zhong Ding rubbed forehead, why is he so obedient?

After a while, Hàn Dōng suddenly turned and said, "I have
finished my reflection."

Wang Zhong Ding's heart was tight, and he was particularly

worried that Hàn Dōng would say a lot of reasonable things. If
he knew anything was wrong, he would change his words.
"I discovered that I was too good. I said that but I didn't refer
to him directly, but he led himself directly to the garbage crater.
How much insight and control is needed to do this?" Hàn Dōng
really was Wang Zhong Ding's good boy.

Wang Zhong Ding went on to say, "I don't think you need to
go back to the dorm, just stay here for the night!"

As a result, Hàn Dōng resolutely refused, leaving no room for


"I must get back to the dormitory."

Wang Zhong Ding was really annoyed this time. "What must
be so important for you to got back?"

"Ming Er is now like this, there is no one around for him."

"Does he like you?" Wang Zhong Ding asked suddenly.

Hàn Dōng was surprised. Do you know this?

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding quickly answered: "Since he

can't like you, why would it make sense for you to return to the

A cold wind brushed Hàn Dōng's heart.

People throughout the company thought that you can't wait to

see me. You thought that Yu Ming doesn't want to see me. How
much humble would you like me to be?

"Don't bother other people, and go reflect on it!"

Wang Zhong Ding has hinted so clearly. Hàn Dōng refused to

bite his teeth.

In his bones, there is still the roots of chauvinism, and he is

afraid that people will say that he is not a good friend.
"I must go back or he will not trust me."

Having said that, Hàn Dōng didn't go back to Wang's office.


Yu Ming was already asleep, and Hàn Dōng's phone awakened

him again. When Hàn Dōng left, he couldn't sleep altogether
and suffocated with no reason.

Yu Ming discovered that Hàn Dōng is now like his oxygen.

With him, he can maintain his basic survival. Without him,

he is just as dead.

Therefore, when Yu Ming heard the door again sounded,

there was an indescribable move in his heart.

Even if Hàn Dōng's clothes are in need of change, he would go

ahead and check on Yu's situation. Seeing that he was lying in
bed safely, he was relieved that he was just about to go out and
Yu Ming spoke up.

"I wanna tell you something."

Hàn Dōng surprised, "Are you awake?"


"What's the matter? Say it."

"I may have to return to the crew tomorrow."

Hàn Dōng calculated Yu Ming would say it. "Not tomorrow,

tomorrow you shouldn't go out. It's easy to court disaster."

Yu Ming did not listen to his words "I can't let the crew wait
for me."
Hàn Dōng hesitated for a moment and said: "You can go out
but you must have me with you."

"Are you free?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng looked at his mobile phone. "For the time being, no
one has informed me of something."

Yu Ming did not say anything, but he agreed.


The next day, Feng Jun smiled into Wang Ding's office and
saw a gloomy face.

"What's wrong?" Feng Jun does not remember what the

company could do for Wang Zhong Ding to be looking badly.

Wang Zhong Ding did not answer and asked directly. "What

Feng Jun said: "Hàn Dōng was animated at the red carpet
show at the Venice Film Festival. The other party was interested
in asking him to be the spokesperson for them in China and
walk the opening line for men's fashion week."

After hearing this news, Wang Zhong Ding's face finally eased.
He was not worried about his intentions for the past six months!

Hàn Dōng's closet room is almost filled entirely with Armani

clothing. Every time he attends a large-scale red carpet show, he
is personally dressed by Wang Zhong Ding. This man also
ridiculous for someone to spend more than 100,000 yuan to rent
a variety of high-end brand catwalk show, they do not know
their own set of changes are advanced customization for the

Such a love with his own extraordinary conditions, finally

impressed.... he decided to choose him as the first male
endorsement in Asia.
"Don't you want to call him for this good news?" Feng Jun

Wang Zhong Ding snorted, "away with you."

Feng Jun cannot stand it: For someone like Hàn Dōng to make
such a big achievement, he'll be sure to give you a bit jealous ah!

Hàn Dōng was accompanied by Yu Ming on the way to the

crew and received a call from Feng Jun.

“There will be a fashion brand launch next week. Let's

cooperate with international brands and prepare for the
company immediately.”

Unexpectedly, Hàn Dōng said, "Is it not for the next week?
What are you doing calling me so early?"

"Just want you to come over, we want to talk to you first."

"Excuse me, I don't have time today."

After finishing, Hàn Dōng directly dropped the call.

That ...why that little... ... Feng Jun just want to curse at Hàn
Dōng .... He should try to calm down.... , no wonder Wang does
not always want to see that fool!

Wang Zhong Ding just eased his face and it fell because of such
a phone call. Needless to say, Hàn Dōng must have been
affectionately accompanying Yu Ming to the crew.

"Should I still go ahead?" Jun asked.

Wang Zhong Ding denounced: "Take care of him!"


Yu Ming from there also asked Hàn Dōng: "Isn't the company
looking for you to do something?"

"There is no big deal, something about a fashion conference,

something of cooperation, I guess it's a catwalk."

Yu Ming said: "You still have to look at it, maybe they will ask
you to speak for it."

"Bullshit ! Last time, there was a clothing brand that wanted

me to speak on it. Wang Zhong Ding refused. He wouldn't even
see me!"

Yu Ming also told Hàn Dōng to stop.

"Whatever you said today I will accompany you, don't expect

me to go away."

Hàn Dōng, on the one hand, fears that Yu Ming will be killed.
On the other hand, he wants to see Sun Mu's crew after Sun
Mu's shame was reorganized.
Ten minutes later, two people arrived on the set.

Unfortunately, the bear didn't see it, Sun Mu was feeling good
for a recovering man, and he was chatting with the assistant.

"The big guy didn't come today..."

The assistant laughed: "You won't see him?"

Sun Mu said, "You figure it out. It's he who runs this day and
night. Isn't it me that is taking the initiative to hook him up?"

The assistant was smiling and suddenly saw Hàn Dōng coming
in and excitedly called Sun Mu. “You see, isn't this the Ma Dong
who played the movie together with Yu Ming? I super love

"Cut ..." Sun Mu does not take a look at Hàn Dōng, "What is
pink? Whoever plays that role can be red."

Yu Ming has a hard time today.

Not only must the whole process be carried away, but he must
be abused by another prince in the show.

"Don't think I don't know what you've done." Yu Ming looked

at the prince terribly.

The emperor pulled Yu Ming's hair and asked: “What have I

done? You say it!!”

Yu Ming didn't say a word just looked with his mouth closed.

Hàn Dōng discovered that Yu Ming's acting skills were much

better than before, and he could not help but rushed to Yu
As a result, the prince kicked Yu Ming's chest, and Yu Ming
fell to the ground and the Director yelled cut.

But after the cut it was not the director to know, but Sun Mu
stepped forward to dictate to the prince.

"You can't do that at all. You want the audience to see the
intensity. To show off, I'll give you a demonstration."

After he finished saying that he was picking up Yu Ming's

hair, "See what am I doing? You do it like this!"

From Hàn Dōng's point of view, it can be clearly seen that Sun
Mu not only pulled at Yu Ming's wig, but also pulled his hair
inside the wig.

Yu Ming's disgusted eyes were waiting for Sun Mu.

Sun Mu wanted to find emotions other than acting in this

gaze, but nothing was found. Huge anger caused him to jump up
and kick on Yu Ming's chest.
Then the actor acting as the Emperor, showed another face
apologetically saying, "I'm sorry, I'm trying my best."

Hàn Dōng's fists picked up and he reluctantly let go .....

Because of Yu Ming's warning eye.

In the second performance, the prince did not know whether

he was intentional or unintentional. He performed worse than
Sun Mu's guidance before.

The director kept shaking his head and sighed. Sun Mu

walked up a few steps and grabbed Yu Ming's hair and threw it
on him. Then he added another kick.

"Isn't it this easy?" Sun My exclaimed to the prince out loud.

Hàn Dōng's eyeballs were seeing red.

Wang Zhong Ding returned from the meeting and happened

to pass through the film and television base.
Er Lei could not help reminding: "Wang Zhan, today Yu
Ming's shot, do you want to explore that crew?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak yet and Feng Jun spoke first.

"Is that necessary? It is not an important scene, and it is not

our company's investment."

Er Lei nodded. "Okay."

As soon as the speeche were finished, Er Lei drove in the car

right there.

"What? What's the matter with you?" Feng Jun was annoyed.

Er Lei had already drove to Yu Ming's studio. Only a fierce

kick braked. "Oh, I'm confused. I'm sorry, Wang, I will drive
back immediately."
"Forget it." Wang Zhong Ding pretends to be helpless. "Let's go
and see."

1].....These two are like brothers mind so alike.

[SALEM]: Yaaaaas ^ i love Er Lei <3

Feng Jun hated it and looked at Er Lei. "What happened to you

lately? Has your brain been changed for a donkey's?"

Er Lei 's face is neither haughty nor humble.

When Sun Mu's third “demonstration” rolled around, Yu

Ming was directly crushed to the ground.

Hàn Dōng couldn't help it any longer. He flew up and rounded

a kick on Sun Mu's back.

Sun Mu collapsed to the ground.

The studio wae chaotic again.

The bodyguard should have had said to Hàn Dōng “please” go

out, but Hàn Dōng is his idol. His computer wallpaper still has a
photo of their selfie. What can he do?

Later it evolved into a group of people stopping Sun Mu, and

Sun Mu shouted at Hàn Dōng.

"What is your qualification to beat me?"

"You don't know who you are with such a little name! Doesn't
he have a supporting role for a long time?"

“When Yu Ming was ass in golden, your dog could eat a few
bubbles in the back. Now that he can't help himself, you asshole
laid an egg!”

"Don't think that I don't know how miserable you are in your
company. Wang doesn't have to wait for you. If I kick you now,
Wang would have fallen in love with me!"
Chapter 155 This is not Over
This statement happened to be heard by three people at the

Wang Zhong Ding walks inside with a blank face, and Er Lei
follows behind him.

Feng Jun faintly has a kind of ominous premonition. When he

enters, he discovers that Hàn Dōng was involved. Just now Hàn
claimed that he had no time then he went to run into this
trouble again. He couldn't help but mourn for Hàn Dōng name.

Unexpectedly, the subject of his silent tragedy had a terrible


Wang Zhong Ding didn't look at Hàn Dōng at all, and strode to
Sun Mu and stood behind him. He slapped him in the back of
his head.

Sun Mu was directly tossed to the ground, his face half a

meter away, his whole mouth was full of blood.
Everyone was stunned, including Sun Mu, including Feng
Jun, also including Er Lei, and even Hàn Dōng himself.

Wang Zhong Ding didn't wait for everyone to react and he

kicked another foot on Sun Mu who was trying to get up.

Sun Mu's kept crying and was not helped out.

On the studio, it was dead silence.

Knowing that Sun Mu issued a heartbreaking cry, Wang stood

up and looked at the crew and issued a strong statement.

“Whoever dare to be in front of me and say that Hàn Dōng is

not good enough. I will make you disappear the public eye! The
same goes for all the others!”

With this swearing, Wang Zhong Ding turned around and left.
Er Lei is followed closely.

Feng Jun still had an ominous hunch and he thought that

what Wang said to the crew was like he was saying it to his face.

Yu Ming also picked up Wang's direction in the middle of the

trip, and pushed Hàn Dōng with a handful.

"What are you waiting for? Are you waiting to be sieged?"

Happiness came too suddenly and Hàn Dōng was a little

stimulated. After getting in the car, he bowed down to play with
the buttons on Wang's shirt .... He played most of the way
before patting his thigh, said: "You were just too handsome

Wang Zhong Ding tilted a look at him and did not speak.

Hàn Dōng didn't care about the other people in the car. He
directly buried his head between Wang Zhong Ding's legs and he
was intoxicated.
"Too manly, too hard for me to swallow..."

Wang Zhong Ding was even more insensitive to Hàn Dōng's

anger and said: “Well, it's better to be less of a child than
anything else”

Hàn Dōng said indignantly: "The fucker owes me sorrow!"

“There are a lot of people in this circle who are short-spoken

and swearing. Some people are so eager to set you up. Do you
want to get into a court suit for a fight?”

Hàn Dōng said, "I'll scold anyone who bullies my buddy. If

they're too big of a mess, you'll step in and give me help!"

"I can't just wait for you to do anything. I'm afraid I won't give
you the time to do it. Take what I just said. If I didn't came
today, I'll say you would have been greeted by a bunch of people

Hàn Dōng didn't say anything.

Another person's brain is still more dull than Hàn Dōng's. The
entire road he has been in a state of rigidity. Later, after
listening to the dialogue between Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn
Dōng, the more he heard the more he froze, the more he heard
the more stiff he became and then he was completely frozen.

Hàn Dōng is like a big dog lying in the seat, his head in Wang
Ding's legs .... Wang Zhong Ding looked blankly at the window,
but his fingers were playing on Hàn Dōng's little hair knot

Seeing this, Feng Jun understands everything.

Turning to look at Er Lei, he whispered: "Did you know it


Er Lei didn't speak on behalf of not wanting to disturb the

dogs of war.

Feng Jun said, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Er Lei looked innocent. "I have hinted at you so many times."

Feng Jun was bitter in tears: Wang Zhong Ding, the general
God in his heart, just entered the cow dung and saved the cow
without hesitation.

Returning to the company, Yu Ming found Hàn Dōng and

said: "I may not be living in the dormitory rooms these days."

Hàn Dōng looked nervous. "Where are you going?"

"My parents are coming to Beijing. I want to stay with them."

Hàn Dōng was very excited. "When will your parents come?

"The plane comes at 11 o'clock."

Hàn Dōng asked quickly: "Do you need me to accompany

"No, I have already booked the hotel. I will go directly to the
hotel after I finish."

Hàn Dōng had no choice but to nod his head. “Then you're
gonna have to go and say Hi for me to aunt and uncle. I'll ask
them to have dinner later.”

Yu Ming nodded, casually packed up and went out.

Hàn Dōng finally packed for a few days and went straight to
Wang Zhong Ding's home with a horny face.

He open the door and saw two children chasing in the room.
One is a bandit, holding a fake cross . The other is a big boy who
is dressed in a Taoist costume and he is the unknown one.

Xixi held up the cross and reprimanded the bigger boy: "You
looking at you, stand still doesn't look like you're standing up,
sit down you look like you're not sitting down, it's too ugly!"

The little devilish brat looked stiff, but he did not have the
right reply.

"Living so constricted and tired, you look at my brother. I

don't want to see anything all day and night."

"You are heartless."


Hàn Dōng passed by them and asked, "Is it role playing?"

Xixi looked contempt again. "Isn't my role play good?"

"Okay, then you guys continue to play."

As a result, there was no disagreement between the two

people in a moment.
Xixi kept saying: "You were too awe-inspired. You should
whisper something."

"On what basis did my teacher whisper?"

"Because you're playing a little uncle!"

Hàn Dōng was even worse when he heard that and when he
was wondering, Xixi took the child to seek advice.

"You ask him. He is the uncle."

The little devilish brat asked Hàn Dōng: "Uncle, are you


Only when Hàn Dōng saw this clearly, Xixi played Jesus, the
Western god, and implied Wang Zhong Ding was the Heavenly
Father . The other child bears the priesthood monk, the Fairy of
the East, the symbol of Hàn Dōng, representative of Hàn The
Great Fairy

Aside from the ruthless analysis of Hàn Dōng by Xixi, this

abstract story is really worth nothing.


In the evening, the God/King/Heavenly King of Men and Hàn

The Great Fairy crossed the barriers of cultural exchanges
between the east and the west and came to a vigorous passionate

Wang Zhong Ding said: "We, the free and unrestrained

Westerners, cannot find a show like you!"

Han The Great Fairy said: "In our implied Great Eastern can't
find a show like you."

Then, the sky rays ignited the fire, all sorts of things on the
bed were bumping fiercely!
Afterwards, Wang Zhong Ding said to Hàn Dōng: "A few days
and Wan Li Qing may come back."

"Wan Li Qing?" Hàn Dōng almost forgot about her.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Yes, you're jealous?"

Hàn Dōng smiled. "At first, then she was cheaper."

Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng and said nothing.

Hàn Dōng asked curiously: “Why did you mention her with
me? Did she come back to influence you back to the old you?”

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face and said straight: "She
likes me."

"I know." Hàn Dōng said.

"So I think it's necessary to tell you all the history between me
and her."

"You even said this ah?" Hàn Dōng suddenly remembered Yu


Wang Zhong Ding nodded. "And I decided to tell her the

relationship between the two of us, before she has any other

Hàn Dōng had more and more self-satisfaction, "but she is a

girl, also your friend for so many years, you aren't worried
about it?"

"I can't help myself that she won't mind. I don't want to listen
to you whinning in my ear all day long."

Hàn Dōng spread his limbs and looked at the ceiling with a
cocky expression.

"I have no desire for another and my life is complete."

Wang Zhong Ding said: "But .... I want to give you more."

Hàn Dōng did not speak, "Aren't you afraid that I will become

"I hope you will become greedy, so that no one can satisfy you
except me."

Late at night, Hàn Dōng was asleep and Wang Zhong Ding
picked up his notebook. Wrote, deleted, and finally wrote a
microblogging Weibo post, sending out.

“He is a passionate superman and a childish naughty baby. He

is the tough guy with an iron heart and a gentle and considerate
man. He is smart, but he is still kind and sincere. He is cheerful,
but he is still sad... ..."

Having said a lot of praise, the final closing statement named

the lucky one.

"He is playing handsomely confused, and it's impossible for

him to resist playing it. Man's face makes you feel good, and
K&D is up to make you love it - Hàn Dōng!"

Meaning beyond words: Who dares to say I hate this mixed up

guy is fucking wrong.....For I'll never be tired of him!


Sun Mu's chest bruise were extensively, his lips teared, and
his entire face swollen like a pig's head.

Just as he was in pain, the assistant told him a surprise that

barely resolved the pain.

"That big guy who visited this sneak peek, he finally came to
see you."

Just finished, Xià Hòng Wēi came in.

Sun Mu said forcefully: "My mouth is not very convenient to

"You don't have to talk, what i say needs you woken up."

Sun Mu waited nervously, but he was a little dizzy before he

heard it.

Xià Hòng Wēi quietly said: "I like Yu Ming."

The killing power of this sentence was no less than that of

Wang Zhong Ding's slap, allowing Sun Mu to change from
vertigo to paralysis

"There is no possibility that the television shows you shoot

will be broadcast in any TV station .... online or cinema."

Sun Mu was completely dumbfounded.

Xià Hòng Wēi finally sent him four words.

"This is not over"

Out of the hospital, Xià Hòng Wēi went to Yu Ming's

Yu Ming's parents did not come. He stayed in the dormitory

for two days. In order to ensure he got normal sleep, Yu Ming
ate sleeping drugs before going to bed every day.

Xià Hòng Wēi went to Yu Ming's bed and once again opened
his quilt. Yu Ming was unaware of the hand because of the
sleeping medicine .... Xià Hòng Wēi went on to inspect his body.

Except for the bruises on the knees, no injuries were found in

other parts. Xià Hòng Wēi breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, he found that Yu Ming had a stone in his hand.

He wanted to get this stone out, but the result was Yu's
tightness of his hand and he couldn't get it open.

From the level of Yu Ming's hold on this stone, Xià Hòng Wēi
saw a hint.
He struck hard and suddenly heard Yu Ming mutter

Xià Hòng Wēi put his ear past and asked, "What did you say?"

Yu Ming did not speak again.

Xià Hòng Wēi slapped him again. As a result, Yu Ming

muttered another sentence. This time he heard it.

"Hàn Dōng gave it to me, don't steal it."

Xià Hòng Wēi's face was green at the time.

Chapter 156 The Whole Rebellion.
The next day, Wan Li Qing returned to the country.

Wang Zhong Ding personally went to pick her up from the

airport. The two sat for a while in the cafe near the airport.

Compared to going abroad, Wan Li Qing's mental state does

fare much better. The face is more delicate and ruddy than
before, and the skin is softer and brighter than before. She looks
more beautiful and moving.

Wan Li Qing discovered that Wang Zhong Ding was not the
same as before.

This change is reflected in all aspects.

Such as the first type.

In the past, Wang Zhong Ding's hair cut was usually neat,
short hair, showing a mature, deep facial contour. Nowadays it
is unclear short hair lines. The top hair is fashionable and
styled, giving off a mature deep facial contour. Today, it is not
clear short hair lines, erect hair top fashion type, bring out the
facial features looking quite lethally handsome.

Another example is his sitting.

In the past, Wang Zhong Ding made himself opposite.

Although he could not say that he couldn't move awkward, his
gestures were full of rules and majesty. Now he is slightly
leaning back, the legs naturally separate, revealing a hint of free
and easy stress-free life.

Such Wang Zhong Ding, seems a little less snobbish, but a

little more masculine.

Of course, the bigger change is his speech.

Wan Li Qing still wondered why Wang Zhong Ding would post
such a micro-blog post, and it's still trending. No matter how
others forward or ridicule, that micro-blog post is always
hanging on top searched posts.
“I just wanted to clarify the misunderstanding so that
everyone would know that I don't hate Hàn Dōng.” Wang said
the truth.

Wan Li Qing replied: "I'm not surprised that you made a

Weibo's post. I just can't understand. How can you boast about a
person like that? Don't you think it's awkward?"

Wang Zhong Ding doesn't think there is anything wrong. "If

the number of words permitted it, I may have written more."

Wan Li Qing was petrified.

"You...are you boasting about who has always called me a

blind woman?"

Wang Zhong Ding nodded his difficulties.

Wan Li Qing is even more difficult to understand. "Sure it was

him? You actually..."
"Don't say this." Wang Zhong Ding directly interrupted and
asked Wan Li Qing. "He knows you came back?"

"I told him, but he had something during the day. I'm afraid I
can only meet him in the evening."

Wang Zhong Ding nodded.

Wang Zhong Ding again tentatively asked: "Will he still

remember the box office poison?"

"Well, poisoning is getting deeper and deeper."

"You said he was sick? It took him three years to go out with a
normal man! I don't discriminate against this feeling. I just
wonder why he likes men. He looks so normal..."

"I like it too," Wang Zhong Ding said suddenly.

Wan Li Qing tone was clear, "What did you say?"

"I also like men."

"You... Are you kidding?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "In fact, when I came here today, I
want to talk to you about this matter."

As he said, Hàn Dōng's phone call came in.

"I came to the airport. Where are you?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "International Hall 2 Terminal."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Two minutes later, Hàn Dōng appeared in front of Wan Li

Qing, this time he finally changed his greetings.

"Qing Er, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Qing Er ?.. ... She had to clear her face black lins, but also she
had to answer it?

"Call me Wan Li Qing, it's my name."

Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding sat side by side and the two
people faced Wan Li Qing together.

The facts are already in sight, but Wan Li Qing could not
connect them.

Until Wang Zhong Ding opened his mouth: "I want to say to
you today that I am with him."

"Which one?" Wan Li Qing still looked confused.

Hàn Dōng raised his hand and said, "Hey, this is me!"

The blindfolds blew up on the top of a thousand miles of the

sun, instantly turning him into a thousand miles.

"How can it be?"

Wang Zhong Ding took hold of Hàn Dōng's hand and said to
his face: “This is real.”

Wan Li Qing: "......."

Xià Hòng Wēi finished his business and held a chilly face
going to Wang Zhong Ding's company. As a result, he went
halfway and suddenly received a phone call from Wan Li Qing.

"Where are you now?"

Xià Hòng Wēi said: "On the way to Wang."

"Exactly, you come to my house."

"I'm going to go to his company about a person right now. I'll

see you again after I've processed it."

"No, you'll come to me immediately. I have something

important to say to you!"

Xià Hòng Wēi had to turn the front of the vehicle and drove
away in the direction of Wan Li Qing.

Seeing Xià Hòng Wēi, the anger in Wan Li's heart poured out
in a flash. “Why didn't you tell me that Wang Zhong Ding and
Hàn Dōng were together?”

Xià Hòng Wēi's heart was again hit hard. “What did you say?
Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng are together?”

"Do you not know?" Wan Li Qing was very strange.

Xià Hòng Wēi's face shows everything, "Who said they were

"Today Wang Zhong Ding personally admitted it!"

Xià Hòng Wēi's face fell directly to negative values.

Wan Li Qing obviously wanted to question Xià Hòng Wēi, and

then spit on him and she found that Xià Hòng Wēi's face was
worse than hers. She cannot help but have abdominal cramps:
What happened during this time of my absence?

"I know."

Leaving this sentence, Xià Hòng Wēi left.

Then, Xià Hòng Wēi's car again drove to Wang Zhong Ding's
company, but this time, instead of looking for Hàn Dōng, he
went to Wang Zhong Ding.
"You and Hàn Dōng are together?" Xià Hòng Wēi asked.

Wang Zhong Ding nodded. "We haven't had time to tell you."

He thought that Xià Hòng Wēi would start worrying and say
that he was not interested in anything. He didn't expect that Xià
Hòng Wēi actually grabbed his shoulders. And spoke with a
grieved compatriot's tone saying: "Hàn Dōng has two boats on
the foot. Do you know? ”

1]....having two boats.... peddling two lovers.

This time, the person who was hit hard by his heart became
Wang Zhong Ding.

"What did you say?"

Xià Hòng Wēi said: "I told you that Yu Ming likes Hàn Dōng
and Hàn Dōng doesn't like Yu Ming. I can't guarantee it, but I'm
sure Hàn Dōng knows that Yu Ming likes him."
Hàn Dōng does not need to like Yu Ming. It is enough for
Wang to know that You Ming has to die.

"How do you know?" Wang Zhong Ding asked again.

Xià Hòng Wēi told Wang Zhong Ding that he had discovered
the Opal in Yu Ming's room yesterday.

When Wang Zhong Ding heard the word "Opal", his forehead
was kind of bursting. Regardless of Hàn Dōng's intentions, he
should have let Wang Zhong Ding know at least.

"Are you sure it is an opal?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Xià Hòng Wēi said: "Last night, the light was dark and I didn't
see it clearly, but there should be nothing wrong with my eyes"

Wang Zhong Ding immediately called Hàn Dōng, but Hàn

Dōng's cell phone was in the dormitory and the phone was not
Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding went to the dormitory as Xià
Hòng Wēi followed.

Yu Ming and Hàn Dōng just went outside for dinner and there
was no one in the dormitory.

Xià Hòng Wēi opened Yu Ming's room and went to the bed to
look for the piece of opal. The result was it was missing.

"It should be hidden," said Wang Zhong Ding.

The two men again rummaged in the room.

Soon, Xià Hòng Wēi found it in a cabinet.

"This is it."

The gloomy face of Wang Zhong Ding is in stark contrast to

the colorful stones.
"What is this?" Xià Hòng Wēi took out a reed skirt from the

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face. "Give it to me."

Xià Hòng Wēi handed it to him.

At the beginning of the period, Wang Zhong Ding thought

that it was a reed skirt that Xiao Liang said. As a result, he found
out that it was a skirt that was compiled and had Cain signature
....... on the skirt.

"It seems that he has received a lot of good things." Xià Hòng
Wēi's face was chilly.

Wang Zhong Ding left that little face and kindly reminded: "It
was not Cain who sent it to Yu Ming, but Cain sent it to Hàn
Dōng and Hàn Dōng let Yu Ming take care of it."

Xià Hòng Wēi decided to look at Wang Zhong Ding: Man, your
man seem to be even worse than mine!
The two men were stiff and Hàn Dōng's cell phone rang again
next door.

Wang Zhong Ding picked it up and saw that the caller had a
strange name. He guessed that those Hàn Dōng's friends were
also friends, so he did not answer it. But he did not put the
phone down, but slowly rummaged in the message record.

Finally, he found a message that Hàn had forgotten to delete.

"If the news is looking at knowledge ridicule, there is a large

amount of information. First of all, this "more amount" word
makes Wang Zhong Ding's mind suspicious. Why is it more
sexy? Have you seen sexy before?

Thus, Wang Zhong Ding returned a text to Cain in the name

of Hàn Dōng.

"Why would I be sexy if I wear a reed skirt?"

Cain did not reply for a moment.

"Because the last time you sent me a naked photo, I couldn't
help but start seeing you wearing a short skirt with a semi-
covered look. hohoho~"
Chapter 157.. Auch Auch Auch....The
Sound of Wailling
Hàn Dōng was eating and suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng swallowed what was in his mouth, and said in a

very nervous tone: "I suddenly had an bad feeling."

"What kind of hunch?"

Hàn Dōng showed his cautious colors. “I figured out that the
dormitory is a bad place and I should not go back tonight.”

Yu Ming's nerves tightened and he lagged down and said, “If

you don't want to stay in the dormitory again.... Just say it .”

"No, I really figured out that something bad is gonna happen

at the dormitory."
Yu Ming got up directly to pay his bills. "Then I'll go back
first, and you eat slowly, where do you want to go after eating?"

"Wait for me!" Hàn Dōng finally compromised. "How can I

throw you in an ominous place alone!"

After the completion of food His Majesty threw the chopsticks

and chased towards Yu Ming.

Yu Ming was setting the key and suddenly heard a bang, Hàn
Dōng directly pushed the door open.

"Strange, I clearly locked it when I left." Yu Ming whispered.

Hàn Dōng snorted. "I really want to hear something inside. It

looks like there is a thief."

"What should I do?" Yu Ming asked.

"It's okay. I'll pull you. When you're over there, you put the
button on it. If you beat it, we'll run quickly."

So, the two people crept inwards, and the sneaky appearance
was particularly appropriate.

Soon, the pace of the two people froze.

Two statue-like mighty bodies appeared in front of the eyes

and occupied the entire couch. And the “dirty things” that were
placed on the coffee table in front of them were formally
“showed out ” out of the room.

Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming were completely dumbfounded.

Two people's hands still pull together, seen as a guilty

conscience, not seen as a thief..... it's still guilty.

Hàn Dōng stayed quiet for a few seconds and shook Yu Ming's
hand and tightened it.
Run for it! If we not run we will leave here without our life!

The result was the receipt was still in front of Yu Ming's

collection for the first second, and it was empty next to the next
second. Then Hàn Dōng felt a strong attack on his ass, and the
whole body uncontrollably flew towards the sofa, landing with
a heavy landing. Yu Ming also took off more than a dozen steps
and crashed into someone's chest. At that time, he was staring
at Venus.

No one thinks that this is all done by one person.

Wang Zhong Ding had never smacked his ass since he had
made contact with Hàn Dōng. At least he did not spank him in
front of others, but this time it was unbearable.

Xià Hòng Wēi was even more fierce, right? However, when he
was concentrating on a mad tyrant, he had already pushed at
him. The great impact forced Xià Hòng Wēi to retreat two steps.
The first thing was not to catch Yu Ming's question, but
subconsciously trapped him in his hands.
Yu Ming was obviously in shock. He did not break away from
Xià Hòng Wēi's arms.

In this room, the most sturdy people did not act rashly, and
the most calm people were shocked. It was clear how much fire
Wang Zhong Ding had made!

Hàn Dōng had not yet had time to get up from the sofa and
was rudely forced out by Wang Zhong Ding by his waistband.
There were also a few “dirty things” on the coffee table.

Yu Ming originally thought that he would most likely take his

own opal, but he couldn't move because of Xià Hòng Wēi's hold
on him.

Hàn Dōng's screaming voice slowly drifted away.

Yu Ming thought that he would be treated the same way. After

waiting for a long time and waiting for a big move, he looked up
at Xià Hòng Wēi's face and saw the color of a defeated man.
"Why didn't you get angry?" Yu Ming asked.

Xià Hòng Wēi asked with a cold face: "Why am I going to get
angry? Do I have anything to do with you?"

Yu Ming's heart suddenly has a kind of unspeakable taste,

which is even more unpleasant than his gem.

"It doesn't matter." Yu Ming answered lightly.

Xià Hòng Wēi let go of him and Yu Ming turned to walk

around. Xià Hòng Wēi couldn't help saying: "Are you heartless?"

Yu Ming pretended not to hear it.

"There are people who have the Lord. What do you think of
Wang's face to go around with Hàn? Do you think that everyone
will look at you like me?"
Yu Ming replied coldly, "you seemed pleased!"

“ me pleased ?” Xià Hòng Wēi wrings an eyebrow.

Yu Ming turned around, his face with still a light cloud of


"Yeah, didn't you like gloating? Didn't you like to see my bad
luck and me getting humiliated? Now you have see enough!"

Unexpectedly, this sentence not only did not irritate Xià Hòng
Wēi, but made him laugh.

"If you didn't care? Why did you remember my words so


Yu Ming finally could not help but keep quiet.

"Yes! I care. I feel wronged. I can't be reconciled! In your eyes,

I'm always an unfinished task. You use money to buy weapons
and equipment. The purpose of you buying them is you want to
conquer me! You are always standing high up looking down on
me. Looking at me and now I will even look up at you with my

Having said this, Yu Ming kicked the door.

Xià Hòng Wēi stood at the door for a long time.

Yu Ming was powerful and forced a torturer to blame

themselves Hàn Dōng did not have that ability. He had already
entered Wang Ding's office and did not even say a complete
sentence. He has been using “Auch... Auch” to communicate
with Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding is not only "horny", he is also very accurate.

Specially smacking the piece of meat on Hàn Dōng's butt ..... He
can't help it, it's very difficult to master, and it's absolutely
impossible to make him hurt and cry.

"It's not me, it's not me... it's because of the photos you took. I
sent it to Cain..."

"If you made a mistake, it's extenuating, but when you make a
mistake and you don't explain it in time you're in the wrong.
How do you explain this?"

"I was so arrogant in my heart that I didn't take him seriously,

so I didn't explain it. It wasn't the kind of thing you are
thinking. How could I make such a principled mistake because
I'm such a monogamy person?"

Wang Zhong Ding's face was even worse. "You thought I

didn't know what you had done before?"

Hàn Dōng is obviously guilty, but he still pretends to be a

confident figure.

"Why didn't you say anything about it and when did I break

Wang Zhong Ding came one by one.

"Having 78 girlfriends, 54 which are Beijingers, 12
hometowners, and 7 online chatters. The longest girlfriend
contact time is 3 months, the shortest is 11 hours, and the
average time is less than a month. At the same time, there are at
most 6 contacts, 3 in a long distance love, 2 foreign love.... 1
local love in the area..."

Hàn Dōng was shocked: When did he investigate?

Wang Zhong Ding saw that Hàn Dōng's appearance didn't play
himself as guilty, and he gave the reed skirt point.

"Don't be like that!" Hàn Dōng hurried. "That's my idol's

heart. How can you say that you burned it?"

"He didn't call his heart to my heart, and he didn't call for my
permission!" Wang said and he smacked Hàn Dōng's buttocks

Hàn Dōng's shivering sensation was actually clamoring for

success. Not only did he not seek mercy, he also challenged
Wang Zhong Ding: "I am not wrong, I will not admit it! If you
have the ability do your worst!"

The result can be imagined.

Wang Zhong Ding took out more than a dozen sets of naughty
"special costumes" from the secret compartment of the cabinet
and flew them to Hàn Dōng's face in one breath.

"Don't you like to take pictures of this kind of thing? Wear it!
Today I'll make you a scene you won't forget!"

Hàn Dōng instantly stopped, where did these things come

from? This will not be ... in the middle, how can he have this
addiction? I feel sorry to buy these clothes!

But the surface he was still pretending to be unbearably

humiliated. "No, please, don't make me wear it!"

Wang Zhong Ding should not let him wear it? He kept them
especially to make him one day wear them.... How can he let go
of his chance?
"Get on with it! Wear them one by one!"

Hàn Dōng's clothes were changed with a difficult expression,

and then he was posed in various unbearable moves under the
pressure of Wang Zhong Ding. The face was not happy, in fact,
it's quite hard to put in place.

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes are scarlet red and the fire is

Hàn Dōng's next time could be described as "double play." In

the past, Wang Zhong Ding and his body would always come
swiftly. Today, he was "punished" unrestrainedly by jealousy
and transvestitement.

In the end, Hàn Dōng's nose was sour, and he pushed out two
drops of crocodile tears directly from the emotions.

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly could not stand that up.

He wanted to leave him alone, letting Hàn Dōng suffer from

evil, but he couldn't help himself. But he didn't cry or struggled
so Wang was uncomfortable in bed.

Since Hàn Dōng's drama addiction has stopped, the shoulders

are twitching slightly, and the breathing is very laborious. The
tears flowed out of the corner of the eye in an uncontrolled
manner, and they rolled away silently. There was no sound in
the whole process.

How pitiful it is ..... How pitiful

Chapter 158 Who can resist Me?
Wang Zhong Ding said uncomfortably: "Don't cry."

Can Hàn Dōng stop by that sentence? The tears were forced to
close but at a certain moment they fell out of control and fell
drastically confusing Wang Zhong Ding's judgment.

"I just smacked you and you didn't cry. Why do you so much

Hàn Dōng still kept silent.

"Is it too shameful? You blame me for shaming you?” Wang

Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng swallowed and said, "No."

"what is that?"
"I suddenly remembered my second uncle coming, and
remembering that he used to always do it to me..."

Wang Zhong Ding sighed in his heart: The greatest

contribution of your second uncle is not to retain you, but it has
become a shield for your whole life.

I think so, Wang Zhong Ding still wiped a handkerchief on

Hàn Dōng's eyes and did not speak.

When Hàn Dōng tasted the sweetness, he couldn't stop

squeezing more tears. The more the tears were rubbed, the
more flowed, and there more that if Wang doesn't speak the
tears will flood the room.

Wang Zhong Ding finally could not help but yelled: "Well,
wouldn't you just kick your feet? Think about the previous time
when you were filming, the bruised back you weren't crying."

Hàn Dōng twitched. "That... How can that be the same?"

"How is it different?" Wang Zhong Ding once again wiped Hàn
Dōng eyes.

Hàn Dōng's tears continued to dribble. "If I were to kick you

two feet, could you feel comfortable in your heart?"

It was said that Hàn Dōng is the hammer and Zhong Ding had
to cut him!

Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding was overwhelmed by Hàn Dōng

and asked: "But does it still hurt...the butt?"

Hàn Dōng began to play Yu Ming's set again. He was stiff and
with a look that said “not hurt” and "I'm strong".

Wang Zhong Ding still opened his quilt and looked.

As a result, it was found that Hàn Dōng really wasn't fragile

and there was no trace of injuries on the buttocks.
Hàn Dōng also took a peek at it. At that time, he had an
awkward look and he didn't have anything to do. Even a little
red would be OK!

So he moved the poor spot to him again.

"You also know that the 78 objects I used to interact with were
all women. I never thought that one day I would be riding a
man. You are not just in my ass, you are still in my self-esteem!
You say you still want to fuck it, it still hurts... "

The tears drizzled like a heavy rain.

Wang Zhong Ding looked at this sample called Hàn Dōng. He

really felt distressed and tried to cure it again.

But in the end, he only gave him a few massages by hand and
did not perform the next move.

In order to squeezing Wang Zhong Ding's gentleness to the

greatest extent, Hàn Dōng continued to push toward him.
Wang Zhong Ding finally embraced him, and his soft tone
commanded: "Dongdong .... When I count to three, you
immediately put your tears away!"

When Hàn Dōng heard the Dongdong word his heart was

How can I easily accept it this time? Hearing no more baby!

Wang Zhong Ding was not used to this naughty ways.

Although he was used to it, he said straight: "If you don't stop
it.... I will leave you here alone?"

Sure enough, tears came to a halt.

"Sleep!" Wang Zhong Ding once again ordered.

So, this is still called the man's self-esteem, butt pain, painful
to scratch the fool's heart took less than two seconds to fall
asleep, still do not forget to have the last day before falling
"There is no loss today, but it is still cheap."

Wang Zhong Ding squinted at him, "how did you see this as no

"I've made so many mistakes. I'm actually very happy. There

are still people who are cool. Who can bear me"

If left in the past, Wang Zhong Ding had already picked up

Hàn Dōng's meal! It is not known whether he was infected by
Hàn Dōng's "defects." Not only did Hàn Dōng's moral virtue
only fail to worry him, but Wang also had a better impulse than
he did.

In the following days, Wang Zhong Ding kept him at home to

ensure Hàn Dōng's personal safety.

After Hàn Dōng was picked up for a meal, the post-ups did not
fall, but the puffed foods that had been taboos before and fried
foods were now enough.
The sour tone from Xixi said: "Daddy wants to hurt you."

Hàn Dōng gave a painful gesture in a very coordinated

manner, swallowed hard, and then looked at Xixi with a sullen
face and said, "I know, there is no way to escape it!"

Xixi squirmed with a small mouth and reminded: "You can

give your enemy bad curse."

Hàn Dōng plays a fool, "An enemy? Where can I have an


"The big hole in your underwear was cut by me." The enmity
in Xixi's eyes was full.

Hàn Dōng did not feel anger and laughed. "Is it? Your dad said
it is sexy and thank you."

Xixi also said: "You chant ten times like a mouse..."

"Mouse, mouse, mouse, mouse..."

After chanting it, Xixi asked: "What is the cat most afraid of?"

Hàn Dōng did not want to say it: "Mouse."

"In the middle of the plan, you were played by me!" Xixi
deliberately slaps his hatred.

No, Hàn Dōng laughed first and then squeezed Xixi small face .
"You are smart."

Xixi's face pulled down instantly.

After a while, he began to talk to himself.

“Someone is strangely surprised. His legs are short and his

buttocks are big. His eyes are recessed and he has a big curled...”
Hàn Dōng could not help but plug it out: "You are saying I'm
laughing at myself?"


Xixi sees that speech attacks do not work, and he has been
stunned on Hàn Dōng's arm.

Hàn Dōng looked around and spanked him.

Xixi obviously did not feel hurt, and the man had retaliated
against, and still faced with grievances he went to Wang Zhong
Ding to complain.

"Daddy, my uncle, called me a bad name!"

Wang Zhong Ding glanced at him casually, then he replied:

"He is not sensible, don't talk to him."
"The department's model is really tired, and occasionally he
wants to take a rest." Xixi has an overwhelming look.

Wang Zhong Ding solemnly remarked: "Ideas cannot rest, and

by resting it means falling in depravity."

Just as he finished, the doorbell rang.

Wang Zhong Ding sees Xià Hòng Wēi's face on the video
intercom screen at the door again, and his nerves are tight.

No doubt, Xià Hòng Wēi is looking for Hàn Dōng.

He thought that he had trusted his home to keep Hàn Dōng

safe. He did not expect that Hàn Dōng had his own safekeeping
walls cut open.

Who can swallow this breath?

"He and Yu Ming did not have anything going on." Wang
Zhong Ding explained directly to Xīa Hòng Wēi.

Xià Hòng Wēi said: "I know, but I still want to see him."

"Who Yu Ming likes has nothing to do with him. It is useless

for you to find him, or to find a blame in him."

"I just want to see him." Xià Hòng Wēi were like a torch.

Wang Zhong Ding's as hard as steel.

So, the two men were stearing at the door again.

The person who first compromised was actually Xià Hòng

Wēi. For the first time, he lowered his arrogant head and said

"I came to him for advice. Can I enter this time?"

Wang Zhong Ding was shocked, " for advice?"

Xià Hòng Wēi did not push him off in a good manner. "Lean

When Hàn Dōng saw Xià Hòng Wēi he was paralyzed.

"You...are you coming?"

Xià Hòng Wēi actually resisted the fact that he did not want to
work with Hàn Dōng. Instead, he had a face that was gloomy
and Hàn Dōng took a step back.

"He is here to speak." Wang Zhong Ding decided to tone the

fear around the room.

Seeing Xià Hòng Wēi again turned his face and Hàn Dōng
hurried to make a round.
"I'm just going to say ... It's too much trouble to go out and to
change house."

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding still has the same phrase.

"Then don't go, just stay here."

Hàn Dōng was a bit overwhelmed and smiled at Wang Zhong

Ding. "Is there no need to let him come in?"

"I am against that!"

"You have nerves....."

Since he had experienced this farce, Wang Zhong Ding's anti-

wolf awareness is quite strong.

He found that the so-called law of love to keep it alive for

long-term, was to trust each other, give the other person a
certain amount of freedom in both of them is this loads of
bullshit! .... A man called Hàn Dōng can only be tied with rope,
small whip whipping his ass....these moments cannot be

In the end, he chose a compromise method. The conversation

was still conducted in the living room, but all of them avoided
each other and he left Hàn Dōng and Xià Hòng Wēi.

Wang Zhong Ding trimmed the garden with a small scissors

outside and even when he looked like he was calm. In fact, his
heart pumping was higher than anyone else.

Xixi took advantage of everyone's attention and sneaked on

Hàn Dōng's junk food.

Eating with comfort once again: what's the use of a the

model? The model is also to create good conditions for my(Xixi)
own degeneration.

My dad is silly, I'm not stupid!

Xià Hòng Wēi originally intended to seek advice from Hàn
Dōng on how to get along with Yu Ming. He wanted to know
what aspects of Hàn Dōng attracted Yu Ming, so he learned
from experience and corrected problems.

As soon as the results began to change, something went


"What the hell are you doing?"

Hàn Dōng smiled humbly and spoke modestly. "For more

details, please refer to Zhong Zhong's Weibo posts"

Xià Hòng Wēi, "......."

Chapter 159 Mental Case.
Two seconds later, Hàn Dōng hung his head: "Joking, I'm just
playing with you."

"Don't talk nonsense, say it seriously." Xià Hòng Wēi sullenly.

If it is serious enough to say, Hàn Dōng really cannot think of

himself better than Xià Hòng Wēi.

Xià Hòng Wēi asked again: "Has Yu Ming talked to you about

He has said it before, but what Yu Ming said is that Xià Hòng
Wēi has more money than Hàn Dōng and nothing else he does is
like Hàn Dōng. What does Hàn Dōng dare to mention? There is
no such thing as mentioning this leading to shortened life.

"Call him and ask." Xià Hòng Wēi ordered.

Hàn Dōng was stunned "Now ask what?"

"Yeah, call him directly and ask it."

Hàn Dōng hesitated for a moment then picked up the phone

and dialed Yu Ming's phone.

"Ming Er, are you okay?"

There is no ups and downs in Yu Ming voice. "Fine, what's


"It's all right. I'm just wanting to talk to you, uh..."

As a result, the two people lingered for quite a while, and Hàn
Dōng felt that Yu Ming had completely put his guard down
before entering the main question.

"I can't figure it out. Why don't you like Xià Hòng Wēi?

As he said the name " Xià Hòng Wēi ", Yu Ming's tone was
obviously cold, this change in tone made Xià Hòng Wēi's bad
mood increase.

"Where is he good?" Yu Ming added a knife.

Xià Hòng Wēi hinted at Hàn Dōng with cool eyes: ask a little

So, Hàn Dōng said in a tone of ridicule: "Then you pick the
worst one."

There was silence for a long time before he said: "I was not
happy to go to bed with him!"

Xià Hòng Wēi never imagined that Yu Ming's pure-minded

person would actually put this issue first.

Under the phone, Hàn Dōng waved nervously.

“In this regard... Ge... I may really be better than
you...then...excellent...a little certainly doesn't mean you
can't ...the problem is with me... with be honest...
there's I can't stand it some of the time..."

Wang Zhong Ding poured water on his shoes.

In the evening, Xià Hòng Wēi went to the dormitory to find

Yu Ming.

Yu Ming guessed who it was when he heard the knock,

because Hàn Dōng never knocked at the door or speak to him in
advance before coming in.

However, Yu Ming still opened the door, spoke with a still


"Who are you looking for?"

Xià Hòng Wēi took Yu Ming's hand and put a piece of colorful
stone in his hand.
"I got it back for you."

Yu Ming can hardly believe that this is Xià Hòng Wēi's work,
but he does not have the feeling of surprise because of Xià Hòng
Wēi's calm attitude, there is a kind of unspeakable loss.

As a result, when Yu Ming picked it up, he discovered that the

color and pattern on the stone was different.

Obviously not the previous one.

The feeling of loss in Yu Ming's heart was instantaneously

wiped out, and the things that Xià Hòng Wēi sent to him for the
first time were gleaming.

"What is good about that stone?" Xià Hòng Wēi did not

Yu Ming replied: "There are many colors." It's that simple.

Xià Hòng Wēi always thought that Yu Ming liked elegance,
but he never expected that he liked fancy. However, it is not
difficult to understand what a person like Yu Ming likes.

The two people were silent for a long time. Xià Hòng Wēi
suddenly patted Yu Ming's forehead with his hand.

" .....So someone seems to be very dissatisfied with my bed


Yu Ming finally understands the intention of Hàn Dōng

making the call.

He thought that Xià Hòng Wēi would throw him to bed in the
next second, and he would perform rude acts of revenge.
Unexpectedly, Xià Hòng Wēi did not push him from beginning
to end, but stared at him with interest.

"I didn't expect you to be very pursuing in this respect. I

thought you were like a wood statue. You didn't feel it."
Yu Ming didn't know how much Xià Hòng Wēi had said about
humiliation. He didn't think there was anything like this before.
Now it's just such a painless ridiculous language that actually
makes him uncomfortable.

"I'm not sexually incompetent, how could I not feel it?"

Xià Hòng Wēi smiled, and his face moved closer to Yu Ming.
His hot breaths all flung over his face.

"You haven't answered me yet. Is my bedding too bad?"

Yu Ming tried to push him away. "I don't want to talk to you
about this."

Xià Hòng Wēi grabbed Yu Ming's wrist. "I'm not teasing you. I
really want to know."

Yu Ming still grimaced. "What's there to understand?"

"If we have new contacts one day later, I can avoid the same

"I have no obligation to provide you with my experience."

Xià Hòng Wēi's hands pulled Yu Ming more closer. The two
people's lips were separated by almost a millimeter. You could
feel their body getting a little shaken, but Xià Hòng Wēi
managed well.

Instead, Yu Ming has been irritating and pushing Xià Hòng


"Am I not gentle enough?" Xià Hòng Wēi asked.

Yu Ming does not speak.

"I didn't do enough preparation?" Xià Hòng Wēi asked again.

Yu Ming still does not speak.

Xià Hòng Wēi suddenly took Yu Ming's body and turned it

over, grabbing both of his wrists.

Yu Ming thought that Xià Hòng Wēi wanted to make use of his
forceful skills. He did not expect Xià Hòng Wēi to press the back
of his head and put his face on the cold wall. He also said, “Your
face is too hot and im going to cool it for you. ."

"You let go!" Yu Ming struggled.

Xià Hòng Wēi did not give up, he was sticking his face to the
side of Yu Ming's side and looking at Yu Ming's small sample.

However, he knew that Xià Hòng Wēi would not act further.

"You sleep, I will be going ." Xià Hòng Wēi pushed the door
going straight out.
Yu Ming could not help muttering: "Mental Case."


The next morning, Wang Zhong Ding finally allowed Hàn

Dōng to come out and release him to the company.

When Hàn Dōng and his man walk together, he like to put
their arms on their shoulders, especially for Wang Zhong Ding.
And for fear that others wouldn't see it, he would use super
decibels to say hello. This is not enough, but also he would force
Wang Zhong Ding's face to turn in the direction of that person.

Wang Zhong Ding finally couldn't stand it. "Get your paws

"All men are children, what's wrong with walking shoulders

to shoulders? You are afraid of people think of more?" Hàn
Dōng is still with a hippie smile.

"I will make you take it off!" Wang Zhong Ding snapped.
Hàn Dōng had no choice but to shrink back.

As a result, after a while, Wang Zhong Ding extended his arm

and put it on Hàn Dōng's shoulder.

Hàn Dōng was stunned...... What does this mean?

Wang Zhong Ding did not want to say that he was trying to
get Hàn Dōng to get rid of the foul smell that he had reached. He
only gave him a diagonal look and said, "You are too short."

Not long after entering the company, Hàn Dōng went to the
crew on the street comrades.

Knowing that Cain was not there, Wang Zhong Ding waved
his hand with confidence.

"Go ahead."

Hàn Dōng maliciously reminded: "Cain made me and Yi Wei

cultivate our feelings."

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding was guarding against

everyone, and he was 100% assured of Yi Wei.

"You also know that she and your uncle..." Hàn Dōng raised an

Wang Zhong Ding didn't say anything. “Go and work hard,
don't make people wait for you.”

As a result, Hàn Dōng happily left Wang Ding's office.

Yi Wei was sent to the cast by Li Shang. She did not shy away
from the close relationship with Li Shang, and Li Shang chatted
with her for a while on the set.

"Hàn Dōng won the Armani's endorsement." Yi Wei said.

Li Shang nodded. "I know."

Yi Wei also said: "He is really good. When I contacted him I

liked his character very much. I expressed deep concern for the
revolutionary friendship between the two, and I really fear that
I will abandon you and follow him."

Li Shang laughed and did not show any care.

Not a moment, Hàn Dōng felt it.

"Hey, can you stand up and walk?" Hàn Dōng deliberately

teased Li Shang.

Li Shang smiled like no one else. "Seeing you grow so well, I'm

"I won't bother you. I'm going" Li Shang said when he walked
Hàn Dōng asked Yi Wei: "What are we looking for today?"

"Oh, the deputy directors have discussed how to pick a few

locations and plan to bring us together."

"Isn't it a business trip?"

Yi Wei nodded. "Yeah, and the time spent on business trips is

not short, we'll be there for at least a week. But we don't have
much to do. We just help with reference and at the same time
we are just traveling."

Hàn Dōng understands, "When will we leave?"

".... In a minute."

"So fast?" Hàn Dōng was surprised. "I'm still not prepared for
"It's okay, the company has done it for us. You can use mine
for it, and my assistant usually help me prepare two sets."
Chapter 160 You Win!
In the evening, Hàn Dōng set off with the other members of
the film crew.

Because it is necessary to save expenses, the assistants are not

needed and everyone can carry their luggages. However, Xiao
Liang must be taken along. Wang Zhong Ding is paying for his
expenses from his own pockets and has to place a person near
Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng thought that he had no preparation. As a result, he

received a suitcase from Shèn Hua.

There are all kinds of travel equipment inside, and the clothes
are all placed in the bag.

"Ah, humiliation escaped're very thoughtful." Hàn

Dōng smiled.

Shèn Hua said: "This is not my preparation. It's all prepared

by Wang himself."
Hàn Dōng thinks that his handsome husband stands in front
of the cabinet frowning over dozens of sets of clothes. After
repeated reiteration, he feels happiness burst.

Shèn Hua tentatively asked: "Are you really with Wang Zhong

"Nonsense!" Hàn Dōng looked guilty.

"The rice is cooked right"

1]..... sheng mi zhu chengshu fan= what done is done it's too
late to change anything now

Hàn Dōng replied with a conditioned reflex: "You say who

cooked it?" After he had finished, he realized that he had
exposed too much and quickly closed his mouth.

In early days, Shen sighed with a faint sigh of relief. "In other
words...I haven't lost my chance with Wang completely."
Hàn Dōng patted comrade Shen Wen Hua, who was unable to
extricate herself from the president's words that comforted her:
"Not necessarily, maybe he is with me just to force you to

Shèn Hua: "......."

After finishing spreading his mouth addiction, Shen went

back to normal.

"I also prepared something for you."


Shèn Hua pointed to the inner compartment and whispered,

"There are women's clothing and all kinds of lady supplies."

Hàn Dōng was shocked. "What do you think you're doing?"

"If it is inconvenient for you to go to the streets, you can use it
to disguise yourself!"

Hàn Dōng's looked at her: okay, you're really thoughtful.


The crew stepped on the first stop, Taining in northwestern


In the evening, more than a dozen members of the crew took a

place at a large hotel in the area.

Hàn Dōng fell asleep because he was tired from the journey.
Originally wanted to call Wang Zhong Ding, the last task can
only be carried out in a sleepwalking.

Yi Wei stayed in the next room and had wanted to send Hàn
Dōng a bit of snacks. Realizing that Hàn Dōng may have slept,
she returned silently to her room.
As a result, she didn't lie down for a while and she heard a
faint voice coming from next door.

He did not sleep?

So Yi Wei also walked like the nightingale and knocked at the


Hàn Dōng opened the door to her this time.

Yi Wei, was carrying something in her hand, did not pay

attention to seeing whether Hàn Dōng blinked and sent the
nightingale inside.

Hàn Dōng is on the phone with Wang Zhong Ding.

"I miss you, I think I can't sleep without thinking about it."

Yi Wei smiled unknowingly next to him. He was clearly

unable to open his eyes and said that he could not sleep.

Wang Zhong Ding knew that Hàn Dōng was talking while in
dreams, but he still asked, "Is there any other old comrade on
the road?"

"Taken care of, their boxes were all dragged by me. And I also
paid for them to drink."

"Did you listen to English words while you are in the car?"

"Listened, I've recorded a set yet and will play it back when I
get back to you."


Waiting for Hàn Dōng to hang up, Yi Wei said to him: "I sent
you some snacks at night."
"Oh, I'm hungry. Thank you so much." Hàn Dōng came and

"This was bought from the street next to it. I've been here
before and I just eat it..."

Talking about it, Yi Wei suddenly stopped.

Because she saw Hàn Dōng's eyes were closed while he was
feeding noodles to his mouth, it was an accurate one.

Yi Wei stared at Hàn Dōng for a minute and saw no eyes

opening. She shook her hands in front of his eyes and he still did
not respond.

Yi Wei discovered that Hàn Dōng was sleepwalking and he

could not open his eyes. He didn't even freaking blink!

"You..." Yi Wei said and stopped.

Hàn Dōng nodded inexplicably. "Oh, I know. I forgot the

Finishing saying it he went to take the stuffing bag in front of

Yi Wei and from the opening to the pouring, in the whole
process not a thing leaked.

Yi Wei looked dumbfounded, she heard about Hàn Dōng , but

did not expect such a god! No wonder he can shoot such a good


Heavy rain began the next day and continued until noon.
Several producers and assistant directors chatted in the hall.
Only Hàn Dōng was pacing back and forth in front of the hotel.

How can Han's chronic personality be anxious? It's very

simple. He is someone who will have tens of thousands of meals
a day, and he will spend all his money on food. It's simply
wrong to be delayed!
Thinking about how to speak, Yi Wei came down from the
second floor. Raincoats and rain boots were tightly worn, and
the umbrellas was carried. The posture of "armed" to go out.

Sure enough, there is more urgency than Hàn Dōng.

"Let's go now. I think this rain will not stop for a while."

A woman Yi Wei said this, and the rest of the old gentlemen
sat abashed. So a group of pedestrian set off in a mighty

Although the rain was great, Yi Wei had always been eager to
give everyone a way to guide her Hàn Dōng body was wet and he
did not say anything. He stepped into the mud pit and only
laughed. He didn't see the shelves of the female stars and the
tenderness of the little woman.

Although he knew that Yi Wei was also saving money for "self-
owned family members," Hàn Dōng still had a good impression
on her personality.
From the quaint villages of Fujian, the crew turned to the
second station overnight, Guizhou.

When he first heard these two words, Hàn Dōng's heart froze.

Although it is known that the probability of encountering one

person in such a big brother province is too small, Hàn Dōng
can still look around in the street, and all sorts of absent-
minded person.

"Why? Just how long did the building system say this piece of
open space is going for?" Hàn Dōng asked Yi Wei again.

Yi Wei does not remember too much, asked Hàn Dōng:

"What's wrong?"

Yi Wei saw that Hàn Dōng had a small book in his hand,
making all markings along the way, and curiously asked, "What
are you doing?"

Hàn Dōng smiled. "Writing."

It was an easy task to "look at" and he was actually very tired.
In just three days, there were a few old guys who couldn't stand
it anymore

"No, we must be relaxed today." A director surnamed Chen


So someone suggested: "Lets go to the nightclub."

Yi Wei immediately said: "I'm tired these days, not interested,

you go have fun."

Director Chen asked Hàn Dōng: "Can you go?"

Hàn Dōng hesitated to speak.

Director Chen heard that Hàn Dōng was particularly frugal ....
so he said, "What is it? You do not have to pay for it."
Hàn Dōng immediately nodded in response to this.

In addition to Yi Wei and several errands, the remaining

seven or eight lads all entered the hottest nightclubs in the area.

The waiting list for moneyed people is very familiar with this
place. Before this, he did not have a movie to shoot a scene. He
has become a frequent visitor here. After entering .... the wallet
went directly to the general "Princess" so he do not have to
worry about it, as long as the tender model, the bees and
peripheral women, stand in a row... Everything can be peachy,
all the outstanding conversation.

"Dong Xian, you pick first, who makes you the hottest."
Waiting to say cheerfully.

Hàn Dōng's eyes were all beamed, and he was also strong and
pensive. "I'll do fine, you guys have fun."

"Hey, you have nothing to expect. We won't even have an

open mouth. What do you fear young man?"
Hàn Dōng's pretending to be a hard-hearted look, "If you
walk, I must accompany you, hahaha..."

To put it this way, when Hàn Dōng picks up, he almost makes
people wait to death and finally he settled on the face of a
beautiful woman with a long hair.

"It's you."

Before entering the box, Hàn Dōng also sneered into the
beautiful woman's ears and immediately changed into a serious

"I want you to produce all the bill for the production here."
Hàn Dōng said openly.

The beauty is helpless. "The bills are with the boss."

"If I wanted the fake bills by his hand, I wouldn't need to find
The beauty was helpless. "The bills are with the boss."

"If I wanted the fake bills by his hand, I wouldn't need to find

"Then I'm even worse..... I'm working. How could I come into
contact with..."

"Speak less bullshit to me!" Hàn Dōng face is heavy, "In this
nightclub, only you and our chief financial officer have

The beautiful woman's face was frozen and she nodded her
head quickly.

"Yes, I have access to fake accounts, but that doesn't mean I

must do this ."

Hàn Dōng directly put 30,000 yuan in his cleavage.

The beautiful woman pouted. "Aren't you too stingy?"

"Even if you don't take this money, you will give me the fake
bill in the end." Hàn Dōng has a strong tone.

The beautiful woman laughed and put the money back into
Hàn Dōng's hands. "You're right. I really want to give you the
fake bill and I don't want your money, but I have a request."


"I want to go to bed with you!" The beautiful woman slammed

her skirt to reveal her bursting breasts and her red lips. "Ma
Ling ~ we have a few sisters who especially like you~"

Hàn Dōng took a breath, Motherfucker! No wonder I don't

usually see fans. They all got together in an bad industry.

The beautiful woman bends down and made her breast touch
Hàn Dōng's legs. Hàn Dōng's eyes are filled with two big tits. He
really exhausting his conscience for his entire life.
"I'm sorry, you can't satisfy me." Hàn Dōng's smile is

The beautiful woman grinned. "There's no way. You know, I

won't need money."

"Zhang Yao, who lives in Pingyao County, Shanxi Province, is

an only child. She had a good academic record. She was
admitted to Guizhou University three years ago. She was absent
from school last year. Your family members have been unclear
where she went .... Am I right?"

The beauty took a deep breath.

"Well you got me!!."


Hàn Dōng returned to the hotel and fell directly on the

cheated face of the cheetah, and the special man said: "It's time
to refund me ."
Then he slammed the door and took off his trousers when he
was in the room.

At one o'clock in the morning, Yi Wei was about to sleep.

Suddenly he heard that the door next door rang.

Strange... Hàn Dōng and the others went to the nightclub?

How did he come back?

This will not be sleepwalking thing right?

At this thought, Yi Wei rushed out.

Sure enough, Hàn Dōng dressed himself to be particularly

handsome in the middle of the night and closed his eyes to hide
the evil colors.

When Yi Wei heard that sleepwalking people couldn't wake up

easily, she would casually wear a hat and follow behind.
Hàn Dōng's footsteps were fast and Yi Wei was able to keep up
with the trot.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, Hàn Dōng came to

the nightclub again and stopped again.

Yi Wei suddenly realized what would happen, she quickly

rushed to stop Hàn Dōng, and advised: "Let's go back."

Hàn Dōng is motionless.

Yi Wei is afraid Hàn Dōng will wake up, she had to hold him
with one arm, she pulled and whispered in his ear, "Be obedient,
come with me back to the hotel."

Hàn Dōng seems to have made a great deal of determination

and finally turned back to the hotel with Yi Wei.

On the road, Hàn Dōng has been muttering endlessly.

"I didn't sleep with her just now."

Yi Wei shouted with good temper:

"She already been off work, next time."

As a result, the scandal was reported the next day.

Hàn Dōng and Yi Wei's "intimate" scene at the entrance to the

nightclub was photographed by reporters, including Yi Wei's
arm on Hàn Dōng's arm, and the picture of whispered speech
from Hàn Dōng's ear at Yi Wei took a distorted report.

Soon, this matter was known to the company's big head.

When Wang Hai Zi saw the photo, his face was dark, and he
snapped the assistant into the house.

"Where are they going next?"

"For these two days it looked like Guizhou."

"You'll arrange a ticket for me right now!"

Chapter 161 Miserable Disaster
Wang Zhong Ding is naturally a follower of this news.

However, his starting point is different from that of Wang Hai

Zi. Wang Hai Zi cares about the closeness of Yi Wei and Hàn
Dōng, while Wang Zhong Ding focuses on the “night club”
issue. Because Xiao Liang called him before and told him that
Hàn Dōng went to the nightclub just to check the fake bills. But
in the middle of the night, while sleepwalking he went there
again and Wang Zhong Ding couldn't be relieved.

Originally he wanted to freeze out Hàn Dōng for a few days,

let him wash the lascivious brain well. As soon as he heard
Wang Hai Zi secretly rushed there, Wang Zhong Ding could not
sit still.

"When is he going to go?"

Feng Jun said: "He should be in the plane this evening. I didn't
ask specific points."
"help me check the flight information tonight." Wang Zhong
Ding immediately got up. "I have to go and see."

"Will you be going this late?"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't answer and his back disappeared in

the elevator.

At this moment, Hàn Dōng is talking to an insomnia's Yi Wei.

Yi Wei generously revealed her heart to Hàn Dōng and

formally acknowledged his primary three person status.

"I may be the least used third person in others' eyes. Wang Hai
Zi is not my first or last one. But I have never destroyed a
person's family, or that I have no dispossession of a derailing a
man desire, I just need to enjoy their petting. Hehe... isn't it just

If a woman hears this, it will definitely slay Yi Wei, but Hàn

Dōng's focus is not on that.
"How did you do it?" Hàn Dōng asked curiously.

Yi Wei replied faintly: "My secret work is doing better than

the other person. For example, I will buy him a rose on
Valentine's Day and let him go home to give it to his wife. I will
let him go on a business trip or travel with his wife. The gun, or
the wife or "grain food" who hadn't delivered it for so long,
would doubt. When I met him, I didn't try to apply lip gloss or
perfume, and the shower gel I prepared for him was also

Hàn Dōng felt that Yi Wei could write a "How To Be The Other
Woman" training course.

However, he still wanted to ask, "Why are you looking for

married people? Aren't you tired of it?"

"There is no way. Anything that can be used by me has already

reached the forty-year-old mark."

"You can find the Diamond King, ah, a lot of actress stars are
married into the financial giants"
Yi Wei smiled. "Don't you think they are pitiful? If you ask
me, I will never force you to be a free woman for a man who
doesn't love you. What do I want him to do? Is it because I want
to give him a child?"

Hàn Dōng said: "You did not take your brain with you."

"How many people in this world are alive without their

brains? Especially men, do you dare to say that you don't want
such a third person lover?" Yi Wei looked at Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng smiled puffed the cigarette and the answer was self-

Which man is not greedy? It's just the difference in self-

control. Like Hàn Dōng's remarks after listening to Yi Wei, he
would like to fuck her.

However, Hàn Dōng still went to say: “You are in this sense of
superiority in doing the other woman thing... entirely due to
your lack of self-confidence in doing the right way.”
Yi Wei first gave a glimpse, then nodded like accepting the

"Yes, I'm not confident I can find a man worth relying on."

Hàn Dōng unannounced: In fact, you have already found him,

but unfortunately he belongs to me.

"Let's sleep early." Hàn Dōng wiped out the cigarette.

Yi Wei nodded. "You have also taken a rest earlier. Remember

to lock the door and stop showing off like last night's accident."

Back to the room, Hàn Dōng could not connect to Wang

Zhong Ding for several consecutive calls.

Hand Dong was thinking: He wouldn't be angry with me?

With such a thought, Hàn Dōng turned over and over ..... He
couldn't sleep.
Yi Wei also couldn't sleep, went out to find the hotel manager
and asked for a change of room.

"What happened to your room?" asked the manager.

In Yi Wei secretive tone, "I do not like the sun, it gives me a

dark face."

Therefore, the manager arranged Yi Wei room to be on Hàn

Dōng's diagonally opposite room.

Hàn Dōng had an anxious sleep before going to bed and he had
to get up after going to bed.

Since the accident last night, Xiao Liang was also alert and he
got up when he heard something outside.

Xiao Liang got dressed and went out from the doorway, just to
see Hàn Dōng open the door next door with his eyes closed, and
his heart could not help but be surprised. Hàn Dōng would not
be thinking.
Just as he was about to rush in, he saw Hàn Dōng coming out
from the next room.

Fortunately fortunately... He was relieved.

After a while, he heard another movement. This time he went

out again and saw Hàn Dōng enter the room facing his door.

Because Xiao Liang didn't know that Yi Wei had moved to the
diagonally opposite door, he did not step forward and only
closely watched the changes.

In less than a minute, Wang Hai Zi appeared in the view of

Xiao Liang.

Xiao Liang surprised, how did the Chairman come here?

Then Wang Hai Zi entered the diagonally opposite door.

Then he understand...

Hàn Dōng was beaten by Wang Hai Zi outside the door and fell
awake. After waking up, he was completely unsure of the
situation. Later he saw Wang Hai Zi's face that was not covered
by anger, and then he saw Yi Wei's panicked eyes and suddenly
realized what he was doing.

I .... Fuck! Obviously I was just thinking about it, how did I
really go to fuck?

Looking at the building number again, Hàn Dōng wants to die

of his own heart. People know that you have this idea. To
protect the room specially for insurance, you still...

Hàn Dōng was annoyed and suddenly felt that something was

Turning around and look at the room and turn back to look at
this room again.
Suddenly there was a feeling of five thunderstorms.

Finished, this time it was a miserable disaster!

Wang Hai Zi desperately resisted his own temper because Hàn

was living inside the company. It was unfavorable for him to
make things happen. So the four bodyguards accompanying him
to took Hàn Dōng to his car and tossed all of Hàn Dōng's luggage
together, making an illusion of Hàn Dōng being in a hurry to

Then he turned his angry face to Yi Wei and asked, "What


Yi Wei said: "I don't know."

"If I came a little later, would you two be doing it?"

"No, he just entered the wrong room."

Wang Hai Zi always had no temperament to Yi Wei, so he said
with a strong voice: "I don't think you need to stay here
anymore. I'll send someone to pick you up tomorrow morning!"

Having said this, Wang Hai Zi left with a gloomy face.

After Wang Hai Zi left, Xiao Liang did not immediately call
Wang Zhong Ding. Instead, he sneaked into a room next to Hàn
Dōng and found a miniature voice recorder in the trash.

Wang Zhong Ding eventually came one step later.

When he arrived, Wang Hai Zi had just took Hàn Dōng away.

Xiao Liang told Wang Zhong Ding about all the incidents and
Wang Zhong Ding had a black face at that time. But it is not
because of what Hàn Dōng did, but because of the whole thing.

At this time, Xiao Liang who liked to make extra credits

handed the recording pen over.
"This is what I found in that room."

Wang Zhong Ding tried to press twice. The recording pen had
no sound. He opened his pen and looked at the internal
structure. With years of experience in countering videotaping,
he found that the recorder was modified. Like a custom bomb, it
was scrapped after it was used.

"Take it back and find a professional to crack it."

Having said this, Wang Zhong Ding quickly left the hotel.

Wang Hai Zi detained Hàn Dōng in a luxury house that he had

secretly purchased only recently. This mansion is a real estate
under the name of Yi Wei, but the real estate license is not the
name of Yi Wei, but a fake ID card used by Yi Wei. Therefore, no
one knows the existence of this house other than Wang Hai Zi
and Yi Wei.

Hàn Dōng was confined to a storage room. There were no beds

and no sofas. There were only a few empty cabinets. No one
gave him food or water. The entire living supply was only one

At this time, Hàn Dōng knew more clearly why Yi Wei took
such a big life steps.

Because her husband is really good!

There are inflatable mattresses, inflatable pillows, and a

blanket inside the closet. So sleeping is not a problem at all.
There are also some compressed foods that last for a few days.

Although Wang Hai Zi does not know the relationship

between Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng, he knows that Wang
Zhong Ding appreciates Hàn Dōng. In order to prevent Wang
Zhong Ding from sending people to follow him, he never went
to this house in person and did not personally handled Hàn
Dōng. Everything was handled by telephone.

Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding, who had no fruit in finding,

had to personally go to the door to ask the uncle to release him.
Unexpectedly, Wang Hai Zi's attitude is very firm.

"I can't let him off so easily!"

Wang Zhong Ding patiently explained: "This incident was

misunderstood. He was not awake at the time. He was in a state
of sleepwalking."

“Who are you cheating? I've watched the video surveillance

and I've asked the doctor! The sleepwalker will have some
habitual movements, but he's not sure if he is changing the
room! Even if he dive into the next room, like he's used to it but
then he ran diagonally? Can people who sleepwalking do that?”

"I think that someone was guiding him in secret and left a
recording pen on the scene, although not yet..."

Wang Hai Zi directly interrupted Wang Zhong Ding. "You

don't have to speak for him anymore. I told you long ago that
this person is not worthy of holding up! It is a mistake to keep
him in the company because of his bad character and poor
"You can't say that about him!" Wang Zhong Ding's attitude
suddenly hardened.

Wang Hai Zi's black face hardened instantly. “You actually

would hit me for a cheap bastard?”

Hearing the words "cheap bastard", Wang Zhong Ding's

eyeballs suddenly scarred, revealing the viciousness of a
parental disapproval.

"I repeat, take it back!" Wang Zhong Ding snapped a warning.

Wang Hai Zi was completely irritated.

"I told you that this company was created by me. I am the
company's family member. I could hold a board of directors
now and saying that I will fire you!"

Gun smells was getting more and more concentrated, Feng

Jun hurried over to discourage Wang Zhong Ding.
"It's not worth it to compare an artist and family. Go, go back

Wang Zhong Ding stayed fixed and his eyes remained as if

they were nailed to Wang Hai Zi's face.

"Consider the overall situation." Feng Jun whispered.

Wang Zhong Ding finally managed to suppress his anger and

turned around.

Returning to the office, Wang Zhong Ding asked Feng Jun:

"What happened to the funds?"

"Only found part of it." Feng Jun said.

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes were gazing at the report in front of

him, and he whispered: "The focus is on real estate."
“After the property was checked, Yi Wei's latest suite was still
bought half a year ago. The chairman of the board had not
cashed in yet.”

"He must have used a fake account." So Feng Jun made a

remark, "This investigation is even more difficult, and
definitely will take more that few days to get it."

This is also a great headache for Wang Zhong Ding.

He could not help but ask Er Lei: "What was Hàn Dōng's trunk
packed with?"

For Er Lei this issue has been answered several times. Wang
Zhong Ding is also very clear in his heart, but he cannot control
his mouth.

Er Lei sighed. "The possibility that we will rescue him is too

low. The only hope now is that he will escape using his own
Feng Jun again turned his eyes on Er Lei. "Do you think that
the bodyguards at the side of the board of directors are all eating
soft rice?"

A sweet voice suddenly rang at the door.

"He himself can slip out!"

The three men turned together.

Shèn Hua came in with a domineering face that completely

out of harmony with the sweet voice.

"I put ladies' supplies in his suitcase and remind him that he
can use it when necessary to solve problems."

Feng Jun and Er Lei were both shocked by the profound

thoughts of Comrade Shèn Hua.
Even Wang Zhong Ding smiled for the first time, and patted
Shen Hua's head to admire, "I was not mistaken about attaching
you to Hàn Dōng."

Shen spent the day happy.

Wang Zhong Ding is the most dismissive of wishful thinking,

but does not believe in psychological induction (astral
projection). But at night, he repeatedly recited silently: baby,
you must think of this move...
Chapter 162 Anti- Sinister
Hàn Dōng really did not lessen attacks in these two days.

Especially late at night, the two bodyguards in front of the

door couldn't open their eyes. Hàn Dōng snored inside, but it
was not too bad.

The two bodyguards are still with a bit of humanity, knowing

that they obviously rely on a pair of skins to live, so they don't
directly greet each other. Instead, Hàn Dōng was wrapped up
with mats and locked from outside. It is absolutely impossible to
survive without seeking death!

Although Hàn Dōng is still embarrassed caught inside, when

he withdraws the mat, he is more or less.

"Fight it, hit me hard." Hàn Dōng said.

The two bodyguards are sullen and have never seen such a
hard nosed star.
"I've calculated your miserable end. To tell the truth, my
buddies you are very upset. You can hit me more, and I can be
settled down for a bit."

The bodyguards sneered. "We are all real people. We will

respond. You have to take back those words."

Hàn Dōng said: "I accept ..."

The bodyguard was just trying to make things difficult. He

listened to Hàn Dōng and said, "I'll kick you Motherfucker!"

The consequences can be imagined.

Hàn Dōng did not even climb on the bed and spent most of the
time on the ground.

In the middle of the night, the two bodyguards chatted while

"How did he slept today?"

"Yeah, I think he knows its good to stop antagonizing us."

"Is he not going to make a trick for us?"

Two bodyguards quickly opened the door.

As a result they were instantly dumbfounded.

The person is still the person, the clothes are new clothes, but
his face is completely changed.

At the beginning, the bodyguard also suspected that Hàn Dōng

was disguised, but the similarities between the two faces were
too low. And this chest is a chest, buttocks are ass, beautiful legs
are the legs of a woman... No one would think this is Hàn Dōng .

One of the bodyguards came together to ask, "Wake up, wake

up, where did you come from?"

The "big beauty" didn't respond.

Another bodyguard turned over Hàn Dōng's trunk and said:

"The women's clothing that was placed in this box have

With mental fatigue and anxiousness made two bodyguards

lose their judgment.... They thought that Hàn Dōng had
escaped. So they rushed out of the house, together with the
following bodyguards to find him.

After everyone had gone out, Hàn Dōng sat up from the bed.
He picked up women's clothing hidden in a quilt and went out
of the room.

Two bodyguards tried to find something went on to

remember on one thing.

"Why didn't they find a man with a package?"

"Crap, women can easily get in!"

With this in mind, the two bodyguards seem to be aware of


"That is to say, the woman got in to help Hàn Dōng to get out
of it? She should be knowing where he is!"

The two bodyguards reminded the guards then returned to

the house. The result was they were already late. Hàn Dōng had
already escaped in the chaos.

They had to inform other bodyguards: "Don't look for Hàn

Dōng. He may have gone wherever. We have to find the woman,
she must never run away!"

"What is she like?" asked the other bodyguards.

"I can't say it anyway. She's beautiful. Right, yes, she's

wearing Hàn Dōng's clothes!"
This reminder is not as good as it was. Hàn Dōng was walking
down the street. Several bodyguards passed by him repeatedly.
Hàn was “wearing” another set of clothes and that put him out
of the specifics of the investigation area.

This accident alerted Wang Hai Zi who was already asleep.

Yi Wei saw Wang Hai Zi sit up and quickly asked, "Where are
you going?"

"That Hàn Dōng's boy ran out."


"Well, make Wang Zhong Ding adjust the package."

Yi Wei face changed, she did not speak.

Wang Hai Zi suddenly looked at Yi Wei with a skeptical gaze.

"Was it you that helped?"

"I helped him?"

"How else will Wang Zhong Ding know the location of the

Yi Wei looked at Wang Hai Zi in a dazeless manner and did not

explain anything. She laid down quietly.

Wang Hai Zi saw her soft and subdued face, and he embraced
on various soft language exhortations. The feeling of being
kissed didn't come for a while. He didn't want to get out of bed.

"Well, you're going to get things done right now. Don't say
that I'm trying to delay the time and let him flee before you
deliberately hook up with me."

Wang Hai Zi reluctantly touched Yi Wei's buttocks before

The driver asked Wang Hai Zi, “Driving or taking a taxi?”

Wang Hai Zi cautiously said: "If he take a taxi, it is a trap, then

the kid hasn't escaped. We will be able to know his


As a result, what Wang Hai Zi never expected was that not far
from the mansion, a humble taxi had been standing by there for
three days and three nights.

Finally, Wang Hai Zi stopped it.

The car proceeded steadily on the road, and it was two

kilometers away from the mansion. Wang Hai Zi suddenly

The driver firmly stopped the car and looked calm on the
surface. In fact, he was extremely nervous.

Because he saw the Korean beauty walking outside.

Wang Hai Zi saw him stop.

On that day, when Hàn Dōng and Li Shang participated in the

"protagonist battle" Wang Hai Zi didn't see the appearance of
Hàn Dōng Damei's Clothing. So this suddenly calling the driver
to stop it was purely an instinctive response.

After getting off the car.... Wang Hai Zi walked to Hàn Dōng
and said politely: "Miss, can you give me your contact
information? I'm from Zhong Ding Movie and Television..."

Han Damei completely ignored the Chairman, opened the

door, and sat to the rear seat.

"Driver, drive!"
Wang Hai Zi saw the face of the Korean beauty after seeing
through the window. Although he closed his eyes, he was
completely unconscious because he was lying down. Two long
legs emerged from the bottom of the skirt, facing Wang Hai Zi's
hot eyes.

The car has gone very far. Wang Hai Zi has only recovered.

That girl is really beautiful, but unfortunately there is no

point in it.

In the mansion, the image of Hàn Damei's beauty is still

lingering in Wang Hai Zi's mind. So that even if he determined
that Hàn Dōng really fled he was not as angry as he expected.

The monitoring video was transferred and Hàn Dōng's room

was seen out of control. However, everything was normal
outside, so the facts of the adjustment were clearly confirmed.

Several bodyguards cannot even lift their heads from shame.

Wang Hai Zi became excited. "Did this woman ran with Hàn
Dōng ?"

The bodyguard nodded.

"It's ridiculous!"

Wang Hai Zi secretly said: Such a beautiful woman will

actually rather be with the mixed boy?

The bodyguard restlessly waited for the storm afterwards.

Unexpectedly, Wang Hai Zi not only didn't worry about it, but
there was even a hint of interest in his eyes.

Turned out to be her? Actually is it her?

"I will give you a chance to make up your skills and find ways
to find out this woman's information."

Yi Wei was so nervous that she hasn't slept, she finally heard
the door ring, and she look up and saw Wang Hai Zi's face with a
strange look.

"Hàn Dōng ..... You caught him back?" Yi Wei asked.

"No, but I let the kid run."

Yi Wei is surprised, "Why are you so excited then?"

"Am I excited?" Wang Hai Zi didn't realize it himself.

Yi Wei softly replied: "I'm making fun of you, rest quickly."

Then she offed Wang Hai Zi's clothes.

When Wang Hai Zi went away, he wanted various things.

When he returned, he saw Yi Wei's naked body and suddenly he
felt no feeling in his pants.

Yi Wei knew that Hàn Dōng's affairs had a great influence on

Wang Hai Zi's emotions, and she had no doubt. He was sleeping
beside him.
Chapter 163 Hard to Let it Go.
Wang Zhong Ding strolled to his hotel in the last two days and
he finally received a phone call from the driver.

The original driver had promised to send Hàn Dōng safely

back and Wang Zhong Ding would pick him up by himself.

Ten minutes later, two cars converged in the middle.

"It was too dangerous. He was almost discovered by the

Chairman." The driver had an embittered look.

Wang Zhong Ding was very calm, " Thanks to you."

The driver smiled. "It should be thanks to Hàn Dōng. If there

was no such thing as him, I will not be able to find the address
of the new chairman of the board next year."

"You go back and have a rest soon. These days have been
"Well, Wang you rest early."

At the moment before the driver left, Wang Zhong Ding had
still a calm expression. As soon as the driver left, Wang Zhong
Ding quickly got into the car and kissed on Hàn Dōng's face.

Thanks Lord!

Temporarily he collected his emotions, Wang Zhong Ding

first drove Hàn Dōng back home.

Make up removed, take a bath, check the body... just halfway

to work, Hàn Dōng woke up.

"Fuck me....this is home?" Hàn Dōng pair of big hands pulled

Wang Zhong Ding's five features all twisting.

Just when Hàn Dōng was asleep , Wang Zhong Ding was a
variety of tender and gentle. Waiting for him to wake up, Wang
Zhong Ding's husband's worries were again up.
"Were you beaten?"

Hàn Dōng must not forbear and must not be polite to the two
buddies. Then he added to the situation of the stick rice to the
vinegar and said that he was changed into the kicking matt with
hits and asked his husband for a look of justice.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding shouted: "Hey, you deserve


Hàn Dōng has a bittersweet expression. "You see what I have

been beaten into?" Then he turned to look up on the body and
the result was no scar.

"I say, these two bodyguards are your apprentices and I was
hit severely and had no traces of it! I told you absolutely..."

In particular, Wang Zhong Ding did not want to listen to these

and he directly interrupted.

"OK, hurry go to sleep."

Hàn Dōng soon fell asleep again, and as habitually he was
embracing Wang Zhong Ding.

He does not know if it's because it's too tight, Wang Zhong
Ding feels unusually hotness from Hàn Dōng body.

He gave Hàn Dōng a trial and found that he did have some
feverish skin...but it had little effect. Wang Zhong Ding did not
give Hàn Dōng medicine, he just added a blanket.

However, Hàn Dōng kicked it off without a moment.

Wang Zhong Ding once again covered him.

As a result, Hàn Dōng kicked it again.

Wang Zhong Ding simply wrap Hàn Dōng with a quilt. As a

result, for this man it does not matter. Hàn Dōng shouted and
screamed in an instant.
"Motherfucker ! Release me !"

Wang Zhong Ding was in knots: I waited for you and you have
so much temper?

So he gave him another quilt

This time Hàn Dōng was anxious and swept his fist on Wang
Zhong Ding's chest. He said, "You dare to try to touch me!"

Wang Zhong Ding couldn't help but doubted that Hàn Dōng
was embarrassed, but he definitely couldn't reach this point.

He tried to wrap up Hàn Dōng again, and he wrapped him up.

Hàn Dōng was really struggling violently, while struggling

sideways, all sorts of words that were scresmed at the time.

Wang Zhong Ding understands.

The taste in Wangs heart was indescribable. It was much more
painful than when Hàn Dōng and he were poorly fighting.

For the first time Wang had experience such a feeling of


On the early morning of the next morning, Hàn Dōng woke up

to eat.

Wang Zhong Ding only gave him some liquid food.

Hàn Dōng protested in various ways, but finally


Wang Zhong Ding had been staring at him when he was

eating, and still stared at him after eating. His eyes were
particularly bizarre.

"What's wrong?" Hàn Dōng could not help but ask.

Wang Zhong Ding's tone of voice was so ridiculously
questionable that he was not convinced.

"Do you really ......can you really do... fortune telling?"

Hàn Dōng smiled badly. "What do you want me to predict?"

"You tell me first. Can you predict out something? Don't say
anything about marriage, feng shui, and the like. I want to
listen to specifics of it"

Hàn Dōng thought for a moment and said: "This is more like
studying and can be considered as a numerology. A short time
learned student can predict fortune of 3 to 5 days. A masterful
one can be considered as with a temperament and a Best one can
read and prefict family details. He can even count the length of
your body..."

Wang Zhong Ding still feels its nonsense.

"How did you calculate it?"

Hàn Dōng said: "Some rules have be followed, but they are not
necessarily 100% compatible. Some of them only mean that they
can't be spoken , and they say it's all purely instincts."

"Where did your perception come from?"

“I'm also not sure. When I was a child, I listened to the old
lady in the same village and she said that my grandfather was an
expert in this. When I was still in my mother's womb, he
calculated my time of birth. It really was a minute and a second
off......Not bad."

Wang Zhong Ding heard more and more evil spirits. "Since
you are fortune telling, are you still such a poor man?"

Hàn Dōng said seriously: "Some evils are unavoidable.

Avoiding disasters will also bring more disasters"

"Avoid it then," Wang Zhong Ding said suddenly.

Hàn Dōng lived, "What do you mean?"

"What kind of blessings do you want? There are no blessings!
It's better to avoid reading fortune, and there can be no

Hàn Dōng still didn't understand, "What do you want to say?"

Wang Zhong Ding finally spit it out.

"You calculate your fortunes in these days."


"With so much nonsense? I will let you count even if you

count wrong!"

Hàn Dōng's calculations show that his face is not optimistic.

Wang Zhong Ding is actually really nervous.

"I have nothing to do with myself, but I figured that you
would ask me this in the near future. You would like to ask me
something again in three days and one month."

Wang Zhong Ding snorted, "Nothing."

Two days later, Wang Zhong Ding finally took out Hàn Dōng
to have a meal.

Hàn Dōng's meal was devoured. After a few days of hunger, it

was almost like starving.

The restaurant environment is very elegant and the

atmosphere is very pleasant, so Hàn Dōng's uninhibited
chewing sound is particularly harsh.

Wang Zhong Ding does not turn his eyes and he can feel the
squint of sight projected around him.

Hàn Dōng began to feel it again in his heart. Wang Zhong

Ding would certainly ignore everyone's eyes and read six
characters on his face—how could I drop it?

The reality is that Wang Zhong Ding's face is fed up.

"I said, can you pay attention to it?"

"Who do you like?"

"I'm shameful that you don't feel shameful!"

Hàn Dōng also despise others. "You don't think men eating
such classy foods looks a bit like sissies ?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak, so he glared at Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng found that the atmosphere was wrong and he

immediately smiled. "No, no, I didn't mean you..."
Wang Zhong Ding still has a calm face.

Hàn Dōng picked up a shrimp meat ball and sent it to Wang

Zhong Ding.

"Eat it."

Only Wang Zhong Ding himself knows that such people who
open their mouths in public need to face up.

As a result, the ball was delivered to the mouth. Hàn Dōng's

chopsticks in his hand suddenly shook, and the ball was rolled
over on the chin as it was, eventually fell to the table.

"One more, another one."


Returning to the office, Wang Zhong Ding asked Hàn Dōng:
"Are you full?"

Hàn Dōng looked satisfied.

"Is it good?"

"It's cool, especially good."

"Is the shadow in you heart wiped out?"

Hàn Dōng caught Wang Zhong Ding's neck and smirked.

"When I see you first every morning.... it doesn't matter."

"Then you come two steps forward." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng did not understand it.

"Turn around" Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng realized that the danger had come at this moment,
but unfortunately it was already too late.

"Ahhhhhhhh, why are you kicking me?"

"Why did you say that I kicked you? It is not your job to sleep
in night clubs and drill into people's rooms at night."

"I was hypnotized!"

"If you have no such thoughts, how can you be hypnotized by


Hàn Dōng's struggle for mercy is useless. Wang Zhong Ding is

not soft at all.

"Stand up! Don't hide!"

Hàn Dōng called, "Will not hide!"

"Why are you making me hurt you? Take your hand off!"

"If people bully me, you're still bullying me too!"

"They counted as them and I counted as me."

"Then, don't you just kick a piece of meat and change it?"

"Too lazy to change."

"Ah ah ah ah ... How many times?"

"There are three more kicks."

Hàn Dōng bit on his teeth.




When he thought that it was over. As a result, the muscles just

relaxed and Dōng gave out a louder “Aah” that almost shattered
the glass.

"Why did you kick me another time?" Hàn Dōng couldn't

stand it.

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "Who made you drop the
ball on my chin."

"Aren't you supposed to be careful?"

Hàn Dōng is like a big sable dog behind Wang Zhong Ding and
Wang Ding's mouth has a faint smile.

After using a special way to get enough pleadure ...... Hàn

Dōng asked, "He doesn't know my thing, right?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "I didn't tell him."

"It's all right. Ming Er looks calm, but he is timid than anyone
else. Don't let..."

Hàn Dōng said, suddenly speaking, he realized that the

atmosphere was wrong and he quickly went back three meters

"Can I go to Ming Er?"

Wang Zhong Ding waved his hand. "Go on."

Hàn Dōng haven't left for a while. Feng Jun knocked on the

"The real estate has been found, it is really bought with a fake
ID card, and the heavy procedures were really painstaking to

Wang Zhong Ding's face sank again. "Has he traced the

whereabouts of Hàn Dōng?"

"No, I think he should be very clear in his heart that the

handle of the real estate is still a secret. He can only handle it
quietly. After all, he is not the only one thats good."

Wang Zhong Ding nodded and asked no more.

"But..." Feng Jun said, "He has been asking about that beauty."

"Beauty?" Wang Zhong Ding is not clear.

Feng Jun smiled. "This is about Hàn Damei"

Wang Zhong Ding took a sigh of relief. How can I not have a
peace of mind?

Then Xiao Liang is coming again, and he brings even worse


The recording pen cannot be restored back.

"There were several professional technicians who did not

make any progress. It was estimated that it was useless to fix it."

Wang Zhong Ding reached out. "Give it to me."

Xiao Liang had no choice but to hand over the pen.

In the evening, Wang Zhong Ding brought the recording pen

to his home and he did not succeed after trying for a long time.
Then he suddenly thought of his own omnipotent wife code
breaking awesome baby and summoned Hàn Dōng for the

"Please do me a favor."

"help? I'm not mistaken right? Did you actually say you want
my help?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not feel good. "Can you help?"

"It depends on whether you're asking for it or not."

Wang Zhong Ding can't shame his face, but in order to find
out the truth, he can only throw two words abruptly.


Hàn Dōng felt all kinds of sorrow "I remember someone said
that there was no hypnosis ah ~ Which bastard said? Ah?"
Wang Zhong Ding kicked at Hàn Dōng's butt and went out
with a calm face.

Hàn Dōng drilled his way back into the devide for a short
period of time after half an hour. He had just booted it into the
computer and had not yet had time to listen to the recording, he
was pulled away by Xixi.

"Uncle .... uncle, I'll show you something."

"Don't always yell the three words, do I have little sisters for
you to call me uncle?"

"You can also be called my uncle."


Wang Zhong Ding came to the study and saw a small piece of
audio that was imported into the computer and played it
There was a deep male voice inside.

"What happened to Hàn Dōng?"

When Wang Zhong Ding had not yet heard it completely,

there was a man who had come in from the doorway.

"How come did I hear Ye Ge's voice?"

1]....Ye Chenglin..Ge.....aka Ye Ge

When this was said, Wang Zhong Ding completely froze.

The audio continues to play.

"Of course, think, can you not want him?"

Hàn Dōng also froze.

The atmosphere instantly cooled, and a chilling coldness
climbed up the spines of the two men.

Cain's business, Yu Ming's business, making nude photos,

visiting night clubs... That was like a sunny day. When Ye
Chengling issue is raised Wang Zhong Ding is like a little
thundery and rainy man.

However, Ye Chenglin issue, he is hard to let it go.

Chapter 164 Finally figured out.
"Are you going to resume it?" Hàn Dōng tried to ask.

Wang Zhong Ding replied with a blank face.

Once again, Hàn Dōng shot himself in the foot, and even he
himself was not clear about whether such attachment was to
find out the truth, or whether he would get further news of Ye

Twenty minutes later, the remaining recording was resumed.

Wang Zhong Ding calmly played, Hàn Dōng calmly listened

to, two calmness collided, brewing a very relaxed atmosphere.

"I? It's been here. It's good."

"The day of the premiere, I took a car and went to the city to
watch it. It was very good. He was such a piece."
"I don't plan to contact him."

"Not a passer-by."

Hearing the first two sentences, Hàn Dōng is quite calm.

Hearing the last two sentences, his heart is not particularly

Audio is intermittent and listening to it is like voice messages.

In fact, it is a dialogue between two people, but the voice from
the other person is cut off.

As for who is who, Hàn Dōng know the person very clear.

"This is a recording pen that Xiao Liang recovered from your

room. You should have had heard this voice before walking
subconsciously to the door."

Wang Zhong Ding hopes that Hàn Dōng can quibble, even if
he is seen by oneself.
Unfortunately, Hàn Dōng still admitted.

"He lived in the room diagonally to mine for three years."

Zhong Ding didn't get angry and he had no reason to get

angry. Hàn Dōng went to the nightclub only once, and in
sleepwalking he remembered running there. Ye Chenglin stayed
at the door diagonally for three years when he leaned against
the door. What did he say when he walked away?

Moreover, this recording also confirms that Hàn Dōng did not
have the sexual kind of thoughts for Yi Wei which is equivalent
to Hàn Dōng washing himself in white. Wang Zhong Ding
should not only blame him, but also comfort him.

In fact, Wang Zhong Ding also came up with the attitude that
a pure man should have.

"Well, you're not in the wrong."

Hàn Dōng gave a sigh of relief when he heard this.

"I thought you had to..." Hàn Dōng was stuck in half.

"What do I have?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōnghe smiled. "Nothing. It's nothing. You're not the

kind of person who is careful."

Then, the two men showered together as usual.

Wang Zhong Ding still helped Hàn Dōng to scrub, and he will
still take the chance to make a serious appearance.

The same is on the bed.

Hàn Dōng thought that Wang Zhong Ding would torture him
and he did not expect Wang Zhong Ding to take good care of his

Before going to bed at night, Hàn Dōng touched Wang Zhong

Ding's big bird to test his reaction.

Wang Zhong Ding slapped Hàn Dōng. "What?"

"Nothing, I want to see if you're angry."

"Why would I be angry?" Wang Zhong Ding looked like he had


Hàn Dōng hugged him again, laughing shamelessly.

"I can rest assured by that."

In the following days, both people lived in harmony. Wang

Zhong Ding is still hard-hearted, and Hàn Dōng and his
colleagues in the office will be able to take him home...

On the surface, Wang Zhong Ding did indeed hide his

fustration well.
But no matter what kind of men he is, as long as he moved his
feelings, there will be flaws.

This flaw is how he looks.

Before Wang Zhong Ding's eyes had been stuck on Hàn Dōng,
now he basically avoided Hàn Dōng except when necessary.

But his "high-end tactics" seem to have no effect on a heartless

person. Hàn Dōng should have eaten. He should drink it and
stick a pillow every day.

But sleepwalking episodes have become more frequent.

Sometimes Hàn Dōng fell asleep and Wang Zhong Ding was
still handling business calls. Hàn Dōng came to knock on the

Wang Zhong Ding opened the door and Hàn Dōng with an
unhappy expression he said: “I did not sleep with her.”
For Hàn Dōng this is not the first time he went to say this
sentence to Wang.

It seems that every time Wang Zhong Ding makes a phone call
in this room, Hàn Dōng will come to knock on the door and say
something like this.

Wang Zhong Ding felt that Hàn Dōng's subconscious still

found the change in Wang attitude, but he attributed this
change to Wang own suspicion of Hàn entering Yi Wei's room.

This kind of understanding error made Wang Zhong Ding

more and more repressed, and he no longer opened the door
when Hàn Dōng came knocking.

Hàn Dōng made a hard knock at the beginning and had to say
this in front of Wang Zhong Ding. Afterwards, no one came to
open. He had to go and leave.

On the weekend, Hàn Dōng accompanied Yu Ming to go

"Are you free tomorrow?" Yu Ming asked.

When Hàn Dōng wants to say he is free, he finds that Yu Ming

is on the phone and that the question was not for him.

After a while, Yu Ming said: "Rehearsal for a drama."

Hàn Dōng not know what to say over there, Yu Ming eyes
questioned Hàn Dōng.

"He is very busy now. I don't want to trouble him."

Hàn Dōng did not realize that the person he was talking about
was “him” and that he was still walking forward.

After hanging up the phone, Hàn Dōng asked: "Who is it?"

"Just a friend." Yu Ming hurriedly shifted the subject. "Do you
know that the company is going to organize a casting event?"

"What?" Hàn Dōng was curious.

"The best leg goddess."

Hàn Dōng was excited..... This is what everyone wants.

Yu Ming scolded: "You know what? At the time I heard this

news, the first reaction I had was thinking of you."

"Do you believe if you say anymore I will kill you?"


Two people laughed and returned to the dormitory.

Yu Ming asked Hàn Dōng: "How are you doing with Wang?"

"We're both good"

Yu Ming nodded and said nothing.

Hàn Dōng suddenly found a clear change.

"You are asking me and Wang Zhong Ding now, how come are
you not gnashing your teeth?"

Yu Ming did not admit it, "I used to have teeth gnashing about
that before?"

Hàn Dōng laughed.

Yu Ming shook him uncomfortably.

In the evening, Hàn Dōng greeted Yu Ming before leaving

"I'm going!"

Yu Ming did not lift his head.

Hàn Dōng began to look for his nephew again. "Why don't you
ask me now if I will go to Wang? I remember you were
particularly nervous about this problem."

"You haven't finished yet? Don't be like me, Do I have to let

me remember you all day, right?" Yu Ming did not feel good.

Hàn Dōng smiled indecently and grimly, and asked, "While

Ming Er..... no matter when I turn around, you will wait for me
in the same place right?."

"I'm sorry, I don't lack a mentor."

Hàn Dōng, "......."

Later in the night, Wang Zhong Ding called from office again
and told Feng Jun to send financial statements.

As a result, the sound of Hàn Dōng's footsteps rang at the


Wang Zhong Ding did not understand why Hàn Dōng was so
sensitive about his calls.

This time, Hàn Dōng just took a moment at the door and
returned to the room without saying a word.

After a while, Wang Zhong Ding heard an unusual movement


Hàn Dōng had somehow started to pick up his own stuff,

dressed quietly and left quietly here.
Everything happened suddenly.

So when Wang Zhong Ding reacted and rushed out of the

house. Hàn Dōng had already disappeared.

Again, Yu Ming called Wang Zhong Ding and Wang Zhong

Ding knew that Hàn Dōng had returned to the dormitory.

When Hàn Dōng sleepwalked from the dormitory to countless

places, it was the first time he ran back to his dorms from other

Wang Zhong Ding's heart seems to missing a large piece.

Yu Ming knew early on that the "accidents" of Hàn Dōng and

Yi Wei at the hotel, also knew that he and Wang Zhong Ding's
feelings would be problematic, but he did not know how to
persuade him.

All he could do was to open a cover for the quilt when Hàn
Dōng came back.
Then meditation change: I will certainly wait for you ......


After Hàn Dōng left, Wang Zhong Ding was even more
difficult to let it go. He repeatedly recalled Hàn Dōng's behavior
in recent days and he always felt that something was wrong.

So he asked Er Lei to find a psychological counselor and help

him to interpret Hàn Dōng's sleepwalking psychology.

"You mean he always comes knocking on the door when you

call someone?" the psychological counselor asked.

Wang Zhong Ding nodded.

"I think it may be that you once missed a phone call from him
and caused his unconscious regret. You think about it carefully.
Did he call you before the incident happened?"
Wang Zhong Ding had long thought about this problem.
Before the accident, Hàn Dōng did give him a few telephone
calls. At that time, Wang Zhong Ding was on the plane and he
did not receive it.

Zhong Ding said: "He was not sensitive to my telephone calls

before ....... He does not respond to my telephone calls from the
living room, kitchen and bedrooms. Only the ones made in the
study office will he be sensitive to"

"What is the spatial relationship between the study and his


"It's diagonally opposite."

"What is the relationship between your bedroom and his



Speaking of this, Wang Zhong Ding suddenly changed his face

and hurriedly called Xiao Liang.

"We have missed an important piece of information."

Xiao Liang doesn't understand, "What?"

"We only checked Hàn Dōng's room next door but did not
check the room that was facing the door."

"Is it too late now?"

"Not too late, she must have felt that I did not go down to see
the recording pen. So I never thought about the aftermath. It
was very likely that the thing was still hidden in the hotel."

When he heard Wang Zhong Ding say this, Xiao Liang

shouldered an important mission and he rushed to Guizhou
without stopping.
On the next day, Xiao Liang returned with his loot.

Wang Zhong Ding pressed the recording pen and heard his
own voice.


At that moment, Wang Zhong Ding's heart was broken.

Yi Wei has set off a chain of event.

The first set or voice was to make Hàn Dōng's confused so he

couldn't find her in next door and ran toward the opposite door.
This was to mislead Wang Hai Zi.

The second set was the sound that Hàn Dōng heard of Ye
Chenglin next door. Because he could not find it, he reflexively
turned toward the door diagonally. This was to mislead Wang
Zhong Ding.

The truth of the matter is: Yi Wei put a voice recorder in both
rooms she had lived in. One was Ye Chenglin's recording next to
Hàn Dōng, and the other was Wang Zhong Ding's taped voice
recording on the door.

The recording pen next door wasn't bad at the end of the
broadcast, but it was bad at the beginning and didn't play at all.

Why do you say that?

Because if Yi Wei wants to mislead Wang Zhong Ding, he can

use a good recording pen, and she also avoids the trouble of
someone cracking it.

Therefore, Hàn Dōng only heard Wang Zhong Ding's

recording and did not hear Ye Chenglin voice.

The reason why he first went to the next room was because he
thought it was Wang Zhong Ding's room in the villa.

The layout is so precise that you can see the depth of the
On the night of the incident, Hàn Dōng had been unable to get
through Wang Zhong Ding's phone number. He fell asleep in his
mind and was forced to come out by a voice saying “hello”.

It is precisely because of this that wherever Hàn Dōng will

hear the call of Wang Zhong Ding's study every evening him
saying "Hello"and will come to knock on the door.

However, Wang Zhong Ding did not understand why Hàn

Dōng said the phrase "I haven't slept with her."

Wang Zhong Ding has always thought that "she" refers to Yi

Wei, and now suddenly felt something was wrong.

The psychological counselor said: "Perhaps this is what he

unconsciously wanted to say but never got to say."

Listening to a psychological counselor to say this, Wang

Zhong Ding is more certain that this "she" does not refer to Yi

Because Hàn Dōng had already explained the problems with

him and Yi Wei, he could not make any further explanations.
That means……

Wang Zhong Ding's face was stiff again. "How far is the
airport from the nightclub?"

"It will be more than four hundred meters east from the

Wang Zhong Ding pulled out the newspaper in his head. Hàn
Dōng's body turned to the nightclub in the photo where You
Wei was in Hàn Dōng's arms, but his feet were pointing toward
the east.

In fact, he only stayed for a moment, he did not want to go in.

In fact, he is not excited to find the club woman, but Wang

Zhong Ding!

In fact, "I didn't sleep on her" was not the same as saying
about Yi Wei, but telling Wang Zhong Ding about the girl from
the night club.

From beginning to end, Hàn Dōng had only one Zhong Ding in
his head.

Maybe even he Hàn Dōng himself didn't realize it.

Therefore, when he was awake, he would hear Ye Chenglin's

recording by default. When I was sleeping, he wouldn't knock
on the door again and again.

Therefore, in desperation he only could leave silently when

Wang does not respond repeatedly.
Chapter 165 Changed face.
"What are you planning to do?" Yu Ming asked Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng's face was too long. “What can I do? He sent me
back every time I went.”

"How did you know that he had sent you back instead of you
doing it yourself?"

Hàn Dōng does not believe that he has this backbone.

"From the moment he heard that recording, he had this kind

of change mind, thinking that I couldn't see it, saying
something wrong to him....but in fact he was not sure how to
respond to me."

"If this happened to me, I would also kick you!" said Yu Ming.

"Is it? I will listen to how you would do it?"

Hàn Dōng's face was full of disappointment expressions. In
fact, his heart could not panic.

Yu Ming specializes in Hàn Dōng's softness. “To go back to the

nightclub and miss the basic friend, it is equal to the physical
and psychological double derailment. Just think about it and
feel bad.”

Hàn Dōng's face was a bit uncomfortable. "Where did I go

bad? I didn't do anything with her!!"

Yu Ming said: "You haven't put it into practice yet? Isn't it

necessary to be a sneak piece?"

Hàn Dōng disapproved. "You are too self righteous"

Yu Ming did not say anything.

After a while, Hàn Dōng cleared his throat uncomfortably.

“What... is it so disgusting?”
"Perhaps I'm too self righteous, Wang doesn't think like this"
Yu Ming just comforted.

Hàn Dōng blew a small cool breeze and blew away the only
remaining luck.

Yu Ming saw Hàn Dōng's debilitating dribbling look, and

could not help but smile.

"Oh, do you still fear that Wang will not want you anymore?"

Just looking at Hàn Dōng's face you'd know the answer, how
can he not be afraid?

Losing Wang Zhong Ding is tantamount to the loss of free

drivers, styling consultants, and best bedsheets; the loss of
several collections of watches and inexhaustible possessions; the
loss of ultimate physical pleasure... The most important is the
loss of bragging rights.

Even so, Hàn Dōng still said bluntly: "If he dared to dump me?
Just he wait for my heart to be hollowed out and he will lose all
the meaning of life!"

Yu Ming was happy. "Indeed, it is really hard to imagine the

kind of grief of losing a lame man(Hàn Dōng) with no money,
scurrying around in the middle of the night, and being good at
making garbage furnitures."

Hàn Dōng smiled and said "I know you like me. I know you
can't wait to hope that we'll break up. That's why you say this to
stimulate me my friend!"

Yu Ming nodded. "That's right. I'm ill-intentioned, but you

shouldn't be focusing on me."

Hàn Dōng's eyes measured God's Yin, "No wonder you can't
get my love, your mouth is too damaged!"

Yu Ming endured the urge to burst into laughter, he went to

his room and packed things to go out.
Hàn Dōng, anxiously flipping his bag, finally found a small
notebook with his business trip. The above records are some of
the data of the location, as well as Hàn Dōng's suggestions for
the architectural scene.

I hope this can save me some... Hàn Dōng secretly prays.

"What are you looking at?" Yu Ming suddenly asked.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly disguised, "Nothing, I'm writing about a


Yu Ming once took Hàn Dōng's little book and said, "I can
remember it in detail, but how does this looks like a production

"Wang Zhong Ding believes that the few producers, I have to

help monitor them." Hàn Dōng said as he reached out and grab
the book.

Yu Ming doesn't give it to him. “What do you do with this

book now? You don't want him to forgive you for this
painstaking piece?”

“Who begged him? Who asked?” Hàn Dōng said, “God I will
take it back to him! Maybe he will ask me to forgive him after
seeing the book.”

Hàn Dōng said: "Yes, maybe he'll come back to pick me up in


Just finished, Wang Zhong Ding's car drove downstairs.

Hàn Dōng made a phone call and wiggled an eyebrow at Yu

Ming. "I'm sorry to let you guess right."

Yu Ming patted Hàn Dōng's shoulder. “If Wang Zhong Ding

breaks up with you, I will remember to drop the book on his

Hàn Dōng's brow is still being lazier, but it is not a

compliment but a cramp.
Repeatedly discouraging himself in the elevator, must be
calm, must be calm, even if you have to throw a beautiful
posture. As a result, when the elevator got open, Hàn Dōng
immediately became weak and when he saw Wang Zhong Ding
he had an impulse to pounce on him.

However, he still held back, tightly holding his little book to

Wang Zhong Ding.

"Come home with me," said Wang Zhong Ding.

Hàn Dōng looked stunned, "Home?"

In the past, Wang Zhong Ding's gentleness towards Hàn Dōng

was hidden in his heart. This is the first time he has written
distress on his face.

"I can apologize to you as long as you are willing to come


Hàn Dōng feels like a man who hasn't been sentenced to death
after the arrest of murderers who fled in fear of crimes, but he's
also rewarded by the government. Can he be reluctant?

Immediately nodded, "Yes, I'm willing..."

Wang Zhong Ding saw that Hàn Dōng had no complaints and
felt even more guilty. He had not waited for the request from
Hàn Dōng, Wang began to self-reflect on his faults.

"I was confused and I didn't realize that you were coming to
the airport instead of the nightclub. You heard my voice instead
of Ye Chenglin's voice and it caused such a big

Hàn Dōng was confused "You said I did not go to the

nightclub? Did not hear Ye Chenglin's voice?"

Zhong Ding nodded.

"How do you know?" Hàn Dōng face was completely outside

the expression.
Wang Zhong Ding told Hàn Dōng about Hàn Dōng's
sleepwalking situation during the past few days. When he said,
he not only poked his heart but also encouraged Hàn Dōng

"This is how it happened for a long time?"

Wang Zhong Ding nodded.

Hàn Dōng immediately replied: "I do not want to go to your


Wang Zhong Ding, "... didn't you just promise me?"

“I just didn't know the truth. I now know it. I am not willing.”
Hàn Dōng's eyes were red, and emotions came.

Wang Zhong Ding just touched Hàn Dōng's hand to apologize

and touched a small book.
"what is this?"

Hàn Dōng reacted and dumped the book on Wang Zhong

Ding, almost completing an impossible goal.

"My hands helping you!"

Wang Zhong Ding only turned his eyes on Hàn Dōng after two
pages. His voice was low, as if he had all his face.

"I was wrong, come back with me, Dongdong."

Hàn Dōng clenched his teeth. "Apologizing is useless. I cannot

forgive you for your carelessness."

Wang Zhong Ding's face is even heavier.

Hàn Dōng feared that if he continue to look at Wang he would

be frail, and he turned this opportunity to turn around.
This time, the mood was completely reversed, and on the
elevators, all sorts of sighs were felt, and the lifts were lifted up.

"Hey, coming back so soon?" Yu Ming quipped.

With a wave of Hàn Dōng's big hands, Chairman Mao has led
the workers and peasants to make a revolutionary momentum.

"What kind of eye-catching guy rubbed with him? Directly

flings on his face!"

Yu Ming deliberately asked, "Did you dump the book on him?"

"I fell! i didn't say we broke up! I fell!"

"Is it true?" Yu Ming questioned.

Hàn Dōng spread his hand and said, "You see if it's gone."
According to Yu Ming's understanding of Hàn Dōng, Hàn
Dōng cannot lose such an important book. If Wang Zhong Ding
picks up, Hàn Dōng may be unable to follow him.

"Isn't what he was doing saying he is sorry enough for you?"

Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng slashed his face. "What's he's sorry to me for? It's
just that I can't be used to his care!"

"Then why are your eyes red?"

Hàn Dōng's pretending calmness smiled lightly. "He said so

many words of remorse. Can't I feel touched with it?"

When Yu Ming wanted to speak, he heard the phone ring,

picked it up, looked at it and said, "I've got to go."

"Go ahead," Hàn Dōng waved.

Yu Ming walked less than five minutes and Hàn Dōng took a
nap in his bed. It seems that the aggrievedness was sent out by
Wang Zhong Ding. There was a feeling that I was finally hurt by

Crying and crying, Hàn Dōng suddenly felt something strange

in the room and turned to see the back. The cry came to an
abrupt end.

"You... Are you coming back?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming did not deliberately leave, but really had something

to come back for. "As soon as the door was closed, I heard a cry
of a gentleman and his face blew, and sure enough..."

Hàn Dōng grinned. "When I brewed my emotions, I wouldn't

flush my eyes."

Well, now, Hàn Dōng means that his chrysanthemum will not
be rotted by the intervention, and Yu Ming has to make it
difficult to believe in order for Hàn to maintaining the dignity.
"Yes, you haven't said yet. Why did you come back?" Hàn
Dōng asked.

Yu Ming said: "Xià Hòng Wēi wanted ask the guys to go out
and play together. Can you go?"

"Then you don't want me to go?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming did not speak.

Hàn Dōng immediately sensed his upper body. "Well, I will

accompany you."

Yu Ming's expression is somewhat complicated.

"Why don't you want to go?" Hàn Dōng looked at Yu Ming.

Yu Ming only raised his footsteps.

Chapter 166 In Your Dreams!!!
Before when Xià Hòng Wēi took Yu Ming out to parties, he
usually made his own arrangements for him. The two men have
completely different temperaments. Xià Hòng Wēi likes to
socialize, Yu Ming is quiet, Xià Hòng Wēi likes to arrange some
parties Yu Ming doesn't like it, and finally as always they broke
up from the party.

He is now directly asking Yu Ming: “Where do you want to


Yu Ming said: "Originally there was a tap dance drama today,

but the tickets have been sold out before I could get one"

Xià Hòng Wēi knew that Yu Ming would want to see the show,
so he booked three tickets in advance. But he did not take the
ticket with him, but he arranged for it anyway.

"Let's go and have a look. Maybe you can see a cow tap."

Xià Hòng Wēi said, he drove to the National Theatre.

After that, Xià Hòng Wēi's pre-arranged cow tap appeared in
the sight of three people.

Hàn Dōng patted Yu Ming's shoulder. “You wait, I'll ask for
you if any are available, buddy, please.”

Saying, Hàn Dōng ran and asked, "How much is it?"

"Not less than 10,000 we don't sell."

Hàn Dōng was shocked. "What's worth 10,000 yuan?"

"Look at it...... this is a world-renowned classic musical. It is

also the leading champion performer who leads the group. The
ordinary tickets are sold for more than a thousand yuans, not to
mention VIP tickets."

Hàn Dōng asked: "Do you have ordinary tickets?"

"No, only VIP tickets are left"

"A little cheaper, only ten minutes from the beginning of the
show. You can't sell it and fold it in your own hands!"

"Don't worry it's impossible to not sell out."

"It's also cheaper."


Feeling that Yu Ming's patience was not fast enough, Xià Hòng
Wēi went straight ahead and "had three tickets."

Then gave the money to take the ticket and walk away.

The entire process took less than five seconds.

A grind, a vigorous and resolute, how can one be

After entering, three people sat in a row.

Yu Ming is sitting in the middle, and Hàn Dōng and Xià Hòng
Wēi are sitting on his left and right sides respectively.

This show uses world-class high-tech, state-of-the-art

equipment, and production concepts to create a beautiful scene
that people can almost suffocate.

Yu Ming likes to dance and naturally sees it as mesmerizing.

Hàn Dōng was not interested in this kind of thing at all, but in
order to take care of Yu Ming's mood, he tried to put on a look
of interested.

"This dancer has won nine world championships. I am his

iron fan" Yu Ming could not help but say to the left.
Hàn Dōng did not respond.

Yu Ming turned away, Hàn Dōng and his supporting posture

expression he fell asleep...

At this moment, a sound suddenly appeared on the right side.

“Ellott, the chief dancer of the three major dance groups, has
appeared in famous dance dramas such as “Carmen”, “Love
Magic Master”, “Death Dance Party”, right?”

Yu Ming was a bit surprised that Xià Hòng Wēi would know so
clearly, but he refused to respond. Later, he saw him getting
more and more excitement, and the more Yu Ming was excited,
the more he wanted to share with others.

Finally, Yu Ming couldn't help saying, "Have you seen the new
production by this production team?"

Xià Hòng Wēi knows that Yu Ming is asking him, but he

doesn't answer. He prefers Yu Ming to see Hàn Dōng's sleeping
posture that he can't stand by, and then he has to turn his gaze
to himself.

"Look, in addition to the standard Irish tap dance, flamenco

dance, American tap dance, it also incorporates Latin, African,
and Oriental art elements."

You know, Xià Hòng Wēi didn't know anything about this
stuff two weeks ago.

After watching the opera, three people went to the night

market again.

Yu Ming caught a glimpse of sunglasses and wanted to ask

Hàn Dōng's opinion. As a result, he turned to find that Hàn
Dōng was no longer there.

The eye-searching effort finally found Hàn Dōng's lively

presence at the scene of two women's mannequins more than
100 meters away.
On this road, Hàn Dōng did not know how many times he got
left behind.

Originally also said to accompany Yu Ming, the result of a

three-step stay, a five-step approach. But whoever recognizes
him, he does not refuse to sign the photo. It is called a explosive
earth vital energy..

Although Xià Hòng Wēi is around Yu Ming, his consumption

levels are measured in thousands. Before seeing Yu Ming's use of
thousands of perfumes will be directly paralyzed. How can these
hundreds of sunglasses enter his eyes?

When Yu Ming wants to put it back, he listens to Xià Hòng

Wēi and says next: "The style is good. Wear it for me."

Yu Ming did not move.

Xià Hòng Wēi took off the sunglasses on Yu Ming's face with
one hand and blocked his face with the other hand. He quickly
replaced him with a new one to prevent him from being
"It's very handsome, we need this one," Xià Hòng Wēi said.

What makes Yu Ming happy is that during the entire process

of saving money, Xià Hòng Wēi did not intervene.

After two people strolled for a while, Xià Hòng Wēi suddenly
received a telephone call. He pointed to Yu Ming. “A friend is
waiting for me on the street and I'm going to give him

Yu Ming nodded.

After Xià Hòng Wēi left, Yu Ming visited one person.

He rarely comes out of it, so it is basically a loner. Adding this

piece to the plan was a bit messy, and the bifurcation was
particularly large. Yu Ming couldn't go back and stroll.

Because of his special famousness status, Yu Ming could not

dare to ask for directions.
In fact, Xià Hòng Wēi followed Yu Ming from behind and
watched him walking headless and circling around.

Finally, Yu Ming picked up the phone.

He actually wanted to call Xià Hòng Wēi but he tried to give

Hàn Dōng a call.

"I'll say... you can even get lost on this street? You're too
wasteful, hahaha..."

Yu Ming cold face, "Can't you come?"

"Coming soon."

Ten minutes passed and there was no shadow.

Sure enough, he couldn't count on him... Yu Ming had to turn

to Xià Hòng Wēi's number, and he did not even got to press call
when he heard a familiar voice.

"How did you get here?"

Yu Ming saw Xià Hòng Wēi and his tight muscles suddenly

As a result, he didn't even have to call, no need to worry about

losing face.

Therefore, Yu Ming followed Xià Hòng Wēi.

Hàn Dōng arrived more than ten minutes later. After he

arrived, he did not see Yu Ming. Instead, he saw Wang Zhong

"Get on the car and I will send you back," Wang Zhong Ding
Hàn Dōng's pretentious look was indifferent. "I don't need it.
I'll go back to Xià Hòng Wēi's car."

Wang Zhong Ding was angered, "Isn't enough for you to go all
the way? How long do I have to give you?"

"I'm happy, you can't control me"

Having said that, Hàn Dōng did not hesitate to give up and left
Wang Zhong Ding looking all anxious.


After several days, Wang Zhong Ding has been in this


Hàn Dōng was pulled away so many times that he couldn't

catch Wang Zhong Ding's handle.
Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding is in a dilemma.

He doesn't knows how to enter, retreat and cannot return.

If he talk to others to seek advice like Xià Hòng Wēi, he could

not hold his face again. It is not a shame to seek advice, but
Wang Zhong Ding believes that no one understands Hàn Dōng
better than he does.

After spending two days in this way, Wang Zhong Ding did
not consume Hàn Dōng's anger, but instead consumed Hàn
Dōng's large advertisements Photoshoot.

The show interprets a series of autumn and winter. Hàn Dōng

walks through the ruins in black and through the contrast of
color between clothing and background, the two legs are like
beams of light in the dark. They are reflected in gorgeous and
textured fabrics. The temptation to hide.

Especially for Wang Zhong Ding, who has been a long-time

vegetarian, is the four words - feeling lively and tasteful.
After watching, Wang Zhong Ding had no choice but to open
his mouth.

"Er Lei, can I ask you a question."

Er Lei turned to Wang Zhong Ding who looked dignified,

thought of how much came out, and instantly adjusted to a state
of alert.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding spent a long time to only asked:

"You say... how to apologize to a person?"

"Oh... who do you want to apologize to?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak.

Er Lei immediately understood, "Hàn Dōng should be very

"Well, what do I say?"

Er Lei said: "I don't think you have any deep

misunderstandings with him. If you tell him you gave him more
than a billion dollars in insurance, he will forgive you

Sure enough!

However, Wang Zhong Ding immediately rejected it. "If that

is the case, then I can't tell him anymore."

Er Lei sighed. "If this trick can't be used, there can be only one
last move."

Wang Zhong Ding immediately asked: "What?"

"Prescribe the right medicine."

Saying that is equal to not say anything, the key is how to
prescribe the right medicine?

Er Lei said without delay: "The cause of the misunderstanding

between both of you is you mistrustful of him. If you want to
win his forgiveness, let him see your chest and tolerance."

“How so?” Wang Zhong Ding looked at the Er Lei and Er Lei
took a deep breath and said: “So you should bring Ye Chenglin
to Hàn Dōng.”

Wang Zhong Ding's face is green.

"In your dreams!!!!"

Er Lei wiped his sweat. "There is no other way. You can only
continue to be consume his photos."
Chapter 167. Dew visiting the
A few days later, the supervisor of the new movie sent the
initial set of locations for Wang Zhong Ding.

"Wang, please take a look."

Places of interest in foreign countries include Spain's Plaza,

Dubai Four Towers, and Scotland's Lencio meadows... There is
only one place in the country, Huangguoshu Waterfall. .

Wang Zhong Ding saw that the first reaction of the falls was
not a dangerous shot, but the province in which it was located.

"Is there no other alternative place?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Producers have a hard time. “Several directors feel that the

shot has more impact on shooting at the falls. In our country,
Huangguoshu Waterfall is the first choice. The local tourism
department also contacted us and expressed willingness to
provide the shooting area free of charge.”
Wang Zhong Ding waved his hand. "I know. You are busy with
your stuffs. I will look into it."

If you look at it, it's actually a perfect scene. But the

suggestion from Er Lei in the head of his mind was really

According to past experience, the crew must have at least 40

days of local teamwork. Thinking again of Cain's harsh
demands on the camera. Wang was afraid he won't stop at two

A few minutes later, Xiao Liang, who has been working on

intelligence gathering, knocked on the door.

"Wang, are you looking for me?"

Wang Zhong Ding's gloomy expression on his face faded away:

"Come in."

Xiao Liang reported Hàn Dōng's situation in recent days in

detail and he scattered a lot. In fact, he expressed a meaning
that Hàn Dōng was very tired.

Yes, how can he not feel tired?

Wang Zhong Ding complained of Hàn Dōng's willingness to

betray his conscience, and he received countless notices on him.
The schedule is quite full and it is untenable 24 hours a day.

"He complained?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

"He is complaining every day. whoever he sees he complains


In any case, he will not complain to you.

Wang Zhong Ding had a posture of being paralyzed after being

forced to hurry. He immediately said to Xiao Liang: "Can't stand
this? Waiting to take a picture of Huangguoshu Falls will make
him more tired."
Sure enough, after returning, Xiao Liang revealed the news of
the shooting in Guizhou to Hàn Dōng.

In the middle of the night, Wang Zhong Ding was mentally

waiting for Hàn Dōng to come home.

As a result, Hàn Dōng did not sleep .

Wang Zhong Ding sat alone until dawn, face too gloomy he
could not bear to look straight.


After catching up with the rest, Yi Wei drove to Li Shang's


"Feng sis!" Yi Wei waved.

Feng Mu smiled at her. "Did you really now know to visit me?"
"I was too busy some time ago. I haven't freed up the time."

Feng Mu's playful shouted: "Aren't you busy with the little guy
going to the nightclub?"

"You don't run that against me. I have provoked Wang with
this matter." Yi Wei complained.

"Did you want to provoke Wang?" Feng Mu did not


Yi Wei took her hand to the cart and said "Walked here and I
want to invite you to dinner. We chat while eating."

Three people entered the hotel together.

Feng Mu brought up the long-leg Goddess's recruiting event

and was rather puzzled to ask, "What is Chairman Wang
thinking about?"
"Who knows how he thinks at the moment!" Yi Wei gave a
casual tone.

Feng Mu took a look at Li Shang and Li Shang stood up

knowingly. “You talk first and I am going out and smoke a

There were only two people left in the box. Feng Mu asked,
"What happened to you and Wang Hai Zi?"

"It's okay." Yi Wei didn't worry. "He's just like this. He needs
to get something else to eat from time to time. Otherwise, he'll

"What if the Fox is really lost in his eyes?"

Yi Wei smiled. "How many foxes passed over in front of him

in the past year, and which left behind the shadows? He thought
he was confused and difficult to see at this age."

Feng Mu sighed. "I say so, but I still want to remind you that
Wang Hai Zi is your last card. If you don't stay with him, you
won't have any prospects."

Yi Wei smiled. "Well, don't worry about me. How are you
doing recently? Li Shang is not bad, right?"

Feng Mu gave a very satisfactory expression. “All aspects are

good, but all aspects are not outstanding. You know, I am most
afraid of this artist, can only rely on holding to brush the
presence of feeling completely untenable. ”

Yi Wei nodded and said, "He really needs to reposition


Feng Mu remembered the scandals about Yi and Hàn Dōng

and asked, "You haven't told me what happened to you and the
kid being photographed in the club."

Yi Wei sighed. "Not yet from Li Shang? Although I don't hate

Hàn Dōng, Li Shang paid too much for this role, causing me to
see if Hàn Dōng is relieved every time."
"You mean that there is hope for Li Shang to play the leading
role in that movie?"

"If Wang Hai Zi's attitude is hard enough, Wang Zhong Ding
can only compromise."

After all Feng Mu was Li Shang's agent and a big vampire, she
could not be unhappy to hear this.

"If he can take this role, his market will open. The road will be
much smoother in the future."

Yi Wei nodded. "I will try my best."

After dinner, Li Shang drove Yi Wei home.

On the way, two people chatted about the recording again.

The source of the recording was the encounter between Li
Shang and Ye Chenglin. The two people were very simple and
they were recorded by Li Shang.
"Will Wang really vent his wrath on Hàn Dōng because of this
recording?" Yi Wei still has doubts about this.

Li Shang replied affirmatively: "If he really likes Hàn Dōng, he

will certainly."

Yi's expression does not look like happiness or sadness.

"I haven't seen Wang Zhong Ding ever get angry for so many
years. It's hard to imagine that kind of expression on his face."

Li Shang said: "A man's jealousy will rarely show up when

they're jealous. At most, he will be able to use this."

"Have you eaten vinegar?" Yi Wei suddenly asked.

Li Shang did not speak.

"I should ask, who do you really like ....?"

Li Shang still did not speak.

Yi Wei laughed. "This circle is not short of brain power. What

it is lacking is a strong heart. You are a man who is too suitable
to mix in the circle. Sticking to it and you will definitely become
a god!"

Li Shang still did not have much reaction, but he continued to

praise Hàn Dōng with great interest.

“You said... Wang listened to what would be done to Ye

Chenglin on that recording?”

Yi Wei looked at Li Shang, "Can you not be so immoral?

People will only talk about you because you said you were Hàn
Dōng's buddy. You say you record even if you look forward to
people being bullied !"

"I am not expecting him to be bullied up. I am hoping that

Hàn Dōng would feel bad." Li Shang said.
Yi Wei laughed. "You are too bad."

When the voice just fell, the phone rang.

"Come to my office."

Li Shang asked, "Who is calling you?"

Yi Wei withdrew his mouth. "You said?"

Li Shang instantly understood.

So the front turned another direction.

Wang Zhong Ding did not wander around with Yi Wei and
said: "Give me Ye Chenglin's home address."

In Yi Wei heart she sneered, really...

"The other person in the recording is not me."

Yi Wei saying this is equal to the admission of what she had

done before.

She thought that Wang Zhong Ding was testing her and
thought that this frankness would cause a series of questions
from Wang Zhong Ding.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding said: "Make Li Shang come

to me here!"

Yi Wei didn't move.

"Don't tell me you didn't send him."

Yi Wei only spoke for a long time. "Yeah, I sent him, but I
really want to know. Why are you asking me to ask this?"
"Others don't feel urgent.... retribution is still early, and it
will never treat you badly"


After Li Shang entered, Wang Zhong Ding made his words

more straightforward.

"I will give you a chance to make up your skills."

Li Shang is smart. Immediately after reporting on Ye

Chenglin's home address, he did not forget that the recording
was not something that he volunteered for her. It was what she
(Yi wei) and his assistant wanted to do.

Wang Zhong Ding had no intention of revenging on Yi Wei

officially. He was even more ignorant to Li Shang.

Three days later, Wang Zhong Ding came to Guizhou alone.

Ye Chenglin home is surrounded by mountains and the traffic

is very inconvenient. If you really investigate on your own,
Wang is afraid that he will be difficult to find here in ten days
and a half.

When the car was halfway driving, it was impossible to move

forward. Wang Zhong Ding had to go on foot instead.

Imagining a young gentleman, a young man admired by

young people, who is a champion of the whole world. He carries
a large box of presents and walks hard on the rugged mountain
roads. He actually visiting his rival. The degree of his grievances
can be imagined.

Finally, in Wang Zhong Ding's eyes appeared a sparsely

populated two-story building.

Compared to other families, Ye Chenglin's family is doing

good. The house is newly built and the furniture is newly
bought. Neatly planted in front of it are a few rows of
vegetables, not far from the pond there are the fish gathered
together and looked extraordinarily comfortable.

"Who do you look for?" Suddenly a voice sounded.

Wang Zhong Ding turned to see a plainly dressed woman

standing in the doorway, holding a spatula in her hand.

"Ye Chenglin is living here?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

The woman nodded. "Yes."

"you are……"

"I'm his wife."

Wang Zhong Ding's cold eyes looked at Ye Chenglin's wife

until he was certain that Hàn Dōng did not have any similarities
with her and only then he calmly walked in.
Ye wife looked polite. "My husband's factory is very far away
from here, and it is estimated that there will still to be some
time before he get home. You first sit and drink water."

This "husband" is clearly called Ye Chenglin. Wang Zhong

Ding listened very comfortably.

He saw that Ye wife also carrying a spatula and said, "You

must go and do your cooking."

"Okay, there's a drink in the fridge. You can take it yourself."

After that, Ye Wife went to work in the kitchen again.

Wang Zhong Ding gaze swayed in the room, seemingly

careless, in fact, very serious defense.

It seems that Ye Chenglin's family is hiding various

institutions. When he is not careful, he will encounter
“dangerous” items like rope notes.
For example, the statue of Buddha, the alarm clock of the
Dalai, because of poor contact led to the eyes can not be opened,
but still walking dolls ... ...

Even the cross stitch of his relatives on the 60th birthday of

Ye Chenglin, he had to doubt whether the word “Han” was
personally pinned by Ye Chenglin.

Wang Zhong Ding originally thought that after he

misunderstood the contact, he would completely relax his mind
and he now found that he would still mind it and this kind of
minding would be even more intense with the distance between
him and Ye Chenglin shortened.

"So far away, stay at home for one night at night," said Ye

Of course, Wang Zhong Ding must stay overnight. Who knows

if the quilt inside is stuffed with Hàn Dōng's stinky socks?

"Do you usually not work?" Wang Zhong Ding intended to

find out.
Ye Wife said: "I wanted to go to work, but my husband will
not allow me to go. He said that my temper is too soft to go to
the unit to be bullied"

Hàn Dōng is also often bullied, but not because he is too soft
but because his shamelessness is too low, so Wang Ding does not
need to reflect on himself.

"Then you do housework every day?"

Ye Wife said: "Yes, I will clean up and clean my house, farm

gardens, and farm work in the field. I will follow this routine."

Wang Zhong Ding expressed satisfaction for Ye Wife for Ye

Chenglin, at least more than Hàn Dōng, and that grandson
would only manage to make more garbage.

"Do you know if that Ye Chenglin will help with housework?"

Ye Wife smiled. "I don't normally let him do it."

Wang Zhong Ding really wanted to put Hàn Dōng name in one
sentence: You desecrated people houses!

"Your cooking is good." Wang Zhong Ding said when he said

this, he took a contempt for Hàn Dōng.

Unexpectedly, Ye Wife said: "My husband cooks better!"

Wang Zhong Ding's face changed.

"There are a few dishes that are my husband pickled made and
if do not believe me you try."

Wang Zhong Ding walked over and tasted it. Hàn Dōng's
enchanted expression instantly appeared in his mind.

Fucking hell! How can it be so delicious?

Being cheekily chewing, suddenly he heard a footsteps

outside, followed by the enthusiastic call of Ye Wife.
"My husband, you finally came back and someone came home
to you."

Ye Chenglin wondered, "Who?"

"This is him." Ye Wife pointed him.

Ye Chenglin's eyes look in past his wife. Someone's eyes look

over with such a look...
Chapter 168 Pure Man.
Wang Zhong Ding's face sank uncontrollably.

The man who gave his wife a rope and let his wife and child
dream about it turned out to be like this.

He is very different from what he imagined.

Wang Zhong Ding's imaginary Ye Chenglin was a quiet and

elegant artist. However, in reality, Ye Chenglin is a solid, lean,
enthusiastic and straightforward person and is completely
inaccessible to the tragic figure who you would love to hate.

Although it was a guest, Ye Chenglin was acting very strange

to Wang Zhong Ding's face, but he still said hello with a smile.

" Hello ..... Who are you?"

I am your favorite Dong's.... Man...Wang Zhong Ding thought

so, but before Ye Chenglin's wife, he still gave him a bit of facial

"Hàn Dōng's agent."

After hearing Hàn Dōng's two words, Ye Chenglin first gave a

glimpse of it, and then he smiled straight away: "Originally, it
was Dong's agent. Fortunately I would be glad to meet you."

Wang Zhong Ding did not say anything.

"I'll change my clothes first. You sit here and drink tea."

Ye Chenglin returned to the bedroom when he finished, he

yelled at the wife who was coming in. "Where did that person
come from?"

"I don't know, it looks like he was driving."

"Has he said why he has came here?"


Ye Chenglin wondered how Hàn Dōng's agent knew he lived

in this area? Was it that Li Shang's kid leaking it out? If that is
the case, Hàn Dōng would have already called him here..... How
could he send someone to find him here without saying

Is this a paparazzi?

Ye Chenglin always listened to Hàn Dōng when he spoke

about the entertainment industry reporters and said that they
were extremely hardcore. In order to dig into the fierce
explosive material, some would camp around the celebrity
residence for a few days and a few nights.

Thought of this, Ye Chenglin didn't rest assured and he took a

look outside, then his eyes hit Wang Zhong Ding's eyes and
suddenly felt that the goose bumps on his body were all reving

"What did he talk to you about?" Ye Chenglin asked his wife


Ye Wife said: "We haven't talked yet, he just asked about our

Hearing these words, Ye Chenglin's suspicions are even


Then he pulled his wife. "If he would ask you something later,
you should be careful and try not to talk."

"Why?" Ye Wife didn't understand.

Ye Chenglin looked cautiously. "I suspect he is a reporter and

secretly sneaked into our home to dig about Hàn Dōng's

"Is that it?" Ye Wife was surprised.

"How couldn't it be? Didn't you notice that his eyes were
particularly sharp?"

"No, he looks normal to me."

"Because you are not familiar with Hàn Dōng .... these kinds of
people, look certainly normal to your eyes. Anyway, if you listen
to me, you have to say less."

"ok, I get it."

After he went out, Ye Chenglin had nothing else to do but

greet Wang Zhong Ding for dinner.

"If I knew that you had come, I would have prepared a few
good dishes."

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak. He took up the chopsticks

and ate.
"There are things at home, we will eat ."

Wang Zhong Ding still did not speak.

The last few minutes, Wang Zhong Ding has been so silent. Ye
Chenglin and his wife did not dare to speak. The three people
were eating in silence and the atmosphere in the room was quite

He is not acting like a reporter? Do you still call him a

reporter? Ye Wife's doubting eyes cast towards Ye Chenglin.

Ye Chenglin also wondered if this man wouldn't speak to

him..... would he also look at him? Or just dig at the news?

Therefore, Ye Chenglin could not help but speak first.

"Was it Hàn Dōng who asked you to come to me?"

He'd dare! Wang Zhong Ding instantly flashed these two
words in his head.

"No, it was my own initiative to come."

Ye Chenglin can't think of it anymore. "You've come by your

own initiative?"


Ye Chenglin also waited for Wang Zhong Ding's subsequent

explanation and wanted to use this explanation to expose him.
As a result, Wang Zhong Ding didn't say a word, and he ate his
things in silence.

So in the end, Ye Chenglin actively asked questions. "Why are

you coming to me?"

Wang Zhong Ding's all-encompassing manly spirit forced

himself to say the following.
"I want to take you to Beijing to meet Hàn Dōng."

Ye Chenglin's face was a bit stiff and he asked tentatively:

"Why should you take me to meet Hàn Dōng?"

This sentence , Wang Zhong Ding cannot answer, and he

cannot say that he is doing this in order to show his broad mind,
and that he is reasonable and open-minded, specifically to task
himself for the past, right?

"Are you a reporter?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Ye Chenglin, "Am I a reporter?"

"Isn't the reporter so eager to get to the bottom of things?"

Ye Chenglin was shocked, how did I become a reporter?

After dinner, Ye Chenglin and Wang Zhong Ding went outside
to find a place to stop and thoroughly understand each other

"I don't think I can go back to Beijing with you. My parents

went abroad. I wouldn't trust my wife to stay home alone." Ye
Chenglin politely refused.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Take your wife with you."

"But the work in the factory is too busy and the boss will
certainly not give me leave."

Wang Zhong Ding also said: "Give me the contact information

of your boss. I will persuade him."

Ye Chenglin sees congestion infront but he has to tell the


“The reason why I left Beijing and came to such a remote

place and change my mobile phone number. Was that I just
didn't want to contact him again.”

"I didn't say you should contact him. I just told you to come
back with me and see him. After you return, you can continue to
live in seclusion, continue to change your mobile number, and
continue to sever off contact with him... but you must come
back with me!"

Ye Chenglin does not understand, "What is the point of doing


"There is no point!"


After a while, Wang Zhong Ding once again expressed his


"This isn't up for discussion. You have to go back with me!"

Ye Chenglin's attitude is also tough. "If you don't say a reason
to convince me, I will not go with you!"

Wang Zhong Ding's cold eyes swept to his face again. “If you
don't go back with me, I'll give your wife the piece of paper
hidden in the rope. Is this convincing enough?”

Ye Chenglin was stiff, and he turned to Wang Zhong Ding

with an unbelievable look. Seeing that he was not joking, he
said, "You are too wicked, aren't you?"

Wang Zhong Ding would like to retort with one sentence: You
have the nerve to give my wife a slip of paper and you think I
won't have to worry about it?

Ye Chenglin finally softened, with a hint of helplessness in his

tone. "Since you know all about it, then I won't fish around wtih
you. The reason why I don't want to see Dong is because I would
fear that I made mistakes."

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "Escaping from mistakes is

useless, the key is to change yourself"
"But I can't change ."

"We must change the mistakes if we can't change ourself!"

Wang Zhong Ding shouted loudly without warning.

Ye Chenglin was shocked: Why are you getting all worked up?

"If I can change it, I will not have to hide in this place where
I'm humiliated, doing such a tiring job, and take so little salary."

"So think as if I'm here to help you improve your living


Ye Chenglin, ".....?"

"As long as you come back to Beijing with me, I can do you a
thorough change and you can come back to a better life"

Ye Chenglin asked: "Is this what Hàn Dōng meant?"

Wang Zhong Ding re-emphasized: "It was my own initiative to
request, and Hàn Dōng has nothing to do with this. He did not
know the existence of this note, I also hope he never knows."

Hearing this, Ye Chenglin seems to understand.

Wang Zhong Ding is Hàn Dōng's agent and he naturally does

not want his artist to be involved in this kind of thing.

"You can rest assured that I will never harass him. I promise

Saying that for a long time is equal to surrendering, Wang

Zhong Ding is annoyed. "Who wants your guarantee? I just want
you to come back with me!"

Ye Chenglin didn't understand this, "Why exactly?"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't like to talk nonsense with him. He

pointed out a note directly. That forced Ye Chenglin to pack up
and go back to Beijing with him overnight.
On the road, Ye Chenglin's heart was seven or eight times

Returning to this familiar territory, some feelings have come

back. He can only desperately suppress the desire to come back
here in his heart, and repeatedly think of his wife at home.

Hàn Dōng has been a busy bee all day.

Recording programs, running adverts, participating in script

discussions, props seminars, fitness training, practicing fighting
skills, etc... The movie hasn't been officially start filming and he
is already too busy. It's hard to imagine the kind of busy that
Hàn Dōng will be when they starts shooting.

Obviously not really good!

In the past, Hàn Dōng always felt that this statement was used
to show off. It is only now understood that this is the words of
the heart.
Of course, it is not only exhaustion that strangles him. More
importantly, Wang Zhong Ding has not been seen.

A few days ago, he often appeared in Hàn Dōng's work place.

And in two days it was like he were completely dead.

Hàn Dōng's heart is a bit unresolved. Is it because he had

overdone the sulking and drove Wang Zhong Ding to get mad?
So he was not patience to accompany their consumption?

As he was thinking about it, he saw that Wan Li Qing had

come from a car not far away and went straight to the office

Hàn Dōng's heart creaked.

This Bitch, I forgot about her? She also returned to China and
began to wander around Wang Zhong Ding again.

Not good... Hàn Dōng heart alarm beeped frequency.

Seeing the time is not too late, Hàn Dōng secretly ran to a
mysterious shop, picked the same mysterious props, and went
back in secret.

If he calls again, he will pick it up. Then you will meet him
somewhere and you will see it...

Thinking about it, the phone rang, and it looked like it was
Wang Zhong Ding.

Is it too sudden?

Hàn Dōng stabilised his emotions and waited for the seventh
eighth sound before he picked up reluctantly.

"What are you doing?"

"Mu Yang Clubhouse, box A2166, I will wait for you there."

Hàn Dōng repudiated, "I've got so many things to do, I don't

have the time to see you."

"Not seeing me, but seeing another person."

Hàn Dōng wondered, "Who?"

"Ye Chenglin."

Whenever Hàn Dōng heard this name, he is really stimulated.

But he soon calmed down and he did not take ir seriously.

Wang Zhong Ding found Ye Chenglin to meet with me? More


However, Hàn Dōng thinks: Since he was pulling down his

faces and deceive me, I will go to shame his face.

"Okay, I will come in twenty minutes."

After getting off the car, Hàn Dōng took the item carefully
into his pocket and rushed off.

The doorbell rings.

Wang Zhong Ding gave Ye Chenglin a hint of his eyes and let
him open the door himself.

Ye Chenglin was worried about that, "I'm scared to scare him."

"I told him in advance so that he would not be so excited."

Not so excited, Wang Zhong Ding worries filled his heart.

Chapter 169 I don't mind.
The door slowly opened in front of Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng saw the person in front of him, suddenly he was


This process lasted more than ten seconds.

When Wang Zhong Ding thought that Hàn Dōng really was in
control, a roar shrieked into his ear without warning, and then
Hàn Dōng was excited speaking incoherently.

"Is your TM really coming? Even willing to give up the road? I

have been looking for you for more than half a year. Do you
know where I searched for you?

Hàn Dōng's chaos slammed on Ye Chenglin's body, but it hurt

Wang Zhong Ding's chest.

Wang Zhong Ding was ignored all this time.

Before Hàn Dōng came, he really did not dare to hold hope, so
when the surprise came, he could not stand emotions.

Ye Chenglin also thought about restraint from the beginning,

but the enthusiasm from Hàn Dōng came too quickly, so that he
was overwhelmed by the wave of passion.

"Dong Zi..." Ye Chenglin couldn't help but squeeze a hand on

Hàn Dōng's shoulder.

Hàn Dōng's fist was rooted in Ye Chenglin's shoulders, and he

called out like a repeater. "Ye Chenglin! Ye Chenglin! Ye
Chenglin! Ye Chenglin..."

Every time he shouts, the darkness on Wang Zhong Ding's

face goes deeper.

"Your kid finally appeared in film, hahaha..."

Wang Zhong Ding could not bear to step forward.


Suddenly it was like he was being hit by a UFO.

Wang Zhong Ding caught a look and his eyes were red.

What he took was a sensual face that Hàn Dōng accidentally

flung out when he was just scratching his paws.

Just when he was about to start worrying, Hàn Dōng's thumbs

stood up to him.

"Wang Zhong Ding, you are the master of this matter!"

"I misunderstood you and looked down on you. I apologized

for my words and deeds."

"You are a man, a really, pure man!"

Wang Zhong Ding can't do anything except from carrying his
iron face into his pocket.

After enough of the excitement, the three people ate together.

Wang Zhong Ding had not eaten with Hàn Dōng for many
days. He felt that the meal should have extraordinary
significance. However, because of someone, the meaning of
haven't eaten a meal with Han in a few months, instantly
became worthless.

Hàn Dōng and Ye Chenglin chatted endlessly, ridiculed each

other private life of these years, recalled the young people who
had passed away, and felt the embarrassed situation of today...
all of them were topics that Wang Zhong Ding could not bug

Before Ye Chenglin arrived, he was reluctant. After seeing

Hàn Dōng, he was like a man possessed by evil spirits. The
emotional state instantly reached Hàn Dōng's, and the tacit
index soared to 100%.
If a peripheral looks can kill people, Hàn Dōng and Ye
Chenglin would have long been there.

"Are you still sleepwalking so much now?" Ye Chenglin

suddenly asked.

Hàn Dōng brazenly said: "Very few, since you left me, I have
no incentive to sleepwalking."

Just finished, there was a spoon flew over Hàn Dōng's nose
instantly quieting him.

"What happened?" Hàn Dōng was shocked.

"Nothing." Wang Zhong Ding quietly took the spoon back.

Not only did Hàn Dōng not sniff out the hints of it, he also
patted Wang Zhong Ding's shoulders to praise Ye Chenglin:
"Pure Man!"
Ye Chenglin also gave a nod to the face. "See,

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

Eating and eating, Ye Chenglin asked again: "Since I left you,

you changed your girlfriend?"

Hàn Dōng busy replied: "Not changed, it has always been the

Ye Chenglin cry was filled with unbelief, "Less nonsense you!

You think I don't know what you're doing?"

"This time I have really not changed!" Hàn Dōng said.

Ye Chenglin snorted and patted Wang Zhong Ding's arm and

paraded: "I tell you that this boy is particularly fond of changing
girls like changing clothes. Each of them is shown deeply
affectionate, and I wanted to talk with him about the old one. In
three days, he hooked up with another one."
Hàn Dōng hurriedly kicked Ye Chenglin.

The saddest thing in this world is not to be exposed in front of

a new lover (Wang). It is to miss the person (Ye Chenglin) who
you want to kick and accidentally kicking the lover, worse than
that, kick him on the eggs! (scrotum).

Wang Zhong Ding's blue tendons on his foreheads are in full

swing, and Ye Chenglin continues to talk with him.

"On Hàn Dōng's morality, if there is still a person who really

care about him. You can say that person is a fool"

Ye Chenglin was only self-deprecating, but he did not expect

someone to killing himself beside him.

Wang Zhong Ding's stability at this moment illustrates the

truth: The spirit of a man is like the water in the sponge, if you
squeeze it, it will be emptied.

“Are you still renting the outside compartment?” Ye Chenglin

asked again.

"No, I live in the dormitory of the company." When Hàn Dōng

suddenly remembered, "I'll take you to see it. My buddy next
door is also very special. Just you wait I will introduce him to

So, Hàn Dōng took advantage of Ye Chenglin and got up.

Wang Zhong Ding took both of them and paid the bill behind
their back with a sulking face.

On the way back, Wang Zhong Ding personally drove and Hàn
Dōng and Ye Chenglin sat in the back seat to chat.

"Your agent is really good." Ye Chenglin said to Hàn Dōng in a

small voice. "The job of an assistant and looks like a boss."

Hàn Dōng shamefully replied, "He is the boss."

Ye Chenglin, "......."

When he returned to the dormitory, Yu Ming was absent and

Hàn Dōng led Ye Chenglin to his room.

"Look, how about it?"

Ye Chenglin suddenly had the illusion of being turning back in


"Why do you use these things?"

"You don't understand this!" Hàn Dōng said with a big shot.
"This is to remind me that I must be self-reliant. I should always
remember my poor birth. I can't forget my roots!"

Hearing this, Ye Chenglin could not help but think of the days
when the electricity was cut off during renting.
"Back then you didn't even have a quilt that could protect you
from cold. You always wear a little trousers all day then come to
me and be covered."

Hàn Dōng steals a glimpse of Wang Zhong Ding and smiles

slyly. "No, how can I remember?"

"How can you not? I remembered your stinky feet deeply.

After half a month, the odors in the bed were not cleared."

Hàn Dōng wants to speak and the phone rings.

"Hey? Ming Er!"

At this moment, Wang Zhong Ding, who had been silent,

suddenly turned toward Ye Chenglin.

"If you miss this taste of smell, I suggest you put a pair of
nylon socks on the outside of the stockings, and then add
airtight shoes. After running out of sweat, dry it in a bed with a
hair dryer to ensure that the taste will last for half a year."
" ……"

Ye Chenglin has not figured out the situation. Wang Zhong

Ding walked away with no expression.

After Hàn Dōng came back, he looked frustrated. "Ming Er

will not return this evening."

Ye Chenglin said: "It's okay. It's not too late to introduce

him.... let's do it tomorrow."

Hàn Dōng suddenly remembered something and was excited


"Why don't you sleep here tonight? Anyway, Zhang Xing Hu

has moved away and there is just an empty room."

Ye Chenglin nodded. "I have no qualms"

Hàn Dōng looked at Wang Zhong Ding with a high hope
expression. "You shouldn't have opinions?"

"None - is it - See ."

Wang Zhong Ding performed for the man with his life.

As a result, Hàn Dōng rushed to help Ye Chenglin clean up the

room. After the completion of the settlement, Hàn Dōng still did
not leave. Knowing that Ye Chenglin could not withstand not
sleeping, Hàn Dōng reluctantly came out.

Wang Zhong Ding also sat on the sofa in the living room and
did not change his posture.

Since Hàn Dōng had already made good preparations before,

he also unexpectedly harvested a big surprise. Naturally his
grievances disappeared, and all sorts of sly smiles and ridiculous
smiles piled back into his face.

"You're also staying here for a night~ Anyway, there's room~"

As Hàn Dōng was saying that when he went to his pocket to
pulled his "mysterious weapon", he suddenly found it was gone.

This is why Wang Zhong Ding reached out to him.

Hàn Dōng fixed his eyes and Wang Ding's hands were holding
the book he was looking for.

"What happened to... how did you get it?"

Wang Zhong Ding measured the tone of the banter: "The

delivery of your buddies is full of grace for me."

Hàn Dōng busy explained, "Not for him!"

"Isn't it that I did normally send him? I want him to install.

Why wouldn't he be installed after I called and told you that he
was here?"
Hàn Dōng had to confess, "In fact, before you went to get Ye
Ge to come, I intended to forgive you."

The damage to Wang Zhong Ding's destruction was no less

than a direct recognition of this being sent to Ye Chenglin.

Sure enough, he was a step faster.

Living with a chronic child for a while, is really disadvantage!

Not a moment later, Hàn Dōng's room sounded a variety of

discordant sound notes.


"Don't pinch the balls~ Don't pinch balls~ balls hurt~ balls
hurt~ Ahhhhhhhhhh~"

"Don't let go of your heart - don't put your ~ in my ~ aah f~ so

good ~ ha ha ha ha ~"


Such bed activities went into late night.

After Hàn Dōng fell asleep, his mouth was still slightly
moaning and all kinds of contentment was fulfilled.

Wang Zhong Ding saw him for a while and got up to drink

As a result, after a glass of water was not finished drinking, he

heard footsteps that rustled behind him

Wang Zhong Ding body was stiff.....

Then the voice is getting closer and closer...

Suddenly, two hot arms circled up and tied tightly around his

Wang Zhong Ding swallowed his mouthful of water.

Then he glanced to the side and found that Hàn Dōng was
slavishly laughing on his shoulder.

Saying goodbye to all the grievances.

When Wang Zhong Ding went back, the "big baggage" was also
stuck to his back. He tried to push him, and as a result,
someone's claws became tighter.

Under normal circumstances, this morality of Hàn Dōng is a

guilty conscience or he would have a request for Wang Zhong
Ding .

Sure enough, not long after lying down, Hàn Dōng said to
Wang Zhong Ding: “I want Ye Ge to stay in Beijing for a few
more days.”
Because Hàn Dōng said this while he has closed his eyes, Wang
Zhong Ding's face naturally settled down.

"Why a few more days?"

“In the past, Ye Ge told me that he had worked in Beijing for

three years and he had never even visited Tiananmen Square. I
think I would take him around for a few days, and I would also
take the cool off and take a rest together."

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak.

Hàn Dōng pulled Wang Zhong Ding's face again.

Wang Zhong Ding was impatient while enjoying the side.

"What do you want?"

"help me with the arrangement."

Wang Zhong Ding, "...!!"

In the middle of the night, Wang Zhong Ding finally got

sleepy, and Hàn Dōng's arms gradually loosened.

Suddenly, Hàn Dōng moved steadily.

Wang Zhong Ding opened his eyes vigilantly and found that
Hàn Dōng expressed thief sly and looked like he wanted to sneak

Wang Zhong Ding thought about it.

If this is the case, Hàn Dōng will again go to the next room.
Wang Zhong Ding does not know if he can deal with that
happening while staying calm.

Hàn Dōng's two arms slowly stretched, followed by the entire

upper body, followed by the ass, and finally he flipped...
And landed on Wang Zhong Ding, who he kept pressed.

Wang Zhong Ding's hanging heart suddenly landed.

Hàn Dōng's hands began to wander around Wang Zhong Ding

face to see what he was thinking. Unfortunately, he couldn't
stand still if he didn't do anything.

People really will change.

No matter how old you are, there will always be some details
that will allow you to discover that something has been lost.

It's like living together. Before Hàn Dōng turned around, Ye

Chenglin would wake up. Now Hàn Dōng paces back and forth
in the room, but he has no sleepwalking overnight.
Chapter 170 Not shameful to Lean on
Wang Zhong Ding really took Ye Wife over to Beijing and
arranged for them to stay in the villas in the western suburbs,
daily shuttle car to take them to various places to relax and
entertain. Enjoying the ancient architecture, taste the food,
stroll around the mall... Ye Chenglin first realized the beauty of
the city buried under the pressure of poor life.

Although Wang Zhong Ding was very well-arranged, Hàn

Dōng still pushed most of his work away. Every day, Wang and
his wife accompanied the brothers couple to walk around. The
light bulbs were a pleasure.

During this period, Hàn Dōng also used the endorsement fees
to buy the first car of life - the Mercedes-Benz ML350. Test
drove it on that day, Ye Chenglin and Hàn Dōng went together,
seeing such a luxurious configuration jealous.

"You kid finally got out and managed to evade the ticket when
he was on a subway."
Hàn Dōng smiled and said, "Leave me some face in front of my

Ye Wife immediately presided over Hàn Dōng.

"And what do you say about people with faces? When can you
buy a car?"

"Yanjiao is on the mountain side, there is no place to drive a

car!" Ye Chenglin smiled.

Hàn Dōng heartedly made Ye Chenglin not loose face. "Then

you will move to a place where you can drive!"

Ye Chenglin poked twice on Hàn Dōng's stomach and

whispered, "Can you not reveal my shortness? Do you think it's
easy for your brother to find a wife who does not adore vanity?"

Hàn Dōng smirked. "Who told you to call me poor."

"You were poor and forced to go to bed at seven o'clock in the
evening and come in my room to eat. I still remember what you
said today: I can only rely on the supermarket to try to change

"You are no better than me, and you have to sell your own
food. You have bought a bunch of materials and found that you
did not buy the rice, put it on the table, and even a few days
later the paint on the table was cut off by you."

"What happened to that? Didn't you still eat it?"

"Me seeing you alone is poor."


The wife next to them cannot help but plug in: "Do you live
with me in an era? I have lived better than with you at home in

Ye Chenglin said: "I made a lot of money, it was used to help

him, and she was willing to spend money."

"You do pick up a girl, then how can you not pay for it?" Ye
Wife asked immediately.

Ye Chenglin was speechless.

Hàn Dōng looked shameless. "Because his money was also

used to help me."

"So you said that in my heart you are a poor man. No matter
what part you share, you can't take it off."

Hàn Dōng smiled without a shame.

Ye Chenglin looked at Hàn Dōng for a long time and his heart
was suddenly touched. Moved by the passing of time, people
standing in front of him have not changed.
Hàn Dōng also couldn't help but sigh. "I really miss the hard
times we spent together."

"I really miss my billboards and benches."

"I really miss my five sisters."

"I really miss the chic of that time."


Ye Chenglin asked: "If you could return to that time, are you
willing to do it?"

Hàn Dōng smiled and the answer was self-evident.

It would be tedious to repeat it again.

It's boring to repeat the fun again.

Good days will not be that good again, but then again.


Wang Zhong Ding was bored with jealous in his office.

"Are you busy?" Xià Hòng Wēi asked.

Wang Zhong Ding leaned off his desk with both hands, his
body leaned back, his eyelids slightly close together, and a look
of indifference.


"What are you doing here? Sitting?"

".....if not?"

Xià Hòng Wēi saw that Wang Zhong Ding seemed to have a bit
of emotions, and he asked on fire: "Why didn't you go see long
legs recently? You can run(have sex) other men you know?"

Wang Zhong Ding's darkened tone immediately released even

more ambiguous words.

"You think he is like Yu Ming? It takes a man who can


Xià Hòng Wēi's feet almost swept toward Wang Zhong Ding's
crotch. Hòng Wēi was hard-faced and frightened. He did not
dare self-depreciate himself in this way.

"Talk to me about how is it with Hàn?"

Wang Zhong Ding leisurely said: "It's hard to talk about, at

least not 'never too cool' ~"
This sentence poked directly to Xia's G point.

He resisted anger and deliberately put forward a shameless

expression. "Then you teach me some experience."

Wang Ding was not comfortable with this talk.

"This is the office. Who will talk to you about these private

"You are afraid of what? Nobody can hear it." Xià Hòng Wēi
said contemptuously. "Lets talk about how you do him?"

Wang Zhong Ding had tears at his mouth. "What else can I
say? Just have sex with him"

Xià Hòng Wēi is smiling in the eyebrows. "Some words should

be specific."
Wang Zhong Ding looked at him obliquely. "Is there a
procedure? Is it necessary for me to repeat it for you?"

"Very necessary."

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

Thus, under the eager look of the man sitting on same table,
Wang Zhong Ding still bite the bullet and helped out.

"Smack first, then lick his nipples.... then stretch him, and
finally enter him. Afterwards, you don't need me to say it?"

Xià Hòng Wēi complained, "Aren't you too concise?"

Wang Zhong Ding looked at him obliquely: the simplicity had

already been said and he had to explain it in a complicate way
"I'm all clear about what you said. I can't solve the problem,"
Xià Hòng Wēi said.

Wang Zhong Ding analyzed: "That is a technical problem."

Xià Hòng Wēi immediately climbed up from the pole. "Then

you tell me about technical know-how."

Wang Zhong Ding spent a long time to come up with a word

that was neither hurtful but refined.

"If you want to taste meat, you'll be alright if you do it slowly."

"This is it?" Xià Hòng Wēi asked.

"Yes, that's it."

Xià Hòng Wēi's face is completely unappetizing. "No special

Wang Zhong Ding has a tight nerve. "What special

"Such as special flirting methods, a kind of dress, S\M and the


Wang Zhong Ding's mind has a variety of familiar images

from his special experience with Hàn Dōng, but his mouth was
pretending to say: "Who plays with that kind of thing? Doing
things just right, its good enough"

"Is it good enough for you?" Xià Hòng Wēi deliberately asked.

Wang Zhong Ding still does not change his face. "I have
nothing to do with making love. There is no other demand."

"Then he shouldn't he be particularly disgusted with some of

your habits, such as swearing?" Xià Hòng Wēi asked again.

"Annoyed? He swears more than I do. If I don't say two cuss a

few days, he is not enough stimulated."
Xià Hòng Wēi suddenly discovered that "Hàn Dōng is my

Wang Zhong Ding was relatively cold-eyed. "He is the food of

all people. The premise is only I can eat that delicious food."

Xià Hòng Wēi laughed loudly. "He is better than Yu Ming, but
you may not have what I have .... Hi Ming can contort into
delicious positions. So some dishes may look unpalatable, but
they have special ingredients added and they have a good

Wang Zhong Ding immediately asked: "What position?"

"Are you not the one who said we wouldn't speak about
making love then? Isn't it a special request you asking for this

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

Xià Hòng Wēi patted Wang Zhong Ding's shoulder and

deliberately said, "You continue to sit down and I have to go to
practice. I have one who doesn't like to go out ..... there is
nothing to worry, ah, he is on call, whenever I want to screw
some brains ."

Wang Zhong Ding sharp eyes killed Xià Hòng Wēi all the way
to the door.

As a result, Xià Hòng Wēi just went out for a while and
received news that Yu Ming had gone out.

"Where are you?" Xià Hòng Wēi asked.

"Gone to Hàn Dōng."

"Is he not with his friends?"

"Yeah, I just went to see his friend."

If this is the case before, Xià Hòng Wēi has been deaf from his
own swearing for a long time.

What's going on with your bragging of a lover who is "free for

anytime you want to screw" sex?

Now he can only press on fire and fade back: "That sounds like

Ten minutes later, Yu Ming arrived at the appointed place.

Hàn Dōng pointed to Ye Chenglin and introduced him. "This

is Ye Ge, whom I often mention to you."

After Ye Chenglin received cold countless eyes from Hàn

Dōng's husband, he received cold talk from Hàn Dōng's friends.

"Originally you are the legendary Ye Chenglin!"

Ye Chenglin can also occasionally ridicule two words against
Wang Zhong Ding. He can only grin and smile at Yu Ming.
While responding to his heart: What are the people around Hàn
Dōng made of?


Li Shang and Yi Wei had dinner and passed through a mall

when they met Hàn Dōng.

"What? Is that not Hàn Dōng?" The assistant first discovered.

Li Shang fixed his eyes, and Hàn Dōng and Ye Chenglin

actually walked over to the side talking and laughing.

What's the situation?

"Are you sure that is Ye Chenglin?" asked Yi Wei.

Li Shang nodded. "One hundred percent sure."

Yi Wei also can not figure out, isn't Wang Zhong Ding looking
for Ye Chenglin to exact revenge? How can Hàn Dōng dared to
mix with Ye Chenglin here then? Is it a lovers quarrel to talk
about the collapse, are they not in love? "

"Can't be sneaky?" Li Shang still doubted.

Hearing these words, the assistant immediately took out the

camera and said happily: "I must rush to freeze this beautiful
moment. Then I will appreciate it in Wang face."

As a result, patting, suddenly she discovered that there was

more than one person in the lens.

Wang Zhong Ding came down from the car and took the
initiative to pick up the big bags from Ye Chenglin. He also
personally opened the door for Ye Wife

Li Shang suddenly could not understand anything.

When he turned to look at Yi Wei, that woman face is even



Ye wife and Ye Chenglin said to Hàn Dōng: "We plan to go

back tomorrow."

Although Wang Zhong Ding had been waiting for this

sentence long ago, he politely asked, "Why ..... can you not stay

"Yeah, stay a few more days!" Hàn Dōng also said.

Wang Zhong Ding's face at Hàn Dōng reveals a hidden smile

that says: "I will kill you if you add another word".

Ye Wife said: "We have been living here long enough. We have
a lot of family chores waiting to do. And on the other side of my
husband's factory, the boss has called several times."
Ye Chenglin also said: "Troubling you during this time, then
you have to make time to go to my house to visit. Although it is
impossible to provide such good conditions, but we have ensure
that food and drink are all natural."

Hàn Dōng quipped: "I will visit in your hometown in Guizhou


"Ha ha problem."

In other words, when Hàn Dōng returned, he was insomniac.

He could not sleep and stimulated Wang Zhong Ding into a talk.

"Will he disappear again this time?"

"Did you see if he has this sign?"

"I think everything it's quite normal."


Wang Zhong Ding does not answer in a closed mouth, because

his mouth means imprisonment.

After a while, Hàn Dōng rushed to his side again, "What...

how much does my endorsement fee make?"

"Why are you asking about this?"

"I want to know if there is any surplus after buying a car."

After all, it is an international big name, and the endorsement

fee will certainly not be low. However, Wang Zhong Ding knew
that Hàn Dōng wanted to finance Ye Chenglin, so he secretly
detained his money.

"Where is there excess? I've added of my own money a lot to

your car purchase...."
Hàn Dōng did not say anything.

Wang Zhong Ding fell to him. "Don't talk about him all day
long. I want you to do something useful."

"Is it useful?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Zhong Ding came up with an perplexed expression:

"you go practice with Yu Ming."

"Practice? I practice what skills?" Hàn Dōng does not


"With so many action scenes in the movie, if you don't

practise flexibility..... how can you cope with it?"

1]....Wang you sneaky little nigga ....telling Dong dong to

practise contortion so your can contort him on the bed activities
..... Pure man
Hàn Dōng did not say anything.

Wang Zhong Ding ask with confidence: "Have you heard?"

"I heard."
Chapter 171 boot feast.
On the way to the airport the next day, Ye Chenglin hesitated
again and again.

"Xiao Han, I have something to say to you."

"You wouldn't want to cut off contact with me again?" Hàn

Dōng looked alert.

"No, it's something else."

In this situation, another face in front of the car is vigilant.

"Exactly, I too have something to say to you," Hàn Dōng


Thus, after arriving at the airport, Wang Zhong Ding and Ye

Wife first went to check in the baggage, and the remaining two
people, Hàn Dōng and Ye Chenglin, had a single chat.
"What do you want to tell me?" Hàn Dōng asked.

"In fact, in that rope..."

Ye Chenglin said half of the sentence but suddenly he couldn't

go on.

Although he just said that he did not want to leave regrets,

there is no point in his mind. However, it is difficult for him to
ensure that Hàn Dōng can calmly respond once he gives a

"You say it first." Ye Chenglin smiled.

"Hey, you're awful..." Hàn Dōng said, "I've got this's
hard to say..."

Ye Chenglin is very patient. "It's okay, you can slowly say it ."
Hàn Dōng: I fight it out today!

"In fact, I am with Wang Zhong Ding."

Ye Chenglin looked stunned he asked for repeat.

"what did you say?"

Hàn Dōng saw that Ye Chenglin's expression and he was less

emboldened. "The know? The one that's been with
you all day. He's a pair with me."

1] relationship

The whole world was quiet.

Ye Chenglin looked at Hàn Dōng for a long time before he

asked, "Can you accept men like that?"
Hàn Dōng was nervous and sweating. "It's a bit counter-
intuitive. If you can't accept it it's okay, as long as you don't
shame it, I'll just..."

"Thats very good." Ye Chenglin suddenly interrupted.

Hàn Dōng lived. "Very good?"

Ye Chenglin is still calm. "Although I only got along with him

for a few days, I can see that he is still very care so much about
you. Especially coming in my area, so we can do this. To be
honest, I admire you for it, at least I can't do it."

Hàn Dōng was a bit embarrassed, "As long as you don't look
down on me."

"Looking for such a big backing, from now on, you can be
calling for wind and rain, and only covering my hand, would I
dare to look down on you?"

Hàn Dōng smiled.

Ye Chenglin looked at Hàn Dōng just that way, and he felt it
was okay, he was not as sad as he had expected.

Even if he knew that Hàn Dōng could accept a man early on,
even if Wang Ding did not appear, Ye Chenglin would not
necessarily have the conditions and courage to accompany Hàn
Dōng to the end.

Hàn Dōng is a big fairy, he will not choose the wrong person.

1].....Big at fortune telling

Such a thought, Ye Chenglin was also relieved.

"Yes, didn't you have something to say to me?" Hàn Dōng

remembered this.

Ye Chenglin said, "did I?"

"How did you not? You said that rope..."

"Oh! Oh!" Ye Chenglin pretends to remember. "That rope is
not of much use. You throw it."

"Throw it? You kidding?! That's the token between the two of
us. In case you get lost another day, I still have to rely on this
rope to find you."

"This time I absolutely will not be missing." Ye Chenglin


Hàn Dōng coldly yelled, "You are kind of conscience."

Wang Zhong Ding over there spent a few dozen minutes in the
smoking area. He walked past Ye Ge wife, and handed her a card
from his wallet.

"This is what I give to you."

Ye Wife said that she would not ask anything. "No, we don't
need money."
"It doesn't matter if you don't have money or you do have
enough money. It's Dongzi's decision. He didn't make up for the
cheaper of your home for three years. He doesn't make up for it.
He always feels incompetent."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well," Wang Zhong Ding interrupted the wife. "Since he was

a brother, you wouldn't see it. Afterwards, Hàn Dōng went to
the other side and took care of it."

Ye Wife could not resist the charm of the princes, but

eventually she took it.

"Yes, why didn't you give it to my husband directly?" Ye Wife

suddenly remembered and asked.

Wang Zhong Ding instantly changed his face and said, " I
cannot wait to see him!" After saying this sentence he turned

The days of rapid transit have quickly ushered in the opening

ceremony of the new movie.

This is the most grand event in the history of Wang Zhong

Film and Television Group. The parking lot has a special fleet of
fifty to sixty vehicles. The media emptied the entrance of the
hotel, and each star would have to spend a lot on admission.

Especially at the moment Cain got off, the entire scene was
chaotic. Dozens of security personnel maintained order and
managed to control the scene.

With such a large momentum, it seems that people have seen

the unprecedented popularity of the movie and the actor's
overnight fame.

Compared with the past, Hàn Dōng paid special attention to

this time. It takes half an hour to get to the red carpet ceremony
and he has been waiting outside the area.
"How long does it take for me to walk there?" Hàn Dōng

The staff member said: "As soon as possible, you are the

After listening to the word "end of the line," Hàn Dōng asked
quickly: "Am I entering with Wang Zhong Ding?"

"No, it's Yi Wei who entered the court with Wang."

Although Hàn Dōng has some regrets, he still looks forward to

ask: "Who is the guest who will come in with me?"

The staff looked at the schedule and said: "Wang, the


Hàn Dōng eyes nearly popped, "Who?"

"Do you not know the chairman?"

Hàn Dōng immediately remembered the scene wrapped in

mats and couldn't resist cold sweats.

"Can you change to another one?"

"I can't do that.....You have to consult with the planner."

Just now, Wang Hai Zi came.

Hàn Dōng was handsomely dressed today and Wang Hai Zi did
not recognize him at first sight. Only after recognizing him, did
he sink his face and shouted: "It turned out to be you kid."

As a result, Hàn Dōng was numb throughout the red carpet

process, and he did not realize the feeling of being the focus.

The misfortune is not alone. As Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhi Hai
both took the stage to speak as actors and production
representatives, the seats of the two men were also ignorant.

The host announced the start of the booting ceremony and the
city leaders spoke and unveiled the boot.

After consultation with the director of the public and the

evaluation of Hàn The Great Fairy, the film was formally named
Feng Mang.

Next is Cain's speech on behalf of the director group.

There are many unpopular celebrities underneath, and they

all want to take this opportunity to climb up with international

Hàn Dōng is idly admiring the idol's style and suddenly

sounds a dissonant sound.

"Who was the woman who replaced you that day?"

Hàn Dōng looked blankly, "Replace me?"

Wang Hai Zi voice was gloomy. "Don't be silly. You think I

don't know how you escaped from me?"

Hàn Dōng's nerves tightened again, and there is a kind of

feeling as a criminal waiting in court for sentencing.

"If you tell me who the woman is to you, I will not bother
about you."

helping him .....the woman? Hàn Dōng could not help but be
stunned. Isn't he talking about me?

Is it...

Hàn Dōng turned his head to Wang Hai Zi and found that his
worry still happened.

In addition to his apparent ignorance, Wang Hai Zi's face is

still faintly waiting for him to answer.

"She was temporarily sent by Wang Zhong Ding. I didn't know

her." Hàn Dōng said with some guilty.

Wang Hai Zi shouted: "Someone like you, seeing such a

beautiful girl can be unmoving? Can you ask for contact

Hàn Dōng felt the abdominal cramps: I have not been that
narcissistic to share?

"I really don't know." Hàn Dōng grieved.

Wang Hai Zi looked at him like the beginning of the tiger

prowling, but later he didn't know how to laugh but laughed at
Hàn Dōng's horror.

"If you help me find the girl, I will not only pursue your
responsibilities but will give you extra rewards."
Hàn Dōng suddenly had a feeling of tears.

Where can I find her? ! !

After the start-up ceremony, the media and guests exited, and
the rest of the crew members enjoyed the next boot feast.

Hàn Dōng's meal .....he was eating absent-mindedly.

Wang Zhong Ding quickly discovered the anomaly on Hàn

Dōng face, taking advantage of all the people's inattention, he
secretly patted his ass and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Hàn Dōng smiled in a guilty conscience.

When Wang Zhong Ding was about to continue his inquiry, he

heard someone call him at the door.

"Wang Wang - someone is looking for you."

Wang Zhong Ding went out and saw the sunny girlstanding

"When did you come?"

Wan Li Qing said: "My father wanted me to accompany him

he had two sets."

"No problem." Wang Zhong Ding gladly promised, "When I'm

not busy, I'll give it to you."

Wan Li Qing nodded. "Well, I'll wait for you."

Wang Zhong Ding soon returned to the living room.

When Wan Li Qing was about to go to the tea room next to

him for a while, she came across Yi Wei from the bathroom.

The two women knew each other seven or eight years ago. At
that time, Wan Li Qing had just returned from studying. Yi Wei
was thunderous best thing in movies. Both women are close to
Wang Zhong Ding and naturally familiar with each other.

"Hey, when did you come?" Yi Wei smiled.

Wan Li Qing also smiled. "Looking for Wang Zhong Ding for a
bit of a thing."

"Do you need me to call him out for you?"

"No, we have finished."

Yi Wei is surprised, "Then you are..."

"I want to go to the tea room next to here for a while."

Hearing Wan Li Qing, Yi Wei also nodded. "I just wanted to

go. There was a mess in the banquet hall. I had a headache with
the noise"

Wan Li Qing heard.

The two women sat together and talked about the topic
around men. The two women sat together and the topic of
talking naturally fell on Wang Zhong Ding.

"He even confessed with you?" Yi Wei said an incredible


Wan Li Qing has already returned to calm, "Yes."

Yi Wei sighed. "What a pity. I always thought you and Wang

were always dated."

Wan Li Qing did not say anything.

"I think you still have a certain status in Wang's heart. It's just
men, young men. Sometimes they don't know what they

Yi Wei has said a lot about it, but nothing that could persuade
Wan Li Qing not to give up. She also zealously made suggestions
for her, and hinted that she is willing to help her with Wang.

Wan Li Qing listened quietly until Yi Wei finished talking. "I

think you misunderstood."

Yi Wei live, "misunderstanding?"

" I ..... Wan Li Qing have not yet reached the point where I
have to fight for relationships."

Having finished this, Wan Li smiled gracefully, and got up and

left the tearoom.

After greeting the crew, Wang Zhong Ding said to Hàn Dōng:
"I'll go to Wan later. Are you going back to the dormitory or
going with me?"
Hàn Dōng did not hesitate to choose to go together.

When he arrived at Wan Li Qings house, Wang Zhong Ding

got out of the car and Hàn Dōng sat inside.

After more than two hours, Wang Zhong Ding returned to the
car. He thought that Hàn Dōng had long ago slept, and he did
not expect that he was still spirited.

"Are you not sleepy?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

"Difficulty, I would not dared to sleep." Hàn Dōng eyes

fluttered, suddenly has been exhausted to the extreme.

Wang Zhong Ding was surprised, "You won't dare to


Hàn Dōng suddenly said seriously: "I want to treat my

sleepwalking problem"
Chapter 172 Cure?
"Why should you want to cure it?" Wang Zhong Ding was

Hàn Dōng did not want to mention Wang Hai Zi. He only said:
“Sleepwalking has caused great inconvenience to my life. Every
time I have an idea, I'm worried about sleepwalking and doing

"So how come didn't you ever think about it before?"

"I didn't have too many troubles before. I am particularly

worried about this time. And the new film will begin filming
right away. When the time comes around, you couldn't stay
with me for 24 hours so I couldn't stop getting into trouble."

For Wang that being said is not a good thing, Hàn Dōng is so
clear minded in his sleepwalking, making cute gestures, and
resolve crises, especially fit in with his various types of exercise
on the sex area. How can Wang be willing to treat him and loose
all that?
Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding said: "I think what you need to
treat is not sleepwalking, but your brain. If you do not get
frustrated it doesn't manifest doesn't it?"

"Would you think that you are also frustrated by it?" Hàn
Dōng retorted.

Wang Zhong Ding doesn't speak calmly.

Hàn Dōng said: "Then I will not be like you in the future."

"You dare to ..." Wang Zhong Ding issued a word that sounds
very light and resentful.

Hàn Dōng immediately rushed to Wang Zhong Ding's side and

pinched his chin and joked: "When are you furstrated? Huh?"

Wang Zhong Ding replied coldly: "Well, I have to drive."

“Calm down!” He uttered angrily.

Hàn Dōng was instantly shaken back to the original position.

When catching up with the traffic jam, Wang Zhong Ding
scanned Hàn Dōng with a peripheral look and found that he was

Wang Zhong Ding opened a light music.

Listening to this, Wang suddenly remembered the first time

he met with Hàn Dōng.

At that time, Hàn Dōng got into his car while drinking and
sleepwalking. Wang Zhong Ding discovered this wonderful
flower(Hàn Dōng) with such a light music.

The difference between memories and reality is that

memories will automatically get rid of some bad points, such as
mystical characters, such as black and white photos, leaving
only the goodness of the first two long legs.

It is that sleepwalking moment that created this beautiful...

As he was thinking, Hàn Dōng suddenly said by the side:
"Stop, I want to pee."

Just in front of a public toilet, Wang Zhong Ding stopped the


As a result, Hàn Dōng ran away after getting off.

When Wang Zhong Ding reacted, Hàn Dōng fled to an alley.

What can Wang Ding do? He had to run to catch him!

When Hàn Dōng ran for less than a kilometer, he snorted and
wheezed, but during sleepwalking he is like extra agile athlete.
Turning, crossing, and dodging unusually flexible. He is just like
a shadow.

Wang Zhong Ding who chased after him just wanted to curse.
How many years did he ran in the street? Since playing with
you, the real problem is getting you more and more grounded!

Eyes will catch up, Hàn Dōng suddenly lost his footsteps,
turned a big bend and continued to run.

As Hàn Dōng ran, he whispered: "He wants to cure my

sleepwalking? No way!"

Wang Zhong Ding was anxious. "Who wants to cure you? It's
your own delusion. I didn't promise you that."

Hàn Dōng is still running endlessly.

Wang Zhong Ding realized that he couldn't chase him again,

so he shouted, "There are more than two million in your
endorsement fees!"

Upon hearing this, Hàn Dōng really stopped.

"Really ...." Hàn Dōng whispered to Wang Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding did not return with good health: "Really."


"My wallet."

Hàn Dōng took out the wallet from Wang Zhong Ding's
trouser pocket, and ran again...

On the second day, Wang Zhong Ding told Er Lei about this

Er Lei saw Hàn Dōng at the time of waking up and took a point
of view. "I also think that he should be treated. Otherwise, the
insurance of billions of dollars is also a major hidden problem."

Er Lei reminded Wang Zhong Ding who momentarily had

forgot everything about the insurance.

Today is the day when the Director officially enters the crew.
The first thing is to sign the contract for insurance.

Wang Zhong Ding hurriedly gave a phone call to the

supervisor and asked him to stall up Hàn Dōng's insurance
temporarily. He had other arrangements to amke.

Hanging up the phone, Wang Zhong Ding worried.

"Are you thinking about it? If you decide to cure him I'll
contact the doctor." Er Lei said.

Wang Zhong Ding still had difficulty separating himself from

Hàn Dōng's lingering dreams, so he said, “Look for him.”

The Hàn Dōng's crew reported that he naturally made a face

to face with Yi Wei.
Two people greeted and said hello. The chat is just like
nothing happened.

In a little while, more than 200 crew members basically


Those producers who used company funds for personal gain

were all standing in perfect condition, and they continued to
talk loudly and with great humour.

Hàn Dōng only glanced at them and took his eyes back.

A moment later, Director Cain and producer also arrived.

Cain greeted everyone casually, but only patted Hàn Dōng's


"Please show your credentials. We must sign the contract."

The assistant of the producer announced to the crowd.
The general big-name actor's contract is signed by the broker
and the crew in advance, but this film is almost entirely new
actors and actresses so everyone's insurance broker is here, only
the insurance and the amount insured is different.

Those who engage in high-risk activities such as martial arts

and pyrotechnics will have greater insurance coverage. For a
person such as Hàn Dōng, involved in such a gang warfare,
demolition, and martial arts play in one, and since it is difficult
to find a stunt actor for him, the insurance will be greater.

However, when the supervisor and Hàn Dōng talked about the
contract, they did not mention the issue of insurance.

"I don't need to enter it?" Hàn Dōng was surprised.

The supervisor said: "Your insurance does not go through our

hands and is arranged by Wang himself."

Hàn Dōng experienced an instant superiority bursts.

Yi Wei has long been involved in various types of insurance
and naturally does not have to use it for insurance. And she was
the first entertainer in the Mainland, so she asked a group of
new actors for cross-examination.

"Did you actually insure your hair for 60 million?"

Yi Wei smiled. "That was a few years ago. It hasn't been in

since last year."

"A few years ago it was even more powerful. The money at
that time was worth more!"

"Yeah, 60 million insurance for hair, it's hard to imagine."

Yi Wei was quite modest. "It is not uncommon because of the

realization of physical danger. I know there are several. After
the days of Xu Yuanyuan, I insured 100 million for my boobs."

"100 million???"
"Yes and it's in US dollars."

There were four buzzes, including Hàn Dōng's. He really

understands his incompetence ..... superiority just broken. As
for tossing so much money?

Shèn Hua said: “A lot of people are not really afraid of

accidents, but they are just a way to demonstrate self-
confidence and worth. I also wanted to insure a certain part of
me before.”

Hàn Dōng leaned at her. "Which one?"

Shèn Hua spent a long time to find no place to start.

"Give your hair up? Black and bright, thick and strong?"

"You hater!" Shèn Hua posed in a boxing fight with Hàn Dōng.
Hàn Dōng laughed.

Next to them Cain suddenly said to Hàn Dōng: "You can think
about the last one."

"Which one?"

Cain and Wang Zhong Ding ideas coincide, "Your entire lower
body should be insured."

Hàn Dōng was a bit sullen and deliberately asked, "How much
do you think I should insure?"

After Cain had contacted so many Hollywood movie stars, he

had a more accurate judgment on Hàn Dōng's body.

"At least 500 million," Cain said.

Hàn Dōng was flattered. "You said that my lower body is

worth 500 million?"

Cain nodded.

Hàn Dōng's pretend to be a downcast. "Although I don't spend

the money, I just feel happy when I listen to it."

Just chatting, Er Lei suddenly appeared. Give a direct gesture

to the supervisor so they can talk.

In general, the emergence of Er Lei visit means the private

affairs of Wang Zhong Ding. When it comes to the supervision
of the producer, it is definitely about Hàn Dōng's insurance

"You go and see." Hàn Dōng pointed Xiao Liang.

Xiao Liang had just stopped at the door and was stopped.
"Wait, wait a moment, I wanna hear about it."
At this time, a production assistant pushed directly into the

Xiao Liang was indignant. "How can he come in casually?"

The assistant glanced at Xiao Liang. "What do you think of


Er Lei took out a thick stack of insurance contracts, allowing

them to register one by one.

“This is a personal accident insurance. This is a regular life

insurance. This is a serious illness insurance...”

The supervisor was quite unexpected. "So much!"

"Where is this?"

Er Lei said, he took out a big book of physical danger. "It's all

The producer looked shocked at the amount of insurance

coverage. "This... is this $1.35 billion?"

The two thunder bantered: "How is it? Is there a fight with

some of your Hollywood stars?"

Just finished, the production assistant pushed in the door.

"This is the form you asked me to back up."

"Let's put this!" Producer continued to Er Lei: "We have very

few Hollywood actors who reach 1 billion insured, Wang is
always really generous!"

Er Lei made a wink to the producer. Only when the

production assistant went out to say, "Do not discuss this matter
Producer doesn't care. "He shouldn't talk about the privacy of

Er Lei sighed. "I dont mean other people, I'm afraid of him and
Xiao Liang."

"You talking about the bodyguard around Hàn Dōng?"

"Yes, it's him."

"One is the person around the producer, and the other is the
person who is around the actor. There is no way to get it."

Er Lei nodded. "On these, you continue to work. I'll go first."

Xiao Liang returned truthfully.

Hàn Dōng wondered why he did act so mysteriously?


After the production assistant told the producer about the

situation, the producer relayed it to Yi Wei.

"Billion?" Yi Wei shocked, "Is it correct?"

The producer nodded. "It looks like it's not only the legs."

"Is it going from the cast?"

"I already voted."

Yi Wei face is extremely stiff: Hàn Dōng, you are really getting
more and more impressive.

After seeing the producer return, the assistant asked with

curiosity: "Who is the one insured to billionaire? Is it Yi Wei?"
The producer took a look at him. "What if I'm still able to get
you in? You have no brains."

"That... who the hell is that?" The assistant couldn't think of

any more than the background here.

The producer said: "That Hàn Dōng!"

The assistant seemed to hear a lot of amazing news. "Hàn

Dōng? He was such an embarrassment?"

"Nonsense, or who do you think he depended on for what


The assistant didn't think about the role of the character. He

only thought of the bodyguard he had just seen.

When he wanted to apologize, Xiao Liang already left with

Hàn Dōng.
Throughout the afternoon, Hàn Dōng spent all of his time in
the dormitory.

"What do you want?"

Yu Ming discovered that Hàn Dōng has been worrying.

Hàn Dōng said cautiously: "I suspect Wang Zhong Ding put on
me a high insurance."

"How do you know?" Yu Ming asked.

“Today when I went to the crew to report this issue, Er Lei

secretly talked with the supervisor about this matter. I guess the
amount is certainly not small, otherwise why would we not go
through the routine with the other crew?”

Yu Ming said: "That should let you know!"

"The problem lies in this!" Hàn Dōng beat his thigh, "the
amount is certainly higher than my tolerance limit."

"What is your limit?"

Hàn Dōng shouted: "100 million, and after 100 million, I will
be shocked to death."

"Are you talking about RMB or USD?"

"The renminbi, if it's US dollars, I'll..."

"What would happen?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng hit his chest. "Don't talk about it. I'm going to be ill
and I can't. Please help me..."

“Help you how !” Yu Ming took a picture of Hàn Dōng with a

smile. “Go eat, what's in your dream?”
"Oh, just thinking about it is not OK!"
Chapter 173 Seek the struggle before The
"Xiao Liang!"

Xiao Liang was about to open the door and suddenly there is
someone who beckons to him.

"I have waited for you a long time." Someone smiled.

Xiao Liang looked intently, is this not the arrogant producer

assistant? Why is he running to find me?

"I'm sorry. I didn't get it yesterday. I don't know if you are

under Hàn Dōng."

Xiao Liang laughed, finally someone know the power of my

master Hàn Dōng

"And then?" asked deliberately.

The producer's assistant smiled slyly. "Then it's up to you to

It's hard to expect such an opportunity to be proud and elated.

How could Xiao Liang not take the opportunity to gossip?

"As long as you confirm to me what I heard yesterday, I will

not bother about you."

The producer's assistant immediately smiled in relief. "This

thing? You already knew that Wang gave Hàn Dōng more than
one billion insurance."

The trajectory of the Xiao Liang muscles was swift, but the
face was still filled with nothing.

"Oh, I knew .... I didn't ask."

Producer assistant, "That's what happened yesterday..."

"Nothing, you remember not to say anything about it." Xiao
Liang waved his hand indifferently.

The producer's assistant just walked for a while. Hàn Dōng

came to the parking lot.

Xiao Liang mouth began to twitch, how can he not say? this
gossip is too good, if this thing is not said to Hàn Dōng, his heart
quality is not good ... ...

Hàn Dōng sat up and opened the door.

"Wang has given you more than a billion in insurance!" Xiao

Liang's voice was cheery.

Hàn Dōng casually smoked a cigarette and asked dereliciously:

"What are you talking about...just one?"

Xiao Liang was shocked. "Is there another billion?"

Hàn Dōng proudly spits out a smoke ring. “I've got so many
delicate parts of my life. Is it more than a billion people living?”

"You have nerves....."

Hàn Dōng suddenly grinned, "Ha ha ha ha ... just look with

you, do not talk crap, and quickly drive !"

At first, Xiao Liang was relieved. Fortunately, he did not

believe it. As a result, the car drove halfway and then Xiao Liang
said: “I did not bullshit you.”

"What you didn't bullshit about?" Hàn Dōng had already


Xiao Liang said: "It's a matter of billions of insurance."

"Oh, who did you hear that from?" Hàn Dōng is not the same
as before.
"Er Lei and the supervisor talked.... a producer assistant heard
it, and then the assistant told me."

Hàn Dōng nodded. "This way, I know."

So calm? Xiao Liang face is incredible.

Hàn Dōng ran for less than ten minutes and finally couldn't
hold back to Xiao Liang.

"Why do you seem disappointed?"

Xiao Liang, "......."

Returning to Wang Zhong Ding's home, Hàn Dōng, as usual,

did not ask anyone about it.

There was a fried snail in the dinner, and the western were
particularly fond of snails, so it was endless happiness to eat

"Don't eat, if you eat you will have a lot of indigestion." Wang
Zhong Ding poured a small bowl of snails that hadn't been eaten
by Xixi back on the plate.

As a result, Hàn Dōng returned the snails to his own bowl.

Xixi complained, "Why can he eat so much?"

"You eat less too" said Wang Zhong Ding to Hàn Dōng.

"I'm not just eating snails. I'm still training my mouth


Saying, Hàn Dōng put down the chopstick and bite directly at
the snail's shell, and then pulled out the meat from the big
mouth on the head.
So, he went for a different way of eating, Wang Ding really did
not say anything.

"Daddy, he's still eating." Xixi reminded.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "He has good digestion."

Xixi puckered up his mouth and muttered, "He doesn't work

all day and still have a snack at home."

Hàn Dōng shamelessly turned the eyebrows westward, and

then squeezing his muscles even more vigorously. He found that
Xixi deliberately did not look at him, he then took a snail in
front of Xixi eyes.

"Would you like to have one's big toe? Hahahaha..."

Xixi rolled his eyes, "you're boring."

Hàn Dōng heard the phone ringing and got up to answer it.

Xixi immediately giggled and said to Wang Zhong Ding while

laughing: "He said the snail is like a big toe."

Wang Zhong Ding raised the floor and raised his mouth. "OK,
let's just eat."

On the dinner table he was a no-nonsense, serious, and good

father. When he entered the bedroom, he was exposed as a

Wang Zhong Ding leaned against the bedside and his tastes
held high. Hàn Dōng plunged his mouth between Wang Zong
Ding's legs. He used all the strength of the snails on Wang' cock
head and it felt so good that Wang Zhong Ding's soul was almost
gone wayward.

Today, when Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng had just made
contact with each other, even though he was wearing a piece of
human skin in the daytime before the public, he was completely
"unrecognized" by night.
In the past, Wang was still in a stable vanilla sex type of
person, and now he has been made mad and rogue by Hàn
Dōng's “teaching”; previously there was a request to put it on
the shelves. Now he says directly, "you have to use a little more
force, right, that's it”; Back then when Wang wanted to play
with something different he would meander around .... And
now he went straight for the ass, and stuffed inside to press the
switch, he began to enjoy the "expressionism show."

When Hàn Dōng couldn't take the pleasure anymore his

tongue went to Wang Zhong Ding's ears, whispered at all kinds
of foul language.

"How is your mouth so dirty?" Wang Zhong Ding organ

continued to get hard inside Hàn Dōng.

The more the two people fucked, the more high Wang got and
later when Wang Zhong Ding wanted to try difficult positions,
because Hàn Dōng's flexibility was limited .... they couldn't.

"Didn't I asked for you to go to learn with Yu Ming?" Wang

Zhong Ding asked.
Hàn Dōng was horrified. "Do you want me and Yu Ming learn
to practice for this?"

Wang Zhong Ding's failure to speak means default.

Hàn Dōng had a huge blush on his cheeks. "If you had said it
long ago, I would have had practiced it."

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

"Do you want to stop trying?" Hàn Dōng has a bigger addiction
to trying new stuffs in bed than Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Forget it, it's bad to strain your leg."

Speaking of his legs, Hàn Dōng suddenly remembered one

thing. He laughed hard: "Today, Cain's director said that my
two legs are worth at least 500 million."
Wang Zhong Ding coldly yelled, "Why didn't he give you an

"You also did not insure me?" Hàn Dōng deliberately explored.

Wang Zhong Ding did not explain that he directly used

"action" of insuring to prove his obsession with the entire lower
body of Hàn Dōng.

Late at night, two people embrace and slept.

Nobody knows how long, Wang Zhong Ding suddenly felt

stinging in his toes.

When he opened his eyes he found that Xixi was in his bed, he
was cleaning his toes with a bamboo stick, causing a circle of
blood marks around his fingernails.

Wang Zhong Ding hurriedly sat up and looked at Xixi's small

arm and asked, “What are you doing?”
Xixi did not respond to Wang Zhong Ding's inquiries and
continued to use a toothpick to dig around Wang Ding's nails.
He muttered to himself, “I remember when we were eating,
how could I not move?”

Wang Zhong Ding remembered a metaphor at dinner and

instantly looked at the black line.

1]....snail is like a big toe comment...

Hàn Dōng, you are such a rotten thing!

Just as he was about to turn his head and suddenly discovered

that his other side was empty.

At the same time, Wang Zhong Ding heard a strong smell of

sleep aids, no wonder that he was sleeping so dead, toes tied up
so as to wake up.

As for the aromatherapy table who put it out here? This is

definitely the sneaky thief.
Wang Zhong Ding first took Xixi to his room and settled him
before he went to Hàn Dōng.

He thought Hàn Dōng would have escaped like a night before,

and the outside defense was so strict that he couldn't run
anywhere. However, when Wang Zhong Ding passed the study,
he suddenly smelled a dangerous atmosphere from the position
of the office chair and mouse pad.

He quickly went to the computer and the screen lit up,

showing the electronic version of the Hàn Dōng insurance
contract which he had hidden.

Wang Zhong Ding's head blasted.

At this moment, he heard a faint sound of a knife scrapping

coming from downstairs.


Wang Zhong Ding rushed down almost by ten steps.

The result is as he came to the kitchen and he discovered that
Hàn Dōng stood neatly in front of the chopping board, waving a
kitchen knife in his hand, and was carrying a slice of blood tofu.

Wang Zhong Ding body was stiffened in the doorway,

sweating beads dripping down his back.

Hàn Dōng turned his head to reveal a virtuous smile. "I can't
give you a baby. At least I must learn how to make rice.
Otherwise, how can I be worth that 1 billion insuarance?"

Wang Zhong Ding grabbed Hàn Dōng's collar and dragged him
straight upstairs.

"I started thinking that I would do stupid things, but then I

discovered that I love you more than I thought. I want to keep
this national treasure lower body to serve you... Hey!"

Wang Zhong Ding directly dumped Hàn Dōng on the bed.

"Sleep..... you!"
The next day, after Hàn Dōng woke up, as if nothing had
happened, he would go to the crew. The filming was a film and
the status was stable as usual.

So the treatment of sleepwalking was shelved again. Wang

Zhong Ding was fortunate enough to think that Hàn Dōng only
had intermittent episodes. Perhaps he had forgotten this

At the end of the evening, Wang Zhong Ding again awakened

in a rich aroma.

Hàn Dōng was gone again.

Thank god Xixi didn't see Hàn Dōng otherwise the two
mischief makers were even worse when together.

In the end, Wang Zhong Ding found Hàn Dōng in the garage.
He was about to open the car door and sit up.

Wang Zhong Ding shouted: "Where are you going?"

"I'm sending Xixi to school! Otherwise, which one is worthy of
that 1 billion?" Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding's face was blue. "Why do you need to send

At this moment, the rear window was suddenly pulled, and

Xixi little face that was half-sleeped in was revealed.

"Daddy, let him send me, do not let him have a free meal
without working for it."

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

So, one by one they had to be returned back, it's hard to carry
back two sleepwalking people.

The next day, Hàn Dōng is still the same person.

However, Wang Zhong Ding cannot do anything to remind
Hàn Dōng of something that for him, did not happen.

Must think of a way or else in this sleepwalking Hàn Dōng will

be exhausted.

How can he let him sleep in real life?

Even if this is the case, Wang Zhong Ding is still reluctant to

treat Hàn Dōng's sleepwalking problem. If there is a last
glimmer of hope, he will continue as normal after a few

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding did not allow Hàn Dōng to go

home with him. Instead, he let him live back in the dormitory.

How will he be better? Wang Zhong Ding thought.

Even so, he slept very hard.

He was frequently looking at the phone and going to the door,
he has been worried that Hàn Dōng will sneak in here.

Simply stayed awake overnight.

Returning to the company, Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng

go with the crew of the car to the shooting base, he really felt

In the following days, Hàn Dōng had been sleeping in the

dormitory and he seemed to have returned to normal.

Let him cool for a while, maybe he would just forgot about it...

As Wang Zhong Ding was thinking, Yu Ming suddenly pushed

in and the expression on his face was extremely calm.

"General Wang, aren't you being too much?"

This question suppressed Wang Zhong Ding's heart, “What do
you mean?”

"I didn't want to say this, as it would be seen that I'm a bit
petty, but I've had enough!" Yu Ming hated it.

Wang Zhong Ding stood up. "What is going on?"

"You would rather spend tens of millions of dollars on the 1

billion in insurance premiums for Hàn Dōng. Why don't you
spend thousands on him and find him a dance teacher? Every
night he is sleepwalking and looking for me to practice
dancing.... Is there such a share of the money? Can you
calculate it?!"

Wang Zhong Ding instantly understands, he busy explained:

"I think you misunderstood."

"Once or twice is a misunderstanding. It's all eight days. Every

evening, he comes to class on time. If he can't go to class then I
don't get sleep. I couldn't hold on to it yesterday. I just joked
with him and said that he should pay if he wanted to continue
class." Guess what he said? He said that you've spent so much
money on insurance, and you didn't give him the tuition fee!"

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

Chapter 174 Is this an accidental bonus?
On the next day, Wang went to the hospital with two patients.

First he put the person with the most serious illness in front
of the doctor. "You see if he still has to be saved?"

The doctor happily said, "sleepwalking is not a terminal

illness! As long as the patient does not carry out dangerous
activities, he will not cause substantial physical harm."

"He hurts others," Wang Zhong Ding said.

"What the..." The doctor slammed his glasses. "Sleepwalkers

do bring certain problems to the families. What we can do is to
look at them rationally and respond positively."

Wang Zhong Ding calmed his emotions. "Well, I will try my


The doctor nodded. "The patient first has to undergo sleep

monitoring. He is needed to stay overnight. "

Wang Zhong Ding almost didn't close his eyes, for fear that
the two shipments would suddenly break the monitor.

Simply peaceful overnight.

The next day, the monitoring results came out.

"Electroencephalograms of both people are normal and there

are no organic lesions," said the doctor.

Wang Zhong Ding wondered, "Why then are they


"Why?" The doctor smiled helplessly. "The use of the medical

science does not give an authoritative explanation, maybe its
mainly related to heredity."
Having said this, Wang Zhong Ding was silent.

The doctor turned his head to Hàn Dōng. "Does your

grandfather or grandmother had a history of sleepwalking?"

Hàn Dōng was surprised. "My grandparents? How can I


The doctor was even more amazed than him. "I just clearly
saw that there was a father-son relationship on the registration

Hàn Dōng's eyelids rolled over and pointed to the side. "That's
the two of them."

"Er, but you both seem to be ah, but also..." Realizing that it
was wrong to say this in front of the child's dad, the doctor
hurried to stop and asked Wang Zhong Ding: "Then you're the

"The child and I have no kinship."

Because Xixi is still asleep, Wang Zhong Ding directly admits

The doctor smiled slyly. "I'm really sorry, but do you know his
biological parents?"

"No, he is an abandoned baby. When I brought him back from

the welfare home, there was no identity information."

The doctor had to give up and turned his eyes on Hàn Dōng.
"Then your parents..."

"I also was an abandoned baby." Hàn Dōng said.

Well... The doctor secretly lamented: Hey Wang ...Are you

sure you haven't picked them up from a yard?

After the analysis, the doctor gave an initial treatment plan.

"My advice for the child condition is to observe him with

proper guidance. Because child's sleepwalking disease is still
relatively common, and gradually disappears as adults, it is not
recommended to use drugs or compulsory treatment."

"As for Hàn Dōng, the situation is rather special and it is

recommended to use aversion therapy."

Wang Zhong Ding is puzzled, "aversion therapy?"

The doctor explained: "Sleepwalking is a symbolic desire to

compensate, sleepwalkers are awakened through disgusting
therapies and we can break his behavioral orientation, and
sleepwalking will gradually subside."

For this reason, the doctor gave an example.

When a person sleeps, he often points a shotgun with

ammunition at his wife. The doctor then lets his wife sleep
outside of the bed and the husband sleeps on the inside. In this
way, when her husband wakes up sleepwalking, he will awaken
his wife. At this moment, the wife immediately takes a siren and
blows it against her husband's ear. The sharp sound of the siren
soon wakes her husband. In this way, only two trials were
performed and the patient's sleepwalking was cured.

Wang Zhong Ding immediately thought: “This person has

only one sleepwalking feature and is relatively easy to contain.
However, there are many purposes for Hàn Dōng's
sleepwalking. He may want to eat today. He want to go out
tomorrow, and he want to watch a movie the day after

“Then all his goals are not met! The more frustrations are, the
weaker this type of sleepwalking compensation will be until it
completely disappears.”

Wang Zhong Ding thinks the world is cruel when he thought

about it.

Hàn Dōng fell optimistically. "It's okay. I'm particularly

satisfied with my demands, there is not so many requests."

Wang Zhong Ding scorned him, are you sure?

Before leaving, the doctor once again stopped Wang Zhong

"That, there is a something I don't know if I can say."

Wang Zhong Ding gestured to the doctor but said nothing.

The doctor said slyly, "If economic conditions permit, I

suggest you give them a paternity test."

Wang Zhong Ding did not want to retreat: "No, he is our son."



Hàn Dōng only took two days off and returned to the crew
when a female partner was replaced.
The newcomer is a tender model and looks like she is in his
early twenties.

"How was she suddenly replaced?" Hàn Dōng asked Shen to


"It is said to be recommended by the investor."

"Investors... Isn't that what the company is?"

"Yeah, isn't the company making any long-leg Goddess draft?

It's said that this woman's votes are particularly high. It is
estimated that to create a topic, the girl was recommended for
the group."

In general, if Wang Zhong Ding recommends the actor to

enter the group, he will follow the normal procedure. He will
not change the person on the way without explanation. At first
sight, this seems like something Wang Hai Zi did.

In fact, everyone's mind mirrors, They're just wondering why

Wang Hai Zi has been sitting in the back for many years. How
did he suddenly become involved recently?

The girl called Xu Zeman, very tall, two white and long legs,
and loves to wear short skirts, revealing a sense of publicity and

Compared with her youthful beauty, Yi Wei had her own


"Do you know how she met her for the first time?" Shen
started to tease.

Hàn Dōng is curious. "A fight?"

Shen Hua's tone was imitation of Xueman said: “Auntie Yi,

I'm your fan.”

"And what did Yi Wei say?"

"Yi Wei didn't have any general knowledge of her, but she also
admitted that her age can indeed be called an aunt."

Hàn Dōng smiled and said nothing.

A total of two scenes were shot on this day. One scene was
Hàn Dōng's action scene. Thanks to the hard work of the
previous nights, Hàn Dōng's physical coordination and
flexibility were greatly enhanced, and a complex set of moves
quickly went smoothly.

The second scene is the opponent's play of the woman and the
female match, namely the scenes for Yi Wei and Xu Zeman.

There was no such thing as Hàn Dōng, but he wanted to see

how the Hollywood name used language, so he stayed there.

Xu Zeman did not follow the regulations and took frequent

scenes of Yi Wei's camera. She deliberately spoke her own lines,
and the entire staff on the set of scenes had a lot of opinions on
Cain, with a poor face, paused and said, "First we have to
resolve personal conflicts."

Not a moment, Xu Zeman's complaints clearly spread to

everyone's ears.

"Why does she always make me bend for her? Is it my fault

that I grew tall? Should I keep walking in the leg? Should I
deform my legs to get down to her height?"

Yi Wei said: "Help me find two bricks."

The assistant was anxious. "You're a grown up. How can


"If you don't go I will go."

After a short while, two bricks were tied to the soles of Yi

Wei's shoes, and she went to the center of the factory with great
effort. She waved at Xu Zeman: “It's OK now.”
Xu Zeman laughed and whispered to the assistant: "Sit down
and shoot it down." Then she swaggered over.


In the evening, Wang Hai Zi opened the house together with

Yi Wei.

Yi Wei did not ask about Xu Zeman or if she was his doing.
She devoted himself fully to sex and tried his best to meet Wang
Hai Zi.

She discovered that Wang Hai Zi's recent libido has become
more and more prosperous. It used to be only once a night, and
now he would have to come up again in the middle of the night.

If the rumors are really outside, the draft girl is a disguised

selection for the harem of Wang Hai Zi, for his nights, why does
he have such ample physical strength?

There is only one answer. He is not drafting for the early

adopters, but for the sake of finding someone. Xu Zeman is just
a bait, Wang Hai Zi's real purpose is to make "big fish" see Xu
Zeman's generous treatment, and thus take the lead.

Who is this new person? How could she cause Wang Hai Zi's
attention to drift?

As he was thinking, Wang Hai Zi suddenly made a few brutal

attacks. He had never had any tough waist movement and that
made Yi Wei cry "husband" in an instant. She also received a
more aggressive attack from Wang Hai Zi sex organ.

"Sex legs are so long and I want to kill you..."

Although Wang Hai Zi often flirted with foul language, he

never said the word "legs."

Yi Wei clearly realized that Wang Hai Zi had already thought

of her as someone in his head.

After some passion, Wang Hai Zi sat down with satisfaction.

Yi Wei picked up his cell phone and kept rummaging in
various private folders and finally found a special set of photos.

The photo was taken from the surveillance video, so it was

very unclear. The only thing that can be judged is that this
woman has long legs.

Yi Wei continued to turn down and saw another screenshot.

Although the persons are not very clear, in the background

she saw clearly, Wang Hai Zi was in his suite.

Yi Wei kept searching in her memory. She couldn't remember

which woman had entered the suite. Even the men were very
few. It seems that only Hàn Dōng has so far been...

Could it be? ! ! !

Yi Wei fiercely covered her mouth.


Since returning from the hospital, Hàn Dōng never sleepwalks


Wang Zhong Ding had already formulated a variety of detailed

response plans. As a result, Hàn Dōng suddenly had no desire
for sleepwalking, and he slept until dawn.

Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding went to the doctor again.

"Is it necessary to cure him?"

The doctor looked cautiously. "I think he may not be..... He

may be present on the day when we explained the treatment
plan. He had a preventive mentality in the following sense."

Wang Zhong Ding carefully recalls Hàn Dōng's sleeping moods

over the past few days. It seems that he is not really the same as
before. In the past, Hàn Dōng had a lot of sleep problems and all
kinds of unfamiliar things. He hadn't even moved in sleep in the
past few days.

"So he may sleepwalk, but you just did not find it." The doctor

"Do you mean that when he was laying motionless, maybe he

was in sleepwalking mode already? "Wang Zhong Ding asked.

The doctor nodded. "I mean it."

Wang Zhong Ding secretly thought: That is too cunning,


The doctor said: "I will tell you a way. After you went back
today, tell him that sleepwalking had been completely cured. If
he still slept calmly, it proved my fear was superfluous. If he
started to be abnormal again, then it proves that the few days
before were spent in sleepwalking."

Wang Zhong Ding nodded and it seems to be the only way.

So, after returning, Wang Zhong Ding made the remarks to
Hàn Dōng.

"The doctor said that your sleepwalking is completely cured"

"So fast?" Hàn Dōng was surprised.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "The doctor said that the previous
treatment process has already made you psychologically
suggestive and you by yourself have a sense of inhibition of your
sleepwalking activities."

Hàn Dōng actually believed it.

Xixi also asked: "What about me?"

"You were not sick originally." Wang Zhong Ding said.

As a result, sadness was delayed at midnight.

Hàn Dōng, who had been calm sleeping for seven or eight
days, suddenly threw himself onto Wang Ding's body.

"Damn! You've killed me in these days..."

Wang Zhong Ding's heart was hot while drawing some


Hàn Dōng was still not tired of sex, and Wang Zhong Ding
really clenched his teeth to implement the treatment plan.

He secretly opened the ready-to-use recording pen and played

the audio of the police raid.

There were messy footsteps, the screams of the young lady,

the yelling of the hackers...
Finally, there is a "bang~crashing" sound!

Wang saw Hàn Dōng quickly get out of bed, go up to the

corners and held his head with his hands. The action was so
familiar that Wang Zhong Ding could not bear to look at him

Audio continues to play.

"We are the anti-pornography special team."

The man at the corner quickly responded.

"My name is Hàn Dōng, male, 27 years old, from hometown of

Inner Mongolia, my ID card is in my wallet..."

Wang Zhong Ding's face was green, now it seems necessary to

bring Xixi and Hàn Dōng for a paternity test!
Chapter 175 So Hilarious, right?
The recording was quite comprehensive. Finally, the police
voice also questioned.

"How many times arrested?"

Hàn Dōng answered: "The first time, the first time..."

Wang Zhong Ding closed the recording pen and walked beside
Hàn Dōng and kicked him on his ass.

"Is it really the first time?" He used the tone of the police.

Hàn Dōng nodded. "I used to have five sisters. I had a free
pleasure investment for a lifetime. Now I have Wang and I can
get a rebate not only for free, but this is a good deal!"

Wang Zhong Ding kicked Hàn Dōng's feet with a few kicks all
in case he could wake up early. Until the air has completely
disappeared, Hàn Dōng wakes up.
After Hàn Dōng woke up, his face was blank. "What's up?"

"You were sleepwalking again." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng worried. "Isn't it cured? How come it came back?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not say anything. He returned to bed.

Hàn Dōng limped behind and asked, "Why do I feel my ass


Wang Zhong Ding's overwhelming tone, "You didn't wake you

up just now. I had to kick you."

Hàn Dōng said that he understood, "You should listen to the

doctor. It's hard for you."

Wang Zhong Ding calmly accepted the apology from Hàn

The next morning, when the babysitter had picked up his bed,
Wang Zhong Ding deliberately said: "If you see hair on the quilt,
don't shake it off just pinch it down and put it in the carton I
prepared in advance."

"Ok, no problem."

After the grooming process was completed, Wang Zhong Ding

looked at the carton. There were a few hair curls, straight and
yellow and black. It was easy to pick Hàn Dōng's from inside.

Then he went to Xixi's room and took a few hairs to the


At the company, Wang Zhong Ding ordered Er Lei to do it.

"Take this sample for a paternity test."

Er Lei was curious. "What are these two people?"

"You don't have to care about it, but in short, do it as soon as
possible. And don't let anyone know about it."

"Ok, no problem."

Er Lei asked for urgency in the identification and the results

were released on the third day.

Wang Zhong Ding heard this news and was nervous .

"what's the result?"

Er Lei said bluntly: "100% match"

"100%?" Wang Zhong Ding's voice suddenly increased several


He has a bit of medical knowledge. How can the probability of

matching between two individuals reach 100%? Is this the
rhythm of rebirth?

Er Lei explained: "The doctor said that there are two

possibilities for this kind of outcome, one is identical twins."

"Another kind?"

"It means that the sample is from the same person."

Wang Zhong Ding's face instantly became green. Suddenly he

remembered, and the night before he took his hair, Xixi really
messed around in his bed. Both of Hàn Dōng and Xixi have curly
yellow hair, so...

"Did the doctor say anything else?" Wang Zhong Ding asked

Er Lei said: "Doctors do not recommend the use of hair for

testing DNA, they say it will affect the accuracy of the
monitoring results, it is best to pull down hair from the root,
and the placement time should not exceed two weeks."
"I see, you go out."

Wang Zhong Ding originally hoped to rely on this result to

breathe a sigh of relief in his worries. As a result, such a
worrying came to his heart, and his heart was stunned again.

So throughout the afternoon, he was pondering about how he

would be pulling hair.

Returning home in the evening, Wang Zhong Ding specially

made the nanny to do some dishes that are good for the hair

When he had dinner, he kept giving Xixi lentils.

Xixi was a bit resistant. "Dad, I don't like lentils."

"I don't like to eat it also. It's for strong hair."

"How tough is it?" asked Xixi

Wang Zhong Ding said: "After eating, your hair can't be pulled

"So much should I eat?" Xixi immediately began to eat.

After eating, Xixi could not wait to try the lentil powers.

The result; it was pulled down.

He did not give up and pull another one, it easily pulled down.

Seeing that Xixi had four roots in a row, Wang Zhong Ding
decided that he had enough to use before he interrupted.

"how about it?"

Xixi looked frustrated. "How tough is it?"

"That's because you didn't eat much more than your uncle,"
Wang Zhong Ding spoke up.

Xixi really ran to pull Hàn Dōng's hair.

Unexpectedly, Hàn Dōng is very vigilant.

"Why? My nephew is also moving?"

Xixi looked to Wang Zhong Ding and Wang Zhong Ding gave
him an encouraging look.

"His hair is already broken.....I'm too lazy to pull it" said Xixi
and arrogantly walked away.

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

Before going to bed, Hàn Dōng's paws stretched toward Wang
Ding's pubic area, and Wang Zhong Ding's hand caught it

"Lets stop one day."

"What is it?"

"Not feeling well"

"It's okay. For me, I just want to try something"

The results he turned halfway and slapped Wang Zhong Ding


"You calm down and sleep!"

Hàn Dōng turned over unhappily and left Wang Zhong Ding.
After a while, Wang Zhong Ding felt that Hàn Dōng had fallen
asleep. He put his hand on one of his hairs and gently pulled it.
He could not pull it down.

So tough? No wonder he had Xixi hair on the bed.

Wang Zhong Ding once again stretched his hand out. As a

result, this time Hàn Dōng was extremely vigilant. He hadn't
even noticed it, and wrapped his head in the quilt.

Wang Zhong Ding did not have a chance to wait until Hàn
Dōng drilled himself out.

It took more than two hours, and Hàn Dōng, who was
dissatisfied with the sexual dissatisfaction, actually opened the
quilt and turned over to Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding was upset but he still had to use the
recording pen to treat him.

"Crash ~ Bang" slammed the door.

Hàn Dōng quickly climbed to the corner and held his head in
both hands.

"We are anti-pornography special team"

"Hàn Dōng, male, 27 years old, from his hometown of Inner

Mongolia, his ID card is in my wallet..."

"How many times you have been arrested?"

Hàn Dōng hesitated and replied, "The second time..."

Wang Zhong Ding sudden change of face, how many more?

"When was the first time?" Wang Zhong Ding once again

Hàn Dōng honestly admitted, "The evening before."

Wang Zhong Ding realized that Hàn Dōng had predicted his
last nights sleep.

"I'm going to take a few of your hair and take it back to lab
check it." The tone of the man was unquestionable.

Hàn Dōng sat on the ground to allow Wang Zhong Ding to


One, two, three, four!

After the drawing of hairs, Hàn Dōng then just woke up.

Got materials, cured the sleepwalking episode....this is simply

the best of both worlds!

Wang Zhong Ding just rested comfortably.

It was still dark, and Wang Zhong Ding's cell phone rang. At
first sight, it was the company's chief financial officer's phone
call. Fear of Hàn Dōng hearing, he went to the balcony.

As a result, he have not leave the room for much, and Hàn
Dōng got up from the bed with his eyes closed.

Wangs wants to detect my identity? There is no way!

Hàn Dōng quickly dropped his hair from the box and sneaked
into Xixi's room. He pulled four hairs from his small head and
replaced it in the paper box.

"General Wang, what are you looking for?" asked the finance

Wang Zhong Ding was surprised, "Me looking for you?"

"Yeah, I have a missed call on my cell phone."

"When did I called you?"

"Just now."

Wang Zhong Ding checked it. "I have no records here. Are you
reading it wrong?"

"Ah! Ah! I found out that this is not really yours. There is a 0
in front you!"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Some people use fraudulent software

to implement fraud. If you manage financial affairs, you must
take strict precautions."

"I know, I'm really sorry, ah, General Wang, and you have a

"It's okay."

Wang Zhong Ding hangs up and goes back to sleep.


Since Xu Zeman entered the group, the crew did not stop
shooting all day long. As long as she has participated in the lens,
it means contradictions and conflicts. Today is also the case.
Hàn Dōng entered the studio and heard arguing.

Both parties in the dispute are the assistants of Xu Zeman and

Yi Wei.

The reason is that Yi Wei had something to do at noon today.

She hoped that the filming would be finished soon. As a result,
Xu Zeman grinds at the dressing room and rushes for several
times to rest hence prolonging the finish time.

Afterwards, Yi Wei's assistant was anxious. When he entered

the room, he said, "I'm in trouble, Miss Xu, are you going to do
it? She still having an important date at noon today."

"What does her date has to do with me? I just wanted to show
my perfect side in front of the camera..... Then she must also
think about other people's feelings! "
"In the end, who is the one who doesn't think of anyone's
feelings? Her dating is a private matter. Isn't it a matter of
makeup for me?"


In the end, it is still the execution of the film director to solve


He said directly to Xu Zeman: "You be a little quicker, and Yi

Wei's guest is also unsustainable."

"Cut ..." Xu Zeman stood up reluctantly.

Cain was so anxious that when he first saw Hàn Dōng, his
brows stretched.

"Tomorrow there will be a dress scene for you, and I can't wait
to see it!"
Hàn Dōng secretly pinched his sweat, he is now guilty of being
forces to wear "women" clothes for acting.

After the shooting was over, Xu Zeman deliberately took the

assistant and whispered, "You follow Yi Wei and see what she
does in the end ..... It's so crazy!"

After a while, the assistant returned.

"See her?" asked Xu Zeman.

The assistant nodded, his face a bit ugly.

"In the end who came to pick her up? You say it!" Xu Zeman

The assistant said cautiously: "It is... Chairman Wang."

Xu Zeman's face was instantly discolored. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure that the chairman's car was seen by many people at
the time."

Xu Zeman secretly gritted her teeth. Want to use this trick to

get me a kicked from the film? Don't you look at how old you

So she asked the assistant: "Did the chairman appear in


"No, I only saw his driver."

Xu Zeman coldly hummed. "Tossing for a long time is this

man is not a sneaky one. Tomorrow, I will make Chairman
Wang visit the class personally. By then, everyone will know
who she is running with"


Er Lei took a DNA test report into Wang Ding's office.

The result is not suspense, and the probability of the match
value is again 100%.

Wang Zhong Ding tigers ears were startled, how could this be?

Er Lei said: "It's ... these two people are identical twins."

Wang Zhong Ding really wanted to put his hands on Er Lei's

mouth. Do you mean my son could not grow up in this life?

"The difference between the two is really great? Maybe it's the
day after tomorrow. Maybe it's changed."

Wang Zhong Ding replied, "If the mutation can reach this
level, it can be considered a miracle in the history of human

Er Lei suddenly had a kind of ominous premonition, "These

two samples will not be yours and Hàn Dōng, right?"
"You can go out now." Wang Zhong Ding said faintly.

Er Lei hit Feng Jun as soon as he left the room.

"You don't go in first. Wang feels very bad now." Er Lei had a
hearty look.

Feng Jun surprised, "Why?"

Er Lei whispered: "I suspect Wang and Hàn Dōng are identical

"Are you sick in the head?" Feng Jun cold eyes looked at Er

Because Wang Zhong Ding couldn't mention his paternity

test, Er Lei could only make wild guesses: "I really can't say
anything about it. It's coming ."
Feng Jun was blank. "Do you think it's funny?"

"No, you have to listen to me..."

"You and Shèn Hua are identical twins then." Feng Jun
interrupted Er Lei.

Er Lei was shocked. "I spent the early days with Shèn? Aren't
you being too funny? Is there a little similarity between us?"

"Then why do you think that Wang and Hàn Dōng have any?"

"You have nerves....."

Chapter 176 Young Moth.
Wang Zhong Ding carefully recalled the scene that night.
From collecting samples to getting up, he left the room twice in
total. One of them is to go to the toilet, so it is impossible to
complete the transfer process in a short period of time. Another
time is the call on the balcony.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhong Ding suddenly flashed the

suspicious phone number in his brain...

"Er Lei, call Zhou from Finance."

Five minutes later, the finance director entered the office.

"Do you still keep the call records of that morning?" asked
Wang Zhong Ding.

The chief financial officer nodded.

"Bring me it for me"

The financial director handed the phone to Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding tried repeatedly and did not find the
original number of the called user.

"Why don't I get the technical department? See if they can

crack it," said the chief financial officer.

"No, you leave and come with me." Wang Zhong Ding said.

"Okay, no problem." Wang Zhong Ding and the chief financial

officer left for a while, and Hàn Dōng returned to the company.
Aunt from cleaning saw Hàn Dōng walking with a bag of twigs
and casually reminded: "Wang's office has a lot of fruit and they
are all newly bought."

Hàn Dōng said: "He loves lichee."

"I remember that Wang doesn't like lichee!"

Hàn Dōng's face had abdominal cramps: Even if you(Wang)
don't like to eat lichee, you have to eat it. This will nourish you
kidneys. If you don't eat well, the number of breaks from sex
will increase.

After entering, Hàn Dōng discovered that Wang Zhong Ding

was absent and he sat waiting for him while playing with his
mobile phone.

Why? Invincible Wang... Hang installed this software, he

found it is quite fun. Not only can it become any number, but
also change the voice. He listened to several alternatives. The
sound was found to have a special resemblance to the voice of a

As a result, the idea of ​evil spread to his mind.

He edited Shèn Hua's number and gave it to Yu Ming. You

must know that Yu Ming is a senior member of the Society of

"Hey," Yu Ming sounded.

Hàn Dōng immediately said: "I am Shèn Hua"

"Well, what did you find me for?" Yu Ming was unaware that
Hàn Dōng was pretending to be Shèn Hua. "There is a saying
that I don't know what to say."

"Say it"

Hàn Dōng took a sigh of relief." I have always liked you. I

don't know what you feel about me".

Yu Ming was really quiet down there.

Hàn Dōng listened to the sound of breathing and could

imagine Yu Ming's stunned face.

"I don't think I'm in position to accept you." Yu Ming said.

Hàn Dōng deliberately asked: "Why? Do you think I'm not

pretty enough?"

"I'm a unavailable!! "

This is too straightforward!

Hàn Dōng said: "But my heart is beautiful."

After "useless" prodding and preening was finished, Yu Ming

hung up the phone.

The man was so hungry that he was too cute. Be sure to pinch
his face when you go back.


Wang Zhong Ding and the chief financial officer ran several
business offices and the results were the same.
With conventional means, the original number cannot be
found. If you want to investigate in depth, the police officers
must be informed.

Wang Zhong Ding has already guessed the eighty nines is not
far from ten and how could it be troublesome for household

He only needs a voucher now.

Just thinking, the phone rang!

Wang Zhong Ding decided to take a look, it looks especially

like his own number, just in front of more than zero.

The chief financial officer also described it and immediately

identified: "Yes, this is the number of the caller, actually dared
to call again?" Wang Zhong Ding answered the phone.

Hàn Dōng over there said in a low voice that changed his
tone:" I am Wang Zhong Ding. "
Wang Zhong Ding's face instantly went cloudy.


"I am another one of you, the real you." Hàn Dōng was still
enjoying himself.

Wang Zhong Ding did not make a speech and he wanted to

hear what Hàn Dōng could make out of moths.

"I'm stunned and abnormal. I'm still a big cool jar. I love to go
to the balcony with guns and love the hidden chrysanthemum
feast in the cupboard. At the time of the meeting, I love my
lover's big ass, deep strokes and doing it till late at night and I
love it when my lover play nude..."
It was like he was being pulled and Wang face turned to purple.

"Ha ha ha ha! I am Hàn Dōng "

Wang wanted to ignore the anger, his mind left for seconds.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding took one side and broke into his

"I bought you lichee " Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding wanted to say: I don't eat that.

Hàn Dōng, regardless of whether he eats or not said "No, eat!"

Wang Zhong Ding opened his mouth and didn't know how to

Before going to bed at night, Hàn Dōng bothered Wang Zhong

Ding:" I said that you eat this lychee."

Wang Zhong Ding golden fire destroyed the pyrotechnics and

he put Hàn Dōng under his body, after that he went on fucking
Hàn till he lost his strength to get out of bed.
Then he took Hàn semen as a sample and send it to the

1]....Wow...just the fuck wow

This time, It can't go wrong?

Chapter 177 False alarm.
The next day morning, Hàn Dōng's entire portrait was
scattered. Not only was his ass uncomfortable, but he also felt
tight in his heart and felt that something bad would happen.

For a peace of mind, he predicted today's fortune.

The result is; this afternoon his appearance should not be

made, he should not be powdered, Hàn Dōng has afternoon
scenes needing to be shot, if one shouldn't throw an eye out, one
should not be face painted, then how is he going to shoot the
scene? In addition to physical discomfort, Hàn Dōng resisted the
feeling going more and more intense, so he called the producer.

“What? You ask for leave? Then why didn't you say it early? I
and the crew got up at five o'clock in the morning. You telling
me now that I can't make the scene?”

"No.. I……"

"We'll be busy for two hours. Whoever wants us to deserve it!

But the leaders will come to visit the crew! Why don't you join


Hàn Dōng knew that it was also bad... so he got up.

For Wang Hai Zi, he naturally wants to take care of both sides.
For Xu Zeman, Wang Hai Zi withdrew her. I didn't paint
anything in the afternoon. Wang Hai Zi returned with a good
temper: I really have no time in the morning, and I still have to
go to a meeting for a while.

When the voice just fell, the phone rang.

Chairman, the people have found her.

Upon hearing this, Wang Hai Zi's spirit came and he quickly
went outside to discuss the matter.
"Where did you find her? "

"I have been observing near Wang's house for a few days. I did
not expect to guess it, she was really hidden by Wang"

Wang Zhi Hai's deepening darknessmind thoughts: It's no

wonder he hasn't been able to find her. The original is your
(Wang's) kid's...

“Are you sure that's her?” Wang Hai Zi asked without


"Absolutely right, the two legs are too recognizable. I also took
a lot of photos and will send it to you immediately."

Wang Hai Zi laughed after seeing it.

“Don't look at this girl's head and it's a must-have. The

momentum is not too small. The wood is so thick that it is
picked up.” The other side added: “Yeah! At first I still expect
him to come to me for help! Without addressing it, he was taken
off and she got off the car."

"Have you followed her?" Wang Hai Zi asked again.

"Yes I have been following, but his car is driving and I don't
know whether she will be dropped away."

After Wang Zhong Ding left, he left a box containing the

costumes that Hàn elaborated. Hàn Dōng shakes it off two
times, suddenly an idea flashed in his eye : You can wear the
women's clothing and then go to the crew! If you cover up your
true content, you don't have to show up as you.

And this way he can also save makeup time, maybe one
morning to complete all the shooting tasks, and even the
afternoon's makeup powder is also avoided.

In this way, Hàn Dōng immediately speeded up.

After all the packs were completed, Hàn Dōng drove to the
studio. The original speed was fast, and as he turned into a
corner, suddenly, two pieces of wood were standing on the road.

The fuck, who is so destitute?

Hàn Dōng had to personally get off and move the wood away.

At this time, the camera lurking in the distance did not

hesitate to shoot him.

At this moment, Xu Zeman was still entangling herself with

Wang Hai Zi for the time he was visiting.

She hopes Wang Hai Zi will visit the class in the morning.

Because in the morning she was acting against Hàn Dōng and
there was no scene to be shot involving Yi Wei. If Wang Hai Zi
comes this time. She will show her a unique position. Although
there was her shot in the afternoon, there was also Yi Wei's
participation so that her superiority could not be highlighted.
"I will come right away."

Hanging up the phone, Wang Hai rushed back to the house to

take the wallet.

Xu Zeman saw him going, she went chasing up and asked:

"You really will not come to visit the class in the morning?"

"There are urgent things, I cannot go." After that, Wang Hai Zi
went to the elevator. Xu Xiaoman said to the assistant in a
grumpy tone: "Tell the producer, I had something to do this
morning and I have to moved the slot to the afternoon to visit
the filming!"

The assistant called telephone number and said with a

dilemma: "The producer did not agree, even Hàn Dōng asked for
a leave but....... No leave was granted."

"What happened to Hàn Dōng? Why would he ask for a leave?

Can't he just appreciate Wang's help on him? Does he still want
to listen to the Chairman?"
That being said, Xu Zeman still stood up.

"Forget it, just tell them yes."

This time, Wang Zhong Ding replaced the DNA testing at a

more authoritative hospital. The time from sampling to
conclusion came in as short as five hours.

So early in the morning he got the result. The report shows

that the DNC patterns of Wang Xixi and Hàn Dōng do not match
with each other on multiple DNA probes, so the probability of
Hàn Dōng being Wang Xi's father is 0%. The stone in Wang
Zhong Ding's heart finally landed.

Nobody knows whether it is fortunate that he did not find a

scummer, or he is glad that his son did not have a residue of Hàn

"Can the result guaranteed accurate?" Wang Zhong Ding asked

The doctor said: "The probability of identifying a parent-child
relationship can only be infinitely close to 100%, but
determining the probability of having no parent-child
relationship can reach 100%, so you can rest assured."

Wang Zhong Ding nodded. "Sorry to trouble you."

The doctor smiled. "I've seen many eager fathers. You are the
first one to be so anxious."

Wang Zhong Ding secretly replied: If they were told twice that
their children and their lovers were identical twins, they would
be as anxious as me.

After tearing up the report and destroying the record, Wang

Zhong Ding's unconstrained posture rushed to the shooting

Today's Hàn Dōng's women's drama, how could it be that the

general manager is not visiting? ......
Hàn Dōng arrived at the studio, and he was amazed by a large
movie studio.

In particular, Xu Zeman, in the past, with her high leg she

won attention from all parties. As a result, Hàn Damei's beauty
emerged and Xu instantly lost her shine.

Fortunately, it was a man. If she were a woman, Xu Zeman

definitely would have called Wang Hai Zi to stop him from

Filming officially began.

A dark closed room.

Bang~ the door was opened, the light flashed and a shadow
passed through the lens......Han Damei slowly came in.

Long legs, red lips, enchanting cold.

For a moment, Cain felt that numerous roses thorns were

darting toward his pupil.
The walls were surrounded by cameras and even the ceiling
was covered with camera shooting. Every effort was made to
squeeze every sexy and temptation of Hàn Damei's appearance.
From the start to the landing a few meters long, far view,
medium shot, close shot, close-up, big close-up...

Light is an appearance for as long as 20 seconds. Surrounded

by a group of people in front of the monitor, they finally saw the
scene art directed by an international famous director.

One of the reasons why China's blockbusters are criticized is

the lack of inspiring roles.

The mainstream movie, the character is always the first.

Superman Spiderman, X-Men, Pirates... all rely on characters to

When Cain initially took this movie, it was just to return the
company to a human condition, until he met Hàn Dōng, he
wanted to put this Eastern beauty into the history of the film,
stunning across all generations for generations.

When everyone was intoxicated, Cain said "Cut."

"The smoothness of the skin is not enough, make up."

Xu Zeman rolled her eyes beside him. Obviously is the play of

two people. As a result, she played it for such a long time, and
she must not play it afterwards.

The assistant comforts her: "If you take a slow beat, maybe the
show will be delayed until the afternoon."

Hearing this, Xu Zeman's face was better.

After going to the fifth time, this one finally passed.

Next is the scene of dialogue between Hàn Dōng and Xu

Zeman in this secret chamber.
Cain brought special synchronizing devices to Hàn Dōng. At
the top there was a small camera that hung a few inches in front
of him. It caught the instant expression on his face, the
movement of muscles, the contraction of the pupil and the
collision of lips and teeth.

Such a meticulous description, not to mention men dressed as

women, is the true character, which few people dare to

"Action" Cain instruction.

Hàn Dōng smiled a bit, and in the dark light, the good smile
revealed, an intriguing deceit!

"Fuck me!" Cain was really excited. The camera gradually

pulled away and Xu Zeman entered the scene.

Just like the aunt who danced into a dance square, she danced
in the hall of art, no matter how the lights are dispatched, they
can't reduce the sense of disobedience.
Cain stopped it.

"Come and relocate the set furniture."

Hàn Dōng finally got a chance to breathe, but as his muscles

just relaxed he was pushed by Xu Zeman.

"Step aside!"

Hàn Dōng was not angry, but cheerfully quipped: "Little girl,
your temper is not small."

At this time, Wang Hai Zi's car just drove to the film and
television base entrance, and he has been tracking Hàn Dōng's
woman who switched with him at the mansion.

"Are you sure he is there?"

"I'm sure of it, but I just walked away and I didn't see Hàn in
the studio."

Wang Hai Zi, "......."

Chapter 178 Escaping Calamity.
After relocating the set furniture and adjusting the lighting,
Hàn Dōng and Xu Zeman stood back again. In order to minimize
the sense of ambivalence, Xu Zeman's scenes were reduced, and
in the end, there was almost only one eyes close-up for her.

However, her eye scene, made Cain's brain hurt.

Xu Zeman in the film is Yi Wei's sister, but also a delicate

young lady. When the elder sister's "enemy" came to her in such
a stunning manner, she should be uneasy inside. But the
arrogant temperament makes her unwilling to give in, so all
complex emotions must be expressed through the eyes.

Xu Zeman clearly conveyed a guilty conscience, but her

performance was overdone.

Acting is about 7 points, and the remaining 3 points are left to

the audience to feel themselves.

Too simple and straightforward expressions make art itself

However, it is too difficult for Xu Zeman who is a newcomers
who has no acting basis and even if she wants to ..... Its
impossible to reach this acting level.

Cain had to personally step forward.

"You pay attention to my eyes see how they look"

When Cain said that, he turned his gaze to Hàn Dōng, from
the initial admiration of the beautiful people, to the deliberate
convergence, and to the concealed embarrassment... The level
of eye acting emotions is very clear.

However, Cain did not implement this serious attitude. The

purpose of the guidance has not been reached and he cannot
hold it. Loss of sense of hierarchy, he is only left to persuade and

"Han Damei, let me be your sister." Cain directed imitated a

female voice to shake his tail.
Hàn Dōng is still performing. "Wouldn't your sister feelings be

"No matter how good it is, she is not as good as your two legs."

This word instantly attracted a buzz.

"Director, you again!"

"I can't stand you anymore." Hàn Dōng and Cain laughed one
after another and instantly eased the tense atmosphere.

However, Xu Zeman's acting skills have not grown much.

"CUT!" Was said over and over again, so that Xu Zeman in

turn had no face, and began to get angry at others.

"Can you reduce Hàn Dōng's makeup? Just look at where his
eyelashes are."
"Please, how can I behave? He's a man. Hey, what's a man
worthy of me?"

In the end, Cain had to make concessions, lowering the

standards for Xu Zeman to pass.

Even so, Xu Zeman still had no good feelings. She returned to

the dressing room and began to throw things.

"Isn't he acting like a girl? For the praise over and over again?"

"Surely it is his true character, usually relying on Wang Zhong

Dings favor, right?"

"Fortunately, the chairman was not so perverted."

The assistant next to him also added oil and vinegar: "He and
Yi Wei have also been rumored to be together. If Wang himself
went to the door and begged, the chairman would have blocked
Xu Zeman's face ridiculed the assistant: "Sure enough, it's a
lewd male prodigy. The natural pair that should be blocked

Wang Hai Zi did not see Hàn Dōng in several photo studios.
He thought that he was a board chairman and that he did not
want to spend a lot of money on women. The duel will find
individual waiting by Hàn Dōng and leave first.

As a result, he was just about to leave and saw Yi Wei's car

coming in through the gate.

The assistant asked tentatively: "Would you like to explore the

crew so that you won't have to come back in the afternoon?"

Wang Hai Zi had to think about it, since Yi Wei arrived

earlier, he will simply have to complete this task in advance.


So Wang Hai Zi and his assistant went to the studio where

Hàn Dōng was.

Hàn Dōng was sitting on the dressing table with his legs
crossed smoking cigarettes with ease.

The image of the "goddess" was completely destroyed and

there were three words underneath it - earth vital energy.

Shèn Hua spent several close-ups moments on her mirror

intending to make a facial expression for her beloved Wang
Zhong Ding.

The actors are enjoying a rare time of rest. A burst of loud

noises suddenly erupted in the studio.

Xu Zeman's assistant ran out to take a look and came back and
said excitedly to her: "The chairman has arrived."

"Really?" Xu Zeman could not believe it.

The assistant could not help but nodded. "That is true. I saw
him shake hands with Cain."

Xu Zeman was flushed with excitement. "Is he going to come

here? Why.... can we speak to him?"

"How .... you surprise us with words?" The assistant laughed.

Xu Zeman hurriedly urged the makeup artist to "quickly,

quickly, and quickly give me a good makeup."

Hàn Dōng was in the dressing room next door and naturally
heard the outside movement.

"Is there someone coming?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Xiao Liang is naturally an inquisitor of intelligence. Since

there is still a long way from the dressing room to the studio,
Xiao Liang passed by one person to inquire.
"Who is coming?"

"Wang Zhong Ding.....".

Hearing this, Xiao Liang Xing went back and reported.

"It is Wang Zhong Ding. ....... Wang is visiting the crew"

As soon as Hàn Dōng heard this, he hurried out.

Xu Zeman finally collapsed. When she got up, she asked the
assistant: "How am I looking?"

"very beautiful" the assistant said.

Xu Zeman walked towards the shooting venue.

On the way, the assistant secretly said to her: "I did a bad
thing just now."

"What's wrong?" Xu Zeman asked.

"I let the fieldworker deceive Liang to quick to say that Wang
Zhong Ding is coming here."

Xu Zeman's eyes widened in surprise. "Isn't that....?"

The assistant nodded with a smile. "Hàn Dōng has already

rushed out and it is estimated that he will take time to run

It is said that Hàn Damei really ran back like his foot was on
the hot steamer.

Xu Zeman and her assistant won't get up.

"You seems to have been repaired by the visit Chairman of the


Xu Zeman couldn't help complaining. "I'm blaming you. You

always make me laugh and my makeup is spent."


Hàn Dōng went back to Xiao Liang for a while.

"A bit of a gossip person's professional ethics is not OK? It's a

mistake to pass a word ten times for ten times of lies!"

Xiao Liang shouted, "Perhaps that person's big tongue lied .....
'Dong' and 'Han' do not divide, the worker said Wang as Wang."

"Come on, you have a problem with your ears! You must have
heard more from the wall, but there is a layer of gray wax in
your ears."
Xiao Liang was speechless.

Hàn Dōng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Wang Hai Zi

did not recognize him as before, otherwise the consequences
would be disastrous.

Little fox is around, so old rogue will certainly not be able to

walk for a while. Hàn Dōng thinks that staying in the dressing
room is not necessarily safe. What happens if Wang Hi Zi comes

To be on the safe side, he said to Xiao Liang: "I'll go to the

toilet to avoid it, and when the chairman leaves you call me."

"Okay." Xiao Liang nodded.

Hàn Dōng struck a hammer at his forehead, "This time you

can't go wrong again!"

"Rest assured, I must closely monitor the whereabouts of the

chairman, and I will never call you out ..... less than his
complete absence."

As a result, Hàn Dōng sneaked into the bathroom and waited

in the toilet.

Xu Zeman did not shy away from the crowd's eyes and greeted
Wang Hai Zi enthusiastically.

"Chairman you're good."

Wang Hai Zi was quite stable, but the crowd still read the
unusual meaning on his eyes.

"Today's makeup is very beautiful!" Wang Hai Zi could not

help but praise.

Xu Zeman's face has new joy.

As a result, she haven't been triumphant for a while, Yi Wei

entered the door.

Yi Wei originally arrived earlier than Wang Hai Zi, but she
stepped through the door later than Wang Hai Zi.

People can't help but wonder if the two people didn't come
together just to avoid the rumors.

This feeling makes Xu Zeman unusually uncomfortable.

'Didn't you come in the morning. Why did you come

now?.....did you deliberately want to prove anything?'

All of them are old, but they are still able to be sneaky.

Compared with Xu Zeman's high profile personality...... Yi

Wei was more low-key. Just simply greeted Wang Hai Zi and
went to Cain to discuss the afternoon footage.
Originally, Wang Hai Zi wanted to turn around and leave. As a
result, Xu Zeman hugged him hotly. She is afraid people won't
know that the relationship between the two is not normal.

After Yi Wei and Cain finished talking and she saw Wang Hai
Zi still talking, she gave him a glass of water.

Xu Zeman also brought a cup.

Wang Hai Zi was forced to drink two cups.

"Well, I have something to do, I will not stay with you." Wang
Hai Zi got up.

Xu Zeman was slightly disappointed. "A moment later is my

scene filming. You are not interested in admiring it?"

"Next time."
His assistant also whispered to the side. "Today, Hàn Dōng's
woman's play is said to have a good look."

"What can he see in a cross-dresser? What's more, he is still a

brat, think about what level he would want to know."

After that, Wang Hai Zi walked straight out the door.

Next to the elevator, there was a toilet. Wang Hai Zi had just
drank two big cups of water and could not help but to have to
pass urine. Then he said to the assistant: “I'll catch you up...
You should go and start the car first.”


Xiao Liang's head secretly probed outside the door, just to see
the elevator door closed, the number key jumped from 5 to 4,
which assured Hàn Dōng a call.

Hàn Dōng received a call and finally came out in relief. His
butt was in pain.
Wang Hai Zi just walked in and saw the big beautiful woman
in front of him and he was instantly livid.

Hàn Dōng also was stunned at the moment.

He saw Wang Hai Zi's head slowly turning to the rear door.
The door clearly read "Men's Toilet."
Chapter 179 Cups that follow.
Hàn Dōng realized that Wang Hai Zi did not recognize him
and he wanted to slip away as soon as possible. As a result,
Wang Hai Zi reacted before he could take three steps.

"I did not expect for us to actually reunite in this place."

Wang Hai Zi's tone is frivolous and ridiculous, and he is very

different from the cold and majestic image he potrays on the

Hàn Dōng pointed to the man and explained: “I just went in

there anxious and I didn't see the name clearly.”

"Did you not see it or deliberate ignored it?" Wang Hai Zi

happily hit on Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng's pretence is a helpless expression. "Chairman,

don't do this, if people see, it would be bad."
Wang Hai Zi took another step forward. “You can even dare to
conceive and lose possession in my private home. Even the
wood that is worth a hundred pounds you can move it..... why
are you afraid for me to say a few words to you?”

Hearing "a hundred pounds of wood," Hàn Dōng suddenly

realized. It turned out that the old man's ghost was too sinister!

"I don't know what the chairman is saying... I... ah!" Hàn
Dōng suddenly screamed at the door.

Wang Hai Zi hand pushed him at the bathroom trying to close

it, and Hàn Dōng's hands pulled it open.

After Hàn Dōng took the opportunity to shake off Wang Hai
Zi, he quickly ran out of the door.

Wang Hai Zi's fingers were sorely motivated and the force
really exceeded his expectations. Such women with this kinda
spirit should have a different flavor in bed.
Wanting to think so, Wang Hai Zi did not chase Damei out.
Anyway, a car was parked at the bottom, where can "she" run?

Therefore, Wang Hai Zi was relieved to go out at his


Hàn Dōng did not immediately return to the studio, but

sneaked at the stairs to observe the situation.

Soon, he saw Wang Hai Zi come out of the bathroom and Hàn
Dōng went up next to the elevator.

After a few minutes, the elevator door opened again and the
person who came out magically became his problem.

Finally seeing his loved one!

Hàn Dōng tears almost fall, he quickly rushed out and flew to
Wang Zhong Ding.
Suddenly there was a "big-beauty" who was flying in his arms.
Wang Zhong Ding's thinking changed momentarily, but there
was even a feeling of rapid heartbeat.

Soon, this sensation was vanished by the tone of Hàn Dōng's

second voice.

"You're finally here, just..." Hàn Dōng said in the middle of an

anxious "brake".

"What happened?"

Hàn Dōng voice was wronged. "I just went to the men's room
and an old man questioned me."

Wang Zhong Ding was dumbfounded. "As you are dressed...

are you afraid of someone questioning this?"

Hàn Dōng abdomen crooked: I'm not afraid of people... just

terrified of your uncle!
"Go, go in quickly." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Although Wang Hai Zi and Wang Zhong Ding were on an

elevator, they were separated by several minutes and went in
and out of different doors, causing the two people to fail to meet
in the first place.

However, Wang Hai Zi's subordinates saw Wang Zhong Ding's

car in the parking lot and told him about it.

“He came...” Wang Hai Zi's already calm eyes gave rise to a
wave of volatility.

The assistant next to him guessed: "Perhaps he was visiting

Hàn Dōng's crew... Didn't I say it? There was a Hàn Dōng's
woman's show today. Many leaders have come to watch."

Wang Hai Zi is still with that attitude. "Is there anything to

see? He must also be looking for that beauty."

The assistant did not say anything.

"Forget it, let's go to the stock exchange first." Wang Hai Zi
turned his gaze to the subordinates of the car. "You continue to
canvass this, and report to me what happened."

"Fine Chairman."

After that, Wang Hai Zi left by car.


Wang Zhong Ding's crew tour again set off a small climax of
the crew.

However, he didn't have the freedom to chat with others, and

the business issue came riding in. This was to sweep away the

Xu Zeman whispered: "It's true. So quickly he brought the

soldiers out."
The assistant said: "I don't think that Wang Zhong Ding also
didn't mean to speak to him. It is estimated that he is doing
business with him."

"Take care of him. I'll do my play well."

After everything is ready, the second set of shooting started.

In this scene filming, the secret room was broken, Hàn Damei
and Xu Zeman were surrounded by heavy fire, and then a fierce
gunfight was staged. There are five bullets in Hàn Damei's gun
and six opponents, so each shot has to count. The first shot was
taken today.

Obviously, this group of scenes are more difficult than the

previous ones. It needs a close cooperation between Hàn Dōng
and Xu Zeman. Hàn Dōng's emotions are not affected by Wang
Hai Zi. Cain announced his “start” and he quickly entered the

The door of the secret chamber was opened and a group of
people rushed in.

Han Damei quickly grabbed Xu Zeman's mouth and quickly

went into the next offensive.

"Cut," Cain cried.

....Although Hàn Dōng wore gloves, Xu Zeman still

disgustedly knocked out his hand. Cain patiently explained to
Xu Zeman, "You don't know this man's identity in the movie, so
when it comes to danger, he is not the first. Self-preservation
means protecting other women. Your first reaction should be

Xu Zeman turned a deaf ear, and Hàn Dōng repeatedly


“Can you light up when you stare at my mouth? You are a

woman. Don't be so afraid to wear it”
After that, he aimed at Wang Zhong Ding and saw that he
didn't have much reaction to be assured. In the final analysis, he
was still afraid of Wang Zhong Ding thoughts.

Xu Zeman did not make progress, but she was slow to

respond. The most annoying thing is not that she hadn't
performed yet but it was clear that she did not take the
director's comment on.

Even the supervisors couldn't stand it anymore. They were

angrily shouting: “Have you brought your brain to come to
screw up the shooting? Do you think that we all started to be
greedy and jealous..... just to see if you would be getting angry?”

Xu Zeman's voice was aggrieved: "I didn't really understand.

My english listening is not good at all."

The producer was even more angry at this.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? Director Cain told you so many
times. You just don't know how to fool him. So you're playing
with all the staff?"
"Forget it, forget it." The next few helpfully persuaded, "The
new actors all need a period of adapting....Let's continue."

After this scene was shot, Xu Zeman returned to the dressing

room and started crying, crying while making a phone call to
Wang Hai Zi.

Wang Hai Zi just came out of the exchange with Hàn Damei
and saw Xu Zeman's number, he has no desire to answer, but
out of emotion, he still picked it up.

" ..... He just took Hàn Dōng ... just to put

Wang Zhong Ding...Wang got to him...hey...he
was...cooperating with the crew...and bullying me...”

Wang Hai Zi felt uncomfortable in his heart and felt that Xu

Zeman was simply unreasonable. Wang Zhong Ding is his
nephew and the general manager of the company. How could
she be so stupid, he doesn't want to come between a little girl
and Wang Zhong Ding!

This is nonsense!!
"Something has comes up, I'm in a meeting right now." After
saying that, Wang Hai Zi's phone went off.

When the assistant saw that he was having a bad face, he

asked with concern: "What happened, Chairman?"

Wang Hai Zi said simply, adding a sentence in the end: "She

doesn't know how to be grateful!"

The assistant said with emotion: "Now the newcomers are all
very good-natured, and they are eager to make shortcuts. Which
is different from the like of Yi Wei women's generation actress?
These new ones are all mad."

Wang Hai Zi could not think of Yi Wei. His mind is now full of
Hàn Damei.

The assistant said: "But you guessed right. Wang really went
to Hàn Dōng's crew."

"What did you say Hàn Dōng scene is being filmed today?"
"Women's scene!"

Wang Hai Zi's brain flashed through a series of images,

women's wear, substitutions, men's restrooms, and amazing

Immediately he picked up the phone and called it. After

connecting, the voice was not stable.

"Show me the number of the license plate of Hàn Dōng car."

After a while, there was a clear reading.

Wang Hai Zi's brain went momentarily blank.

Impossible, impossible, there must be some misunderstanding

among them, she can't be that brat...

"Chairman, where do you want to go to eat?" asked the


"Go to film and television base"


"Then... do you want to go back?"

"Yes! Immediately return me there!" Wang Hai Zi's emotions

suddenly excited.

At this moment, Hàn Dōng was eating lunch.

The footage that was originally intended to be completed in

the morning was not even half done due to Xu Zeman's dragging

If you shoot it, you will need to paint it and you risk running
it to the prodiction anyway.
So, Hàn Dōng turned to Wang Zhong Ding and said: "I don't
want to shoot any scene in the afternoon."

"Why?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

"My ass hurts. In the afternoon there will be a high-legged

game. Can you bear to tear your little sweetheart?"

Wang Zhong Ding almost spit out the box lunch.

Hàn Dōng laughed badly and only realized that he was not
hurt at all.

However, Wang Zhong Ding did not doubt that Hàn Dōng had
made excuses. After all, he did it himself. He knew the multiple

"Can't you really overcome it?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng was a bit underpowered. "Even if I can overcome,
Xu Zeman may not be able to. You see she hasn't even eaten
lunch and she hasn't played yet."

"You can do her job," Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng still reluctantly said, "I want to go home and rest."

Wang Zhong Ding put the meat from his lunch box into Hàn
Dōng's bowl and said lightly, "I'll take you back when you're

Hàn Dōng's heart was soft again. Thinking of Wang Zhong

Ding's busy schedule on top of visits. He even had lunches with
him, and finally he turned away.

In a flash, the man's burdens popped up again when it

shouldn't be.

"Forget it, I'll still continue to shoot it." Hàn Dōng said that
and Wang Zhong Ding was surprised "Why do you want to
continue again?"

"I want to give that girl a good look!"

Wang Zhong Ding didn't say anything but simply hinted at

himself: I must stay with Hàn Dōng even if I'm busy.
Chapter 180 Terrifying Adorable.
When Wang Zhong Ding came out of the lounge, Xu Zeman
was crying with the deputy director, claiming to strike.

"Who wants to bully you?"

Suddenly, a harsh question sounded and Xu Zeman's crying


The deputy director said, "Oh, Wang, I'm sorry for you to see

Wang Zhong Ding waved his hand and he did not have to

"I am the chief producer of this movie. What conditions do

you have to change you can tell me?" said Wang Zhong Ding to
Xu Zeman.

Xu Zeman played a timid role in Wang Hai Zi. However, this

cold, iron-clad face of Wang Zhong Ding is a bit of a

"Since there is no opinion, then prepare the next scene well."

Wang Zhong Ding made a faint command.

Xu Zeman did not dare to stand for a while and she turned to
the dressing room.

The ideological work is thus completed.

After a short break, the crew immediately started work.

Although Xu Zeman had recovered from his words, she was

too overwhelmed by too much crying and the makeup for her
eyes was a bit difficult to achieve.

After discussing with the director, they decided to temporarily

adjust the shooting sequence and move the last group of scenes
to the front.
This group of scenes has Hàn Dōng's most embarrassing high
leg lift action.

The story is after the scenes of the Hàn Damei with a gun
pointed to the head. No one would have thought that the
unarmed Hàn Damei actually swing his legs on the shoulders of
the other person and used his toes knocking against the man's

It looks ridiculous hard to shoot one by one.

At the moment when his opponent was calm, Hàn Damei

lifted his foot at the eight-foot strong man. His high-heeled
shoes thrust into the man throat and instantly suffocated him.

The opponent's eyes are squinting, and the man line of sight
was lifted up along the lines of the beautiful legs. The top is dark
horse scene never seen before.

At this time, the chareacter played by Yi Wei broke into the

A scene ends.

During this period, Xu Zeman only kept hiding behind Hàn

Dōng, and from time to time issued a screaming noise on the

Cain announced CUT and the start of the process again.

The opponent pressed harder and harder. Hàn Damei

suddenly flew a beautiful leg to his shoulder.

The result was up, but the height was overdone.

The tiptoe should be facing the temple, this one flies directly
to the top of the head.

The scene looks very different.

Everyone smirked, and the actor who played with Hàn Dōng
felt awkward. Someone who is very tall at one meter and eighty,
looks at the mirror with this leg on top of his head and looks as
if he is one meter six.

If Hàn Dōng bends or retreats his legs and lowers his height,
the scene will appear to have no impact.

The only way is to artificially increase opponent's height...

But how height is the specific problem, this is a technical

problem. The large-scale directors are perfectionists, and the
one-to-one difference will destroy the classics in their hearts.

At this time, a wooden stick was erected from the ground and
the position was rapidly broken and handed directly to Cain.

"Just according to this length."

Cain hesitated. "Maybe a little bit longer?"

"There's nothing wrong with my calculations."

The next assistant director also said: "Manager Wang

measurements are always digitally controlled and looks better
than the ruler."

"Really?" Cain momentarily grabbed Wang Zhong Ding's

shoulder and ridiculed. "You're a digital controller. I'm a detail
controller. No wonder we both like Dongdong."

Wang Zhong Ding calmly pulled Cain's hand down from his

As the staff was busy preparing for an "height increasing mat,"

a familiar figure suddenly flashed into sight.

"Chairman, when did you come back?"

Hàn Dōng was shocked to hear this.

His eyes just collided with Wang Hai Zi's eyes. At the time, his
mind had two words - It was Over.

Wang Hai Zi received much more serious impact than Hàn


He had exhausted this "magnificence masterpiece" created by

the great scenes of more than thirty years, because of a bad boy!

How could "she" be a man ?????

Wang Hai Zi hopes that someone would to say to him: "The

Chairman, you are just dazzled. That is the new actress from
our crew."

The result he was told: "The Chairman, you were shocked?

That's Hàn Dōng!"

Hàn Dōng's mind has already staged numerous scenes of

Wang Hai Zi's wicked rushing over to strangle his neck, but
Wang Hai Zi has been frozen from start to finish.
The only happy one may be Xu Zeman.

Wang Hai Zi entered the door and directed his eyes of hatred
toward Hàn Dōng, not for her or for anyone else

Suddenly, the wronged mind was once again overwhelmed.

Hàn Dōng had not cried and Xu Zumen eyes were red.

"Chairman, why did you come here?" Yi Wei broke the


Wang Hai Zi seems to realize that this is a studio, where

hundreds of staff are busy.

"I didn't go away, just went down and had a meal." Wang Hai
Zi still stares at Hàn Dōng.

"Ha ha ha ha ... ... Today, this field held a high-level meeting!"

A planning public tune, "Great Fairy, your face is not small!"

Hàn Dōng wiped his sweat. "Okay."

The props are well done and the shooting is done as usual.

Hàn Dōng quickly adjusted his emotions and waited until

Cain's announcement began. As if nothing had happened to
him, his mental state had returned to the level before Wang Hai
Zi arrived.

Xu Zeman's is different.

After less than ten minutes, the screams mixed into his
complaints, and the assistant director did not go properly.

"What's the matter?" asked the deputy director.

Xu Zeran accuses Hàn Dōng, "His high heels stepped on me."

The assistant director impatiently advised: "He is a man... he
shouldn't be used to wearing high heels.

All departments are in place and shooting begins again.

The opponent took the gun against Hàn Dōng's temple, Hàn
Dōng flew a long leg, and the tip of the toe was stuck in his
opponent's temple. The leg lines that slanted down as straight
as a sword, white as jade, and the line of sight was full of meat.

The assistants are just now feeling like they're looking at a

porn film, especially when the camera is pushing and pulling,
and the head is shaking into the monitor.

"Perfect!" Cain face looked bright.

Wang Hai Zi fell on this face, as if no matter how good Hàn

Dōng performed, he could not look onto his eyes.

Wang Zhong Ding seems to be the most calm, some of the

Damei cannot be shared, and his intoxication is enough.
The first shot successfully passed.

The second sub-cam is Hàn Dōng kicking his opponent down

to the ground

This shot is not difficult.

First of all, Hàn Dōng wants to show that kind of strength,

and the muscles in his legs must follow. This kind of muscle
strength is pulling at his chrysanthemum pain, and it is not so
easy to focus.

Every time he tries, Hàn Dōng's makeup will be painted with


Wang Hai Zi realized that he was really a man only when Hàn
Dōng's forehead was exposed.

Finally, in the sixth round, Hàn Dōng tightened every inch of

his leg and his ankle move was sharp.
The opponent feels the wind in his ear, and his head follows
with it, perfectly matching the action of Hàn Dōng's side attack.

When everyone was relieved, Hàn Dōng's shoulder suddenly

wobbled abnormally. The shotgun's hand slipped and the gun
fell directly on Xu Zeman's head.

The result can be imagined.

Everyone is not a fool and understands what's going on. But

when a girl screams at the big Boss, what can he do about it

Wang Zhong Ding did not say a word, he was staring at Xu

Zeman, staring at her a full few minutes.

In addition to Yi Wei, there should be no sympathy for Xu


However, sympathy for sympathy, she continued to stir the

wind. "Hàn Dōng is not afraid of Wang ? Just let Wang always
make up for him, so Hàn Dōng would not dare to perform well."

At the same time, Yi Wei was not only pleased with Wang
Zhong Ding, but also laid deeper for Xu Zeman's complaints.

When Wang Zhong Ding felt the sweat for Hàn Dōng
forehead, he really realized the meaning of "distressed".

Hàn Dōng turned to Cain made a snap and come back again!

No one knows why, Wang Hai Zi figure thinks this moment

Hàn Dōng is terrifying cute.

Meng is his skin, Lei is the essence of his mix is ​neither fish
nor fowl, more and more good!

Finally, with the insistence of Hàn Dōng's efforts, this sub-

camera also passed.
The third shot was Hàn Dōng's high heels stepping on the
opponent's neck. The camera gave him a leg up close-up in HD
and it was easy to pass.

After watching the replay of the monitor, Cain took a

humorous look at the cinemagrapher.

"You can be true! I say ten centimeters and you get ten
centimeters. You don't shoot one centimeter more. What do we
need the editors for?"

Everyone laughed and only Wang Hai Zi gave a cold grunt.

The last sub-camera scene: Yi Wei rushed into the secret room
to find his sister Xu Zeman's in Hàn Dōng's arms, and she was
impressed by the moment she saw the scene.

Hàn Dōng thought he could rest soon. He did not expect such
a simple scene to be shot for more than half an hour.

Xu Zeman did not want to allow Hàn Dōng to touch her at

first. They did not agree with each other and re-did this scene
for long time of ideological work.

The result was there was still a variety of complaints, and Hàn
Dōng's false breasts had been put on her for a while. Hàn Dōng's
wig concealed her face for a while...

In short, Hàn Dōng was embarrassed.

Hàn Dōng is not a vegetarian, once or twice, he suffered these

kinds of things?

So he directly questioned: "Have you finished with your

endless complains, right?"

Xu Zeman had not had time to fight back, she heard an order
from the deputy director. "Don't argue, and get ready for the
next one!"

As a result, Xu Zeman played the second time.

Hàn Dōng once held her and the director had not yet shouted.
Xu Zeman yelled.

"Director, he touched my chest!"

The entire studio fell into a dead silence.

Suddenly a gloomy male voice rang and the severity of the

shock shook everyone's heart.

"You can't act it?"

Yi Wei did not dare look at Wang Hai Zi with conviction. She
never imagined that the first one to talk up would be him.

Although Xu Zeman was also scared, she still cast

contemptuous eyes on Hàn Dōng.

Wang Zhong Ding's face is gloomy and he seems ready to tear

his face.

The atmosphere is tense to the extreme.

"Xu zeman, I will ask you again!" Wang Hai Zi slams again.
"Can't you act?"

The sudden reversal not only shocked Xu Zeman but also

shocked people in the film venue.

Is he still angry? How did he blink?

Xu Zeman burst into tears and she did not listen.

Wang Hai Zi not only did not have a soft heart, but also
continued to put it down.

"If you can't act get out! Don't cause shit here!"
Xu Zeman still cried.

"I said you get out and you didn't hear it?" Wang Hai Zi stood

Xu Zeman was instantly frightened, and she walked away.

There was no blood on his face.

However, Yi Wei was no better than her face.

When Xu Zeman had just gone out, Wang Hai Zi ordered all of

"Who recruited this woman?"

A producer had to be a scapegoat, "I did it."

"Afterwards, people of this quality will not be brought into the

company anymore, whoever otherwise recruit one like her ....
that recruiter will be fired with her!"

After that, Wang Hai Zi turned his head to Hàn Dōng.

"You come out with me, let others continue to do their own
Chapter 181 Cooking.
Wang Zhong Ding went out with Hàn Dōng.

"You go out first. I have something to say to him alone." Wang

Hai Zi ordered Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding stood there motionless.

Wang Hai Zi picked his voice up. "Do you have the power to
monopolize him right now? Your wings are that hard? Do I have
to have your permission when I talk to an artist?"

Wang Zhong Ding vehemently refused to make a word.

Hàn Dōng played round the field. "He is not against you. He is
against me. I am afraid that I will make a mistake..."

"Don't use a male voice!" Wang Hai Zi snapped.

Hàn Dōng whispered: "What?"

"Listen to me!"


Hàn Dōng looked pale.

Wang Hai Zi turned his gaze to Wang Zhong Ding again. "I'll
just say a few words to him. If you want something, just look for
a cool place. Otherwise, you're only delaying it!"

Hàn Dōng turned with his eyes to hint at Wang Zhong Ding:
Rest assured, there are people everywhere, he will not do
anything to me, if a big deal comes out you find a convenient
quick rescuing position.


Wang Zhong Ding retreated a step back.

After that, two people were left alone, the surrounding
atmospheric pressure was low.

Wang Hai Zi scowled at Hàn Dōng. "You dared to use this trick
to play me ."

Hàn Dōng was busy excusing himself. "How can I dare to trick
you, Mr Chairman, I just want to escape with the women's

"Why did you not take the initiative to admit it?"

"I think it's the company that knows everything about me

dressing as a woman... I thought you knew it..."

Wang Hai Zi looked at Hàn Dōng for a long time and finally
yelled a loud voice.

Hàn Dōng stiffly stayed still.

Wang Hai Zi turned and left.

After Wang Zhong Ding came over, he did not ask a word and
directly returned to the scene with Hàn Dōng.

As a result of leaving an actor, the shooting had to be ended in

advance and the previous scenes were set aside.

The last person to regret this is Wang Zhong Ding.

As soon as he knew it would be resulting like this, he would

have taken him home the first time Hàn Dōng said he was
uncomfortable staying here.

However, for Hàn Dōng, there is a film to complete. At least

the next time he would know how high the kick is, how hard
your foot will be.

The most important thing is that Xu Zeman was expelled. Not

to mention a few shots, that is, the whole movie was worth
As for the old man Wang...

Hàn Dōng took a peek at Wang Zhong Ding and saw him being
quiet, so he must have a bottom in his heart.

"I still have something to do. You should take a break to the
dormitory first," said Wang Zhong Ding to Hàn Dōng.


Ten minutes later, Hàn Dōng returned to the dormitory.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard unusual movements.

Quietly following the sound, he quickly dipped into the
doorway of Yu Ming's room.

There is a restricted-level action movie in the room.

From the dialogue between the two people it can assume being
that, this time Yu Ming was still forced by Xià Hòng Wēi.
It was only inspired by Wang Zhong Ding's phrase "Difficulty
to talk". The situation has obviously improved.

Hàn Dōng also remembered that the first time he had

followed them to the hotel, there was hardly any foreplay on the
scene, and Yu Ming's screams still vividly reminded Hàn Dōng.

This time, Yu Ming moaned instead of screaming....same

intensity thought.

Another buzzing sound can be heard across the thick door

panels, showing the intensity of the reflection.

Hàn Dōng's blood boiled instantly.

Thinking of Yu Ming's facial expression of unbearable exctasy,

how exciting!

As a result, Hàn Dōng did not make up for it, and he heard a
sharp vocalization that was comparable to the "screaming" in
his memory.
I say fuck you! How did that asshole make the same mistake

Hàn Dōng rushed in with a mindset to save the situation. The

result was Xià Hòng Wēi's xx(tongue/finger?) was in Yu

Hàn Dōng was so foolish.

Xià Hòng Wēi was doing this foreplay for the first time. It
wasn't because he didn't do it before. Mainly because he was still
feeling that Yu Ming would not be sensitive in that place there,
because every time he scratch there is no effect.

As a result, he found that the effect was "amazing" and he was

just about to make it that Hàn Dōng came in.

"Weren't you going to shoot a movie?" Yu Ming hurriedly

pulled up his pants.

Hàn Dōng scratched his head and said, "I...was ahead of

schedule, um, today's scene was shot fast, and it's fast..."

The current scene, was like Yu Ming being at home and

caught with someone who just happened to be Hàn Dōng's
useless husband.

Xià Hòng Wēi was obviously upset. "What are you doing

"I thought he would be alone."

"Do you know now?"

"Got it."

"Then turn back and go."

Hàn Dōng went horrendously by counting one by one.


"An undisclosed credit guarantee was found again," said Feng

Jun turning to Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding face has a tight nerve. "Where is it? Let me
have a look."

"In May this year, the chairman of the board provided Huida
Media with a credit guarantee of up to 300 million yuan. By
August, Huida Media had extracted more than 130 million yuan
from relevant banks through bank bond bills."

"Has he not notified the exchange?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Feng Jun shook his head. "I'm not sure about this, but he went
to the exchange today, I don't know if it was for this."

"Check it out quickly."


Feng Jun did not leave for a while. Wang Zhong Ding received
a phone call from the nanny.

"Wang, I'm afraid I'll take two days son is ill and is
hospitalized. No one can wait on him."

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Okay, you can take care of your
child....You don't have to worry about things here."

"OK, I purposely gave you a temporary housekeeping contact.

She is my elder sister. She is very honest and has good cooking
skills. You can contact her."

"Okay, I will contact her when I need it. I wish your son a
quick recovery."

"Thank you, Mr.Wang."

Hanging up the phone, Wang Zhong Ding sees the time is late,
it is time to prepare dinner. Just as he was about to contact the
housekeeper introduced by the nanny, a word appeared in his

"My husband is better than I at cooking."

Wang Zhong Ding's mouth is full of the taste of the tasty


Also he remembered Hàn Dōng's hard shooting scene.

With a hot head, he went home to buy food.

Wang Zhong Ding occasionally cooks, usually to make some

simple Western food, casually fried and roasted on the line,
such a form scratch cooking is the first time for him.

5 grams of salt, 3 grams of pepper, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1

tablespoon of chicken juice, a few seafood sauces...
A few? Wang Zhong was annoyed.

How can it be? All the ingredients are just right. How do you
have to mix in a few?

Forget it! let it go

After a while, Hàn Dōng returned.

"How did you get here earlier than me?"

Wang Zhong Ding deliberately made excuses. "The company

has nothing to do, so I came back in earlier."

"Then why did you not pick me up?" Hàn Dōng cannot

Wang Zhong Ding said lightly: "Why should we come

together? Do you not own a car?"
"You usually come back with me. Why didn't you want to get
here together today?" Hàn Dōng said.

"Well, wash your hands and lets eat ." Wang Zhong Ding said.

After washing his hands, Hàn Dōng asked again: "What about

"Aunt asked for a leave. I sent Xixi to my parents for a few

days." Wang Zhong Ding said while putting the food on the

Hàn Dōng took up his chopsticks and ate.

Wang Zhong Ding seemed calm, in fact, eyes staring at Hàn

Dōng's facial expression.

"Isn't the aunt the one who was on a leave? Who cooked these
dishes?" Hàn Dōng thought about it.
Wang Zhong Ding said: "Bought it."

"From who did you bought it?"

Wang Zhong Ding casually made up a name.

Hàn Dōng immediately scolded: "Don't go to their home in the


A dark cloud drifted over Wang Ding's face.

"Hey, this bean stir-fried, oh how can they have a face to open
a restaurant?, they should close the door. It taste too bad!"

A large dark cloud drifted across Wang Ding's face.

Hàn Dōng saw Wang Zhong Ding face look bad and said: "You
don't believe it? You don't believe it. Don't worry about this
one. This restaurant will close within three months. I stamped

"Eat your meal!" Wang Zhong Ding shrieked.

Hàn Dōng secretly whining: someone still does not want to

admit he cooked bad food

Xu Zeman has not yet come out of the shadow of "the cast was
cast out in public," and another devastating blow has delivered
to her head.

The crew sued her to the court on the grounds of "defaulting."

Xu Zeman originally intended to pay the crew compensation

for these days, but she did not expect to be "sued" for it

Of course, she could not accept it. She was almost mad and
wanted to find Wang Zhong Ding to discuss it.

"Let her come in." Wang Zhong Ding had already been waiting
for her.

When Xu Zeman came in, she queried: "What are you eligibles
to sue me?"

Wang Zhong Ding replied faintly: "Your departure has caused

a huge loss to the crew. This loss should be your responsibility!"

"On what basis should I bear the cost? It was you who kicked
me out. It was not that I took the initiative to leave the group!"

Wang Zhong Ding does not accept, he directly pressed the

remote control.

On the projection screen, Xu Zeman began to play a clip that

showed she wanted to "strike".

Embroidered eyebrows swiftly eyed, "This is simply taken out

of context, I was framed!"
"someone framed you?" Wang Zhong Ding smiled. "Do you see
if these one are framed too?"

Xu Zeman saw all the crimes listed in the document and her
face was white.

Wang Zhong Ding leisurely explained: "You were late for 16

times during the shooting and you delayed the filming process,
which violated Article 1. You posted on the blog privately and
related news, leaked the secret of the crew works and violated
the contract Article 7. You have disseminated negative news
about the crew's, unspoken rules and damaged the reputation of
the crew and violated Article 12 of the contract..."

Xu Zeman shouted, "Nonsense! No! I didn't..."

"The staff's confession and live recording are all here. You can
listen to them yourself."

Xu Zeman went crazy trying to destroy anything in front of

her but she was restrained by Er Lei.
"The crew prepaid 400,000 yuans to you when you signed the
contract. You have to return it also," Wang Zhong Ding said.

Xu Zeman refused to admit, "I didn't receive this money!"

Wang Zhong Ding dumped a past expenses receipt, and the

above-mentioned column of the payer slip clearly written Xu
Zeman's name.

"Sun's production film clearly said that this money did not
have to be returned." Xu Zeman has a word.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Then you go to find Sun's production

film for evidence."

Xu Zeman was anxious to cry. "What evidence? There was no

contract, just verbal agreement."

"Then there is no way. Since you have chosen to enter the

group in an unfair manner, you must accept this unfair
Xu Zeman cried.

Wang Zhong Ding continued mercilessly. "In addition to the

400,000 prepaid remuneration, you're due a total of 2.2 million
for lateness, negative work, squabbles, and delays in filming and
the economic loss caused by changing the angle to the crew."

Hearing this figure, Xu Zeman felt that the sky was falling
down, and she cried and pleaded with Wang.

" Wang... please... I... don' much... money..."

Wang Zhong Ding replied blankly: "During the filming of the

crew, you hired 3 additional entourage personnel to configure
your own RV, plus your food and clothing costs, you were
spending nearly 20,000 a day, I think you have enough
capability to pay."

"That is not my money. It was all given by others."

"Then let that man pay the penalty."

After that, Wang Zhong Ding directly gave Er Lei a wink and
motioned him to pull Xu Zeman out.

"General Wang, General Wang, don't you..."

Wang Zhong Ding quietly pulled a cigarette, and his

indifferent eyes turned back to the pending documents.
Chapter 182 He is Missing.
The next day, Xu Zeman's case of being sued by the
production crew was spread across the major media. Her bad
behaviors in the crew of Yan Zhang were also exposed one by

As a result, not only has it completely broken off Xu Zeman's

star road, but the news has also made a good image for the crew.

The supporting actress who replaced Xu Zumen was not only

regained this role, but also appeared in the ads as the image of
“salvation lady” and earned popularity.

The crew restored harmony.

There was only Yi Wei's depression causing her to not show

up in the crew for several days. In the newly released shooting
schedule, her scenes were all left behind.

Wang Hai Zi has not seen Yi Wei for a long time. Then he
asked the secretary to look and found if Yi Wei had stayed in the
house he had sent her. She did not come out all day.

After thinking about it again, Wang Hai Zi still went to find

her in the mansion.

Yi Wei wore large flowing sleeping dress and walked in the

garden aimlessly. Her head was a mess and she wasn't wearing
makeup, Wang Hai Zi almost did not recognize her.

"Are you coming in?" Yi Wei's expression is still so mild.

Wang Hai Zi frowned. " Why are you thin?"

"Is it ? I haven't eaten well these days."

Wang Hai Zi remembered the rumors heard in recent days

and could not help but ask, "The little girl was so over-the-top
nasty to you. Why did you never mentioned it to me?"
"If I have to depend on you all the time, what's the difference
between me and her? Or is it that... In your heart, I'm just like

"You look at yourself, but also pretend not to care? You're

obviously angry." Wang Hai Zi squeezed Yi Wei's face.

Yi Wei escaped his tease and walked forward in a sullen


Wang Hai Zi had to explain it later: “In fact, the draft was a
hot one in my mind, and it didn't achieve any purpose. Later, I
went on the line and it was because Hàn Dōng's boy was too
aggressive. If I couldn't stop him I couldn't swallow this breath.

Yi Wei deliberately asked: "So how did you finally manage Xu


"Getting rid of Xu Zeman because she was looking at your

face. What is the relationship with Hàn Dōng?"
Yi Wei nodded with a certain amount of pureness. "What do
you plan to do for Hàn Dōng?"

Wang Hai Zi shouted: "Isn't he not willing to act as a woman?

He cuts his chicken, pulls his egg, and completely rounds his
dream of being a woman!"

Yi Wei smiled and said nothing.


Following Wang Hai Zi's car back to the city, Yi Wei went to
Feng Mu again.

Feng Mu heard about what happened. The concerned woman

asked her: “What happened to you and Wang Hai Zi?”

"Nothing happened." Yi Wei sighed. "His heart is no longer

with me."
Feng Mu wondered. "Didn't you say that those women are not
a threat to you?"

"I underestimated the ambitions of middle-aged old men.

They are the largest group with emotional repressions. Their
desire for a new love relationship even exceeds that of a 20-year-
old man."

Feng Mu looked dignified and said nothing.

"Feng Sister, I couldn't live without you. I also said I would

fight to give this role back to Li Shang."

"When did I mentioned this? I didn't meant it in my heart.

The only thing I worry about now is you."

"I'm fine." Yi Wei already looked away. "Wang Hai Zi still has
something of old feelings about me. What's more, I've always
been his tool for money laundering. So much dirty money flows
through me. He wouldn't dare to throw me and that away?"
Feng Mu couldn't help but sigh. "If you can get money out of
Wang Hai Zi's hand. You are really not a simple woman"

"No, it should be said that the money from his wife's hands."

Feng Mu smiled in a heart-warming smile. "You don't lose, but

his wife and you are just the same."

"Yes, there are several documents to be hidden. Recently the

company's situation is unstable, I am afraid to find my head."

Feng Mu has some concerns. "Do you trust me?"

"I want to believe you but I don't have any credible people in
this circle."

Feng Mu's face is pleased. "Since you trust me, I will keep it
for you for the time being."
"Thank you, Feng Sister."

After Yi Wei left, Feng Mu's face turned cloudy.

"What did I say? She has no hope at all. You still die for her!"

Li Shang was standing opposite to Feng Mu. The mood could

not be seen as good or bad.

“My younger brother is mixed in the high-level Wang

company management. I can't understand the situation there
anymore. Now that there are many internal conflicts and
chaotic management, it is a matter of time.”

After that, Feng Mu handed Li Shang the documents that Yu

Wei handed over to her.

"Make two copies and send one to Wang."

Li Shang was slightly surprised. "Didn't you just promised

"I am a businesswoman, not a philanthropist. All I have to do

is try to maximize my profits. Once the company has a big move
there, we have to be the biggest beneficiaries."

Li Shang momentarily felt that all women were terrible.

However, he likes it.


Two weeks later, Yi Wei finally returned to the crew.

Although she and Wang Hai's gossip buzz filled everyone's

ears every day, but because of the good work done, she's kind
and friendly, there is no stuck up behaviour, and there is almost
every response to anything she's asked. So her popularity and
everything is very good.
For her return to the group, the producers also made a
welcome banquet for her.

At the banquet, everyone was busy with various gossips and

the atmosphere was harmonious and lively.

Yi Wei first punished herself for drinking cup after cup, till
her dry mouth was wet, and instantly caused the crowd to cry
and applause. Then a cup and a glass, Yi Wei came to drink, she
had a bold look.

Hàn Dōng sat not far away, listening to the people around

“The Zhong Ding Group is going to change its course. It is said

that the high-level management relationship is now very tense.”

"It's no wonder she's so drunk. It's estimated that the good

days are coming."

"Who knows?"

The people in the crew were drunk and couldn't start working
properly. Although Hàn Dōng was not drunk, he fell asleep after
coming back.

In the evening, the staff began to make jewelry props and they
remembered that Hàn Dōng was not seen in the afternoon.

"Did Hàn Dōng come back with you?"

"We came back together. I still saw him going to the lounge to
sleep. Wouldn't he still be sleeping up?"

After that, several people rushed in and found that the bed
was empty.

At ten o'clock in the evening, when Wang Zhong Ding red

tired eyes drove to the gates of the studio, all the talents realized
that... Hàn Dōng really..... was missing.
Chapter 183 War is Imminent.
The artist's disappearance is nothing but a possibility -

But there is one more possibility; that it was Hàn Dōng who
sent himself to the door.

Wang Zhong Ding tuned out the surveillance video of the

studio lounge. He really saw Hàn Dōng sleepwalking away.

Even worse, Hàn Dōng wore women's wear and sunglasses,

adding a bit of difficulty to the search.

"Sure someone is in disguised form, or he will not sleepwalk

for no reason." Wang Zhong Ding said.

So, Er Lei had chatted with Hàn Dōng at the party and sat in a
room near him. The people he might hear were all talking about
the office issue.
After “coercive force and inducement”, the two guys who
talked about “the high level of Zhong Ding's company
management are going to change their course” were finally
recruited, and they really were instigated to speak by Yi Wei.

Wang Zhong Ding instantly understands.

Yi Wei is trying to induce Hàn Dōng to find Wang Hai Zi

because she knows that Hàn Dōng would be helping Wang
Zhong Ding. The best way is to send himself to the door.

Only in this way, Hàn Dōng may set aside the secret life of
Wang Hai Zi. Because now Yi Wei is jealous of Hàn Dōng......
Wang Hai Zi could not hide him in a place known by Yi
Wei......The other hiding place was unexposed.

So, driven by this power, Hàn Dōng himself put sheepskin and
walked into a wolves nest.

How can Wang Zhong Ding be having a good heart!!

Now he holds all of Wang Hai Zi's “criminal evidence” and his
power grab is within easy reach. The problem is because Hàn
Dōng is in Wang Hai Zi's hands. Wang Zhong Ding does not dare
to act rashly.

"Yi Wei has a really infatuation for your uncle, one to go as far
as to help him destabilize the company, and the second to send
him a 'beauty', ...... for a woman to be able to do this is not
simple!" Feng Jun said.

Wang Zhong Ding does not have the heart to think about
insincere questions. He is only concerned about "gifts".

Being tangled, Er Lei suddenly broke into the door.

"Wang, no, I found this information in the chairman's


Wang Zhong Ding took a look at the file and was instantly

This is a certification document issued by the Public Security

Bureau and it is agreed that Hàn Dōng will change the gender of
his ID card after performing sex change surgery.

Feng Jun was dumbfounded. "Is your uncle crazy?"

Wang Zhong Ding, apart from anything else, drove straight to

Wang Hai Zi's home.

Wang Hai Zi travelled outside the country all the year round
and rarely returned home. Therefore, the purpose of Wang
Zhong Ding's trip is definitely not his uncle, but to find his
hidden power.

Wang Hai Zi wife is a daughter of the general and has a strong

family background. Her family name is even more prominent
than the Wang family who she married into.

Hai Jing Media Company, the predecessor company of Wang

Zhong Film & Television Group, it belonged to one of the
daughter that Wang Zhong Ding's grandfather prepared for his
Later, the reason why it was renamed "Zhong Ding Film and
Television Company" was because Wang Hao thought that her
parents-in-law was not thin skinned. In order to express her
filial piety, she changed the company to the name of the eldest
grandchild before the death of her mother-in-law and promised
that she would in the future act to have the company be handed
over to Wang Zhong Ding.

Six years ago, the company successfully listed on the board.

At the beginning of the listing, Wang Hai Zi held nearly 40%

of the shares. During this time, frequent reductions and his
shares have also been reduced to 36%, and they have remained
stable at the top of the list.

Wang Hao holds 22% of the shares. If she wants to kick Wang
Hai Zi's position. It is useless to pull in more directors. She can
only go to pick up with her nephew.

Wang Hao has always been in charge of financial power at

home and is influenced by the growing environment. Her
family duty concept is very heavy. Wang Hai Zi's affair could
open her eyes but, on the premise that the family foundation
cannot be moved.
The so-called "foundation" is family property.

The money in her hand she could give her son, give her
nephew, or niece, she doesn't care, but she can't to Hai Zi.

Wang Zhong Ding was aware of her psychology and chose to

thoroughly investigate Wang Hai Zi's property.

Sure enough, after Wang Zhong Ding showed a series of

“crime cards” toward Wang Hao, Wang Hao's small universe
broke out.

Even if it's the lover .....that lover dares also to support the
dirty deals?

As a result, more than a dozen escorts drove into Wang Hai Zi

secret home.

Wang Hai Zi had just returned from the outside and hadn't
had time to change shoes into the house before he received an
urgent notice from the door.
"Chairman, it's not good. The lady came in with a dozen or
more people. We couldn't stop her"

Wang Hai Zi frowned. "How could she find this?"

"I don't know. Wang came with her."

Wang Hai Zi noticed something, but did not reveal the color of
guilty conscience, and stood steadily at the door to meet his

The imposing manner of Wang Hao is not what the average

woman can manage. She is like the real wind blowing the door.
Even if she walks with dignity and grace, it will make people
feel insignificant..

"Why did you come?" Wang Hai Zi asked.

Wang Hao said: "Looking at your side hall.... It is as

magnificent as the legendary."
Wang Hai Zi smiled. "Why did you say that this is a
sanatorium. Didn't you see the door still hanging? You know I
have rheumatism. Occasionally I come to stay in this wooden
house. It's good for the body."

Wang Hao did not talk nonsense with him and showed
evidence directly.

“This is a photocopy of the owner's ID. This is the false

identity information that your secretary once handled. Is it the
same person?”

Wang Hai Zi swept his eyes at Wang Zhong Ding, then turned
his eyes back to Wang Hao's face and smiled. "I can't keep my
pension for myself?"

"What about these?" Wang Hao throws out a pile of copies,

"have you taken these for your old age?"

Wang Hai Zi's eyes were gloomy momentarily, but he

continued to play a fool. “Where did they come from?”
"They came out of a woman's hand." Wang Hao said with
expressionless face.

Wang Hai Zi buzzed with words. “I just handed over her care.
It does not mean that I have something with her. The identity
information above is false. In the future, I'll say for whom this
room is, maybe my son's, me. Wife...."

"OK!" Wang Hao severely interrupted, "You shut up."

Wang Hai Zi looked at Wang Zhong Ding once again. "You

don't listen to this mixed boy's side. I have already..."

"You have to retire." Wang Hao said.

Wang Hai Zi's eyes are wide open. "What do you say?"

"Hand over the company power and enjoy the old age."
"I'm only fifty years old. You want to make me enjoy my old

Wang Hao faintly replied: "Your brain is confused. I don't

want Wang's family legacy to be destroyed in your hands."

Wang Hai Zi realized the seriousness of the matter. At this

moment, it is no longer worthwhile to say something
imaginary. It's not as good as telling each other frankly.

"I admit that I was confused at one time and had thought
about giving the woman some financial protection. But I didn't
think it were as serious as I thought. Actually I still had a hand.
There are two real estate licenses, she is holding one, I am the
owner and she is temporary owner, I later made up the official

Wang Zhong Ding's face was gloomy.

Even so, Wang Hao's face has not changed anything.

"Do you mean that you can cleanse yourself? When you put
her on it, won't it prove that you're married to her?"

Wang Hai Zi reluctantly explained, "I don't want to wash

white. I just hope you don't be so impulsive. Don't raise our
family issue to the company level. You think about it, is it easy
for the couple to run the company to this day?"

"How much credit do you have for running the business? Isn't
Zhong Ding always trying to manage it?"

Although Wang Hao said this in simplicity term, the idea of ​

“completely eradicating Wang Hai Zi's power” still loosened.
After all, it is a certificate of husband and wife together, it is not
so easy to let go.

Wang Hai Zi took the opportunity to point his finger at Wang

Zhong Ding. “Do you think this kid has no bad intentions? Do
you think he has more rules in his private life?”

For so long, Wang Zhong Ding finally revealed his cards.

"At least I will not gain the satisfaction at the expense of
human rights!"

Hearing this, Wang Hao's eyes once again brought cold light.

"what did you say?"

Wang Hai Zi immediately replied, "Wang Zhong Ding, you

better say what you want to say, or don't blame me if your
parents do not recognize you."

Wang Zhong Ding ignored his warning and directed sharp

eyes directly at Wang Has. "My uncle looked at a man who
dressed as a woman and forced him to change gender."

Wang Hao's face was white instantly.

This is not simply a problem of stealing food, but it has risen

to stealing character.
Wang Hai Zi resolutely defended: “Do you think that
transgendering someone is a joke? Is there no evidence from the
Public Security Bureau that can be overhauled? Doesn't a family
member's signature work on the operating table? Is there no
obvious heterosexuality that can be enforced?”

Wang Hao suddenly asked: "How do you know so clearly?"

"...I checked!"

See Wang Hao increasingly questioned the issue, Wang Hai Zi

busy interfered: "Because he checked, so it is more impossible to
do this kind of thing!"

As soon as the voice was over, a testimonial was dumped.

There was also Wang Hai Zi's signature on it.

"This document is absolutely false!" said Wang Hai Zi. "I have
never been to the Public Security Bureau. I do not trust the
police to find them and let them test the truth."
"Well, then you can call 110 now."

Wang Zhong Ding thought that Wang Hai Zi just made a look
and did not think he really did it.

At that moment, Wang Zhong Ding secretly noticed

something wrong.

The police couldn't make conclusions in person and they got

back to the Public Security Bureau for further verification.

The results confirm that this material is indeed false.

Only fake technology is too high quality, almost to the point

where it seem as real.

This time, the wind turned again and it was Wang Hai Zi's
turn to be aggressive.
"You have ambitions to get a good thing, but you shouldn't be
so eager for success. The company is yours, morning and
evening. Who are you humiliating when you take a pile of fake
materials? Insulting me or humiliating yourself?"

"Where the fuck is he?" Wang Zhong Ding yelled.

Wang Hai Zi shouted: "Where are you still not clear about
him? Do you think that you can cover your bad intentions?"

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly picked up Wang Hai Zi's collar

and exclaimed, "Where did you hide Hàn Dōng?"

Wang Hai Zi stared coldly at Wang Zhong Ding. "I don't know
what that surname is"

Wang Hao was also scared by Wang Zhong Ding's anger and
hurried over to persuade him.

"First of all, don't get excited. What's wrong with what you
Wang Zhong Ding still holds Wang Hai Zi. "What about Hàn
Dōng? I asked you about Hàn Dōng?"

Wang Hai Zi insisted, "not with me!"

Er Lei also whispered to Wang Zhong Ding: "I have looked for
it and he is not here"

Wang Zhong Ding's face has been difficult to see the extreme.

When Wang Hao saw that the situation was not good, she
bludgeoned and exhorted: "The impulse cannot solve the
problem and I will go back first."

With a dozen people together, Wang Zhong Ding was forced to

go out.
Chapter 184 Confusing.
"What? You said there is a problem with the documents
provided by my sister?" Feng Jun was surprised.

Er Lei nodded. "Yi Wei should have guessed that your sister
will disclose information to Wang. Therefore, she will hand
over the fake documents to Wang"

"What do you mean is that she and the Chairman of the

company have collaborated and deliberately gave him the

“From the current point of view, the chairman of the board

knew that he was not able to escape his wife's fault, so he
produced a series of “falsifications” for Wang to report. Once his
wife found out that there was a problem with these evidences,
even if she had no doubt that Wang had a bad intention, the
total trust in Wang Zhong Ding declined, and the possibility of
cooperation is even less."

Feng Jun looked worried. "It seems that things are very
troublesome! If the Chairman and his wife unite to suppress
Wang, the situation will be completely reversed."
"Yeah, plus Hàn Dōng hasn't got a message so far. Wang
estimates it's crashed..."

Feng Jun sighed. "Yi Wei was completely playing Wang."

Er Lei said: "She has not provoked Wang once or twice. If he

did not want to pull a series of dirty transactions from her, this
person had already gotten out of the company years ago."

"Now look at the chairman's attitude. The wife has already

taken a look at him anyway. If she don't have enough strength,
her good days may be over."

"I don't know whether she is smart or stupid."

As he said, Er Lei's cell phone rang.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it right away."

Feng Jun asked quickly: "What happened?"

"What else can it be? Wang wants to find Yi Wei to settle off!"

"Then you go, don't let Wang wait."

After more than 40 minutes, Yi Wei entered Wang Ding's


Just closed the door and turned his head to a chilly, gloomy
face, and Yi Wei was immediately shocked. Not yet eased, Wang
Zhong Ding once again grabbed her neck and banged against the

"Where is Hàn Dōng?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Yi Wei was breathless, she wanted to pull open Wang Zhong

Ding's hands.
As a result, Wang Zhong Ding hold has become even more
tight-knit, and his roars are heard.

"Where is Wang Hai Zi hidding Hàn Dōng ?!"

Yi Wei was struggling to squeeze a few words out of my

throat. "How do do I know ......"

"You conspired with him to make this change. Wouldn't you

know where he held Hàn Dōng?"

Yi Wei's eyes are round, "conspiracy?"

"Isn't it? Isn't the false documents you sent to my door to

stabilize the company for your man?" Wang Zhong Ding said,
throwing a copy onto Yi Wei head.

Yi Wei seems to be stunned. "You said these documents are

"When will you give up the play?" Wang Zhong Ding's hand
squatted again.

Yi Wei's face was purple instantly, and the upper and lower
lips repeatedly touched, but she couldn't make a sound. He
could only judge what she wanted to say through the mouth
shape: "Sure's still against me."

It was not until he saw the despair in Yi Wei's eyes that Wang
Zhong Ding realized that she had not lied.

"Since you feel that these documents are no problem, why did
you give them to Feng Mu who you do not trust?" Wang Zhong
Ding's hand finally loosened.

Yi Wei smiled and laughed at himself. "You said that? Why

you say that I shouldn't have give it to her? Because I wanted to
help you, because I wanted to help you!"

Wang Zhong Ding still did not say a word calmly.

"Do you think that I really don't know how to see things? Do
you think that I bought those astronomical watches to set off Li
Shang's taste? You thought that I didn't deliberately drain
water. So you find the black money in my account so

Yi Wei said that she had participated in the Swiss watch

exhibition with Wang Zhong Ding. Through this exhibition,
Wang Zhong Ding was suspicious of Wang Hai Zi.

“Wang Zhong Ding, I loved you from beginning to end. All I

did was for you. Haven't you ever felt it?” Yi Wei's eyes circled

“For me?” Wang Zhong Ding replied sharply. “Have you sent
Hàn Dōng to Wang Hai Zi for me?”

Yi Wei looked stagnation.

"Or to find a scapegoat for yourself?"

Yi Wei turned her gaze elsewhere. "I don't know what you are
talking about."

"You know that Hàn Dōng wants to find Wang Hai Zi's
direction on the money, so you deliberately lured Hàn Dōng into
Wang Hai Zi's private house and made Wang Hai Zi think that
Hàn Dōng was not the one who leaked the report. In so doing,
you not only helped me, but also Having maintained a good
image in Wang Hai Zi's heart, both sides are not allowed to sin
against each other , but your abacus is banging quite loud!"

Yi Wei finally broke into tears.

"I admit that I lured him to look for Wang Hai Zi out of
selfishness, but that's because of you!"

"Do you know he loves to show off when he is sleepwalking?

Do you know how much I hate him when I learned from his
sleepwalking that you actually had his room in your house and
that it was next to you?"

"I loved you since six years ago, but then you said that you
couldn't like the people in the entertainment circle. I thought
you and Wan Li Qing were together and left the company. Later,
when you invited me to come back, Do you know how happy I
was? I thought you finally realized that I was important. I did
not expect to be just an order from your uncle."

"I have been a single for so many years, just to paralyze my

own heart. I am not convinced of men, but the only man I can
rely on in my heart and he gave his heart to others!"


After a long time, Wang Zhong Ding was indifferent.

"Yes, he not only does not love you, but also disgusted by you

At this moment, someone could've been slamming a knife in

Yi Wei and she may not feel pain.

"I understand." Yi Wei smiled bleakly. "I think I need to tell

you that Wang Hai Zi has always been guilty of Hàn Dōng's
gender. You'd better rush getting him back."

"I know that I have seen your 'reminder' placed in Wang Hai
Zi's drawer."

"Reminder?" Yi Wei confused.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "It was the fake public security bureau
that had him agreed to change Hàn Dōng's sex."

"Change his gender?"

"Otherwise, why do you think I suddenly took him with your

problem document?"

After hearing this, Yi Wei was completely shocked.

Wang Zhong Ding also learned something in that moment.

The forgery proved to not be Yi Wei work but it was Wang Hai

From beginning to end, Wang Hai Zi is one-man planning


With this in mind, Wang Zhong Ding, apart from anything

else, drove to Wang Hai Zi's secret home again.

Wang Hai Zi is still worried about Wang Zhong Ding's offense

against him.

"He is ill-intentioned. He is still not good enough to speak to

me. It's against him!"

The assistant advised: "He should be just too anxious."

“Excited enough he will be able to pull at my collar. Who am

I? I am his uncle! This is my house.... Did you make him turn
around?” Wang Hai Zi said, talking and kept getting riled up
The assistant quickly reassured his emotions. "Through such a
lesson, he should have long memory of embarrassment."

Just finished, there was a loud noise from the door.

Wang Hai Zi's eye-catching looked at Wang Zhong Ding, is

also a posture of debt collection. Even the words that come out
are exactly the same.

"Hàn Dōng? Where did you hide Hàn Dōng?"

Wang Hai Zi gasped and swept his fist toward Wang Zhong

"Aren't you finished? It's not me!"

Wang Zhong Ding also had to fight back. As a result, he was

stopped by more than a dozen people.
The uncle and the two were opposite each other. They are all
flushed and angry.

"Isn't the counterfeit proof the thing you forged?" Wang

Zhong Ding asked.

Wang Hai Zi does not change his face. "What happened?"

"You - have - no - gender!"

"Are you humans flipping through my drawers? Are you

secretly investigating your own uncle life ? You seek power? Do
you even have any scruples? ...... I said Hàn Dōng is not with

Wang Zhong Ding did not know where a divine power came
from but he actually broke the shackles of five or six people. He
rushed directly to Wang Hai Zi and punched his face.

"What does what you do for an artist have to do with me?

What else are you doing? Bring him with me! Make my elder
brother embarrassed that he raised up a miscreant!"

Although Wang Hai Zi ordered, but no one dared to

implement, in the end, Wang Zhong Ding was taken away in the

"Chairman, you calm down, eliminate your anger ... ..."

Assistant busily handed a glass of water.

Wang Hai Zi pushed him away. "I cannot eliminate this


The assistant can only say what Wang Hai Zi loves to hear and
try to help him restore some calm of his face.

"The main reason is that you are too smart! How can he not
look at it?"

Wang Hai Zi said coldly, "It was his stupidity. If he hadn't got
long wings, he also wanted to fight me."
"Yes, yes, chairman, actually I'm quite curious. Where did you
hide Hàn Dōng?"

Wang Hai Zi turned his eyes to him with a faint look. After a
brief silence, he suddenly burst into tears.

"I repeat, he is not with me!"

This time, even the assistant was shocked.

Chapter 185 Awesome Inner help.
Wang Zhong Ding sat in the office all night.

In the past, Wang couldn't understand why the romance film

was sold out. He always felt that the actor's vulnerability due to
love was only to cater to the female audience. He always feels
that a real man will not be this vulnerable and he will not be
tortured by the field to death.

But now if the familiar rustle sounds isn't outside the door, he
thinks he will cry.

Wayback then outside from the night to the daytime, Wang

Zhong Ding's heart had become quiet from arrogance.

Never been calm .

Perhaps his heart after suffering the blow of Hàn Dōng's

disappearance, he found that all difficulties were not feared.

At this moment, Wang Zhong Ding once again recalled

yesterday's entire conversation with Wang Hai Zi and found
that there were numerous loopholes.

If Wang Hai Zi planned everything from the beginning to the

end, why did he have to create so many excuses? Why do he not
directly point out that there is a problem with the ID card?

In addition, when those "crime cards" came out, his

expression was not as ready as it was in the morning, and many
explanations and rhetoric sounded reluctant.

Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding overestimated his capability.

He just guarded against Wang Zhong Ding, and it was unclear

how many evidences Wang Zhong Ding had mastered.

But the public security bureau's certification materials are

prepared from the beginning.

After knowing that Hàn Dōng was missing, Wang Zhong Ding
would definitely come to the door, so Wang Hi Zi intentionally
created such a fuse. In this way, no matter how much evidence
Wang Zhong Ding puts forward, he can use this false accusation
to pass on the crisis and denounce Wang Zhong Ding's actions as
bad intentions.

Wang Zhong Ding, because Hàn Dōng's disappearance his

emotions were out of control, and Wang Hai Zi took the
opportunity to confuse the matter and made everyone pay
attention to his innocence, thereby erasing the various crimes
that were disclosed before.


Just thinking, Feng Jun pushed in.

"Wang Zhong Ding, I have already checked, and those formal

real estate certificates were reissued last time."

Sure enough...he only had the precautionary awareness in the

recent days.
Feng Jun also said: "This proves that all the crimes we
investigated before are valid, but he is likely to make up for the
leaks in the past few days."

"I am afraid that he will make up the leak and I also afraid that
he will not make up." Wang Zhong Ding suddenly said.

Feng Jun instantly understands," I immediately mobilize the

manpower, this time we must catch him at present! "

"Wait!" Wang Zhong Ding suddenly stopped Feng Jun.

Feng Jun is puzzled. "What's wrong?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not explain the reason, but there was a
worry in his face.

Feng Jun understood that Wang Zhong Ding was worried that
Hàn Dōng was still in Wang Hai Zi's hands and that it would be
unfavorable to Hàn Dōng.
At this moment, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"I'll open the door."

When Feng Jun opened the door, he was stunned. Er Lei

lookee at a child standing outside, and the child had the visual
sensation of Hàn Dōngness.

"This is..." Feng Jun asked.

Er Lei didn't know much about the situation. He just

rehearsed: "He said he wanted to meet Zhong Zhong ."

"Zhong Zhong" Feng Jun did not react.

Er Lei wiped sweat, "....Wang Zhong Ding."

"You have nerves....."

Xixi went to Wang Zhong Ding and Wang Zhong Ding took
him on his lap.

"I call him my father."

Wang Zhong Ding now has no intention of "avoiding


Next to Er Lei and Feng Jun all took a deep breath, rushed to
the outside talking about it.

"Wang was stunned by it? He looks like Hàn Dōng did not
even think, even he has a child with his air of quirkness." Feng
Jun began to resent.

Er Lei asked: "How do you know this is Hàn Dōng's child?"

"Nonsense, he looks like he was carved out of the same mold!

And just now he also said, you can call my dad. How can he say
that" I also call Wang my father"? Because he is the son of Hàn
Dōng! "
Er Lei feels reasonable.

"Oh, this kid is very pitiful"

"How did you come from school to here?" Wang Zhong Ding
asked Xixi.

Xixie said: "Took a taxi."

"The driver knew to bring you here?"

"Hey!" said Xixi while waving his small hands. "Our family
name is big, who doesn't know it?"

Wang Zhong Ding finally smiled after so many days.

Xixi also said: "Daddy, us father and son are united, and we
will definitely pass through this difficult time."
Wang Zhong Ding nodded and kissed Xixi.

"As for the trouble making uncle, let him go to bed he needs it
very much!" Xixi added another sentence.

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face, his eyes fixed on Xixi,
"What sleep?"

Xixi snorted. "I dreamed about the uncle, in my sleep last

night. He hid under someone's bed and slept there"

"And then? Why is he going to sleep there?" Wang Zhong Ding

asked, "He sleeps well, and not worry about you at all!"

.....Do not know why, Wang Zhong Ding's heart suddenly lost
a lot of worry. Perhaps Hàn Dōng was not in Wang Hai Zi
captive. Maybe he was guarding himself against being used as a
bargaining chip, so he avoided being a chip by hiding in an
absolutely safe place.

In this way, Wang Zhong Ding immediately ordered Feng Jun

to let it go.
Within two days, Feng Jun reported to the board of directors
that Wang Hai Zi had violated the rules six times. Four of them
were disclosed on the spot. The financial officer involved was
then taken to the lawyer's office. Shareholders united to protest
and demanded that the board dismiss Wang Hai Zi's
chairmanship and severely punish his violations.

Wang Hai Zi took a evasive attitude at first, but later he

couldn't help himself and held a press conference to explain it
publicly. However, because of too many mumbling in the
speech, the logic is unreasonable and people are clamoring for
more intense sympathy. He and Yi Wei's affect for him was also
exposed, and she was caught in the netizens mouth for a

Talking about the till the sky is dark.

Wang Hao looked at the window and said to her friend, "It is
raining. You will stay here tonight."

"Is your home room not changed to a cloakroom?"

"There is another one to the east."

"Oh, why didn't I know?"

When Wang Kai unlocked, he said: "This room is small and

generally guests will sleep in the west wing"

"Not too small!" said the friend, walking in and looking at it.
"OK, then I'll stay here tonight."

"I will let the maid clean and sweep it for you again." Wang
Hao said.

The friend waved his hand. "No need to use it. It's very clean.
I'll just pat it up and sleep."

"Then you have to get a new set of bedding. You wait, I'll get it
for you."
Wang Hao heard a shrill cry when she had not gone out a few


Wang Hao just turned to go back and saw his friend rushed
out of the room with horror.

"What's wrong," Wang Hao asked.

The friend was shocked and said, "I just saw a foot stretched
under the bed just when I had moved bedsheets."

"Can't you be more scared ?" Wang Hao could not believe.

"Really, I'm not lying to you."

Wang Hao entered the house with skepticism and walked

slowly to the bed.
Instantly, she was stunned!

How can this ... a woman comes out!

My lord Finally came! Hàn Dōng scolded the woman and said:
"Give me... drink water..."

"She is alive!" The friend exclaimed.

Wang Hao was still calm, she pulled Hàn Dōng out. It was
found that Hàn Dōng was tied up and his face was already
covered with a layer of gray. It was estimated that he had spent
many days under the bed.

"Hand me the cup," said Wang Hao......

The friend took half a glass of water and handed it over.

Wang Hao discovered that Hàn Dōng's neck was wrapped in a

silk scarf and that it would influence swallowing. She helped
him to unwrap it.

As a result, this solution doesn't matter, and both people were


She turned out to be a man? !

Hàn Dōng heart has an urgent, do not worry! Give me water

first! I did not drink water for three and a half days!

"I know..." Wang Hao's face instantly became extremely


Friend seemed to realize what was going on. But she still tried
to persuade: "Perhaps not as serious as you think."

Wang Hao could not hear anything. She stubbornly looked

through the room. Finally opened the bedding. Finally found a
stack of proof materials.
The proof proves that he has gender change susceptibility
disease, prove that he has no history of mental illness. Prove
that there is no contraindication for surgery.

Prove that his family has no objections...

Dozens of certification materials needed for sex change

surgery are here and readily available! There is also this
invisible gender face. It is simply the strongest evidence in

"Wang Hai Zi. You are not an average person!" Wang Hao
threw the cup and went out.

Motherfucker! I haven't drunk yet! Hàn Dōng's eyes hurt.

The friend sighed and also went out.

Thirty minutes later. Hàn Dōng was drowsy and was about to
sleep. Suddenly he heard a ring.

"You come see it yourself!" Wang Hai voice looked tinted.

Wang Hai Zi turned and looked at Hàn Dōng. Suddenly, it's


"How could he be here?"

"I still want to ask you~" Wang Hao mocked his face. "Sure
enough, the most dangerous place is the safest place!"

Wang Hai Zi explained in an anxious manner: "It is definitely

Wang Zhong Ding who deliberately put him here! He kept him
here to stage an expose"

"This time it is true," said Wang Hao.

"Is it really real?"

Wang Hao dumped the proof material on his chest.

Wang Hai Zi could let out a sigh. He reacted quickly. "Is it

right? It was because I had been shamed by the fake one last
time. That's why I filled it up."

"This one is before that date," said Wang Hao quietly.

Wang Hai Zi was stunned

He never thought of it. Originally the evidence he used to

wash the accusation. Now it has become his original sin!

"What else do you have to say?" Wang Hao asked.

Wang Hai Zi shook his eyes. Then he spewed a fake truth.

"It must be his own delivery he came with it!"

Wang Hao smiled even more gloomily. "The door of this room
has been locked and there is no trace of being broken. How
could he get in without a key?

"He has a particularly high skills in unlocking techniques. He

can open a secure box with his eyes closed! Before he performed
this at the company, I can show the video to you!" Wang Hai Zi

Wang Hao nodded. "Well, let me pass this. What about those
ropes on him? This 'knots the ring.' This is a 'five knots.' he tied it himself?"

This time, Wang Hai Zi has no words.

"You tied it for him!" Wang Hao finally yelled.

Do not say tied. The solution of Wang Hai Zi may not be

Wang Hai Zi decided to settle. Finally, Wang Hao showed an
elegant smile.

"Thank you for making a decision for me!"

Chapter 186 Out of the Question .
More than an hour later, Wang Zhong Ding, who had received
the news, rushed to his uncle's home and with him came Yu

Hàn Dōng felt excited when he saw Wang Zhong Ding. The
chapped lips kept squeaking, but he couldn't speak any words.
He looked so miserable.

If Wang Zhong Ding did not try to suppress his emotions, he

would have teared up the scene.

"How can this rope be untied?" Yu Ming was dazzled by the

complicated winding method.

Zhong Ding said: "I will do it."

Yu Ming saw Wang Zhong Ding's quick demolition a series of

interlocking buckles. The flexible and fingering fingerings and
orderly movements just puzzled him.
Are you sure that you have not tied Hàn Dōng rope yourself?

Hàn Dōng's limbs have been tied for too long and have been
numb. He repeatedly tried to reach for the glass and failed to do

Wang Zhong Ding seemed to see what Hàn Dōng thought in

his mind, grabbed the hand and took it to his shoulders,
squatting while walking outside and comforting: "Its nothing,
um, lets go home!"

Hàn Dōng drooped with his hands and repeatedly clapped

Wang Zhong Ding's ass with his swinging force in an attempt to
make him feel his own needs.

Helpless because of too little force, Wang Zhong Ding did not

A side from Yu Ming who could not stand it.

To this part of the tragic, he even did not forget to show love.
On the way to the hospital, Wang Zhong Ding finally said,
"Hand me a bottle of water."

Hàn Dōng felt that the stars outside the car window were

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding just poured water on the towel

and helped him wipe the dust and powder on his face.

The dark clouds drifted back...

Hàn Dōng can only use the tongue repeatedly to dampen the
water vapor left by the towel to maintain a little vitality.

Yu Ming saw that Hàn Dōng's tongue had reached the tip of
his nose and he pointed to Wang Ding.

"Hey, you're still going to spend some fun, and you can see
nothing to worry at a glance!"
Hàn Dōng looked at Yu Ming with a faint look. Do you think
that TMD's brain can make more than two laps to die? ! !

Disappointed and thirsty, Hàn Dōng slept again.

Nobody knows how long, his body suddenly burst violently, a

cool liquid slid along Hàn Dōng slightly opening hes lips
entrance, for Hàn Dōng it was as sweet as nectar.

water! It turned out to be water!

Hàn Dōng opened his eyes and saw that Yu Ming was striving
to stabilize the water bottle and Yu Ming complained: " Sorry I
shook my hand."

"Excuse me!" The front driver apologized.

Yu Ming took another sip, and when he lay down, he saw Hàn
Dōng's eyes staring at him.
"What's wrong?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng had the moisture of a few drops of water, and the
throat did not seem to be so tight. Realizing this, he hurriedly
hinted at Yu Ming's ear.

This time, Yu Ming understood what he meant by sticking his

ear to Hàn Dōng's lips.

Hàn Dōng scolded every word, every word seems to have done
their best. However, at the last moment of his life, he will live
and die, and his mind is full of brotherhood.


When he was trying to say the word “drinking water,” it

seemed that he had no strength. He only said the word “drink.”
After a series of coughing, it became “ha ha ha...”

As a result, he did not drink, and Wang Zhong Ding had also
screwed his ears.
Finally, a bubble of urine saved the life of Hàn Dōng.

He was taken to the hospital for a full-body examination, one

of which required a urine test. Wang Zhong Ding personally
gave Hàn Dōng the answer. But after a long absence, he took no
action, so he couldn't squeeze a drop.

Hàn Dōng wanted to say: Didn't you find out that my bird was
doing it?

At the moment of drinking water, Hàn Dōng felt himself in


The doctor said to Wang Zhong Ding that "Nothing its just low
blood sugar."

Wang Zhong Ding did not rest assured. "He was tied up for
several days and his body was not damaged?"

"Was he tied for a few days? That's impossible. I think the

marks on his arm are heavy. If he was really tied for a few days.
It is estimated that his extremities would be dead."

So Wang Zhong Ding asked Hàn Dōng: "You were tied up for a
few days?"

"Four days have passed," Hàn Dōng said.

The doctor was surprised. "Are you sure you've been tied?"

Hàn Dōng vowed: "Of course, I can't untie it myself!"

"I will check again" the doctor asked Wang Zhong Ding

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak. He took Hàn Dōng's arm and
looked it up carefully. The above marks are not one, but they
are overlapped because the positions of the rope bundles are
similar to each time.
"No, there is no big problem," Wang Zhong Ding said to the

On the way back, Hàn Dōng fell asleep again. Yu Ming's

tentative question to Wang Zhong Ding was “In the end who
kidnapped him?”

"He.....did it himself"

Yu Ming was shocked. Although he had long saw all the skills
of Hàn Dōng's sleepwalking, the rope art was too good.

"How did you know?" Yu Ming asked.

In fact, Wang Zhong Ding saw it at a glance, thinking that

when he was playing in sleepwalking, Hàn Dōng had to tie him
up, what to hangman knot, to tie crabs knot, and
tortoiseshells... all kinds of pattern bindings.

Hàn Dōng's rope knots were all made by him during his
sleepwalking. It is estimated that only Wang Zhong Ding can
solve them in all of China.

However, Wang Zhong Ding certainly would not explain this

to Yu Ming. He just said, “Have you seen the people kidnapped
and will pull the rope back and forth and dismantle it? Do you
practice this skills?”

"How did you know that he was untying it back and forth?" Yu
Ming wondered.

Wang Zhong Ding said that the overlap between the marks.

"No, ah," Yu Ming questioned again. "I remember he said he

couldn't untie it!"

Wang Zhong Ding patiently replied: "He can't untie it when

he's awake, but he can untie the knot when he's sleepwalking."

"Why did he have to dismantle it back and forth?" Yu Ming

asked again.
Wang Zhong Ding really wanted to say: Can you use your

How can the gap be so great between the two pairs of close
friends? A pair of hearts are too many to use, and the other one
pair of brains are not turning.

"He felt uncomfortable while he was sleeping. He would

certainly be able to untie it." Wang Zhong-Ding was thinking
about a sudden ache in his heart.

Yu Ming is still happy to grind his knife in his heart.

"But he was also tied up during sleepwalking. Why should he

continue to tie it if he is uncomfortable?"

"That's enough from you"

There was no sign of euphoria, which shocked Yu Ming.

Why do you mean to get angry when you get angry? Yu Ming's
heart felt wronged. I also care about what happened to him He
is your lover and not your exclusive thing. Then he sneaked on
Hàn Dōng's calf to protest.

When they came home, the sky was already bright.

When Wang Zhong Ding just settled Hàn Dōng, he was called
by his father.

His father is called Wang Hai Hong and he was first born at
home. There are two younger brothers and one younger sister.
They are Wang Hai Gu , Wang Hai Zi and Wang Hai Zhi
together they're called" Hong Gu Zi Zhi".

1].....So guys its at that time where Chinese language confused

me....Wang Hai Hong has how many brothers and there's so
many ways to write's there's five ways to
write a same spelled word...

Yeah.... comment their names here.

Wang Hai Hong is 63 years old this year and is 8 years older
than Wang Zhong Ding's mother. Therefore, the major events
in the family are his decisions.

When Wang Zhong Ding entered the house, Wang Hai Hong's
roar was heard in the room.

"Do you think you are very capable? Do you think that you are
very upright? You even dare to expose your uncle illicit
behavior and dare to report it, you think you're the superior is
that not right?"

"What are the issues you disclosed that listed companies do?
People who are not very friendly can close one eye with the
other one eye, and you are aspiring to be what ?....... noble and

"And there is that sex-change surgery thing! Even if your

uncle has that idea, who is he in the end? Isn't that not what
you control? Did he rub a grain of sand in your eyes?"

Wang Zhong Ding returned quietly. "In my eyes, he cannot

rub a grain of sand."

"You say that again!" Wang Hai Hong glared at his son.

Wang Zhong Ding said with a clear-cut tone: "As long as there
is that idea, it will not work!"

Wang Hai Hong was so angry that he was stopped by his wife.

"Well, people's bottom line is different. Why do you want to

force him to look at you like that? How can he stand the matter
before he only divorce?" Wang Zhong Ding's mother advised.

It is worth mentioning that this is not a bad thing. Wang Hai

Hong raised the incident and raised fire.
Directly referring to Wang Zhong Ding, "I don't care what
method you used. Even if you take the responsibility to yourself,
you must lift the misunderstanding between your uncle and

"There is no misunderstanding between my uncle and me. All

are ironclad facts. Divorce is also what my uncle was looking
for!" Wang Zhong Ding said.

The concept of love for the highclass families is very

monotonous. It is absolutely not allowed for any form of third
party to join in the marriage... even if it is nothing more than a

If you apply it to Hàn Dōng, you will have to add one more
......Hàn Dōng while he is not asleep and a sleepwalking Hàn
Dōng.....they're two separate people
Chapter 187 Cruel Joke.
"You listen this what he said?" Wang Hai Hong
reproached in an anguish.

"How can you people shout so loud?"

An old but unyielding voice suddenly broke into the room,

and Wang Hai Hong's hard-line attitude had to be slightly

"Dad, why did you come out?"

Wang Zhong Ding's grandfather is already 90 years old this

year, but his eyes are clear-headed, his legs and feet are
somewhat unfavorable and he must be wheelchair-bound.

“Where do you place my daughter-in-law? As an ignorant

woman who can maintain family stability in the future and can
even be arbitrarily deprived of the right to know about your
brother behaviour?” Wang Father scolded.
Wang Hai Hong looked helpless. "Dad, do you have hit my
face in front of the child ?. If he did listen to you any more, how
could he become so impersonal?"

Wang Zhong Ding grew up with his grandparents. His

temperament was deeply influenced by Grandpa Wang.

"How could he be untouched?" asked Wang's Father.

"He is being indifferent to the uncle's mistakes and divorce's

issues .... Isn't it inhuman?"

“What about his uncle? He is still my son! He wants a divorce,

and I first have to agree with my two hands blessing. I'm still
willing to give my daughter-in-law's testimony in the court to
let the beast get clean up and leave home! As you said, Am I
more inhuman?"

Wang Hai Hong sighed. "Dad, why is it that you have come up
with a temper.... You know what you say and don't persuade
and maybe she didn't want to leave."
"Even if you're right, what's Wang Zhong Ding fault? He
didn't interfere with this one. What do you want him to do?"

"It's because of him ....he left!"

Wang's Father did not like to listen to this. "What is it because

of him? Is he the one trying to make the animal and the female
star get into improper relationship? Did he let that animal to
hide in the family?"

Wang Hai Hong self-proclaimed himself, "If these things

aren't on his head, what about the company? Is this the reason
he caused for Hai Zi to fall into this situation."

Wang's grandather also had to speak for Wang Zhong Ding.

The result was Wang Hai Hong's strong voice blocked it hard.

"Dad, you don't say anything. The divorce issue of Hai Zi can
be revisited, but I will never give way to the company!"

Speaking he turn his face to Wang Zhong Ding, "You want to

colluding with whoever to relinquish your uncle control and
then first cut off your father-son relationship with me.
Otherwise, don't think about me!"

"You're so confused..." Wang grand father pointed to Wang

Hai Hong's nose.

"Dad, you listen to me, this is don't have to care

about..." Wang Hai Hong said, pushing Wang's Father back to
the room.

There are two people left..... mother and child left in the
living room.

Wang Zhong Ding's mother favored his son in her heart, but
as an outsider marrying into the family, but also as a daughter-
in-law, she also has her own helplessness.

"In fact, your grandfather meaning is the same as your father's

dad. Your dad is very angry for your actions, but he may not be
understood in your heart. Your grandfather always speaks for
you, but he may not feel bad about his son. After all, he is your
dad. Do this for your grandfather. Think about it yourself."

Before Wang Hai Hong took so many squats and face

trainings, Wang Zhong Ding did not take any of his talks
seriously. It was because of his mother's words that they
entered his heart.

From the parent's home, Wang Zhong Ding's phone call was
almost broken.

The company has been in disorder over there. Before Wang

Hai Zi had an accident, he and Wang Hao each had a side to it.

Now Wang Hao also followed it up with more trouble. All the
pressure fell on him alone.

Even so, Wang Zhong Ding took the vehicle and returned

Hàn Dōng was still asleep and slept particularly well, lying
motionless in bed.
Wang Zhong Ding tried to test his legs and feet, they were still
stiff and unable to stretch freely.

He must have been tied for too long, and the ground was so
cool ... ... think of this, Wang Zhong Ding's heart cannot tell the
uncomfortable ringing through it.

He leaned on the bedside and warmed Hàn Dōng in his arms.

He was not willing to give up this hug.

It was not until six hours later that Hàn Dōng soon woke up.
Wang Zhong Ding returned him to the bed and got up and went
to the kitchen.

A moment lateŕ, Hàn Dōng really blinked.

The body regained consciousness, but his head was still


Until Wang Zhong Ding held his own soup, Hàn Dōng
reluctantly took the initiative to speak.
"Is there no dry food?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "Your stomach needs some

recovery time for before you can eat solid food."

"I don't need it," said Hàn Dōng Shen Shen. "I have an elixir in
my house, and I'll recover immediately after I finish eating

Wang Zhong Ding was looking cold eyed.

"Really, I don't lie to you. I've been making it myself." Hàn

Dōng has a feeling of strength.

Wang Zhong Ding's abdominal cramps: Even if I have already

become your raving fan, but I'm clear enough to have enough
brain damage to think this?

"Don't say it's useless, drink this."

Hàn Dōng had no choice but to open his mouth.

Later, Wang Zhong Ding really went to Hàn Dōng's cupboard.

What kind of elixir was it? That is, the candyballs were brushed
with a layer of sauce. At first glance, they were used to fool Xixi.

At night, Hàn Dōng soaked in a hot bath and laid on the bed
while Wang Zhong Ding massaged his feet from head to toe,
staring at his mouth with open eyes, comfortable like a lazy dog.

"If you can do this every day, how good is that ....."

After Hàn Dōng was filled with emotion, Wang Zhong Ding
took a photo on his buttocks. “You've got it.”

Saying that Wang Zhong Ding was also lying on the bed.

Hàn Dōng was surprised. "Do you want it too?"


I also runs for you in a hurry. Didn't you close your eyes and
slept for a few days?

Hàn Dōng's face was pulled to the ground. "My body is just a
bit hard, and you will be tired of me..."

"It's better than to let me fuck you half-dead, isn't it? Come

It is not easy for him to play tricks and Hàn Dōng to rely on
his skills. If Hàn Dōng is not satisfied, how can he be ashamed to
call himself a man?

Therefore, Hàn Dōng had to bite the bullet.

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes have been chasing Hàn Dōng's face,
and he feels that there is nothing more healing than this.
Especially when Hàn Dōng's fingers lazily massaged his head,
the whole heart relaxed.
In the middle of the night, Hàn Dōng was already asleep.
Wang Zhong Ding was still repeating his mother's last words.

"Are you worried about it?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not expect Hàn Dōng to actually see it.

After thinking about it, he still spoke up.

"I always thought that I must bear consequences after doing

something wrong. I have always felt that it is right to stick to

"But today I suddenly feel a bit uncertain. I'm not sure if what
I did to my uncle was right or wrong."

Compared to Wang Zhong Ding's thoughtful considerations,

Hàn Dōng almost did not want to open his mouth.
"Why do you have doubt? Even if he does not serve as
Chairman, he can still earn a lot of money. What you repressed
is only the interests of his illegal dealings and that will not
lower his standard of living."

"If I didn't care, what he does would have harmed most

people's legitimate interests, some people's lives will be

"Although I can't understand the meaning of affection for a

person, I still think that even filial piety must have a bottom

"I think your Grandpa knows better than you."


Hàn Dōng's remarks were ordinary, but Wang Zhong Ding

was relieved.

As he was preparing to sleep and suddenly discovered that

Hàn Dōng had become particularly calm and was lying
motionless in bed.

Wang Zhong Ding initially thought that he had been tied for a
long time and his body did not recover consciousness. But after
such a long time passed, he had already turned his back on the
bed. How can this be a deadlock?

At this time, he suddenly remembered the doctor's words, and

Hàn Dōng may be sleeping in an abnormal sleeping position.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding poked Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng is motionless.

Wang Zhong Ding once again poked him.

"Oh, I won't punish you later."

Hàn Dōng is still motionless.

This time, Wang Zhong Ding changed to poke his buttocks.

"When you were a sleepwalker, you were such a god that

helped me so much. How can I be willing to punish you?"

Hàn Dōng face was showing a smile.

With an arm around Wang Zhong Ding's neck, one leg was
placed on his waist. This time it was practical.


Yi Wei had no appetite for a few days and her health was very

She thought that it was a stomach problem. As a result, she

went to the hospital for a check and found that she was

At that moment, Yi Wei felt that God had played a cruel joke
with her.

When she wanted to have a child in a stable position, she was

told that the chance of getting pregnant was minimal.

Now that she has lost her own way, this "miracle" has come.

If she had checked it early, if only two weeks in advance, the

outcome will be very different.

Even if she does not get the man(Wang) she wanted, at least
she can hold another one (the unborn child)tightly. Even if she
can't be righted, she can be a good 3rd person.

At least the real estate license to get a hand will no longer be

written off!
Old man!

How sturdy a capital!

What to do now?

Not to mention capital, if Wang Hai Zi knew that she was

pregnant then it's over.

Yi Wei suddenly found herself desperate.

Chapter 188 Bloody disaster.
In the past few days, Wang Hai Zi's countermeasures have

Before this fiasco he secretly contacted the company's cronies

and friends, stirred up the water at the top, and putting
pressure on Wang Zhong Ding.

Later, with little success, he turned his attention back to his

home and tried to appease Wang Hao and distabilize Wang
Zhong Ding's image in Wang's Father.

Sure enough, it still works.

Wang Hai Hong's attitude goes without saying. As long as

Wang Hai Zi complains a bit, he does not even let Wang Zhong
Ding join his family dinner.

Wang's Father began to strongly oppose him. Later, under

Wang Hai Zi's tears of regret, he waved his hand and said he
didn't care about his uncle. How he loves bullying him around !
Now Wang Hao is left.

Wang Hao is the most resolute in her attitude. She has not
been moved by several persuasion, and she insisted on
eradicating this “tumor”.

However, when Wang Zhong Ding was suppressed by Wang

Hai Zi and his Granpa was unable to support him in time, it gave
Wang Hai Zi an opportunity.

Wang Hao began to work frequently and courteously,

determined that he would help his son to say good things... even
half of the estate would be transferred to the name of Wang
Hao, and she said that divorce would also take care of both
mother and son.

Under such a strong offensive, Wang Hao's attitude finally

changed subtly.

However, Wang Hai Zi was informed at this time of Yi Wei

news of pregnancy.
"What? She is pregnant?"

The assistant said: "She had picked herself up very tightly the
other day and called a taxi and went out when it was still light. I
guess she must have something secret to do. I followed her and
finally she got to private. maternity hospital."

"Are you sure she wants to keep the child?" Wang Hai Zi
hurriedly confirmed.

The assistant showed him a series of documents that he

photographed. Almost all consumer items were misplaced.

Wang Hai Zi's face went gloomy in a flash.

Seeing that his wife is about to be shaken, watching the

opportunity to get back things is coming...

How can he get the slightest loss of this kind of time?

Even later, he could not plant an invisible bomb for himself.

"Look for opportunities to get rid of it," Wang Hai Zi said.

The assistant asked cautiously: "the big or small?"

"Nonsense, of course, is the one in the stomach! She hasn't

kept my blood on her back. What use do I have in addition to

"But... can you guarantee that it must be your flesh in her


Wang Hai Zi's tone is extremely cold-blooded. "I would rather

kill three thousand to even miss one."

"Ok, I see."

"Another thing....." Wang Hai Zi once again commanded, "As

far as possible, let her own hands, do not touch dirty blood."

"Do not worry."


Originally, Yi Wei did not intend to have this child.

But then she thought for a moment and stayed on green hills.
She was not afraid of not burning wood. As long as the child is
born smoothly, she still has a chance to stand up and get

Thus, a momentary greed made her overcome her fear and

she gave birth to a gamble.

In the days that followed, Yi Wei was extremely careful about

what to do. Every time he went out, she had to have the
Even so, she still feels danger, and she can't throw it off.

For peace of mind, she came to the hospital early to prevent


However, the situation has not only failed to improve, but has

Every night she hears unusual noises, messy noises, and

squeaks. Someone even whispered in the doorway and asked if
she was in this ward.

To this end, she reflected to the doctor many times and she
got an answer.

"Our hospital safety protection system is complete, and it is

impossible to have an attack at night "

"But I clearly heard something, I still recorded it, you do not

believe me..."
When the doctor interrupts with her hand " it may be that you
are under too much psychological pressure. I suggest you
change to a new environment."

In desperation, Yi Wei had to go through the discharge


When she returned to her place of residence, she was woken

up by the sound of a brake every night then she sweated.

For someone who really can not stand this kind of spiritual
torture, Yi Wei decided to go back home for a period of time.

Before departure, she secretly invited a substitute to disguise

herself and set out.

Sure enough, it took less than ten minutes to get on the road
and there was a phone call and the car was tracked.

Yi Wei has no regard for Wang Hai Zi's feelings, she must take
advantage of this time to quickly leave, and later he will be
made aware that the situation is different.

However, when the car was driving steadily on the road, Yi

Wei suddenly noticed that the driver's watch was the same time
all the time

At a glance, it actually installed a camera!

Yi Wei squeaked her teeth and she did not show the slightest
flustered look. She did not send any information to anyone for
help, because she realized that her cell phone might have been

She told the driver to turn left at the front of the road, saying
that she would go to Feng Mu and pick something.

The driver co-operated there to stop.

Yi Wei did not dare to call the police. She feared that the
involvement of the police would further expose herself. If Wang
Hai Zi's wife is informed, the child in his stomach will certainly
be poisoned.

The only way is to take the opportunity to drive herself

The elevator lifted 15 floors and Yi Wei entered Feng Mu's

company. Quickly flashed into the dressing room, casually
looking for a costume to put on.... In order to avoid a hidden
camera on her body, she even took off her jewelry.

Just after the change, the driver's phone call came.

"I'm sorry, haven't you finished yet? You have to hurry or you
won't catch the plane later."

"I'll be right now."

Yi Wei looked out through the window and the driver was
looking up at his neck. With a height of more than a dozen
floors, Yi Wei can see his laughing face.
Then the driver walked upstairs.

In the moment she looked at him, she quickly rushed out of

the building and walked quickly toward the road.

Looking around, she didn't see a taxi and a familiar figure

dangling into her eyes.

"Li Shang!"

Yi Wei ran to him like a savior and was stopped by one of the
two bodyguards.

"Li Shang, I am in trouble...... help me..." Yi Wei shouted.

Li Shang's tone is indifference "What's the matter with you?"

"Someone is plotting against me. I must leave immediately

and i have to use your car."
"Aren't you being paranoid? Who is so bold to do this in the
daylight?" Li Shang joked like this.

“Miss Yi Wei? Miss Wei...” The driver's voice passed again.

Yi Wei was forced to look for help but to tell the truth.

"I'm pregnant. They want to take me to abortion! For now,

only you can help me. Sister is asking you!"

Li Shang swept Yi Wei's stomach and smiled slyly. "Are you

under too much pressure recently and have a fantasy baby?"

"I say it's true. You first let me get in the car or I'll be

Yi Wei said that she felt a strong abdominal pain.

"Sister, you are now in this state of mind, I really do not dare
to help you!" Li Shang sighed.

Yi Wei has been speechless and can only rely on two arm-
blocked arms to barely maintain standing.

Li Shang admonished along the way: "Relax your heart. Don't

give yourself so much pressure. There is something you can't
think of and I said, I must guide you."

Then, Li Shang did not return

The two bodyguards left a hand and Yi Wei fell to the ground.
They did not look at her again and followed Li Shang.

The driver watched all of this with his eyes, but pretended to
be the same as no one else and continued to shout with no

"Miss Yi Wei, Miss I..."

Hàn Dōng is not far away, driving while chatting with Wang
Zhong Ding. "I have calculated that you royal family will suffer
a bloody disaster within three days. Do you know whose head
will shoulder this disaster? “

"...What do you want to say?"

Hàn Dōng smiled. “Your uncle is breaking the law, but he will
not be caught right? So I count it, this disaster can only be
yours. With your bones, ordinary external forces may be
difficult to injury. The only thing that can reach this level is
probably only me..."

When the words were not finished, Hàn Dōng was blinded by
a pool of blood drawn into his sight.

He left the phone and hurried off the car.

At this time, he was already seven to eight minutes away from

Yi Wei . The ambulance had not yet arrived and the people were
afraid to do the rescue. The situation in Yi Wei was quite
Hàn Dōng pushed to the front and recognized her as Yi Wei.
He took her with his own car apart from anything else.

... At this moment, Wang Hai Zi is riding a horse with his wife
and children leisurely in the club.

This was the first time that Wang Hao had promised to go out
with Wang Hai Zi following the incident of Hàn Dōng being tied

At first, the couple exchanged zero talk and it was always

Wang Hai Zi's self-talk. Later, under the reconciliation of their
son .....Wang Hao, the atmosphere has just eased and Wang Hai
Zi's phone rang.

“Chairman of the board, she was scared and fainted. There

was blood in her leg. Currently being taken to the hospital, it is
not clear whether it is really flowing.”

Wang Hai Zi looked at him tightly. "What? Go to the hospital?

Are you crazy? What if..."
Realizing that the mother and son were watching him, Wang
Hai Zi had to converge.

"It's not us who sent her. It's Hàn Dōng. I don't know how he
suddenly emerged from."

It was Hàn Dōng, who was his problem. It was a bad thing all
day long... Wang Hai Zi could not wait to chew him!

"Well, I know it, keep a close eye on it, and report it in a

timely manner." After talking about Wang Hai Zi, he hung up.

Wang Hao coldly whispered to one side: "Oh this busy, we

made our mother like sinners."

Wang Hai Zi smiled. "I will shut it down?"

Wang Hao did not care for him, a whip like valiant hero, cool
horse trotted away.
Wang Hai Zi also hurried to chase .

Wang Hao is not far from the place where she happily took
the happiness for the second spring.


In less than 10 minutes after Wang Hai Zi was shut down,

Wang Zhong Ding led a convoy to his mansion.

No one would have thought that Wang Zhong Ding, who has
always been shown with an elite image, will actually do such a

No way, he complained too much about this suite.

As soon as he thinks that Hàn Dōng was starving and hungry

and was beaten on a mat, he wouldn't wait to flatten this place
After Wang Zhong Ding entered, the first thing was to check
the room.

Just in the bedroom where Wang Hai Zi lives, there is still a

short-term suit.

Sure enough, it is over!

Wang Zhong Ding ordered Er Lei to “wrap it up”

The second thing was to “please” the two bodyguards who had
been violent against Hàn Dōng into the house.

“I've always been fair. How many of you have hurt Hàn Dōng.
I'll give you a few more hurt, and I'm not going to be a bit

Two bodyguards shouted. "He didn't have any injuries. How

do you know how much we kicked him?"

Wang Zhong Ding quietly replied: "Because I will stop before

you are really hurt."
Chapter 189 Final victory!!
As soon as the voice fell, two bodyguards were wrapped up.

This time with mats, but with a transparent mat, so he can see
the two people's expression.

There are more than a dozen trainers in the room. Wang

Zhong Ding has no trouble. Even if they only took the opposite
force, they were convinced.

The two bodyguards did not take him seriously at first. They
believed that they had been employed for many years,
accompanied them is a thought that high society can't get their
hands dirty all the time and dealt with more than one literary

Later they found themselves completely wrong...

Every gentleman's bone is a big bandit!

Wang Zhong Ding has a cold and hard-nosed mentality,
indifference and fierce violence, and revenge violent that is
even more appalling.

He punched his fists in their stomach, and he targets all the

internal organs. Their bodied was not even with a single bruise.
One foot on the crotch, the pain index almost reaches the limit
of human endurance, but the work is intact.

Imagine that two big men wrapped in mats. Struggling with

no end for mercy and uselessness. The turbulent flow of
excrement in the mouth and the nose and beating while being
watched by more than a dozen people. What kind of humiliation
it is!

What is more unbearable is the uncertainty at which time it

will end.

As long as there is no scar, violence will continue.

They can only hope for Wang Zhong Ding's fatigue.

However, Wang Zhong Ding's grievances in his heart are like
endless bubbling vents. Whenever he sees his “don't stop” look,
the will of the two bodyguards will be relentlessly crushed and
replaced by an unforgettable fear.

At this moment, they only understand how sincere the words

of Hàn Dōng were.

However, in the end, an emergency telephone call from Hàn

Dōng rescued them.

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face after hearing it.

"You wait for me. I'll be there immediately. I must make sure
that the doctor will spare no effort to keep the child."

Not only for a life, but also to expose Wang Hai Zi's ugly face!

When Hàn Dōng took Yi Wei down, his car cushion was
stained with blood and red sticky material remained.
Yi Wei situation is weak, no blood on his face.

In fact, at that time, Hàn Dōng had already felt something in

his heart, but he still sent the doctors and nurses who arrived in
Yi Wei hand with the fastest speed.

Not a moment later, another strange man arrived.

Like Hàn Dōng, he was paralyzed outside the emergency

room, but the mentality was completely the opposite. One is
praying for a miracle and the other is trying to kill this miracle.

In the end, God still could not open up.

This child who was less than three months foetus ..... in the
curse of his own father, the baby completed the road of life
ahead of time.

When the doctor announced this result, Wang Zhong Ding

just arrived there.
Hàn Dōng slouched his head and smoked a trace of heavy
weight on his back.

"Still didn't keep your sister."

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "How do you know that it is a

younger sister?"

"I just heard her talk to me. She said she was angry with her
dad so she won't come to this world!"

Hàn Dōng originally wanted to use a tone of humour to say

this sentence, but in the end it was full of bitterness.

"She has done so many things that are not morally defensible.
It is also worthwhile to fall to the end of today." Wang Zhong
Ding comforted Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng did not want to mention his own kind of mean-
minded kindness. He just said what he was most worried about.
"When the child died, your uncle was even more fearless. How
will you still manage to stop him?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "How can we not get back at him?
Stillbirth can also be taken for parent-child test."

Hàn Dōng eyes light up. "Really?"

"Well, as long as you are pregnant for 8 weeks."

"How can you even know this?"

Wang Zhong Ding disguised himself. "This is basic medical

knowledge. Many cases rely on this evidence."

"But the paternity test also requires your uncle's genetic

sample. Where are you going to get it?"

Wang Zhong Ding thinks for a moment and his face suddenly

He remembered the used condom that he had made collected

from Er Lei. At the time, he just wanted to get it back and hand
it to Wang Hao. Let her see how this man swore and went back
to her new home to make love.

The result he did not expect for it to actually come in handy


"In other words, as long as Yi Wei cooperates, we can expose

the true identity of the child?"

After Hàn Dōng finished, the doctor came out and notified.

"The situation of pregnant women has deteriorated. Who is

the closest family ?"

"Please sign the above."

Hàn Dōng could not stand by and asked: "How could it
worsen? Was it not only for three months?"

“This has nothing to do with the month. It is a question of her

physical condition. She is an older mother and has endured
hardship. Pregnancy itself at her age is an adventure.”


Wang Hai Zi took advantage of Wang Hao going to the locker

room and secretly asked to check the situation.

"The child is aborted."

Wang Hai Zi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Her condition suddenly deteriorated, the doctor opened the

critical notice, and he was reluctant about rescuing her...”
Hearing this, Wang Hai Zi's heart finally trembled.

If it is truly unpredictable, for her, it means the pursuit of

several years, and the months of falling in love are lost in vain.

At the same time thought that these four words - forever

excluded from trouble!

It is self-evident that it is light and heavy.

“Wang Zhong Ding also came here. It was just the word he
signed. He also took a few guard to keep in front of the
emergency room. No non-medical staff can approach the door.”

Wang Hai Zi gritted his teeth, this kid made it clear that I
can't go in!

Wang Hai Zi hated it and suddenly saw her lady walking

towards this side.
Wang Hai Zi hurriedly said: "Keep watching any change,
special circumstances special treatment."

After that, he quickly hang up and shut down his phone.


Outside the hospital ward, a tug-of-war battle began.

The forces of Wang Zhong Ding and the forces of Wang Hai Zi
are all stationed outside the emergency room. One side is
seeking for murder opportunities and the other is keeping a
close watch.

It was thought that the war would continue for a long time,
and as a result, bad news suddenly broke out in the emergency

"The patient died because she was failed to be rescued in time.

Ask the family to mourn."
The news came too suddenly. Wang Zhong Ding stood at the
door and did not move for a long time.

Hàn Dōng, who was prepared early, was somewhat off guard.
He thought that he had to rescue the patient first, then the
intensive care unit, and then the situation worsened. Then...

How to have a buffer!

As a result, a big living person disappeared.

The family members have not yet arrived in Beijing. The

emergency room is surprisingly quiet. There is no sobbing

Wang Hai Zi received this news on the way back. At that time,
Wang Hao was asking him if he wanted to drink tea or not. He
was happy for first time in recent days. It was also that Wang
Hai Zi did not have time to give even a sad response, and he
answered it with a smile.
The rest of the road was enough for him to separate the
feelings of several years. When he returned home, he could talk
about Yi Wei death if he had nothing to do with her.

"We originally planned three strategies. As a result, we

haven't started yet. She herself went and died."

Wang Hai Zi is very satisfied.

"Isn't it better?"

"Yeah! It's too smooth today! Both of them are completely

unaware of the fact that both of them will not be able to pursue
the investigation."

Wang Hai Zi remembered one thing and asked quickly: "Is

there any thing left by her ..... supervise the doctor to clean up?"

"It was cleaned up the first time. Even the blood on the streets
was wiped clean."
"Okay, then I'm relieved."


Here, Hàn Dōng also asked Wang Zhong Ding: "Do you want
people to check her body again? Maybe..."

"Forget it, let her rest in peace," said Wang Zhong Ding.

Hàn Dōng also thought about it, but he did not say anything
again. He went to the parking lot with Wang Zhong Ding.

Opening the door, a bloody smell came.

Wang Zhong Ding looked in the back of the car seat and his
eyes suddenly settled on the red sticky material, and quickly
pulled the seat down.

Hàn Dōng thought that Wang Zhong Ding wanted to throw it

away. As a result, he put it in a storage bag and went to his car.

"Hey, what are you doing?" asked Hàn Dōng.

He could not figure it out. Usually, whenever a muddy spot

was placed on the cushion. Wang Zhong Ding could not wait for
it to be removed . Today Yi Wei painted such a large piece of
blood. Was he still planning to keep it?

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak and started the car directly.

Hàn Dōng's car followed all the way, and finally went to a
professional identification agency.

The person in charge here laughs and quipped: "Wang, how

did you come again?"

Hàn Dōng's sneaky eyes immediately became active. “What do

you mean come again? Have you been here before?”
"Accompanying friends." Wang Zhong Ding concealed.

Hàn Dōng gloated, "How bad is that friend? He can't

recognized even his own species."

Wang Zhong Ding skipped this topic and handed over the
storage bag to the person in charge.

"Will you help me to take a look. Can these two samples be fit
for paternity tests?"

Fifteen minutes later, the person in charge took an OK gesture

toward Wang Zhong Ding.

"no problem."

Fuck me! Is this OK?

Han the Great could not help but sigh: China's science and
technology have reached this level? It seems that he will not be
able to keep up with the times and will be turned to second by
various machines!


The next day, the news of Yi Wei death caused a sensation in

the country.

Although the specific cause of death was not exposed,

everyone speculated that it was related to the “Little Three
Rumors” from the previous period.

In a flash, Wang Hai Zi story was pushed back to the cusp.

At the same time, the paternity test results also came out, the
matching rate was 99%. There is no doubt that the child is Wang
Hai Zi.

In the afternoon of the same day, the result was placed in

front of Wang Hao.
Compared to the last time she discovered the excitement of
Hàn Dōng's documents, this time Wang Hao only gave a cold
glance. It seems as if there has been psychological preparation,
but it lacks a certificate.

Wang Hai Zi also did not recognize it.

"Is the result of my child's paternity identification? Are you

kidding me? I have been with you and my brother for the past
few days. How did you get to take my genetic sample?"

"From the sleeve(condom) you used three days ago." Wang

Zhong Ding said.

The moment of the holiday falls into a moment of silence.

After a long time, Wang Hai Zi only opened his defense.

“Just for the fact that your filthiness is established, what

about the child in her stomach? How did you get the sample? Is
it possible to resurrect after dying?”
Wang Zhong Ding quietly replied: "Some things can not be
cleaned faster."

Wang Hai Zi's nerves tighten again.

"What do you mean?"

Wang Zhong Ding decided to look at him and said: "I think -
the person who saved her is not you."

If Wang Hai Zi is attacked by lightning, he cannot move


Two days later, Wang Hao and he officially went through a

divorce procedure and ended this long-existing marriage.


However, for Wang Zhong Ding, the real obstacle has not yet
been cleared.

That is the pressure from the family.

Even if Wang Hai Hong knew that Wang Hai Zi had murdered
his own flesh and bones, he was still unable to relieve Wang
Zhong Ding from the tough means he had committed to expose
his uncle. Even more unacceptable news after the break of their
in-law family, the son has to climb to the peak to be the cause.

Therefore, regardless of Wang Zhong Ding's interpretation of

the door, Wang Hai Hong has a bad face.

"You don't have to say that anymore. I'm a scumbag or a

stubborn guy who is convinced of everything ! If you want to
undermine this, don't even ask for my forgiveness!"

"I have already put my words here. I will not stop you from
being a Chairman. But once you are in an office, this is not your
home. Please walk here as a detour. The Wang family does not
welcome you!"
"Don't think that what I'm talking about is an irritating
statement. Wang Hai Hong never said anything."



The calm and powerful old voice was once again introduced
into the house with the momentum of sweeping thousands of

"Who would dare to openly oppose my grandson, whoever it

is..... I will first cut off a father-son relationship with him!"

Wang Hai Hong's berating momentum was immediately

dwarfed three points south.

"Dad, I can manage this"

“Whatever you do, it's up to you! This is not your family it is
my family!” Grandpa Wang yelled. “ Isn't this house a Wang's
family home?” Grandpa Wang added more vinegar “Do you
want my grandson to leave his home? Is this your home?.. Did
you buy it ?”

Wang Hai Hong's face can't hang up. “Even if you're the head
of the family, I have the right to raise objections.”

"Yes, you mentioned that, and when you finish your

objection, you can move out!!." Wang Grandpa's face won the
scary face award.

Wang Hai Hong only hesitated for a long time. "Dad, you
won't force me, you know my temper..."

"I didn't force you to move here" Grandpa Wang's tone was
rather calm. "You must be kind. After I die, don't give me three
bows and never walk to my grave."

1] not pay respect to your ancestor graves is the most

shameful thing in China...if you're barred from your ancestors're like orphaned
Wang Hai Hong: "......."

The next day, the company's joint crew organized a grand

memorial service for Yi Wei.

Two weeks later, Wang Hai Zi officially stepped down as

chairman. The "corruption rule" that lasted more than twenty
years opened a new chapter in Zhong Ding Group.
Chapter 190 Drastic reforms.
After voting by the board of directors, Wang Zhong Ding was
elected Chairman and concurrently General Manager. After he
took office, he carried out a series of drastic reforms.

The first is the expansion of investment scale.

The much-anticipated “Chinese and Western Film and

Television Studio” has been upgraded again, adding a number of
star-rated hotels, natural locations, and ghost towns. To create
the most luxurious film and television studio in the Mainland,
provide superb clothing, food, housing and transportation
services for the actors.

The second is the expansion of business field.

In addition to basic businesses such as film and television,

music, and entertainers, a number of businesses including
fashion industry, video websites, and beauty e-commerce have
also been added. With the expansion of the business, the
company has also changed its name from Zhong Ding Film and
Television to the establishment of more than ten branch
companies under the “Zhong Ding Media”, involving almost all
areas of the entertainment industry.

Then there is the change of management style.

In the past, the operating projects of each studio were

managed by the company and now they are all self-managed.
Each producer is responsible for the revenue, and is responsible
for input and output as well as efficiency gains.

Finally, there is a big shake-up at the top.

Feng Jun was promoted from the assistant general manager to

chief executive officer, focusing on film business and
entertainment marketing. Wang Hao served as deputy general
manager of project investment and construction of theaters.

Er Lei also promoted from a small bodyguard to become the

assistant to the chairman and fully took over Feng Jun previous
job . This sentence should have been a scorpion, when the
"matchmaker" will be met with a meteoric rise.
In addition, the group of 'corruptionists' who have been
sheltered by Wang Hai Zi for a long time have also been
completely eradicated. Just in the film crew of "Feng Mang",
there are more than a dozen pioneers affected.

Those producers were also unpredictable when they got fired.

The one reporting on them was actually the mostly arrogant
spy~ Hàn Dōng.

In addition to these internal reforms, there is a major event

that touches the people, that is the acquisition of Feng Mu's
company. Merged with the artist's economic department to
create Zhong Ding Cultural Brokerage Company.

And Feng Mu naturally became the head of the largest

brokerage firm in the Mainland, controlling hundreds of artists'
lives and powers.

Her return meant that Li Shang was back in the scene again.

And it was a more ferocious momentum, a more bloody state,

and a more powerful ambition to kill.
In the midst of the civil strife of the company, Feng Mu
developed a series of "star plans" for Li Shang.

One of the most important ones is facial modification.

Li Shang's body has no need to worry about anyone, except for

Hàn Dōng and nobody can threaten him. But Li Shang face in
the men's stars really has no advantage, at first glance he seems
to be pretty good looking, but all kinds of hard photos are
difficult to grade.

To this end, Feng Mu specifically invited the “big fight” in the

cosmetic industry to implement a long-term plan for his face.

The plan was to be completed in about three years. During

this period, Li Sang's face would be fine-tuned six times. Not
only must his face rise to a new level, but he should also make it
impossible for non-professionals to see that he has ever gone
under a knife.

In fact, Hàn Dōng discovered when Li Shang returned to the

company. At that time, he did not complete the first fine-
tuning. Hàn Dōng felt that Li Shang's "local flavor" was much
less, and his temperaments soared several levels.

In addition, repositioning is also an important part of the


Feng Mu forced Li Shang to get rid of the psychological

shadow of Hàn Dōng, completely abandon the idea of ​going for
an "eye for and eye" with Hàn Dōng. In terms of qualifications
and resources, he did not fight Hàn Dōng's.

The only way out is to find his own way out.

In this regard, Feng Mu demonstrated his unique vision as a

trump card broker.

She will not allow Li Shang to take the magnificent

aristocracy again, but instead position him for the line of
rebellion. She feels that compared with the positive characters
of business elites, all-powerful idols, and battlefield heroes, the
villain BOSS is more in line with historical temperament.
However, this does not mean that Li Shang gave up the
competitiveness with Hàn Dōng. After all, there is only "one
brother" and the competitive relationship will always exist, but
only in a different way.

This may be worse than before.

For example, Li Shang himself did not take this road of

adventure, but he told others to leave. In order to seize the
market from Hàn Dōng, he had to break down the pressure on
his own side.

So during this time, the company's internal long legs run

rampant and curled up, and he showed timidness flooding.

No way, whoever used this model to greet Wang Zhong Ding,

his eyes will be gentle!

In addition to the growing team of male artists, female artists

are also very strong in their reserves.
Although the loss of two generals, but Feng Mu soon seized an
opponent of the company's sister Cai Peng to fill in this gap.
There are also many small beautiful girls in the second line in
that company, which have soared in recent years. There is also a
group of fresh meat that has just graduated from the art
academy, and recently emerged in the company...

Suddenly so many bright faces, Hàn Dōng is really

"Alexander." This autumn has not yet passed. How did spring
come this fast?

Of course, the increase in artists also means the growth of the

economic team. Many artists are now moving behind the
scenes. Yu Ming is one of them.

How did Hàn Dōng never think that Yu Ming himself had
mixed this way, and he even acted as an individual agent?

And like Yu Ming's appearance association, the ruined must

be a beautiful man.

Facts have proved that Hàn Dōng's fears are not superfluous.
Yu Ming wants to sign in someone from Xia family.

Xia family! What kind of gene is that? ! How can he be willing

to start there? ! !

And this is still the younger generation who has always been
the most outstanding younger generation. The guy from Xia
family looks very similar to Hàn Dōng's benefactor, Xià Yao.
The only difference is the mixed race.

1].....I think this kid was talked about in Advance Bravely

...ooh well

Yes, also the boy is a hybrid!

And born in 1995, still less than 20 years old!

Fortunately, Li Shang had the foresight to give up the tall

route, otherwise he would not be left with the slag he exploded!
Even if its a son invincible and handsome, Yu Ming took his
"achievements" and invited Wang Zhong Ding to make a

Wang Zhong Ding nodded his head at the same time without
thinking. He still remembered saying, "Is it so long?"

Hàn Dōng shed tears and thought: Wang Zhong Ding

definitely touched his ass when he was a child.
Chapter 191 Brewed a Vinegar for his
After Wang Zhong Ding took office, Xià Hòng Wēi first visited
his "Entertainment Kingdom." Looking forward to seeing
beauties fall into disaster, and occasionally seeing an ugly one,
there is actually a kind of sensation.

"The recent blessings are not shallow, ah ~" Xià Hòng Wēi said
while playing with the new watch on Wang Zhong Ding's

Wang Zhong Ding laughed and said, "You your

little cousin with three eggs obsession?"

Xià Hòng Wēi first glimpsed and then cast a contemptuous

look. "How can you remember this?"

"No way to forget, his impression is too deep."

Wang Zhong Ding is referring to Xià Yang Zhuo. This is the

childhood funny kid related to Xià Hòng Wēi.
At that time, Wang Zhong Ding studied high school in the
United States, and Xià Yang Zhuo grew up in the United States.
When Wang Zhong Ding visited Xià Hòng Wēi to visit him, Xiao
Yang Zhuo was only three or four years old.

Children in this age group are in the cognitive stage and there
are many strange ideas. Xià Yang Zhuo is like this.

He always believed that he had three eggs. No matter how the

parents told him.... They even printed pictures of various male
organs and told him that he had only two eggs as a normal
person. Yang Zhuo still felt that he should be three.

But he not only thinks this way, he also stubbornly tried to

find which one he has lost. Sometimes he sees a round thing and
he will unknowingly slip his hands into his pants.

His parents really couldn't do anything. They could only

collect all the ball-shaped objects in the house. Even the eggs
had to be pieced together before they dared to put on the table.

Later, Wang Zhong Ding went to his house to stay as a guest.

Yang Zhuo cried to Wang Zhong Ding and complained ...... He
said that he had lost one egg and asked Wang Zhong Ding if he
could borrow one.

This time, Xià Yang Zhuo's three egg images have been deeply
printed in Wang Zhong Ding's heart.

No matter how handsome he is in the future, any fans will fall

into the crowd. When Wang Zhong Ding saw him again, he still
had the three eggs obsessed kid in his head.

"He was like that." Xià Hòng Wēi said, "Now if you send him a
Superman, he will dig his eyeball down."

Wang Zhong Ding smiled. "So you didn't necessarily get me to

call him. I don't really call people who don't know me."

"You can use him to give Hàn Dōng some vinegar drink and
you regain your dominance of love," Xià Hòng Wēi suggested.

The smile on Wang Zhong Ding's face immediately solidified.

"What is there to regain it? When have I lost his love?"

"Probably because you think too much." Xià Hòng Wēi

smirked. "You thought you were stumbling before Ye Chenglin.
Then Yu Ming remembered you pulling near from your uncle.
Then there was Cain... These feelings of crisis made your
emotions being controlled by him."

Wang Zhong Ding's face was obviously sinking. "Do you think
I am such a person?"

Xià Hòng Wēi laughed. "It's not okay. Even if the dominant
power is in your hands, you can still have some vinegar for him
to drink so as to seek more benefits."

Wang Zhong Ding still has a disdainful tone. "My welfare is

still available in this way?."

"Okay, forget it ......I didn't say it."

At night, Wang Zhong Ding deliberately dragged on for a long
time before returning home. He thought that there would a "big
dog" rushing in after the door, shaking his tail and making
various complaints.

"You are only coming back now? Is it a piece of fresh meat

that you got entangled with too tasty?"

Then there would be various of ways to rectify that, you


As a result, the reality is that Hàn Dōng was even later than
him coming back. He sat in the living room for more than half
an hour and Hàn Dōng had not returned.

Wang Zhong Ding then called Xiao Liang.

"What is he doing?"

Xiao Liang said: "Cain directed the new actress to the show.
He is giving a demonstration next to him."
To say that Hàn Dōng's crew is also unlucky enough, first the
casting went dragging for half a year to make indefinite,
followed by the female actor who was fired, then followed by
the woman's death, and finally exposed a series of shady capital
operating corruption.

Caused the media to give the crew a sad title - the crew cursed
by God.

And since more than one producer was fired, the actors
involved with the kicked producers were also kicked out of the
group. Causing a group of newcomers to join the group, so the
training must be restarted again

However, Wang Zhong Ding still wants to ask: "Cain said the
show, why did he follow?"

In fact, Wang Zhong Ding wants to say: Why do when

directors eat? even other actors should make demonstrations.

However, for some reasons, he left this to Xiao Liang.

As a result, Xiao Liang did not say what he thought, but
resignedly admitted, "Cain directed him to come back to rest
early, but Han said he would like to stay for it."

Even if Hàn Dōng was only showing initiative, Wang Zhong

Ding still looked unhappy.

"You need to talk to him?" Liang asked.

Wang Zhong Ding replied: "No, you ask him what time he
wants to come back."

Xiao Liang truthfully told it.

Hàn Dōng's eyes suddenly turned in the direction that Wang

Zhong Ding intended.

How can you be so generous today? Isn't it stealing someone

time at home?
As a result, Hàn Dōng quickly said goodbye to Cain and
hurried back home.

Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng panting and opened the door
his heart was with a burst of self-satisfaction.

Do I still need to go deliberately "brewing vinegar"? In a word,

this gave him a sense of crisis.

Since then, Hàn Dōng has shown extraordinary enthusiasm.

When taking a bath, Wang Zhong Ding gave various
examinations to the thief eyeballs.

Later, he rested on the sofa and did not rest assured that he
had removed the towel from Wang Zhong Ding's armpits and
put it up.

Wang Zhong Ding's pretty man was still sitting next to him,
his two long legs spread apart, his chest muscles and his abs
stretched into a sexy line, clearly distinguishing him as a man
waiting for Hàn Dōng enthusiasm.
As a result, Hàn Dōng left him untouched, and he sat on Wang
Zhong Ding's legs. There was only a kiss in the mouth, and he
just ignored the other business.

"I say......" Wang Zhong Ding finally couldn't help saying,

"What did you just do?"

"Just?" Hàn Dōng asked stumbledly. "What did I just do?"

Wang Zhong Ding pointed at his majestic bird, "move this!"

Hàn Dōng seemed to understand it and put his face on it with

a gruff voice: "It's okay. It's very rare. I just wanted to take it

Wang Zhong Ding could not stand it any more. He asked "So it
can be hit by light?"

Hàn Dōng thought that Wang Zhong Ding saw his suspicion
with a veiled look and concealed: "You really just want to
In the afternoon, someone who vowed to assert that he had no
need to take the initiative to dominate the other man ....and he
was now emotionally changed because of one of Hàn Dōng's
incomprehension, and he directly pressed his head down.

Hàn Dōng sobbed. "I'm tired. My throat hurts. I said so much


Instead of loosening his hand on his head, Wang Zhong Ding

used the idle arm to draw one of his legs down onto his
shoulders and spurned his fingers away to the buttcrack down

"Is this tired yet?"

Hàn Dōng clamored for mercy, "Not tired, not tired..."

Wang Zhong Ding still does not care and his attitude is
obviously abnormal. In the past, it was all on the slogan I had to
work less to stirr you up now I have to twitchy something to
spurr you up....
Today, with all kinds of sharpening before the battle were
done, the foreplay ...... Hàn Dōng cannot stand, and he said all
kinds of begging words to ask for mercy for Wang Zhong Ding
to give up, but also from time to time added a cuss word.

"Tired? Why don't you teach people how to act ?"

In the end, Hàn Dōng couldn't help falling asleep. Wang

Zhong Ding still had an unpleasant feeling.

In fact, Wang can't blame this person. He must blame the

change of company system.

After Wang Zhong Ding took office, he put all his powers to
delegate work. The result was that he was free with plenty of
time. When he was free, he would be prone to overbreed wit
lust. With the stimulation of various fresh meats every day, his
"energy" surplus was inevitably higher.

However, in contrast to Hàn Dōng, who is busy again, the

crew has to make progress. Wang Zhong Ding can't stop the
shooting schedule to excercise his lust.
At the end of the day, he was dissatisfied with his side and
Hàn Dōng was physically weaker from running around re-
shooting the whole movie.

So when Wang Zhong Ding asked Hàn Dōng to handle the

goods between his legs, he could not help but insult him and
said, "Hey, this kind of waves..."

But at night he could not release his lust and when he

scratched his heart, he understood some of his uncle problem.

Power is the best aphrodisiac.

It's not just because power makes it all available, but also
because power gives ambition more room for expansion.

When you are hungry for a long time, suddenly there are
countless delicious beauties in front of you. How many people
can't resist stealing?

Even if you hold back for the second time, the third time?
With long-term stimulus, who can tolerate it?
The only thing Wang Zhong Ding is better than Wang Hai Zi
is that he will not be hungry to screw another third person he
wants only Hàn Dong.

But this is where his sadness remainder lies.

Too discerning, the most delicious food on the table is wasted,

but the dish that you only want to eat has not yet arrived (Hàn
Dōng). It's hard to get up but when it comes it is not fresh!

Can this life be more wrong? !

Even more exasperating is that he hasn't eaten yet his food.

"That's a broken dish," it actually muttered something.

"The amount has to be reduced"

1].....So favourite food is Hàn .....when wants to eat him Han

arrives late....and when arrives the man is tired so the amount
of food to eat is reduced....from full just kisses...

The next day, the internal ceremony in Zhong Ding Group.

This is the first event after the company "restructuring and

recruiting new products".

Everyone is hot. The old artists came to this view, and the
new artist came to this familiarity. It can be described as
evergreen, small fresh meat unveiled together, large long legs,
silicone chests gathered together.

1]....too many beautiful men and women

When Hàn Dōng came in, he was dazzled by the bright

starlight. This newcomer.... see-through outfits, deep V-fit, B-
skirt... Hàn is simply not too exposed!

When Wang Zhong Ding did not enter the stadium, these
people also pretended to have one-handed chest protectors.
Waiting for him to enter, their hands immediately flashed open,
showing their business line in tribute to the boss.

And those who did not wear deep V shirts, at the moment can
not wait to step on their own skirts, directly put out chest

1]...... people throwing themselves at Wang Zhong Ding

Hàn Dōng looked at one by one who went walking to the side
of Wang Zhong Ding, his heart could not help but burst
straightforward: A group of waves huh! So you act like I don't
exist it not it? How you don't come over for one or two

As he was thinking, he suddenly heard a cry of exasperation.

"My God! Who is this? Is he from our company?"

"Face value bursts money out!"

"Ah ah handsome people like him exist?"'


Even in the twenty years of entertainment, numerous

handsome people have been seen but Feng Mu was not calm at
this time.

Hàn Dōng: How can I let this man fall into the hands of
others? ! How can I have made such a mistake?

Li Shang refused to live next to him and asked, "Who is this


"I don't know," said Feng Mu.

Li Shang looked at her very strangely. So there were even

people you don't know.

Feng Mu sees Li Shang's thoughts and immediately returns:

"This appearance is thrown onto the stage to make a fire. I'm
going to know it earlier, but will you not waste more time?"
Li Shang, "......."

Hàn Dōng naturally knew who came and so he scoffed at these

new artists' fuzzies.

As for him? Isn't that a handsome guy? Also seductive, keep

your eyes more than a few times to see it.

Hàn Dōng just want to turn his gaze to his heart and lie down!
How handsome is he?

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes also focused on Xià Yang Zhuo's

body. Suddenly, his brain became chaotic and he thought many
things he shouldn't: to regain his dominance on Han Dong
love... more bedroom stuff benefits...

"Didn't find it strange? Wang Zhong Ding."

"I saw him for the first time, so cute."

Cute you Motherfucker! Hàn Dōng gave a glimpse of the
female artist who spoke out..

Xià Yang Zhuo did not seem to care about the people's eyes
and went directly to the buffet.

Nothing to eat for a day, he was a little hungry.

Walked to the duck eggs.

Eat or not eat it?

As he was thinking, a familiar's male voice suddenly sounded

next to him.

"Are you still looking for the third egg after so many years?"
Chapter 192 In Provocation
Xià Yang Zhuo couldn't help but be stunned. Turning around
to look at the man who had teased he turned out to be Wang
Zhong Ding.

It was thought that Yu Ming had given him the talk in

advance and said that Wang Zhong Ding's temperament was
similar to that of a cold person, so Xià Yang Zhuo decided that
he would not be provoked if Wang did provoke him.

How could he not think that Wang Zhong Ding actually took
the initiative to provoke him!

"Are you talking to me?" Xià Yang Zhuo asked with hesitation.

Wang Zhong Ding bluntly said: "Apart from you, will someone
still feel that they have three eggs?"

Xià Yang Zhuo had no recollection on this matter, and his

family did not dare to mention it, fearing to hurt his self-
esteem. They thought that Xià Yang Zhuo had always thought
he had a high IQ, and he had an extraordinary talent. When he
was three years old, he knew thousands of characters, and when
he was five years old, he could recite back the Tang poetry.

So when he heard this, Xià Yang Zhuo's first reaction was to

laugh at him mockingly.

"What joke are you doing?"

Originally, Wang Zhong Ding and his taunt were just to give
Hàn Dōng a wake-up call. After talking a few words, he found
this person to be quite interesting, and Hàn Dōng would have a
fight when he was sleepwalking.

So Wang couldn't help but talk a little more.

Hàn Dōng looked at them not far from here, and his eyeballs
were spurring.

Shèn Hua was just beside him.

"If the man with Wang Zhong Ding is him, even if he kick me
out, I think it's worth."

Hàn Dōng's eyes glanced over. "If you and I compete for
Wang, you're the one who would loose something precious,
even if he kicks me out, I think it's worth it!"

In the early days, Shèn Hua spent her time in the air and
yelled out of the throat.

"You - annoyingly - natural - deserved - that!"

Hàn Dōng laughed a few times and felt more comfortable. He

studied Wang Zhong Ding, both are pure men....he can't be
jealous of a teenager ....everything is seen in bed!

So Hàn Dōng dumped a high cold look and swaggered to the


After he got in, he started to vent. It wasn't like peeing on a

urinal stall but on Xià Yang Zhuo's handsome face.
The urine was getting energetic, and suddenly it felt strange.
He turned to look, a strange man looked at him.

"Are you Hàn Dōng?"

Hàn Dōng hurried to conclude, "Yes, I am, you are?"

The man reached out to him. "My name is Cai Peng."

Hàn Dōng forgets that his hand has just shaked his bird and
stretches it out in reflexes. When it was too late to realize it, Cai
Peng directly took his hand.

God ....what an informal man!

If this man was changed to Wang Zhong Ding, Hàn Dōng's

buttock would have already been swollen.

Thus, Hàn Dōng carefully looked at Cai Peng's face.

As a result, he found that his eyebrows were ribbed, which
means he had a tendency to be violent, his eyebrows were too
low and his eyes were pressured, and his distorted nature led to
extremes. Eyes full of tight, strong sexual desire and ability. The
rise of the nose of the nose in the middle office age financial
gains has been unstoppable.

The overall situation is this man has poor face and its better to
not provoke him.

So, Hàn Dōng hurriedly pulled his hand back.

However, Cai Peng's enthusiasm for him continued. “Our

company recently voted for a film and I wanted to ask you to be
a lead actor in it. Do you not have any interest in it?”

Hàn Dōng curiously asked: "What type of film?"

"Action and adventure." Cai Peng said.

"What kind of role are you going to let me play?"

"The number one villain."

Upon hearing this, Hàn Dōng refused immediately. "I have

grown so kind and good-looking, how can I play the villain?"

"You do not rush to refuse. We have just started the film

project There are still some time before you leave. If you think
about it. This is my business card. Please feel free to contact

Hàn Dōng politely took it over.

Before leaving, Cai Peng turned to Hàn Dōng and said: "If you
do not play this role, it's really a pity."

"Thanks, I will consider it."

After Cai Peng left, Hàn Dōng threw the business card into the

Returning to the venue, Hàn Dōng discovered that Wang

Zhong Ding was still chatting with Xià Yang Zhuo, and he was
filled with anger.

When there was nowhere to vent, someone took the initiative

to deliver himself to the door.

"Hey! I've been looking for you for a long time. Where have
you been?"

Hàn Dōng's red eyes turned faintly and it took a long time to
squeeze out a sentence from his teeth.

"Are you really my buddy?"

Yu Ming wondered, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"What's the matter? You pushed such a pretty boy to Wang
Zhong Ding's side. Is it because you want to break your own love

Yu Ming did not understand, "How did you break your

sentimental love? He is obviously not handsome!"

"Hold it!" Hàn Dōng's face was full of enthusiasm. "Do you
screw your own twenty eyes and think someone else sight is like

Yu Ming, "......."

After the event, Hàn Dōng returned home with his anger. Just
as soon as he entered the door, he pushed Wang Zhong Ding to
the corner of the wall, and his fierce and overbearing gaze
focused on him.

"OK, you think its okay to do that in front of me, hooking up

with others?"
Wang Zhong Ding's heart felt "wholesale success," but his face
was deliberately a conscience.

"Who did I hooked up with ?"

Hàn Dōng clutched Wang Zhong Ding's chin with one hand
and forceful kissed him.

As Wang Zhong Ding hoped, he could "conquer" him with that

sly little tongue.

The Hàn Dōng began to get his hands on Wang Zhong Ding's
body with a variety of free tricks, provocative and seduction.

Wang Zhong Ding pretended to be an expression of patience

to induce Hàn Dōng to "conquer" him more hard.

Hàn Dōng is a big immortal child. At a glance, Wang Zhong

Ding's thoughts were “seen through and through”. Self-
righteously “tortures him” and “humiliates” him, even
squeezed his eggs.
"Afterwards, you still talked about the topic of not hooking
with other people? Hm?" Hàn Dōng asked in a harsh voice.

Wang Zhong Ding was silenced.

"Not talking, right?"

Then he asked: "were you still talking to other people about

the hook-ups?"

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

"You aren't talking yet?" He started squeezing Wang balls


"Afterwards, I still talked to people who don't talk to other


Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

"You aren't talking yet?" Hàn Dōng was endless.


At the end of the day, Hàn Dōng worked hard to serve Wang
Zhong Ding..... half awake, he felt tired like a dog, but also his
face had a look of exasperation: "Next time will you dare to go
with others?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not say anything.

Hàn Dōng laughed and fell asleep before he could take his
mouth back.


As a result, on the second day, Hàn Dōng, who had expanded

his confidence, was actually intimidated and went to provoke
Xià Yang Zhuo.
At that time, Xià Yang Zhuo drove the car and Hàn Dōng
followed. Knowing that there is a remote road section, Hàn
Dōng's kick will push Xià Yang Zhuo's car past road. Then
another cool drift stopped his car hard.

"Get off!" Hàn Dōng knocked on Xià Yang Zhuo's window.

Xià Yang Zhuo was motionless, indifferent pressing the horn,

indicating that Hàn Dōng quickly drive away.

Hàn Dōng was so disheartened that he was upset, so he sat

directly on Xià Yang Zhuo's car bonnet.

Xià Yang Zhuo had to get out of the car.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Xià Yang Zhuo coldly
asked Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng laughed. "What do I want to do? I should ask what

you want to do?!"
"I just want to go." Xià Yang Zhuo said.

Do you dare to be sinical?

"Go? Think beautifully!"

Hàn Dōng's arrogant hand was on the front of the vehicle.

Another said that he grabbed Xià Yang Zhuo's shoulder and
looked at him condescendingly. He asked, "You know who
Wang Zhong Ding is to me?"

"Agent.... " Xià Yang Zhuo said.

Hàn Dōng once again stopped, so it seems to be right.

But soon the provocative voice was raised again. "Who is

being dumb with you? I'm talking about personal relationships,
not working relationships."
Xià Yang Zhuo is not interested in that expression.

Hàn Dōng preferred to say: "Listen! Wang Zhong Ding is my

object, my wife, do you understand?"

Xià Yang Zhuo's cold eyes finally fluctuated. After a long time,
he couldn't help but speak.

"Are you sick?"

Hàn Dōng fired back, "Who are you calling sick?"

"I drive a car well. You stop me and say something weird. Isn't
that sick?"

"OK! I think your kid is owed to be kicked up!" Hàn Dōng's

posture went unballance.

As a result, Xià Yang Zhuo picked up the phone.

Hàn Dōng was short of breath at the moment, but he insisted:
"It is useless for you to call Xià Hòng Wēi. If he dares touch me
with a finger. Yu Ming will be finished with him!"

Unexpectedly, Xià Yang Zhuo said: "I won't give him this
fight. I will give it to another cousin."

Hàn Dōng swallowed his mouth. "Another...other?"

"Well, he's a police officer and he won't have to talk nonsense

with you."

As soon as he heard the word "police", Hàn Dōng breathing


"May I ask the police officer's name?"

"Xiao Yao."
Hàn Dōng's face instantly became pig liver color.
Chapter 193 Out of His Mind.
“Xià ...... Xià police officer... He is an old acquaintance, ten
years of friendship... you shouldn't look for him...”

Hàn Dōng pressed Xià Yang Zhuo's hand and looked around to
hide his guilty conscience.

Xià Yang Zhuo shook his hand back. "Since it is so many years
of friendship, I could just call over and you two can drink two

Once again Hàn Dōng clutched his hand and showed a pure
and harmless smile. "Why didn't you say it earlier? To know
that you are the younger cousin of Xià police officer, I will give
him a face!"

Xià Yang Zhuo cold eyes turned to the right.

1].....this is like a disdainful unhand me you how Lan Zhan does it
Hàn Dōng continued to smile politely. "Since this is...... you
go, go, it's a misunderstanding."

"Then you let go." Xià Yang Zhuo said.

Hàn Dōng snatched back his cool hand.

Xià Yang Zhuo just was about to get on the car, he heard Hàn
Dōng's cell phone rang.

"Hey? Director Cain?"

"Um, um, I'll be there soon."

Hanging up the phone, Hàn Dōng saw Xià Yang Zhuo looking
at him with a strange look, suddenly he was nervous.

"what happened?"
"Nothing." Xià Yang Zhuo finished getting on the car.

As a result, Hàn Dōng turned his head back and Xià Yang Zhuo
also turned his head back. Hàn Dōng took off at a high speed
and Xià Yang Zhuo also drove off at had a high speed. Hàn Dōng
overtaking, Xià Yang Zhuo also overtaking...

The position of the two cars was the same as before they
arrived, but the position changed.

Hàn Dōng looked at the rearview mirror from time to time,

and his heart was not calm.

Why do you follow me? Isn't he being provocative?

Think I'm so easily bullied?

As a result, Hàn Dōng opened dynamic music and geared his

way out. Then they start to show off their skills, left and right
flash, bicycle frog jump, round drift...
Wildly scolded for a dozen kilometers, and then he looked at
the rearview mirror with cold and proud eyes.

I'm going to kill your mother! Why did you follow me?

Finally, Xià Yang Zhuo has reached the crew.

After Hàn Dōng got off his car and knocked on the window, "I
say..... what do you mean by sticking to my end?"

Xià Yang Zhuo suddenly exposed a charming smile, dazzling

Hàn Dōng heart mad jitters.

How is it? He can't just be here to seduce me?

"Director Cain!"

A cold wind scraped from the side of Hàn Dōng.

Xià Yang Zhuo rushed directly to Cain, his face turned 180
degrees, quickly it turned from the high cold and pride of
haughty boy into a warm and beautiful youth.

Cain saw Xià Yang Zhuo his face also changed but soon
returned to normal and gave him a warm hug.

"Nice to meet you."

Xià Yang Zhuo was thrilled. “I'm your royal follower. From
the carnival Christmas concert thirteen years ago to the last
year's summit, I'll come to the scene to cheer you... ”


Hàn Dōng disinterestedly interrupted. "Last day we discussed

the scene, I thought about it later. I felt less obscured and the
mood was still not in place."

In Cain's mind, the movie comes first, so his attention

instantly shifted to Hàn Dōng.
"Then do you have any good advice?" Cain asked.

"Come on let's go inside and discuss!"

Hàn Dōng took Cain and walked inside he turned his face and
smiled a 'I win' face to Xià Yang Zhuo. Seeing that he has
become envious of his own gaze from contempt, he feels like his
heart is finally - really cool!

Wang Zhong Ding just attended a new film conference and

was about to withdraw from the venue and heard someone call

"Wang General!"

Wang Zhong Ding turned sideways and saw Li Shang is

walking toward him.

"Is there something?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Li Shang replied: "I want to talk to you about the new movie."

"new movie?"

"This big movie that is being shot."

Wang Zhong Ding wondered, "What's wrong with this


Li Shang gave a faint smile. "Although I couldn't play in it, I

was so prepared for it. There was always a suggestion I wanted
to tell you, didn't you know if you were interested in hearing?"

"What advice?" Wang Zhong Ding asked directly.

Li Shang paused and replied: "If the purpose of this film is to

deceive people, I suggest adding another male character. On the
one hand, it can contrast the charm of the protagonist. On the
other hand, it can make the story have even more ups and
Wang Zhong Ding's eyes narrowly converged. "Can you talk
more specifically?"

Li Shang immediately elaborated on his ideas to Wang Zhong

Ding. The general idea was to find a green leaf for Hàn Dōng and
a high level of greenery. Let the audience think for a time that
the talented person is an undercover agent. When the answer is
revealed, a more amazing Hàn Dōng will be launched. This will
allow the protagonist's charm index to climb two levels again.

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes lightened slightly.

This proposal is really good.

Moreover, the plot of the new characters is more

independent, and even if its inserted, there is no need to
rework, and no filming progress will be wasted.

In this way, Wang Zhong Ding searched for the right

candidate in his brain, searched and found his eyes had fixed on
Li Shang's face.
"Do you have any intention of playing this role?"

Li Shang has a humble color. "No, no, I don't have this


"Are you willing to give Hàn Dōng this lush greenery?" Wang
Zhong Ding asked bluntly.

Li Shang busy explained: "I'm not reconciled. I don't think I

deserve it."

Wang Zhong Ding saw on Li Shang's face that he really did not
want to play, but apart from him, there seemed to be no more
suitable candidates.

"In fact, I can recommend a person to Wang." Li Shang

suddenly said.

"Xià Yang Zhuo."

Wang Zhong Ding was startled.

Looking at Li Shang's face with a faint smile and instantly he

understood his true intentions.

After work at night, Hàn Dōng's crew had not yet received a
job and Wang Zhong Ding planned to explore the crew progress.
By the way, Hàn Dōng finished shooting and brought him

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding discovered that Xià Yang Zhuo

was still there.

"How is he here?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Xià Yang Zhuo was like someone looking a Wang, suddenly

sounded a shock to his excitement, for a long time to recover.
"Looking at them filming." Xià Yang Zhuo said.

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face. "Do you really like this

"No, I like Cain the director." Xià Yang Zhuo greatly admits.

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "Why do you like Cain? Like his
shooting style or narrative?"

"I don't know. From the first time I saw him on the big screen,
I was fascinated by him."

"When did you see him for the first time?"

"Thirteen years ago."

Wang Zhong Ding immediately drew from the brain the

silhouette of Cain's activities 13 years ago.
That year, Cain participated as a guest in a carnival concert
and sang for his own movie theme song.

...Do not doubt Wang Zhong Ding's memory. After asking

Cain to direct, he separately consulted Cain's personal details

The first time was to understand, and the second time was to
grasp around.

Therefore, he clearly remembered: Cain wore a white T-shirt

at the concert and it had three eggs in front of him. At that time,
he understand through this pattern.

"I was six years old that year, and I still remember the star
even being a six years old. It's incredible."

Implications: My IQ is high aint that right?

"What's incredible? Isn't it because of three eggs?" Wang

Zhong Ding did not leave any taunting mercy.
Xià Yang Zhuo thought this was a joke for the first time, and
the second time he was a little uncomfortable.

"Wang, don't you think your joke is very low-grade? Don't you
think it's not funny at all?"

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "It's true that you are not


Xià Yang Zhuo had not finished yet and Wang Zhong Ding

A businessman is a businessman, and his head is full of vulgar

things... Xià Yang Zhuo thought of turning his infatuated eyes
back to Cain again, or is the artist more tasteful!

Facts have proved that there are not such thing as only noble
thoughts such as Xià Yang Zhuo, but Hàn Dōng's vagrants who
installed slowly, and he became more liked by Xià Yang Zhuo.
Therefore, after the work was completed, Hàn Dōng did not
see Wang Zhong Ding who came to him for the first time.
Instead, he first saw Xià Yang Zhuo coming toward Cain.

"Director Cain ..."

Xià Yang Zhuo had not shouted another one and Hàn Dōng
put on a smashing posture.

“Wouldn't you like to reshoot that scene director? It wasn't

quite satisfactory as the one shot yesterday!”

"I thought of it! The prop engineer said that his custom-made
muskets had been sent, and let the gangs go and watch

"Oh! Time is so urgent. There are too many things. Other

people don't take up director's time."

"You ask me? Without my help can the director do it alone?

Do you know how long I'm going to stay with him? Knowing
what time it takes me to go home? Satisfied with you!"


Hàn Dōng was intoxicated by Xià Yang Zhuo's irritated

expression. Suddenly his eyes turned and he swept to a gloomy

Little heart fiercely shakes!

"You... Why did you come?"

Wang Zhong Ding decided to stare at him and asked, "Are still

Hàn Dōng laughed and said nothing.

"Finished, it's already over."

Wang Ding did not say anything, but dumped a harsh look.

Hàn Dōng went out and lost his eyebrows.

Chapter 194 You will be Better.
The next day, the company held a small mobilization meeting.
The participants are mainly producers, directors and related
actors. The content of the meeting mainly discussed the
planning of the filming at the end of the year and the work
arrangements for the coming year.

At this meeting, Hàn Dōng met Zhang Xing Hu, who he had
not been in contact with for a long time.

Zhang Xing Hu has been considered a TV drama veteran, and

has appeared in three TV dramas in six months. The two as the
protagonists. Although he failed to make a big splash, he were
already with a good record for those artists struggling on the

The two people talked about the various variables that

occurred within the six-month period, and felt that the world
was impermanent.

"At the beginning, your "Theft of Shadows" trend was so good.

Why didn't you win the award?" Zhang Xing Hu asked Hàn
"I'm always been busy preparing for a new movie, and there is
no time to run for the announcement."

“Oh, a few friends around me said that you should have
already had a big fire, and how loud your voice was! It was
because the follow-up promotion had not kept pace, and it was
such a good time. Now if you want to catch more opportunities.
It's not easy!"

Hàn Dōng smiled indifferently. "Who knows? Will take a step

after a step."

As he said, Li Shang and Feng Mu entered the venue, followed

by Wang Zhong Ding and Feng Jun.

The meeting was chaired by Feng Jun, and Feng Mu was

responsible for recording it. Wang Zhong Ding mainly provided
some supplements and suggestions.

“It will be at the end of the year. The company's development

results in the past year, I believe we are all for all to see...”
After the bland opening remarks, Feng Jun announced plans
for the next year's film.

In terms of movies, compared to this year, the number of

plans for filming next year were increased by nearly half. Three
of them are big productions, and one is the most powerful piece
in history, that is, the movie Hàn Dōng participated in.

In terms of television, the company is also prepared to make

great efforts. In addition to those poor investment, they plan to
make short shooting cycle, high rates of return on the bad street
theme. Also plans to shoot a few well-made movies to earn a
good reputation.

In addition, Feng Jun also announced the progress of

preparations for these films and television dramas and the list
of actors in the program.

From this list, it can be seen that the high-level is optimistic

about the prospects of the artists and the target audience.

In terms of actor, Li Shang is still picking a big leader. One

person plays four films, one starring two men and two plus as a
guest. Three television shows, one he starred in one male and
two male.

These are just films that the company plans to shoot. If there
are other film and television companies requesting Li Shang to
perform, his schedule for this year will be full.

Some brokers masked their inner dissatisfaction with a tone

of jealousy. "Manager Feng, do you not worry about him being
able to manage so many films for Li Tian Bang?"

Feng Mu responded humorously: " Li Tian is a model worker."

Everyone followed with a joy.

A very sensitive issue was so cleverly avoided.

In fact, many of Hàn Dōng's films were also a lot. In addition

to “Feng Mang” and “Theft of Shadows 2”, which is a sequel to
“Theft of Shadows”, they all belong to the highly anticipated
works of the year. Especially the former, nobody knows how
many artists get jealous just by thinking of it.

However, as Feng Mu said, he and Li Shang are not taking the

same route. Li Shang is for any good piece of rotten film to pick
it up and make money. Han is specializing in difficult, large-
scale production, and high-quality films, and he really takes the
"tall" line.

Therefore, compared with Li Shang, Hàn Dōng has much

more room to choose from and the arrangement seems looser.

"I'm going to talk about this. Do you still need to add

something Wang?" Feng Jun turned his eyes to Wang Zhong

Wang Zhong Ding thought for a moment and said: "About the
film " Feng Mang "I consulted with the chief creative staff and
decided to temporarily add an actor."

Upon hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to the

leadership station, including Li Shang and Hàn Dōng.
Since Wang Zhong Ding intentionally pulls this out loud, it
proves that this role is very important. Although it is clear that
the heart is set to be good, but still hope that the pie will fall on
their own reality.

"Xià Yang Zhuo." Wang Zhong Ding gently read these three

The voice just fell and the talking sounded.

"Who is Xià Yang Zhuo?"

"Don't look for him. He didn't come today. It was the

handsome man who was super handsome and had a super hard

“My eyes! It was him? He actually added a character to him? Is

the Lord or the match?”

"He must have been inserted temporarily."

"If he is a match, he will also grab a lot of drama?"

"Yes, who's unlucky for such a supporting role -"


Hàn Dōng suddenly felt stupidly when he heard this result.

There was a series of gossip stickers in his mind: Eighty-eight

was a protagonist who burst into slag and there was no
leftovers. Eighty Eighth actor grew up with a supporting role
face, but the actor's who played the protagonist, eighty-eight
rose "red reminder" from supporting role to true green leaves,
fake red flowers...

1].....yeah definitely did get it

Each post itself is impressively listed.

Li Shang looked at Hàn Dōng with a glance, and it was

definitely a false one.

After the meeting, he also deliberately "encouraged" Hàn

Dōng with a few words.

"Come on, no pressure. I believe you will be more eye-catching

than him."

"He's just a newcomer. It doesn't matter if the acting is good

or not. When the face is made a debut, everyone will give him
the title of vase, and it's more certain that you are based on your

"I think, Wang is optimistic about him....can you be assured

he won't grab your timelight."


Hàn Dōng turned to Li Shang with grinnted teeths. "Thank

you, I think so."
Li Shang also smiled a few times, and then left speaking
something about "accepting an interview."

As soon as he left, Hàn Dōng's face was pulled to the ground.

"What do you mean by that?" Hàn Dōng asked Wang Zhong


Wang Zhong Ding took him for granted: "Is it not good to find
such a person to hold you?"

Hàn Dōng had a condescending smile. "Are you sure he is

coming to hold me, not to shadow me?"

"I'm sure." Wang Zhong Ding walked out holding a folder.

Hàn Dōng chased after him. "That... I know you are afraid
that I will throw you after stardom.... so you have come up with
such a deterrent. I understand your mentality of suffering and
conniving. I did not assure it to you. You feel unsafe..."
"Is it notified? What did he say?" Wang Zhong Ding
completely ignored Hàn Dōng and spoke on the phone.

"He is very willing to star in and let me thank you for this

Wang Zhong Ding smiled and said, "Take it easy."

Just as one hang up, Hàn Dōng tangled up again.

"Actually, I think there are words I can talk openly and

honestly. There is no need to do something so abruptly, not to
mention personal feelings..."

"Er Lei !" Wang Zhong Ding once again interrupted, "Take this
minutes to help me tidy this up."

After that, he got on the car.

"Hey!" Hàn Dōng did not give up the car window.

The car goes away.

Your uncle's vagina!

Hàn Dōng felt more aggrieved, so he went to find Yu Ming.

Unexpectedly, Yu Ming not only did not reveal the color of

sympathy, but a look of excitement.

"Who proposed this idea? I also like it?"

Hàn Dōng's face was cold.

"I forgot that you are no longer the titled simple man. You are
now a copper smelling agent. Everything is in the interest of the
Yu Ming said faintly: "Aren't you happy for me?"

Hàn Dōng also replied faintly: "Can you be more


"How am I hypocritical? I said early on that he did not have

upper hand on you for your handsomeness, let him give you a
green leaf, highlighting that you are not like him, the last gain is
you, If I say I'm happy for you am I wrong?"

Hàn Dōng saw Yu Ming's face earnestly and suddenly smiled

extremely sad and laughed.

"I thought I saw only a moron, yet I find a two -five-eyed to

ridicule me?"

1]......I don't get the slang... sorry na

Yu Ming, "......"
Before going to bed at night, Hàn Dōng bravely told Wang
Zhong Ding: "If you come here for me tonight, why don't you go
get it from him, your new addition ah?"

Wang Zhong Ding retorted: "If I stain your face and then use
urine to wash it clean, can you forgive me?"

"What a joke? Believe me it's good I don't smack you!"

"Then why you still asked?"

Hàn Dōng, "......."

In the middle of the night, Wang Zhong Ding slept and

suddenly felt that someone was shaking himself and opened his

Hàn Dōng gritted his teeth, pursed his mouth, dressed in

pajamas with a big dog's logo, and sneaked out two big spirals
hair buns hanging in his head...
At that moment, Wang Zhong Ding, who had always been
unaware of his vanity, suddenly wanted to send Hàn Dōng's
appearance to Weibo, which was accompanied by a line of
words: “This cute thing is my man!”

Hàn Dōng would then yell at Wang Zhong Ding: "I don't want
you to compare me to him."

Wang Zhong Ding played with his ear and exclaimed softly:
"Be assured, you are still better than him."
Chapter 195 A Magical Scene.
Three days later, on Sunday, Xià Yang Zhuo entered the crew
with cheers.

In fact, with regard to his scenes, the screenwriter did not

even made a draft. He entered the crew but also mixed with
everyone, it was no different from usual visits.

Even so, the members of the crew still treated him as an

official performer.

The head of the props team explained the use of various

props. The makeup team has already begun to discuss the
styling plan that suits him. The photographer is also taking a
break and has a test shot as addition...

Even the younger sisters in the tea group were all diligent, and
they took a cup to him for a while and then passed a drink. This
detoxification tea that was for nourishing beauty, their service
attitude can be called the conscience of the industry.
In the hearts of the simple girls, there is still a bit of morality.
When Hàn Dōng and Xià Yang Zhuo competed for Director
Cain, they did not hesitate to stand on the side of Hàn Dōng and
encouraged him.

"You're going to call Cain to come here. Otherwise, the guy is

pestering him and he doesn't look at us."

"That is, for our welfare, you must beat him by any means!"

This really is a face-seeing the world!

However, Hàn Dōng was very calm from beginning to end,

filming with excellent status, even to the level of deity. A lot of
scenes have gone through with "one pass," and he has fully
demonstrated the superiority and style of the acting gods.

Although he looked scornfully at the "light body," Xīa Yang

Zhuo was playing a prop ball from start to finish.

After the crew had finished their work, Hàn Dōng had no
intention of trying to stop and he joined in all sorts of activities
and refused to leave.

"Well I say.... That you entered the crew~"

Xià Yang Zhuo stared at him coldly. "Is everything there okay?
Shouldn't you be going home."

Hàn Dōng intentionally aimed the bastard's gaze at the prop

ball in Xià Yang Zhuo's hand. “What is this?”

"A prop ." Xià Yang Zhuo said.

Hàn Dōng saw that he was unaware of this thing, and he

smirked: "The prop belongs to the common property of the
crew. How can you say it and take it away?"

"I have already spoke it to the prop teacher." Xià Yang Zhuo
Hàn Dōng is unbearable. " long as I remember the
prop engineer is only responsible for managing the props and is
not entitled to make things belong to others"

"I didn't want to keep it, I just wanted to go back and play
with it for two days."

“Oh! The original props of the cast can be taken to play with?
Then can I take the emerald bottle home? Oh, throw it and see if
it is strong?”

Xià Yang Zhuo scolded Hàn Dōng. "What do you want?"

"If you want to go home, put the props down. If you want to
play with it, then you have to stay on the set."

Xià Yang Zhuo immediately called Xià Yao.

"I won't go to your house today."

"Why not come? The dishes are ready for you Yuan Zong
made pure northeast taste, if you don't come you will regret it

Xià Yang Zhuo looked at Hàn Dōng at a glance. "I'm having

trouble here and I can't solve it in a short time."

Hàn Dōng put his hands in his trousers pocket and made an
expressio of "I'm not afraid of your power."

"Where are you? I will have it packed for you."

"I'm in the crew."

Hàn Dōng heard Xià Yang Zhuo reported address, the

expression on his face is not so easy.

"I said that it is useless for you to find anyone. The props from
the crew are not allowed to go outside!"
Xià Yang Zhuo said: "I didn't want to go outside. I just have
trouble for my cousin to send me my food ."

"You... your cousin?"

"It's police officer Xīa! Didn't you both have a friendship for a
decade? That's right. How can I forget this? Yo wait and I will
call him again to add a pair of chopsticks."

“I don't know him!” Hàn Dōng smiled at once. “How

embarrassed is it? I'll leave this, so go...”

Hàn Dōng retreats and reluctantly knows: Using your cousin

to pressure me! What's great about your cousin? Didn't he still
fall under my long legs?

Upon returning home, Hàn Dōng first reported the wicked


"Xiao Yang Zhuo..... this kid is too mad! Openly to play with
expensive items, is he thinking that the crew is his home? I
persuaded him twice, he actually moved with my hands and
feet, but stopped.... I can not let it go! Did you talk about
whether such a person can stay with the crew?"

"You can't say that is all because of a plastic ball, right?"

This is the first thing that Wang Zhong Ding thinks of. The
first reason is that Xià Yang Zhuo likes the ball because it is easy
to use. Several large boxes were piled at the entrance, and the
individual costs less than three cents, they're kicked by the crew
every day.

Hàn Dōng is indignant. "Isn't it cheaper to use props? Can he

just take it cheaply?"

"Yes, cheaper, you also can take more than a dozen" Wang
Zhong Ding unceremoniously exposed.

Hàn Dōng could not hang his face and said: "I'm afraid that he
will masturbate with that ball! If he then sneak it back and let
people use it, how terrible!"
Wang Zhong Ding landed a smack on Hàn Dōng's ass. "Do you
think anyone is like you?"

Hàn Dōng can no longer reverberate with the wave: "Who is

that shameless?"

Wang Zhong Ding first "cleared" him and said that it was the
right thing.

"You will be leaving next week to make a scene in Guizhou. I'll

help you sort things out briefly. You see if there is anything else
you want to bring."

Hàn Dōng pondered that today is Sunday, next week... Isn't it


"Is it a bit early? Isn't it still a few scenes not finished yet?"
asked Hàn Dōng.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "It's not too early. The temperature
has begun to cool down. The more you drag the backwards, the
more difficult the shooting conditions will be."

"But it will take at least two months to stay there at the studio
if you continue to drag the space will have already expired and it
will have to be renewed for one month. It will cost hundreds of
thousands more."

Hàn Dōng thought is that the money loss would hurt him, so
he said, "Don't move it forward I can overcome it."

"Well I can't overcome it." Wang Zhong Ding accidentally

flings the truth.

Unfortunately, Hàn Dōng did not hear it. "Why can't you

Wang Zhong Ding was troubled by Hàn Dōng going to shoot

far away. He was afraid that the conditions would be too bad for
Hàn Dōng. In particular, since he could not accompany Hàn
Dōng on the entire process this time. He had to minimize the
risk index for Hàn Dōng as much as possible.
"Well, lets see what else needs to be brought." Wang Zhong
Ding avoided and did not answer.

Hàn Dōng swept away to the side, suddenly stunned, six or

seven large boxes laid open, each used the space to the limit.

"This is what you called simple to sort out?" Hàn Dōng

fiddling with more than 20 sets of clothes endlessly.

In particular, there are numbers on each set of clothes so that

Hàn Dōng mistakenly thinks that he is going to participate in
“Where is the Baby?”.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "It's time for the weather to cool
down. It's best to prepare more clothes, and then buy them
when they are free.

"What about these? Is it also necessary?" Hàn Dōng grabbed

more than a dozen sex toys.

Wang Zhong Ding very seriously told him, "These must be

brought, and you must record the use of each one and come
back to show me."

Hàn Dōng gritted his teeth and smiled. "You're really being
too much... and you think you know me well!"

Before going to bed, Hàn Dōng secretly sneaked into the next
room, and took Xixi out of the bed to make a splash.

"I'm going to go far away from the country, Xixi . I'll see you
two months later."

Xixi vigorously broke Hàn Dōng's big hand, and his little face
was full of waves.

"What's does that have to do with me if you go or don't go?"

Hàn Dōng's big hand reached out to Xixi stomach, and he

rolled on the bed laughing..
"Do you not want me? You do not think of me?"

When Xixi was confused and stopped him... he still did not
forget to sort out the messy hairpins and said, "I can't think of a
person who I don't understand .....even the least respect.

Hàn Dōng rubbed Xixi again into his arms and kissed him.
“You really don't want me... what's wrong... You really don't
want to... Why...”

At first, Xixi was tense, but later he couldn't help but to reveal
a smile. When Hàn Dōng went out of the house, he was smilling
and his hair was full of rolls.

Not one could know if it was because Hàn Dōng kissed him or
because Hàn Dōng was going to leave.

At midnight, Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng lingered after a

hot session.

Suddenly a knock on the door.

Wang Zhong Ding was forced to stop and open the door. He
saw that the person outside was really Xixi.

He was about to lean over and hold Xixi in his arms. Xixi
evaded him and walked toward the big bed.

Then a magical scene emerged.

Xixi actually got into Hàn Dōng's side of the bed, and the
couple tried to remove him in various ways. Regardless of how
Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng tried he was holding on with a
death grip.

"What can we do?" Hàn Dōng looked helpless.

Wang Zhong Ding was even more annoyed than him. "You've
went and provoked him?"

Just finished, Xixi took Hàn Dōng's hand to his own stomach
and motioned him to massage him as before.
1].....So Cute!!

Hàn Dōng had to play with Xixi's fleshy stomach and watched
him laughing rolling left and right. It was so cool that he
explained to Wang Zhong Ding with a dark face: "How do I
know he'll like this one thing?!”

"Do you not know what you're doing?!"

Hàn Dōng, "......."

Chapter 196 The Potential of a Stronger
The next morning, the crew of more than 50 vehicles gathered
in front of the hotel where they stayed and were ready to leave
for the airport.

This is mostly Hàn Dōng stuff, Xiao Liang carted four on the
shoulder, next to the "Shen Hanzi" hand carrying two, this
barely get the whole.

“Yeah, it's not going to go wrong!” Shèn Hua couldn't help but
sigh. “Only Wang always stays with him, he barely make up for
the shortcomings in my heart.”

Hàn Dōng snorted. "Will he come? He didn't even give me a

goodbye, but he sent me,' l'm going to the meeting' again."

"He just has not time and can't send you here. The crew has so
many eyes staring at him. He's the chairman, the general
manager, and the chief producer. If he only takes care of you. Is
it possible to be more nepotism?"
As a result, Shèn Hua just finished, a powerful big hand took
the lever in her hand.

"I'm coming" said Wang Zhong Ding.

In the early seconds Shen was shocked. She was shocked like
all the actors by what she saw next to her. Even Hàn Dōng was
not expecting this.

Wang Zhong Ding ignored the eyes of those people and

personally moved Hàn Dōng's large luggage one by one.

"Wereen't you going to a meeting?" Hàn Dōng asked wilfully.

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "Not yet."

"Oh? I remember clearly that it was eight o'clock. Now it's not
already eight..."
Wang Zhong Ding lifted his chronic man's watch on his wrist
to his eyes, "7:30."

Hearing this, some of the bones onlookers were crisp.

Wang Zhong Ding did not leave after moving his baggage and
he was standing beside Hàn Dōng. He didn't say anything just
passed an understandment to Hàn Dōng with a look.

It was not until the number of supervisors was counted up

that all the people in inventory had been left, and Wang Zhong
Ding's refusal to go away in the eyes was pouring out.

"I'll pick up a phone and call you after I arrive." Hàn Dōng

As a result, when Hàn Dōng was just about to turn around,

suddenly he felt a big hand grabbed his back neck and someone
kissed his mouth. The speed was so fast that he could not
respond. By the time he came to his senses Wang Zhong Ding
has been walking far away.
The Shen Hua's excitement said that he was favorable. “Just...
just... Did Wang Zhong Ding kiss you just now?”

Hàn Dōng did not answer the question of kissing, he went on

the car in an unusually calm manner, as if he had long been
numbed by the “ showing love” act 1 scene.

Wang Zhong Ding was still not so far away, he heard the
sound of a car horn, and his footsteps suddenly paused.

He turned and quickly found the car that Hàn Dōng took from
more than 50 identical cars. Seeing Hàn Dōng staring at him
straight from the car window, Hàn Dōng's expression suddenly
felt as a result of one of his eyes just saw the world's most heart-
warming picture.

The smile on Hàn Dōng's mouth faded after he had left the
city. At that time, Shen Hua spent time talking with Xiao Liang
on gossip line. Hàn Dōng said inexplicably: "I don't know."

Shèn Hua and Xiao Liang face each other in dismay

"what do you not know?"

Hàn Dōng said slowly and slowly: "I don't know whether he
had kissed me."

Shen Hua face fell down. "You're quick to respond... Was it

too fast?"


In the evening, the workteam arrived in Anshun, Guizhou.

Due to the large number of crew members and the inability to

live in one hotel, They had to be split into two groups to stay at
the two hotels. When Hàn Dōng was trying to call Wang Zhong
Ding he heard a knock on the door.

"Who?" Hàn Dōng put the phone down.

"Me, Xiao Liang."

As a result, Hàn Dōng opened the door and found that the
person standing outside was not a Xiao Liang but another
familiar face.

"How did you know I stayed in this room?"

Cai Peng smiled. "Do I have to spend a minute thinking how to

persuade you to play our movie?"

Han does not know why, each time Cai Peng's eyes are staring
at him, Hàn Dōng feels a sense of coziness.

"I was about to say this to you. My schedule may not be open,
so I can only..."

"Your schedule is open." Cai Peng said suddenly.

Hàn Dōng was a bit uncomfortable. "I said I couldn't leave.
You still have to..."

"You just don't want to act in it." Cai Peng interrupted.

In general, people who mix this circle rarely speak so frankly.

Hàn Dōng thought that he was a man and he did not bend
around with him. He immediately nodded.

"I just don't want to act in it."

Cai Peng scored five fingers. "How much pay do you want?"

"It's not a question of pay, but I don't think that role is too

"What about this?" Cai Peng gestured an eight figure sum.

Hàn Dōng's warning light flashed in his heart and

immediately declined: “I'm not giving you any hope, it's me...”

Cai Peng raised another finger. "What about this?"

Hàn Dōng really could not stand the stimulus, then he asked
with a hard face: "Why do you want to find me? With this price
you can invite a domestic first-line star."

Cai Peng blinked and said. "This movie will be starred by you
and it will make you a masterpiece."

Hàn Dōng's tone say more than he believes. "You were wrong.
Feng Mang is my masterpiece."

"My film will be released before "Feng Mang" and it won't

affect your shine in this one. It will only add to the icing on the

Hàn Dōng sighed. "Well, I'll introduce you to a candidate. He

is also from our crew. He is several times better than my
condition. You can..."
"You mean Xià Yang Zhuo?" Cai Peng interrupted again.

Hàn Dōng discovered that Cai Peng was a knowledgeable

tradesman. Does he know everything?

"Isn't Xià Yang Zhuo good enough?"

Cai Peng laughed and said, "He is really bright enough, but
he's not enough taste like you."

From the tone of "enough taste", Hàn Dōng felt it was not a
prize but a strong attack.

Even so, he responded with a relaxed tone: "I can introduce

you to a more savory one. The character I play now was
originally his."

If it comes to Xià Yang Zhuo Cai Peng still has a touch of

movement, when he said Li Shang, Cai Penh scoffed.
"Are you actually humiliating yourself for him?"

Hàn Dōng was surprised. "Do you know who I am talking


"I've watched you in the game of your "Women Acting

Challenge," Cai Peng said.

Hàn Dōng was even more surprised. "The challenge on that

day was private....we did not to allow people outside the
company to enter and see?"

Cai Peng suddenly moved near Hàn Dōng, his gaze almost
pierced his eyes, and Hàn Dōng mouth was even more

"Isn't the hotel you are staying at now prohibited for other
people for entering?"

Hàn Dōng was shocked, thats right! How did you come in?
As he was thinking, suddenly one arm got in between him and
Cai Peng, separating the two from each other.

Hàn Dōng turned his head and found that it was Xiao Liang.

"Then I wouldn't bother you anymore." Cai Peng dumped a

deep smile and quickly flashed out the sight of two people.

Xiao Liang turned to Hàn Dōng and asked: "Who is this


Hàn Dōng was surprised by the words from Xiao Liang. "Don't
you even know him?"

"Why should I know him? Is he famous?" Xiao Liang seemed

more puzzled than Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng was asked by Xiao Liang, so he went back to the

room and checked Cai Peng's information.
He thought that Cai Peng was very proud of this scene and
came from a powerful film and television company.

As a result, the investigation was only executed and Cai Peng's

company was registered less than six months ago. There was
almost no decent film production, and it was almost as good as
the Zhong Ding Group.

Not the rise of middle age, it is overwhelming

Hàn Dōng also remembered Cai Peng's face, is not yet in the
middle age?

He took another look at the information. Cai Peng is 37 years

old. According to the forty years old rule he still has three years
in this circle before fading.

That is, he spent only three years to jump from such a low
starting point to becoming Wang Zhong Ding's strong enemy?

Hàn Dōng was shocked!

At the same time, he was narcissistically worried: why should

he have any unfair thoughts about me?
As a result, his face went green instantly.

No, no, it's impossible...

How can I recruit someone who is violent and sinister? ! !.

1].....recruit.... make a straight man gay

Hàn Dōng's head buckled into the pile of fun sex toys and did
not move.

Wang Zhong Ding has been waiting for Hàn Dōng's phone
number, and the more the time goes the more his face looks

Er Lei advised in the side: "Maybe he has too much stuff and
he can't finish arranging it for a while. Maybe he'll have a
stomachache after he landed, and he hasn't had time to call you
....he had to go to the toilet..."
Wang Zhong Ding knows clearly and tells Er Lei. "I have
calculated for him all the unexpected time. He shouldn't be busy
till now. He must have been chatting with someone and forgot
about it."

"Shouldn't it?"

Wang Zhong Ding took the initiative to hand over the call to
Hàn Dōng and pressed hands-free.

Not a moment, the sound of Hàn Dōng's dream voice came up.


Wang Zhong Ding knew why: "Are you there yet?"

"Yes, come, it's already early."

Wang Zhong Ding did not feel good. "How can you forget to
call me?"

"I've just saw someone... I forgot to call you when I talked to


Wang Zhong Ding sent a questioning look to Er Lei.

Didn't I told you?

Er Lei cannot help but wipe the cold sweat, to find a precise
object of judgment too terrorising!
Chapter 197 Stealing The Chicken While
Loosing the Rice You used To Lure it.
1]The chapter title is an idiom...which means to try and gain
something only to end up worse off

After Er Lei went out, Wang Zhong Ding sat alone in the office
and suddenly felt perplexed in his heart.

It is less than ten minutes from work, and the cleaning Auntie
cleansed the office as usual. For fear of disturbing Wang Zhong
Ding's work, she ran her actions lightly as far as possible,
without making loud noises.

Even though the office door is still opened.

Seeing Wang Zhong Ding's dignified appearance, the cleaning

aunt apologized stopping the action in her hand and apologized
in a low voice: "I'm sorry Wang Zhong Ding, bothering you to

Wang Zhong Ding gave a deep command, "Louder!"

"I'm sorry Wang! I inconvenience you to your work!" The
auntie standing straight speaking voice loud.

Wang Zhong Ding looked helpless. "I'm not saying you should
apologize. I'll let you move on as loud as possible while

Aunt Ah was shocked. "A bit more..."

"Well, the office work has stopped."

Cleaning aunt wiped the cold sweat on her forehead, Wang

couldn't be taking the wrong medicine today?

It turns out that long-term abstinence and Hàn Dōng absence

madness converged together, Wang Zhong Ding is indeed a bit
showing "secondary" Han Dong withdrawal symptoms.

"And you two." Wang Zhong Ding also pointed at the

bodyguard. "Don't be like a dead person all day long saying
The two bodyguards faced each other.

Cleaning aunt did not even move.

"Do you need me to repeat it again?" Wang Zhong Ding asked

in a harsh voice.

"No, no..."

The cleaning aunt had to drag along things all the way and the
two bodyguards chatted while standing guard. It took more
than ten minutes to take Wang "symptoms" away.

1]....Wang likes it when Han bothers him...his pitter patter

makes him happy....Han Dong withdrawal.....haha....such a

In the evening, Wang Zhong Ding participated in a small

The party was organized by Xià Hòng Wēi, Xià Yang Zhuo, Yu
Ming, and Wan Li Qing. They also had sons and sons who are
mixed together eating and drinking...all kinds of excitement.

"I said, How are you free today?" Xià Hòng Wēi jokingly asked
Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding said: " Come on."

"I'm not mistaken, right?" Xià Hòng Wēi smiled at the crowd.

Wan Li Qing's face changed and whispered to the side of Yu

Ming: "Do you think that Wang Zhong Ding is a little strange

Yu Ming asked in the same strange tone: "Isn't he?"

Wan Li Qing looked at Yu Ming with a puzzled look. "Yes, why

did you come today?"
"I... I need a good time."

Xià Yang Zhuo played mahjong from a short distance. He did

not speak slowly but his hands still had a few useless "tubes."
After a few laps, one card did not open, and the man had a net
loss of money.

As the same neurotic patient, Wang Zhong Ding couldn't

stand it and he took the Xià Yang Zhuo.

"You keep off, I'll do it."

The emptiness reached the extreme of Wang Ding's seven

cards with he won tens of thousands in an instant.

The other three were reluctant to reverse the situation. Wang

Zhong Ding wanted to go to the bathroom at this time.

The next card friend joked. "I said, you wouldn't be winning
the money and want to run away?"
Wang Zhong Ding responded to him with his solemn and
serious face: Do you think I am that kind of person?

As a result, more than ten minutes passed and his position was
still empty.

The opposite player could not sit still and pointed to Xià Yang
Zhuo. "You go and see what happened to him?"

Xià Yang Zhuo went to the bathroom and turned around to

tell the remaining three people.

"I didn't see him."

Seeing a storming off buddy they will have to worry, Xià Hòng
Wēi was out of the game.

"You don't need to worry more about Wang Zhong Ding's seat
in the circle."
"If you win the money and run from such a thing, you
absolutely can't go out ! Again, what is this money for? he has

Just finished, a younger brother ran up to tell him: "Wang's

car is gone."

Xià Hòng Wēi's face changed, "You don't say!"

"Really, you don't believe it see it for yourself."

Xià Hòng Wēi went to the next window and Wang Zhong
Ding's parking space was empty.

Fuck me, did he play out?

Someone sighed faintly next to him. "I can understand his

actions today based on what I saw."

Xià Hòng Wēi's face was white for a while.

Even Xià Yang Zhuo could not help but doubt that Wang
Zhong Ding was brainwashed all day long, saying that Wang
was always cold and decent, how could I not see it a little today?


Late at night, everyone has gone to sleep, but Hàn Dōng is

holding the guitar that Wang Zhong Ding sent him.

"The thought is a very mysterious thing, like a shadow, a

shadow, a silent and invisible heart, an instant and swallowing
me in loneliness. I can't resist, especially at night - I think about
and I can't breathe..."

Sleeping next door, Shèn Hua couldn't stand it anymore. She

screamed with tears and pleaded. "Can't you just go to sleep?
There's only a few hours apart from the sun rising"

All over the world, only one artist is so embarrassed by the

assistant, that's Hàn Dōng.
"How can you understand the feeling that I have this minutes
and lingering together when you haven't talked about falling in

Shen spoke dismissively, "so you're alone in this hypocrisy,

saying that Wang Zhong Ding may not sleep well!"

Hàn Dōng's hypocritical love is still the same, "Hate to

immediately rush toward you, loudly tell you, I'm willing for
you ~ I'm willing for you ~ I'm willing to forget my name for you

Shèn Hua was left with a look of abandon.

As soon as she left, Hàn Dōng yawned and got out of bed. He
picked up the DV standing on the opposite cabinet and deleted
the section just recorded.

While singing, he was thinking: It's your brain-dead woman

who believes that I will die in a few hours.
Lao Tzu this is recorded in advance for 30 days, and then re-
edit for date one day!

As for those toys, Hàn Dōng also plans to use this strategy.
Taking advantage of these two days, shooting scene for two days
for one breath!

In this way, after the evening while the crew have any words,
he can be happy with other someone.

In order to gain freedom at an early date, after Hàn Dōng

sings, he has a strong spirit and he has a good team of friends to
play in the winter.



three times!
By the fourth time, it wouldn't really be up.

"Certainly insist!" Hàn Dōng said to himself.

It was hard to get a little improvement, and the door was

ringing as soon as it was heard.

Hàn Dōng just wanted to say: "Shèn Hua, aren't you finished?"

The result was that he did not open his mouth yet and saw
Wang Zhong Ding walk in with his hands twitching.

Fuck me! Isn't this... too fast?

After Wang Zhong Ding came in, he tossed the bag in Hàn
Dōng's hand and took it off to the bed. He held Hàn Dōng's two
arms and eagerly stared toward his face.

Hàn Dōng was stunned by the passion on Wang Zhong Ding's

Hello, wait till I put these toys away!

Sure enough, Wang Zhong Ding discovered Hàn Dōng's

opportunistic "crime card."

"You played with the toys for four nights?"

"No, no, just one."

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "What about this video?"

Hàn Dōng was dumbfounded. The video in the DV was

attached and he had not had time to edit it.

Immediately added: "I haven't played yet."

"Weren't you just saying that you played one?"

"That...I was just coming to play, so I don't need it anymore..."
Hàn Dōng said, trying to throw the toys down.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding once again found his hand back.
"Since I also haven't played yet, let's do it together."

"Don't know, since you're here. Why do we need to use these?

Let's just go straight to the real thing."

"Nothing, there is," Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng used his long-drawn-out arm to resist Wang Zhong

Ding's hand which was ready-to-go to his waistline. It was
simply like hitting the stone with eggs and Hàn was defeated for
a while.

"Ahhhhhh... Don't...I can't stand it anymore.... I beg you...

and spare my life..."

1].....This book has not many vivid sex scenes

In the end, when Wang Zhong Ding stopped his assault, Hàn
Dōng turned off the whole person.

Even so, he walked toward the chest with his weak legs.
Opened the bag above and see what Wang Zhong Ding has
brought to him.

After seeing a variety of favorite snacks, Hàn Dōng's heart

finally got a relief.

He deliberately asked Wang Zhong Ding: "The crew is so well

treated. Why did you want to buy these for me?"

Wang Zhong Ding replied silently: "There is nowhere to go to

spend the money I won."

Hearing the words "winning money", Hàn Dōng's thief eyeball

immediately aimed at Wang Zhong Ding's pocket. Seeing the
inside of the bulging bladder, the instant pained waist was not
sour, and the legs were not soft.
"There is no pocket money at hand, and I'm feeling awkward
to go out."

Wang Zhong Ding's pile of money was originally intended to

win Hàn Dōng's happiness, so he dumped his wallet directly on

"You see it yourself."

Hàn Dōng took out a look, they are all hundreds of cash notes.
This kind of money for Wang is nothing, but for Hàn Dōng he
was counting all kinds of cool shopping list, holding a variety of
peace of mind ah!

The point was going vigorously. Suddenly he heard Wang

Zhong Ding who sat beside said: "The fighting power is strong

"Ah?" Hàn Dōng looked puzzled and looked up.

As a result, he saw Wang Zhong Ding holding the DV and was

enjoying the shot video of their fucking on this night.

Hàn Dōng suddenly dumbfounded, hurriedly explained: "You

misunderstood, in fact..."

"Actually, I underestimated you, right?" Wang Zhong Ding

interrupted. "Not one day is enough for you? At least four."

"Don't you start!" Hàn Dōng cries without tears.

"As for those love songs, 30 songs is too hard. Ten are enough
to surprise me."


The next morning, when the sky was still dark, Shen spent
the morning with two big dark circles on the balcony to hang
towels, and accidentally saw Wang Zhong Ding's hurried
At that moment, she suddenly believed in love.
Chapter 198 Dedicated.
Due to the complex shooting environment, the crew was busy
setting up the scene for several days.

The actors are all idle. Hàn Dōng's daily task is to exercise and
adapt to the climate as soon as possible, and lay a solid
foundation for the official shooting.

During this period, Wang Zhong Ding made a surprise attack

on Hàn Dōng's bed from time to time.

The result is that Hàn Dōng rarely goes out and stays in the
hotel every day, but also he has the appearance of a man with
kidney deficiency.

1]....Kidney deficiency...lack of sexual appetite or

says he gets wrecked by Wang's cock then spent few days
recuperating...then the circle restart.... ...

Two days before the shooting, the state of Hàn Dōng body had
barely adjusted to the environment outside.
The prop engineer sent a "comfortable robe". This piece of
robe was sent by Wang Zhong Ding and was bought for 20,000
yuans. On the one hand, it can keep him warm, resist water
pressure and increase buoyancy. On the other hand, it can also
highlight the beauty of Hàn Dōng's body.

Sure enough, after Hàn Dōng put on the material in front, his
back was tight and his legs were more beautiful.

In order to achieve top shooting results and ensure the safety

of Hàn Dōng body...... Cain hired a helicopter shooting props
and support tools directly from the US military base. The cost
for this items is as high as several million.

In addition, the crew also employed a professional security

team consisting of about 30 people who dipped in cold water
during the shooting period to escort the entire shooting process.

There are also five professional divers who build a stronger

fortress under the water.

Even so, the shooting conditions are still very arduous, and
various unpredictable risk factors lurks around

In order to ensure the secretiveness of the shooting, the

tourist area for ​the day was completely blocked. However, there
are still a few curious people who have come in to watch this
grand occasion through various channels.

Cain and a motion director repeatedly showed the action to do

to Hàn Dōng. It wasn't until he was assured that he was good
enough to send him to the helicopter.

Helicopter slowly rose to the top of a waterfall more than one

hundred meters high, and Hàn Dōng emerged from the cabin
with the assistance of several professionals.

The turbulent flow of water made a horror roar, and Hàn

Dōng knew what it was like.

Fuck me this is scary!

How can this be shot? Hàn Dōng looked down to see two legs
and nearly screamed.

You have to know that when the indoor water show was shot,
the drop was only five meters high, Hàn Dōng had a long
psychological struggle.

This is more than 100 meters!

A stream of water will be able to crush Hàn Dōng!

At this moment, he really wanted to flee to Wang Zhong

Ding's warm embrace, praying like a splendid child: "I'm willing
to be your little sex victim for the eternity but you mustn't turn
me over, please don't make me jump."

But the reality is that Shèn Hua spent the morning before Hàn
Dōng came to the plane to remind him: "Xià Yang Zhuo is
already alive with fans."

Yes, just in the past few days when Hàn Dōng was exercising
his body, Xià Yang Zhuo was just like an MV's actor. His
popularity was like sitting on a rocket and soaring to the point
where he was deaf.

If Hàn Dōng misses one day, it means that Xià Yang Zhuo's
number of fans will have soared by millions.

How can he not force himself to death?

Hàn Dōng cautiously walked on a steep cliff with a thick rope

behind him. Several other professionals dragged the rope. Still,
the atmosphere did not dare to even out the dangers.

Finally, Hàn Dōng Security arrived at the designated location

for the first shot.

He gave Cain an OK gesture with a trembling arm.

Before Cain had not shouted, there was a crowd of spectators

who yelled.
"He...he wouldn't jump?"

Xiao Liang told them with a cold eye: Or do you really think?
We hundreds of people stick to this weather, just to see him put
a pose here?

"Then why didn't he use a substitute? This dangerous move he

should let professionals perform!"

Xiao Liang glanced at them again. Who can substitute as him?

Can you? Can you synthesize one of the two legs?.


This set of scenes was shot after Hàn Dōng's identity was
exposed and he had to jump to escape in the waterfall.

The man who chased him was the gang leader in the film. At
first he was deeply addicted to the beauty of “Hàn Damei”. Later
this Damei was found to be undercover as a man and the boss
was madly chasing him.
The male actor who plays the black boss is named Yan Zheng.
He is no longer a newcomer. In the year of 2003, he graduated
from Chinese opera. Because he was stubborn, but he was still
in the loop, so he still is a soy sauce in various films for so many

Wang Zhong Ding is exactly what he sees in this, but all the
old person who have been tempered have a hard-working affair,
and his eyes are deep and heavy, which is more suitable for such
a role.

Today's drama is also a big challenge for Yan Zheng.

Although he does not have to jump with him, he has to chase

him down to the top of the waterfall and he must also stand in a
cliff of more than one hundred meters high and shoot his gun

The moment the cards were lifted, everyone held their breath.

The voice of Cain's director oscillated in the valley.

Hàn Dōng doesn't need to jump in this shot for the time being,
just put a few fake actions to dodge bullets on it.

Even so, Hàn Dōng still can't overcome the fear in his heart.
This fear can be seen from his starting action.

This action required Hàn Dōng to make a sudden brake on the

top of the waterfall, and the body leaned forward and then
withdrew quickly.

However, Hàn Dōng was so nervous that he had forgotten the

essentials of his movement. The excessively large forward
movement caused the body to be difficult to withdraw. And
because of an unstable foot, he lost his foot and fell down.


With the frightening voice of everyone, Hàn Dōng was

suspended by a rope at a height of ten meters above the top of
the waterfall, which is an altitude of ninety meters from the
surface of the water.

Hàn Dōng could not help but cry loudly.

“Wang Zhong Ding me...”

Not to mention Wang Zhong Ding. It was Cain who saw Hàn
Dōng's panic-stricken eyes falling at the moment and Cain heard
his own heart-breaking cry for help.

Falling from the top, even if the clothes can resist the impact
it is still difficult to stop such a big impact.

Hàn Dōng's body struggling violently on a steep rock wall, a

moment of fog, water, tears raging in his face, so that he
repeatedly drenched feeling it was hard to breathe.

At this moment, all staff members were quick-eyed, and even

Cain, who had never been properly shaped, had irritated his
rescue staff with his neck and eyes.
"Fuck! What are you all waiting? Bring him up quickly!"

Hàn Dōng was successfully pulled up until his mouth were

filled with dozens of water.

The medical staff rushed to rescue him. Hàn Dōng shook and
trembled. He kept saying, "I didn't shoot, I didn't shoot, I didn't

Nobody knows how long it took till Hàn Dōng was calm down.
In a blink of an eye, Cain was above his head.

"If you can't really finish it, you can use a substitute." Cain
looked at Hàn Dōng sadly.

Hàn Dōng no longer nodded when he thought he would not

even think about it.

"I will use, I will use..."

However, Hàn Dōng never expected that Cain's so-called
subtitute was himself.

Because this action is difficult, it will take a long time to teach

for temporary replacement. At that time, dozens of staff were
soaked in water, and an hour's worth of 50,000 helicopter
rentals allowed Cain to play in person.

Seeing an internationally renowned director irrespective of

the dangers of life, hard work is done on the top of the
waterfall. Hàn Dōng suddenly understood why China made so
many good films in the 1980s and 1990s. It would be difficult to
repeat the classics later.

1].....those were fearless movies.....

It was not how good the actor talent at that time was and how
powerful the acting was, but because of two words - The

Hàn Dōng eventually overcome the fear in his heart and once
again put on his "trenched robes" to embark on the top of the

The following two hundred staff cheered him up.

The money for dozens of boxes of mineral water is really not a

day worth....Hàn Dōng is very pleased to think.

The strength given to such a crisis is far more precious than

the flattering toast.

In addition to not wanting Cain to be disappointed, and not

wanting everyone to waste their energy, Hàn Dōng is standing
at the top of the waterfall at this moment and wants to shoot a
movie that can make Wang Zhong Ding tear up.

Once again, Cain returned to the bottom of the waterfall,

another powerful command.

Hàn Dōng fled to the cliff. Suddenly he braked at his feet and
gazed at the rough surface of the waves.

Everyone caught his breath at this moment.

Hàn Dōng's eyes turned fierce, a flashy action, realistic

enough that everyone thought that there was a bullet passing
through him. Then there was a series of dangerous moves, each
of which caused a clamor in the onlookers hearts. Hàn Dōng still
managed to hide from the top of the waterfall and feel

Here are the majestic currents clapping on the rocky cliffs.

The above is a gentle and cool posture through the hail of
bullets. Just think about it and you will know that this scene is
full of people's blood.

Finally, the love debt caught up.

Hàn Dōng's crimson eyes looked toward more than 100 meters
of low water, holding his arms high and stumbling at the feet.
Water mist rises around the knees, and the gorgeous legs lines
dotted with water indulged in the scene.


When Cain made an order, everyone was boiling...... will he



Don't forget to comment and vote..... stay still... Feng Mang.

Chapter 199 The collective warmth
When Hàn Dōng was picked up from the water, the entire
body collapsed.

Behind the scenes is the scene shot of Yan Zheng, who can get
a brief rest and adjustment.

At this time, Yan Zheng, who has always been silent, actually
gave Hàn Dōng a glass of ginger and cola.

"Warm yourself."

Hàn Dōng thanked him endlessly, "You are so cheering."

Yan Zheng did not say anything more, went to the shooting
location to prepare.

After Hàn Dōng recovered his strength, he followed Cain

down to the bottom of the waterfall and stared at the
performance of Yan Zheng on the monitor.
Because of the wonderful action of the previous scene by Hàn
Dōng, all of them sweated for Yan Zheng. They're afraid that he
would be under psychological pressure and that he could not
reach the desired value shot of Cain and eould have suffered
various crimes.

However, contrary to all expectations, Yan Zheng's acting

skills burst suddenly.

In the past, his performances were only satisfactory, and

there was nothing surprising.

Today nobody knows whether he was infected by Hàn Dōng's

performance, his acting instantly reached the peak.

Standing on the top of a turbulent waterfall for the first time,

his feet were swiftly flowing. Yan Zheng is actually able to face
up to the cliff without hesitation, and steadily raises his gun.

At this time, the photographer gave Yan Zheng a close-up

Although the pictures were stitched later, there was none
under Yan Zhengs eyes. Hàn Dōng saw his decisive face from his

In a flash, all sorts of complex emotions such as resentment,

unwillingness, humiliation and so forth emerged from Yan
Zheng's eyes.

In addition, Hàn Dōng also saw a trace of grief and

indifference under the thick murderousness scent.

This was not written in the script.

The black boss's indulging in Hàn Damei's beauty only

stopped at his female identity. At this moment, however, Yan
Zheng clearly demonstrated another vague sentiment.

Everyone can see that Yan Zheng is in the play.

In the instant he puts a gun in his eyes, the flickering, there

was a tearing inner heart with still a touch of brilliant emotion.
People can't help but have some suspicions: The few bullets
that go through the hair between Hàn Damei are they actually
from an unstable hand or a deviation of the heart.

In the end, Yan Zheng threw the gun and left calmly.

The rebellious man in the scene actually looked sad.

Until nobody was on the monitor screen. Cain remembered

and shouted, "Cut."

This shot is also perfect.

Hàn Dōng belonged to the type of easily irritable, and Yan

Zheng's excellent performance squeezed out all his blood.

Behind the scene performance is more difficult and

dangerous. Hàn Dōng is like a broken bamboo. Taking on three
thrilling scenes with extraordinary acting power, he completed
the shooting task two hours in advance and saved the crew
hundreds of thousands of dollars.
At the time of final work, Hàn Dōng was still immersed in the
heated state of passionate acting. Shouted three times against
the waterfall showing his heroic spirit.

As he did not come out of the show there was a strict rule, and
the two did not even say hello. Today, they actually went back
to the hotel with a laugh.

"You are not quite the same as I imagined." Yan Zheng said.

Hàn Dōng asked: "What do you think of me?"

Although Yan Zheng did not answer positively, everything

was written on his face. His initial impression of Hàn Dōng was
not good, and he felt that Hàn Dōng was relying on Wang Zhong
Ding coat tails.

Especially after he heard about the rumors of Hàn Dōng and

Wang Zhong Ding relationship, he paid more attention to Hàn

However, today's shooting made him completely change his

impression of Hàn Dōng.

"You will surely have a lot of skills." Yan Zheng said to Hàn
Dōng in a serious manner.

Hàn Dōng laughed. "Like you so."


Returning to the hotel room, Hàn Dōng wanted to take a

warm bath and he heard a knock.

When he opened the door, he saw Cain standing outside with

a bowl of Cordyceps cure soup in his hands.

"My assistant said that you Chinese are used to drinking hot
soup to cool off the cold after you get cold, and I made the hotel
chef make you a bowl."
Hàn Dōng almost fell tears at the time.

Not after a while, the assistant producer also knocked on the

door and sent Hàn Dōng a thick quilt.

There are also some leaders who came from another hotel to
send clothes and supplements to Hàn Dōng. Even the actresses
in the same group went to the door to ask if he needed help.
Even Shèn Hua who spent longer turning his eyes on Hàn Dōng,
but was caring for him today...

At the time of shooting, Hàn Dōng also wanted to call Wang

Zhong Ding to complain. Now this idea is completely absent.

Not only that, he heard that Wang Zhong Ding's mother was
ill and was hospitalized. He also specially comforted Wang
Zhong Ding.

"My shooting here went very smooth. According to this

situation, it is estimated that one and a half months will suffice
to finish."
"I am very special now. Everyone takes care of me and sends
me a lot of things."

"Well, don't worry about me."

"Take care of my mother-in-law!"

If there is no last sentence, what a warm hearted words it

should be...

Despite this, Wang Zhong Ding once again called back after
Hàn Dōng fell asleep.

A sleeping walking Hàn Dōng got up to pick up his phone.

"Sleep well, don't run around."

This is what Wang Zhong Ding must say every night after Hàn
Dōng falls asleep because he finds that daytime warnings are
useless. When a sleeping walking Hàn Dōng promised he would
sleep, he would actually really sleep honestly.

Hàn Dōng snorted.

Wang Zhong Ding just hang up the phone and went back to
the ward to continue to take care of his mother.


For the next ten days, the shooting has been very smooth.

All the dangerous scenes were almost finished, leaving the last
scene...... swim to the shore.

In this drama, as long as Hàn Dōng has enough physical

ability to swim to the shore, it will basically be done.

In order to reduce the difficulty of shooting, Cain intended to

divide the scene into three parts.
Among them, the struggle when he just fell into the water was
a period of time, and he swam to the shore for a period of time
and when he climbed ashore.

In order to avoid the lack of fitness in Hàn Dōng, Cain put the
most difficult swim in the first shot.

In spite of the "battle pants" being added, Hàn Dōng is still

fighting with his teeth. Simply drink two glasses of white wine
in advance to warm the body, taking advantage of this fierce
swim to the other side.

Just after warming up for a while, Hàn Dōng went into the
water to shoot a shot that showed him climbed ashore.

This shot seems simple, but in fact it requires a particularly

high physical fitness. If Hàn Dōng wants to show the masculine
protagonist's posture, he must jump out.

In order to achieve this effect, he went into the water seven

times in a row. When the scene passed, his lips were purple.
The final shot is "floating," and it is the simplest scene.

When everyone thought it was foolproof, Hàn Dōng situation

suddenly went wrong.

Because of his long soaking in the water, his clothes grew

thicker and his floating was rather hard.

And one of his legs was stiff, and he could not make any effort
in any case. At last he had to struggle.

However, all staff members thought that Hàn Dōng was still
performing and no one went to rescue him.

When the only underwater diver found that the situation was
abnormal, Hàn Dōng's protective clothing was so heavy that it
was difficult for him to be dragged from the water.

Seeing that two people were struggling at the same time, the
staff on the shore discovered that something was wrong and
rushed to the security personnel for help.
At this moment, Hàn Dōng's consciousness collapsed.

He thought he was going to finish playing, and as a result, a

powerful arm tied him to his waist and took his brain out of the

Hàn Dōng thought it was Wang Zhong Ding, but later felt that
this person's breathing was more serious than Wang Zhong

In a gloomy mood, Hàn Dōng finally opened his eyes.

"How is it? Is it better?" Cai Peng asked.

Hàn Dōng was surprised. "How could you be here?"

Cai Peng did not make any response. He immediately found a

blunt instrument and cut open Hàn Dōng's protective clothing,
tearing his clothes through this gap.
"Oh! I say, what are you doing?"

Hàn Dōng remembered what he had predicted and desperately

stopped it.

Cai Peng completely ignored his resistance and ran out of the
upper body and ran forward.

"I say....You just stop for a bit..." Hàn Dōng asked for help
while he coughed.

Xiao Liang said: "Your clothes are too wet and must be taken

The person next to him also advised: "The car is very heated,
rest assured, not cold."

"Yeah, I still have a blanket here."

Hàn Dōng eloquently explained: "I'm not going, I think you

should not let a stranger undress to me, right?"

"Stranger? He's not a stranger!" Shen said in a polite manner.

"If it weren't for him to save your life in time, you might be

As soon as the voice fell, Cai Peng took Hàn Dōng's pants
Chapter 200 One Cannot be Less!
Although there is underwear to block the gaze, but with the
beauty of the two bare legs, it is enough to achieve the level of

Everyone consciously avoid looking at the white legs with

their eyes.

Only Cai Peng, naked eyes were like two hooks hung in Hàn
Dōng's lap. Such blatant, undisguised look. But he also let
others think that he is a regular good man doing good deeds,
and that the end justify the line

After all, Hàn Dōng was a man and he couldn't anger him in
front of everyone.

Cai Peng was even more unscrupulous, and he took out the
blankets from other people's hands and wrapped Hàn Dōng into
his arms. He took carressed on his buttocks to enjoy some
Hàn Dōng was out of energy and only his two eyeballs were
anxiously staring at everyone's face.

Are you for fucking real?

Even if Cai Peng doesn't see his bad intentions, he should

know that I am Wang Zhong Ding's man? Can he give me to

However, everyone thought: Since whoever holds would take

risks, simply let the unsung hero do something good!

When the car was halfway up, someone asked, "Does he need
yo be sent to the hospital?"

Cai Peng on behalf of medical staff answered: "That is not

necessary, right? The conditions of a nearby hospital are very
bad, he might as well be sent directly to the hotel to be look

Others also agreed that "Mr. Wen and Dr. Zhao are in the
hotel and they have a lot of medical experience."

So, one of the people listened to Cai Peng's proposal and sent
Hàn Dōng back to the hotel.

After that, it was Cai Peng who took Hàn Dōng off the car and
wrapped him in a blanket.

Hàn Dōng heart felt that shouldn't be okay ah!

Cai Peng also looked sideways and looked down at him, his
eyes full of jokes.

I see you Motherfucker I see you! Hàn Dōng look is evil.

Cai Peng was like he heard the cuss, his mouth slightly raised,
and his bad attitude was fully exposed.

In the process of sending Hàn Dōng back to the room, Shèn

Hua not only did not stop them, but she personally went to open
the door for Cai Peng.

As for Xiao Liang...

He secretly went to give Wang Zhong Ding a call.

A few days ago, Hàn Dōng was particularly embarrassed. He

was not allowed to say that the shooting was difficult and he
was afraid of causing psychological pressure on Wang Zhong
Ding. Xiao Liang kept that a secret.

But today he can't stand it.

If Wang Zhong Ding knows this matter, he will certainly

blame him for not being able to report it in time.

Therefore, Xiao Liang picked up the phone without turning


After Wang Zhong Ding heard about this incident, he was

"What's the situation now? Has he been to the hospital?"

"The hospital's ward is too humid and there is no air

conditioning. We are afraid to send him to a place with more
severe cold."

"You first look over there. If there is any situation, tell me in

time. I will catch up there as soon as possible."

After hanging up, Wang Zhong Ding rushed back to the ward.

Wang mama is already asleep. Wang Zhong Ding can only

look at the aunt and say: "I'm in a little urgent today. I may not
be able to stay here. I'm sorry to trouble you more."

Aunt nodded again and again, "Do not worry you go on about
your own affairs. I can take care of everything here here. If
there are any special circumstances, I will call you again."

Wang Zhong Ding finally looked at his mother in an

apologetic manner and quickly stepped out of the ward.
Hàn Dōng is still fighting alone.

Although the filming process was in distress, it did not affect

the final results. The crew completed the task satisfactorily,
which meant that the crew would be evacuated tomorrow.

Therefore, several core leaders are busy preparing for the

return to Beijing tomorrow.

The people around Hàn Dōng were busy looking for a doctor
and they gave Cai Peng an opportunity to be alone with him.

"How could you be at the shooting the scene?" Hàn Dōng was
still tangling it.

"I've been there since you took the first scene to the present."

"You're too busy, isn't there a company for you to run ?"
Cai Peng disapproved. "I have always been painstakingly
working hard operating. I will spared no effort to seize you. It is
my business approach."

"You have killed this heart, I can not meet you or accept your
proposal." Hàn Dōng said the resolute words.

Cai Peng was not bothered or annoyed. Instead, he scolded:

“Anyone who mixes in this circle knows that everything
someday needs to be left behind. How dare you say so
absolutely? Can you... What do you see as your future?”

Hàn Dōng was poked at the center of thought, but he

pretended to be the same as no matter how he retorted: "What
can I see? What can you tell me to see?"

Cai Peng didn't laugh.

Hàn Dōng directly evacuated the passengers. “Well, thank you

for saving my life today. I will negotiate with my broker for
your reward...”
" Is this for you?" Cai Peng suddenly interrupted.

Hàn Dōng saw something in his hand, and suddenly his face
changed dramatically.

"Who let you mess with my stuff?"

"I did not tamper with, I just moved some to find a position to
sit, I felt it hit me." Cai Peng had a funny laugh.

"You can go now." Hàn Dōng face gloomy.

Cai Peng got up, but he didn't walk away, but slowly opened a

"Hey! What do you want to do?"

It was already too late for Hàn Dōng. All of the “toys” was
seen by Cai Peng.
Cai Peng was shocked...

He thought he was a "Beast" and did not expect that someone

was "original" than he was.

"I didn't see it, ah, do you have such a pursuit?" Cai Peng
deliberately stared at Hàn Dōng.

"I can not do many sex buddies? Beauties lined up on my bed

does not work?" Hàn Dōng tooth decay.

Cai Peng played with a backyard fairy stick(dildo??) and

played. "This is for your female sex buddies?"

1].....Hahahah... backyard fairy stick....classic

Hàn Dōng cheeks went red: "I love to 'go through their back
door', can you manage it?"

"Your female sex buddies 'back door' fairy stick is also

'configured' for the prostate?" Cai Peng shook the instructions.

Cai Peng did get rolled, and he was carrying the "good partner
stick" of Hàn Dōng. He waved and said, "If you should reward
me, then you should give me this."

Hàn Dōng was shocked he got up and ran for him "Hey! Hey!
You don't take that away! Stop! Stop..."

Waiting for him to chase him out, Cai Peng has long since
disappeared. Instead, Shèn Hua came with the entire medical
team behind her.

"How did you come out? Quickly back to the room!" Shen Hàn
spent the morning with a weak body dragging back.

Hàn Dōng's arm did not give up waving in the direction of the
elevator and his mind shouted: returned it to me! Not even one
ne can be lost! Otherwise, Wang Zhong Ding will have my life...

Several doctors also helped Shèn Hua. "If you are sick, you are
wearing so few clothes running outside? You hurry back in."

Hàn Dōng body felt cold and the final result was a high fever
which does not retreat. The eyes were burning, and the same
model was stubbornly searched for on the internet.

"This is not, this is not, this is not..."

Hàn Dōng was near collapse, where did Wang buy it?

Finally... Hàn Dōng's unremitting efforts impressed God and

allowed him to find a high copy on a purchasing network. After
consulting with the shop owner, they agreed to use the air
express at 24h.

Hàn Dōng threw the tablet aside like a force.

At the end of the day, he was able to make a difference

As long as Wang Zhong Ding does not comeback tomorrow...
Hàn Dōng thinks, it shouldn't matter.... Xiao Liang have been so
secretive for so many days that it is not bad for this last day.

As a result, Hàn Dōng fell asleep with confidence.

Nobody knows how long, he suddenly felt someone testing his

forehead. The man's hand was cool, and it was very comfortable
on the burning face.

"What's the situation now?" The voice of Er Lei came over.

Er Lei came to see me... Hàn Dōng thought.

Wang Zhong Ding looked with the color of anxiety. "He is still
very badly burned up. It is estimated that the fever will go down
tomorrow morning."

Sure enough, there are places where Er Lei appear in the

middle of the shadow ... Hàn Dōng think again.
About a minute later, Hàn Dōng suddenly opened his eyelids,
panic-stricken eyes cast toward Wang Zhong Ding's face.

what the fu~--

Which mouth spilled a small gossip report? ? I want to kill

him! ! ! !

When Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng woke up, he hurriedly
joined in with concern and asked, "was it hard to do it?"

Hàn Dōng heartily thought: Why do I have no blessings for

every time you are gentle?

"I will go out first."

Wang Zhong Ding decided to watch Hàn Dōng for a while and
suddenly put his hand into the bed and screwed it in the
thickest part of the meat.
"Were you looking for this for a few days?"

Hàn Dōng knew that Wang Zhong Ding was only distressed
and did not mean to blame. Therefore, he did not refute.

"Huh?" Wang Zhong Ding twisted it again.

Hàn Dōng finally grinned and thrust his hot claws into Wang
Zhong Ding's clothes, indulging in the cheap whore behavior.

"It's really good... I feel so cool..." Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding also let Hàn Dōng's palm feel heartburn in
his heart.

Hàn Dōng said, "You should be lying in bed, hurry up. I want
more coolness from you."

Wang Zhong Ding took off his clothes obediently and went to
bed. Hàn Dōng, who was hot, was pushed into his arms.

Hàn Dōng's heart was refreshing and his heart was flying.

If you knew that sex toys are taken away, how can I be so
relaxed. How good should it be with the real thing ? Hàn Dōng
couldn't help but think when they were keeping their faces close
to their faces.
Chapter 201 Only.....If I had known
The two people embraced and slept, and the temperature
difference became smaller and smaller. In the morning, the
burning heat of Hàn Dōng's body basically went down.

When Wang Zhong Ding awoke, Hàn Dōng sniffed him like a

Finally laughed: "Hey."

"Nonsense, your body's sticky sweat is yours." Wang Zhong

Ding said he got up and went to the bathroom.

Hàn Dōng's eyes followed.

The result was Wang Zhong Ding was turning coming back to
"When I put the water out ..I will come out again!"

Hàn Dōng said: "The house is very warm, you are not only
wearing a pair of underwear why?"

"You stay away from me and stay with you. Why are you
anxious?" Wang Zhong Ding asked with a black face.

Hàn Dōng did not say anything.

Even so, Wang Zhong Ding did not rest assured he went out
the door to take a look. See Hàn Dōng honestly lying down
before going back to test the water temperature.

"Well, let's go wash the water is ready."

Unknown to him.... Hàn Dōng is a god in the bed and

predicted today's fortune.
"It is advisable to frankly admit that it is not appropriate to
conceal the truth."

It seems that it was better to say it directly... Hàn Dōng was

thinking, and suddenly his quilt was lifted and he was pulled to
the bath tub.

"What? What are you doing?" Hàn Dōng is not sure. "Don't
you need to be so polite?"

Wang Zhong Ding secret passage: I will pretend not to hear,

why not just to let me hold you?

The bathtub was a bit narrow, and two people managed to

squeeze in.

Ten days they have not seen each other, and personally
embraced overnight, Wang Zhong Ding's cock has not been
calm since he got up.

Hàn Dōng wanted to talk about Cai Peng first. As soon as he

entered the bathtub, Wang Zhong Ding's neck was pressed
down to his body and he could not say a word of alibi.

Not to mention him, even Wang Zhong Ding snored and

whistled, whispered in Hàn Dōng's ear and said, "I want to fuck
you so bad that I can't think of anything..."

Hàn Dōng couldn't stand it when he heard this, and he hooked

on Wang Zhong Ding's neck and took a passionate " hip dance",
and Wang Zhong Ding's eyeballs went all red.

At the end of the final day, Wang Zhong Ding even wanted to
ask: Did you really want to show off this kind of trick?

As a result, he did not ask this yet, and Hàn Dōng first spoke.

"You are getting more and more 'animalistic'..."

Wang Zhong Ding does not change his face. "What about
Hàn Dōng laughed, "I like it."

Wang Zhong Ding's hand once again slides into the buttcrack
and reveals the color of his face. "Crank up your show."

As a result, "The gunning war" once again ignited.

They battled until the water in the bathtub was running out,
the two male animals recovered.

Hàn Dōng first asked: "Your mother's illness is good?"

"It's not a good thing. She had been sick for many years, and
she has been committed to hospital from time to time."

Hàn Dōng said, “Which middle-aged or elderly person does

not have one or two kinds of chronic diseases? There will be no
major events in timely treatment. I have calculated that your
mother will live to at least eighty years old .”
"Also worrying about other people ~ do not look at their own
virtues, with your white ashen face with wax like ... ..." Wang
Zhong Ding sighed with relief.

Hàn Dōng felt that the atmosphere was warm and tiring
enough before he officially entered the theme.

"That, I will tell you a funny thing."

When Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng's face, he knew that it
was not funny thing.

Sure enough, Hàn Dōng told him that he calculated that Cai
Peng would intervene in their life.

"Who is Cai Peng?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

"It's the owner of a film and television company. It's very

"How did you notice him?"

Hàn Dōng honestly stated, "He wanted me to be a movie that

their company invested in."

"It's that simple?"

"Well, it's that simple."

"He did not say anything else. Did you come up with the idea
of ​calculating adultery?" Wang Zhong Ding grasped the point.

Hàn Dōng had to admit, "he filmed me with the crowd, and
then I fell out in the water, he saved me..."

Wang Zhong Ding's face sank.

"In order to let you play a role, he does not hesitate to risk his
life to save you. He is really 'dedicated'."
Hàn Dōng was busy arguing for himself, "his risky did not get
my heart at all, really."

Wang Zhong Ding is still cheeky. "Since this is the case, why
should I say something?"

"Ah?" Hàn Dōng did not understand.

"Since you all know that there will be bad development, but
also let these become established facts?"

"That, you think too much, there is no established fact. It is

his wishful thinking. I am indifferent to him."

"If so, how can he go about wishing without your help?"

Hàn Dōng was stunned.

Wang Zhong Ding asked again: "was it calculated or your own


Hàn Dōng looked guilty. "If I really have this consciousness to

cheat, would I tell you?"

Hearing this, Wang Zhong Ding's face eased.

"Regardless of your mindset, don't have any contact with this

person in the future!"

"What if he's going to haunt me?" asked Hàn Dōng.

Wang Zhong Ding once again broke out. "Why is there so

much fantasies? Only when you have a few people entangled
with you to have a sense of accomplishment?"

Hàn Dōng was dissatisfied. "Who said i was recruiting him?

It's all he did..."
The words are not finished yet, he was pressed by Wang
Zhong Ding body. The two arms were shoved back and the
buttocks bent above the water, and Hàn Dōng was accepting a
frank "punishment."

"Don't be so ...don't just don''s so

.....can't stand...fuc~...Wang..."

It was not until Hàn Dōng repeatedly prayed for mercy that
Wang Zhong Ding stopped the crushing of the vital parts and
gave him a "happy time."

Hàn Dōng is equal to successfully hit the "vaccination", but

also a cool one, the back of the backside was feeling a
comfortable wash!

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding, who had just collected things,

found something strange just after lying back to bed.

"Why is there a vibrator missing ?"

Hàn Dōng's heart creaked and screamed fuck! How can I
forget this? Is it necessary to re-apply? Stealing Wang Zhong
Ding, his face is just a little...

Moreover, he is now admitted that there are suspicions of

concealment before.

Therefore, Hàn Dōng can only brazenly replied: "it was bad so
I threw it away."

"How did play bad?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

"I used it on a single occasion that day and I went to the

bathtub. Then it short-circuited in the water."

Wang Zhong Ding's brain was missing his judgment, and he

smirked and said: "It will not because you tried something
naughty in the bathroom ~"

Hàn Dōng secretly wiped his sweat

Taking advantage of Wang Zhong Ding's time to go out and
buy a meal, Hàn Dōng hurriedly contacted the courier company
and asked them to intercept the shipment halfway. As a result,
he said that courier had begun to dispatch the objects.

Hàn Dōng had to contact the courier again.

The courier took the call in an elevator with Wang Zhong


"Hey, hello, XX Express."

"It's rejected? Please say your name."

"Han ....Hàn Dōng...OK, I found it."

When Wang Zhong Ding heard the name, his face changed
The courier whispered: "Why didn't you say it? I was already
at the door, causing me to run for a while."

"Can you give me for a look?" Wang Zhong Ding finally could
not help but speak.

The courier hesitated for a moment, still he handed it to him.

Hàn Dōng breathed a sigh of relief here, and the courier's

phone call came back.

"Mr. Han, your shipment can't be refused because someone

forced to receive it."

"Forced received?"

Just heard it and heard a clap.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Zhong Ding's angry face

appeared at the door. What he has in his hand is precisely the
“crime evidence” that Hàn is trying to destroy...

Really carelessly, all plates are broken!


In the evening, Shen Hua spent knocking on the doort.

After a while, Hàn Dōng's sick body appeared before her.

"Can we set off?" Shen asked in the beginning.

Hàn Dōng slammed his legs and languishly replied: "What do

you think?"

"Okay, I didn't ask."

In fact, Shèn Hua had already expected it. Today, she did not
leave the house one day. She just listened to Hàn Dōng's house
all the whinging and moaning and pleading.

Arguing that she almost came to the protest: You are all
burned like that, stop watching gay porn movies?

You should just say you just look at it. Why do you still look at
the mainland? The male's foul mouth did not care to

You said that if you look at the mainland, you will see the
mainland. Why do you choose to taste so much? After a while,
Wang will slaps his hands and throws a leash.

However, Shèn Hua still had no clear-cut view.

"You don't have to wait for me. Go with them." Hàn Dōng said
at the beginning.

"I can't leave you alone here!" Shen spent early on.
Hàn Dōng said, "I'm not alone."

"Ah? Not alone?"

Just finished, Wang Zhong Ding walked out of the room next
to him.

"You go with them. I'll be with him."

Shèn Hua was in an instant shock.

Wang actually slept in here?

So what I heard today was not a gay porn was these

Realizing this, Shèn Hua heart began to break.

How could the swear words like "You're such a good whore.....
right in here ?" be said from Wang Zhong Ding's mouth? How
can the brutal bed clashing strength be the result of Wang's
regular pristine lower body?

If I knew it was him moaning I would have listened more


1].... Shèn Hua is a number one fujo-perv

Chapter 202 Disguised to Steal Skills
From the Teacher
It has been a month and a half since Hàn Dōng went to
Guizhou to shoot. Li Shang still hasn't seen much improvement.
In contrast, Xià Yang Zhuo only debuted for a month, he madly
ran up more than twenty advertisements, and his popularity
quickly catching up to Li Shang for nearly a year.

The company's shooting plan for Li Shang was mainly

concentrated in the second and third quarters of the coming
year. It is now in a gap period. Feng Mu intends to find a film
for him.

At this time, Cai Peng's message that he wanted Hàn Dōng to

be the man's number one was transmitted to Feng Mu's ear.

Feng Mu obtained the script of this movie through various

channels. After reading it, he decided to make a decision and let
Li Shang play the role of villain.

As a result, what she could never think of was that Cai Peng, a
movie and television company that had just started, had a
popular star in mind and he was seeking his cooperation so he
would not buy any other person!

And not only he did not buy it, but also put the reply very

For the first time Feng Mu met with such a savvy investor.
When she smiled and sincerely, the other party literally dumped
a sentence:

"Li Tian Bang, he also matched?"

If it weren't for so many years that she had developed a strong

heart, Feng Mu would definitely start worrying on the spot!

Even Wang Zhong Ding has to give her a bit of a thin face.
Who is this little-known boss who is not qualified to fling mud
on the face?

But in the end she managed to hold back.

Because the entertainment circles are changing too fast,
perhaps what you are going to clamour for today is what you're
going to be looking for more things in the future. No one can
predict the future development situation.

And with her sensitive business sense, this movie is likely to

rise suddenly and become a dark horse next year, and the
movie's villain will become a classic.

Therefore, she wants Li Shang to act in it by all means, and

even lower the position to the point where she can accept zero
pay just as long as Li Shang acts in it.

Li Shang certainly cannot accept it.

"Weren't you talking about me throwing off Hàn Dōng's

shadow and taking on my own path? Why, then, do you have to
do everything possible to make me pay role grabbing with him?"

Feng Mu said: "The role grabbing is not for him, but for the
film. Who will play this film will be a star....if you do not play,
you will lose the opportunity to let others know?"
Li Shang and Liang Jing mixed for so long, always have a
skeptical attitude to the broker's eyes.

"The debut of a small company that has no funds, no

publicity, and no guarantee of exclusion. How can you be sure
that it can be a big hit?"

Feng Mu said: "The script is good."

"There are many movies with good script. At the end of the
day, that alone isn't a guarantee. Is it a cannon fodder?"

Feng Mu patiently explained: “I think the good script is not

the kind of high or low acting scene.. but the earth shattering
market and has to be in line with the public's preferences.”

Li Shang still find it hard to agree. "Isn't it like Theft Of

Shadows? Isn't it because of that Hàn Dōng is a hit."

"That's why Wang doesn't want to let him be in it. It's not that
he can't act in. If Hàn Dōng was in my hands, he would now be
firmly on the front line of this movie! Wang put him on "Feng
Mang", making that Hàn Dōng not be able to act in it.... If he did
not have him in advance Hàn Dong would be acting in it ."

Li Shang did not say a word.

Feng Mu said: "Don't always think of yourself as a thief. You

can't accept this without seeing this. You haven't reached that
level. You don't even have Hàn Dōng's worth."

Li Shang face changed color , "I'm not as good as him?"

"Otherwise? Do you think that there are still people in this

circle who know the actors's worth better than the advertisers?"

Li Shang did not speak.

"Since you can't get up on the big route, just set your mind up
early. If you want to find pride in entertainment circle , then I
tell you: You have come to the wrong place."
These principles are clear to Li Shang, but it is not so easy to
swallow the words “He is not worthy of Hàn Dōng”.

What's more, the "reference object" is still Hàn Dōng.

His heart has never crossed the hurdle.

Feng Mu sees Li Shang still indecisive, and immediately puts it


"Either you grab this character or you get yourself out of this
circle! I'm Feng Mu and I say do it, if you don't believe it! Just
try it!"

The evil spirit in Li Shang's eyes was eventually brutally



Hàn Dōng stayed in the hotel for two days and his physical
recovery was almost the same before discussing the return.

Although Wang Zhong Ding is not so busy, but he will have to

have a certain influence on the company for a long time. And
his mother has not recovered from hospital, he certainly wants
to return early.

However, Hàn Dōng said, "Since we have all come to Guizhou,

why don't we go to Ye Ge's door?"

"There are opportunities afterwards."

"The day after tomorrow will be New Year's Day. Why

wouldn't it be a good idea to pass through the door of someone's
house after a big holiday?"

"What is wrong with you?" Wang Zhong Ding replied.

Hàn Dōng took out the killer move and hooked Wang Zhong
Ding's smiling neck. "Aren't you really good with Ye Ge? You
brought him back to Beijing to join me last time?"
Wang Zhong Ding's face really changed.

Hàn Dōng took the opportunity to say: "If you don't do this,
you can go back to your business first. I'll go to Ye Ge's house.
We're splitting into two separate ways."

Wang Zhong Ding cold eyes could kill a fly, in the heart of a
sentence "Splitting from Hàn Dōng," he had to put himself into

As a result, the mountain road just walked halfway. Hàn Dōng

could not get up on the stone with a butt.

"I'm tired!"

Wang Zhong Ding calmly dropped his face. "Who told you to
take so many things?"

"I thought I'd be able to walk a few steps and get there. How
far are we from it? Did you walk the same way last time?"
"Or what? Do you think I was flying there?"

Hàn Dōng began to play tricks again. “Since you love me so

much ah? Wouldn't you rather take the weight from me?”

Sure enough, in exchange for a slap.

"Let's go!"

Hàn Dōng dialectically said, "You can do this for me. If I can't
go in one breath, I'll live forever!"

As a result, it took less than two kilometers and he began to

drag back. Even if the light drags the hind legs, it will be fine,
but he will also grind and grumble.

"Are you faking tiredness..... because believe it or not.... I will

fuck you right here" Wang Zhong Ding said.
Hàn Dōng's “knowing that the extreme tiring the fucking can
get ” he said, “If you can carry me after you finish fucking me, I
will take off my pants and let you fuck me right here !”

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding's hand really stretched

toward his trousers. Hàn Dōng quickly rushed down the slope,
almost into the mud pool, fortunately Wang Zhong Ding was
quick to help him back.

"Don't make a fuss, let's go, or you won't be able to get

therebefore dark." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng has a hard face. "I'm really tired. You have to let me
take a break."

Wang Zhong Ding agreed to it.

As a result, the incident took place in a short time. The two

men walked and watched on as they crossed a high slope. The
result was that the end of the sky it suddenly began to rain.
At the beginning, Wang Zhong Ding wanted to pull Hàn Dōng
to go back. As a result, the rain was getting bigger and bigger,
the slope was steep and slippery, and he would fall when he was
not careful.

And here is a high incidence of mudslides, Wang Zhong Ding

fear of any accidents, he had to lead Hàn Dōng to a relatively
strong stone below to take shelter from the rain.

Hàn Dōng who had stayed under the smog for many years,
lived in high pressure, for him to accidentally almost fall into
such a mud pool, he sat down and listened to the rain and he
actually felt very fresh and exciting.

"It's fun, right?" He turn around to find resonance.

"Fun my foot!"


Hàn Dōng shrank his head back.

After a while, Wang Zhong Ding touched Hàn Dōng's wet
clothes and asked, “Are you cold?”

Hàn Dōng did not say anything.

Wang Zhong Ding finally couldn't help feeling distressed. He

plucked him into his arms and comforted him softly: "Its not
much far, it will take a minute to get to their home .....
immediately you can take off you wet clothes and warm them."

Hàn Dōng with no warning got up.

"It's all because me... You can't take care of your mother...
You have to run all the way to accompany me and I've been
sinning... it was... if I didn't take care... How did you come this
far to find him? Ah... I'm so confused..."

Wang Zhong Ding can only stare at him.

"And... We can't wait for the rain to stop... Please carry me on

your back..."
Wang Zhong Ding softened face which looked like beach of
water and was once again cast into cement.

You really……!!

"Can't you? I'm really not that heavy ..." Hàn Dōng's eyes were
full of earnestness.

Wang Zhong Ding nodded. "It is OK but I don't want to shed


and so……

Wang Zhong Ding pressed Hàn Dōng on the stone and rudely
went up.

I just wanted to make you "self-blame" and make you "decide

to not go." Make you "say that to yourself" ... After you have
completely drained all drops of crocodile tears, then I will let
you rest dignified on my shoulders as I carry you there.
In this deep mountains forest.... the land of the rains, storms
and lightnings as companions, flowers and trees as proof, and
Wang Zhong Ding honors Hàn Dōng with a lifetime

That is to say, without leaving a single drop of vitality, no

matter the cost and where it is done, we will follow the
"livestock" style to the end

The rain stopped and a "wolf screamed" across the silent night

"It's so exciting.—"


Ye Chenglin and his wife were ready to sleep. Hàn Dōng and
Wang Zhong Ding arrived.

"My God, you two, this is..."

"Hahaha ... gave you a surprise!"

After Hàn Dōng finished, he came in with a large bag. The

pace of energy was clear to tell everyone that he was not tired.
He is just giddy.

Ye's wife also came out in pajamas and smiled and said: "Sit
down and take a rest, Ye Chenglin. You look for two new clothes
for them."

Hàn Dōng couldn't sit still. He would turn around for a while,
turn around for a while, and say, “Your family setting is not

"Apart from the local stuffs, the others are still improvised,"
said Ye Wife as she handed Hàn Dōng a hot cup of tea.

After drinking hot tea, he simply shouted a few words and the
two went to the bathroom to change clothes.

During the meeting, Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding

discussed, "Can you let me sleep with Ye Ge?"

Wang Zhong Ding quietly replied: "If he agree that I can sleep
with his wife I'll agree that you stay overnight."

"The nerve of y~... I will not give you a chance to commit a


The next day, Ye Chenglin personally cooked a meal for Hàn

Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding.

"There are canned herring, can be fried with oily wheat dishes
... ..." Wang Zhong Ding handed them to Ye Chenglin.

Ye Chenglin looked annoyed. "Dandly, I forgot to buy oily


"Nothing, there is some in this bag." Wang Zhong Ding found

it again and handed it to him.
Hàn Dōng secretly poked Wang Zhong Ding, "Hey, I ask,
where did you buy these things?"

"Is it costly to bring it over, and can't go back with it why not
fill a little stomach? Is it worth the money?"

Hàn Dōng face had abdominal cramps: When did you become
so treacherous?

While cooking, Wang Zhong Ding stayed in the kitchen

without leaving. Ye Chenglin smiled and Wang Zhong Ding
said, "Do you want to help?"

"Don't help." Ye Chenglin replied with a specially crisp tone.

Yeah, Ye Chenglin continues to be busy.

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes are staring at his working hands,

while Ye Chenglin was turning the stir-frying, grasping the
heat, Wang was converting the ingredients into numbers, and
storing them in his number obsessed brain.
"It is too authentic!" Hàn Dōng was full of praise.

Ye Chenglin laughed. "Then eat some more."

Hàn Dōng kept giving Wang Zhong Ding food steadily. The
degree of thoughtfulness was as good as that of Ye Ge's wife.

“Is this one hundred times better than the one you bought in
that store? We should brought some back than to let the
cookery have taste!”

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

After a meal, nothing was left on the table.

Hàn Dōng touched his stomach. "I'm too full.... I will go and
walk a while"

Ye Chenglin said: "If you go back and don't mention anything,

you shouldn't be so tired."

Who says nothing? Why didn't I mention something?

Wang Zhong Ding immediately asked: "How are these dishes


Ye Chenglin said straight: "This can't be salted in Beijing.

First, the container is not easy to find. Second, the temperature
is not reached perfectly. The third is that the condiments are
not well-matched and the salt taste is not the same ."

Hàn Dōng itched for it. "Then I'll take it."

"no problem."

Ye Chenglin said when he went to find a bag and kept it in.

"Enough, enough..." Hàn Dōng stopped.

Ye Chenglin kept putting it inside. "A little more, this thing is
something you like to eat."

Wang Zhong Ding couldn't stand it anymore. He reached out

and passed it straight. "Well, let's close it."

Ye Chenglin did not give up. "You're really kind."

Who the fuck said I was being kind to you? Wang Zhong Ding
grabbed it and closed it without permission.

Hàn Dōng, "......."

So, on the way back, the scene repeats itself again.

Chapter 203 To finds oneself unpleasant.
Accompanied by Feng Mu, Li Shang went to Cai Peng's "Lair" -
at Hengyu Television Media Co., Ltd.

The company is located on the 23rd floor of an old office

building. There are only 3 studios. The number of employees is
less than 20 and the work environment is minimal.

Even so, the arrival of Li Shang did not add vitality to this
place. Everyone's eyes are very indifferent, it seems that there is
no curiosity about this popular niche.

“Excuse me, where are we to be waiting for Mr. Cai?” Feng

Mu asked a female employee politely.

The female employee was indifferent. "You are casual, where

do you want to be seating, isn't there a seat everywhere?"

Feng Mu smiled slyly. "Thank you."

The female staff did not even say "you're welcome" and went
straight to her studio.

Li Shang has dealt with such a large number of companies. No

one company has such an attitude. Its harder to understand why
Feng Mu is so optimistic about its prospects.

Waiting for more than half an hour, Cai Peng and his assistant
appeared at the door.

Li Shang turned his head and stayed for a moment.

Cai Peng's assistant turned out to be the man who beat him in
the bathroom on the day he and Hàn Dōng competed for the
"Feng Mang" role.

Feng Mu felt Li Shang's anomaly breathing and asked, "What's


"Nothing." Li Shang looked away.

Cai Peng and his assistant arrived in front of two people. Feng
Mu stood and smiled and reached out to Cai Peng.

"Manager Cai, sorry to bother you again."

Cai Peng did not look at her and looked directly at Li Shang .

"Lets speak into the office."

Feng Mu was a bit embarrassed, but she still went to Cai

Peng's office with Li Shang.

As a result, Li Shang had just entered the front foot and Cai
Peng's assistant's back foot shut the door.

"We didn't call you," said the assistant coldly.

Feng Mu has been psychologically prepared, so it doesn't

matter and she sits outside.
After Li Shang entered, he and Cai Peng showed their
intentions. He said that he was very sincere and his attitude was
very low. He wants a different from the high-profile image that
appeared in the camera.

Unfortunately, Cai Peng does not eat this lie.

Before he finished talking to Li Shang, he bluntly asked, "Do

you aspire to grab anything from Hàn Dōng?"

Li Shang did not expect Cai Peng to be so sharp in his opening.

Fortunately, he was mentally prepared to handle martyrdom
with ease.

"I think you misunderstood. I just like this role. Whoever

plays it, I will continue to fight for it."

Cai Peng laughed with a sly grin. "If an entertainer who thinks
he is doing well is not involved in personal grudges, will he look
for a role from an unknown little boss?"
"Well, I admit that there are personal factors inside, but more
of my interest in this movie is good for your company's
development prospects."

Cai Peng smoked slowly. "You can talk all you want, but I
don't like you."

Li Shang face endured..... Didn't show any anger.

"You may not know me well. I have a special focus on my

eyebrows. I didn't feel good at first glance, you are riding on my
neck and I still don't like you. On the contrary, if I first think
you do not want to ride ln my neck....All right, you're just
giving me a bow and I won't even see you."

Talking about it, Cai Peng suddenly joined Li Shang's side and
a cloud of smoke was sprayed on Li Shang face.

"I'm sorry, when I saw you at the first sight, and you were at
the scene where you and Hàn Dōng competed for the
protagonist role."
Li Shang coughed.

Cai Peng laughed. "Now you come you here say... if I don't use
Hàn Dōng I should use you, am I stupid?"

“Everyone has his expertise. He wins and I can only prove that
he is suitable for that role. But for other roles, he may not have
performed well as me.”

"I say that I have a special focus on the eye. I see someone's
eyes are so narrow. I can't keep up with you anyway. What do
you say about it?"

Li Shang's broken bone surgery had little sin, and he turned

around at the moment.

"I don't need you to pick me up, I just want to ask, why won't
you think about me?"

Cai Peng quietly replied: "It's very simple, first, Hàn Dōng
definitely does not do things like you, and second, I want to take
the opportunity to torture you for him."

Hearing this, Li Shang's tight fist finally loosened.

"excuse me."


When Feng Mu saw Li Shang coming out, he stepped forward

and asked, "How is it?"

Li Shang said nothing, but the result was already written on

his face.

Surprisingly, Feng Mu did not criticize Li Shang for it.

Instead, she softly comforted and said: "Well, if he does not
want to, we will not beg."

On the way back, Li Shang's eyes kept staring at a place where

emotions were unknown.

Upon reaching a bisecting road, Feng Mu suddenly told the

driver: "Turn east, I'm going to do something."

"Okay." The driver obediently adjusted his direction.

As a result, as soon as the car drove there was a center of

activity, it was blocked by heavy crowds and it was almost
impossible to move.

Li Shang glanced outside. There was a huge crowd of people

here, and the event was unprecedented. The security guard
alone reached more than a hundred. Many people hold flowers,
billboards and giant banners in their hands. It looks like they
are participating in activities.

"What is going on?" Li Shang asked the assistant.

The assistant did not speak yet and Feng Mu interjected: " Xià
Yang Zhuo fan's meet."
Chapter 204 Takes a Dive.
Not long ago, Li Shang also had held a media/fan meeting,
which was also a big and high-profile publicity. The feeling of
blood sprouting due to fan cries has still smashed with Li
Shang's nerve endings.

However, compared with Xià Yang Zhuo's pomp, it was really

a big shame.

Li Shang had already heard that Xià Yang Zhuo's publicity

activities were full, but the specifics of when and where were
truly personal.

It can be said that Li Shang's ride was always rubbing meat

with the turtle's speed. The enthusiastic sentiments of those
fans have almost reached the point of abhorrence.

And this is just outside the venue.

Only those iron powders(fans) with sky-priced tickets and

endured hardships waiting for more than ten hours could
formally enter the venue through layers of security screening.
They can feel like having difficulty controlling their screaming
and crying while seeing their idol.

This world is really unfair.

Some people can take advantage of two legs, and some people
can capture people with a face. However, some people have to
take their own place after enduring severe surgical pain and loss
of dignity.

The chattering of the two assistants in the car contributed to

Li Shang's imbalance unconsciously or intentionally.

"I heard that he had a fan meeting in Shanghai last time.

There were more than 150 media outlets. In the end, only 50
media were allowed to enter. And each media can only enter one
representative. After entering, they can't ask any questions."

"The most terrible thing is that fifty people actually stayed

with one hundred security guards. Two security guards are
holding a reporter. Which is to go to the interview? It is clearly
to listen to the his sentence."

"No way, his meeting will be in frequent situations. It is not

the fans who attack the police or the reporters. Wang does not
know how much public relations he has spent to suppress the


Feng Mu finally could not help but said, "What do you do,
what do you follow? Just manage yourself."

The two assistants could only shut up.

Feng Mu turned his face to Li Shang and comforted her, "Do

not let it go to your heart. The company still attaches great
importance to you."

Li Shang has a careless tone. "Why should it go to my heart?

The more he threatens Hàn Dōng, the greater the fire, he more
can't help."
Feng Mu smiled. "You think best."

During this period of just talking, the car was less than 10
meters ahead. Feng Mu frequently watched the watch and
mumbled, "I'm afraid we will not be able to catch up again."

Her assistant also complained, "When will these brain debris



"We should get there as soon as possible, Xià Yang Zhuo has
not yet arrived. When he arrives, people will continue to
increase." The driver said.

Feng Mu said: "Forget it, I should get off and walked over!
Now there are few people I can squeeze through the crow if I
wait for more people its going to make life worse. Hey ~ why is
this day messed up?"

Li Shang said: "I'll get off with you."

"Why are you getting off the car?"

"I am a good man, who can protect you."

"Isn't this a bodyguard's job? Which eheel gets you to take this
risk? What if it's not okay..... If you end up crushed again?"

"I'll do it with care. The main thing is that I don't want to be

trapped in the car....... It's too awkward."

Feng Mu hesitated for a moment, then nodded her head.

As a result, something went wrong after a while.

At the time, Feng Mu was walking in front of Li Shang.

Nobody knows who said the sentence "Xià Yang Zhuo is unwell
and the press conference was canceled temporarily." This
caused an immediate riot on the spot.
One female fan was out of control and the promotion board in
the hand was waving in a random manner, just hitting on Feng
Mu's shoulder.

So Feng Mu's assistant disputed with the fan.... This fan was
with the team and eventually it all evolved into a clash between
the fan team and Feng Mu's team.

At first Li Shang was able to remain calm, but later he didn't

know who had kicked his knee. The sharp tingling burned his
mental nerves like lightning, causing him to get out of control
instantly and play hard at the fans.

Some people in the chaos pulled off his masks and sunglasses
and discovered that it was Li Tian Bian.

For a time, buzzing sounded.

When the reporter heard the news, the camera recorded the
On the next day, the news of “Li Tian Bian's throw a tantrums
against Xià Yang's fans” spread frantically across major media.

As soon as the news was reported, countless people turned

black on Li Shàng.

There are tens of thousands of critics under each of his

microblogs Weibo post and the degree of rhetoric can't be

At the same time, a large number of forums and communities

have also emerged with a number of suede stickers. Li Shang's
real family background, his true academic credentials, and the
“bullying” deeds that vie for each other's roles are all exposed.

Li Shang's public image took a nose dive.

Hàn Dōng arrived in Beijing just on this day. He could not

wait to see Yu Ming to share this grand occasion.

"Xià Yang Zhuo's fans are too fierce. After one night, Li Shang
was posted in more than two thousand pages and nearly 100,000
posts. It was really no slag left."

Yu Ming said: "What is this? Yesterday, there was an officer

who wanted to buy 10 million pages and devoted them to li

Hàn Dōng exclaimed, "This is a crazy madness!"

"You don't know much about it. There was a fan meet on the
road two days ago and he ran into it just a little bit. He didn't

Hàn Dōng could not help but wipe his sweat. "It seems no one
can make such money so easily"

"Yeah~ It erupted after someone touched Xià Yang Zhuo fan

saying they hit her, I found that you are not at all surprised."

What Hàn Dōng suddenly thought of, deliberately asked Yu

Ming: "was there any hired influence from yiu ?"
"Of course I hired them, or whoever has that frivolousness to
go under his Weibo and cuss all day long?"

"Are you not afraid of things turn on your head and turn your
star black?"

Unexpectedly, Yu Ming said: "What I want is to kick him a few


"What do you mean?" Hàn Dōng did not understand.

Yu Ming calmly replied: "I hired Li Shang's bad mouthing

army , and he was his own in that fight ."

Hàn Dōng suddenly realized that "No wonder Li Shang's fans

dropped in the past few days and Li Shang hit someone. I was
still wondering. Would just dare to say things like that?"

Yu Ming was laughing.

Hàn Dōng looked at Yu Ming with a puzzled look. " I didn't see
it? Do you still have this kind of courage?"

Yu Ming said: "Who made him so black(bad guy) before you, I

already wanted to kick him a few pegs down!"

"In other words, you are not afraid of Feng Mu's revenge?"

“Why would she want to retaliate against me? She is the boss
of the brokerage company. Although Xià Yang Zhuo is signed to
me, but he also belongs to her as an artist, she also needs to take
part of his commission. Why should she not go with the money

Hàn Dōng also thought about it. "But the percentage from
Yang Zhuo is much lower than that of Li Sang. Moreover, she
has a heavy emphasis on Li Shang. Once she finds its you, she
will definitely remember you."

"It's not necessarily. Maybe she still has to thank me."

Hàn Dōng slightly opened his eyes. "What do you mean... this
scandal is Feng Mu's deliberate hype?"

"Otherwise, ado you think? With Feng Mu's public relations

ability, how can I make things worse?"

Hàn Dōng was, it also makes sense.

He can not help but twisted Yu Ming's face, quipped: "Your

current brain will turn me ~ is not from Xià three eggs to find
superiority, instant your confidence increased greatly, to
stimulate this potential out?"

Yu Ming knocked out his hand and "Get off!"

Hàn Dōng laughed and looked at Yu Ming for a while.

Suddenly he asked, “Mr. Ming, I've been away for so many days.
Did you miss me?”

Yu Ming looked stunned and suddenly his micro-expressions

sold his true thoughts.
Can I not say that?

Think of him and Wang Zhong Ding talking at the party, who
would ask this nonsense'?

But coming out of Yu Ming's mouth it became "I have to be

busy making money, who has the illusion of missing you?"

"That's good. I didn't miss you. I was afraid that you would
think about me."

"Get off!"


Feng Mu asked the assistant: "How is he?"

"He's very depressed. He hasn't been out these days."

Feng Mu did not know what to think of and turned into an
office room. After a long drumming, she finally came out with a
sealed box.

"Send this shipment to Li Shang. Please do not fill in the

sender's information. I have already written it inside."

"Okay." The assistant turned to go.

Feng Mu called him again.


The assistant turned, "What happened?"

Feng Mu just had to speak and the phone rang. She had to
answer the phone first.

"What? How can it get out?"

"How do editors say about it over there?"

"ok, ok, I got it."

The assistant saw Feng Mu's face was wrong, and he quickly
asked, "What's wrong?"

"I suspect that someone took the opportunity to find a way out
into his information." Feng Mu, one face worried.

The assistant advised: "Every star falls into scandal and there
will be a lot of downfalls."

Feng Mu said: "It's not a general downfall. I suspect it is an

insider job."

"How did you know?"

Feng Mu did not explicitly say that ......she just shouted, "You
can't let anyone know that this shipment was sent by you, not
even my brother."

"I see."

Feng Mu rushed to pick up things. “You go first. I have to deal

with some troubles. This has a tendency to 'be a big problem'. If
I don't act in time, he won't be able to get back in the future.”
Chapter 205 Clash with Anger for A
Beautiful Woman.
Li Shang has been bored by himself staying at home for the
past two days. On the one hand, he has avoided the limelight.
On the other hand, he is inconvenienced from moving.

No one knew that his knees had only been kicked and he was
swollen and deformed to the point where he could not bend

At this juncture, he dared not go out for medical treatment

and even the private doctor he could not trust it.

Because once the plastic surgery was exposed, his acting

career would be completely destroyed.

Therefore, even if there are thousands of wealth in the hands,

the hospital has many relationships. At this moment, he can
only fight back the pain.

When the assistants arrived delivering meals, they just saw Li

Shang's express mail downstairs and they helped him to take it

After eating rice, Li Shang unpacked the shipment.

In the exquisite box, two freshly baked dolls broke into his

The two dolls were made from the prototype of him and Xià
Yang Zhuo.

At the same time, the doll with his prototype was given to a
doll that was modeled by Xià Yang Zhuo. Xià Yang Zhuo also
erected his middle finger in disdain for him.

Obviously, this is a big mess from fans.

Since the news of “beating fans”, Li Shang has been

personally attacked by Xià Yang Zhuo fans on more than one
occasion. Just a call to abuse and intimidation, he didn't know
how much to take.
Li Shang looked quietly at it...

Nobody knows how long after the room suddenly burst into a
bang, the doll was crushed on the ground.

In the evening, Feng Mu visited him.

Li Shang's room hadn't had time to clean up, and the "corpses"
of dolls were scattered around.

Feng Mu did not ask anything and directly helped him to

clean up.

"I think I know what i want ." Li Shang suddenly said.

Feng Mu's stopped her action, "What do you want?"

"I must grab the character and must take it from him one
more time, I can't be overshadowed by Xià Yang Zhuo's

Feng Mu laughed with relief: "I've not put my gamble on a

wrong person. You should have this kind of ambition."


At this moment, Cai Peng's home is playing a fascinating


Two young men were recruited by him. One was a model who
looked only 17 or 18 years old. The other is an art student, and it
was not long before he graduated.

The model looks handsome and has long, straight legs.

Wearing the same women's clothing on the same day as Hàn
Dōng's game, he was tied in midair with his legs split.

Another art student and Cai Peng are of similar stature,

typical of stripping muscles and wearing thin clothes.
At this moment, the artistic student is holding the backyard
fairy stick (vibrator) and violated the model asshole.

Cai Peng sat on the sofa beside them watching the model in
the air trembling with sultry cries of obscene nature, from time
to time he spoke to guide them.

"Change to a real guy." Cai Peng lifted his chin.

The art student couldn't wait to take off his trousers and the
hanging man was yanked hard. While he was gunning the
model asshole, he said to Cai Peng, “Ooh he is tight, you come
and try.”

Cai Peng said that he did not practice. "You're good, I'm
waiting for the 'real one'."

1]....the real one is Hàn Dōng....this man is a pervert

As soon as the voice fell, a loud noise came from the doorway.
Immediately afterwards, a dozen black men entered the
house. They didn't speak, they just went around to search for
something violently and rummaged through.

The last person who came in was Er Lei.

When he saw the scene in the house and saw the appearance
of the model and the vibrator on the ground. His face was dark.

The art student was scared and put on his pants and ran up to
the outside with hurry. The other model is also frantically
struggling mid-air shaking the equipment while screaming.

Only Cai Peng is the most calm.

Numerous hard fists came to him and he dared to greet them

calmly. Even if he was finally forced up by three or five people
and fell to the ground, he would not change his colors.

At this time, Wang Zhong Ding appeared in the doorway.

There was no expression on his face.
Cai Peng's bones were all twisted and twisted. He also smiled
at Wang Zhong Ding and said: “I'm a self-made little boss who
can get Wang's 'lover' and I'm really flattered!”

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak, quietly walked to the front of
the model, bent down and picked up the vibrator on the ground.

Then he went toward Cai Peng.

Cai Peng saw Wang Zhong Ding's face change step by step, and
when he came to him, he was already distorted like no one

Time seems to be still for a few seconds.

Then, the model's screams were heard in the room.

The model saw Wang Zhong Ding insert a vibrator in his hand
into Cai Peng's mouth, and then pinched it and twisted and
twists, and instantly everyone heard a horrible break from the
inside the throat.
Then, when fragment of the massage stick was pulled out by
Cai Peng and the bloody tooth tissue was still attached to it.

This was Wang Ding's hand getting dirty for the first time.

He once assured his grandfather that no matter what the

situation is in the future, he will never be accused of power
abuse and violence.

However, today, he made an exception.

He could not tolerate the "little charm" he bought for himself

and his loved one being used for filthy sorrows and sex deals.
Even more unbearable is that it went in from his lover's body to
another unfamiliar martyr.

Even if it were just a tool, as long as it touched Hàn Dōng's

body, it became a special existence and became the only one in
his eyes.

Does not allow a trace of defilement on it!

Cai Peng was spewing blood from his mouth, but he still did
not give up.

"Wang Zhong Ding, you are so strong, it will encourage me to

rob your man for my own ~"

Wang Zhong Ding went straight to the rope on the model, and
when everyone thought he was going to untie, he pulled out a
pinhole camera.

Cai Peng's face finally changed, "Wang's eyes really deserved

reputation for detail."

Wang Zhong Ding did not ignore him and turned toward the

"If you really have the courage in him, you shouldn't suppress
the development of Hàn Dōng road. You should let him shine
and be sought after by the crowd. If you can hold him at that
time, then you can call yourself his lord!"
Wang Zhong Ding took a walk and said coldly:

"This should not bother you."


The next day, Li Shang came to the door.

Although Cai Peng had dozens of bruises in his mouth, he still

looked at Li Shang with a gloating expression.

"Your agent has blackened you badly~"

Li Shang did not return fire because he knew very clearly that
Cai Peng had not made any mistakes.

"So I came to blacken her today." Li Shang said.

Cai Peng asked with interest: "How black are you planning to

"You give me the role of this movie, and I will give you the
internal information she has in hand."

"Are you trying to blackening her or want blacken your


"I can't blacken Wang."

After hearing this, Cai Peng laughed.

“I have found that your company's people have blindly

worshipped Wang Zhong Ding because he has only contributed
to the virtues of this arrogance today?”

Li Shang also smiled. "You were wrong. They may be

worshipping Wang Zhong Ding. But I admire Hàn Dōng. The
reason why I said that I couldn't blacklist Wang Zhong Ding was
that Hàn Dōng will calculated his suspicions and help Wang
Zhong Ding escape any disaster unscathed."

Cai Peng was like listening to a fairy tale. "As you say, couldn't
I not be out of this bad breath?"


"You are so real brave, you are not afraid that I will not
cooperate with you?"

"No, because you don't trust anyone."

Cai Peng revisited Li Shang face a few times and jokingly said,
"Looking at you now, and I feel like you're playing a character."

"You'll find out later if that I'm just playing out a character or

"Say you are fat, you just catch your breath." Cai Peng snorted.
"I still have that attitude, if Hàn Dōng does not act in it, or you
just wait for me to repay it for him."

"I'm in this defensive situation. Is there any other choice?" Li

Shang doesn't care.

Cai Peng continued to show no mercy. "I can't believe in life

fate, but I advise you to believe it now. Your life seems to be not
as good as it looks."

Li Shang did not refute, but asked, "What is your assistant's


"Cai Shun."

"His name is Cai?"

"Nonsense, can a surname not be a chastity ?"

Li Shang was surprised. "You are brothers?"

"What? You want to damage the relationship between us,

make me replace him? Hehe... don't dream it. He wouldn't be
my brother then, but I will be responsible for him because he's
beaten you back then."

Li Shang's face changed and he wanted to say nothing.

Chapter 206 Strength.
After less than one week of rest, the crew put the shooting
plan at the end of the year on the agenda.

Xià Yang Zhuo's scenes were all finalized and have officially
added into the shooting.

Just because he suddenly became famous and business

activities continued, the crew's schedule would have to be
adjusted with him.

And his fans are too fanatical, and some people try to be in
close contact with him, even with the owner of the hotel was
compete for bribes with the other actors of the crew for the

This brings a lot of trouble for shooting.

After Xià Yang Zhuo stardom was born, the basic number of
gifts was still delivered. He publicly apologized to these staff
members for his fans, and repurchased senior suites for them in
his own pockets, and shuttled them to the crew every day.
Even so, he is still criticized.

There are always some fans using extreme ways to look

around at the shooting scene, causing unnecessary trouble for
other actors.

Hàn Dōng and Xià Yang Zhuo are not opponents, so the two
rarely meet. If he had not heard from Yu Ming today, Hàn Dōng
will certainly not come to visit the crew.

“Have you seen the newly-changed play?” asked Yu Ming.

"Not yet, what's wrong?"

Yu Ming wanted to answer. Xià Yang Zhuo's assistant rushed

and said: “Xià Yang Zhuo's scene was written by Wang Zhong
Ding himself.”

Hàn Dōng's face was dark at the moment.

"What? He himself wrote a script for Xià three eggs?"

Yu Ming nodded. "It is said to be."

Hàn Dōng's heart was broken.

Motherfucker had a baby! Laozi(My)'s scenes you have not

written them with your heart!

As Hàn Dōng became more angry, Xià Yang Zhuo's assistant

ignited the wind.

“Xià belong to a rare breeds. However many years pass they

can't create one! Can the company not be cautious about his
performances? Won't Wang have special care for him?”

Hàn Dōng faintly replied: "Three egg fans speech are all
trained out by you?"

"Can you please not call him three eggs?"

Seeing that the assistant has a tendency to turn over, Hàn
Dōng was not obsessed with it. Yu Ming has to stand up for

"Well, don't argue."

Xià Yang Zhuo's assistant took a face and left.

Yu Ming patted Hàn Dōng's shoulders and comforted him,

"Don't put a gimmick on it. Her thinking is so short. And those
fans, I can't afford to let them go now."

Just finished, there are two female fans onlookers who began
to wipe tears.

Hàn Dōng's eyes were shot at the shooting site.

Lao Tzu must have a good insight! ! What touching drama did
your idol play? Making you cry more for him than your dead
mother..... !
As a result, Hàn Dōng looked at Xià Yang Zhuo's performance
and actually did not expect the feeling of a limelight.

Looks like it's ok~

However, there is still some distance from Cain's request, so

Xià Yang Zhuo is still said that word 'Cut'

The second remake, Hàn Dōng deliberately approached.

And Xià Yang Zhuo is the hero of the film, that is, the
successor of Yi Wei - Guan Xue.

To say this Guan Xue is also a great deal, her mother became
famous in the Western film and television industry in the 60's,
mixed Hollywood's first Chinese actress.

She grew up with her own ears and was accompanied by her
mother's campaign. She naturally possesses excellent
performance qualities. But because Hollywood is different
today, she hasn't picked up a role for a few years and had to
return in the country.

Therefore, the actual age of Guan Xue is no small. Although

actress is supposed to be 30 yrs old, but with the Xià Yang Zhuo
being born in 1995, there is a clear gap in the air field.

However, after the show started, Xià Yang Zhuo actually

supported the scene!

What surprised Hàn Dōng was that Xià Yang Zhuo's problems
were in stark contrast to other iconic artists.

Other actors and actress are emotionally indifferent and

stereotyped. He is too full of emotional expression and it is
difficult to close it.

In short, it is a reluctant difference that may make him

perform lively and leave emotions.

No wonder fans have been wiping tears.

However, Hàn Dōng had to admit that Xià Yang Zhuo was
highly motivated, but lacked control and thickness. These can
be slowly trained and tempered in future acting.

It is now possible to reach this level and he is already stronger

than most people. In particular, he stood with his hands on Hàn
Dōng's sides and looked at the disciple of the disciple leader
with a veteran look.

Seeing that he felt very good about himself recently, Hàn

Dōng asked him, "Where did Xià Yang Zhuo practice?"

Yu Ming said: "He used to specialize in theatrical

performances and rarely touched film and television works."

"No wonder."

In general, theatrical performances require consistency,

allowing the actors to clamp down on brewing emotions, to
have explosive power and to be able to do the full act all at once.
The film and television performances are shot in segments and
pay more attention to detail and accuracy. But overall, it is still
difficult than dramatic performances.

After watching Xià Yang Zhuo's performance, and looking at

the scripts written by Wang Zhong Ding for him...... Hàn Dōng
is even less angry.

At this time, Yu Ming was quite proud to say, “I'm very good
for this opponent whom Li Shang found for you.”

Hàn Dōng answered him with a gloomy look. "Are you sure
you are looking at Li Shang rival?"

"Certainly, ah! Wang writes a script for Three Eggs. Isn't it

just to give Li Shang a rival?"

Hàn Dōng: "Why does he write his scenes so well?"

"In order to make Li Shang convinced!"

Hàn Dōng nodded. "I really want to apply for a patent for your
fucked up logic."

Yu Ming, "......."

As they were talking, Wang Zhong Ding's presence appeared

in the studio.

Hàn Dōng was uncomfortable. As a result, when he did not

have his own scene shot. Wang Zhong Ding actually came to
visit the crew! At this time, Hàn Dōng wanted to pull out his
intestines and declare public ownership.

Fortunately, Wang Zhong Ding went straight to him with his


"Why did you come here? I've been looking for you for a long
time." Wang Zhong Ding said that looking the appearance of
Hàn Dōng's slightly hypocritical look.

Hàn Dōng did not make any response to Wang Zhong Ding.
Wang Zhong Ding said straight: "Before I go to the office, I
have something to discuss with you."

Hàn Dōng was still motionless.

"I'm talking to you." Wang Zhong Ding cold face stressed.

Hàn Dōng challenged Wang Zhong Ding's authority in public.

Say all you want, today Lao Zi will stand still!

Projected around to watch the lively eyes.

Wang Zhong Ding had no patience and wanted to take Hàn

Dōng away. As a result, his hand has not yet risen. Hàn Dōng
actually reached out and put a note on his forehead.

Yu Ming is a little dumbfounded. Hàn Dōng is angry with him.

Why is he shortening his life by doing something like that?

Is this not courting death?

Wang Zhong Ding's face really changed.

"You dare to hit me? What's wrong with you?"

Hàn Dōng pointed to Wang Zhong Ding's forehead.

"I would like to smack your face too! It will also be seen by so
many people.... you're lucky leaving you some face."

Wang Zhong Ding wrote a word on his face -.

After Hàn Dōng's three-slap, he added the words "not", "live"

and ," gone".

No one was sweating for Hàn Dōng sweat.

Do not think that Wang Zhong Ding will not be hands-on

later.... but everyone rather determined that Wang Zhong Ding
will be hands-on now, so they were calmly waiting for Hàn
Dōng to be abused.

As a result, a dramatic scene emerged.

Wang Zhong Ding had just started. Hàn Dōng actually

“defended himself” and hit himself on the door frame.

Then, Wang Zhong Ding's hand reached out to Hàn Dōng's

forehead, and he helped him to rub it!

What's even more funny is that during the time when Wang
Zhong Ding helped Hàn Dōng to knead his foreheads, Hàn Dōng
was still stunned and Wang Zhong Ding was angry. The
atmosphere is still very tight, but the fuck he is not holding it

The most shameless show of love in the history of the film

acting eventually saw Hàn Dōng going out of the door, and
Wang Zhong Ding closely followed the dog's bloody path.

After going out, the war between the two men continues.
"What do you think you are doing?" asked Wang Zhong Ding.

Hàn Dōng replied, "What am I doing? You wrote a script for

him ....personally!!!.... I still want to ask you ....what are you

"I wrote a script for him?" Wang Zhong Ding asked again.

Hàn Dōng furiously replied: "Or what? The entire crew knows
that I am the jealous one, but can I still fake it?"

"Have you seen the script?" Wang Zhong Ding asked in the last

Hàn Dōng was also angry for the last time: "I haven't read the
script. How can I be sure that's its your style? Haven't read the
script. Can I be sure that's your narrative? Haven't read the
script? Can I have anything to look for?! !”

Wang Zhong Ding finally did not feel anger anymore, but he
did not express his feelings.
"If you read the script and still think so, then I have nothing to

Wang Zhong Ding dumped Hàn Dōng with a cold face and
went straight to his own parking spot.

Follow me in this lie?

Hàn Dōng sneered, Wang keep thinking that he would

intentionally spend the entire time in suspense, and you think I
would rush to ask you?

Ten seconds later, Hàn Dōng sees people around him had gone
away, and Hàn Dōng was chasing after Wang Zhong Ding.
Chapter 207 Crisis.
Unfortunately, when the "Han Chronic" arrived at his
destination, "Wang Wind and Thunder" had grown away.

The fuck! You still have your nose in front your face!

So, Hàn Dōng apart from anything else, drove to continue

chasing after him.

Wang Zhong Ding's car steadily drove on the road, and

suddenly there was a skull in the mirror. He scrambled to his
side and drove, and he pressed the horn from time to time.

Wang Zhong Ding did not look over there, but he could
imagine Hàn Dōng's subordination.


Wang Zhong Ding mumbled the name inexplicably, and then

Hàn Dōng self-righteously left Wang Zhong Ding's car behind
him. As a result, he saw Wang Zhong Ding turning at the
following intersection.

When he turned around and wanted to chase him again, Wang

Zhong Ding's car had gone

Hàn Dōng was unhappy, and the result was soon approaching
the entrance of the company he hit a traffic jam. Still, because
of a bus breakdown, all male passengers came down to help with
the carting the lords from several nearby cars also went down to

Hàn Dōng is the first tough guy in the capital. So he also went

However, giving power means no image, so Hàn Dōng can ask

for help, as long as no one recognizes him.

However, when the value of character broke, they could not

Hàn Dōng was not only recognized but also not recognized by
the average person.

At that time, he stood alone in the right rear and was

consciously struggling. He suddenly had two more solid arms
next to him. Suddenly, he hailed the brother and brother and
shouted them over one by one.

After the completion of the task, he clapping his hands and

found that the man next to him was Cai Peng.

"I'm going blind, why are you here?!!"

Cai Peng put his hand on Hàn Dōng's shoulder and smiled and
said, "Hey, hello, it's been a few days."

Hàn Dōng's goose bumps were all coming out. His eyes looked
around from time to time, for fear that Wang Zhong Ding would
have suddenly appeared.

"I did mean it when I refused your role!"

"This time is not for the movie role."

"why are you here then?"

Cai Peng did not speak a while and opened his mouth wide.

Hàn Dōng could not help but be scarred by his mouth.

"You did this happen..."

"Your man did it."

Hàn Dōng flashed his guilty conscience.

Cai Peng deliberately probed his mouth under Hàn Dōng's

eyelids, rushing out of the atmosphere.

"What do you want me to do about it?"

Hàn Dōng loss his smile. "Wang Zhong Ding is really..... How
can he do this? I don't know how to say ..."

Suddenly the claws attacked, and they clamored for Cai Peng's

How to do it? Just do it!

As a result, when he turned and wanted to run, he took a slow

step and Cai Peng took him back with his collar.

Hàn Dōng calmed down. "Let me go! Didn't you hear? I count

"I didn't do anything bad to you, right?" Cai Peng interrupted


Hàn Dōng was slightly uncomfortable. "No, what's wrong?"

"I sincerely want to invite you to make a movie. In the winter,

I rescued you from the water. The only thing that is special I
took your toys. But I didn't think about it! How did you come
back to meet me? With a hostile attitude?"

Hàn Dōng , "...I have?"

"Is it not? Do you remember when you first met? You didn't
give me a good face!"

Hàn Dōng's pretended calmness he smiled with ease. “I have a

special focus on my eyebrows. If I don't see you at first sight, it
will be difficult to change my mind in the future.”

"That happens. I am also such a person. It's better for us to be

friends." Cai Peng reached out.

Hàn Dōng was shocked again.

Cai Peng suddenly put away the meaning of stealing slapstick,

he restored a look of righteousness.
"You don't need to be on your guard against me. I'm not really
bad for you. You can't hide if you want to hide from me. Now
that I'm just moving, it proves that I don't have that kind of idea
for you."

Hàn Dōng was more comfortable listening to this.

As a result, Cai Peng continued and said: "Wang Zhong Ding

looks nice on the surface, but in fact, his bones are particularly
sinister. You look bad on the surface, but in fact there is
something special nice about your body. The trick is only one
kind of person, and you will suffer if you follow him."

“Do not speak shit!” Hàn Dōng hurriedly waved. “You dare to
compare him with you?”

Cai Peng still continues. “There are not many people in this
circle who deserve my respect, but you are one. I still say that,
the protagonist role of the movie is always there for you. If you
intend to star in it, even if we have already shot half the
movie.... I am willing to overthrow it again."
After completing this remark, Cai Peng did not entanglement
for another second, and he took a big stride and left

Hàn Dōng is still inextricably intertwined.

When Yu Ming returned to the company, he happened to see

Hàn Dōng's thoughts drifting toward the office building.

"Oh, hey?" Yu Ming stopped him.

Hàn Dōng took Yu Ming's hand and said, "Before you
your buddy, your buddy is depressed."

"What's the matter? Are you worried about the script?"

Hàn Dōng's heart crept up, right, and the script! This thought
was even more paralyzed.

"OK, lets go back and talk about it."

In the dormitory, Hàn Dōng poured out all the bitter water in
his heart.

As a result, Yu Ming's reaction was cold after listening.

"That's it?"

"These are not enough? How do you want me react?"

Yu Ming said coldly: "Your current priority is not how to get

rid of Cai Peng, but how to train your courage!"

"What do you mean?"

"Is that what you are too jealous to know? It is his business
that Cai Peng entangles you, why do you fear that one? Should
you be nervous if Wang Zhong Ding?.... is that good or not?"

Hàn Dōng suddenly realized: "He is not doing anything wrong

with me, why should I be acting like a thief?"

"I tell you, you just asked Wang Zhong Ding to be too strict! If
you go on like this, you will never turn back!"

Hàn Dōng fought, "Sure, I'm too used to him!"

Depressed to hear him say it, but also feel that something is
wrong. Judging from the scene of “kneading brains” today, Hàn
Dōng does not often suffer from antagonising him!

"You tell me ..... how do I handle Cai Peng in the end?" Hàn
Dōng asked again.

Yu Ming said: "Cold shoulder treatment."

"No, you didn't see Cai Peng's mouth today! If he goes on like
this, I'm afraid Wang Zhong Ding will cook him."
"What do you want?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng said: "I want to establish an absolute authority! As

long as I say a word, Wang Zhong Ding does not believe it he has
to believe. As long as I have a look, Wang Zhong Ding can not be

Yu Ming's mouth was pumped. "I'm afraid this can only be

done with divine power. Why don't you calculate it, aren't you a
big fairy(fortune teller)? You should be able to solve the crisis!"

Hàn Dōng did not know how long he had not touched the
character, and even he did not believe this one.

"Okay~ I'll try it."

Yu Ming did not speak, just sat next to him.

He saw the god of eyes Hàn Dōng chanting for a while, and
when he opened his eyes, all the exiles had been dispersed.
"Have you found a way out?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng nodded. "If I want to come out. I still won't

establish any authority."

Yu Ming, "... Why?"

"Because I accidentally figured it out, I may have one more

stalker ."

Yu Ming is a bit uncertain. "One more?"

Hàn Dōng finally couldn't help but rushed it out. "There is

another one besides Cai Peng!"

Yu Ming, "......."

Hàn Dōng complained on Yu Ming's shoulders.

Yu Ming sighed. "I think you should count how many years
your Wang will live to clear up the stalkers."
Chapter 208 Still Dare to Hurry?
At 9:00 in the evening, Yu Ming went to the next door.

"I said, you really will not go to his house today?"

Hàn Dōng was busy turning things in the cupboard and he did
not lift his head.

Yu Ming was leaving and Hàn Dōng suddenly stopped him.

"Wait, there is something for you."

Yu Ming turned and an unknown object flew over to catch a

look. It was actually a sexy underwear.

"What did you give me this?"

"What did you say? Wear it! Did you think i gave it for you to
eat it?"

"I don't want to wear it." Yu Ming wanted to throw it.

Hàn Dōng stopped him and advised him: "Don't throw it. This
one is new. It hasn't been worn yet."

"It's not a question of not wearing it, but it's of no use to me."
Yu Ming's tone was faint.

“How can it be useless?” Hàn Dōng explained to Yu Ming with

his expert tone while playing. “You see, this panty has mesh
behind it, and you can reveal your attractive little buttocks. The
middle is a hole. It can reveal..."

"....OK!" Yu Ming interrupted uncomfortably. "I don't need to

hear ....whoever you love to send yhings to."

Hàn Dōng is still going on. "If you think about it, if you put on
this, Xià Hòng Wēi will be like ~Aah~Ooh yeah~Aah~...He will
be particularly excited and you will get something even good all

"Go to hell!" Yu Ming really pulled down his face.

Hàn Dōng grinned, "You shouldn't always be so passive!

Occasionally, you should surprise h once. When you are this old
fashioned, he will easily lose interest in you."

"Is it worth it?" Yu Ming said coldly.

Hàn Dōng shoved it into his hand. "You'll accept it."

Yu Ming did not understand, "Why must you give it to me?

Why not use it yourself?"

Hàn Dōng looked helpless. "I don't have to wear it. Wang said
he is hooked and wants me all the time. If I were to be a little bit
naughtier with the sex, he will lock me into the cage and lock
Yu Ming snorted and said nothing.


In the dead of night, Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming chatted across a


"Ming Er, when I was away, did you live alone?"


Hàn Dōng suddenly feels a bit distressed. "You're saving a lot

now? Why don't you buy a suite and move out?"

"Got used to this place, too lazy to move."

Hàn Dōng asked again: "Have you ever thought of living with
Xià Hòng Wēi?"
"No." Yu Ming answered very simply.


"One I do not want to, and the other is conditions do not


Hàn Dōng thinks that one is a rhetoric and the second is the
main reason. So he asked again: "Why is the condition for it not

“His parents have strict supervision over his private life, and
they usually have spy report with people who come and go.
Even worse, when a man eats and drinks with a man for a long
time and lives with him, his parents will certainly be

Many times, Yu Ming and Xià Hòng Wēi met in hotels or

clubs. In contrast, Hàn Dōng suddenly felt that he was very
Realizing that this topic may continue to make Yu Ming Hàn Dōng will change to make people happy.

"We have to celebrate the Chinese New Year~"

Yu Ming's tone was really easy, "Yeah, I can finally go home."

"The most important thing is to take a good rest for a few


Yu Ming asked: "Will you return to your hometown for the

New Year?"

"Not going back, its too remotely far, too lazy to go." Hàn
Dōng said lightly.

Yu Ming also asked: "Will you spend the New Year together
with Wang Zhong Ding?"
Hàn Dōng suddenly fell silent.

After a long time he only replied: "I wouldn't bother to go to

his home. It was enough crazy to think of Wang Hai Zi there."

"What would you do during the New Year?"

"There are so many things to do! I'm so full scheduled. I don't

have to have free time. Which big-eyed dinner are you eating at

After that, Hàn Dōng took a moment without a word.

Yu Ming's heart is not quite settled.

Hàn Dōng saw much more than he saw. He chatted for more
than ten minutes, and his buzzing sounded loudly.

"Uh... Ming Er... I'm with you... Um... I'm not... You're
alone... Um um...”

Yu Ming moved in less than two minutes and heard a sound of

getting up and coming down next door. The sound was
accompanied by buzzing. When he came to the door, Hàn
Dōng's head had disappeared into the elevator.

You sleep walking bstard! You still dare to hurry off to him
even after promising to stay?

Yu Ming wanted to go back to the room and suddenly

remembered that Hàn Dōng drove himself to the dormitory. He
wouldn't want to go back to sleepwalking?

The security issue was not his worried. He worried that Hàn
Dōng would be arrested.

Other artists will use their reputation as an excuse to being

drunk. Hàn Dōng is a sleepwalking driver!

With this in mind, Yu Ming hurried down.

It turns out that he really thought of everything.

Wang Zhong Ding's car was waiting at the door of the unit.
Hàn Dōng didn't ask the driver anything he just got in straight
to the car. He also said to Wang Zhong Ding: "If you go back to
this point, I will not delay your normal sleep."

Then, the car drove away in front of Yu Ming.

The guy who claims he will stay with him and won't let him
stay alone was sitting firmly in the car driving away.

Do not to mention talk back, he did not even look back.

"Want to build absolute authority? It's good to first beat your

sleepwalker self. It's not a bad idea to sell yourself."

Yu Ming mumbled and walked back to the room only to see

the sexy underwear that Hàn Dōng personally sent to his door.
Just about to throw it out, he received Xià Hòng Wēi's call.

"I missed you." Xià Hòng Wēi said.

Yu Ming did not speak.

"I want to come over and stay. Do you have other people in
your dormitory?"

“There has been no one. I just came to see a pig that has
already been taken away to be sold”

Xià Hòng Wēi, "...well, I will come to look for you."

Yu Ming did not know whether he was stimulated by Hàn

Dōng. He did not throw away the underwear, but he put it on.

After more than 40 minutes, Xià Hòng Wēi arrived here.

Yu Ming has already got into bed, but only his eyes were
closed and he was not asleep.

Xià Hòng Wēi changed his clothes and went straight to the big

Yu Ming felt he was about to lift the quilt. Suddenly, his heart
felt tight and he pushed hard to push Xià Hòng Wēi.

"Go to the shower first."

"I just washed at home." Xià Hòng Wēi said.

Yu Ming insisted, "Wash one more time."

Xià Hòng Wēi was helpless, had no choice but to get washed.

After the results came back to lift the quilt, Yu Ming smacked
his hand.
"Go dry your hair first!"

Xià Hòng Wēi said: "I didn't wash my hair at all."

"But you have water in your hair." Yu Ming looks true.

Xià Hòng Wēi patiently picked up the hair dryer. As a result,

the room was suddenly blown dark. The room was suddenly
dark, but the hair dryer in his hand was still working.

Needless to say, it is definitely the one hand turned the lights


"Which of you played this out? Is this s midnight horror

show?" Xià Hòng Wēi said to the gloomy handsome face in the

Yu Ming said: "...saving power."

"You shouldn't let me blow my hair when you're saving
electricity. This blows off enough electricity to turn on three
rooms light!"

Yu Ming may also feel a bit overdue, and turning back so may
easily lead to suspicion.

So he got up again and turn on the light.

However, Xià Hòng Wēi captured the clues in the mirror just
as the lights came on and Yu Ming quickly drilled back to bed.

He slowly lowered the hair dryer.

Then, as a hungry tiger hefluttered toward the bed, not giving

Yu Ming the time to respond, a quilt was pulled and thrown to
the side.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xià Hòng Wēi's blood pressure

nearly reached 200 at that moment, and the entire eyeball was
Yu Ming felt uncomfortable and pushed Xià Hòng Wēi.

The result was "bad things" happened.

Xià Hòng Wēi seems to have been touched by the desire to

switch into his rogue mode, he strong armed picked up Yu
Ming, he went with him straight to the bathroom.


The next morning, Hàn Dōng woke up in Wang Zhong Ding's


The first twenty minutes after awakening Hàn Dōng was in a

period of confusion, with little impression of what happened

So, as usual, various tricks must have happened on the bed.

One hand climbed into Wang Zhong Ding's legs, causing Wang
strong waist to move unconsciously with the hand, and his
mouth murmured with vague hum.

"Don't make a fuss~"

Hàn Dōng loves to listen to Wang Zhong Ding's low-pitched,

deep voice, which is particularly magnetic and particularly

So he can't help but continue.

Wang Zhong Ding really replied, "I'll hit you again!"

Hàn Dōng who was riding on Wang Ding's body rumbles to

meet all kinds of satisfaction to satisfy himself..... then he felt
something was wrong.
Chapter 209 Planning Timetable .
Hàn Dōng's head lifted and his face turned transient.

"How did I come back here?"

Wang Zhong Ding wanted to give him some face and he did
not clarify. As a result, Hàn Dōng reluctantly said, "Were you
cheating me back when I was sleepwalking?"

"I also hope that I can close your mouth." Wang Zhong Ding

Hàn Dōng did not respond. "What do you mean?"

Wang Zhong Ding's expression of disdain was to dress and get

out of bed to wash.

Hàn Dōng really caught up with him in the bathroom. "And

what did you mean by the last sentence you said yesterday?"
Wang Zhong Ding brushed his teeth and ignored him.

Hàn Dōng did not continue to ask, but he took a seat on the
next toilet.

Wang Zhong Ding really spoke up. "Did I ever said that you
defecate in the bathroom where I'm brushing my teeth?"

Hàn Dōng also took care of himself and ignored him.

Wang Zhong Ding had to endure anger to use a bathroom to

continue brushing.

As a result, Hàn Dōng also brought his pants to the toilet to

continue pulling.

Wang Zhong Ding changed and then brush again, Hàn Dōng
and then pull up his pants again.
In the end, Hàn Dōng said with a sense of accomplishment:
"Now every room has my smell."

If Hàn Dōng was not done yet, Wang Zhong Ding would
definitely fly him up.

How can there be such an objectionable thing as Hàn Dōng in

the world?

In order to keep him away from himself, Wang Zhong Ding

finally could not help but retorted: "What else can it mean?
Other than those scripts are written for you?"

Hàn Dōng was stunned, "For me?"

"What about you big fairy? You're useless all day and night.
It's not worth it if it's eight hundred!"

After listening to Wang Zhong Ding, Hàn Dōng went to his

computer to glance at the script again.
As a result, he re-visited and discovered that only his movie
scenes and the narration of basic contents are the same font. It
also shows that only his scenes were written in the beginning,
and the rest were added on.

Just because Xià Yang Zhuo is new, every part that needs to be
modified naturally are to merge him. Therefore, other people
have mistakenly thought that Wang Zhong Ding wrote them for
Xià Yang Zhuo.

In fact, Xià Yang Zhuo's scenes are not all written by Wang
Zhong Ding. Only those parts of the scenes that have a limelight
rivalry with Hàn Dōng.... Wang Zhong Ding had to pay special

After understanding the truth, Hàn Dōng scowled and went to

the bathroom to spray air freshener.


At the company, Wang Zhong Ding called Hàn Dōng to the

office and handed him an artist development plan.
On this form, Hàn Dōng finally felt the sincerity of Wang
Zhong Ding as a broker. At the same time, he clearly and
intuitively saw the specific method of his big game plan.

In general, Wang Zhong Ding categorized the development of

Hàn Dōng into three stages. They are the foundation period, the
brewing period and the star breakout period.

Among them, the foundation period is the year that will soon
be passed. During this year, Hàn Dōng must complete the three
basic tasks of personality shaping, environmental adaptation,
and small scale film testing.

Among them, the personality shaping column. Wang Zhong

Ding wrote a shocking word with a red pen—FAILURE

The environmental adaptation is fairly satisfactory. He

basically deal with various situations and he can deal with all
kinds of people. The inadequacy is Hàn Dōng went on to mislead
the company's entire staff to think that Wang Zhong Ding hates
him, so this item he can only give a "PASS."
Needless to say on the small test film, Wang Zhong Ding just
wanted to let Hàn Dōng play small part in the movie, but he did
not expect him even harvest this year's biggest surprise - "Theft
of Shadows".

However, Hàn Dōng clearly expressed his gratitude to Wang

Zhong Ding's score. “With only 99 points, where did the 1 point
got lost?”

He thought that Wang Zhong Ding would say, "There are no

full scores in my world," and like that, Wang Zhong Ding did
not expect to return only his words - excess.

"What? Excess?"

"Yeah, you were almost at stardom launch, so it had to be


For the first time, Hàn Dōng heard that points must be
deducted for over excellent performed tasks.
"Because I was not in your grasp, so that you are deeply
frustrated, so you deducted points?" Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding certainly will not admit it.

Hàn Dōng saw Wang Zhong Ding form an important figure in

the planning table of this stage—Li Shang.

The three words marked behind him made Hàn Dōng more

A Stepping Stone.

Yes, Li Shang is playing a stepping stone in Wang Zhong

Ding's planned chess game for Hàn Dōng.

The company first held him up, just to inspect the market and
pave the way for Hàn Dōng. Including the rumors of Wang
Zhong Ding's irresponsible "Li Shang protagonist", Li Shang was
also used to promote Hàn Dōng's fire.
Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding included all of his cannon
fodder that he wanted to dispose of as pawns. After a self-
righteous assumption of Li Shang thinking that he was
suppressing Hàn Dōng and he would realizing in his own last
resort value, he was taken down by Wang Zhong Ding instead of
Hàn Dōng.

However, Li Shang survived in this scrambling and survived


And he learned to smart.

After gaining vested interests, he resolutely shook off Hàn

Dōngs shadow, abandoned the stepping stone's identity, got
separated from the control circle drawn by Wang Zhong Ding,
and embarked on a self-sufficient road.

Therefore, Li Shang became the biggest winner in this stage.

But how could Wang Zhong Ding make Hàn Dōngs ride still
ride go so smooth?
So this time, another key figure appeared - Xià Yang Zhuo.

Xià Yang Zhuo is one grade higher than Li Shang. He is not a

stepping stone. He should be called touchstone.

Wang Zhong Ding asked him to be his supporting actor to Hàn

to make everyone think that Yang Zhuo was truly a treasure.
And when he is at the peak.... Hàn Dōng then would have
climbed that peak and push Yang Zhuo down and claim it for

Of course, this kind of risk-taking inspiration and motivation

comes from Li Shang.

Li Shang thinks that taking Xià Yang Zhuo to suppress Hàn

Dōng will divert some pressure from Hàn Dong off him(Li

However, Hàn did not expect that Wang Zhong Ding would
have marked the second attribute behind Xià Yang Zhuo's name
—used to supressing Li Shang.
Feng Mu probably did not expect that after she pulled Li
Shang out of the abyss, she took him to another dangerous

Yes, Li Shang has been taken out by Wang Zhong Ding's

enemy circle and put into Hàn Dōng's stepping circle becoming
an opponent of Xià Yang Zhuo.

Of course, Xià Yang Zhuo's role is far more than that.

Wang Zhong Ding also marked the third attribute behind Xīa
Yang Zhuo name - The Money Tree.

But not the company's cash cow, but Yu Ming's cash cow.

Wang Zhong Ding told Hàn Dōng that Xià Hòng Wēi was so
zealously supporting Xià Yang Zhuo's entry into the circle. On
the one hand, he wanted to hone him. On the other hand, he
wanted to give Yu Ming a psychological guarantee.

This guarantee is not all about money for Yu Ming , but more
for career success.

He knew that Yu Ming had no argument with his progress in

the world. In fact, he was very eager for success. However, this
acting road is not suitable for him to go, Xià Hòng Wēi is also
not willing to let him go from his gaze.

So he changed his strategy and made Yu Ming try to be a

broker and try to be the person working behind the scenes.

The results proved that this road is correct.

Although since Xià Yang Zhuo started under him, Hàn Dōng
obviously discovered that Yu Ming had changed.

He began to try to get out of that closed space and try to take a
proactive approach to life. He started with a hard-fought will,
the motivation to struggle, and he became more passionate and

Hàn Dōng was moved by Wangs's well-intentioned efforts,

and at the same time, he was stunned by his style of "turning his
elbow out."

Hàn Dong is not at all disgusted with Xià Yang Zhuo now.

On the contrary, he respected him very much.

A young body less than 19 years old actually picked up three

heavy eggs!

Did Wang start to think that he would have such a day from
the time he decided Yang Zhuo was the "Three Eggs?"

Hàn Dōng spoke for Xià Yang Zhuo in front of Wang Zhong
Ding for the first time. “Really, what is he in your heart?”

Wang Zhong Ding said lightly: "He was originally playing in

this circle, and by the way, helping us to get a bit more far , and
earning a little more money for udy, so why not use him?"
Hàn Dōng could not help feeling that God was really fair.

A good family, good looks, good health, everything is good,

ZhongZhong has a long brain for manipulating everyone!

Then, Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng looked at the second
phase of the plan, that is, the upcoming year - the brewing

At this stage, Li Shang and Xià Yang Zhuo will launch a fierce
battle. Hàn Dōng will stepped up to the top step by step.

In fact, in the beginning, the foundation period and the

brewing period were classified as one year. However, due to the
slow progress of the "Feng Mang" movie, the release date was
postponed one year later, and Hàn Dōng's development history
was also stretched a year longer.

Of course, not only is the cause of the movie, but also part of
Wang Zhong Ding's selfishness.
He is not willing to make Hàn Dōng develop so fast, not
because he is afraid that when Hàn is famous, he will change his
mind about staying in a relationship with him.

But once a person becomes famous, it means that all kinds of

negative things such as labor, stress, criticism and so on would
be coming one after another.

He was so eager that Hàn Dōng star should shine, but he was
greedy for his Hàn Dōng who is lazy, sluggish cutely fool. He
hoped that him and Hàn Dōng would live forever like this.


Well fuck me Wang is smitten in wackedly wickedly

dooder....Wang is the kind of lover who can measure when you
will moans scream and curse at Jesus in bed.....khoton khrap
Christians.... I'm going to hell anyway....
Chapter 210 Unexpected Gains.
The second stage is the crucial period for the development of
Hàn Dōng career. But how can they embark on the peak and
look at the strategy for this year?

Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding formulated a more detailed and

comprehensive "five-step strategy" for this stage.

Each step has its own representative. At the same time, there
are also various commercial activities that are carried out
around this work and the expected results to be achieved.

These effects are progressive and complementary.

That is to say, each work must have a certain role in

promoting Hàn Dōng's acting career. At the same time, it also
needs to create a space for the next promotion. Go step by step,
move forward step by step, and finally embark on the glory.

If the details are further refined, the five roles that Hàn Dōng
will perform have been clearly displayed on this planning table.
"You are psychologically prepared. The first three roles may
not be ideal," said Wang Zhong Ding.

Hàn Dōng was full of pride. "Rest assured, I can even act with
ghosts script. What else can't be act?"

Wang Zhong Ding earnestly said: "It may not be much better
than a ghost."

Hàn Dōng's expression was not so easy at the moment.

"It's okay... what... isn't it going to be a step? The first two

steps are of course low-key... I'm calm and focused..."

Wang Zhong Ding handed it to him. "You first see it."

When Hàn Dōng saw the script....his eyelids began to pump.

Wang Zhong Ding did not say anything wrong. These

characters are really progressive.

And what he called "not much stronger than ghosts" is more

appropriate for describing the first character.

Because it is only one word away from acting as ghosts, it is -

acting as the Devil.

If this this script was the Chief of the Imperial Army, his ghost
script would be just like a runaway dog ​next to the Chief.

As long as the Tyrant is domineering, he immediately looks at

the sharp knife in his hand and points it at the old and weak

And the script loudly shouted: "Everything that pulls hatred,

let me shoulder it alone!"

To put it bluntly, it is "Tolerating the Elderly" in the anti-

Japanese drama.
The only thing that comforted Hàn Dōng was the scenes of
several strong X women.

That result was also that got knocked to death by Wang Zhong

"Strong X playwith a substitutes."

Hàn Dōng almost collapsed. "What?"



The second role is out of the category of ghosts, but it can only
be called "the once normal person", that is has become rabies

Hàn Dōng could not help but ask Wang Zhong Ding. "Is your
plan meant to be amusing?"

Wang Zhong Ding is very serious. "This is China's first rabies-

themed movie. It involves the patient and family members,
family members and doctors, patients and doctors, and the
entanglement and contradiction between humans and viruses.
It is of great social significance. It is expected to compete for the
award at the International Film Festival."

Hàn Dōng did not listen to this, he only asked: "Are you sure
you will not regret it?"

"Why should I regret it?"

"I may be acting too realistic, leading to the role i act being
planted in the people's hearts, and I wouldn't be able to throw it

Wang Zhong Ding's heart just returned with a click and he

returned to stability.
"No," he said to Hàn Dōng. "Your next role will definitely go
beyond this."

Hàn Dōng not only received no encouragement but heard a

more ominous premonition.

Sure enough, the third role is another "upgrade."

This improvement includes a higher level of decentness, that

is, a higher level than Japanese devil and rabies patients.

This man has an unprecedented history. It can be said that the

character has no man in Chinese urban drama afterwards!

"Is it going to surpass the previous?" Wang Zhong Ding asked

Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng had nodded. "Indeed, if the man I played was

second, nobody dared to call it first."
"Yes." Wang Zhong Ding was satisfied with his ability to act...

However, Hàn Dōng soon made a noise. "Are you fucking

afraid that I will leave you once I gain a good name of "National
Acting Man"?"

Wang Zhong Ding also said: "No."

Hàn Dōng really looked at the fourth character with a look of

worship, because he couldn't think of any other role that could
make him surpass him.

However, Wang Zhong Ding gave him this chance to create a


The fourth column is empty.

Only a solitary film name hangs on it - "Theft of Shadows 2".

Hàn Dōng's eyes hit Wang Zhong Ding's face and asked, “Is
this about you forcing me to write another script?”

"If you can't write another one thats okay but I don't
guarantee that other people's scripts will let you get rid of the
title of the scary ghost man." Wang Zhong Ding face said

I am a profiteer who I am afraid of that expression.

Hàn Dōng said, "Here," and thought: Wang Zhong Ding you
Motherfucker. No wonder you have so many rivals, Even God
can not stand you!

The fifth role is needless to say.

" Feng Mang" reveals, who fights and win the battle!

However, Hàn Dōng still said without hesitation: "Do you

think the first three are necessary?"
"Of course, have you ever heard that there was building was
built from the fourth floor going up? It was called a castle in the
air and it was unrealistic dream"

Hàn Dōng had a condescending smile. “Do you think that

when there is a layer of dust on the surface of a manure layer. Is
it realistic to lay bricks and tiles on it?”

Wang Zhong Ding reeducated him."You don't want to have

this kind of idea. There is no good or bad character in the role.
There are also famous actors who constantly try new characters
to challenge themselves."

"People are kind of tired of playing similar roles, trying to

break through the bottleneck before trying new ones!! I didn't
even have a main attack direction, and I started by being tossing

"Who said you did not have a main direction?" Wang Zhong
Ding refuted it.

Hàn Dōng immediately asked: "You tell me then , what was

my main direction?"

"Multiple personality."


Hàn Dōng finally made a dying struggle. He asked Wang

Zhong Ding: "Can we change it?"

"Can not be changed, its all signed and sealed." Wang Zhong
Ding spoke with a tone of determination.

"Then why didn't you discuss with me and make a decision on

your own?"

Wang Zhong Ding quietly replied: "I went to the studio

yesterday to find you, to discuss with you, but you acted
indifference towards me. After coming back to the office at the
departments urging, I had to sign it."
Hàn Dōng finally flung himself to Wang Zhong Ding.

"How could you not say it earlier?!!"

Wang Zhong Ding tapped him on the nose "Well, don't make a
fuss and go and do your own business."

"I will be dead~" Hàn Dōng said.

"Then you will start over again from ghosts."

Hàn Dōng, apart from anything else, took a variety of scripts

and left.

Wang Zhong Ding stared at his back for a while before

starting his own work.

As a result, in the following five minutes, he connected seven

"Wang, did you see today's newspaper?"

"The editor-in-chief summarized it for me. When I saw

positive news, I was adept at proposing to nod."

"Wang Zhong, Wang Zhong, has entered the top 10 of the

search list!!"

"I said, General Wang, do you really want to do this in order to

draw attention to fans, do you actually let him sell this kind of


Wang Zhong Ding was full of doubts about what they said. He
opened the entertainment section and the picture of "Hàn Dōng
pushing the bus" appeared in front of him.

There are various tags on it.

"Chinese kind hearted artist"

"entertainment circle moral model"

"the most ground-breaking new generation idol" ... and so on.

Once the news was reported, it caused a warm response on the


Especially at the moment when Li Shang was exposed to

various scandals, Hàn Dōng's low-profile behavior, which is not
counting on imagery and bravery, is simply something to be

In particular, the capture angle of this picture, all kinds of

jealous neck rough, no matter how to see no show suspects, it is
really hard work!

There is also a source of this news, not from the media people,
but "users" who spontaneously uploaded the images. A pass of
ten people , ten passed to hundred people , and finally formed a
sensation before they hit the newspapers, more confirms its

Soon, Wang Zhong Ding also received phone calls from

several companies and they wanted to invite Hàn Dōng to be the
“charming ambassador” for charity events, “image spokesman”
for public welfare projects, and the like.

This is unexpected gains.

However, Hàn Dōng rushed back to Wang Zhong Ding's office


"You... Have you seen today's news?"

"Look, it's good."

Wang Zhong Ding boasted a rare word, and Hàn Dōng face
had no blessing.
"Can you use the relationship to press this news down?" Hàn
Dōng asked eagerly.

Wang Zhong Ding did not understand, "Why should I press


"You look at the bear on my picture... How am I going to go on

a big route in the future? And my clothes, all of them are poorly!
If you make me wear Amani going over there, and the clothing
brand will make me cancel my contract?”

Wang Zhong Ding decided not to make a word with Hàn


Hàn Dōng was so anxious to sweat. "You will help, won't


As a result, Wang Zhong Ding not only did not help, but also
said: "I have already sent that photo to Weibo and the circle of
friends. I believe there will be many artists who forward it for
Hàn Dōng, "......."

"I will also open the ceremony at the company and I will print
this picture."

Hàn Dōngsheng called, "What is it?"

"Because when you are blushing and bearish, just poked my


After that, Wang Zhong Ding walked outside with a briefcase.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly chased him. "I tell you if you dare to..."

Later, Wang Zhong Ding interrupted with the words.

“In addition, I especially want to know who is the person who

took the photo. His taste is so similar to mine. If I have the
privilege of seeing him someday, I must reward him.”
Hàn Dōng, "......."
Chapter 211 Lacking Morality.
Time is flowing fast and it will soon reach the end of the year.

All units have been on holiday, and Hàn Dōng's crew is still

In order to ensure the shooting efficiency and adequate

resting time, Wang Zhong Ding can only reluctantly cut his love
and let Hàn Dōng stay with the other members of the crew in
the hotel.

Fortunately, the shooting task of this base has come to an end.

Today, there is still the last demolition drama left. After the
filming, he can liberate Hàn back home for the New Year.

Wang Zhong Ding has been busy for this period of time.
Today, he arrived at the company at four o'clock in the morning
and also called a group of responsible persons from sleep.

"In your several departments, you must get the rest of the
work finished today. At night, I will check it."
"Today? Is it too fast? Can we have another day?"

Wang Zhong Ding does not comprehend, "For every day, you
can't finish the task and I will deduct your bonuses and send
these back to the seller...... complete the task ."

A series of bangs and pops everyone followed-

A row of exquisite watch boxes opened up and instantly

sparkled with the eyes of several titanium alloy dogs tags.

As a result, everyone evacuated the office within two seconds.

Wang Zhong Ding summoned Er Lei. "Give me the year-end

bonus statistics sheet."

Entertainment company's year-end awards can be considered

generous, especially in the Zhong Ding Group, so many wealthy
artists, get bonus material.
What high-end jewelry, astronomical perfumes, watches,
name bags, all kinds of luxury goods they're simply

“Director Lu wanted the spotted shrimps , and so call back

two boxes to move it....... Didn't Cao Feifei always wanted to go
on vacation on Lake Como? You arranged for her to go. In
addition, the calligraphy and paintings should be sent to Qian
Jing....... Forgot to take..."

Wang Zhong Ding said one by one and Er Lei carefully

recorded next to each other.

"Who didn't I mention?"

Er Lei was about to rummaging. Wang Zhong Ding directly

brought his book over.

With a scribble, most of the stars are taken care of, leaving
only a few more difficult to get.
Such as Li Shang.

Wang Zhong Ding thought for a moment and said, "Let him
find a massage therapist. I think he's been walking awkward."

"Okay." Er Lei asked again. "What about Director Cain?"

Wang Zhong Ding's attitude suddenly changed. " Do we still

have to send somthing to him but isn't he not in the Spring

"...but he wants it."

"Wants what? Take the initiative?"

"Well, he said he wants to do as the Romans do."

Wang Zhong Ding's face sank and his tone seemed

uncomfortable. "Send a set of shooting equipment."
Er Lei said carefully: "But he did not want this."

"He is also picking fat and thin?" Wang Zhong Ding tone is not
even upright.

Er Lei was slightly embarrassed. "Well, then I will send a set of

shooting equipment."

As soon as the result was written, Wang Zhong Ding once

again stopped him.


Er Lei is puzzled. "What's wrong?"

Wang Zhong Ding also thought about it. Cain, is an

international director, for the first time in the Chinese New
Year, he still asked for his own initiative. It would be difficult to
justify lack of hospitality.
Moreover, he looked at Cain and Xià Yang Zhuo closer this
time, Cain should be less enthusiastic about Hàn Dōng.

So he asked Er Lei: "What does Cain want?"

If its within my ability, I can consider meeting it.

Er Lei only opened his mouth. "That... he said he wanted Hàn

Dōng's full set of naked photos."

Wang Zhong Ding's face was green for a moment: This stinky
foreigner still does not give up? It's endless demands , right?

So he said to Er Lei: "No problem."

Er Lei was surprised. "No problem?"

"First off edit off Han's lower body with Photoshop, and then
give him the pictures." Wang Zhong Ding eyes looked vicious.
Er Lei scrawled. "That is not as good as the Photoshop. It is
estimated that he will collapse even more if he sees those

"What are you muttering?" Wang Zhong Ding asked coldly.

Er Lei busy back: "No, no, I will send a set of shooting


Wang Zhong Ding once again glanced at the book, almost all
together, then handed it to Er Lei, "OK, go and get ready."

"What about Hàn Dōng?" asked Lei.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Hàn Dōng is not considered in the


"But if everyone has it, but he doesn't. I'm afraid everyone will
gossip." Er Lei was a bit embarrassed.
"What can they say? Even if I personally give Hàn Dōng
special treatment, it's because he has contributes a lot and even
then who would have likely to come up with a script like "Theft
of Shadows!"

Unexpectedly, Er Lei said: "My so-called worry is is not the

gossip that you treat Hàn Dōng with preferential treatment, but
I'm afraid those people think that they will not see Hàn Dōng

Wang Zhong Ding's face was green for a while.

Is this a careless statement?

So he hurried back and said, "Well, then just send him a sports
car like that."

Er Lei scoffed, if expensive sports cars can also be called as

"something sent casually?" What would be your "special
treatment" then ...... The Forbidden City?
"Well, you can prepare it." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Er Lei just left, Wang Zhong Ding suddenly stopped him.

"What else is there?" Er Lei was surprised.

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face and said, "Don't forget to
give Yi Wei something ..... just burn her favorite things."

"Well, I know."

After the Er Lei went out, he immediately said to his

secretary: "To go to the sacrificial shop and buy what Wang
Zhong Ding wants to burn for Yi Wei ."

"... is this for the current Wang or former Wang Uncle?" the
secretary asked.

Er Lei only remembered and said, "All are burned." The child
can't live without their father.


Hàn Dōng's film crew took more than half of the filming
process. It was a break time and Yu Ming came to visit the crew

"Why did you come?" Hàn Dōng asked.

"I listened to the crew saying there was a man who was staring
at Xià Yang Zhuo, so I purposely came to see him."

Hàn Dōng's tone suddenly was a bit unnatural. "Is it? Why
don't I know this?"

As a result, he just finished and an actress in the same group

pointed to Yu Ming: "For that man, he was in black jacket..."

Yu Ming looked at it for a while. Hàn Dōng said: "why do I

think that man is not like a good man?"

Hàn Dōng eyes thief slipped, nonsense, like a good man I can
blame him?

Yu Ming called Xià Hòng Wēi, "help me check a person, check

his background..."

He has not finished yet, the mobile phone was suddenly

grabbed by Hàn Dōng and hung up.

"What's wrong?" said Yu Ming.

Hàn Dōng said: "Do not check."


"I know what his name is."


"...Cai Peng."

Yu Ming started with doubts and then suddenly thought of

something. "Cai Peng is not... not the one who chased you?"

Hàn Dōng nodded.

"Then how did he..." said Yu Ming, suddenly turning

skepticism toward Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng really avoided his eyes.

After a moment, Yu Ming's rants sounded in the studio.

"I say..... that he has come obviously to see you. You have to
put blame on people's heads. Do you lack morality?"
Hàn Dōng hugged him. " Make a little noise, don't let people
hear it."

"You're afraid people will gossip it when they hear about you!"

Hàn Dōng is miserable. "I'm also obliged to shut up. If they

know that Cai Peng is sneaking around for me, someone will go
to Wang Zhong Ding to inform him, especially that Xiao Liang
..... He is someone with a broken mouth."

Yu Ming's expression of disappointment for Hàn Dōng said,

"Isn't Wang Zhong Ding aware of this? Should he come to visit
the class?"

"On the last day, it should be all right. Moreover, Wang Zhong
Ding still has something to do today. He can't come here"
Chapter 212 He is just foolishly.
At noon, Wang Zhong Ding just walked out of the office and
saw Feng Mu coming out of the elevator.

"What happened?" Wang Zhong Ding asked directly.

Feng Mu said with a smile: "Let's have lunch together."

Wang Zhong Ding looked at the Hàn made watch and nodded.

On the way, the two walked and talked. Feng Mu suddenly

said in a jab: "Wang, your walking speed seem to be slow."

"Is it?" Wang Zhong Ding himself did not notice it.

Feng Mu nodded. "To walk with you before I had to trot to

keep up."
Wang Zhong Ding did not say anything.

At the restaurant, two people each had a set meal and they sat
and ate.

"What are you looking for in the end?" Wang Zhong Ding
asked again.

Feng Mu sighed. "I just want to talk to you about Li Shang."

"What happened to Li Shang?"

"Since that incident had happened, the child has been very
depressed. I want to give him a film role as soon as possible. You
also know that the work is the best way to minimize the

Wang Zhong Ding doubted, "Isn't his arrangement full in next

year? How can I get him extra jobs?"
"His announcements are concentrated in the second and third
quarters. This is a relatively idle time for him. I just wanted to
get him out of the shadows and put into work."

"But the company does not have a suitable film at this stage. If
you allow me to make an additional project, I am afraid that
there will be no good plan for a while."

Feng Mu politely laughed: "I did not want to trouble you

Wang, I have a ready-made film."

Wang Zhong Ding immediately raised his head. "Is it? Which

"Heng Yu Film & Television."

After listening to these four words, Wang Zhong Ding's face

froze down.

"What could you have seen in the company?"

Feng Mu was unexpectedly surprised by Wang Zhong Ding.
"Do you actually know this small company?"

Wang Zhong Ding and Cai Peng have got their little Dong
Dong quarrel. How can he still not know the name of his

Feng Mu explained: “The strength of this company is indeed

lacking, but their level of picking up the script is still quite high.
I also look at...”

"You don't have to say any more." Wang Zhong Ding

interrupted coldly. "I can't possibly work with this company."

Feng Mu's face has changed. “Actually, I think Li Shang is in

this situation. It is not bad for him to lower his exposure. Not to
mention the fact that it is a period of idleness. It is always better
to have an act.”

Wang Zhong Ding resolutely rejected it. "I can't sign it. If I can
take it myself, I can pay for the movie first."
"Hey, Wang Zhong..."

Feng Mu also wanted to say something. Wang Zhong Ding had

already left chopsticks from the table.

After returning, Feng Mu described the situation and Li

Shang, and Li Shang understood what was going on.

"Does Wang Zhong Ding think we want to dig Hàn Dōng's

corner, so why is his attitude is so bad?" Feng Mu speculation.

Li Shang shook his head with a smile and then told the truth.

"Cai Peng likes Hàn Dōng."

Feng Mu was surprised. "How do you know? Because he

identified Hàn Dōng as the character he want for his movie?"

"Cai Peng personally told me." Li Shang said.

For Feng Mu this is difficult to understand. “In the beginning
of the year, how have men started to play fool this one?”

“Actually, Hàn Dōng's news about pushing the bus a few days
ago was what Cai Peng spread up online,” said Li Shang.

Feng Mu's face has changed. “He shot the video?”

"Yeah, that video was taken by his assistant. Only a part of it

was cut off."

"In other words, Hàn Dōng is still acting in his movie?"

Li Shang said: "No."

But he also pushed the U disk containing the video to Feng

Mu. "You can turn it into a yes."

"First of all, let's not talk about him. We still need to think
about how to solve the urgent matter."

Although Feng Mu said so, but still she silently put U disk into
the pocket.

"As for the role, I have my own ways." Li Shang's smile filled
with confidence.


Soon after Wang Zhong Ding returned to the office, he

received an anonymous e-mail.

After opening, his eyes suddenly began to flow.

All of them are stupid photos of Hàn Dōng helping pushing

the car, various poses from various angles, they stamped on his
Wang Zhong Ding thought he had found the like-minded
confidante. As a result, he watched and the heat in my eyes was
forced to retreat. The cold began to rose from the bottom of the

Some of the photos in front of them were taken by Cai Peng.

At that time, he had not helped Hàn push the car.

When he later passed, the person holding the camera became

Cai Shun, and there was one more person in the photo—Cai

Wang Zhong Ding hopes this is just a coincidence.

Then, with the mouse down, Hàn Dōng's picture with Cai
Peng entered his vision.

Because he did not want to be discovered by Hàn Dōng, Cai

Shun took photos behind him. The direction of the camera is
almost always on Cai Peng's face. Hàn Dōng's face is completely
This virtually gave Wang Zhong Ding some psychological
hints. Perhaps Hàn Dōng was unwilling to chat him up at that

However, a subsequent live video recording completely

shattered this lucky idea.

Hàn Dōng's share of the brethren and the "brothers" who

went hand in hand and pushed the bus forward with one
another in a concerted effort made Wang Zhong Ding heart
shake stupidly.

One or two eggs!

Didn't he fucking know who was next to him???


After a moment of silence, Wang Zhong Ding swallowed his

breath, and he told himself that he was acting foolishly.
The person who sent the video has ulterior motives.

Wang Zhong Ding sent the email to the technical department

and quickly identified the sender's IP address, Li Shang's

At this point, Wang Zhong Ding fully understood.

For Li Shang this is clear way to please himself while pulling

hate, both hands working together.

If Wang Zhong Ding thanks him for providing information,

he would probably agree to sign him for a movie.

If Wang Zhong Ding abhors his behavior, he will also sign it.
Because Wang Zhong Ding knows Cai Peng's character well, the
best way he wants to punish Li Shang is to push him to Cai

Therefore, it is all a win win goal for Li Shang - Sign .

Since you want to jump to the fire pit yourself, then I will
fulfill your request...

Afterwards, Wang Zhong Ding called Feng Mu.

"The contract was taken and I signed it."

After all things were done, Wang Zhong Ding waved his hand
at Er Lei.

Drive and lets go to the studio!


At this moment, Hàn Dōng's vigorous body is flexibly and

accurately shuttled on the route set by the blast. Xià Yang Zhuo
closely followed by a series of explosions sounded behind them
and layers of smoky air filled the air.

Only hear the bang!

Two extremely sexy bodies jumped up and accurately landed
onto the well-placed cushions.


All hanging hearts fell.

Then a group of people rushed past the two cushions to see if

they were injured.

It was originally Hàn Dōng who was more dangerous and

more likely to be injured. As a result, the group of people moved
forward with Xià Yang Zhuo first...... Only Yu Ming stood alone
with Hàn Dōng.

"You still mean it enough." Hàn Dōng whispered to Yu Ming.

"The crew is too snobbish ~"

"I was pushed out from them." Yu Ming deliberately said.

Hàn Dōng lifted his foot and put a fake kick posture against Yu
Ming's ass.

Then, he heard a bustling yell from the middle of nowhere.

"Dongdong ~ Dongdong ~"

Attentively, Cain is searching for his figure from the smoke

not far away.

Hàn Dōng immediately raised his breath, and the monkeys

rushed to Cain's back and placed a V-shaped hand toward Xià
Yang Zhuo in the crowd.

Xià Yang Zhuo's face really cooled down, leaving his own
things quietly.

Yu Ming first scanned Cai Peng and then said to Hàn Dōng:
"But even if I feel like he does not look like a good thing. He
looks very kind to you."
Hàn Dōng's face sank. "How do you see it?"

"When the demolitioner ignited the device just now, he was

more nervous than anyone and he kept staring at you."

Hàn Dōng snorted inside and did not speak.

Yu Ming reminded him: "I'll deal with it... Don't worry about
him. Lets go and pack things up."

So, two people went to the locker room together.

"Look at it, Wang Zhong Ding is coming!"

"Wang, we have successfully completed our work!"

"Wang, please pay us an early bonus in advance."


Wang Zhong Ding walked into the studio in a festive and

joyous atmosphere.

Looking back on this road, Wang Zhong Ding's eyes were

calm, his expression is calm, his will is like a mountain, and he
will never waver.

In fact, his heart is based on four words - he is just foolishly.

Now, he will officially withdraw this Hàn who was left.....


As a result, the foolishly man did not see him. He saw Xià
Yang Zhuo who was depressed at the distance.

“What happened to Comrade Three Egg?” Wang Zhong Ding

arbitrarily twitched with Er Lei.
Someone spoke next to him: "Don't go and try to provoke him.
He's not been happy for two days."

"What's wrong? Why?" Er Lei asked.

The man joined Wang Zhong Ding and Er Lei in front of him
and whispered, "There is a man who is stalking him."

Hearing this, Wang Zhong Ding changed his face.


The man looked for it and suddenly pointed to somewhere:

"That's it! See him? Head tall, black jacket."
Chapter 213 A little green cap.

Er Lei is still looking for, and Wang Ding's face on the other
side is dark.

"He has been staring at this area for several days. If Hàn Dōng
tells us, we do not know he came to Xiaxia."

Er Lei finally found the man, and then looked at Wang Zhong
Ding, the face was too black to be able to shine a figure child.

He and your brother and brother are one by one. I can be your
friend. He comes to your crew to visit the crew. Once or twice, I
can be your father. But when you come to the field every day,
I'll be your friend again. !

"Wang, what are you going to do?"

Hàn Dōng is still pitiful in the locker room with Yu Ming.

"The one I sent to you that night, did you wear it?" Picking an
eyebrow and smirking.

Yu Ming didn't say a word with a cold face.

Seeing that he did not refute, Hàn Dōng felt that there was a
situation and immediately asked in detail.

"How is it? He wasn't very aggressive at that time.

"If you don't change quickly, you should beware of Wang's

surprise attack and put you and Cai Peng in the..."

"Hey!" Hàn Dōng suddenly interrupted Yu Ming. " Can you

hear a noise outside?"

He said this, Yu Ming seems to have heard it.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly put his pants up and strode out, Yu Ming

At the door, the two men hugged.

"This... how can this fight?"

When Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming passed away, the war was over.
Soon people simply pull in a timely manner, or with two people
that posture, certainly have to fight you die.

Cai Peng stunned Wang Zhong Ding and cast off everyone's a
look before leaving.

Wang Zhong Ding stunned Hàn Dōng with a glance, and he let
off everyone's look and left.

There are many discussions about the crew.

"what happened?"
"It is said that because of Xià Yang Zhuo."

"In my days, wouldn't Wang always be real gentlemanly?"

"I'm afraid you didn't look at Wang's face just now. He looked
like he couldn't wait to tear that person off!"

Yu Ming looked at Hàn Dōng coldly. "Did you hear that? This
is what you did."

Hàn Dōng, "......."

When Cai Peng returned to the company, Li Shang's car was

just waiting outside.

"My contract here has been settled. When did you see the
sign?" Li Shang stuck out from the window.

Cai Peng replied quietly: "Let's go in and talk."

As a result, Li Shang entered Cai Peng's office and suffered a
heavy blow in his stomach. At that time, he felt that the bowels
were all twisted, and felt a cold sweat.

Unexpectedly, it hasn't slowed down yet, and he has taken a

firm footing. The entire person fell two or three meters
backwards and slammed into the door, rattling his head.

Cai Peng stepped forward again, picking up Li Shang's collar

and staring at him with vicious eyes.

"Don't think that I don't know how you persuaded Wang

Zhong Ding to give that sign! Don't think that I don't know your
mobile phone that had moved straight back then!"

Li Shang also struggled in the aftermath of the pain. His eyes

naturally showed fear and anxiety.

"Is the idea of ​snapping those pictures? Want to take this to

blacken Hàn Dōng? Tell me, the door is not yet broken!"
After Cai Peng finished, he again punched and kicked Li
Shang, and the sound of mourning could be heard across several

"It's not me... Ah... It's Feng Mu... Feng she did it

Cai Peng's hand clasped Li Shang's chin and said, "I don't care
who it is that spread it. As long as this news has been moved, I
will blamr you!"

Li Shang's shoulders were shaking and the perspiration beads

slipped from his forehead.

Cai Peng snagged his other hand on Li Shang's fragile knee,

and his strength made Li Shang froze and he dared not move.

"If you dare to move Hàn Dōng's mind again. I'll break you
knees in one hand. If you don't believe it, try me!"

Feng Mu hadn't thought about how to start. Li Shang's call

"Don't move that video."

Feng Mu wondered, "What's wrong?"

Li Shangshi said, "Cai Peng has already noticed it. Let me give
it to you today. Once the news is passive, the contract will not
be signed."

Feng Mu replied, "I didn't plan m to do it. You can safely

prepare for the movie."

When the phone hangs up, Feng Mu's face sinks. She put the
U disk into the drawer and secretly curse: Wasteful! This thing
also makes people react weird...

Hàn Dōng's situation is not much better than Li Shang.

It was hard to get a vacation, he did not hear a word of
condolence, and he did not receive a reward. In exchange only
the punishment of the red hot buttocks, and a black face could
not bear to look straight.

Worse still, he did not even climb on Wang Ding's bed.

Wang Zhong Ding locked the door to death and did not to let
Hàn Dōng come in, but does not want to let himself out.

Before calling it, he absolutely did not have this worry. But
now, he is suddenly not sure about himself.

After smoking a dozen cigarettes, Hàn Dōng's slight squeak

finally came from next door.

Wang Zhong Ding's heart was a little quieter.

He began to reflect on himself: In fact, every time Hàn Dōng

hides the truth, it is not because of his guilty conscience but
because of Wang own attitude.
Like the last time, Hàn Dōng finally found it hard to gather
courage and confess.

Wang Zhong Ding also understands that the lack of

communication and trust between the two people is largely due
to his overconfidence in his judgment, which weakens Hàn
Dōng's right to speak and makes it increasingly difficult for Hàn
Dōng to speak.

At this thought, Wang Zhong Ding's heart finally loosened.

At this time, there was a slight noise coming from the next

First the bed board swayed, then both feet fell to the floor,
and then the door locks were opened. The final rustle of
footsteps was from far and near.

Sure enough, he still wanted to explain to me...

Wang Zhong Ding hesitated for a moment, or opened the door

in the past.
Hàn Dōng pitiful looks has a good tooth and a variety of guilty

Wang Zhong Ding deliberately asked: "Is it necessary to

quibble with me again?"

Hàn Dōng shook his head. "It's not sophistry."

"What is not sophistry? Is it still an explanation? Do you have

a reason to explain?"

Unexpectedly, Hàn Dōng said: "Not an explanation."

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhong Ding paid attention to it.

"what is that?"

"I want to tell you that I still have one more stalker."
Wang Zhong Ding was shocked. "What did you say?"

"In addition to Cai Peng, there is still a man waiting for you
not far."


Reflected for a long time, it was hard to leave room for

tolerance. The result was a heavy blow!

Wang Zhong Ding's mood can be imagined.

"Who is that man?"

"I don't know a specific name, only that he has an oval

birthmark on his thigh."

Wang Zhong Ding originally thought that he had heard that

he would “have a jealous heart”. This new stalker Cai Peng was
already tragic enough. The worst thing was that this other
contender still he had to find him himself and there is only one
Chapter 214 Medical Examination.
On the next day, Zhong Ding Group launched a vigorous
"physical examination" campaign.

Compared to previous medical examinations, three special

"requirements" were introduced this time.

The first one is for men only.

The second it is only for dermatology.

The third is to focus on people who weren't running near the


Because Wang Zhong Ding thinks that this person and Hàn
Dōng have a higher chance of have not met each other,
otherwise Hàn Dōng would have seen his clues on his face. For
details, please refer to Cai Peng.

As a result, zero finding is met.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding extended the "poisoned search
hand" to the crew.

In addition to the company's internal staff, the crew also

mixed with many outsiders. In particular, foreigners who come
here from abroad have facial features that are different from
those in the East. This would make it difficult for Hàn Dōng to
identify, so it is the focus of investigation.

Among these, Cain is a top priority.

In order to demonstrate his hospitality in Greater China,

Wang Zhong Ding deliberately arranged a private inspection
room for Cain. He can have his thighs massage while measuring
the skin edge for the white patch. If he fall asleep on the way,
and he wake up he would have no clue.

But the results of the check are no different from those of

other people... There is no birthmark at the designated location.

Wang Zhong Ding did not rest assured that he asked: "Is it
"The numbers are going down quickly," Er Lei said.

"Are you sure that it is not a white birthmark?"

Er Lei wiped sweat. "This is not within my judgment."

Wang Ding thinks for a moment and asks: "Is he still


"always there."

"I will personally look for it."

After Wang Zhong Ding arrived, Cain was already asleep.

Only a bath towel was placed around the waist, and all other
parts were naked.

Wang Zhong Ding opened the towel and could not help but
breathe with some difficulty .
Even the tall and strong Er Lei was crushed on the side: "This
stuff(cock) from the foreigners really deserves a reputation -"

Wang Zhong Ding said coldly: "It doesn't matter how good it

"Isn't it? I think Cain's spirit(libido) is very good, like he can

fight(sex) for a long time."

Wang Zhong Ding asked faintly: "Have you ever been with
him in bed? If it's really like that then ~"

Er Lei looked guilty. "Wang, how can you make this joke?"

Wang Zhong Ding is even hotter than him. "Did I brought you
over to look at this?!"

"I'm just sentimental. You see people's color. It's been used for
so long... so bright, is it?"
Wang Zhong Ding reply was blank. "You can go out."

"Ah? You didn't just let me help..."

"No need." Wang Zhong Ding declined. "You don't look well."


After Er Lei went out, Wang Zhong Ding carefully scrutinized

it again. He did not find any suspicious birthmarks before he
excluded Cain from the hostile ranks.

In this regard, Wang Zhong Ding is confused.

Happiness is that he has lost a powerful rival. The worry is

that he must continue to find him!

"Is Cain inside?"

Suddenly, the familiar voice came from outside.

Wang Zhong Ding was in shapel... He quickly covered Cain's

underarms and turned to be calm.

"What are you doing here?"

Hàn Dōng worries. "I've heard that Cain hadn't had a physical
exam. I'd deliberately came to look at the situation."

In his eyes, Wang Zhong Ding read out the true purpose of
"observing the big western bird."

At this time, Cain suddenly woke up.

"Dongdong is here?"

Hearing the sound, both men turn their heads at the same
Cain didn't realize that he only had a bath towel and stood up
just like that.

Seeing that the bath towel would fall to the ground, Wang
Zhong Ding once again demonstrated his extraordinary reaction
speed at the very beginning of this moment. He prevented the
bath towel from falling.

Cain was surprised first and then smiled. "Thank you, Wang."

Wang Zhong Ding replied coldly, "should do."

However, just as Wang hand left the towel and Cain held it,
Hàn Dōng suddenly snarled at Cain once again: “The hair on
both sides of your head is flattened. It's funny.”

Cain subconsciously wen to straighten it, so...

Wang Zhong Ding's shooting speed and Hàn Dōng's eyeball

speed came a fierce battle
The result was Wang Zhong Ding's victory.

In order to "stabilize the battle," Wang Zhong Ding said to

Cain: "You must wear your clothes first."

"Is the check done?" Cain seemed to have a bit of meaning.

"Finished." Wang Zhong Ding directly reached out. "Please."

Hàn Dōng's wish did not finally achieved.

Wang Zhong Ding walked away and walked past Hàn Dōng on
the way. The dark-skinned look stared at him.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I want to talk to the director about the movie."

Wang Zhong Ding stood still.

"You wouldn't be doubting me?" Hàn Dōng deliberately

opened his eyes.

Wang Zhong Ding sank, "With you."

Before leaving the house, Wang Zhong Ding deliberately

toward the inspectors said: "Do not let anyone take off the
Director Cain's clothes."

"Do not worry."

Wang Zhong Ding just went out and Er Lei met with him.

"How? Didn't you check out any problems?"

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly stood and kept staring at Er Lei.

"What's wrong?" Er Lei is not sure.

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "Have you been checked?"

"Me? I need to be checked too?" Er Lei was surprised.

"No one is above exception."


Wang Zhong Ding left here and Hàn Dōng's careful thinking
on the other side became active.

"Is the inspection result of Director Cain accurate?"


"Do you want to look up again?"

"no need."

"If you find it tiring , I can do it for you."

"There is no need for that."

"I think it's safer to compare..."

The inspectors were really impatient, and they interrupted

Hàn Dōng and said, "Are you checked?"

“Me?” Hàn Dōng's expression was outside of the situation.

“Nobody told me to get checked.”

The inspectors looked like they were catching fish and they
scolded them, "If there is no notice, we don't need to check

"Why didn't the notice came for him to check or not get

The inspector had a horizontal neck. "You'll wait until I find

Er Lei and let him personally tell you whether or not to get
checked ."

The results is he did not see him after turning in a circle

When he came back, he had to say: "Er Lei is not there, but
Wang said that no one is allowed to have exceptions."

"But him ......"

Hàn Dōng wants to refute that Cain stopped him and advised:
"Anyway, check it sooner or later, and by the way, solve the
embarrassment so that you won't be troubled in the future."

Hàn Dōng also thought about it, and he said to the inspectors:
"I will listen to you."

Er Lei sat up from the bed in the other room. "I said Well ~ I
was the soldier's origin, so many medical examinations came
down, and birthmarks would have long been known."

When the voice just fell, the knock on the door rang.

"Please come in." Wang Zhong Ding said.

"Wang, this is everyone's checklist. It's all here."

"Is Cain still inside?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

"Well, both Cain and Hàn Dōng are inside."

Wang Zhong Ding just pointed a head and suddenly heard a

very strange name.
"Who are you talking about?"

"Director Cain."

"The one left behind with him?"

"Hàn Dōng!"

Wang Zhong Ding was not calm, "Hàn Dōng? Are you sure you
are correct?"

"No, he just finished checking in the rooms that Director


Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

In the next few days, everyone went to the field and returned
to their hometown. The company was quiet.
It is not easy to catch a holiday. Hàn Dōng will naturally be
able to go around. During the day, he is busy gathering with
friends and fox friends, and at night holding a favorite guitar to
go to the nightclub.

At the time of the Chinese New Year, Hàn Dōng liked to ride a
guitar and wander through the streets to find a drifting sense of

Occasionally he would encounter one or two little girls who do

not have long eyes, maybe he can cheat back from being a
married woman.

Now there is no need to dangle in the street, he casually go to

a nightclub and sing, there are many people to join in.

Even the elder brother of the Northeast, who was kind and
compassionate, also spent thousands of dollars in Hàn Dōng's

"This is a tip, not too few."

Hàn Dōng was shocked. "What are you doing?"

"You're welcome, Big Brother knows, it's not easy for you to
be a star. Someone's holding a handful of fishing in a few
million, and no one's holding New Year has come to fill this

Hàn Dōng busy explained, "No, I..."

"I don't say anything. I read the news of you helping the bus in
the street. I honestly said, Big Brother is chilling for you. What
do I say in this fucked up world...those are not who are the
cannons fire aren't happy? I'm very happy!"

"I really……"

"Remember the big brother, don't trade dignity for the

temporary vanity at the expense of morals. Reject the unspoken
rules and reject the sex favors for stardom. Take your own low-
key path and let others cool down!"

As soon as it dawned, Hàn Dōng came out of the nightclub.

Looking at the cell phone, he saw several Yu Ming's missed calls.

"Hey, Ming Er? What are you looking for?"

Yu Ming's stumbled voice said, "What is your schedule for this


"People who sleep on time in the New Year may have

problems with their schedules?" Hàn Dōng grinned.

Yu Ming grunted. "Where did you go last night? You haven't

answered your call."

"Nightclub, ah ~"

"Don't blow it this mine. Doesn't your happiness lies with


"Cut ~" Hàn Dōng felt disdain, "Usually i get tired of him, and
finally sneak a few days, who is happy to be with himself for a
few days ah?"

"Are you really not ready to spend the New Year with him?"

"What are you talking about it? I haven't played enough

games yet. How can I go to join them?"

Yu Ming would like to ask again, Hàn Dōng directly said: "I
have to go back to sleep."

"Okay then, let's talk at the dormitory."

Hàn Dōng hesitated when he hit the steering wheel, then went
in the direction of the dormitory.

Today is the day when Wang Family dined together. Early in

the morning, Wang Zhong Ding took his family to his parents'

Grandpa Wang took advantage of Xixi's hand and Wang

Zhong Ding went to chat with his mother in the next room.

"It feels like you haven't been very good in the last few days,"
said Wang's mother.

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "It is probably because of

sleeping late."

"Is the company work making you so busy?"

"Not very busy. The few people who ran in were all private
met. There was no arrangement for the company."
“Artists are not easy to manage, but in the New Year's they are
also busy making money everywhere.”

Wang Zhong Ding said: "No way, the best money is made
during the New Year, even New Year's films are easy to sell."

"Yes, did that Hàn Dōng go back home?" Wang's mother

suddenly asked.

Wang Zhong Ding felt some surprises. "How come you

thought of him?"

"Because of him and you and your uncle, it was very

unpleasant. I feel quite annoyed by this person. As a result, on
the TV, we saw him help push the bus. I suddenly felt that the
child was very good. Is he not in Beijing ?.....,Relatives? You can
call him here to have a meal."

Wang Zhong Ding smiled helplessly. "He may not be willing to


Wang Zhong Ding did not say why.

When her mother suddenly realized what she was saying, she
said, "You can ask him to come alone and not let your uncle

"He is not only my uncle's problem..."

Wang's mother saw that Wang Zhong Ding did not want to
mention this issue and she did not continue to press it.

Just yelling at him: "A while ago your uncle will come, you
have to lower yourself a little. In the New Year, don't make any
more unpleasant things of last year persist into the new year "

"Yes, I know."
Chapter 215 That is your grandfather!
The mother and son are chatting and suddenly there is an
angry voice from Wang's Father.

"Who brought this pest over? Did I say that he could spend
New Year in his family?"

1] let's clear thing over...

Grandpa Wang....this is Wang's grandfather and Xixi great


Wang's father.....this is Wang Zhong Ding's father and Xixi


The scene here is there GGF scolding Wang's uncle for coming
and showing up here... Remember he kicked and forbidden Hai
Zi from coming here

Then it was Wang Hai Hong's advice.

"Well, Dad, isn't it a sign of peace and happiness during the
New Year? Why are you doing this?"

Grandpa Wang is still stubborn.

"Who let you pick things and come up here? Our family
doesn't need anything from you, but where does he come from!"

The daughter also persuaded.

"Dad, in front of the great grandson, you should say a few

words. Xixi, persuade your great grandfather."


When Wang Zhong Ding went out, Grandpa Wang sat in a

wheelchair and he was still angry. Wang Hai Zi did not say a
word he sat calmly with a sad face, and the harmonious family
atmosphere became tense.
"It's all a good thing because of you." Wang Hai Hong pointed
to Wang Zhong Ding's efforts to count down.

Grandpa Wang also fell his anger to him. "How old are you,
you can't tell black from white?"

Wang Hai Hong just wanted to refute that and Xixi's voice
suddenly rang in the room.

"Over-exposure to the anger may make people's blindness they

can't see, and deaf they may not hear. I wonder if
grandparents have ever heard of this sentence?"

For a moment, the entire room was full of stunned men and

Even Wang Zhong Ding did not know where Xixi went to find
this sentence.

Xixi explained: "This is recorded in the Yellow Emperor's

Internal Classic. Often anger can lead to blindness and deafness.
Especially for the elderly, visual acuity and hearing can be
severely damaged."

The room was silent.

Xixi's wise little eyes looked around. "I think that you are all
old, right?"

Everyone first was stunned by it, and then they laughed at it.
They were totally surprised by Xixi, and the tense atmosphere
was completely removed.

Wang Zhong Ding touched Xixi's small head, and called softly:
"Hey, son ~"

Grandpa Wang is even more annoyed and reprimanded, and

he also used this to educate the people. "You are all so old, not as
wise as a child!"

At noon, more than a dozen people ate around a rectangular

table, and the atmosphere was very lively.
Wang Hao originally did not want to come but she still had to
bite her head under the gracious invitation of Grandpa Wang.
Sitting on the opposite side of Wang Hai Zi, the two did not

The elderly people like to revisit about their children's

childhood fun when they reunite. Grandpa Wang is no

According to the number of reviews, it is full of memories and


Only to Wang Hai Zi, Grandpa Wang did not say a word and
jumped directly to Wang Zhong Ding.

"This grandson was in my heart. On the second day after he

was born, I went to see him in the intensive care room for the
babies. At that time, more than a dozen children were sleeping,
and he opened his eyes alone. At that time, my heart was proud.
Oh, this is really my grandson!"

Everyone laughed.
Wang Zhong Ding's aunt said to him, "The old man has been
boasting too much for you, and my brothers are gnashing their

Others also said: "Ding Ding ah ~ you can get a good drink
with your grandfather today."

Wang Zhong Ding stood up to drink wine to Grandpa Wang,

and said: "Grandpa, I will give you a bath this afternoon."

"That's a good feeling." Grandpa Wang spoke up.

Wang Hai Hong said suddenly, "Dad, didn't you always say
that Hai Zi was so good at giving bath? Let him help do it."

Grandpa Wang's face immediately sank.

"Someones hands are accustomed to the fine meat tenderness

skin. Why would he like to touch the rough skin of an old man?"
Wang Hai Hong and Wang Hai Zi looked affronted "Ah, the
table is done we can go?"

Wang Hai Zi hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Dad, as

long as you don't deny me."

"Who said I'm denying you? I'm dislike you!" Grandpa Wang
did not let go.

Wang Hai Zi was also so old, and he was shamed down in

front of his younger generation. After all, it was not so easy to
endure, and he did not open his nails again.

When everyone thought that this matter was over, Wang

Zhong Ding actually spoke up.

"Grandpa, let's go with him and I'm afraid I'm not good at
bathing you alone you're a troublesome."

No one expected that Wang Zhong Ding would speak for

Wang Hai Zi, even Wang Hai Zi was stunned.
What kind of play is this kid playing?

Grandpa Wang sighed. "Looking at my grandchild and you

should be luck he decided to sell you a favor."


The large bathroom is full of mist and the unbeatable

generations up to grandchildren enjoy a rare harmony here.

During this period, Wang Hai Zi, as an unfilial son, has been
hard at work for his father bath. And the good grandson who
volunteered for it has been working passively.

"I say why don't I give your grandpa a shower and you
massage him?" Wang Hai Zi was not angry anymore.

Wang Zhong Ding turned his gaze back and cooperated with
Wang Hai Zi to massage his grandfather.
After a short while, his eyes were wedged like a nail in Wang
Hai Zi's leg.

"Are you looking for?" Wang Hai Zi was annoyed.

Grandpa Wang cares for his grandson and immediately yelled

to Wang Hai Zi. "How do you speak?"

As a result, Wang Hai Zi did not refute, and Wang Zhong Ding
first spoke up.

"Grandpa, you make him lift his leg."

Hearing this, Wang Hai Zi's face was more gloomy.

"You thought just because you had your grandfather back, I

would not dare to hit you?"

"I know you would dare." Wang Zhong Ding said


Wang Hai Zi really "recruited" and lifted his leg and walked
toward Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding did not hide, and his eyes stared at Wang
Hai Zi's separate inner thighs.

Unfortunately, it was too hasty to see it clearly.

With Grandpa Wang's order, Wang Hai Zi did not dare to

refuse but gestured lift his leg.

After a short while, two more fierce eyes penetrated into the
center of his legs.

Wang Zhong Ding's purpose is very clear, but Wang Hai Zi is

ignorant of the situation. Therefore, in his view, these two eyes
are trodden in pants, its a naked humiliation and provocation.
Wang Hai Zi endured his patience to the limit and directly put
his words to him.

"Don't blame me for being crossed with your grandchild. It is

he who boldly offends his uncle!"

Grandpa Wang also discovered the strangeness of Wang

Zhong Ding eyes and could not help but ask, "What's wrong
with your eyes Zhong Ding?"

Wang Zhong Ding used his words to test. "I seem to see a
birthmark on his thigh."

"Isn't it?" Grandpa Wang was surprised. "I'm his father and I
don't even know that he has a birthmark in his leg."

After listening to Grandpa Wang, Wang Zhong Ding's heart

was released.

However, Wang Hai Zi reprimanded him at this time: "What's

wrong with your eyes? Its your grandfather who has a
birthmark on his thighs!"

Wang Zhong Ding was stunned..

"what did you say?"

Wang Hai Zi irritably broke Grandpa Wang's two sickly legs.

"You see it!"

Wang Zhong Ding's low poetry was instantly thunderous.

Grandpa Wang's left thigh had a birthmark that was really

long, and it was still oval!

This ... it is too thrilling!

It must be a coincidence.

The old man is so old, even if he has that idea on Hàn Dōng.....
he is not good enough a rival.

Besides, people with birthmarks on the roots of the thighs are

more likely to go and can't be classified as rivals.

In this way, Wang Zhong Ding was only able to settle down.

Before leaving, Wang mother said to Wang Zhong Ding:

"Tomorrow is the 30th of the New Year. You can stay here this
evening. How much trouble will you have to come and go back
and forth?"

Zhong Ding said: "Let Xixi stay here. I have something to do

tomorrow morning."

"Is there anything yo do in the New Year's Eve? Then do you

still want to go home and have a reunion dinner?"

Wang Zhong Ding wanted to refuse, but when he saw Wang

Ma's longing eyes, he couldn't bear it. He said, "I'll come back to
eat at night, and at lunchtime, I might not be able to come back
to sleep."

Wang Ma sighed. "Well, then you must come back to eat

dumplings at night."

Wang Zhong Ding nodded.


At this moment, Hàn Dōng drove the sports car Wang Zhong
Ding gave him wildly on the road.

The cold wind poured into the collar, and the long hair danced
with the wind. a peripheral look looked at the big beautiful girl
in the car next door and he played various kinds of cool poses.

On a relatively quiet road, Hàn Dōng suddenly braked. After

leaning down at the door, he waited for someone's arrival with a
cold face.
Two minutes later, a black car stopped at a short distance.

Cai Peng just got off the car and was rebuked by Hàn Dōng.

"You haven't finished following me? Why don't you go home

for the Chinese New Year. What do you follow me all day long?"

Cai Peng chuckled. "There are so many people on the street.

How do you know that I am following you?"

"I don't have a long brain!" Hàn Dōng's words are full of

"If you are so good in your mind, wouldn't you know why I am
following you?"

"Less nonsense its harder dealing with me than with the set of
twats, and The Lord is not interested in you, rough master."
Cai Peng took off Hàn Dōng sunglasses. "What kind of interest
do you have? Wang Zhong Ding's slippery noble master?"

Hàn Dōng snatched the glasses back. "You're right. I like to

feel his slippery."

"Can't you slip through smooth?" Cai Peng said jokingly, "Isn't
he particularly into fucking you before he fluffs you?"

Hàn Dōng gritted his teeth. "How did you know that he was
fucking me, not that I was fucking him?"

Cai Peng's mocking eyes looked at Hàn Dōng's lower body. "If
you grow up like this, who wouldn't want to fuck you? If you
have such a long leg, your ass will be able to dance especially

Hàn Dōng not only did not become angry, but also said with
the innocent look back at him.

"Yes, it's extremely high. You can't get to it even if stand up on

the ladder!"

After that, the domineering sunglasses were pressed to cover

the eyes, and Hàn Dōng went driving away.
Chapter 216 30 Years Old
When he returned to the dormitory, Hàn Dōng sees it as a
make up sensation and he was ready to spend the night to go out
and play.

When Wang Zhong Ding arrives, Hàn Dōng was sleeping well
on a large bed. He slapped his hands on Hàn Dōng's buttocks
and grabbed a slug of soft flesh.

"stand up."

Hàn Dōng turned over and his head padded up to Wang Zhong
Ding's leg and said, “What?”

Wang Zhong Ding pulled his ear and asked: "Why do you sleep
in the day and where do you want to go in the evening?"

"Nowhere ~" Hàn Dōng seemed to wake up and smiled.

Wang Zhong Ding wanted to pick him up and talk. As a result,

Hàn Dōng looked like he had no long bones. He returned to bed
in a while. Wang Zhong Ding had no choice but to pull his back
with one arm and took a “breadt feeding” posture.

"I ask you, how do you think about a young and old love?"
Wang Zhong Ding asked tentatively.

Hàn Dōng eyes opened a small gap and lazily replied: "If you
love me, nothing wrong with that ah ~"

"If it is the stalker change, can you accept it?"

"Then you have to see how old and young are ranked. If it's
me that he is young, then I can accept it. If he is old and I'm
young it's unacceptable."

Hearing this, Wang Zhong Ding was more practical.

"However..." Hàn Dōng made a turn. "It depends on how old

he is. If I can accept it, I can consider it."
"If more than 80 years old ?"

Hàn Dōng suddenly opened his eyes. "How much?"

"More than 80 years old."

Hàn Dōng had a glimpse of it, and then he laughed. Wang

Zhong Ding's arm shook with his shoulder.

"Were you watching the news last night?" Hàn Dōng asked as
he smiled.

Wang Zhong Ding is not sure, "What happened last night?"

"This is the story of the 26-year-old boy who fucked an 81-

year-old old man's asshole. After raping and killing, you
wouldn't think I'm the suspect. Hahahaha..."

Wang Zhong Ding, "...I'm being serious you, you be serious."

Hàn Dōng only smiled when he returned.

Wang Zhong Ding asked again: "Do you know that I have an
80-year-old grandfather?"

Hàn Dōng pretended to be horrified. "That old man would not

be your grandfather?"

Wang Zhong Ding has a black face. "Do you believe me or


Hàn Dōng quickly broke away from Wang Zhong Ding's arms
and waved to the side with a smile.

"Lets talk about it, don't be angry, hahaha..."

Wang Zhong Ding ignored him.

Hàn Dōng climbed back again on his chest and seriously

answered: "I know you have a Grandpa, he is called Wang Xue
Zhi right? Born in 1929, once a deputy political commissar of the
Beijing Military Region. He participated in the war of liberation
and the War of Resistance Against US Aggression and Aided
Korea. The name "flying shark" was later changed to his name
'old shark'.

Wang Zhong Ding has a tight nerve. "How do you know him
so clearly?"

Hàn Dōngda Lama's return: "I calculated it out!"

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly got annoyed. "You can't even

name that person. How can you figure out my grandfather's

"Name? What name?" Hàn Dōng looked confused.

Wang Zhong Ding looked at him for a moment and suddenly

said: "My grandfather has a birthmark on the thigh."
"The birthmark on your grandfather's thigh, what's the
matter with me.." Hàn Dōng said half of the time he suddenly
got caught up.


Why does he mention the birthmark of his grandfather?

Hàn Dōng thought of the temptations that Wang Zhong Ding

had begun and remembered the experience before. Suddenly
there was an unpredictable hunch.

I wouldn't take out another rival's sex when I'm sleeping


Then Wang Zhong Ding discovered the birthmark in his

grandfather's leg, and he thought that...

Hàn Dōng suddenly wanted to trample on the trampoline. I

wouldn't let the anal sex go in my head. How could I like the old
man in his eighties?
But he did not dare to speak. He feared that Wang Zhong Ding
was just an inadvertent language. Saying this would mean
selling himself.

Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng's sincere and fearful

appearance, thinking that what he realized was suddenly

"What happened to my grandfather's birthmark?" asked


Hàn Dōng busy replied: "Nothing, I just wondered how I

didn't figure it out..."

Looking at the expression of Hàn Dōng face looking at Zhong

Ding again, it is not as guilty. So think about it, why do you care
about the catching things? One rival is also extinguished, and
the other is also extinguished. The soldiers will block the water
and cover the soil!

After Hàn Dōng got up, the two people had a meal together.
Then Wang Zhong Ding drove him home.
"Tomorrow is my 30th birth year. Do you want to go back to
stay today?" asked Hàn Dōng.

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "There are many people in

the family and I am confused."

Hàn Dōng did not say anything.

During the Spring Festival, the streets of Beijing are not only
unobstructed, but also the flowers are lighted on the way, the
lights swaying, and the beauty of the night scenes.

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly realized that he and Hàn Dōng

spent more than half a year together, and such nights were rare.

As soon as Hàn Dōng saw the billboard thats been hanging for
two months, he exclaimed, "Look! My poster!"

Wang Zhong Ding looked outward with a look, Hàn Dōng's

hard photo really confused people.
The next morning, Wang Zhong Ding asked Hàn Dōng:
"Where do you want to go and relax?"

" Don't you have to go home?" Hàn Dōng was surprised.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Will go back at night."

Hàn Dōng was immediately excited he said: "Then lets go

shopping, I haven't been shopping for a long time."

Wang Zhong Ding cast a dismissive look. "I'm too lazy to go

shopping with you and walk around."

That is to say, he finally reluctantly went with Hàn Dōng.

There is a smoggy street near Shicha Sea. There are a variety

of small shops and it is very lively in the early morning.

Wang Zhong Ding walked and said: "At this time next year,
you won't come here."

Hàn Dōng wondered, "Why?"

"As soon as you came, half of the streets would had been
blocked." Wang Zhong Ding exaggerated his wife.

"I love to hear this, hahahaha..." Hàn Dōng was up to

spending all night with Wang Zhong Ding.

"Calm down!" Wang Zhong Ding reprimanded.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly shrank back.

After a stroll, Hàn Dōng suddenly told Wang Zhong Ding:

"You see, you see, the drinks they take have white smoke."

Wang Zhong Ding looked at him obliquely: "What is strange

about that? It's just dry ice. As a big fairy, how come you don't
even know this?"

In fact, Hàn Dōng knew that he just wanted to drink that


Wang Zhong Ding looked over there and at least twenty

people lined up. Then he said: "These are all pigment additives.
It's not good at all."

Hàn Dōng had to give up.

Then, two people walked into a craft shop.

Hàn Dōng kept pointing and pointing inside. He said that this
handwork was worse than his. Then he said that the hsndwork
was not as good as him, and the boss turned his eyes.

Wang Zhong Ding can't stand the bragging of Hàn Dōng and
he goes out of the shop early.
Not far away is the beverage shop, where a young man hands
his girlfriend a cup of smoky drink. The girlfriend took a sip and
instantly smiled.

"Is it good?" asked the young man.

The girlfriend felt it was fair, but because the young man
waiting for it for so long, she still nodded and satisfied.

The young man also leaned over and took a sip on the straw
held by his girlfriend.

Both smiled and ghe area was all kinds of sweet hearts.

Wang Zhong Ding has been staring at their back.

So, when Hàn Dōng came out, Wang Zhong Ding also had a
cup with such a drink.
"Hey? You really bought it? The action is too fast, right?" Hàn
Dōng surprised.

Wang Zhong Ding wants to say: I have been in this station for
a long time. You did not come out and the chemical reaction of
dry ice is nearly over!

Hàn Dōng can't wait to take a sip.

"How is it?" Wang Zhong Ding also asked.

Hàn Dōng could not help but nodded. "You're right. It's really
bad! It's the taste of additives."

"give me……"

When the word “taste” was not mentioned, Hàn Dōng

dumped it into the trash can. “I can't drink it, let's go!”
Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

Soon, the two entered a match shop again.

There are various patterns of match boxes, and matches of

various colors. Hàn Dōng saw a match box with a small Taoist
pattern and picked it up staring it for a long time.

"What did you want to come here?" Han Dong asked Wang
Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding looked helpless. "What do you want?"

"It's fun! It cost more money..."

"Wasteful." Wang Zhong Ding looked cold.

"Aren't you wasting your money on watches in that room?"

"I'm keeping it for appreciation. Why would you keep that?"

Hàn Dōng had to put it back.

After a while, when Hàn Dōng suddenly wanted to smoke, he

went to Wang Zhong Ding and touched the lighter. As a result,
he did not touch a lighter, but touched a match box.

He thought that Wang Zhong Ding was going to surprise

himself. As a result, the pattern of the matchbox turned out to
be a watch.

"Your uncle's balls! You won't let me buy s Taoist scaled

matchbox. You secretly slammed another watch scaled

Wang Zhong Ding voice was innocent. "I don't know it was."

Hàn Dōng looked at him angry and dangled the small cigarette
and said, "Give me a light .....My Dear!"
Wang Zhong Ding also pulled out a cigarette in his mouth.

Each side draws a puff one side of the lighted matchstick and
points eyes to each other.

Sure enough, this sweet moment is more suitable for these

two men.

On the simple and happy day, Hàn Dōng's grinding sound

came to an end.

The crowds on the street dispersed, and thousands of lights

were light on.

The lively atmosphere has just begun. Wang Zhong Ding has
to face Hàn Dōng alone.

One person had firecrackers, one was watching the Spring

Festival Gala and one person was listening to a ringing sound at
the zero countdown. Wang Zhong Ding could not think of
anything more perfect.
Hàn Dōng has spent more than 10 years in this scene.

"Let's go back and don't let your parents wait." Hàn Dōng
urged Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding nodded. "There is a party in the company.

Everyone who doesn't come home celebrates there. Er Lei, Xiao
Liang, Guan Xue, and Cain are all there."

Hàn Dōng gritted his teeth. "Why didn't you speak earlier? If I
knew I wouldn't spend the time with you."

"Okay, just let's go ."

Hàn Dōng waved at Wang Zhong Ding and quickly drove

Chapter 217 Happiness.
At the top floor of the company's ballroom, more than one
hundred people sat together and made dumplings. The scene
was spectacular.

Some of these people, like Hàn Dōng, no longer have their

parents, and their relatives have moved. Some of their affairs
were busy and the family lived far away, too late to go back.
Some live in the neighborhood and come to join in a lively fun
with everyone...

The first thing Hàn Dōng saw was Xià Yang Zhuo.

"Oh, I thought you're homeless! I dare say you have many

brothers, but you want to come here for the New Year ?."

Xià Yang Zhuo ignored him and he focused in learned to make


Hàn Dōng began to become teasing again and again. “I said,

you still don't mix it up. Then you can turn the dumplings into
buns. How do you cook them?”

"You are annoying?" Xià Yang Zhuo finally black face.

Hàn Dōng laughed and attracted countless hostile eyes.

Later, he saw that Cain taking the camera and filming the
whole process of making dumplings not far away. Only
afterwards did he understand why Xià Yang Zhuo had a family
and he still choose to come here for fun.

So he stuck Cain more hard. Especially when Cain

photographed this side, he not only did not work, but also
blocked the Xià Yang Zhuo with all kinds of ways to steal the

Xià Yang Zhuo's face can be imagined.

After dumplings were finished, everyone started the game

again and some performances were interspersed during the
Naturally, Hàn Dōng is the most active inside, jumping up and
down, dancing, and he is very happy.

So he comfortably ridiculed him. "Hàn Dōng, do you not see

Wang Zhong Ding is not here is that why youre mischevious

Hàn Dōng said, "What's it like to see him out? It's like I'm not
scared of him."

At this time, Nobody knows who shouted.

"Wang Zhong Ding is coming!"

Hàn Dōng stature was stiff, his face fiercely turned to the
door, the fastest reaction ever.

As a result, none of them did.

Everyone laughed.

"Isn't he afraid? Did you look at his face?"

Hàn Dōng coldly said: "I just fooled you, you really got fooled
by it."

As a result, another person exclaimed loudly.

"Wang Zhong! Wang has really come!"

Hàn Dōng's face changed again and his eyes turned to the door
again. The result was none of them.

The crowd laughed again and again.

"I said, aren't you too fooling? The two reactions are exactly
the same, really acting!"
Hàn Dōng looked for himself. "I walked with him to the street
for a shopping day. Didn't I just get rid of him for a moment and
why would I be afraid of him?"

“In the 30th year of the New Year, Wang went shopping with
you?... stop joking"

Among these people, Hàn Dōng's closeness to them is rare,

and his relationship with Wang Zhong Ding is a hearsay to
them. Hàn Dōng feel that they are more of a ridicule, just as
everyone recently teased Xià Yang Zhuo and Wang Zhong Ding
were a thing.

Hàn Dōng took a photo taken of the street, "You see it


Some people dont even look at it and say, "Photoshop?"

This remark led to laughter.

"You guys are really short-sighted!" Hàn Dōng gritted his


"It's not that we're short of insights. It's the low credibility of
this. Plus you usually love bragging. Who's going to take your
word seriously?"

"If you were Xià Yang Zhuo, I would believe it."

“Xiao Yang Zhuo is not possible, Wang is a big famous dutiful

son, he do arranges activities for the artists every Spring
Festival, in order to go home and his parents reunion.”


Hàn Dōng is too lazy to argue.

Er Lei came to comfort him. "Those people are sour. Whoever

Wang attaches importance to, they will step on."
Hàn Dōng is quite generous. "It's all a joke. I'll be a good

"Well, as long as you don't say anything, you shouldn't say

anything. It'll be difficult for Wang clear an embarrassment."

"You can rest assured that I still understand this."


Dumplings pot and celebrated with a toast. Everyone laughs

and laughs. No one feels sad because they can't return home.

There have been new members on the way, and some are
relatives. Some people in the company had dinner at home and
they came to give everyone a delicious treat here.

No matter who comes, the entrance is full of boiling and noisy

Hàn Dōng was in the midst of this bustling period of ups and
downs in his moods and eventually returned to stability with
the approaching zero.

"There is still 5 minutes!" Hàn Dōng wondered who shouted a

voice. "Everybody getready the countdown will begin in a

As soon as the voice fell, the lights in the entire banquet hall
suddenly disappeared, and it was dark in all directions.

Everyone shouted.

"Hey? is there a power cut?"

"Impossible. The lights on the outside are clearly lit."

"Is it right?

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted.

"Wang is here!"

Someone immediately responded to him. "Don't you try to

scare poor Hàn Dōng?"

"I really saw him this time!"

Hàn Dōng said straight: "Hello, so dark yet you see an egg with
a watch too?"

As a result, when the light had just finished turning on, Wang
Zhong Ding suddenly appeared on the stage and looked at

"I came over today and I wanted to send someone a special

year-end bonus."

The entire hall was boiling.

"Wow, Wang came."

"Year-end bonus, year-end bonus, is there my share?"

"Did you not hear it? Her just want to give it someone, one


Hàn Dōng heartbeat suddenly accelerated, it should be for

me? obviously I won the year-end award...

Wang Zhong Ding's voice rang again.

"This year-end bonus is a birthday cake that I personally

Hàn Dōng was dumbfounded when he heard this.


That fucker my birthday is June 19th, even if no matter how

wrong one is.... it can not jump to New Year's Eve ah!

Others and Hàn Dōng have an idea.

"That's fucking insane! The cake that Wang made! Who has
that big face?"

"You should ask, who is having such a good day?"

Hàn Dōng drifted along with everyone's attention, and finally

he turned to Xià Yang Zhuo.
Where does your mind want to go? Just say who! Wang Zhong
Ding suddenly shouted two words," Hàn Dōng! “

Hàn Dōng was shocked and stared at Wang Zhong Ding.

I said that if you show love, you must seek truth from facts.

Wang Zhong Ding seems to see what he thinks and then he

says to the microphone: "I promised to make it......if you make
it through new year."

Hàn Dōng was even more paralyzed.

Wang Zhong Ding once again said, "Don't stand there

stunned. Do you think that I don't know your birthday on your

Hàn Dōng suddenly realized something.

Wang Zhong Ding used an extremely plain tone to say that
and everyone was desperate to shed tears.

"So, I changed your birthday to a New Year's Day so that after

that you will never have to spend a New Year alone"

Just finished, the New Year's bell sounded.

"Hàn Dōng, happy birthday."

In a flash, everyone moved toward Hàn Dōng

Make you pretend that you are sad, and now you raise
eyebrows and exhale frankly, right?

Isn't your face so fucking happy?

Of these people, only Cain was the most calm because he could
not understand Chinese and what was said was completely
Therefore, Xià Yang Zhuo went to him and told him the truth.

"Are they really together?" Cain seemed hurt.

Xià Yang Zhuo nodded. "They were already together."

''Wasn't Wang with you?" Cain pointed to Wang Zhong Ding.

Xià Yang Zhuo told him very seriously, "NO! I'm single!"

Here, Hàn Dōng was scrambling for a piece of cake with


“Give me a way to stand! This is what Wang Zhong Ding made

for me. Why do you grab my cake?”

"I'll bring it to you!"

"Ah ah an ...who told you to dig it with a big spoon?"


Wang Zhong Ding spent a lot of effort to pull Hàn Dōng out of
the crowd.

"I didn't eat my cake." Hàn Dōng grieved.

"It's okay. That's not what I personally baked."

"Ah?" Hàn Dōng was surprised.

"How would I bake it so well?" Wang Zhong Ding said again

took one from the box. "This is what I personally made."

Hàn Dōng swallowed his mouth. "Why did you lie to them and
say that?"
"Learning from your love of bragging about things?" Wang
Zhong Ding teased.

Hàn Dōng looked at this ugly little cake and couldn't help but
smile: "You brag more than I dare.

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

Until he got home. Hàn Dōng could not believe what was
happening today.

In particular, He can't believe that today is New Year's Eve,

and someone is sleeping next to him.

"You really will not go back?" Hàn Dōng confirmed again

before going to bed.

Wang Zhong Ding hummed.

Hàn Dōng rides on this kind of satisfaction, and he falls asleep
when he is not intimidated.

As a result, in sleepwalking mode he cried for a long time.

Chapter 218 Good Eyes.
On the third day of New Year's Day, when most people were
still busy with relatives, Hàn Dōng's crew took a second half-
month shot to Spain, which was the second location.

Due to the weather, shooting was delayed for nearly a week,

and it was already March.

On the day of returning to China, Wang Zhong Ding

personally picked him up from the plane. At a glance, he found
Hàn Dōng was highly recognizable figure from the mighty

"Hey, here!" Er Lei looked at Hàn Dōng shouted.

Hàn Dōng used his fastest reaction speed. After everyone had
said hello to Wang Zhong Ding, he finally found his husband
and rushed through the luggage cart.

"I'm so horny I want to die!" Hàn Dōng gave a hard hold to

Wang Zhong Ding's ear and said blearily: "I was the one who
dreamed of you pinching me and I cried in the morning."

Wang Zhong Ding, "... thats quite a quest."

Hàn Dōng laughed shamelessly.

After returning home, he could not wait to open the trunk. As

he plunged outside, he said: "I brought you a lot of things as I
promised, ham, dried fruit, and wine..."

As he was saying, a pair of small meaty hands reached out.

Hàn Dōng pressed the little hands and deliberately

reprimanded: "Did I say it wasfor you? You can't just take it."

Xixi smiled. "I introduced "Theft of Shadows" to my

classmates. They are all special mini fans for you."

"OK, take it and eat it."

Hàn Dōng once again plucked a beautiful box from his rags
and rotten socks. The clothes in the box were stacked and
structured, highlighting Hàn Dōng's attention to Wang Zhong
Ding's teaching.

"This dress is from the hand of Spain's best-known designer

Blaise. I was in Tokain and I found her. Is it a good style?"

Wang Zhong Ding saw that the whole set of clothing was
mainly played by “green”, which really suited his temperament.

"Not bad - even hats are green," Wang Zhong Ding said.

"What do you know? This is a pure beach style - not only is the
hat green, but is also green when you wear it, snd for you you
will look just like a beach patrolman. How handsome!"

Wang Zhong Ding: "......."

During the dinner, Xixi appeared to have some appetite, and

the little one had been turning around Hàn Dōng.
"You told this child and finally know he missed me. Since I
entered the door, he was always staring at me." Hàn Dōng
stunned Wang Zhong Ding, and the Wang did not speak of it.

Wang Zhong Ding's look at Xixi should not be so simple.

Sure enough, after a while, Xixi took down the chopsticks,

and the two little hands crossed and his gathered hands, said
very deliberately to Hàn Dōng, "Do you want to stay here

"Nonsense, why I can't I stay here?" Hàn Dōng said.

Xixi had a small face tied with a look that was not polite to
Hàn Dōng.

"So, shouldn't you be considering about paying rent?"

Hàn Dōng purely teased the child's tone and replied, "Your
dad didn't ask me for rent. Why do you want it?"
Unexpectedly, Xixi calmly said: "I am the owner of this

"When did you change your homeowner?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "I turned the house under his name."

During this time of the Chinese New Year, Wang Zhong Ding
thought a lot. He did not plan to have children anymore. Not
only because of Hàn Dōng, but also because he was afraid of
Xixi's feeling wronged.

Although his family loves Xixi, Wang Zhong Ding still feels
unrelieved. He is afraid that one day he will be in unforeseen
trouble, and Xixi will be treated unfairly.

Therefore, in order to implement this idea and to remove

concerns, he transferred some assets to Xixi name in advance.

Upon hearing this, Hàn Dōng deliberately asked Xixi: "Isn't

everything I brought back to you enough payment?"
Xixi's small eyes are very restless, but also prefer to say:
“What does rent have to do with eating?”

It doesn't matter?

Hàn Dōng returned to the room and saw that all the food were
eaten..... Even the boxes were empty!

That little……

"Have you changed your face too fast?" Hàn Dōng accused
Wang Zhong Ding pointing at Xixi. "You tell me how such a
small child can count that far?"

"He didn't do this before." Wang Zhong Ding replied quietly.

Hàn Dōng, "......."

"Feng Mang" has more than half of the shooting tasks done,
and the schedule behind it is not so compact. Hàn Dōng's "first
step" strategy has begun to be put on the agenda.

"After leadership class tomorrow, I will go to the reception

and you will go and see the crew together with me," said Wang
Zhong Ding.

Hàn Dōng asked: "What crew?"

"The Red God of War"

Hàn Dōng guessed when he heard the name. It must have

been the red drama of the devil.

"What do I need to prepare?"

"Not for the time being, first meet the director and see what
he can say."

The next day, Hàn Dōng went with Wang Zhong Ding.
"Red God of War" was filmed on the first phase of the
completion of the "Chinese and Western Film and Television
Base." The shooting venues are all new, and the accommodation
and restaurant treatment are much better than the previous TV

When Hàn Dōng went, all the actors were basically in place
and he was one of them.

The director was someone surnamed Fan, a man about forty

years old, signed to the Zhong Ding company. Good at shooting
action drama, spy drama, in the TV department and he has a
relatively high reputation.

Director Fan and Hàn Dōng talked briefly and let him change

As a result, when Hàn Dōng changed his costume, the

eyebrows of the director group wrinkled.

"How do you look so awkward?"

"I also think that he does not look like the Japanese people."

"Try to add a beard to him."

There was no improvement after the results were added.

Especially with several other actors who play Japanese, Hàn

Dōng looks like an undercover lurking inside.

"I'll see if he put on the clothes of the Eighth Route Army,"

Fan said.

Hàn Dōng had to go back and change.

As a result, after more than ten minutes came out, the

director group's expression was more dignified.

If Hàn Dōng plays a Japanese the whole thing would feel

wrong, it can be called nondescript.
"How could this be?"

Even Wang Zhong Ding did not expect that Hàn Dōng would
have problems with his styling.

Director Fan said: "Isn't the modern atmosphere on him be

too strong?"

Wang Zhong Ding was wondering. Suddenly someone came to

inform: "Wang, Mr. Huang is here."

"Please come in."

When Wang Zhong Ding said that.... he and the other leaders
of the filming team came forward to meet the man.

Mr. Huang's full name, Huang Tuo, holds an important

position in the army. The protagonist of this drama is his
grandfather as a character prototype. To say that it is his right
to visit classes, it would be better to review.
Wang Zhong Ding first led him to several important shooting

"Is that the conference room?" Huang Tuo asked.

Zhong Ding nodded. "Yes, the 3.27 shootings were taken at

this place."

When Huang Tuo looked at it, he said, "This room is a bit big,

"Because we have to leave a part of the space to set up the

shooting equipment, we cannot use it to 100%."

"That window is also a bit wide." Huang Tuo still frowned.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "This is taking into account the light
"You can't go to console the crew and mess up the scene. The
shooting conditions can be overcome. Can the history be
changed at will?"

Wang Zhong Ding immediately said to Er Lei: "Pull down this

office and go back and rebuild."

After returning from the shooting venue, Huang Tuo met

Wang Zhong Ding with several major actors.

On the way, he told the director: "Actress shouldn't paint so

heavy makeup anymore. Every time I see the communist party
imprisoned women with fake eyelashes I feel disgusted."

"Okay, don't worry, we will be careful about makeup and


Soon, the pair of people came to the event center and all the
actors were in the assembly.

Huang Tuo looked at them one by one on their faces and

finally settled on Hàn Dōng's face.

" want to play the Eighth Route Army?"

Hàn Dōng paid a salute tribute and solemnly replied:

"Reporter head, I played as a Japanese devil!"

"Can you play the Japanese devil?"

1].... Japanese devil = This was during the Japanese rule on

China.....kinda like slavery....on subtitute Africans for Chinese
and Japanese as Europeans.....

Huang Tuo's skeptical tone made all the leaders of the filming
team feel worried. If he directly denied Hàn Dōng, it would be
Wang Zhong Ding who was unable to return to heaven.

Unexpectedly, Huang Tuo made a turn.

"Shouldn't you be playing foreigner devil?"

1]..... Foreigner devil=Westerners invaders

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Even Wang Zhong Ding did not expect it.

"Big heads, deep eyes, this is clearly a lively foreigner devil!"

Huang Tuo said.

Director Fan pointedly pointed at Hàn Dōng. "You're going to

change the shape of foreign devil to show us."

Five minutes later, Hàn Dōng came out again and everyone
was taken aback.

Isn't the director's eyes too good?

Director Fan was embarrassed. "I don't think it's right for him
to do anything. The problem is here."
"That's it~" Huang Tuo glanced at Hàn Dōng again. "Where
have you seen the Japanese who have such a long leg? Did you
look for him to play that role, does he have even a Japanese
Chapter 219 Insufficient Heat.
Cai Peng's first film, “Black Poison,” has also entered into
intense shooting.

In the ministry's film, Li Shang played a second-large master

of a large consortium, a truly "junk addict."

In order to get closer to the image of the drug addicts, during

the Spring Festival when all of them were busy with their big
food servings, Li Shang simply forced him to lose a dozen of

However, it is not enough to meet the standards. His mental

state must also be closer to the characters in the play. After
long-term use of drugs, the kind of mental atrophy,
thoughtlessness, and unresponsiveness that people present at
that state.

It is not that easy to do this.

Li Shang watched some documentaries about drug addiction

and drug addiction every day. He will also talk with friends who
have been drugged. Even so, the state of drug addiction he
deducted is still somewhat different from reality.

In order to achieve a realistic effect, Cai Peng did not hesitate

to import an instrument from abroad. Specially to simulate the
symptoms of drug addiction, let Li Shang personally got up and
experience drugs .

"This will not cause any harm to the body, right?" Feng Mu
did not worry.

Cai Peng said: "This is for an anti-drug education. How can it

be harmful?"

Feng Mu nodded in agreement.

After Li Shang sat up, he felt a sound of mosquitoes lingering

in his head.

"Ah! Hey!..."
Immediately afterwards, this flapping sound grew from small
to large and gradually escalated into a huge roar.

Li Shang felt something squeezed out of the blood vessel,

almost cracking his body.

"No, let me down, it's too uncomfortable..." Li Shang

struggled painfully.

Feng Mu looked at Cai Peng and asked, "Is it almost over?"

"It's too early?" Cai Peng was unmoved.

Li Shang's skin began to twitch under the stimulation of the

instrument, just like the cat's claws scratching the raised goose
bumps, and the itch sensation gradually plunged into the bones
along the pores. He wanted to get rid of the sensation..... to
wriggle out, only to frantically struggle, rubbing his bones
through the flesh of flesh to make it stop itching.

"Ahhh... Feng Jié ... save me..."

Feng Mu really could not bear the heart and she wanted to
turn off the instrument in the past but was stopped by Cai Peng.

"Let's wait," said Cai Peng.

"I think almost done, right?" Feng Mu worried.

Cai Peng was indifferent. "If you can guarantee that he will be
able to act, I will let him down."

Feng Mu did not know it.

In the end, Li Shang tears flowed into his mouth and he was

"You are guilty of this point, not as good act as one percent of
drug addicts." Cai Peng said superficially.

Although this is true, Li Shang is still dissatisfied with Cai

Peng's extreme approach.

"If Hàn Dōng comes to play this show, will you do this to

Cai Peng smiled. "I'm definitely not willing to make him go

through this"

Li Shang coldly cussed

Cai Peng whispered into his ear and said, "But, as you did, you
almost made me hard ."

Seeing Li Shang wants to turn a face, Feng Mu is very busy to

persuade: "Having a good state.... quickly rush to the studio to
shoot this part, you do not want to experience this for the
second time, right?"

Upon hearing this, Li Shang went to change clothes.

It must be said that Cai Peng's move is still very effective.
When rehearsing the scene of drug addiction, Li Shang's
performance was amazing.

When the director started shouting, he felt like sitting on


At first it was just trembling, then he suddenly fell to the

ground, his body was almost madly twitching. The mouth is
buzzing with an unclear sound, accompanied by a large amount
of saliva frothing at his mouth...


Several staff members went to help Li Shang.

Due to excessive force, Li Shang had difficulty breathing for a

long period of time and took a few mouthfuls of oxygen to ease

"Director, how can you?" asked Feng Mu.

The director said with excitement: "Oh, his performance this
time is..."

"Not enough heat in he scene." Cai Peng suddenly interrupted.

All people were stuck.

The water that Li Shang had in his mouth was suddenly hard
to swallow.

"Cai boss, you are asking a bit too high, right?" The director
could not help but speak for Li Shang.

Cai Peng did not refute and directly turned his attention to
Feng Mu.

"My request is not high, I think Feng Jié knows best. I'm
right, Feng Sister?"
1]..... Jié=Sister

Feng Mu's face changed, but she soon returned to normal.

"There is room for improvement," she said.

Everyone sighed in their hearts. What did Li Shang do to

create such investors as Cai Peng.

On the way back, Li Shang was dark and his spirit was poor.

Feng Mu asked him: "Can you still continue?"

"Now is not the question I can not continue is that he will not
let me off the role."

Feng Mu said: "If you can persist, I have a way to block his
"How?" asked Li Shang.

Feng Mu paused and said: "You come with me."

Half an hour later, Li Shang followed Feng Mu's car to a

detoxification center in Beijing.

Here, Li Shang met with someone he would never see again in

this life - Fang Yi.

After Fang's suicide scare, her news was blocked by the media.
In a circle she was rumored to have a mental illness and went
abroad for treatment, Li Shang was also convinced.

However, he never imagined that the actress who had been

sought after by thousands of people and bought thousands of
pairs of chopsticks was actually locked in this high-wall
compound and lived a life of pigs and dogs.

When Li Shang and Fang Yi were together, she was infected

with drugs, but they were all dependent than marijuana and K

After being stimulated on several occasions, she began to use

heroin and she never managed to get away from it. Until the
possible death of overdose, she was sent to detoxification centre
by her family.

When Li Shang saw her again, she finally understood the

profound meaning of Cai Peng's phrase “not enough heat in the

In a short period of one year, Fang Yi became a shriveled old

woman from a good-looking mistress.

Lost more than 80 pounds of body weight, wrinkled faces,

piercing skin, sluggish eyes...

If the doctors in the detoxification center were not confirmed

repeatedly, Li Shang would not believe it was Fang Yi.

“I have already applied with the director to allow you to

volunteer here for a period of time. On the one hand, you can
experience the mood of drug addicts on the one hand, and on
the other hand, you can also help the drug addicts get better”

Li Shang immediately refused, "I don't want to stay here."

One of Feng Mu's arms stopped him from trying to escape and
said coldly, “If you want to change your body over in your life,”
he said.

Li Shang frozen.

Feng Mu turned left into an alley after leaving the

detoxification center. Yuzao was ambushed there by a press

"He will come out at around 3 o'clock and you will rush to
shoot his getting out. When he finishes the formalities, he will
be formally isolated."

"Relax, Feng."
Feng Mu dumped a purse in the reporter "money."

"Thank you, Feng Sister."

On the second day, the news that "Li Tian Bang appeared in
drug addiction centers and suspected drug use" caused a stir

Hàn Dōng, a "fake foreigner devil" was practicing how to be

merciless in the crew, suddenly he saw this news.

"Fuck me...! Isn't this too much?"

He hurriedly called Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "I'm also not very clear about the
specific situation. I'm contacting the other side."

So he called Feng Mu again.

Feng Mu's tone of expression was anxious. “I'm also going
over there.”

Hàn Dōng couldn't sit still, so he took a leave with the director
and drove straight to the detox camp.

On the road Hàn Dōng was still still puzzled: Li Shang's life
was not infected with this drug thing! Is this all for a media

Hàn Dōng had seen the script of “Black Poison” and naturally
knew that Li Shang's role was linked to drugs.

But he didn't need to push himself so badly! Even if it is time

to clarify that there is no drug use, what good would it do to his
reputation? It's not even more shadowed...

Thinking about it, Hàn Dōng suddenly braked.

"Fuck, drive!"
He just wanted to turn the head back and suddenly found a
familiar figure - Cai Shun.

How could he be here?

Is this all Cai Peng's plan?

In order to hype his own movie, he deliberately put Li Shang

into the hot water?

But with his own power alone, it should not be able to say that
black is the artist of Zhong Ding's company?

This time Hàn Dōng saw Feng Mu again.

Can it be they're conspiring in private?

However, Hàn Dōng faintly thought that Feng Mu would not

do things like that, although she was also a white-eyed wolf.
However, in the current situation, she could not risk angering
Wang Zhong Ding's storm and pick up a dangerous person who
has no power.

Therefore, the only possibility that Hàn Dōng thinks is this

Feng Mu's attention.

In order to verify this idea, he called Feng Mu.

"Hey? Feng Mu, I have arrived. Where are you now?"

Feng Mu heard this and looked around unconsciously. When

she turned her eyes to Cai Shun's direction, Hàn Dōng saw that
Cai Shun quickly pressed down on the brim hat and left in a


"I can see you!"

Hàn Dōng said this as he ran towards Feng Mu.

"What's the situation now?"

Feng Mu sighed. "There are too many reporters to block in the

morning. Now non-workers and their family members are
prohibited from entering."

"How is Li Shang inside?"

"I haven't been able to contact him."

Hàn Dōng looked at Feng Mu and wanted to find truth from

her face.

"Yes, you kind of care about him ~"

Feng Mu gave Hàn Dōng gentle smile.

It must be said that Feng Mu's smile is beautiful, and Hàn

Dōng's eyes were instantly demented.
"Oh ~ yes ~ yes ~"

After a while, Wang Zhong Ding also came.

Compared to Hàn Dōng's eagerness, he seemed to be calm and

reserved. He just casually asked questions and confessed a few
words. He let Er Lei drive and go ahead and bring Hàn Dōng
back home.

On the way, Hàn Dōng asked Wang Zhong Ding: "You aren't
worry about it at all?"

"Who's the moron who will make this up, I have nothing to
worry about" Wang Zhong Ding indifferent.

Hàn Dōng said again: "I think Feng Mu's rights are a little too
concentrated. You should find someone to pin her down."

"I have already considered this matter."

Hàn Dōng blinked his eyes instantly, cleared his throat, and
stood upright on his own feeling.

"Is that... there is no favorite candidate?"

"Currently considering one."

Hàn Dōng can not wait to ask: "Who?"

"Yu Ming."

"Who did you say????"

"Yu~ Ming."

Hàn Dōng's face was cold and he said, "Why? Why should you
promote his little skinny thing?"
Wang Zhong Ding did not hesitate to explain. "Because his
vision is high enough, his temperament is light enough, and his
mind is rational."

"And he depends on you enough, right?" Hàn Dōng faintly

made up one.

Wang Zhong Ding looked away. "I don't know what you are
talking about."
Chapter 220 A Turnaround.
After less than three days at the Drug Addiction Treatment
Center, Li Shang was overwhelmed by the deep sense of
oppression and deep desperation.

He repeatedly asked to leave here and was evaded by the

director for various reasons.

Li Shang finally discovered that it wasn't Cai Peng that really

whispered him in here, but Feng Mu.

Mental trauma is much more cruel than physical abuse.

Li Shang faced Fang Yi's madness, self-harm, hysteria, and

even incontinence every day.

That is the real million ant bones, million acupunctures,

bloody mouths, ten thousand worms, and ten thousand knives.

Only with his own eyes witnessed, Li Shang was convinced of

Cai Peng's repeated denials.

At the same time, he would also like to thank Feng Mu for

this. Through this close contact, he certainly will not touch

After Fang Yi's drug addiction receded, she was like a normal
person. Speaking of things in the circle is still sharp words and
no mercy.

It was ironic that she was only with the face of this old woman
with thin yellow skin.

"I hate that slut so damn much, I let her swindle me so


Li Shang replied indifferently: "I also have swindled you."

"I don't hate you," Fang Yi said.

Li Shang asked: "Why?"

"Because you are concerned about me when you weren't using

a bit of value, you got me water, washed my clothes, and clean
my urine..."

"What are you most afraid of now?" asked Li Shang.

Fang Yi said: "I am most afraid of despair."


"Because once I'm desperate, I want to suck the drugs again."

Li Shang had been looking for Fang Yi for a while, watching

her full of pin-pointed hands, looking at her gritty skin, and
looking at the pride she had in her gloomy eyes...

Later, the director called him.

Nobody knows what he said in his ear, Li Shang was stalemate
for a while, and ultimately nodded.

After a while, Fang's drug addiction crazy broke out and

several medical personnel and Li Shang together controlled her.

At the same time, several reporters rushed in. Originally, they

wanted to shoot Li Shang's photo. The result was that Fang Yi,
who disappeared suddenly reappeared. At this moment, Li
Shang was wearing a volunteer's clothes and was kicked and
kicked by Fang Yi who had committed drug addiction.

The reporter hurriedly recorded the scene with a multitude of


The medical staff in the same room also told the reporter
about the various cares that Li Shang has had done in the past
three days.

Fang Yi has lost her basic consciousness.

As for what the reporter photographed, what Li Shang said,
she didn't care, and she didn't explain it. She was talking about
what was coming and going in her crazy mind.

Shortly after the reporter left, Li Shang left.

In the evening, the media clarified the drug status for Li

Shang. At the same time, he also volunteered to go to the drug
rehabilitation center and took care behind the scenes of former
actresses who once helped him.

In a flash, the media bad comments reversed.

1] the media are stupid.

The netizens crusade has also become praise, and this feeling
of indifference in the human society, the interest-oriented
entertainment, actually there are people like Li Shang who are
affectionate and righteous.

Even the account of “Li Shang violently hitting a fan” was

taken out and re-liquidated.

They list all the bad deeds of Xià Yang Zhuo's fans and suggest
that they should “fight” again.

Then there was a group of "angry young people" who came out
and openly resisted Xià Yang Zhuo's fans, crusaded against
irrational star-chasing behavior. In this way, Li Shang's
beatings were replaced by the concept of "true sentiments," "for
the sake of the heavens," and "pure man."

In this way, Li Shang not only succeeded in whitewashing, but

also raised his popularity further in public opinion.

It must be said that Feng Mu's road to hype for more than
three months has gone very beautiful!

However, Li Shang did not feel bad because he had won this

Perhaps the drug detox has left him with psychological

trauma. Perhaps it is the depth of the play. Li Shang's mental
state started to deteriorate.

He often feels guilty and unhappy, and a small little thing can
make him be irritated.

However, it also fits the characters in the play, so that his

acting becomes more exquisite. As Feng Mu wished, Cai Peng's
picky mouth was eventually blocked.


Hàn Dōng's shooting task here is easy.

His director better than Cain by more, Hàn Dōng played a

casual, in his view is impeccable.

He also gave Hàn Dōng a nickname - drama.

Everyone praises Hàn Dōng's acting skill and aura.

Especially they boast in front of Wang Zhong Ding, the crew

will get some extra benefits each time.

Moreover, through this drama, Wang Zhong Ding and Huang

Tuo became good friends.

The difference between the two is nearly ten years old. There
are different occupations and different temperaments. To be
together, there are even topics that can't be talked about.

Hàn Dōng did not believe this face.

Today is also the case. When he arrived at the crew, he saw

Huang Tuo's car parked outside the theater.

"You've been there. You've come again! It's endless coming

and goings right? Even if this movie is played by your
grandfather, you can't regard this as your own home!"
Probably feel the hostility of Hàn Dōng, Huang Tuo
deliberately asked: "Little foreign devil, how is it you do not say

ThenHàn Dōng was saluting, "The head is good." And then he

secretly make up a "hello motherfucker" to quickly flash people.

Huang Tuo looked at his back laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Huang Tuo raised his chin and said, "Laughing at a small

foreign devil, a pair of cranes that is all day long annoyed..... No
need to provoke him."

Wang Zhong Ding also raised his mouth.

"He has little morals."

Chapter 221 My wife is A Treasure.
In fact, this role played by Hàn Dōng is not a pure foreign
devil. The evil man's father was French and his mother was
Chinese. So he is a half foreigner devil.

The reason why Wang Zhong Ding did not consider Hàn Dōng
for this role from the beginning was because there were ready-
made mixed-beard actors and he did not think about Hàn Dōng.
Later, it was discovered by Huang Tuo that Hàn Dōng was more
suitable for this role.

Hàn Dōng thought that when he had played foreigner and

could break away from the positioning of the his white legs.

The result did not expect that he only changed from the
Japanese dog's leg to the foreigner's dog's leg.

The story happened during the War of Resistance Against

Japanese Aggression.

At that time, there were many factions in Tianjin. The foreign

devil Hàn Dōng played in the French factions.

Because his lineage is not pure, he is like India's A-3. He can

only do some small police duties.

For a long time after being suppressed and excluded out, this
racial abuse created a trauma on his narrow temperament.
Often in times of discomfort, the half foreigner devil would
bully in Chinese to vent his anger.

For example, he would take Chinese people as targets and

practice shooting.

For example, in order to cling to an overbearing foreign boss

with a head on his shoulder, he caught a Chinese man on the
street and removed his scalp and taken it to his supervisor.

There are countless things like these.

The scene to be played today, the foreigner devil finds that his
own dog has been abused by the Chinese. In retaliation, he hung
the man on the tree, whipping and calling him to learn how to
bark like a dog and call other Chinese to see him. Eventually it
provoked public anger and the foreinger evil man was
surrounded by a group of ordinary people.

Director Fan directed so that Hàn Dōng's posture of being a

tiger would come out.

Wang Zhong Ding and Huang Tuo also suspended their chats,
turned their eyes to the shooting venue, and enjoyed the
wonderful interpretation of Hàn Dōng acting.

A foreigner devil found his dog biting a Chinese at the gate of

the concession and immediately slapped his applause.

This move attracted bitter hatred, but it also instilled the

authority of the foreigners in China, so the Chinese could only
cursed with dissatisfaction.

The result is that was a bad move

The foreigner devil mother is a Chinese and taught bilingually
since childhood. He can understand Chinese, and he uses this
Chinese to pick up people and slip away information from

When he heard the growl of a dog biting him, the foreigner

devil laughed.

This smile is wicked.

It is necessary to demonstrate the angry anger from his pet

dog bring insulted, and to sneak a wicked odor in this anger,
and finally find the "joy" of today...

The darkness inside was vented from the bottom, leaving the
people around with goose bumps.

The foreigner devil shot two Chinese men pubic area next to
him and signaled that the crowd would forced to hang their
companions next to the tree.
In the process of hanging them.... The foreigner devil also
looks around from time to time. Because this is outside the
faction gate, many Chinese come and go. He was warry of
himself and he kept the guns on the buttocks of the two helpers
to prevent them from doing anything.

Seeing this here, Huang Tuo is puzzled.

"Why did he aim the muzzle at the buttocks of the two men,
not their heads?"

Wang Zhong Ding said seriously: "In order to cover up the

inner weakness of this character, if he put the gun on his head,
they're is likely to tremble."

Huang Tuo's expression of understanding, "No wonder, the

details of the performance is very accurate."

One of Wang Zhong Ding's smile came up. I want to tell you
this is a habit for him.
Afterwards, the wonderful tricks from the foreigner devil and
their commanding dog were staged.

Everyone can see that when the foreigner devil cracks a whip
on the Chinese people, that expression on his face is really
exciting! Not like it is faked. For the viewers who knows the
actors are not hurt, this scene .... it's too full of visual! Took a
small whip, a small slash drawn to the ass, making the helpers
yell with a louder voice ... ...

The opportunity to revenge is here!

Hàn Dōng cussing while screaming, and the cries for mercy
for the abused and the harshness of his expression was so

Especially when the abuser begged for mercy, Hàn Dōng

thought to be bold and unassuming. He wanted to be mad and
crazy and incomplete. He showed the indulgence in the delusion
of the kind of devilishness that the foreign devils inflicted on
Chinese in those days.
The crowd watching were gnawing their fists and groaning in
their hearts, this is what they have done in order to achieve this

Even Huang Tuo could not help but ask Wang Zhong Ding:
"Are you sure that this actor is not a mad man?"

Wang Zhong Ding laughed dumbly. "No problem. He just lives

himself into the drama."

Just finished, the foreigner devil was surrounded by a group

of Chinese who rushed to the area. At that time, the cheering
cry, the clapping applause, was not so fast!

The director shouted, "cut," and the videographers rushed

with anger at Han Dōng, showing how superb Hàn Dōng acting

Huang Tuo couldn't help raising his lips. "I think he is very
suitable for playing a evil man role."
"Not necessarily. If he plays a sadness role, you will feel pitiful
when you meet him."

Since Huang Tuo and Wang Zhong Ding met, he rarely hears
Wang praises. Seeing that he gave Hàn Dōng so much
recognition, Huang Tuo became more interested in this little
foreign devil.

"He is also an artist signed by your company?"

"Um, signed last year."

"How did you get him in the first place?"

Meaning outside of words is how can people of this character

hook up with you(Wang)? You two are totally two extremes!

If it is to change to others perceptions, Wang Zhong Ding

must pass two sentences to fool him. But in Huang Tuo's face,
he suddenly had a desire to talk about it.
So he told Huang Tuo about the scene of the night that he
happened to meet Hàn Dōng.

Including Hàn Dōng streaking naked, tying himself with a

rope, and the black and white photos.

Huang Tuo has not laughed so well for a long time.

"He is a real living treasure .....when I hear you say this!"

As Huang Tuo boasts more and more, Wang Zhong Ding feels
more happy in his heart. If he is happy, he can't help but praise!

So, most of the time, Huang Tuo spent his brainwashing he

was actually hearing Wang meaning "My wife is a treasure."

Upon hearing the director shouting "Continue," Wang Zhong

Ding looked at his watch as if he were awake. "It's all this."
Huang Tuo grabbed his wrist. "You have a good watch."

Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding added one more sentence.

"This is what he can chisel with wood."

Huang Tuo looked surprised. "This is what he does. He can

make a watch?"

Wang Zhong Ding's vanity was greatly met in Huang Tuo's


"Not only he can make watches, but many crafting jobs can be
done with his hands. If you not believe you go to my home to
see, there is a set of wooden furniture made by his own hands.
At that time Xià Hòng Wēi wanted to buy at a high price, I did
not give up, and now its locked in storage room."

Huang Tuo couldn't help but have a bit of interest. "I'd really
like to see when I hear you say this, and appreciation of the
clock collections of your houses."
"No problem." Wang Zhong Ding agreed with pleasure. "I tell
Auntie to do more dishes and you can stay at our home tonight."

"Then I'll not be polite, haha..."

From a distance, Hàn Dōng saw Huang Tuo slamming Wang

Ding's wrist and rushed over to his face.

However, he was paralyzed when he came to the front. The

military uniforms of other people were not a weak thing.

Hàn Dōng can only quietly remove Huang Tuo's hand and
replace it with his own hand, taking advantage of Wang Zhong
Ding's departure.

"Lets go home and eat!"

Deliberately picking up a scorpion and declaring his

sovereignty on Wang Zhong Ding person to Huang Tuo.
However, Huang Tuo, was like he did not hear, he followed
this family all the way.

Wang Zhong Ding first brought something in. Hàn Dōng

locked the car going in and he saw another car coming in.

Seeing the person in the car, Hàn Dōng's face was dark.

Ah ~ dig a foot in the wall crawling to our home? Is it right?

Unfortunately, Huang Tuo does not know that Wang Zhong

Ding and Hàn Dōng are together together, he think that Hàn
Dōng is also coming for food, he put his hands on his shoulders,
saying it like a brother and brother greeting another.

"Let's go ~"

Hàn Dōng's head was as fuming as he was went.

After waiting to enter the house Wang Zhong Ding had led
Huang Tuo upstairs and went straight to the storage room
where even Hàn Dōng could not enter.

Motherfucking Asshole!!!

It is really easy for a country and country to start fighting?

"These are his drums he chiseled out." Wang Zhong Ding tone
is still very ecstatic.

Huang Tuo could not help but be locked in a dazzling array of

gadgets. A lot of creative gifts, he couldn't be overwhelmed.

"He has so much skills in his hands?"

Wang Zhong Ding used his subsequent introduction to tell

him that Hàn Dōng was more skilled than you think.

"These things were all made out during his sleepwalking."


Wang Zhong Ding was full of happiness.

"Sometimes I wake up in the morning and there will be more

small things on the bedside."

"What is this?" Huang Tuo picked up another thing.

Wang Zhong Ding face color changed fast

"do not touch that!"

Chapter 222 A Beautiful
Unfortunately, it is already late.

Feeling the high power, Huang, was sprayed with a shower

gel..... And its pure white, hung in the face could not help but
think of nothing.

Wang Zhong Ding took a piece of paper and handed it over.

"What is this?" Huang Tuo looked slightly annoyed.

Wang Zhong Ding had given his head a little face and did not
tell him that this was the “spraying device ” invented by Hàn
Dōng. He instead said that it was a shower squeeze bottle, it was
vaguely carried.

Not for a while, Huang Tuo eyes landed to a cage.

"Did he made this also?"

"Well, it's made of waste wood and bamboo skewers."

After finishing, Wang Zhong Ding also showed Huang Tuo

how to use the cage.

"You see, there is a small door in this cage. If you want to take
out a unruly person you can lift the small door of the cage from
this position. Then take the bamboo stick to drive the person
away. It will take a short while before he can come ut."

"Interesting ~"

Huang Tout played with it for a while and finally said to

Zhong Ding: "Since it's still standing, it's better to give it to me.
My department will more than right for using it."

Wang Zhong Ding was a little bit embarrassed. "This ... I have
to ask Hàn Dōng. I really can't think of it."
"OK, let's put this away first, and ask him when were eating ."

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Hey, lets go and eat first and talk
after dinner."

"Good," Huang Tuo nodded.

The two men went to the dinner with a laugh.

In contrast, Hàn Dōng's mood is less optimistic.

When he was eating, not only did he pull the long face all the
way, but Huang Tuo talked to him and he ignored him.

"Little foreigner is not happy today," Huang Tuo deliberately


Hàn Dōng, holding a face that smells more than stinky tofu,
said hard: " Is there something I'm supposed to be happy

Wang Zhong Ding pointed out to Huang Tuo: "He was a

filming all day and tired. Lets continue... Do not talk about

Hàn Dōng's heart was sour, and he didn't want to show it.
Then he silently scrutinized the face of his "enemy" while he
was drinking.

The middle-aged man.... lost his wife and... has a daughter.

She was over eight years old.

What kind of man is a perfect match with Wang Zhong Ding?

Hàn Dōng did not feel good, and gave himself two drinks.

As a result, he alone drank half a day of stuffy wine. He finally

managed to wait for Wang Zhong Ding to say a word, and
Huang Tuo still had to take a cage.
"Anyway, if you keep it, it's useless. It's better to give it to
Huang Ge." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng immediately replied: "Who said I don't need it, I

will need one tomorrow."

"Why? The people want to listen to howls, you are more than

Hàn Dōng has a dark face. "Is it okay? I'm supposed to be

happy then."

Wang Zhong Ding was also annoyed. "What happened to you

today? From here you sit here..."

"Okay." Huang Tuo stopped Wang Zhong Ding. "He doesn't

want to give it. I don't necessarily have to raise it."

Wang Zhong Ding did not say anything he quieted calmly.

As a result, the more Hàn Dōng-hung had tasted, the more he
couldn't help but erupt.

"Then give it to him...will that make it okay?"

Huang Tuo was stunned: How did he suddenly changed again?

Wang Zhong Ding was just as stunned man. Later, he reacted

and began to boast: "What did I say? He wasn't the kind of

Huang Tuo laughed. "Thank you first."

Hàn Dōng's heart was not just comfortable, but he was even
more aggrieved. Then he began to drink a cup and another
drink, just like in the dark, and he drunk himself without a
pausing moment.

Wang Zhong Ding and Huang Tuo also did not drink less. It
was true that everyone had friendly attitude and chatted and
"You came by car alone snd drank so much, soyou don't have
go back. Stay here tonight."

Huang Tuo thought about it and he nodded.

Wang Zhong Ding and the nanny went upstairs to pull a new
futon. Huang Tuo patted Hàn Dōng's back and asked, “Will you
stay here tonight?”

Hàn Dōng drunkenly muttered.

"Let's go and go back to the room together."

As a result, Huang Tuo entered his room and Hàn Dōng

followed. Huang Tuo heads up on the bed, and Hàn Dōng also
went to his bed.

Huang Tuo looked at Hàn Dōng and asked, "Did they not
arrange a room for you?"

"So how come you do not sleep in your own room?"

Hàn Dōng monkeys went to Huang Tuo with all kinds of

greasy moves. "I just wanted to sleep in one room with you."

Huang Tuo did not know that Hàn Dōng recognized the wrong
person, thinking that he was joking So when Hàn Dōng got in
the bed he did not push hard.

As a result, Hàn Dōng began to use his hands and feet, and his
words became more and more special.

"Do you like me?" Hàn Dōng asked Huang Tuo.

Although Huang Tuo is a straight man, Hàn Dōng expresses

his meaning so clearly that he cannot understand it.
"I do not like you."

The military way is straightforward answer.

Hàn Dōng's face was hurt. "Why is that?"

Huang Tuo said: "I can't accept men."

"I also can't accept it, but I still like you. It's how life is.... Do
you know."

After thinking very seriously, Huang Tuo refused to say, "I

don't like people who are too perfect. In contrast, I like those
who are more problematic. "

" I have a lot of problems! "Hàn Dōng immediately joined the

talk lively" I love to play.... bragging, love to calculate, love to
swear, I grind, I also do fortune telling ... ... "
" OK, don't be hard on yourself, and people have put your
situation first and revealed to me, you are in my eyes all-around
talented and perfect. “

“Don't listen to him... Hey... I... I'm... problematic... more...


Hàn Dōng fell asleep when he said half of words.

Huang Tuo, with his strength, also stumbles and sleeps.

Nobody knows how long, Wang Zhong Ding finally came in

with the finished bedding.

As a result, when he saw the scene before him, his face was
jealous immediately.

1]....Serves you right you fucking inconsiderate trying to give

off Han stuff...
Hàn Dōng not only slept with Huang Tuo on a bed, but also
his head was stuck in Huang Tuo's crotch.

Wang Zhong Ding quickly put the quilt down, first ge had to
pull him away from the bed. As a result, he suddenly fell on his
shoulder and suddenly he was still... The whole person stayed in
the spot.

There was a clear wet mark between Huang Tuo's crotch lat
the split and it stung Wang's eyes.

how could it be?

How could it be him?

Wang Zhong Ding immediately woke up, and his mind was
full of these four characters - recruiting a stalker inadvertently.

As a result, Huang Tuo suddenly saw an anomaly in his own

Strange, how could this area have a piece of grease wetness?

Even if you he is that horny this isn't the place?

At this time, he suddenly remembered what Hàn Dōng said

last night. Look at the position of the wet patch and knowing
what it means in an instant.

This stinky kid, I haven't got anything yet covering me and he

just want to take me cheaply...

As a result, the paper towels were pulled out and wiped off

The next morning, when Huang Tuo went downstairs, Wang

Zhong Ding was sitting in the living room smoking.

"You got up so early?" asked Huang Tuo.

Wang Zhong Ding's face is obviously not very good, but it is

overly overwhelming.

"I couldn't sleep well......"

Huang Tuo said: "My department has something to do with on

the other side and I will not have breakfast with you."

Wang Zhong Ding hummed.

Huang Tuo was going to go and suddenly he thought of


"Yes, I forgot the cage."

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly said: "Don't take it."

"What's wrong?" Huang Tuo was puzzled.

Wang Zhong Ding faded: "He didn't want to give it to you."

"Oh, I obviously remember he later agreed, how could he turn


"He is that kind of person." Wang Zhong Ding turned his

mouth, "his words never counts."

Huang Tuo did not think so, thinking that he "rejected" Hàn
Dōng yesterday, and Hàn Dōng's loosing temper towards was

So Huang Tuo casually found a reason to play the round,

"Maybe he really like it."

"He doesn't like it. He likes tricking people like this." Wang
Zhong Ding was decisive.

Huang Tuo twisted his eyebrows. "Aren't you still saying

yesterday that he wouldn't do anything?"
"It was to give him face, I'm sorry to say it. In fact he is a child,
he is able to calculate any misfortune."

Huang Tuo vaguely remembers one of the shortcomings

mentioned by Hàn Dōng yesterday.

Wang Zhong Ding stressed today that it is nothing more than

trying to meet us both?

Although thinking so, Huang Tuo did not say it face to face.
For fear that Wang Ding won't mean it, it would be a joke.

"Since he doesn't want to give it.... then forget it."

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly said: "However, he gave this to

you." Then he pushed something to Huang Tuo.

Huang Tuo looked intently at the squeeze bottle that sprayed

his own face last night.
Just wanting to say it is no longer necessary, he heard Wang
Zhong Ding explain: “This looks very pretty...”

"What did you say it was?" Huang Tuo immediately


Wang Zhong Ding said: "A tool that simulates buzz, used for

"Didn't you say yesterday that it was a squeeze bottle?"

"But if you're angry, you will not be telling the truth. I don't
think he wanted to be excessive. Even if it blew on your face, he
still want to give it to you."

If Wang Zhong Ding does not say, Huang Tuo does not think
there is anything wrong. As a result, in his disguised form,
Huang Tuo had an unusual for Hàn Dōng.
Chapter 223 Wolf in Sheep Pelt.
Finally, Huang Tuo did not take the "spraying device".

Hàn Dōng woke up to see himself sleeping in Wang Zhong

Ding's bed.

However, after going downstairs, he was still curious about

Yin and Yang. "Where is your chinese brother?"

Zhong Ding said: "Let him go."

In Hàn Dōng's eyes, he gloated, and he could not wait to ask:


"I found that this person is not honest."

Hàn Dōng's heart was tight. "What do you mean? He's

Wang Zhong Ding said bluntly: "He wanted to take it, but was
stopped in time."

Hàn Dōng gritted his teeth and said, "I just thought he was bad
for you, and I haf actually guessed right! Hey, even my stuff he
dares to touch, he does not want to continue breathing, right?"

Wang Zhong Ding reaped the revenge from Hàn Dōng.

"What is this?" Hàn Dōng took the spraying device.

He had no impression on making this in his sleepwalking.

Like Huang Tuo, his hand accidentally touched the switch and
he was instantly sprayed with a shower gel.

"What the fuck.... what's the matter with it?" Hàn Dōng was

Wang Zhong Ding pretends to look like an enlightened man.

"It was his intention..."

Hàn Dōng is not sure, so he wipes it and asks: "What intent?"

Wang Zhong Ding said, "This is what Huang Tuo gave to me.
At first I thought it was a shower gel squeeze bottle. I didn't
expect it to be a simulation..."

"What does it simulate?" Hàn Dōng asked eagerly.

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak and handed over a mirror

1]......The device simulate a cum spray......I'm not sure

though....I tend to think cucumber as plants penis.....don't
listen to me.

Hàn Dōng understands for a second, and the sharp tooth

decays again.
"Fuck! He acts as an officer, actually play this lie? And I saw
him as a serious man! After a long time, he is a hypocrite!"

Wang Zhong Ding sighed.

Hàn Dōng looked at him and his eyes softened again.

"But I'm very satisfied with your performance this time.

Really, I didn't think you were so honest with me."

Hàn Dōng stepped forward and kissed Wang Zhong Ding's

face with various kisses.

Wang Zhong Ding was still the well-mannered man, and

touched Hàn Dōng's hair. "I'm worried about you."

"Worried for me? Why?"

"I fear when he knows the relationship between us and will

deliberately retaliate.

Hàn Dōng dismissed his eyes. "Revenge against me? He still

want revenge on me? I don't care about him!"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "If you are not afraid of 10,000 soldiers
you should be afraid ....but in the meantime, it is best to keep
him far away. Don't give him the chance to attempt to harm
you, especially when I am not there."

Although Hàn Dōng swallowed this breath, he still clenched

his teeth.

"Rest assured, I will not face the conflict with him.

Wang Zhong Ding nodded. "It's the best. I will support you in
whatever you do."

Hàn Dōng's eyes were filled with tears. This early in the
morning, Wang Zhong Ding was stunned.

In the next few days, everything was all right.

In order to reduce the possibility of misunderstanding, Huang

Tuo has barely visited the crew, but in private he still maintains
a friendly relationship with Wang Zhong Ding.

On this day, he had nothing to do, he went to Wang Zhong

Ding company to sit for a while, the two chatted and chatted on
the TV show.

“ Director Fang summed up with me about Hàn Dōng and said

that he had played this foreign devil absolutely perfect. In the
future, he will surely attract a lot of infamy, ha ha ha...” Huang
Tuo laughed briskly.

Although Wang Zhong Ding was upset, he smiled with him.

"That's for sure. When it wasn't even broadcast, it began to

attract people. When you broadcast it, you don't know how
infamous he will be."

Huang Tuo did not listen to the deep meaning of Wang Zhong
Ding's remarks and nodded his head. “Indeed, I see people in the
crew recognize his acting skills.”

"They are not recognizing his acting skills. They just didn't
like him." Wang Zhong Ding began to provoke again.

Huang Tuo frowned and said, "Why is that ?"

"The reason why he was beaten while acting was that it wasn't
that his performance was in place. It was the other actors who
took the opportunity to take revenge. Those people who saw me
and him(Hàn Dōng) are in a good relationship and so they did
not dare to bully him directly. It was only through this
opportunity that they had an outlet to bully him."

"Why revenge? Is it because he is too good?" Huang Tuo did

not grasp the point.
Wang Zhong Ding can only continue to be a Wolf in Sheep
Pelt. "If he is excellent, he is afraid that he will not be satisfied
with a bottle of discontent and half of the bottle sloshing.
Everyone is already dissatisfied with him. And ghst will be even
worse later because he still prefers to use prestige and brags a

Huang Tuo is unbelievable. "I think he is very low-key in the

crew, and the supporting actor has also made various demands
with the producer. Hàn Dōng doesn't even have a chair to sit on"

Wang Zhong Ding laughed and said, "Where is he not to

mentioned? He is whispering and demanding more!"

"But I haven't seen him sit on a chairfor a few days."

"Because he asked for a Dragon carved chair."


"He asked the crew to create a dragon chair for him. It took
half a month to complete the work."

Huang Tuo narrowly opened his eyes. "Did he dare to mention

this request?"

Wang Zhong Ding secretly said: Originally I did not dare, but I
see Huang Tuo that you are so concerned about his daily rest,
even he has no chair that detail is kept in your mind, how can
he do a a bad job in your heart?

Seeing Wang Zhong Ding's "helplessness", Huang Tuo can not

help but sigh, "I didn't see him the way you're describing him."

This scruffy bum, even so bold!

"You didn't see much more. He's usually doing nothing in the
daylight but works in the darkness. He is the kind of person
who screw people on their backs, and that's when they have to
support him."

Huang Tuo asked again, "If this is the case, why are you still so
good to him?"

Although Huang Tuo and Wang Zhong Ding had known each
other recently, he had a good understanding of his
temperament. If Hàn Dōng does not have no good behavior,
Wang Zhong Ding should not focus on him.

Answering this question does require a lot of brainpower, and

ordinary excuse would not fool but make Huang Tuo develop a
negative view on Hàn Dōng.

Then Wang Zhong Ding said: "There is something I haven't

really wanted to tell you about him."

"What ?" Huang Tuo was curious.

Wang Zhong Ding said the truth, "I look decent, but I like
problematic people."

Huang Tuo laughed: We really are the same person!

And his "advantage" that is more consistent with Wang Zhong
Ding is: He has no idea that instead of giving Huang Tuo a
negative outlook on Han Dong he is actually making Han Dong
look appealing to Huang Tuo.

However, he still maintained a certain degree of vigilance on

Wang Zhong Ding's "brainwashing." After all, he yold Hàn Dōng
the reasons for the rejection. Wang Zhong Ding said that this
may be due to human feelings. Therefore, whether it is true or
false that's is yet to be verified.

"It seems that I need to go around on the set and see for
myself." Huang Tuo said before walking to Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding's nerves were tight and he replied: "Or

don't go. Hàn Dōng will get angry."

Huang Tuo said: "Even hen I have to have a look. Although I

have no right to intervene in your shooting business, but
someone broke the reputation of this TV series, I can not sit idly
Wang Zhong Ding can only express his support for this.

After Huang Tuo left, Wang Zhong Ding immediately ordered

Er Lei to buy a dragon chair.

"What?? a dragon chair?" For Er Lei this is difficult to

understand, "Hàn Dōng is shooting anti-war drama right? The
Chinese imperial governance had long since abolished by this
time? If this joint venture is open to this idea then emperor's
dream is broken."

Wang Zhong Ding clearly told him, "Give it to Hàn Dōng."

When Er Lei was standing there stiff... Wang Wang has

became more and more excessive. After something like this, Er
Lei was really afraid that he would send him to Forbidden City
to ask for a wedding banquet.

"Is there a problem?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Er Lei quickly said: "No problem."

However Er Lei was Hàn Dōng supporter do as long as this can
promote the feelings between Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding,
it must be supported at all costs.

Returning home at night, Wang Zhong Ding naturally told

Hàn Dōng about this incident.

Hàn Dōng was shocked. "Weren't you the one who stressed
repeatedly that I have to be low-key in the crew? How can I still
sit in the dragon chair and be low-key?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "If you go low-key, you won't even
have a place to stand. It's better to please yourself than to spend
a lot of time thinking about others."

Hàn Dōng excitedly straightened his hand, and finally he

could justify the blowing the bragging to high proportions!

Then Han Dong praised Wang Zhong Ding in variously kinds

of ways. "I have found that you are becoming more and more
attractive, and you have become a crazy horny tyrant and
handsome. You rub me feeling so happy that I met you."
Wang Zhong Ding expanded his vanity and continues to
request his wife's praise and worship.

"And tomorrow, Huang may head to visit the crew. I don't

want you to even acknowledge him."

Upon hearing this, Hàn Dōng went to kneel straight to Wang

Zhong Ding lap .

1]....I think a blowjob......Wang is too much of a wolf

Chapter 224 A self-Defeating.
On the second day, Hàn Dōng transported the Dragon Chair to
the crew.

No one casted an envious gaze on him and one by one took

turns to ridicule him.

"Hey, Dong Zi, from which crew you borrowed this props?"

Hàn Dōng squinted at this ignorant fool, "What did you say?
This was sent by Wang Zhong Ding."

"Don't blow it. Last time you begged for stool, Wang had no
ears. Don't think I don't know."

"That is, Wang puts you under strict control. How will you
make this happen?"

"You still took advantage of Wang Zhong Ding and come to sit

Hàn Dōng sat directly on the back of the chair and stepped on
his chair with a high-profile noise.

"You guys are fucking jealous of me!"

As he spoke, suddenly a familiar figure came from a distance.

In exception to Wang Zhong Ding, these person in the crew ...
Makes the crew disperse in seconds.

All people quietly went about their business.

Only Hàn Dōng is showing his two long legs on the dragon

Huang Tuo went to the front of Hàn Dōng and looked at him
with certainty. The pity in his eyes was not a joke.
It is a pity that Hàn Dōng sat on the back of a subterfuge.

Huang Tuo inexplicably smiled, "Your courage is not small."

"You knowing that is good." Hàn Dōng took care of his nails
with a small nail filer.

Huang Tuo would have liked to take him down, but once he
thought of the sadness of Hàn Dōng's rejection that night, he
saw that he was now trying hard to prove that he was not a
perfect by a "deliberate move." Suddenly, he was a bit

"Looking at your broken love, today I will spared you," Huang

Tuo said.

"Who are you talking about broken love?"

Hàn Dōng's hair was fried, but does this mean that Wang
Zhong Ding has no love for him?
Huang Tuo was helpless. "Well, what did you have to say so
loudly? It's not a glorious thing."

"I think it's your lack of confidence, right?" Hàn Dōng replied

Huang Tuo laughed dumbly. "You think so much. I'm still

very confident about you."

“Your tone is not small! You know who I am, you dare to say
this?” Hàn Dōng provoked.

Huang Tuo laughed. "I also saw such a valiant self-defeating

person for myself for the first time."

"Who fucking discusses about that ah? This is a fact!"

The two people spoke about different things and actually had
barrier-free exchanges. They had to express their profound
feelings in the Chinese language.

In the end, Huang Tuo said: "It's all right. The director told
you. You still have to go and shoot a scene."

Hàn Dōng dumped Huang Tuo's disdainful eyes and stood up.

Huang Tuo wanted to find a place to sit for a while, and he

was surrounded by such a dragon chair, so he sat happily.

The result is there was a bang.

The chair suddenly cracked.

Huang Tuo couldn't respond fast znd the whole person fell to
the ground.
"Commander!" exclaimed the guard.

When he called, hundreds of pairs of eyes would look down at

Huang Tuo's state of embarrassment.

Hàn Dōng, in particular, pointed directly to Huang Tuo and


Huang Tuo's angry eyes cast him.

Hàn Dōng immediately directed his hand to the first flower of

the sunflower seeds. “You actually licked the seeds, hahaha...”

Shen Hua had a black face, woul he swallow it yet?

After Huang Tuo got up he was upset, he irritated looking the

dragon chair in disgust, and he didn't understand how it
"Commander, you see, the break is so smooth, it must have
been cut off beforehand," said the guard.

Huang Tuo tries to understand how is it that Hàn Dōng sat

down for a long time and it was all right. How did it break when
he sat?

Who can take the measure so well?

At this time, the security officer suddenly pointed out: "Yes,

Hàn Dōng sat on the back of the chair and the back of the chair
was very strong. You can see how it was not broken. Even his
stepping on his chair and the pressure is not so great. Naturally,
its not easy to crack."

Anyone who thinks this time will be Hàn Dōng's ghost, or who
can understand him so thoroughly? Even his backseats are
taken into account...

This kid is a little evil, Huang Tuo bit his teeth excited.
A few scenes were filmed and the half-way break was over,
and Hàn Dōng went to Huang Tuo

“Huang Tuo, how old are you? Why is it that you have sat
down with my dragon chair.”

Huang Tuo measured the tone. "Your kid really does

everything to attract my attention."

Hàn Dōng's face has changed slightly. "You said that I had
something to do with it?"

"Who else saw the piece of wood being cut off?" Huang Tuo
shook in front of Hàn Dōng. "In addition to your master of art,
who can act on a wood so talented?"

1].... his lament of how Han acted to sit comfortably only to

fool Huang Tuo so he will seat and fall

Hàn Dōng's face was he was like swallowing a fly. “Huang

Tuo... Huang Tuo. You really are in the army and you should be
in the barracks.”

Huang Tuo had originally prepared a bunch of ignorant

words, but in the end, Hàn Dōng's face was “unusual” and
Huang Tuo couldn't speak.

"Look at your hard-hearted intentions, and I will spare you

this once. I won't be nice the whole thing next time."

After that, Huang Tuo left.

Hàn Dōng kept stumbling behind him. Does he think I have

ulterior motives?

After returning home, his idea was really "confirmed."

Wang Zhong Ding deliberately asked him: "Did you move your
hands on the legs?"
Hàn Dōng has an unbearable look. "Who said it? Was it that
Huang Tuo said?"

"You don't have to care about who said it. Anyway, when the
chair was shipped, it was intact."

Hàn Dōng rushed to Wang Zhong Ding to apply for various

applications. "It's not me who broke it. I was framed!"

Talking about what he suddenly remembered, he said fiercely:

"It must be Huang Tuo's hands and feet! It must be! When I sat
on it was fine!"

Wang Zhong Ding looked at Hàn Dōng's hatred of Huang

Tuo's heart, but he still had a thoughtful look.

Hàn Dōng hurried. "If you don't believe you ask other people
in the crew. Ask them if I was sitting right?"

"There is no need to ask." Wang Zhong Ding said loudly, "I

believe you."
Hàn Dōng was also impressed to sacrifice his buttocks to allow
Wang Zhong Ding to vent variously kinds of things.

In the following days, Hàn Dōng always remembered the

enmity of his planting, and he was trying to figure out how to
blacken a yellow.

At noon on this day, Huang Tuo came to visit the class. All of
them had lunch in the restaurant, except Hàn Dōng.

He asked Shèn Hua, "Where is Hàn Dōng?"

"In the lounge, you can find him yourself."

Huang Tuo looked in through the window and Hàn Dōng was
snoring. With a wicked smile on his face, that bleak look is not
enough to recruit fans.

Are you afraid to deal with me?

In this way, Huang Tuo couldn't help but sigh. Should I be
moved or should he be moved?

So, after Hàn Dōng went out, a box of cans was delivered to

"That day, listening to Zhong Ding and he said that you like to
eat canned food in the army. I'd like to bring it to you."

Hàn Dōng looked alert. "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? I'm just bringing it to you." Huang Tuo

delivered it to Hàn Dōng.

Even though the scent was in the nose, Hàn Dōng still insisted
that he "sold me less bribes!" and thought that I would agree to a
box of cans.

Huang Tuo suddenly remembered that Wang Zhong Ding had

said that Hàn Dōng couldn't open cans, so he opened three
boxes in a row.
"Eat it." Haung Tuo raised his chin.

In Hàn Dōng's eyes, he built a firewall and warned in a loud

voice, "Did you hear me?"

Huang Tuo turned to security personnel said: “Go buy him

two cakes.”

"You don't force your shit on me!"

Two minutes later, the pie came.

After two minutes and three seconds, Hàn Dōng grunted and
said: "Looking at the fact that you have a trace of love about
Wang Zhong Ding, I will give you a face..."

The next day, Huang Tuo went to Wang Zhong Ding company
to visit.
The topic of two people revolved around Hàn Dōng.

"What about? Is that guy crazy enough?" Wang Zhong Ding


Huang Tuo had to admit, "That kid really doesn't know how
thick faced he is. I have tried to teach him several times. After
looking at your face, he didn't do anything."

Wang Zhong Ding seems very satisfied with this answer.

"But..." Huang Tuo said, "I'm not mad to my bottom line. I can
accept my like for him."

The word "accept" was passed to Wang Zhong Ding's ear. It

was a dangerous signal that must be taken seriously.

"That's... you didn't see him really mad about. It's definitely
not an ordinary hatred."
Huang Tuo is skeptical. "Is it true? I think he is a little kid. I
haven't seen anything special."

Wang Zhong Ding smiled and laughed. "You will know later."


In the evening, after Hàn Dōng came back, he saw Wang

Zhong Ding looking pissed off, and he stepped forward and
asked, "What's wrong?"

Wang Zhong Ding paused and said: "The kind of television

dramas you have made exceeds my budget."

Hearing about his business, Hàn Dōng rushed forward and

looked seriously.

"Which area is over-charged?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "A few days before a war scene, the
scene is relatively large, we need at least to use a few thousand

Hàn Dōng had been around for so many years, naturally he

knows the order for the extra actors. When thousands of people
came down and you have to just pay hundreds of thousands of
dollars. Coupled with a series of expenses such as food expenses,
clothing fees and so on, you should be afraid that one day will
cost millions in one day.

Moreover, the extras actors are scattered and very poorly

organized. Therefore, they need a long rehearsal time, which
virtually increases the waste of funds.

"How can I help you?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "If you can mobilize troops to assist
with shooting, it will be more cost-effective. Usually, as long as
the higher-level units pay a certain fee, a small amount of
subsidy for the participating units will be given, and the head of
the crew will have a lot of money to hire extras."
Hàn Dōng immediately thought of Huang Tuo. "You can find
him. Isn't this film based on his grandfather? He deserves to
fund it a little!"

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "Do you think he will agree?"

"It's okay, you don't have to think about me. I'm

unconditionally accommodating in this area." Hàn Dōng flung a
handful of face.

Wang Zhong Ding secretly: I have to consider it myself.

"Forget it, don't take short cuts. I can lose money on it. Just
can't loose my reputation."

Wang Zhong Ding wanted to get it, but Hàn Dōng couldn't
think of it. He felt the day was falling when he heard the word
“lose reputation”.

On the second day, Hàn Dōng directly contacted Director Fang

and asked for Huang Tuo's phone number. He came to the
barracks with a heavy and grievance.

"Hey, why did you come here?" Huang Tuo deliberately asked.

Hàn Dōng endured the humiliation of his heart and said: "I'm
lookin for your help with a little bit of something"

Hàn Dōng thought that Huang Tuo would take an opportunity

to make things difficult for him, but Huang Tuo was indifferent.

"come in."

Er Lei who came up with this idea vowed that " Huang Tuo
will certainly be furious."

"You are so sure?"

"I think when I was an armed police officer, a film company

manager asked the head of our company for help and asked the
army officers and men to help with the shooting. At that time,
the commander of our team slapped him back."

"Why?" Wang Zhong Ding asked him.

"Isn't it that he thinks that letting the troops assist in the

shooting is a joke? First it needs to be approved at all levels. It
must be approved by units above the military level."

Just finished, the producer of the TV drama made a phone


“Wang Zhong Ding, I want to tell you the good news, Huang
Tuo promised us that we can use military cadets and armed
police units ....more than 10,000 people are available to help us
shoot the scene”

Wang Zhong Ding's face hardened instantly.

Chapter 225 The Selfless Person in
After the negotiations, Hàn Dōng returned to the crew, and
after he was satisfied, he fell asleep in his bed in the lounge.

Huang Tuo still stays at home and chats with the guards.

"What do you think about Hàn Dōng?"

The guard smiled. "He's funny."

"How is he so funny?" Huang Tuo asked with interest.

The guard arched his noses and laughed: "There are always
some wicked things he does, like no one else."

Huang Tuo laughed.

At this time, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"I'll open the door," said the guard.

Huang Tuo went to the door and Hàn Dōng stood outside.
Strange, is he not going back? How come he's back?

At this time, Hàn Dōng came close with his eyes closed.

Although Wang Zhong Ding and Huang Tuo had talked about
Hàn Dōng's sleepwalking, Huang Tuo was surprised to see it
with his own eyes.

"It seems that you really love Wang Zhong Ding," said Hàn
Dōng without a sign.

The guard was instantly stunned, and Huang Tuo was also

Hàn Dōng added, "I used to be very careful in the past. In the
future, I will change my prejudice against you."

Huang Tuo turned his attention to the security guard, who

were still faced with a lack of intelligence looks on his face.

"But on Wang Zhong Ding's question, I'm still with that

attitude. It won't make you advance one point." Hàn Dōng
suddenly showed a sneer expression.

The security guard reminded Huang Tuo: “Didn't Wang say

he's sleepwalking and normal state are not different? you'll
want to try it out.”

So Huang Tuo tentatively asked: "Are you talking to me?"

"If not with you or with whom?" Hàn Dōng replied loudly.

The guard were so scared by this sudden strange voice that

they hurried to flee to Huang Tuo to seek shelter.
Huang Tuo was still calm, and asked Hàn Dōng: "What did you
just say let it go?"

Hàn Dōng re-emphasized, "I will not give Wang Zhong Ding to

"Give me Wang Zhong Ding? Where is this all coming from?"

Huang Tuo heard more and more confused.

"You don't like Wang Zhong Ding?" Hàn Dōng said.

Huang Tuo is surprised, "Who said I like Wang Zhong Ding?"

"Wang Zhong Ding himself said it!"

Huang Tuo could not figure it out. "Wang Zhong Ding told
you that I like him?"

Hàn Dōng nodded. "Why else would I go against you?"

"You were against me because of this?"

"What do you think?"

Huang Tuo used his all IQ to ponder this matter. First, Hàn
Dōng declared himself. Then Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng
said he liked him. Hàn Dōng was right because he did not want
to give Wang Zhong Ding him, but he just catered to himself.
The likes...

Why does this matter looks like Wang Zhong Ding work in

The problem is that since Hàn Dōng likes Wang Zhong Ding,
why should he confess to him?

So he asked Hàn Dōng this question.

As a result, Hàn Dōng exposed a more suspicious expression

than he said. "I confessed that to you?"
"Isn't it?" Huang Tuo repeated the scene that night and Hàn

Hàn Dōng's pitiful voice reacted. "I was drunk that day and I
thought you were Wang Zhong Ding."

Huang Tuo actually feels a little rejected, and he can't wait to

pour a bucket of water to wake up Hàn Dōng.

However, he thought for a second, if Hàn Dōng and Wang

Zhong Ding really have something together, why would Wang
Zhong Ding repeatedly criticize Hàn Dōng and help establish
Hàn Dōng's “good impression” in his own heart?

Is it that Wang Zhong Ding isn't interested in Hàn Dōng?

It must be like this... Huang Tuo thought.

If they really have something between them, Hàn Dōng will

not confess after identifying the wrong person. He should speak
directly of his love.
Then, Huang Tuo recalled a series of things.

That night, he had dinner at Wang Zhong Ding's home. Wang

Zhong Ding deliberately invited him and ignored Hàn Dōng.
Hàn Dōng drunk himself silly..... and Wang Zhong Ding took
the opportunity to stay at his own room for the night and gave
them(Han And Huang) the opportunity to create solitude. At
this time, Hàn Dōng misunderstood him as Wang Zhong Ding,
and then he had a series of misunderstandings...

Huang Tuo, by virtue of his strong brain-processing ability, he

was bringing this irrelevant matter together and straightening
out, and also gauge out Wang Zhong Ding's "true intention."

At this time, Wang Zhong Ding, who was the driving force
behind the scenes, also came to the door.

"Is Hàn Dōng here?"

Huang Tuo refers to the bedroom and said " He is sleeping in

my room."
Hearing this, Wang Zhong Ding's face suddenly sinked.

Hàn asking for such an unreasonable request and being

granted the use of military cadets is enough to worry about it,
but also allowing him to sleep in the house. Does your brain also
want to let the donkey kick?

However, before clarifying the truth, Wang resolutely refused

to get angry and went straight to the room.

Unexpectedly, Huang Tuo actually stopped him.

"Hàn Dōng is resting for a while. I don't want you to disturb


Would Wang Zhong Ding hear such a thing without turning

his face?

Seeing that he would start worrying, Huang Tuo suddenly

sighed: "In order to get rid of Hàn Dōng, you really did well."
Wang Zhong Ding was steady and puzzling and asked: "Get rid
Hàn Dōng?"

“You led him into my bed and said bad things to me before,
just to make me like him?”

Wang Zhong Ding's expression is like he was eating a live


".....In order to make you like him?"

Are you ... sure you like him?

Huang Tuo is also challenging Wang Zhong Ding's patience.

"Isn't it? You like people who are rebellious, and I'm like you
in temperament. Of course I also like rebellious people like you.
Didn't you ask me about this point, only to instigate him to
provoke me?"
Wang Zhong Ding's eyes are like two people with blood knives
wounds leaking blood.

Huang Tuo lifted his chin and said, “OK, don't pretend it. I
already saw through it”

Wang Zhong Ding was really faceless to tell the truth, he

could only bite the bullet and admit it.

"I was trying to get rid of him, but I couldn't bear to use a
tough approach. After looking at you and me like that, I wanted
to temporarily shift his attention to you. It was my selfishness
and I didn't think about your feelings. ."

Unexpectedly, Huang Tuo is very large on forgiveness.

"I have to thank you for your good intentions. Now I look at
him and I see he is more pleasing to the eye. Maybe we can
really make it under the sheet, hahaha..."

Wang Zhong Ding almost grated the back molars to dust. He

said to Huang Tiao with a word: "I'm afraid I'll have to let you

Huang Tuo frowned. "How?"

"Because I regret it." Wang Zhong Ding looked gloomy.

Huang Tuo's face is not very good-looking.

"It's useless to regret it. I've already had a feeling for him.
Blame it on yourself, you're not good at looking ahead."

"Who didn't look long ahead? I had been with him for a long
time!" Wang Zhong Ding finally couldn't help revealing

Huang Tuo is also annoyed, "Crap! You are with him and you
let him recruit me into liking men?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not explain and walked straight inside.
Huang Tuo did not let him.

So, two people scuffling up in the room. Huang Tuo had a

good physical appearance. Wang Zhong Ding had a high spirit
and skill. He is not allowing Hàn Dōng to stay here.

Finally, Huang Tuo's trousers were torn open and Wang

Zhong Ding's face was also hung.

But this is not important. It is important for Wang Zhong

Ding to see a very calm scene.

Huang Tuo gasping asked: "Looking seeing what? Is my penis

too big for your eyes?"

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "Where's your birthmark?"

"The birthmark? What birthmark?"

"You got drunk on the bed that day, and I clearly saw that
there was a birthmark on your thigh."

Huang Tuo frowned. "What... what's wrong your eyes? It's

was grease!"

"How can oil stains get there?"

"How do I know? I woke up with it!"

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly remembered that Hàn Dōng put

his head in Huang Tuo pants that night...

A thunderstorm light burst to shit in Wang Zhong Ding head!

This Dong did not only did not find the real rival/stalker, but
also ... plus added one extra stalker to himself?

Hàn Dōng finally woke up in a room and Wang Zhong Ding

was sitting not far from him.
"Oh, how did I get in here?" Hàn Dōng was puzzled and asked
Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding did not ignore him.

Hàn Dōng suddenly changed his face. "I have something to

discuss with the director. Why did you bring me back here?"

"What is the discussion about?" Wang Zhong Ding exclaimed.

Hàn Dōng was so scared that he only recovered after a long


“Got your work? Good thing! Your brother Huang promised to

send troops cadets to assist in the shooting.”

Wang Zhong Ding's face was more gloomy, and the words
were filled with thick smells of gunpowder. “There is no need
for him!!”
Hàn Dōng seems to have found the reason for Wang Zhong
Ding's anger, and sent out a passionate laughter with his
passionate sentiments. "I'm glad I still couldn't make it
anymore. What could be the cause of this jealous?"

"You won't eat my jealous!" Wang Zhong Ding said halfway.

Hàn Dōng blinked. "And then?"

Then Wang Zhong Ding responded to him with his face.

Daddy will eat you!!

Chapter 226 Should say what is Good for
Hàn Dōng did not find out where the problem was, but he
rushed to the side with his face.

"I'm OK~ I know you're good to me and care about me. I know
you don't want to owe him. I'm afraid he'll be tangled with me
in the future. I'm afraid I'll be wronged."

"Do you want to go back to bed again?" Wang Zhong Ding

asked quietly.

Hàn Dōng is still smiling with a hippie smile. "Hey, I'm

embarrassed to say this..."

Wang Zhong Ding stood up.

Hàn Dōng discovered that something was wrong and rushed

back three meters. At the same time, he discovered that Wang
Zhong Ding had a bruise on his nose and some red and swollen
left eye corners.
"How did your face get that?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Zhong Ding refused to answer about his face.

Hàn Dōng suddenly shocked and lived. "You can't... You got
beaten by him?"

"It seems that you really didn't sleep long enough."

Wang Zhong Ding stepped forward and Hàn Dōng was pulled
and his hands were shoves back and he was slammed into the
bed for a lesson.

"Ah ah ah.... don' freaking... Mmmh .... so good.....yeah

like that.....ooough...don't ..."

Afterwards, Hàn Dōng shrank in bed, still obstinately asked:

"Is he in the end to you?"
Wang Zhong Ding finally spoke for a long time.

"You calculating a birthmark on another animal's leg? Was it

true or false?"

Hàn Dōng looked stuck.

The last time Wang Zhong Ding mentioned his birthmark, he

doubted Wang Zhong Ding's knowledge. Now it seems that...

"You don't know?" Hàn Dōng grinned.

"You don't know how I knew?. Why don't you tell me if it was

Hàn Dōng replied weakly: "It should be."

Although this reality has long been accepted, it is clear from

the sober Hàn Dōng that Wang Zhong Ding is still angry.
"And what else? Is nothing else you can tell about this stalker?
Age! Looks! Identity! Address... Why don't you say ?"

Hàn Dōng, the crippled big fairy, now has his head buried like
a grandson(defeated) and stares at his ankles and says: "I know
there is a birthmark on the thigh."

"I don't know what to do... tell me!" Wang Zhong Ding burst
into thick yellagain.

Hàn Dōng did not say anything.

Wang Zhong Ding's anger increased and the cigarette lighter's

hand swayed for several times.

Hàn Dōng wondered a while and suddenly asked, "What does

this have to do with your face beating?"

"You don't say anything. I want to talk to you now."

Hàn Dōng also said: "Talk ?....this is related to Huang Tuo?"

Wang Zhong Ding was just about to get up and Hàn Dōng
hurried to support his hand. "I'm going...can we talk then?"

After leaving, Hàn Dōng's cell phone suddenly rang. It was

exactly what Huang Tuo called.


"I want to say a few words to you."

"Say it."

Huang Tuo paused and said: "Wang Zhong Ding is not being
sincere with you. You leave him as early as possible."

Hàn Dōng was annoyed. "Don't think that because you helped
Wang Zhong Ding that can indulge you in challenging our

"I said it was true. You were fooled by him. He was just
playing with your feelings."

"I say .... You're not bored enough? Even if he dumps me, it's
impossible for me to like you!"

Huang Tuo laughed. "You didn't even look at me. It was I who
likes you."

"First ....wait a minute." Hàn Dōng was only a little jealous.

"Who did you say who you like?"

Huang Tuo repeated it again, "I am watching you." Hàn Dōng

was overwhelmed.

"But I would also like to thank Wang Zhong Ding for his
selflessness. I have a chance to meet you this time."
"Wang Zhong Ding would shocking allowed that?"

Hàn Dōng was asking, Wang Zhong Ding suddenly grabbed his
cell phone and slammed it aside.

"What is going on?" Hàn Dōng was worried.

Wang Zhong Ding looked back at him. "What did you say? It
was not a birthmark!"

Hàn Dōng was shocked. "Is there a birthmark in his leg?"

Wang Zhong Ding's heart was stabbed again... If so, do I have

to tell you so?

Hàn Dōng saw Wang Zhong Ding's abhorrent expression and

thought he had defaulted on his own idea. Then think of what
happened in a few days and suddenly realized what.
"Did you say that he likes me to make me rebel against him?
To block his circle?"

When Hàn Dōng looked at Wang Zhong Ding's face, he knew

he was right, and then he salted him on the wound. "So we
didn't know each other. He didn't actually liked me before?"

Wang Zhong Ding would rather die than admit his fumble and
would not like to pour out his stupid overthinking on things.

However, Hàn Dōng said that he was aware that something

was wrong.

"Isn't the birthmark not allowed on soldiers upon


Wang Zhong Ding insisted. "He came from a military family.

What is a birthmark to stop him?"

Unexpectedly, Hàn the Great suddenly made a comeback.

"I've just finished. There was no birthmark on him. It must
have been your faulty eyes."

The atmospheric pressure of the entire room went low.

Wang Zhong Ding quietly asked: "Want to show me your eyes


Hàn Dōng smiled. "You just thought that I couldn't count

anything except the birthmark. I couldn't do anything about it
at the moment. The image of the stalker is something mid can't

"You don't use force when we need it! Now we need it you
can't use it!"

Hàn Dōng froze. "You knew there is no birthmark in his leg?

How can you still..."

Wang Zhong Ding did not want to explain this problem again,
and he took a big step back to his room.
Unexpectedly, Hàn Dōng actually went in and asked, "You
can't be that wrong?"

“Get out.” Wang Zhong Ding is a calm and unconventional


Hàn Dōng did not stop, suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahahahaha...It's make me

laugh you..."

Wang Zhong Ding rushed past with the momentum of

sweeping the 1,000th Army and smacked Hàn Dōng's ass.

When Hàn Dōng got smacked he couldn't stop laughing.

"Don't hit... hahahaha... please...well...hahaha..."

Wang Zhong Ding was explosive! He went ape on Hàn Dōng's

ass smacking it ten flaps. Had it not been for Hàn Dōng with his
childhood memories that he had managed to catch a smile,
Wang Zhong Ding would had not stopped.
After finishing the bed fight, Hàn Dōng asked: "Do you want
to take a bath together?"

"Who the fuck wants to wash with you? Go wash yourself!"

Hàn Dōng walked into the bathroom.

As a result, he stayed on the wall and laughed so hard he

couldn't stand up.

Xixi trotted all the way to Wang Zhong Ding's room.

"Daddy, the little Uncle is laughing in the bathroom."

Then, two seconds later, the deafening buzzing sound of hand

slapping ass sounded again from the bathroom.

After the snitching ended, Xixi went to the bathroom and he
grabbed the bathroom, causing Hàn Dōng to laugh more than

"Stay far away from me! I am tired of this! You thought I

didn't know that it was you who snitched? I'm rolling mad right
now, I will count to three, and if you wouldn't leave. Believe it
or not, I'll suffocate you in the water?"

"You can't do it."

"Oh, dare to challenge me?"

"I'm provoking you, what's the matter? ..... gonna drown



Wang Zhong Ding initially turned a deaf ear.

Anyway, there is no worrying thing, let them go, those two
love to fight or not...

Afterwards, I was really relieved that he still pushed the

bathroom door open.

As a result, what he saw made his blood pressure soared.

The two people who were just noisy were just asleep. Hàn
Dōng was lying on his back, and Xixi was lying on his body. The
two heads curled up and portrayed the deep and strong family
love .

1].....That is just freaking cute....

How can Wang Zhong Ding, who is an outsider, not get


"Go somewhere else to sleep!"

As a result, both curly men in the bathroom floor had all
started to get up. One large and one small, one closed his eyes,
one squinted and they walked neatly around Wang Zhong Ding.

One ran into the East Room, one ran West Room and finally
they left the angry one standing in door directly at the middle.

In the middle of the night, Wang Zhong Ding faintly heard the
door ring.

Hàn Dōng stomped in.

Wang Zhong Ding felt his eyes too lazy to open eyes and he
waited for a heavy object to land on his body to "impress the
annoyed someone."

However, beyond his expectation, the bed did not have any
vibrations, but his face was cool and comfortable.

A finger that was not rough or delicate was smearing swelling

ointment on his facial wounds.
In addition to that faint medicine, Wang Zhong Ding also
smelled of liquid soap. Such intimate and meticulous moves will
undoubtedly be Hàn Dōng's in his sleepwalking.

However, when he opened his eyes, what he saw was Hàn

Dōng's dark lacquer eyeballs open and with rare guilt and

The moment of a grievance disappeared without a trace.

Hàn Dōng also grinned. "You should be fine."

Wang Zhong Ding saw that his smile was unreliable and he
pulled Hàn Dōng's head to his chest with one hand.

Even so, it still failed to stop the sentiment of Hàn Dōng

bubbling laugh.

The laughter vibrations spread in Wang Zhong Ding's chest

for a while
Chapter 227 I'm afraid that There are
more than A Few!
In a flash, Hàn Dōng spent more than 20 days in the "Red God
of War" crew. After the final war game shooting, his task here is
also coming to a stop.

With regard to the issue of troops assisting in shooting, he and

Wang Zhong Ding have been arguing. Hàn Dōng is able to save
the company from extra expenses... Wang Zhong Ding would
rather spend more money as long as Hand Dong doesn't have to
owe people specifically Huang Tuo

Later, Hàn Dōng thought of a man - Grandpa Wang.

The grandeur of Wang Grandfather, naturally, needless to

say. Thanks to his old, white-haired and courteous general.

And through such a bridge between Hàn Dōng, Grandpa Wang

and Huang Tuo established a profound friendship.

In the future, Zhong Ding Group's investment in various

military-related film and television works they can
unconditionally employ Huang Tuo's troops, bringing great
convenience to the company's development.

However, this is a hindsight.

At that time, Wang Zhong Ding's face was not so good-looking

towards the whole bridge issue.

Especially when Wang Grandpa praised Hàn Dōng on his


"This kid will surely have a lot to do in the future. With a look
of finesse and a full face, you must train him well."

Assuming that the enemy has just finished the exaggeration,

since the recruitment of enemies came to reconcile.

"Old Wang was too right, and I was about to boast about him.
He is stricken with true temperament and tricked the villain."
"Ha ha ha ... good sum up! Tomorrow that scene you have to
personally command and dispatch, I will certainly give you a

"That's really my honor!"

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes are aimed at them. What does it that
mean? When love rivals also formed and alliance?


The next day, Huang Tuo led nearly 10,000 soldiers and
helped take the last two sets of shots.

During this period, the general director deployed Huang Tuo's

tasks and Huang Tuo gave orders to the leaders of the
participating units. The leaders of each unit are like big and
small directors. They organized the troops at various levels to
ensure the smooth completion of the shooting.

For the first time Hàn Dōng saw such a big shooting scene, he
was stunned.

Huang Tuo is worthy of being a soldier. This momentum is

really ..... covered!

Even Wang wanted to play as extra and catch up with the hot
sun of the army pride.

After the soldiers were all in place, Huang Tuo stood on the
podium and commanded the majestic tone: “Now listen to me
walk more than a mile to the left of the camp, and less than a
mile to the right camp.” In less than half a minute, nearly
10,000 soldiers divided their camps and lined up for the next

Huang Tuo's steady and powerful voice rang again: "The

clothed Eighth Route Army are to be more than one meter seven
in height and the clothed Japanese are thos taller less than one
meter seven."

This word instantly brought a laughter.

Hàn Dōng also happily listened to the music. "Who's got this
'rancid idea'?"

At the beginning of the year, Shèn Hua replied faintly: "What

do you think? In addition to Wang, who else can't keep up with
such large data?"

As he spoke, Wang Zhong Ding had several other people out


"You, you, you, and you ... are all less than one-sevenths of a

One of the soldiers was unconvinced. "I'm one seventy-fourths

from my physical examination"

"You only have 1 meter 68.00."

"How can it be?"

Wang Zhong Ding used a professional measurement tool and
was identified as one meter 68.8 points before the man was

"Senior, this is my first time on TV. You have to me play in

Eighth Route Army."

Huang Tuo vetoed it.

“No! We must strictly abide by the rules of the company's

drama. If so many people are asking you to do the same thing,
what about the film? Get back!!”

As soon as this person left, everyone gloated and there was a

soldier who turned to Wang Zhong Ding.

"Wang, it's a pity for you to use your eyesight for this work
you'd be a proper sniper in the army!"

Unexpectedly, Huang Tuo ordered him again.

"You also get back!"

"Why? I'm one seven meters."

"You would look too ugly and shame to the Eighth Route

Another laughter.

Grandpa Wang chose one of the best viewing angles to sit.

Xixi played around him, after he got tired he took out Wang
Zhong Ding own cell phone and showed him a photo of Hàn

"This is his nude photo, oh..."

Grandpa Wang smiled and said, "You kid."

Xixi plunged down his pockets again, flipping through all
sorts of funny expressions, all kinds of wonderful gestures,
making Grandpa Wang laugh.

At this moment, one hand suddenly stretched over.

"What are you looking at grandfather?"

Wang Zhong Ding had just to withdraw his cell phone, and
Grandpa Wang took his hand.

"First wait, I want to see this woman....she is a bit familiar?"

Wang Zhong Ding shouted, "Xixi what did I tell you about my

Grandpa Wang also wanted to ask, but the cell phone was
forced away by Wang Zhong Ding, and he had to give up.
With the assistance of the troops, the shooting cycle has been
greatly shortened. The scene of the war that was originally
planned to be completed in half a month will be completed in
one week. The crew will be finishing ahead of schedule.

At the celebration party, Hàn Dōng once again became the


The big guy took a variety of tossings on the old devil, tossing,
pouring wine, and tickling... and forcing Hàn Dōng to ask for
mercy and again, calling for help.

Wang Zhong Ding also ignored him and looked at the bustle.

Afterwards, Hàn Dōng was hurried and tried to incentivize

representatives of soldiers sent by several troops.

When Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng being bullied by

soldiers, his face sank immediately.

"It's almost finished, don't make a fuss."

After Hàn Dōng was rescued for a while, Wang Zhong Ding
was called away again by a telephone call, and he fell into an
embattled position.

Afterwards, everyone was drunk and Hàn Dōng took the

opportunity to sneak outside the hotel.

Finally breathed a breath of fresh air! As a result, a lazy waist

has not yet reached the end of calmness, there was a hand which
dragged him to the black alley next to the street.

Fuck me! Can you let me rest for a while?

Hàn Dōng had prepared a bad swearing, and after seeing the
opposite face, suddenly the swearing could not come out.

"You...why did you come here?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Hai Zi snort was filled with unbelief. "Do you think that
the things that you wrecked my life are done?"
Hàn Dōng played dumb and asked questions.

“These days I have been close your Wang family. Ha ~ So

what? Last week or this week? I also saw your family
grandfather ~ ~ Oh ~ his bones are really tough!"

Speaking of the last two words, Hàn Dōng used his tricks and
turned to try to escape.

As a result, his head hit two strong chests.

Looking at these two people, Hàn Dōng decided to turn and

continue to face Wang Hai Zi.

"Follow me," said Wang Hai Zi.

Hàn Dōng frozen, fingers slowly explore pockets.

"Dispelling that thought, Wang Zhong Ding has been called

away by his father."

Afterwards, Wang Hai Zi gave the bodyguard behind Hàn

Dōng a wink and ordered them to put Hàn Dōng in the car.

As a result, when they got in and the car was not moving.

"What is it?" Wang Hai Zi thick eyebrows squeezee

The driver said anxiously: "I don't know, I'll go down and

The results he did not have a chance to get off.

At this time, more than a dozen people suddenly rushed over.

Each powerful and huge body and a sub-powerful posture.
Immediately opened the door and grabbed Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng thought that it was Wang Zhong Ding, who was
overprotecting, came to rescue him. As a result, he looked up
and saw a face that couldn't be worser than Wang Hai Zi.

"For fuck sake...why are you here?" Hàn Dōng looked


Cai Peng jokingly said: "Can the rescued still pick and choose
his rescuer?"

"If you knew that it was you, I would just go with this
kidnapper's car."

"Then I will chase you back?"

Hàn Dōng shouted a whine, "How could you be here?"

"I wanted to see you. I found out that the group of people was
sneaky and I kept more hearts."
Hàn Dōng did not say anything.

Cai Peng looked at him with certainty and suddenly said: "I
missed you, Dongdong."

Hàn Dōng looked irritated. "I didn't say anything to you. How
can you think about it?"

"There are two long legs that miss you, miss your big butt,
miss you..."

"Hey....thats going far!" Hàn Dōng turned away.

Cai Peng caught him and his face still smirked.

"I took up efforts to free up time to see you, why are you so
angry with me? How about you skip the next night, we can get
on the bed, we can talk for a while."
Hàn Dōng has a dark face. "Is your asshole pointed in your
brain head? Your thoughts always turn around the anus!"

Cai Peng laughed. "I love to chat with you. Just listening to
you and I'll have nothing worse."

"I do not have time to accompany you to talk.... there are still
banquet, I have to go in with."

"A group of men and women fight for wine. You go in. You
might as well set a single room. We two brothers will have to
have a good conversation."

"Who's going to talk to you? guys are going to do it?

Don't come over...I'll tell guys dare...fore...dishes!
Don't you hear it?"

More than a dozen people walked Hàn Dōng inside.

Hàn Dōng thought he had no hope of struggling. As a result,

just then several military vehicles suddenly drove over.
Then, dozens of soldiers jumped out of the car. Each one's
body is like a leopard, and their eyesight are excellent. In a blink
of an eye, more than a dozen bandits were subdued.

Hàn Dōng began to be under the control of the people who

couldn't see clearly and thought that he had finally found the
right organization.

As soon as the the leader got down, Hàn Dōng saw a more
limited face than Cai Peng.

"For fuc-....where did you come from?" Hàn Dōng was slightly

"I've been here long ago and have been staring in the car just
to see what these people are doing."

Hàn Dōng grinned and smiled. "You're worried about me."

Huang Tuo couldn't help but said, "Don't hang up all day and
night, and make trouble! If I were not here before, you would
fall into the hands of those bad people. When you get there, you
will have been as good as food!"

Hàn Dōng can't speak up with his fury: Do you think that if I
fall into your hands, I will not have been good food?

Sure enough, Huang Tuo said: "I'm asking you to come with
this group of soldiers to drink two more. They all love to see
your performance."

"Don't speak, I really can not drink." Hàn Dōng resigned.

However, in the hearts of servicemen, they did not discuss

this matter and only obey orders.

As a result, Hàn Dōng was raised by a group of soldiers.

Accompanied by the spray of the military song, he was raised
with great fanfare.

Hàn Dōng's tears are almost bursting out.

How many people have I recruited into liking me?

If there is a woman, it is OK! ! !

All are bad men, but one is more than the others. From several
bodyguards, to dozens of bandits, to dozens of soldiers... Who
did you save behind?

As he was yelling, another group of cars opened.

The doors opened almost at the same time, and more than a
hundred pairs of high heels landed on the ground. The
glamorous light instantly illuminated the night sky.

This group of soldiers, who were vegetarians all year round,

looked straight at the women.

1]....the soldiers are vegetarians... It just means that there is

not sex in the military know them seeing
pretty women is like me seeing a ....well you get the point.
Wang Zhong Ding was surrounded by beautiful women and
steadily went to Huang Tuo.

"Your soldiers and brothers have worked hard. There is

nothing to entertain thrm. Let them come to a party."

As soon as the words came out, the door was almost squashed.
Who cares about the military commander orders? First they
each grabbed one woman....if anything there is no more say!

In a flash, the military order was distracted...

Facts have proved that Wang measured by how many elite

soldiers he have, but how many naughty human spirits are
possessed in his elite soldiers

Wang Zhong Ding wins.

Hàn Dōng also asked him what he said.

"Why are you here?"

"I took the call from Grandpa Wang and it felt like Huang Tuo
deliberately colluded with him, cause he kept dragging the talk"

Hàn Dōng was stiff

"What's wrong?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng shook his head. "Nothing."

I will tell you: In fact, you have lost several links in your

But he had to say it.

"Guessing is good!"

Wang Zhong Ding saw Hàn Dōng's eyeballs going muddy and
he was mentally tired and could not help but ask, "Are you
Hearing the word "tired", Hàn Dōng's grievances in his mind
opened like a flood of floodgates, and his head slammed into
Wang Ding's shoulders.

"You have to quickly find that rival!"


Hàn Dōng could not stand it.

"I'm afraid there would be a few more rivals for you!"

Chapter 228 The Crazed Bewitched
Shortly after the television drama "The Red God of War", the
movie "Black Poison" starring Li Shang was also finished.

The later stage and filming of "Red God of War" was carried
out almost at the same time. This can shorten the production
cycle and have it release it as soon as possible. It can also save a
lot of expenses.

Therefore, if nothing else, "Red God of War" will be released

first, and it will probably be played until the middle and late
period. "Black Poison" will be released.

Feng Mu and Li Shang stole the promotion plan of “Red God

of War” and Li Shang immediately delivered it to Cai Peng's

As a result, Cai Peng not only did not express his gratitude,
but also ridiculed: "Why do you always do something
Li Shang asked: "What meaningless?"

"What do you mean is meaningless? It is worthless if it is

related to Hàn Dōng. It is meaningless for you to think I will
harm Hàn Dōng interests!"

Cai Peng said that he dropped the plan to Li Shang's face.

"Do you want me to help promote his work?"

Li Shang was probably accustomed to Cai Peng's brutality.

After catching the plan with his hands, he quietly used a lighter.

Cai Peng also said: "I promised to cooperate with you, not to
let you stare at what Hàn Dōng does, but to keep you staring at
the policy trends there."

"The trend is to hold Xià Yang Zhuo!"

"Since you know, why didn't you get Xià Yang Zhuo's career

Li Shang sneered in his heart: You think I do not want to get

it? The key issue is Xià Yang Zhuo's agency control is in the
hands of Yu Ming. Do not say me, not even Feng Mu can get it. “

"Who is this Yu Ming?" Cai Peng asked.

"You don't know Yu Ming? There is a box office movie on the

Internet. There is a mysterious big gold owner behind him. It's
like playing he is one or two billion dollars worth."

"It was he who was in trouble for a long time," said Cai Peng.
"If you don't say it, I don't even know that he was with Yu Ming.

“This is the man who is now moving behind the scenes. At the
beginning, everyone thought that Xià Yang Zhuo would be in
Wang's hands. One expected that Yu Ming would be able to get
mixed up.”
Cai Peng could not help but be interested. "How often do you
contact this person?"

"Very little, Hàn Dōng and he always walk close, and the two
of them have a very good relationship."

"Especially good relation?" Cai Peng hummed. "How special?"

"They can sleep in a bed and wear a pair of small pants."

Cai Peng replied: "I still believe in friends sleeping on a bed. If

you wear a pair of trousers, forget it. Whoever wants to wear a
pair of pants and sleep with Hàn Dōng, I immediately will break
her (him)!"

Li Shang suddenly had the urge to walk his legs back.

Cai Peng's thoughts did not come back for a long time, and all
kinds of tastes touched him.
"The two big legs are taunting me to touch's so's not even about how to fuck him ... I want to fuck him
especially from the back...with his legs..."

Li Shang suddenly changed his face. "Have you slept with


"We have been fucking in a dream." Cai Peng said faintly.

Li Shang calmed down "you nearly scared me to death, I

thought it was true."

Cai Peng was puzzled. "I've never slept with him. How could
that scare you?"

Li Shang realized that he also had some mistakes.

"It was such a mantra."

"Not only?" Cai Peng stared at him. "Why do I think your face
is not right(lying)?"

"Is it?" Li Shang himself did not feel it.

Cai Peng suddenly emerged the idea of ​a thunder roll.

"You wouldn't be another one who like Hàn Dōng?"

Li Shang's eyeballs are almost bursting out. "How is that even


"How can it be? If you don't like him, why are you focused at
him all day?"

"I stared at him in order to compete with him and face him!"

"Why do you want to face him?"

"Because I don't accept him, I don't think he has the talent. It's
just luck!"

"Who said you have talent?"

"...No, how did you pull this up?"

"I ask you, who did you say is not competent??!!"

Five minutes later, Li Shang gritted his teeth from Cai Peng's
office, and he groaned in his heart.

Motherfucker! It's hard to find a co-worker, but also one who

is hell bent with Han Dong fucked good is Han
Dong recruiting!

Late at night, everyone had fallen asleep, and Wang Zhong

Ding's study still lit a small lamp.
However, the figure under the lamp was changed.

Hàn Dōng was studying a metaphysics book.

In the past, such books, not to mention reading, just such

book appearing in Wang Ding's home and were the culprits
would be set for decapitation.

Nowadays, Wang Zhong Ding has taken the initiative to bring

Er Lei to collect extensively thses types of books. Even the cult's
internal “private collection” has been created. The purpose is to
let Hàn Dōng prepare for immortality as early as possible, so
that when the "monster" that has a long birthmark appears....he
would know.

This time, Hàn Dōng has also changed his playful heart. He
concentrates on daily practice and is never lazy.

Wang Zhong Ding is accompanied to his left ancients. When

Hàn Dōng has unknown thingd or does not understand the
meaning of words, Wang Zhong Ding will actively help with the
search for information.
The two husbands, one left and one right, looked at each
other and cast two handsome images of love and affection on
the wall engraved with time.

Even when the sensible younger son Xixi came knocking on

the door, saying: "Daddy, your eyebrows are dark and the
dragon is coming alive, proving your sexual desire is very

Wang Zhong Ding not only has black eyebrows, but his face is

"Who said you could look here?"

Xixi was wronged. "Why ..... I read the same books as yhr sissy
uncle does, you'll praise him, but you're angry at me?"

Wang Zhong Ding taught in a painstaking manner: "This is

not what you should read, it is of no use to you."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I have already read so much."

Wang Zhong Ding has a tight heart. "How much did you

Xixi's mouth was tightly clutching.

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly had an ominous premonition, and

he quickly walked to the small study room belonging to Wang

Opening the door, the tiger was startled.

On the writing desk.... books were piled up into mountains.

Chapter 229 A lot of Joy.
After reading the book, Hàn Dōng began his meditation in bed

The cross-legged posture is quite beautiful, as for if there is no

use of it ~ then another matter.

Wang Zhong Ding is also an arrogant attitude. "What is it?"

Master Hàn has a heavy tone. "I was inspired to make another
villain to provoke the situation behind the enemy."

Wang Zhong Ding did not ask who the villain was. He asked,
"Who was the yyhird villain ?"

"You don't be scared when I say it."

"You say it."

"The man surnamed Li Shang."

Wang Zhong Ding did not even give an expression. He directly

drew Hàn Dōng's eyes with his fingers to see if he was in danger.

Hàn Dōng grabbed his wrist. "I'm just playing with you."

"I know." Wang Zhong Ding patted Hàn Dōng's face. "He is the
main villain in the battle."

"Where did he do this?!"

The Fairy master made a shocking sound with a swift

physique and flew to the ground. Writing charms, curses,
dancing, oh yeah... Tossing not good.

Later, in Wang Zhong Ding's cold-squinted look, he

breathlessly returned to bed.
"I have already created a disaster for you."

Wang Zhong Ding asked quietly: "What is the difference

between this and the practice of breaking gynecological diseases
for me?"

Hàn Dōng is not sure, "What do you mean?"

"Do you need to break it?!!"

Yeah... Hàn Dōng is honest.

"Any day and night, it's useless for me to work. Can you do
anything meaningful?" Wang Zhong Ding dropped him.

Hàn Dōng asked: "What do you think makes sense?"

Two years ago, Wang Zhong Ding did not believe that he
would say the following.
"Since you can make peaches, you can't you break peaches?"

Hàn Dōng slightly apologized. "I can do it, but I don't know
enough on how to do it. I'm afraid if I break the curse.... I'll
break us together."

"I am not afraid, you go ahead and break it." Wang Zhong
Ding is very confident.

As a result, Hàn Fairy went to the ground again, and he tossed

and tossed. When he stopped, he was already sweating.

"I don't know if the curse breaking will work..." Hàn Dōng
muttered as he walked toward the bed.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding suddenly ordered: "Stay


Hàn Dōng was scared.

Wang Zhong Ding's face regained his indifference at the first
sight, and his tone was cold.

"Who said you could into my room?"

Hàn Dōng laughed and said, "The whole thing is really like ~"

"I'm not kidding. Get out now."

"Don't make a fuss..." Hàn Dōng tried to take off his shoes and
go to bed.

"Get out!" Wang Zhong Ding suddenly burst into libel.

Hàn Dōng's action was stiff and when he looked at Wang

Zhong Ding again, his expression was obviously not so

"Oh, you're still here."

Wang Zhong Ding patiently said to the last thread: "Please go

Hàn Dōng still insists. "I'm telling you, don't scare me.... This
kind of thing is no joke."

"Get out!"

This time, Hàn Dōng was completely dumbfounded.

Looked at the bed, he couldn't move at the same time, but Hàn
Dōng eye was mixed with a little panic.

And this color is getting deeper and deeper and deeper until it
reaches the limit, and Wang Zhong Ding laughed.

"OK, come on."

Hàn Dōng make sad cry, threw himself into the bed and
whinned all kinds of disdain.

"You actually do this kind of thing? Uh?"

Wang Zhong Ding is still the expression of just upset, "What

am I doing?"

Hàn Dōng scratched him and itched him. "You say that again?
you say that again?

Wang Zhong Ding finally slammed his mouth.

"Okay, sleep."

So, after " the little fool is happy," the two people embrace and

The next day, Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming had an appointment to

meet in the coffee shop below the office building. As a result, he
was here, and Yu Ming also encountered him in an emergency.

Since he took over Xià Yang Zhuo and Yu Ming became more
and more busy, Hàn Dōng and he had to plan in advance to
make an appointment.

Moreover, the last time Hàn Dōng went to the dormitory, he

discovered that Yu's nest had not been cleaned for a long time,
and that the lunch boxes were covered with dust.

Recalling the lazy figure that once slept at eight o'clock, Hàn
Dōng suddenly felt distressed.

Fortunately, all the hard work on Yu Ming side is worth it.

The original insiders concluded that Xià Yang Zhuo's

popularity has been saturated, especially after Li Shang's
whitewashing of drug use incidents, Xià Yang Zhuo's presence is
bound to be affected.
However, he stabilized his position and succeeded in
capturing a group of older fujoshi sisters by virtue of his
excellent acting skills in a movie.

Therefore, the most discussed in the circle recently is "Xiao

Yang Zhuo, you still has more fire."

After all, he was only 19 years old.

Hàn Dōng was preparing to go to Wang Zhong Ding and

suddenly sees Li Shang's car coming from a short distance and
hurries forward to intercept.

Li Shang shakes the window down.

"I heard you were depressed some time ago." Hàn Dōng

For a long time after the filming ended, Li Shang did not come
out of the show and the two days were slightly relief for him
Hàn Dōng said again: "Sounds all day long and it's time for

Li Shang has an impatient expression. "Is there something you

want to say?if there is nothing ..... make way."

Hàn Dōng said: "The last question, I will let you go after you

"Ask." Li Shang said.

"you would not be liking me in secret?"

Li Shan wants to answer, and Hàn Dōng suddenly asks: "Was

your face-lifted again?"

1],....face lifted = surgery

"Who's saying that?" Li Shang did not admit it.

Hàn Dōng wanted to find out the clues from his face and
found Li Shang's face changed again. Now it was as if when he
saw him last time, he was not so handsome.

Li Shang did not talk nonsense with Hàn Dōng. He shook the
window to leave.

Hàn Dōng rushed to say, "You haven't answered me yet. Do

you like me?"

Li Shang returned to him, "Congratulations, your narcissism

has risen to a new level."

Hàn Dōng, "......."

Returning at night, Hàn Dōng continued to practice his

cultivation with concentration.

Under the husband's efforts, Hàn Dōng not only did not
calculate his rival, but also calculated a disaster for himself.
"Two weeks later and up to two months ago, I may not be able
to get myself up in public. The only way to crack it is for me to

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "Where to hide?"

"The farther the influence is, the smaller effect it will be."

"Where can you hide completely?"

After thinking deeply, Hàn Dōng replied: "I'm afraid I can

only go abroad."

Wang Zhong Ding immediately decided, "Thats okay ...we can

change the itinerary, go to Dubai to shoot the "Feng Mang"

Hàn Dōng immediately exposed the star eyes, Dubai, ah, local
tyrants, ah, seven-star sailing hotel!
The main thing is that there is no need to play the zombie

Maybe it was desert's efforts. Wang Zhong Ding suddenly

asked: "Have you really calculated something catastrophic or are
you faking it?"

Hàn Dōng immediately put a smile on his face. "It's really a

disaster. How dare I make such a joke?"

Wang Zhong Ding coldly hummed, "Then wait until you come
back and then I will take you to make the second movie."

Hàn Dōng was stunned. "Isn't that movie planned for the
summer vacation? Wait until I'm back sooner or later?"

"Nothing, you can transfer from the summer vacation to the

National Day."

Hàn Dōng said: "This way, the third movie will be delayed,
and there will be no script for "Theft of Shadows"......."
Wang Zhong Ding directly interrupted him. "Rest assured, I
will arrange it well. A role will be indispensable."

Hàn Dōng, "......."

The next day when the crew received the notice, they began to
prepare for going abroad. In less than a week, all the formalities
were ready.

The night before he left, Hàn Dōng was excited again.

"Today will see Director Cain!" He deliberately shouted in

front of Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding did not respond.

Hàn Dōng deliberately tried to scrape past Wang Zhong Dings

Wang Zhong Ding shouted, "I'm already numb to him."

"The amount is also right..."

With such a large number of rivals, if all of them have

changed their faces, it is indeed a big burden.

As a result, Hàn Dōng suddenly found out that many photos

were gone when he turned over the mobile phone album at

A look of sadness in the past questioned Wang Zhong Ding:

"Aren't you numb? Why did you delete my photos?"

Wang Zhong Ding pretended to be ignorant. "Who deleted

your photo?"

"How was it gone then?"

"Too wasteful to slow phone ram?" Wang Zhong Ding replied

Hàn Dōng immediately rode his face to Wang Zhong Ding's

neck. The two men were silent for a while.

"Yes, you don't forget to drink granules in these days. I think

your voice is a bit tight and you may have a cold."

Hàn Dōng said that he would put the medicine bought in the
afternoon to the most prominent position.

He is not so conspicuous now, and sometimes he will remind

Wang Zhong Ding of something.

Wang Zhong Ding is not so calm. There are some words of

Hàn Dōng that he may not take seriously.
Chapter 230 Not Expected.
The next morning, when the sky was still dark, Hàn Dōng set
out with the crew on the car.

When Wang Zhong Ding returned from the airport, it was not
long before the Xixi got up. Striking a small waist, he walked
out of the bedroom with full spirits.

Brushing his teeth very good, drunk milk more than usual a
cup, it looks very good.

Wang Zhong Ding scolded his little teeth and could not help
but ask, "How are you so happy?"

"Because ghe little Uncle is gone."

"You don't like him staying here?"

Xixi got in to Wang Zhong Ding's ear and whispered, "Every

time my classmate comes to visit my family, he says that I look
like him. To be honest, I am very embarrassed."

Wang Zhong Ding thought that Xixi was not good enough for
Hàn Dōng. As a result Xixi quickly added another sentence.

"I really don't want to be a stared at by classmates."

Wang Zhong Ding laughed dumbly. "It seems that you are
confident in the genes of the small curls, deep eyes-holes, and
six-finger family."

Xixi giggled, a look that was seen by Wang.

"Well, eat quickly, we have to send you to school." Wang

Zhong Ding touched Xixi's head.


A week later, that is, Hàn Dōng's calculation of the “disaster”

had its starting day, by his participation in the “Red God of
War” landing on the local TV, the network broadcast

The film still produced a lot of accidents at the trial stage.

TV dramas and film audits are different. TV dramas need to

be sent to the broadcasting platforms for review, in addition to
receiving the records of the General Administration of

Among these broadcast platforms, TV audits are particularly

stringent. TV dramas that want to be broadcast here must be
reviewed by the screening team of 15 editors.

The company initially listed this drama as the preferred

platform and reached consensus with leaders there.

However, after the samples were sent for review, the opinions
returned were: "It is recommended that the playing time of
foreign devil be greatly reduced."
The reason is that Hàn Dōng's personal scenes are too
horrifying, which rises the contradictions between China and
Japan and is inconsistent with the anti-Japanese theme.

In fact, there are not many scenes in Hàn Dōng's drama. And
when the post-production has been deleted, it will affect the
continuity of the plot.

After the repeated negotiation went invalid, the film

conveniently abandons this preferred playback platform.

The auditing of local stations was not smooth, and most

auditors questioned the role of this foreign devil.

They think that there being a big villain in the film that is a
good thing, which can intensify the conflict and increase the
visibility of the story. However, the role of foreign devil is too
sharp, which can cause people to feel discomfort and affect the
mood of the audience.

Even the reviewer directly said: "If this role will not be
deleted. Our station will be fined."
Wang Zhong Ding took a direct shot at the table.

"The scenes will not be deleted for one second. Dissidents will
have cancel the cooperation directly and they can't tell us what
to do."

Therefore, in the end, only one rating for the purchase of

copyright has always been maintained in the middle and lower
reaches of the local station, he director of the company because
of Huang Tuo's human feelings felt that had to be taken.

Three days before the broadcast, the ratings were appalling.

The misfortune is not that the data on the Taiwan station has
fallen so much, but it is too far away from the expectations of
the filmmakers.

On the fourth day, the broadcast data had a rising trend. At

this time, Hàn Dōng did not play.

On the fifth day, the ratings suddenly increased. Wang Zhong

Ding also received numerous calls on this day.

All telephone calls are to persuade him to appropriately

weaken and shrink foreign devil from the drama so as not to
destroy the good momentum.

However, Wang Zhong Ding persisted in his views.

On the sixth day, Hàn Dōng, the foreign devil, finally


And just came out to cut a person's face to please his faction
boss, this person is still violent.

Considering the audience's acceptance, the scene was not

given to the victim. Only the voice actors yelled a few times, and
all the performances were performed by one person, Hàn Dōng.

However, it was Hàn Dōng's face that showed the foreign

devil's cruelty in killing people without blinking.
In the evening of the same day, the leader of Taiwan and the
person in charge of the film did not sleep well. Wang Zhong
Ding was still awake at night.

The next morning, when the data came over, everyone was

Not only did the viewer rating did not fall, it also soared by
35%, creating the highest increase since the launch of the TV

Moreover, Hàn Dōng not only did not recruit more fans ....
but also received a variety of praise, many audiences have
greatly appreciated his acting skills.

In the following days, the ratings rose steadily.

Separated from the three-day special program of the Labor

Day and continued to play on the fourth day, it even broke into
the top three ratings for the period.
This made the leaders in Taiwan very excited and bluntly
asked all the creative workers to eat it out. They thanked them
for creating such a good drama that rewritten the history of the
Taiwanese audience.

However, these leaders were too happy too early.

This drama is like being cursed by people, and from the

beginning of the broadcast, it will take an unusual viewing path.
It also took bullies all the way up to the limit expected by

In the middle of the broadcast, that is, on the 13th day, the
ratings actually "broken one".

And after four days of maintaining this score, it actually won

the championship of the same period.

This result has caused the industry to be staggering.

The popularity on the Internet has also ballooned. The

original video website which was meant to show the TV drama
is now scrambling to ask to play the film. The website that
bought out the copyright was even more rewarded by the
increased advertising revenue.

The industry has also begun to discuss the major factors that
have contributed to the success of this drama. “Respecting
history” is one of the important aspects, thanks to Huang Tuo
and Wang Zhong Ding's dual checks on originality

The drama abandoned the "false anti-Japanese true love" of

the bad custom model, creating a passionate pure folk drama.
The restoration and re-creation of heroes also achieved a godly
effect. Some viewers bluntly said: "like, it's just like it!"

In addition, the restoration of the war scene and the use of

clothing items all reflect the grand style of production, allowing
the audience to feel the deep historical atmosphere.

Of course, in addition to being "true to history" and "well-

made", the story of the play is also very interesting. Not only is
the hatred of the country heavy, but also the joy of comrade-in-
arms. A variety of wonderful events overlapped on the
battlefield, allowing the audience to clench their teeth for a
second and laughed in the next second.

Of course, these can only be used as a factor in the play of the

show and cannot be used as a powerful proof to create a storm
of viewing.

After all, if you want to emerge suddenly and become a dark

horse, you must have a topic.

This topic is the fake foreign devil in the play.

As for how much this supporting role contributes to the show,

no one should be more aware of it than the auditors because
they are gnashing at the TV screen every day.

In the morning, Feng Jun came to report again.

The above shows that "Red God of War" has ranked first for 7
consecutive days. As of today, the total network on demand has
exceeded 1 billion. In the past hit series, there are not many TV
dramas that can achieve a win-win situation on the Internet and
TV platforms.

Wang Zhong Ding has some unexpected results.

"How could it be so high?"

Feng Jun did not know whether to laugh or cry. "How would I
know? You will have to ask Hàn Dōng."

Ask Hàn Dōng? Wang Zhong Ding is afraid to call Hàn Dōng
and he also ordered other people in the crew not to tell Hàn

Because Hàn Dōng has become a public enemy, the role he

plays has reached the point of “no one praise”.

"There are still a few cruel scenes behind him?" Although

Wang Zhong Ding is very clear, but still want to confirm.

Feng Jun said: "Six scenes"

"There are still more dramas?"

Feng Jun looked at it again. "There are probably three scenes

on the field that he forced the man to learn dog barking."

Wang Zhong Ding painfully resolved that "in addition to this

one, the remaining two scenes should be cut"

Feng Jun was a bit embarrassed. "We may want to cut it, but
people may not agree with the TV station. After all, they rely on
Hàn Dōng to earn ratings."

"The big deal is to compensate them for losses."

Feng Jun, "Okay." This is the first time he heard that in order
to curb the hot trend they had to cut the film.

However, what Wang Zhong Ding can't think of is that the

audience's hostile sentiment has not eased because of the
decrement, but it will become increasingly fierce with the
appearance of foreign devil cruelty.
Even some people's recognition of Hàn Dōng has reached the
point of "no distinction between people and opera."

Many people go directly to Hàn Dōng's microblogging

"affirming" his acting skills.

["I really couldn't imagine how a kind-hearted person would

perform such a disgusting character."]

["I can't live without a vain character that can hardly

understand my hatred. I must beat you to death."]

["Fortunately, I didn't look at it. Ma Lingshi and Ma Lingshi.

Why did you act this way?"]


Some people even sent an e-mail directly to Wang Zhong

Ding. "I beg you Zhong Ding Group to block him completely.
Otherwise, I won't see one of the film and television works you
shoot in the future."
Chapter 231 Holds up.
There are countless history of Chinese dynasty entertainers
falling from grace. Fang Yi has even been forced to be a nobody
for her use of drugs scandal. Wang Zhong Ding does not have
such a heartfelt feeling.

He knew that this was an emotional venting of the audience,

and he knew that this was a disguised recognition of Hàn Dōng's
superior acting skills. But seeing those aggressive language, he
still has the urge to dig up the graves for other people.

Why should they say that we have the fool?

Of course, besides being criticized, there is one thing that

makes him worry about Hàn Dōng's attention.

As Grandpa Wang said, Hàn Dōng has a strong edge.

He is not outstanding in appearance and his acting skills are

not second to none. But with a ring of light on his head no
matter how many strong people stand in the middle, what you
see will always be him.

This point, Wang Zhong Ding has had experience in "Theft of


At that time, there were many supporting roles in the film,

and only Hàn Dōng was praised.

However, because the subject matter is novel, it is expected

that the role played and the audience's rush is received.

But now this drama, Wang Zhong Ding really does not
understand. A law-abiding subject matter, a heavy-weight
scene, how can Hàn Dōng fan reach this point?

This is the "first step"!

If he can't hold this now, what's the next few steps?

If he fell to stereotypes now, what's the matter behind?

Therefore, in order not to break his own signboard, Wang
Zhong Ding once again made up his mind.

"The scene where he forced the man to learn dog barking also
should be cut."

Feng Jun was surprised, "Is it necessary to cut it?"

Wang Zhong Ding nodded.

"If that scene is also cut, he will only have three scenes Feng
Jun reminded again.

Wang Zhong Ding waved his hand and said, "That's it.... Stop

When he returned home, Wang Zhong Ding found that the

small figure that had been running happy in the past had
disappeared. Wang asked the aunt who also did not know, Xixi
has been locked in the room since the fight back.
Wang Zhong Ding used to knock on the door, "Xixi."

There was a dull and boring voice inside. "Please leave me


"What happened to him?" Wang Zhong Ding asked aunt.

Aunt sighed. "It's because of the drama that Dong Zi played."

Wang Zhong Ding can't figure it out. "How could the drama of
Dong Zi play have anything to do with him?"

"I took him out of school today. A child from the next class
said that he looks like that fake foreigner. He does not let other
children play with Xixi, saying that he is evil and loves to bully

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

The disaster was not alone. After the two episodes were
broadcast in the evening, Wang Zhong Ding was also

The reason is that the "microblogging" he had sent before was

dug out, and then it was overwhelming.

What's there is: questioning Wang Zhong Ding's tastes, saying

that he has problems in his mind, and some were denouncing
him as traitor...

Forced by the pressure of public opinion, Wang Zhong Ding

directly "topped" this Weibo trend.

So the next day, the company's official website was hacked

and a large number of data files were lost.

Wang Zhong Ding immediately lifted the table under his

anger. "Are these people crazy?"

Er Lei persuaded him, "What people are in this world, you

think there are people who think by jumping enough stairs to
ghey can jump to the stars, then what's this?"

"I just don't understand. It's only a role. Why is there such a
heaven of criticism?"

Er Lei said: "We can't say that Japanese history is hard to

tolerate. In any case, people are not very easy to accept it"

"Then why am I fine? Haven't I looked at it ten times. Why

didn't I think this character was so bad?"

"Because you are really in love." Er Lei said.

In the face of such an abhorrent character, you can embrace

the feeling of tolerance and love the actor absolutely!

Wang Zhong Ding did not say a word calmly.

Er Lei added: "If this momentum is not contained, he will
really rely on this piece of work to stardom."

This is also the most worrying thing for Wang Zhong Ding.
Seeing that there are still three days of drama to be broadcasted,
Hàn Dōng's scenes have been made on these three days, and
both scenes are quite heavy.

Wang Zhong Ding can only draw a knife to his heart.

"Kill it."

Er Lei was surprised. "Kill him off? Won't that make the
previous two scenes useless?"


"But I think the two scenes before he was dying are very good.
The audience has been stunned for such a long time, and they
must especially want to see his tragedy."
Wang Zhong Ding was annoyed. "What struggling are you
struggling with? If you are too busy, you will be chased and
beaten after you struggle again!"

"Okay." Er Lei sighed. "Then I will go to talk with Feng Jun."

"Please wait!" Wang Zhong Ding suddenly stopped him.

Er Lei turned back, "What's wrong?"

"I frequently received harassing calls on these two days and I

may temporarily disable this number."

Er Lei nodded. "Okay, I understand. I'll inform you later."

"There are... temporary numbers don't tell them to Hàn


Er Lei was puzzled. "Why?"

"Why? Why? He is now at the center, and any related contacts
between me and him may be monitored."

Er Lei remembered that the official website was attacked by

hackers and felt that Wang Zhong Ding has to be very careful.

Only he does not trust one thing.

"...will you be able stand it?"

Wang Zhong Ding's indifferent face suddenly stopped a little

and he only returned for a long time: "What do you mean I can't
stand it? It's not life and death thing."

Er Lei concealed a smile, "OK, I know."

In the first two days, Wang Zhong Ding was indeed calm.
After all, this TV drama issue is too tugging at his heart, leaving
him with no time to mourn some of his grieving.
On the third day, the TV drama ushered in the finale.

Although Zhong Ding has seen it countless times, he is still on

time staying in front of the TV and share with the national
audience this exciting time when the foreign devil was killed.

However, at that time, Wang Zhong Ding had forgotten the

wickedness of this role. His other part was in a foreign land,
lonely wandering, unreliable poor figure.

All over the world, I am afraid I can't find the second person
who can still feel bad about this kind of shot.

Turning off the TV, Wang Zhong Ding went to Xixi's room,
intending to sleep with his son tonight.

Xixi looked at Wang Zhong Ding ....he ssaid: "Dad, although

you want to sleep with me, but I am not happy."

"Why?" Wang Zhong Ding pinched his little flesh leg.

Xixi said very seriously: "Because you just took me as a
substitute for little uncle."

Wang Zhong Ding was amused by him.

Xixie asked again: "If me and my uncle are both drowning in

the water, who would you save first?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not hesitate to say: "Save you."


Just as Wang Zhong Ding wanted to answer, and Xixi

suddenly rushed and said, "Don't say he can swim. Now you
should assume he can't swim!"

"Then I will save you first." Wang Zhong Ding said

Just as Wang Zhong Ding wanted to answer. Xixi rushed again
and said, "Don't say what you would like to die with him. Now
we assume you will not die!"

"I still save you first." Wang Zhong Ding insisted.


Zhong Ding said: "Because he can't die."

In order to change to the average person, this time Wang was

petrified, but Xixi was so happy that he shook his head. "Yes, he
can't die, but what if it is too late for you to save me you should
save him."

Wang Zhong Ding turned his face to the black line: My silly
son, are you sure that this answer is stronger than what you
previously denied?

Xixi could not care about that, and after feeling something, he
turned and fell asleep.
One of the only people left awake was Wang Zhong Ding was

He hoped that the death of the foreigner devils can resolve

hatred in the hearts of the audience. From then on, they no
longer have to make a tortuous contribution to this role.


It turns out that Wang Zhong Ding once again underestimated

the lethality of Hàn Dōng acting.

The next day, he received another number that was upside


"Red God of War" finale rating "Broke the ceiling", in the

station's local area the finale actually took nearly 10% of the
ratings, this can be regarded as a miracle.

Moreover, after the grand finale, the replay copyrights were

also robbed by local stations and online network platforms.
Even some TV station directors who have always refused to
show this types if shows are showing their cheeks.

However, Wang Zhong Ding waved his hand and Wang Zhong
Ding did not sell it! Wang Zhong Ding does not give you a sale.

However, the heat of the play did not weaken. Instead, it

continued to continuously ferment.

Every other day, the red carpet celebration party, more than a
hundred media clamour out, the scene is comparable to large-
scale press conference. The reporter pursued the staff and called
for the release of Hàn Dōng collectively for the public

The producer repeatedly explained that Hàn Dōng was not

there, and there were still many media clamouring for Hàn
Dōng to show up.

In the end, this lively celebration party reached the first

audience rating in the segment.
On the second day, the news that "Hàn Dōng was hated as
foreign devil....he refused to appear in public" reappeared.

Chapter 232 Get Off!
This time shooting in Dubai, Xià Yang Zhuo participated, and
Yu Ming also followed around. The two people who rarely see
each other on weekdays have finally passed the day together.

On this day, Yu Ming received a call from the company early

in the morning.

"What? How can there be such a thing?" said Yu Ming, with

his eyes aiming not far from Hàn Dōng.

"I haven't read news for a long time. The network is not good
here. I don't have time either," Yu Ming said.

"Okay, I understand. Don't worry."

Hang up the phone, Yu Ming faintly sighed: Hàn Dōng, you

really are not an ordinary person.

During dinner, Hàn Dōng brought up his personal contact

zeto answer with Wang Zhong Ding.

Yu Ming knows very well that he is like no one else. He

caressfully says, "It should be because of a bad signal."

"Impossible." Hàn Dōng said, "His kid must be mothing the

whole thing. When I'm so anxious, he suddenly appears in front
of me."

Yu Ming could not help admiring Hàn Dōng's powerful


As a result, Hàn Dōng finally arrived at a certain point, but

Wang Zhong Ding did not appear.

In the middle of the night, Yu Ming was always awakened by

the duplicate tone “The number you dial is temporarily

He couldn't bear to see Hàn Dōng calling again and again in

his sleepwalking. Then on this night, when the familiar voice
sounded again, he pushed the door next door.

However, Hàn Dōng was particularly awake in bed. He did not

touch the phone, but the mobile phone itself issued a
continuous "The number you dialed was temporarily

Fuck me! He set automatic dialing?

Yu Ming's belly: Even sleepwalkers are lazy...

As a result, the situation was worse than he had imagined.

Hàn Dōng set the “You can't dial numbers temporarily

unavailable” setting as an alarm, scheduled for high-impact
time in sleepwalking and it rings once every ten seconds.

Yu Ming woke up Hàn Dōng fast.

Hàn Dōng's face had an expression of an unknown situation,
"What's wrong?"

"What did you do this!" Yu Ming directly pointed to the

ringing mobile phone in front of Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng explained this: “I was afraid that I would call him
when I was sleeping, so I downloaded such a ring tone. At the
same time, I was afraid that I would be awakened, so I set an
alarm so that I would not be willing to call him. It's up."

"You motherfucker!"

Yu Ming angry teeth itched: no wonder you play the role of

recruiting men.

Hàn Dōng was awkward. "I just wanted to have a good night's
sleep. You know I have been insomnia since a few days ago."

Talking, Hàn Dōng pulled himself a cigarette and his eyes

became particularly deep.
"I'm really worried about what happening in China."

Yu Ming said, "What are you worried about?"

"I'm afraid he wouldn't take care of himself." Hàn Dōng

showed his helplessness on his face.

Yu Ming's eyes leaned toward him. " Before you showed up,
Wang was better than how he is now."

Hàn Dōng looked eager. "Without this alarm, I really don't

know if I can close my eyes. In any case there are two days
before we have to return home. You should be more than

In the end, Yu Ming didn't pop Hàn Dōng's soft-wishing

bubble and promised to no longer care about it.

At midnight, he couldn't stand it anymore.

Because this time is not a voice, it is two "Your dialed users are
temporarily unable to connect" playing together with the first
unanswered call tone and its not at the same pace, the voice is
disorderly and alternating, and listening to it particularly

Oh shit! Did you get your nose infront of your face?

Yu Ming opened the door again.

Hàn Dōng did not sleep soundly as he did the last time, but
instead crouched on the bedside and called Wang Zhong Ding

The phone's alarm is still ringing. There is also hands-free

speech on this side. Yu Ming's voice was filled with confusion is
the symphony of the two alternating tones.

Because Hàn Dōng was in a sleepwalking state, Yu Ming could

not wake him up and only asked, "What the hell are you doing?"
Hàn Dōng said: "I want to call Wang Zhong Ding."

"Haven't I already reminded you that you can't connect with

him? Why do you use the land phone to call him?" Yu Ming's

Hàn Dōng replied without hesitation: "Oh... It's just an alarm.

You have already revealed it to me. I didn't want to fool myself

1]..... Sleepwalking Han and awake Han are separate

entities...both have different priorities

Don't want to fool yourself... don't want to fool yourself...

Yu Ming could not pull up in one breath.

"You don't want to fool yourself and sneak out. Why do you
need to press hands-free?"
Hàn Dōng smiled the angel's smile. "Because I want you to
hear my heart of remorse."

"You motherffff---!"

Yu Ming once again left through the door.

Two days later, the crew ended the shooting in Dubai and also
announced the finish.

Yu Ming thought that the hardships finally came to an end,

and he was excited to pack things up to prepare for his return to
China. As a result, a ruthless decree was issued from the
company's side.

“Wang has been working hard for everyone in the overall

shift and asked the crew to remain in Dubai for seven days.”

Yu Ming collapsed at the time. Hàn Dōng was also unbearable

with him.
“is Wang Zhong Ding crazy? How much does it cost for so
many people to stay in Dubai for a few days? Damn! I have to go
to the producer and talk about it. No matter what ..... tomorrow
I have to leave home. Otherwise, I can't pass this day!”

Yu Ming was somewhat subtle and wanted to stop Hàn Dōng.

However, he thought about the harassment in many days.

Hàn Dōng went madly and returned happily.

"The producer really promised?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng shook his head. "I promised."

"You promised??"

"Yeah, I promised to invite everyone to stay here for a few

Yu Ming suddenly became anxious. “How could you be so
unconvinced before? Last night I took an account. From the
time we were filming in Dubai, we spent at least...”

"Fine!" Hàn Dōng interrupted Yu Ming. "I told you that I just
got news from the producer. The Red God of War was a big
success. The company's stock soared. Wang Zhong Ding's
personal assets have soared by more than a billion. Hundreds of
millions! If you think about it, what's the measly few millions
for this trip?"

Yu Ming face is even more ugly than crying. "Is it really a time
for congratulations?"

“I told you that I had previously predicted this TV series

would be detrimental to my personal development, so I had
never dared to read the news on the Internet. I thought that
Wang Zhong Ding would not contact me because of this TV
drama. Now I am not afraid. I want to enjoy the rave reviews,

Yu Ming just wanted to explode the producer head. You said

that if you don't promise to return home, you still have to use
this as an excuse. Isn't this the intention to find something as
my punishment?

"That..." Yu Ming hurriedly stopped. "Don't be busy watching

it, go and talk to the producer and let him allow you to stay at
another hotel."

"Why?" Hàn Dōng was puzzled.

Yu Ming said: "The hotel facilities are so bad here. Don't say
anything else, just say that in your room, how many days can't
you get internet connection?"

Hàn Dōng also thought about it, and if it wasn't because the
room had no internet, he might have long since went on to
watch the reaction of “Red God of War”.

"Okay, I'll go and talk to him."

Yu Ming breathed a sigh of relief. If it is possible to rearrange

the room and not live next to Hàn Dōng, it would be nice to stay
here a few more days.
As a result, after 10 minutes, Hàn Dōng came back and
excitedly told him: "The producer promised to change the hotel,
and he promised we can stay together."

Yu Ming "......."

So, after moving to the new hotel, Yu Ming had one more task
per night — when Hàn Dōng finally realized that he could not
connect and hung up, he rushed to stop Hàn Dōng from
renovating the network that had just been broken.

In an instant, it was another five days.

When Yu Ming's nightmarish dreams were about to end, Yu

Ming also secretly prayed for his success in so many days.

On a sunny day, Hàn Dōng, Yu Ming, and Xià Yang Zhuo went
to the shopping mall in Dubai to scan for goods.

Here, Xià Yang Zhuo once attracted the attention of everyone.

His face, no matter what the color of skin, the women of any
ethnic group seem to be very frenzied over it.... and even the
salesman takes extra care of him.

Hàn Dōng is naturally squinting all the way and jealous all the

Later, Xià Yang Zhuo was isolated on the pretext of "different

tastes" and Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming went shopping together.

Yu Ming found that Hàn Dōng who would calculate the

amount of clothes he will buy when he goes to buy clothes. He
could buy children's clothes and did all kinds of generous
gestures. Brushing more than 100,000 Yuan is now like playing

He already knows that Xixi's existence is just beyond belief.

"How are you doing so well with Wang Zhong Ding?"

Not only does it show Hàn Dōng cares for Wang but also his
Hàn Dōng secretly told Yu Ming, "Wang Zhong Ding
transferred most of his property to this little thing."

All right... Yu Ming took back the moved part.

After shopping, three people took a taxi back to the hotel.

The driver was a Chinese, and Hàn Dōng had stared at him as
he got on the train. Finally, he finally asked when he was
driving: "Are you the actor who played "The Red God of War"
foreign devil?"

Hàn Dōng secretly cried, "Good eyes", and finally someone

first noticed him instead of Xià Yang Zhuo.

However, just as he wanted to show his face, Yu Ming rushed

back and said: "You saw it wrong ....its not him."

The driver still stares at Hàn Dōng, "How do I think he is?"

This time, Hàn Dōng rushed in front of Yu Ming and said:
"Forget it, don't let your big brother down. It's not easy to meet
fans at such a distance. It's not easy! Big brother Hello, I'm the
"Red God of War" foreign devil player My name is Hàn Dōng."

"You evil kid!" The driver sneered.

Hàn Dōng also smiled sheepishly. "I didn't expect the big
brother to be in a foreign country. He would also watch the red
drama in his hometown."

"I will not only look at it, but I will also be worried about the
suffering people."

"Brother, you are really worried about the country and the
people, and you won't forget this."

The driver nodded and braked.

"Get off the car."

Hàn Dōng was stunned, "Get off? We haven't gotten there

"I know, but I don't want to pull you off. Don't think I can't be
bothered to push you out of the car."

Hàn Dōng had not figured out what the situation was. Yu
Ming shouted at the back: “You are a highly educated person.
How can you add hatred to the character you see on the tv to the
actor's himself...blame the person who wrote it?”

"Yes, I am an intellectual, but I want to be ignorant fool at this

moment and I just want to ignore it.. so Get off!"

Xià Yang Zhuo, an enthusiastic fan of people, said: "We have

bought so many things. Now it's not convenient to get off."

"Don't talk nonsense, get off!"

Hàn Dōng, "......."

Chapter 233 Protection.
Li Shang looked at netizens' sarcasm and reprimand on Hàn
Dōng every day, as well as all kinds of vilification of his photos.
Without even using the drugs his depression was completely

Of course, he was gloating so blatantly, there is another

purpose to this scheme - to anger Wang Zhong Ding.

As long as Wang Zhong Ding was irritated, he would make

every effort to help Li Shang publicize his(Li Shang) movie.
Divert the attention of the public and let Li Shang replace Hàn
Dōng as part of the household name.

Therefore, Li Shang's "Black Poison" was released in this

special period. Originally it was just a spark, but after
borrowing this "Han Fall from Grace" wind, it instantly formed
a prairie fire.

In the end, "Black Poison" broke the seven box office records
in one fell swoop and became a real dark horse.
Li Shang was once again crowned with the title of “box office
magic drug” and the praise was harder than “Tear”.

Regardless of acting, let's watch the poster of the movie.

In the cold, gloomy atmosphere, Li Shang's body occupies the

subject of the screen. The blood vessels of the arm spurted open
and his eyes were sharp and dangerous. There is no such thing
as Hàn Dōng's immediate sense of evilness. Some of them are
only extreme elements such as extremes, evil, and violence.

Let the audience understand the rebornness of this person.

It can be said that if this role was played by Hàn Dōng ..... Li
Shang would have never return into fame.

It shows the significance of this movie for Li Shang.

It is not only Li Shang's transformation work, but also Li

Shang's first-line admission ticket. Since then, the mainland
movie theater has had his place.
Moreover, Wang Zhong Ding's most sad thing is not only he
was used to popularize the movie of rivals, but to bolster the
film of rivals, the momentum of Hàn Dōng foreign devil role has
not been suppressed.

The deletion of the post has also been deleted, the layout has
been banned, and even the order has been blocked, and the Hàn
Dōng foreign devil fire still remains unabated.

The first death cult for Hàn, was even established on the
Internet. The members of the church are growing day by day.
They are eager to take advantage of the avatars that are
"acceptable to the people".


The death of Hàn Dōng could not be imagined. He quickly

rushed back to China, not to see Wang Zhong Ding, who he had
lost contact with for many days, but to escape from rabies for
several days.

He is really cornered.
In the current situation, only this tragic, sympathetic role of
the people can wash away the hatred of the audience.

Too late and Wang Zhong Ding, who had spent several days in
a row, had no time to participate in the "Feng Mang" finishing
feast. It was too late to figure out the last rival, and Hàn Dōng
went into the shooting of the new drama.

In order to play this role, Hàn Dōng went to the rabies

treatment center and witnessed how the people suffering from
rabies attacked and struggled.

This is more evil than Li Shang going to detoxification.

The people in the detoxification center have lived a good life,

so there are still days when they go out.

The mortality rate of rabies is 100%, and it takes only a few

days from the onset to death. From the moment the patient was
sent there, he was doomed to be buried there.
Hàn Dōng has seen more of the horrors of the patients these
days and has a psychological shadow. Today, he is afraid of the
water, he is afraid of the wind tomorrow, he was feeling mad
phobia after a while.

Especially at night, he slept well and suddenly threw himself

down Wang Zhong Ding to take a bite on his skin.

The most frightening thing was that midnight, when Wang

Zhong Ding woke up, he found that Hàn Dōng was sitting next
to him, wearing a big hair curl, and panting his long tongue,
and gasping for breath.

Wang Zhong Ding collapsed at that time.

I say Dong Dong you have to play rabies, not a dog!

Do you want to have two points in one person? !

In order to prevent Hàn Dōng from entering the play too deep,
Wang Zhong Ding took Hàn Dōng to the director on the next
"You're welcome. You need to find us at any time when you
ready to shoot the scene." The director was very enthusiastic.

Hàn Dōng could not help but sighed: "It's not easy for me to
stay there for so many years."

"Oh... My biggest wish is actually this hospital would be going

out of business. Other doctors may say this may be a bit
hypocritical, but we are unwilling to be infected."

"I can understand your mood."

As he spoke, Suddenly a scream came and Hàn Dōng went to

prestige and he instantly looked pale.

A man with a rabies attack suddenly went out of control when

he was sent to the hospital. He was mad and yelled and
screamed. He was foaming when he was seen and screamed in
the hallway.

Subsequently, the patient rushed directly toward Hàn Dōng.

The situation happened so suddenly that the door next to him
was closed and Hàn Dōng was instantly frightened.

When he reacted, Wang Zhong Ding had already formed a

protection shield for him.

This was the first time Hàn Dōng saw Wang Zhong Ding's
tragic phase of being scratched with hair and tears. Tears fell
down at the time.

He can tolerate Wang Zhong Ding being beaten, but he can't

see Wang Zhong Ding's being hurt by his overprotective desired.

Wang Zhong Ding thought that Hàn Dōng was scared. He used
his palm to hold back his head and squeezed him on his

Later, several security guards arrived and the patient was


Wang Zhong Ding was scratched in many places. In order to

be safe, he was injected with a vaccine.
Hàn Dōng was really frightened this time and actually set up a
charity foundation for animal protection. He also served as the
ambassador of love for animals and he is promoting the
prevention of rabies.

After this news was reported, netizens were warmly


Many netizens ridicule, "Han Hàn, are you going to start

torturing small animals ?"
Chapter 234 La La La.
After attending the launching ceremony of the new film, Hàn
Dōng returned to the company. After getting out of the car,
Shen trotted and followed Hàn Dōng behind him. The short legs
were quickly rotated.

"I said, how do you walk faster and faster?" Shèn Hua could
not help but complain.

Hàn Dōng himself did not notice, "Is it?"

"If you do not believe you ask Xiao Liang."

Xiao Liang also believes that Hàn Dōng is not only quicker in
his steps, but also more efficient.

"Yes, most of the recent invitations to the film have been

pushed too far." Shèn Hua spent complaining.

Hàn Dōng asked: "Is there a script? What kind of thing is it?"
"What kind of thing is it? They are all villains! Now that you
have become a foreign devil's spokesperson. As long as there are
foreign devils in the movie, they want you to star in it. No
foreigners will make foreign devils...

It is said that Li Shang did not know where to come from.

"What's so popular? Hàn Hàn ~"

Hàn Dōng snorted, "Can't compare you, aren't you the first

"Don't mention, I'm all in the media. You're the people


Li Shang recently regained his spirit and spoke up and

brought with him the taste of "little person who is determined
to succeed".

Even the new assistant asked him to adjust his tone. When he
saw Shèn Hua, he began to be surprised.
"Wow! I have a pair of identical pants! Why are they like your
crop pants? Maybe you're copying me?"

Shèn Hua rolled her eyes, "is the trouser a limited edition?"

"How could I not hear that this trousers had a limited edition?
Is it only one, a custom made for the short legs? Hahahahaha..."

"Yes, it's like this mouth that is tailored specifically for the
meat. Only taste is right on your face."


"Yes," Li Shang interrupted the assistant and called out, "Let's


Shèn Hua looked at Li Shang assistant grimace, how about my

short legs? I'm so stable ~ who can beat them!
The assistant gritted her teeth and was angry.

Li Shang's own assistant is not merciless, of course, Hàn Dōng

is even more unforgiving.

"I remember someone questioning that I like him..." When he

spoke, he smiled mischievously. "Han Ge, you are wicked, you
are wicked, you are wicked, and the bad guys roles are robbed
by you, causing you to have only the charm of the villain.
Anyway, how can I not like you?"

Hàn Dōng's eyes were swept back. "Studging up for a bit of

morality, if I do a field day, how do you like me?"

"Hahaha... If you really have that ability, I Li Shang is willing

to give you a kowtow."

"Less nonsense fucking cheating with me!" Hàn Dōng replied,

"Why have you come to the company?"

Li Shang is still the appearance of a crowned public favourite.

"Isn't there a man skin care product advertiser that wants me to
speak with me? I'm just here to talk to Wang about it."

"This advertiser is brave enough. Isn't he afraid that

consumers won't attract people to be seen with a druggie?"

"Then no matter what I did, I get on the seven figures." Li

Shang deliberately severed the "Seven figure" bite.

Hàn Dōng's fluttering tone, "Be careful do not to take it."

"This money is not what I want to take. It is something that

people must give me for presenting the skin product. If you Hàn
Great Fairy luck is boundless, you will shake his will."

Afterwards, he smiled and walked toward the office building.

Hàn Dōng had wanted to find Wang Zhong Ding for lunch,
and he saw Li Shang....he had no appetite. His paetite planned
to drink a cup of tea at the bottom of the bed and wait until Li
Shang goes away.
As a result, on his way to the cafeteria, he suddenly spotted a
familiar figure outside the guardrail.

Cai Shun?

The last time Hàn Dōng saw Cai Shun tracking Feng Mu, he
suspected that Feng Mu had been spotted. Now that we have
seen Cai Shun's follow Li Shang, he has further recognized this

But he didn't understand why Cai Shun had to look at two of

them? Whatever Li Shang knows, Feng Mu must know. Does he
not just have to look at Feng Mu's?

Is it that Li Shang and Feng Mu are now not on same level

plane anymore?

Suddenly ​Hàn Dōng had a glimpse on an idea.

He no longer drinks tea with his heart, and he immediately

goes upstairs with Li Shang.
As a result, when he arrived at the office, Hàn Dōng only saw
Wang Zhong Ding and Li Shang was not here.

"Why? Li Shang doesn't want to talk to you?"

Wang Zhong Ding replied coldly: "I didn't let him in. For that
kind of thing he is sent directly to Feng Jun."

"You are really more and more my favorite person." Hàn Dōng

In fact, when the truth is when Li Shang knocked on, Wang

Zhong Ding was cooking in the kitchen. As an office of the
chairman and general manager, how can people smell the food?
So Li Shang was rejected.

"OK, wash your hands and come eat."

When Hàn Dōng wants to serve, Wang Zhong Ding, who

heard that he is washing his hands, said: "The sleeves have
fallen and helped me pick them up."
As a result, Hàn Dōng's dog paws ran straight to Wang Zhong
Ding's bottom, and he shouted aloud.

"This I will help you roll it up!"

Wang Zhong Ding's pant sounded instantly. "I'll let you roll up
your sleeves!"

Hàn Dōng seemed to understand it. "This way?"

Then he went to pull Wang Zhong Ding's sleeves, and he was

already happy and cheerful. He had to be slow, his fingers
clasped on Wang Zhong Ding's arm, and he drew a slip of goose

"Is it good?" Wang Zhong Ding stared at Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng scowls with a smile and scorns.

As a result, water droplets was shot in his face in the next

"Fuck! Put yourself in front of others all day and night to deal
with my old mentally handicapped side!"

1].... remember Han is afraid of water...on the account of

playing rabies patient


After eating rice, Hàn Dōng deliberately lazily fixed himself on

the sofa.

When Wang Zhong Ding saw him.... he said: "Get up, check
and sign the documents on the table."

"How can you not do it yourself?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "I have to sleep and go out in the

"I'm going out and going out! I have to pick up the dog with
the production director and have to attend the press conference
and have to..."

"Less bullshit! It's not going to disappear."

In fact, Hàn Dōng was particularly happy, but he still did not
forget to complain. "You are getting lazy."

Wang Zhong Ding is indeed becoming more and more lazy. He

is no longer the hard-working from before. Not only did Hàn
Dōng help him in his work, he even let Hàn Dōng iron his
clothes at home.

Hàn Dōng has played this show since then, and his
temperament has become more and more dogmatic. The first
thing to pick up Wang Zhong Ding's suit is to first sniff it out.

"Why do you have a soot smell on your clothes?"

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied, "I just went to the kitchen
and heated the dish."

"Isn't the hot dish made using a microwave oven? How could
it stained with oil smoke?" Hàn Dōng sniffed.

"What is there to check? Send it to the wash machine.... is

smell not on the line!" Wang Zhong Ding impatient.

Hàn Dōng muttered slyly: "I'll give you a good iron, but I'm
afraid I'm honed to it..."

When dealing with the documents, Hàn Dōng discovered a

planning sheet that dealt with several newcomers this year.

Because the maker was Feng Mu, Hàn Dōng read it word after
word. It was determined that there was no problem before
signing for Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding woke up in less than a quarter of an hour

before he woke up, but he did not get up, but watched Hàn Dōng
with a wicked taste.

Looked at him and giggled, his whiskers shuddered. At one

moment suddenly he stood up straight back, full of energy.

Another look at the eyes is definitely closed.

Wang Zhong Ding smiled heartily.


Li Shang left the company for a short time to record.

Although he always put on a breezy look, he always boasted of

how much the villain Han had brought himself this wave of
popularity. But in fact, the loss is only understood by him.

Take the program for example

In the past, Li Shang did not have this reputation, when he
went to any place to record the show. The staff there would sign
with him and take a photo.

But now, with the exception of a few necessary staff, the rest
of staffs are staying far from him....fearing he is a real druggie.

Even if someone wants to take a picture of Li Shang, he will

hide in a place and secretly shoot, for fear that Li Shang will
shot him with a gun.

Of course, the number of endorsements also decreased.

No one advertiser is willing to invite a villainous character to

speak as an endorsement, and the audience is scared away.

Therefore, Li Shang took the hard-won endorsement before

Hàn Dōng return.

However, he never expected that the result was really said by

Hàn the Great.
At that time, Li Shang was in a rehearsal, and a child sitting in
front was suddenly scared and he cried.....and crying loudly,
how can have be still in his heart

Although the staff took the child out of the studio, Li Shang's
status did not change during the entire recording process.

More terrible thing is that the news was leaked out by

someone who he did not know. The next day it was reported.

At the time, the advertisers called Feng Mu to call Li Shang

and cancel the advertisement. The reason was that Li Shang
public's image was too bad.

This endorsement was originally earned by Feng Mu, because

a child was lost in vain and she certainly would not be willing.

Moreover, Feng Mu will very much maintain the media

relations. When she earned a thousand pieces in the previous
month, she would dare to spend 800 points for reporters. This
shows that she is well-connected in the circle.
The private relationship between the newspaper "Li Shang
scared the crying child" and Feng Mu is also good. Although it is
not enough to offer the original story to be scrapped, at least a
word will be revealed in advance.

The reality is: Feng Mu didn't know what to do from

beginning to end.

There is only one reason for this happening. The media unit
was under pressure from some side and had to gargle the words.

When Feng Mu communicated with advertisers again, their

reply also proved this conjecture.

"I'm very sorry, we have decided to use Xià Yang Zhuo as a


Feng Mu's eyes instantly became blood red.

Chapter 235 Hard Work Pays Off.
Wang Zhong Ding had a business trip, and it took five days to

In order to avoid love rivals encroaching upon his territory by

the “ intimidating forces” from all parties, he formulated
various strategies for defending against the enemy of the wolf.
The most daunting task was given to his son.

- No matter where you are in the morning, please sleep on the

same bed with your uncle.


Two days before the incident.

Xixi's ear also echoed the warnings before his father's

departure. The little man walked around in the room, speaking
righteously, and when the clerk looked at him, Xixi looked like a
miniature copy of Wang Zhong Ding.
As a result, on the third day, because Hàn Dōng bought the
bean curd, he was completely exposed, and he quickly became
one with the other msn.

In the evening, the pseudo-father enjoys a warm bubble bath.

Xixi suddenly asked, "Are you and my dad looking for


Hàn Dōng nerves tightly. "How do you know?"

"Because I also dreamt of that person."

Hàn Dōng was originally lying in the bathtub, and when he

heard this, he sat up and poured foamy water.

"You say it again! Who did you dream of?"

"It's the guy you've been looking for."

Hàn Dōng said that he was so excited that he said, "Quickly...
just tell me, what's that person's name? I don't know what?
What does it look like? Living in..."

After a series of problems, Xixi returned only one sentence.

"But I forgot him again."


Hàn Dōng laid back in the bathtub, looked at the ceiling and
said faintly: “You are not the son of Wang Zhong Ding.”

"Why do you say this?"

"You're too pitifil and forgetting"

After bathing, the two sat cross-legged on the sofa, and Hàn
Dōng threw several buttons like a juggling act.

"Wow!" Xixi was amazed. "Cool button! Where did you buy ?"

Hàn Dōng said: "Where do you buy such ready-made? These

were carved by me own hands"

“hard eork pays off!” Xixi's thumbs up. “ If these buttons are
inlaid on my silver suit, and I would look just like a tiger!”

Does Hàn Dōng listen to how awkward it is?

“You use this word right? If you can't live up to the 'hearty
people' you should live up to me! The ones you just mentioned
are for you.”

"Yeah, it's not me!" Xixi emphasized.

Hàn Dōng hurried. "Before and after the object is one.

However Han is someone who cares about it! If he can't do it. He
become a 'hearted man'! You should say this to your classmates.
Do you understand?"

Xixi nodded, "I understand."

"Then you say it again!"

Xixi adjusted his state and said seriously: "Han Dong is a good
person! The day after tomorrow, I will wear a small silver suit
and go to my classmate's birthday, Patty, and it will be the

All right... Say equal to forgetfulness.

Hàn Dōng still came to the point, handing the buttons to Xixi,
and letting him take them.

"I want you to sew them." Xixi said.

Hàn Dōng was confused. "I can't do needlework I'm an old


"I want you to sew, I want you to sew, I just want you to sew
... ..." Xixi spoke for other children, Hàn Dōng can try to resist.
But the little person in front of him, with the six fingers, the
small curls, the deep-eyed eyes, feels like he has rejected him.

Hàn Dōng can only leap forward and do it.

"You are psychologically prepared. I may not be able to sewn

the buttons out to the effect you want." Hàn Dōng reminded.

Xixi said he had no regrets.

So, Hàn Dōng began sewing.

Xixi looked at him with a small chin, and gave him some
encouragement from time to time.
Finally, you're done.

Although the stitches are a bit rough, they cannot be seen

without careful observation.

"Try it on," said Hàn Dōng.

After Xixi put on, he couldn't wait to go looking in the mirror.

Hàn Dōng also followed the past.

"COOL!" Xixi looked very satisfied.

When Hàn Dōng wants to express his opinions, he hears the

doorbell ring.

"Someone came and I'm going to open the door." Xixi rushed
out toward the outside.

Hàn Dōng followed closely.

Aunt had already opened the door first, and the man who
came was Grandpa Wang.

“Grandpa!” Xixi ran to the older Wang.

Hàn Dōng also rushed in at the back, and he was inseparable

from Xixi's protection.

"You are also here ? ah!" Grandpa cheerfully greeting.

Hàn Dōng was afraid that Grandpa Wang would have a lot of
heart turmoil if he found out who Hàn Dōng was to Wang
Zhong Ding and explained: "That...I just came to this door."

"That's just too clever. I'm just looking for you."

Hàn Dōng's face changed, "You wanted to find me?"

"Yeah, last time I saw a photo of you dressed as a woman. I felt

you looked familiar at the time, but I couldn't remember who it
was. When I went back, I flipped through the old photos again.
Then I found out, your photo and my wife's looked alike.
Especially like when she was young."

Hàn Dōng tigers startled.

"You ... you would not think that I have a blood relationship
with your family?"

Tell me that I and Zhong Ding are not close relatives within
three generations?

Grandpa Wang smiled. "That's not it. My wife passed away for
many years. When I saw your picture that day, I suddenly felt
very emotional. No wonder I was kind piqued enough to see you
at first glance."

Hàn Dōng nodded.

Not only do you feel cordial...

Your grandfather and grandchildren felt so...

"I don't know if that photo is still there? I want to take a closer
look," said Grandpa Wang.

Hàn Dōng and Xixi together rummaged on the phone.

As a result, the rest of the photos were good, except that the
"Women's Wear" one was gone.

Needless to say, it must have been a certain "anti-wolf

strongman defense" doing before he left.

"Grandpa, can't find it." Xixi was frustrated.

Wang's Father comforted him. “It doesn't matter. There are

no photos to follow.”

So he turned his head again to Hàn Dōng. "If it's convenient,

can you please do to the makeup again?"

Hàn Dōng grinned, "It may not be convenient."


"There are no ready-made women's clothing here."

Grandpa Wang said: "It does not matter, I brought it."

Hàn Dōng, "......."

Grandpa Wang ordered someone to send the bag to Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng still did not answer, the hand is always around Xixi
small waist for fear that he would ran like out

Grandpa Wang suddenly discovered that it seemed that since

he had come in. Hàn Dōng and Xixi had been stuck together.

"You two are quite a good job ~ ~" Grandpa Wang laughed and

Hàn Dōng nodded, "Yes, yes, yes, I especially like this kid."

"Since this is the case, you're playing like his grandma's

youthful look. He never will see it at a glance."

Hàn Dōng coldly sweated. "Not that I don't want him to see it.
It's just inconvenient."

"How inconvenient is it?"

Hàn Dōng spoke for a long time before opening his mouth.
“My pants and the last button in his jacket...are sewn together.”

In the end, Hàn Dōng took Xixi to send Wang Grandpa to go

"Grandpa, you can't stay.... I'm disappointed."

"It doesn't matter. I will have a chance later."

When Grandpa Wang had just left, Hàn Dōng immediately

moved to Xixi.

"This must not tell your father."

Xixi were surprised, "Why?"

Hàn Dōng various kinds of flicker, "You think, if your father

knows, and then change me to your grandmother how would
you feel?"

Xixi's stunned expression, "It's kinda troublesome."

"Yeah, you would have dropped several generations for no
reason." Hàn Dōng deliberately emphasized.

After thinking about this with his brain's capacity, Xixi finally

"Relax, I will not say it to him"


Despite this, Hàn Dōng did not sleep well for a night.

There is always a feeling of being unsteady.

Xixi frequently hugged the quilt. Every time Hàn Dōng woke
up, he saw his little belly exposed.

So Hàn Dōng took him to his chest and slept.

The faint scent of lightness that was distributed by the small
hair volume was the customary taste of Wang Zhong Ding.

Nobody knows when, Xixi suddenly dreamed: "Hard work

pays off!"

Hàn Dōng asked quickly: "And then?"

Xixi did not speak.

Hàn Dōng sighed faintly, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

However, just as he was about to fall asleep, Xixi murmured

the next sentence again.

"I will filially obey you later."

1]...."I will obey you like a son later"...for Hàn Dōng Xixi
calling him father or fatherly is a warm thing.
Hàn Dōng feels a spring breeze blowing into his heart. The
little flowers in his heart are all in full bloom.

It was practical in the moment.

Still can not tell the truth.

Chapter 236 Because he is your
On the fourth day of business trip, Wang Zhong Ding went to
a local cutting-edge performing arts agency.

This brokerage company has developed from a star studio and

now has a mature operating model. It is regarded as one of the
best stars in China.

If not has the ability to master it and one is bound to be a


The purpose of Wang Zhong Ding's trip is to this superstar


"Welcome Wang, please come with me."

Under the guidance of the host, Wang Zhong Ding took a

steady step to the VIP reception room.
Zhou Li, who waited there, saw Wang Zhong Ding come in.
The corner of her lips burst into a bright smile.

"I knew you would come."

The relationship between Zhou Li and Wang Zhong Ding

belonged to the same group of people who would be surprised to
see each other. If Hàn Dōng was with Wang Zhong Ding as a
special case, Zhou Li was listed as a partner of Wang Zhong Ding
as a special case.

Zhou Li sold, sucked, marry the old man, raised a handsome

guy ... ... eat more men than any other woman, but unlike
others she have been bright and moving.

"I think they have made clear the basic situation with you."
Wang Zhong Ding stated in a faint light.

Zhou Li smiled and said: "No, they are not clear at all."

"Then let them talk to you again." Wang Zhong Ding was

Zhou Li didn't care, but she still had a good hand and looked
at Wang Zhong Ding.

"After so many years, you haven't changed at all."

Wang Zhong Ding pushed the contract to Zhou Li. "If you
have no problem, sign it."

"There is a problem." Zhou Li suddenly said.

Wang Zhong Ding raised his eyelids. "What problem?"

“If I join your company, you have to give me special

treatment. I don't live without superiority.”

“What is your special treatment?” Wang Zhong Ding asked

Zhou Li smiled. "You spend seven hours or more on each week
with me....together."

Wang Zhong Ding just wanted to withdraw the contract.

Zhou Li said, “ Just teasing you....I'm not interested in you.”

After that, Zhou Li grabbed the contract and wrote her name

Then she extended his hand to Wang Zhong Ding, and the
moment she held it, there was a distinct emotion in his eyes.

"It's so fast~" said Zhou Li.

Wang Zhong Ding did not say anything and turned away from
the VIP room.

On the next day, Zhou Li took a special plane to Zhong Ding
Group to hold a sensational signing ceremony for the
entertainment industry.

More than a dozen luxury cars were picked up and she was
sent by dozens of security guards. The Queen Zhou Li entered
the venue.

Another star coming to sign as a single person, she brought a

whole team. And each team is an elite, casually come up with a
large number of personnel.

At the signing ceremony, Zhou Li shook hands with senior

leaders. However, Feng Mu was staggered and she directly
embraced Wang Zhong Ding.

Sign placards and take pictures.

There are endless charms in the air.

Hàn Dōng stared at Zhou Li, and took a look at her skirt and
his eyes gazed to drill inside.

It's too much to show off.

If she had a birthmark on her leg, how good would it be?

However, people's legs are flawless, and they do not even have
pockmarks, let alone birthmarks.

~ The leg length is not long, it should not be her.

Hàn Dōng sighed and suddenly discovered that there was

more than one person next to him and he stared at the stage.

"You have no use in your eyes. People simply can't get you on
that little body." Hàn Dōng said.

Li Shang obliquely gave him a look. "My body is small, and

Wang is not a small. You looked at her eyes on Wang."
"I saw it earlier." Hàn Dōng didn't care.

"That doesn't give her any color?"

"I gave it!"

Li Shang was puzzled. "How did you give it?"

"She stared at Wang Zhong Ding with that gaze, and I stared
at her with that gaze!"

"Fuck, served you!"

After the signing ceremony, the company held a welcome

banquet. In addition to Zhou Li's friends in the circle, there are
many people from the business community who are here to join
in, involving various fields and industries, including many
celebrities in the business world.
Zhou Li is a veritable queen of communication every
conversation is sinless.

Out of courtesy, Wang Zhong Ding needs to have a cup with

her and express his welcome to her.

However, Zhou Li's men are constantly around, and everyone

who knows or does not know they are is an expert and a strong

Whether Wang Zhong Ding is taking a sip of wine or not, the

crimson that appeared in his eyes is more indicative of his
eagerness at this moment.

Zhou Li can continue to use her words.

Later, Wang Zhong Ding strided over to see a man who did
not look next to him, directly he and Zhou Li touched a cup.

"Happy cooperation."
After drinking, Wang Zhong Ding took a goblet on the tray
and turned away from the banquet hall.

"Why are you so anxious to escape?" Zhou Li smiled at the

back of Wang Zhong Ding.


When Wang Zhong Ding's foot just entered the office, he felt
that the fire underneath his eggs had ignited.

Followed by that Hàn Dōng also came in. His fire was even
worse than Wang Zhong Ding. He took a trip directly to the
door and threw Wang Zhong Ding down on the office chair and
rode himself up on his lap.

Outside the office it was normal...while inside the office it was

boundless in spring of sex and pants.

Only these two men can catch this fierceness. Only the
cheekiness of men can tolerate such shame. Only Hàn Dōng is
the man can play this smoky style...

Afterwards, Wang Zhong Ding asked Hàn Dōng, “The

assignment I arranged for you?”

"Completed." Hàn Dōng said.

Chapter 237 Are you okay?
Finally, under Wang Zhong Ding's "pleasure and torture", Hàn
Dōng finally revealed the truth.

Wang Zhong Ding's degree of jealous can be imagined.

Hàn Dōng also kept urging. "You should think well. Your
Grandpa once fancies my ladylike appearance. Perhaps it is the
unconscious nostalgia to his wife."

"Do you want me to think better? You mean that our family's
old man is after you!"

Hàn Dōng shook hands with embarrassment. "That's not

enough. I think your dad is still very strong."

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

In the end, Wang Zhong Ding completely ignored Hàn Dōng.

In order to find this man, Hàn Dōng can use all his ways.

He first moved with emotion.

Seeing Wang Zhong Ding had entered the bathroom, Hàn

Dōng rushed to the door and savored and said: "I'll give you a
bath today, what kind do you want?"

Then the hand was caught in the door.

Later he realized it again.

"It's not my fault that I look like your grandmother! Why are
you blaming it on me?"

"Again, it's not my wish to play women's clothes. It's the ones
you came up with. Can you still blame on me it
reasonable ...can you?!"
Wang Zhong Ding stays on the floor with his own bed sheets
and remains silent

Hàn Dōng started playing again.

Learning Wang Zhong Ding's voice tone he spoke, "He

tempted you to eat and 'you'll eat'. Where's your self-control?"

Wang Zhong Ding's brains suddenly burst.

Hàn Dōng then used bitter meat.

Like in the studio last time, he bumped into the door frame
and the sound of the crash was not loud.

Wang Zhong Ding finally came over to him.

"Do you understand something?"

Hàn Dōng swallowed his mouth. "seems to understand

"Then go out."


In the end, Hàn Dōng resorted to lore tricks.

This is a brand new upgrade, not only on feelings but also

technical exchanges.

Hàn Dōng stoodand read aloud outside Wang Ding's door.

"Wang Zhong Ding returned today on a business trip, but I

was not satisfied. At this moment, my hole is a bit tight and
there is an unspeakable burning in my lower abdomen..."

Wang Zhong Ding closed his eyes and rested on the bedside,
puffed a cigarette, as if nothing had been affected.

At this time, Hàn Dōng suddenly suffered a big pause.

"Ninety nine words are omitted here!"

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes were clear and fierce, and the inside
connotation is rich!

Hàn Dōng went to the second page to continue reading.

"I suddenly remembered that night, Wang Zhong Ding took

mine with him... He took me... He used his... He lifted my... He
used his... He took my... For details, please enter your unlock
password. Click the opening button."

Wang Zhong Ding felt that what he smoked was not cigarette
but fire.
Hàn Dōng turned another page.

Before this reading, there was a long period of brewing. It's a

deep breath and a big panting. It's embarrassing enough to
make one smile. You can imagine how hard it is to start talking.

"Well, he came here today." Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

When Hàn Dōng wants to leave, he hears a bang behind him.

At first, he was still confused and smiled. When he turned

around, he changed to the surprise of the world.

"Oh, Wang Zhong Ding did you get so much sweat? Is it
that good for me to read this to you?"

Wang Zhong Ding's face was really cloudy! Shen! Shen!

He warned Hàn Dōng with only a trace of patience: "You
better not provoke me."

Hàn Dōng still looked at his place like he had lost his head.
"What should I do?"

Wang Zhong Ding face was dark and black and he picked up
Hàn Dōng's collar and twisted him back into the room.

Immediately afterwards, Hàn Dōng's laughter sounded in the


"Hahaha... It's not alright... Fight me... Don't look at how

many years God has been mixing in this line...

This time, Wang Zhong Ding completely shattered Hàn Dōng,

clothes and his obedient and affixed words made Wang Zhong
Ding stall.

"I missed you," said Hàn Dōng.

Wang Zhong Ding's tone softened momentarily. "If you could
have said so early, why did you spend so much time saying

Hàn Dōng said: "How would I know that you love sweet talk?"

"You want to make trouble with me?"

In fact, everyone understands that he is not willing to be so


"You miss me?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Zhong Ding hummed.

Hàn Dōng didn't ask how much.... he wanted to think he

knew that Wang Zhong Ding "well" . It meant that he had
already knew that he could not succeed in the task.
Sometimes, there is less sweetness between men and men.

It is precisely because of this that the heart has more space to

accommodate each other. More bad things done, as long a
simple expression is made, you can instantly vanish the bad

This is love!

Hàn Dōng lived for so many years and felt it for the first time.

The could see a ten white snowy chatting Infront of him!

In addition to the poor experience, each time the buttocks

itched out and squandered, the rest felt nothing.

Hàn Dōng fell asleep in a long sigh.

Wang Zhong Ding did not sleep, he stared at Hàn Dōng,

suddenly wanted to find out more about his life.
This idea was not stimulated by old lady photos, but it was
from long ago.

Wang Zhong Ding has always been curious. What kind of

parents can give birth to such a child?

On the next day, Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming had a meal together.

"Li Shang's new movie was filmed. He also played a villain.

Did you hear that?" Yu Ming asked Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng nodded. "I saw this year's schedule, almost all of

"He is going to die on the road" Yu Ming joked.

Hàn Dōng said: "He is quite suitable for this role."

"That is, his true color."

Hàn Dōng fixed Yu Ming with a look for a while and suddenly
he asked: "Was Li Shang's endorsement taken away?"

"No," Yu Ming said.

Hàn Dōng is surprised, "Didn't you grab it?"

"I was still on a business trip outside, and I didn't contact the
other side at all. They just called me over."

"When were they calling you?"

Yu Ming checked the record. "It is this time."

"No! The news has not been reported yet. How did they get
started calling you?"

Yu Ming said: "No report may not been issued, maybe

someone secretly confessed."
"But if they secretly spread the message, the advertiser will
definitely try to suppress this news for the sake of profit!"

Yu Ming thinks and feels very embarrassed.

"Is it hard to be an advertiser? Maybe didn't intend to let Li

Shang take over at the beginning? I didn't want to refute the
face of Feng Mu. So I came down. As a result, they found an
opportunity, so they just..."

"Not so smart." Hàn Dōng interrupted him. "You will have to

show me the specific time."

Yu Ming took the phone to Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng counted it.

That day, he saw Li Shang at around 11:30, and Li Shang and

Feng Jun left the company after the talk, and then went to the
show site, which took at least three hours.
Yu Ming received the call at two o'clock in the afternoon, that
is to say...

Yu Ming also saw what Hàn Dōng thought. "What do you

mean is that the advertisers were deliberately playing Feng

"I don't think they dared to offend Feng Muzhi. Someone or

people are sure to be behind their decision to cancel Li Shang
promotion." Hàn Dōng guessed.

Yu Ming secretly pondered, "Who is that angered by Feng


"It may not be for Feng Mu, it may be for you, for Xià
Yangzhuo, or to cause guilt to Li Shang."

"What do you mean, now, apart from our two sides, are there
third-party forces working on it?"

Hàn Dōng nodded.

"In any case, we must guard against it. Feng Mu must have
made a small movement during this time."

Yu Ming said with certainty: "She wouldn't dare to move

against Xià Yang Zhuo."

"Maybe.... but she will dare to move against you." Hàn Dōng

Yu Ming's face changed and it took a while to say: "Forget it,

lets not talk about them, lets talk about you."

"What can I say?"

"Wang has acquired the broker company which owns Zhou Li.
Do you know this?"

Hàn Dōng grinned, "I was at the event yesterday, Zhou Li's
two big tits, swaying..."
Yu Ming remembered the cold eyes.

"Do you have no sense of crisis? She is Zhou Li, the famous fox
in the entertainment circle!"

Hàn Dōng smiled a little hard, "I think I can hold it..."

Yu Ming "Who said about you? I meant Wang Zhong Ding!"

"You said Wang Zhong Ding? He is even better." Hàn Dōng


Yu Ming was worried. "Wang always hires such people into

the company."

"Am I not of those people?" Hàn Dōng asked happily.

"Because you are the only one who has this kind of treatment,
I feel that Zhou Lil is not normal."
Hàn Dōng said calmly: "When Wang Zhong Ding came to see
her, there must be for other uses."

"So you believe in him?" Yu Ming's tone was sour.

Hàn Dōng turned to Yu Ming and hooked his finger.

"You come over, I have something to tell you."

Yu Ming has scraped his ear together.

"Do not say anything about this thing."

Yu Ming replied coldly: "Is it necessary to remind me?"

"The nerve....... Ok..."

Hàn Dōng said to Yu Ming: "Zhou Li and Wang Zhong Ding

have been together, and she was his first love."

"No?" Yu Ming almost pissed on himself after hearing this.

Hàn Dōng's tone is very positive. "It's true.... when they went
to the stage that day, I saw it."

Yu Ming still can't believe it, "How can Wang be with that
kind of woman?"

"He can be with a man, how can he not be with that woman?"

Yu Ming thinks that it is right, and the worst case seems to

have happened to Wang Zhong Ding.

"But why didn't I hear this from Xià Hòng Wēi? It is

reasonable to say that if Wang Zhong Ding was in love, Xīa
Hong would be the first one to know!"
Hàn Dōng replied uneasily: "They would have been together
at the age of seventeen or eighteen and after Zhou Li career had
debuted. So two should have had belonged to the secret love,
and the time of it was not long, Xià Hòng Wēi would not know.
Its also normal."

Yu Ming couldn't imagine, "Does Wang have such a history of


"I didn't expect it? I didn't expect it, uh..."

Yu Ming has another cold eye cast in the past. "I say, are we
still talking about your object?"


"Then aren't you too calm, right?"

"You don't know how much Zhou Li's appearance has relieved
me. I had a few worries here! Wang Zhong Ding, who is clear
and white, makes me unable to lift my head all day long! This
time, he has this one on his back. I am in balance."

After Hàn Dōng finished eating, he ate another half a bowl

and found that Yu Ming was still watching him.

"What are you staring at?"

"Are you okay?" Yu Ming asked.

"What can I do? You think about it, I have been doing this for
dozens of times. Wang Zhong Ding is not taking care of it.
Besides, what do you know about love at the age of seventeen or
eighteen? It's really unforgettable, why haven't you mentioned
it for so many years? Don't worry, your buddy is fine!"

"If you have nothing.... go to the hospital to get checked, don't

delay." Yu Ming said to bury his head to eat.

1].....Here Yu Ming is worried by Han Dōng calmness because

Zhou Li was Wang first the go get checked
comment is a friendly poke about his state of if your
friend say something abnormal you say ~dude go get checked~

Hàn Dōng, "......"

Chapter 238 No Filming Period.
After the meal was finished, it was dark. Yu Ming walked
slowly toward the parking lot. Xià Hòng Wēi waited for him in
the car.

Does not know if he was reminded by Hàn Dōng, Yu Ming

always felt that someone was following him. Until he got on the
car, this sense of unease was still not eliminated.

Xià Hòng Wēi discovered the anomaly of Yu Ming and asked,

"What's wrong? You're restless."

Yu Ming said happily: "It may be I feel a bit tired."

"Have you been tired for so long? If you talk to him for an
hour, you can talk for one year." Xià Hòng Wēi's tone is
obviously not optimistic.

However, now that Yu Ming is wise, he does not refute him

and rests his head directly on Xià Hòng Wēi's shoulder.
Xià Hòng Wēi squinted at a sight and suddenly changed his

"Is it you worked too late in the afternoon and you didn't
rest?" asked poking his thin belly with a finger.

Yu Ming didn't refute it. "It is possible."

Xià Hòng Wēi firmly believes and directly beckons to the


"Then let's go."


The two bodyguards sitting in the front row suddenly jumped

out of the car like leopards, and caught the reporter who was
photographing them not far away. Xià Hòng Wēi's face suddenly
changed, and his chin beckoned the driver to go out and look at
the situation.
At this time, journalists and bodyguards are in dispute. The
bodyguard wanted to see the photo, but the reporter refused to
hand over the camera because he was involved in other news.

When the driver saw the situation, he said: "You told him to
stop this nonsense and grab it directly."

Although reporter resisted with all his his life, due to physical
differences, storage cards quickly fell into the hands of

Returning to the car, the driver handed over the memory card
to Xià Hòng Wēi, and threw the reporter's card that he had
searched to Yu Ming.

Xià Hòng Wēi connected the memory card to the computer

and looked through the photos one by one. Many of them are Yu
Ming's, and not only today, but also tracking scenes in the past
few days.

"Zhang Wen." Yu Ming muttered the name, "Looks a good

familiarity, it looks like a "new music" record."
Xià Hòng Wēi took the memory card with her face and threw
it to the driver in front.

For the actor, in addition to staying up late, getting up early,

the most painful is the "no film period."

It's better to have a summer show in the winter. There is

heating in the studio. There are warmth in the clothes.

In the summer, Han Dong took a winter filming and got a cup.

Because the air conditioner is noisy, it cannot be opened

during shooting. Coupled with thick cotton clothes, tens of
thousands of watts headlights, the actor's pain can be imagined.

Hàn Dōng recently tasted this misery

This movie about rabies starred by him was named "Seven

Days." It was originally planned to start shooting in April. It was
spring time, and wearing cotton clothes would be ok then.
However, because Hàn Dōng deliberately shirked and
temporarily changed the schedule, the shooting time was
delayed by nearly two months. When it came to June, the
temperature soared to thirty degrees.

Moreover, this character is a farmer, who can't have curly

hair, and Hàn Dōng is not willing to cut it, and so he can only
wear thick hoods. Almost every scene down, his cotton clothes
will sink him two pounds from sweat.

Today's scenes is a scene in the snow.

Hàn Dōng will present the tragic scene of rabies attack in this
piece called "snow." Not only does he has to wear cotton clothes,
but also wrestle, snarl, and twitch; in the heat

He thought that the crew would use the entire cotton to fake
snow, but unexpectedly the crew moved six kilograms of salt.
Han Dong feels like he's sweating down and rolling on the salt,
it's like...

Before the shooting, Yu Ming came to visit the crew and saw
that Hàn Dōng's shape had already been lost.

"I told you, you don't have to act, and this looks like a
costume. The audience will forgive you."

If it was put in the past, Hàn Dōng will certainly yell at the
stylists, but now he is very grateful for their dedication.

In 1960, the inch on the head, the bloated and plain cotton
clothing, the gray trousers, and the yellowed white shoes so

In addition, Hàn Dōng's deity performance skills, a shrinking

neck, a shoulder twist, the poor person pitifulness and sorrow
came out.

Yu Ming asked: "Where did you get bitten in the play?"

"Legs." Hàn Dōng said.

"No wonder." Yu Ming glanced at Hàn Dōng. "If I was the dog,
I also would've bite your legs"

When Hàn Dōng wanted to answer, he heard the director call


"I have to go."

"Go ahead."

Yu Ming thinks that there is nothing wrong with it anyway.

Simply look at it for a while. Then he starts to look at Hàn
Dōng's acting style.

The result it was not for a moment. The phone rang and he
immediately returned to the company.

Yu Ming thought that there was a problem with Xià Yang

Zhuo, but unexpectedly it was himself.
When he saw the news just published, Yu Ming was

It wasn't Zhang Wen following him that day, and Zhang Wen
was the target. What they really wanted to plot was the person
behind Zhang Wen who shot the "bodyguard grabding the

Originally it was only the news of the “Male Friends of the

Private Society”. As a result, the bodyguards stepped in and they
had more “tricks for the bodyguard to beat the reporter's
attempt to destroy the photos”.

Sure enough he left a hand ... ... Yu Ming bit his teeth.

Moreover, the news also took Xià Hòng Wēi's driver to make a
fuss. The driver is Xià Hòng Wēi's secretary. The Tai Group, is
controlled by the Xīa Family, Xià Hòng Wēi is an executive.
Hòng Wēi did not show up that day, and the media took it out of
context, suggesting that the driver was the “big rich man”
behind Yu Ming.

At the same time, the information of the driver's family was

also revealed, with special emphasis on the fact that he was
married and had two children. The insinuation “proved” the
rumor that “Yu Ming is a little wife on the side thing”.

For a time, the Internet has set off a frenzy of insulting Yu


It is clearer who occhastrated this matter.

Although Feng Mu is a sister of Feng Jun, but the two do not

act in the same way, Feng Jun rarely talks about private affairs
with her, so Feng Mu does not know Yu Ming's real sponsor

She is proud now after being hurried to publish this.

As a result, it took less than two hours to be proud, and the

journalist who was solicited with her had called.

"Feng Mu you have to save me, this is going to be a big deal."

Feng Mu's face changed. “What's wrong?”

"Public officers of the Public Security Bureau just took Zhang

Wen away. They're also looking for some responsible persons
who are to be taken with them. It is said that the president and
the chief editor were all invited to tea in the police bureau."

Feng Mu finds it hard to believe, "How can there be so much

power in a group of executives?"

"What group of executives? That's his driver!"

"You said that the executive is his driver?" Feng Mu's eyes are
almost coming out.

"Feng Mu, again the police! They..."

After a busy signal, Feng Mu was in a stiff state, and then she
threw the mobile phone aside.
Chapter 239 You are out of My Strength.
The misfortunes loves a partner ....The hidden dangers on Yu
Ming's side have not yet been eliminated. Cai Peng has given
Feng Mu a heavy bar.

“Hengyu Media” has launched three youth group promotion

films. The three handsome guys are all young people in the 9th
Five-Year Plan. Once publicized, they have aroused enthusiastic

And these three people, whether they are appearance features,

artistic talents, or role divisions, are exactly the same as Feng
Mu's previously planned youth combo. Even their debut videos
are exactly the same as she planned.

What is even worse is that Feng Mu's plan has already been
used. The group recently signed an agreement with the Hengyu

These three people are one of Feng Mu's long-term picks and
nurtures. Before .....she trained them for nearly two years in
her own brokerage company, you don't need to say more in her
early plan investment. Later, the program was passed and all
the publicity channels have been opened up. During this period,
the expenses she had spent on them are even more numerous.

Seeing this "brilliant new star" is about to be launched, the

result they were actually robbed by Hengyu company. Now she
will be shot and left intact, and if she attempt to do the same as
Hengyu did it will surely be nicknamed the "famous name" of
mountain patrol and plagiarism.

In addition, planning for a loss was small and it was suspected

that disclosure of company secrets was a big problem. Because
the program is currently only overseen by her and Wang Zhong
Ding, the rest of them are simply not in touch.

As she hurried to clarify to Wang Zhong Ding, a shadow not

far from her couldn't let her calm down.

Zhou Li gesticulated the porter at the door of the office, who

looked as if she wanted to stay here.

"Aren't you staying in Shanghai. What are you doing here?"

Feng Mu asked bluntly.
Zhou Li smiled. "My apartments all belonged to Zhong Ding
company. Where else can I go if I don't come here?"

"Are you not just hanging a name?" Feng Mu remembered


"I originally wanted to make a name, but Wang suffered from

having no talent available to him. He has invited me three or
five times. I am sorry if you think I'm here to sway his face."

"Don't make jokes. I've been following Wang for so many

years. What can he say and do that I wouldn't know?"

"Because you are too clear focused on him, Wang wants to set
you straight." Zhou Li is not polite.

Feng Mu's face was transient. “What do you mean?”

Zhou Li picked up a cigarette and acted charmingly on the

"Frankly asking Feng Mu, was the portfolio of the plan leaked
out from your side?"

Feng Mu's tone was decided, “Of course not.”

"Yeah~ Since it isn't you, who else can it be?" The smoke
lingered from Zhou Li's open lips.

Feng Mu was unmoved. “Wang does not have such a brainless

mind to move his knife to his own people.”

1]...." Wang doesn't want to sabotage his plans for his own

"His own people..." Zhou Li laughed.

"How long have you been in the company to dare to call

yourself that? The three little females guns swayed a few laps in
front of Wang's eyes and couldn't dared to call him?"
Feng Mu's couldn't let it go. “You dare to kiss the enemy with
your own folks as a blessing. How can I not dare?”

"Because I've got someone backing up, ah ~ for you? Wang

doesn't want to protect you."

"How did you know..."

Feng Mu did not finish one sentence and she saw four or five
police officers approaching her.

Zhou Li gently waved her hand and said “bye” Feng Mu blue
face looked at her

In the afternoon of the same day, Feng Jun came to Wang

Zhong Ding to express his feelings.

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "You can rest assured that
she is what kind of person I know. Even if she is such a person, I
will look not press on her part."
Hearing this, Feng Jun's heart was calm.

"However, Xià Hòng Wēi's side is difficult to guarantee. You

also know what kind of person he is. If he decides to fix her for
damaging You Ming name..... I can't help her."

"I understand that this is indeed what my sister asked for."

"She was wrong in wronging Yu Ming she picked the wrong

target and even if she had gone after Xià Yang Zhuo, it would
not cause the present consequences."

Feng Jun sighed. "It wouldn't have gotten to this point if I

couldn't tell her in advance."

"Okay, it's too late to say that it's too late. Her morbid
mentality has not festered for one or two days. Even if it doesn't
happen this time, it's hard to guarantee that it will not happen
next time."

Feng Jun nodded and said, "She is too merciless. I have

advised her many times she just doesn't listen."

Wang Zhong Ding did not say anything.

Feng Jun asked again: "About the three boys combo ..."

"I have my own arrangements."

Although the company has suffered badly, but Wang Zhong

Ding still took the time to go to the "Seven Days" crew to visit
the progress.

Today, these scenes are catching up with the excitement of

rabies attacks. Han Dong was tied up in his chair by his family
and it is still difficult to suppress his state of arrogance.

When Wang Zhong Ding arrived, the shooting was in tension.

He found a hidden position and watched Hàn Dōng's hard
Unlike the traditional tear-testing drama, this film does not
position the actor with an honest and calm image.

On the contrary, the actor loves to behave shamelessly and

braggingly. He often feels lucky.

Because of this, after he was bitten by a dog, the first thing he

wanted was not to fight using a vaccine but to ask for an
inexpensive herbal prescription which led to his tragedy.

The movie name "Seven Days" is about the person's change of

temperament from rabies attack to his death.

From the beginning, the man cynicism was full of cheesy but
deliberately faked his cool attitude to the stubbornness....

Early days of the attack he refused to seek medical treatment,

for the thrill of excitement, the fear of “not yet living on enough
edge”, and finally to the desperation of organ failure,
dehydration... ...

One of the most heart-wrenching thing should be the rabies

craze period, which is what Hàn Dōng is shooting now. When
his bloated padded clothes were crushed by the ropes hard to
make a few holes, and the wet lumps were shaken off, many
staff members were crying.

Wang Zhong Ding walked out directly to find a place to


Before leaving, he also said to Er Lei: "The next time this kind
of scene shooting is going on you're not allowed to let come to
me see it again."

Er Lei was confounded: Wasn't it you who wanted to see?

After a long period of time, Hàn Dōng could not come out of
the show. He has been wearing a vest and crotch underwear
because, he also wrapped in that big cotton suit.

A lot of people used to persuade him, "Hurry up and take it off

and cool down, and don't keep wearing it."
Hàn Dōng nodded. "OK, I know."

Then he continue to stsy there.

Er Lei wanted to get Hàn Dōng down. As a result, Hàn Dōng

refused to, saying that he was cold when he was sweating.

Others also followed.

"Hurry up and take it off. Today's drama is over. It'll be a

moment till Wang to comes to you. You being like this, Wang
will feels so much distress that he will surely blame us.

Finally, under the comfort of the big guy, Hàn Dōng finally
eased over. And nothing can be taken care of when it gets hot.
In the public, the cotton coat was thrown off, the trousers were
removed, and the large electric fan was held to cool Hàn Dōng.

Everyone was silent and stared straight between Hàn Dōng's

two long legs.
Only Er Lei braced himself to remind him, "You're making
things little bit awkward here. What if Wang comes back to see
you like thid?"

At this time, Wang Zhong Ding just came in from the outside.

"Where is he ?" Wang asked the drama staff.

The drama said: "Inside, you hurry to see it, and he has
refused to take off his clothes."

Wang Zhong Ding walked in with anxiety.

"Lesser bullshit for him to pressure me! I will kill him and not
add a piece of clothing!"

Er Lei lived, "Wang is here ..."

The drama staff, "...that, who just explained that the day has
ended....why is no one going to leave? Did we come here to
come and register."

In less than a moment, the entire studio was empty.

Only two eyes were left looking at each other.

Hàn Dōng, "...I want to eat pigs elbows this evening."

Wang Zhong Ding, "Yes, you are out of my strength"

Hàn Dōng, "ah ah ah..."

In the evening at the bath, Hàn Dōng also pointed at the

thighs and complained to Wang Zhong Ding: "Massage me"

Wang Zhong Ding turned a blind eye.

Hàn Dōng suddenly looked bright and asked "Is this kidney
malfunction ....did report for insurance? And my ass, has a lot
of pigtails, can I also report it? Is not it? Is not it?"

1]..... translation....I'm shaking my tail at you why aren't you

responding with your fire breathing dragon

"You're crazy, aren't you?"

"You have nerves....."

After taking a bath, Hàn Dōng was in bed, and Xixi was riding
on Hàn Dōng's buttocks. Little hands swayed the box of oil and
spread it to Hàn Dōng legs.

"Why did you give massage to me today?" asked Hàn Dōng.

Xixi said coldly: "Father's life is already difficult enough."

When Wang Zhong Ding came in and saw the scene in front of
him, he couldn't help it. How did the child learn to do
something like this?

And behind Hàn Dōng's unseeing eyes, Xixi bit his teeth and
smiled beautifully.

Wang Zhong Ding walked in and reached out to Xixi and said,
"OK, Dad has come."

Xixi had a small mouth and said, "I still want to massage them

"Don't play, it's time to sleep."

Xixi did not want to go to the bed, but at last he looked at the
legs and the perked buttocks and regretted leaving.

Because Hàn Dōng's two-day play was completed on a chair,

he broke his cheeks and there were flushed bruising.
Wang Zhong Ding could not help but ask: "is it

"It's okay. It doesn't feel bad when it's not warm."

Wang Zhong Ding calculated that, although the shootig will

be completed in a few days later, he still felt distressed.

"Work for a few days and wait till the filming is over. I will
take you to relax on the island."

Hàn Dōng who not excited for a while, and he started to

launching himself at Wang Zhong Ding.

"Did you handle Feng Mu?"

Wang Zhong Ding looks dignified. "I'm still looking at the

"You know who leaked the plans?"

Zhong Ding said: "I'm not stupid."

At this time, Hàn Dōng suddenly sat up.

"I have a way. Do you want to listen?"

"What?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng whispered to his ear for a while.

Wang Zhong Ding flashed a brilliant smile.

"How is that?" Hàn Dōng picks an eyebrow.

Wang Zhong Ding was even satisfied with some doubts.

"Wasn't the plan leaking out from you?"
“Nonsense!” Hàn Dōng said, “I had no contact with Cai Peng.”

Wang Zhong Ding still looked at Hàn Dōng with eyes slits

"But Feng Mu's defense is so heavy. How did Li Shang get the
plan from her?"

Hàn Dōng coldly yelled, "How do I know? That boy is a little


Wang Zhong Ding faintly said: "If I remember correctly, then

the plan is the ones that you signed right?"

Hàn Dōng became stalled, and then he replied: "I signed so

many. Who knows what is what?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak.

Hàn Dōng returned to the bed and was no more daring to
remind: "I haven't finished yet."
Chapter 240 The Situation is Reversed.
The "Black Poison" fire not only made Li Shang a frontline,
but also allowed Hengyu Media to rise rapidly. In just two
months, it has expanded a number of new businesses artistic
brokerage is one of them.

The combination of A-CLOCK, a youthful combination, is the

first attempt of this business.

Facts have proved that Feng Mu is not only a market person

with strong vision, but also very talented in business planning.
The group just burst out of popularity for a month and went on
the best variety shows in the country, maddening a group of
young fans.

As everyone thought that Zhong Ding Group's portfolio plan

had to be folded, Zhong Ding Brokerage Company actually
pushed the portfolio out. And it was unveiled and the name was
called A-WATCH. Since then, where there is A-CLOCK, there is

Even the media trussed out its promotion and openly flagged
A-CLOCK-and-A-WATCH, suggesting that both parties are a
combination of two branches.

In this regard, Zhong Ding has always been a responsive man.

Although Hengyu Media strongly denied it, its repercussions

were negligible before the Zhong Ding Group's vast network of
media relations. Coupled with the help of the Zhong Ding
Group's affiliated media, the "fit" has become an established fact
in the eyes of everyone.

As a result, the fans' enthusiasm quickly spread to the A-

WATCH side.

Together with the long-term training of A-WATCH members,

they are even better than A-CLOCK in terms of image,
temperament, and personal service. They soon become fan's
new favorites.

During this period, Zhong Ding Group did not spend much
publicity fees and everything depended on “staining the light”.
This is much more cost-effective than the Hengyu media.
1]....Wang is too calculative

However, this does not comply with the Zhong Ding Group's
long-standing style of work. Some senior leaders have made
quite a few criticisms.

They believe that the company's self-devaluation in doing so

is equivalent to making a big group a little different from those
of a junior company. Although the outside world thinks that
Hengyu Media is the cheaper branch of Zhong Ding Group, as an
insider, they eventually feel that doing so is detrimental to the
face and company image falls into disgrace.

In this regard, Wang Zhong Ding completely adopts a cold

treatment method.

Later when they did not even participate in the meeting.

Those once loyal and righteous people have now become all old
and obstinate. The whole company has a clever man with his
log legged wife controlling everything.

At the end of June, the fashion festival was again held in


Stars appeared on the red carpet, and the guests seated on the
guest table.

Compared with the high profile of previous years, Li Shang

appears to be particularly deep this year. Just like walking
through the field, almost no time for the media to take pictures,
he hurried off the red carpet.

Behind him is the A-CLOCK combo, although their debut is

short but the popularity should not be underestimated. The fans
will scream when they appear, and the popularity will be
comparable to those of the first-line stars.

A-WATCH followed, and it really set off a new round of

climax. Although the first three were kind of eye-catching, but
does not affect their understanding of the fans in the heart.

Then, the focus shifted to the Queen ......Zhou Li.... debut.

Gorgeous attire, fancy jewelry, hot body, 360-degree beauty
without a dead end... Making the entire red carpet shine.

Cai Peng stood not far from looking at Zhou Li, eyes shining

Zhou Li eyes went through numerous men and when she saw
Cai Peng's eyes she understand what he thought.

Communication beauties are social flowers, as long as the

discovery of this person's rise, they will put down the body
before the hook.

"Cai Peng, lets have a drink?" Zhou Li's beautiful fingers

played with a goblet.

Cai Peng clinked glasses with her and praised: "You are more
beautiful than I thought."

"How beautiful was I in your imagination?" Zhou Li

deliberately asked.
Cai Peng replied without hesitation: "Amorous...
Splendid....of all Beauties."

Zhou Li made no secret of her vanity, and in a flash of

laughter she attracted everyone's attention.

However, when the two people chatted with each other, Cai
Peng's eyes suddenly turned to the red carpet. Then it will be as
if that person was the sole light in a dark maze, moving nothing.

It seems that the woman flower who has just been brilliance
has been eclipsed in an instant.

The person who stepped on the red carpet at this time was
Hàn Dōng.

He is still low-key than Li Shang, and even the stylists are not
alarmed, casually pulled in a cartoon logo jacket, a nine-point
stovepipe pants put on.

Zhou Li turned to see Hàn Dōng and couldn't stop staring at


Hàn Dōng's trousers, whoever wore them, had to be on the

ground as rags. When Zhou Li was amazed at the fact that Hàn
Dōng's pants were manageable, he found that he had wore a leg
heeled shoed.

The leg length is not terrible, and lots of basketball players

have a lot of it. She's afraid that the leg is not only long, it is also
straight! White! uniformly! Balanced! Beautiful and health!

This time even Zhou Li is a little perplexed.

Originally, she was waiting for Hàn Dōng to take the initiative
to come to her door, because she had hit the company, her and
Wang Zhong Ding's scandal ran on the repeated prohibition.
However, if Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding have affair and it
is a matter of unclear public opinion. Therefore, Zhou Li thinks
that Hàn Dōng will definitely try to clear something with her.

However, she is not afraid to meet with a full-hearted, she is

afraid to meet with a heartless heart.
Her shelves are all up, and the glamorous sentence "I'm dated
with him long time ago" is ready outdated. Han Dong aloofness
is like nothing else. Do you say that you are not aggrieved?

So, in the end, Zhou Li could not stand still.

Hàn Dōng had a red carpet and was pinched by a pair of

scented jade hands.

"Oh, how can you be so cute?” Zhou Li said badly.

Hàn Dōng listened to the truth and felt good about both hands
in his pants.

Zhou Li's assistant said: “I think your two characters are like
oh, he is like a male version of you.”

Hàn Dōng cheerfully replied: "That's really an honor."

The assistant immediately said: "No wonder Wang has
changed his sexual orientation for you."

Hàn Dōng pretended not to understand this cause-and-effect

relationship and he still laughed.

Zhou Li was very deliberately refuting the assistant.

"What's nonsense? Wang likes him because he's excellent.

What does it have to do with him liking me?"

The assistant continued: "But Wang Zhong Ding is not with


"Are you finished?" Zhou Li interrupted the assistant just

enough to give Hàn Dōng a suspenseful suspense.

However, Hàn Dōng still looks like he don't care.

Zhou Li persuades Hàn Dōng reaction pretending: "You don't
listen to her nonsense. I don't have anything with Wang Zhong
Ding. Wang has only you. Really, don't think too much about

Hàn Dōng said with a smile: "Rest assured, I will not think
about it."

The heart added a sentence in : You'll be on your way soon! !

Here, Wang Zhong Ding and Cai Peng are also talking

Cai Peng jokingly said: "How can people who have such an
upright atmosphere learn to take advantage of him?"

Wang Zhong Ding replied with a cold face: "Nearly those who
get close to the ink are black and those who have fallen asleep in
one bed have naturally had a bit of guilt when they wake up"

Hearing the words "one bed", Cai Peng's face really didn't look
so good.

"It would be better to do something practical than to show a

sense of superiority in this. In the summer, when you take a
winter show, you make a blind man, and you can't look down."

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "How gentle and

considerate is it that you can not change the essence of a man
and his own."

This words instantly reminded Cai Peng of the sad past, Hàn
Dōng's phrase “I am not interested in the old men,” became the
biggest pain in Cai Peng's heart.

Therefore, Cai Peng's face can be imagined.

"I'm right and good man, it's nothing wrong with the
manuscript, but you've been careful for a long time. How did
you let the man leak the plan?"

Wang Zhong Ding quietly replied: "Just looking at you alone is

pitiful enough to make want to take care of you, give you three
fake warm blankets."

"Who is the real product and who is the fake product? No

longer necessarily matters."

On the next day, Hengyu Media filed a court-based case with

Zhong Ding Group in court.

At the same time, A-CLOCK also announced publicly that they

have nothing to do with A-WATCH. The latter just used their
fame for hype, and they expressed their hatred for it.

This incident caused an uproar on the Internet.

The two sides are like Wang Laoji and Jia Duobao, all kinds of
lip-and-gun warfare, according to arguments, for a time is really
difficult to tell who is the victim.

Through the agreement, the best way to deal with this matter
is to show the signing contract for each group combination, and
to determine who is fake and who is real.

If judged in accordance with this article, Zhong Ding Group's

chances of winning are not great.

Because Feng Mu's plan indicated that the scheduled time for
the signing of the combination was May 21, and Hengyu final
signing time was strictly implemented according to this plan.

Since the scheme was stolen, Hengyu Media will definitely

choose method this before.

In fact, the A-CLOCK combination is also earlier than the A-

WATCH combination.

However, the results have caused everyone to be staggered.

The signing time of Hengyu Media turned out to be May 25. It

was nearly 4 days later than Zhong Ding Group.
Cai Peng eyes went red.

May 21? How could it be May 21?

Li Shang that kid stolen program sheet clearly stated signing

on May 27th!

Who the fuck changed it ?

Who else can it be?

Cai Peng looked up at the eyebrows and saw the smile between
the two eyes.

All of a sudden he understood it all.

....Well, Wang Zhong Ding deliberately let Li Shang stole a

fake plan, and then made us(Hengyu) advertise in ignorant.
Such as publicity, and then kick us aside ... your kid (Hàn Dōng)
is dark enough!
Cai Peng did not forget to convey love to Hàn Dōng between
his teeth.

Rest assured, I will love you even more now! !

Chapter 241 Actually a husband is Your
Fan Too.
Hàn Dōng's second movie "The Seven Days" was also finished.

Unlike previous movie finish feasts, this time Hàn Dōng has
not been subjected to spoofs and tricks. Each staff member gave
him a drink and paid tribute to his long-term commitment.

Hàn Dōng was a complete mess.

Back home to sleep, he slept for three days.

When he woke up and nobody knows if it was difficult or not,

Hàn Dōng the whole person was unhappy.

Even the thing that he has always been passionate about it is

not worth mentioning.

Wang Zhong Ding hinted and teased him several times, and in
exchange for Hàn Dōng's helplessness, “I feel constipated these

"If its constipation you have to drink water!" Wang Zhong

Ding said worriedly.

When Hàn Dōng hears the word "water," he flees as if it were

an emergency. Regardless of Wang Zhong Ding's persuasion,
Hàn Dōng now believed that he couldn't breathe when he drank

In desperation, Wang Zhong Ding can only cancel the piston

movement and use the touch and grinding method to eliminate
the fire.

1]....piston movement....fucking

......touch and grinding ....masturbation

Love Chinese coll.

However, in such a strenuous manner, sweating will occur in
just a few cases. Wang Zhong Ding could not stand the odor. He
wanted to open an air conditioner and he was strongly opposed
by Hàn Dōng.

"No! I'm afraid of the wind!" Then he wrapped himself up,

retracts into the bed and continues to "sweat."

Despite the fear of the wind or the light, Hàn Dōng often
laughed at the rice bowl one second before then he would froze
in bed for a second and said, “I haven't lived enough”...

Seeing him enter the drama so deep, Wang Zhong Ding could
not help but begin to worry about Hàn Dōng playing the next
character in the master plan.

If you remember correctly, the next character looks like a man

who has multiple male sexual partners.

Nobody knows exactly what it is.

Wang Zhong Ding felt that it was necessary for him to assess
Hàn Dōng's mental state two months later.

So he took the script to study it.

As a result, he discovered that the man was not only good at

lazyness, but also had money for women, and he was not
specific about his feelings. He often flustered between the two
women. Even in pursuit of stimuli, the money..... holding his
girlfriend's abortion..... went to a one-night stand...

Wang Zhong Ding could not help but make a cold fight.

Looking back at Hàn Dōng, he suddenly felt that at the

moment he was like a precious vurnelable baby.

So Wang Zhong Ding made a great decision: skip the third

step and fly to the fourth step - "Theft of Shadows 2".

When the news came out, the whole company was boiling.
You have to know how much revenue was generated by last
year's "Theft of Shadows"! Its scrapped nearly ten times more
profit in the investment, as well as its unique marketing model,
has become a myth that cannot be copied.

Moreover, the influence of this movie on domestic horror

films and even the entire mainland movie circle is enormous.

So far in the movie forum and the major hits, "Theft of

Shadows" still maintains a high popularity.

Of course, the most important thing is that Wang Zhong Ding

also wants to read the script.

In the past year, there was no movie that made him excited
like Theft Of Shadows. Just like he couldn't find the second
person in bed who could make him satisfied like Hàn Dōng, Hàn
Dōng's toxicity has spread to all aspects of his spirit, his career,
and even his life.

Hàn Dōng heard that Wang Zhong Ding had canceled the role
of "man who has sex with men," and that the sequelae of rabies
have become more than half in an instant.

"Then I can just relax?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "As long as the script is completed,

how do you want to play?"

Hàn Dōng was surprised, "How do I write a script?"

"Was it not you the one to write it?" Wang Zhong Ding never
thought of the second candidate.

“But when we first discussed, you said that if I could

guarantee that the script written by others helped me out
of the male character, then I could not write it. Now that the
male character is gone, do I have to write it myself?”

Wang Zhong Ding did not answer positively. He only said:

"This time, your remuneration will be paid in the form of
The so-called shareholding is that Hàn Dōng also became one
of the investors of the film, and the payout is determined by the
distribution of the box office. When he makes a profit at the box
office, and he followed the northwestern wind at the box office.

As a result, Hàn Dōng will have to sum it up.

Is it self-writing to earn more better, or is it better to leave it

to written by others?

Wang saw Hàn Dōng's eyes closed and he immediately


"Forget it, I will write it."


But this is easy to say and it is difficult to do.

Especially now that the summer vacation is over, the students
are all liberated and the streets are extremely lively. Hàn Dōng
sat at the writing desk and his heart flew to the Hong Kong

"I have no childhood memories." Hàn Dōng deliberately used a

sour tone to imply that Wang Zhong Ding should sympathize.

Unexpectedly, it was in exchange: "Fortunately, you did not

have it, otherwise you would have been.... a .....nightmare for
your family's life."

Hàn Dōng shrank his head back and said, "...Okay." I still
honestly write the script.

The result was he wrote less than a line of words. Inspired by

lack of inspiration, he turned his attention to Wang Zhong

"You still said you were going to take me to the island to

Wang Zhong Ding first took a look, and then defrauded, "It's
not time for you to go....let's wait till the script is well written,
the movie is well taken, and the reaction is unprecedented.
Then we'll fly a plane to a private island. Let the reporters who
are chasing you ....feel helpless about it. Call it scenery!"

Hàn Dōng thinks that's right. With his current popularity,

how can he just go to relax on a private island? Find a resort we
can go get it.

So he began to rack his brains.

Wang Zhong Ding feared to disturb him and deliberately went

out to do other things. The result is as he came in an hour later,
the computer was black, and Hàn Dōng was still there.

"What is it?" Wang Zhong Ding scolded.

Hàn Dōng rushed to the ground and explained: "I can't think
anything about it, I was thinking of a movie... I wanted a
In order to get a good movie, Wang Zhong Ding has even
exposed the real face of the capitalists.

"Then work earnestly!"

Hàn Dōng raised a finger happily. "I have one last trouble."

"Say it!"

"Can I be the protagonist this time?"

Wang Zhong Ding replied without hesitation: "Male 2."

"Why should I be as the second man?" Hàn Dōng was


Wang Zhong Ding said: "Because after 'Feng Mang', I will no

longer let you play a supporting role."
"Why are you holding a bet on it? What if you lose it?"

Wang Zhong Ding clearly told him plainly: "I didn't put bet on
the film, but I was betting on you. In my opinion, you can act
anything. The key is when the stardom is reached."

Hàn Dōng smiled shyly. "Why is it so straightforward? Does it

make you look good?"

Wang Capital's face drew a hand and said, "...Quickly get to

writing! I will deduct your orgasm time if you miss work!"

"What is the deduction?"

"A delay of one hour will earn deducted you a shot!"

"You should have said it early!"

Hàn Dōng was possessed with evil spirits for a moment and
his eyes flashed with faint green light, and his fingertips struck
out with cold air. The horrible characters flashed on the screen
quickly, line by line, paragraph by paragraph, and article by

Finally, after numerous ringing sounds, Hàn Dōng completed

many tasks today.

When taking a bath, Wang Zhong Ding knew what he was

saying: "What were you writing today?"

Hàn Dōng said: "The basic framework, general ideas, and

character settings have all come out."

Wang Zhong Ding asked a questionable expression: "Is it so

fast? Is quality assured?"

"You see it yourself!" Hàn Dōng is confident.

Wang Zhong Ding was very viscerally cheeky, but it turned

out to be an unmoving expression. "Well, I will wait till you
finish it."

Hàn Dōng suddenly remembered something. "Yes, there is a

child in it. Can I make it to Xixi likeness?"

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "As long as you are not
afraid that he will grab your limelight."

Okay... Hàn Dōng put it.

Every time they took a bath together, Wang Zhong Ding lifted
him below, but today his balls seems to have swollen in an
abnormal manner.

Hàn Dōng applied a shower gel and Wang Zhong Ding pulled
him up to the sink and put his leg on it.

"Why are you so worried?" Hàn Dōng was surprised.

Wang Zhong Ding did not answer. He only said, "Push that leg

"Its high enough." Hàn Dōng was slightly struggling.

Wang Zhong Ding was not satisfied. "I still want to see it more


After the screwing passion in the bathroom, they moved to

room and continued to heat things up.

Wang Zhong Ding organ was extraordinarily excited and

almost did not give Hàn Dōng chrysanthemum a rest time. He
even fell asleep after a few cum shots.

Then, Wang Zhong Ding quietly got out of bed and went to
the computer to admire his wife's masterpiece word for word.

Throughout the entire process, Wang Zhong Ding has been

keeping his eyebrows in his eyes, and he does not know whether
he is satisfied or not.

When closing the computer, there was no special expression

on the face.

Just lying back on the bed, facing the sleeping face, he

couldn't bear to kiss him on his lips.

Wife ...... actually your husband is a fan too.

Chapter 242 Especially.
Feng Mu was shut down for more than a month, and when
she came out, the entire person lost a large weight.

During this period, Wang Zhong Ding said a lot of good things
for her, so that she escaped the ghost of Xià Hòng Wēi torment.
It was just this boring thing to put a bruise on Yu Ming's body,
and he feared that she would never be able to make up for it

And during this period of time she took her leave....her

position was taken away by Zhou Li. Especially A-WATCH, this
piece of fat was almost owned by Zhou Li.

In other respects Feng Mu can make concessions. This

combination she does not compromise. To this end, she devoted
a certain time to Wang Zhong Ding and plans to discuss the
issue clearly.

However, as she walked toward Wang Zhong Ding's office, she

suddenly stopped her way.
Followed by three familiar faces.

"Sister Feng..."

The three people of A-WATCH summoned Feng Mu with a

voice which seemed unnatural.

This is the first time she saw them after she came out and
couldn't help but greet. "How are they this time?"

Zhou Li replied for them: "Not bad."

"I asked them, why are you replying?" Feng Mu looked at

Zhou Li.

Zhou Li smiled. "You don't know. There are some artists who
are bold at the moment. Under your eyes, they will be hooked. I
have to be careful, of course."
Feng Mu heard something from Zhou Li and could not help
but sneer. "What qualifications do you have to guard against?"

"What are the qualifications of brokers who are not eligible?"

Feng Mu's face changed, “broker?”

"Hasn't Feng Feng heard of it? They have already signed

themselved under me."

Feng Mu at this moment is not calm, “Wang cannot give to

you such an unreasonable demand!”

"Wang did not agree." Zhou Li put her hands on the shoulders
of one of the members. "But they cried and wanted to follow me.
Wang has no way to say no."

Feng Mu looked to these three people.

"Is what she is saying really true?"

All three people bowed their heads.

Feng Mu could not help but exclaimed: "How can you do this
kind of thing?"

“Is this strange?” Zhou Li said with a disapproving

expression. “Wasn't it somebody who set a precedent?”

Feng Mu's chest was shaken. "What do you mean?"

"Your proud student - Li Tian Bang, on the second day you

went inside, he came to my door."

Feng Mu was thunderous.

Zhou Li patted her on the shoulder and smiled: "I'm sorry, I

only pumped him 15%, not even half of your take. And pay for
makeup, transportation, accommodation and other expenses,
but also help them to have private life. Such a good treatment,
who wouldn't want to follow me?"

Feng Mu froze for a moment and pushed Zhou Li to go to

Wang Zhong Ding's office.

"Wang, I think I need to..."

"You don't have to say anything." Wang Zhong Ding directly

interrupted, "I'm waiting for your brain to wake up again."

Feng Mu breathed a steady breath. “I'm very clearheaded

now. It's my dereliction of duty that cause the plans to be
stolen. I'm not penalized by any penalty. But I want to remind
you.....Li Shang must not stay, and Zhou Li is a man eater. They
can never be reused. They are unreliable!"

"You still have not woken up." Wang Zhong Ding tone of light.

Feng Mu's urgency, “Why? You give me a reason to stay with


"These two people, one is a necessity to my business, one..."

Wang Zhong Ding paused. "It's my emotional necessity."

Feng Mu's was question that last mention.....feelings ......


"When you think about it, come to me again."

Wang Zhong Ding said that then he went out with Er Lei.


In the most luxurious studios of the studios in the West and

the East, several Hollywood special effects artists gave their

What they are watching is the newly released "Feng Mang"

IMAX3D trailer.

On the giant screen with a total area of ​500+pixels Hàn Dōng's

two breathtaking legs crossed the screen and the viewers hearts
and lungs rushed forward.

"I'm going to your mother! Do you want to make people feel

alive?" The visual effects director's nosebleed lust almost
spouted onto a 19-meter-high screen.

The special effects assistant wiped tears and said: "I think
Wang will faint after seeing this"

“Isn't it normal though?” Someone said next to him. “Wang

always sees the real object every day.

"That is not necessarily. Different forms of expression

produce different psychological effects."

As he was talking, Wang Zhong Ding and Er Lei walked in.

"What are you talking about? It's so lively." Wang Zhong Ding
and several special effects artists chilled out.

The special effects director said: "We are discussing you for
your blessing. What monastery did you pray in your past life to
have come across such a" Baobei"."

Wang Zhong Ding has already guessed that he is not

indistinct, but he deliberately asked: "How can you tell?"

"Please, Wang appreciates the first promotional video of Feng


Saying that, someone was handing Wang Zhong Ding a pair of

3D glasses. After Wang Zhong Ding put them on, the screen shot
began to show several pictures cut out of the movie.

Wang Zhong Ding looked at the dialogue with the narration

special effects director and waited until the fragment of Hàn
Dōng's appearance. Wang Zhong Ding wanted to look away and
his body was frozen.
The so-called amazing, that is, you can see it every day with
blink of an eye, you can touch it with your eyes closed, and as a
result, it will appear again.

"How is it? Wang ?" asked the special effects director.

Wang Zhong Ding was steady and said: "General level."

"The general level? This is the general level in your eyes?

What is his highest level??"

Wang Zhong Ding did not say that the highest level is a
certain POSE that a moaning Hàn Dōng put on. It is called tragic
temptation. It is absolutely hard to escape the lust wave tsunami
rolling from it!

“Wang Zhong Ding.... Does Hàn Dōng wear shorts and walk
around often at home? How can you stand it?”

"Wang, will you buy Hàn Dōng some special lingerie that
highlights legs?"
"Wang, why don't you take pictures of him? In particular, take
a picture for me?"


Faced with these naked issues of foreign friends, Wang Zhong

Ding has always maintained a high profile of humility and dark
boasting. His answer is nothing more than a
"generally like that"
"he often does at home"
"would like to see more".

Before this, Wang Zhong Ding did not know that Hàn Dōng
could bring such great pleasure.

It was only discovered now that Wang himself was not

without vanity. He just did not find a man worth to hear his
bragging rights.

Hàn Dōng wrote a script so boring that he took his notebook
and walked to Wang Zhong Ding's office.

As a result, he ran into Zhou Li at the door.

Zhou Li deliberately withdrew and said: "Forget it, I won't go

in, lest you misunderstand."

"Do not speak, if you want to go in and go in, do not think I

control it" Hàn Dōng said with an indifferent expression.

"This is what you asked me to go in. Don't wait until I go in.

You would suspect that Wang Zhong Ding's eyes are wrong,
talking absent-minded and the like, and then because have a
quarrel with him for it."

Hàn Dōng's face had abdominal cramps ....why you little

"If you go in ....... go in, I'll go to the room next door for a
Zhou Li entered Wang Zhong Ding's office and deliberately
said, “Hàn Dōng saw me.”

"What happened after that?" Wang Zhong Ding did not take it.

Zhou Li jokingly said: "Aren't you afraid that Hàn Dōng would
know that we are doing something?"

"We have nothing at all. He can see it at a glance. I'm afraid

worrying about it.... it's useless," Wang Zhong Ding replied

Zhou Li looked directly at Wang Zhong Ding. "Is this the

defacto speech ?"

"I never denied having been with you." Wang Zhong Ding is
very calm.

"Then why is it you never dare to look at me?" Zhou Li's white
jade fingers rubbed against Wang Zhong Ding's chin.
Wang Zhong Ding directly grabbed her wrist and said: "I
didn't sai that I didn't dare to look at you. Because I didn't want
to see you."

"You hate me?" Zhou Li asked intently.

Wang Zhong Ding clearly defined the boundary. "I can't talk
to you about hate. You were just a necessary experience in my
life. You're not my first love, but I'm someone else first love.
That Special position is that person.... not yours. ."

1].... Wow...harsh

Zhou Li had no love for Wang Zhong Ding, but she still
wanted to tease him. She wanted to seek a sense of satisfaction
from him or see a nervous or evasive eyes.

"What about Hàn Dōng?" Zhou Li asked tentatively.

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes then changed significantly. This

change actually made Zhou Li somewhat jealous
"What about Hàn Dōng?" Wang Zhong Ding did not know
what Zhou Li wanted to explore.

Zhou Li finally asked the question he had been curious about.

"Do you really like Hàn Dōng?"

Wang Zhong Ding returned her a word.

"Especially ."
Chapter 243 Gossip.
Hàn Dōng heard the door close and only took the notebook to
go out. Just then he happened to see Zhou Li came out from the
next office, she did not see him at a glance, and took his face

Hàn Dōng went in and laughed and said, "What did you do
with our Lady Zhuo?"

"What can I do with her? She's nothing more than nothing.

She just flies her face."

Hàn Dōng laughed hard. "That's right. It's incisive. Every time
I see her eager to make me jealous, I feel sorry for her."

"Well, do not be boisterous, and quickly come to write a

script." Wang Zhong Ding Yang hand gestures to Hàn Dōng do
his own side.

After Hàn Dōng sat down, he continued to gossip.

"Lets talk about when the two of you were together?"

Wang Zhong Ding said lightly: "What can I say about us

together? It's all together over... My uncle has opened an
entertainment company. She was an artist of my uncle. When
we meet each other, we naturally come together."

"Then how did you see her right?” Hàn Dōng was particularly

For this, Wang Zhong Ding's answer is even more boring.

"At the time, she thought she was pretty. There was no other

"What happened after that?"

Wang Zhong Ding just wanted to answer, and Hàn Dōng

stopped and reminded him, "Don't say what character is
different, can't you surprise yourself?"
This time, Wang Zhong Ding really gave Hàn Dōng a rather
interesting answer.

"Presumably I can't satisfy her."

Hàn Dōng gave a momentary burst of laughter and laughed

almost falling to the bottom of his desk.

"Hahahahaha... Really? Come on... just talk about it...


Wang Zhong Ding gave him a cold look.

You are now talking to me about my love, even if you are not
worried about it, you should give me a little bit of happiness,

Hàn Dōng saw that Wang Zhong Ding's face was not very
good. He hurriedly stopped and said, “Well, well, I won't laugh.
You tell me quickly. What is the matter?”
Wang Zhong Ding paused for a long time before opening.

"She told me personally."

"Say what?"

"She said I was too cold."

Hàn Dōng made a hard laugh and laughed. "Are you cold? She
even said you were cold? How hot is her libido!"

Wang Zhong Ding accepted it calmly. "I really don't really care
about her in that regard."

"But when you were only seventeen, there were many men
who didn't have a fiery libido at seventeen!"

Wang Zhong Ding shook his head. "At that time, I started to
open up sexually that is, but there was no desire for her."
"So pretty yet you had no desires?" Hàn Dōng felt that Wang
Zhong Ding desire was simply violent.

"Her beauty can't withstand scrutiny, especially when she's

undressed. Her body doesn't have the proportions I want."

Hàn Dōng wipes sweat and cussed: Your digital control is


But he still wanted to say: "Even so, a 17-year-old girl is too

"pursuit" because of this break up with you?"

Wang Zhong Ding admits, "She is indeed more sexual active

than the average woman, and four or five men are not
necessarily too much for her"

This point Hàn Dōng saw earlier, but still asked: "How did you
know about that? Seen it with your own eyes?"

Wang Zhong Ding paused and said: "I heard from the tone she
broke up with you at the beginning."
Hàn Dōng could not help but want to laugh, "What is her
tone? Turning iron into steel teeth?"

Wang Zhong Ding returned a word.


Hàn Dōng laughed again and yelled at the table. "Hahaha... It's
not alright... It's a good picture..."

Wang Zhong Ding mapped the sole of his shoe to Hàn Dōng's
ass, and Hàn Dōng quickly fled to three meters away and set his
hand on begging for mercy.

"Won't laugh, no laughter."

Wang Zhong Ding's face just happened to be a little bit better,

and Hàn Dōng came to find him again.
“Is she still thinking that you're is sexually incompetent?”

Wang Zhong Ding replied in a tone that he did not want to

ignore: "Maybe."

"Has she always felt sorry for you?" Hàn Dōng asked again.

Wang Zhong Ding was too lazy to reply to him.

Hàn Dōng asked himself, "It must be. She must have loved you
in particular, but also suffered from your physical defects. In
desperation, she had to break up with you."

Wang Zhong Ding asked with a cold face: "Are you finished?"

Hàn Dōng also narcissistically, "She must feel that she has
hurt you and think she is a wound you can't heal in this
Wang Zhong Ding stood up.

Hàn Dōng was unaware of the impending danger and still

grinds. "No wonder she always talks with you in a deep-necked
tone, always hates and hates ... ah..."

Hàn Dōng was shoved by Wang Zhong Ding to the sofa.....

“Do you just want me to boast that you have a long sexy leg, a
big butt, you are a great fuck, and an unbeatable charm? Why
don't you just let me admit that the first beauty didn't do it for
my libido? Did you do it? What does that felt like?"

Hàn Dōng was poked at the ribs and was twisting shamelessly

"Ha ha ha ha ha ... just wanted to hear you praise me, how is

it? Have the ability you do not have to be obsessed brother!"

Wang Zhong Ding drew a few slaps on Hàn Dōng's ass, and
finally he was tired and his tone finally recovered.
"Okay, leave it alone. Get up and write the script."

Hàn Dōng jumped out and Wang Zhong Ding grabbed him up.
Hàn Dōng hooked his arms on Wang Zhong Ding's neck from
behind and softened his legs. He was dragged back to his desk by
Wang Zhong Ding like a dog.

The room quieted down instantly.

Only sound were Hàn Dōng's finger tapping on the keyboard

and Wang Zhong Ding's pen stroke on the file.

There are still breathing sounds one after another.

The mood is quiet and warm.

Hàn Dōng occasionally writes tiringly or Wang will insert a

"Do you want to hear about my first love?"

"Do not want to listen!"


Wang Zhong Ding will also examine the trial. His observing's
eyes suddenly swept toward Hàn Dōng.

"Aren't the promotion film rumors out?"

Hàn Dōng was speechless. “Isn't the promotion video just


"Is it also the promotion of the crew, the official promotion,

and the fact that you are doing it away in private?"

Hàn Dōng muttered in dissatisfaction. "I just wanted to pass

on those few people."
"Those few people do not work!"

"You know who I am talking about, how can you say no?"

Wang Zhong Ding clearly told him plainly: "All who take the
initiative to ask you, I will not give, let them have anthing other
than they can wait for the official trailer release!"

Hàn Dōng grinned and said nothing.

At noon, Hàn Dōng received a call from Yu Ming.

"I heard that you are writing the script for "Theft Of Shadows
2" recently?"

Hàn Dōng nodded his head and said, "Is it right for you to
play? I will give you a role."

"I don't have the time," said Yu Ming.

Hàn Dōng wondered, "No time? What have you been doing
recently? Haven't you seen what happened with Xià Yang

Yu Ming said: "Yes, we are now on a small island vacation."

Hàn Dōng envied and hated, patted Wang Zhong Ding's arm
and said, “Did you hear? Yu Ming went to vacation on the

Unexpectedly, Yu Ming said at the other end: "I'm on your

small island."

"Huh?" Hàn Dōng eyeballs blew up, "Why are you going on
holiday on my island?"

"Yang Zhuo shoots a set of photos and it is very good for this

Hàn Dōng was anxious as soon as he heard this voice. "You

took a photo shoot on my island with your husband? Don't you
have to pay rent?"

Yu Ming said: "I wanted to give it, but Wang does not want to
receive it."

Hàn Dōng's instant teeth went to Wang Zhong Ding.

Zhou Li loving Wang ... Han Dong can deal with it in ease, but
Xià Yang Zhuo, who is alive and fragrant, Hàn Dōng cannot
calm himself.

"On what basis are they allowed to go to my island for a


Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "By the way, Yu Ming has a
business mind. He can help you plan your commercialization of
the island, so that you don't have to use money but to save

"I don't need him! I can plan it myself!"

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak.

Hàn Dōng still hated it. "What is it to provide such

convenience to Xiao Three Egg?"

"It's not what I volunteered. It was their application."

"If you didn't tell them, how could they think of that island?"

Speaking of this, Wang Zhong Ding did not feel good.

"I told them? Didn't you send Yu Ming a stone....didn't you let
him remember it?"

This piece of stone has so far allowed Wang Zhong Ding to

still have black face whenever it's talked about.

Hàn Dōng did not say anything.

After a while, he picked it up again.

"Motherfucker! A lot of eggs on the island will surely make Xià

Yang Zhuo's grandson pick this one up!"
Chapter 244 Drill A Hole then Take
Advantage of A Loophole
The annual film festival was held again in Shanghai.

Due to various reasons, Hàn Dōng could not attend the scene
and could only sit at home watching live TV.

Li Shang, who has been low-key lately, has finally made a

gorgeous appearance. The cameraman gave him several shots.

Hàn Dōng was chewing the seeds at the time and saw Li
Shang's appearance. His fingers suddenly paused.

How did he suddenly became so handsome?

Is it why he hasn't been seen these days?

Hàn Dōng feels that Li Shang person is like being transformed

from the top to the bottom. Someone who lost his muscles but
he is still fat. His body look even more heroic and upright. His
mental outlook has risen several levels.

The most important thing is his face. It seems to be a

complete one.

Hàn Dōng couldn't think of it. Isn't Feng Mu the person who
formulated the cosmetic plan for Li Shang? Now that Li Shang
has been troubled with Feng Mu, will she continue to
implement this plan?

Besides, Li Shang had so many handles in Feng Mu's hands.

How dare he say that if he left for Zhou Li, he would defect to
Zhou Li? Do you not fear Feng Mu's malicious revenge?

Thinking about it, Zhou Li made the finale appearance.

When Hàn Dōng saw her, he couldn't help but remember the
breakup scene of the year. He smiled and sprayed seeds on the

Now she's so beautiful and moving, let alone seventeen or

Wang Zhong Ding is terribly picky!

But this girl really shows her stuff, Hàn Dōng feels that Zhou
Li reveals a lustful taste.

Estimates can only be allocated to the kind of animal Cai Peng

is ... ... think of this, Hàn Dōng suddenly felt spirited.

Wang Zhong Ding should not think so, right?

Does he invite Zhou Li to help talk to the media?

In this way, Wang Zhong Ding not only directed another love
rival attention. He can now also use Li Shang to help match and
further control Cai Peng's company.

Wang you're too sinister... Hàn Dōng's belly twisted.

After the red carpet ceremony, the next stage enter is the
award ceremony.
Hàn Dōng also found a packet of durian cakes, lazily on the
couch he ate while watching.

This state-level film festival, award-winning film ....state-run

film companies are mostly entrance..... Private film companies
like Zhong Ding Group do not have an advantage. However,
there are still a lot of films and actors that have won the most
authoritative awards in the industry.

For example, Guan Xue.

This is the actress who appeared in the " Feng Mang" Female
No.1. She took the title of "Best Actress" by virtue of a movie
trailer piece recently released.

When receiving the award, Guan Xue dressed in a green dress,

looked like the fairy in the forest, fresh air.

How can this not be found when filming?

Next is the best actor award...

The awards of this festival can be said to be the most
authoritative and most professional honors in the mainland
Chinese film industry.

Basically, getting the "best actor" here at these awards and one
can be regarded as a true "Actor" in the industry.

Hàn Dōng's ultimate dream is to win the award with “Feng


On the big screen, he began to roll into the cast and included
Li Shang, who played the role of “Black Poison”.

Hàn Dōng's vague premonition is that this hunch has become

stronger as the result of the announcement approaches.

"The best male actor is - Li Tian Bang, the player of Yao

Ershao in "Black Poison"!"

Hàn Dōng almost slipped out of the sofa.

The position of my sacred actor...

How did I let this kid win the lead?

At this time last year, Li Shang took the best actor with
"Tear." This year's more authoritative film festival, Li Shang
and with "Black Poison" to get the best actor.

In just two years, when Hàn Dōng was not successful, Li

Shang became a double player in the country, and he developed
in the direction of internationalization.

The photographer also gave a close-up of the “Black Poison”

photography team. When Li Shang got up, everyone cheered.

Only Cai Peng didn't.

There was no congratulations on Li Shang's gaze. He was

hostile and unwilling.
Although in Hàn Dōng's opinion, Li Shang's award is well
deserved. His blind-eyed wolf, wall grass, plastic surgery, and so
on can hardly conceal his spirit of hard work and work.

However, in Cai Peng's heart, this glorious award belongs to

Hàn Dōng.

The well-known domestic director presented the award to Li


"Li Tian Bang is the most outstanding young Chinese male

actor in my heart and no one can surpass it."

The applause below thundered.

Li Shang is obviously very different from when he won the

award last year. Although he is excited, he will never be
incoherent. The award-winning speeches are even more
incisive. Just a few sentences show the high level and high
quality of young Chinese actors.
At this moment, the most proud person is Zhou Li.

This is tantamount to the flowers planted by Feng Mu, so that

she got the result, can she not be proud one?

The "Best Newcomer Award" is then awarded, which is also a

considerable amount of awards.

When he heard the nomination of Xià Yang Zhuo, Hàn Dōng

had an urge to change the country fleeing from Taiwan to
oversea. When the honored guests read out the results, he
immediately put the snacks on and silently wrote the script.

When Wang Zhong Ding came back to see Hàn Dōng

frantically writing on the notebook, he knew that the man brain
had been stimulated.

So he stepped forward and consoled: "This kind of domestic

award is not uncommon. We must take the international ones
those ones are worth"
Hàn Dōng squinted his face. "We don't have domestic ones,
but we also want to get international ones?"

Wang Zhong Ding said lightly: “On the 7th, Feng Mang was
chosen as the main competition unit of the Venice Film Festival.
This is the only Chinese film that has won the final screening.
Perhaps it is a surprise.”

Hàn Dōng mouth pumped, "You really don't think."

"Wasn't "Theft of Shadows" last year also won an award for

the best original screenplay?"

“That prize is superficial, and is the best actor carrying the

same weight? The best actor is not for those Hollywood
superstars in those years? How can a rabies patient can win
prizes at this international film festival?”

"That is not necessarily. Probably this year's judges are likely

to be different."
Hàn Dōng eyes brightened, "Is it possible, ah, then I was not
ready to go to the award ceremony ah?" Finally caught the
opportunity, recently dying at home.

Wang Zhong Ding was originally to persuade Hàn Dōng. He

did not expect to persuade the fire to allow him to find a way

"Go to the scene... shouldn't it be unnecessary?"

Hàn Dōng immediately replied: "How is it not necessary? You

do not mean that I have hope to win prizes? Is it hard for you to
say this is just to comfort me?"

Wang Zhong Ding said, "Well, if you want to go, go and go."

Hàn Dōng looked at the date. “In a few days it will start. Then
I have to leave now and I can't catch up late.”

"Are you finished writing the script?" Wang Zhong Ding

Hàn Dōng said: "You have a bad tail, don't worry, I will come
back and write."

Wang Zhong Ding face had the abdominal cramps: You are
not in a hurry.... I'm worried.

Did not solve the last mystery of the poor, and now I'm not
willing to hang my appetite?

"Finish writing before you go!" said Wang Zhong Ding.

Hàn Dōng's heart has already flown out.

"You can't waste watermelon just to get its seeds. I can't miss a
prize because of a script."

Wang Zhong Ding was annoyed. "What award is there? It's

simply a matter of no shadow..."
Hàn Dōng took another injured look. "The words you just said
you weren't were lying to me?"

Wang Zhong Ding waved anxiously. "Forget it, write it when

you come back."
Chapter 245 Mr-King.
Three days later, Hàn Dōng set out on a trip to Italy.

Wang Zhong Ding was not idle. After Hàn Dōng just left. He
ordered people to go to Hàn Dōng's home to find out more

The news came back as expected.

"No one with that name at all."

Wang Zhong Ding was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"No one surnamed Hàn has given birth to a six-fingered child,

and there is no such thing as a second uncle. He has never heard
of a fortune-telling old man."

"Where did Hàn Dōng come from? What about the stones?"
Wang Zhong Ding immediately felt that Hàn Dōng past was
even more horrifying than "Theft of Shadows."

"What about his adoptive parents?" Wang Zhong Ding asked


“The adoptive parents did have their own kids, but the family
lived very remotely and the people in the same village barely
moved around. Later they moved away and no one knew where
they went.”

Wang Zhong Ding frowned. "It seems that it is not easy to find
out about his earlier life experience."

Er Lei is somewhat skeptical. "What was the six-finger issue

that Hàn Dōng said before and he was passed to second uncle's
house? Is it because he himself made a mess?"

“Impossible.” Wang Zhong Ding voice is very firm. “Every

time he mentioned that he was almost in sleepwalking mode,
and his tone of voice was also convincing.”
Er Lei took a moment and said, “Is it because of his foster
parents' fabrication? ' that he knows that ....After all, he was
very young when he was sent away. It is also possible for the
adoptive parents to take the opportunity to brainwash him.”

Wang Zhong Ding still shook his head. "His adoptive parents
promised to adopt him, but his grandparent wanted to end his
son's life. Basically, they had no obligation to support, let alone
ideological guidance. All his memory was before the adoptive
parents are empty. ”

Er Lei did not say anything.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "You continuing to trace the

whereabouts of his adoptive parents' family members, even if
they don't have warm feelings with Hàn Dōng, at least they
would know what he is."

"OK, I know."

Hàn Dōng here is still playing soy sauce on the Venice Film

Compared to Cannes, Berlin Film Festival, Venice Film

Festival can be described as low-key. It is almost the world of art
films, and it is becoming more and more a perfect niche. There
are fewer and fewer active Chinese people here.

What makes Hàn Dōng unexpected is that on the red carpet of

the opening ceremony, there are many European and American
fans and he wants to sign him to sign for them. Frankly
speaking, he was deciphered by Armani to set a large-scale
fashion corona in the spring and summer, and once again they
questioned his life experience.

"You are Chinese?"

Hàn Dōng nodded with a smile.

"No European and American bloodlines?"

Hàn Dōng replied with a well-written mandarin: "Home

Before the award ceremony, Hàn Dōng met with Director Cain
who had left for several days. He served as the chairman of the
jury of the festival. The two people embraced for a long time. If
he did not pick up a cell phone, Hàn Dōng refused to give up.

Cain said: "I saw your "Seven Days," and it shocked me very
much. I can see that your sacrifice is great."

Hàn Dōng was awkward in an instant. "With your words its

enough..... I don't care if I don't get an award."

Cain smiled and said nothing.

The two men talked again for a while. Because Cain was too
prominent, stopping for a while would attract a large number of
reporters and the talk would only be wasted.

In early days, Shèn Hua sighed with a faint sigh of relief. "It
seems that you have already won this award."

Hàn Dōng wondered, "How?"

“You think about it, Director Cain is the chairman of the jury.
He hinted at it without you. You certainly won the prize.”

Hàn Dōng wanted to laugh. "Have you ever not hoped?"

"Weren't you always talking about winning prizes all day?"

"I just got an excuse to breathe out." Hàn Dōng said, he rushed
toward a super-obsessed Hollywood superstar, and he had to
sign from others.

Shèn Hua was ashamed of it, but it was still very early to leave
Wang prediction.

At 19 o'clock in the evening, the closing ceremony officially

Hàn Dōng dressed in Armani black dress debut on the red

carpet, full of charming gentleman, and the same day in the

Before the awards, great scenes of the participating films were

shown on the big screen, and Hàn Dōng's performance in the
“Seven Days” attracted a great deal of buzz.

Even Hàn Dōng himself could not bear to look at it straight.

His tall, cool and handsome image was not destroyed.

One of the prizes began to be awarded.

Because it was a full English commentary, and the time

difference was not reversed, Hàn Dōng was sleepy as he

When the best actress was presented, Hàn Dōng suddenly

woke up.

"I have a hunch that I may want to win."

Shèn Hua deliberately handcuffed Hàn Dōng's eyelids. "Were

you awake? How can you still talk about a dream?"

Hàn Dōng ignored her and continued to enjoy himself.

Not for a moment later, as the chairman of the jury, Mr. Cain
came to power, and he is going to award the "best actor."

On the big screen, the rolling list of finalists is started.

Shèn Hua deliberately held on Hàn Dōng. "Your idols have

also been shortlisted. Are you hoping to grab someone else's

Her so-called idol is the one to be signed by Hàn Dōng's dead

face before entering the court.

Hàn Dōng sighed. "I am also very embarrassed."

Shèn Hua saw Hàn Dōng's despotic expression and couldn't

help but complain: Isn't he old enough to get lost and lost his

Was thinking, suddenly heard Cain clearly read Hàn Dōng's

name. At the same time, Hàn Dōng stood up from his seat.

Shèn Hua face was silly at the time.

Several members of the crew also did not respond, and they
did not cry until applause.

The most calm thing here is Hàn Dōng.

He seemed to expect that he would win the prize early on and

walked up to the table without a change of heart and mind and
smiled calmly.

Compared to the director who presented the prize to Li Shang,

Cain's award was more powerful and powerful.

"Perfect performance, the future king of Chinese cinema."

Instant applause slammed.

Cain gave Hàn Dōng a deep kiss.

At this moment, Wang Zhong Ding's fingers were stunned.

Although only 1% of him was excited, the remaining 99% were
all angry!

However, Hàn Dōng remained calm. He lifted the trophy,

concisely and forcefully said: "Thank you all, especially thanks
to Mr-King who accompanied me all the way."
Hàn Dōng's calm and demeanor attracted another applause.

Only Wang Zhong Ding's perplexed face smiled so helplessly

and tenderly.

After Hàn Dōng came down, Shèn Hua, who had been singing
badly before, had to cast a vengeance on him.

"God, you haven't got any preparations. How can you say a
speech so well in the awards?"

Hàn Dōng said eloquently: "I started practicing that speech

when I was an Extra actor."

Shèn Hua, "......."

The bigger surprise is still behind.

" Seven Day " Gong Xiaoshi, the director, won the Golden Lion
award, the highest award in this festival.

Nowadays, the director has won the award at the

International Film Festival. Although not as famous as the
International in the 1990s, it also represents an era of artistic
film syndrome.

If Li Shang is a box office myth, Hàn Dōng is definitely a

director's promoter. A year ago, Director Lu rose to the front
line with “Theft of Shadows,” and the now the obscured Gong
director became famous with the film Hàn Dōng starred in.

At the end of the ceremony, Hàn Dōng was surrounded by


"Please, Mr. Han, how are you feeling now?"

Hàn Dōng bluntly said, "I'm good."

Someone asked, "Who is Mr. King who you just mentioned in

your acceptance speech? Is your teacher or a friend?"
1].....maybe I should explain here....the word Wang is a
literally translation King....Majesty ....So when Hàn Dōng says
Mr King means Mr. Wang .

Hàn Dōng was stunned Mr. Jin ? Where's Mr. Jin?

He whispered sideways to ask Shèn Hua.

Shen face at the time was green.

"What our great actor meant to say is Mr-Wang, not Mr-King.

King does not read 'King' when translating into surnames, but
reads 'Gold' ah!!!"

Hàn Dōng also said with a neck and said: "No, how did my cool
Dongdong translate into a Cool-east-east?"

"Come on, let's not let people hear it." Shen Hua felt shame on
behalf of Hàn Dōng. "What is Cool-east-east? Your translation is
wrong. The correct thing is Cool-dong-dong. ”
"Is it not the same as Chinese?"

"As with reading, spelling is not the same!"

Hàn Dōng is still stubbornly resisting, "But Wang Zhong Ding

often listened to me and he did not point it out?"

"Do you think that every one is the same as your silly?"

Well... Hàn Dōng finally gave up.

"This is not convenient to disclose. I hope everyone will pay

more attention to my work."

At this time, the Hollywood superstar who had been signed by

Hàn Dōng took the initiative to come over and showed a
fascinating smile. Then he asked Hàn Dōng and asked, "Can I
take a picture with you?"
Hàn Dōng was flattered. "Of course, no problem."

After the dispersal, Shèn Hua's mood could not be calm for a
long time. She asked Hàn Dōng: “Do you want to tell Wang this
good news?”

Hàn Dōng saw that this time it would had been more than
four o'clock in Beijing. It was exactly the time when Wang
Zhong Ding was asleep. He said, “What do I have to tell him?
Did he expect me to win?”

"Because of this, we must give Wang a surprise."

Hàn Dōng coldly yelled. "What surprise..... he wasn't

surprised? I didn't give him an award."

Shèn Hua did not say anything.

Later, the crew held a celebration party and everyone was

Hàn Dōng, in particular, was finally picked up by a Xiao Liang.

Back to the hotel, Hàn Dōng fell asleep.

Wang Zhong Ding did not sleep for the night, he had a hard
time to sleep in the middle of the night and he wrote a book
about how to catch this horse.

The next day, Hàn Dōng's winning news at the Venice Film
Festival spread across the company. Everyone was encouraged,
especially leaders of all sizes, and Wang Zhong Ding seen this as
a "Congratulations to the wife of the Chairman".

As a result, all meetings were disturbed.

Feng Jun repeatedly maintained order, everyone was laughing

and joking, as if Wang Zhong Ding was not expected to get

How could Wang Zhong Ding, who has always been known for
his harshness, not be able to afford such a test?
A cold face, a speech, the entire conference room went silent.

At this time, Wang Zhong Ding's cell phone suddenly rang.

At first sight, Hàn Dōng called him.

Originally he did not want to take the call, but this time it
happens to be Venice's midnight. If Hàn Dōng has an
abnormality, he will be in trouble if it is delayed.

As a result, he picked up with expressionless expression.

The excited cries of Hàn Dōng came from Wang Zhong Ding's

"Zhongzhong ah~ I won! I won!~ I feel like I'm just dreaming


Wang Zhong Ding has a awkward look on his face. Although

he tries to cover up, everyone can see that his feet are in the
conference room for a moment and his eyes shows how much
tenderness he has for the man in the end of the call.

"I know. I watched it on TV. I have been watching the live


"Uh... It was supposed to be a surprise. You don't have to

worry anymore"

Chapter 246 In Great Demand.
Surprisingly, Hàn Dōng took home the trophy of the Venice
Film Festival and turned to the “Best Actor” nomination for the
Toronto Film Festival. Excitement here has not calmed down
yet, and there are awards again.

This was the first post-80s after the Chinese mainland, and he
was still a double star. The starting point was a bit high.

Even Wang Zhong Ding has a little vacant feeling.

He has been in the circle for so long and has been a well-
deserved power holder. It can be said that whoever fires to
stardom will be able to fire from him and if he does not allow
anyone to fire, that actor will certainly not be able to fire to

However, all this was completely subverted by Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng stardom run did not seem to have been running on
a normal track from beginning to end. A villainous character
that made him hated everywhere could have made him a
success. An unpleasant film piece made him an international

Wang Zhong Ding did not even dare to imagine what situation
Hàn Dōng would achieve after “Theft of Shadows 2” and “Feng

At that time, will he be like a big suede dog, grinding all day
long behind you?

The reason there is why so much questioning sentiment is

because Wang Zhong Ding has not seen Hàn Dōng for more than
ten days.

Today, Venice, tomorrow, Toronto, the day after tomorrow ...

today's film festival, tomorrow's fashion week, the day after the
high-level party ... Wang Zhong Ding was here finding the
wounding on his life experience and Hàn Dōng life had variety
of free and easy.

What's even worse is that Wang Zhong Ding didn't even see
the end of the script!

What's even worse is that the wife didn't look forward and all
kinds of green hats were thrown at him.

The first was Yu Ming. When he heard that the news he was
not even on a holiday. He flew back to Beijing directly from the
island. Every time Wang Zhong Ding reports on this, he asks:
“When will Hàn Dōng come back?”

Wang Zhong Ding also faces a smile from the company's

talented personnel.

"He will be back in a few days."

Later, Ye Chenglin and his wife, Hàn Dōng's favorite specialty

and pickles made their way to Wang Zhong Ding home.

Wang Zhong Ding reluctantly maintains his good looks.

"Pickles can stay here. You guys go."

Then again, Grandpa Wang donated the precious jewelry that

his old lady loved during his lifetime at the charity fund auction
organized by Hàn Dōng.

Wang Zhong Ding's face changed instantly.

"Grandpa, if you raise a voice and I will help you to get money.
Why do you want to move my grandmother's relics?"

Grandpa Wang said: "You didn't know..... that your

grandmother loved dogs best when she was alive. There wasn't
such an organization at that moment. Now that there is, of
course, I have to fulfill this wish for her."

Wang Zhong Ding had to gnash his teeth and called for the
highest price, and bought back this expensive jewelry.

Finally, Cai Peng directly sent 999 roses to the door of Wang
Zhong Ding's office.
Wang Zhong Ding finally could not help but roar out loud.

"Get out!"


In the end, Wang Zhong Ding actually saw Li Shang and Zhou
Li's two hateful faces as the most pleasing to his eye.

It was not easy to look forward to a phone call from Hàn Dōng
or a sleepwalking version of Hàn Dōng.

"You take me back. I just had enough here." Hàn Dōng

whispered in prayer.

Wang Zhong Ding , "why do you not come back?"

"I want to be awesome."

"Isn't it enough to win so many prizes?"

"If you come to pick me up in person and show your concern

for me, it will be even more daring and powerful."

Wang Zhong Ding secretly gritted his teeth: You give so many
green hats to me. Will I also provide you with withis?

"Get back on your own ."

Later, Hàn Dōng sent voice text messages to all kinds of

grinds. "Zhongzhong" and "Zhongzhong" twisted and whining.

Wang Zhong Ding turned the annoyance off.

As a result, he flew to Hàn Dōng the next day.

Hàn Dōng was going out at the time and was followed by
several people in the same crew. After seeing Wang Zhong Ding,
his eyebrows quickly looked up into the sky.

"That... I don't want to participate in events today."

Wang Zhong Ding braced himself to meet him. "What do you

have to do? Come back with me."

Next to the crowds of people headed by Shèn Hua, Hàn Dōng

felt jealous envy from them

The Dongdong dialect had no trace of guilty conscience. "Then

I won't go with you all today . No way, he(Wang) can't live
without me."

Then he immediately followed Wang Zhong Ding with his

spirit soaring.

The treatment of Hàn Dōng's return and departure is a world
of difference.

When he left, he was still hiding from about the Korean devil
tv drama. Not to mention leaving the plane, no one would be
good to throw eggs on his head.

When he returned, he became an actor who gloryed for the

country. A dozen bodyguards could not stop the enthusiasm of
reporters promotion leaders personally congratulated him on
his arrival.

The feeling of honor is not to mention more.

The result was in less than half a month. With the release of
the film in the country, Hàn Dōng felt a little bitter.

It's not that the movie box office is poor, nor is it that his
reputation is not good, but everything is going so well that the
role of the rabies patient is a great success. In addition to the
previous push of the bus, after the establishment of a charitable
foundation, online wind assessment reversal, Hàn Dōng
instantly turned from an bad allegation to a legend.

As a result, he participated in the event again and everyone

was respectful and cheerful

Especially those who followed him, now directly "teachers"

and "teachers" to call.

Hàn Dōng finally could not stand the burden of this good man
looks and threw himself into Wang Zhong Ding's arms.

"I don't want them to look at me like that!"

Wang Zhong Ding played Hàn Dōng's curl hairs and said,
"Haven't you always long for a positive evaluation from your

"I was eager to get a positive evaluation, but it was not meant
to be so positive! What I want is the feeling that when they see
it, they scream and shout my character, instead of seeing me!"
Wang Zhong Ding laughed dumbly. He lighted a cigarette and
blew silently.

Hàn Dōng snatched his cigarette and put it in his mouth,

crying while smoking: "So why are my fans so extreme..."

"What kind of people have this kind of recruit fans." Wang

Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng's face was gloomy and he used the cigarette to heat
Wang Zhong Ding. After being knocked off, he bit his teeth

Wang Zhong Ding finally made a rough panting compromise.

"Well, what about the role you play in "Theft of Shadows 2" is
not cool enough?"

"Can you reverse it?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Zhong Ding nodded kindly. "I believe in you."

The two people were getting greasy and the bell rang

All of this, who else?

In Wang Ding's mind, all kinds of rival faces emerged at once,

one by one.

Since Hàn Dōng won the award, who else has not shown their

Counting and counting it will only leave Huang Tuo.

It should not be him? Shouldn't you get it all right? Shouldn't

he all be so persistent, is he not a midway change?

Open the door to find - really.

And Huang Tuo was still holding a girl, quite a species to

recognize the "Gang Ma " posture.
Fortunately, when he opened his mouth, he dismissed Wang
Zhong Ding's concerns.

"My daughter cried out to play a movie. I really couldn't do

anything but bring her to you."

He think Huang Tuo had helped the "Red God of War" crew so
much, this little thing as a favor ...Wang Zhong Ding naturally
can't throw him aside

In addition, Huang Tuo's daughter has grown up with little

Xixi.... Wang Zhong Ding pulled in air for a moment and
directly welcomed the father and daughter to the door.

Then, Wang Zhong Ding let Xixi accompany Huang daughter

to play. He and Huang Tuo talked about the children's play.

"This is the case. The scripts I have recently swept have

almost no drama for a little girl. There are also fourteen or
fifteen years old. She is too small to act in them"
Huang Tuo immediately asked: "Is there no child character in
the scripts written by Hàn Dōng?"

Wang Zhong Ding revealed his difficulties. "There is

something but it is a boy's play."

"Can't it straightforward be changed into a little girl?" General

Huang was rather straightforward.

Wang Zhong Ding face had the look of abdominal cruel: Then
how do you not change a movie stare? The cause of a drunkard
is not the wine...

At this time, Hàn Dōng came out.

Huang Tuo directly asked him, "Is it difficult to arrange a role

for my daughter?"

What would Hàn Dōng dare to say? What should he say if the
man start to case him again?
So nodded, "I will think about it."

"When you finish thinking about? Let's say hello!"

Hàn Dōng stood upright and stood straight, honoring a

military ceremony.

"No problem."

Then he sneaked a look to the gloomy face of Wang Zhong

Ding. It is impossible to let Zhou Li play the female one, at least
the contradiction between neutral and rival rivals has been

Huang Tuo went away for a while, and Xixi ran to Hàn Dōng's
room and sat down on Hàn Dōng's legs.

"What are you doing?" Hàn Dōng was a little flattered.

Xixie said: "I want to discuss one thing with you."

"what's up?"

"I don't think the little girl is suitable for the ghosts in your
horror movie."


Xixi said seriously: "She is too fat. How could a ghost be as fat
as her?"

Hàn Dōng did not think that Xixi was so knowledgeable about
the role and immediately praised him.

Xixi had a red face. "You see I wanted to find this kind of
accomplishment. Can you find a role for me?"

Hàn Dōng, "......."

Chapter 247 Big Misunderstanding.
Since Hàn Dōng was one of the investors of “Theft of Shadows
2” and he was the chief screenwriter of the film, Wang Zhong
Ding delivered him an important task – CASTING!!.

For Hàn Dōng, the individual performing arts career is far less
important than making money, and making money is far less
important than “harmony”.

Therefore, his casting principle is - the protection of the


Zhou Li was considered early by Hàn Dōng. On the one hand,

Wang Zhong Ding's attention was shifted to neutralize the
contradiction of Huang Tuo's daughter's enrollment. On the
other hand, because of the topical nature of Zhou Li, she has no
problem in promotion.

Followed by the addition of Xixi, Grandpa Wang seemed to

pay special attention to it. Considering that he was also one of
Wang Zhong Ding's imaginary enemies, Hàn Dōng had to bite
his teeth and give himself an imaginary enemy, Xià Yang Zhuo.
Diluted after the cast selection, the last sweep, Ah...its good

The first beauty and handsome guy fit together for the first
time romance, but in a horror movie, they knock their heads.
Hàn Dōng's dual-players continue to help out, avoiding the
illusion of the cast and their sincerity. Coupled with the
influence of the previous one, it is difficult to make money.

The two days Hàn Dōng went to work for the film
preparations. He just attended the script discussion and went to
find an actor to talk about the contract.

This actor happened to be filming with Li Shang and the crew.

When Hàn Dōng passed by, Li Shang deliberately stepped
forward and bowed.

"Is hope Teacher Han is good."

1].......that sounds so fake....

Hàn Dōng's face was really dark. "Stay far away."

Li Shang is unresettable. "Mr. Hàn teach a lot of advice."

"What are you looking for ?" Hàn Dōng waved his fist.

Li Shang even dodged, laughing and joked: "I'm i offending

you by respect you?

Hàn Dōng had a cold eye, "I can't afford it."

“I admire you from the bottom of my heart. My villain role is

enough to subvert the image. I did not expect you to sacrifice
even more than I did. I'm still afraid of the crazy dog man ​
you've played. I was really scared. You would want to bite me."

Hàn Dōng said, "If it weren't because you put a pile of silicone
in your muscles, I would have already bite it."
Li Shang's face sank, and he even more embarrassed to poke
Hàn Dōng's sore spot.

"I really can't figure out how Wang looked for this kind of role
for you. He wants you to take the strength line. Although it's
not realistic to make you an idol, he won't stop the road
completely blocked. Ah."

"This is not to keep me in the same pace with you." Hàn Dōng
returned fire mercilessly.

Li Shang also said: "That is not the same. I have been

transformed from the idol group. I'm tired of losing my name
and want to be calm. You seem to have been very stable since
your debut."

"Yes, and you are a frightened cat all day long." Hàn Dōng
replied faintly.

Li Shang pretending a helplessly grin, "That is because I can't

find an opponent, I feel lonely."
"Are you lonely now?" asked Hàn Dōng.

Li Shang said: "Not lonely."

"If you don't feel lonely, you don't get in the way. I still have a
proper job." Hàn Dōng pushed Li Shang hand.

Li Shang not only did not let go, but also took a look at the
documents held by Hàn Dōng.

Then he yelled, "I said, Wang always spent a lot of time

searching for these two long legs. Wouldn't he just use it for
errands? It would be too violent!"

"This is our family's business. What do you think you're

messing with .... outsider?"

"Is it not for you to fight? Why do you say that you and Xià
Yang Zhuo are the only reds in Wang's eyes, how the face of the
people could be reused repeatedly, and your legs are white?"
Hàn Dōng wants to answer, Li Shang rushed ahead.

"I know you want to say "Feng Mang," but don't forget that Xià
Yang Zhuo is also inside it. Whoever is the last to become red is
not necessarily."

Hàn Dōng spoke again and Li Shang interrupted again.

"I know you want to say that you have "Theft of Shadows 2",
but the problem is Xià Yang Zhuo also has new movies. How do
you know that Xià Yang Zhuo's new film response will be ..."

“Xià Yang Zhuo has no new movie in the near future.” This
time, Hàn Dōng interrupted Li Shang.

"What about it? Just because he didn't pick up the movie it

doesn't mean he has nothing else..."

Hàn Dōng once again interrupted Li Shang. "He will take part
in "Theft of Shadows 2"."
"Take part on 'Theft of Shadows 2'? " Li Shang was stunned.

Hàn Dōng nodded. "And he is the main character too."

Li Shang seemed to have found the pit of his excitement and

rushed for Hàn Dōng.

"Wang proposed this right ?..."

"I chose him." Hàn Dōng suddenly said.

This time, Li Shang was completely paralyzed.

Who knows that Hàn Dōng looked at him again and said: "In
fact, you are not bad. If you join in, our cast will be more
powerful. There are popular queens and super idols, and there
are two pairs of heroes."

The more excited Hàn Dōng was, he was not only defeated by
Li Shang's provocation but he also heroically fought off the war.

"How about? Do you want to consider joining our team?"

Li Shang, "......."

At this time, Zhou Li suddenly came over.

"What are you talking about?" smiled and asked.

Hàn Dōng said: "Let's talk about the casting of "Theft of

Shadows 2" and I want Li Shang to join our crew."

Zhou Li's words were even more damaging. “Hello, you

cannot expect a him to role as a protagonist. Li Shang will grab
your limelight”

Hàn Dōng said: "I am not the protagonist, Xià Yang Zhuo is."
Zhou Li is also somewhat with a vacant face expression. "Don't
I remember that Wang gave you the big job casting "Theft of
Shadows 2"?"

"I chose it," said Hàn Dōng.

Zhou Li did not believe that Hàn Dōng dared to promote the
lively Xià Yang Zhuo to the theme of his own movie. She would
rather consider this as the pressure exerted by Wang Zhong

So, she saw that Hàn Dōng's eyes and added a bit of sympathy.

"If you are only a supporting actor, then Li Shang can no

longer go in and grab your limelight. Wang Zhong Ding saw Li
Shang's appeal at the box office, and he wanted to rely on him to
make money excusable, but you can't be so wronged."

Hàn Dōng said: "I also want to make money."

Zhou Li naturally believes that the so-called "make money" by

Hàn Dōng is the benefit benefits that Wang Zhong Ding has
given him.

"Can you compromise for money or anything? If Wang

suggest that you set the heroine to me, and you will follow his

"The heroine is you," said Hàn Dōng.

Zhou Li seems to think it's ridiculous. "Me? Are you kidding?

Wang likes you..."

"I chose you." Hàn Dōng calmly interrupted.

Zhou Li face also showed exactly the same stunned expression

as Li Shang.

Hàn Dōng sent a warm invitation. “I sincerely hope that you

come to the crew to grab my limelight and do more acting.”
After the domineering speech he left.


The so-called family is not a family and he does not enter a


Hàn Dōng has just recruited the demons into the crew, and
Wang Zhong Ding has to introduce the wolf into the team.

"I sincerely invite your company to cooperate with us."

This is what Wang Zhong Ding said to Cai Peng.

Cai Peng asked: "Why?"

The answer given by Wang Zhong Ding is very official. "You

have the market control and we have a good hand to manipulate
commercial films."
"I need more than this reason?" Cai Peng was smart.

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "Whatever the reason,

you're always to get advantages of it"

Cai Peng laughed. "The biggest advantage I have is that you

are unlucky. You have to bite your teeth to find me."

Wang Zhong Ding followed with a smile. "I am also a

businessman. I will not be trading in anything other than

"I'm not like you. I'm a man of temperament. I'd rather be

yelled by you at last, and I'll take up this cheap shot first."

With swords and shadows, lightning flashes, two blood-red

handprints are on the paper - THE DEAL SIGNED!!!.

Hàn Dōng took a whining in the car and wanted to go to Wang

Zhong Ding's office. But then he heard there was someone
inside. He had to go to the public toilet next to him.
Cai Peng stepped out of Wang Zhong Ding's office and a
peripheral look he noticed Hàn Dōng walking into the

With a giggle in his heart, he quickly followed in.

Xiao Liang and another bodyguard entered the single room, so

as to prevent anyone from attacking Hàn Dōng. However, they
never expected that Hàn Dōng was too lazy to shut the toilet
door, and someone directly drilled into the single room where
he was.

For a while the buzzing sounded.

The two bodyguards also thought it was Wang Zhong Ding's

mood and quickly put on the pants flasher.

"You absolute motherfucker!" Hàn Dōng red eyes blinked.

Cai Peng did not care about that. With one arm he held Hàn
Dōng and the other hand went straight into him pants.
Xiao Liang beam and another bodyguard are outside
gossiping. Suddenly, a voice sounds like a sunny sky.

"Why do you stand here?"

Xiao Liang eyeballs are almost bursting out.

"Wang...Wang ... Didn't you go in?"

Wang Zhong Ding wringed his eyebrow. "Me go in?"

Who is that inside? Xiao Liang was inconsistent with another


Wang Zhong Ding instantly realized what .......

Chapter 248 Is Not a Married Woman
Cai Peng's ears were quite sensitive. The footsteps just rang at
the door and his hand was taken out of Hàn Dōng's trousers.

Hàn Dōng was still puzzled. Cai Peng was not always do timid?
Why did he stop for a moment? This does not meet his style!

Facts prove that Hàn Dōng's concerns are correct.

Who is Cai Peng..... so easy to stop for? The hand was taken
out of his trousers, but it was turned to Hàn Dōng's waist and he
was pinched.

Hàn Dōng is not afraid of anything and is afraid of this.

Because once he is tickled, he can't help laughing. Once he

laughed, the tone of the angry person is completely changed.

Wang Zhong Ding just came in again at this time. The

grunting noise that only comes out on the bed is caught in his

Then, the single room door was opened.

Hàn Dōng rushed out and Cai Peng took the opportunity to
take the last one pinch on his waist.

Then Wang Zhong Ding saw the sight of Hàn Dōng frolicking
out of a single room. The blush of excessive struggle was not
completely faded. Cai Peng smiled behind him, and the picture
looked like a flirtation between lovers.

Hàn Dōng's eyes hit Wang Zhong Ding's chilly face and the
whole body was frozen.

Surprisingly, Wang Zhong Ding did not throw his hands in

opposition as usual. He looked at Cai Peng with certainty, eyes
with a haze that people could not tell.

When Hàn Dōng looked at Wang Zhong Ding's eyes, he

understood it and it was a big mistake.
Cai Peng is no someone else, swaggering around from Wang
Zhong Ding. It seems as though he has not been able to compete
with Wang Zhong Ding for a fight.

In the toilets the only ones left were Hàn Dōng and Wang
Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding did not give Hàn Dōng a chance to play
with his hippie smile. He "returned him" by "a kick stick."

"I know this is something he deliberately provoked, but also

know that you are not intentionally allowing it, but I still can
not feel relieve." Wang Zhong Ding turned to Hàn Dōng with a
tough look, "In order to calm me down, please do not appear in
my face for these days."

After that, Wang Zhong Ding never looked back.

Hàn Dōng went to the washbasin and washed his face over
and over again. From the initial gentle scrubbing, to the later
harder scrubbing, and then could not help but flush out of the
bathroom, yelled in the direction of Wang Zhong Ding office.
"If you do not want me to appear, I will not appear. Do you
think that I can't live without you?"

After that, Hàn Dōng took the elevator with an "impossibility

to go to his death."


Late at night, the bar, Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming romantically


Yu Ming has long not seen Hàn Dōng. That long legged
fustrating man can not remember his own feelings.

In order to avoid him from suicide, and to transfer those

words that were polished to himself, Yu Ming talked about
other topics.

"Do you really want to let Li Shang into the crew?"

Hàn Dōng had no fun. "There is a character in my script that
was written specifically for him."

"So evil?" Yu asked curiously.

Hàn Dōng shook his head. "It's not a controversial role."

"Isn't it better than Xià Yang Zhuo's role? It's best to know
that the controversial character is the easiest one to fire."

Hàn Dōng nodded. "It should be."

"Why did you give him such a good road?" Yu Ming could not
figure it out.

Hàn Dōng said lightly: "To earn money, this role is suitable for
him to perform."

"Making money? For whom? For you to give to Mr. Wang?"

Hàn Dōng said: "Give me yourself."

"When you come less, how much investment do you make up?
Doesn't a billion dollars at the box office divide it into 50

"I don't want 50 million, 10 million is enough."

"Why do you need 10 million?"

"Buy a house."

"How did you suddenly have this idea?"

Hàn Dōng slammed the glass on the bar counter. "A man
without a house is fucking looser in a relationship, its not hard
to guess! I lived with him all day and night, its making me look
like a home-girl."
Yu Ming did not know whether to laugh or laugh: Didn't you
not have your own married women?

On the way back, Yu Ming asked Hàn Dōng: "Are you sure you
want Xià Yang Zhuo to play the leading role?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

Yu Ming shook his head and did not speak.

"You aren't worried about him stealing my limelight?"

"No worries." Yu Ming has always had unshakable confidence

in Hàn Dōng. "Nobody can grab your limelight."

Hàn Dōng wondered, "Why do you still have to ask?"

"I just want to make sure."

"To determine what?"

Yu Ming's face was cold and his heart was hot.

Make sure that we can still live with each other from morning
till evening, fighting side by side as we did last year.

1].....Yu Ming was afraid that I'd Xīa Yang Zhuo steal Han
Dong limelight Han will be pissed off and break off friend ship
with Yu Ming...... Han Fong is Yu Ming first friend and guiding

Returning to the dormitory, Hàn Dōng heads into the big

inflatable bed and his face shows an expression of enjoyment.

"I haven't slept in this bed for a long time."

In fact, Yu Ming had not slept in his room for a long time,
stroking the little nest that he once had been able to sleep for
ten hours long.
"help me with a favor." Hàn Dōng suddenly said.

Yu Ming asked: "What is it?"

"If in the middle of the night you hear the door of my room
ringing, rush out and stop me from hearing it?"

Yu Ming, an expert tone, replied: "I can't stop you."

"I will teach you a method. When you come, you will say
coldly to me and say, "In order to calm me down, please don't
show up in front of me for these few days. I will certainly return
to my honest feeling back into the room . "

Yu Ming was not good-hearted. "On what basis do I have to

pay for every debt he owes?"

"help me the last time, I really don't want to go find him.

Please, please." Hàn Dōng prayed.
"Why don't you want to go to him in sleepwalking?"

"Is it not for the sake of prevention?"

Yu Ming's face slammed into a "too lazy" and returned to his


A sleepwalking Hàn Dōng hates Wang Zhong Ding's bad

temper, this is also known to Yu Ming. In his eyes, the fool is
only poorly compromised, and has no attributes.

So he went to sleep without worry.

In the end, Yu Ming still managed it.

Not only did he manage it, but he did his duty.

From what he heard from Hàn Dōng, "If you hear the door of
my room in the middle of the night...", He knew that Hàn
Dōng's door will ring.

Sure enough, Hàn Dōng Shen quietly slipped out of his room
in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, Yu Ming has been sitting outside on the sofa, etc,

otherwise he will force the finer guy to take advantage of it.

So he coughed and repeated Wang Zhong Ding's tone and said:

"In order to calm me down, please don't show up in front of me
for these days."

Hàn Dōng fiercely paused.

Even with his eyes closed, Yu Ming could feel the deep sadness
in Hàn Dōng eyes.

Originally Yu Ming did not feel much about this sentence. As a

result, when Hàn Dōng turned back to the room, he suddenly
felt that he himself was very sad.
In order to change the general "good girlfriend", this time
should have gone to "smack that man" where there is no

However, Yu Ming, on the contrary, he did not tell Wang

Zhong Ding, and he was not afraid of the kind of so-called
distressed. He would rather let Wang Zhong Ding do his work,
and it was his own fault to find out.

Who makes the attributes the same?

As Yu Ming thought, Wang Zhong Ding did indeed stay up at


The daytime scene is still lingering in his mind. He can refrain

from thinking about what happened in that brief period of time,
but he can hardly restrain himself from misinterpreting the
meaning of Hàn Dōng's smile at that time.

Whenever he thinks of it, he feels very uncomfortable

......that streams down to his teeth.
Can not wait for him to hide his skin.

But this kind of hatred has formed a strange reactionary force.

It may be just a day to separate one day from the other. Now it
has become... especially hard.

He is also a digital controller.

Others may want to be alone, perhaps only thinking about

their hair. However, Wang Zhong Ding even had several
volumes obsession on top of Hàn Dōng's head, and each side of
the roll curled before going to sleep and when he wakes up and
turn he knows which side.

With such a thought, his night will be endless.

Entangled, the door suddenly rang.

Wang Zhong Ding chest was shocked, his face was fierce
looking toward the door.
The head of the volume is still the head of the volume. The
little man is still the little man. The deep eye socket is still the
deep eye socket. Even the clothes on the body are exactly the

Unfortunately, they have reduced the size.

"Why do you have the same clothes as Hàn Dōng?" Wang

Zhong Ding discovered it today.

Xixi said: "Because it is a father and son style, ah, it was Great
Grandpa who bought it."

When Wang Zhong Ding listened to this, his heart became

even more obstructed. What did you two do to wear the father's
and son's clothing?

Xixi explained: "Father and son only have two pieces, so if I

wears his, he will not be gone."

Wang Zhong Ding was angered, "Can't you buy two sets? We
can wear one by one, you didn't even think of me?"
"But I would also like to find a companion for myself."

Wang Zhong Ding, "... well, you two can wear it."
Chapter 249 Endless Affections.
Xixi likes to wear this wear very much, the small meaty hand
has been touching the totem pattern on the hem.

If Wang Zhong Ding remembers correctly, this suit was

purchased by Hàn Dōng from Dubai. It has been a while since.
Not only did Xixi not pass through, but he did not even mention

How suddenly is it so attached to him?

Xixi mumbled to himself: "I put on this clothes, and my

classmates will call me Little Shadow Wang."

Wang Zhong Ding instantly understood that he was hiding

because he was afraid of being implicated by his look alike to
Korean devil(Hàn Dōng). Now that Hàn Dōng is famous, Xixi
wants to be likened to Han Dōng again.

The baby who was pouted in the middle of his mouth was
licking his mouth.
Wang Zhong Ding pinched his little face and asked: "How
come that its night and you're not sleeping?"

"Slept and woke up," said Xixi.

Wang Zhong Ding remembered that it was night night. "Why

don't you go to continue to sleep?"

"I'm afraid I will continue to sleep. I will forget that dream

again tomorrow."

"Dream, what dream?"

"The one about about the person you've been looking for, I
dreamed of him again."

Wang Zhong Ding was in a tight mind. "You dreamed of him?

Who is he who you dreamed of?"
"I don't know the identity, just remember him"

Remember more features than to remember the birthmark!

Wang Zhong Ding immediately asked: "What does he look


Xixi said: "Unmatched handsome."

Wang Zhong Ding was painful and happy.

The pain is ushered in a strong enemy, happy is the scope of

the real man small!

"How old is he?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Xixi said: "Anyway, he's very young."

This sentence directly eliminated Grandpa Wang.

Wang Zhong Ding took photos of all the artistes and identified
them one by one.

In the eyes of Xixi, these pictures are obviously not enough in


When Wang Zhong Ding flipped over to Li Shang, he did not

show it to Xixi, and he flung it to one side.

Unexpectedly, Xixi pointed at the picture and said, "Daddy,

show me that one."

Although Li Shang was most unlikely to like Hàn Dōng, Wang

Zhong Ding still rejected showing his photograph to Xixi.

Xixi looked for a while and finally shook his head helplessly.
"He and I knew this villain first, its not him."

Wang Zhong Ding can only display Xià Yang Zhuo's photos.

Xixi exclaimed, his two small meaty hands immediately took

pictures of this street, holding it up.

Wang Zhong Ding's heart fierce shock, is it ...

Xixi said, with a small eye drunk: "Let's get this one and
finally get it together."

Wang Zhong Ding has a black face.

"If you provide clues, won't you just take this photo?"

Xixi was arguing for himself. "No, I really dreamt that person
is particularly handsome."
"That is not him?" This is what Wang Zhong Ding cares about.

Xixi still shook his head.


When Wang Zhong Ding's heart troubles again, he can't make

things difficult for his child. Then he yelled at Xixi: "Well, go to
sleep first."

"I want my father to hug me to sleep."

Wang Zhong Ding did not say anything. He directly drove Xixi
into his arms and hugged him


In the following days, Hàn Dōng really did not appear again.
Wang Zhong Ding knew through Yu Ming that after Hàn
Dōng had completed all the preparations, he went to vacation
on the island.

The entertainment industry is a gossip fire place. In less than

three days, the news of Wang Zhong Ding's quarrel with Hàn
Dōng spread across the company.

There is a wide variety of opinions. Hàn Dōng dissatisfaction

with Wang Zhong Ding's arrangement and was unwilling to give
Xià Yang Zhuo a supporting role and he does not want Zhou Li
to enter the crew.

All in all, Hàn Dōng's perspective is based entirely on the

point of view. No one thinks that such people like Wang Zhong
Ding will be careful.

Many people find are swayed by the wind and their hearts are
just around the corner.

In the past, he did not dare to criticize Wang Zhong Ding. He

felt that he was too tall and unprepared. Hàn Dōng, who was
later grounded on the ground, reconciled and sent more and
more lovely moments.

In particular, Hàn Dōng, the two movie winner, did not know
how many people were jealous of him.

Although Wang Zhong Ding has always been a “reverse

promoter” during this period, many people still feel that Hàn
Dōng's award-winning and Wang Zhong Ding are inextricably

If you can get on such a big owner, even if it is just secretly

smashing, the big red is just around the corner.

Thus, on the day of the booting ceremony of “Theft of

Shadows 2”, only a dozen guests were invited to help the team,
and the result was no less than a hundred people who were
dragging in there.

If the eyes can really discharge electricity, Wang Zhong Ding

was electrocuted at this moment.
Even if the stars were gathered, Wang Zhong Ding still could
not find the familiar figure.

“Isn't this the occasion for him to attend?” Wang Zhong

Ding's tone about Hàn Dōng is obviously different from the
previous two days.

Er Lei Qing coughed, small channel: "This wouldn't be because

you came?"

Wang Zhong Ding was slightly unhappy. "What did you say to

"You said that these days that he should not appear in front of
you." Er Lei deliberately reminded.

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face and said nothing.

After a while, several protagonists arrived.

Do not know whether it was stimulated by Xixi's "unbeatable
handsome", Wang Zhong Ding stared at Xià Yang Zhuo for a
while, seeing the next gossip are all up.

"Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng are in a crisis of love. Why
wouldn't Xià Yang Zhuo be capitalizing on it?"

"Who knows? Anyway, Wang made Xià Yang Zhuo a

protagonist. I understand this incompetence."

"Isn't Zhou Li also the heroine? Her foxy eyes are aiming at
Wang Zhong Ding from day to night."

"Oh, you don't say ....... she came too..?"

In fact, Zhou Li had already heard it, but she did not care
about it and walked to Wang. She then smiled at Wang Zhong
Ding and instantly it made her the actress who had talked about
her become a major commodity.

Wang Zhong Ding nodded in response.

Zhou Li does not need to be close to Wang Zhong Ding. As
long as she walks around to stand by him, other artists can only
blink and dare not come to her.

After the set was finished, the cameraman said to Wang

Zhong Ding: “Wang, you can take pictures now.”

Wang Zhong Ding inexplicably broke his hand.

"First lets wait."

Cameraman puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"The brand behind it is hanging wrong"

The set designer looked back and gave him a good look. Where
is it?

"The bottom left corner should be adjusted by 0.3mm."

At three-thirty millimeters, the set designer wiped his sweat,
and you said straight away that the number was not in balance.

Subsequently, several field workers did not correct it to Wang

Zhong Ding specifics for a long time. Er Lei went up again, even
if it could be transferred to Wang Zhong Ding he did not dare to
be satisfied with the angle.

Wang Zhong Ding finally gave up saying: "Forget it, I'll come
do it myself"

Since only Zhou Li was alone, he took the phone and watch
and handed it to Zhou Li for safekeeping.

Zhou Li had already heard that Wang Zhong Ding watch was
done by Hàn Dōng himself. Today she can finally enjoy it.

As soon as she got it, she heard the phone ring.

Originally she did not intend to see it, but Wang Zhong Ding
had no choice but to set up advanced settings. However, any
information or e-mail sent by Hàn Dōng can be automatically
opened to the home page.

This is the status!

"Dear Zhongzhong ..." Zhou Li felt a layer of goose bumps.

With such affection, it was written with Sleepwalking man

who had his eyes closed.

"I wrote this letter just to tell you that I love you and love you
sincerely. Since I was with you, my heart has never had the
slightest deviation. That day and Cai Peng was in the bathroom,
he was not right. I make a substantial move, just..."

Zhou Li laboriously read out these two typos.

That is the meaning of tickling in Beijing dialect.

Zhou Li then looked down.

"It was only for me. I couldn't help but laugh. Even though he
put his hand into my trousers before, he was held back by me. It
just stayed for three seconds and it didn't move a bit... ..."

Zhou Li snorted and thought Wang turned out to be jealous

for such a superficial little thing.

It seems that Hàn Dōng had "not enough to eat," ah, otherwise
how could even this "meat" have to worry about it?

Thought of this, Zhou Li's heart was instantly balanced.

Then read down, it is all kinds of tiring speech.

“Zhongzhong, without your island, I'm too lonely. I blew the

sea breeze and licked the tube. My heart was filled with you. I
love you so much. I love you so much that I can't extricate

Zhou Li stoppen reading when she couldn't stand it.

Chapter 250 I Feel soo much Regret that I
am Satisfied.
Waiting for Wang Zhong Ding to adjust the listing board.
Zhou Li returned his mobile phone and watch to him without

After the main creative staff took photos with the main
actors, they also went to the festival of burning incense and
worshipping Buddha.

In the past, the film launched by Zhong Ding Group held a

startup ceremony that never came to burning incense. Nobody
don't know when it started. This ceremony has also become
popular without fear.

Before the incense was burned, Cai Peng came late.

When Wang Zhong Ding swept to him, he raised a cluster of

flames unconsciously in his eyes.

Zhou Li looked at Cai Peng's eyes surging in the flames. In the

earlier days, she discovered that Cai Peng was "well equipped".
Now she just saw Hàn Dōng's love letter and suddenly expressed
a bit of attention to Cai Peng.

How can a man called Hàn Dōng with docile moods touched
twice be powerful?

Cai Peng and Zhou Li belong to the same class of people.

When a woman with an unassuming face looks at him, he

can't have a little thought.

However, this idea was quickly turned into an absurdity by

Hàn Dōng's absence.

"Why did Hàn Dōng not come?"

Cai Peng, in front of Wang Zhong Ding, openly interviewed

the staff of the crew.
The general director of the start-up ceremony explained to
him: "Hàn Dōng has something to do today, he can't come."

"Why couldn't we wait for him to come and hold it again?"

The general director explained in a good manner: "There are

so many people in the crew we can't just worry about him."

Cai Peng is unresistable. "The problem is burning incense and

worshipping this kind of thing. There is no expert present, and
worship is equal to Baobei!"

The chief director smiled slyly. "It's just a form."

"This is a horror movie. I don't want to participate in it if he

won't to go."

The atmosphere in the crew became tense.

Especially around Wang Zhong Ding, the pressure is not
generally low.

Cai Peng still sings an antipathy, as if he deliberately wanted

to stimulate Wang Zhong Ding.

However, Wang cold face made Cai Peng feel disappointment,

Wang Zhong Ding did not have any indication to respond. He
burned his stick of incense and walked to the studio with
expressionless face.

Cai Peng reluctantly chased and followed up at the venue. And

sitting next to Wang Zhong Ding, hr repeated call Hàn Dōng's

I do not believe you aren't worried!

Wang Zhong Ding's temples were staggering mad.

Zhou Li secretly watched the movie taking form in front of

As a result, she was disappointed. Wang Zhong Ding did not
give Cai Peng any response at all times.

The boot conference ended uninterestingly in the absence of

Hàn Dōng and Li Shang.

After the meeting, Cai Peng deliberately pointed out to Wang

Zhong Ding: "It seems that you are a good man for Hàn Dōng."

"I should tell you this." Wang Zhong Ding replied without fail.

Cai Peng asked: "How do you say this?"

"You hurt me less than him. I believe him unconditionally.

When you do these tricks you only hurt him."

Cai Peng laughed, "I feel bad for him."

Wang Zhong Ding's pupils instantly congested and there is a

tendency to burst. But in the end they were madly repressed
down and he left quietly.

Zhou Li looked as Cai Peng came over.

"Big beauty." Cai Peng shouted.

Zhou Li smiled flatterously. "Your courage is not small. Even

Wang Zhong Ding won't dare blow you."

"How did you know?"

Zhou Li said: "Guessed."

"How can this kind of thing be guessed?" Cai Peng was


"You don't let Wang Zhong Ding get bored, I am afraid that
you are only such a macho man who can do that, right?" Zhou Li
looked at Cai Peng's pants and made a wink.

Cai Peng laughed.

"It's my pleasure to get the appreciation of Zhou Damei."


In the middle of the night, Cai Peng returned with his "taste."
Just about to take a shower, he heard the doorbell ring.

Who else is there?

Cai Peng suddenly remembered Zhou Li, who was secretly

went to him yesterday, and his heart was tight. The lines of his
lower parts immediately pulled up.

This woman needs less provoking

As a result, after he had completed his mental preparations
and opened the door, Cai Peng was still unable to defeat him.

Because the person standing outside is not Zhou Li.

However, Hàn Dōng, who had written a love letter in his

sleepwalking and did not receive any response, finally broke out
from Yu Ming hawk eyes gaze.

Yes, Hàn Dōng came here himself!

Or did he sleep walk himself to the door!

What is the temptation for him to come to Cai Peng?

Just thinking about it is equivalent to eating bullwhip soup

and Viagra ...... too much too soon!

Hàn Dōng was even more excited than Cai Peng was, and he
yelled in and out again. A set of words, went directly to Cai
Peng's ear, pulled an invigorating taste.

"Every one of the fucking up relies on you, if it was not for

you, Wang Zhong Ding would not ignore me."

Cai Peng smiled and put his lips on Hàn Dōng's ear, and the
heat blew into his ears.

"Yeah, if it was not because he doesn't care about you, you

wouldn't have come to my door, so I must thank him for this."

Hàn Dōng rushed up and gnawed his teeth, but Cai Peng was
efficient with his arms. Cai Peng pulled him into his arms and
forcibly returned into the house and stood the Hàn Dōng tied to
a shelf.

"Fuck! You let me go!"

Cai Peng laughed, "I thought you had worked with Wang
Zhong Ding to settle me up. How could I sacrifice myself?"
Hàn Dōng's nose was unusually sensitive when he was in a
sleepwalking, and he immediately smelled what Cai Peng had
meant to say.

"Weren't you just playing with other people? Why is it you're

fighting for me?"

Cai Peng's hand reached yo Hàn Dōng's leg. "Didn't you say
even if stand on a stool I can't fuck you? Today I want to try. I'm
just not enough tall."

The belt buckle snapped.

Hàn Dōng's pants slipped down to the soles of his feet, leaving
only tight shorts to stand by.

Cai Peng's adrenaline instantly bursts into the table.

This leg should only be in heaven.

Cai Peng's hand shaved Hàn Dōng's neck and his voice was
already in disorder.

"Dongdong ... I love you. They are all demons. You are the
great beauty fairy in my heart..."

Hàn Dōng scolded: "Take your stinky mouth away!"

"What about your mouth? You come and give me one."

Cai Peng's fangs instantly hit Hàn Dōng's fingers.

Hàn Dōng painfully yelled.

"You motherfucker..."

Cai Peng grinned.

"I want to torture you not for a day or two. I want to film it,
there are scenes where you would be crying for mercy."

"Get off me your motherfucker!"

Hàn Dōng was madly struggling and sweat beads were rolling

Cai Peng is getting more and more excited. "I'm all like this.
You don't have to wake up. Wang Zhong Ding's days are too

Cai Peng said this while popping the button on Hàn Dōng's

Hàn Dōng's lower body is so bright that people overlook his

upper body. In fact, his upper body is also very fit. In particular,
the two looming mermaid lines on the waist are simply
beautiful and personal.

Even the navel is so chic.

Usually, few people will take care of this, but every time Wang
Zhong Ding takes a shower, he will use a cotton swab with
lotion and help Hàn Dōng to carefully clean it.

Cai Peng's rough fingers twisted in there.

The expression of Hàn Dōng's embarrassed face of

unbearableness once again choleraed Cai Peng's heart.

After all the buttons were solved out Cai Peng tore away Hàn
Dōng's shirt.

Instantly he was frozen.

The blood in his body boiled and burned from head to toe.

Hàn Dōng wore a nipple ring on his left chest.

Cai Peng spent a full minute looking and he couldn't stand it

anymore. His stature suddenly shifted to Hàn Dōng.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened to


Hàn Dōng actually cuffed him.

Just as he was blasphemous man a sleepwalking Hàn Dōng

actually solved various deadlocks. And removed the handcuffs
from Cai Peng's pocket and cuffed him on the iron frame at an
extremely amazing speed.

Cai Peng thought that Hàn Dōng was playing him with his
dreams. However, through Hàn Dōng's words and deeds, he
discovered that Hàn Dōng still did not wake up. He just fell
asleep and gave himself up to his sleepwalking instincts.

Cai Peng's sense possession of all of Hàn Dōng soared by

another level.

Hàn Dōng turned to Cai Peng ....he just smiled like that and
hastened buttoned up his shirt buttons.

There is only one thought in Cai Peng's heart. I don't swear by

you in this life!

However, it was even more bloody that Wang Zhong Ding

actually appeared at this time.

Hàn Dōng still looked at Wang Zhong Ding with a closed eyes
and said: "Zhongzhong, I must seek justice for myself today and
I must prove to you that there is nothing between him and me!"

Saying it, Hàn Dōng began to kick and punch toward Cai Peng.

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak, only looked at one side, the
meaning of his face was obvious.

My hatred has been avenged!

What made Cai Peng distressed was not Hàn Dōng's punching
and kicking, but Hàn Dōng did not wake up from beginning to
end. Just that Hàn Dōng had reached a general tacit
understanding with Wang Zhong Ding subconsciously.

Every punch made Cai Peng more profoundly understand how

cool Hàn Dōng would be in bed..

Of course, a sleepwalking Hàn Dōng is even more intimidating

than Wang Zhong Ding.

In his eyes, the reason why Wang Zhong Ding has distanced
himself from Hàn Dōng is to use Hàn Dōng to hurry and use his
own hands to retaliate against Cai Peng so as to achieve double
the effect of dispelling hate.

"You don't feel you were being so cruel to him?"

Wang Zhong Ding went to Cai Peng and returned a word to

"My - Heart - Hurt sorely - My - Joy - is Satisfied."

Afterwards, with a big wave of his hand, he held Hàn Dōng

into his arms and kissed him in front of him.

Even if I go back to him, he will be able to smack you down!

Chapter 251 Hàn Dōngdong's Spring.
On the way back, Hàn Dōng suddenly woke up.

When he opened his eyes, there was just a night scene outside
the car window. When he was surprised, he turned and saw the
familiar face.

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes turned from cold to hot, and Hàn
Dōng's eyes turned cold from hot in a moment.

"Park," he said to the driver.

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face. "What are you doing?"

Hàn Dōng ignored him and continued: "Park the car."

After all, the car stopped on the roadside.

Without saying anything, Hàn Dōng jumped open the door
and Wang Zhong Ding thought he was try to see something. As a
result, Hàn Dōng did not go back ..... He walked along the
opposite route.

Wang Zhong Ding opened the window and stuck his head out.
He shouted at him: "Where are you going?"

Hàn Dōng pretended like he did not hear him and strode

Wang Zhong Ding had to get off the car and chase him.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Hàn Dōng did not say a word with a cold face.

Wang Zhong Ding grabbed him and yelled, “I asked you what
you doing.”
Hàn Dōng shouted like Wang: "Stay away from you, didn't you
say that you do not want to see me?"

Wang Zhong Ding was slightly uncomfortable. "I mean,

'These days' I do not want to see you. 'These days' have been
over already over.... haven't they?"

Hàn Dōng laughed, "I'm sorry, your 'those days' have passed,
my 'these days' have started counting again, and I do not want
to see you now."

Wang Zhong Ding's twilight sinks. "Getting back at me isn't


Hàn Dōng's face clearly read "Yes."

Wang Zhong Ding suppressed his irritability in his heart and

calmly urged him: "If thats something then lets go back and the
weather is cold, you will be cold in your clothes."

Hàn Dōng was obviously uncomfortable, but on the surface he

was still holding on.

"I have nothing to say to you."

Wang Zhong Ding buckled his hand on the back of Hàn Dōng's
head and his tone was softer.

"Dong Dong, be obedient, follow me back."

Hàn Dōng's heart was almost muddy, and his legs were still
stubbornly resisted, throwing Wang Zhong Dings hand away.

Wang Zhong Ding pulled Hàn Dōng's hand in one hand,

intertwined with five fingers, and full of locked infiltration.

"Saying those words that you think was my emotional relief. I

really can't bear you to be close to him or any man. I'm talking
about repentance now and I can't guarantee that the next time I
wont make the same mistake. All in all... You're very important
to me."
Hàn Dōng's heart has been turned into a beach of water.

Is this the so-called spring of love?

The face in front of him is so warm, the sound in his ears is so

soft, his eyes are so intoxicating...

He could not help but indulge in it, and he refused to respond.

Wang Zhong Ding was finally intolerable, then turned to

screaming with exasperation: "Is it okay? Lets go back!"

Hàn Dōng's shoulder collapsed, his head shrank, and he

turned and walked away without saying anything.

Sure enough it was this spirit.

Wang Zhong Ding continued to call him, "If you give this
coldness, you don't even know what your family name is."
Hàn Dōng heard the noise from Wang Zhong Ding's walking

Wang Zhong Ding also revealed his original features and

spoke diametrically opposite words.

"Did I ever suspected you from the beginning? You were

laughing and joking with him while he molested you how
wouldn't I not feel wronged?"

Hàn Dōng did not say what he wanted to say.

Wang Zhong Ding opened the door, "get in!"

Hàn Dōng's left defense right defense at the moment of

getting into the car... Wang Zhong Ding kicked his bottom. The
body fell across the middle two seats directly to the back seat.

Then, Hàn Dōng could not help but laugh.

Wang Zhong Ding made two smack in his ass by tapping Hàn
Dōng's trousers.

After getting on the road again, Hàn Dōng quickly exposed his
facade and wrapped his arm around Wang Zhong Ding's neck.
His hands were touching him and Wang was struggling..

Wang Zhong Ding was impatiently beaten at first, but finally

he couldn't hold back, and his lips had a slight smile.

"What did you do these days on the island?"

Hàn Dōng said: "Dancing in the leaves, bathing in nude beach,

and the waves themselves are fun....and ...."

Wang Zhong Ding obviously breathless, "In addition to


"Investigated topography, research and development plans."

"What did you get ?"

"I think the Black Forest in the east can be used as a shooting
spot for "Theft of Shadows 2".

Wang Zhong Ding looked at him obliquely. "Ah, earning


"Where ever did you get that ?" Hàn Dōng smiled sheepishly.
"This is to save the crew's expenses."

"For free?" Wang Zhong Ding deliberately asked.

Hàn Dōng laughed again: "Pay 15%.....85% off"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "So I spend money on buying your

island, and then i have to pay money to shoot a scene, you even
want to save the construction costs from it?"
"Aren't the province taxes not given to the provincial
government?" Hàn Dōng smirked and slid his hands to the
center of Wang Zhong Ding's legs.

Wang Zhong Ding finally got a red eye. "I will think about it."

Hearing this, Hàn Dōng immediately rested his head on Wang

Zhong Ding's lap. Face twisted to the inside of the pants, hot
eyes staring at something that was quietly tenting.

Wang Zhong Ding feels his lower parts were burning.

Hàn Dōng was still not afraid of sticking his tongue out, and
he leaned it into Wang's pants. For ordinary people, you would
not think about anything in this distance. But his tongue, was
like an indefinable extension, instantly reached the edge of his

It was a small distance away.

Hàn Dōng suddenly stopped.

The tongue dexterously and evilly did a few fancy gestures
and quickly retracted back into the mouth.

Then he made a deep-eyed look and Wang Zhong Ding was



The two gentlemen were just as crazy as when entering the


Pushing, grasping, scratching, touching, kneading, rubbing,

and poking... everything is complete madness.

In addition to Wang Zhong Ding's swallowing of Hàn Dōng's

belly, almost everything else was done.

Even the hard-to-make words are spoken.

"If you're told don't appear, you would appear sleepwalking.
Why didn't I see you so calmly?"

Hàn Dōng smiled and told him the mission he had handed
over to Yu Ming.

Wang Zhong Ding was distressed and what was irritating was
Hàn Dōng's occasional stubbornness. The distressed thing is
that Hàn Dōng was hurt when he was rejected by Wang.

However, he is still greedy.

"How come Yu Ming stopped you in the dormitory and

stopped you on the island? You are not as strong than him?"

"Because If I was far away, I wouldn't want to find you when

I'm sleepwalking." Hàn Dōng said.

"Then why didn't you contact me with a cell phone?"

"I hanged my cell phone on the tip of the thorn tree and
couldn't get it."

The thorn tree, as its name implies, is a thorn-filled plant and

even birds and beasts are afraid to approach it. It is the most
feared tree in the forest.

At first, Wang Zhong Ding also fantasized that Hàn Dōng

would climb the trees to hide the mobile phone, but he had a
hard time thinking about Hàn Dōng doing it, and Hàn Dōng's
answer also dispelled his unrealistic idea.

"Where is the phone now?"

Hàn Dōng laughed and said, "It's still hanging on the tree."

Wang Zhong Ding was so annoyed because that this cell phone
was customized by him. There are only two in the world.

More importantly, there is a huge amount of Hàn Dōng's

naked photos in it. If the next few rains destroyed it, Wang
Zhong Ding's spiritual standard of life will lessen by at least 20
years old.

"Why did you not get it?"

Hàn Dōng shrank his neck. "I can't get it."

"Then how did you hang it up?"

"Used a pole."

"Then can't you get it off without a pole?"

Hàn Dōng swallowed his mouth. "If I can get it, would I not
contact you soon?"

Wang Zhong Ding thinks right, but he still does not

"If you can you hang it up, why can't you get it?"

Hàn Dōng said cautiously: "Because I tied a lot of dead knots

with the rope."

Wang Zhong Ding even thought he could not understand.

"How did you get around it when you hanged it?"

"I just used a pole to pick up a rope to the tree, hang it on both
ends, attached the knot, and then use the pole to pick the rope
around the tree and wrap it in a knot, and then pick it up to
make a circle around the tree. And then tie the knots. It's just a
round after another, until the phone was tied up..."

"And then?" This is what Wang Zhong Ding cares most.

Hàn Dōng buried his head. "Then I cut the rope."

Wang Zhong Ding's heart rate soared it took a long time to

slow down.
"You're not very capable? Why didn't you cut a tree and get on
a ladder?"

Hàn Dōng said: "I wanted to do it."

Wang Zhong Ding breathed his breath and waited for the next

"I tied the ladder to the top of the thorn tree..."

Wang Zhong Ding's temple suddenly jumped. "So?"

"So if i want to get it down. I would have only climb the thorn


After a while, Wang Zhong Ding finally nodded his teeth.

"It's good, it's so good. I don't want to contact my heart. It's
firm enough."

Hàn Dōng made a disguised statement to please Wang Zhong


"Because I really love you so much, and I have to guard against


Wang Zhong Ding first listened to Hàn Dōng and when he

said, "Love you," and he could hardly restrain himself.

However, after a short period of instigation, he also had to

face the cruel reality of getting out of bed.

"What are you doing?" Hàn Dōng was puzzled.

Wang Zhong Ding ignored him.

Hàn Dōng chatted endlessly. "You don't talk? Where are you
so late, are you going out? Where are you going? What are you
going to do? You..."

Wang Zhong Ding finally couldn't stand it.

" I'm going to climb a thorn tree!"

Hàn Dōng was completely silent.

Chapter 252 Rejoice in Other Misfortune.
Ever since he met Hàn Dōng, Wang Zhong Ding never had a
normal day. On good weekends, when people are relaxing..... he
flies to the island and fights with thousands of thorn stabs for
more than three hours.

When thorn tree has thorns hard as a steel needle. And the
older the thorns are, the more they become like a stabbing walls
after three years.

This tree is estimated to be decades old...

Wang Zhong Ding did not notice it before. Now he has a

glimpse of true content. There is only one thought in his mind:
Was his brain kicked by a donkey? How can he pick up this
weird stuff?

However, this kind of work is also possible for Wang Zhong


He first hung a rope on the tree sill and climbed directly on

the rope. This requires a very strong arm, and the tree shrew is
always shaking, and one instability shake and his skin will come
into close contact with the thorns.

Wang Zhong Ding was sweating here, but Hàn Dōng was
leisurely self indulgent with himself.

I am Hàn Dōng's man...and this is bloody handsome!

Climbing to a certain height, Wang Zhong Ding can no longer

resort to the rope. He can only drill his hands into the branches,
shuttle between the thorns, little by little edging toward the

This hardship need not be said.

Someone who is in a state of high tension for a long time, and

their hearts will be greatly damaged. Wang Zhong Ding's feeling
of his will cracking is finally there. He even suspects that this is
Hàn Dōng's malicious retaliation for rejecting him after that Cai
Peng, or who can do such a thing with a lack of morality?

Hàn Dōng knew that he was nervous and he kept shouting

under the tree: "Looking at something, watching over
something, it's not enough, don't get yourself tied up..."

If this is said at the outset, Wang Zhong Ding may be pleased

and gratified. He now hears annoyance in addition to thorny

What did you get yourself in this mess?


Finally, the phone was safely removed.

Wang Zhong Ding was not injured.

Hàn Dōng's hands reached out grateful for holding the mobile
phone and it was taken away by Wang Zhong Ding.

"I will give it to you on the way."

Wang Zhong Ding first checked the "mass storage."

Fortunately, nothing was lost.

He also inquired about Hàn Dōng's communication records.

Sure enough ... ... empty.

Every time Hàn Dōng went to sleepwalking, he did not forget

to destroy the evidence. This time is no exception.

Wang Zhong Ding's only known channel is his mobile phone.

It is a pity that it has also been deleted.

His heart was a little lost, but because I didn't have any hope, I
didn't care too much.
How can you expect Hàn Dōng to be very embarrassed, tired
tone flew toward Wang Zhong Ding said: "I did not expect that
you would attach so much importance to our stuff together."

Wang Zhong Ding did not look at him and he walked outside.

Hàn Dōng rushed to join in all kinds of pleasing, actions "I will
let you shoot a little more pictures."

Wang Zhong Ding still ignored him.

Hàn Dōng also said: "Like taking GV, making crazy sex series,
shooting strong X series outdoor, taking various positions.."

Wang Zhong Ding finally grinned, "stupid deficient."


Due to the weather, the flight was temporarily cancelled and

two people spent a night there on an island.

Wang Zhong Ding barely covers his upper body, he wears

beach pants, and walks barefoot. There is an indescribable style.

Hàn Dōng eyes went up and down his body for a while.

Wang Zhong Ding did not resent his usual dislike, but rather
connived at what he did. Even if Hàn Dōng felt overwhelmed
again, he just slapped and passed.

Never reveal the soles of shoes.

In this place where there are only two people, Wang Zhong
Ding suddenly became very gentle.

Hàn Dōng does not want to go away back to the hassle of the
He put his head on Wang Zhong Ding's body and did not

"Dong Dong." Wang Zhong Ding suddenly spoke.

Hàn Dōng replied lazily: "What?"

"Where did you come from?"

"In Inner Mongolia, ah! Didn't I tell you about it?" Hàn Dōng
touched Wang Zhong Ding's beach pants.

"I asked you about your life experience."

Hàn Dōng took a deep breath. "How did you suddenly think of

"Looking at you and your relatives at home are never

connected even once." Wang Zhong Ding made up an excuse.
Hàn Dōng said: "They were wrong to me. Why should I
contact them?"

Wang Zhong Ding tentatively asked: "Are they still in their


"What? You want to see them? Don't be, they will definitely
stick to you for all your life."

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhong Ding became even more

skeptical. The meaning from Hàn Dōng is that those relatives
love to take advantage of him. However, with Hàn Dōng's
current popularity, how come they haven't shown up.

"How long have you been without contact with them?" Wang
Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng said: "Twenty years have passed."

“Twenty years or more, that is, when you were about seven or
eight years old, you were sent to your foster parents' home ?”
"Yeah, they sold me when I was seven or eight."

"Sold?" Wang Zhong Ding nerves were tight.

Hàn Dōng said slyly: "I am a good catch, how can I be not

"How did you know?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

"Nonsense, I remembered it all the time. OK? Didn't I tell you

about my second uncle?"

When this person was mentioned, Hàn Dōng began to have

tears in his eyes. "I want to have my second uncle..."

"It's OK," Wang Zhong Ding hurriedly stopped. "Are you tired
of being reminded of him many times?"

Hàn Dōng did not say anything.

"Then do you still remember what your second uncle called?"
Wang Zhong Ding asked again.

"I don't remember, I knew his surname was Han."

Saying that is equal to not say ...

Wang Zhong Ding was silent for a long while and suddenly
remembered something.

"You can calculate a family information from birth and

appearance. Then how can you not know what your second
uncle are called?"

Hàn Dōng hesitantly said: "General fortunetelling people

cannot read their own fortunes."

Wang Zhong Ding thought of a completely opposite

"If your second uncle had no blood relationship with you? Are
you sure he is your related second uncle?"

Hàn Dōng snorted. "I wish he weren't, so I wouldn't hate him

so much."

Wang Zhong Ding no longer asked.

His heart was very clear, Hàn Dōng knows how to hang
himself, this aspect of his family is still a thorn in his heart.

Pulling it out does not mean it will stop hurting immediately.

So Wang Zhong Ding can't be too hasty.

Moreover, on this relaxed evening, talking about this topic is

really wastefulness of the day.

So Wang Zhong Ding got up and walked not far.

Hàn Dōng did not realize that Wang Zhong Ding was gone.
One person stared at the rolling waves and another wondered
what he was thinking.

When he reacted, Wang Zhong Ding had already returned.

"Where did you just go?" asked Hàn Dōng.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Digging pits."

"What is the digging pit?"

Wang Zhong Ding pulled Hàn Dōng to his shoulders and

walked back and answered it with a touch of light: "to bury

Hàn Dōng called, "why on earth would you want to, bury me?"

"You're in the province to spend time all day long resting."


Once Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding reconciled, the red-
eyed eyes of these gossip elements have committed another

Zhou Li is a typical one.

"I thought Hàn Dōng would take the opportunity to split up

from Wang Zhong Ding. I didn't expect him to be so tolerable. It
seems to be true love. It's a pity that the age of older woman
love was so lost..."

Li Shang was puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"What else can it mean? It's worse."

Li Shang lived, "Wang would not be ..."

Zhou Li laughed. "What do you think? He looks handsome,
has a good family background, good character, and all aspects
are so good. How can he think of falling in love with a man?"

Li Shang went down with the meaning of Zhou Li and said:

"You should be satisfied with yourself."

Zhou Li unceremoniously accepted Li Shang's toast.

"That is, if Wang Zhong Ding had no problem in that area,

there would be no matter what happening with him and Hàn

However, Li Shang still wondered.

"How did you know?"

Zhou Li smiled a lot. "You say?"

Li Shang instantly realized that the big names of these
entertainment circles, including the rich and tycoons in other
industries, almost all had a leg in with Zhou Li.

1]....leg a sexual thing

"I think Wang Zhong Ding can be excused." Li Shang with


Zhou Li smiled confidently. “Wang Zhong Ding's lack of

strength in that area does not mean that his eyes are not good.”

Li Shang followed with a smile. "As a matter of fact, the crows

in the world are generally dark."

"So Hàn Dōng also had a very sad reminder." Zhou Li sighed in
a pretentious tone.

Li Shang said: "It's okay. He has five sisters. The days would
not be worse."
"Five sisters?" Zhou Li was surprised.

Li Shang talked about Hàn Dōng "five women" and when Li

Shang said that ......Zhou Li was happy enough to speak.

"Wow he laughed at me... How thirsty is he? How can he

actually manage five women? He decided that he should be with
Wang Zhong Ding. It wouldn't be that he looked at the figure of
Wang Zhong Ding and he was sure that he was in that respect.
Strong hand, so I would like to get rid of my self-satisfied life."

"The result is he did not expect..."

Li Shang had not finished yet, and Zhou Li was begging for

"Don't say it, I can't's too much. Hahaha..."

Chapter 253 Your Ambitions Are Too Big!
Li Shang smiled he didn't know what to see. But his face
suddenly changed.

Zhou Li looked out of her eyes and Hàn Dōng was walking
westward to the movie studio. Surrounded by bodyguards and
surrounded by crowds, the battle is not as big as usual.

These are still secondary, and the main thing is Xixi painted
himself with a sense of father and son.

"Who is that child?" Zhou Li could not help but ask.

Li Shang shook his head. "I don't know, it's estimated that
Hàn Dōng's chosen a small actor."

"That's too much like him?"

"They've been in the same role in the play, their role was not
cast selected?"
Zhou Li was still suspicious and could not drink any more. She
rose and said to Li Shang: "Let's go, let's go and see."

Today is the day for the crew to try makeup with others.
Basically all the cast members will arrive. Hàn Dōng and Xià
Yang Zhuo had already been there early when Hàn Dōng took
Xixi into the studio.

When Xixi saw Xià Yang Zhuo, he flew like lightning to him.
His face was flushed with blush, which was full of excitement
and shyness at the first sight of his idol.

Xià Yang Zhuo was a stunned and later listened to Yu Ming's

introduction before he picked Xixi up.

Xixi hugging his idol's neck to death and the little one not
willing to let go.

Hàn Dōng's face was sour: I have waited for you all day and
you child was exhilarated. You ignored my love. He(Xià Yang
Zhuo) made a few photographs, and he has caught you!
As a result, Hàn Dōng directly robbed him from Xia Yang

"If you look at your weight of several tens of pounds, what

will happen if your idol is crushed? Get down and come here."

Xixi refused to get down hugged on for dear life..... live or die.

Hàn Dōng also advised: "Your idol is so popular, it is

particularly easy to be gossiped about. If an unscrupulous
reporter takes this picture and suspects that you are his
illegitimate child, it will be bad to influence your idol

Unexpectedly, Xixi said: "I hope the reporter suspects that I

am his illegitimate child, but you are in the camera you are
screwing the shot."

Well, Hàn Dōng did not speak.

After a while, Xixi took out a box from his pocket and passed it
on Xià Yang's hand.

"This is a gift, don't give up."

Xià Yang is curious. "What's inside?"

"Three eggs," Xixi said earnestly.

Hàn Dōng chuckled. It was clear that this inspiration for Xixi
was provided by him.

The result did not laugh and his face quickly distorted.

"I say what are you on ??? crazy?"

What Xi Xi gave to Xià Yang Zhuo is not an ordinary egg, but

"pigeon egg", such as the fake diamond!
Hàn Dōng grabbed it and he was so angry.

"Is it all too easy for you to send it out?"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Shang and Zhou Li came in.

Just now....Xixi wore sunglasses, Zhou Li did not see him

clearly, thought he was just like model picking off the
sunglasses and you can see the difference. As a result, when the
sunglasses were picked off and the deep-seated eyes washed out,
Zhou Li was stunned.

Who is not a biological copy ?

In particular, after Hàn Dōng was living to Wang Zhong

Ding's home, Xixi did not know whether he had absorbed his
vitality and looked more and more powerful.

"Oh, who is this baby?" Zhou Li asked.

Hàn Dōng had to say: "My nephew."

"Whoever is your nephew," Xixi sighs dismissively, "I don't

have an uncle who is so awkward like you."

Zhou Li just smiled and did not continue to ask.

Afterwards, she and Li Shang mentioned the matter. Li Shang

immediately replied: "Never, he has no relatives in Beijing."

Listening to Li Shang's statement, Zhou Li is more skeptical.

At this time, Huang Tuo also came with his own niece.

" Huang Tuo."

Hàn Dōng and the actors who had spent time in the "Red God
of War" crew recognized him and said hello.
Huang Tuo pointed his head down.

Zhou Li's eyes tightly adsorbed on Huang Tuo.

She had became acquainted with many business tycoons, but

the army leaders this was still the first time. The mental outlook
of the military is outstanding, and it is the attitude of the man
who is full of enthusiasm in bed.

And his kind of man is different from Cai Peng. Cai Peng is
evil. Huang Tuo is righteous. Cai Peng had a rough game
written on his body, and there was an air of abstinence on
Huang Tuo body.

Each has its own characteristics, each has its advantages.

In contrast, Huang Tuo has won Zhou Li's heart more than
Cai Peng.

Because he has both the banner of Wang Zhong Ding and the
"combat ability" that Wang Zhong Ding lacks, he is simply the
ideal type in her heart!
1].....combat ability= sex drive

Thus, Zhou Li's heart began to stir.

Huang Tuo sent the child directly to Director Lu and went to

Hàn Dōng to ask questions.

"What have you been doing recently?"

Since Hàn Dōng knew that Huang Tuo liked rebellious people,
he always stood upright every time he spoke to him.

"Who is not busy....I just to change the script and put back

Huang Tuo's face sank. "When I was not busy, I sent you a text
message. Why didn't you return?"

Hàn Dōng face had the abdominal cramps: Sent back a reply? I
couldn't even look at it.

"Hey you're quiet" Huang Tuo's big hand was pressed against
Hàn Dōng's shoulder.

Hàn Dōng had no choice but to make an excuse. "Who sent

text messages these days now? We use WeChat."

As a man in the army, many functions of mobile phone are

useless to them.

What's more, Huang Tuo's mobile phone is an old-fashioned

business machine, and it has almost no function other than
phone text messaging.

“Am I too old to keep up with the times?” Huang Tuo looked
at Hàn Dōng in a furious manner.

However Hàn Dōng wanted to collide words with him? Every

sentence he said is kind.
"I mean I'm not used to reading text messages and may have
missed yours. You don't think too much. You are not old at all.
You are only forty years old.

"It's almost the same."

The two men were talking, and Director Lu's assistant called a
loud voice toward this side. “Huang Tuo, please come to see.
Your daughter is going to try acting.”

Upon hearing this, Hàn Dōng followed and walked past.

Zhou Li, who had spent a long time beside them, would not
miss this chance, but also went to see the bustle.

Huang Xiao Yu's first attempt to try this drama is a crying


For a seven-year-old child, especially a little girl, crying is an

easy task.
However, Huang Xiao Yu is exactly the opposite.

The flesh-chewed baby's face is always smiling, no matter how

scared she is, how reprimanded, or even if someone was
pinching the face she didn't drop a tear.

Huang Tuo sighed. "I blame myself for being too strict with

"Look it out." Hàn Dōng wiped his sweat. "This child would
play Jiang Jie."

Huang Tuo bent down toward Huang Xiao Ye and said: "Little
one, please turn into a weeping one, crying, and Dad will buys
candy for you."

Huang Xiao Ye rushed to wrinkle her face.

"Dad, if I can cry, can I not cry?"

Everyone laughed.

Zhou Li is still trying to be in Huang Tuo's ear and said: "The

cute baby is so funny."

"When I said that I wouldn't let you act if you cried ......before
think about it. How did you cry? Just think like that and cry like
that again."

Huang Xiao Yu said: "Dad, I have come to act. Why would I

still cry?"

Everyone was laughing again.

Hàn Dōng finally stood up and said, "I'll come."

After getting the permission of Director Lu and Huang Tuo,

Hàn Dōng looked directly at Huang Xiao Yu and put on a
distorted grimace.
Huang Xiao Yu's momentary glare was obviously frightening.

The people stared intently at Huang Xiao Yu's expression


They saw Huang Xiao Yu's mouth mobing, and she slowly
opened it. Under the eyes of everyone, she finally yelled a voice.


Hàn Dōng thought that Huang Xiao Yu was frightened by

excessive brain fright and he quickly changed several

Unexpectedly, Huang Xiao Yu laughed more cheerfully,

laughing while pointing at Hàn Dōng.... She looked at her dad
and said: "Daddy, you see."

As a matter of fact, the father and daughter are still

connected, and Huang Tuo is laughing more than Huang Xiao
Other people are almost forced to cry by this kind of optimism
between a father and daughter

"Or let me try it." A sexy and proud woman voice rang.

Huang Tuo turned and saw a gorgeous face.

Zhou Li smiled charmingly at him. "Hello, Huang , I'm Zhou


Huang Tuo directly praised the chin regardless of who she


"You must go and try it."

Zhou Li did not walk towards Huang Xiao Yu, but instead she
took Huang Tuo's arm straight up. Her head was laid on his
shoulder and she took a few intimate moves in front of Huang
Xiao Yu's face.
Huang Xiao Yu really bursted into tears.

Huang Tuo gave a sigh of relief and also felt distressed.

People around him have praised Zhou Liming.

Zhou Li stepped forward and held Huang Xiaolu softly and

shouted: ".... don't cry. I didn't grab(flirt) at your dad. Me and
your dad just acted."

Huang Xiao Yu finally stopped crying.

Zhou Li smiled and said: "Huang Tuo, can I use your legendary
phone with no function to call me?"

The coughing sounds went around.

Sure enough, this humiliating force committed another

Hàn Dōng is even more embarrassed: Wang Zhong Ding I Hàn
Dōng really look down on you. You did not set Zhou Li against
Cai Peng. You are asking her to solve one of Cai Peng rival!

Thats too ambitious even for you Wang!

Huang Tuo picked up the phone and sighed.

Really still can not resist the temptation of the beautiful

woman that is Zhou Li.

And Huang Tuo passed the phone to Zhou Li and took Huang
Xiao Yu out, as if he was not worried about Zhou Li's hands on
his mobile phone.

Zhou Li "as she wished", generously wrote the private number

that other men dreamed of having in their phones.

However, as she waited to return the phone, Huang Tuo never

Zhou Li anxiously went to the door to question.

"You said Huang Tuo? He was already gone."

Zhou Li was surprised. "Walk? The trial is not over yet."

"Huang Xiao Yu was a crying drama and passed anyway. As for

the others, how could Huang Tuo stay?"

Zhou Li's face was white for a while.

His memory will not be so bad? Just turned the phone to me

and walked away?

It doesn't matter if she sees it, she finds that Huang Tuo has
already pulled the simcard out.

This cell phone was useless...

Zhou Li face was fuming.

She opened the inbox without leaving her heart. There was
only one text message and it was sent to Hàn Dōng.

[Bad boy, what's the whole issue?]

A seemingly ordinary message, because of the different nature

of Huang Tuo, the texting seems so ambiguous.

Zhou Li was angered for his second mobile phone.

Huang Tuo went out and soon came to a mobile phone mall.

"Give me a smart phone."

The salesman said: "There are many kinds of smartphone.

Which one do you want?"
Huang Tuo calmly replied: "With WeChat function."

The salesman said, "All smartphones can install WeChat."

"Is it?" Huang Tuo said without hesitation. "That would give
me a big mouth."


The salesperson smiled so much.

Chapter 254 Show Of Strength.
The trial here is not over yet.

When Zhou Li returned to the studio, her face was still filled
with a smile that was light and smug. No one could see her
being played .

Only Hàn Dōng faintly felt that he had a stab-like feeling on

his body and turned his head again. Zhou Li's eyes were

Finally, it was the turn of Xixi to try the acting.

In general, seven-year-old children can express their feelings

of happiness, grief, sorrow and happiness. Therefore, Director
Lu's request for Xixi is as simple as Huang Xiao Ye.

"A happy face," said Lu.

Xixi's two round eyes were staring at him, and there was no
change in expression.

Director Lu patiently explained: "For example, today is your

birthday. Your dad sent you a big gift."

Director Lu guessed that Xixi was unable to laugh because he

was nervous, so he changed his question.

"Then you perform having a hard time, such as unsatisfactory

test scores, the teacher criticized you."

Xixi still did not respond.

"Anger? For example, if your toy was robbed."


Director Lu changed seven or eight questions in a row, and

Xixi did not respond. Annoyed Director Lu came out.
After a long and lively talk Zhou Li finally spoke.

"I said that Director Lu. Who was the little casting man who
chose these kids? Is it too irresponsible? A cry can't come out
from that one and this one can't even express happiness"

Director Lu was a bit embarrassed. "A child, for the first time
being forced to act in front of so many people, tension is

“Isn't it? The children I've met, in tens of thousands of

people's gyms, can still sing and dance. The problem is not age,
it's the level of selection.”

Hàn Dōng's face obviously sank.

Director Lu is relying on "Theft of Shadows" to have this

position today, of which Hàn Dōng must have contributed. In
addition, Hàn Dōng is one of the investors in this movie, and the
director is bound to give him a step.
"Well, I play a scared kid" said Xixi.

As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Li laughed.

"Director Lu, have you treated us all as fools? Performing a

nervous face? Ha ha... Why didn't you let him perform a gasp
and perform a mouth-opening and show?"

Director Lu said to Zhou Li slightly and unpleasantly: "Well,

he is just a child, don't be so cruel."

"I'm more for reality" Zhou Li coldly yelled. "You let the
people on the scene, what's the flash point of using this kid? He
has not good acting skills and he looks pretty, but he... Well, I
will mouth it, lest someone say I attacked the child."

Director Lu did not ignore her and said: "Come on and show
everyone a nervous look."

Unexpectedly, Xixi suddenly said: "You don't think this is very

child stuff?"
Director Lu , " .... child stuff?"

"These expressions that you are talking about are personal. Do

you have to examine them?"

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

Zhou Li is still with a disdainful smile, people are not good,

the tone is not small, really a gene is a standard.

Lu heard the hope and hurriedly asked Xixi: "What do you

want to perform?"

Xixi suddenly turned his little face to Xià Yang Zhuo, and the
original face looked blazed. And this kind of look is not directly
exposed, but implicit, latent, there is a strong emotional conflict
in it.

Director Lu asked: "What is your performance?"

Xixi did force him back with four words.

"Desire - To Stop - Is Not - Possible."

Everyone was stunned.

The studio was silent at first, and a loud laugh came out
without a moment.

"Too much, hahahahaha..." Someone praised Zhou Li.

Zhou Li coldly yelled. "I can't decide who taught him what to
do. Get him here to show off."

She was right, but she was wrong.

This trick was not learned from Hàn Dōng, who was not
satisfied, but Xixi learned it from his father's face who was
satisfied but still want to satisfy himself on Hàn Dōng.
Director Lu asked Xixi: "What else would you perform?"

Xixi turned his face to Hàn Dōng and other parts were not
moved. All the plays were on the eyes. It is mingled with various
contradictions, entanglement, helplessness, and compromise...

"This is?" Lu asked again.

Xixi faded back: "Love and hate at the same time."


A cheerful laughter sounded around.

Director Lu remarked: "This child is really awkward ah!"

Zhou Li simply antagonized the crowd. "How could I not see

what he had on? It was a random interpretation. You just
followed it."
Xixi was not upset or irritated, and was not disturbed by such
a dissonant voice.

Director Lu also said: "You go and make a convincing act for

Aunt Zhou."

Xixi turned his eyes to Zhou Li, swiftly glanced at the watery
face and soon turned back to Director Lu.

"This is it?" Director Lu deliberately asked.

Xixi answered clearly and clearly with the voice that everyone
could hear: "Sneering - with of the nose."

The audience was silent.

Everyone is applauding in their hearts, and his face is

Hàn Dōng even embraced Xixi and took a few mad mouths
kisses on Xixi cheeks. You are really my good son.

Zhou Li's face was not satisfied.

But she couldn't refute her back. After all, he was a child.
After all, he was acting. She could only endure it.

Waiting until the end of the trial, Zhou Li deliberately stopped

Xixi, and his face was hung with a customary smile.

"Child, you're so powerful. Do your parents know this?"

Xixi seems to have guessed that she is an ordinary woman who

comes from a cliché. He replied leisurely: “The nose will start
from the knot, that is, if the book is clouded with three curved
noses, one must rape and fail to reach the goal. The two
skeletons are without meat and the ground is thin. His people
abandoned his beliefs and returned to their late years."

Zhou Li was driven by Xixi insight and this set of rhetoric.

Xixi said to her again: "If only your heart is as beautiful as
your face."

Zhou Li was completely speechless.

Shèn Hua spent a long time crying out and hating, to know
that the beauty of the world is her enemy.

Unexpectedly, Xixi small eyes were also thrown at her.

"Your face is as beautiful as your heart."

"Puff -" Xiao Liang spray the waters in his mouth.

Shèn Hua took a shove and swept a kick at the laughing Xiao
Liang who was laughing madly!

1]..... remember Shen Hua face looks like a crow beak inverted
After all the people have left, Li Shang turned to Zhou Li and
he said: "This child's life experience is not ordinary."

Zhou Li said: "I can see it."

"He is absolutely not at Hàn Dōng's level .....but he can still be

trained and get there." Li Shang added.

Zhou Li stared at the backs of Hàn Dōng and Xixi, until they
completely disappeared.


In the evening, Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng bathed in the
bathroom, and Xixi took Hàn Dōng's mobile phone to play

Suddenly a WeChat popped up a message alert.

Xixi opened with curiosity and saw Huang Tuo sent Hàn Dōng
a chat request.

He thought that Huang Tuo was Huang Xiao Yu's father and
was also his father's friend, and so he "validated" the chat

A message was sent over soon.

Xixi ignored it and continued to play his own game.

The results did not play for a while, and another message
prompted the sound.

Xixi dropped his cell phone and listened for a moment. It was
still early to call his sissy uncle because there was no sound of
water in the bathroom.

So he opened the text for Hàn Dōng.

Huang Tuo's voice text clearly passed over.

"What are you doing stupidly cute?"

1].....there is no endearing word with these two words do I

translated them as they are

Stupidly Cute??!!! ... ... Xixi hummed, and soon used the
keyboard knocked three words in screen

"Bathing in the shower."

What was seen as normal reply to Xixi..... it immediately

changed in the eyes of Huang Tuo.

"Hey.... embarassing embryo." The mocking tone returned.

In the eyes of Xixi, "Stupid Deficient" means pure ridicule, and

"embarrassing embryo " is not within his understanding.
Then, out of the maintenance of his family, Xixi took a few
words with his fat little fingers.

"I'm not embarrassed."

Huang Tuo over there is wondering, how is Hàn Dōng

replying so cutely today?

Then another one was sent, "Why aren't you embarrassed?"

Xixi scribbled two words and returned.

"You are embarsssing."

Since Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding were together, their
eyes, ears and nose were more and more sensitive. Outside,
"flirting" was going well, and he heard an anomaly inside.

"Why do I feel Huang Tuo's breath?"

If a word is not expressed well, it is easy to provoke right and
wrong retaliation.

For instance, for Wang Zhong Ding who is still inside Hàn
Dōng's body. How would Hàn feel the breath of Huang Tuo?

So Hàn Dōng was quickly excited by a fierce clash ....a pink

flushed organ delving deeper inside him..

"Ah ah... wrong, wrong, I mean I heard his voice... tone..."

Wang Zhong Ding pulled in Hàn Dōng's ear and said: "It seems
that your voice(moaning) is not big enough, otherwise how
could it be covered by a bit of noise from outside?"

So Hàn Dōng did not hear any sound for a moment.

Chapter 255 Secrets.
Two people came out of the bathroom and Xixi was asleep.

Hàn Dōng took him to his room and he was just about to put
his bed on it. Xixi's small arm hung back around Hàn Dōng's

Hàn Dōng patted on his face and he scolded: "I will toss you
out hear it?"

Xixi quilted with small eyes, as if he had not heard.

Hàn Dōng forced him back onto the bed, and as a result
turned to go, Xixi climbed up from behind on his back

"Little Dong Xi"

Hàn Dōng grunted and turned to take a look at Xixi....and Xixi

immediately rolled back to the bed.
When Wang Zhong Ding saw that Hàn Dōng had not returned
for a long time, he went to the door and looked at it. As a result,
it was found that Hàn Dōng sitting on the bedside of Xixi and
looked straight at him. The look was really like someone
looking at his own child.

Touched for a moment, Wang Zhong Ding hears Hàn Dōng's

mobile phone message tone.

When he returned to the room and picked it up, Huang Tuo's

powerful and powerful male voice rang in his ear.

"Why didn't you reply me back? Asleep?"

After listening to this, it looks like there was a lot of fun

before he talked to Wang Zhong Ding.

Although Hàn Dōng did not know to reply, but Huang Tuo's
voice "embarassing embryo" still stimulated him not less

Before going to sleep, Wang Zhong Ding used his fingers to

wrap Hàn Dōng's hair and said, "If there is a new clubhouse in
the North Hai, do you want to see it?"

Hàn Dōng asked lazily: "Why did you think of going to that

“There are some private clubs that are very exciting.” Wang
Zhong Ding deliberately seduce Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng really was just around the corner.

"What private club?"

Wang Zhong Ding sold out his mind and said, "I'm not sure, I
just heard it."

"You heard that and you told me." Hàn Dōng rushed to Wang
Zhong Ding.
As a result, the young couple did not shame away from
discussing it.

Hàn Dōng's face was red and green for a while, and he said,
"Wow," for a while, "That's is just...." The last two people all
face red, blood tose pressure all the way.

Hàn Dōng also reserved his bedclothes under reserved

conditions and said, panting: "Let's set it tomorrow."

Wang Zhong Ding deliberately said: "The room has to be set

ahead of time. Will it be a problem?"

Hàn Dōng was anxious as soon as he heard it. "It's fast-paced,

quick fix for it."

Wang Zhong Ding took the phone with a smile.

The date is set on Friday night, exactly the day of the Hàn
Dōng enters the filming crew.
Early in the morning, Wang Zhong Ding sent Hàn Dōng over
and settled ready to leave. Before leaving, he specially asked
Hàn Dōng to not forget the night.

Hàn Dōng nodded. "You don't have to pick me up. I call myself
a cab."

"Come on your way," Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng whispered: "It's not a matter of driving on the road,

but it's not a good thing. You think about it. If someone with
ulterior motives tracks the tricks and exposes you going to that
place, how will you retain prestige in the future?"

Just finished, Zhou Li entered the crew with a dozen people in

a high-profile manner.

Wang Zhong Ding still has that attitude. Since he did it, he
was not afraid of other people's exposure. What's more, no one
would dare to expose him!
Hàn Dōng further exhorted: "You are not afraid for me.
Someone can deal with you and they stop you. I'm specifically
going to take a knife."

In order to avoid trouble, Wang Zhong Ding agreed to it.

"Do not run around after you finish. I will send a car to pick
you up."

"OK, I know."

Not long after Wang Zhong Ding left, Huang Tuo came with
Huang Xiao Yu.

In Hàn Dōng's heart, the profane demons have not been

removed, and the thoughts in his minds are still a mess. Even
Huang Tuo came to him and found nothing.

"What do you want?" Huang Tuo asked.

Hàn Dōng's was stunned, when he regained his strength, he
also panted a few times.

"No, I didn't think about nothing."

Huang Tuo has seen the clues. He lifts his knees and gently
crushes Hàn Dōng's pants.

"Is you kid getting on with drugs?"

Hàn Dōng furiously spurted back, "You look like you have
been drugged!"

"How can you be able to satisfy Wang Zhong Ding when you
haven't been drugged?"

This time the tune was right into Zhou Li. Together with the
only information record that was turned out from Huang Tuo's
cell phone that day, Zhou Li's mind could not help but be active.
After the work was completed, Hàn Dōng deliberately dragged
on without leaving. When everyone was gone, he packed up and
hurry to leave.

Unexpectedly, he just crashed into Huang Tuo.

" are not going?" Hàn Dōng was surprised.

Huang Tuo said: "I took my child and bought something."

"Oh, then I'll go first."

Hàn Dōng wanted to escape and he was caught by Huang Tuo.

"How will you go? I don't think your car is down below."

"I told the driver to come and pick me up."

Huang Tuo said: "Now that the traffic has been so severe,
where is it are you going? Where do you want to go? I'll send

Thinking of the head of the military car to escorted to the

"Private Club", this kind of treatment Hàn Dōng really can not

"I don't bother you. I'll call my car."

Hàn Dōng said decisive.

In fact, Wang Zhong Ding's car was waiting since the early
hours. Hàn Dōng left with the car.

Zhou Li happened to be sitting in the tea room of the tea

house opposite. When Hàn Dōng got on the car and Huang Tuo
followed, she got up and said to the assistant: "Let's go."

Along the way, Hàn Dōng is full of emotion and blood steam.
Excited, suddenly his eyes swept from the rearview mirror to
a familiar military vehicle.

Fuck me! How did he follow me?

Hàn Dōng looked back and saw exactly what Huang Tuo's face
was on the co-pilot's face.

"Drive slightly faster," Hàn Dōng said.

The driver replied faintly: "Do you think there is room for
that on this road?"

Okay... Hàn Dōng can only wait anxiously.

As a result, a car was overtaking a car and an intersection

turned at an intersection. Huang Tuo's car steadily followed
Hàn Dōng.

After catching up with a loose stretch of road, Hàn Dōng

finally couldn't bear to say, "Stop!"

With the stop of his car, the military vehicle behind him also

Huang Tuo took the initiative to shake the window, and yelled
at Hàn Dōng: "why aren't you going?"

Hàn Dōng asked with a roaring rhetoric: "Why are you

following me?"

"I'm following you?"

"if not?"

"I'm taking my children to the family home"

Hàn Dōng's face has changed, “Where is your child family?”

"Yes, north of the North Hai."

Hàn Dōng was suddenly big.

Wang Zhong Ding ... You're looking good place it wouldn't be

because it's near Huang Tuo mother-in-law.

Huang Tuo couldn't help smiling. "What? You thought I was

going to follow you to kidnap you?"

Hàn Dōng said nothing and took an angry face back to the car.

His actions as a “thief with guilty conscience” caused Huang

Tuo's high interest, and after Hàn Dōng's “participation” texts,
Huang Tuo has been pondering the deep meaning behind Hàn
Dōng's defense.

"Park." Huang Tuo finally said to the guard.

The car stopped at the roadside.

Huang Tuo took Huang Xiao Yu and got off the car and said:
"you didn't have to go any farther. I will take her and walk over.
You turn back and continued to follow the car and see where he
is going."

"Okay, Sir...."

Not long after Hàn Dōng arrived at the clubhouse, the guard's
car arrived. He stayed in the car and did not come down, staring
at the doorway.

After a while, Zhou Li's car stopped at a short distance.

Zhou Li took off sunglasses. The first thing that caught her
eye was Hàn Dōng's car. Then he turned his eyes and saw the
familiar military vehicle.

"Sure enough, as I guessed."

The assistant asked cautiously: "Are you sure that this
military vehicle is Huang's?"

Zhou Li raised her chin and smiled. "You didn't see his
security guard still in the car?"

The assistant suddenly realized: "Indeed, I remember this


Zhou Li slapped her hands, "Look what services this new

clubhouse provides"


After more than twenty minutes, the assistant walked out of

the club and returned to Zhou Li's car.

"What's served there?" asked Zhou Li.

The assistant attached to her ear and said a few words and
said that her face was red.

Zhou Li did not see any uncomfortable, but also laughed and
joked: "People who look very upright, their taste are not light at

"Are you sure that Huang is headed inside... Is that? Won't it

be Wang Zhong Ding or..."

"Wang Zhong Ding?" Zhou Li was as much a joke as he heard.

"He can do pretty good in his own bed, why would he dare to
come to this kind of place?"

"Is it going to be someone else and Hàn Dōng? Huang just

happened to be here."

Zhou Li said with certainty: "The last two things that you
mentioned, there is no absolute waist power that absolutely
cannot be played. I believe that when I look at men's eyes and
mix this circle. I am afraid that no one except men can do it."
"Then is it not Cai Peng?"

Zhou Li smiled. "Would Hàn Dōng die for him? Just because
Cai Peng and Wang Zhong Ding quarreled a lot, and he
committed a crime on this cusp?"

"Then why did he dare to bring Huang Tuo..."

“Frustrated ” Zhou Li laughed. “Not to mention Huang Tuo is

rich and powerful. It's good to catch up.”

The assistant did not speak.

More than an hour later, Hàn Dōng did not come out.

Zhou Li yawned and said: "Huang Tuo's physical strength

really is extraordinary."

"Do you want to pass a message to Wang?" asked the assistant.

"What are you rushing to? If you have figured out the
situation, then it's more interesting to send another scene."

The assistant covered his yawning mouth and listened to


After Hàn Dōng came out of the room, he really became

immortal. Walking out his legs looked wobbly like he was flying
on air

Wang Zhong Ding originally wanted to him Hàn Dōng, and

Hàn Dōng would not let it. Not only that, but also Wang Zhong
Ding and he maintain a distance of more than three meters, will
have to keep the reputation of husband and noble, but also to
save Wang's image.

At the entrance to the clubhouse, Hàn Dōng arduously turned

around and made a brake gesture to Wang Zhong Ding.

"I'll go out first, you don't follow me."

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "Can you manage going down this

"You cares less about me. Why don't you just go?"

Wang Zhong Ding's abdominal concubines played foul: Didn't

you just listen to your own command and haven't you been
trying hard?

"Do not come out with me!"

After the last domineering warning, Hàn Dōng took his teeth
and walked out.

"Coming out, coming out..." The assistant patted the drowsy

Zhou Li.

Zhou Li saw Hàn Dōng with soft legs and couldn't help but
chuckle. "Sure enough..."
"But why did General Huang not come out together?"

"Nonsense, he is afraid of being discovered."

helping and wishing is right, "So we still have to wait and


"It's not necessary. It's a matter of nailing nails in a coffin. It's

just that we can prevent people from going home, so go ahead
and avoid delaying people going to sleep."

The assistant nodded and signaled the driver to drive.

In contrast, Huang Tuo's security guards can be more

"professional," and he waited until Wang Zhong Ding came out
to drive away.

Huang Tuo put Huang Xiao Yu at his house and got himself
alone and called the guard.
"What happened? Did you catch it?"

The guard nodded. "It won't take long from here"

1].....Why does this club sounds like a sex club

Chapter 256 Stupefying Shock!!
Huang Tuo is also secretly competing here.

When he saw Hàn Dōng's strong and unbearable virtues, he

was not angry.

He was instead feeling stunned: Wang Zhong Ding, you kid is

really good, actually using this trick to stimulate me?

The cadre advised the next: "Huang Sir, in your condition
find a big yellow flower girl is best decision, why bother with
such a person who is too difficult?"

Huang Tuo replied: "Did I say I want you to be me again?"

Guards abdominal storms rawled up: didn't you want to come

here to find vinegar to eat?

"I just can't understand it. Even if a woman rushes to post it,
how can a man still look like a bone to chew?"
The guard whispered: "He wasn't embarrassed for two days..."

"What are you talking about?" Huang Tuo did not feel good.

Guards busy replied: "Nothing, I just would like to say, you

think he might as well consider Zhou Li . Zhou Li is a woman at
least, at least interested in him, fame and reputation are at least
in front of you."

Unexpectedly, what Huang Tuo said make the guards almost

vomit blood.

"Who is Zhou Li?"

The cadre slammed on the spot and pointed his fingers to

Zhou Li for a long time to speak.

"You don't know Zhou......... Don't you know? Grandma

Zhou? The topic is the queen, the queen and the queen ... and
then I say: Did you not give her your mobile phone two days
Huang Tuo glanced at Zhou Li, turning his gaze back within
half a second.

Three awesome altogether.

"Did not notice her."

"...Okay, then I didn't say it."

After a while, Huang Tuo went to watch the daughter filming.

Unlike Xixi's heavy scene, Huang Xiao Yu is a passer-by

character and has no influence on the whole movie story, just to
make her additional character..

So, just like the test on that day, Huang Xiao Yu only needs to
perform a shot that is shown as she is scared and crying.

But how to make her cry has become a problem.

Because last time Zhou Li did it and explained, it is not good to
use this set again.

At this time, the cadre thought of a way.

He told Huang Tuo: "Look at Hàn Dōng."

Hàn Dōng is silent and unable to extricate himself in the

"Ultimate Bliss World".

Huang Tuo's face was too black at the time.

The guard said to Huang Xiao Yu again: "Come on, look at

your father."

Huang Xiao Yu woke up and cried as soon as his father looked

at Han Dong.

You're done.

After the work was completed, Hàn Dōng and everyone else
were gone and he left in a hurry.

Zhou Li and Li Shang had already changed to a car in advance

and arrived at the club in advance.

This is a place dedicated to enjoyment and relaxation. In

addition to high standards for admission, privacy is also
extremely high. It's harder to get information from customers
who went inside..

The owner of the club, was someone surnamed Liu, he is also

the character of the Beijing Dangdang No.1. After seeing Zhou
Li's beauty patronizing this, his bright eyes immediately picked

"Miss Zhou, a long, long time we waited ..."

Zhou Li smiled and said, "I'm going to say I'm long-awaited."

"Come on, come on."

Liu personally opened the door for Zhou Li and invited her in.

Two people chatted in the VIP room for a while, and when Liu
heard Zhou Li's intentions and instantly showed his
embarrassed expression.

"Miss Zhou, I think this is not the first time to visit this place,
the rules you should all understand. Empathy, if someone wants
to buy privacy at a high price, we can casually provide it to him"

Zhou Li voice faded: "I can add another zero."

Liu boss did not care to place a cigarette, "Miss Zhou, I do not
lack of money, I ..."

"What are you missing?" Zhou Li directly interrupted.

Boss Liu smiled. "My business is just starting. It's bound to be
the source. If Miss Zhou can visit you from time to time, I think
our business would get better."

Zhou Li secretly thought: With a few appearances for Hàn

Dōng's ..... this transaction is too valued.

Then she replied: "No problem."

"Ha ha ha ... ... Miss Zhou you're really refreshing person.

However, in front of the words, you can not make things louder,
lets take our sign on a document ah." Liu boss cautiously.

"Rest assured. Someone seems more afraid of this thing than I

am. Have you checked me yet. Are you still worried that I would
be scamming you?"

Liu boss nodded with a smile and made a wink at the two
bodyguards next to him, suggesting they were keeping people in
Huang Tuo went to his mother-in-law's house and left Huang
Xiao Ye there, returning himself to the car.

"Chief, where to?" the guard asked.

Huang Tuo set the car out of sight and said: "drive home."

As a result, when the car was driven less than two kilometers
long and Huang Tuo suddenly spoke again.

"Go to the new club house in the park."

The guard was shocked. "Are you going to that place? In case

"This is an order." Huang Tuo broke hard.

The guard had to obey his will.

Li Shang looked out of the window and saw Hàn Dōng's car
parking downstairs for a while.

"he is here."

Zhou Li nervous asked, "Himself?"

Li Shang nodded.

After a while, Huang Tuo's car came.

Li Shang was shocked in his chest, until this moment, he can

hardly believe that Hàn Dōng would dare to die recruiting a
army guy.

But still reminded: "General Huang is coming."

Zhou Li was able to withstand excitement and said: "Wait a

minute, the soldier feels very sharp, and it is not good for him to
discover abnormalities. He should wait for the battle to start

As a result, the two people lingered for more than ten minutes
until they felt that the time was ripe for real-time monitoring.

The display lighted up instantly. The location of the monitor

was Hàn Dōng's room.

"Where is this camera?" Li Shang was curious.

Zhou Li said: "The smoke censorship is on."

Strong and powerful muscles rippling .... Li Shang could not

help but wondered if he would have spent any of his previous
consumption here. He also would retained such “evidence” and
kept himself for some days.

"Look at them." Zhou Li pulled Li Shang.

Li Shang this time his eyes went back to reality.

Since smoke sensation is too far hazy it hid two people faces,
Zhou Li and Li Shang can only see the general stature and
cannot see their faces.

Hàn Dōng need not say it, and his two legs were raised too
high. The other person had a body which was originally similar
to Huang Tuo's figure, coupled with the premeditated reason,
the other person was easily mistaken.

After the screen is adjusted clearly, the first thing that catches
the eye is the scene of the two men kissing naked.

"Ah ... ... this kind of impatient urge.... Shows a look is just
the love period together." Zhou Li jokingly said.

Li Shang also could not imagine Wang Zhong Ding's

appearance being out of control. Therefore, Huang Tuo's facts
were acquiesced in his heart.
After some intimacy, Wang Zhong Ding pulled Hàn Dōng to
an instrument and fixed him on it.

Then, Zhou Li saw Hàn Dōng struggles were full of mercy and

"Hey ...General Huang is good and evil." Zhou Li vomited as

she spoke.

Li Shang discovered that Hàn Dōng had a breast ring on his

chest. Wang Zhong Ding played it from time to time.

Suddenly there was an unusual feeling flowing in Li Shang


The instrument play came to an end, and Wang Zhong Ding

once again tied Hàn Dōng up and put his eyes on him.

Then comes the highlight.

Wang Zhong Ding's cock entered Hàn Dōng's body in one fell
swoop, with almost no buffer, and it was followed with a
rhythmic movement of winds and clouds.

The strength, the frequency of the pumping saw Zhou Li and

Li Shang eyes pin bal stare straight forward.

"General Huang really is not an average person ~" Zhou Li

secretly felt jealous for Hàn Dōng.

Li Shang nodded. "I think that the most powerful thing about
him is the rhythm. It's very good."

"If Wang Zhong Ding sees this, it is estimated that General

Huang is good as dead. This is a far cry from the world. Wang
Zhong Ding can have one ten-thousandth of his.

Li Shang said: "Why would Wang want to kill Hàn Dōng? He

moans so cool."

Zhou Li smiled. "No one can resist this change. If you give me
such a powerful man, I will forget all about that deep romance

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Zhong Ding put a burst of cum
inside Hàn Dōng.

Then he released Hàn Dōng.

Li Shang wanted to turn off the device, but the result he had
not stretched his hand yet. The two men started again and made
two consecutive cum shot bursts.

Zhou Li would like to rush in there to play threesomes

"General Huang" you want to be so brave?

And the two men moved aside while doing it, and the more
they moved the more they got closer to the camera.

Moved to the end, Wang Zhong Ding's body in addition to his

head, the rest of the parts are in the lens.
Li Shang faintly noticed that something was wrong.

"Why do I feel like this is Wang figure?"

Zhou Li said: "Are you kidding?"

However, when she turned her eyes back to the screen, Wang
Zhong Ding's face suddenly appeared on the screen.

Zhou Li's head exploded like a bomb.

Chapter 257 Idiom • Mantis Stalking a
Cidaca Unaware of the Orioles behind
•The chapter title is a Chinese idiom..... basically it means
....don't focus on a small target while staying unaware that
youre also a target for someone bigger than you.....the Mantis
was focused on a small fly unaware the orieles(A species of bird)
was circling on him•

As the camera zooms in, the already fierce sexual scene

becomes more dazzling.

Wang Zhong Ding's rudeness and urgency when Hàn Dōng

kissed him, when he whispered, he was intoxicated and
intrepid, and when he pushed in and out, he was not only not
seen by Zhou Li, what she had seen was even not thought... she
had never dared to think about it.

She couldn't even find an excuse to comfort herself.

Because Wang Zhong Ding watched Hàn Dōng's eyes become

too hot, the passion burst out of his bones, even if only there
were onlookers, they would be burned.
It is true love because of love, not any medicine can support it.

They seem to have leaned into each other's bones.

Wang Zhong Ding's acted like he was the very stimulus to Hàn
Dōng, whether waist movements being fast or slow, or light or
heavy, it perfectly fits Hàn Dōng's mind, allowing the onlookers
to instantly understand Hàn Dōng's daytime bossy attitude

And Hàn Dōng's response to Wang Zhong Ding's fucking is

even more hot and ruthless. The swaying legs, the strong waist,
and the uncompromising physical strength made it possible for
people to instantly understand the answer given by Wang
Zhong Ding - Especially.

Zhou Li is not a person who is very careful. She is guilty of

finding her arrogance, but she seldom puts things to heart.

But today's scene is like a spine stuck in her heart.

It is not because she still had old feelings for Wang Zhong
Ding, but because Hàn Dōng gave Wang Zhong Ding this
tasteful attraction, it was like the whole scene blew a slap in her
She never thought that what she was most proud of ......the
external charm. She would be left with no residue.

This is a shameful disgrace to her.

Wang Zhong Ding never ceases to be overwhelmed by Han

Dong shame.

Zhou Li watched as Wang Zhong Ding smacking Hàn Dōng's

bruised parts. Hàn Dōng moans were full of bed rolling nature,
and Wang Zhong Ding held in this pained pet.

This action may not be able to do ordinary people, not to

mention its just too much for a clean freak like Wang Zhong

However, Wang maybe a man who loves to be clean,

impatient, and stern, but when his desires are completely fired,
he does not hesitate to lick Hàn Dōng's body, even if there is
sweat all over.
In contrast, Zhou Li suddenly felt that his first love was a joke.

1]....Zhou Li was Wang first relationship

There was nothing more than a good enthusiasm to watch the

excitement. There was only a deep chill in her heart.

Zhou Li turned off the monitor.

Li Shang was so shocked that he did not know when the scene
had been removed from the screen and his face turned out of
the window.

Huang Tuo's car has long disappeared.

It is estimated that Hàn Dōng's car is directly deflated. Li

Shang speculated that like his identity, it is impossible to make
a big move for this small matter.

As for why Huang Tuo was here, Li Shang suddenly thought

of a possibility.

He believes that Wang Zhong Ding did this on the one hand to
combat Huang Tuo. On the other hand, he tried to attract Zhou
Li here to take her arrogance down a peg .

But later Li Shang thought that it wasn't right. Taking Wang

Zhong Ding's status as an excuse, he couldn't just look at himself
in order to stimulate someone.

Regardless of whether Wang Zhong Ding is willing to let Zhou

Li see the sex scene.... what Li Shang can confirm is that he will
not continue to watch it.

So, Li Shang turned to Zhou Li and said: "I'll go out and smoke
a cigarette."

Zhou Li was still in the middle of the hustle and bustle.

Nothing was suspected, and Li Shang left alone.

However, Li Shang did not come back this time.

When Zhou Li made a few calls and no one answered it, she
realized that something was wrong.

Before she went out, she deliberately looked out of the

window to make sure that Wang Zhong Ding's car had left and
she was assured to go out.

However, as soon as she had just left the door of the

clubhouse, suddenly there were countless flashes that lit her

In the past, when Zhou Li traveled she was surrounded by at

least a dozen people. Today, because of the special
circumstances, she brought an assistant and the assistant was
detained in the lounge at the request of Liu.

As a result, Zhou Li barely had no power to dodge and was

thus surrounded by reporters.

"I heard that you signed a cooperation agreement with the

owner of the sex club and will do some special services here. Is
this really true?"
Zhou Li changed her face when she heard this.

"Make sure your mouth clean. Don't talk nonsense without


The reporter was not overwhelmed. " What about the person
in charge of the club disclosed to us, is it true?"

Zhou Li said, "I don't need to answer this question. Please let
go, thank you."

"What is this special service? Is the person in charge of the

club talking to you about working here?"

"What kind of purpose did you promise to cooperate with


Zhou Li wants to worry about it. The reporters have spread
out from her side and surrounded her with the boss who has
just left.

"Is it that you are the person in charge of this club?"

Liu boss generously admitted, "I am."

“We have heard that Miss Zhou Li has signed an agreement

with the club and promised to carry out some special services
here. Is this indeed the case?”

Liu boss replied without hesitation: "Yes, Miss Zhou really

wants to cooperate with us."

Zhou Li, who is not far away, was not calm and immediately
rushed to boss Liu and questioned him: “When did I sign an
agreement with you? Was it not a verbal promise?”

The reporter saw that the two disputed and suddenly became
even more excited and asked the truth.
"What verbal promise?"

"Can you disclose it?"

Liu boss waved his hands to silence the reporters.

"In this matter, I had some disagreements with Miss Zhou.

When we communicate privately, we will explain to you."

However, the boss's so-called communication is just a word.

"If you(Zhou Li) do not recognize this agreement, I will tell

reporters about the reasons for cooperation."

Zhou Li immediately realized that she was being scammed.

Liu boss said: "Anyway, my industry is so big, I have a club

and another club. Once you have seen the privacy of people, the
club reputation will be disgraced."
Zhou Li face looked iron blue.

Liu's rough fingers gently pinched on her gorgeous face.

"Think about it."

Zhou Li was too angry to say a word.


In contrast, Li Shang is smarter than Zhou Li.

He realized that there might be someone outside for an

ambush, and if he went out now.... he was probably arrested.

So he hid in the bathroom on the second floor and secretly

observed the situation outside.
Facts have proved that his caution mind is correct.

Zhou Li really was set up.

After Li Shang felt that the reporter's noise was small, he

would only be coming out of the window.

This is the back of the club and nothing can be seen with black

Li Shang made a full psychological preparation and jumped

out of the window from the second floor.

However, just as the moment he landed on his feet, he didn't

think on what to step on. Suddenly he stumbled and fell to the

The sharp pain caused Li Shang to faint.

At this time, felt like he was kneeling on spicky sharp marbles
and the pain could be imagined.

Li Shang has not recovered from the pain, and another blow

Feng Mu connects a man's face and he appears above his eyes

at the same time.

The man, Li Shang, was familiar with again. This man was the
reporter for Feng Mu's every time juicy new was to be released.

Feng Mu looked at Li Shang and said: “It is not easy to catch

the two of you at the same time.”

Li Shang did not say a word with his face.

Feng Mu smiled again. “Maybe you still have a chance to go

from the front door, but unfortunately you are not stupid. I
know too much about you as a conniving man. As long as you
are aware of something wrong, you will certainly find ways to
slip away and save yourself. ”

Li Shang knew that he was completely caught this time.

When Zhou Li got rid of the reporter's entanglement. Feng

Mu's ceremoniously met with Liu boss.

"Feng Sister is it worth your while? It would be better to ask

her to spend a great deal of money to quiet this than to directly
use her name to hypen this around".

Feng Mu smiled and said: "I'm only taking my long-term

illness to a doctor."

Liu boss handed a card to Feng Mu's hands.

"Slightly implied, Sister Feng you're funny."

Feng Mu readily accepted, "Liu boss you're too polite."

There was a lot of commotion here. Wang Zhong Ding and
Hàn Dōng did not know it over there, they just slept until dawn.

It was not until Zhou Li came to the door that Wang Zhong
Ding knew that after he had gone away from the club, so many
things had happened.

"Wang Zhong Ding, help me to press this news down."

In order to show her superiority, Zhou Li seldom calls Wang

Zhong Ding usually by his last name alone Wang. The sudden
change to this full name.... shows the seriousness of the matter.
Chapter 258 Never Let Them Get Away.
Wang Zhong Ding doubted, "How could you have been in that
club house?"

Zhou Li knew that if she does not tell the truth and Feng Mu
would certainly sell her out, so she could only honestly half
admit it.

"I went with Hàn Dōng."

"With Hàn Dōng?"

Zhou Li bit the bullet and explained: "I saw Hàn Dōng and
Huang Tuo flirting near the crew, and then went to a place after
the work, so me thinking that they..."

Wang Zhong Ding had not spoken yet, and Hàn Dōng was

"Who's that flirting with him? You make your mouth clean
before you start to speak bullshit. General Huang is a normal
man. He doesn't discharge when he sees a rag tag band."

Although Zhou Li was not comfortable, she did not refute


Wang Zhong Ding's concerns and Hàn Dōng's concern are

different....Wang was more concerned with: “What does this
have to do with the clubhouse? How can you sign an agreement
with them?”

"I did not sign an agreement with them. It was that man
surname Liu who was taking me for a hype."

"Then why didn't you admit that to the reporter?" Wang

Zhong Ding asked.

Zhou Li said: "I was forced to...!"

Wang Zhong Ding still doubted, "With your words and

eloquences, this rumors shouldn't be hard to beat ?"
Zhou Li knew that she couldn't help herself, so she had to tell
Wang Zhong Ding about this matter.

After Wang Zhong Ding finished listening, his face was green.

Hàn Dōng received an even greater stimulus.

Any man who has been spied on while having sex with will
feel unhappy, let alone have a woman watching. Hàn Dōng's
thick skin is still somewhat self-respecting.

So he slammed into the door and blackened his face to smoke


"Why do you think I might help you?" Wang Zhong Ding


Zhou Li tried to defend herself. “I didn't really want to peep at

your private life. I thought you were Huang Tuo, so...”
"So you just watched the whole process right?"


"Yes," Wang Zhong Ding said with a cold face. "I can't help you
clean up this mess."

Zhou Li had to lay down her usual high profile and pleaded
with a low voice.

"Wang, help me. You know that those reporters are terrible. If
they do report it, I will not have to mix them later. Even the
second and third-rate actors will dare to look down at me with
their white eyes."

Wang Zhong Ding was indifferent. "That was exactly what

you were looking for. I didn't investigate if you invaded the
privacy of others."

Zhou Li was in an instant hurry. "Do you think I wanted to see

it? No one in this world is more reluctant to see these sex scenes
than I am. How sad am I to go look after it, I think you should
know clearer than anyone else?"

Wang Zhong Ding chilled. "That is your own business. Do not

involve me in this."

“Well, I won't do that for you, but you also need to think for
the company stance and the company reputation. “Theft of
Shadows 2” is just on the right track, and the company is still in
the transition period. This is a file...”

Zhou Li's words were not finished yet and Hàn Dōng came in.

"Press the news down," he said to Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding replied coldly: "You don't intervene in this


"Aren't you afraid that I wouldn't think of it? It's okay. I'm a
big man. When people look at the sex and watch it, I won't lose
anything....but if my "Theft of Shadows 2" is implicated, then
it's not two flesh.....its two big things."

Wang Zhong Ding said: "How much is the money loss, you

"Don't say that, I don't want people to say that I'm Hàn Dōng
eating soft rice." Hàn Dōng said that he would just throw his
hand at Zhou Li. "Rest assured, nobody would dare to report
this news."

1]...eating soft rice....riding coat tails...favoritism...easy way

out...they would think that Han Dong success is because he gets
bent over the desk by Wang Zhong Ding

Zhou Li has a questionable attitude toward Hàn Dōng's power

over Wang ability.

Hàn Dōng took a big shot and the man was full.

"Anyone who can't go with the money is like he can't go with

Hàn Dōng."

News was temporarily suppressed.

However, the matter is not finished yet. Since Feng Mu will

not stop and Liu boss will not stop.

Wang Zhong Ding is also worried about this matter.

He always feels that Hàn Dōng has suffered enough, and he

always thinks that his tolerance is nothing much but
understanding of his helplessness.

"Do you really care?" Wang Zhong Ding asked Hàn Dōng

Hàn Dōng used Wang Zhong Ding tone to reprimand and

replied: “Do you dare to question it?”
Wang Zhong Ding did not speak with a cold face.

Hàn Dōng was embarrassed again. "What's the matter? I wish

she didn't see it. Isn't she taking herself seriously? This time, let
her have a good look and see what is the difference between me
and her!"

Wang Zhong Ding replied coldly: "I just feel its too easy to
spare her for what she'd done."

"What is it like to have a sultry girl watching? Why don't she

understand it with her?" Hàn Dōng did not care.

Wang Zhong Ding did not say anything.

Hàn Dōng stared at Wang Zhong Ding for a moment and

asked, "You don't have any tolerance?"

"How can I torelate it?" Wang Zhong Ding did not understand
what Hàn Dōng meant.
Hàn Dōng deliberately teased. "You're too thrrough about
Zhou Li's heart? Didn't you see how she feel about old feelings."

"What do I care about that?" Wang Zhong Ding eyes cold.

Hàn Dōng was curious. "If you're finished playing with me in

the future, and I do something that can't live up to your future
married woman. Will you treat me so horrid?"

If this was put in the past, Wang Zhong Ding would say "yes"
in a flash. His feelings are particularly pure and simple, and
only for whom he is with, and the rest of his private thoughts
will be removed in his heart.

But now, he suddenly hesitated.

" What did you say. When will it happen?" Hàn Dōng looked at
Wang Zhong Ding and winked.

Wang Zhong Ding replied coldly: "There is no absolute best,

only more."
"How's the 'Extreme' Act?" Hàn Dōng deliberately asked.

Zhong Ding said: "Follow me once again in front of her."

Hàn Dōng laughed and threw Wang Zhong Ding directly onto
the bed and they played several rolling in the sheet.

"I've completely relieved with you because of this sentence.

Really, I think now Zhou Li is a rival. I'm going to force you to
punish her again. It's too deceiving."

Wang Zhong Ding pretended to have an impatient expression.

"We'll think about it....for now... sleep."

Hàn Dōng also said: "If I don't even give her this way, I'm not
a man."

"Are you finished?" Wang Zhong Ding cold face.

Hàn Dōng laughed, "The last sentence, the last sentence."

Wang Zhong Ding patiently waited for him.

"You don't have to get entangled with this matter. I really

don't care." Hàn Dōng said seriously.

Wang Zhong Ding replied softly: "OK, lets go to bed."


The next day, Feng Jun came to send the contract, and by the
way he asked Wang Zhong Ding: “My sister and I talked about
Zhou Li and she said the woman signed an agreement with the
owner of the club. What happened?”

Wang Zhong Ding brushed Hàn Dōng and said in a low voice:
"Nothing, don't butt in."
Hàn Dōng plugged in quickly: "It's okay. You tell him the
truth. I don't care."

Wang Zhong Ding thought: I care!

Feng Jun said: "Forget it, I will not ask, you first give Zhou Li
manager a call, I do not have his number."

Wang Zhong Ding picked up his mobile phone and flipped his
address book. Zhou's manager number suddenly couldn't be

"Didn't you saved it " Feng Jun asked.

"Impossible. He sent me a message before. His name was

displayed on the message."

"Then you find it from the information record." Feng Jun

Wang Zhong Ding once again turned over the information
records. What is strange is that all the information is well
preserved, except that the information sent by Zhou Manager
has disappeared.

"How is it lost?" Feng Jun surprised.

Wang Zhong Ding thought about it, suddenly turned his gaze
to Hàn Dōng, and slapped his hand on the back of Hàn Dōng

"Was it you again?"

Hàn Dōng's face was wronged. "Why are you accusing me


"Who else can I accuse? Who else but you touched my cell

Feng Jun can not figure out, "What does this matter have to
do with him?"
Wang Zhong Ding is undaunted. "You don't know. He recently
owed a lot of money. He often sleepwalks and deletes things
from my mobile phone. He has been caught doing it several

Feng Jun felt a cold sweat directly on his back: Wang Sir why
did you add new problems(Hàn Dōng) to your life?

Wang Zhong Ding directly tossed his mobile phone to Hàn

Dōng. "Recover the data."

"How can I recover after deleting it?"

"Are you not able to resist deleting it? If you fail to restore the
numbers and information you have accidentally deleted, and I
wouldn't recover my millions worth watch worn on my arm."

Hàn Dōng began to work hard without saying anything.

Feng Jun suggested Wang Zhong Ding. "You might as well ask
someone else to inquire about it."
"Here, its recovered."

Feng Jun questioned, "Is there such a god?"

Hàn Dōng eliminated his doubts with practical actions.

"No, its all right."

Feng Jun was surprised, "So fast?"

Wang Zhong Ding is looking for a mobile phone and a message

suddenly pops up on the main page.

Wang Zhong Ding opened it and slammed it.

A late love letter...

1]....the one which Zhou Li saw

Just after sweeping the first two sentences, Wang Zhong Ding
had a bit of salty feeling of insecurity.

He closed the message directly and was planning to find a

quiet night in the evening to read them.

However, when he saw the date it was received, he knew that

Hàn Dōng had neither secretly sent and deleted it last night, nor
did he secretly send it the night before, but many days ago.

On that date, Wang Zhong Ding could not be more clear.

That was the booting ceremony of “Theft of Shadows 2” and it

was also the day when Hàn Dōng stayed alone and hung his
mobile phone on the thorn tree.

Wang Zhong Ding did not know exactly how Hàn Dōng
bypassed those spines and took the phone off the tree....sent a
text and hung it back up again

But he knew that this email was manually deleted.

Hàn Dōng finally did not give Zhou Li a chance to stay calm.

And this move is far more direct than Er Lei, so that Wang
Zhong Ding feeling the need to punish Zhou Li is much more

1]..... punishing someone for deleting a love text

Wang Zhong Ding's eyes turned to Feng Jun and made a clear-
cut tone: “Let your sister organize the news and give it to the

Although Feng Jun is not clear about the specific situation, he

still nodded his head.

"In addition, tell her that Li Shang can't be let go."

Chapter 259 Xià Family Three Brothers.
Feng Mu's hype news was well-known within the circle.
Through her collaboration with reporters, the image of Zhou
Li's hard-working business woman in the past two years has
collapsed and she has been re-attached to her dirty hat.

Advertisers came to the door and said they had to make an

agreement with actress public image clause with Zhou Li and
asked to be paid for all losses.

In addition, several of the endorsements that were being

negotiated have also been pulled off. One of the international
big brands of cosmetics has seen her eyebrows ads vandalized
because of such a scandal.

Li Shang is not much more worse than Zhou Li.

Feng Mu not only included Li Shang into the agreement, but

also exposed him to the shameful photo that he escaped through
the window. The image of the male god was instantly destroyed.
In view of the losses that the two brought to the company and
the crew, Wang Zhong Ding ordered them to be banned for one
month and canceled all commercial publicity activities so as to
“reorganize behind closed doors”.

Hàn Dōng's “big number of adults” he was forces to retain the

role of two people in “Theft of Shadows 2”, but he had to wait
until the deadline was expired in order to return to the crew to

As a result, Li Shang and Zhou Li will not appear for the time
being. Huang Xiao Yu ended the show and Huang Tuo received a
higher order to perform the task of making his daughter cry. Cai
Peng is reluctant and will not take action in a short time...

Wang Zhong Ding, who has read Hàn Dōng's love letter, is
almost obedient to him. Whatever he wants Wang has to give
during the day, what to satisfy at night.

Therefore, Hàn Dōng's mouth did not rest from screaming for
a long time from morning till night.
Today is another sunny day.

Hàn Dōng took Xixi out the door early in the morning.
Today's scenes are mainly a father and son playing and Xià Yang

Think of Xià Yang Zhuo and Yu Ming who can both make
rapid progress with acting. They can also talk with Yu Ming
about the fact that the parents are in trouble. They had to send
Xixi to his grandmother's family for the weekend. They were
happy to keep Xixi for Wang Zhong Ding, and Hàn Dōng is no

After entering the dressing room, Hàn Dōng only saw Yu Ming
and did not see Xià Yang Zhuo.

"You two are not together?" Hàn Dōng wondered.

Yu Ming said: "He went to a family gathering yesterday. Those

brothers heard that he wanted to shoot a horror shot today.
They had to personally escort him to the scene."
Hàn Dōng's eyes were almost ejected after listening to the
words “brothers”.

"All ... coming here?" Hàn Dōng asked guiltily.

Yu Ming said: “It's not possible to come. All of his brothers are
very talented people.

Hàn Dōng wiped his sweat: "It's right... Then you help me see
them when they come around..... I'll go to the bathroom."

Having said that, Hàn the Great quickly slipped to escape his

Yu Ming and Xixi were left together .

The last time he tried the show, Xixi visited the idol and
forgot to greet Yu Ming. This time, he took the initiative to
reach out.
"Uncle Yu, long time no see."

Yu Ming saw a glimpse of it, and then he showed a faint smile

and squeezed Xixi's hand.

"Hello there."

Yu Ming didn't like to tease children, but Hàn Dōng looked too
much like Wang Zhong Ding's Xixi, this made Yu Ming have a
keen interest and couldn't help but spoke a few words.

"Does your father still hurt your uncle?"

Xixi thought for a moment and replied: "It depends on the


"Also divided into circumstances?" Yu Ming was curious.

Xixi nodded. "Generally speaking, he hurt uncle during the

day and hurt me even more at night."

Yu Ming is more curious. "How does he hurt uncle during the


"He often forced uncle to pick clothes, carry collars and wear
shoes, but these he must do it himself."

Yu Ming consoled: "That's because your father wants to

exercise your autonomy."

"No, Dad said, Uncle and I were like children in his eyes. But
Uncle Dong was not as lucky as I was. He had too much
bitterness when he was young and he needed to make up for it."

Yu Ming's face had an expression of understanding.

"What about that night? How did he hurt you?"

Xixi grinned: "I had sleepwalking time with my uncle, but Dad
took him to bed and watched him .... but he left me to sleep
alone in the room."

"He wouldn't have the nerves....."

Yu Ming touched Xixi's small head and thought: poor child.


"The big murder."

Seeing this result, Hàn Dōng almost sobbed in the toilet.

What to do?

The benefactor is 100% coming.

1]... The benefactor is Xià Yao....Han calls him the benefactor
because he paid Hàn Dōng money on the webcam to chat with
him....since it was a private chat..... Xia Yao paid a hefty sum.

Once Xià Yao and Xià Hòng Wēi talked about what happened
on at the time, Hàn Dōng own life would be finished.

Hàn Dōng was anxious in the bathroom and suddenly heard a

loud noise from outside.

He is definitely coming...

Hàn Dōng opened the bathroom window and looked out

against the corner.

A lengthened Lincoln bus stopped outside the studio. More

than ten people got off the bus and Hàn Dōng swept away one
by one. He didn't see a familiar face and suddenly felt relieved.

These dozen people are the bodyguards of the Xia Family

Special Forces. All of them are tall and mighty, and their faces
are handsome.

Xià Yang Zhuo was surrounded by these people and he got off
the car as a noble prince.

Then, the doors are all closed.

It seems there is no one in it.

Hàn Dōng was completely relieved.

A false alarm...

However, one of the cars following came back late to the

studio. The car looked very inconspicuous, but when the door
was opened, everyone was shocked.

Xià Hòng Wēi, Xià Yao, looked like a pair of twin brothers
from the second uncle .....came out of the car.
Just saw a dozen people who are about to scream when the
bodyguards surrounded the group. At this moment, the people
around cannot help but burst into tears.

Who is this fucking handsome?

If this is a group of aristocrats come for movie roles, there is

no room for survival for us normal actors

Hàn Dōng can not help but shed tears.

His benefactor finally came to the door.

It seems there is no need to go out.

It's good to just stay here.

Hàn Dōng directly shut down the phone...

Nobody knows how long he stayed there to hide, Hàn Dōng
suddenly felt like peeing... He annihilated the cigarette butt
then headed towards the urinals.

As a result, he just untied his pants and he heard a slamming

rush of energy standing next to him. The force of the man made
Hàn Dōng feel helpless but fantasize about the length of his

Hàn Dōng secretly looked at the side.

The result was he tried to settle for a glance.

Not only did the eyes settle, but even the ostrich's movements
were anchored. It was so huge ... Can't take it!

Next to this majestic cock... the peeing was resolved and Hàn
Dōng bird was taken back in the pants in a hurry.

Hàn Dōng had not even finished urinating.

The keen nerve immediately noticed Hàn Dōng's presence and
his eyes stared nakedly.

Hàn Dōng's face was burned hot, his eyes turned, and he
couldn't help but be stunned.

Yuan Zong.


And he was glaring at him with two sharp eyes.

Hàn Dōng was full of fury after he learned about the truth. He
never saw the arrogance and misunderstanding when he first
saw Yuan Zong, and he was only smiling at his face.

"Oh... Ah..."

Yuan Zong first looked at Hàn Dōng's leg and only looked at
his face after watching .
"Finally ......I have found you." Yuan Zong said.

Hàn Dōng who had finished urinating. He felt two more urine
drops leak out .

"You...what did you want with me?"

Yuan Zong looked very calm and straightforward: "I didn't

want to find you. It was Yao Er who wanted to find you."

"Yao Er ?"

"Xiao Yao."

Hàn Dōng smiled even more dry. "Why did Xià Yao wanted to
find me?"

Yuan Zong returned his three words.

"Reminiscent of Old Times ."

Then, Hàn Dōng was like a chicken and was directly pulled by
Yuan Zong in front of Xià Yao.

"You two chat, I will go in the car."

Yuan Zong strode out of sight of two people.

Xià Yao's eyes stared straight at Hàn Dōng and said: “Long
time no see.”

Hàn Dōng was pretending to return calmly: "Yes, yes, long

time no see."

"Last time you came to visit me on the ward, I had something

to say to you. You flashed out before I could say anything."

"Oh... were you?" Hàn Dōng deliberately played a fool.

At this time, Xià Hòng Wēi came suddenly to them.

"You two know each other, ah? I would also like to introduce
you to recommend him." Xià Hòng Wēi reprimanded.

Xià Yao laughed and said, "Even without referrals, we two are
very familiar with each other and we met more than ten years

"You met more than a decade ago?" Xià Hòng Wēi is now
curious. "How do you know each other?"

Xià Yao wanted to answer. Hàn Dōng suddenly interrupted

him and said: "You haven't got anything to say to me, police
officer Xia? Do you want to find a place where nobody is around
in order to reconcile the old issues?"

"You don't need it. My brother is not an outsider. I told him

about you in the morning."

Xià Hòng Wēi listened which being stupid: "Have you

mentioned him to me?"

"Yeah, he is the migrant worker who fell in the well."

Hàn Dōng: "......."

Chapter 260 Courting Disaster.
Xià Hòng Wēi's eyes suddenly rose from a thick layer of fog,
the sound is particularly deep.

" So it was you for a long time."

Hàn Dōng smiled miserably: "Yes, I have been grateful to

police officer Xia."

Xià Hòng Wēi stepped forward and his cold pressing face was
less than one centimeter away from Hàn Dōng's face.

"Is it? I have always hated you."

Hàn Dōng wanted to call Wang Zhong Ding for help and Xià
Yao helped him to rescue him.

"He did not jump in it himself. What do you blame him for?"
Hàn Dōng quietly shed a few drops of crocodile tears for Xià

Xià Hòng Wēi replied Xià Yao: "Isn't it true that he jumped in
himself? If it is a big well, it wouldn't mean too much. How
could he fall in it?"

"Now he had already been rescued. Do you have any use for
this useless anger ?" Xià Yao was impatient.

Xià Hòng Wēi aggressive: "Why is it useless? Why does your

good intentions torelate the consequences for his carelessness?"

Hàn Dōng kept rubbing his sweat on the side, just as a matter
of fact, him jumping was so unrestrained. If he knew that I was
jumping to save myself, would it be okay?

Xià Yao pushed Xià Hòng Wēi and said, "Are you not looking
for Yu Ming? Go and find him."

Before Xià Hòng Wēi left, he pointed to Hàn Dōng and said: "I
still a grudge to settle with you."

1].....Sorry Xia Hòng Wēi but if you hurt Han Dong it's over
with Yu Ming

"Well, let's go!" Xià Yao slaps Xià Hòng Wēi out of the world.

Hàn Dōng and Xià Yao remained.

"What are you looking for?" asked Hàn Dōng.

Xià Yao hesitated for a long time before he said: "That thing
you ..... would you do it for me ?"

"Yeah. Didn't I count for you before?"

"Predict for me if me and someone can last for a long time..."

Hàn Dōng could not help but joked: "police officer Xià as a
people's police how can you believe this?"

Xià Yao's face sank: "Can you count it?"

"Count, count." Hàn Dōng nodded.

Xià Yao said: "Start ......"

Hàn Dōng was a bit embarrassed. "Well, it's better if you two
come together."

"But he does not believe this and may not be willing to


"But if I look at you alone, I may not be able to see it." Hàn
Dōng specifically reminded.

Xià Yao reluctantly said: "Well, I'll try to persuade him."

Ten minutes later, two people sat in front of Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng looked straight at Yuan Zong and looked at Xià

Yao's face. There were thousands of horses galloping in his

These people Sex Life is too strong.

why? Why do you live a great life, with an bodyguard, and

still he can fucking cook too? How did you come to get a famous,
handsome and extravagant person, and how about you being
too fucking lucky?

How wonderful and fierce is it when these two men are

playing artillery war?

"Is it finished?" asked Yuan Zong.

Hàn Dōng regained his spirit. "After reading, it's finished."

"How?" Xià Yao looked at Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng solemnly replied: "You're destined to be a happy

married couple as destined by the heavens."

Xià Yao does not trust and asks: "What?"

Hàn Dōng did not speak yet. Yuan Zong asked sideways and
asked, "Can't you just let it go....or do you want to not allow it?"

Okay... Xià Yao knows that it is also a stupid question.

Yuan Zong slammed the next sentence, "Superfluous gilding

the lily," and he took a big step to leave.

1]..... What Yuan Zong mean is that Xiao Yao is unnecessarily

trying to ask if something will be good while knowing at its
current state its the 'You know were going to be
staying together forever so why are you asking him'

Xià Hòng Wēi was with Yu Ming, who immediately changed

his attitude.

The assistant bought two breakfasts. As a result, the

shopkeeper packed only one pair of chopsticks. Xià Hòng Wēi
gave them to Yu Ming so he can eat.

"When you eat hot food that fast where do you go after

Yu Ming said: " this is how I eat first, I eat fast."

"There is a lot of time to finish the food." Xià Hòng Wēi was

Yu Ming had no choice but to move chopsticks.

Hàn Dōng stared at them not far away. Yu Ming had eaten for
more than ten minutes. He handed chopsticks to Xià Hòng Wēi,
and he ate in threes minutes.

Hàn Dōng could not help but feel filled with emotion.

If give one tenth to Yu Ming's tolerance, I will not be afraid to

live all day.

After breakfast, the makeup was completed and the work was
officially started.

Today's scenes should be considered easy for Xixi.

One of the scenes is Shēn Chu An, the protagonist role played
by Xià Yang Zhuo sitting in the toilet.

The "Little Ghost" is the role played by Xixi.

In this scene, Shēn Chu An sat on the toilet and played with
his mobile phone. There was a scene playing in his phone where
he himself was sitting on the toilet and playing with his mobile
phone. There was a gloomy child sitting on his leg in the phone.

1].....its like watching a live streaming of yourself holding a

boy in a phone.... only you're holding that phone at that who is holding the camera watching you watching
yourself holding the boy in the phone....ikr...mind boggling

Shēn Chu An shut his cell phone off and found in horror that
he had a child on his leg that was exactly the same in the cell

At this time, the child turned his head back and stared at him
with a staring gaze, suddenly revealing a strange smile.

Shēn Chu An was shocked.

Xixi just sat on Xià Yang Zhuo's leg and his mouth was
smiling, and several layers of make up could not cover his flush.

The members of the film crew had sweat on their backs. How
can this bundle of joy be able to perform a horrifying smile?

However, when Director Lu shouted, the blush on Xixi quickly

faded and his eyes closed

When his beloved idol trembled to remove the cell phone, Xixi
mercilessly turned his pale little face and let off a giggle of

Xià Yang Zhuo's extraordinary face was immediately

distorted, and his grandeur was a surprise.

It is no exaggeration to say that 30 percent of Xià Yang Zhuo's

performances in this position were trained on weekdays, and 70
percent were that he was really scared of Xixi giggling.

There are children in many horror films. The reason is that

the more "human and animal harmless" things are, the more
likely they are to cause psychological impact when they are
twisted into opposites evil and horrifying.

Like Xixi, he smiled naively for the first second, and giggled
the next second. How could Yang Zhuo not be scared?

Director Lu was as good as a treasure, and once he had taken a

shot, he would not hold his hand to Xixi.

"Send this kid to me. I love him so much. How about I go

consulting with your relative?"

Hàn Dōng mouth pumped: "You can go to discuss it, I am not

that bold."

1].... I think the crew don't know that Xixi is Wang Zhong
Ding son.

The next scene followed by Hàn Dōng and Xià Yang Zhuo.
This shot is similar to just now, the protagonist Shēn Chu An
sitting on the toilet watching the phone, but this time he saw in
the phone he was holding on a man in his lap, putting down the
phone and he turned back to see another gloomy face.

And this lucky and unfortunate man is Hàn Dōng.

Fans were blowing up outside and the summer sweat lined up.
Hàn Dōng's two legs shook slightly and it was estimated that he
would be abused by this person.

Having just been frightened by Xixi, Xià Yang Zhuo has not
eased himself and has came face to face with an upgraded
version of a ghost. Xià Yang Zhuo's frightened degree can be
imagined .....a skyrocketing

He screamed out of control, and fell from Hàn Dōng's legs and
fell to the ground.

After Director Lu directed the motion, the first person who
collapsed was not Xià Yang Zhuo, but Hàn Dōng from

After the scene shooting in the morning, Hàn Dōng did not
dare to greet Yu Ming and took Xixi for lunch.

Xixi wiped tears while eating.

At first, Hàn Dōng shouted at him with jealousy, then saw his
heartbroken little mirror person, and at last he hugged Xixi in
his lap.

"Well, he will not change his opinion of you because he(Xià

Yang Zhuo) has been a little scared."

Hearing this Xixi stopped crying.

After lunch, Hàn Dōng sat in his car and had a drowsy sign.
But he was afraid to sleep. He was afraid he would sleepwalk go
to the Xià Hòng Wēi for a showdown. Then he patted and
played Xixi.

"Be sure to supervise me. Never let me fall asleep. When you
see me doze off, you'll come up and wake me up. Did you hear ?"

Xixi seriously nodded: "I heard."

After a while, Hàn Dōng was getting sleepy and immediately

after he had closed his eyes and he was woke up by Xixi.

"Wake up!" Said Xixi.

Hàn Dōng immediately opened his eyes and his sleepy tone
hailed Xixi: "Good job!"

After a while, he was sleepy again.

Xixi went on duty with due diligence.

After Hàn Dōng awoke, he maintained for a while and began
to sleep frequently.

Xixi called again and again, and finally ... ... He was finally
tired himself.

Hàn Dōng was completely asleep on the seat.

Xixi walked to his side with a small eye squinted, twisted his
face and said: "Let's get up."

Hàn Dōng boasted with his eyes closed: "Good job." Then he
got up and walked out.

Xià Hòng Wēi was chatting with Yu Ming.

"Your younger brother looked very normal, how he can this

be good looking?" Yu Ming asked.

"It was said that when he was young, he was scared of a

psychological shadow by a Perverted man."

"Isn't it?" Yu Ming was surprised. "Was the Pervert man


Xià Hòng Wēi coldly said: "If I find him.... ?

As he said, Hàn Dōng suddenly pushed his eyes into the door.

"I have good news here. There is also bad news. Which do you
want to hear first?"

Yu Ming faintly has an ominous hunch.

Xià Hòng Wēi said directly: "First want to listen to good."

Hàn Dōng's face had a look of embarrassment: "In fact, the

well.... was my own volition to jump."
Xià Hòng Wēi's face was dark and he got up.

Yu Ming met with him and he rushed to stop Hòng Wēi.

"First wait, wait for him to finish the good news."

Xià Hòng Wēi could barely suppress his temper.

"Say it!"

Hàn Dōng grinned: "You don't have to be depressed anymore,

because the Perverted Man who wore women cloth is me."

1]....the perverted man who cause psychological trauma to Xià

Yao is Hàn Dōng in women Xià Hòng Wēi is finding
out this now

Chapter 261 Wang's Method of Pinching.
Under this situation, Yu Ming could not stop Xià Hòng Wēi.

Xià Hòng Wēi picked up Hàn Dōng's collar and pushed him
like a dead dog, literally dragging him outside.

"Oh, you don't have to be so shoving. It's impossible to wake

up sleepwalking people." Yu Ming chased after him.

Xià Hòng Wēi exposed a ghostly smile at him.

"Rest assured, if he is not crazy, I will drive him crazy!"

Yu Ming, "......."

With a bang, the door closed.

Hàn Dōng was directly drawn to the "slaughterhouse."

Xixi did not know where to go so he rushed out and chased
after the car.

Hàn Dōng closed his eyes and shouted: "Hurry to stop my son!
If he falls and gets hurt I will crush you with a wedge!"

Just finished, his feet were dumped in the seat.

Even so, Hàn Dōng did not open his eyes.

When Wang Zhong Ding rushed over, Xià Hòng Wēi was no
shadow at all. Wang saw that Xixi was crying and he had to

"Daddy will help you chase him back."

Xixi nodded with her red eyes: "You can't let him be taken
away again."

Wang Zhong Ding's keen nerve captured the word "again".

"When was he taken away?"

"When uncle was young, he was taken away."

Wang Zhong Ding has a tight nerve: "How do you know?"

Xixi did not speak again, and he breathed evenly in Wang

Ding's arms. In fact, he did not really wake up just now, and the
whole process of chasing was done while Xixi was in

Wang Zhong Ding handed over Xixi to Yu Ming, and rushed to

chase Xià Hòng Wēi's car.

When Yu Ming was holding Xixi, Xixi occasionally twisted

twice, he whispered to himself, and his little hand pulled out
several flowers on Yu Ming's expensive shirt.

1]....pulled flowers....when you squeeze a shirt in a

looks like a flower
Yu Ming was surprised, is he not to saying "no kiss"? What he
look at this situation and thing "No.... he can not do it" ah?

Xià Hòng Wēi took Hàn Dōng to a clubhouse. When he

entered the house, he pulled Hàn Dōng pants off. As a result, the
whip blew up and he could not let it crack on Hàn Dōng leg.

Fuck! What do you do with such a beautiful leg?

Xià Hòng Wēi returned to reality and raised the whip again.

The result he fell into a moment of hesitational silence.

It is really not a way to go!

Those legs looked just like the one remaining treasure in the
world. In addition to psychological metamorphosis, how did
this beautiful creature lack of morality?

As a result, Xià Hòng Wēi changed from pulling to twisting his

On the one hand, he can vent his anger and try to cop a feel on
the other hand.

As a result, Hàn Dōng did not wake up from pain.

Xià Hòng Wēi's face had the abdominal convulsions: If you

don't wake up, are you saying that you don't feel it?

Therefore, Xià Hòng Wēi intensified his efforts.

As a result, Hàn Dōng was like operating on a self-protection

mode. No matter how tragic it is, he does not open his eyes.

You do not believe I can not cure you!

1]....cure him....its like when you you something bad ...and

your father gets mad and says ...believe me I will cure you today
...this is like get rid of the bad behaviour

When Xià Hòng Wēi's vise was about to make a comeback, he

heard a loud noise from outside. Then the door was kicked open
and Wang Zhong Ding rushed in.

Seeing the miserable phase of Hàn Dōng's legs, Wang Zhong

Ding felt that his heart was like being torn up by several people,
and his face went away with the bruised color of his “Baby

“Who told you to pinch him?” Wang Zhong Ding said.

Xià Hòng Wēi does not change his face: "I pinched him lightly
and he did not unload the two legs."

"What do you mean?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Xià Hòng Wēi told Hàn Dōng about his "good things" one by

“What happened to that?” Wang Zhong Ding did not think.

“This is their personal grudges. He ..... Xià Yao did not say
anything. What did you think you would do when you were
only his brother?”

"Hey what the hell?" Xià Hòng Wēi also anxious, "That's my
brother, he almost died because what this man did! How can I
sit back and relax?"

In fact, Wang Zhong Ding is also very guilty, but there is no

way he wouldn't, even if he feel bad too strong, but this is Hàn
Dōng ..... under which he can only choose an unreasonable way
out, he punched Xià Hòng Wēi in the abdomen.

Xià Hòng Wēi breath escaped and his face was twisted.

"Did you just dare to do thid for me?" Xià Hòng Wēi picked up
Wang Zhong Ding's collar and shouted.

Wang Zhong Ding retorted: "No way I wouldn't, he is my wife

!!, I can not sit back and ignore you bullying him"
Xià Hòng Wēi nodded and said: "Okay, well, you have a return
in kind !" Another fist returned.

As a result, the two men quickly squirmed into a mess of


Outside, the bodyguards heard the movement and rushed in

to hurry. It was hard to separate the shouting two people.

"Wang Zhong Ding, I have no medicine to save you!" Xià Hòng

Wēi wipe the blood from a corner on his mouth....his anger can
not be reconciled.

Unknown to Wang Zhong Ding, Hàn Dōng put on his pants

and walked out with a wounded shoulder.

During this period, Hàn Dōng did not wake up.

Wang Zhong Ding felt distressed while gnashing his teeth. He

did not understand why Hàn Dōng would not wake up when he
received such a large stimulus.
Is it true that when Hàn Dōng was afraid of feeling pain....he
doesn't awake?

As he was thinking, Hàn Dōng woke up.

Wang Zhong Ding's distressed eyes immediately closed and his

face quickly cooled.

"You really know how to wake up?"

Hàn Dōng looked blank: "What's wrong?"

When he finished the question, he took a cold air: "...was this

leg kicked ? Hey, oh, why does it hurt?"

Wang Zhong Ding doubted: "Do you really not remember?"

"Remember what?"
Wang Zhong Ding carefully observed the expression of Hàn
Dōng and found no trace of disguise.

At this time, Wang Zhong Ding suddenly thought of Xixi's

sentence "you can no longer let him be taken away again" and
Wang blood pressure soared in the moment.

Is Hàn Dōng's real life is in his mind, but he has shielded

himself from the trauma of it!
Chapter 262 An Exception .
As he was thinking, over there, Hàn Dōng asked again.

"Why is my leg hurting ?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not say a word calmly.

Hàn Dōng suddenly remembered it and shoved him.

"Come on, I was asleep? It must have been taken out. It must
have been taken out...."

While stroking his leg in pain, he said with a look of


"Still not able to keep both of you ah~"

There are no fewer than a dozen cold eyes thrown by Wang

Zhong Ding.

Hàn Dōng also asked with a sullen expression: "Why didn't

you help me stop him?"

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly changed his tone.

"I'm helping you escaping punishment out of that kind of lack

of morality. I've stopped it for you. You lucky he didn't beat you

Hàn Dōng lost his eyebrows after being found out.

Wang Zhong Ding only waited after a long time before asking,
"Is it still painful hurting?"

Hàn Dōng replied, "It doesn't hurt much"

Wang Zhong Ding was really distressed, the tone of the speech
softened several times.

"Come on, I'm sorry."

Hàn Dōng was stunned.

Wang Zhong Ding looked at the mottled refusal on his legs

and was stricken with Xià Hòng Wēi. He suddenly heard a burst
of laughter from Hàn Dōng.

"Ha ha ha ... I have thought of a good thing."

Wang Zhong Ding knew that there was no such good thing,
but he still asked, "What is it?"

"This leg is hurting .......will I be able to report insurance on

it? Is it? Is it not..."

Wang Zhong Ding replied coldly: "Not necessarily, the level of

injury is not high enough."

"How high is high?"

"You first talk about how much you want to report for it."
Wang Zhong Ding asked in reverse.

Hàn Dōng thought for a moment and said: "At least ten
million. Otherwise, will this insurance be a scam?"

Wang Zhong Ding nodded his head: "No problem, I can help
you complete this task."

"Hey? You will do it?" Hàn Dōng is curious.

Wang Zhong Ding extended his hand.

When Hàn Dōng realized that it was was too late, a
pair of claws had landed on his lap and smacked a thick bruise
on the the original mark.

On the next day, Hàn Dōng and the crew took a day off to ease
their legs.

At noon Wang Zhong Ding was busy outside, and Hàn Dōng
went to the restaurant below to get him a meal.

"Master, don't put chicken powder, Wang Zhong Ding doesn't

like eating chicken powdered meal. You use soup to give him

"Wait, it's too much oil, and then it's going down a bit... right,

"The rice today is good."

The chef had sweated Hàn Dōng's head and thought that if
Wang Zhong Ding did not come in person. This dish would be
lightly fried. What do you think of Hàn Dōng's heartless person
actually remembering these tedious demands from Wang Zhong
Ding taste ?

Finally, holding a small lunch box full of affection Hàn Dōng

went up.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding just returned from outside.

When Hàn Dōng heard smell from Wang Zhong Ding mouth,
he knew he had already eaten, and Hàn Dōng evacuated the
lunch box from the table.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding said: "Anyway, I haven't

eaten enough, and eating something more isn't a bad thing."

In fact, Wang Zhong Ding's meal is very principled. There are

more standards for each meal and more than that standard
meal..... Nothing extra will be added.
But there are exceptions to everything.

Hàn Dōng is always the example of Wang Zhong Ding all

things exception.

After dinner, Wang Zhong Ding just had lunch break and Er
Lei had called.

"Wang Zhong Ding, Hàn Dōng's adoptive parents we have

found them!"

Wang Zhong Ding has a tight heart. "Where did you find

"About the border between Inner Mongolia and Russia."

At the border between Inner Mongolia and Russia ... Wang

Zhong Ding had been grinding for a while and asked, "Where
are they now?"
"In Inner Mongolia, I want to send them to Beijing, but the
language barrier is unreasonable and it takes a long time to

Wang Zhong Ding said: "If I have not sent enough

people....then we have to send more people. We must bring
them in here any case."

"no problem."

Three days later, Hàn Dōng's adoptive parents really drove in

from the Inner Mongolia.

Wang Zhong Ding did not tell Hàn Dōng about this matter at
first, and he was afraid that Hàn Dōng would think more than
the issue warranted. Now that both of his parents have come,
Wang Zhong Ding is sure to report for it.

Hàn Dōng's reaction was surprisingly calm.

"Why are they coming?"

Wang Zhong Ding said: "I made them come."

"Why did you made them do? They didn't really support me
for any days, and they had no feelings for me."

Wang Zhong Ding said: "I just want to meet them."

Hàn Dōng said lightly: "All right."

Two people went to the meeting room together.

Hàn Dōng's adoptive parents were dressed in a simple clothes,

rough-skinned faces, sitting on the sofa, with a look of restraint.

"You don't have to be nervous. We just want to talk to you."

Hàn Dōng's adoptive parents nodded and then said that a large
number of words could not be understood.
He turned his gaze to Hàn Dōng: "You just gave me a good

Unexpectedly, Hàn Dōng said: "I can't understand."

"You can't understand anything?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng nodded: "I can't understand a sentence."

Wang Zhong Ding couldn't help himself from suspicion. It is

reasonable to say that a person who grew up in Inner Mongolia
should be able to understand the language of the region! Even if
you later arrive in Beijing, you will not forget the language of
your hometown.
Chapter 263 Idiom • Loosing Money
Instead of Being Paid
Because of communication difficulties, Wang Zhong Ding only
chatted with Hàn Dōng's foster parents for a while. During this
period, his adoptive parents did not take the initiative to
mention anything about Hàn Dōng, nor did they asked him
about his current situation. They seemed to be indifferent to
this person.

Wang Zhong Ding's suspicions are getting heavier.

Even if they lived in the big ravine, they did not understand
Hàn Dōng's current situation. But now that he has come to
Beijing, they must be curious about his glamorous lifestyle.

Even if they were only adoptive parents by Hàn Dōng's famous

saying, they did not have the obligation to support him.
However, should they expect him to be in full swing, should he
be looking forward to it?

But they are very calm from beginning to end.

Looked at Hàn Dōng's eyes only with a sense of strangeness
and polite.

Because someone was anxious to go out in the afternoon,

Wang Zhong Ding had to arrange Hàn Dōng's parents to rest in
the hotel.

As a result, he returned at night and learned that Hàn Dōng

had sent his foster parents back to Inner Mongolia without his

Wang Zhong Ding was anxious at the time: "I didn't ask them
anything yet. Why did you send them back?"

"What can I ask? I just have a name from their home. There is
no basis for feelings. You ask them if they would like to ask my
relatives before....."

Hàn Dōng did not mention this fortunately, mentioning that

Wang Zhong Ding would be even more angry.
"Where are those relatives you mentioned? When I searched
through Inner Mongolia, I cannot find one!"

As a result, Hàn Dōng was more annoyed than Wang Zhong

Ding .....and Wang noticed it.

"Are you really looking for them? Are you fed up? Why are
you looking for them?"

Wang Zhong Ding's face was instantly cold.

"what did you say?"

Hàn Dōng shouted at his neck: "Say that you've had enough!
Don't you think that those relatives who have money in their
eyes and money don't want to wrap them up? Isn't it right to
first ask me?"

Wang Zhong Ding smirked: "I wish they could get wrapped
up. The problem is that even now there is no shadow of them."
"You deserve it," Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding red eyeball asked: "I deserve it?"

Hàn Dōng's awkwardness came up again, and the yelled was


"Yes, you deserve it! You're full of it!"

After that, if Wang Zhong Ding does not give any time back a
sentence, he will turn and leave.

There is no doubt that this emotion lasted for less than half an
hour, and he regretted that his intestines were all green.

So he was cheeky to find Yu Ming.

"That... can you borrow me some money?"

Yu Ming asked: "How much?"

"Three million."

Yu Ming suddenly grabbed his heart: "Three million? That

sentence can also be termed as to 'borrow' money?"

Hàn Dōng smiled: "This is not just a little bit an issue for your

"The problem is that you are borrowing money through me. I

can't ask him to do it!" Yu Ming said, leaning on Hàn Dōng. "You
talk first, why do you want to borrow money?"

"I saw a watch on the line two days ago that was particularly
beautiful. I didn't have cash and I wanted to buy it for

Yu Ming said: "If people drop it, even if the money is still
posted, do you say you want to buy it?"
Hàn Dōng smiled: "Is this not a special case?"

"What special circumstances?"

Hàn Dōng put the matter through a briefing with Yu Ming,

and finally said with emotion: "This is the first time I flung
superiority to him, you do not know, he was faced down to
countenance, he looked especially pitiful. ”

Yu Ming couldn't figure out how to make this tantrum of Hàn

Dōng recede. If Wang Zhong Ding painstakingly helped him to
find his relatives, Hàn Dōng should be grateful for it. How could
he lose his temper?

Hàn Dōng said: "I don't know why. When my mind was hot, I
was afraid that he could get into trouble. All my relatives are
not fuel-efficient lights."

"But you are already celebrity now, and you haven't seen them
Hàn Dōng said: “They live in poor valleys and the news is
particularly hard reaching there. And what I'm going for is the
entertainment which is itself doesn't reach the masses in those
parts ”

Yu Ming hesitated for a moment and nodded and said, "Okay,

I'll do it for you."


Since the last time he was spurred by the partnership between

Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding, Cai Peng has retired from
pursuing Hàn Dōng, and has focused on his work. Not only has
he included two Hong Kong superstars, but also bought a copy
of the best selling suspense fiction copyright, intends to take
advantage of the "Theft of Shadows 2" hot spot to invest in
shooting it into a TV series.

So to calculate it, Cai Peng did not see Hàn Dōng for less than
two weeks.

This day he was on the road and suddenly saw a familiar

figure appeared at the door of the expensive watch line shop.
"Park!!" said Cai Peng.

The car stopped at a distance not far from the watch shiop.
Cai Peng looked at Hàn Dōng from the car window.

"He is gotten fat" Cai Shun said.

Cai Peng shook his head: "No, he is just wearing more clothes.
A pair of warm trousers and a pair of cashmere trousers, a full
three layers, so it looks thick on his legs."

"How did you know?"

Cai Peng mysteriously smiled: "I felt it with my heart."

Cai Shun questioned: "Today is very warm, why is he is

wearing so much?"

Cai Peng laughed.

Hàn Dōng just muttered while sweating: “Motherfucker, the
more you live, the more you smoke, there is no Wang Zhong
Ding, even fucking clothes will not fit.”
Chapter 264. An Admonition Line
As he was thinking that Wang Zhong Ding's car had never
drove far.

Hàn Dōng's nerves tightened immediately.

Wang Zhong Ding opened the window and said to Hàn Dōng:
"Get in the car."

Hàn Dōng's sincere face, "Well, don't you go in and see?"

Refers to the watch shop behind.

"I will make you get in the car." Wang Zhong Ding calmly.

Okay... Hàn Dōng had to go inside.

After getting on the car..... Wang Zhong Ding ordered him

again: "Take off the pants."
Hàn Dōng flew two hands on his cheek.

"Are you going to 'punish' me? Can we go home and you can
say this there? There are so many people in the street here..."

I refuse to welcome the tone.

Wang Zhong Ding was angry, "Who's going to punish you? I'm
just saying you should take off your trousers. Don't you know its

"You have the nerves....."

Hàn Dōng silently took off his cashmere trousers.

After the clothes were changed, the two men got out of the car

Cai Peng stared at Hàn Dōng's eyes and changed his taste
instantly. His mouth also changed from rising to opening.

"That man is quite good. I know I will follow him behind."

After just finished, Wang Zhong Ding swept over the other
side of the light and grabbed Hàn Dōng's hand.

This is his first time Wang and Hàn Dōng held hands in the

Like Hàn Dōng, Hàn Dōng seized the opportunity to ask Wang
Zhong Ding, a man with a unique taste. "Are you cold? I will
warm you down."

After waiting to answer Wang Zhong Ding, he wrapped his

cold hands around Wang Zhong Ding's cold hands and sneaked
into his own pocket.

Cai Peng almost broke his back molars biting his teeth.
"Why are you so angry?" Cai Shun deliberately asked.

Cai Peng said: "He has Wang Zhong Ding's heart now. Do you
think I won't be angry?"

"Where is so good Ah...beside the leg length? ."

Cai Peng told him faintly: "That one is enough!!."


After entering the watch shop line, Hàn Dōng pulled Wang
Zhong Ding down the display stand and pointed to a watch of
more than 2.9 million. "What about this one?"

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "very good."

In general, "improvement" in Wang Zhong Ding means "very

good." But he was able to directly say "very good", and only Hàn
Dōng's body has hitherto been stopped.

Without saying anything, Hàn Dōng went directly to the

counter for payment.

Wang Zhong Ding is not a person who recognizes money, but

a person who is expert in calculations is willing to allow “big
bleeding” for him. Wang Zhong Ding said that if he is not
moved then it is definitely false.

Before he went to bed at night, he broke all the words of Hàn

Dōng's words.

"Han.... I want to go very far with you."

Hàn Dōng's “ I'm going crazy ” must be held up.

Wang Zhong Ding grabbed his arm. "You listen to me first."

Hàn Dōng did not move.

"I've traced your life, not only to check your statement, but
also to make our feelings more stable. This kind of stability does
not mean that we must get their support to stay together, but I
hope that we will not be unguarded. We cut a knife from them...
Do you understand what I mean?"

Hàn Dōng nodded. "I understand."

"In the future, my parents are expected to be the same

unaccepting. You have to try to understand and accept them.
This process may be very difficult, but we cannot escape from

"I won't run away. You don't fear .....Hàn Dōng is not skipping
town. There are kinds of horses ready see who is spending too

Wang Zhong Ding laughed and said, "You are reckless fool"
Hàn Dōng put his hand in Wang Zhong Ding's pants and
wriggled his eyebrows. "Wasn't it possible to capture you?"

Wang Zhong Ding turned over and pushed Hàn Dōng flat
down on the bed.


When Hàn Dōng was asleep, Wang Zhong Ding took the watch
out and put it down.

He paid attention to this watch early in the morning, he

visited several stores and did not set arrivals, and he did not
know how much Hàn Dōng spent to find out.

Not to mention these things, Hàn Dōng's generosity alone is

enough to make Wang Zhong Ding feeling very rare.

With great emotion, Hàn Dōng suddenly got his eyes closed
and showed a bitter expression.
"Zhongzhong Ah..."

There is a kind of ominous premonition among Wang Zhong


"I sent you this watch and I owe with Yu Ming three million

Wang Zhong Ding has a green face. "You mean you want me
help you exchange it for currency ?"

"If it's convenient," Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding gritted his teeth, sure enough...

After three days, Li Shang and Zhou Li returned to the crew.

Hàn Dōng went to the studio early in the morning. Saw Li

Shang, he immediately greeted him.
"Hey, Prince Li, I haven't seen you and you looked handsome
for many days."

Li Shang ignored him to go to the dressing room.

Hàn Dōng chased after him and continued to chant: "How did
you come in today? Wouldn't it be jumping through another

Li Shang cold face was squeezed without talking.

"But in today's dress up, even if you jump through the

window, you will be able to get rid of a group of brain-dead
messengers. But that day was a little fucked up. Do you say that
the reporter is not attentive? You must be grinning your teeth
and turning your palms. Photo of the newspaper, he..."

"Are you finished?" Li Shang interrupted Han. "Do you want

me to send that day's passionate video to Japan for
Hàn Dōng does not change his heart. "No problem, you can
also use this to promote national prestige."

Li Shang was chilly. "You are not an ordinary person."

"You peek at others who are doing sexual things, are you one
of the ordinary people?"

Li Shang said: "The person who peeked was mainly Zhou Li. I
am not interested in men and men fucking at all."

Hàn Dōng laughed, "Friend I will tell you a RUMOR!!."


"You don't force it, you wouldn't be able to withstand it(JB)


Chapter 265 Drama.
After a while, Zhou Li arrived.

This scandal is not a small stimulus for her, but as a "female

version of Hàn Dōng," meaning her being in the entertainment
industry for so many years, what the eyes have been passed,
what saliva had tasted, Now it is hard to recover in more than 10

She is still beautiful and charming.

Still with the proud twin peaks dangling on her chest Zhou Li
came in front of Hàn Dōng, and a cloud of smoke was sprayed
on his face.

"Don't be trifling. Wang Zhong Ding is not a passing phase to

me. He is an incentive. If I had been uncertain about it before,
you can officially confirm. The person I want is Wang Zhong

Hàn Dōng's smog-faced face still carries a cynical smile.

"Is that right? If that's right. I won't challenge you. But I'm
afraid that the blow was not thorough enough."

Zhou Li snorted. "Then I will walk."

After the officers arrived, the crew officially started


The similarities between “Theft of Shadows 2” and “Theft Of

Shadows 1” is that the two movies plots are all around that car

The difference is that: "Theft of Shadows 2" is a brain burning

blockbuster with the theme of "spatial space disorder". There is
no horrible makeup, no bloody scene, the plot is focused on the
rendering of the atmosphere and the fear inside.

In this film, Xià Yang Zhuo plays a young police officer who
looks may look ordinary but full of suspicions. Zhou Li plays as
his dear sister, Hàn Dōng plays his friend, and Li Shang plays as
the accident perpetuating truck driver.
Today's scenes are the climax of the film - the mystery of the
car accident scene.

Li Shang, Hàn Dōng, Xià Yang Zhuo's are the opponents

playing in the same scene.

Before the official opening of the film, the deputy director

kept talking to Li Shang, worrying that he had not felt ready
after so many days off.

"Hàn Dōng and Xià Yang Zhuo have been getting better and
better lately, so don't delay this day."

Li Shang nodded. "Be assured....."

All the units were ready, and Director Lu made an order.

A lorry arrived slowly from a distance.

At this point it's more than six oclock in the morning, Li

Shang drove overnight, this time in the lorry he was drowsy.

The camera shot hit his face.

Li Shang's eyes were filled with blood, one after another

yawning, every time his eyes will be flooded. After the eyelids
went from the mammoth to slowly closing, and then to the
uncontrollable gimmicks, there was a clever waking up and
continued to slam the front... to interpret the drowsy state of
one's sleeplessness, even the few people who watched the
monitor felt conditionally yawning.


Director Lu is quite satisfied with the direction.

Because last year, "Tear" and "Theft of Shadows" were

clamoured, Li Shang also took Ma Bin's "best actor" award,
Director Lu has always been in arms, he is also quite a sigh to Li

But today, when he saw his performance, Director Lu's

impression of Li Shang changed instantly.

The next camera shot is the match between Hàn Dōng and Li

The two men have been fighting against each other since their
entry. This is the first time the confrontation has been moved to
the big screen.

The lorry drove to the intersection, and Li Shang fell asleep

again. The result was he was quickly awakened by a loud bang.

He pushed the door open and went down.

Hàn Dōng's half-legs were pressed under the bonnet, and this
time he was in agonizing pain.
Hàn Dōng acting skills needless to say, absolutely forced Li
Shang to mistakenly think that he really was living up in the

By the way Li Shang, he stayed.

His face underwent three levels of facial expression. When he

first discovered the accident and sluggishness walking up at the
time of the accident, followed by the flustered anxieties when
he thought of the consequences of what the accident meant for
him, and finally when he decided to be indifferent to it...

These are Hàn Dōng's eyes.

He is very clear that Li Shang is going to kill the victim of the

accident he had caused.

However, he cheekily set himself a honest man

Hàn Dōng saw it, and he looked at Li Shang with the same
eagerness for the savior.
It must be said that Hàn Dōng's collision period was pitiful,
and only Li Shang was able to parry.

But he can't afford the consequences of causing an accident.

Therefore, after a brief inspection, Li Shang gave up the

rescue and went straight to the car.

Hàn Dōng shouted in horror, his fingers crawling wildly

across the paint road.

But it is useless.

Li Shang started the car with his trembling fingers. The car
drove a few meters backward and once again forward and
passed over Hàn Dōng's legs.

Hàn Dōng's tearful cry made everyone present frightened.

Next, Li Shang got out of the car and looked at Hàn Dōng's

It is a dozen seconds of eyes.

Hàn Dōng surviving eyes had a glimmer of hope, Li Shang's

are full of madness. From the moment of urgency to pleading,
Hàn Dōng is in desperate need of saving. Li Shang was tangled
and struggling hysterical...

The two people were so mesmerizing the drama.

In the end, Li Shang abandoned Hàn Dōng and got on the

lorry again.

The climax is up.

Hàn Dōng's despaired sigh had just come out of his mouth,
deeper levels of desperation once again attacked the viewers,
they heard the tires and the ground friction closer and closer ...

At the same time, the two people were high-hysterical, one

was desperate calling for help, and the other was doing disposal
when choosing to commit murder.

Once again, the tires passed over Hàn Dōng's chest.

Hàn Dōng's pupils were violently convexing, he was vomiting

blood and plasma, stagnant position and no one could bear to
look at him.

Li Shang was pale and his expression was like a walking

corpse and drove quickly.

After several "squeaks" running over the man in the ground,

the scenes of this part were all one after the other.

Onlookers were hooked.

Hàn Dōng rushed out of the play and rapped toward Li Shang:
"How is it? This role I set for you"

Li Shang gave him a look and left.

Chapter 266 Those Who suffer Should be
Let Go.... Right?.
Next Xià Yang Zhuo came on the court.

Since he and Hàn Dōng were friends during the film, the two
are bound to be similar in age. Although they are playing young
people, the ten-year-old age gap still poses a challenge for Xià

See him guarding his upper body, Hàn Dōng shakes his heart.

And he and Xià Yao are too like.

The most important thing is that he also had a pair of blue

pupils like Xià Yao. Standing there he was too eye-catching.

Even so, the makeup artist still put a lot of effort on his face.
The skin was thicker in color, and the hair was getting a little
stiffer, otherwise it could not hold back his facial linee.
Although the shape is not satisfactory, Xià Yang Zhuo's acting
skills are very good.

After seeing his friends dying on the side of the road, Xià Yang
Zhuo did not immediately cry, but stared blankly, after seven or
eight seconds, the emotion cry suddenly broke out.

He fluttered in front of Hàn Dōng, crying in burstling tears.

The piercing, hysterical state makes it hard to imagine that he

cries every day to call him "Xià Three Eggs..."


.....successfully passed.

Since the filming of a "Theft of Shadows," Director Lu has also

made several films. It was not the script being trash or the
actor's failure. He hasn't been this refreshed feeling for a long
Then came Zhou Li.

At this time, Xià Yang Zhuo was crying around Hàn Dōng.
Zhou Li came down from the car and saw the scene in front of
him. The first reaction was screaming.


Hàn Dōng, who was already "dead," felt two cold sweats at the

Can you dare be a little more surprising?

Director Lu's eyebrows are tight and it is obvious that good

scenes have been ruined by this .


After walking four or five times in a row, this article was

barely passed.

The latter set of scenes is similar to that of the night haunting

protagonist Shēn Chu An(Xià Yang Zhuo) who witnessed the
small accident scene.

However, Shēn Chu An's attitude was very different this time.

When he saw the tragic scene in front of him. There was no

sadness, no pain, and there was only numbness and sadness...

In such a short period of time, Xià Yang Zhuo quickly

completed the conversion of emotions. No color of sadness can
be seen in his eyes any longer.

The onlookers began to whisper to each other and discussed.

"Xià Yang Zhuo's acting progress is not small."

"Yeah, it's much better than when he was shooting Feng

""Theft of Shadow 2" seems to be even earlier than "Feng


"Yes, it's less than a month before and after."

"When Xià Yang Zhuo is thunderous, won't he rob Hàn Dōng's

of the protagonist role?"

"Who knows, the trailer for "Feng Mang" has not yet been
released. It is difficult to say."


All this, Li Shang listened to his ears.

He looked calm and innocent than anyone else.

On the one hand, he hopes that Xià Yang Zhuo can be strong
and suppress Hàn Dōng's thunder. On the other hand, he did
not want him to be too powerful and occupy all the aura ......Li
Shang's included.

In contrast, his hostile target still tends to be Hàn Dōng.

He even hoped that Xià Yang Zhuo would kill Hàn Dōng acting
career and then he Li shang can deal with Xià Yang Zhuo
himself again.

Therefore, he quietly cheered for Xià Yang Zhuo.


One day's shooting task was successfully completed.

Before the work was finished, the producer let them know of
the plan for the next step.
In a few days, the crew will move to the island to film the
scenes. But before that, the crew will make arrangements for
the deployment plans for all the traveling crew.

When it was heard that they will go to the island. Everyone

cheered.... You didn't know how much smog they had in Beijing
during this time. Finally they could find a place to wash their

"Where is it ? What kind of island are we going?" Someone

asked excitedly.

Zhang said: "It is a private island."

"Who's private island?"

"Don't worry about who it is. In short, this time we will not be
harassed by reporters."

"Every departuring person has come to me to register here and

if there is a request .... mention it as soon as possible. I will
make arrangements in advance."

After finishing the work, Zhou Li stopped the producer.

"Are you free tonight? Lets have a meal together."

The producer knows what purpose Zhou Li asks him out to

dinner, and he definitely wants to have a good bed on the island
so that Wang Ding can be called at any time.

"I will look at my schedule" Zhang said.

When Zhou Li heard this, she knew that there was an opening
for her, and she replied busy: "I will take a bottle of fine wine


"Wang, this is a list of statistics." Er Lei handed it to Wang

Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding simply skimmed it through.

Er Lei cleared his throat and said, "Wang, there is something I

have to tell you."

"Say it."

"That, Cai Peng ... he will also go there the island."

Wang Zhong Ding's face quickly sank, "What does he need to

go for?"

"He said he is also an investor and has an obligation to check

the quality of the film."

Wang Zhong Ding replied coldly: "Tell him that he has no

obligation to go there.... He just needs to enjoy the

"I also said that, but..." Er Lei added, cautiously. "He said he
couldn't bear to make your work so hard."

Wang Zhong Ding almost burst out of mouthful of cuss words

: You would use your cat to cry mouse for a fake mercy?

"Do not let him go!"

Er Lei hesitated, "Isn't this so good?"

How do I feel that the two of you are so stable?

Wang Zhong Ding just wanted to refute him and suddenly he

turned to the page where Zhou Li was registered.

Silenced for a moment, Wang turned to the front of the desk.

"Then.....Just let him go."
Chapter 267: Two Criminals
The day before leaving, Wang Zhong Ding was packing up at

XiXi ran to lend him a hand, the two were busy for two hours,
and with panting breath and the Little Xixi asked Wang Zhong
Ding: "Dad, why is the loudmouth pigtail uncle not packing?"

"He is drinking out with friends." Wang Zhong Ding said as he

pushed a storage box with a dial on it to XiXi. "Come, they are
all here."

After all the packing was, Han Dong still had not returned.

Wang Zhong Ding called Xiao Liang.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

Xiao Liang said: "I can't pull him away at all. Whenever I pull
him, he would sit on the ground."
Wang Zhong Ding knew that stupid thing had drunk too

"You give him the phone."

After a while, Han Dong's drunken voice came out of the


"Wang Zhong Ding, don't be a fake cow, you...yours is not big

at all..."

Wang Zhong Ding was suspicious. "Whose is big?"

"My benefactor's husband, that guy his thing resembles a

catapult Similarly, its like his squirting urine can punch a hole
in the wall..."

1].... Benefactor husband= Yuan Zong

Wang Zhong Ding's face turned green.

He looks like... He understood.

"The chest muscles, the head, the domineeringness of that body,
that is called a fucking man, hehe ..."

Wang Zhong Ding hung up his phone and said to XiXi: "Come
and go out with Dad."

"Why come?" XiXi is curious.

Wang Zhong Ding said, "To take an animal back."

"Wait." XiXi turned to the house and came out with stick after
a while. "Dad, this is for you"

Wang Zhong Ding held XiXi and said "Good son."

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped at the front door of a

bar in Sanlitun.

Wang Zhong Ding came down from the car and held XiXi with
one hand, walking in a blank expression. Behind him, a dozen
bodyguards who look like they can smother with their faces
followed him, and awesomeness was not generally high.

Han Dong was still drinking with six people in the box.

"Emperor, I have always been very curious, how did you get
Mr. Wang?"

Han Dong smiled and said, "To deal with this kind of person,
you have to do the opposite."

"Do the opposite?"

"Yes, the more he doesn't let you do that, the more you should
do it. The big JB follows, I want to do the opposite against him."
"How do you usually do it with him?"

Han Dong slammed his glass .

"Hey, let's take a drink, let him ask for no more than six or two
whites, no more than four beers, how can I be over? Today,
Laozi not only has to drink for a good time, but will also dance
to the big JB... ..."

Han Dong's beautiful buttocks just twisted twice and twisted

towards the door.

A cold wind came in.

Everyone eyes looked at the doorway.

Mr. Wang, was holding a child who looks like Han Dong, his
face look gloomily as if a husband waiting for his own woman.

In this scene, everyone was shaking and sprouting.

Soon, Han Dong was dragged out by Wang Zhong Ding by his
Han Dong was still not afraid to struggle: "The big gun,

"Stop it!" Wang Zhong Ding yelled at him.

XiXi also waved a small stick to his buttocks. "Stop it, stop

Father and son finally lifted the horrible thing back.

After arriving home, Wang Zhong Ding first took Han Dong
into the bathroom.

Han Dong often makes two mistakes. This drunk is not like a
normal person.

The family has been using handmade soap for a while now,
Wang Zhong Ding has already placed one for Han Dong, but
Han Dong did not touch it and he pulled out a new one out of
the drawer.
Then he walked back to Wang Zhong Ding and asked
nervously, "Guess what is in my hand?"

Wang Zhong Ding reply was a cold-eye.

Han Dong raised his hand to him. "New, I will use a new one,

Wang Zhong Ding was not calm at all, because he has

obsessive-compulsive disorder, if the old one is not used up, no
one is allowed to unpacking a new one.

"You put it where you found it!" Wang Zhong Ding screamed.

Han Dong not only he did not put it back, but he also started
yelling high around. "I use new ones, I use new ones, I use new

Wang Zhong Ding just wanted to go forward to grab Han

Dong's foot. As a result, Han Dong's handmade soap fell to the
ground. He bent down to get the soap and Wang Zhong Ding
stopped moving.

Han Dong continued to yell high after picking up the fallen

soap. "I use new ones, I use new ones, I use..."
After a while, the handmade soap went out and slid to the

Wang Zhong Ding was in a hurry. "A square piece of

handmade soap, what makes you drop it everytime?"

Han Dong bent over again.

After the end of the game, he was still awkward. After he

repeated several times, Wang Zhong Ding no longer complained
complained about the soap.

Han Dong fell asleep on the bed after taking a shower.

Wang Zhong Ding went to the terrace on the top of the

building and smoked his cigarettes. He was haunted by those
words. "You are not big."
Normally, Wang Zhong Ding would come here for a while
when he was upset. It's not because the air is fresh here, but
because the location is hidden, Han Dong usually spent a lot of
time to find him.

Every time he saw Han Dong’s scurrying eyes, Wang Zhong

Ding’s big anger disappeared.

"Han you blind can't you see me here?" Wang Zhong Ding
called him with an annoying voice.

Han Dong rushed up with enthusiasm.

Going back to the big bed in the bedroom, Han Dong face
stuck up like a slap in the face.

“Zhong Zhong wow, Zhong Zhong wow, Zhong Zhong


Wang Zhong Ding grabbed his hand trying to reach his crotch
and said coldly: “Don't you think that I'm not too big?”
Han the blind smiled slyly. "The so called key is fit for the
lock, my tightness, it is not suitable for such a big one, right?"

"You terrible thing have no shame." Wang Zhong Ding finally

has a trace of a smile on his lips.
Chapter 268 Not A Chance
The next morning, when Hàn Dōng woke up, he turned to
Wang Zhong Ding.

"Zhong Zhong, I found one thing."

Wang Zhong Ding seemed to wake up and woke up: "What


"I found that every time I go drinking at night, I get butt pains
the next morning."

Wang Zhong Ding's arrogant eyes stared at him. “If you don't
want to feel pain when you wake up next morning....then don't
drink..... isn't that right?”

Hàn Dōng's face was full pretentious shyness, "I hate it, show
you braving it?"

"Hurry up!! What are you wasting time?"

Wang Zhong Ding tone of a turn, Hàn Dōng immediately
jumped up from the bed.

When two people arrived at the crew, many people were

already there.

Wang Zhong Ding and the producer arranged the departure

together, and Hàn Dōng wandered about idly.

Seeing Xià Yang Zhuo's bodyguards around him, he went to

poke him in a bad manner.

"You have taken so many bodyguards... Who will reimburse

their expenses?"

"I will reimburse that myself." Xià Yang Zhuo replied coldly.

"You reimburse it yourself..." Hàn Dōng had nothing to ask.

"Even if you reimburse, so many people will invade the island's
resources. Who will pay for the property?"
Xià Yang Zhuo has not spoken yet, and a tender childish tone
rang behind him.

"I'm out."

Hàn Dōng leans his eyes at the "small mini me curls" with his
elbow out and rants: "What happened to you?"

Then he joked to Xià Yang Zhuo: "why did you not bring your

Xià Yang Zhuo ignored him.

Hàn Dōng continued to ridicule, "The island is so dangerous,

how can you go there without your brothers' escorts?"

Xià Yang Zhuo also ignored him, but watched the watch
Hàn Dōng is unresettable. "What does it mean to have a
watch? What our family has is plenty you not show your
older brother? You don't particularly like to show you that..."

"How come were are still here? We have been waiting for you
for a long time." Xià Yang Zhuo suddenly opened his mouth.

Then, there was a familiar voice from behind Hàn Dōng.

"There was a traffic jam on the road."

Hàn Dōng was awkward.

Xià Hòng Wēi's reality softly asked Yu Ming: "Is everything

taken care of?"

Yu Ming nodded, "It's been packed."

Then he turned his gaze to Hàn Dōng, and he evacuated

slowly .

Xià Hòng Wēi grabbed his collar and pulled him back.

"Why are you running?"

Hàn Dōng grinned. "I'm afraid to bother you both on your


"Who said anything about bidding farewell?" Xià Hòng Wēi


Hàn Dōng, "You are not..."

"I'm coming too."

Three words such as three knives were thrust into Hàn Dōng's
Actually, it's true... Just follow along.

"Why are you going? We have a long shooting period, will it

not delay your work?" Hàn Dōng asked tentatively.

"My job has nothing to do with the location, as long as I have a

computer .... Work can be completed." Xià Hòng Wēi sneered,
"Moreover, my brother has not reported yet."

Hàn Dōng was stunned. "Your younger brother's pumping ...

wasn't it long ago? The stamp on my leg just went down."

Xià Hòng Wēi said: "You did not wake up that day, and
predicted this."

Hàn Dōng suddenly felt a cold heart, he felt vaguely that he

had to pinch his life.
Chapter 269 Compare Drama and Real
Three special planes landed slowly over the island.

Everyone saw the beauty of the island as a hideaway outside

the plane window. They all exclaimed and took pictures.

"Oh, ah, this island is heart-shaped?"

"Yeah, it's so romantic!"

"Wang is too tyrant, this would be the only heart-shaped

island in the world?"


The “real local tyrant” on that side heard the word “only” and
immediately became alive.
"Do you want it?" Xià Hòng Wēi asked Yu Ming.

Yu Ming replied faintly: "What is it do you want to do Ah?

This is what Wang gifted Hàn Dōng, and I can't grab it."

"Since it's Hàn Dōng, it's easier to handle. All he believes in is

money, and he certainly will agrees to change his hand at high

"He can't do such a thing for money."

Xià Hòng Wēi said: "He can't do it during the day. It may not
be the same as during the sleepwalking nights."

Yu Ming's face changed, "What do you mean?"

"I can let him sign it to you while he sleepwalks. He is

particularly good at maneuvering when he is sleepwalking. He
will only promises when he has a high price of what he sells."
"Is it?"

Xià Hòng Wēi nodded.

Yu Ming said: "Then you let him sell himself. I don't want
small islands. I want Hàn Dōng."

Xià Hòng Wēi's face went gloomy, and his princely prince
model instantly cracked.

Yu Ming sent him a peripheral look glance at him, on his

mouth actually appeared a smile.

Indifferent person, each expression is very lethal.

Even if it is a little evil smile, it can make people instantly lose

their temper.

The plane landed safely on the island.

Everyone rushed happily and breathed fresh air.

Because the producer had never been here before, Wang

Zhong Ding had to personally lead everyone to their own room.

"Wow, this glass house is beautiful."

Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng lived here every time, this
time is no exception.

"I didn't want to come here every day to observe Wang's daily
life. My God, I never thought I could be so close to the male
god." Shèn Hua began to become intoxicated again.

Wang Zhong Ding pointed to the nearest bungalow from the

glass house and said to Shèn Hua: "This is your room."
Shèn Hua eyes almost scared the eyebrows to pop out.

"You, You, You, You, You, You... Are you saying that I will
stay here?"

In order to compete for the nearest golden bed from the BOSS
rooms, the team launched a bloody beauty contest. In order to
arouse the attention of the producers, the great beauty took the
unscrupulous attention of herself.

No one thought that this bed had been won by the ugliest
person(Shèn Hua).

When all the beautiful women sighed with emotion, only

Zhou Li mouth hanged with a hint of laughter.

Because this is her suggestion to the producer.

As for why this arrangement is simple, it is a comparison of

drama and real knowledge.
Everyone knows that Zhou Li likes to rob other people things.

Grab the protagonist, grab the endorsements, grab the main

show... everything you can call and she will grab the best of it.

But this time, she gave such a good position to Hàn Dōng's

It can be said that she feels sympathetic to Hàn Dōng, and at

the same time she tries to appeal in front of Wang Zhong Ding
every time.

Therefore, the suite further away from the glass room,

naturally became Zhou Li's.

The other suite, which was less than 50 meters away from
Zhou Li's, was arranged for Cai Peng.

Li Shang lived at the northernmost point, because the suite

did not see the sun all year round. It was damper and colder
than other places, which was conducive to the deterioration of
Li Shang's two injured leg injuries.

Xià Hòng Wēi and Yu Ming lived at the southernmost point,

because there was the Black Forest over there, and two people
liked the view.

Xià Yang Zhuo stayed in the westernmost corner because

there are many birds and their eggs on the other side.


This is the basic arrangement.

After Wang Zhong Ding led everyone through it, everyone

was free to move.

As one of the investors, Cai Peng is bound to inspect the Black

Forest, although his purpose is not the same.
"How did this tree grow so strange?" Cai Shun pointed toward
a tree as he said to Cai Peng.

Cai Peng said with a smile: "Surely it is Wang Zhong Ding's

doing. Didn't you find the three branches particularly looks like
the clock hands? From the sky, the surrounding leaves are like
block dials."

Cai Shun instantly understood. "It's quite creative. It seems

that we haven't made much effort in cultivation and pruning."

"That's of course." Cai Peng said that and three big branches
were cut off.

Cai Shun was surprised.

Cai Peng took the trees and walked not far.

"What did you do want to with it?"

Cai Peng never said back: "Barbecue."

Cai Shun, "......."

Wang Zhong Ding soon learned about this news.

"We didn't expect him to do it. I thought he was going in there

to investigate a scene..." The Forest Guard carefully explained.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding did not feel angry.

"I knew he will do this."

The guard was surprised. "You knew?"

"Yeah, I've painted colorless flamamble alcohol on those tree

The guard messy hair was in the wind.

Wang Zhong Ding's chilled heart snorted.

.....Want to cut my tree branches to have a barbecue? Do not

burn yourself to death!
Chapter 270 Run....Hit the
"Fuck me...!"

Cai Peng moved the fire lighter to the side of the tree branches
and there popped a large flame. Fortunately, he moved fast,
otherwise he would have been burned into a cookie.

"Wang Zhong Ding, you are too much of a man." Cai Peng bit
his teeth.

Cai Shun picked up the raw fish and asked him, "Is this still
going to be barbequed?"

"Barbeque your balls! How do you know if he hasn't hidden

any bombs/mines inside the fish?" Cai Peng scowled.

All right... Cai Shun shut up.

The next day was a sunny day.

Taking advantage of the crew's work, many idle actors have

come out to enjoy the sunshine.

Zhou Li's bikini was covered in white silk beach gown and
stood in the blue sea and blue sky.

Many of her female compatriots are hiding in their rooms.

"This week the big fox(Zhou Li) went to the beach to sell the

Zhou Li walked barefooted and moved quietly toward Wang

Zhong Ding's glass room.

Shèn Hua came out to help her in particular.

In the glass room, Hàn Dōng rolled his body on the carpet like
a dog and Wang Zhong Ding sat on his body.

The two people were not even concerned about anything.

Shen spent the first time seeing this scene feeling intoxicated.

"Ahh...Aah...Good love!"

"Wang Zhong Ding is playing with Hàn Dōng's face?"

"My god .....that man is no longer dead. He has a breath of



Zhou Li initially endured not saying a word. Later, she could

not bear it. Then she said to Shèn Hua: "You are too
inexperienced.... Is this interaction making you so fussy?"

Shèn Hua particularly politely explained: "I'm like this, and I

have to express my thoughts."

After saying this, she humbly said: "Oh, ah, ah, Wang Zhong
Ding is again yelling at him, and Wang is good."

Zhou Li was originally to take Shèn Hua as a foil to the

beginning of the incident. Whoever wants to run into a
conversation is reminding her that Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn
Dōng have a lot of love.

No wonder Wang Zhong Ding agreed so happily. It turned out

to be this is a free holiday for himself.

Zhou Li became more and more angry.

At this time, Wang Zhong Ding's eyes hit hers through the
glass wall.

Zhou Li's breathing momentarily hitched up.

However, Wang Zhong Ding's eyes only stayed on her for less
than two seconds and quickly turned back to Hàn Dōng's body.

Zhou Li's face was pulled down again.

I do not believe you have ever been indifferent.

As a result, she began to walk on the beach with a touch of


Hàn Dōng's nose quickly smelled the breath of beauty.

The face that was originally facing the other side was slowly
turned. At the moment of seeing Zhou Li's eyes, the light in his
eyes was instantly released.

"Good fairy ah ~" he muttered involuntarily.

Wang Zhong Ding slapped Hàn Dōng's head to the other side.
After a while, Hàn Dōng was stunned that he did not pay
attention to turning his head back. One eyeball watched Zhou
Li, and his eyes were more insignificant.

Wang Zhong Ding was annoyed and sat on Hàn Dōng's


Hàn Dōng shouted at the misunderstandings and turned to

hold Wang Zhong Ding's neck.

Zhou Li simply wanted to explode foul language.

Is it better?

Full fucking back is reversed!

She wanted Wang Zhong Ding to see that she could see them
and not be jealous. Tgeny Hàn Dōng would be filled with
jealousy. The result turned out to be Hàn Dōng was staring at
her endlessly and Wang Zhong Ding was jealous.
Just when she was furious, the two eyes of concern
immediately melded her.

Cai Peng has observed her for a long time.

Since Zhou Li flew out of the room, Cai Peng's eyes did not
leave her.

Cai Peng is different from Wang Zhong Ding. He is a carnivore

for sex ......and love is completely separated from it.

Even if he is deeply infatuated with Hàn Dōng, he can still go

to bed with other people.

However, this woman Zhou Li is his restricted area.

On the one hand, Zhou Li is really beautiful, and beautiful

means its easy to lose her legs.

On the other hand, he was alert to Wang Zhong Ding. None of

those involved in the relationship with Wang Zhong Ding would
be affected by Cai Peng.

However, heart addiction can be controlled, the eye can not

control its addiction.

God was too careless about Zhou Li's skin.

Covered by white silk beach gown, the delicate skin that was
kept white like snow, the soft watery, the serpentine waist, the
beautiful long legs of the line, Cai Peng eyes couldn't pick a
small defect from top to bottom.

Cai Peng's rough and angular gaze can especially satisfy a

woman's vanity.

The lady will blush and say "smelly rogue", and Zhou Li's
womanhood folds will have a more enchanting posture to enjoy.

Cai Peng's adrenaline began to rise.

Wang Zhong Ding seems to carelessly flip through the
documents and actually observes all the progress outside.

Just when he thought that Zhou Li was about to wipe out the
spark, Xixi suddenly sucked a piece of almonds cand as to show

"Ha ha ha... The last piece was given to me."

After rushing, he ran away.

Hàn Dōng did not even think, he got up and chased out after

It is too late for Wang Zhong Ding to stop him.

Every time Hàn Dōng see a small amount of money loss, the
reaction rate was definitely more than twenty times normal.
Both legs turned like hot wheels and he was chased out in those
skimpy shorts.
Cai Peng's eyes just wiped out Mars heat on Zhou Li, and a
strong lightning flashed over.

Hàn Dōng's leg, the waist, the ass bouncing... The whole
perfect sculpture was running, no one can grow this kind of
grace even with a sculpting knife.

Zhou Li's tempting skin moment is not worth mentioning.

Wang Zhong Ding blinked.

Loss of success !

And Hàn Dōng was rushing to the outside, if he had nothing

to do, the speed of running, little pants are not catch up.

Wang Zhong Ding almost bit his teeth.

That bums jiggling idiot!

Chapter 271 Finally Appearance.
In the evening, a golden business jet landed on the island. Its
huge size and luxurious appearance attracted countless people
to watch.

After the cabin door opened, a row of suit and bodyguards

walked down. Immediately afterwards, a man of high
temperament appeared in the vision of everyone.

The surroundings became very quiet and instantly.

Many people do not even dare to come out with the


Fortunately, Shèn Hua was not on the scene, otherwise she

will certainly be shocked on the spot.

It's not like someone is mega freaking handsome.

It's like seeing a mirage, and it feels passing when you are not
paying attention.

The dear friend seems to have become accustomed to crowds

of people and walks southwards expressionlessly.

As soon as he left, all the talents began to discuss.

"Who is this? How is he so handsome? The whole of it?"

"He gave me a whole look at him like that."

"Evaluation is he comes from Xia home. How can other people

produce this kind of thing?"

"I guess so, you saw him go directly to the place where Xià

Here, Hàn Dōng still dives into the water, hears the sound of
the aircraft, and immediately comes out of the water.

"Who is coming?" He asked Wang Zhong Ding.

"It is said to be Xià Hòng Wēi's cousin."

Hàn Dōng is curious. "Are all Xià Hòng Wēi's relatives super

"I haven't seen this person show up..... he is very rarely see."
Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng just wanted to return to the bottom of the water,

and his chest was dulled.

"No, I have to go and see him."

Wang Zhong Ding face changed "What do you want to see?"

"I have an unpredictable feeling, and I feel that Ming Er will
be troubled."

"Are you afraid he'll be in trouble or would you just like to see
a handsome guy?"

Hàn Dōng laughed twice, and the naked body adorned with
drops of water shook in front of Wang Zhong Ding.

"What is good looking handsome guy? He may be handsome,

but is also handsome as you?"

"Go...hurry go ......"

Hàn Dōng smiled, quickly drilled out of the water and went

Yu Ming was making sushi with sashimi, and the door was
opened without any sign.
He looked up and saw a terrible handsome face that was not
Xià Hòng Wēi, and stayed still for a moment.

It took a long time to ask: "Who are you looking for?"

Yuan Ze, also Xià Hòng Wēi's cousin, looked at Yu Ming with a
particularly contemptuous look. He asked, "You are the one who
made Xià Hòng Wēi take a few hundred million yuans for a box
office buster?"

Yu Ming immediately understood the meaning of the person


The so-called paper cannot wrap the fire.

1].....thats an idiom meaning the truth will come out

Xià Hòng Wēi's secretive measures are doing well and are also
difficult to match so many eyes.
Yuan Ze sees that Yu Ming did not answer, and approached
him a little more, staring at him with a whole higher gaze.

"I used to think that you just wouldn't go to the camera

because you were too handsome. Now I discovered that you
have grown so ordinary."

Yu Ming did not respond to his anger and did not reply. He
only listened blankly.

"I used to think that you had a good cast of performances and
you could interpret the facial mask in such a way. Now it is
discovered that you are the original character."

Yu Ming still does not speak.

Yuan Ze continued. "Don't say you're a man with ordinary

looks and a wooden cloak. You're a woman likened to flowers
and jade and a long clever tongues, and you can't enter Xia
Family door."
1].....Yuan Ze is accusing Yu Ming of trying to make Xia Hong
Wei make his parents accept him as his formal lover

Yu Ming finally opened his mouth.

"I never thought of the door to the Xia Family home. It was
Xià Hòng Wēi who wanted to enter the Yu Family door."

1]....Translation:" I didn't approach Xià Hòng Wēi... He

approached me"

Yuan Zong disdainfully laughed.

"Don't play this game with me. This is not an unscrupulous

set. Idol dramas are much more dramatic? If you really want to
be proud of this, don't let Xià Hòng Wēi spend money on you."

"I never made him spend a penny on me."

"Oh? Is it?"
Yuan Ze pulled Yu Ming's clothes.

"This one, if I'm not mistaken, is the work of designer Panla?"

Yu Ming's face changed. "Even if it was his work, I didn't force

Xià Hòng Wēi spend a dime."

"Then you will now show that face to the designer and make
Panla design clothes for you and we'll see if the designer will be
able to even look at you."

Yu Ming was motionless.

"I didn't made him shirk out for a penny..." Yuan Ze grinned
contemptuously. "What expense was ever on your own money?
Cloth fee? End of line charges? Or are these several twists and

Yuan Ze said, then he pulled on the front placket of Yu Ming's

clothes with his hands, and several twists and twists the clothes
shreds were dropped on the ground.
Yu Ming was also pushed up like a beggar and almost fell to
the ground.

Hàn Dōng happens to be pushing the door in at this time.

Seeing Yuan Ze, Hàn Dōng was paralyzed.

Yuan Ze looked at Hàn Dōng's eyes and looked at Yu Ming's


"Hàn Dōng, right?" Yuan Zong first opened.

Hàn Dōng was shocked.

"Yes, yes." He made a fully mechanical response.

Yuan Ze jokingly said: "It is said that both of you are good
brothers in the entertainment industry in China?"
Hàn Dōng pointed out the head and Yuan Ze added one more

"No, you should be good Chinese money girls. Both of you

have the same hobbies and love for men."

Talking about it, Yuan Ze pushed Yu Ming in front of Hàn

Dōng, and he looked at him with a thorny look.

"I really don't understand. Are you functionally defective in

one aspect? You actually like to take it back there."

"You have nerves....."

Hàn Dōng did not respond and Yuan Ze went away with the

Yu Ming's face became extremely ugly.

Hàn Dōng had already heard the words from Yuan Ze's earlier
remarks, and he advised Yu Ming: "Don't let it go to the heart.
Who can live without making a few villains in life?"

"I'm fine. I already expected it to be this day."

Yu Ming said, while picking up the buttons on the ground one

by one.

"I have long expected that it will only be a day." Hàn Dōng

Yu Ming acted.

"But I have something." Hàn Dōng suddenly got out of control.

Yu Ming looked incomprehensible. What was it that I was

killed? Are you touched by the scene? Are you feeling the same?
From the look of Hàn Dōng's face, Yu Ming guessed wrong.

The truth of the facts is: "He seems to be ... is ... is another

"Another? What else?"

Hàn Dōng brazenly said: "Love Rival."

"Rival rivals? Whose rival?"

"Wang Zhong Ding."

Yu Ming realized suddenly, "You mean he...he is the rival you

have been looking for?"

Hàn Dōng skin had goose bumps, "I'm afraid he is."

Yu Ming was unbelievable. " Him, with his temperament, how
will he like you?"

Hàn Dōng patted his head irritably.

"I also think that it is unbelievable. I can look at his face.

There are indeed s..."

Yu Ming did not know whether to cry or laugh.

If Hàn Dōng said it is true, what did Yuan Ze's words just

The atmosphere was stiff and Xià Hòng Wēi pushed in.

Seeing that Yu Ming was safe and sound, he instantly

breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon he asked Yu Ming with urgency: "Has he said

something terrible to you?"
Yu Ming replied faintly: "He was just polite."

" You're too polite motherfucker!" Hàn Dōng came to reality

now. "His clothes were ripped off because of you? Can that be
considered be polite?"

When Xià Hòng Wēi heard this, his face was immediately

"He did this to you?"

Yu Ming did not speak, and Hàn Dōng rushed again and said:
"Nonsense, So I came in and I just saw Ming Er pushed around
him into the ground..... was that also a big mistake.?"

Xià Hòng Wēi could not bear it for a moment and turned

Hàn Dōng patted Yu Ming's shoulders and said: "We will fight
side by side, with each other."
Yu Ming, "Where have you learn to fight!"


It wasn't long after Yuan Ze had just gone out and he was
discovered by Xixi who was carrying an ostrich egg.

In the moment, Xixi did not even favor the birds and eggs of
the idol. Xixi threw it to the ground and rushed toward the
direction of the family suite

As a result, he was stopped half way by a mighty body.

"Where are you running, little thing?" Cai Peng asked while
patting Xixi's little curl.

Xixi knocked his hand and replied in angered tone: "I have
something to worry about. I'll ask you to leave my path."
Cai Peng was very interested in this little guy who was similar
to Hàn Dōng, so he not only did not let go, but he couldn't stand
to not pick up Xixi.

"What are you doing? I will listen to."

Xixi said with a small angry face: "I will count three, one..."

"You will count to three?" Cai Peng deliberately interrupted.

Xixi is in a hurry. "I mean I count three, not that I will count
to three."

"Is that you? Count to hundred fore....let me hear it."

Xixi just had started to count, suddenly he responded, his

small eyes tilted at Cai Peng.

"Are you making a fool of me?"


Cai Peng's hand clasped Xixi's small head, and he kissed his

"Why do I like you so much?"

Xixi also grinned with a small mouth, and he was embarrassed

that he had already " I recognized you as a rival to my father. "

Cai Peng also asked: "Are you really Hàn Dōng's relative's

Xixi remembers the teachings of Wang Zhong Ding. Regarding

his own life experience, his words cannot be disclosed.

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Cai Peng said: "I have checked .....and i know that Hàn Dōng
does not have a relative in Beijing. Where did you come from?"
"I don't have time to discuss this issue with you right now.
You're going to let it go, and then he will run away after this

Cai Peng heard this, but did not let Xixi go.


"Common criminal."

Cai Peng micro-convergence eyes, "a common criminal?"

"I told you that you didn't have to know. Just let me down,
hurry up..." Xixi began struggling.

"Since I don't know him, you can talk about it anyway?"

Xixi bite a reply to Cai Peng, "I was looking at you and the
man, I did not expect him to be the same as you on as the Little
Pig Tail Uncle !"

"Pig Tail Uncle ?"

Cai Peng just wanted to responded to this question and

couldn't help but laugh and he kissed Xixi's little face.

Xixi cussed a cockroach, and struggled himself for dear life.

"Just let me go and let me go. There is really something i have

to hurry to inform Wang Zhong Ding.

Cai Peng loudly said, "You explain why, and I will let you
down immediately."

Xixi ceased struggling: Since you want to find yourself

unhappy, I will fulfill it you.

"The man who wants to have sn affair with Little Uncle, he

has found the island."
Cai Peng face is very tight, "Wants to have an affair with Hàn
Dōng? Do you mean Huang Tuo?"

"It's not Uncle Huang, and it's someone else."

"And he fucking came here?"

Do not to mention Wang Zhong Ding, This man for Cai Peng
too is a bit too much to swallow.

Xixi was a rousing tone. "Yes, the big BOSS behind the scenes
has finally appeared."

"Where did you see him.?" Cai Peng asked.

Xixi said: "I was just over there. As you tempered with me, he
ran away again."

Cai Peng heard this quickly hurriedly released Xixi.

Xixi smoked his little feet toward the glass room.

Cai Peng asked Cai Shun: "Is there anyone other than the crew
on this island?"

"Didn't you just saw him coming here? Didn't you see that big

Cai Peng immediately flew a layer of goose bumps and his eyes
became extremely awkward.

"It was that person."

At this point, Hàn Dōng and Yu Ming's fight team had one
more new member.

Yuan Ze was unaware of his situation on all sides and was still
arguing for Yu Ming's problems.
Although he is Xià Hòng Wēi's cousin, but when two people
stand together, his arrogancy is more arrogant than Xià Hòng

"I don't need you to control me." Xià Hòng Wēi said.

Yuan Ze coldly yelled, "If it weren't for my aunt's sake, do you

think I'll take care of you?"

Xià Hòng Wēi face changed, "My mother?"

"She has been insomnia because of you for half a year now.
This time you came to the island without family. The old
woman cries quickly and her eyes are almost gone red. Do you
not know these things?"

Xià Hòng Wēi replied: "The family is way over there, I will
think of ways to enlighten her."

"Don't think about it. I told you clearly that there is no

possibility of this kind of relationship being accepted. Don't say
what you're going to say to Auntie. I don't accept it."

"How can you think so much conservative for a person who

has been educated in higher education?"

Yuan Ze pointed to his own brain and later pointed to his own

"I'm not all exclusive here, but it's not OK here. You're sick."
Chapter 272 Mouth Says Yes the Heart
Says No.
When Hàn Dōng returned to his suite, Xixi just informed
Wang Zhong Ding about the situation.

Wang Zhong Ding's face can be imagined.

"How is he here?" Wang Zhong Ding asked Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng was so honest, so, "He's actually a little bit more
handsome than you."

One foot down and Hàn Dōng was thrown to the next big bed.

Hàn Dōng rubbed his ass while laughing on the bed.

"Just because I praise him, are you going this far?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak, directly calming his face he
walked out of the door.

Hàn Dōng felt something wrong and he couldn't laugh at a


What's the matter?

If I did expose Yuan Ze as his love rival's identity. How would

his reaction be like...

Hàn Dōng turned his attention to Xixi.

The latter was pursing his mouth.

"You're a little bastard see if don't cut your mouth!"

"Ah.... Ahhhhh..."
When Wang Zhong Ding went out, he asked Er Lei: "Has Xià
Hòng Wēi's cousin been arranged with a place to live?"

"No, he has stayed on the plane. The configuration in his

plane is quite luxurious. It is much better than the living
conditions on the island. There should be no need to arrange a
room for him."

"What can we do? He can't live on a plane. We have to

arrange. This is the basic way of hospitality."

Er Lei nodded. "That's all right."

Wang Zhong Ding boarded Yuan Ze's luxury passenger plane.

Inside the three cabins, the asshole was drinking alone in one of
the yacht's bars, and he looked very unhappy.

"Yuan , Wang Zhong Ding came to see you."

Yuan Ze's brow was wrinkled. "Wang Zhong?"

"It is Wang Zhong Ding, the chairman of Zhong Ding Group,
and your cousin's development manager."

"It is him. Please let him come in."

The moment Wang Zhong Ding saw Yuan Ze he was also

frozen for a few seconds. There was no way that the face was too

If you put together his face and Hàn Dōng's body, you can get
a museum exhibit filled.

However, Wang Zhong Ding did not show any hostility after
returning from his stunned state. Like while he was meeting
ordinary guests, he greeted and shook hands with a calm peace
of mind.

Yuan Ze is also a very particular person. From Wang Zhong

Ding's few appearances he showed his good temperament and
the style of excellence in dressing. He gave Yuan Ze a good
impression on himself, and the coldness and pride between his
words faded a lot.
"Wang I have been leaning to meet you for a long time." A
glass of self-adjusted wine was handed to Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding took it politely and nodded after taking a

sip. "Yes, it's my favorite taste."

Yuan Ze faintly smiled. "I've seen a few films produced by you.

The standards are very high."

"you flatter me."

Yuan Ze talks a turn, "Wang Zhong Ding, I don't know what to

say when speaking..."

Wang Zhong Ding replied quickly: "But it doesn't matter."

"I don't understand why a high-quality man like Wang Zhong

Ding has no love for a million-dollar sister like Zhou Li. Why
does he(Wang Zhong Ding) love a man?"
Wang Zhong Ding smiled. "In fact, even I do not understand."

Seeing Wang Zhong Ding is not only not angry, but also
expressed the same frustration, Yuan Ze's slightest scruples also
disappeared, he went on to speak even more mercilessly.

"The station did not stand on the east side of the station and
sat down without sitting. He is unresponsive and chaotic. He
was almost nothing in my eyes."

"Great." Wang Zhong Ding blurted out.

Yuan Ze, "......."

Wang Zhong Ding continued: "He really does nothing ."

"Since this is the case, I advised Wang Zhong Ding to separate

yourself from him as soon as possible so as not to destroy your
Wang Zhong Ding pretends to be helpless. "Sometimes I think
I don't want to divide my points."

Hearing this, What Yuan Ze's first thought was that Hàn Dōng
had gotten a hold of some company's secrets, which led to Wang
Zhong Ding's accepting his man to man relationship.

"Wang Zhong Ding you really seem uncomfortable." Yuan Ze

said with a sympathetic tone.

Wang Zhong Ding is a tone that takes the world as his duty.

"I should benefit as a warning other men as long as you don't

take my old road you won't end up as me."

Yuan Ze smiled. "Wang you're really humorous."

1].....okay what is wrong with this upper class mixing

pronouns....instead of saying Wang you're humorous.... They
wrote Wang is really humorous

Hàn Dōng went to explore the situation soon after Wang

Zhong Ding left.

From the glass house to the plane, one has to walk halfway
through the Black Forest, the sky is already dark and the woods
are more gloomy.

Hàn Dōng did not have a flashlight. His vision in darkness was
more sensitive than usual.

Suddenly, Hàn Dōng heard a strange footstep.

Not fast or slow, light or heavy, like limping man.

There are Assholes in the cast!

After all in this night, who would be scurrying in such a

gloomy wood?
Is it someone lost during the day and can't walk?

Hàn Dōng looked around and did not see a figure.

Perhaps it was an audition thing, and Hàn Dōng lifted his feet
and continued to go forward.

The result did not take two steps, familiar footsteps came
again, and there was a heavy gasp.

Waiting for the person Hàn Dōng stopped, he did not see a
figure, only the weeds swinging with the night wind.

Fuck! Do you want to create a good atmosphere here if you

want to shoot ghosts here?

"Who is it?" Hàn Dōng scolded.

No one answered.
"Don't perfom ghost tricks, come out!"

At this time, a low and deep voice rang in the bushes not far

"Why are you afraid?"

Hàn Dōng was stagnant and instantly determined that this

was Li Shang's voice.

"Why don't you sleep at night? Why do you run around in this
ungodly hour?" Hàn Dōng walked toward the source of the

Li Shang did not speak, while breathing calmly, he drew his

own cigarette from his pocket and pulled a puff.

When Hàn Dōng came to Li Shang's side, Li Shang's sweat

rolled on the head was brushing right into the collar.
Hàn Dōng instantly understood what happened.

Li Shang had a scene running in the Black Forest. However,

after completing the wood run, his legs basically lost the
function of running. In order to prevent people from making
jokes about his legs, he secretly went to the forest to practice
hard while everyone was resting.

The reason why Hàn Dōng did not see anyone was that
because after Li Shang ran for a while, he would fall. The grass
here is relatively high, and with the darkness, it is difficult to be
found because of falling down.

"If you know why now, why did you do it at first?" Hàn Dōng
really began to talk bleakly.

Li Shang coldly replied, "Is everything okay? If there is

nothing .... hurry off."

Not only did Hàn Dōng not go, but also gloated over the side
of Li Shang.
"Oh, what about that leg? Is it pretty? Is it embarrassingly

Li Shang picked up a stone and threw it to Hàn Dōng.

"You haven't finished yet? Fuck off!"

Hàn Dōng laughed hard. "You yourself have been guilty of sin!
You should be proud of it!"

Li Shang had bad legs. If he had good legs and feet, he would
have been able to kick Hàn Dōng to death.


When Hàn Dōng arrived at the plane, Wang Zhong Ding had
already left. The two men walked on different roads, so they did
not meet in the middle.
Yuan Ze saw Hàn Dōng with a clear exception on his face.

"What are you doing?"

Hàn Dōng said: "I came looking for Wang Zhong Ding."

Yuan Ze had just listened to Wang Zhong Ding's lamenting

inability to stop Hàn Dōng from throwing off the property. At
this moment, Hàn Dōng looked for him. The sense of disgust on
Yuan Ze was even stronger.

"It's really tough to chase it."

Hàn Dōng smiled. "Is he with you?"

"No." Yuan Ze coldly dumped two words.

Hàn Dōng was surprised. "Not with you? Isn't it possible?

When he left the house, I was still looking at him..."

He had not finished yet, the cabin door was closed.

Hàn Dōng called it a trick, so this man will still love me?
Really Evil!

When Hàn Dōng returned to the glass house, Wang Zhong

Ding was bathing in the bathroom. Hàn Dōng heard a crashing
sound of water, and his heart suddenly relieved.

Xixi had fallen asleep on the small sofa next to him.

Hàn Dōng went to hold him up.

Xixi's small arm went round his neck and murmured, "Dad,

Hàn Dōng was particularly shameless, "Hey, hey..."

Wang Zhong Ding stayed in the bathroom for a long time. He
wanted to wait for Hàn Dōng to come in and wash with him. As
a result, Hàn Dong fell asleep on the bed.

When Wang Zhong Ding came out, Hàn Dōng had


Jackets and trousers are all there, only the person is gone.

Wang Zhong Ding secretly whispered badly, and this man was
definitely dreaming of going out. Wang decided to put on
clothes to go out and Hàn Dōng entered the door.

"Where did you come from?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng did not speak and went straight to bed.

Wang Zhong Ding guessed that he must have been frozen and
he did not try to wake him up. Instead, he gave him a quilt and
shut the door of the bedroom

After Li Shang came back, the entire person was almost


He barely took a shower and finally climbed into the bed and
found that the was window opened wide.

To close it, he has to get out of bed, for him that is a

punishment. Nothing is off, the night breeze is particularly
cold, and leg injuries can easily get worse.

After repeated struggles, Li Shang resolutely resisted the

discomfort of the legs pains and stepped up to the window step
by step.

Just as he pulled the window and it made a sudden move.

Right on the window, there was a tube of ointment ....for

improving blood circulation and remove hematoma swelling.
1]....... Han Dōng cares for Li Shang... Atleast the
Sleepwalking Han
Chapter 273 Tendency to Soft Comfort
And Warmness.
The next morning, Hàn Dōng caught a cold.

At the time of eating, he sat down. "The nose is blocked There

is no time for eating oysters."

Wang Zhong Ding shook him coldly. "You deserve it. Letting
yourself run out of the evening in the those pants."

"I ran out again last night?" Hàn Dōng was horrified.

Wang Zhong Ding calmly ignored him.

Hàn Dōng, a person with all kinds of accidents, I did not go to

Yuan Ze that night, "spoken the secret" right? It wouldn't be a
word of warning and then counterproductive...

As he was thinking, a few tablets were handed to him.

"Eat them." Wang Zhong Ding ordered.

Hàn Dōng said: "I don't want to eat this, I'll bring the elixir ..."

"Don't mention to me that elixir!" Wang Zhong Ding burst out

with foul language, the last time he was deceived by Hàn Dōng
to eat the elixir, and the entire stomach disturbed for three

Well, Hàn Dōng had to swallow it.

After breakfast, there was still some time before work started.
Hàn Dōng had nothing to do and began to harass Wang Zhong

"Are you afraid that I will infect you? Not afraid of me? Ah?
Not afraid of fear ah?" The man hot cheeks have been rubbing
Wang Zhong Ding neck.

Wang Zhong Ding only had to become a man with a dog on his
neck and ignore the dog and did his own business.
Hàn Dōng sees Wang Zhong Ding not responding, poked his
chin on his shoulder and licked it.

"Wang Ge, Wang Ge, you are brave and fierce."

Wang Zhong Ding's face really changed.

Hàn Dōng continued to shake his mind. "My ass still hurts

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding did not exchange for a smile,

but exchange for a gloomy face.

"I didn't do anything to you last night," Wang Zhong Ding


"Ergh..." Hàn Dōng was dumbfounded.

Because he does feel aching in his ass.

In the next second, Wang Zhong Ding had him placed on the
bed, and he pulled his pants.

The squeaking of that rumbling is enough to prove Wang

Zhong Ding's irritating attitude at the moment and the
importance he has attached to Hàn Dōng safety.

Fortunately, a false alarm.

The ass was a bit bruised, but it was possibly that Hàn Dōng
who walked too rashly last night and fell.

Wang Zhong Ding wedged the pants up with a slap.

You asshole trying to scare people!

Hàn Dōng called foul and then he laughed.

“You think about it, you didn't go out last night and I'm back
on my own. How short should this time be? I'm so eager to get
someone who will be fighting for a fuck in a shot, don't pull it...

Hàn Dōng was still enjoying his own conclusions and suddenly
felt like he had shot two gloomy rental spots.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "If that person is strong in sex

gunning war , will you be happy to do something with him?"

"No, no, I'm just saying an analogy. You're more than ... Ah
ah... don't pinch it, don't pinch it..."

Hàn Dōng particularly cherished his buttocks. If there was a

small amount of purple bruise, he would immediately look for
drugs to apply to it. He feared that the billions of beautiful
buttocks had an imprint.

The result was not turned in the drawer for half a day.

Evil child.
As he was thinking, he suddenly heard Wang Zhong Ding call
him: "Come on, are you still hot?"

Hàn Dōng walked back.

He thought that Wang Zhong Ding would use his hands to

probe his brain checking for fever He did not expect Wang
Zhong Ding to pull his entire head and use his forehead against
Han Dong face to test the temperature.

1].....Omg using the forehead to forehead to check for


"It's not burning," Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng replied without a reason: "It's so sweet."

"What's sweet?"

"When you just used your face against me, it was so sweet."
Wang Zhong Ding rarely dumped him with cold eyes, but gave
him a few almonds sweets.

"It doesn't taste as sweet like this one"

Hàn Dōng was ecstatic. "Weren't they all eaten by Xixi? Where
did these come from?"

Wang Zhong Ding secretly: I will tell you where came


"Don't let Xixi see it. He can't eat more because they would rot
his teeth." Wang Zhong Ding has begun to deviate from his eyes.

Hàn Dōng's was too fast to spit the sweets out


When he arrived at the crew, Li Shang just finished the run

and sat on a cushion.

Hàn Dōng walked past and jokingly said: "Were you really
running down ? It's not simple!"

Li Shang shook the ointment in his hands.

"Is this yours?"

Hàn Dōng wondered, "How did my ointment ended up with


"Last night I got it at the window."

Hàn Dōng immediately knows, Mom eggs, my cold was

actually caused by me getting him the ointment last night .....
this asshole?

"Thank you," said Li Shang.

Hàn Dōng yelled a coldly cry, "Do you fucking know to say
thank you to me before?"

"What did you do got me to say thank you before? You didn't
help me before!"

"How haven't you had enough? You have done so many bad
things. I didn't have to fix you or help you."

Well... Li Shang threw the ointment to Hàn Dōng.

"You're really good at this medicine. I used it a bit last night

and my knees were swollen the next morning."

"Then you take it with you. What do I have to do with you?"

Li Shang smirked. "Aren't you the one needing to use it more

than me? That kneeling pose..."

"Give it to your uncle!" Hàn Dōng lost his hand.

1]....... Kneeling pose ....get it
Chapter 274 Really Rough.
After several scenes were taken, Hàn Dōng discovered that Yu
Ming had not come.

"What about Ming Er?" asked Xià Yang Zhuo.

"I don't know. He didn't pick up the phone in the morning.

Director Lu urged me to come and I didn't stay to look for him."

Hàn Dōng also gave a call to Yu Ming, and no one answered.

The same is true for Xià Hòng Wēi.

When it was both of them, what would it be?

Hàn Dōng looked at Director Lu made a greeting and quickly

ran toward Yu Ming's residence.

As a result, Yu Ming stayed in his own room and Hàn Dōng sat
with him talking honestly.
"I called you ..... why did you not answer?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming replied faintly: "I don't know."

"You do not know?"

"Yeah ......"

Hàn Dōng stared at Yu Ming for a moment and obviously felt

that his mood was not right.

"What happened to you?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming said: "I'm okay."

"What about Xià Hòng Wēi?" Hàn Dōng asked again.

Yu Ming was silent for a long time before saying: "He was
called by his cousin..."

"How long?"

"From last night to now."

"Then you called him?"

Yu Ming was silent again.

Hàn Dōng's faintly noticed something, “The two of you

cannot get a call. He wouldn't be...”

The facts prove that Hàn Dōng's guess is correct, and Yuan Ze
is cutting off the communication between the two people.

"Fuck he thinks he is?"

Yu Ming said: “Yuan Ze's fight was brought up by Xià Hòng
Wēi's parents. Xià Hòng Wēi has been abroad for a long time.
Therefore, Yuan Ze is closer with Xià Hòng Wēi's parents even
closer than Hong Wēi himself.”

"What happened to that? Xià Hòng Wēi is so aggressive? He

doesn't let anyone make a decision once he made up his mind?
How could he be soft on this matter?"

Yu Ming said: “Yuan Ze is well-prepared. Not to mention that

he represents Xià Hòng Wēi's parents. Xià Hòng Wēi wants to
counterbalance, and he must first weigh more.”

Hàn Dōng is still indignant. "He objected to opposing him...

Why should he take your cell phone? Does he have this power?"

Yu Ming did not speak.

"Where is he now? Has he left the island?" asked Hàn Dōng.

Yu Ming said: "No, he was in the little wooden house that

Wang arranged for him."

"Motherfucker, I'll go there."

Hàn Dōng said that he was discouraged.

Yu Ming said that he should not do it. Yuan Ze would be

prepared for this.

The three-story bodyguard at the entrance to the log cabin is

very strict, and Hàn Dōng cannot enter.

"Yuan Ze, you fucking twat come out and face me! What kind
of a rogue are you? Whose place you know? You'll come out, or
believe you me.... You will end up in the sea..."

Yuan Ze asked the assistant: "Who is outside?"

"Hàn Dōng."
"It's another disgusting stuff, and I'm going to ignore him."

Hàn Dōng continued to shout: "If you don't come out again,
believe it or not, I will burn your house?"

Just finished, the simmering fire rose.

The fuck!

Hàn Dōng himself was scared and jumped a dozen steps back.

What's the matter?

Didn't my anger became deep into this? Will the house burn
only by willpower? ?

"Yuan, it's not good to stay, the house is on fire."

More than a dozen people hugged Yuan Ze and ran away.

Yuan Ze hurriedly said: "Leave me alone, Xià Hòng Wēi is still

"You do hurry. Someone should call him."

Just as everyone was busy with the fire, a rough hand dumped
the lighter and with a smirk on his face and quickly disappeared
into the woods.

In spite of the multi-person protection, Yuan Ze's hair was

short-circuited, and in the position of Liu Hai, he couldn't cover
his face. The degree of irritability can be imagined.

"Did you dare to burn me?" Yuan Ze picked up Hàn Dōng's


Hàn Dōng was still eager to take it. It was completely


"No... No, it's not me. I don't even have a lighting device. How
could it be possible?"
Yuan Ze interrupted him. "Do you mean my bodyguards did it

"No, no, you misunderstood it. I mean it might be a mountain

fire, a mountain fire..."

"Where is the fucking mountain?"

"You have nerves....."

"Tie him!" Yuan Ze ordered.

Hàn Dōng was also in a hurry. "You dare to tie me up ...give it

a try? It's lawless! Whose land this is... Hey..."

If the words are not finished yet, Hàn was tied up into the

"Yuan, don't be like this go and let me go change clothes."

Yuan Ze still calmly asked: "Is that kid tied? Don't let him

"Relax it. He was already asleep when i went in and saw it. He
can't run from here."

Yuan Ze has been grinding for a while and then asked, "Are
you sure that Hàn Dōng did not light the fire?"

"According to several bodyguards at the door, Hàn Dōng did

not have any traces of a fire lighter his hands."

"Strange, how could it suddenly start to catch fire?"

The assistant replied carefully: "Can it be a wildfire?"

"Is it started by ghosts?" Yuan Ze frowned.

“They all say that Hàn Dōng is particularly sinister person. He

often does field work from time to time. Will it be..."

Yuan Ze laughed and said, "What do you mean, Hàn Dōng

blows a sage grass, and the fire spout from there?"

Assistant, "I didn't think so..."

Yuan Ze interrupted him directly. "Since he is such a wizard,

how could he be tied by us? He shouldn't have slipped away?"

Just finished, a bodyguard ran from the next door.

"Yuan, Hàn Dōng is gone."

Yuan Ze eyeballs almost came out.

"What? He's gone?"

Bao Zhen nodded. "He was still lying down on the bed and
now he was gone."

"Is he hiding? Have you looked for him?"

"The helm has been on such a place. We have been looking for
him many times, but we haven't found him."

Yuan Ze is even more puzzled. Don't you say so he has so

many guards, how did Hàn Dōng flee from the closed door?
How did he escape from his binds?

Is it really magic?

As Yuan Ze was thinking that ..... Wang Zhong Ding came to

the door.

"Where is Hàn Dōng?"

Yuan Zong replied coldly: "Not with me."

"You tied him and you dare to say that he is not with you?"

Yuan Ze tells the truth, "He was tied, but he was too shy, and
by the time to sleep he was gone."

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face and gave a phone call to Er
Lei in the glass room.

"Is Hàn Dōng back?"

"not yet."

"Has anyone checked the roads?"

"Yes, but Hàn Dōng was not found."

Wang Zhong Ding hanged up the phone and said to Yuan Ze:
"Give him back right away."
Yuan Ze sneered and said, "I said that he is not with me. Even
if he was with me, I would put him under house arrest for a few
days. Isn't it just helpful for Wang to be clean and pure?"

Wang Zhong Ding clenched his fist and said, "I want you to
give him back now!"

Yuan Ze's eyes congested for an instant. What were the words
that said "can't wait to kick him out"?

Wang Zhong Ding has been unable to attend to whether he

has been one after another, directly took advantage of Yuan Ze's
collar and exclaimed: “Has he been burned by the fire? Has he?”

Yuan Ze was smashing his teeth.

It was him who set fire, and I was burned. You come and ask if
he was burned?

Wang Zhong Ding does not allow anyone to nothing that he

went searching in Yuan Ze's aircraft.
Of course, Yuan Ze's men do not agree.

A war is inevitable.

The results the guard was hit a brick, and the search was also
completed. The plane was almost demolished and Hàn Dōng's
shadow was not seen.

Wang Zhong Ding men reminded him: “Could it be true that

Hàn Dōng sleepwalkingly escaped and was afraid that he would
be arrested and secretly found a place to hide?”

Wang Zhong Ding changed his face and said nothing. He

walked straight out.

Yuan Ze sneered a slogan behind him.

"The one in your family had best meet an accident, otherwise I

will finish him."
At this moment, Hàn Dōng is sleeping in Cai Peng's bed.

Cai Peng guessed that Hàn Dōng would be sleepwalking away

from Yuan Ze's plane, so he just happen to “passby” and led Hàn
Dōng to his place.

The long-awaited Cai saw a mouth-watering long leg, how

could he not want to taste a fresh one?

As a result, his trousers were all opened and when his hands
were stretched out, Cai Peng was stunned by Hàn Dōng's faint

"It's really rough."


Not long after Wang Zhong Ding walked, Yuan Ze's assistant
received a call.
“We took a look at the fire scene. From the log house to the
Black Forest, a row of grass was burned. I guess the fire was
started from there.”

The assistant told the result to Yuan Ze.

Yuan Ze frowned. "What do you mean, someone started a


"I heard that there had been a fire here two days ago."

Yuan Ze's nerves are tight. "How did it happen?"



The assistant nodded. "It is said that the tree stalks used to
burn fire have been coated with smelless alcohol..."
Yuan Ze looked at the black line. "Who is such a wicked

"The rumors are it's ...Wang."

Chapter 275 You Really let Me Raise my
Respect for you a Whole New Level
"What do you mean it was Wang Zhong Ding?" Yuan Ze said,
"Where is the point of his arson ?"

The assistant said carefully: "Last time ... did you not say that
Hàn Dōng was not good person in front of him?"

"But he agreed with me at the time."

"I don't think that was much right in hisheart."

Yuan Zing is still unacceptable. "Wang Zhong Ding would not

be a liar to this point?"

The assistant was ashamed. "He is not hypocritical liar. Didn't

you see it before?"

"But the house is his own. Is it because I said something bad

about Hàn Dōng? He burnt the cabin? The 17-year-old can't do
this rogue thing?"

In this case, when Yuan Ze said that ....even the assistant was
also hesitant.

"Moreover, after the fire broke out, Wang Zhong Ding rushed
to here ..... That prove that he did not expect such a thing in
advance." Ze said.

The assistant whispered: "But about Hàn Dōng there is no

answer. How did he escape?"

"What you mean is that if Wang Zhong Ding knew Hàn Dōng
where he was...and why did he only deliberately came to me to
find him in the morning?"

The assistant paused and said: "In fact, you can go to Wang to
find out."

"What do you mean?"

"If Hàn Dōng is now in Wang's suite, it proves that he was
lying in the morning."

Although this result was too devastating, Yuan Ze stood up.

"Then I will go to see what level of hypocrisy Wang Zhong

Ding had in the end."


Cai Peng was spotted with “rough hand” and retaliated with a
dozen back and forth petting on Hàn Dōng's face. It feels like the
time has almost to put Hàn Dōng back.

Wang Zhong Ding had just received a call from Er Lei just half
way through, and the accused Hàn Dōng had been returned

Wang Zhong Ding quickly rushed back.

"How is he?" Wang asked Er Lei.

Er Lei refers to the back room, "..... still asleep."

Wang Zhong Ding quickly flashed into the bedroom and

checked Hàn Dōng's body to make sure that he had not been
burned before he was relieved.

After going out, Wang Zhong Ding asked Er Lei: "Where did
he come from?"

Er Lei hesitated for a long time did not speak.

There was a kind of ominous premonition among Wang

Zhong Ding's faintness, but he still said: "There is something I
have to say."

"When Xiao Liang discovered him, he was at the door of ... Cai
Peng's room."
Wang Zhong Ding's face was dark.

Once again turned his head into the house, and then checked
Hàn Dōng's body carefully.

This time, not only with his eyes but with his noses.

Obviously, the smell on the face is different from other parts.

Although Cai Peng only touched Hàn Dōng's face, Wang

Zhong Ding was still unhappy in his heart and used hot towels
to wipe Hàn Dōng whole body over and over again.

When Yuan Ze came over, Wang Zhong Ding was applying

skin care products to Hàn Dōng.

"Yuan, you can't go in, Yuan..."

A bang.
The door was pushed straight away.

Wang Zhong Ding's hand is still caressing Hàn Dōng's face.

The warmth and slowness of the action is kind of "because of
bad words, he must set fire to his own cabin."

"Wang Zhong Ding, you really take me for a fool."

After this sentence, Yuan Ze left with a U-turn and a gloomy


At this point, Wang Zhong Ding understands everything.

The arsonist was Cai Peng. He guessed that Hàn Dōng would
go to Yuan Ze to settle the score about the asshole pushing Yu
Ming around, so he deliberately stalked and waited until Hàn
Dōng appeared before he set the fire.

He also knew that Yuan Ze would definitely detain Hàn Dōng

and Wang Zhong Ding would also go to Yuan Ze's cabin
Therefore, he deliberately led Hàn Dōng to himself(Cai Peng)
and waited until he was almost ready to put him back in order
to create a way for Wang Zhong Ding to deliberately him find
out. The illusion of jealous.

In this way, he not only set fire to Yuan Ze cabin but also
pushed Wang Zhong Ding against Yuan Ze, killing two birds
with one stone.


After Yuan Ze returned, he asked the assistant: "Why was this

person surname Cai burned the cabin?"

The assistant said: "Because the surnamed Cai also likes Hàn

Yuan Ze simply wanted to explode in foul language.

“Do these people have problems in their brains? They don't

love beautiful women, and they like that great curl head that is
The assistant looked awkward. "I can't think of anything."

"I ask you, is there a person with normal sexual orientation on

this island?"

The assistant secretly counted, "It looks like there are few."

"No, I can't let Xià Hòng Wēi stay in this environment. The
longer he takes, the more reasonable he is fighting for

So the next day, another plane landed on the island.

More people came down this time. Like a team, they went
directly to Xià Hòng Wēi's residence and tied him.

"Are you crazy?" Xià Hòng Wēi angrily yelled at Yuan Ze.

Yuan Ze said: "I don't want to see you staying with these
disgusting people."

"You say it again, who is disgusting?" Xià Hòng Wēi grabbed

his neck.

Yuan Zong's face was pointed at Yu Ming.


Xià Hòng Wēi took fist and whacked Yuan Ze's face instantly
making him black and purple.

The crowd rushed forward to separate them.

Xià Hòng Wēi said that nothing is going to be handed down,

and that one should smash the posture of Yuan Ze.

In the end, Yu Ming also stopped Xià Hòng Wēi.

"You go back with him," said Yu Ming.

Xià Hòng Wēi was annoyed. "What do you mean? Do you want
to drag me on the way too? I know you are shaken unsteady.
You want want to withdraw when you experience a little bit of

Unexpectedly, Yu Ming interrupted him and said, "Go back to

your home."

Xià Hòng Wēi was shocked.

Yu Ming also said: "I don't want to do the hidding thing on

this day."

Xià Hòng Wēi spent a long time quizzing and asked: "Do you
mean that with your heart?"

Yuan Ze did not put Yu Ming in his eyes and directly veered at
Xià Hòng Wēi.

"Then let's go."

Chapter 276 Noble Help
When Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding rushed in, Xià Hòng
Wēi was nowhere to be seen, leaving Yu Ming alone to sit on the
couch and his face expressionlessly pale.

In fact, he was afraid.

....He is not as detached as Hàn Dōng. He also has father and

mother, relatives and friends, and a group of unscrupulous
reporters who are happy to gossip about his Hòng Wēi issue.

His situation changed, not only he was alone, but also a lot of
innocent people suffered along with him.

Hàn Dōng saw Yu Ming's appearance and felt distressed.

"Motherfucker, was it you forced me to seduce him and throw

his gaze to him again?"

Just saying that and the perfect buttocks were gripped by a

stuffy fist.
"What did you say?" Wang Zhong Ding was a deterrent.

Hàn Dōng laughed with the lack of confidence and said, "I just
said he dumped him."

"The first two words."

Hàn Dōng deliberately pretends to be silly. "What's in front of


Wang Zhong Ding's vise grpped the soft meat on Hàn Dōng's
ass, giving him a harsh tone.

"You just said... How do you seduce him first?"

Hàn Dōng's replied with weak words, " .....hook... lead..."

Immediately followed by a very powerful yelling...Han Dōng

hand gripped Wang Zhong Ding hand
"Ah ...I said to play....I was talking about playing ...meaning

"Hands off," Wang Zhong Ding ordered.

Hàn Dōng deliberately said with a look of sobbing, " I will

definitely screw it shut when you take your hand off ."

"Give me less nonsense, and move your hand away."

Hàn Dōng reluctantly took his hand away and Wang Zhong
Ding deliberately relaxed his grip, allowing Hàn Dōng to flee
with his tail.

Yu Ming over there did not have any feelings of improvement

due to the hot field of the two people.

Hàn Dōng was even scornfully asked by Yu Ming: "What is

your standard?"
Hàn Dōng did not respond. "What is it?"

"Yuan Ze told you..."

Because Wang Zhong Ding was present, Yu Ming did not say
too much.

Hàn Dōng had a second look. "I feel that it hasn't been verified

Yu Ming questioned this "feeling".

“Can you tell me, how did you feel it? Is that the loathing look
from him? Or is it from the sexual's tone when he talks to you?”

"Wrll..." Hàn Dōng himself was wondering.

Wang Zhong Ding just wanted to intervene and the cell phone
rang. At first glance it was clear that he had been called by Wan
Li Qing. It must have been related to Xià Hòng Wēi. In order not
to stimulate Yu Ming, he went outside to pick it up.

Hàn Dōng asked Yu Ming: "How deeply do you feel about Xià
Hòng Wēi?"

Yu Ming replied faintly: "I can't say it clearly."

In fact, a person like Yu Ming who is determined to be

lonely....for him to accept another person that action has
already explained everything.

Hàn Dōng grinned his teeth for a moment, as if he had made a

very difficult decision.

"Ming Er, if you want me to help you, just say it straight. In

terms of Yuan Ze, I think I can accommodate for you."

Yu Ming is completely unimpressed.

Hàn Dōng continued to make up his mind and said, "I'm
serious. You don't have to be embarrassed. I won't sacrifice
myself for this matter. I'll use another clever way to go to bed
with him."

Yu Ming looked at him obliquely. "I'm not embarrassed. The

problem is that even if you decide to sacrifice yourself, he may
not be willing to go to bed with you."

Hàn Dōng looked guilty. "Do you doubt my charisma?"

"I'm not doubting your charisma. I doubt his vision is that


Hàn Dōng, "......."

On the way back, Wang Zhong Ding's face was dark and Hàn
Dōng had a heavy heart. The two people had no exchange of
words for a long time.

Finally, Hàn Dōng first opened the mouth.

"Xià Hòng Wēi's family side... is it really hard to accept this?"

Wang Zhong Ding was silent for a long time before opening
his mouth. "The situation is not optimistic."

"Then they can get through this difficult time?"

Wang Zhong Ding leaned at Hàn Dōng. "Aren't you a big fairy?
This kind of thing why do you still ask me?"

Hàn Dōng remembered this, yes, I'm The Fairy. Why can't I
treat them well?

So the rest of the way, Wang Zhong Ding walked in front of it,
and Hàn Dōng was always thinking about it.

Suddenly, the sound stopped short.

The footsteps also stopped.

Wang Zhong Ding turned to look, Hàn Dōng's face is not
optimistic than the prospects of Xià Hòng Wēi and Yu Ming.

"What's wrong?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng said: "They will help each other through the noble
and finally overcame all the hardships and get together."

"Isn't this a very good thing?" Wang Zhong Ding wondered.

Hàn Dōng wiped his sweat. "It's good to be good. But the
problem is that the nobleman... looks like me."

Wang Zhong Ding first paused for half a second to digest the
meaning of the word “noble person”. Then, the situation on the
face rose suddenly with his foot on Han buttocks.

Hàn Dōng fled eastwards in the woods and pleaded repeatedly.

"Don't misunderstand, don't get excited. The honorable
person I'm talking about may not be of the same meaning. It
may be that I arguably argued and tried to convince people, or
that I was forced to die..."

Wang Zhong Ding also borrowed a sentence from Xixi.

"Are you fooled?"


Wang Zhong Ding pursued Hàn Dōng from the southern edge
of the woods to the north and chased the tree under the tree. He
finally brought the shameless thing back and pressed him on his
own bed.

Hàn Dōng was warned in a serious tone that Wang has not
used for a long time: "If you dare to think about others men
because of other people's affairs, I will never spare you."

Hàn Dōng turned his face back to his true color. "Rest assured,
I haven't lost my life on that share."


Zhou Li's strong gossip team soon learned of Yu Ming's news.

"It is said that when those people took Xià Hòng Wēi away, he
happened to be in Yu Ming's bed."

Hearing this news, Zhou Li's eyes are almost bursting.

"Xià Hòng Wēi really is the big sponsor behind Yu Ming?

What is his vision?!!"

Zhou Li's assistant also expressed his understanding.

"Isn't it that their family was wanting him to get married to

Tang? Why? Miss Tang is The Capital's first lady, ah. At that
time, two people were going to hold a grand wedding. How
could this happen to be Yu Ming?"

Zhou Li pondered for a moment: "And the two of them looked

like they were not short. Yu Ming entered the circle four years
ago. The first film he had invited him was a supporting role and
the salary was 30 million."

"My God..." The assistant couldn't help but wondered. "What

does Xià Hòng Wēi think? And... if this is going to happen, Yu
Ming is officially finished in this circle?"

Zhou Li said: "If it is true, Feng Mu would have laughed. She

was knocked out by Yu Ming."

The assistant asked: "Once Yu Ming's accident strikes thread,

Feng Mu will surely take the opportunity to make a fuss, and
leaned on the side."

Zhou Li flashed a smile. "No one is quite right, this is like

watching a movie."
The assistant nodded with a smile.

After a while, he remembered one thing again and said to

Zhou Li: "There is a little news, I don't know if it is true or not."

"You first talk about sources."

"From Cai Peng's side."

Hearing the word "Cai Peng", Zhou Li immediately smiled

Wang Zhong Ding's thorn in his eyes... The news he released

is good, if it is not true, its certainly with a trace of a purpose.

"What news?" Zhou Li asked while soaking herself with a cup

of coffee.

"It is said that the beautiful man on the plane was the one who
tied up Xià this time he is one of Wang's love rivals."
Zhou Li almost drowned in the tea.

"You mean that the handsome became a gay specimen. He also

likes Hàn Dōng?"

"Not yet, but Hàn Dōng has already figured it out."

"Is it okay to laugh at someone? Wang likes him and I already

think it's a good thing. The invincible big handsome... It won't
be Hàn Dōng's thoughts changing people?"

The assistant also smiled and said, "I'm not sure about this.
Anyway, what was said by Cai Peng?"

The smile on Zhou Li's face was closed again. “Cai Peng... Is he
suggesting to me?”

"Darkness does not imply that it is not clear, but what is clear
is that Wang must be upset about this matter."
Zhou Li did not know what to think, and her mouth suddenly
emerged with a sneer.


One week later, the scene of “Theft of Shadows 2” entered the

perfect ending period.

After the filming in the Black Forest, they went back and
make up a few more shots, and the movie will be ready to finish.

Compared to the previous low-key "Theft of Shadows 1", this

"Theft of Shadows 2" has been hot news since the filming began.

First of all, the great success of “Theft of Shadows 1” has

caused the audience to have deep doubts in their hearts about its
sequel, because the follow-up work of a classic high quality
work is difficult to surpass the previous one. In particular,
"Theft of Shadows 1" also created a new breakthrough in the
field of domestic horror films. It is really difficult to continue
performing writing miracles.
Secondly, the various incidents during the filming of “Theft of
Shadows 2”, especially the events of Li Shang and Zhou Li, made
the audience hold a skeptical attitude towards the quality of
“Theft of Shadows 2”.

In the end, it is the script that matter. The success of “Theft of

Shadows 2” is, in the most basic sense, the script. Can you have
a brain-burning block with content and content? This is what
the audience is most worried about.

Of course, these problems do not affect the popularity of

“Theft of Shadows 2” and the industry's preference for it.

At the end of the shooting period, the company's stock went

soaring as soon as the promotion ads started. The various major
variety tv shows have also increased their invitation to the
crew. Even Zhong Ding, who had bitten into Hàn Dōng before,
was now very relaxed.

It's time to pull this talented, unique living treasure out of the
way for everyone to open their eyes.
Chapter 277 Cover Up the Hand
From the day Xià Hòng Wēi was taken away by Yuan Ze, until
the entire crew evacuated this beautiful island, Yu Ming did not
receive any further news about Xià Hòng Wēi.

Even Wang Zhong Ding's contact channel was blocked.

When everyone is in a bad mood, they will choose the most

comfortable lifestyle to live. Yu Ming often stays alone in the
dormitory during this time and does nothing.

After all, he still likes the quietness.

Without the urge, Yu Ming did not walk out of his closed
personal world. If he does not have the courage to knock heads
with Xià Hòng Wēi, he will not run like a chicken.

After shooting his final shot, Hàn Dōng came to knock on Yu

"You haven't received a word from Xià Hòng Wēi?"

Yu Ming shook his head.

"You did not try to find him?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming said: "I don't even know where to look."

“Go to his house...” Hàn Dōng realized that Yu Ming could not
do it. “His parents would certainly not let him stay in their own
house. Did you ask for him in other places?”

Yu Ming replied: "There are no other places except hotels and


Hàn Dōng reluctantly sighed when he heard this.

"If you've been doing this before, it's better to leave this
window paper early."
"Forget it, lets not talk about me, did you finish the film?" Yu
Ming asked Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng nodded. "After the film shooting is over, the crew
will be the day after tomorrow .....formally disbanded. You
must come to celebrate the feast! Director Lu will never let it

"Rest assured, I will definitely participate."

Hàn Dōng stared at Yu Ming for a moment and said: "I won't
go to Wang Zhong Ding in the next few days and will stay with
you in the dormitory."

"None of that nonsense." Yu Ming has long been tired of

hearing, "Which time you said to accompany me and did not
end up sleepwalking sneaking back to him?"

"This guarantee will not be broken." Hàn Dōng vowed.

Yu Ming's attitude is decisive. “It doesn't need to be.”

"Why?" Hàn Dōng did not understand.

Yu Ming said out of breath: "I finally forgot about you, and
you wouldn't come to me."

Hàn Dōng had a glimpse of it, and then he laughed hard..

"You have to continue to like me, I am a loner, I do not have

even a relative, absolutely no one except for you."

Yu Ming coldly yelled, "There maybe no relative, and there

are more rivals than relatives."

Hàn Dōng, "......."

In the evening, Wang Zhong Ding had been sitting at a

computer desk to handle official duties because at the company
he hadn't finished his business. Hàn Dōng was not able to sleep
on his own.
"I see you tossing and turning again." Wang Zhong Ding really
had a black face, "What kind of heart you have for others?"

Hàn Dōng was motionless.

After a while, Wang Zhong Ding looked over there again, and
Hàn Dōng's big eyeball was still rolling.

"Nothing is it?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Hàn Dōng did not speak.

"Come on and massage my waist." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng asked lazily: "Why would you give me your waist to

"It took too long to sit back and I'm feeling a backache."
"Is it? Just sitting for two days and the waist can't hold it....
How would it work later ?"

Wang Zhong Ding reply angrily "When you weren't there, I

didn't have any problems with this waist even after seating for
ten days and a half."

"Do you blame it on me? Every time you take the initiative?"

Wang Zhong Ding also said: "If you do not worry, I do it for

"How do I worry?" Hàn Dōng deliberately asked.

Wang Zhong Ding replied coldly: "Why do you worry, you are
still not clear about it in your own heart?"

"I don't know. So I can ask Wang to give advice." Hàn Dōng
Wang Zhong Ding spoke two words for a long time.

"Touch me."

Hàn Dōng asked again: "Where do I touch you?"

"Where did I say you can touch? If you touch my hair.... will I
'sort you' up?"

Hàn Dōng grinned.

"It is nonsense, come quickly." Wang Zhong Ding laid to the

side of the sofa, waiting for Hàn Dōng to massage him.

Hàn Dōng walked over from the ground and began to massage
it seriously. Afterwards he was locked in Wang Zhong Ding's

Wang Zhong Ding shook his body. "Why did you atop?"
"Your muscles on your waist are really textured." Hàn Dōng's
hot breath fell over Wang Zhong Ding's face.

Wang Zhong Ding solemnly said: "Don't give up I tell you, I

haven't finished my work today."

"I know, I don't want to."

Wang Zhong Ding silently looked at a hand that only reached

into his crotch and asked, "What are you doing now?"

"Hands-on massaging."

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

Normally, if Hàn Dōng becomes very sexual hungry it is

because insecurity.

This issue is what Wang Zhong Ding had felt for a long time.
Hàn Dōng's unease was not all about Yu Ming, and some of him
was worried about this same thing which happened to Yu Ming
and Xià Hòng Wēi ....would repeated on himself and Wang

Sure enough, after the cool weather, Hàn Dōng's emotions

showed up.

"I now find that ..... it is good to have no father or mother.

Even the dowry will be saved."

Wang Zhong Ding, " are optimistic."

"If your child's sexual orientation is abnormal, will you be

angry with him?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "I will respect his opinions."

In fact, if there is no way to not respect the child decison and

do this.

1] can't tell your child liking men is wrong while you're
screwing a man with sexy bum....

"I suddenly found a perfect solution that would allow our

family of three to continue to enjoy ourselves and not be
obstructed by your parents."


"Me with Xixi."


1]...... I'm not sure me with Xixi means I can't get why he said
that...but most likely is that Han Dong adopt Xixi

Ten seconds later, Wang Zhong Ding pulled Hàn Dōng up.

"I think you are too free. If you don't want to rest, then dance,
and you don't want to get shameless on my bed."
Hàn Dōng participated in the opening dance of this variety
show at the beginning of his first performance as an Extra.
Wang Zhong Ding knew the level of Hàn Dōng acting, so he was
urged to contact him recently and make him continue.

"Its too late to practice? I'm sleep, I can't move anymore."

Wang Zhong Ding said, "Isn't it that you just danced on me?
Just do it like you had danced. There is absolutely no problem."

Chapter 278 Wang Family Mobilization
Three days later, Zhong Ding Group ushered in a special dance
party - "Theft of Shadow 2".

If we describe the banquet of last year with warmth, this year

is a very lively event. Hundreds of media outlets are jammed at
the door of the hotel where the event is held. Each of the next
stars arriving will trigger a riot.

"Xià Yang Zhuo, Xià Yang Zhuo came." A group of reporters

rushed in with microphones.

"It is said that the role of this performance was very

challenging. Did you encounter any difficulties in the shooting

"The two great diadems are green for you. Do you feel any

After Xià Yang Zhuo's face-to-face tune-up, he knew he would
have to deal with such scenes. He said, "Thank you for your
concern," and he said that he did not say anything and left the
mysterious air around.

"Li Tian Bang, Li Tian Bang came." This group of reporters

also ran toward Li Tian.

"Li Tian Bang, may I ask you again this time you played a

Li Shang smiled indifferently and "swears to wow the bad

guys to the end."

The reporters were caught with laughter and could not help
but give Li Shang several shots.

After a while, Hàn Dōng arrived.

Of these three people, Hàn Dōng has the highest reputation,

but he is also the less popular. Xià Yang Zhuo has set thousands
of pets fans since he debuted. Although Li Shang is unridden,
his exposure is high and the masses are much more extensive
than Hàn Dōng.

Therefore, the reporter's enthusiasm for Hàn Dōng was a little

lower, but the courtesy was much higher and the issues raised
were also higher.

"Mr. Han, how do you evaluate your performance in this


Hàn Dōng faced a row of black lines and struggled to squeeze

out four words from his mouth - "sincerity."

The second reporter then asked: "Mr. Han, what kind of

mentality did you pick up in this show?"

Hàn Dōng whispered "your Motherfucker" to his heart: You

think I decided to act in this drama

Even more irritating things are still behind.

Because Xixi has a part of public performances, the Wang
family was mobilized.

Grandpa Wang will not have to say, at every Xixi performance

the whole family must be present. Although Wang Hai Zi retired
to the second line, but as the former chairman of the
Entertainment Group..... it was more normal for him to join in.

However, there are two people who are unpredictable by Hàn


That is Wang Zhong Ding's parents.

If the host does not report on his identity as Wang's Lover,

many people would not aware of the low-profile couple.

However, Hàn Dōng is an exception.

When Wang Hai Hong's serious and stable face appeared on

the door, Hàn Dōng shook from it.
Father in Law has arrived.

By contrast, the "mother-in-law" is much milder. Despite her

simple dress and plain face, Hàn Dōng still saw the demeanor of
the hardcore mother-in-law.

And this woman is very intelligent.

More than half of Wang Zhong Ding's astuteness have been

inherited from his mother.

While Hàn Dōng looked at his father-in-law, Wang Hai Hong

also looked at him.

"How can this man look like my grandson?"

"You just found out?" Wang's mother smiled. "I discovered it

when he played this movie last year."
Grandpa Wang also spoke beside: "He not only looks like your
grandson, but also like your mother."

1]... Han looks like Xixi's Great Grandma Wang....

When this was said, not only Wang Hai Hong was stunned,
but even Wang Hai Zi, who was on the side, was shocked.

"Dad, are you getting old and confused? How beautiful is my

mom when she was young! Isn't she better than this kid?"

Grandpa Wang smiled. "That's because you haven't seen him

wearing female clothes... It's amazing."

"Those facial features that are so garish, how can he beautiful

when dressed as a woman?" Wang Hai Hong deeply questioned.

Grandpa Wang handed Wang Hai Hong a hard-to-get

screenshot of the publicity film.
"Right, you know what your mom looks like when she was
young. Where doesn't he look like her?"

At this time, Wang Hai Zi, who looked like the green
vegetables, said quietly next to him: "That's him."

Wang Hai Hong suddenly dumbfounded. "Who are you

talking about?"

Wang Hai Zi does not want to repeat it again, because when

Grandma Wang gave birth to him, her age was already high, and
Wang Hai Zi doesn't remember much of his mother when she
was young. Therefore, it was even more bad news for him.

Wang Hai Hong saw Wang Hai Zi so decisive and that his
reaction was so fierce. Suddenly he remembered the person who
had caused Wang Hai Zi and Wang Hao to divorce.

This will not be - him?

Although Wang Hai Hong knew about this matter, he did not
deliberately pay attention to this person. He thought it was a
sissy boy and had no contact with Hàn Dōng.

Now that he knows it, his impression on Hàn Dōng's has

fallen a few times lower.


In addition to the Wang Family, Huang Tuo came to join in.

Since the last time he witnessed Hàn Dōng's visit to the fun sex
club and Wang Zhong Ding's date, Huang's holy mental
calculations were more than half dead and him stepping back
from Han Dōng became the first big victory for Wang Zhong
Ding's road to war.

In spite of this, when Huang Tuo saw Hàn Dōng again, he was
still unwilling to leave behind a sentence.

"I don't know how you can be such an Embarrassment."

Hàn Dōng mouth pumped, "I went with my subject, how can I
not be an Embarrassment?"
Huang Tuo looked stunned and did not speak again. He went
straight to Grandpa Wang.

Another person with stubborn rebellion who had also

deceived Hàn Dōng before him and saw him peeling lobsters.
Apart from anything else, he picked up a shrimp shell and
tossed it on Hàn Dōng's forehead.

Hàn Dōng shouted: "Is there something wrong with you?"

Cai Peng laughed but stared at Hàn Dōng's eyes just like Hàn
Dōng stared at lobster.

Hàn Dōng continued to peel his lobster hard like Cai Peng did
not exist. Because there are no knives, it is inconvenient to peel
large lobsters. What Hàn Dōng was doing .....everything became
messy and he was too anxious today, and he hadn't eaten for a
long time.

Cai Peng finally couldn't stand it and grab it. "I'll help you,
you look stupid doing that."
Hàn Dōng did not know if he was hungry or not, but he did
not refuse it.

Cai Peng took the piece of shrll from the lobster to pieces, and
Hàn Dōng stared at his hand beside him, unable to resist his

"Your hand looks rough, how do you work so finely?"

Cai Peng snorted filled with unbelief, "I serve the people more
carefully, with one finger I can make you shoot that much cum
out of it."

"Can you not fucking sell me your sexual skills each time? Can
you ?"

Cai Peng laughed. "If you want to be quiet, buy a donkey."

Wang Zhong Ding was still greeting his guests with a smile for
a second before seeing Hàn Dōng and Cai Peng sink in the next

"Wang, director Zhao has arrived." Er Lei whispered.

Wang Zhong Ding only turned his gaze back and looked back
lightly: "Come in, please come in."

Cai Peng originally wanted to experience the sweetness of

peeling shrimp for his beloved Hàn Dōng. As a result, the
shrimp had just been peeled off and Hàn Dōng waved to a
certain snack goods not far away.

"Come Xixi, good candies."

Xixi small rocket legs rushed over and sat down on Hàn
Dōng's lap.

Fortunately, Cai Peng did not know that Xixi was the son of
Wang Zhong Ding, or he would be going mad.
"Eat one will grab from you." Hàn Dōng said,
while wiping Xixi's mouth.

As a result, the mouth hasn't been wiped off, and the child
hand was caught.

"Whoever gave you something to eat?" Wang Hai Hong

scowled at Xixi.

Hàn Dōng's action was stiff.

Wang Hai Hong did not give him any opportunity to refute.
He took the child away.
Chapter 279 Knocked About
Shortly after the ceremony began, Xixi spoke as an actor
representative on stage.

For other children of the same age, it would have been too
scary to speak on stage. Xixi walked steadily and steered the
crowd to his eye.

“Thank you for coming to visit the crew feast for “Theft of
Shadows 2” and all media friends. On behalf of all the actors, I
would like to extend a warm welcome to your arrival...”

A round of applause and laughter.

This child is so cute.

And his lovely way is not to sell his mouth, but to form a
contrast between the shape of the genius and the internal calm,
particularly poke the crowds heart.
Xixi continued to say without arrogance: "I would also like to
thank all the actors and the uncles and aunts who work behind
the scenes..." As he said that he bowed solemnly.

The members of the film crew felt touched.

The look of pride by his friends and relatives were even more
proud of sitting on the stage.

At the end of the speech, the host asked Xixi again: "You have
seen "Theft of Shadows 1"?"

Xixi nodded. "Seen it."

The host's expression was a stern expression. "Why do you

such a small child watch a horror movie ?"

"Not just a horror movie, I see everything."

The host's eyes were bright. "Then you give us a comment on
"Theft of Shadows 1", okay?"

The people almost did not report what they expected from the
answer of Xixi. After all, what could a child aged seven or eight
understand? They expected nothing more than "good horrible",
"real stimulus" and the like.

Unexpectedly, Xixi said after a moment of contemplation:

"There is more than enough thriller, suspense, limited
reasoning around it, and a single clue."

As soon as this statement was made, everyone shouted.

Who is this kid?

The moderator immediately asked: "What do you think is

better between "Theft of Shadows 1" and " Theft of Shadows 2"?"

Xixi said without thinking: "Two."

"So confident?" The host asked wilfully.

Xixi said: "The reason why this kind of questioning is because

you haven't seen "Theft of Shadows 2" yet."

Many people are like the host, the first look is a shock,
followed by applause.

In particular, the crew are so excited that there is none like


Next, Xixi performed a magic trick such as blindly solving the

Rubik's cube, rapid mental arithmetic calculations, etc. It was
simply not meant to be too flashy.

The people around Hàn Dōng asked him.

"This is your relative's child?"

"How can we educate ours like him?"

"How much better are his parents?"

Hàn Dōng that feels better than when he took Wang off the
dating market.


Yu Ming suppressed the mood of a few days, but also because

the heat field of the small friends life became a lot easier.

He was trying to clip a few pieces of meat to save the battered

stomach that went hungry for several days. Someone came to
his side and whispered.

"Someone is looking for you outside."

Yu Ming knew that this was the first time he was out for a
long time, but in order to meet Xià Hòng Wēi even if there is a
minimal possibility, he still walked out without turning back.

"Mr. Yu, someone wants to see you alone, so can these people
leave you alone?" A man asked politely.

Yu Ming's two bodyguards immediately refused. “No, we must

escort Mr. Yu together.”

If the man does not say anything extra, he will turn around
and leave.

Yu Ming immediately ran to grab him.

"I will go."

The assistant hurriedly called: "Yu..."

Yu Ming directly interrupted him. "You just wait here."

After that, Yu Ming followed the man to a remote small alley.

After that, Yu Ming did not see the familiar figure, but was
knocked to the ground by the man and his colleagues.

He instantly understands what's going on.

But it was too late to run again. Seven or eight masked men
rushed out and began beating him.

Yu Ming seems to have already been mentally prepared,

holding his head curled up on the ground, fists and soles
ruthlessly relentless kicking him, there is no meaning of

The banquet hall was still very lively. No one noticed that
there was one less person.

Only Hàn Dōng took a drink and suddenly felt that his chest
was inexplicably blocked.
Looking around, the lonely figure that has been in the corner
has disappeared.

Hàn Dōng quickly rushed out of the hotel.

Seeing the entourage of Yu Ming, who was eagerly looking

forward at the door, Hàn Dōng whispered.

"Where is he?"

The assistant said: "Taken by one person."

"You silly bitch?" Hàn Dōng exclaimed, "Why did you not
follow him?"

The assistant did not have time to explain then Hàn Dōng ran
to the small alley with his feeling hardened.

Yu Ming's two bodyguards also ran together behind him.

Hàn Dōng heard shrill slaps and shouts from a group of

"Well, how much did you mess with Xià Hòng Wēi for so many

"What's fucking taste, I really wants to rape you."


Hearing these words, Hàn Dōng's blood was turning black. It

was almost the fastest running speed in his lifetime. When he
rushed past, one of the five big and three rough perpetrators
crashed down.

Then, Hàn Dōng clutched the man's collar, facing his face
with fierce fists. "Fuck me... you back faced motherfucker.... I
will fuck you..."

The other two bodyguards also started to work. These people

hurried to escape and the bodyguard wanted to chase them But
they feared that the tiger would be removed from the mountain
and they could only be guarding Yu Ming.

When Hàn Dōng went to help Yu Ming, Yu Ming was still

lying on the ground and twitching. Dozens of slaps in his face
and his face was swollen from kicking.

Hàn Dōng was distressed, holding Yu Ming, his tears fell like
broken beads.

"Yuan Ze, I'm fucking coming after you. See if I don't die with

As Hàn Dōng said he wanted to get up and chase, but his

clothes were held by Yu Ming's bloody hands.

"You let me go. I have to go find him and set him straight"

Yu Ming's slender fingers gripped so one knows

where the force came from.
However, Hàn Dōng had lost his senses, and his scarlet eyes
blinked at Yu Ming's fingers. Then he ignored his advice and
drove away.

At this moment, Wang Zhong Ding knew nothing about what

happened outside.

Still being filled with wine by everyone.

Nine of these ten people are in good relations with Zhou Li,
and filling Wang Zhong Ding's position is simply a fate.

"Wang Zhong Ding, er, this momentum, "Theft of Shadows 2"

has more than one billion at the box office. You should easily do

"That is, our company's total box office receipts for one year
does not reach this number. You must give us these people a
bonus comfort. Do you say its right?"

"Wang Zhong Ding, our movie theater's rate will depend on

your drink, you dare to drink it yourself."

"Come on, come on."


When Wang Zhong Ding finally left the hotel, Hàn Dōng was
nowhere to be seen.
Chapter 280 Out of Luck.
Wang Zhong Ding asked the security guard at the entrance of
the hotel. The security guard said that Hàn Dōng did not say
anything. That he just walked directly and drove away.

"Is he alone? Is there nobody else with him?"

The security guard shook his head. "I didn't see anybody else
and I saw him hurrying to the car."

Wang Zhong Ding asked Xiao Liang again. "Has he talked to

you in advance?"

Xiao Liang shook his head. “I saw he was still fighting with
people before I went to the toilet. He wasn't here when I came

Hearing the words "fighting," Wang Zhong Ding's head was

just like he was bursting.
Because Yu Ming did not make any noise when he left no one
to question that.... Wang Zhong Ding did not expect that Han
Dōng would do something. When he heard Xiao Liang say this,
Wang Zhong Ding's first reaction was that Hàn Dōng will take a
sleepwalking tour to revenge this.

"Er Lei, take a few people and come with me."


Hàn Dōng's car went out of business by halfway, and it hadn't

been repaired for half a day. He left the car directly on the road
angrily, and took a taxi.

"Master, go to the Yuan villa area in Beijing." Hàn Dōng had

already made clear the address of Yuan Ze home.

The driver nodded. "OK."

Sitting Hàn Dōng suddenly smelled a strange smell and asked

the driver: "Master, what's in your car?"
The driver himself sniffed. "No? Nothing was sprayed. It may
be that the warm wind hasn't came for too long."

"Oh." Hàn Dōng did not continue to ask.

Before getting on the car, Hàn Dōng's emotions were very

excited. Both eyes were bigger than copper bells. As a result,
after the car went on its way, perplexed difficulties caught on
the head and Hàn Dōng couldn't afford to stay awake.

Can not sleep, can not sleep ... ... Hàn Dōng self-implicit,
sleepwalking his behavior is very easy to control.

But in the end it was a loss.

When the taxi arrives at the destination, the driver reaches

out to Hàn Dōng. "A total of 98 yuan."

Hàn Dōng closed his eyes and touched his pocket. After that,
he just hurried to pull his wallet it wasn't there.
"Master,can you tell me the account number, I will call back to
you." Hàn Dōng said.

The driver and Hàn Dōng looked at each other and his
expression was not astonished. He replied, "I'm sorry, I don't do
credit "

"What should I do?" Hàn Dōng looked anxious. "I'm in a

hurry. Master, do you see this? use your cell phone to call my
assistant then she will come to pay."

The driver said: "I can't wait until it's too late. I have to go
home to sleep."

Hàn Dōng touched him on the body. The most valuable thing
was that it was the first of its kind. It was also tens of thousands,
but for Yu Ming, Hàn Dōng could only bite his teeth.

"Master, if I give you this jacket?....the jacket was bought for

twenty-nine hundred yuans."
The driver heard a twenty-nine yuans, and he suddenly gave a

"Young man, who are you? Something really expensive, can

you give it for the fare? Twenty-nine is about the same."

"Twenty-nine hundred?" Hàn Dōng almost woke up. "How

could it be twenty-nine hundred when you touch this material?"

The driver is indifferent.

Hàn Dōng breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, you say that

twenty-nine is twenty-nine. Then I will take off my coat, pants,
and leather shoes. That's enough to add up to ninety-eight.”

The driver just let him go.

When Hàn Dōng opened the door, he was brought back by the
cold wind.
The driver is still "well-meaning" and throws Hàn Dōng a set
of clothes.

"You wear this one."

Hàn Dōng heart creaked: also fucking installed do not know

how expensive are the goods? Obviously I see that my clothes
are expensive, and I want to cuss at you.

But now "he has to do things" , Hàn Dōng can only recognize ,
reluctantly thanks in the driver ehyo handed over the clothes.

Only he did not expect that this suit was more expensive than
the one he had mortgaged to the driver.


Yuan Ze had just showered and only wore a bath towel on his
body. He laid lazyly on the big bed.
Suddenly, the lights in the room went out.

Yuan Ze's home has its own power generation device, so there
is no power outage failure ..... so that can only be a line failure
or man-made disaster.

"What happened?" Yuan Ze exclaimed loudly.

No one outside answered.

Yuan Ze had just thought of getting up and looking outside.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed in from the doorway and
slammed him into the bed with a thunderbolt.

"Yuan Ze, today I will fuck your uncle!"

Yuan Ze was momentarily stunned.

Hàn Dōng took advantage of his fuss and tied him with a rope
even he did not know where he found it.

Yuan Ze did not resist because his reaction was too late. He
discovered that the attackers wore a full-blown hood and his
eyes were covered.

What makes Yuan Ze feel a surprise is the bundled stunt that

the sneak attacker had displayed in such a state of blindness.
How can this person complete a dazzling task?

This person was too talented.

"Dare I ask your respected name?” Yuan Ze's degree of

worship to this person has gone beyond anger.

"Surnamed Hàn Dōng."

Yuan Ze was annoyed when he heard the name. Your two

husbands, both of them, have joined you and I haven't thought
about it. How did you find my own door?
"Zhang Hu, Liu Chang." Yuan Ze yelled loudly.

"Don't call them, and they can't come when you call them I
locked them in the house outeroom where the electricity was
repaired." Hàn Dōng calm tone was swept away.

Yuan Ze looked at the a young man. “ You're—seeking—


Hàn Dōng sneered, "I was looking for death today."

After that, with one hand he gripped Yuan Ze's neck to death,
and the other tightened his fists and leaned toward Yuan Zong's
handsome, art-like face.

“If I let you go to do that to Yu Ming and also blackmail him...

If I don't punch you in exchange today. I will change my Han

"Stop, you made it clear, how did I blackmail him?" Yuan Ze

shouted coldly.
"Say? Who will fucking tell you?"

Hàn Dōng only looks forward to slapping his head, slapping is

no more fun and then smacking, but he can't be satisfied again.
In short, he pinches Yuan Ze's face and never stop.

At the beginning, Yuan Ze did not say anything. Afterwards,

the bath towel was ripped off by Hàn Dōng and finally he could
not help but burst out.

"Take your disgusting hand away from me."

"You say I'm disgusting, right?” Hàn Dōng hurriedly pulled

Yuan Ze hair. “I came to disgust you today, and what I planned
will fucking disgusting you...”

Yuan Ze said with a word and said, "You'd better do it, or I'll
kill you if you let me go."

Hàn Dōng laughed. "Then when you're finished, I'll have to

live to 89."

The door was shook hard and opened.

A dazzling light shines on two people in the bed.

A naked body was tied to the bed, and the other person was
riding on him. The hood was covering his face, but he could not
cover the long legs wrapped in skinny leather pants.

A good porn scene.

If you see a lot of Wang Zhong Ding's words...

Yuan Ze looked at a furious face coming closer and closer to


After seeing it, Yuan Ze fear rushed to the throat.

He too fucking comes to this set.

A manufactured misunderstanding, a violent solution, the

two show up and the first one has not finished?

Sure enough, Wang Zhong Ding aimed a steel fist to Yuan Ze's
crotch. Fortunately, the quick bodyguard rushed in to block it,
or Yuan Ze would be completely cock disabled.

Hàn Dōng was no stronger than Yuan Ze. He was forced to

wake up by Wang Zhong Ding for the first time.

Woke up ....and was dumbfounded.

"How am I asleep? I was just in a taxi, obviously reminding

myself... ah ah... I know. It must be which driver gave me
medicine. I said there was a strange smell in his car. ”

Wang Zhong Ding's face was frosty.

Hàn Dōng hurriedly said: "Quickly, help me to get my car
back. My car is still on the way."

Wang Zhong Ding is still indifferent.

Er Lei looked at Hàn Dōng and said: "Your car is at the door."

"How did you get it back for me so soon? Or did you see it

"Your car was at his doorstep."

Hàn Dōng, “ is it possible? My car was off in the middle

of the road. How can I repair it?”

“Nothing went wrong with it.” Wang Zhong Ding finally

interrupted, and his voice had negative temperature in it....

Hàn Dōng suddenly felt dumbfounded, he must have been set


"You listened to me and my car was definitely not moving.

The driver deliberately followed me, let me go to his car, and
then there was hypnotic gas in the car. I fell asleep when I heard
it and he looked at it again. I fell asleep and changed my

Just finished, a shopping ticket was thrown on his face. Hàn

Dōng took a hazy trip. It was the proof of purchase for the suit
he was wearing.

"No, this...why did he buy me another one? It's so


"You paid it using your own card." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng said anxiously that he was uneasy.

"I was wearing clothes myself... I, I, I... Why would I still buy
new clothes?"
Er Lei looked at Hàn Dōng with a sympathetic gaze. The eyes
clearly read: Because now this body is more tempting...

Hàn Dōng refused to recognize him. "I was absolutely set up.
It was definitely the driver who tempted me to go."

Zhong Ding's toneless tone said: “You are not that stupid in

After a few seconds, Hàn Dōng completely understood.

"OK, I got it, I know... you don't think I drank too much, I
sleepwalking to go shopping and buy clothes, and then dressed
up to seduce him? Is it okay to recognize him? I'll kill him after
seducing him. Say you are satisfied?"

As the voice just fell, Wang Zhong Ding's fiercely sharp line of
sight was thrown at several other people.

"Wang ..." Er Lei said.

Wang Zhong Ding sent him a word - a group of people
tremblingly left, leaving Hàn Dōng and Wang Ding alone.

"Do you still remember what I said to you?" Wang Zhong

Ding's face was gloomy and scary.

Hàn Dōng still shouted his neck and shouted, "I will kill you if
find other men."

After he just finished, Wang Zhong Ding was stuffing him into
the car.

"Isn't ... you really came?" Hàn Dōng said guilty.

Wang Zhong Ding could not tolerate his regret and pulled his
trousers so he directly decided to speak with a "gun barrel."

This is the first time they will do it with no lubrication, no

foreplay. Not in accordance with the rhythm of Hàn Dōng, but
Wang's blindly rage rape.
Wang Zhong Ding had never done anything so rough.

This is the first time.

Hàn Dōng's blue veins blew up, and he hadn't settled yet. "If
you have the ability to fuck me then fuck me to death,
motherfucker I'm too distressed today..."

Wang Ding shot did not shoot , he pulled out his cock halfway.

With one hand he pushed Hàn Dōng off the car and left him
alone and drove off.

Hàn Dōng shivered in the autumn wind and realized for the
first time that he felt a cold hearted hate.

Just when he lifted his feet and walked, he suddenly

remembered something.

Looks like the whole trap is intended to make Wang Zhong

Ding have a misunderstand with him, it was not really about
hitting Yu Ming, it was just to anger himself enough to revenge
on Yu Ming.

In other words ... He misunderstood Yuan Ze?

Hàn Dōng recalls that Yuan Ze was beaten by his own hand
and Hàn Dōng had a cold sweat.

Do you want to lose to him?

... Wang Zhong Ding finally failed to maintain his own style,
the car re-turned within less than two kilometers.

Hàn Dōng also failed to get rid of his demeanor and quickly
walked to the door of Yuan Ze and turned again. Forget it, or
don't take risks. It would be a hassle if you let him ho.

So, the two people met again in that place.

This time, Hàn Dōng appeared in front of Wang Zhong Ding

with a grace that had just come out of his home.

Then, they're no more then.

Hàn Dōng feels that he should really look at the old Huang Li
before going out.
Chapter 281 Framed...Can it be?
Yu Ming was hospitalized. No surprise, Hàn Dōng stayed in
front of the bed.

Yu Ming danced and his body was very flexible. This is the
first fracture, and there are breaks in two places. It can be seen
that this was very important.

"It's not Yuan Ze." Yu Ming's head is very clear-headed. "Yuan

Ze's isn't the kind of person who disdainfully uses this method."

Hàn Dōng also thinks very well when he thinks about it, but
at that time, how could rationalize what he thinking about it?

"Hàn Dōng, you go back with Wang Zhong Ding and talk it
soft, and okay."

Hàn Dōng suddenly fried his hair. "I told him to serve him
softly? He almost fucked my ass dry"
Yu Ming smiled.... his mouth in a painful manner. "A big fairy
can be impulsive. How can a mortal like Wang not get out of
control occasionally?"

Hàn Dōng wondered. In the past, when he quarreled with

Wang Zhong Ding. Yu Ming's proposal was "high-profile
dumping" terms such as "tapping out" and "hanging him out to
Now how do you start saying that Han should use the "soft

Yu Ming finally fell out with Hàn Dōng after a long time.

“I used to think that I had the upper hand in my feelings. Now

it makes no sense to find out that his are not there. I really don't
know he could think I could do that. I don't know if I'm going to
have a stick on that day, and I'll cherish it. ."

Yu Ming used to think that Xià Hòng Wēi was a mountain and
would always sit steadily in front of him and block the sun
whole he lay enjoying the beauty of the world. Now that the
mountain was removed, he was free, but he also lost in his
blessing to his home.
Hàn Dōng was silent for a long time before opening his
mouth. “This is something I'm tired of.”

Yu Ming wondered, "What does it have to do with you?"

"I think that the purpose of the other party may not be the
whole for you. It may only be that they wanted to use you hurt
and my anger to make me do something absurd, so as to achieve
the consequences of Wang Zhong Ding having a
misunderstanding with me."

Yu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly. "As you say, this person
may be one of the rivals?"

Hàn Dōng nodded and said with certainty: "It must be my


"Why not Wang's?"

"Because the people who chased after me are quite qualified."

Yu Ming, "......."

Hàn Dōng patted Yu Ming's shoulders and said: “Rest assured,

your brother will never let you be implicated. He will surely
find out about this matter and let that person die without a
burial place.”

As soon as the voice just fell, Hàn Dōng's cell phone rang.

"That taxi driver we have found him." Xiao Liang's voice was

Hàn Dōng immediately got up and walked away. "I'll come

and see."

When he got on the car, Hàn Dōng's eyes suddenly set on a

luxury car with tinted windows. It didn't look away until his car
was out of the parking lot.

As a result, Hàn Dōng's forefoot just left and Xià Hòng Wēi got
out of the car.
Those days he has been taking care of his sick mother in the

Xià Hong Wei's mom's heart was not very good. Before her
major surgery, she could not tolerate the slightest stimulation.
This is why Xià Hòng Wēi prefers to hide his sordid acts from
his parents and is not willing to come out to yhemy. This time,
he came out to his parents and accidentally made his mother,
who had been hopeful for a daughter in law, instead suffer
heavy losses and stay in bed.

For older parents, "disease" is their best magic weapon against

unruly children. Only once Xià Hòng Wēi left her..... she
immediately called the doctor and said she could not breathe.

Xià Hòng Wēi then is a bastard, and then mad, in the face of
sick mother can only choose to yield, and other conditions until
she was stable.

However, Xià Mom is like finding out his psychology. He has

not seen any improvement in her illness for many days.
For Xià Hòng Wēi this did not sit straight.

He took advantage of her sleeping space and went to the

reception desk of the hospital. He just wanted to use the phone
and a cold male voice rang in his ear.

"Xia, your mom is calling for you."

Xià Hòng Wēi's face sank. "Is she not asleep?"

"She was just fainted and woke up with pains in her chest.
Now doctors and guards are looking at her."

The man who spoke was called Hua Zi. He was the head of the
bodyguard employed by Yuan Ze. His awareness and sensitivity
were extremely high. If he had not been appointed to guard Xià
Hòng Wēi, and Yuan Ze would not even be beaten.

Xià Hòng Wēi took advantage of the phone and did not let him
go. Hua Zi raised the phone to Xià Hòng Wēi's front. The above
picture shows Yu Ming's photo laughing while eating at the
“Theft of Shadows 2” party. These Yu Ming photos for not show
the truth... if it was not Xixi's words tgst make him smile, he
will not pick up the chopsticks.

"He is fine." Hua Zi said.

Xià Hòng Wēi decided to look at the screen of the mobile

phone and wished to dig out the people in the photo.

"Can you go to see your mother? She is very dangerous ill

now." Hua Zi's tone has never been ups and downs, as if this
sentence has been practiced countless times.

Xià Hòng Wēi grinds his teeth through his own rear molars
and eventually lifts his feet to the ward.

"Do you really want to go out?"

Yu Ming's assistant repeatedly confirmed several times. On

the one hand, he took into account Yu Ming's physical
inconveniences. On the other hand, he was worried that an
unconcerned journalist would ambush him somewhere and
maliciously broadcast the matter of Yu Ming being beaten.

Yu Ming also answered this several times.

"Push me out and lets go. The ward is really stuffy."

The helper had no choice but to help Yu Ming into a

wheelchair. By the way, "Would you like to bring a mask?"

"No, no one would recognize me even if it wasn't worn."

Yu Ming's speech is not an exaggeration. Most of his faces is

now swollen and the entire person is in a destructed state.

The assistant nodded reluctantly. "Well, then." Then he

reasoned pushed out Yu Ming.

There is a garden below the hospital, and the leaves are all
faded this season. However, Yu Ming apparently did not come
here to see the scene, but to see the road across the garden.

The traffic is endless.

Yu Ming stared blankly for a long time. His face was not sad
and desolate. Only the stubborn, stubborn ones were stubborn.

The assistant asked: "What are you looking at?"

"I am waiting for Hàn Dōng to come back." Yu Ming said.

The assistant knew that Yu Ming had lied but did not expose

1]....he is waiting for Xīa Hong Wēi

Hàn Dōng and Xiao Liang met in a box in a clubhouse. When
he went there, the driver was crouching on the ground and
sweating so much that he had just been tortured.

"Its not him."

"But the car is his....." Xiao Liang said.

Hàn Dōng sharp eyes glanced to the ground, the driver

immediately quibbled: "He took the car from me, it is none of
my business, not my business ..."

Hàn Dōng saw from the face that the man is not afraid of pain,
and that he was extremely difficult to tell the truth.

But he has a weakness, that is, he is afraid of amphibians.

As a result, Hàn Dōng asked him "Who borrowed it from

"Third sister child, third sister child borrowed it from me."

Hàn Dōng once again turned his attention to the Xiao Liang,
"Who is the third sister child"

"Ma reporter.....a good one."

Hàn Dōng frowned slightly. The Ma reporter was one of the

reporters who helped Feng Mu to spread the news.

For the average person, seeing that the driver was beaten in
this way, his theories has long been conclusive.

Originally, when Yu Ming gained momentum, he knocked on

Feng Mu. Now that he has collapsed in the background, one of
the people who stepped on him was definitely Feng Mu.

However, Hàn Dōng is another matter.

He asked Xiao Liang: "Do you know what's the nearby tadpole
can be found?"

Hearing the word "TADPOLE", the driver was in a trembling


"Where can one find a tadpole in this season?" Xiao Liang said.

Hàn Dōng asked again: "What about the farm?"

Xiao Liang eyes light up, "we can try."

After Xiao Liang went out, Hàn Dōng did not speak and he
stared at the driver with a smile.

The driver was still scared and hiding the fear in his heart.
Later, he couldn't hold it. Then he asked, "Then I ... can I go?"

"What's the hurry to go?" Hàn Dōng still laughed

The driver said with guilty conscience: "All I can said has
already been said."

"Because you provided important clues, we only want to

reward you." Just finished, Xiao Liang came in with a basin.

"Hey. Hey."

The voice just dropped and the driver withdrew.

Hàn Dōng walked over to the driver with a glass of muddy

water. "I heard that you like amphibians very much."

The driver jerked, "No, no, I'm particularly sick of that stuff."

Hàn Dōng acted like he did not hear it, he continued to

approach him.

"Then I'll give you a show. When you think about the spring,
you can give birth to a baby frog."

"Ah--" The driver collapsed into the air and instantly began to
flee at the door.

Xiao Liang cuffed him back.

The other two bodyguards also stepped forward to help him

and pressed him to death on the ground.

Hàn Dōng ordered "Pour!"

Eyes have been sliding on the water to the lips, and little
tadpoles also came to swim in the mouth. The driver finally
shouted in horror.

"I will tell!"

Zhou Li is also letting the manicurist take care of her delicate

"How about it?" Zhou Li asked the assistant.

The assistant nodded, "It's beautiful."

Zhou Li narcissistically enjoyed her eyes and said faintly:

“Wang Zhong Ding is a manipulative, because only a beautiful
hand can contrast the beauty of the watch.”

The assistant listened and hurriedly placed the watch in the


This watch can be called the world's most complex, most

versatile manual mechanical watch. Made up of nearly 800
precision parts, it combines seven complex mechanical
functions into one. There is only one watchmaker in the world
who can make such a complicated watch, and he has passed
away recently.
Three hands watch was carefully worn for Zhou Li.

On the way to Wang Zhong Ding's office, the assistant

whispered: "The driver has been arrested."

Zhou Li said without hesitation: "I wanted him to be arrested.

If he is not arrested. How can I clean up the old fox Feng Mu?"

"I'm worried that he can't hold it in now. If he doesn't fight it

twice, he'll do it. Isn't it too obvious?"

Zhou Li said, "There is 200,000 yuans for fractures in one

place, 500,000 in two places, and 1 million in three places he will
no say a word out of the script."

The assistant was astonished. "Is it too big?"

"Feng Mu's recklessness has brought me far more than this

The assistant still worried, "Will he not be unbearable with a

Zhou Li snorted. "Then you take care about it. The greatest
advantage of this man is his bones."

The assistant was relieved and could not help but praise: “You
are really bad and you have managed to provoke a
misunderstanding between Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng.
You have planted Feng Mu, and have brought Yu Ming into the
water afterwards. Afterwards, Wang want to reuse you.”

Zhou Li stopped and looked at the assistant.

"If you don't take a flattery, don't take it. I want 'to be valued',
not 'reuse'."

The assistant did not say anything.

Entering Wang Zhong Ding's office, the first thing to feel was
a gloomy atmosphere, but it made Zhou Li happy enjoy it.
"Wang, sign it."

Unsurprisingly, what Wang Zhong Ding saw at first sight was

not the document but the watch on her wrist.

"Master Ailles is not dead?"

Zhou Li smiled. "Oh, it's a connoisseur. It's the last watch he

made before his parting."

How can Wang Zhong Ding allow this watch to fall into the
hands of someone unappreciative?

Then he asked: "Can I pick it up for appreciation?"

"Can only seen you can not touch." Zhou Li said.

Wang Zhong Ding asked again: "Is it difficult to reach out?"

Wang Zhong Ding sweeped a look at Er Lei and saw him make
a few big steps. He grabbed Zhou Li's wrist and forced her hand
to Wang Ding.

Zhou Li used the just-polished nails to gouge Er Lei tough

skin, but he didn't even got angry and could only blink. Hàn
Dōng has been dressed like that to hook up someone else. Have
you kept him like a jade?
Chapter 282 Idiom•Prophesy with Godly
Accuracy .
Wang Zhong Ding gaze was also attracted by the watch's
exquisite craftsmanship for a second, and the next second his
curiosity was dismissed because of Xiao Liang's phone call.

"Wang, i have checked things out."

Hearing the cause and effect of the entire incident, Wang

Zhong Ding's brain has a blank for moment. When Zhou Li saw
Wang Zhong Ding's reaction, she knew in her heart. Secretly
shouted: Whenever is it bad time to call? Why did I chose this
time ...

However, considering the great mission of "revenge at Feng

Mu", Zhou Li had to stand up and said: "If Wang has something
to do, then I will go back first."

After Zhou Li left, Er Lei tentatively asked, "Is this person still
planning to stay?"
Wang Zhong Ding face was poor looking.

When he initially brought Zhou Li to the company. He wanted

to let her and Cai Peng start their love to self immolation to
achieve the goal of eliminating rivals and contain his
opponents. Unexpectedly, Cai Peng, the big-colored wolf
actually played a "staying like jade," and the face of this
temptation is not moving. He was attentively guarding Wang's

"Was he recruited?" Wang Zhong Ding could not help but


Er Lei accidentally said the truth.

"He has more people recruited. Is it still not clear in your own

Wang Zhong Ding's sharp line of vision really stunned the

"Who else cares about him?"

"Ah..." Er Lei whispered, "I... I don't care about him..."

Wang Zhong Ding's face was not hesitant to change his

mouth. "No, no, no one seldom scribes to him..."

Er Lei saw his face again and then changed his mouth. "Not
yet... That..." Er Lei gave himself a slap....What's wrong with
this mouth?

Wang Zhong Ding smirked and told Er Lei, "OK, you go out."

"That's you are going to Zhou Li..."

"Everything is handed to Feng Jun. I don't want to hear her

name again."

Er Lei asked: "What about Hàn Dōng?"

"I have my own decision to make."

After Er Lei went away, the person who claimed to be

"decision to make by himself" momentarily looked like a cloud.
If someone comes in at this time, that person would absolutely
not believe that the man in front if him is Wang Zhong Ding.

In fact, on the second day of the incident, Wang Zhong Ding

regretted it. At that time, when he heard that Yu Ming was set
up, Wang secretly smelled the conspiracy. But at the time, he
insisted that Hàn Dōng should be dealt with in this way if he
had selfish thoughts.

Now he think of Hàn Dōng who was strong spirited at the

beginning. What he said was “there is a distressed day”. Wang
felt guilty: Hàn The Fairy was indeed a god.


At this moment, Hàn Dōng did not go to the hospital.

Yu Ming learned that he did not feel much relief, but sighed:
"I hope it is Feng Mu."

Hàn Dōng also admitted that “Zhou Li's thorns were all
exposed and it was easy to deal with them. Feng Mu was a soft
nail and did not know when you can tie her.”

"But this way, you and Wang Wang's misunderstandings will

be settled." Yu Ming was still very happy, "Yes, did you tell this
to Wang?"

"What did I tell him? He quickly misunderstood the

misunderstanding. I don't care about him."

"On the perpetrator, how will he know....who will tell him?"

"There is still one."

Hàn Dōng only spoke for a long time before saying: "Xiao

Yu Ming was happy. "Isn't it still better to tell Wang so he can

know? Didn't you tell Xiao Liang not to tell?"

"Not necessarily. There are individuals who he can't tell."


"Xià Hòng Wēi."

Yu Ming's smile faded. He only waited for a long time before

he said: "Xià Hòng Wēi does not to know what to do? He has
already been unable to protect himself. Why would I expect him
to be my protection?"

"You can't say anything at first, at least let him feel bad about
your misery?"
Yu Ming said: "His situation may not be much better than

Hàn Dōng told him with certainty, "You can rest assured that
his kind of people are very protective of their nephew and they
will definitely not cause suffer to their own family."

Yu Ming did not speak.

"You really don't have any contact channels?" Hàn Dōng asked

Yu Ming shook his head.

Hàn Dōng gritted his teeth. "Is this to compel me to plead to

the benefactor?"

The voice just fell and the knocked came on the door.
Hàn Dōng stopped at the door and said, "Why did you come?"

Wang Zhong Ding stood with steamy meals and large packets
of snacks standing in the doorway, his face slightly guilty.

When Hàn Dōng saw Wang Zhong Ding's appearance, he

knew what he was thinking, and he deliberately shouted: "Why
did you come ?"

Wang Zhong Ding directly bypassed him going to toward Yu


"Are you getting better?"

"Getting better, General Wang."

Hàn Dōng slammed his voice lightly and continued to look

cold outside the door.
Wang Zhong Ding decided to go down with something to calm
him down. Before he left, he took a look at Hàn Dōng, who
turned his gaze elsewhere. Wang Zhong Ding said nothing and
walked straight out.

Yu Ming only greeted Hàn Dōng. "It's hot... come eat."

"What do I have to eat what he brought?" Hàn Dōng

deliberately competed.

Yu Ming gave him a look at him. "When I haven't eaten so

much, how can finish something so heavy."

Hàn Dōng took a look, fried kidney, smelly tofu, stinky

mandarin fish ... ... These foods are Hàn Dōng's favorite,
instantly the man rushed over.

Yu Ming looked at Hàn Dōng and ate again: "You say, Wang
went to the hotel and ordered these many delicious dishes. How
would the waiter look at him?"
"This is not what he bought." Hàn Dōng said.

"Is it cooked by the family's maid? The aunt's craft is really

good. What kind of cuisine can be mastered like this? The
smelly mandarin fish is a representative of Huizhou cuisine."

Unexpectedly, Hàn Dōng said: "He cooked them himself."

“What did you say? You said that this is what Wang Zhong
Ding cooked?” Yu Ming showed his exaggerated expression for
the first time.

Because Hàn Dōng is in his heart, Wang Zhong Ding is the

kind of person who do not let him eat from the world, the
spring water, people who do not touch the spring water, can not
catch up with his cooking.

Hàn Dōng stated quite plainly: "He often cooks at home. When
he cooked bad food, he will say that he bought it at a restaurant
"What about you? What do you do if you don't know what to

"I just don't know."


"Because then I can pick it up and eat it even if it's not


Yu Ming sighed, "How does Wang spread such a thing?"

"Is there any progress with criticism?" Hàn Dōng laughed.

Yu Ming fixedly watched the food that Hàn Dōng was


"You said, how does Wang feels when he stirs up these stinky
Hàn Dōng patronized the plug and did not speak. It was only a
matter of time before he felt the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

Lifting his head, Yu Ming is staring at him slyly, his eyes full
of envy.

Hàn Dōng suddenly felt embarrassed.

This kind of expression on Yu Ming is like watching one's

child eating spicy food when he was young. It feels like he has a
deep understanding with the cook.

Yu Ming fell asleep later, and Hàn Dōng stayed with him for a
while before he was putting him quilt and went outside to

It was already the early winter season. The night was very
cold. Hàn Dōng took a half of his roots to freeze his fingers and
he raised his feet and walked toward the elevator.

At this moment, a figure suddenly paused beside him.

Hua Zi is indifferent. How can Hàn Dōng be here?

Hàn Dōng did not know who Hua Zi was, but he blinked as he
swept him.

This feeling is like he was seeing Xià Hòng Wēi's new car that

Although he had not seen this man before, there is a feeling of

deja vu.

Not long after Hàn Dōng went to the elevator, Hua Zi also
followed him up, staring at him walking into the ward. Then he
went to the doctor and asked if who was staying there.

He quickly told Xià mother of this issue.

Xià mother was surprised, "Is he also sick?"

"Well, he was hit by two fractures."

Xia's mother's face changed and she whispered to him: “ is
Hòng Wēi aware of this?”

"Do you want to know if he can sit still if he knew?"

Xià mother's face showed worries. “Indeed... We mustn't let

him know.”

"Relax, aunt, I will handle it myself."

Xià mother still does not trust, "How do you meant to deal
with this? Are we leaving or making him go?"

"Of course we have to make him go. If you were to be

inexplicably transferred to another hospital. Xiao Hòng Wēi will
be suspicious."

Xià mother thinks rightly. "Then try to get them out. He

really is a ghost."

In the middle of the night, Yu Ming was awakened by the

sound of a rustling footsteps and opened his eyes to see Hàn
Dōng sneaking through something in a drawer aside.

"What are you doing?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng said: "Hidding things."

When Yu Ming heard that tone, he knew that Hàn Dōng was
in a sleepwalking state and he can not control him. He turned to
sleep again.

The next morning, the nurse knocked on the door.

"Mr. Yu, you can be discharged."

"Discharge?" Hàn Dōng was surprised. "I'm discharged before

my face swelling hasn't gone down?"

"You can go home to rest," said the nurse.

Hàn Dōng wanted to say something and Yu Ming directly

interrupted him.

"It's better to be discharged from the hospital. I've been tired

of it. I'll have to go out earlier."

Hàn Dōng, however, had no choice but to ask the nurse:

"Where do we sign to leave the hospital?"

"We have already done it for you, and you need to take
medicine after you leave the hospital. We are also made that
ready for you."

Hàn Dōng surprised, how suddenly the nurses are so efficient?

However, he was surprised to find that Hàn Dōng helped Yu

Ming to pick up things and pushed him out of the ward.

At this moment, Xià Hòng Wēi was going out to smoke.

Hua Zi has been sending people to observe at the dynamics

over there. When he heard that Xià Hòng Wēi was going out, he
immediately blocked him.

"Do you want to go now?"

Xià Hòng Wēi was annoyed: Do you want to manage my


Hua Zi hurriedly explained: "A doctor will come over and

check her later. The lady will not be nervous when she sees you.
Wait until the check is over before you go out to smoke."

Xià Hòng Wēi's eyes were dark and he finally stayed.

As a result, Hàn Dōng's car did not leave the hospital for a
long time, and Yu Ming found himself missing something.

"Why is my passport gone?"

Hàn Dōng frowned. "Passport? Who moves your things?

You'll look for it again."

"Been looking for a long time, there is none."

"It did not fall in the ward?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming said: "Is it possible to stop looking for it?"

As a result, they turned and returned to the hospital.

"You wait for me in the car. I'll go find it." Hàn Dōng said that
while he looked at Yu Ming.
Yu Ming sighed.

As a result, Hàn Dōng returned to the ward for long time but
did not turn over Yu Ming's passport. He asked the nurse on
duty and said that he did not see Yu's passport.

Wicked, this thing is worth to be stolen?

When Hua Zi returned to the ward, the inspection of Xià

mother had just ended.

"Was it done?" Xià mother whispered to Hua Zi.

Hua Zi nodded.

Xià mother finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Hòng Wēi, you go

out with me and breathe fresh air"

Xià Hòng Wēi, apart from anything else, picked up his mother
and went outside.
Hàn Dōng's sense had been sharpened, and this time tossing,
went on for no more than a dozen minutes.

Yu Ming suddenly remembered the scene in which Hàn Dōng

ruffling through drawers in the middle of the night.

So he quickly called Hàn Dōng.

As a result, the phone rang in the car seat near him.

The assistant has already gone in another car. Now Yu Ming is

by himself in the only one in the car. Yu Ming hesitated for a

Xià mother and Xià Hòng Wēi were walking slowly.

"Hong Wēi, ah, you don't blame Mom. Mom is now playing
softly on both legs. It's not really health to be around."

"I know, Mom."

“When I was young, I didn't expect to get older. I would travel
alone and enjoy my days. Now that I'm old, I'm totally different
from that. I'm thinking of you .....all now. ... Why? Why don't
you go travelling and enjoy yours days?"

Xià Hòng Wēi saw the figure that was not far away. He was as
hard as iron and could no longer move.
Chapter 283 Blood Calls For Blood
Yu Ming apparently did not notice Xià Hòng Wēi and was still
struggling walking to the building of the inpatient department
of the hospital.

Xià Hòng Wēi looked at his unrecognizable face and leg cast in
plaster. He felt his heart was ripped off and poisoned.

Xià mother didn't recognize this person as Yu Ming at first.

Then she thought of Hua Zi's saying that Yu Ming was hit. Then
she saw Xià Hòng Wēi's facial expression and immediately
guessed who this person was.

It is hard to believe that anyone who encounters this kind of

thing is a coincidence, not to mention Yu Ming who sees Yu
Ming as a “the nail in the eye”.

"It's really not a deep troubled now." Xià mother changed her
gentle face and said it directly.

Xià Hòng Wēi could not listen to any of Xià mother's words
and went straight to Yu Ming.

Suddenly in front of a figure in front of himself, Yu Ming was

instantly stunned in the same place.

"Why are you here?"

Xià Hòng Wēi did not answer and directly asked: "Who did it?"

When Yu Ming swept to the side of Xià mother, he could not

help but say, "You should go to accompany your mother..."

"I asked you who did it?" Xià Hòng Wēi screamed and
interrupted Yu Ming.

Xià mother whispered in the side: "Hong Wēi you pay


"You shut up ..... You!"

Suddenly, a roar stunned Xia's mother's face and her face was
white. These days, Xià Hòng Wēi stays at the bedside all the
time. Although he does not listen to her words, he is not so

"You want to shut me up?" Xià mother's voice shook.

Xià Hòng Wēi has not listened to her words. He is a crazy man
asking Yu Ming: "Who did it? You tell me who did it?"

Yu Ming does not speak.

"Who? Who?"

Yu Ming was stunned and his pupils burst into tears, taking
advantage of Xià Hòng Wēi's hard eyes. He could not stop the
tears flowing down.

In the end, Xià Hòng Wēi's eyes circled first, and Yu Ming
picked up one from the other. He did not give up when he was
clamped. He hated and resented the distressed sound.
"Ming Er, Ming Er..."

Xià mother has never seen Xià Hòng Wēi like this. For more
than 30 years, his son has been maintaining a hard face in and
out at home. There has never been a single person who has
managed to make him show such a fragile expression.

Yu Ming blocked a bunch of words in his mind, and the last

three words were mixed together — I'm fine.

This is the greatest comfort he can give Xià Hòng Wēi.

"The passport was found. I don't know which rogue hid it

beneath the drawer..." When Hàn Dōng's words were just half
talked, he was caught in front of the scene and reacted after a
long time. "Fuck, how can you be here?"

The two people who reunited after a long time and Xia Hong
Wēi didn't have time to take care of this fine point guy.

Xià Hòng Wēi ignored Xià mother's contempt, and he was

holding Yu Ming get on the car.

Hua Zi came to stop.

"You can't go with him Little Xia... Your mother is in a

dangerous situation now. She can't tolerate a little stimulation."

Xià Hòng Wēi looked at him and quietly returned a sentence.

"Either she is ill or I will kill myself. You choose it yourself."

Hua Zi had been in the bodyguard line for so many years. He

had encountered many corners. He had heard everything but he
was shocked by Xià Hòng Wēi's chilling sentence .

He clearly felt that Xià Hòng Wēi would really take his own
life if he did not get released now.

When "Theft of Shadows 2" was released, the company's
business was getting more and more active.

Wang Zhong Ding had been busy outside for a whole day and
had just returned to his office. Zhou Li, who was well-informed,
was wearing a low-cut bustier and was holding a handful of
wine in search of a door.

"Wang, are you interested in drinking two glasses?"

Wang Zhong Ding bluntly refused, "not interested."

"What ..... is the job so tiring and why do you not relax?"

"You can go ....if there is nothing."

Zhou Li not only did not go back and posted herself even
closer, and the twin peaks of white flowers have been trembling
under Wang Zhong Ding's eyes.
"Wang Zhong Ding, what kind of dishes do you have? The
bodyguards at the door have stopped, but they did not stop me.
Do you still refuse to say that this mean nothing at this time?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak.

Zhou Li wants to continue teasing and the office door was

hurriedly pushed by another person.

"Wang, it's not good, my sister is caught up by Xià Hòng


Quoting half of Feng Jun's words, it seems that he found other

people in the office and closed his mouth in a hurry.

Unfortunately it was only late, Zhou Li has thoroughly

digested this sentence.

She smiled and waved at Wang Zhong Ding. "Then I will not
delay your chat."

On the way back, the assistant said to Zhou Li: "Feng Mu was
taken away by the two policemen in the afternoon. The power
of the Xià family was so strong that she was guilty of her a
crime. Then she finished confessing"

Zhou Li smiled while rubbing the wine bottle. "Listening to

you, I really must have two drinks today"

The assistant blinked in agreement.

Zhou Li held a small-scale cocktail reception in her own home.

They were all invited ... the business community and some
newcomers who had just made their debut. How can this horde
get together?

In the past, when Zhou Li opened her own company, she often
organized such small gatherings. Many of the artistes of the
company had no way but to go this way.
However, there is a person who faces the scene of men and
women desperately mad high and is always lacking in interest.

He is Li Shang.

Although the last incident occurred in the fun sex club, Li

Shang stopped running around enough to make Zhou Li very
cautious. However, considering that Li Shang was also a
member of Feng Mu's circle, Zhou Li invited him.

In general, being in such an awe-inspiring scene and if Li

Shang is still be restrained, he would either be sexually
incompetent or a drug addict.

Because the pleasure of drug use is several hundred times that

of sexual pleasure, only those who take drugs for a long time
will not be interested in the sexual affairs.

"You really touch that thing?" Zhou Li asked.

Li Shang did not speak, he was smoking cigarettes one by one.

His emotions looked a bit anxious.

Zhou Li smiled. "I thought you had a very good acting in the
"Black Poison."

"You want to have this?" asked Li Shang.

Zhou Li said: "I haven't touched that thing for a long time."

Li Shang's symptoms of drug addiction became more and

more obvious. From time to time, he yawned, sweated, and his
eyes became more and more turbid.

Whether he was eally committed drug addiction or

pretending, Zhou Li can recognize it at a glance.

Before she played wildly, it was common for three or five

people to smoke cocaine at her home. However, he did dare to
come here, mainly as Feng Mu's eyes, many eyeliner, Zhou Li
afraid they will be knocked out.
However, it seems that she can lay down her guard for now.

"You wait for me for a while."

Zhou Li lifted her foot towards the back room. Just as she
closed the door, she suddenly saw Li Shang's shaking fingers
and he held his mobile phone firmly.

Zhou Li's scalp exploded like a crack.

She did not expect that Li Shang's acting skills really came
into being.

She did not even think of this white-eyed wolf, the big
nemesis really dragged her back into the water.

However, Zhou Li did not immediately went away.

Because she knows that going hard and she will be forced to
stop by Li Shang.

So she called the police to came to visit the drag haze party.

Zhou Li, like nothing else, opened the door with drugs and
then escalated to the elevator.

From the eighth floor, the elevator went down to the

underground parking lot on the second floor, Zhou Li then run
to the car.

Behind her the siren sounded.

Zhou Li desperately stepped on the accelerator.

Behind the police car flashed a chase.

Zhou Li shook hands with the steering wheel. She seemed to

see Xià Hòng Wēi's chilly face in the rearview mirror. Like the
crippled Scorpion King, he chased her in desperation.

Zhou Li's mind is like in a movie.

Wang Zhong Ding's office only allowed her to go in and out

freely. This is to make her hear Feng Jun's sentence “My sister
has been caught.” Only then this will she relax her vigilance.
Only by relaxing her guard she will she expose the fact that her
family has possession of drugs when Li Shang pretended to
commit drug addiction act.

Li Shang's mobile phone firm grip was deliberately set up. The
purpose is to make Zhou Li aware of the plot. Zhou Li's self-
righteous call to the police is actually one of the traps intended
consequences. The purpose is to get her off to the ground floor.

The other party is very clear that Zhou Li will definitely run.

Because she could not afford another scandal.

If drug abuse is exposed, she will be completely finished in the

film circle.

Therefore, even if drunk driving, unconsciousness,

unresponsiveness, and finally ending in a car accident, she will
certainly run....

This ring trap is so tight, so Zhou Li thinks of her design of

Hàn Dōng trap.

Its so similar.

It was only that trap that began with Yu Ming's attack. This
trap will end with her in mega distress.

When she looked to the back, Zhou Li felt that all her blood
was stagnant. There were Xià Hòng Wēi's bloody faces
everywhere in her eyes and in her brain. There was nowhere to

In the end, the car hit a fence at a breakneck speed.

Zhou Li did not have anything at all, but a large piece of
shattered glass hit her in her face.

At this moment, Zhou Li accident is in line with blood calls for



On the next day, Zhou Li was reported on the news for a car
accident. At the same time, news of drug possession in her home
was also exposed.

Tolerating the damage of Lady Zhou Li not only she did not
receive the slightest sympathy, but it caused a buzz.

Li Shang also became a veritable "Li Da Ke," the survivor and

after Fang Yi, Liang Jing, and Yi Wei, he once again succeeded
in eliminating Zhou Li by virtue of his white-eyed wolf.

"I knew that this thing was planted on my head." Feng Mu

Cai Peng said with emotion while he was smoking. "A
beautiful skin and beautiful woman was ruined."

"Isn't that what woman who you wanted to have destroyed

with your hand?"

Cai Peng exposed a negative smile. "No way, Wang Zhong

Ding always beats me at her her attention. I had to think of a
trick to darken her before she can feel at ease."

Cai Peng originally made people gossip to Zhou Li, saying that
Yuan Ze was the last rival of Wang Zhong Ding. His purpose was
to make Zhou Li dig her own grave.

To put it plainly, the initiator of all this thick plot is Cai Peng.

Feng Mu's faintly sighed.

"This is what she asked for, but any smart woman will not
choose to provoke Yu Ming."
Cai Peng smiled. "Are you saying that this is not a good fight?"

Feng Mu's face pulled down instantly. “I didn't know if it was

good or not?”

"I found that when you are angry, you are very good looking,
more than your signature smirk."

Feng Mu ignored him.

Cai Peng is no longer jesting and asks the right person


"What are you looking for?"

Feng Mu said: "Bring your next film protagonist to Li Shang."

Cai Peng simply wanted to vomit blood. "How do you still

want to mix with him?"
"This time he had Zhou Li. If he had done his work, I decided
to give him a chance."

"Aren't you afraid that he will be the death of you?"

Feng Mu said: "No way, I just like this person who makes me
challenges the limit."

Cai Peng laughed. "I look forward to the day you pass the limit
and die."

“You still take this opportunity to develop the talent brokers.

Now the negative side on Wang Zhong Ding is a good
opportunity for you to develop a beautiful business.”

Cai Peng deliberately asked: "What about cooperation?"

"I can help you if necessary. The cooperation is still there. I

have too many unfriendliness for Zhong Ding Group."
Cai Peng gritted his teeth. "You can be really sleek."

Feng Mu did not say anything, and she placed her hand in the
Chapter 284 Your Behaviour I Can't Deal
with IT.
Zhou Li was stricken, not only she gave Yu Ming a good
breath, but also brought about substantial improvement in his
situation. Some of the former people who were into bullying
him are now subdued and no one will dare to go against Yu
Ming's in a short time.

However, Xià Hòng Wēi's situation on the other side did not
receive any relief. On the contrary, there was a tendency of
increasing fierceness. It was only Xià mother before, and later
his father was involved. The situation became more and more

Therefore, Yu Ming's days are still not good enough.

Fortunately, Hàn Dōng's iron will brotherhood were shared

with him every day, Yu Ming and Xià Hòng Wēi could not see
each other, and Hàn Dōng did not see Wang Zhong Ding. No
matter how well Wang Zhong Ding appeared on the other side,
Hàn Dōng did not return his heart.
"I said, what is your excitement? You should get back and talk
to him." Yu Ming could not stand it.

Hàn Dōng's face was unbending in his neck. "He was so wrong
to me. If I forgave him easily? Where is my man's dignity?"

The word "dignity" was spoken out of the cheekbones. Yu

Ming was amused. "You really want to know about your dignity.
You shouldn't want to accept anything he sent next time. Eat
back his sweet food, and talking about dignity with me?"

Hàn Dōng's face was a bit uncomfortable. "I was afraid of

wasting food. It was a pity to throw off. I returned and got cold

"The watch on your wrist.This can be rotten ?."

Hàn Dōng hurriedly covered his hands and smiled. "I can't
give it up. I don't have a leather watch to wear at night."

Yu Ming cry was filled with unbelief, "Watch is still divided

into day and night?"

"You don't understand this? I must wear a steel watch during

the day to create a good look and temperament. Wearing a soft
leather strap at night can bring a relaxed atmosphere, which is
called life style."

Yu Ming shut his mouth and said nothing.


Here, Wang Zhong Ding asked Er Lei: "Is it sent?"


"He received it?"

Wang Zhong Ding waited for a long time. He hoped that Er Lei
would give some follow-up. As a result, Lei's mouth would not
open again.

"He didn't say anything else?" Wang Zhong Ding finally could
not help asking.

Er Lei told him he was very sorry to say, "he didn't say

That long legged fustrating man ... ... Wang Zhong Ding
simply took his two skin no face, but he himself knew he in the
wrong, so he can only endure teeth.

"Xixi." Wang called for his son.

Xixi trotted into the house, "Dad."

"Go and call your uncle," Wang Zhong Ding directly ordered.
"Why would I want to do that?" Xixi asked

Wang Zhong Ding was silent for a long time before speaking.

"Just say you miss him."

Xixi said: "But I don't miss about him."

Wang Zhong Ding hurriedly said, "How can you not miss

"He eats our food, grabbed our drinks, grabbed my toys. Why
would I miss him?"

Wang Zhong Ding, "......." this is also true

"Dad, you would not be missing him because of his deeds"

Wang Zhong Ding rubbed his eyebrows and said, earnestly, he
persuaded: "Because he does not invite me to see him, we must
call him back. What did Daddy usually teach you?"

Xixi said: "Do not give your things to others"

"This is right." Wang Zhong Ding nodded.

Xixi sighed faintly. "Well, I'll try."


At noon the next day, Xixi came to Hàn Dōng's dormitory and
did not go into the room. But with Wang Zhong Ding imitation
he stood at the door with his two small arms around his chest.

"That's almost enough," the snoring reminded.

Hàn Dōng mostly likely acted like he did not hear it.
Xixi's small eyes rolled upwards. “Don't make my life

Hàn Dōng still continue to eat his own meals.

Finally, Xixi couldn't hold himself up. The little fingers

twitched the door frame and muffledly said, "I missed you."

Hàn Dōng's heart instantly turned into a pool of water.

He walked over to pick up Xixi and said, "I saw a really cool
car in the mall last time."

"Really?" Xixi's small eyes immediately lightened.

Hàn Dōng nodded. "Come, I'll show you."

So in the evening, Xixi returned home a bunch of toys.

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "What about your uncle?"

"What uncle?" Xixi had put Wang Zhong Ding's words behind
his head the minute the idea of toy cars entered his mind.

Wang Zhong Ding said, "Didn't I ask you to call back your

"He doesn't have to come back." Xixi fiddled with his own car.

Wang Zhong Ding narrowly converges his eyes. "He doesn't

have to come back?"

Xixi voice rang twice as loud "He said when I thought about
him again, I just have to look at these toys."

Wang Zhong Ding's lungs were almost blown up. I can't deal
with it!

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding, who has always been known

for his integrity and high cold manners, was forced to work as a

He took advantage of Hàn Dōng's sleepwalking habits to

abduct it.

As a result, Hàn Dōng's awareness of prevention is

particularly strong. No matter what trick Wang Zhong Ding
uses, he is not fooled.

"I can't leave Ming alone here. He doesn't have anyone other
than me."

Wang Zhong Ding was so anxious that he even exported his

love words.

"I can't live without you ?"

Han closed eye's expression of frustration, "It's a special time.

I have to stay with him."
"How are you going to accompany during the day what about
during the night ?"

Hàn Dōng did not worry about what Wang Zhong Ding said.

Wang Zhong Ding was unbearably tolerant. He changed the

style of the gentleman of the past and immediately picked up
him to carry him away.

Hàn Dōng yelled and struggled and even his noisy cussing had
no use. He was sent back home by Wang Zhong Ding.

After arriving home, Wang Zhong Ding was like a wild beast
that had not eat its favorite meal for a few days.

Hàn Dōng was more excited than he was. He fired cum several
times in a row, and finally he was dumb lazy.

Wang Zhong Ding really didn't know how he was fucking

surviving these days.
Angry and distressed.

Wang Zhong Ding knew very clear in his heart that Hàn Dōng
did not really feel angry. He was always thundery, rainy, and
sloppy. In fact, he was more open-minded than anyone else.

He did not want to come back, mostly because of Yu Ming.

In fact, Hàn Dōng is a very loyal friend.

He always sneaked back to Wang house before because he

didn't think it was a big deal to leave Yu Ming at night. Once Yu
Ming really had a hard situation there, Hàn Dōng was definitely
unable to move away.

This kind of loyalty in this impetuous circle is almost equal to

rare treasures. Do not say that..... for a year or two, Wang Ding
and Xià Hòng Wēi may not be able to reach this level of loyalty.

The person who is Hàn Dōng, the deeper, the more he loves,
the more transparent he sees things and the harder he is to
extricate himself.
Wang Zhong Ding is hugged him tightly overnight.

In the morning, Hàn Dōng woke up and stumbled on his

strong and smooth chest. It was the texture he had received
from his youth and had been trained for a long time. He
couldn't help but feel it for a while, and he would also sneak
away to Wang Zhong Ding's neck.

Wang Zhong Ding's face did not feel much to enjoy.

Hàn Dōng realized that something was wrong when he kissed

him. He immediately opened his eyes and stared at Wang Zhong

Wang Zhong Ding's expression of indulging himself was

retired and his appearance was indifferent.

"How did I come back?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Wang Zhong Ding replied without fail: "How did you come
back? My dream sleeper man sneaked back."
"I knew -" Hàn Dōng said with a self-satisfied expression. "I
still failed Ming."

Wang Zhong Ding urged, "OK, get up quickly."

Hàn Dōng is still playing with his hair in bed. “How could I be
so fucking unconstrained?”

Wang Zhong Ding's mouth showed a casual smile.


A few days later, post-production of "Theft of Shadows 2" was

successfully completed and an intensive publicity campaign was

When Wang Zhong Ding appeared in the early morning, the

entire office building was boiling.
"I rely on this... This is Wang Zhong Ding?"

"Yeah, how are you so handsome today?"

"Ah...Ah....I have never seen him like there a happy

event at his home


Wang Zhong Ding, a rigorous man who favors black and gray
suit colors, today he was wearing a burgundy shirt with a ruddy
background and the whole person looks extraordinary rosy and
does not need too much decoration. He only needs to put his
sleeve up and puff his chest on it. When he open the top buttons
slightly, people lost themselves.....

The place he is going to visit today is a place where people like

him have never been seen for more than a decade.

Zhou Li's drug-related activities were undoubtedly a major hit

for “Theft of Shadows 2”. All of her scenes were cut.
Fortunately, it did not affect the continuity of the storyline and
no additional heroine was added.

So this movie became a pure man child play.

The outside world originally held a variety of questions about

"Theft of Shadows 2", and Zhou Li's withdrawal reduced
everyone's degree of optimism.

Therefore, Xià Yang Zhuo, Hàn Dōng, and Li Shang, the three
male actors, must use all their abilities to restore the confidence
of the audience.

The beginning of the program is as usual the guest's opening


Xià Yang Zhuo did not need to say anything. One appearance
and there was the tsunami-like applause and cries for him . It
caused a lot of pressure on the two people who would appeared
Li Shang has always been a good showman. This time, he and
Hàn Dōng are on the same stage and their zealous thoughts are
on his face.

The change in his face value over the past year can be
described as amazing. The original features of the mundane
world have become profound and profound. If Xià Yang Zhuo
belongs to the cream twink level, Li Shang belongs to a very
mature sexy man.

Hàn Dōng took the opposite course.

A beautifully shaped M-type tie knot and a tailored suit. The

part of the shoes where the trousers' feet are in contact with
each other is kept between 0.5 and 2 cm. The entire trousers
maintain a natural drape at every moment and the folds of the
upper fabric do not appear.

Such a rigorous and professional dress is bound to come from

Wang Zhong Ding.

After the short opening speeches, the host made a unified

interview with the three people.

In this interview process, you can see the depth of each road.

Li Shang apparently had a lot of such programs. He grabbed

the camera and hide from it naturally. From time to time, he
shuddered attentively, teasing the audience with laughter, and
the airspace field immediately overshadowed the remaining two

The international reputation of Hàn Dōng, coupled with

deliberately installed high cold, gives a feeling of inaccessibility,
the host did not dare to joke with him easily, so the chance to
speak to him freely was even less.

After a unified interview warm-up, the host began a separate


The first is Li Shang.

"It is said that Li Tian Bang is the most popular person in the
circle. What Li Dalong has a long leg, Li Dacai ah, can you tell us
exactly where these come from?"

Li Shang was pretentious and modest. "No, everyone ...that is

just a joke."

The moderator will be holding his field. "Didn't take Li Da

long legs, but it is widely recognized in the circle. I remember
that the cover of the magazine was your long leg shot. At that
time, I thought, how long is this person's leg? 's is so long, it is
still so straight."

Li Shang also cooperated with the host to wear a pair of tight

trousers, showing the slenderness of his legs.

"Can you show us your long legs?"

Li Shang was not happy. "Is it still needed?"

The host kept egging and the shout from the audience
followed suit.
"Show us, go on."

Li Shang walked around the stage with his "difficulty," and

each of his positions was just a good demonstration of his long

The audience screamed again and again.

The host also said: "Li Tian Bang has a nickname - Li Da Ke.
Does the audience know how it came to be?"

It is not clear to everyone.

The host said: "Last year's hot movie "Tear" was written by Li
Tian Bang."

There was an instant exclamation underneath.

Chapter 285 Reverse of Heaven and Earth
Yin and Yang.
Hàn Dōng, acted like he did not hear it, his face was calm like
a daisy.

The host continued to hold Li Shang. "People in this world are

not afraid of talent. They are afraid of talented and hard-
working people. Everyone knows what Li Tian's other nickname

Zhongfen shouted: "Li Da Lao Mo."

The host repeatedly nodded: "Yes, it is said that Li Tian Bang

is a time-saving person. If other people's time-saving was used
like his, his time he has risen to talent. Do you want to see it?"

A piece of applause underneath.

Li Shang laughed and said: "Then I'll come to the simplest

one-by-second opening a button."
"One second unbuttoned button solution or one solution?"
The host asked.

Li Shang replied with confidence: "unbuttoned a row."

The host was surprised. "Aren't you ripping it off direct?"

"I ensure you that it's untied not a rip-off."

The host deliberately guessed, "Bragging right? ?"

Li Shang laughed.

"Do you want to experience it?"

There was a sound of yelping from below the stage.

The host found a windbreaker for Li Shang. There are six

buttons on it, which were deliberately given to the audience. It
was determined that the buckle was firm and there were no
traces of hands and feet.

Then Li Shang put on the trench coat, and both hands were
stuck on the three buttons and waited quietly for the order.


All of a sudden, everyone had not had time to see, Li Shang

took six buttons off.

"How is this possible?" The host, who had already seen the
background, intentionally looked surprised.

The audience under the table also said it was unbelievable.

"Well, let's call up a spectator and let him wear the trench
coat. Also solve these buttons and see if the speed of the
audience is good?" The host glanced down at the audience.
"Who wants to come up?" ?"
The audience screamed with their hands raised, especially the
fans of Li Tian Bang. Even if the speed is not fast, just to wear a
clothes worn by idols.

In the end, the host randomly picked a boy.

The boy has a gentle, eye-catching look and is a type of slow-

moving thing.

After he put on his clothes, the host shouted "Start."

Unsurprisingly, this boy used five seconds to remove the

complete button at the fastest speed, which does not include a
hard pull.

"All right, applause."

In fact, Li Shang has learned this trivial skill in only three

days ago. It seems to be very simple, but it is full of strong
Because Li Shang performed it in front of Hàn Dōng, in order
to robbing of the limelight on Hàn Dōng, he must first display
the talent that Hàn Dōng may perform. In this way, no matter
how good Hàn Dōng performed, everyone would feel that there
was no creativity.

Unbuttoning the buttons to the untying of the rope knot.

The quick solution of the rope was too difficult for Li Shang,
so he chose to remove the buttons. It was simple and easy. He
could not only tease everyone but also kill Hàn Dōng's chance
for a surprise.

Of course, with the "solution", there is no need for "untying".

Bundling this kind of thing is not on the table, and Hàn Dōng
can only work hard in the hair.

As we all know, Hàn Dōng's hair style is one of its personal

characteristics. It changes almost every day. The style of styling
is countless. Li Shang has seen Hàn Dōng make up a flaw in the
dressing room within minutes.
In this regard, Li Shang can certainly not let go.

So he said to the host: "It was just a little warm-up and made
everyone happy."

"Is that right? Then what other time-saving skills can you
show to everyone?"

Li Shang said: "I can change six faces in one minute."

Everyone is incredible.

The host is also a questionable expression. "A minute? Is it ten


Li Shang nodded.

"Are you sure you can do it?"

Li Shang, "I'm sure."

As a result, the prop engineer slowly pushed up the prop.

There are combs, splints, hair curlers, hairsprays, hair dyes,

etc., all kinds of hair styles, each done in ten seconds, and each
one has a pendulum, and finally on the big screen is the perfect
six continuous faces.

A round of applause.

Even Wang Zhong Ding had to express his emotions in his

heart. Li Shang really took copying to a whole new level.

And Hàn Dōng, who was "relentlessly calm" is now unaware of

the stupid music of the audience, and the father and son really
pulled the wind!

The host asked Li Shang: "Do you have any other talents than
time saving techniques?"
Li Shang said bluntly: "I am better at handy making stuffs."

Hàn Dōng's face finally changed.

This fucker is today coming with a meaning to split my table!

Hàn Dōng thought it was right. Li Shang took down his

platform. The talent he wanted to perform was to make a watch
on the spot with old-fashioned tape recorder components.

And, ten minutes.

The host's eyeballs are almost ready to come out. "In ten

Li Shang nodded. "Yes, I promise I can go."

Everyone shouted.
Then, the props came up and Li Shang sat down at the table
and began to formally begin.

"God, he really will, he really will ..." The host began to


The audience is even more exclaimed.

A lot of Li Tian Bang's fans have stood up and are just all-
rounders shouting mad!

From Li Shang's familiar actions, it can be seen that this

unique skill was not achieved at an extremely rapid speed, but it
has been hammered out after a long time. Since the start of
contact with the watch by to Wang Zhong Ding's reasons, Li
Shang has been fumbling around in this watch appreciation
thing, and today it has finally come in handy.

Seeing this, Wang Zhong Ding is also acquiesced in his mind:

The opportunity is reserved for those who are well prepared.
Finally, Li Shang completed the final round of excellent
performances, the watch was made and walked, and the
atmosphere at the scene reached a climax.

At the same time, he also succeeded in seizing the time behind

two people.

Xià Yang Zhuo was heavily invited to finish the show, and his
time he must not be reduced, so the program can only start with
Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng stared at the pressure and came to power. The

illusion that was originally cold was even more false.

Even the host talked with him carefully.

“Hàn Dōng we all know he is the biggest winner of this year's

International Film Festival is a double-eyed movie actor, right?”

The audience shouted "yes."

As a result, Hàn Dōng had no expression at all.

The moderator was slightly embarrassed and had to say: "It

seems that our Hàn actor is as cool as the rumors. Excuse me,
why did you want to take the ghost role?"

Hàn Dōng growls in his heart: Did I have a choice?

On the other hand, he replied coldly: "I have never picked up a

show to perform and I have nothing to show"

The scene atmosphere that Li Shang mobilized was chilled by

Hàn Dōng's two or three sentences.

The host is now only looking forward to Hàn Dōng to go on,

so he said: "I just finished watching Li Tian Bang's wonderful
performance. Will the Han Devil Shadow Emperor have any
talent show for us to open our eyes?"

Hàn Dōng's mouth has been closed for a long time.

"I will do what he did."

Sure enough, the second goods are the second goods, and the
traps are not blinking.

Even Wang Zhong Ding's face is a little dignified, that surgery

fucker has already blocked the road, you still want to inside?

The host can only follow her for the smooth recording of the

"What? You will also change six head types in one minute?"

The host's face was a surprise. In fact, her heart was already
degraded. You just combed your hair out and it is not new.

As a result, Hàn Dōng said: "I'm not changing my face

"What are you?"

Hàn Dōng throws out three words of domineering.

"Change, my face looks."

The host was instantly scared the urine.

What will change? Face change? Is this not a nonsense?

As a result, more "pulling" is still behind.

Hàn Dōng said: "in one second."

"one second?"

"I can change my face in one second."

Not to mention the host, even the audience have a bunker,
and the Emperor of Shadows did not take his morning medicine
before coming here?

Li Shang smiled wickedly: Isn't this crazy?

As a result, the subsequent performances made everyone


Hàn Dōng actually put his pointed chin up in a weird way.

The upper lip almost reached the tip of his nose, and his long
face instantly turned into a pie face.

The scene began with a silence, followed by a burst of



Too happy with it.

Then, Hàn Dōng performed an awl face, a pig's back face, a
shoehorn face...

The host burdt laughing on the stage.

Moreover, Hàn Dōng did not have the slightest sensational

state, but he seriously contorted his facial features. He regained
a serious face after his ridiculousness.

"Emperor, how are you so cute. Does your family know?" the
host asked.

Hàn Dōng swept his eyes on the stage and returned with
confidence: "He knows."

Wang Zhong Ding could not help but grin.

The host seemed to be full of blood and resurrected. He also

said, "Li Tian Bang also performed a 10-minute tape recorder to
change his watch and csn we dared to ask you..."
"I can make a smart watch in ten seconds." Hàn Dōng
interrupted the host.

The host,"……!!!"

Hàn Dōng directly took Li Shang's finished watch, implanted

it with a chip after rapid demolition, and then put a clasp on the
strap and dumped it directly to the host.

"Now this watch can be connected to your phone via


The host face was unbelievable. "How is this possible?"

Hàn Dōng directly selected a mobile phone from the audience

and connected it to the electronic watch via Bluetooth. Then the
moderator dials the viewer's mobile phone number. Within two
seconds, the electronic watch vibrates with the phone.

The entire studio was boiling.

This... is this man a god right?

Li Tian Bang helps you make sure that you are not into
childish stuff?

Hàn Dōng told the audience with subsequent performances

that Li Shang was not worthy of him. He successfully modified
three watches on the spot, each one from the hand of an
ordinary audience.

The host, who was still going to be perfunctory just now, did
not let Hàn Dōng go.

"Li Tian Bang gave us a second unbuttoned button. Do we still


"Remember --" The following crowd shouts.

The hostess looked at Hàn Dōng with a jerky expression. "How

is it? Can you do it too?"
Hàn Dōng took the microphone in the host's hand and said, "I
can take off my clothes in a second."

"You mean the trench coat just now. Can you not only unlock
all the buttons in one second, but also take them off?"

Hàn Dōng added: "And a pair of pants."

Here's another fried pan moment.

The host maintains discipline. "We are quiet. Let's see if the
Han Emperor is blowing leather or really..."

As soon as the voice fell, Hàn Dōng was lighter.

No one could see how he had taken off his body. The crowd
only saw the windbreaker scattered on the ground. The trousers
were piled on his feet, leaving only two beautiful long legs
wrapped in tights.
The host who hosted the experience was frozen and the scene
was frozen for a few seconds, until Hàn Dōng asked the host:
"Do you want to again?"

The entire studio was bursting.

Screams can literally shatter dozens of headlights.

The scene once fell into chaos ... ... This man is a stunning
wood statue there?

Li Shang's face was white and blue, but he didn't look much

Hàn Dōng glanced at him coldly and with his eyes he

conveyed: Showed your leg before me? Didn't you looked at
whose leg your leg is copied from!

The host finally managed to maintain order, and then asked

Hàn Dōng: "How did you do it?"
Hàn Dōng is smiling again. How can it be done? Wang Zhong
Ding forced me to do it
Chapter 286 Decreed by Fate To make
more Love Rivals.
A week later, the variety show was broadcast. Hàn Dōng's fans
swelled by hundreds of thousands a night, and many of Li
Shang's fans turned to Hàn Dōng's door. Hàn Dōng's previous
photo shoot of the magazine was dug out and began to circulate
like crazy on the web.

Not only that, but even Wang Zhong Ding is together in the

The always secretive predators of the entertainment industry,

but when Hàn Dōng smile, generously gave the cameraman a
smiling shot, suddenly confused the netizens.

Hàn Dōng saw a sudden increase in the number of fans.

When he took the Emperorship, he didn't see any reaction

from you, and he changed his face to yours.

And the comments are all "Emperor you're awfully cute"

"You're just a teaser" "Our family is going to be laughing crazy
for you" ... and so on.

Hàn Dōng could not figure it out. "Why didn't anyone boast
about my cool face change?"

Wang Zhong Ding had to tell him the truth, "Do you think this
question has the value for questioning it? A person who puts his
pig's nose end to the face to perform so well thinks he can take
the word "cool"?

Hàn Dōng chased his own tall image on an unusually

persistent basis and listened to Wang Zhong Ding's hurred

"Fuck me..... What do you mean? Isn't it for the program?"

Wang Zhong Ding only nodded. "I have explained it. Let's eat."

"Don't wanna eat ." Hàn Dōng had a horizontal neck.

Wang Zhong Ding shot his ear. "You'll still want to throw a

"I can throw the wrist, too," Hàn Dōng said.

Wang Zhong Ding asked him to use his hand to effortlessly to

pinch his mouth. Hàn Dōng immediately went to the man and
like a big dog his tongue was hung on Wang Zhong Ding.

Last year's "Theft of Shadows" took a series of twists and

turns. This year's "Theft of Shadows 2" is not much better. Since
the accident of Zhou Li, Zhong Ding Group's share price has
been falling all the way. After several rounds of vigorous
publicity in recent days, the share price has rebounded.

Even so, the pressure on Wang Zhong Ding's still not small.

During dinner, Hàn Dōng persuaded him: "It's okay. When

"Theft of Shadows 2" is released, the stock price will pick up."

"I know." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng was surprised. "You know?"

"Well, I believe in your investment vision. You absolutely do

not do business at a loss."

Hàn Dōng smiled. "When I earn enough money, I will buy you
a apartment."

"Give me? Why do you want to give me an apartment?"

"You transferred your property to your son. I have to buy you

an apartment for keeping you to old days."

What kind of touching words came from Hàn Dōng's mouth!

If you did not listen the following sentence.

"Looking at me while I was sleeping walking, I'm afraid I

would change the ownership name back."
Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

In recent times, Yuan Ze's life has been busy, flying from place
to place, flying from place to place, and there is no time for

This is also the case today.

His aircraft was recently in maintenance and he could only

catch other flights by himself. Originally, the trip was very
tiring, and the VIP lounge actually played the variety show that
Hàn Dōng participated in.

Since the box is not only his alone, but also has another lady,
and the lady is relished in watching the tv, Yuan Ze can only
ignore it.

Not for a moment later the lady's bold laughter rang out in the

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... ... ha ha ha ha ha ... this kid is too

much more than ..."

Yuan Ze did not wear a headset and could only endure


Not a moment, the lady laughed again.

"It's not alright...hahahahahaha...has made me laughed me...

laughable me..."

Yuan Ze finally whispered: "Miss, please take care of your


"Sorry, sorry..." The smile on the lady's face finally closed.

But not for a while, the show's classic fragment of Hàn Dōng's
undressing, the scream of the ladies and girls almost shook
Yuan Ze from the chair.

"Ah...ah...ah..ah...ah..ah...This long's too long...It

can't stand it'

"Little, sister." Yuan Ze's words are good and cold.

The lady was eager to be identified. "His legs are really long
and really long. If you don't believe you look at it, take a look."

"I'm not interested." Yuan Ze's face is longer than Hàn Dōng's

The lady turned her head back and continued to stare at Hàn
Dōng's eyes on the screen.

After a while, the host began its concluding remarks.

Yuan Ze felt relieved and finally it came to an end.

After a while, the laughter of the lady's unrestrainedness

began to stimulate Yuan Ze's eardrum again.
Yuan Ze looked up and then again saw the face that he could
not bear to lool.

"Isn't it over?" Yuan Ze asked the lady.

"It was finished. I'm replaying it again. It's a classic, and I

can't get tired of it....hahahahahaha...awl face and shoehorn
face, so cute."


Yuan Ze once again gritted his teeth: Anyway, I'm glad you
boarded the plane earlier than I did. I would be forbearing this
for a while.

Finally, Yuan Ze looked away from the woman.

However, the TV was in trouble at this time, regardless of

how to adjust the station is useless, a remote control or
whatever, Hàn Dōng that figure has always been "tenacious and
indomitable" in front of Yuan Ze
"Sir, we'll get someone to fix it right away." The waitress

Yuan Ze waved his hand. "Forget it, shut it directly."

"Okay, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience."

After the waitress walked away, Yuan Ze closed his eyes and
reposes. His eyes blinked for less than three minutes before he
heard a boot tone.

The TV restarted automatically...

And after booting it was another variety show.

Is he evil? Yuan Ze thought that God must be disgusted with

him today?

Anyway, eventually Yuan Zong still turned his attention to

the TV screen.
At this point it happened that Li Shang performed a button
for a second and Yuan Ze flashed coldly.

This kind of sleepwalking man sleep more then practice skills

that can also be called talent?

Then, Li Shang's performance of six hairstyles in one minute

was equally boring in Yuan Ze's eyes.

The lady laughs really low...

Later Li Shang used a tape recorder to modify the watch. Yuan

Ze took a look at the right eye, but it was still not a surprise.
This kind of thing a watch technician was able to grasp a lot, so
long as professional training was done.

Then it was Hàn Dōng's turn.

To be honest, Yuan Ze still had some ideas about Hàn Dōng.

His head-covering and bruising rope binding had left him with a
deep trauma.
Therefore, he wondered how Hàn Dōng would reversed the
situation. After all, Li Shang had already blocked his road.

When the host asked about the hairstyle problem, Yuan Ze's
first thoughts were also about rope art, which could not be tied
to the countertop. Even if he bundled other things out, he also
had the same things as Li Shang.

However, Yuan Ze did not think of how Hàn Dōng actually

opened up a new path to a "for face change."

Face change? Is this possible?

Facts have proved that there is no less thunder and only more
thunder, and when Hàn Dōng begins to perform, the three
views of Yuan Ze face have collapsed.

Is this man still human?

How many non-human skills he has hasn't yet been exposed in

the eyes of the world?
Compared to other people's shouts, Yuan Ze can only make
small convulsions.

As a result, more twitching is still behind to come.

When Hàn Dōng casually made a simple watch into a smart

watch, Yuan Ze entire body was stiff.

How can this be?

The first thing he thought of was that Li Shang was a childish

person, but Li Shang had previously demolished Han Dōng
crown and the later won over him?

Obviously impossible.

The subsequent audience verification also fully demonstrated

the high level of Hàn Dōng skills.

Yuan Ze's gaze on Hàn Dōng's eyes is full of complex

emotions. Why do such talented people have such immoral

Is this life too violent?

This statement was surprisingly similar with Wang Zhong

Ding's during his first encounter with Hàn Dōng.

Only Wang Zhong Ding felt that Hàn Dōng's biggest asset was
his body, and Yuan Ze thought that Hàn Dōng's asset was his

However, when Wang Zhong Ding reversed this idea for half a
year, it took Yuan Ze several turns to reverse this idea.

Because he saw Hàn Dōng's two diamond-sized legs of .

As a person with a profile that has reached the benchmark

level, every day he goes with the appearance of commenting on
appearances, and he does not want to be sensitive to him.
Moreover, he has been numb for many years in numerous

Already Yuan Ze doesn't know how to write "amazing" .

Today, his eyeballs that have been chaos for years have finally
been polished.

Unfortunately, it was quickly red-colored by Wang Zhong

Ding's laughter.

This pair of adulterers...

Sure enough, the last misunderstanding was self-directed.

It's simply horribly outrageous.

Yuan Ze feels that he doesn't want to grab one of them!

Moreover, the TV was started again at this time.

Back and forth playing Wang Zhong Ding's hateful smile.

It's fine... Yuan Ze thought, you just keep waiting for it,
waiting for me to return home to settle my cross with you.

A week later, Yuan Ze returned to China.

Just caught up with the premiere of "Theft of Shadows 2".

Yuan Ze sat in the car, and the radio broadcasted the scene of
hot tickets sale for the release of “Theft of Shadows 2”.

"Shut it up." Yuan Ze said coldly.

The driver asked tentatively: "Do you want to see it too?

There is a cinema not far ahead."
Yuan Ze returned blankly: "Not interested."

Okay...the driver didn't say anything.

As a result, the entrance to the cinema suddenly caught up

with traffic jams.

Now it is the peak hours of work. Here again, it is easy to

block roads. With so many people wanting to watch the movies,
it is almost impossible to walk.

Drivers frequently probed the road to see the road conditions,

and there has been no improvement.

"Would you like to turn the car in? If you have to wait for a
car jam to ease... you can watch go and watch a movie."

The driver is a fan of horror movie, and is the number one fan
of "Theft of Shadows". Of course, he cannot sit still at this
The expression on Yuan Ze's face did not move at all.

“It is said that the word of mouth is super good, and this new
movie is more exciting than “Theft Of Shadows 1.” The driver
was embarrassed going hyper fan again.

Yuan Ze returned to his three words.

"That is impossible."

With his many years of experience, this is an investment

hype. Once this group of people walks out of the theater, it is
surely a remorse for regret.

The driver still did not give up. "But yesterday I saw a lot of
people pushing this on Weibo. They all said..."

Yuan Ze interrupted him, and this time the answer was


The driver had to shut up.

Feeling a little boring on the car, Yuan Ze turned the window


At this point the movie broadcast has ended.

Only a few people came out of the theater.

Driver wonders, blocking into this, is it only these people to

see it?

Yuan Ze coldly hummed, "It is estimated that the internal

staff is in charge of it, and the cinema is not often engaged in
this one?"

However, the driver did not feel like it was.... because

everyone who came out was full of red light and spirits.
"That scene shocked me. If it wasn't mind fucking I would
definitely watch it again."

"Yeah, I almost want to give three bows down to the

screenwriter of "Theft of Shadows." He didn't come to the world
as a child? He was born early to save China's horror film


The driver was so irritated that he caught one person and

asked, "How is it? Is it good-looking?"

"Exciting, wonderful."


"I won't regret watching it forever."

"Indescribable, you can only see it if you see it."


Yuan Ze could not help but openly refute.

"In that case, why is there a few people coming out?"

"Other people are watching it inside for the second some for
third time to understand it, ah, probably only a few of us
understand it, hahaha..."

Yuan Ze, "......."

Nobody knows how long it was silent, Yuan Ze suddenly said:

"Let's go."

"Ah?" The driver was surprised.

"I'd like to see what this guy can do with a dog and a man
Chapter 287 Great Creator.
"Hello, we want to get a special tickets for "Theft of Shadows
2," said Yuan Ze's driver to the theater staff.

"I'm sorry, all the sessions have been sold out."

"What about VIP box?"


Yuan Ze hit a phone call directly to the boss of the theater and
got the same reply.

"Little Yuan, I'm sorry, this movie is too hot, and all the slots
has already been pre-booked."

When the driver thought that Yuan Ze would not be able to go

if there was no special package, he actually lined up for two
tickets and followed a large wave of people into the regular
screening hall.
Before the lights were turned off, someone noticed Yuan Ze,
and that look was like seeing him in front of him.

"Look at him, it's a rare guy so handsome."

"My God, kill me."

"Is it not for people like him to watch movies?"


This is the reason why Yuan Ze always has to get a private

ticket. If the movie is not attractive enough, those people will
watch him for a long time.

Just a few minutes before the screening, the driver and Yuan
Ze chatted.

"Have you seen "Theft of Shadows 1"?"

"Seen" Yuan Zong faded.

The driver immediately came to the spirit, "What do you

think of "Theft of Shadows 1"?"

"improvisation needed."

"Then do you know who wrote the script?"

"Isn't Zhong Ding Group Culture Department collectively

creating it?"

The driver laughed. "They should really want to have that

ability, but also have the talent to produce so many 'Chinese-
style horror'?"

"Who was it then?"

"Hàn Dōng wrote it." The driver said.

"What did he write? He wrote the script?"

Yuan Ze is unacceptable of this. Although the screenplay of

“Theft of Shadows” is not at the top level, it is at least passable.
Hàn Dōng's language is chaotic. His mind is not always on the
normal route. How can he write a script with such strict logic?

"Who did you hear this from ?"

"Xià Hòng Wēi."

Yuan Ze wondered, "How could he say these things to you?"

"In the hospital that day, He did care for chat."

Yuan Ze coldly yelled, "That rabbit tail and Yu Ming are good
'bosom girlfriends', and Xià Hòng Wēi, of course, changes the
story to exaggerate it, or how else can they reflect the
superiority of their class."
"You don't like Xià Hòng Wēi very much."

"What? Isn't it that Hàn Dōng and his family are too close in

"No, because Hàn Dōng once scammed his younger brother."

1].....Chinese interchange....between uncles and

grandfathers....and brothers and cousins

For Yuan Ze this was unexpected. "His brother? Xià Yang


"No, Xià Yao."

"Xiao Yao? How could Xià Yao relate to Hàn Dōng?"

The driver told Yuan Ze that Hàn Dōng had been woman in a
woman's naked chatter. Yuan Ze was petrified on the spot.
In the past, he never thought of how great the Creator(God)
was. Now he suddenly has a high respect for him. How many
brain cells does it take to create such a thing(Hàn Dōng)?

"It is said that Xià Yao lost interest in women after that

Yuan Ze teeth itches, "How many people did he recruit?"

The driver was ashamed. "I'm not quite sure. It looks like he's
liked him since the last time he's been scammed."

Yuan Ze's face drew. "What did you say?"

"Wang is one of them. It is said that Wang always hated him

before and its precisely because he hated him. In the end, he was
in opposite of hate..."

"How can there be such a thing?" Yuan Ze felt that he had

heard the most ridiculous jokes in the world.
But the word behind the driver made him completely unable
to laugh.

"So I'm worried about you too..." the driver said as he


If Yuan Ze had super power, he would have already smashed

the entire cinema.

"You must be so tired of living if you can say such a deed?"

The driver quickly shut up and turned his eyes to the big


At the beginning of the film, the atmosphere was repressed.

The two children sneaked out from the orphanage and quickly
rushed to the road.
One of them is Xixi.

As the beginning is the back shot, Yuan Ze did not see Xixi's
face and only saw the little head. He also felt that the child was
very cute.

As a result, when Xixi turned around, Yuan Ze immediately

blew himself up. Was the kid carved out of the photographs of
Hàn Dōng's childhood?

Although he had a few views on Xixi's appearance , Yuan Ze

had to admit that the child's acting skills were still good. There
was no restraint in the child's performance. It seemed very

However, because of the cheerful appearance of Xixi, coupled

with the heavy sound effects, people can not help but have a
tight heart.

Sure enough, a truck came up.

Xixi also flew on the road like a barbarian cow, running and
challenging the children behind him.
"Come on, come on, if you have the ability to chase me!"


With the children screaming at the back, Xixi was knocked

out by the car and the little child flew a dozen meters. After
landing, the two eyes were round and wide. The little body had
been twitching.

Not to mention how difficult it is to control this type of nerve

twitch, to say that such a cold day lying on the blood splatter is
not something ordinary children can tolerate.

The scene was re-shot for three days.

During the period, Xixi's grandmother, Wang Zhong Ding's

mother, she did not know how many tears she wiped seeing the

Fortunately, the effect is amazing.

There was a buzzing noise in the auditorium. It felt like
witnessing a car accident with their own eyes.

Many people and Yuan Ze feel it.

This child is something not allowed to see.



After the children's screams overlapped, a sweaty handsome

face appeared on the big screen.

Shēn Chu An, Xià Yang Zhuo's role is also the mainlead of this
movie the scene he was panting in bed, which means that
what happened just now is just a dream for him.

Then, Hàn Dōng came in.

His role in the film Hàn Dōng is called Wei Yun, and he along
with Shēn Chu An grew up in a orphanage institute. The
relationship between the two is very good. The two have lived
together since graduation.

"What happened? From the room, I heard you were yelling."

Wei Yun was concerned about Shēn Chu An.

No one knows whether it was customary to bring in, Yuan Ze

feel Wei Yun had this uneasy good intentions.

Shēn Chu An said: "I had a nightmare."

"What nightmare?"

"I dreamed of a car accident in my childhood."

Wei Yun smiled. "It seems that the car accident left you a lot
of mental trauma. It has been the same dream for so many

After Shēn Chu An got up, two people had breakfast together.

During Shēn Chu An looked at Wei Yun's and questioned, “Do

you want to go to the development zone today?”

"Yes what's the matter?"

Wei Yun did not understand why Shēn Chu An suddenly

asked this because he had to go to the development zone to find
his girlfriend every Friday, and a law has been formed.

"Nothing, just be safe on the road."

Wei Yun nodded and went out.

Shēn Chu An also went to work shortly after Wei Yun left. His
career was a traffic police. In the face of the endless stream of
vehicles, Shēn Chu An always had an ominous hunch.
After work, he did not go home directly. Instead, he took a car
to the development zone.

As a result, a tragedy really happened.

Wei Yun had a car accident. The driver was Li Shang's role
and he was called Chen Jianlong in the movie.

Chen Jianlong escaped, leaving only the crushed Wei Yun

body, and Shen Chu An couldn't help crying.

Seeing this, the audience thought it was a "death" route. The

first signs of death eventually did not escape.

But soon this idea was overturned.

"what the--"

With screaming, Shēn Chu An once again woke up from the

"What's the matter? I heard you call from that room."

Shēn Chu An knead his head and felt a sense of crying and

"I just dreamed a dream."

Wei Yun is curious. "What dream in a dream?"

"First, I dreamed that you were dead in a car accident when I

was a child. Then I woke up in this bed and had breakfast with
you. You said that you were going to the development zone. I
felt a little wrong....... Finally I went to the development zone to
find you. As a result, you really had a car accident..."

Wei Yun looked at him. "I just had two accidents in your

"Well, once when you were young, and once when you grew

Wei Yun joked: "You just expect me to die? Did I die twice
after you died?"

"I am not expecting you to die. I am afraid that you will die."

"Afraid of a dream.....and health and longevity when I die,

isn't this a curse meant for me?"

Shēn Chu An smiled. "But in my dream, I really felt that you

had a car accident when I was a kid. I didn't feel offended."

This feeling has been shared by many people. It is creating a

completely unfamiliar world in the dream. However, this world
is very familiar to the person in his dream. It seems that he has
lived for many years and even memories are inherent.

"Get up quickly. You will be late for a while to work." Wei Yun

Shēn Chu An had a close-up before he got up and hit Wei Yun
on the face in close quarters. It was clear that there was a hint of
gleam showing something wronh in the room. It was brief and
fierce, and it was performed just right. It will not allow the
audience to immediately raise their guard, and they will not
miss this clue when they look back.
Like Xià Yang Zhuo's age, it can be considered remarkable to
be able to put eye movements in such a position.

But it was a pity that his face was too dazzling and completely
rushed to the limelight of acting.

The pretty face of Xià Yang Zhuo made the female audience's
focus shift entirely.

"You look at the stunned moment when he wakes up. It's like
a cute someone."

"Especially the pair of blue eyes, it's almost nose-bleeding

when he starts."

"Amazing thing, he's a real thing."

Yuan Ze's driver was still focused and discovered Shēn Chu
An's anomaly, which was also discussed with Yuan Ze in a

"Isn't Shēn Chu An in a dream?"

Yuan Ze coldly yelled, "You mean a dream in a dream? Is it not

the same as the previous one?"

"It's right, it should be something else I think is too simple like

in the first dream."

"Since you didn't understand it, shut up first."

The driver did not say anything.


In the following days, Shēn Chu An's mental state became

worse and worse, often inexplicably falling into insomnia, and
his memory was getting worse. The thing that was often put
away the night before, the next day he would forgot where it

Wei Yun suspected that he was overstressed and took him out
to travel to relax. The place to visit was the island. Shēn Chu An
took photos of Wei Yun in the Black Forest.

One of the photos was taken in a place not far from the cabin
where Yuan Ze stayed.

A pointed audience pointed to the big screen and said, "Look

quickly, the tree looks like it has been burned."

"What? that one if the clues?"

Yuan Ze's face had abdominal cramps: Clue.... your fucking

uncle, it is the time left when someone burnt my cabin

During the tour, Shēn Chu An's mental state was much better.
There was no more insomnia and forgetfulness. He printed all
the photos taken during the trip and put it in the old album.
A close-up of a photograph was given at this time. This picture
was taken by Wei Yun before.

However, on the second night after Shēn Chu An returned, he

was suffering insomnia again.
Chapter 288 All Kinds of Doubts and
So after returning, on the same day that Wei Yun was absent,
Shēn Chu An took out the camera again.

This time, he slept in the living room and slept in this place
where he found a strange picture. The camera was also placed
on the locker in the living room.

In the middle of the night, he woke up with insomnia and

opens his eyes to look at the cupboard in the first instant.

The camera is gone!

Sure enough, it's gone...

Finally, Shēn Chu An found the video camera on the shelf

beside the window.

The back of the audience was cold.

Because this seemingly very strange scene is actually very
common in life. That is what you put away the day before, and
it's not on the same location the next day. You will thought you
forgot that the position really changed.

Shēn Chu An opened the camera.

Finding the album, there is none of the photo taken of the

travel to the Black Forest scene, Shēn Chu An skipped one by
one to get the camera before the show.

The last one, according to Wei Yun's photo, has two words on
the back of the photo – an illustration.

Shēn Chu An deliberately watched the replay, confirming that

all the scenes just recorded .....were recorded.

Then, Shēn Chu An put the camera on the cabinet.

The next morning, the camera was still there.

Shēn Chu An took the camera and played the scene recorded
last night.

His hands were shaking.

The audience's hearts were shaking.

As time passed in one minute, Shēn Chu An's hand shook and
stiffened, because he saw himself falling asleep in bed from
beginning to end and never moving.

In the afternoon, he went to the doctor again.

"How are you? How much better?" asked the doctor.

Shēn Chu An nodded.

The doctor quipped again: "Is it true that your friend is living
Shēn Chu An nodded again.

The doctor just wanted to give Shēn Chu An a dose of

medication. Shēn Chu An spoke again.

"I think that I live in two worlds."

The doctor's hand with a pen stumbled.

This... Is this nerve index up another grade?

Yuan Ze's heart was cold and this role makes Xià Yang Zhuo
acting too bad. He should let Hàn Dōng perform. He would be
able to show off the energy of this word.

Although Shēn Chu An is known to be schizophrenic but as a

doctor wants to judge the condition and he must analyze and
understand it from various aspects.

So he continued to interrogate: "Two worlds?"

"Yes, one world during the day and one world after sleeping at

"Then how do you judge it is not a dream?"

Shēn Chu An shook his head positively: "I have dreamed that
dreams are logical and I don't know the beginning, but
everything I go through is logical and I know when I start to
dream each time."

Hearing this, the doctor also came to an interest point.

"What do you mean, everything you dream of is in accordance

with the rules of the real world?"

Shēn Chu An nodded: "All but the small-scale changes are the
same as in the real world."

"Small-scale changes?"

Shēn Chu An hesitated for a long time before saying: "It is in

that world that Wei Yun is dead."
Well, when Shen said it, he still feel that Wei Yun is dead.

"Then how did you judge if he died?"

Shēn Chu An said: "After that car accident, all his photos have
disappeared and his clothes have all been cleared."

"That's what you think. In that world, is that car accident


Shēn Chu An nodded.

"In that case, how could you see him on the bathroom toilet?"

Shēn Chu An said: "I think that in the world I have already
suffered from schizophrenia."

"What can you see?"

"Because in the real world, if I see such a thing, it must be

from schizophrenia."

The doctor nodded. "I won't question this."

The audience ridiculed a small laughter.

What the doctor said was also a big truth. Shēn Chu An was
forced into a dream, but if Wei Yun really died, Shēn Chu An
must have been insane.

The doctor suddenly remembered the picture of Shēn Chu An

and he had said about seeing Wei Yun's childhood, that is, the
picture of “remembering his old friend of childhood”.

"How do you explain this?" the doctor asked.

Shēn Chu An said: “This just proves that I was schizophrenic

in that world. In that world, Wei Yun was in a car accident as a
child. It was only a lucky escape, but all this left a great trauma
for the world of the now me. Psychological trauma, so
occasionally there was a phantom when he died in a car accident
when he was young and I saw him as a child."
"That's why you think seeing his 'living' grown up friend who
was supposed to have been killed in a car accident during your
childhood' is the hallucination that came after the schism in
that world?"

Shēn Chu An nodded. He judged through his own dream.

After all, in that dream, the first layer of dream Wei Yun died
when he was young, but after Shen Chu An woke up, he entered
the second layer of dreams. In this second dream Wei Yun was a
child, but he escaped the accident ....went in to growing up but
failed to survive. This is what he calls another world. It turns
out that Wei Yun's death in his childhood was just a dream in
that dream world.

"Okay, I understand. I suggest you go up tonight and look at

the video." The doctor said.

Shēn Chu An nodded.

After he went out, the doctor wiped his brow as if relieved.

The assistant quipped on the side: "It is really difficult for you
to meet such a high IQ patient."
The doctor also said with emotion: "After talking for so long, I
found that his logic is very strict. It is completely different from
a person with mental illness. Is it hard to write a mystery as a

"What do you mean possessed by the devil?"

"It is possible."


Of course, this kind of optimism is limited to doctors and his

assistants. The viewers are not so easy in their hearts, because
they faintly think that what Shēn Chu An said was true.

From the very beginning, Yuan Ze, who just took a casual look
at the state of mind, was already sitting there with breathless
gaze and staring at the big screen intently.

In the evening, Shēn Chu An fell asleep with complicated

Wei Yun sleeps in another room.

In the middle of the night, Shēn Chu An woke up.

The camera is still on the cabinet.

He stepped toward the camera step by step with a complex


Xià Yang Zhuo trembling lips, up to one eye in the two-minute

lens, this paradoxical fear of interpretation of expectation is the
breath stopper.

Even the female fans who have always paid attention to his
face are now following him and raising fear their hearts.

If the video played in this video camera is not what Shēn Chu
An saw during the day, but it was recorded last night, it proves
that there is really another world.

Xià Yang Zhuo tremblingly turned the camera on.

The entire auditorium was quiet enough to hear only the

When the camera was turned on, the audience began to


"Oh ah... no, it was not during the day."

"My God, it's exciting."

"Scared me with fear ."


Because the beginning of the video is what Shēn Chu An saw

during the day that he was sleeping on the sofa, so now he was
watching this is adjusting the lens, that is, the action before the
camera was turned on last night.

It was even more stimulating when the audience's back was

cool and stimulated.

Shēn Chu An took that phase to the camera.

Just like last night.

Turn over, no travel photos.

Turn again, still empty, then flip, still empty ... ... passport
photos, including Wei Yun pics while growing up all the photos,
have disappeared ... ...

Only the photos of Wei Yun's childhood were left.

In the camera lens, Shēn Chu An shamelessly displayed the

front face of the Xixi photograph.

Then it was turned in the back....He woke up.

"what the--"
Some viewers almost bounced off their seats.

On the back of the photo, the seven words are written--“The

old friend who mourned his childhood friend”

Shēn Chu An's camera fell to the ground.

Pale face.

He lifted his stiff legs and slowly walked toward Wei Yun's
room door.

If this time, if in the room there is a sleepy Wei Yun that will
prove that he is really insane.

But after the door was opened, everyone, including Yuan Ze,
was rigid at that moment.

This is a child's room.

Everything is for children's supplies, children's clothes,
children's beds, small tables, small stools...

However, the vintageness of it mean it has been here for long.

Everything now proves that before Shēn Chu An saw Wei

Yun's childhood photos, it was not Shēn Chu An's illusion in
that world, but another world....not the dream in a dream...

Because hallucinations cannot be recorded.

In this world, Wei Yun died as a child.

At this time, Shēn Chu An suddenly heard a sound of a child.

“Good friends, holding hands, crossing the road, walking

together, good friends, holding hands, crossing the road,
walking together...”

Shēn Chu An slowly turned his head.

Xixi stood behind him with a small white face and looked at
him with an awkward look, repeating his four sentences in his

Shēn Chu An rushed back to his room screaming crazy.

When he opened the door to his room he saw the grown-up

Wei Yun lying on his bed, his body was swollen with blood. It
looked like it was crushed at the time of the accident.


Shēn Chu An rushed out again and, due to running too

fiercely, was tripped by the video recorder on the ground.

His face was on the ground, and his horrified eyes looked at
the screen.

The scene just recorded was played above.

There is no Xixi, no Wei Yun.

Only one person is running around in the room by himself.....
Chapter 289 The Answer to the Riddle
Seeing this, Yuan Ze vaguely understood the plot.

Ordinary movies travel through time, but this movie is

through timespace.

Shēn Chu An in the film travels through three worlds.

These three worlds exist side by side, and the interpretations

are all of Shēn Chu An's current life scene.

The first world is also the first layer of dreams.

In this world, Wei Yun died in a traffic accident when he was

a child. Therefore, there were only photos and supplies of Wei
Yun's childhood. Shēn Chu An witnessed the death of the only
playmate and was left with a psychological trauma. Therefore,
he was so energetic that he could see him from time to time.

The second world is the second layer of dreams.

In this world, a grown up Wei Yun was killed in a recent car

accident. Therefore, there was only Wei Yun's photo before the
car crash. Shēn Chu An witnessed the death of his friend, and
was also greatly stimulated. From time to time, he will see Wei
Yun phantom of the cloud.

The Third world is the world that Shēn Chu An now stays in.

In this world, Wei Yun had not experienced a car accident

when he was a child and grew up.

Therefore, the video that Shēn Chu An sees is real, but only
because of the difference in the space he occupies


But what makes Yuan Ze confused is why Shēn Chu An will

experience the other two worlds?
Shēn Chu An in the play is also pondering this issue.

The scenes of Shēn Chu An's memories began to appear on the

big screen. From the scene when the third layer of dreams
wakes up, to the scene when the second layer of dreams wakes
up, and to the first layer of dreams, they constantly cycle back
and forth. The speed is increasing. fast……

Suddenly, Shēn Chu An eyes opened, his forehead slipped

down a big beans of sweat.

While many people still don't understand where the inflection

point of the story is, Yuan Ze's five fingers have already become
a fist.

If Shēn Chu An in each space has an independent soul, Shēn

Chu An's present soul does not always remain in the third

He originally lived in the first world, he crossed to the second

world after the childhood accident of a childhood playmate, and
passed through to the third world after Wei Yun car accident in
the recent past.
Therefore, he can feel and dream about the first world in the
second world and the first two worlds in the third world.

That is, Shēn Chu An dream inside layers of dreams.

When the first layer of dreams he awoke, Shēn Chu An said

that he had dreamed that Wei Yun had died in the childhood car
accident. When the second layer of dreams awoke, Shēn Chu An
said that she dreamed of Wei Yun's childhood and in car
accident Wei Yun was dead.

These are enough to prove that Shēn Chu An has gone

through two jumps, each with memories of the previous world.

The reason why Shēn Chu An shuttled between the three

worlds was due to only one reason - avoiding feeling the pain of
loosing a loved one.

Sometimes we can clearly feel the death of our loved ones in

our dreams, and sweat after waking up. Fortunately, this is a

In fact, he may really be dead, but you have left the world.
What Hàn Dōng wants to express is multiple spaces life....

There is not only one space world, there may be an infinite

number number of spaces in the world and inbetween worlds....

Traditional thinking is that life goes in a constant space, with

different changes in time. This film play at the theory of the
same time, different in different spaces.

It sounds irritating, but it's very scary.

Shēn Chu An lived in the first world for seven years. After a
child Wei Yun died, he moved to the Second World. He lived in
the Second World for more than ten years until Wei Yun died in
a car accident and moved to the Third World.

So what kind of world has the real Wei Yun? Which world's
result is the result he should bear?

Shēn Chu An was going crazy.

He is not the only one going crazy. Yuan Ze is going mad.

Who has this brain circuit to think of writing such a
wonderful plot?

However, it is undeniable that Yuan Ze's appetite was firmly

hung up in this plot.

After many days of struggle, Shēn Chu An decided to return to

the first world, and that was the first world.

He can only accept one result, one reality.

As long as he thinks of the original world in which he lives,

the childhood playmate is dead, and Shēn Chu An can take
another reality that Wei Yun is still alive.

But how to go back there, this is Shēn Chu An's confusion, and
it is also a problem that confuses the audience.

At this time, Shēn Chu An suddenly remembered that every

change in the world seems to have been caused by Wei Yun's car
As long as he accepts another serious mind attack, he can
leave this completely unfamiliar world.

Thus, Shēn Chu An began to plan a car accident.

He hired Chen Jianlong, the driver in the second world, and

he wanted to cooperate with him to kill Wei Yun.

"Why did you choose me?" Chen Jianlong asked.

Shēn Chu An said: "Because you are evil enough."

The viewer's mouth has been finally closed.

Well, when it comes to Li Shang's heart.

"But this is a great risk. If I were to be arrested, it wouldn't

matter much for me if you gave me more money."

"You will not be arrested." Shēn Chu An said, "There was no

police monitoring on that road. There was only one traffic
police on duty. I know him."

After Chen Jianlong repeatedly thought about it, he agreed,

and the temptation of a pay was too great. After taking over the
single “business”, he would no longer need to drive freight
cargo overnight.

On the night of Thursday, Shēn Chu An personally cooked a

meal for Wei Yun.

In this world where he only lived for more than a month,

Shēn Chu An did not know whether the person in front of him
was a stranger from another space or his best friend...

Wei Yun did not know Shen Chen's tangled knot, but he had
been eating happily ever since. The honest and heartless child
did not mention it.

All of viewers were tearing in silent tears, only Yuan Ze's belly
felt beaten: playing such a good person, who is not too scared of
his evil plans?
Shēn Chu An drank too much, and threw up his wrath in the
room, completely subverting the idol image of the past and
making the feeling of sorrow hard enough to be perfect.

The next day was Friday.

Wei Yun, as usual, went to development zone with his


Chen Jianlong lied in ambush not far away and saw Wei Yun
come over. The throttle hits the gas pedal and hit him directly.

The same scene as in the second world, only this time, Shēn
Chu An's expression was numb.

At the moment when Wei Yun breathed his last breath, Shēn
Chu An woke up again from the big bed.

All the audiences are holding their breath and wondering if

Shēn Chu An has returned to the first world .

At this time, the bedroom door was pushed open.

Wei Yun's face once again challenged everyone's IQ.

"What's wrong ....I hear you screaming from another room?"

Shēn Chu An said: "I've been dreaming and I'm groggy."

"What dream did you have? Tell me about it."

Shēn Chu An yawned: "I don't remember, it's a mess."

"OK, get up and wash your teeth."



In peace, the ending song sounded.

The audience were stunned at the moment.

Fuck me? Is this finished?

Is everything that happened before ....... a dream of the


But two or three seconds later, everyone's goose bumps came


Including Yuan Ze.

This is not Shēn Chu An's dream.

But... He came to the fourth world.

Here, he lost his memory...

The core of the entire film is "ESCAPE FROM PAIN."

1]....Escape from pain by escaping the the real
world Shēn Chu An could be a brain dead patient....or a dying
man...of this is schizophrenic mind fuck....Jesus even my mind
is fucked up

Shēn Chu An's first attempt at crossing the space was to

escape the pain of child Wei Yun's car accident. Therefore, Xiao
Wei Yun in the second world did not die.

The second time through the space is to escape the pain of the
adult Wei Yun accident, so in the third world of Wei Yun did not

The third time going through the space is to escape the pain of
discovering the multidimensional space.....

So he lost his memory.

In the end, Shēn Chu An spent the rest of his life in a strange
world the fourth world where his friend Wei Yun was alive and
Shen Chu An was not a schizophrenic patient.....all well...

The lights in the auditorium light up.

The moment when most of the audience got up, they looked
sluggish and walked to the door of the auditorium before they
started to get up.

"Ah, ah, I know. I know."

"I understand, I understand."

"finally, I understand."


Yuan Ze did not comment, but asked the driver.

"Is this script really written by him?"

The driver nodded: "Yes."

Yuan Zong snorted and said nothing.
Chapter 290 It's Nothing.
Different from the later outbreak of “Theft Of Shadows1”,
since the release of “Theft of Shadows 2”, the mark has gone all
the way and it has broken through one billion in less than two
weeks, saving the Zhong Ding Group's recent decline and the
movie has become a veritable cash cow.

Therefore, the company has been preparing a celebration

party for nearly two days.

"The Hengyu Group wants to co-organize with us," Feng Jun


Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "Yes."

Feng Jun was slightly surprised because every time he

mentioned Hengyu, Wang Zhong Ding's attitude was like he was
fed a fly. If it weren't for Zhou Li the fox, he would never have
hired Cai Peng's wolf.

Now that the fox is gone, Wang Zhong Ding should have
avoided Cai Peng.

“He is not very good this person, but his staff are also good.
There is no less effort to shoot during this period. It is also
appropriate for us to entertain him.” Wang Zhong Ding showed
an extraordinary open-minded and reasonable heart.

Feng Jun expressed his approval: “There is a lot of talent on

his side. Every business plan is solid and hardworking. I really
don't understand why those people want to follow him.”

"The talent is not recruited but trained. What you should

reflect on is why our company can't cultivate such people?"

Feng Jun humbly accepted the chairman's teachings.

"Yes, it really needs rectified. At the end of the day, the overall
spirit here is sloppy, and things are dragging on. I honestly
don't know who brought this bad habit."

Wang Zhong Ding pretended not to hear.

Feng Jun asked again: "Do you want to ask Wang Hai Zi ?"

"Please." Wang Zhong Ding is very decisive.

"What about the former chairman?"

"Please." Wang tone was still very decisive.

Feng Jun abdominal cruel: how suddenly did you changed to

being so generous?

"What else is there?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

Feng Jun recalled: "No more."

"Then go out."

After Feng Jun left, Wang Zhong Ding walked into the back
room and slapped a slap on the butt of someone who had a habit
of being “ corrupter of general mood ”.

" Get up! What time are you looking at?"

Hàn Dōng slept from noon to 4:30 in the afternoon and Wang
Zhong Ding turned a blind eye several times. He watched as
soon as the dinner began and couldn't help but speak.

Not only did Hàn Dōng not get up, but the place where Wang
Zhong Ding smack was ecstasy pink, as if it was waiting for a
second slap.

Wang Zhong Ding directly puts his personal belongings to the

top and whispers, “Why ....don't you believe that If you
continue to sleep I will have rogue sex with you right here ?”

Hàn Dōng closed his eyes and said, "Come and come and

Wang Zhong Ding was irritated by him. Considering that

there was a dinner party for a while, he could only end this kind
of tiredness and urged Hàn Dōng to hurry up.

"Get on with it then ." Under the sky, only Hàn Dōng dared to
say this kind of thing with his eyes closed.

This usually does not matter, and there are dinner today, how
can you sleepwalk to participate?

Wang Zhong Ding tried to wake him up in all sorts of ways,

twisted and pinched, and twitched and slapped the buttocks. He
couldn't use anything. He finally gave a kiss on his cheek.

Hàn Dōng immediately opened his eyes and asked, “Who had
kissed me? Who dares? Huh?”

Zhong Ding clenched his teeth. "Don't make a fuss, get up."

After Hàn Dōng got up, Wang Zhong Ding arranged for his
dinner party costumes. In addition to watches at home, the
biggest expense was clothes. No way, who made Hàn Dōng a
natural clothes hanger. Wang Zhong Ding wanted to buy him a
good-looking clothes.

Ironed flat shirt, perfectly fitted slender trousers, and beige

coats looking retro, elegant but not boring, dazzling and

In the end, Wang Zhong Ding selected a tens of millions worth

of watch for Hàn Dōng.

The noble platinum material, with 519 diamonds on the case

and bracelet, weighs nearly 68 carats. Watch slab is carved out
of metal filaments, with transparent sapphire crystals on the
back and back, showing flawless perfection everywhere.

When Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng entered the court,
Feng Jun understood why he had invited those rivals. It wasn't
because he was generous, nor was it to reward the employees
there. It was for the sake of showing off two words.

He's Mine
With Hàn Dōng living with him for so long, Wang Zhong Ding
finally managed to understand Dong Dong low-key living is
bullshit! There is such a good body, good talent, good-natured
living treasures of Hàn Damei, who is low-key and who is

If Wang Zhong Ding and Hàn Dōng's benefits are expected,

Cai Peng is the biggest winner of “Theft of Shadows 2”. How
many people are watching this fat meal? Only let him cut a
piece, after fame and fortune, all kinds of beautiful things have
come up.

Cai Peng enjoys a variety of tease on the surface. In fact, Hàn

Dōng is the one he has been secretly obsessed with.

However, his current strength is not enough to compete with

Wang Zhong Ding directly. The only thing he can do is to fight
again for Hàn Dōng pathway.

So, he turned his attention to Li Shang.

Li Shang was dressed in a cool gray tone suit and took a blue
shirt and a black tie to avoid the ambiguous situation with Hàn

"I want to sign Li Shang." Cai Peng suddenly said.

Feng Jun was standing next to him. Hearing this slightly he

was surprised.

"Aren't you blind to him? How did you come out with this idea

"I found him to be an advantage."

"What is?"


Feng Mu smiled. "You absolutely haven't looked away. His

ambition is beyond anyone's reach, but... He has signed a five-
year contract with Zhong Ding, and the liquidated damages are
ten times more. Can you afford it?"

“Tomorrow the contract will be taken to our company for

signature. If you have a brain, you will know that Li Shang has
no prospects for staying in Zhong Ding .”

After that, Cai Peng directly waved his hand walking away.

Feng Mu watched him for a while before turning her gaze



The entire banquet saw Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding go
busy. They were busy with taking pictures and were busy with
social activities.

After seeing Hàn Dōng in the variety show with a big long leg,
no matter what occasion he attended, the camera chased him.
And since the release of “Theft of Shadows 2”, Hàn Dōng's
popularity has skyrocketed, and the bodyguard has increased
from two to six. The only specimen is that Shèn Hua hasn't
changed since the early days.

In general, the bodyguards and assistants around the artists

are part of their own image. With the increase in the value of
the artists, the assistants around them will be replaced in
varying degrees. Hàn Dōng, who is consistent, is rarely seen.

For this reason, Shèn Hua has always been touched by it.

"Why didn't you think about changing me?" Hàn Dōng was
deliberately asked.

Hàn Dōng faintly replied, "I thought about it, but I'm afraid
Wang Zhong Ding will find someone who is more ugly than

Shèn Hua annoyance was spent, "...!!"

Yu Ming's mood has also been restored relatively well
recently, mainly due to the fire of “Theft of Shadows 2”, which
has brought Xià Yang Zhuo's popularity to the point where it is
on the verge of explosion. His career as a broker won a new
peak, offsetting some of the emotional pain.

"Oh, Little Yu, you were still the best supporting actor when it
came to "Theft of Shadows 1" and you would have to be the best
actor when you're in "Theft of Shadows 2". You must do it."

Yu Ming lifted the glass and Hàn Dōng grabbed the past.

"Come on here, come." The special man was drunk.

After a while, someone came to give Yu Ming a toast, and Hàn

Dōng stopped again for him.

"I said, you almost got it. Don't wait until Wang Zhong Ding
comes to me." Yu Ming advised.

Hàn Dōng immediately blinked: "What did you say? Almost

everything got it? In the middle of the country, I told you that
you are my person and it is right for men to stop drinking for

Well... really much more, Yu Ming quickly dumped Hàn Dōng

to Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding just took over and Hàn Dōng vomited on

Live silence on the scene.

Everyone knows that Wang Zhong Ding loves to be clean and

if a fly comes in the office. He can open a conference for all the

Therefore, in this excellent opportunity to express

themselves, many people came to help Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding did not even wrinkle an eyebrow, took

paper towels to deal with it, and then he looked at the audience
and said: "You eat first, I will send him back."

As soon as he got on the car, Wang Zhong Ding's face sank

down. "Can you not drink?"

Hàn Dōng did not hear the same thing, still pushed his face to
Wang Zhong Ding.

When Wang Zhong Ding was afraid that his belongings had
been touched by him, he scolded: "Stay away from me."

Hàn Dōng is still trying not to let go.

Wang Zhong Ding just wanted to throw him away hard and
Hàn Dōng said, "I bought two apartments."

Wang Zhong Ding's hand paused: "You really bought it?"

"Um, with two sets of doors, yours and mine."

"Then why did you not buy a large square meter?" Wang
Zhong Ding did not understand.

"I have to leave a space for us to quarrel and i go sleep in my

apartment it will be easy when I sleepwalk, I won't need to go
that far, and I will arrive in your apartment two or three steps."

When Wang Zhong Ding's heart was soft, he began to softly

ask, "Is it hard for the stomach to suffer?"

Hàn Dōng has not answered for a long time.

When Wang Zhong Ding looked at him Hàn Dōng suddenly

burst into tears.

Wang Zhong Ding immediately panicked.

"what happened to you?"

Hàn Dōng said: "No, I'm happy."

Wang Zhong Ding brushed tears while asking him, "What are
you happy about crying?"

"I also went to see "Theft of Shadows 2" this morning and
found it really good movie."

Wang Zhong Ding: "......."

When he returned home, Hàn Dōng was already asleep. Wang

Zhong Ding first took him to the bed and gave him a mouthful
of medicine. He took off his dirty clothes and gave them to the

"Take this to laundry for me."

The maid is very puzzled. "Do I have to deal with it directly?"

Because Wang Zhong Ding has a lot of clothes, dress and
stress, not to mention vomit on it, that is, he will not wear
clothes with even a patch of oil.

However, Wang Zhong Ding said to the nanny casually: "He

vomited, its nothing."
Chapter 291 Parent - Child Games.
When Wang Zhong Ding was preparing to sleep, Hàn Dōng
was still in tears crying. Before he cried, he cried with closed
eyes. Wang Zhong Ding wondered, even if "Theft of Shadows 2"
is a big success, why would he be excited by this?

"Dongdong, Dongdong..." Wang Zhong Ding called him twice.

Hàn Dōng would not wake up.

Wang Zhong Ding just got up and went to get a towel. A

certain big one hand just held him from behind.

"second uncle, second uncle, second uncle..." continued to call

for affectionately.

After Hàn Dōng and Wang Zhong Ding left Hàn Dōng's
relatives, Hàn Dōng did not mention this unwarranted
“salvation”. He suddenly moved out again and Wang Zhong
Ding had to think more.
So he said a sentence to make himself feel mine.

"Second Uncle is here..."

Hàn Dōng was thrilled and stopped holding Wang. Zhong

Ding's neck tightly. “Second Uncle went to see “Theft of
Shadows 2”, he followed me to see it...”

Wang Zhong Ding shouted, "Your Second Uncle also went to

see the movie? Your second uncle is a living "Theft of Shadows

"You didn't know?" Hàn Dōng grinned.

Wang Zhong Ding had a white light in his head and slammed
and turned to hold Hàn Dōng. "What did you just say?"

Hàn Dōng felt asleep again, his lips pressed tightly, and he
could not open it.
Wang Zhong Ding could not sleep anymore. He went straight
to the private cinema on the third floor and watched “Theft of
Shadows 2” back and forth three times. The last time he
finished reading, the sky was brightening.

When Hàn Dōng woke up, Wang Zhong Ding had already left

Hàn Dōng went to Xixi's room and Little Xixi was still asleep
in the bed.

Since the launch of "Theft of Shadows 2", Xixi was considered

a celebrity fire. That he has a natural acting technique. The best
supporting actor for this movie ....he is more than enough. If it
weren't for Wang Zhong Ding's suppression, Xixi limelight
might be more than the other three stars.

"Bao Er, it's time to get up." Hàn Dōng said repeatedly.

1].... Bao Er ...means precious son....Han Dōng is calling Xixi

his precious son.
One second before Xixi, he also dreamed of Hàn Dōng's
sleeping position. In the next moment.... like, Wang Zhong
Ding little Xixi sat up vigorously. He pulled off the small
costume that Hàn Dōng prepared for him, and he went to the
wardrobe to find sportswear.

"What? There is an activity today?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Xixi nodded, "Parent-child Games."

Hàn Dōng doubted, "Does your dad participate in this kind of


"He's on a business trip today. He wouldn't participate even if

he wanted to participate."

"Then you can participate alone?"

Xixi's little face was helpless. “You can participate if you want
to participate, but the scores can only count on a single person.”
"Poor child, such a busy business on the stalls..." Hàn Dōng
was talking bleakly and suddenly felt two hot sights rushing
toward himself, hurriedly waved his hands and refused. "Don't
look at me, I'm a trash at sports, I can't run a few steps on my
soft legs. "

"When you saw Daddy being angry at you, you ran very fast!"

Hàn Dōng, "...that's because your dad's shoes are fast."

Xixi did not give up. "There is still 1 point for the first winner
parent participation. If you don't go, there will be no 1 point."

"Is there a point to use it? Can I buy a luxury home with it?
Can I buy a sports car? I'm going to make big advertisements
today. It's going to make big money. This is a serious thing
compare to yours."

Xixi side special tyrant mouth threw an out-of-print watch.

“Is this enough?”
Hàn Dōng swallowed his mouth and spittled, fortunately
there was a little childish spirit remaining, or he wouldn't be
able to stop himself.

"'s not a matter of money. It's mainly because the

embarrassing being seen together. If I get to be photographed by
the media with you, they would think that you're my own
illegitimate chil-..."

If the words have not yet been spoken, Xixi banged the door
running out.

"Well fuck me... The child temper is not small."

In order to let this little ancestors not get mad, Hàn Dōng
went Xixi. Anyway, no one had ever seen Wang Zhong Ding
grow up. Let him pose for a moment as a parent.

Before leaving, Hàn Dōng made a list of instructions to Xiao

Liang for a while.
"When I get off the car, keep his head tightly hidden especially
the head. I'm afraid that there are reporters lying around the
school. After he finished running, you used this to wipe sweat
on him. The child should be clean..."

"Well, I know."

Hàn Dōng began to think very indifferent, and later when he

saw Xixi was a strange for him to take a separate car, and
his heart suddenly kind of perplexed pain.


Wang Zhong Ding did not go to the company in the early

morning and was not on a business trip. Instead, he went
straight to the certification office.

"Its you coming again? Wouldn't it be like the two people like
the last time?"

"No, this time I'm alone."

Wang Zhong Ding handed Hàn Dōng's hair to the doctor.

"You've asked me to check his bloodlines."

"Okay, when do you want the results?"

"The sooner the better."


Hàn Dōng went to shoot large commercials. The cars were

already half way through, and suddenly they turned back.

"How can this be done?" Shen Hua began to hurry. "It's been
scheduled to be today. The photography team is particularly
difficult to find a slot. I don't know how many big hands are
lined up. You missed it today and you're ruined"

Hàn Dōng replied: "I just figured it. I am not destined to shoot
today. Let's go to the school."

Shen Hua was almost vomiting blood. "This.... you going now
is not equal to miscalculation?"

Unexpectedly, Hàn Dōng said something more irritating.

"I bet my life on it"


As a result, the car turned again and went straight to Xixi


At this moment, the games have already begun and the

playground is cheering.

As a small athlete, Xixi has already gone to line up and there is

only one person on his stage.
"Hey? Why did you come again?" Xiao Liang was surprised.

Hàn Dōng patted his shoulder. "You can go."

"You will do it?" Xiao Liang looked at Hàn Dōng Han's suit, "
how can you run while wearing that ?"

Hàn Dōng bowed his head and scolded himself, and then he
turned around , and the wolf's claws stretched straight up
stripping off.

"I say... that this is under a large crowd, what are you doing?
Believe it or not, I will call Wang, I..."

After Xiao Liang had not finished, even the clothes and mobile
phones carried by Hàn Dōng went away.

As a result, Hàn Dōng got the number plate that Xixi showed
to Wang Zhong Ding....a 5 kilometres name plate.
"This is really his son." Hàn Dōng clenched his teeth.

Next to a parent staring at Hàn Dōng for a long time, he

couldn't help saying: "Are you Hàn Dōng?"

Hàn Dōng hadn't had time to speak, and the big brother was

"Ahhh.....ah ah ah ah..... Big star actor...I have seen you play

ghost....a rabies patient....."

Hàn Dōng was still very good at the beginning. He didn't

know why he heard these characters he wanted to disappear.

"You're seeing the wrong person. I'm his second brother."


Hàn Dōng did not say anything and went straight to the field.
Xixi had already begun to prepare in the entrance area. Hàn
Dōng smoked a cigarette casually and waited to watch around
with interest.

The ringing horn made a few children rush out like arrows
from a string.

Parents shouted for fuel to their kids little legs.

Hàn Dōng also scoffed at them at the beginning. Isn't it a

game? How can you drop when run I first?

As a result, he later saw that a child and Xixi were fighting for
the first place, and he was not calm at once.

"What kind of brat is this?"

"How does he run so fast?"

"Dare to go over and try to surpass our Little Xixi!"


There was a faint sound next to it. "That child is the class

"What about the class leader? The class leader must be all-
powerful? The big class..."

Hàn Dōng said, suddenly remembering the appearance of the

unexpected lee way that Xixi gave to the class leader and Xixi
leaving things him that time about that girl. After a closer look,
this is not the boy who played at home and played with Xixi the
child who wore the cross shirt.

So he was even more rude.

"Who are you surpassing huh... surpassing...who ...passing ?"

"Do you have a good food to entertain you...isn't it?"

"Your father was born a thief...right?"


After finishing his mouth cussing addiction, Hàn Dōng

suddenly thought of something and turned to ask the man who
had just opened his mouth. "How do you know that he is the
class leader?"

"Because I'm his father."

Hàn Dōng, "......."

On the second lap, Xixi's pace has slowed down, his face was
flushed with redness, and his calf looks like he can't move.

Hàn Dōng couldn't stand it anymore, he annihilated cigarette

butt and cheer him up.

"My son is running fast and the second after you're done.... I
will came to grab candy with you."

Xixi was obviously shocked. He never knew that Hàn Dōng

would be coming. When Hàn Dōng was shouting at the brat boy,
he did not hear anyone but the other children's relatives.

Nobody knows why, when Xixi heard his voice, his pair of
teeth blinked, waving a small arm struggling to catch up with
the speed, so Hàn Dōng heart felt a kind of perplexed move.

It has been two years since Hàn Dōng has been around Wang
Zhong Ding and Xixi.

For adults, two years may not be a big deal. For children, two
years means a lot.

For Hàn Dōng, two years is longer than the time he had spent
with any relatives in his memory.
Chapter 292 Interrogation In the End
Finally, Xixi did not exceed the little devilish brat.

No way, when you look at it, you would know it. The physique
of the little brat is like Wang Zhong Ding. Unfortunately, Xixi
did not have Hàn Dōng's advantage of long legs.

At the end of the game, Xixi fluttered into Hàn Dōng's arms
with a reluctant unsatisfied little face.

Hàn Dōng sat with him in his lap and stroking his back with
his hand.

"It's okay. This time he won...we'll give him hell next time."

Just finished, the little devilish brat came.

"Xixi, are you angry with me?"

Xixi's little face was affixed to Hàn Dōng's shoulder socket and
he did not make a single statement.

For the average parent, he must have said with a smile: "Rest
assured, he will not be angry with this little thing."

Hàn Dōng squinted at him. "Nonsense, how he can't be angry

when you run so fast?"

the little devilish brat stood at a loss.

Hàn Dōng said again: "What are you doing here?"

"My dad told me to give you a word."


"He said you wait, see will you in the five-kilometer stadium."
Hàn Dōng eyeball eyeball, "Hey, does he dare to talk with me?
Tell your dad, I will be there with him!!"

The little devilish brat ran away scared.

"What is the child's name?" Hàn Dōng asked.

"Zhao Nan." Xixi said.

Hey, it's also the direction series. "What about his father?"
Hàn Dōng asked again.

"Zhao Zhen Bei."

I'm going to go north.. east and west... this is the rhythm of


1].....this is a play of words....Bei means north and Xi means

West....and Han means East
Hàn Dōng immediately said to Xixi: "You have to look right.
You are a son from big family, but ordinary people can't make
it. Do you know what his father is doing?"

" The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television ."

Hàn Dōng's sweating beads rolled off at the time. No wonder

the face of “Limiting Entertainment and Broadcasting Ban”.

"That, Xixi, you have to be mentally prepared. I will be able to

beat him for a while."

Xixi told him soberly: "If you run or don't run, his dad has
already won the marathon championship."

Hàn Dōng, "...really honest."

Like Xixi and Hàn Dōng, for Xixi it did not seem to matter
before playing on the court and waited until they ran up.
"Run, run, ah ..." Xixi small arms anxiously waved.

Hàn Dōng's fingertips are quickly being cramped by himself

..... Can't you see I'm already at my capacity my life is running
from me?

Zhang Zhen Bei quickly overtook Hàn Dōng, and said to him:
“Idol this is so burdensome? Did have to your wear sunglasses?”

Hàn Dōng had no tears. He said early and said that I had
already wore it earlier and he was afraid that you would
recognize it before wearing it...

The first half of marathon Hàn Dōng had to pay attention to

some of the image, after the second half he completely
neglected, his breathing was chaotic, blushing neck veins and
thick swest, next watching the lively parents kept talking.

"Is that Hàn Dōng? Looks like it!"

"It is said that the young actor who played with him is in this

"Isn't it really.... He is the father?"


Hàn Dōng was rubbing his sweat and Zhang Zhen Bei caught
up to him on the second lap.

"I've seen this for the first time for a star who is not with his
own child and is willing to show up for the child."

In fact, Hàn Dōng also did not understand why he did not go
shoot the ads, why come to this exhausting race thing.... but
also why the people pointing at him in the end ..... what is the

On several occasions, Hàn Dōng saw that some parents waved

their hands and said that they couldn't believe themselves. He
also wanted to stop. As soon as he saw Xixi dancing and
cheering on the runway, his two legs seemed to move forward.
If you are not forced to a certain hardship degree, you never
know how important a person is to yourself.

When Hàn Dōng stopped, half of his life was gone, and he said
breathlessly, pointing at Xixi, "If you don't call me father this
time, I won't finish with you."

Xixi's light shined on his teeth and he did not speak.

Hàn Dōng also did not count on it. After calming down, he
asked, "Didn't give you the first position, are you disappointed?"

Xixi shook his head.

Hàn Dōng assured that and he touched his small head and
said, "Classmates are waiting for you. Let's go."

The moment before Xixi turned around, he suddenly called

his father.
Hàn Dōng looked around: Wang Zhong Ding came? where?

When he realized he was played and he was the one called

father, Xixi face had already disappeared.

Fuck me! This reaction speed, Hàn Dōng himself gritted his

However, at the moment he took the foot out, he still felt that
it was worth it.


1]......guys please read this...Han Dōng history was confusing

me so I translated to my best....I'm not Chinese in the end I can
only do my best.....thank you

"Wang, the result of the investigation came out."

Wang Zhong Ding asked quickly: "What is the situation?"

"Hàn Dōng has a quarter or so of Russian ancestry."

After leaving the phone, Wang Zhong Ding said to Er Lei:

"help me arrange a special plane."

Er Lei was bored. "Isn't the ticket for a business trip already

"No business trip."

"Where are you going now?"

"Border village."

For more than a week, Wang Zhong Ding was transferred to

the border villages in Russia and China. Searching the villages
one by one, the third parents would have to dig up the parents
Finally, Wang Zhong Ding found out about the household
registration information related to Hàn Dōng.

But not in Inner Mongolia but in Heihe.

The result of the feedback from the local public security

bureau made Er Lei's pupils blow wide.

"Yes, yes, but he's dead."

"How did he die?"

"Car accident."

The policeman then gave Hàn Dōng's death certificate to Er

Lei. The above picture is clearly like Xixi, and Er Lei body
temperature cooled fast.

This... Is this a movie restoration?

Wang Zhong Ding was very calm and he asked the police:
"When did he die?"

"As a Five-year-old."

Er Lei frowned at the death certificate. "This kid is called Hàn

Tian Wang ?"

"Well, it is said to be the name of the child's grandfather."

"The maternal grandfather?"

"It's the child and the uncle's name."


The policeman also said: "This old man was especially good
and even when the child has not yet been born he could figure
out his birthday. He also said that the grandchild will be a big
star in the future. As a result, the life of the child will not
cover....and the child died, not only the deliberate, but also the
entire family died."

"The whole family?" Er Lei was horrified.

The police nodded. "His uncle, his cousin, his own younger
sister, his mother, his dad, his dearest grandfather... It's safe to
say it's the end of the Hàn name."

Wang Zhong Ding reluctantly calmed his feelings and

continued to say to the police, "Can you speak specifically?"

The police shouted.

"He and his mother were almost killed at the same time when
his mother was pregnant, but his mother died just after he was
born. His grandrafther always bowed in his arms and said that
the child had killed his daughter, so the two broke their
connection. Later, the son had a younger sister, and the brother
and sister died in a car accident. The child could not kill himself
and his father left him home alone. Two years later, his uncle
using his own hands had killed his wife and the old and fled the
sin. The dad's father died after the his son died in a car accident,
the uncle was sentenced to death."

Er Lei was silently rubbing his forehead .... the amount of

information was too great.

1].....Y'all have to forgive I couldn't get this story of Han Dōng

tragic family....really sorry.. left me confused

Wang Zhong Ding did not understand anything. "Is this child
without relative?"

"There is only one. He was gone at a young age."

Wang Zhong Ding doubted that Hàn Dōng had cried about
second uncle all day. Who was the second uncle?

"Can you show me his dad's photo?"

"Let me look for it."

For a while, the police searched the system for the child
father's passport photo. “Well, this was before the car

Er Lei was stunned instantly, because the person in the photo

looks exactly the same as the current Hàn Dōng.

This is simply a realistic version of "Theft of Shadows 2" Ah!

The police sighed. "You have to say that his dad is also very
tough, his brother died, his mother divorced, his dad remarried
to his mother now, and later his uncle, his father were excluded

"You mean that his dad and his uncle are half-brothers?"
asked Er Lei.

The policeman nodded. "Actually, the two brothers are very

similar in looking. One is a five-fingered and the other a six-

"Who is the one with six fingers?" Er Lei asked again.

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied on the side: "Of course it is

his dad. Didn't you know how he was born?"

Okay...Er Lei was silent.

Wang Zhong Ding also said to the police: "Can you give me a
photo of his mother?"

After searching for a while, the police pointed to Wang Zhong


"This is it"

Wang Zhong Ding frowned slightly because he did not see the
characteristics of the mother of the child as a Russian. He also
did not find anything in the child's father as Russian ancestry.
"Is there someone in their family who is of Russian origin?"
Wang Zhong Ding asked.

The policeman said: "Only him."

Wang Zhong Ding was stunned and Er Lei also changed his
face at that moment.

"Can you show me her photo again?"

The policeman said while looking for, “she was a pretty girl in
the village at that time. It was said that her two long legs made
the men lost and fight each other in the whole village, and they
could speak and sing, together with Russian ancestry, and the
film crew looked for her for acting in their movie"

The more Wang Zhong Ding listened the more he was

disturbed in heart, the entire man froze when he saw the
appearance of the photo.

This is entirely like Hàn Damei women's version.

1]..... These people are too look alike even for me to
understand .... heck even Er Lei was confused and he is in the
Chapter 293 I Wish I had never Came
1]......guys please read this...Han Dōng history was confusing
me so I translated to my best....I'm not Chinese in the end I can
only do my best.....thank you .

Later, the police were called out of the station and Er Lei and
Wang Zhong Ding whispered.

“Can Hàn Dōng be his second uncle's child? Were'nt the two
wives pregnant at the same time? Maybe the uncle is the son,
and his aunt is the daughter. His aunt put him aside in order to
have more children. The child got transferred as package, and
then she secretly dealt with the daughter, just as the racoon cat
changed the prince..."

Wang Zhong Ding said: "But Hàn Dōng is six fingers. His uncle
is not."

"His uncle may have a recessive gene. It may not be the same
as the same parent."
"They are half-sibling."

After Er Lei thought for a moment he said: "It depends on

whether the six fingers is present in his grandmother or his

As he said that, the police came in again.

Er Lei asked him: “Which of the children's grandparents is six


The policeman said after a moment: "Looks like I haven't hear

any of his grandparents who were six-fingered. I guess his
grandmother's ex-husband was six-fingered, otherwise his dad
would have been six-fingered."

In this way, Wang Zhong Ding and Er Lei are silent.

Obviously, Hàn Dōng six fingers was born through his father.
However, Wang Zhong Ding is still having problems
understanding. How can this kind of thing be able to defeat his
grandfather? How can Hàn Dōng live peacefully here for five
years? Even if his grandfather and his family broke the
connection, the other villagers have long eyes, so obviously the
volume of head and brown eyes they can not see it too?

Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding asked the police again: "Do you
have any understanding of the child's living conditions?"

The policeman thought carefully and said "The child looked

like he rarely went out. He was locked up at home all year
round. He has heard of having congenital illness. Not only does
he have long hair, but he is still blind."

"Blind?" Wang Zhong Ding has a tight nerve.

The policeman pointed to the photo on the death certificate.

"You see, this his eyes are not closed."

"I thought it was taken when he was sleeping." Er Lei inserted

a sentence next to him.
"No, his eyes are like this and he has never opened them.
When he was a kid, he often beaten by his stepmother because
he couldn't find his way. When he was in the village, if we hear
the child crying. It was definitely in their home. Everyone was
sorry for this kid, but he didn't have any help, because it is not
strictly required that the future life can not take care of

Wang Zhong Ding's heart was tinged with pain.

Because Hàn Dōng was beaten not because he was sleep

walking but because he opened his eyes(stopped sleepwalking).

The age of three or four is the critical period for getting to

know the world with your eyes. How can a small child control
his eyes? The bitterness of the flesh pain that he endure during
the period can be imagined.

Now he finally understands why Hàn Dōng can walk freely

with his eyes closed when he sleepwalks. He also understands
why Hàn Dōng will not wake up when sleepwalking.
It was only this realization that made him sad.

As a father, it is difficult for Wang Zhong Ding to imagine

what would happen to Xixi.

It was possible to see that Wang Zhong Ding was in an

abnormal mood. Er Lei then said to the police: "We have to go,
today ..."

“Wait.” Wang Zhong Ding interrupted Er Lei, and the scarlet

scorpion turned to the police again. “Tell me where his father's
car crash occurred.”

Er Lei advised: "Forget it."

Wang Zhong Ding did not move.

The police gave Wang Zhong Ding an address on the site. This
address is exactly what Hàn Dōng said in his mouth where he
grew up, a remote mountainous area in Inner Mongolia.
Wang Zhong Ding once again flew to the place by air.

Unlike the last time someone was sent to this place, Wang
Zhong Ding no longer investigates Hàn Dōng, but directly
investigates Han Dong's father.

Information was provided by the local village committee


"You said that man? He was not born in our village, but later
came to our village."

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "Has he brought anyone?"

"There was a child who looks like he was blind."

"Blind?" Er Lei doubted.

The director nodded. "The child followed him all day long."
Wang Zhong Ding and Er Lei took a look at each other, and
what he was consciously aware of.

"You continue," said Er Lei.

"I remember that the man was drinking all day long, and he
even wasn't looking for a good job. He was counting on his
nephew to raise money for him would keep his pigs."

Wang Zhong Ding frowned. "When he came to with the blind

child, he was only five or six years old? How could the child
support an adult?"

"You don't know this, he's a god, and when he was young, he
did arts and crafts. He often brings his nephew to the town and
sells it now. Many passers-by look at the child's pity and buy
from him. Then the man took the money everywhere to drink,
and the child often did not have enough to eat."

Wang Zhong Ding suddenly remembered when he gave Hàn

Dōng his haircut, and Hàn Dōng shouted at him with the
phrase, "Second Uncle, give me some money."
The director went on to say: "He was finally retributed, and he
was killed on the road by his car. His nephew who was always
with him but on that day the uncle was alone. Only then did the
child flee."

1].....So Han Dōng was instinctively even when he was

young...he knows a bad thing is gonna happen and how to avoid

Hear everything here seemed to be straightened out.

Hàn Dōng was born to his mom and his father. He was raised
by his father and his stepmother. Later his stepmother gave
birth to a younger sister. When the two children went out
together with family.... They suffered a car accident, Hàn Dōng
survived but his sister died and his stepmother could not
remember so she commited suicide, and his dad worried that
Hàn Dōng's life experience was discovered sooner or later, he
lied that both children were dead. He also gave Hàn Dōng a
death certificate and secretly took him to his hometown.

As for why his step mother suffered a car accident, Wang

Zhong Ding conjectured that his stepmother wanted to kill Hàn
Dōng. As a result, she killed her daughter and thus committed

When Hàn Dōng was young, he had witnessed his sister's

accident. He was overstimulated and blocked this childhood

So much so that Hàn Dōng's life afterwards repeated his

rituals, he went to Inner Mongolia, and his father reeducated

Maybe it is self-blame or perhaps troubles childhood, and his

dad described Hàn Dōng as a child of his brother's brother-in-
law and he himself became his second uncle

In fact, the second uncle that Hàn Dōng screamed was his own

However, the truth was eventually discovered.

His father could not bear the betrayal of his wife and killed
Hàn Dōng's mother and grandfather.
1].....this man killed Han Dōng mother and maternal
grandfather because Han Dōng step mother wanted to kill Han
Dōng and the step mother accidentally instead killed her own
daughter and killed herself..... And fearing The Han Dōng
uncles from his real mother side would come to kill him and
Han Dōng do he sent Han Dōng away......why all this drama
why not just not kill Han Dōng real mother....

Perhaps it was someone who was reported it or it circulated.

Perhaps he had a hunch..... his father would send Hàn Dōng
away overnight.

That is, the night when Hàn Dōng began to cry when he
remembered, his second uncle cut his hair for the last time. It
wasn't for grooming and delivery, but he was afraid to be killed
by his uncle from the mother side

After all, killing one is killing and killing two is still killing.

What's more, Hàn Dōng has been a dead man in his household

After a long time, Er Lei suddenly spoke.

“You tell me... Did Hàn Dōng know that his father died in a
car accident??”

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "He is expected to be so

accurate in reading goryunes. How could he not know?"

Er Lei also thought about it. "If he doesn't know, there will be
a second car accident in "Theft of Shadows 2".

How would two people die in "Theft of Shadows 1"?

" Actually, the script reflects the sadness in the subconscious.

It's just that this was something his concious deliberately

"I don't want to speak about this anymore. Let's go."

On the plane back, Wang Zhong Ding drunk himself drunk.

For the first time, Er Lei saw Wang Zhong Ding's appearance.
The hard-to-disguise pains permeated from every fluff on his
body, and even the air contained a repressed smell.

From the beginning to the end, Wang Zhong Ding only said
one sentence.

"I would rather never come here."


Hàn Dōng had been paralyzed for more than a week. He was
apathetic every day, and he could not speak with Xixi.

“You said...what did you do when your father went on a

business trip? didn't you have so many letters in a lot of days?
Are you ready to be taken down to your grandpa?”
Xixi just rang to speak and the door rang.

"Daddy." Xixi quickly rushed past.

Wang Zhong Ding is like no one else, he was rubbing Xixi's

small face, and asked: "Were you thinking about dad?"

"Uh huh."

Hàn Dōng leaned against the wall playing cool. "Really? I

thought you were tied up."

In the past, when Wang Zhong Ding heard this, he must have
turned a blind eye to it. Today, Wang Zhong Ding actually made
a one-of-a-kind loss face and made Hàn Dōng's heartbeat slip to
the ground.

What is this situation he was in?

After so many days of long journeys, Wang Zhong Ding

planned to make a good hot bath. When he first entered the
bathroom, he was ambushed by a kick in his pants.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ... ..." Hàn Dōng had a bad laughter.

Hàn Dōng also used his shoe to welcome the man. As a result,
Wang Zhong Ding's arm forced a hook on his neck and he pulled
Hàn Dōng into his arms and kissed him.

Hàn Dōng was like an inflammable material, giving it a little

spark, and he completely forgot about Wang Zhong Ding's
unusual attitude when he arrived .....because of maybe Wang
unusual attitude is directly related to him.
Chapter 294 You May Have Become a
"Keep your legs open and let me touch tha-..." Wang Zhong
Ding asked roughly in Hàn Dōng's ear.

Hàn Dōng deliberately opened his legs and placed a foot

directly on Wang Zhong Ding's face to tease him.

In exchange for peace of mind, Hàn Dōng's stinky foot did not
averse Wang. Today, Wang Zhong Ding was caught in a hustle
with a gentle foreplay and sucked his toe in his mouth...

Hàn Dōng's blood pressure went up and he immediately

jumped Wang Zhong Ding.

This lingering long-term absence from sex persisted for a long

time, and in the end it had entered the realm of extreme self-
interest. Wang Zhong Ding said a lot of NSFW swearing words
and vented these days of repression, pain, distress and his deep
love for Hàn Dōng.
Hàn Dōng slept after that heavy sex marathon

In the middle of the night, he woke up in a gloomy mood. The

first sight caught in his eyes were two eyes full of pity.

Hàn Dōng put his hand on Wang Zhong Ding's cheek and
lazily asked, "Why have you not slept?"

Wang Zhong Ding grabbed his hand and said lightly: "Looking
at you."

Hàn Dōng kissed him on his lips, just as he was to continue to

sleep, he felt a heavy pressure up.

"I said you could look at it, why do you still use your hand to
touch it?" Hàn Dōng smiled.

Wang Zhong Ding did not explain, once again he kissed him.
Hàn Dōng woke up the next morning and looked

From top to bottom, from head to toe, there is no place that

has no hickeys.

"I'm going to... how can I hide this..."

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhong Ding said something next to him.

"Why do you have to cover it?"

"You are not afraid of people gossiping?"

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "If you want to let them
see....then we let them see it."

Looking at Wang Zhong Ding's casual look, Hàn Dōng

wondered how suddenly he became so mad crazy?

Because Hàn Dōng did not shoot the ads as expected,
advertisers had very large opinions. Shen spent many times
running and their attitude was very tough.

"We will choose more sincere artist cooperation, please sorry

to trouble you to go back please.

Shèn Hua did not give up. "You can't just think about
sincerity, but you have to consider the effect of shooting. After
all, this is about promotion of products."

The advertiser laughed and said, "Effects? Where are your

results? I haven't even seen a black and white photo yet."

"Give us a little time and we will definitely offer the best

finished product."

"Oh...when you take it and said it again."

In the early days of Shen's contact with the photography team

there was a series of collisions.
"I told you that there has never been a big names that dares to
stood us up l. Your family is the first one. Go back and say we
can't wait for him."

Shèn Hua explained, "He really had a hurrying emergency on

that day."

“Is there an emergency that can't be notified in advance? How

much do you know about these people and how much is the cost
of these machines in one minute? Tens of thousands!”

"We can compensate you for your losses."

"You can afford my loss, can you afford for me to lose my


"We apologize to you on top of paying you?"

"Don't tell us, we can't stand it. Isn't your home movie actor
strong in the background? Directly wearing a good gold watch,
what photography team can come to that height?"
It was anxious for Shen to begin. "Advertisers can name your
company whichever wants to shoot."

"Oh, that's honorable, but we don't have time."

Shèn Hua just had to say again, a familiar voice came from the
doorway of the studio.

"Master Zhang, are you busy?"

Shèn Hua turned her head and saw Feng Mu's smile came in
with a signboard, followed by Li Shang.

The person in charge of the shooting was Zhang immediately

changed his attitude and politely asked: "Sister Fang, how did
you come free?"

"I have an artist who wants to shoot big ads. I would like to
ask if you have any time recently."
The person in charge frowns for a moment. "You have been

When Shen first took a shower, she exploded and said, "Why
do you want to squeeze us?"

"What do you want to shoot?" asked Feng Mu.

After Shèn Hua finished speaking, Feng Mu's moment

revealed an incomprehensible expression.

"Is it wrong? Wasn't this advertisement to be handed over to

Li Tian Bang? Didn't advertisers not tell you?"

Shèn Hua just had to speak, and Zhang's person was worried.

"What time does it take for a substitution to follow me? Is it

fun to play?"
"No... I……"

"Can we trouble you to go out."


Shèn Hua eventually turned helplessly.

The person in charge of everything, Zhang rekindled in the

chatter. “Sending a small assistant to make trouble is no
problem. They also sent a ugly one, so you don't take us
seriously. Not to mention Li Tian's qualifications are so good,
it's worse than him. In grades, we can make the same level."

"Well, well, don't get angry." Feng Mu advised.

Zhang responsible person only shut up.

When Xiao Liang saw Shèn Hua taking a bad face coming out,
he knew that it was a bad thing.

"Or...when are we talking to Wang?"

Shen spent a bit hesitantly. "This matter was originally Hàn

Dōng's mistake. Li Shang being the replacement is also
reasonable. Wang always thinks clearly and justify things for
him... talking will certainly not help. He must really do so.
What other people in the company think? That Feng Mu's spit
stars will be able to kill him. You must know that Wang always
values ​word of mouth."

It's also reasonable to think about it. "Maybe Hàn Dōng will
have to end up."

Just finished, Wang Zhong Ding's phone call came.

Shèn Hua's hands were frozen a while.

"Finally, Wang knows this thing. Before he left, he made me

look after Hàn Dōng..."
Xiao Liang urged her, "You quick go on to answer it, and a
second later, Wang Zhong Ding will blame you more."

Shèn Hua quickly picked up the phone.


Wang Zhong Ding's simple and straightforward sentence,

"Come to my office."

Shen had a sad face and put her mobile phone.

Xiao Liang patted her, "I wish you luck."

Before Shèn Hua took off, he gave Hàn Dōng a phone call and
told him about it. He pleaded, "You're the boss, you can come
and save me."

Hàn Dōng calmly said: "Rest assured, I will fix things with

The phone under the arm is purple. How do you explain this
to him? Went to your son sports game? But also ran a few
countdown? Wang Zhong Ding is not a unreasonable man.

But the big words have been released, but now is it not too

In the end, Hàn Dōng still braced himself.

It was only at the door of Wang Zhong Ding's office that he

discovered that Feng Mu had just come over. Then he hesitated
for a moment and planned to look at the situation first.

Shèn Hua was explaining things with Wang Zhong Ding at

this time.

"Wang Zhong Ding, I really advised him at the time, but he

insisted on going. I couldn't stop..."
"Come on," Wang Zhong Ding asked directly. "What did the
photography company say?"

"They didn't say anything." Shen did not dare to look at Wang
Zhong Ding.

At this time Feng Mu pushed the door again.

Shèn Hua heart was silently finished

Wang Zhong Ding picked up the phone directly and called the
person in charge at the base of Zhong Ding.

"How is Director Li? No. 8 whats going on in that studio?"

After hearing No. 8 Studio, Feng Mu's face changed instantly.

She had already heard that No. 8 Studio was to be built into the
most luxurious studio in Asia with several floors of a warehouse
base! There are tens of millions of lamps, and an ordinary lamp
must be costing 40,000 or 50,000 yuans. There is no top level
shooting scene that cannot be controlled at all.
Does he want to give Hàn Dōng an exception to shoot there?
He wouldn't do this? Feng Mu thought.

“The interior decoration is basically completed, and the

photographic equipment is all in place. After some time, it can
be opened for business,” said the person in charge there.

Wang Zhong Ding replied: "No need."


"Without business, it is directly to become the exclusive studio

for Hàn Dōng."

Feng Mu's face was white instantly.

Wang Zhong Ding continued to use the tone of peace: "In

addition to the shooting, large-scale movie lights should be
continuously illuminated and the real movie film should be
filmed. Directors, assistant guides, field work, lighting
divisions, recordings, and photographers all specific for him. All
the world-class standards, special plane shuttle."

"Ok, I see."

When Wang Zhong Ding finished his mobile phone, Shèn Hua
felt super stupid for a long time.

Feng Mu is even with more a horrified expression.

"Wang you..."

Wang Zhong Ding glanced at her. "Is there something wrong?"

Feng Mu reluctantly stabilized her emotions and handed Li

Shang's sketches to Wang Zhong Ding.

"I think you should be responsible for the fruits of my work

and Li Shang."
Wang Zhong Ding opened his hands and said, "No problem,
we will let advertisers choose the best."

Feng Mu was completely speechless.

Shèn Hua spent more time being stunned than Feng Mu.
When she went out, she also walked and drifted.

Hàn Dōng did not listen it clearly from outside. He saw Shèn
Hua was walking out he asked quickly, "What did he say?"

Hàn Dōng's hands were filled with sweating.

"You may really have become a god."

Hàn Dōng, "......."

Chapter 295, She Would only be
Inseparable From Me.
Cai Peng received a call from Cai Shun and quickly arrived at a
bar in Sanlitun.

Feng Mu was drinking a stuffy drink alone.

"Feng Sister, you have a free time to visit here today?" Cai
Peng joined her.

Feng Mu's ignored him and she replied: “Is it any of your

Cai Peng said that to her before signing Li Shang, Feng Mu's
heart did not make a decision. However, Wang Zhong Ding's
feelings were mainly considered. After all, Li Shang was trained
from the Zhong Ding Group, and she also suspended the trump
card in her hand. Once this sign is out, it is likely to have an
impact on Wang Zhong Ding's position in her heart.

More importantly, Feng Mu has a wait-and-see attitude

toward the future development trend of Hengyu Media. After
all, all the strengths of Zhong Ding Group are far higher than
those of Hengyu.

Therefore, she said bluntly: “Li Shang's affairs was

temporarily shelved.”

Cai Peng smiled. "I'm not in a hurry. I'm waiting for Feng Mu
come with him."

Feng Mu turned her head. "What did you say?"

Cai Peng's big hand is not very kind. It latched Feng Mu's
waist, and his strong male voice fluttered into her ear.

“Feng Sister, I've increasingly discovered that you're

beautiful. With this kind of looks and your mind, if you're
walking on the artist's path, that path will lead to heaven.”

Feng Mu moved to the side in a defensive manner, "keep

yourself far from me."
Cai Peng not only did not let go but also pulled Feng Mu into
his arms.

"Aren't you alone in making a wedding dress for someone

else? Are you not alone?"

"Cai Peng, I warn you....if you dare to push it... I will never let
it go!"

Cai Peng manly breath has become more and more intensified
and even started to overpower Feng Mu.

"I haven't slept with a strong woman..... but I have slept with
countless women. I really want to change my mouth taste

"You are crazy!" One of Feng Mu hand slammed his face to Cai

Unfortunately, the strength is very weak, Cai Peng easily

grabbed her shaking wrist. Feng Mu wanted to call the two
bodyguards around her for the sake of tranquility. At this
moment, she wanted to call out and Cai Peng choked her and
dragged her into the box.

“Feng Sister, those little white-faced people who you have

been sleeping for so many years are really wronging you. Today,
I will let you know and understand what a taste of a real man
is.” Cai Peng said, pressing her down.

Feng Mu yelled a scream instant.

After more than two hours, Cai Peng walked out from the box

Cai Shun asked with a slight worry: "You've done her so hard,
and you don't worry that she will retaliate against you?"

Cai Peng smiled at his mouth. "She can only live without me."

Feng Mu was lying on a large bed full of shredded clothes. Her

brain was blank for more than two hours.
She could hardly imagine that she would make such a high
pitched moans during her lifetime, and she was still under the
control of a beast. It is a kind of physical pleasure that only
makes us think about horror of it happening. It seems that the
concept of sex has collapsed in more than 30 years. There is a
kind of unsatisfying great satisfaction in humiliation...

In the following days, Feng Mu did not go to Cai Peng, she did
not submit to him. Instead, she was running around for the
upcoming film festival.

"Theft of Shadows 2" was not unexpectedly become the

biggest hit of this festival.

The three starring, Hàn Dōng, Li Shang, Xià Yang Zhuo are
also the best candidates for the best actor, best supporting actor.

Feng Mu is busy with this "best supporting actor."

It is reasonable to say that Li Shang has taken two

heavyweight best actor and should not have a hard time for the
best supporting actor. But this time it means different things.
There are only two people who are shortlisted - Li Shang and
Hàn Dōng.

Therefore, Feng Mu did a lot of preliminary preparations, and

she heated the topic of the two supporting roles of the two . On
the one hand, she could undermine Xià Yang Zhuo's thunder.
On the other hand, she could create an explosion point for Li
Shang winning.

Facts have proved that her hype is very successful, and fans
have even paid more attention to this award than the best actor.

The award ceremony was held as scheduled.

When the best supporting actor was announced, everyone's

heart was hanging at that moment.

"I announced that the winner of the best actor for this year's
XX Film Festival is - "The big screen began to scroll through the
exciting scenes of Li Shang and Hàn Dōng. After a period of
intense music, the mystery was finally revealed.
"Li Tian Bang!"

Yu Ming secretly yelled "Fuck". Hàn Dōng didn't care. He had

already predicted it.

After Li Shang went to the stage, the host deliberately asked Li

Shang: "Li Tian Bang. You have already taken the two best male
actor. Now you are the best supporting actor? Are you as excited
as you think?"

Li Shang said: "No, I'm particularly excited, because this

award is very different for me."

"How is it different?" the host asked wilfully.

Li Shang looked at Hàn Dōng to the audience and said in an

intriguing joke: "Because I defeated the international actor."

A round of applause and laughter.

The cameras directly faced Hàn Dōng.

Special apprentice !!! Hàn Dōng applauded him.

As time progresses, the best actor will soon be announced.

In a movie festival before this, Xià Yang Zhuo if he wins the

best actor with this film. If this award is awarded, he will
become the youngest player as Li Shang and Hàn Dōng, and will
be the " youngest actor in China. "

Such achievements are unheard of at home.

"I announced that the best actor for this year's XX Film
Festival is - "The guest who is celebrating the event laughs, "Our
national idol... Xià Yang Zhuo."

Hearing this result, the group of fans waiting outside was

almost went mad. To know that Xià Yang Zhuo had won such a
heavyweight award, it was equivalent to their high level of
recognition of aesthetic standards.
The chairman of the Film Association was sitting around
Wang Zhong Ding. Hearing these words, he couldn't help but
praise: “Wang Zhong Ding is really ah, two years ago, our
mainland actor is still in a situation where there is no successor.
This is an instant when we have three....."

Wang Zhong Ding smiled. "Unfortunately, the actress here are

weak again."

"Slowly we all will get there I believe in you."

Although Feng Mu was not concerned about Xià Yang Zhuo,

she still snorted when she heard the award.

"However, the congenital conditions are better, and the acting

is not as good as you are. When you complete the surgery, you
are guaranteed to be superior to him. Then you have to rely on
what you have."

Li Shang said in reverse: "I hope that he will be more

prosperous. The more dangerous he is on this side, the more
dangerous he is on Hàn Dōng's side. It is necessary to know that
in the " Feng Mang" Xià Yang Zhuo is giving Hàn Dōng a
supporting role."

Feng Mu smiled coldly. “Wang always played loudly, and the

two films were one match and one with two. It's a pity that Xià
Yang Zhuo can afford to have Hàn Dōng serve him. Hàn Dōng
may not be able to afford it. If you take Xià Yang Zhuo as the
Lord. If you can play it, you will see how Wang ends."

Li Shang did not say anything.

The host once again spoke: "The next we will award the best
screenwriter, there are invited guests."

The original audience of the audience felt that this award will
go to none other than the Department of Liberal Arts. As a
result, the honored guest stunned at the moment of seeing the
list of winners, making the original award more mysterious.

"I announced that the best screenwriter for this XX Film

Festival is - Hàn Dōng."
The entire studio was silent.

Was the jury wrong? Hàn Dōng was the screenwriter? What
did he write?

The guest went on to read: "Winning work - "Theft of

Shadows 1" and "Theft of Shadows 2".

Everyone were stunned...... isn't he?

Hàn Dōng who was making a fuss and hearing this was a
shock for him

what's the situation?

Zhong Ding Group Literature Department stood up and took

the lead to applaud for Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng regained his ambiguity and waved his two long legs
that had been stunned. He took to the stage with thunderous

The awarding guests are the chairpersons of the Film

Association sitting around Wang Zhong Ding. The awards
words are only four words - "he is well-deserved."

Hàn Dōng has a faint trophy and he does not believe that
Wang Zhong Ding will let him out of such a limelight.

However, Wang Zhong Ding's eyes went back to him in

addition to praise and distressed, this is an honor that should
have belonged to Hàn Dōng, he felt like he owed him.

Feng Mu's original plan was very good. She only brewed the
tense atmosphere between Li Shang and Hàn Dōng, and further
created a conflict through Li Shang's awards. She succeeded in
pushing Li Shang into the headlines.

As a result, the six head lines that caught the eyebrows are:
"The film festival has exploded again. Hàn Dōng, the
international movie star, was actually the creator of the "Theft
of Shadows" series."
Then when you open another portal site and it still occupy the
headlines is Hàn Dōng's winning message.

Feng Mu dialed the editor's phone. “We agreed to put Li Tian's

news in advance?”

"Sorry, Feng sister, this came down from the editor .... We
have no power to decide."

Feng Mu's face changed, and she searched for other websites
and found that Hàn Dōng's news had dominated all headlines in
the entertainment section. In order to maintain its uniqueness,
some websites also deliberately select different news headlines
from other websites, but this time without exception the news
of Hàn Dōng was everywhere.

This is not only the website, but also newspapers and

television. The news is madly reported everywhere.
Chapter 296 Exactly What I Wanted.
Li Shang name did not see any headlines, and even his
mention did not line up, because Yu Ming was too prescient, not
even by directing Xià Yang Zhuo can get headlines, so when Xià
Yang Zhuo had to directly withdraw and seek second, there
were remaining few good positions to go.

In the end, Li Shang not only he did not grab any good
position, but also attracted an overnight pass.

When Feng Mu paid for Li Shang to express his awards in

order to highlight his bluntness, Hàn Dōng “who carelessly”
took the best screenwriter, resulting in counterproductive

"What about defeating the actor? If there was no script from

Han would he get the best supporting actor award?"

"I see him in the old quarter. Wasn't Tears written by him?
It's really weak."
"I used to like Li Tian Bang before. Now...hehe..."


Feng Mu hated the notebook and closed his eyes.

Even if the "Theft of Shadows" script is well-written, the

screenwriter belongs to behind-the-scenes personnel. If no one
manipulates it secretly, it is impossible to produce such a big

Those who have this ability, could only come from the Zhong
Ding Group.

For a whole day, Feng Mu's mood was shrouded in a dark


Not only because of the efforts of many days were lost in a

course of few moments but also because of Wang Zhong Ding's
sudden change of attitude, her heart was slightly uneasy.
After work, all employees left the company.

Feng Mu also stared at the computer screen in a daze.

Suddenly, the office doorbell rang.

"Please come in."

A steady and powerful footsteps came closer and closer.

Feng Mu turned her head and her face changed drastically.

"Why did you come?"

Cai Peng still has a brute smile on his face. "I missed you."

“I warn you that this is the office of Zhong Ding Group. As

soon as the alarm bell is pressed, there will be security guards
rushing in.”

Cai Peng's hand flew directly at the fragile part of Feng Mu


"I am afraid that when they rush in, you wouldn't want them
to be in here better than I am."

"No, you get off of me, ah..."

Cai Peng placed Feng Mu's two legs on the two armrests of the
office chair, cut a big hole in the middle of the suit pants with
scissors, and fingered up her vagina in an extremely humiliating

Once Feng Mu began to resist extremely, and afterwards, she

shouted hysterically till he let go.

Hàn Dōng was going home and suddenly saw that Cai Peng
had not come from a distance.
"What are you doing here?"

Cai Peng said faintly: "To fuck you."

"Fuck, you shouldn't be dutiful to me." Hàn Dōng turned to

Xiao Liang and said, "Let's go."

Cai Peng seized Hàn Dōng.

Xiao Liang and the other five bodyguards shot together and
they failed to make Cai Peng release his hand.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Cai Peng's eyes were wedged on Hàn Dōng's face like nails
mixed with indescribably complex emotions.

He found that he could have anyone but not Hàn Dōng.

This process no one knows how long it lasted. Eventually Cai
Peng let go and strode out of Hàn Dōng's sight.


In the twinkling of an eye, at the end of the year, major

companies are busy with summary reports. Zhong Ding Group
is no exception.

Wang Zhong Ding ordered Er Lei to distribute draft plans for

the coming year to the managers of each department.

Everyone saw this draft as an idea - Fucking unbelievable, this

is one too and he is a "special favor", right?

The plan prepared by Wang Zhong Ding personally included

all investments and business activities for the next year.
Regardless of Hàn Dōng's preferential treatment in movies and
TV dramas, he said this advertisement and one person was
madly in twenty eight top brands shoots, isn't this a bit
"Is it even safe to talk about it?" Some people asked weakly.

Wang Zhong Ding replied with a steady voice: "These are not
things we talk about, but when they come to talk about it, we
can apply."

Everyone was calm at heart.

One page..... Feng Mu looked down, her face gradually

changed, became more and more ugly.

Li Shang as a popular artist, had less arrangement of events,

but actually they were not as good as last years!

“Wang Zhong Ding, I think the company's arrangement for Li

Tian Bang is somewhat oversimplified?”

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "It was originally very

detailed, but he had many conflicts with Hàn Dōng and I could
only choose one."
Feng Mu could hardly believe that this was said from Wang
Zhong Ding's mouth, and that it was still in the public arena.

"Do you have any questions?"

When Wang Zhong Ding askes it, no one answered him for a
second. "Well, that's it."

Everyone, "......."

When Feng Mu wanted to call Wang Zhong Ding, he wasn't


Two department managers talked about it to each other.

"What is this ecstasy for Wang Zhong Ding?"

"I think that this time, Wang is really real off to the deep end."
"I heard that he transferred some of the shares to Hàn Dōng."

"Isn't that just the right thing to say, 'Fortunately, I didn't

mess with the boss wife , or I woul be in difficult in the days that


Feng Mu filled with depression went to find Feng Jun to ask

about the situation.

"What happened to Wang?"

Feng Jun, an unknown expression, "What's wrong?"

"Don't you find that Mr. Wang's recent changes have been
particularly great?"

Since becoming the vice president, Feng Jun has become a

very busy person. In addition to signing discussions, he rarely
enters Wang Ding's office again, so there is no awareness of
Feng Mu's claim.

"How did he change?"

Feng Mu calmly said: "he is obstinate and domineering."

"He is?" Feng Jun completely without feeling.

"Why not? Didn't you read today's plan? Didn't you see the
entertainment pages of the past few days? The company was
almost ready to work for Hàn Dōng exclusively"

"Why do you say this?" Feng Jun doesn't care. "It's all in the
plan. Wang always wanted to hold him up. He was just not ripe

"Peony, help me to hand over this material to the Finance
Department." Feng Jun interrupted first.

Feng Mu just wanted to continue and Feng Jun's cell phone

rang again.

"Today, Hello, Hello. I'll be there soon."

Your cell phone will not leave you with a greeting.

Feng Mu was full of grievances, but she did not have a suitable
object of confession. Li Shang is the kind of person who do not
know when he bite, he told her that he is not as good as himself.

Going home to eat some things, Feng Mu went to bed.

In the darkness, Cai Peng's face suddenly appeared in her


That wild masculine face.

And all kinds of unsightly scenes and ecstasy taste...

I can't stand it.

Feng Mu only listened to Shen Yan, but never knew that a

kind of male violence would make people unable to stop
thinking of them.

As a result, she reached out to her own private area.

At the time of its rise, the door was suddenly pushed open,
and a strong flashlight light entered into the room, exactly
where she could not speak.

"Feng Sister, you have a lot of fun."

"How did you come in?" Feng Mu's face showed a moment of

Without any explanation, Cai Peng passed directly to her,

inserting a false instrument that glows and heats up into that
hungry and thirsty place

1]......a hungry and thirsty Toe


After the fucking, Cai Peng did not leave . Instead, he took the
advantages of when Feng Mu couldn't think straight to mention
the matter of changing jobs with her.

“How could he do this kind of thing to with Wang's

......a relationship with him for more than ten years?”

“Co-work?” Cai Peng laughed, “Is it about money?”

Feng Mu does not deny that "I was a businesswoman. It is also

a matter of justice for money. Does Hengyu Media have such
economic strength?"
"You haven't come yet?"

Feng Mu body went stiffly.

Cai Peng also said: "Didn't you see the form yet? Your master
has been fascinated by Hàn Dōng's fascination. You follow him
you're going to destroy yourself."

Feng Mu was moved by Cai Peng for a moment, but she soon
recovered her wisdom.

"Don't say it again, I've got to decide for myself."


Second, Feng Mu, who was forced to rush, directly dumped Li

Shang's contract on Wang Zhong Ding's desk.

"Li Shang wants to cancel the contract with the company."

Wang Zhong Ding has no expression change.

The fault of Feng Mu is that she thought that once Wang

Zhong Ding saw her excitement, then he would put pressure on
Hàn Dōng.

"Ten times the liquidated damages have been prepared."

Wang Zhong Ding said: "No need."

Feng Mu immediately replied, "Li Shang has already decided

on this"

"I mean there is no penalty."

"What?" Feng Mu's face suddenly changed.

Wang Zhong Ding only said four words, but these four words
made Feng Mu remember for a lifetime.
" Exactly What I Wanted " Wang Zhong Ding said.

All those who make Hàn Dōng feel a grudge, it is best to have
them as far as how far away.
Chapter 297 Thrilling Transformation
Early in the morning, Yu Ming was awakened by a call from
Hàn Dōng.

"Why are you doing up so early?" Yu Ming's voice was filled

with thick annoyed scent.

Hàn Dōng sighed over there. "Hey, your buddy have abeen
drowned recently and insomnia has been a few days."

"What are you moaning about? You are proud of it."

"I didn't joke with you. There were some things I couldn't say
clearly on the phone. You come out and we will find a place to

Yu Ming still reluctantly climbed out of his warm bed.

Half an hour later, he saw Hàn Dōng, who had a ruddy face
and redness in his eyes, and his mouth was unnaturally drawn
twice. In this way, if he dares to say that he insomnia? It really
is he is disease free.

“Say.... do you think that Wang Zhong Ding has been

particularly strange recently?” Hàn Dōng directly expressed his

Yu Ming's reaction was the same as Feng Jun. "I don't think

"You haven't felt it yet? How can it feel when he is strange?"

“Is it arrogance? I think it's wise. When this section is no

longer holding you up, will you still wait?”

Hàn Dōng looked at his hypocritical tangles. "The main thing

is that I think he did it a bit too high-profile change, that's is not
in line with his past personality."

“The entertainment industry is not an industry that is fairly

competitive, and it has to be differentiated from the beginning,
such as 369 and 609. If industry leaders don't have this
identification capability, what entertainment company would
he control?.”

"The problem is that he didn't do it like this before. He is like a

suddenly changed person."

“This was not because at the time you were not mature
enough. Didn't you tell me about the development plan that Mr.
Wang gave you? There are brewing stages in front of us. Now
it's time for your career to take off, and there will certainly be
differences in Wang's manner in the pre- and post- career

"What I want to emphasize is not his attitude but the question

of his temperament. His personality changed a lot?"

Yu Ming replied lukewarmly: "I don't live with him. How

would I know?"

"Can you think about my problems? Your buddy's very upset

Yu Ming turned his gaze to Hàn Dōng. "Then you tell me
about what changes he has?"

Hàn Dōng thought for a moment and said, “I'll give you an
example. I met an intractable reporter at the airport that day
and he asked about my life. According to the past, Wang Zhong
Ding would certainly send a reporter away in a few words. He
didn't say anything that day.... When one of them slumped, the
reporter did not get up on the ground.”

Although Yu Ming also felt that was a bit overdone, he still

said: "In fact, this is not the first time. Do you remember about
the last time Sun Mu humiliated you, Wang did not fight"

"Sun Mu originally owed money, but the reporter could not be

too aggressive. He just asked a few more personal questions. I
don't know how Wang Zhong Ding controlled it."

"Wasn't he happy that day?"

"No, when I got on the car, He also talked about the

renovation of my new house."
Speaking of new house decoration, Hàn Dōng remembered
one thing.

"Do you remember the wooden bed I made before? That is the
one made with yew tree."

How can Yu Ming not remember it? He was the one who
watched it get taken away.

"He actually gave it back to me! He put it in the bedroom of

the new house and said that he would never change my life."

Hearing this, Yu Ming is also silent.

He still remembers deeply the angry face of Wang Zhong Ding

at that time. If it is true, as Hàn Dōng said, then how can Wang
Zhong Ding's forgetfulness be too great?

Hàn Dōng said, “What does Wang Zhong Ding think most
about this person? Shame! When did he say what he said? When
he moved out of the bed, he didn't mention the original thing.
He said directly: Didn't you like it? Go and go to your new

"Maybe he was happy that day."

"Yes, I'm glad that if one day is possible. If I'm happy every
day, I'll be a little bit too young? Before I trained every three
times and five, you now talking about what I'm talking about,
and I don't have black faces. He used to criticize me and say I
don't want to be serious..... Now he is serious now I've got a
bunch of devices that he let me drum up..."

Hàn Dōng said a lot in one breath and Yu Ming understood it.

"You are coming to show off to me?"

Hàn Dōng was arguing, "Not really, I really do not know the
bottom of it, Nobody knows how suddenly he became like this."

"Perhaps you are getting hotter in the circuits now. He is

worried that you will be taken away and he will be in crisis."
Even Yu Ming feels it was a bit far-fetched after saying it,
because Wang Zhong Ding's appearance in recent days does not
seem to be a sense of crisis. He has spread all day with great
fanfare to publicize you and how to blew it up.

Hàn Dōng also said, "He is now exceeding self-confidence. One

day I asked him. 'If you kept holding me like that, aren't you be
afraid of us being caught?' What do you think he said? He said
'they should stare, anyway. You are mine anyway', and I said in
case I want to run off with someone? He returned a sentence to
me in a particularly calm manner: You can't run.”

"What is wrong with these men?" Yu Ming doubts its


Hàn Dōng nodded his head. "Yes, such words come from him
from time to time."

Yu Ming is still trying to find rationality for this matter.

"Perhaps he thought this way before, that is, he did not want
to express himself. He thought that now that he has been with
you for a long time he would reveal his true nature."

"I don't mean to say anything. It's the ones things he

expressed sometimes. Really..." Hàn Dōng grinned.

Yu Ming's interest has been hooked up. How can Hàn Dōng
have difficulty opening his mouth? How shameful is it?

Hàn Dōng came to Yu Ming's ear and said in a nervous tone:

“One night when we both were doing it, he actually called”

Yu Ming's face was frozen.

Before he could rack his brains to come up with various

reasons as to why this sound "baby" being said from Wang
Zhong Ding's mouth, but it really is ... Yu Ming is too fucking

"When did he start to change?" Yu Ming asked.

Hàn Dōng carefully thought, "It looks like it was after a
business trip."

"Then you didn't ask him what he did on that business trip?"

"He said he went to business."

"Who came with him? Why don't you ask that person?"

"I asked Er Lei. What Er Lei is the same as what he said."

Yu Ming frowned. "Then it's bad"

Hàn Dōng began to ponder again. "You tell me....he could not
be brainwashed by any master?"

"If he had been brainwashed, he would have gone to someone

"Heey on. What do you mean?"

Yu Ming raised his lips. "Well, if it's enough for you. What's
the reason?"

"It's very good. He is particularly awkward. Sometimes I even

want to get into some trouble and ask him to kick me."

Yu Ming said, "You are smashing your bones. If you don't fight
him for three days, you get an itchy skin."

Hàn Dōng smiled and said: "Why don't I take this opportunity
to hook up with Yuan Ze? It can help you, and it can also make
Wang Zhong Ding get mad."

"OK, he still called me today to talk about it."

Listen to Yu Ming this way, Hàn Dōng instantly put away the
playful heart.
"Talk about? What about?"

"He didn't say it. It was for me to go to him at the Muyang


Hàn Dōng looked cautiously. "Then you have to be careful and

take a few more people. That boy is particularly sinister."

"OK, I know."


Forty minutes later, Yu Ming arrived at the clubhouse.

Yuan Ze waw sitting on a leather sofa, with an invincible face,

chilling, people who just entered the house felt there is a kind of
frozen three feet high.

"Sit down," said Yu Ming was indifferently.

Yu Ming did not hesitate to sit directly opposite Yuan Ze.

About five minutes later, Yuan Ze did not mean to speak.

Yu Ming finally could not help but ask: "What do you want to
talk to me?"

"There is nothing to talk about," Yuan Ze said.

There is an ominous premonition in Yu Ming's heart. "What

did you ask me here?"


Yu Ming understood everything in an instant, but it was

already late. When he wanted to run outside, the door was
completely sealed by a wall.

Hàn Dōng was already at the heart of Yuan Ze's embankment,

so Yu Ming did not go long. He tried to contact Yu Ming, but he
didn't get through several calls.

For the sake of his own safety, Hàn Dōng made some
protective preparations before he left. He also called Xiao Liang
and the other five bodyguards and hitched it toward the club.

But when he arrived at the door, he was stopped.

"Only one person can go in."

Hàn Dōng hurriedly explained, "They are my safety."

"We have security staff inside our club and we will guarantee
your safety."

Hàn Dōng tangled for a moment or agreed, and walked toward

Xiao Liang: "If I haven't come out after half an hour, call Wang
Zhong Ding."
"Well, I know."

Hàn Dōng walked in with a clear heart.

Chapter 298 Caught Instead
As soon as the door opened, Hàn Dōng saw Yu Ming's face,
and when he reacted, it was too late. Even though a dozen Hàn
bodyguards did not rush in, Hàn Dōng already knew he could
not get out.

To see Hàn Dōng, Yuan Ze's iron-clad cold face finally has a
hint of warmness

"Slower than I expected."

Hàn Dōng wanted to call for help, but he found out that the
signal was zero.

Yuan Ze faintly reminded: "Don't waste your energy, the

signal in the room has been cut off."

Hàn Dōng asked Yuan Ze: "What do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do ?, is it not clear in your own mind?"

After just saying this, Yuan Ze corrected his judgment in a
ridiculous tone. “Oh, yes, you may not be really clear. A
narcissist like you will definitely feel that I have bad intentions
against you. ."

Hàn Dōng secretly bite his teeth: if you do not run against
people how will they die?

Yuan Ze continued, “I will not make a roundabout attempt to

straighten you. I will only go straight to the point....How you
did it to me? I will be doing it to you. Since Wang Zhong Ding
has always suspected what I have fallen for you, then I will
torture you till you feel from him no longer. There will be such
misunderstandings from him."

Hàn Dōng suddenly showed a look of fear, "You ... ... you want
to torture me?"

"I heard you are very fond of your own hair."

"You dare to touch my hair! I'll kill you!" Hàn Dōng voice was
Yuan Ze laughed and said, "I'm very satisfied with your

Then he said to the men under his hand: "Then shave him as a
warm up."

Hàn Dōng had his head scurrying around, but he was easily
caught and pressed in his chair.

"Yuan Ge, Yuan Ge, don't be so impulsive, and then lets

discuss the deal." Hàn Dōng changed his face and smiled.

Yuan Ze saw his thoughts at a glance. "You are delaying time


The smile on Hàn Dōng's face instantly froze.

"Half an hour?" Yuan Ze asked.

Hàn Dōng was unable to speak.

Then the door was opened and all his six bodyguards were
escorted in.

Well, finally reunion.

When Hàn Dōng asked no questions, he knew that they had

not yet had time to contact Wang Zhong Ding and they were
was pulled in.

"Do it." Yuan Ze said.

Hàn Dōng shouted loudly: "ah ah ah ah ah ah ..."

"Stop!" Yuan Ze suddenly stopped.

When the two razors grabbed it, what happened? Did you feel
so quick?
Unexpectedly, Yuan Ze walked straight over and took out the
wrist watch on Hàn Dōng.

The original plan was Hàn Dōng yelling only to divert

attention, and the real purpose is to turn the watch to send a
secret code.

Yuan Ze took the watch with a detailed look. "Well, cutting-

edge technology can make contact with the two watches
without being affected by the signal."

1].....Y'all remember Wu and Chi couple watch

"Return-it-to-me!" Hàn Dōng's face was dark.

Yuan Ze said: "Rest assured, I will not ask for your watch. I
just want to play with it and see if the sent-out code is as
legendary as it is."

He slowly turned the dial and said in a superficial manner: "I

don't know whether Wang Zhong Ding can accurately find out
where I am positioning it..."

After that, the majority of the men in the room went out and
the purpose was obvious.

Yuan Ze sighed. "Originally I only wanted to catch you."

Hàn Dōng could not help but burst into tears, he was looking
very pitiful.

"Please, if you don't cut my hair, I will do anything..."

Yu Ming, who had never said a soft word to Yuan Ze, had to
plead at the moment: “Let him go, his hair is really important to

Hearing this, Yuan Ze really stopped.

Hàn Dōng did not have time to relax and Yuan Ze said the next

"I will come do it myself."

Such animosity, of course, is to make it even better.

However, when Yuan Ze unraveled Hàn Dōng's little hair

knot, a rich floral scent rushed in.

It is not good... Yuan Ze instantly withdraws a few steps.

Unfortunately, it was too late, his cheeks swollen quickly, and

a fine red beak appeared in his neck.

pollen allergy!

A few men approached him and hurriedly asked, "Yuan?

What's the matter?"
"What did you say?" Yuan Ze reproached.

The person who asked questions did not say anything.

Everyone knew how much Yuan Ze valued his signature face.

Yuan Ze's cold eyes flung to Hàn Dōng. There was a lot of
questioning on Yuan Ze face. How could he know that I was
allergic to this pollen? This matter even Xià Hòng Wēi didn't
know. Is it just coincidence?

Whatever the reason, his face is now the most important.

Yuan Ze can only go to the hospital first.

"Yuan, I'll go with you." Several people spoke.

Yuan Ze replied coldly: "You don't need to....."

After turning a look at Hàn Dōng, he grabbed the door.

As a result of leaving the clubhouse, Yuan Ze realized that this

was not a coincidence. Unfortunately, it was too late.

The group of people who had run out before was also
successfully subdued by Wang Zhong Ding, who had already
received the signal.

The group of people left behind completely blocked

communications and Yuan Ze knew nothing about what was
happening outside. They also kept a lot of eyes on Hàn Dōng in
the box. As a result, they finally subdued another group of

Hàn Dōng apologized to these people before they went out.

"I can't live without a buddy. I know you are doing something
with money, but there is no way. The communication
conditions are 'very good' here, and I really can't bear to let you

After that, he took Yu Ming.

Yuan Ze was detained in a new house that Hàn Dōng had just
finished decorating. When Hàn Dōng came, Yuan Ze was sitting
on the couch with a cold face and staring at him next to three or
five people.

Hàn Dōng couldn't help but snarled. "You're not like the big
Yuan I know, isn't it like you don't like contacts? Since you like
isolation? Today, I will let you taste it."

Yuan Ze's face is more “good-looking”.

After Hàn Dōng went out, it was a boisterous laughter.

"Want to fight with your me? You are still too tender."

Yu Ming has always been stumbled. When Hàn Dōng tells him
the whole story, he only understands what happened.

"You are too risky aren't you? If there was a single mistake
and it would be a whole mess."
Hàn Dōng had a look of ease, "Who am I? How can it go

Yu Ming is still a little scared. "I don't think that Yuan Ze is

hard on reacting. You have to challenge his limits three or five
times. One day sooner or later, he will be forcing you into a

"There is no way. This time he asked for it himself."

Yu Ming did not say anything.

Hàn Dōng persuaded, "I've done it. Don't worry. The purpose
of my tie this time is not to break him. I want to talk to him
about you and Xià Hòng Wēi."

Yu Ming doubted, "How can such a person make sense of


"Others don't know, I still don't know what to do? You forgot?
He still likes me." Hàn Dōng said it confident.
Yu Ming looked at Hàn Dōng, ​there is hope in this life?


Wang Zhong Ding wanted to do two revenge better to Yuan Ze

with two strokes. As a result, the company had a major event on
this side, leaving him no time to look after him

Feng Mu announced that she left Zhong Ding Group and took
away more than a dozen big artists including Li Shang, and she
defected to Hengyu Media.

After the news broke out, the whole entertainment industry

was sensational. Not to mention the price of the Feng Mu
leaving was instigated by Feng Mu herself. It was said that the
sky-high price of these dozen big artists would not be borne by
the general company, which means that Cai Peng ambition is
not tolerated.

Zhong Ding company is indiscriminately on the up and down.

In the past, a scandal involving a star caused the stock price to
plummet, not to mention that so many entertainers ran away.

The company held an emergency meeting to discuss


As a relative to someone who provoked the incident, Feng Jun

had to give an apology first: "I didn't think she would make such
a decision. I blamed myself for not having met her during this

Wang Zhong Ding directly interrupted, "This matter has

nothing to do with you, you can shut up."

Although Feng Jun did according to it, but his heart was not
very good.

Wang Zhong Ding turned his eyes to everyone, a calm tone.

"I don't think that the Zhong Ding Group is too young to
crumble. A year ago, Feng Mu had not yet come to the company.
Ten years ago, those artists were sighed with us, but we were
still NO.1."

Er Lei took the lead and applauded.

At this time, the attitude of those in power has a particularly

important role in stabilizing the people. Only when people's
minds are stable can they have the conditions to deal with

Wang Zhong Ding reopened: "The biggest problem we face

today is not the external image, but the internal management.
Although Feng Mu was in the company from last year, Feng Jun
had been in charge of the brokerage firm before that. Now Feng
Jun has other important positions. There must be another
person to provoke this beam."

When it comes to this, many people are silent.

Because from the current situation, no one really can compete

with Feng Mu.
As soon as the atmosphere of the meeting was about to enter
the embarrassing situation, a voice suddenly sounded up.

"I can."

Everyone was shocked at that moment, because no one

thought that the opening was actually from the most
inconspicuous corner, there is no sense of existence - Yu Ming.
Chapter 299 Does Not Have Any
Everyone thinks that Yu Ming is joking, and that since he has
a good relationship with Hàn Dōng, will he dare to go back to
the back door?

However, Wang Zhong Ding made a scene in public.

"You are the one....."

On the day of the meeting, everyone talked about it.

"If i knew it was that easy. I would have just asked myself."

"I really didn't think that kid would dare to take the lead."

"You don't look at him usually whispering. He has an eye."


In all doubts and jokes, Yu Ming took office.

However, after he took office, he did not act like the other
people who would pull the knot and stabilize their position first.
Instead, he ran around all day. He did not see the end of the
dragon, and even Hàn Dōng could not get in touch with him.

"I say, what are you doing this time?"

Yu Ming said: "Busy working !"

"I've been to your old office for more than 200 times and I
haven't seen you inside yet."

"Why ?.....does this work,means I have to be in the office all

day long?" said Yu Ming.
Hàn Dōng chimed in. "You can't be in the office, but you have
to deal with the miscellaneous things? Everyone fucking finds
my head!"

"Then you will do something for me, OK. If that's it. I still
have things. I will go first."

"You go……"

Hàn Dōng bared his fangs, suddenly he saw a group of familiar

faces, all of the "Feng Mang" crew, there are Deputy production
director and a number of actors, they all came to this side.

"Why are you here?" Hàn Dōng took the initiative to say hello.

As soon as these people saw Hàn Dōng, they rushed toward

him as if they had hit chicken blood.

"God, Great God, give me a sign."

"Join Zhang Ying, Zhang Ying, hurry up."

Hàn Dōng was ridiculed by their enthusiasm. "What is this?"


Hàn Dōng still looks confused, "appreciation?"

“We went to see the movie trailer today. After seeing them,
we all agree that your worth will be beyond anyone's life.”

Hàn Dōng was surprised. "What's your point?"

"I don't know we went to the movie trailer showing


Hàn Dōng really forgot about this because he thought that the
film of positive energy was 100% tried, so he did not keep this
matter in mind.
"How is the reaction?" Hàn Dōng asked.

One can laugh.

Another person patted Hàn Dōng's shoulder and left.

The third person wanted to say something.

Afterwards, Hàn Dōng hurried. "You say it, what are you not

Finally, an individual told Hàn Dōng mysteriously: "There is a

leader of the film bureau, seeing you seduce that enemy boss's
part, seeing it he became ... hard..."

"Stop talking bullshit on it, is not it?" Hàn Dōng looked

blankly, "The kind of 'legs scene' can make someone hard?"

"What would we lie to you? What a lot of people have sen."

Hàn Dōng asked again: "Wang Zhong Ding knows this?"

"Wang Zhong Ding didn't go and he still didn't know."

Hàn Dōng suddenly excitedly rushed toward Wang Zhong

Ding's office. It was so good that he finally found an opportunity
to give him a glimpse of good news. Let him grin and smile all
day on this day

With all kinds of abused ideas, Hàn Dōng pushed the door of
Wang Zhong Ding's office.

Wang Zhong Ding was staring at the computer screen with

intent gaze and when he saw Hàn Dōng come he was forced to
move his gaze away.

"Today's "Feng Mang" was sent for trial." Hàn Dōng raised his

Wang Zhong Ding nodded. "I know."

Hàn Dōng's instant smile showed, “It is said that the leaders of
the film bureau was hard on the spot.”

"I know." reply was with a bland tone.

Hàn Dōng was not calm. "You knew?"

Wang Zhong Ding nodded. "Someone told me the first time."

"Then you ... have no idea?"

Wang Zhong Ding spread his hand. "Any man will be hard
after looking at that leg scene unless he has 'PROBLEMS' in his
lower part."

Hàn Dōng was deeply impressed by Wang Zhong Ding's

shocking words.

"So?" he asked Wang Zhong Ding: What do you want to


Wang Zhong Ding refers to the computer screen. "I'm looking

at it, too."

Hàn Dōng's sights consciously moved to the desk below

looking between Wang Zhong Ding legs.

What happened next, is needless to say.

Hàn Dōng, while raising his beautiful buttocks to welcome

Wang Zhong Ding's painful smacking, reached into the back and
pulled Wang Ding's hair.

"You're such a man, I'll fall into a frame, ah ah ah..."

Wang Zhong Ding moved more fiercely: I have long since

fallen into depression. I was waiting for you to accompany and
cheer me!

The first two days of Yuan Ze's detention he was in an iceberg

None of the three people who watched him dared to approach,

fearing to accidentally freeze theyself.

On the third day, Yuan Ze did not know if he wanted to open

or something. Suddenly he began to move in the room and
picked up a small squid carved from horns.

"Where did you buy this from?" He said it without warning.

All three people are guilty. There is obviously a row of large

characters written on the face.

"That was not bought. It was Hàn Dōng who carved it


Yuan Ze questioned, "He can do this."

"All the crafts in this room were his own making. Even the bed
in the bedroom was his own."

The accident in Yuan Ze's eyes flashed and he quickly

returned to the sofa.

"help me turn the TV on."

One person stepped forward and opened the TV. The first
program to enter the eye was an interview with Hàn Dōng.

"Change it to Taiwan broadcast." Ze said.

The second station broadcasts clips of Foreign Devil afflicting

the Chinese in The Red God of War.

"Change it to another one" Yuan Zong said.

The third stage is Hàn Dōng's documentary film "Seven Days."


Yuan Zong grabbed the remote control and changed it

directly. The result was it was inseparable from Hàn Dōng.
After a closer look, he discovered that this was not an ordinary
satellite channel, but was an internal platform for high-tech
counterfeiting and for the room own entertainment. .

"Yes, and looking back and forth, I often laughed myself."

Yuan Ze's face was a annoyed. Is he more narcissistic to reach

this realm?

But there is no way to escape it. The only way to pass the time
is by watching this one. He can only look hard at the scalp. The
results did not expect that this did not stop.

For two days, Yuan Ze's routine was to admire the decoration
of the room in addition to watching Hàn Dōng's program, or to
study the fresh stuff from Hàn Dōng's carving .....that Wang
Zhong Ding spent more than half a year working on Hàn Dōng's
career excavation. Where Yuan spent two days to complete
falling in the end.
"There is nothing else?" asked again.

"What else?"

Yuan Ze said: "He shot a movie."

"There is also a "Feng Mang"

"What did you say?"

"The only one when he talks about his undercover dress."

Anyone who dreams of Hàn Dōng's face wearing women's

clothing is miserable, and Yuan Ze is no exception.

So he said: "Exactly, let me take a look."

Looking at the things Hàn Dōng had photographed in the past

few days, he was actually not a bit disgusted by Hàn Dōng....he
could just take this movie to wash his eyes and get back the
initial disgust setting.

Unfortunately, the person next to him said: "Its not yet


"Is it not inside?"

"I'm not sure about this. I'm just a errand man."

Yuan Ze shook his hand. "That's it."

In the middle of the night, he couldn't sleep and he was bored.

Yuan Ze opened TV again.

This thought that he would should look at duplicates again

and unexpectedly discovered two new interviews.
Yuan Zong's mind was puzzled. How can this TV be connected
to the Internet?

Is it not possible to pass information outside?

However, after thinking about it, Yuan Ze knew it was

certainly not that simple.

He studied it again and found that this computer could not be

connected to the Internet and could only enter internal
transmission. That is, the contents that Yuan Ze now sees are all
automatically transmitted by Hàn Dōng's computer.

Really high-tech ah!

Then, he clicked up the device behind the TV, and managed to

find out what he had touched. A lot of folders suddenly popped
up on the TV screen. Whatever handsome photos, nude photos,
selfies, PG-18 bans...

Is this the rhythm of accidentally sharing all internal data?

For ordinary people, this has long since opened.

But who is Yuan Ze? The universe first straight man! People
disdain and look at these things. He only looked for "Feng
Mang" and only seek disgust himself.

So Yuan Ze opened the movie.

Then he went on to sit back on the couch and adjust a pose.

The result did not expect this position to stay for more than a
hundred minutes, from the appearance of Hàn Dōng to the end
of motion picture.....he was frozen.

The man staring at him yawned and came out to see Yuan Ze
in front of him.

The next ashtray was thrown on the room wall.

"For fuck sake!"

Facts have proved that Yuan Ze lower parts does not have any

1]......Haha Yuan Ze got hard looking at Han Dōng legs

Chapter 300 God Turning The Events
Xià Hòng Wēi's unyielding stance.... Yuan Ze's unexplained
disappearance ....all made the Xia's parents worry.

Realizing that this would have to happen sooner or later, Xià

Hòng Wēi's parents decided to find relatives and friends to
complain, and by the way, asked them for a solution.

As a result, Xià Yao family was found to be home accidentally.

At the time of dinner, Xià Hòng Wēi's parents had just entered
the door and they smelled of a sweet rice flavor.

"Brother, my nephew, how are you ?" Xià Yao's mother was

Xià Hòng Wēi's mother smiled. "Nothing, I wanted to find you

for a while."

"Come here, come on and sit inside, Xià Yao, and get another
pair of table and chopsticks for them."

"No, we will sit and you go on eating." Xià Hòng Wēi's mother

Xià Yao mother was not happy . “What is this kindness to

you? You are not an outsiders. Come on, the food is good.”

Xià Hòng Wēi's parents had to obey and go to the dining room
and asked: "Your family has changed cooks? Where did you get
this one? We want to change to another one."

Xià Yao's mother smiled sheepishly. "This meal was not made
by a maid. It was made by a friend of my son."

"A girlfriend?" Xià Hòng Wēi's nerve sensitive mother,

immediately asked.

Xià Yao mother said: "Boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Xià Hòng Wēi's mother accidentally dropped her

Xià Hòng Wēi Dad immediately took a look at her and the two
wondered: Do you think he is like your son?

Xià Yao interrupted the embarrassing atmosphere. "Two

young men and two mothers, you sit down."

"This is too full." Xià Hòng Wēi's dad saw the dishes in the
table overflowing.

Xià Yao mother's tone of pride said: "We are eating so rich
every day."

Xià Hòng Wēi's mother sighed and said to her husband next to
him: "People don't have to worry about this, but of course there
is a good taste."

Just finished, Yuan Zong walked out of the kitchen and pulled
a stool to sit opposite Xià Hòng Wēi's parents.
The two oldies faced each other, who is this one? How does he
acts like he is at home?

Xià Yao's mother was busy explaining to them: "This is my

son's friend. These dishes are all cooked by him."

The old man's face is even more amazed. This body of muscles
meat can actually go to the kitchen and cook?

"You taste it." Xià Yao took the initiative to bring food.

After Xià Hòng Wēi's mother had eaten, she couldn't speak a
word. Xià Hòng Wēi's dad basically reacted with her.

Since Xià Hòng Wēi came out of the closet , he hasn't had a
serious meal for a long time. Today, he suddenly has appetite,
and his chopsticks never stop.

Waitin until they finished eating, Xià Hòng Wēi's mother cut
into the topic.
"We came here today and we wanted to talk to you about my
son. Hey, this time he had broken our hearts. If it wasn't for
nothing, I really didn't want to tell you about such shameful

Xià Yao mother wondered, "What happened to Xià Hong?"

Xià Hòng Wēi's mother said nothing, and Xià Hòng Wēi's dad
was even more uncomfortable. At last, she went with her to
balcony and spilled the beans..

"What's wrong? You say it." Xià Yao's mother was anxious.

Xià Hòng Wēi's mother was about to say that she suddenly
saw Yuan Zong and Xià Yao entering a room. At that time, Her
face changed. She shouted Xià Yao mother's hand and said, “I
warn you. Don't let Xià Yao contact the man. It's too dense."

Although Xià Yao's mother was uncomfortable, she did not

directly replied to her. Instead, she asked, "How can you say this
"Because of my son, he..." Xià Hòng Wēi's mother hadn't
finished and tears fell.

Xià Yao's mother was not dumb, she would be able to hear it.
Not to mention that she is already has those "people."

"You mean that Xià Hong has that aspect for men..." Xià Yao
mother asked.

Xià Hòng Wēi's mother was forced to nod and reluctantly,

"His dad and I really are broken down, and I didn't want to
persuade him. Sometimes I wondered if Xià Yao was so good like
my son. He was obedient and sensible when he was young.
Being grown up is also upright. If he is my son, I can laugh when
I dream."

"Not necessarily." Xià Yao mother said.

Xià Hòng Wēi's mother thought that Xià Yao's mother was
only humble and she continued to cry: “What did you say I
should do? How should I persuade my son to let himself be
converted to the right path?”
Xià Yao mother in particular, wants to pull Xià Hòng Wēi's
mother's hand and says: "We must blame no one for marrying
into the wrong person. Our family home is rich in this stuff!"

But she can only sigh, "This kind of thing is nothing."

Xià Hòng Wēi's mother did not expect Xià Yao's mother to be
with such a reaction. Generally speaking, if she was a relative,
she can't help but feel at ease! This attitude is too unavoidable...
too negative?

"Is it really impossible to change him?" Xià Hòng Wēi's

mother asked again.

Xià Yao mother sighed deeply: If yes, I can tolerate Xīa Hong
Wēi mother .

"......! !"

Hàn Dōng vacated the space and intended to make a clear
"liquidation" with Yuan Ze. As a result, Yu Ming came to the

"You're too good! I really admire you for the best."

Hàn Dōng looked blankly. "What did you say?"

“Is he still with you?” Yu Ming Min patted Hàn Dōng's

shoulders. “We actually won Yuan Ze war and took him down!”

Hàn Dōng's expression stayed even more. "What did you say?
Who did I take?"

"Yuan Ze!"

"Yuan Ze?"

"Yeah, Xià Hòng Wēi was released by his parents holds. Isn't it
by Yuan Ze advisement?"

Hàn Dōng blinked, "Yuan ... Yuan Ze has not been released!"

This time even Yu Ming stilled. "Not yet released?"

"Yeah, I never looked for him."

"How did Xia Hòng Wēi's parents think to let Hòng Wēi free
with me?" Yu Ming could not figure it out.

Hàn Dōng asked: "What did Xià Hòng Wēi specifically say?"

"He said someone had advised his parents."

Hàn Dōng was surprised. "Is it persuasive?"

"But didn't you say that you would helped us through the
difficulties?" Yu Ming reminded.

Hàn Dōng also remembers the result of his prediction.

"You go see if Yuan Ze was sneaking back?" said Yu Ming.

Hàn Dōng made a phone call to the other side, but the reply
was: He was always there.

"Is it evil, is it mis-prediction?" Hàn Dōng could not believe it.

Yu Ming said: "Well, I would like to ask about it again with Xià
Hòng Wēi."

After a while, Yu Ming made a phone call to Hàn Dōng and

said: “Xià Hòng Wēi's parents only visited his uncle recently.”

“His uncle...” Hàn Dōng suddenly realized, “Is it police officer

Xià family...”
Yu Ming can not figure out, "What does police officer Xià have
to do with you? How can you predict his help coming?"

"You think about it, why didn't police officer Xià have a
trauma on women? How can a man fall in love with a man
without a trauma? How could he convince his mother to like the
man? How could he convince his mother how to get him free?"

Yu Ming sighed. "You're right can't"

"When I was finished, my entire judgment was mistaken. Now

people have been caught by me. What can this man do?" Hàn
Dōng said.

Yu Ming sighed faintly. “I thought you really got Yuan Ze~”

"Do you think that I wanted to get him? If it weren't for you, I
wouldn't get involved with him. Don't talk about it anymore.
Just go back to him and I'll have to let him go. I'll lose more for
a moment!"
Yu Ming was worried about him. "You said, why did Yuan Ze
leave early?"


Both men and women rushed to Hàn Dōng's new home. As a

result, no one could see him.

"Why? The three people who stared at him for me where is

he?" Hàn Dōng wondered.

Yu Ming said: "I hear a sound of water."

Hàn Dōng slowly walked past and knocked on the door and
asked, "Who is there?"

As soon as the voice had just fallen, the door was suddenly
pulled open. Hàn Dōng had not reacted and he was dragged into
"You have finally come." Yuan Ze clutched Hàn Dōng's neck.

Hàn Dōng raised his hands conditionedly. "Don't be angry,

don't be excited, put on your clothes first."

Yuan Ze was unmoved.

"If you don't wear it, can you let me go first? I'm not coming
to keep you today. I'll let you go."

Hearing this, Yuan Ze released Hàn Dōng.

But soon he replied, "I don't want to go."

"Ah?" Hàn Dōng's face was stupid.

Yuan Ze wrapped his towel in an unhurried manner. "Why

should I leave?"
Hàn Dōng suddenly panicked, "How can you not want to leave

"How can I not?" Yuan Ze's face was not joking.

In winter, he waved his hand. "Don't tell me, buddy, don't

scare me. I know I locked you in this place. It was me. As long as
you're willing to leave this, I will apologize to you."

Yuan Ze acted like he did not hear, he continues to blow-dry

his own hair.

Hàn Dōng bitterly thought: "Aren't I the most nauseating

man? I mean, look at me and I'm your worst kind of nauseating

Yuan Ze walked straight into Hàn Dōng's bedroom, and laid

on the big wooden bed.

Hàn Dōng almost tearful collapsed, big brother, this bed I

have not slept on it yet!
"You come down! You can't sleep on this. It will tarnish your
noble body. Come down..."

The cold winter couldn't directly go up, and as a result, the he

didn't fall down, but his finger plucked Yuan Ze's bath towel.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Ze's smooth and sturdy thighs

were exposed in Hàn Dōng's sight.

Hàn Dōng's eyes involuntarily moved toward the pubic

organs. He did not know what he found...but he was shocked.
The entire man slipped off the bed and climbed out of the room
with a speedy run
Chapter 301 Another Mistake
“Impossible, not the bath tub, impossible...” Back in the car,
Hàn Dōng was like a recorder repeating himself.

Yu Ming frowned: "What did you do?"

Hàn Dōng's expression of an imminent emergency: “Brother,

a big event.”

"What happened?"

Hàn Dōng only spoke for a long time before saying, "I found
out that there was no birthmark on Yuan Ze's thighs."

Yu Ming did not react at first, but later when he realized that
he immediately showed a silent expression.

"I said... did you dare look?"

Hàn Dōng is still in his arms: “How can it be? How can it be
wrong? Obviously that face...”

"I hope you're wrong, change it to be better than anyone else.

Be content!"

"But the problem is..." Hàn Dōng stubbornly choked his hair.
"He is not willing to go now."

Yu Ming: "......."

After a long time, Yu Ming said with relief: "Perhaps he did

not want to leave for other reasons. It may not be because of
you. Think about it. He hated you so much. How could he turn
around to torelating you in a few days?"

Hàn Dōng has a pessimistic attitude: "There are many ways in

which he can retaliate. Why did he use this method for

In fact, Yu Ming can't think of why. With the kind of high

cold personality that Yuan Ze has been able to tolerate, the
shame of imprisonment has to be hard for him to accept How
can he still refuse to leave?

"Or you ask the few people who guarded him?"

Hàn Dōng remembered this: "Yes, where did those few people

Hàn Dōng rushed to call and the call did not connect for a

"Weren't you guarding him for me?"

"We don't have to guard him. He's not going to walk now."

Hàn Dōng looked at Yu Ming with a grave face: "You listen,

they all say that."

Yu Ming took the cell phone and asked, "What did he do at

Hàn Dōng's home these days?"

"All he did was eat, sleep, watch TV and play with furniture."

When Hàn Dōng heard the word "watching TV" and rushed it
back, he hurriedly asked, "Is he not going to see all these things
that I use to entertain myself?"

“A few days ago, basically only watched at “Feng Mang.”.

Hàn Dōng was shocked. "How could he see "Feng Mang?" Who
gave it to him?"

"Wasn't you who updated it? I think it was broadcast on the

room TV."

Hàn Dōng suddenly froze, finished trial, it would not be me

who sent it to him back there right? Only mine and Wang
Zhong Ding's computer can connect to that system, Wang
Zhong Ding would not do this stupid thing!
So Hàn Dōng hurriedly brought up his own computer and
opened it.

Because the transference and output are a same model, it is

not at all clear whether it was he who sent it or Yuan Ze himself
extracted it.

And it was again in the middle of the night...

How to look is like your own heart!

Yu Ming admonished on the side: "A film leak, it should not be

so exaggerated, because a person falls in love with an actor is a
common thing, but who would carelessly think to change to
liking men for a film acting?"

If you say this you should also account if the actor lives in
front of you, it is another matter.

"What I think is, if he thinks it's because of the "Feng Mang,"

he's got to like you in the same way, so he'll look at it early and
see it all at once. Even if he doesn't watch it right now, it won't
be the same in the future."

"But it's not the same anymore! It was released nationwide at

that time. Whoever looks at it has nothing to do with me."

Yu Ming did not understand it: "Isn't it related to you? You

didn't know he would look at you before you showed him the
film. Maybe his original intention was just to share it."

"But before this, Wang Zhong Ding said something to me."

"What is it?"

"He said that anyone who watches this film... will be harder
unless there is a problem with his equipment down there."

Yu Ming speech: "You ... ... He did not try to kidnap him for
that experiment, right?"
“Who knows?” Hàn Dōng collapsed and shook his head.

Yu Ming helped him find a way: "You just said that you have
passed it without warning. It's just inertia."

"It's useless."


"It was sent in the middle of the night and I never shivered
when I was sleeping walking."

Yu Ming said nothing.

Hàn Dōng slouched and asked: "Is this added to him another

Yu Ming's expression of sadness changes: "It's okay. Didn't

Wang added one to himself? You're equal."
Hàn Dōng: "......."

"Yes, you haven't been tired of living lately. Have you longed
for Wang to give you a little color of love? Congratulations, your
wish had everything come true."

Hàn Dōng gritted his teeth: "You sure love to gloat over it."

Yu Ming's "happiness" is right, but he is not happy, but he is

also someone else's now.

"Well, I talked with Xià Hòng Wēi about this matter and let
him inform his family. So that those Yuan Ze's seven aunts, all
the eight officials don't have to come to the door, and when he
thinks he will not go back, ." said Yu Ming. .

Hàn Dōng nodded and said, "It's going to be fast. When he's
gone, I will talk to Wang Zhong Ding so that the
misunderstanding would be lifted."

In the evening, Hàn Dōng returned home with a paralyzed
mood, and he was relieved when he saw Xixi.

"You don't mean to say that Uncle Yuan is the person we are
looking for?"

"Yeah!" Xixi nodded.

"What's right? There is no birthmark in his leg!"

Xixi frowned. "But I remember he was like that."

"You must be blind!" Hàn Dōng bit his teeth

Xixi did not say anything.

Wang Zhong Ding returned.

Hàn Dōng's heart suddenly hung up and told him.

"It's okay tonight. I'll go there myself." Wang Zhong Ding said.

Hàn Dōng cleared his throat: "That's no use."

"no need?"

"Yes, the misunderstanding was resolved. Didn't Xià Hòng

Wēi contact you? His parents had given him freedom."

Wang Zhong Ding has a tight nerve: "How did you managed to
get rid of it?"

Hàn Dōng immediately waved his hand: “I'm not involved in

this, it was happening all over at his house...” Hàn Dōng said all
in one pass, and the last hand in the hand was, “That's right.”

"The misunderstanding over Xià Hòng Wēi was lifted, but my

misunderstanding with him has not been resolved."

Hàn Dōng busily said: "You and him did not have any

"How did you misunderstand that?"

Hàn Dōng stubbornly squeezed a smile: "Because I found that I

was wrong, he didn't seem to be your rival..."

Wang Zhong Ding's face suddenly turned gloomy, Get missed a prediction?

In the past, he had already pedaled up, but now he has been
struggling. This is also why he regrets Hàn Dōng's life
experience, and he can no longer bear to worry about it.

"Are you sure he is not the one?" Wang Zhong Ding asked
Hàn Dōng nodded: "I'm sure."

"What did he say?"

"He didn't say anything and went straight away."

Wang Zhong Ding questioned: "He is not entangled with you?"

Hàn Dōng's laughed hypocritically: "What kind of

entanglement does he have? He doesn't even like me."

Wang Zhong Ding smacked Hàn Dōng's butt for a while and
suddenly turned to go to the door.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Hàn Dōng hurried after him.

In the end, two people went to a new home together.

Yuan Ze really had left.

Hàn Dōng breathed a sigh of relief thanks to Yu Ming.

As a result, he soon discovered that Wang Zhong Ding's face

was not correct. He walked nervously and followed at Wang
Zhong Ding's eyes looking inside...suddenly dumbfounded.

The big wooden bed is gone!

The big wooden bed he recovered and it fell to another hand!

Hàn Dōng had not had enough time to grieve. Wang Zhong
Ding's sight was stunned.

"what happened?"

Hàn Dōng looked innocent: "I don't know."

Wang Zhong Ding turned to check other rooms. Hàn Dōng
took advantage of this opportunity to call Yuan Ze.

"Was it you who my big bed?"

"What is that?"

"What on earth did you want to move my bed?"

"No way, I miss the bed."

"Get lost! After you lie down for a few hours, do you miss the
bed? You..." Hàn Dōng face met Wang Zhong Ding and he
hurriedly hung up the phone.

As a result, Wang Zhong Ding's sight line was anchored on the

transmission line of the TV. Others may not be able to see his
hands and feet but Wang Zhong Ding can see it.
Hàn Dōng asked frankly: "What's wrong?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not answer, he turned on the TV, and
flicked up N multiple new channels in a flash. The huge amount
of stored data instantly “flashed” on Wang Zhong Ding's eyes.

Hàn Dōng's face was green and quickly explained: "This is not
what I did. It is definitely not me."

Wang Zhong Ding directed him coldly: "I just want to know if
this is what he did?"

"How should he do this? He is so cold, so disgusted with this

kind of thing, how could it be done by him?" Hàn Dōng
desperately concealed his guilty conscience.

However, Wang Zhong Ding picked up the phone.

Hàn Dōng hurried to stop: "You don't have to ask, he's so

poisonous, and he certainly will humiliated us."
"Hands off," Wang Zhong Ding said blankly.

Hàn Dōng reluctantly withdrew his hand.

Not for a moment, the phone rang.

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "was something passed on you on


"I saw it."

"Why ?"

"Was not careful."

"Then did you watch it?"

Yuan Ze is still that cold and proud attitude: "Watch?, why

should I watch that kind of thing?"

"Look, I said he wouldn't watch it." Hàn Dōng sat next to him.

Wang Zhong Ding's warning eyes flicked and Hàn Dōng

immediately withdrew two steps back.

"Don't stall it, whether you did or didn't watch it, you know it
yourself." Wang Zhong Ding spoke with a decisive tone.

Yuan Ze sneered and said, "Wang has not learned everything

from himself"

Wang Zhong Ding's face was suddenly gloomy and scary.

At the same time, Yuan Ze fired a word. "You can come after
me, Mr. Wang, but I warn you that there are ambush
everywhere. Lets see if you have the ability to come."
In the end, send another word - "Learning from you."

Wang Zhong Ding left the phone and walked toward the door.

Hàn Dōng rushed forward and hugged him: "You can't go. You
can't go. You've just heard his plan."

Wang Zhong Ding is still bent on going.

Hàn Dōng shouted: "this isn't the last day, you have a lot of
people to deal with. There is no shortage of people like him."

Wang Zhong Ding was stunned.

He slowly turned to Hàn Dōng and asked, "didn't you just said
that he is not my last rival?"

Hàn Dōng swallowed his mouth. "Not..."

The following scenarios are self-evident.

In the middle of the night, Hàn Dōng called Yu Ming in tears.

"Ming Er, I got my wish."

"What do you mean?"

"He changed his mouth and stopped calling me baby."

"What is it now?"

"Little slut."

Chapter 302 Scandal.
Feng Mu just arrived at Hengyu Media. The brokerage
business there grew up like it was assisted by God hisself.
Various anecdotes and small materials emerged one after
another. The exposure of artists suddenly increased sharply.

In particular, Li Shang, who has recently had frequent

commercial activities, has also come up with a big surprise. He
stayed in the car with a male friend in the middle of the night
for nearly two hours in an intimate manner.

What is the easiest way to fire this year? Answer: The basic
situation of the stardom fire.

The restricted area that others actors did not dare to play at,
Li Shang, the bricks that others did not dare to accept, Li Shang
fired them.

A few days ago, the entertainment headline was still the

promotion message of “Feng Mang”. In the two days it became
Li Shang's shots in the car intimately with a man gossip.
Look at Zhong Ding's side, except for Hàn Dōng, who is still
paralyzed, and the others are not even moving. Even Xià Yang
Zhuo, who has recently been thunderous, his thunder is likely

"I'm still waiting to see how Yu Ming is going to to beat this."

Feng Mu's sighed faintly.

Her secretary cry was filled with unbelief: "What did he rely
on to turn the tide? He would create his own scandals? Or on his
precious little chrysanthemum? Without Xià Yang Zhuo, he is
not even worth shit"

Speaking of this, Feng Mu suddenly remembered: "Xiao Yang

Zhuo did not show up for half a month, right?"

The secretary thought for a moment and said: "It looks like it

"It shouldn't be ah, now is the preheat period before the

release of Feng Mang. It is reasonable to say that he should be
able to get him to heat up the topic."
"I heard that there was a resistance within the family."

Feng Mu's nerves went tight: “Inside his family?”

"Perhaps it the entertainment industry is too sinister, they let

him see it, then close this acting chapter, go back and inherit
the family business."

Feng Mu came to an interesting thought: "Who did you hear

this from? Is the news reliable?"

“Just heard from what my friend said, her boyfriend is in the

circle, it should be eight or nine.”

Feng Mu pondered for a moment and said, "You'll go and find

out more about this matter."

As a result, the secretary was stopped when he walked to the

"What do you want?"

Feng Mu heard the familiar voice and immediately stood up.

"Why did you come?"

Feng Jun did not answer, but said to Feng Mu with a cold face:
"Do you know that you are playing with the fire?"

Feng Mu was indifferent: "I know exactly what I am doing.

You still have to worry about what is going on in Zhong Ding
Group . It's all a mess and you think there's still time to point
fingers to me."

Feng Jun wanted to continued to speak but he was

interrupted by a vigorous male voice.
"General Feng, how can you have this time come to us?"

Cai Peng said while pushing Feng Mu into his arms, he

deliberately touched her on her waist.

Feng Mu's furiously said: "Let me go. Don't you see people are

"He's not an outsider, either." Cai Peng touches were even

more aggressive.

Feng Jun saw this scene he was getting even more nauseating.

"Have you been with him? Did you let your ass kick your
head? He is just using you!"

Cai Peng sneered: "Do you lead the Zhong Ding Group on this
Feng Mu pushed Cai Peng aside and said to Feng Jun himself:
"I will say it again. My business does not need your interference.
You go and manage yourself well."

Feng Jun nodded his teeth and said: "I hope you can still laugh
at the end."

After Feng Jun left, Feng Mu urged Cai Peng to persuade: "My
brother has an explosive mood. You don't want to talk to him."

Cai Peng did not seem to care about what happened as much
as she did. He continued to play with Feng Mu and whispered:
"Come on the other side of the film. You are really my lucky

Feng Mu's sighed faintly: “I still remember the first time I saw
you, your cold look.”

"I was blinded!"

Does not know why, now that Feng Mu heard Cai Peng's
panting, his voice gave her all kinds of sensation.

“Oh, I actually can't figure it out. Your company didn't have a

big office at the time. How can I ask you to reduce your figure ?
Is it destined to be planted in your hands?”

Cai Peng laughed.

When two people were affectionate, suddenly someone

knocked on the door.

"Cai Peng, Director Peng has come."

"I'll go and see him" Cai Peng said that as he would go out.

Feng Mu sees his mobile phone on the table and takes it with

As a result of playing , she accidentally opened the player. The

movie that had been watched for 57 times instantly irritated
Feng Mu's eyes.

"Feng Mang"...

Even the original film that Feng Mu did not manage to get
hands on was actually played 57 times in Cai Peng's mobile
phone. It can be seen that Cai Peng spent much time in order to
see what someone's “Long Leg” earlier.

Is it preparation for competition ahead of time?

Even Feng Mu feels that this idea is ridiculous, if only for the
bottom of her heart she worried.....but how can he watch it 57
times? She could even imagine the two hot and fascinating
sights when Cai Peng looked at the Hàn Damei.

Originally just thinking about mutual use, now Feng Mu

found that her heart has been out of control.

After six months of absence, Hàn Dōng finally saw Cain again
and almost cried.

Cain is also thrilled: "I saw the finished product of the final
"Feng Mang" and I feel that my life work is complete. Now you
can let me hang and I will die without regret."

Hàn Dōng took a long time for the company's affairs. He

listened to Cain and said that suddenly wiped out the light.

"Yes, how come I do not see Xià Yang Zhuo?" Cain suddenly

Hàn Dōng also wondered why that Xià Yang Zhuo did not
show up for a variety of reasons at all. Even today, Cain has
arrived. If he didn't show up, he won't be able to say anything.

"Forget it, there will be opportunities in the future," said Cain,

saying that his face still hides disappointment.

During dinner, Hàn Dōng asked Wang Zhong Ding.

"What is Xià Yang Zhuo doing recently?"

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "Family stuff"

"Does family affairs involve that man?"

"The elders of his family didn't want him to be in this

entertainment circle, they're afraid he would go wrong."

Although Hàn Dōng feels a pity, he can still understand Xia's

parents and their generations.

After all, Xià Hòng Wēi and Xià Yao have learned away from
the past. Now that there is such an exclusive seedling, there will
be a strict guard against the death of the Xià family.

1]....basically since 2 of 3 Xià boys are in homosexual

relationship ...the old geezers are preventing Xià Yang Zhuo to
become the third gay boy.....

"But how can Xià Yang Zhuo be willing to stay away?" Hàn
Dōng asked again.

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Of course he is not willing to, and he
has always been deadlocked with his parents."

"What can I do? Can't we drag him so?"

"My advice to his parents is to send him abroad. If they don't

want him to swim in the waters of entertainment circles in the
Mainland and he doesn't want to give up the movie business, he
should go to Hollywood."

Hàn Dōng suddenly thought of Cain and secretly swallowed.

How did he feel that Xià Yang Zhuo parents are sending their
son to a path of no return?
1]...Cain is from Hollywood....they're sending Xīa Yang Zhuo
to Hollywood....Xia Yang Zhuo is infactuated with
Cain.....sending a sheep to the wolf in his den

Recently, the company had a lot of things. Wang Zhong Ding

had a very frequent calls and when they ate and it rang.

As soon as he picked up, his face changed.

Hàn Dōng has a kind of ominous premonition, and says,

"What's wrong?"

"You eat first, I will go out." Wang Zhong Ding took the bag
and walked.

Hàn Dōng also got up: "I'll go with you."

"You stay at home, no one is allowed to go out."

Hàn Dōng later learned that a magazine published

photographs of him attending the school parent-child games
and publicly disclosed that Xixi was his illegitimate child.

The spread of this news was so unbelievably fast that by the

company got news and it had spread throughout the entire

Hàn Dōng was instantly criticized by thousands of people.

He is different from Li Shang. He is best actor He is the best

screenwriter. He is the spokesperson for the charitable
foundation. He is a young idol with both ability and political
integrity... He can't withstand the test of a scandal.

For the first time Hàn Dōng tasted the taste of what he was
referring to being talked about, how could it be a heartfelt one!

And even if he doesn't care about himself, Xixi is involved.

What kind of species, hybrids and other unsightly vocabulary

were thrown out, although it is known that there are all kinds
of naval forces, but Hàn Dōng is still uncomfortable.
"I blame myself. I shouldn't have gone that day." Hàn Dōng

Wang Zhong Ding voice calm: "This matter has nothing to do

with you, the other party if they want you to be blackened,
whatever you do and the result is the same, if you did not go
they would have come up with other methods. In short do not
worry, it will pass. "

Hàn Dōng nodded and asked: "What about Xixi?"

"With my parents."

"What did your parents say?"

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak.

Hàn Dōng guessed and guessed: “Your parents are right.

When they recognize this, not only no one believes, but it
further complicates the situation. Our company is in turmoil,
and your words and deeds involve many people. Interests."
"I just feel wronged for my son." Wang Zhong Ding's hard eyes
suddenly softened.

Hàn Dōng patted his shoulder: "Sometimes to be open and

honest about things may not be a good thing."

Wang Zhong Ding held onto Hàn Dōng's hand for a long time
without releasing it.

"You shouldn't meet Xixi for a few days now. No matter what
happens, don't go to look for him."

Hàn Dōng nodded.

Chapter 303 Spin a Cacoon Around
"Xià Yang Zhuo retired, and Hàn Dōng's signboard has been
paralyzed. Zhong Ding Group is in a really a bad time." Feng
Mu's secretary gloated.

Feng Mu is still guilty of Wang Zhong Ding's loss of Li Shang's

four words. "Can you please? I can see if you still need it?"

"It is estimated that Wang is too regretful his intestines have

turned green now." The secretary grinned.

Feng Mu stood up: "Well, please don't overdo it. Let see what
Cai thinks it looks like? Go and follow me to the studio to see Li

Speaking of Li Shang, the secretary said with pride: "He is

now getting more and more like a superstar. If Hàn Dōng had a
scandal in the past, he wouldn't be thrilled. Now it's time to
make a movie. He's like nothing."
Feng Mu smiled. "If you don't even have the power to do it
now, you'll have to work hard for me."

When the two women said they were walking, no one noticed
the sharp sight not far away.

Cai Peng entered the office of Feng Mu quietly and opened the
computer to check her recent work. Suddenly, he discovered a
secret email containing the planning of the "Hàn Dōng
incident", including how to formulate the question, how to
write it, and how to publicize it... written in great detail.

Cai Peng's eyeball was stained with red blood for a moment.

1].... If you want Cai Peng anger on you mess with Han Dōng


A few days later, the storm of "illegitimate child" gradually

subsided, and Hàn Dōng could hardly suppress the thought of
seeing Xixi. He secretly drove a car and went to the school gate
to see him.

Originally thinking that he would just go and left after a

glance, but when he got there there an incident.

Xixi just walked out from the front of the school and he didn't
know where a group of reporters went around him perstering
him insanely.

Security guards at the entrance of the school rushed to pick up

Xixi, and the bodyguards at home also rushed to protect Xixi.

But this group of reporters were too crazy. The microphone

reached directly to Xixi's mouth and asked questions that some
children could not afford to answer.

Hàn Dōng looked at Xixi's small fist and he didn't express a

word of forgiveness. At that time, his eyes became red.

But he can't go there.

He knows clearly that this is a trap. He knows that this group
of journalists got in contact with the nany and knows that he
will be finished if he goes out..

He can only watch as Xixi is pushed around.

Under the encirclement of reporters, the road from the school

gate to the parking lot has become so crowded.

Xixi began to hold his small mouth tightly. Later Hàn Dōng
did not know what little Xixi heard. Suddenly his emotions got
out of control.

Hàn Dōng saw Xixi crying for the first time.

And it was the public crying.

There wasn't a loved one around him, but the driver was only
the one who went to protect him.
What happened is that Hàn Dōng's heart collapsed.

He pushed the door open with one hand, rushed forward with
great strides, and punched the reporter who put the camera on
the face of Xixi.

The whole site was fried.

Those reporters felt like they hit a lottery. They shot Hàn
Dōng pictures in a crazy way.

Miscellaneous problems were bombarded by Hàn Dōng.

"Are you coming to meet Xixi?"

"Is it true that Xixi is your illegitimate child?"

"You had spoken publicly that Xixi was your relative, but as
far as we know, you don't have any relatives in Beijing."
"Why hasn't it been stated?"


Hàn Dōng suddenly stood still, watching the group of

reporters glamorous and tough.

The reporters slammed at one time.

Later, Hàn Dōng said something nobody had thought of.

"This is my own son."


"You fucker are crazy to dare to report that he is not

biologically mine ... I was playing with you!"

After finishing, Hàn Dōng took a big step.

Zhao Zhen Bei stood not far away and witnessed the entire

"Xixi is too pitiful." the devilish brat then burst into tears.

Zhao Zhen Bei's eyes were set in these reporters for a while
before pulling his son away.

Feng Mu received the news one evening before. Sh thought

that the next morning she would see reports of Hàn Dōng
hitting a reporter and acknowledging the facts of illegitimate
children. The results are she not only failed to see, but also
found news that "a number of media units have their licenses
revoked, a group of false reporters were investigated" news on
the headlines.

what happened?
Feng Mu did not respond and the phone rang.

"Feng sister, it's not good. The group that surrounded the
school gate yesterday were all arrested."

Feng Mu's heart creaked: "How could this be?"

"I have heard that the leaders of the State Administration of

Radio, Film and Television have personally checked this down."

Feng Mu's face suddenly changed: "How could it be spotted by

the leaders of radio and television?"

"I don't know, Feng sister I'm afraid now, so I'm afraid

"What are you scared about?" Feng Mu insisted, "We haven't

done anything yet."
What the secretary also wanted to say, Feng Mu directly
hanged up the phone.

Then she fell to the sofa.

She was terribly upset.

Impossible, it is impossible for them to find my head. All the

negotiations were made by a representative. All the information
was found on behalf of the people, and they turned several
times. There was no evidence to prove that I was involved...

However, the doorbell rang at this time.

Feng Mu was shocked.

She dragged her two stiff legs to the door and saw a few cold
faces through the video intercom screen. Her heart was
instantly cold.
"Are you Feng Mu?"

"I am."

"Can we trouble you come with us."

Feng Mu's efforts to maintain calm, asked: "Why?"

"You are suspected of colluding with the media and

fabricating false news."

"Impossible." Feng Mu immediately denied, "Do you have


"There must be evidence that you will be shown if you follow


After the confession, Feng Mu was escorted to the detention

center. During this period, she always believed that her arrest
was only used by some people to use their privilege against her.
She was still actively involved with the lawyer and hoped to
"rehabilitate" herself until Cai Peng's visit.

"I blame you. I blame you. If I weren't you, I wouldn't lose my

mind and risk it all. If I weren't you, I wouldn't come to this at
all." Feng Mu's face resented him.

Cai Peng smiled and admitted: "Yes, if not for me, you could
have gone out."

Feng Mu has a lingering look.

Cai Peng still smiled, but that smile could not cover the
hidden haze.

What Feng Mu understood in an instant, ran out to the wall

with emotions ranging uncontrollably. "I did so much for you.
Why would you dare to do this to me?"

Cai Peng replied coldly: "Because you have no value."

Feng Mu's hand froze: "no value?"

"Otherwise? If not for the use of the resources in your hand

and the artists in your hands, how can I be interested in a semi-
premier wasted broker?

Feng Mu was furious: "Do you think I've been mixed for so
many years? You think those people are going to be yours? Do
you think that with a few meals, a few words, they will come
sign to you?"

"What did you say to me" Cai Peng asked.

Feng Mu could not speak words thoroughly.

Cai Peng laughed and said: "In the place where you live, I'm
also able to fuck a world."

Feng Mu dazedly fell back to her chair.

Cai Peng also said: "I would have liked to stay with you for a
while. After all, my foundation is still unstable. But no way, you
touched my bottom line"

Feng Mu contemptuously despised Cai Peng: "The bottom

line? What is your bottom line? Hàn Dōng?"

Although Cai Peng did not answer, but the expression is very

Feng Mu's suddenly laughed, laughing very bleak. Until now,

everything is so unbelievable. She has been teaching people for
so many years. In the end, she actually made a mistake that only
an idiot woman would commit...

Before leaving, Cai Peng also "humored" a handful of words.

"If you want to blame someone, let's blame Li Shang. I

reminded you that he is a broomstick star. Whoever get stained
with him will be unlucky."
Feng Mu's stare didn't seem to hear it.

"That's right, he has also made a contributing evidence to

extending your sentence - organizing artist to commit

After Cai Peng left, nobody knows how long it has passed. The
meeting room suddenly burst into a frantic cry.


The "Illegal Son" controversy finally came to an end.

However, the sequelae of the incident still existed. Every time

Hàn Dōng made a public appearance, he would attract criticism
from some people.

But fortunately, Xixi has come out of the trauma, which is

enough for Hàn Dōng.
After dinner in the evening, Hàn Dōng sat on the sofa and
gave Xixi toys. The doorbell suddenly rang.

He just got up and Wang Zhong Ding opened the door.

"Director Zhao, please come forward."

Hàn Dōng saw Zhao Zhen's face and his legs went soft,
motherfucker, ah, this is not the Director of the SARFT ...but
where have I seen him before?

Wang Zhong Ding quickly introduced: "Dong Zi, this is

Director Zhao. He did not help you any less in that news."

Hàn Dōng was shocked and this man actually helped. This will
not be a disservice?

"Why, don't you know to speak this soon?" Zhao Zhen Bei
"No, no, Director Zhao I hope you're good" Hàn Dōng smiled.

Wang Zhong Ding was surprised: "You have met before."

"At the parent-child games," Zhao Zhen Bei explained.

Wang Zhong Ding immediately thought: "You sit first, I go up

and get something, Hàn Dōng, help entertain the guest."

Hàn Dōng mind was fried at the dare to "entertain"?

The standing is not good also, sitting is not good, Hàn Dōng
does not know what to say, finally go to that all sorts of

"How can you not say anything? Weren't you very aggressive
on that day?" Zhao Zhen Bei ridicule him.

Hàn Dōng waved his hand: "No, that day was a joke, a joke..."
Zhao Zhen Bei smiled and said nothing.

Hàn Dōng stared at him for a moment and finally he spoke up

courageously: "Director Zhao... Why did you want to help me?"

"It's not for you. It's for internal affairs. Now the media
environment really needs to be rectified."

"Right, right..." Hàn Dōng hurriedly agreed. "Some reporters

are too deficient, and don't have a lesson or know how to limit

Zhao Zhen Bei hummed.

After a while, Hàn Dōng spoke again: "That, Director Zhao,

you have no birthmark on your legs?"

"No, why should you ask this?" Zhao Zhen Bei looked baffled.
Hàn Dōng was relieved: "Nothing, no birthmarks, no
birthmarks look pleasing to the eye, hee hee..."

Zhao Zhen Bei: "... what is your logic?"

Hàn Dōng darkly wiped his sweat: I say there is no problem

with the logic, I was only forced out of the after effects.
Chapter 304 The Ultimate BOSS
The end of great broker Feng Mu's downfall, was considered
by the industry as the "great reshuffle."

During this period, many people waited to see the jokes of

Hengyu Media and thought that since they had lost Feng Mu's
“Taiwan Pillar”. The glory of Hengyu Media would be like a
flash in the pan, and it would soon be abandoned by the Zhong
Ding Group.

But the opposite is true.

The Hengyu media not only failed to break down, but also
broke through, reformed and reorganized, and supported
various newcomers in the position. It broke the unbalanced
development of Feng Mu and formed a flourishing situation.

Especially in terms of female artists, Hengyu Media is a

capital. They got a version of hot news, a variety of high-end
show frequency appeared, the Chinese Ding Group female artist
development has formed a strong impact.
Of course, male artists are not far behind.

Li Shang once again took the ride of reforms and took for
granted the top spot of the Mainland actor.

It's not too much to say that the top spot is right for him,
because Xià Yang Zhuo has been busy with going abroad in
recent days. Hàn Dōng's "illegitimate child" scandal has not
dispersed, and the entire entertainment scene in the Mainland
has almost become the scene of Li Shang's background.

No one can think of Li Shang, who was still a bit rustic two
years ago. Now he is able to win the top spot of "Asian Top Ten"
by virtue of his face value.

Of course, this is a benefit from Feng Mu's inspiration.

The plan that she had originally given to Li Shang was for
three years. Through a fine-tuning step by step, he completed
the face transformation silently.
However, various variables in recent times have made Li
Shang feel everything was unpredictable in the entertainment
industry. The next second or the next person may become a
prisoner on the next second. Fame cannot be determined

So he asked the plastic surgeon to adjust the plan, three years

into one year, and the remaining two years to condensed to
fifteen days. He undertook high-intensity surgery with
unrelenting perseverance and completed God's transformation.

Hàn Dōng was dumbfounded when he saw Li Shang's first

photo session after his face-lift.

Is this fucking too much is this not a combination of Xià Yang

Zhuo and Yuan Ze faces?

Even Yu Ming's picky face, can see Li Shang face is aphasia.

"This ... ... this is him? Are you sure he was not assassinated
by Cai Peng?" said Yu Ming poked Hàn Dōng.
Hàn Dōng replied: " You still don't know if he is in shape?"

The more Yu Ming saw it the more difficult it was to digest.

This man has Hàn Dōng's body plus Xià Yang Zhuo and Yuan
Zong's face.

"Fortunately, Xià Yang Zhuo withdrew early, otherwise he

will certainly fight with Li Shang......only for him to die." Hàn
Dōng said.

Yu Ming nodded: "Feng Mu means to do this. Li Shang has

better performances than Xià Yang Zhuo. His emotional
intelligence is high. If there is another face like this, surely he
will burst Xià Yang Zhuo."

"Yes, especially now that Xià Yang Zhuo retires, Li Shang just
fills the void in his fans' hearts and he conquers two birds with
one stone. This man ambition is not small!"

"It is a pity that Feng Mu has not yet tasted the fruit of this
victory and she got hung up." Yu Ming sighed.
Hàn Dōng said: “Li Shang is impossible for her to taste. You
have to remember about Fang Yi, Liang Jing, Yi Hao, Zhou Li...
Feng Mu's case has Li Shang's hands in it. Li Shang wants to
rebirth from he could only kill her image."

Yu Ming smiled and said nothing.


At the end of the year, Lunar New Year's videos were released,
and the "Feng Mang" which was widely watched also ushered in
the countdown to the premiere.

The company's capital has publicized its cutting edge

promotion film and has full of surprises.

However, Zhong Ding Company sold a lie and did not disclose
who the “beauty” agent was in the film, so that fans thought
that it was Cain's beauty from Hollywood.

However, the limelight did not last for two days. There was
another new work by Li Shang. There was a gay-themed movie.
The protagonist was he and the rumored boyfriend and he was
also seen with in the Lunar New Year.

When the beautiful posters came out, the majority of corrupt

female fujoshi also exploded.

The favorable comments, bad reviews, naval forces, and

sunspots rushed out all the time. Whether it was righteousness
or mischief, in short Li Shang recaptured the spotlight and
grabbed the edge of “Feng Mang”.

At the same time, Li Shang also became an object that

advertisers competed to chase, and various endorsements
rushed in, giving him a gold status of nearly 100 million in less
than a month.

At the end of the year, nothing was more enjoyable than the
sight of Li Shang.

At the same event venue, Li Shang's personal fan meeting was

on one side, and the publicity of the entire “Feng Mang” crew
was on the other. As a result, Li Shang's voice actually
overshadowed a crew.

Li Shang also learned to play big cards, allowing fans to wait

anxiously outside, he alone went through the backcourt, slipped
to the "Feng Mang Showing" event venue.

Hàn Dōng chatted with a staff member. When he saw Li

Shang, his face changed instantly.

"What are you doing here?"

Li Shang caught Hàn Dōng's shoulder and smiled: "Came to

support you!"

"You're going too far." Hàn Dōng thrown away.

Li Shang has now become a big name in the big name. How
many celebrities go hand-to-hand with him. He doesn't feel
much excited. However, when Hàn Dōng dismissied him this
time, he really felt refreshed.
“Say, I remember when I was at the entrance of the North
Shadow Factory, you said that you would send me a Bentley
when you were a super star ....I was so angry that you wouldn't
be able to wait. I bought two cars myself and I sent you one by
the way.”

Hàn Dōng squinted at Li Shang's “pseudo-face” and ridiculed:

“Ah, but also learned to understand the news”?

Li Shanghe chuckled: “I really realize that I've discovered that

I'm using my body better now. The key is to look at my face. I
knew I won't use the knife anymore. It seems that Wang's
ability to foresee is also generally...Well."

Hàn Dōng wants to speak, and Yu Ming calls out: "Hàn Dōng,
come here."

Lastly, Li Shang said, "I'll park yours outside. The car key I
will give to your driver. When do you want to drive it?"

"Get lost!" Hàn Dōng scolded.

Li Shang cheerfully walked back.

Hàn Dōng, the entire publicity and press conference, has

always been indifferent. Li Shang's Bentley is repeatedly in his
mind, not because of an unbalanced mind, but a vague bad

"What happened to you?" Yu Ming asked next.

Hàn Dōng whispered to him: "I expected Li Shang is going to

have an accident."

"That is not exactly righteous?" Yu Ming said lightly.

"No, it's going to be a big event. It may be life-threatening."

Yu Ming face is still expressionless: "That's what he deserves,

so publicity will surely be watched."
Hàn Dōng could not sit still and said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Yu Ming grabbed him and made an extraordinary effort.

"Listen to me, he will not be a problem."

Hàn Dōng lived in: "What do you say?"

"Calm yourself here!" Yu Ming suddenly made trouble.

Hàn Dōng stared at him with wonder, and when he was

hesitating, the host's microphone was handed over. Hàn Dōng
quickly turned his thoughts and did not repeat the matter.


As a result, Li Shang attended the fan meeting and went down

the road.
Five cars chased and intercepted in the back, and a battle of
life and death was staged on the highway.

Li Shang experienced this kind of thing for the first time. His
blood pressure instantly reached more than two hundred, and
his heart growled wildly: There must be nothing to do. When I
got all this today, I must retain my life to enjoy it...

"Follow them." Li Shang said.

Nobody knows when the driver was forced to a sudden

outbreak of super power, or Li Shang's determination touched
God, in short, the car broke out of the hunting circle, a thrilling

When he got off the car, Li Shang still looked pale and his legs


The next morning, the news “When Li Ting Bang was chased”
made headlines and instantly sparked heated debates. Some
people think that Li Shang is overrated by others, and some
people think that Li Shang's team has another hype...

However, the subsequent development is beyond everyone's


Less than two days after the "Chase" incident, Li Shang was
again exposed by the "body-shaping surgery" scandal and
shocked the entire entertainment industry.

Then, Li Shang misappropriated Hàn Dōng's runway circle.

Li Shang stole Fang Hao's sleeping pill.

Li Shang copied Hàn Dōng's script.

Li Shang was in desperate need to save himself.

Li Shang borrowed a prescription from the detox clinic.

With hype, Li Shang and Zhou Li co-operate to explore the

privacy of other artists... and so on.

All of the ugly exposures were not fully disclosed. All the
evidence was presented and they were all unambiguous.

No one would have thought that some people would use a lot
of energy, financial resources, or even abandoned the
management of the company, forcing the audience to cynical
cult, just to collect these files, killing Li Shang peace in filming

Even Hàn the Great, who is a god-like person, learned the

truth afterwards.

"That chase was also your doing?" Hàn Dōng asked.

Yu Ming is not arrogant. “The exposing of his actions requires

an introduction, so he only looks for people to show off. As for
his life, I am not unfamiliar.”

Hàn Dōng looked at Yu Ming's eyes and turned from pity to


Yu Ming also said: "I think it was not a day or two, but we only
let him climb to the top and so he can fall hard it would feels
more 'ecstasy'."

Hàn Dōng did not speak, then he looked at Yu Ming.

Yu Ming is slightly uncomfortable. "Why are you looking at


"I found that you are the ultimate BOSS!"

Yu Ming is still that faint expression: "I don't know what you
are talking about."
Chapter 305 Thrown Back into the River
An artist can do all sorts of hype, cosmetic surgery, divorce,
homosexuality, etc. for fame. But once it comes to morality, it
will never be recovered.

Li Shang's scandals are deadly when they come up with any

one, let alone so much.

After the incident, Li Shang was blocked by SARFT.

The homosexual movie starred by him did not meet with the

These are all light charges

What is important is that Li Shang owed huge debts. The

advertisers and partners who directly linked to his own hearing
were almost kicking his door in order to recover losses.

In desperation, Li Shang had to sell the house and the car. He

fled like a bereavement dog every day.

In the final corner, Li Shang actually hid in the rented room

he once shared with Hàn Dōng.

Here, he finally had a peaceful days.

Lying in bed every night, he feels like everything has returned

to its origin.

More than two years of time has passed like a dream.

Now that the dream over he is awake, he find that he still

have nothing.

During this period, Hàn Dōng was also looking for him
because he still had a car in Hàn Dōng's hand, which was the
Bentley which he threatened to send it. Hàn Dōng intended to
return it to him.
After searching for a few days without results, Hàn Dōng
suddenly thought of this place.

In the beginning, he also felt a bit of a tangle. With Li Shang

as his present status, even if he is seeking to escape from debt,
he should choose a place where he they will never look. How
can he live in this rental house?

However, a strong premonition prompted him to give it a try.

When the result arrived, he discovered that Li Shang was
actually there.

"Why did you come?" Li Shang was still with a hostile tone.

Hàn Dōng said: "I am sending you your car back."

Li Shang sneered, "Is it that the media hit me hard enough

that you also came to give me a slap in the face?

"Fuck, are you talking about yourself?"

Hàn Dōng wanted to turn and walk away. The result was he
saw a pair of familiar jeans and he paused in an instant.

"Are you still keeping this trouser?"

Li Shang did not speak.

Hàn Dōng looked up, and the hole was still as clear and eye-

"I think when you were in the limelight, you never thought of
repaying the kindness of this trouser. Now that you have lost
your power, do you still have to blame me for pitting you?"

"Yes." Li Shang savvily said, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't

go on this path of no return."

Hàn Dōng was completely silent.

At this time, the knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"anyone here?"

Li Shang whimpered a sudden change in his voice and quickly

drilled under the bed.

The situation has developed so fast that Hàn Dōng has not
responded and the door has been opened.

"Finally, let me find ... The fuck? How are you here?" The
people who came in looked at Hàn Dōng strangely.

Hàn Dōng quickly changed his natural expression: "Why ..

can't I be me?"

"Why did you come to this place?"

Hàn Dōng said with a smile: "This is the place I had rented.
Can I not come here to think of sweetness of success?"

This person turned around and asked the other person he

came with "Didn't you say that you saw Li Tian Bang here? How
did he become Hàn Dōng?"

"The fuck...I just saw Li Tian Bang clearly."

"You must have looked away crossly. They are both so tall."

Then, the man turned his face back to Hàn Dōng: "Sorry, I'm
from Huida Advertising Manager. This is my business card and I
hope I can find a chance to cooperate with you."

When Hàn Dōng took over, he clearly saw a knife in the man

Later, when people left, Li Shang crawled out from under the
bed. There is still no sense of gratitude. It seems that Hàn
Dōng's help is just like shaming him.
"You can't live in this place again," Hàn Dōng said.

Li Shang asked back: "I don't like to live in this place"

"I'll help you find a place."

Li Shang coldly said: "Where is the safe place you can look

"The people in the circle know that the trick is dead, who will
think to look where I can take you?" Hàn Dōng furiously spray

Li Shang has no other way but to go with Hàn Dōng.

Hàn Dōng drove the Bentley out of the city and headed for the

Along the way, two people are relatively silent.

Nobody knows how long, Hàn Dōng said: "Sell this car, do
some business, and perhaps can slowly you return those debts."

Li Shang did not speak.

Hàn Dōng looked into the rear-view mirror and wanted to see
Li's reaction. The result was he saw a few cars of the same
model chasing him from behind.

This is bad!

Hàn Dōng stepped on the throttle.

Li Shang also discovered this anomaly and quickly called

Wang Zhong Ding.

When Hàn Dōng suddenly remembered that day's press

conference, he repeatedly saw Bentley cars in his head. Later, he
knew that what Yu Ming had done ....he thought that Li Shang
had escaped robbing. He did not expect that the number of
"robbers" was actually there.
However, things had already come to an end, and Hàn Dōng
could only run to death. It was already dark, and it would be
difficult for them to stare at them as long as they left behind the

After getting on the viaduct, Hàn Dōng stepped up the throttle


At this time, a car with a high beam facing away, Hàn Dōng
eyes did not pay attention to the distance between the front of
the car, and when he recovered his eyesight, he found that he
had to hit the front car. He immediately turn the steering
wheel, but he accidentally hit the accelator.... Blocking the
barrier, the car flew directly to the water surface of more than
ten meters.

A loud noise.

And Hàn Dōng fainted.

Li Shang has recently had carried a blunt instrument to

defend himself. He crushed the car glass with his life, and the
chilly and biting water poured into the car and it froze him.

Hàn Dōng was still sitting in the driving seat and his life and
death situation are unknown.

Li Shang's leg has a problem. With the stimulation of cold

water, he is already in a state of failure. It is already good
enough to be able to swim on his own, which means he have to
leave Hàn Dōng.

So he went to the upper reaches of his life. He watched as he

swam to the surface of the water, and suddenly looked at the car

The water in the car had not passed the top of Hàn Dōng's
head, and Hàn Dōng remained motionless.

Li Shang's fierce heartbeat shook his head.

Even he himself couldn't understand why he would save

someone else in such a difficult situation. He just felt that this
person(Hàn Dōng) lived in his mind. In his heart, he did not
exist at all times. He did not want Hàn Dōng to disappear like

For the first time in his life, he did not do a blind-eyed wolf act
to save himself only.

Li Shang took Hàn Dōng out of the car and carried him to the

Although the river is not wide, Li Shang has made every effort
to go to the shore every metre.

Later, his two residual legs gradually lost consciousness and

his consciousness began to blur. When he touched the grass on
the shore, he tried to push himself upwards. When he thought
about it again, the legs were completely frozen.

After Hàn Dōng came ashore, it was not the police that rushed
over first, nor was it Zhong Ding, but Cai Peng.

Because this incident was led by Cai Peng men, he never

thought that Hàn Dōng was in the car.
Cai Peng picked up Hàn Dōng and ran away like crazy on the
bridge. Several men rushed forward to help him Hàn Dōng
carry the car to the hospital.

At this time, Wang Zhong Ding's car came over.

He heard there were people in the river. He almost jumped

without asking. After groping for a long time, he finally found a
hand. Although he knew it was not Hàn Dōng's hand, he still
saved the man.

"Wang, Hàn Dōng has been sent to the hospital."

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhong Ding went directly with Li

Shang's ambulance and followed him toward the hospital.

On the way, the doctor performed a series of rescues on Li

Shang and finally recovered his vital signs.

"help take off his wet clothes." The doctor said to Wang Zhong
Wang Zhong Ding forced to pull, even pants with underwear
all went down.

It turned out that he had no sense of Li Shang's private parts.

The result was he inadvertently glanced at, and Wang's body

Li Shang's thigh has a white birthmark...

Finally he knows why Hàn Dōng couldn't predict the face of

that big rival, it's because the rival face has been changing.

On the way to the hospital, Hàn Dōng has been calling "Zhong
Zhong" and "Zhong Zhong". After opening his eyes, he did not
see Zhong Ding but found himself in Cai Peng gaze.

"How are you here?" Hàn Dōng asked, shaking his lips.

Cai Peng said: "I have killed everyone who bullies you. Only
from now on only will I bully you."
Hàn Dōng, "......."

Poor Hàn in the middle of the country, at this moment he was

being stunned by the enemy bravado he fell in a coma and slept.

"Hàn Dōng , sometimes I don't know exactly what kind of

feelings I have for you..."

And Li Shang woke up looking at Wang Zhong Ding's cold

eyes he thought it was Han Dōng.

Li Shang is still staggering: "He never knew. Why did I stare at

him, because in my heart, only he and I are the only ones who
understand each other, we have no background, no family life,
in this circle we can only float like duckweed..."

Look at Wang Zhong Ding's cold eyes.

Li Shang was even closer: "Hàn Dōng, sometimes, your

existence will the the only thing that gives me a sense of
security ..."
Wang Zhong Ding suddenly said: "Doctor."


"Can you turn your head?"


"I want to throw him back into the river."

Chapter 306 The Tragic Price
Wang Zhong Ding just sent Li Shang to the rescue room and
saw Hàn Dōng pushed out.


When Wang Zhong Ding's words were not finished, someone

rushed in front of him: “What's the situation?”

The doctor said to Cai Peng: "For the time being, there is no
problem, he is a bit cold, and then we will observe for some
time." As he said that Hàn Dōng was pushed to the intensive
care unit.

Wang Zhong Ding slowly walked to Cai Peng's side and he

would stare at him.

"Why are you here?"

Cai Peng replied carelessly: "Why can't I be here?"

In Wang Zhong Ding's eyes, he was stained with blood and he
clutched Cai Peng's collar with both hands in anger and asked:
"Was it you who did it? Is it you?"

Cai Peng counter-twisted Wang Zhong Ding's wrist and said

coldly, “Let me go.”

"I'm asking you, was it you?" Wang Zhong Ding's voice is more

"It was me, but I'm not a pin..." Cai Peng didn't finish to say
half of the words, and he got a fist from Wang Zhong Ding's
heavy hand and he was in a hurry to explain. "I feel even more
distressed than you!"

Wang Zhong Ding once again throws a fist. "What

qualifications do you have for doing this? Are you distressed?"

"My heart grows in my belly. I would like to hurt myself when

he feels pain. Did you manage to turn in?" Cai Peng also shot
The more disturbing the two people were, the more the
doctors came to watch. For the people here it does not matter
whether you are the chairman of the group or the elite of the

"Go fight outside, don't interfere with our patient treatment!"

Wang Zhong Ding only resented this, and finally let go of Cai
Peng and strode toward Hàn Dōng's ward.

Nobody knows how long it was outside suddenly he heard the

doctor's call.

“Who is the family of Li Shang? Is the family of Li Shang?”

Hàn Dōng was sleeping, and when he heard a loud voice he sat

"What happened to Li Shang? What happened to Li Shang? Li

He asked several times before found that Wang Zhong Ding
face was wrong, but the discovery is equivalent to not found,
continue to sullenly asked: "What happened to him? What
situation is he in right now?"

Wang Zhong Ding asked in the darkest tone of his life: "What's
the matter with him, what does it have to do with you?"

"It was he who saved me. If I didn't have him, I would die!"

"You also saved him. If it weren't for you.. I would kill him."

Wang Zhong Ding still regrets this decision so far. The people
who risk their lives .....they save the ones they like. But Li
Shang saved his own rival.

The doctor shouted again in the corridor. "The patient needs

surgery urgently. Is there any family member?"

Hàn Dōng wanted get out of bed when he heard this, and the
result was held by Wang Zhong Ding.
"I will go."

After Wang Zhong Ding went out, the doctor said to him: "The
patient's legs are infected in large areas and amputation surgery
is needed immediately."

"From where?" Wang Zhong Ding asked.

The doctor's sorry expression, "I'm afraid I can't push it below

the knee."

Wang Zhong Ding would like to say: Can we cut back a bit
longer? It is best to cut off the birthmark too... but in the spirit
of humanitarianism, he still called Li Shang's parents for the
first time.

Li Shang's parents sadly agreed to this decision.

After Wang Zhong Ding returned to the ward, Hàn Dōng

hurriedly asked, "What happened to him?"
Wang Zhong Ding silent for a while before opening: " He
should be fine, but the legs ... ... They can't be saves."

Hàn Dōng's felll back into the quilt and his eyes lost his focus.

Wang Zhong Ding tried to comfort himself: "His legs were

already in the disability level before the accident. Even if he
didn't save you, he won't be able to stay with them."

Unexpectedly, Hàn Dōng was even more uncomfortable after

hearing it. "Yeah, it's all gone. He still wants to save me."

Wang Zhong Ding, "......."

Li Shang had a successful operation but lost his legs.

Hàn Dōng lived in the hospital for more than a week. On the
day of leaving the hospital, he went to see Li Shang.
Li Shang has not yet recovered and is still looking pale and
lying on the bed. He never sees the shadow of a person on

However, the arrival of Hàn Dōng still made him feel spirited.

"Are you regretful now that you're like this?" Hàn Dōng tried
to swear.

Li Shang smiled compelledly. "No, I already knew that my two

legs couldn't survive. It was only a little bit earlier than
expected. Do you know? I've always had a dream in the past two
years. I dreamed I was in a wheelchair and you pushed me to see
"Feng Mang", every time I wake up I was in a cold sweat."

Hàn Dōng's heart was as heavy as a lead, "Yeah, two years of

desperate efforts to make a single movie."

"But the reality is not so unbearable for me. When I heard the
doctor discuss the amputation, I suddenly felt a sense of relief. I
discovered that the burden that this legs has given me is far
more than its worth."
"But it is still part of you," said Hàn Dōng.

Li Shang replied faintly: "What they cut is not my leg its just
your legs."

Hàn Dōng did not have a good sense of humor. "As you say
that..... shouldn't you tear your face off?"

Li Shang shook his lip. "I've been like this(cripple). Can you be
a little lenient?"

“Then can you not pretend? There is something wronged. If

you are uncomfortable, you will just have pour it out. When you
are not good enough, you are not to br polite to me. Now it's
time for you to get better I I'll help you!”

Li Shang understood, and he nodded, "Yes! But you said!

Retirement! I have no ability to act now. Those debts are for you

"Calm down, you are righteous enough or want to save

money?” Hàn Dōng could not help but gritted his teeth. “Your
little life is because of Wang Zhong Ding's arrival, what else do
you want?”

Li Shang remarked, "Wang is not the same as me. Wang

always has a noble morality. Unlike me, if I don't do a blind eye
attack, it's already an outbreak of my character!"

Hàn Dōng was actually given this truth to the man "Say, how
much does I owe?"

Li Shang said a number, Hàn Dōng was worried.

"So many people you owe I have to return to poverty?"

"It's no use." Li Shang is still very confident about Hàn Dōng.

"When "Feng Mang" is released, you can earn money just as
easily and you can help me with it within a few months."

Hàn Dōng began to have a bad heart without the money.

"That's my money. Why should I give it to you?"
"You just said that you were on the big money. How could you
still be so cheap?"

Hàn Dōng furiously spurted back: “Who's cheap? Who's

cheap? When I was poor back then I didn't even want your

Li Shang smiled woundedly. "Are you going to still remember

me for a lifetime?"

Hàn Dōng's eyelids turned and he did not speak.

The smile on Li Shang's face gradually faded, leaving a strange

sense of sadness.

"If I can reverse the time, you have to hide from me."

Hàn Dōng also sighed. "Yeah, although you were not a big star
at that time, you still had a sound body."
"No, what I want to say is that at least I could stay on par with
you ."

Hàn Dōng face was stiff, "You can not scare me, I saw the two
legs cut off.... why make this kind of emotion?"

"It's okay..." Li Shang said, "I'll play with you when I'm
repaying debt."

Hàn Dōng did not speak, but stared at Li Shang's photo on the
bedside, and he had a photo taken with Li Shang at the entrance
of the North Shadow Factory two years ago.

"Where did you get this photo?" Hàn Dōng was surprised.

Li Shang said: "Wang Zhong Ding gave me."

Hàn Dōng took a look and the two people in the photo were a
shoulder-to-shoulder with a smile that was brilliant without any
gaps. Who would have thought that from this day on, they
would have turned from friends to enemies.
"That's true." Hàn Dōng said sourly.

Li Shang did not say anything.

The doctor came knocking at the door. "The patient should


Hàn Dōng only got up and said goodbye. "You're good to sleep.
I will come to see you often."

"I'm afraid you won't come when you get your stardom." Li
Shang said.

Hàn Dōng's classic smirk re-emerged. "Rest assured, when I

have reached stardom, he will definitely come to you every

"You're up to this point in prospect." Li Shang gritted his

Before Hàn Dōng turned around, he still had a mouthful of
words and turned to see Li Shang's parents. His eyes were
covered with a mist.

"Auntie, my apologies to you."

Li Shang's father's hair was all white, and he had come with
his wife saying to Hàn Dōng: “Don't say that, we have to thank
you. You coming in has made him have a mood that is much

Hàn Dōng hurriedly left if he feared that he would not be able

to control his tears

On the way, he said to Shen Hua: "Come back and check how
much Li Shang still owes."

"Do you really want to help him repay it back?"

Hàn Dōng said: "I will make Yu Ming repay, anyway, Li Shang
is correct, he is also the general manager of Zhong Ding
Brokerage Company and is like daughter in law, sitting on the
Xià family noble wealthy, why won't he still pay ?"
Chapter 307 Finishing Chapter
After 30th in the New Year's Eve, along with the snow flying
in the sky, many fans queued up at the entrance to the cinema.
The two-year masterpiece "Feng Mang" was finally released
worldwide today.

Although he had watched narcissistically for more than a

dozen times, Hàn Dōng took Wang Zhong Ding and Xixi to the
cinema and joined the crowds in the IMAX hall to relive the
visual feast.

When the lights were off, Hàn Dōng put on 3D glasses, and the
shocking effects came out.

"Is it suitable for him?" Hàn Dōng asked for Xixi.

Xixi did not say anything, he sat straight and provoked the
people watching the video and smiled.

The child is too serious!

The truth is that Hàn Dōng took off his glasses and found that
his small eyes had already been closed.

"Really you littl~.... but you are welcome!" Hàn Dōng wanted
to yell at him.

He was reminded by someone next to them...

"Don't talk, the movie begins. “

Hàn Dōng turned his eyes to the big screen.

At the beginning of the film, it was a fierce shooting game.

The bullets flying to the front of the room resounded from the
explosives in their ears and crashed into the trucks on the seats.
They made the unprepared audience scream and burst into
doubt. The climax of the film came early.

"It's a special effect team in Hollywood. The level is absolutely

extraordinary." The audience sighed from the heart.
This is a battle between a special police officer and a drug
dealer. It is also a one-sided battle.

Intensified by bullets and constant explosions, the police

officer was forced to retreat behind a huge rock. A sharp bald-
head drug dealer shot Zheng Jun (Xià Yang Zhuo) with his hand.
He was the only heavy firepower in the police force. His injury
meant the failure of the entire arrest operation.

This time, four dead and 11 injured.

And the other side who often complains about evil is the local
high-handed man with big hair do.

Gao Jiang, a frustrating underground big name, has produced

and sold dozens of tons of drugs over the years, setting a world
record. He was extremely intelligent and well-armed. He was
extremely good at counter-intelligence and had dealt with the
police for a decade.

However, the appearance of this character did not give the

audience a strong visual stimuli, and even made people feel he
was misnamed.

He does not have a gloomy appearance, no chilly, sly eyes. On

the contrary, he was standing tall, with his four limbs folded,
standing upright and forthright. Even the hobbies are very
elegant. Involving, hunting, golfing, fencing, fishing, reading,
and all of them are normal hobbies.

To deal with such a perfect person, the police developed an

undercover plan.

A long and gorgeous social dance, beautiful clouds. Especially

under Cain's lens, in the IMAX special effects, that gorgeous
dress and exquisite makeup rushed forward, and people seemed
to smell the scent of brilliance.

However, Gao Jiang is always tense with nerves, does not

have any subjective feelings about anything, he is as prey
alertness, like a hunter, ready isolate any woman's provocation
and approach.

Until the emergence of Hàn Damei.

This shot can be called the greatest artistic achievement of
Cain's lifetime.

Originally the lively hall became explosive because of her

arrival it became dead silence.

Exquisitely highlighted silhouette, fiber and degree of

posture, frosty temperament, fascinating penetrating eyes,
pinnacle of the ultimate sexy ... As a stunning aesthetic
weapons, sweeping towards the high river over a trick.

Gao Jiang felt lively.

The audience also felt a "wow" cracker.

And no one laughs after the "wow", because this kind of

exclaimation is not uncontrollable by a few people, but it is a
large-scale space-time. Even women are irritated by “Han
Damei” beauty, especially in the shocking 3D effects, the long
legs across the screen are within easy reach!
Wild, fragrant, mellow, temptation...

Parallel legs, alternating legs posing gestures, one hand and

one foot, like a water stir in the spring pool...... so that the
hearts of men who are strong will swing from layer to layer.

"Dare I ask the miss name?"

"Han Yi."

If a woman is noble and beautiful, skillful and smart, what do

you do best?

A: I have to have her.

Gao Jiang and the audience in the film are in the same state of

However, Hàn Damei is a man. He could not have let Gao

Jiang discover his male body. He then staged a half-way
promotion, refusing to greet him, building his ecstasy, and
performed a wonderful tug of war...

The audience did not know that Hàn Damei's gender was a
male. In their opinion, this was an erotic drama aimed at seduce
people. If Hàn Damei's appearance is only a visual stimulus,
then her “seduction” of this Gao Jiang, it is really called a heart,
itching, difficult and resistant.

Even Wang Zhong Ding could not help but ask: "Why didn't
you do that to me when we met for the first time?"

"Do what?" Hàn Dōng asked him.

Wang Zhong Ding raised his chin and motioned him to look at
the screen.

Hàn Dōng said: "You don't start about this one again."

Wang Zhong Ding secretly grind the molar after grinding,

then I like what you set? Don't you just have to make the second
The plot was pushed forward and various clues were laid.
Every action of Gao Jiang and every reconnaissance of Hàn Yi
performed a bloody romance in the sword fight.

Gao Jiang did not blink, but he treats Hàn Yi with courtesy
and never offended her.

Gao Jiang's female deputy tried to test Hàn Yi's skill and
released Tibetan mastiffs to attack her. In order to protect Hàn
Yi, Gao Jiang fought alone with Tibetan mastiffs and was
wounded more than 20 places.


However, this emotional drama has finally stopped due to the

exposure of Hàn Yi's identity.

When Hàn Yi took off the "equipment" and revealed his true
content, all the Chinese and even the world's movie cinema
halls were boiling.
Fuck this movie, how is this possible?

The screams of the audience awakened Xixi, and the small

head slammed into Hàn Dōng's arms, appeasing him for a while
before falling asleep again.

After Hàn Dōng appeared in his own right, the charm didn't
fall back.

He not only has super-class reflexes and body functions, but

also often uses physics and chemistry and even common sense
to find ways to escape from the siege of drug dealers.

During the real shooting of real guns and immersive

adventures, the climax of action scenes made people feel bloody

Especially the scene when Hàn Dōng jumped from the

waterfall scene.

There was no gorgeous blasting, no bullets flying, no electro-

optic flint, but the huge splash of water, more than 200 meters
of the gap became the climax of the film.

Hàn Dōng fell down, the beautiful body parabola, the high-
detailed picture is amazing.

When Wang Zhong Ding sees this scene, it shook his heart.

In the end, Gao Jiang was successfully caught.

The overwhelming police car yelled behind and the Gao

Jiang's footsteps remained undisciplined. His face was placid
and his eyes were not squinting, not even looking back. He was
far from death...

Hàn Dōng quietly left the crowd and walked in the dark with a
big walk.

Someone said that his shoulder are shaking.

Finally, Hàn Dōng's salute to the flag caused many viewers to


The ending song sounds and the big screen starts playing the

Many people think that this film is a tidbit for the film and
found that it is not.

Hàn Dōng also looked at the moment.

What played on the big screen was a fragments of his days as

an Extra Actor. There was no single line or even a shot. The
footage flashed off but made him proud.

Five years of sadness and persistence.

In the filming of “Theft of Shadows,” when they shot the

“Seven Days,” they shot the “The Red Devil,” and during the “
Seven Days”, the hot summer day while he was struggling with
a piece of cotton-padded jacket. When they shot “Feng Mang”,
when he fell into a fragment of cold water. ...

The persistence and efforts of the scene finally turned into

shock and affection today.

At the end of the ending, a big character appears on the


"Happy birthday, cool-east-east, I-will-love-you-forever-Mr-



1].....That was the video Wang stole from Han Dōng computer
in those early days

The End
Special Chapter: Zhong Dong Article
The film "Feng Mang" made Han Dong stardom rise all over
the world, and his popularity is so high. Any microblog post
retweet volume is astronomical, and an expression can make the
media make a fuss. Local fans flocked in groups, and sent the car
to the airport to welcome him. The popularity was

It can be said that Han Dong is not lacking anything at the

moment, except that is, there is no freedom. In addition to
being strictly watched by the media on a regular basis, even the
scope of activities and the tour are narrow, and many places
have become a forbidden place for him.

"Now the reality show offer is particularly hot, and I want to

participate." Han Dong stared at Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding refused before he even thought about it:


"What?" Han Dong does not give up.

Wang Zhong Ding told him straightforwardly: "You will ruin

In the cold winter, Han Dong couldn't think of a

counterattack for a long time, because what Wang Zhong Ding
said it's too real.

After a while, Han Dong said to Wang Zhong Ding: "I want to
play costume drama, I have not tried ancient characters."

Wang Zhong Ding gave it no more thought he shot it down:


"Hey, can't you just agree at least to that?" Han Dong was
anxious. "What wrong with me playing the costumes drama?"

"Your facial contours are too westernized, and the costumes

are too playful."

In fact, the truth is that Wang Zhong Ding feels that Han
Dong's legs are too long, and his ass is too high when he bends.
This kind of play, should be limited at home.

"Would like to play a gay movie? Self-directed, what do you


Wang Zhong Ding only cares about one thing: "Who is your
other half?"

"Li Shang! You think about it, let him play a beautiful man in
a wheelchair. I play a good friend who takes care for him. I have
more feelings and love. Besides, everyone knows that we don't
agree to each other let him play others and don't gossip. You
won't think about it, right?"

"What is there to think about?"

Wang Zhong Ding gave Han Dong a boring back when he


Thank you... I am you? Han Dong whispered so loudly.

Wang Zhong Ding did not give Han Dong any chance to
directly explain the business plan for it.

"You let Shen Hua go to Zhao Wei to take a planning form and
you can prepare for the charity auction. I have something to do
in the afternoon, I will not go with you."


After Wang Zhong Ding left, Han Dong secretly asked Er Lei:
"What happened to him these two days? The smell of
gunpowder(fight) is a bit heavy!"

Er Lei reluctantly explained: "You are a star now, Wang is also

under great pressure. A few days ago, the company's
headquarters system was frequently attacked by hackers. The
other party took the stolen data as a keynote and took your nude
photos. Wang can't think straight. "

So this turned out to be the case... Han Dong patted the

shoulders of Er Lei: "Then you enlighten him."
Er Lei smiled helplessly: "I can't make it alone. You have to
express it. In fact, the man who is strong again has a sense of
insecurity." Han Dong's sense of mission was on his body and he
sighed: I did not do my best as a man."

Er Lei just had to talk to the phone and it rang.

"Okay, you are going to be busy with your stuff." Han Dong

Er Lei and Wang Zhong Ding rushed to the film and television
base together, and the car went halfway. Wang Zhong Ding
suddenly spoke.


Er Lei is unknown: "What happened?"

Wang Zhong Ding slammed the door open and walked to the
door of an adult goods store. The one that is displayed in the
window is the inflatable doll based on Han Damei.
Han Dong rose unexpectedly. He played with inflatable dolls
for a lifetime, and at the end he became an inflatable doll.

"Hey, you have a real eye, this one recent sale is particularly
good." The proprietress enthusiastically introduced it.

Wang Zhong Ding sullenly asked: "Which factory is this

produced from?"

The boss was busy explaining: "Don't worry about quality, I

have a regular channel. You touch this with a feeling, this work,
and you will have no difference with the real thing."

Er Lei coughed: "You haven't touched the real kne, how do

you know that there is no difference between that one and the

The boss wife smiled and smiled: "I am not just an analogy.
Who can touch this person? Isn't it enough to have a doll?"

Er Lei face had a black line.

The proprietress showed the private parts of the inflatable
doll to Wang Zhong Ding: "You see, how realistic it is."

Wang Zhong Ding looked at the private parts of the woman,

and the expression on his face was darker.

Er Lei whispered to the side and said: "At least it prove that
those men are not interested in Han Dong himself, but are
obsessed with the illusory 'female' sexual role in the movie."

Just finished, the proprietress slammed on the side and clap

his hands: "It turns out that you are so good! I said early, I said
that you already come out. I can't help but keep pulling my face.
It turned out that I didn't understand you. ."

Talking about the issue while rapid drilling into the

warehouse, she moved out two inflatable dolls based on Han
Dong himself.

In the end, Er Lei walked with more than a dozen sets of

"inventory" toward the trunk, followed by the cold face of Wang
Zhong Ding.
"After a while, send people to the factory and make them give
me their factory address!"

Er Lei nodded busyly: "Yes, yes, I already told people to do it,

don't be worried."


For the safety of Han Dong's life, the organizers of the charity
auction not only sent dozens of security guards to Han Dong,
but also arranged a fully enclosed lounge for him.

Han Dong was playing with his mobile phone leisurely, and
Xiao Liang suddenly broke into his side and said: "Yuan Ze is

Han Dong's face changed and he asked, "How many people are
with him?"

"Not many, just two."

Han Dong made a snap: "God helps me too, and I will try to get
him down for a while."

"What are you doing?" Xiao Liang was shocked.

Han Dong said: "I need the bed back."


Han Dong nodded: "This bed is a heart disease in the middle. I

can't sit still like this as a man. I want to get it back and have a
sense of security."

Xiao Liang hesitated a little: "Is it reliable? What if we can't

take it from him?"

"He brought two people, and there are more than two
hundred people here, even if one hundred is enough to deal
with one."
Xiao Liang thinks it is right.

The charity auction began, and Han Dong appeared as a

heavyweight guest finale, which immediately attracted a lot of

"Everyone is quiet, what I am putting up for bidding for today

is my DIY belt.······"

After the introduction of Han Dong, the host announced the

start of the auction, starting at 3600, and it was called 100,000
in a short while. Fanship is not terrible, terrible things is the
crazy fans every time Han Dong participates in charity auctions,
the following is how things will grab the blood.





The entire venue was boiling, and the belt started at 3,600
yuans was shouted to 1 million yuans? It's just terrible.

"One million for the first time, one million for the second
time, one million for the first..."

"10 million yuans!" Suddenly a male voice interrupted.

The host thought that he had gotten it wrong and asked again:
"How much?"

The other party replied without hesitation: "10 million."

The entire venue was silent, the hammer fell, and the deal

Back in the lounge, Shen Hua was still stuck in the excitement
of emotions.

"Would you say that the last person who called the price is a
handsome guy?"

Han Dong deliberately pretended to be stupid: "Who knows?

Anyway, doing charity, whoever shoots the same everything is
going to charity."

At this time, Xiao Liang suddenly came in and made a gesture

to Han Dong, suggesting that Yuan Ze has already come to this

"Quick hands, don't let him get away" Han Dong ordered.

Xiao Liang went to perform the task.

Han Dong sat alone in the lounge, imagining that Wang
Zhong Ding would be moved to see the big bed and couldn't be
self-restrained. He thought that he was driving the show, and
the door slammed open.

Seeing that Yuan Ze walked in indifferently, Han Dong saw a

glimpse of it, and soon he showed a mocking smile.

"Are you still well ?"

Yuan Ze did not speak, and went straight to Han Dong and
fixedly stared at him.

Although Yuan Ze still used the overwhelming explosive field

to shake Han Dong's shock and make him tremble, but in the
eyes of Han Dong, Yuan Ze was only caught in the middle of the
battle, there was no danger, but the habit of being shocked by
him was high.

"Was that belt taken by you?" Han Dong asked.

Yuan Ze asked: "What about it? If i say yes then what?"

Han Dong said coldly: "If you take it, I will redeem it. Ten
million will be my donation."

"If you have money, is it not humanity to give to charity?"

Yuan Ze said, using the belt to hit the palm of his hand.

He wouldn't .....weren't you the one who said man love is

disgusting and everyone in it is the same disgusting

Yuan Ze's face was annoyed: "Can you not choose this path
every time you fight back? Is it interesting?"

"This bridge is too classic, no way, hahahahaha..." Han Dong

is proud of laughing.

Yuan Ze screamed coldly: "If I lose a million, it doesn't matter.

When I take a big bed that someone has slept in.... it will be sold
out fast and high. I am afraid that one hundred million will not
"Fuck that, you dare to try auction it and see !" Han Dong
realized what he had, and said, "You may not have this
opportunity. Today, you will return it to the original owner."

One clap, "You can come in."

No one responded outside.

Han Dong reveals the color of doubt, and walks to the door in
a few big steps. The outside is empty, and more than 200 people
are not there like .....just like evaporation.

By gods! what happened?

"Did you ask for foreign aid?" Han Dong asked.


Han Dong felt it was unbelievable: "How can your two people
deal with me more than 200 people?"

"Because I brought mine two cousins."

A thunder blasted on the top of Han Dong.

The cousin of Yuan Ze

Don't say two hundred "fine soldiers", even his "head" wants
to go outside to lool.

Too sinister, this man is too sinister!

Han Dong wanted to swear, and suddenly found that Yuan Ze

looked at his eyes a bit wrong.

"What are you doing?" Han Dong subconsciously retreated.

Yuan Ze stepped tightly: "Did you not always say you
remember the wooden bed? I will take you to see it."

"Don't tell me, don't come over, I will tell you..."


In the end, Han Dong finally got the big bed on his wish, but
his neck was covered by the lock ring on the bedside, except that
he had no choice and couldn't move.

Yuan Ze leaned on the wall not far away, while watching Han
Dong, while he was playing with the belt in his hand, and made
a "smack" sound.

"You want to know what I will used this belt now? I tell you
now, spank you."

The muscles of Han Dong's body were tightened at that

moment, and there was no shocking power in his eyes.

"you wouldn't dare!"

The voice just fell, and the ass was smacked.

"Fuck..... are you really playing?" Han Dong was anxious.

Yuan Ze said: "Otherwise, do you think I am flirting with

you?" Then he lifted the belt.

"Don't .....stop..." Han Dong urgently stopped. "You don't hit

here, you have to change places, Wang Zhong Ding will think
more of it."

"When you broke into my house and you had a dozen punches
on my face, did you discuss it with me?"

Han Dong squinted: "Are you still vengeful about that?"

"Because my hatred is not yet satiated!"

In the next second, Yuan Ze held down Han Dong's waist and
sat on his butt. Rather than playing, it is better to say that it is
cheaper to take revenge on Wang .

Han Dong yelled, trying to open the lock ring on his neck with
his hand but did not succeed.

"I remember that someone is best at bundling and unlocking

passwords. How is it now? At the critical moment, the chain is
still not broken?"

Han Dong gritted his teeth: "I don't even have a tool in my
hand. What do you think I can do?"

"When you are sleepwalking, isn't it a supernatural power for

you to unclock things? It's better to sleep, maybe you can wake
up and run away."

Han Dong made various curses in his heart.

At this time, Yuan Ze's mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Okay, I know." His mobile phone, Yuan Ze Chao Han Dong
said, "I have to go out for a trip, you take this opportunity to
sleep well, I look forward to seeing the bed empty when I come

Finally, Yuan Ze left with a smile in the eyes of Han Dong's


Han Dong is so anxious to sweat, he must think of a way to

escape, can not sit still. Otherwise, when Wang Zhong Ding
came to save him, the suspicious nature would have changed.

As he was pondering that .....Han Dong suddenly touched a

pin. This was taken when the broach was worn before the
auction. After the end, I didn't have time to pick it up, just now
he can use it.

So, Han Dong hurriedly opened the pin and used a needle to
lock the hole.

However, the hands have been useless for a long time. This is
not an ordinary lock at all, but a lock that Yuan Ze has tailored
for Han Dong to prevent tampering and unlocking.

Motherfucker! Han Dong tossed around and became dizzy,

and finally threw the pins and did not move.

He doesn't know how long it took, and Han Dong took the pin
again, but this time the eyes were closed. Also after trying for a
while, the sleepwalking Han couldn't open the lock ring and put
his hand down.

When Yuan Ze came back, Han Dong was still lying in bed.

"I thought that I could see the miracle when I opened the
door." Yuan Ze sneered.

Han Dong has no response.

Yuan Ze squinted at the head and Han Dong was already

asleep. He tried to make two shouts and Han Dong did not
respond. He tried to use the belt to spank him. Han Dong still
didn't respond.
This is man is not awake?

Yuan Ze carefully observed it and found that Han Dong was

really asleep rather than lying

"You come in." Yuan Ze's bodyguard was called at the door.

After the bodyguard entered, Yuan Ze asked him to try to

wake up Han Dong. The bodyguard went up and punched him
and Yuan Ze's face was dark at the time.

"Do you want to stay alive?"

The bodyguard was dumbfounded, and Yuan Ze's expression

also had a moment of stagnation. After a while, two people
realized that even with such a heavy punch, Han Dong still did
not wake up when he heard such a loud reprimand.

"What the situation?" Yuan Ze's face was a little uneasy.

The bodyguard guessed: "Is he fainted?"

"How can he fainted?"

"Is there a cause of death that is caused by orthostatic

suffocation? When a person's throat part is restrained for a long
time, it will cause poor breathing."

"His neck is just being locked not being squeezee and the limbs
can move, how can he suffocate?"

"But he has been unable to turn over, and that will affect
breathing for a long time?" The bodyguard carefully analyzed.

Yuan Ze squinted for a moment and finally said: "First unlock

the lock ring on his neck."

As a result, the bodyguard took the key, but he couldn't open

"What is the situation?" Yuan Ze's face changed.

The bodyguard said: "It seems that the lock is damaged."

"Do you move your hands and feet that uselessly?" Yuan Ze
was dubious. "Let me have a try"

The bodyguard handed the key to Yuan Ze, and Yuan Ze tried
the same result. The lock cylinder hole was broken and the
existing lock key mechanism was abolished.

When Yuan Ze ordered people to find all kinds of tools, they

couldn't open the lock. Even the locksmith who made the lock
was invited. He said that he could do nothing.

Yuan Ze did not expect that Han Dong actually did the
opposite. The lock he didn't open, but he made so people
couldn't open the lock.

"Yuan, do you want to take the bed off?" Someone suggested.

Yuan Ze immediately refuted it: "What you mean dismantle?"

"But the hardness of this lock is too high, and it must be cut
with a special machine. Moreover, if you look at his current
situation, I am afraid that this will be delayed for a while..."

Yuan Ze swept Han Dong and said, "Go to the hospital first."

"Going to the hospital? How will he go to the hospital in this


"Take the bed too."


Finally, the bodyguard really took the bed out of the room and
carried it to the RV and headed for the hospital.

As a result, they didn't think about it. When the car was less
than two kilometers away, it was robbed by a group of people
who were buried in ambush there.

Yuan Ze had been psychologically prepared and knew what

Han Dong's trick was. First tie yourself to the bed, so that even
if he something happens he will bring his beds back.

However, Yuan Ze still can't help himself, because Yuan Ze

does not know that Han Dong has the ability to sleep and avoid
waking up. Worried that such a stalemate, Han Dong's situation
is not good, so I will not be willing to step back and had to let
him go.

So, Han Dong returned home with such a shock.

When Wang Zhong Ding came back, Han Dong still fell asleep
in bed.

Originally, Wang Zhong Ding saw that the "Han Dong brand"
inflatable doll was not good enough. He heard that Han Dong
gave Yuan Ze a "turn" and his blood pressure went up.
Fortunately, when he came back to see that Han Dong was safe
and sound, and he also saw the big bed he was thinking. He
wanted to move him. It turned out that the lock ring on the
neck of Han Dong suddenly made him changed his face...·····

This lock is in the neck and with the whole scene, it is too
much for Wang to think about it.

Although Han Dong is neatly dressed, he is for the hospital to

wear it.

Therefore, Wang Zhong Ding took Han Dong's clothes off and
examined him one by one inch.

As a result, no problem at all, the looming red marks on the

buttocks made Wang Zhong Ding stunned.

At this time, Han Dong woke up and did not look at the person
in front of him. He shouted: "What are you doing?"

He didn't hear the response for a long time, Han Dong realized
that something was wrong.
"Hey? How did I came back?"

Wang Zhong Ding asked: "What were you doing?"

Han Dong pointed to the lock ring on the neck: "You first
unlock this, I will tell you."

"Im unable to unlock it, the lock is broken."

Han Dong first saw a glimpse, then seemed to understand

what happened he ​laughed: "I know, I know, no wonder the bed
is also back. Unexpectedly, this sleepwalking really works,
hahahahaha... ···"

Wang Zhong Ding did not have the same meaning of

happiness, still clinging to a question: "What were you doing?"

Han Dong said with tenderness: "Go to find a sense of

Wang Zhong Ding slammed the lock ring in anger and asked:
"Did you find a sense of security for me?"

"No, you misunderstood, this is the case...", you first helped

me to saw this thing on my neck, saw it off, and then I will

Wang Zhong Ding said: "Isn't this necessary?"


"This is actually very good." Wang Zhong Ding said as he

found a rope and lifted Han Dong's waist with it suspending him
mid air.


This kind of position, with Han Dong's out-of-print figure, is

it a lively erotic taste?
Others regard Han Damei in "Feng Mang" as the best, but
Wang Zhong Ding feels that Han Dong on the bed naked is the
real big star, a fairy who will never be visually tiring, and
whatever position you can put him in it will make Wang Zhong
Ding cock second hard.

"Fuck.....Zhongzhong, aren't you playing too far?"

Han Dong's mouth groaned, but the prolonged nasal moan

sound clearly conveyed a discordant signal to Wang Zhong

---- Ooh he definetly likes.

Wang Zhong Ding toughly went to Han Dong's belt, and said
that it was a precision. The leather pants just lowered to the
upper side of the chrysanthemum, which seemed to be
uncovered and twitching

"Zhongzhong......right there....there"
Han Dong feels that the "little weapon" was embedded in his
skin, and the pain he feels is accompanied by itching and
lightning into his central nervous system of the brain, causing
him a shudder in his waist.

....That is Wang Zhong Ding's teeth were raging on his

buttocks. It was as if he can't bear it, then he had to bite it, bite
it, his teeth were locked at the periphery, the tip of his tongue is
still playing inside the buttcrack, and the anger and the endless
anger is making Han Dong make pitiful moans .

"Zhongzhong······ Go a little bit······"

"How are the pants going down?"

Han Dong had to completely exposed the half of his trousers

below his hips.

after awhile......

"Zhongzhong.....Go a little bit on the inside...··"

"How do you want me to go with you like this?"

Han Dong wanted to spread open his legs, but the pants were
too tight and stuck in the legs. He wanted to take off his pants,
but Wang Zhong Ding grabbed his wrist.

Han Dong instantly understood what Wang Zhong Ding


"Damn you, you wanted this position..."

Once a stinking hooligans, nowadays, he can only open his

own two shackles and let the "righteous gentleman" bully him.

Wang Zhong Ding took out a straight, hard object and

whipped it in Han Dong itched twitch asshole.

Han Dong couldn't stand it anymore. Two slender legs

smashed Wang Zhong Ding's leg and his hips slammed back
against the "gun."
"Hurry up······"

Wang Zhong Ding was usually tempered and went to bed to

release his temper.

"Which way you to be done?" asked Han Dong.

Han Dong pretended to be reserved and shy: "I have blocked

your gun muzzle and you asked me this?"

Wang Zhong Ding wanted to say, if he does not hear the

answer, he will not push his cock forward.

Han Dong's buttocks are not reserved, and there is a stance to

swallow the big bird. The waist was hung up, and when he just
touched his asshole on Wang hard cock... He was dragged away
back by the rope. In the end, he couldn't hold the original shape
and had to swear.

"My chrysanthemum wants to be fucked by you...·Hurry up

and fuck me...·····
After that Wang Zhong Ding was ready to work, he
immediately entered him.

Han Dong's thirst after a long period of sorrow and great

satisfaction he was filled with wild game and color emotions.

"Little Slut......"

....Although Wang Zhong Ding's mouth is closed his eyes are

filled with endless fanaticism and obsession. This is how many
people are obsessed with this obscenity, but now this obscene
act belongs to him alone, and he is dedicated to him to play with
only and do nothing.


Wang Zhong Ding went straight into the knife and did not
favor the G point at that point. Someone with Wang precision
left no room to crush, causing Han Dong to instantly scream
with a moaning cry.
"Payback one or the other ?" asked Wang Zhong Ding.

Han Dong can't wait to plead: "......I want.....must have...."

"What do you want tell me?"

Han Dong also sold his shyness at this time, using his crappy
english to ask: "fuck me... harder....·"

You have the nerves... Wang Zhong Ding almost swallowed

him into his stomach.

The time after that was a burst of passion and mutual

enthusiasm. Wang Zhong Ding violently opened the narrow
channel once and for all, and turned over the clouds. Han Dong
was swayed his beautiful buttocks hanging on the ropes, and the
two beautiful long legs were twisted, and the visual stimuli
simply hollowed out Wang Zhong Ding's blood through and

For Han Dong this fast paced hard fuck is still not enough, and
the waves on his mouth were not done.

" Big Wang.........Loves to pamper me..... His Little Slut....

Fucking me ferociously "

Wang Zhong Ding instantly groaned in his heart, and both of

his hands slammed Han Dong's leg and pulled him outwards,
smashing his cock into the fragile land with a powerful thrusts

"Ah, ah...Fuck...I'm going to die..."

Han Dong screamed, and suddenly a his hand reached his

front end to play with his weeping cock , and the thrill of the
moment rushed into his brain like a bomb, forcing Han Dong to
lose control, and the beautiful buttocks picked up a layer of
sweat, and the white cum rushed out.

"No, it's a little while...······"

Wang Zhong Ding did not give Han Dong a resting

opportunity, and once again rushed him into it.
In exchange for peacetime, Han Dong would have already
softened his legs and fell into bed. Today, his waist was hung,
and he could only hold his hips and continue to be Wang Zhong
Ding plaything. He was crying and moaning

"I felt so worried all day long, you said, should you swear?"

"It should be, please let me die...·····"

Wang Zhong Ding hugged Han Dong's waist and slammed

harder into his body. With the fierce deep chest groan, he
finally made a sexy and heavy burst inside Han Dong ravaged

Then, Wang Zhong Ding untied the rope from Han Dong's
waist. Han Dong immediately fell into the bed like a muddy
sludge, and he breathed harder for a while.

Wang Zhong Ding carefully turned Han Dong's head over and
fixedly looked down at him.
Han Dong also stared at him with a big eyes.

After a long time, Wang Zhong Ding asked: "How did you get
your ass bruised?"

"Ass? What ass?" Han Dong deliberately played stupid.

Wang Zhong Ding bounced on his skull: "Look at you like this

Han Dong smiled, his arm hooked on Wang Zhong Ding's neck
and pulled him over, and he was tired for a while before he

"He hit me."

Wang Zhong Ding's muscles under his body were obviously

stiff, and his face quickly sank.
"He hits your ass?"

Han Dong nodded.

"What did he use?" asked Wang Zhong Ding.

"A belt."

Wang Zhong Ding said in a bad tone: "Is it really hitting"

Han Dong was busy nodding: "Not flirting."

"Who asked if you were flirting? I asked you if he hit you


"Heavily.... heaviest"

Wang Zhong Ding instantly had a black face: "Motherfucker!

He actually dare to do it to my man?"

Han Dong thought that Wang Zhong Ding would ask him why
Yuan Ze was specializing in hitting his ass. Why not go hit
elsewhere? Do you want to provoke him and so on? As a result,
Wang Zhong Ding had no blame for a little bit, but he was
distressed because of Han Dong's beating.

" Zhongzhong····· why are you so good to me now?" Han Dong

could not help but ask.

"Was I not good to you before?"

Wang Zhong Ding said that he was lying on the side of Han
Dong, and his two hands were inserted into his hair and he was
fixedly watching him.

Han Dong has a problem. As long as Wang Zhong Ding's face

is less than two centimeters away from him, he will not hesitate
to kiss him. Sure enough, Wang Zhong Ding just came close,
Han Dong did not ask anything, and directly opened his teeth
and went in for a kiss
Wang Zhong Ding also has a problem. As long as he presses
Han Dong beneath h, Han Dong will have his two legs around
his waist. Sure enough, he personally carried Han Dong's legs
with my hands and could not defy the overlap on his waist.

The atmosphere quickly warmed up erotically.

Wang Zhong Ding's thin lips left Han Dong's mouth, moved
down to his throat, clavicle, and then went to the small nipple
ring, and he teased with his teeth.

"Aaah······" Han Dong waist made a shuddering tremble.

Speaking of the process of wearing this nipple ring, Wang

Zhong Ding still remembers it. Originally, he did not have such
a request. Han Dong himself had to play with it with
excitement, not to say that it was so cool and sexy. Wang Zhong
Ding couldn't help but indulge, but he had to promise.

Because he did not want others to touch the nipple ring on

Han Dong, Wang Zhong Ding could only do it himself. At that
time, the screams of Han Dong getting a nipple right were more
powerful than usual, and Wang Zhong Ding was so distressed
that he had nightmares for a whole night.

However, it turns out that this sin has not been sinned, and
Wang Zhong Ding is more loving of the nipple ring than the one
next beneath him.

The tongue swept over the flat belly and came to the inside of
the thigh.

Wang Zhong Ding separated Han Dong's two legs split straight
and they spanned the entire length of the bed. If there is Yu
Ming's flexibility, Han Dong can reach both bed ends with both

So high standards. How can the temptation of super difficulty

move be unpleasant?

From the roots of the legs to the ankles, Wang Zhong Ding's
tongue hovered over a distance of more than two meters.
Wherever he goes, there are no less traces of kisses and dents.
Han Dong's itch was lifted again, and the lower abdomen was
lifted up to rest on Wang Zhong Ding's armpit.

"I still want to······"

Wang Zhong Ding deliberately teased him: "I am tired."

"Nothing, I will come by myself." Han Dong spoke while he

made pure manly kisses.

Wang Zhong Ding decisively shocked his intentions. "One

pole" slammed down and heard the scream from Han Dong.

Then, Wang Zhong Ding went to pull Han Dong, and Han
Dong himself raised his lower abdomen and slammed his ass
onto Wang Zhong Ding. The belly was twisted and it was called
a cheerful, self-sufficient and sensual act even the face that saw
Wang Zhong Ding.

"What are you laughing at?" Han Dong asked.

Wang Zhong Ding did not speak, and both of his hands
slammed Han Dong's two legs and bent him down, and the
entire buttocks lifted off the sheets. Just under Han Dong eye,
the impact of the butt smacking is like a blast.

"Ah, ah... I like watching you like this... I like watching you
big cock to fuck my little chrysanthemum..."

Han Dong's swearing words instantly poked Wang Zhong

Ding H point, Wang Zhong Ding's tiger eyes were now full of
male pheromones, and his arms were blue and violent. The
power of the fierce tyrant seemed to be on the whole of Han
Dong. Han Dong only has the lock ring in his hand to prevent
the neck from being hurt by excessive collision.

Wang Zhong Ding was too squandered to use this force. He

simply carried Han Dong's calf to his shoulder and held his
buttocks against his arm. He bumped into Han Dong's waist and
trembled, and the ass followed the whole big bed.

"Fuck me... do me... use your big cock to fuck me..."

"Whose big cock?" asked Wang Zhong Ding.

Han Dong was unceremonious, and his words were blurted


"Yours... my husband's..."

Wang Zhong Ding was too excited to be self-sustaining, and a

violent rhythm made the two people come to the same time in
the world.

Afterwards, Wang Zhong Ding pointed to the white turbidity

sprayed on the chest and asked Han Dong: "What should I do
this this?"

Han Dong especially consciously put out his tongue, and the
fancy and lascivious style of tongue movement made Wang
Zhong Ding once again "get even harder into the body."

"What are you doing?" Han Dong is obviously too tired to

Wang Zhong Ding deliberately joined the face with Han Dong
and said, "You seduced me."

"Who seduced you?" Han Dong kissed Wang Zhong Ding.

Wang Zhong Ding also rudely ordered: "Put your legs to my


Han Dong secretly said: you said that you were not jealous...

Zhong Ding Group, because the film "Feng Mang" stabilized at

the top spot in the mainland entertainment company, Hengyu
Media was not far behind, it officially listed in March, the stock
price soared 168.74% on the first day, Cai Peng as the largest
shareholder natural hand weight right, he passed the good day
of "sitting on the mountains and rivers and laughing at the three

However, everything has a price. Just like Han Dong, the

change of status has also caused Cai Peng to lose a lot of personal
time. At the beginning of the listing, various problems need to
be solved. On weekdays, he used to be the shopkeeper. Now he
has to do it himself. After a long time, even the tough guy Cai
Peng can't afford it.

Fortunately, the company's female artist is very

"compassionate" to him. Today, she sent a CD, and tomorrow
she sent a bunch of private photos, and the day after tomorrow
she sent a nude show for the chairman to entertain.

However, there is a saying that "the best is not available."

Although Cai Peng is with a good woman, he can't stand the
wrong mind. The chairman of the board of directors has placed
his focus on his own artist. He is good, placed on the table, and
stored in the home. The history records show all the dynamics
of the opponent's head card.

The assistant just sent a sister's promotion blockbuster. Cai

Peng didn't look at his eyes and turned to a new news about Han
Dong. Less than two hundred words of the report, it took more
than half an hour to read.

"What is this kid busy recently?"

The assistant said: "I heard that Li Shang is very close to him."

"He has contact with the Disabled One?" Cai Peng mentioned
that Li Shang was still disabled

"I heard that Li Shang has to be fitted with a prosthetic

recently. Han Dong is running around for this issue."

Cai Peng snorted: "There is nothing to eat."

But after a while, Cai Peng thought of something, his eyes

picked up slightly.

"Is there Wang Zhong Ding with him?"

The assistant vaguely said: "It seems that there is not, Wang
does not want to see Li Shang, how can he follow Han Dong for
"How is the progress on Li Shang?"

"This... I am not too sure, or shall I inquire?"

"Go ahead."

After the assistant left, Cai Peng leaned back on the seat and
closed his eyes. After a while, he fell asleep.

He doesn't know how long it took, and the door was knocked.

Cai Peng struggled to open the eyelids and said: "Come in."

"Chairman, I found out, Li Shang is having the operation

today, and Han Dong is there."

"Wang Zhong Ding has come with him?" Cai Peng asked.
The assistant shook his head: "No, I specifically asked about
this..... Mr. Wang went to the meeting today."

The fatigue of Cai Peng's face was swept away, and he

immediately stood up from his seat and waved at the assistant:
"Take a few people and walk with me."

"After the afternoon..."

"Don't care!" Cai Peng slammed the door.

On the way, Assistant and Cai Peng talked: "You said that the
same work is for the chairman and general manager. Why is
Wang always so busy? Every day with Han Dong running east
and west, the company's affairs don't matter to him?"

"If I had Han Dong around, I would also be so free!"

The assistant originally wanted to shoot Cai Peng's flattering

through the spit.....Wang Zhong Ding, who wanted Cai Peng to
speak to Wang Zhong Ding, so he was not willing to come again.
"I just think that Wang Dong is too tightly controlled."

"Is this tight? With his current popularity, I would have

already given him a secret cage."

Ok... The assistant replied weakly: " Lets pretend I didn't ask."

Twenty minutes later, Cai Peng came to the hospital where Li

Shang was undergoing surgery.

Han Dong is waiting outside the surgery room. There is no

bodyguard around him. At first glance, he is texting Wang
Zhong Ding.

When Cai Peng walked over, Han Dong was playing with his
mobile phone, and did not realize that there was a big monster
approaching himself.

"You are quite emotional." Cai Peng stood by Han Dong.

Han Dong suddenly stunned: "How did you run to this place?"

Cai Peng replied faintly: "Well, Li Shang used to be an artist in

my company. I care about him ....why wouldn't I be here?"
Then he sat down next to Han Dong and stared at him.

Han Dong did not realize that the danger was coming. He also
pointed to Cai Peng's threat: "I tell you, if you dare to sneak in,
then you will start with Li Shang, and I am not welcome to you!"

Cai Peng smiled: "Who said that I am running for Li Shang?"

Han Dong's face was slightly discolored.

Cai Peng was very unwilling to stick out the claws of Han
Dong's cheeks: "I am running for you."

"Your motherfucker..... go a little farther, ah ah ah..."

Han Dong was directly taken out of the hospital by Cai Peng,
and he got thrown on his own car the RV

"Do you know how long I waited for this opportunity?"

Han Dong screamed: "If you dare to do anything to me, I will

hate you forever!"

Cai Peng said: "I have seen it early. If I just don't to do

anything to you. You can't love me. It's better to let myself be
happy and not to be foolish."

"Fuck your uncle, let go..... Fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off..."

Facing Han Dong's screaming voice, Cai Peng tore his clothes
and peeled it from head to toe, leaving no wires. Han Dong's two
long legs are also hoisted on two hooks in the compartment.

"It's really long..." Cai Peng sighed and sighed while caressing.
"Do you always do maintenance on your skin? So slippery."
Han Dong gritted his teeth.

Cai Peng's hand was stroking and came to the forbidden place,
and the rough fingers slammed on the asshole.

Han Dong was immediately stunned and attacked Cai Peng

with a murderous look.

"Are you often fucked here by Wang Zhong Ding? Is it so


Han Dong bites his lip and resisted.

However, Cai Peng took out a high-frequency "electric toy"

and vibrated it in the face of Han Dong.

"I remember that you especially like this kind of thing. After
borrowing one from you, I had to study this thing every day.
Now I have the new product that I have developed. You will
cum while its shaking, and find one in the first two days. The
little model tried it once and he cried and shouted."
"You are not a fucking human." Han Dong gritted his teeth.

Cai Peng did not mind the insults from Han Dong, and directly
inserted the toy into Han Dong.

"Ah, ah... don't..."

....Han Dong slammed the rope and his hips twisting to avoid
the toy. The two long legs that struggled with convulsions made
this visual temptation to the extreme.

Cai Peng couldn't help it anymore. He directly released his

cock and stuffed Han Dong's mouth tightly.

"Suck, hurry up!"

Han Dong did not start at first, but later the whole body will
fell under the stimulation of the toy, and the tongue
involuntarily moved.
Him feel the "response" from Han Dong. Cai Peng's whole
body was like crazy, and he is fiercely thrusting inside Han
Dong's mouth. After that, he replaced the masculine cock with
his tongue, and kissed Han Dong while he spoke with words and

"Dongdong, my big baby... Do you know that you're a rare

thing to me? Do you know that I want to do more? I am
dreaming of you every day..."

Excited, suddenly the back door of the RV was opened.

Cai Peng jerked his head and saw Wang Disai's disgusting face
appear at the door.

However, to his surprise, Wang Zhong Ding did not have the
anger after witnessing this scene, only indifference of his face.

"You are also dreaming now," said Wang Zhong Ding.

Cai Peng's fist screamed: "How do you know that I'm

Wang Zhong Ding faintly replied: "Because only the dream
will protect you."

"Ding Dong...-"

The doorbell was finally cruelly ringing at Cai Peng's ear.

When Cai Peng opened his eyes, he was still sitting at his desk,
but his fist was just bunched, and his crotch was raised.

"Chairman, I found out, Li Shang's surgery has been done."

Cai Peng's red eyes were not on the table.

"Chairman?" The assistant tried to yell at him

Cai Peng was furious: "You couldn't have come a bit later?"

"Late... later?"
"At least could've let me swear at him first!"

The assistant heard the fog in the clouds: "He...who is he?"

"Get out!"

"Okay, okay, I will go out soon..."

After the assistant left, Cai Peng punched a punch at the desk,
Motherfucker! ! !
Special Chapter Xīa Yu Article
After Xia Yang Zhuo went abroad, Yu Ming took over part of
Wang Zhong Ding's work and became part time Han Dong's
broker . He accompanied him while he was running around and
took care of the company's daily management. Yu Ming didn't
have a free day to night.

This made Xia Hong Wēi very dissatisfied.

In the past, the two had not lived together, and occasionally
they spent a night at the hotel. Now that two people are living
together, Xia Hong Wēi’s eyes don’t leave Yu Ming for twenty-
four hours. The problems that he has not been encountered
before have now come out in full swing.

The most prominent contradiction lies in the way of life.

Xia Hong Wēi was born into a noble family. Although family
members are mixed up in daily activities, life is still very
particular. There are many daily work, rest, entertainment and
fitness. Yu Ming life is not, his lifestyle is extremely chaotic,
eating is not kept on schedule, sleep is not punctual, and no
matter how busy it is, he insist on practicing dancing. Now he is
back home like a pile of mud.

When Xia Hong Wēi saw Yu Ming in his dance he was hooked,
now that Yu Ming is so "degenerate" in it.... how can Xia Hong
Wēi not worry?

Therefore, in order to mobilize Yu Ming's enthusiasm, Xia

Hong Wēi will pull him up with him everywhere every day.

At the beginning, it was still in the fitness room. Later, the

gym was too far away and they changed to the bedroom. Later,
it became Xia Hong Wēi's fitness show, and Yu Ming lazily
looked at him in bed.

"Get up, do push-ups with me." Xia Hong Wēi ordered Yu


Yu Ming said with a blank expression: "It is time to sleep."

"It's eight o'clock, what do you sleep early for?" Xia Hong Wēi
Yu Ming has no response.

Xia Hong Wēi said: "If you are like this again, this bed will be

Hearing this, Yu Ming’s eyes changed a little. He walked to Xia

Hong Wēi’s side and watched him for a while, then slowly...he
got to on top of him.

When Xia Hong Wēi felt his back was heavy, and he almost
turned up and jumped up, and Yu Ming pressed his body the
ground unshaken

"I want you to do push-ups with me!"

"Is this here not with you?"

"What is the difference between you and your bed? Isn't it still
a move?"
Yeah, isn’t it just a move? But Xia Hong Wēi's two sentences
are not spoken When Yu Ming continues to do it, he is
responsible for training.

In the end, Xia Hong Wēi felt that he could not support the
weight on his back quickly he said to Yu Ming: "Get down now."

There was no movement on his back.

Xia Hong Wēi turned his head and the eyes behind him were

"Fuck me I the one who served you."

Xia Hong Wēi first slowly laid to the ground, then hugged Yu
Ming's waist with his arms and slowly turned over. Seeing that
he didn't wake him up, he knelt and lifted him up and walked
toward the bathroom.

As a result, Xia Hong Wēi just filled the water in the bath tub
and planned to comfortably soak for a while, then he was
pressed down the neck and drank a few mouthfuls of water.

There was a rare laughter his ear.

This is not the first time that Yu Ming has broken down and
faked his sleepness. Xia Hong Wēi found that Yu Ming once that
he is getting along with him for a long time. The more he finds
all kinds of little strange and naught trickster behavior.

Therefore, Xia Hong Wēi did not move under the water, and
remained still for a long time.

Yu Ming's face changed and looked at Xia Hong Wēi's

situation. As a result, Xia Hong Wēi's handsome face suddenly
jumped out of the water, scared Yu Ming back and then pushed
him into the water.

Just when Yu Ming was undecided, Xia Hong Wēi quickly

counterattacked, pressing Yu Ming under his body, while
smacking his ass and reprimanding: " Little boy, you dare to
attack your husband? This is reversed for you!"
Yu Ming struggled for a long time.

Xia Hong Wēi finally stopped, and the action of the beating
was changed to massaging, and the sharp eyes were also warm.

"I like you to be close to me for long time."

Although Yu Ming’s expression has returned to its inherent

indifferent, it can be seen from the light in his eyes that he
enjoys the process.

"Is there such a thing as you finding with someone else?" Xia
Hong Wēi bite Yu Ming's ear and ask.

Yu Ming faintly said: "No."

Xia Hong Wēi was quite satisfied with Yu Ming’s answer, but
still asked badly: “Aren’t you thinking about letting others do
Yu Ming didn't want to answer this question, but Xia Hong
Wēi's fingers on his hips were always pinching inward, forcing
Yu Ming to hold Xia Hong Wēi's wrist and returning unsteadily:
"I haven't think about it."

"Don't you still think about Han Dong?" Xia Hong Wēi fingers
chased after him.

Yu Ming was all embarrassed. It is true that he likes Han

Dong, but if you ask him to fantasize about the physical
relationship with Han Dong. He still accepts incompetence and
thinks no.

"No." It is affirmative answer.

Xia Hong Wēi's blood gradually warmed up. He hugged Yu

Ming's whole person into his arms, and his legs were divided
into two sides of his body. The stiff penis squeezed into the
asshole and punctured inside.

"You will only let me fuck alone?" Yu Ming doesn't

know if he should answer it or was it a rhetorical question.
Xia Hong Wēi was unyielding: "Speak it out."

"What is there to say?" Yu Ming deliberately stupid.

"Say you are and will only let me fuck alone."

Yu Ming turned his eyes and replied faintly: "Is it meaningful

to say that?"

Xia Hong Wēi poked Yu Ming's sensitive G spot with a soft

penetrating head. Yu Ming itched hard to resist mewling but Xia
Hong Wēi grabbed his hands and continued to do him slowly.

"Don't you want to say? You can't say?"

Yu Ming finally surrendered with whimper: "Only let you .....

You alone."

Xia Hong Wēi instantly smashed his lips into Yu Ming's face
like a chicken blood: "Husband will do this... This will fuck

Please try to imagine Yu Ming’s little cute face.


After a period of "clouds and rains", Yu Ming's eyes have been

stained with a layer of fatigue.

Xia Hong Wēi said while smoking a cigarette: "I want Wang to
give you a few days off, let's go home."

"Go back home?"

"Go back to your home, in Shanghai." Xia Hong Wēi said.

Yu Ming was silent, and there was a clear concern in his eyes.
"If you can't go home, we can get your parents to come to
Beijing." Xia Hong Wēi said.

"No." Yu Ming directly refused. "My parents are not used to

life here, and I don't want them to see my life environment."

"Then you still don't come back to Shanghai with me?"

Yu Ming was still hesitant: "Are you sure you can say that if
you are Wang? Now that Han Dong’s career is in full swing,
there can be no one around to supervise him."

"Why cant he do it himself? Besides, why do you think he

wants you to accompany Han Dong all day?"

Ok... Yu Ming was silent for a moment, still asked: "Then...

you are really going back with me?"

"Otherwise? What do you think I am doing this for you?"

Yu Ming did not speak.

Xia Hong Wēi saw that Yu Ming’s face was sorrowful and
deliberately shouted: “Why? Now I know that Auntie is
awkward? I thought that when my mother was in the hospital,
wouldn’t you have to be hard ?”

"Not..." Yu Ming said for a long time, "I am afraid that they
will give you a shamed face."

Yu Ming, who is hated by his parents, is still deeply impressed

by his trauma. He does not want Xia Hong Wēi to try being
shamed again. Moreover, he did not want to see Xia Hong Wēi's
arrogant manner being lowered in order to please his parents

Xia Hong Wēi's big hand clearly changed and hugged Yu Ming
back to his chest, and his voice was softer.

"Do you think your parents are stupid, and the words have
been passed on for so many years, are they not aware of this
thing at all?"
Yu Ming sighed: "You don't know my parents. Even if I am
clear with them, they won't listen to me any more, but they will
create a particularly depressing family atmosphere. The
opposite of doing things this way is the hardest way to settle. ."

"I am not leveling you up yet?" Xia Hong Wēi laughed.

Yu Ming silently cursed two sentences, but in the end it was

not the persistence of Xia Hong Wēi, nodded and promised.

Three days later, the two men embarked on the road of "going
back to their home."

It was Yu Ming’s friends who came to pick him up from the


These friends seem to be Yu Ming's colleagues. There are men

and women. Although they all have a good relationship with Yu
Ming, they rarely inquire about Yu Ming's work in the
entertainment circle, so they know nothing about Xia Hong
Wēi. This time they heard that Yu Ming wants to bring "that
person". These friends are also unable to withstand the
excitement and privately gossip.

"The big gold master finally has to show up. We haven't asked
how easy it has been for him hide him for so many years?"

"What do you think that person looks like?"

"What can a big gold master look like? Don't you all look like

"Yes, if he looks particularly ugly, you can't show that in front

of Yu Ming."


Chatting, suddenly a familiar sound and shadow flashed into

the sight of several people.

"Oh... don't say it, come here."

Yu Ming also saw these few friends, while walking and
greeting, Xia Hong Wēi followed him.

"By gods... who is this handsome guy?"

“Is it his new artist?”

"No? What if he is fired?"

"How can Yu Ming find such a living Baobei?"


Yu Ming was already adapted to Xia Hong Wēi's eye-catching

attention, and he is not surprised by the eyes of his friends
gathering a sneaky looks in the back. Xia Hong Wēi is more
accustomed to it, standing alone not far away, no expression on
his face.
"Oh, you are fat." Yu Ming said to a girl.

The girl was angry at Yu Ming and went to Yu’s chest and
slammed his fist: “I hate you... you ... hate...”

When she was just finished, she felt that she had two
unfriendly eyes on the side.

The girl’s hair was numb, and she finally asked after a long
time: "Who is that?"

Yu Ming said for a long time: "That is... the person I

mentioned to you."

A few friends were all petrified for a moment, and their eyes
were rigidly anchored on Xia Hong Wēi for a long time before
they moved slowly to Yu Ming’s face.

"Is...he your one?"

Although he has accepted this relationship, Yu Ming admits
that he is still not comfortable with it out in.

But these few of his friends don't think so, what is the fucking
uncomfortable coming from? If we had such an object, it is good
to show him around regardless if he is a man or a woman.

"By the way, have you eaten yet?" A friend broke the

Yu Ming nodded and asked Xia Hong Wēi: "Are you hungry?"

"I am fine." Xia Hong Wēi said.

A few friends listened and whispered.

"The sound and his face are actually so good."

"Yeah, he looks very cold, and Yu Ming talks very warmly."

"Fuck me...... I have all the goose bumps coming up."


Later, a group of people gathered around a table and had very

little exchanges, but no one felt that times have been hard.
Because everyone is stealing a sneak looks at Xia Hong Wēi,
while still busy watching the interaction between Xia Hong Wēi
and Yu Ming.

Xia Hong Wēi also rarely talks, and does not ask or talk. And
when others talk, he rarely participates in interaction. Only
when the topic involves Yu Ming, his gaze will focus on that
person's face. Over time, everyone has touched on Xia Hong Wēi
temper , and the chat content was all about Yu Ming.

"Yu Ming always secretly sleeps in class, and our classmates

call him he doesn't wake up."

"It’s more natural for him than listening to music. Yu Ming

can’t sit still while listening to music, so every time we want to
finish him... I will play music while he is sleeping.”
"Yu Ming did not mention the friends he has in Beijing with
us, but only mentioned you. Say that your craftsmanship is
terrible, and you also handed him a piece of wood to send him."


Xia Hong Wēi was a little bit of a fire and alittle bit anger, and
it was extinguished by the last sentence.

The air quickly freezes into ice.

The person who is flattering seems to realize that he has not

observed the right place to speak about that, he hurriedly shut
his mouth and swung his head.

Xia Hong Wēi got up: "You eat first, I have to go to smoke."
Then he turned and went into the bathroom.

After a while, Yu Ming also followed.

"The food is not appetizing?"

Xia Hong Wēi smoked while looking against Yu Ming. When

he heard this, he immediately wiped out the cigarette butt and
turned and pushed Yu Ming to the corner. His eyebrows were

"You didn't mention him(Han Dong)? Well?"

Yu Ming faintly replied: "Do you want to eat this little


When Xia Hong Wēi heard this he became more mad, and
straightened his hand into Yu Ming's trousers, pinching a piece
of meat on his softest buttocks.

"If you remember him later, I will chew you."

Yu Ming suffered from pain and angrily hit a punch on Xia

Hong Wēi’s stomach.
Xia Hong Wēi grabbed the hand he wanted to evacuate and
joked: "The little fist of yours is quite hard."

"Loosen you hand" Yu Ming said.

Xia Hong Wēi was biased.

"I have to go back to dinner."

"I also will go back to dinner, isn't it just right to take you

Yu Mingyi accepted the expression of incompetence: "with so

many people ?"

"What happened after watching? Didn't you pick it up?"

Xia Hong Wēi waited for Yu Ming to finish, and directly
forced him to go out.

There was a sigh of silence in the box, and then a buzzing

sound was heard.

Xia Hong Wēi finally showed his first smile in public.

However, the situation after returning home is not so


Yu Ming has not yet introduced to his parents, and the face of
his old man is dignified. The result is as Xia Hong Wēi said, in
fact, the two old hearts knew everything, just kept quiet.

All afternoon, Yu Ming’s father kept himself in the room, as if

he had not seen the joy of seeing his son. Yu Ming’s mother has
been sighing and the atmosphere in the whole family is

In the evening, Yu Ming went to his Yu father's door.

"Dad, it's time to eat."

Yu’s father low voice came from inside: “You eat, I am not

Yu Ming did not force him.

Yu mother just took a meal and sighed, and went to the living
room with her chopsticks.

Yu Ming and Xia Hong Wēi are left in the entire table, and
there is a full table of unmoved dishes. These are all made by Yu
mother. Even if the son brought a fatal blow to her, she did not
forget to cook some of his favorite dishes.

Yu Ming’s heart couldn’t tell the taste. He would rather have

his parents beat him and swear at him, and he wouldn’t want to
look at the old people silent silence.

At this moment, he finally knows what Xia Hong Wēi was all
about when he show a cold violent face.
Before going to sleep, Yu Mother spoke to Xia Hong Wēi and
said the first sentence.

"Your room, I have already booked it for you."

Yu Ming tried to explore the place with Yu mother: "Mom, if

you have so many rooms at home, do you still want to let him
live in the hotel?"

Yu Mother did not say anything.

Half an hour later, Yu Ming saw her mother dressed neatly

out of the bedroom, like a stance to go out.

"Mom, where are you going so late?"

Yu mother did not speak.

Yu Ming seems to have pre-feeled, looking at Yu mother with

an incredible expression.

"Mom, are you going out this late?"

Although the mother did not answer, the expression on her

face clearly stated the default.

Yu Ming’s heart was like a knife.

"Mom, can you not tolerate him at all?"

Yu Mother has not yet opened, and Yu’s father pushed the
door out of the room and returned this sentence for her.

"It’s not just tolerated, it’s impossible to even look at him or


Yu Ming was stabbed in the heart right there and couldn’t say
a word.
Xia Hong Wēi lived in the favor and pursuit of others. He was
so humiliated and immediately lifted his legs to leave.

"You can't go!" Yu Ming suddenly stopped him.

Yu Ming’s parents never thought that their son would do this.

What they thought was the worst result is that Yu Ming and Xia
Hong Wēi will go out to stay together. They didn’t expect Yu
Ming to disobey this.

"You must stay here tonight, this here is your home. I am your
man, you must stay here!" Yu Ming yelled in tears.

Don't say Yu Ming's parents, even Xia Hong Wēi did not
expect Yu Ming to say such words.

Yu Father did not say a word more, just looked at Yu Ming.

However, the lethality of this eye was enough to make Yu Ming
cherish his heart for a lifetime.

Knowing that Yu father and Yu mother walked out of the

house side by side, Yu Ming’s feet did not move.

But the home without sighs still has a sad taste everywhere.

Yu Ming was lying on the bed, eyes staring straight at the

ceiling, muttering to himself: "My parents won't have a good
night outside its windy..."

Xia Hong Wēi felt a big fire: "The attitude was so hard now.
Now you said this kind of thing, was it deliberately let me listen
to it and feel this? Is it strange that I made their son life
difficultand disobedient? Or did you have to go home to see
your parents' faces? If you didn't want to, don't do it, no one
will force you, I don't need you to prove anything..."

Xia Hong Wēi was shocked for a long time, Yu Ming did not
respond, and then turned his head one by one, and instantly
stagnated in place.

Yu Ming’s face was full of tears.

This is his first time Yu Ming was crying in the face of Xia
Hong Wēi.

Xia Hong Wēi’s heart was torn apart, and Yu Ming was pulled
into his arms.

"Ming Er, don't cry, I was talking about everything, I just feel
bad for you, I am afraid that you are feeling uncomfortable...
Don't cry, hear mw? I will go to your parents tomorrow, no
matter what method, we must take them back here..."

Gradually, Yu Ming stopped crying.

Xia Hong Wēi saw that his mood was a little better, and he
began to tease him: "You usually have to yell and you want to
cry to me today?"

Yu Ming ignored his face.

Xia Hong Wēi was dumbfounded, and the soothing faction Yu

Ming’s back he said, “Look at me.”
No one knows if the rhythm of Xia Hong Wēi's tapping just
coincided with Yu Ming's intention, or he was too tired along
the way, Yu Ming did fall asleep quickly.

Xia Hong Wēi got out of bed after Yu Ming fell asleep and
quietly left the room.

Unsurprisingly, Yu Ming’s parents did not go out very far but

sat on the bench downstairs and drank the night wind.

Sure enough, what kinds of mothers have raised their sons,

this kind of enthusiasm is really thanks to the old man.

Xia Hong Wēi walked over to them and stood still.

The Old man did not look at him.

Xia Hong Wēi did not talk he knew that it would be useless to
deal with such people. So bowed straight down took the mother
on his back and walked.
"Hey? What are you doing?"

Xia Hong Wēi did not say anything he directly brought Yu

mother back, and then went downstairs, and used the same
hegemony method to "carry" Yu's father back home.

Then, what Yu mother couldn't think of was that Xia Hong

Wēi had a hot pot of water ready and she couldn't help but take
off the socks and press her foot into it.

Although the way is rough and abrupt, it is very comfortable

for the old cold leg that was blown by the cold wind.

Xia Hong Wēi also picked her leg up himself.

Yu mother rushed to stop: "I will do it by myself."

However, Xia Hong Wēi smacked her hand back and helped
her to get up.
Yu mother legs were not red-hot, and even her face was red.
Although she is an elder, but also different from men and
women, and she is still a person who does not know Xiao Hong
Wēi.... So her awakwardness at this person is still growing... so
handsome, can he be comfortable doing this?

In fact, for many years, Yu Mother has known about Xia Hong
Wēi. She knew that he was born in a famous family, his family
was rich, but she did not expect that Xia Hong Wēi’s external
conditions were so outstanding.

Before seeing him, Yu Mother’s definition of this relationship

was that it was a power transaction. He felt that Xia Hong Wēi
was nothing more than a fancy of his son’s face for a short

However, after seeing him, this idea was completely


Before she couldn't figure out why her son would succumb to
power and money and choose this person ? What she does not
understand now is why Xia Hong Wēi still choose his son?
However, Xia Hong Wēi did not give Yu mother the
opportunity to ask, and then turned away from their room.

The next day, Yu Ming woke up to see the two old people in
the living room, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"How come my parents are back?"

Xia Hong Wēi just sat up from the bed, and the clothes were
lazy and ruffled and he said: "Who knows? It is estimated that
they have figured out that they can't let an outsider occupy the

Although Xia Hong Wēi explained this, Yu Ming saw that it

was still difficult to hide the touch of color. He feel that his
parents were somehow moved by him, and he have made a
tough apology for the last night.

There was a feeling of calmness in one night, coupled with the

care of Xia Hong Wēi and the apology of his son, the emotional
determination of the old man indifference was stronger than
the previous day.
In the following days, Xia Hong Wēi has been using this way
to kidnap Yu Ming’s parents and let the two old people forced to
enjoy the warm foot bath at the end of windy days.

Xia Hong Wei father and his mother did not enjoy these
treatments. And Yu Ming parents are all carried out in the back,
never let Yu Ming know. Yu Ming always thought that the
gradual change of his parents' attitude was to understand his
son's performance and his filial piety towards his parents. Yu
Ming’s parents were so anxious that they couldn’t help but end
Xia Hong Wēi’s showdown.

"Since my son entered the circle, we have not asked him to

follow a path of discipline. But he must have at least a smooth
relationship and a comforting life. In the future, when we are
old, we can be practical about it."

Xia Hong Wēi said: "He can only be with me, and only with me
can he have a stable life."

"How can you guarantee this?" Yu's father voice is not at all
Xia Hong Wēi’s tone is even worse: “Because if he is with any
other person, he can’t be comforted.”

Yu father was too angry to say a word.

Yu Mother is still calm, and said to Xia Hong Wēi: "You dare to
say this because you are young, you have impulsive capital.
After the relationship is weak and longer, you have no
guarantee, you have to bear each other kind of pressure, can you
still promise to stick with him like this time?"

Xia Hong Wēi said: "On that day, it will be your son who leave
me first, instead me leaving him first."

"Why this litt~……"

Xia Hong Wēi said bluntly: "Your son will choose me if he

opens a little, but if he still have a little retreat, I will still choose

Although this statement is arrogant, it makes Yu Ming's

parents have no rebuttal power. Indeed, with the conditions of
Xia Hong Wēi, the woman who has reached the height of the
official has no choice but to be unhappy. The difficulty is that he
chose Yu Ming in any event....that was much more difficult
than Yu Ming choosing him.

If this is not true love, he will not condescend to be so

arrogant about them being together for many years.

"So, if you let him go, there is still a chance to leave him, it is
impossible to predict the future."

"It's impossible for me to leave him."

When Xia Hong Wēi’s words were just halfway, Yu Ming came
in and said next sentence.

Yu’s father almost vomited blood: “I see that you are here to
save our old couple’s like life.”

Yu Ming said with a sly voice: "Dad, you know me the most,
you know that I am the kind of person who will take the hard
road and die with my choice. My struggles and hesitation, from
the moment I choose him it was and still over."

Yu father wants to say something and did not say it.

"Then your parents? Have you ever thought about your

parents?" Yu Mother asked Xia Hong Wēi. "Even if we take
nothing, how can your parents compromise on this?"

"They have compromised." Xia Hong Wēi said.

Yu Mother and Yu Father looked at each other with an

unbelievable expression. Because in their eyes, the Xia family is
the famous noble family this should be more unacceptable to

"So, I even put them all together, and it's natural for you to
settle down. Its compromise that will come sooner or later, why
not accept it now?" Xia Hong Wēi said.
"Why you litt~……"

Yu Ming said: "Dad, Mom, I know what you are worried

about. I have been in this circle for so many years, I have long
been ignorant of what dignity is. When I follow the rules, there
is no rumor? I have a score. When have they ever bot look at me
with strange eyes? Why should I live for others and not for

Yu Father Yu Mother were all silent.

How many grievances the son has suffered in the circle for so
many years, and how many grievances they have suffered, this
is no longer clear.

I don't know how long it took, Xia Hong Wēi suddenly spoke.

"I can accompany him to live with you here."

When this statement comes out, don't say Yu Ming's parents,

even Yu Ming himself was stunned.
Come live in Shanghai? Is this a marriage proposal or a
marriage ceremony?

No matter what, children are often accompanied by their side

is a great temptation for the elderly, especially for Yu parents, a
mother who has seen her son a few times since he entered the

"Hey, what do you mean I have to leave the company? What

should I do if I come here?" Yu Ming whispered to Xia Hong

Xia Hong Wēi didn't want to go back and said: "Resigned."

"Resigned? It's easy for you to say, my current career is just

flourishing now."

"How can I not know if you are flourishing?"

Yu Ming said: "I have been..."

"You are reluctant to leave Han Dong?" Xia Hong Wēi
interrupted him.

Yu Ming’s face was black: “When are you all the time, are you
still talking about this thing?”


"Okay." Yu Mother also interrupted them. "We haven't agreed


Despite this, they can see that Yu’s mother face has been
shaken a bit. After all, the days when her son went home were
the most satisfying days for Yu’s mother Yu. Moreover, when
there are more sons around, they will have fewer concerns
about this relationship, and they will be feeling settled about
their son life than all kinds of suspicions and fears that comes
every day.

To put it bluntly, Yu father did not agree with it several times

and forced them to breaking up.... Going back to Beijing in the
future and hooking up together is also something that can’t be

He is always honest, and Xia Hong Wēi’s sincerity to Yu Ming

is what the old man is watching out for.

Before going to bed at night, Yu Ming asked Xia Hong Wēi:

"Do you say that my parents will agree?"

"Surely they will agree."


Xia Hong Wēi screwed on Yu Ming's cheek: "With this big

baby around, who is not happy to agree?"

Yu Ming was cold-eyed and said, "I don't know what this
person meant when he said that it is much harder to leaveme
than I to leave him. What do you mean? Are you looking down
on me?"
Xia Hong Wēi laughed and laughed, and put the small noodle
into his arms: "Is it too good to see you like this?"

Yu Ming snorted, although his face was not satisfied, but his
heart was still very satisfied. In particular, Xia Hong Wēi’s
sentence that he is willing to come to Shanghai for Yu Ming, so
that made Yu Ming very touched.

"Hey, we have slept together(sex) for a few days right?" Yu

Ming asked.

Xia Hong Wēi deliberately pretended to be stupid: "Isn't this

sleeping together every day?"

Soon, Yu Ming’s tongue slid to the depths of X zone,

approaching the forbidden land.

This event Yu Ming has done countless times for Xia Hong
Wēi, but it is the first time with his own initiative and
Yu Ming picked up the cock and glanced at Xia Hong Wēi
before kissing it, confirming that his eye mask was still there,
and then he put out his tongue with confidence and
straightened licked the cock from the roots.

Xia Hong Wēi instantly made out an unbearable breath.

Yu Ming seems to be encouraged, his tongue stays at the top of

the red cock, sweeping a circle in the central flushed cock, so
that Xia Hong Wēi’s words came out inflated.

"Baobei, swallow more." Xia Hong Wēi said.

Yu Ming swallowed the huge hard object many times and used
to think that this process did not have any enjoyment. But now
he was feeling that it kept slowly expanding and becoming stiff
in his mouth, and when he imagine that he had a feeling of
blood and arrogance overwhelming.

At this time, Xia Hong Wēi has opened his eye mask and
indulged in Yu Ming’s willingness to please himself.
Yu Ming did not notice how much the expression on his own
face was so special to Xiao Hong Wēi. When he realized it, it was
already included in the mobile phone gallery by Xia Hong Wēi.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Yu Ming rushed to grab the


Xia Hong Wēi grabbed Yu Ming from the phone "How can I
not treasure this moment so commemoratively?"

"You deleted it for me." Yu Ming said in a hurry.

Xia Hong Wēi turned over and pressed Yu Ming under his
body. He lifted his two legs and pressed Yu Ming ass toward his
chest. The average person when pressed down on chest and it
was almost the same as loosing his breath, but with Yu Ming’s
flexibility, the knees were pressed to the sheets and the buttocks
pressed on Xia Hong Wēi face .....without any effort at all.

Therefore, it is really under the eyes of Yu Ming, Xia Hong

Wēi sticks out his tongue in the center of the buttcrack

The powerful visual stimuli and the ultimate physical

pleasure forced Yu Ming to violently scream enticing Xia Hong
Wēi's hair and struggling for mercy.

"Can't stand it?" asked Xia Hong Wēi.

Yu Ming nodded.

Xia Hong Wēi just wanted to spread Yu Ming, Yu Ming pushed

him away: "Do not bother you, I will do it by myself."

"Hey, why are you so big hearted today?"

"Fuck off!"

Although Yu Ming’s words were hard, he still put Xia Hong

Wēi’s eye mask on it. Millions of people couldn't peek, and as a
result, the hand just reached the back, Xia Hong Wēi pulled the
blindfold down.

"You put it on me!" Yu Ming rushed to cover Xia Hong Wēi


The result was just about to start, Xia Hong Wēi pulled it
down again.

Yu Ming did not expand and sat down directly. Although Xia
Hong Wēi was more anxious than him, he still stopped.

"Don't talk, it hurts."

Finally, Xia Hong Wēi made an automatic hand.

"I remember that you used to do this without stretching your

asshole." Yu Ming suddenly mentioned.
Xia Hong Wēi trembled in his heart, but still said hard: " You
still want to have it?"

"Mmh······" Yu Ming did not look over his face.

Xia Hong Wēi turned his face and kissed him. He used to shoot
the gun before worrying about Yu Ming, and now he is still
feeling tenderly: "Do you want me fucking you or you doing

Yu Ming said: "I will do it myself."

Xia Hong Wēi lay down and enjoyed the treatment that he
could not expect to touch for hundreds of years.

Yu Ming slowly sat up, although after full expansion, it took a

lot of effort to fully incorporate this behemoth.

After his asshole swallowed the cock entirely, Yu Ming began
to shake his waist.

At the beginning, it was only pain, Yu Ming can barely

stabilize his mood. Later on....the itchiness horny pleasure
gradually came, and Yu Ming couldn't hold it anymore. Finally,
he once again rubbed the cock in him into G spot and couldn't
help but scream.

“What wrong?” asked Xia Hong Wēi.

Since he heard Yu Ming saying "I have never been happy

doing it with him" on the phone, Xia Hong Wēi has to ask every
time Yu Ming does this.

"So good ······" Yu Ming said.

"If its good, move faster." Xia Hong Wēi said.

.....Yu Ming has been dancing for so many years. Although he

is thin, his waist is very strong, and his dance moves are
particularly sensational. Especially when theyre face to face, it
was revealing the slutty expression that is quite different from
the usual day, there is a kind of contrasting cuteness.

"You say... if I exposed your current appearance to the

Internet, would anyone ever question your acting skills?" Xia
Hong Wēi really played with the mobile phone.

"Don't take a picture.·····" Yu Ming pleaded.

Xia Hong Wēi does not listen.

Yu Ming turned to the back and turned his back to Xia Hong

As a result, Xia Hong Wēi hooked his neck, pulled him down
in his arms, and put Yu Ming back on his chest while his cock
was still inside him

.... Two hands divided Yu Ming's legs on both sides and

smacked into a word. The big bird buried deep in Yu Ming
began to riot, and smashed up against the G area.

"Ah, ah..."

After all, Yu Ming’s self-sufficiency is not as good as that of

Xia Hong Wēi. The pleasure is like being swallowed by a chain
of guns, which are generally flowing in his body. It’s so good
that he can't help but cry out loudly, and he’s straight and was
filmed in the peep of the phone’s lens.

"Look ... look...." Xia Hong Wēi naturally has to share with Yu

Yu Ming pushed the phone: "Fuck off."

Xia Hong Wēi pushed deeper at his fragile point: "Are you
angry at me?"

Yu Ming snorted and bit his teeth.

"You still can't help it? Well? I still can't help you..." Xia Hong
Wēi asked and his cock made a violently rhythm.

"No.......No....ah .. ah...... Don't.....yeah just like....big....

"Why don't you let it go? Are you that sensitive? Is it that
you're most afraid of it?" The more Xia Hong Wēi asked, the
more he hit the G point.

Yu Ming’s will was instantly captured, and while the violent

dancing, the small electric buttock smashing mode was opened
to cater to Xia Hong Wēi cock. Xia Hong Wēi can't stand Yu
Ming's, erotic waist move and he was like a beast at a moment,
and Yu Ming's waist was madly penetrated.


The two embracing bodies trembled together, and the sultry

and sultry overlapping sexy cum bursted with sweet notes...

Xia Hong Wei did not know how many times they did it this
night, and two of them were still invigorated by Yu Ming cries.
His body was sensitive to Xia Hong Wēi's fucking. He was used
to sleep like a pig before, and he couldn't wake up. Now even
when Xia Hong Wēi’s hand is stretched over him, and soon his
cock will respond shooting up.

The last time the two finally separated, the sky was bright.
After the last cum release, Xia Hong Wēi laid on Yu Ming’s
body, and he still said those rude words and sweet bedside talk

"[Hiss]······" Yu Ming was a face alert. "My parents are already

up, I heard footsteps."

As he said that, the footsteps were getting closer and closer,

and the final knock on the door actually came.

"Get up for breakfast." Yu's father voice came.

This is after Xia Hong Wēi came here, the second time the old
man knocked on the door to face their existence.
Yu Ming looked at Xia Hong Wēi with amazement. Xia Hong
Wēi’s eyebrows were smiling. Yu Ming looked at him and
smiled. He caught Xia Hong Wēi’s face and pulled him back into
the bed.

"You go check I want to take a nap for a while."

Xia Hong Wēi felt that the spring of his life was coming again
within this small family.

Special Chapter His Sexual Fantasy
Since Han Dong acted in "Feng Mang" and caught the stardom
fire, Wang Zhong Ding has been cautious about his outing
activities, basically he was following him inseparablely. But
there will be special circumstances, such as today's mother-in-
law sudden illness, Wang Zhong Ding rushed to the hospital
urgently, and can only refer to the care of Han Dong before

"Be sure to add a few powerful bodyguards to his side. I am

afraid that someone will take the opportunity to make a fuss."

Yu Ming said: "The problem is that they can't be found so

readily. The temporary hires are all of parallel imports. The
support scene is okay. This can't be dealt with in an emergency."

Wang Zhong Ding's eyebrows were wrinkled.

"Would you do it like this? I will talk with Xia Hong Wēi, tell
him to find Xia Yao and the one who came with him even if
there are no bodyguards. He alone is enough."
Wang Zhong Ding remembered the "worship" of Han Dong to
Big Great Brother Yuan Zong , and suddenly said out the blunt
words - no need.

Yu Ming does not give up his heartfelt advice: "Wang, you

have to think about Han Dong's safety! Besides, he should have
someone who still retain their heads and face when they meet
him and not turn into mumbling fans. If you want to ask, please
don't ask for it......"

Wang Zhong Ding thought about it again, letting Han Dong

move his eyes, it is better than letting him fall into Cai Peng, or
the hands of Yuan Ze's , so he slammed his head.

The head of the first bodyguard in Beijing was really not

covered. Yuan Zong went to stand ned Han Dong’s side, and no
one dared to be close within five meters.

In order to break the atmosphere of this chill, Han Dong

decided to take the initiative to talk with Yuan Zong. As a result,
his mind was pumping, and the opening was: "Police Officer Xia
is really white all over".
The next second he was raised by Yuan Zong, and the tiger
eyes radiated a blazing light: "What did you say?"

Han Dong suddenly remembered that he went to the ward to

visit Xia Yao and Xia Yao was naked. He hurriedly shouted for
mercy: "Don't ....stop, you misunderstood, I mean he is white,
didn't say anything else..."

Yuan Zong just put him down.

Han Dong was calm for a while, and screamed and screamed:
"You said Xia police officer, looking like a decent person, what
did you think of naked chat?······"

He was raised by Yuan Zong.

Han Dong once again pleaded for mercy: "It's just a joke, just a
joke. Besides, I am asking you to be a bodyguard. Are you still
trying to pull me?"

Yuan Zong took Han Dong to his original place and said: "I
will finish my hand and save others to remember."

Han Dong laughed: "Are you not very humorous?"

Yuan Zong did not say anything.

Han Dong could not help but sigh: "You can really protect
your rival and you can't even say a word. If you change someone
else to squeeze yourself in front of Wang Zhong Ding for me, he
won’t talk about it. It’s not good to swear with others. ”

Yuan Zong straightforward said: "That is his sincerity."

Han Dong’s instant black face: “Fuck, what do you mean?”

Yuan Zong took him up again.

"I asked you, you mentioned me?" Han Dong.

Yuan Zong underestimated the two words: "I mentioned."

Han Dong gritted his teeth, Mom, mentioning me like a bird,

such a strong military value, Xia police officer's bed must be
much more energetic?

Too damn invigorating! Just thinking about it, he was

suddenly sweeping and eye from top to bottom ..... and into the
snacks from Yuan's pockets, the dog's paws slammed into it and
threw it out with lightning speed, and accompanied him with a
big laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha... just hungry, what is this?"

Yuan Long said: "The bull whip snack."

Han Dong suddenly showed an evil smile: " It seems you don't
want to be a good man, you don't forget the aphrodisiac snack
when you go out, but..." He sneaked a sneak peek at Yuan Zong,
"Is it like you to take this.... you shouldn't need it right?"

Shen Hua saw Xiao Liang secretly taking a small book to write
something, he could not help but ask: "What are you doing?"

"Wang explained it to me in advance, whenever Han Dong

takes a look at Yuan Zong pants. I have to record it once. It
includes the squint angle and the length of looking."

Shen Hua: "..."

Han Dongput the cow's whip in his mouth, and it was just like
a poisonous face suddenly changing, holding Yuan Zong's collar
roaring and roaring: "This is..... is fucking delicious, where did
you buy it? Where can I buy it?"

Yuan faintly replied: "Made it myself."

After Han Dong finished eating, he was still intoxicated and

unable to extricate himself. The tone of talking was like a
evolutionary change.

"Yuan Ge, don't you mind if you call you that? To be honest, I
heard that you have been troubled and because of me you have
no toes, but I don't know how to compensate you. Money? You
don't need it, Do you want to confess your sins? You are not
rare. Only one of them you have to let me know, and you don’t
want me. It really makes me..."

"Who said that I don't want you?" Yuan Zong was deliberately

Han Dong smiled slyly: "Just kidding right?"

"Who is joking with you? With your current style and worth,
anyone should want you?"

Han Dong was pretending to be sorrowful and sorrowful: "I

can't do this kind of thing, so it's too unfair to the police officer
Xia, he will be sad..."

"It doesn't matter, it's not good to change it." Yuan Zong said.

Han Dong screamed: "Change?"

"You tell me, will you let the Yao Er do it with your man?"

Han Dong was arrogant and was eaten by the dog. He decided
that Yuan Zong would not want him, but he could not tell
whether Wang Zhong Ding would want Xia Yao...

"What? ... You are too unfair to the police officer Xia. If Wang
Zhong Ding refuses to let me go? In case Wang Zhong Ding also
dislikes him, in case..."

Before the Han Dong dialect was finished, Yuan Zong took the
phone up.

"What are you doing?" Han Dong rushed to stop.

Yuan Long said: "How would you know if you don't ask him?"

"Don't--" Han Dong quickly grabbed the phone and saw Yuan
Zong's gaze looking at him. He hurriedly asked himself to find a
step. "This is the case, I suddenly remembered that police officer
Xia also had a favor for me to do. I can't be envious of the

Yuan Zong laughed.

Han Dong breathed a sigh of relief and said: "When you just
said something, you can't do anything with your body. You can
only use your true feelings to return it. I decided to visit the
police officer in the future and go to visit his parents. To repent
up for the rumors I created. So, I will visit them as soon as the
auction ends."

In the evening, when Xia Yao came home, he heard a knock

on the door and opened the door to see Han Dong. His face
suddenly changed.

"How did you manage to bring him back?"

Yuan Zong did not explain, Xia mother rushed out of the
room, excitedly pulled Han Dong’s hand and said: “You're
finally here, I thought Yuan Zong was cheating on me... I like
your movie too much. ."
It turned out to be for his mother..... Xia Yao nearly cussed
the amount: "My mom is really more and more saved! Hey?
What strategy did you use to bring him? You know that it is not
an easy task to ask him to come here."

Yuan Zong snorted: "I still need to use a trick? At first glance,
you can see it is the food."

Wang Zhong Ding came out of the hospital and hurried to the
studio. As a result, he saw that the bodyguards were there, but
the cool stuff of his heart was gone.

"Where is he?" asked Xiao Liang.

Xiao Liang said: "Went home with his benefactor."

"Went home?" Wang Zhong Ding suddenly changed his face.

Xiao Liang nodded: "Went to repent."

Wang Zhong Ding was feeling very different, even if it is
repaying, is it so urgent? He didn’t even call me saying he was
going to go. So I learned about the situation with Xiao Liang,
and also checked his record, his face became darker and darker.

"Right, he also ate bull whip snack from Yuan Zhong pocket."
Xiao Liang suddenly remembered.

Wang Zhong Ding frowned: "You mean Buffalo whip?"

"Yes. Yuan has a snack of Bull whip in his pocket, and when he
picked up Han Dong, he accidentally let Han Dong see it,

Wang Zhong Ding's face was iron and blue, and the five big
three thick tough guys pack snacks will be counted. Actually,
Han Dong is also raised. Isn't this a blind person?

"Then why you let him go?" Wang Zhong Ding angered.

Xiao Liang said weakly: "But when he asked us, he shed tears
and said that the other party had lost his toes. This time he
went to give confession to the other person family. I was afraid
that you will feel bad, afraid that you can't bear to see him
crying. He said we should not tell you..."

Wang Zhong Ding's face changed and he did not say anything.
He drove to Xia Yao's house.

When she heard the doorbell, Xia mother got up: "I am going
to open the door."

As soon as Wang Zhong Ding entered the door, he heard the

sound of Han Dong’s bright voice.

"Sweet, too fragrant, it's absolutely impossible, can't stand it,

you are my god... You... Hey, Wang why are you here?" Han
Dong was throwing the chopsticks in horror.

Wang Zhong Ding first smiled at the other people, then

smirked....then pulled Han Dong from the seat and dragged it
toward the door.
"Hey, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing, are you not hungry? We are going back
and I will feed you."



The End......
First of all, there will definitely be some readers who don't
understand why the booklet is a traditional version. I have
explained this on Weibo, and you can understand it with

Secondly, "Special Chapter His Sexual Fantasy" was not

intended to be included in the novel, but considering that some
readers did not pay attention to my Weibo, I could not see some
pitiful continuing of the rumors.... so I put it in.

So, take this opportunity to introduce to you, my Chinese

Weibo....the name is "作者柴鸡蛋", and occasionally I will make
some small episodes. In the future, new articles will be
serialized. If there is something that is not suitable for posting
on the website, it will be posted on Weibo, I hope that you will
pay more attention to it.

In addition, there are many readers who ask me about the

plans for the new novel. I can’t really say it here. Probably the
serialization process of "Feng Mang" was not smooth. Even if
this booklet was written well, during the period when they were
admitted to the hospital, it was very difficult story plot to
complete, so it required a relatively long adjustment period.
Finally, I would like to thank you all for your early years. I
wish you all the best in the Year of the Sheep.

- Love your Ji Dan

- Love your Eunuch
Table of Contents
Feng Mang
Chapter 1 - Grounding Gas
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - I don't believe I can't catch you!
Chapter 8 - will sooner or later explode
Chapter 9 - Sleepwalking
Chapter 10 - Within ten days
Chapter 11 - unique advantages
Chapter 12 - Everything is about you
Chapter 13 - Scum!
Chapter 14 - Who set the conditions?
Chapter 17 - Changing Jobs
Chapter 18 - You will be born too
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - kills destiny on this day!
Chapter 21 - Repentance
Chapter 22 - Errors
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 - sins plus one
Chapter 25 - Everyone Can be trained
Chapter 26 - Your grandson!
Chapter 27 - The body is not like a human bear toy!
Chapter 28 - One Thing
Chapter 29 - On that position
Chapter 30 - What a pity!
Chapter 31 - Puts into practice
Chapter 32 - Drinking
Chapter 33 - Cars on the road
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - Royal Capital of the First Immortals!
Chapter 36 - He is a normal man
Chapter 37 - Wang privately visit a private house
Chapter 38 - Stealing food
Chapter 39 - Strong players have strong hands
Chapter 40 - You really Think of yourself as a mouse?
Chapter 41 - If you want to lick?
Chapter 42 - Are you that Heartless?
Chapter 43 - Ultimatum
Chapter 44 - Harmony is ironic
Chapter 45 - The delicate relationship
Chapter 46 - Overnight
Chapter 47 - The wife of the married man is difficult to come to the door
Chapter 48 - for self-tied
Chapter 49 - Pfff
Chapter 50 - Fulfilled his wish
Chapter 51 - Making plans
Chapter 52 The completely opposite situation
Chapter 53 tell him to come over!
Chapter 54 Coming short.
Chapter 55: sells cool stuff.
Chapter 56: How did you become more Abnormal Than Me?
Chapter 57: This is safe.
Chapter 58: Smiles.
Chapter 59: Can there not be such a man?
Chapter 60 A pitiful child.
Chapter 61: The power of evil.
Chapter 62: Received this enchanting!
Chapter 63: Wang's Penalty Station
Chapter 64 From child thief to the dispatcher.
Chapter 65 I personally will raise you.
Chapter 66 Gap
Chapter 67 I can only help you get there.
Chapter 68 Hàn talent.
Chapter 69 This is my lifeblood
Chapter 70 Haircut.
Chapter 71: Closed doors.
Chapter 72: Good-Intentioned young man.
Chapter 73: Give him no way to Go.
Chapter 74 Midnight Cry.
Chapter 75 Seizes opportunities.
Chapter 76 I don't like to step into the sky.
Chapter 77 Gifts.
Chapter 78 Big shoe print.
Chapter 79 The new progress of Yew.
Chapter 80 Returning to Liberation.
Chapter 81 I fell in Love with Him.
Chapter 82 Power Leverage.
Chapter 83 Feeling Greasy
Chapter 84 Does not believe we are walking.
Chapter 85 Used in the Right Place.
Chapter 86 Borrowed from the figure
Chapter 87 Is God blind?
Chapter 88 There is a Result.
Chapter 89 I accepted My Life.
Chapter 90 Stealing a Kiss.
Chapter 91 Sudden Change.
Chapter 92 I can't swallow this Tone.
Chapter 93 War has started.
Chapter 94 Marched toward Victory!
Chapter 95 Husband and wife together.
Chapter 96 Corruption interest.
Chapter 97 All in vain.
Chapter 98 From Bears to giant Panda.
Chapter 99 Again burst!
Chapter 100 He is stupid!
Chapter 101, Hàn Flips Out.
Chapter 102 Back at you!
Chapter 103 Inexplicably Longing
Chapter 104 Barbecue.
Chapter 105 Without cheating this way!
Chapter 106 Grieved
Chapter 107 He treats his man with a Payback.
Chapter 108 Temptation
Chapter 109 Invite for Tea.
Chapter 110 Draught people do not forget to dig.
Chapter 111 Reversal.
Chapter 112 Regarded as Rabid.
Chapter 113 Ghost Haunting
Chapter 114 Strange Emotions
Chapter 115 Calm.
Chapter 116 Pathetic.
Chapter 117 Great Hero.
Chapter 118 Lend a Hand.
Chapter 119 I am coming.... OK!.
Chapter 120 Your Body is Irreplaceable
Chapter 121 Steal the Show.
Chapter 122 Snatch the show.
Chapter 123 Small Tortoise mixed with Older Mantis
Chapter 124 Raises Oneself.
Chapter 125 Determines the relationship.
Chapter 126 Cherish
Chapter 127 Narrow Escape
Chapter 128 Gifts.
Chapter 129 Who is showing off Wealth?
Chapter 130 Hàn Damei
Chapter 131 "Theft Of The Shadows"
Chapter 132 It's all right.
Chapter 133 Burning Brains.
Chapter 134 Public screening.
Chapter 135 Big Sale.
Chapter 136 Great Surprise.
Chapter 137 The gift from me had not been sent yet!
Chapter 138 What happened ?
Chapter 139 Must be found Out.
Chapter 140 Awards.
Chapter 141 uprooted.
Chapter 142 Treats equally.
Chapter 143 On the battlefield.
Chapter 144 Shining Talents
Chapter 145 A blockbuster.
Chapter 146 Vinegar Vigor.
Chapter 147 Long-lost sweetness.
Chapter 148 full load and return.
Chapter 149 Your cattle X You are the boss.
Chapter 150 Heavily in debt.
Chapter 151 Cain's charm.
Chapter 152 You deserve it.
Chapter 153 This seems like my wife, right?
Chapter 154 Courting Disaster
Chapter 155 This is not Over
Chapter 156 The Whole Rebellion.
Chapter 157.. Auch Auch Auch....The Sound of Wailling
Chapter 158 Who can resist Me?
Chapter 159 Mental Case.
Chapter 160 You Win!
Chapter 161 Miserable Disaster
Chapter 162 Anti- Sinister
Chapter 163 Hard to Let it Go.
Chapter 164 Finally figured out.
Chapter 165 Changed face.
Chapter 166 In Your Dreams!!!
Chapter 167. Dew visiting the Predecessor.
Chapter 168 Pure Man.
Chapter 169 I don't mind.
Chapter 170 Not shameful to Lean on others
Chapter 171 boot feast.
Chapter 172 Cure?
Chapter 173 Seek the struggle before The Doctor.
Chapter 174 Is this an accidental bonus?
Chapter 175 So Hilarious, right?
Chapter 176 Young Moth.
Chapter 177 False alarm.
Chapter 178 Escaping Calamity.
Chapter 179 Cups that follow.
Chapter 180 Terrifying Adorable.
Chapter 181 Cooking.
Chapter 182 He is Missing.
Chapter 183 War is Imminent.
Chapter 184 Confusing.
Chapter 185 Awesome Inner help.
Chapter 186 Out of the Question .
Chapter 187 Cruel Joke.
Chapter 188 Bloody disaster.
Chapter 189 Final victory!!
Chapter 190 Drastic reforms.
Chapter 191 Brewed a Vinegar for his taste.
Chapter 192 In Provocation
Chapter 193 Out of His Mind.
Chapter 194 You will be Better.
Chapter 195 A Magical Scene.
Chapter 196 The Potential of a Stronger Enemy
Chapter 197 Stealing The Chicken While Loosing the Rice You used To Lure it.
Chapter 198 Dedicated.
Chapter 199 The collective warmth
Chapter 200 One Cannot be Less!
Chapter 201 Only.....If I had known earlier
Chapter 202 Disguised to Steal Skills From the Teacher
Chapter 203 To finds oneself unpleasant.
Chapter 204 Takes a Dive.
Chapter 205 Clash with Anger for A Beautiful Woman.
Chapter 206 Strength.
Chapter 207 Crisis.
Chapter 208 Still Dare to Hurry?
Chapter 209 Planning Timetable .
Chapter 210 Unexpected Gains.
Chapter 211 Lacking Morality.
Chapter 212 He is just foolishly.
Chapter 213 A little green cap.
Chapter 214 Medical Examination.
Chapter 215 That is your grandfather!
Chapter 216 30 Years Old
Chapter 217 Happiness.
Chapter 218 Good Eyes.
Chapter 219 Insufficient Heat.
Chapter 220 A Turnaround.
Chapter 221 My wife is A Treasure.
Chapter 222 A Beautiful Misunderstanding.
Chapter 223 Wolf in Sheep Pelt.
Chapter 224 A self-Defeating.
Chapter 225 The Selfless Person in History.
Chapter 226 Should say what is Good for you.
Chapter 227 I'm afraid that There are more than A Few!
Chapter 228 The Crazed Bewitched Family.
Chapter 229 A lot of Joy.
Chapter 230 Not Expected.
Chapter 231 Holds up.
Chapter 232 Get Off!
Chapter 233 Protection.
Chapter 234 La La La.
Chapter 235 Hard Work Pays Off.
Chapter 236 Because he is your Grandmother!
Chapter 237 Are you okay?
Chapter 238 No Filming Period.
Chapter 239 You are out of My Strength.
Chapter 240 The Situation is Reversed.
Chapter 241 Actually a husband is Your Fan Too.
Chapter 242 Especially.
Chapter 243 Gossip.
Chapter 244 Drill A Hole then Take Advantage of A Loophole
Chapter 245 Mr-King.
Chapter 246 In Great Demand.
Chapter 247 Big Misunderstanding.
Chapter 248 Is Not a Married Woman House.
Chapter 249 Endless Affections.
Chapter 250 I Feel soo much Regret that I am Satisfied.
Chapter 251 Hàn Dōngdong's Spring.
Chapter 252 Rejoice in Other Misfortune.
Chapter 253 Your Ambitions Are Too Big!
Chapter 254 Show Of Strength.
Chapter 255 Secrets.
Chapter 256 Stupefying Shock!!
Chapter 257 Idiom • Mantis Stalking a Cidaca Unaware of the Orioles behind him
Chapter 258 Never Let Them Get Away.
Chapter 259 Xià Family Three Brothers.
Chapter 260 Courting Disaster.
Chapter 261 Wang's Method of Pinching.
Chapter 262 An Exception .
Chapter 263 Idiom • Loosing Money Instead of Being Paid
Chapter 264. An Admonition Line
Chapter 265 Drama.
Chapter 266 Those Who suffer Should be Let Go.... Right?.
Chapter 267: Two Criminals
Chapter 268 Not A Chance
Chapter 269 Compare Drama and Real Knowledge
Chapter 270 Run....Hit the Target...Statue.
Chapter 271 Finally Appearance.
Chapter 272 Mouth Says Yes the Heart Says No.
Chapter 273 Tendency to Soft Comfort And Warmness.
Chapter 274 Really Rough.
Chapter 275 You Really let Me Raise my Respect for you a Whole New Level
Chapter 276 Noble Help
Chapter 277 Cover Up the Hand
Chapter 278 Wang Family Mobilization
Chapter 279 Knocked About
Chapter 280 Out of Luck.
Chapter 281 Framed...Can it be?
Chapter 282 Idiom•Prophesy with Godly Accuracy .
Chapter 283 Blood Calls For Blood
Chapter 284 Your Behaviour I Can't Deal with IT.
Chapter 285 Reverse of Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang.
Chapter 286 Decreed by Fate To make more Love Rivals.
Chapter 287 Great Creator.
Chapter 288 All Kinds of Doubts and Mysteries
Chapter 289 The Answer to the Riddle
Chapter 290 It's Nothing.
Chapter 291 Parent - Child Games.
Chapter 292 Interrogation In the End
Chapter 293 I Wish I had never Came here.
Chapter 294 You May Have Become a God.
Chapter 295, She Would only be Inseparable From Me.
Chapter 296 Exactly What I Wanted.
Chapter 297 Thrilling Transformation
Chapter 298 Caught Instead
Chapter 299 Does Not Have Any "PROBLEM"
Chapter 300 God Turning The Events
Chapter 301 Another Mistake Happening.
Chapter 302 Scandal.
Chapter 303 Spin a Cacoon Around Oneself.
Chapter 304 The Ultimate BOSS
Chapter 305 Thrown Back into the River Again.
Chapter 306 The Tragic Price
Chapter 307 Finishing Chapter
Special Chapter: Zhong Dong Article
Special Chapter Xīa Yu Article
Special Chapter His Sexual Fantasy Article

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