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1810312023, 10:57 EPs Pree cr pero Avaliagao: 800 pts Nota SIA: 9,00 pts amie rete la) EADS ::s222007 difficult to describe a particular speech sound in connected speech? Why Ev Because people not necessarily produce speech sounds distinctively. CO ___ Because of intonation impairment, Cl __ Because of defective speech sounds. Because people always produce each sound distinctively. Ti Because people always produce sounds separately. Ela sms How many sounds and how many graphemes does the word debt have? [kx 1 sound and 3 graphemes. 1 2sounds and 2 graphemes, [Lv Ssounds and 4 graphemes, C4sounds and 4 graphemes. CF Ssounds and 5 graphemes. FEB :ss0206 ‘The following words form a set beginning with the same sound: Oo vase, calm, quay, want Co gnat, guest, calm, quay knight ca, king. get quest, west, vest, want ly cat, king, calm, quay Inwhat way do phoneticians and phonologists respectively view the sounds of a language? (1 Asthe minimal descriptive and nondescriptive units of formal conversation. _Asthe minimal cognitive units of informal and formal talk. [lv Asthe minimal descriptive and the minimal cognitive unit of a language. TC Asthe minimal descriptive and cognitive units of formal conversation. C2 Asthe minimal descriptive units of an oral and a sign language. hitps:simulado.estacio.oralunositemplate.asppaginarbaq_alunos_agendamento.asp8_cod_disc=DGT1322# Pontos: 1.00 / 1,00 Pontos: 000 / 1,00 Pontos: 1.00 /1,00 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00 18 1810312023, 10:57 EPs Ei £:5299015 Pontos: 0,00 / 4400 ‘Auviliary verbs can have their vowels reduced to the schwa sound. Choose the alternative which shows this possibilty: BS No, she wasngt OC Yes, she can [Lv Was she home yesterday? O Yes,tdo. Ido love volleyball Ep 5916 Pontos: 1.00 /1,00 What are homographs? Riv o . ‘They are words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently. ‘They are words which are spelled the same, pronounced the sare, but that have completely different meanings. ‘Words in which the primary stress fall on the first syllable ‘They are words that are pronounced the same, but that are actually spelled in different ways. ‘They are words which are applied to different contexts. Pontos: 1.00 /1,00 ‘The schwa sound is one of the most common sounds in English. Whatzs correct to say about this neutral vowel? oO o ae o Itis a closing diphthong Itzs along vowel that may be represented by different spellings Its short, quick sound that is pronounced in a relaxed manner Itonly occurs in stressed syllables The schwa sound actually reflects a sloppy attitude on the part of the speaker a=. Pontos: 1.00 /1,00 Consonants are classified according to their places and manner of articulation, as well as voicing. What would, then, make you say pear, instead of bear? o ae o oO o Both phonemes /p/ and /b/ are examples of bilabial fricatives. /p/, however, is voiceless, Both words show examples of bilabial plosives. /p/, however, is voiceless and aspirated. Both words show examples of bilabial plosives. by, however, is voiceless and aspirated, Both phonemes /p/ and /b/ are voiceless. /b/, however, is glottal. Both phonemes /p/ and /b/ are voiced. /p/, however, is africative consonant. hitpssimulado.estaco.orfalunositemplate.asppagina-beq_alunos_agendamento.asp8t_cod_diseeDGT1322# 28 1810312023, 10:57 EPs BMG esos Pos 400 100 Consonants differ in terms of manner of articulation, place of articulation and voicing. Choose the alternative that best explains what voicing entails: (1 Theabsenceor presence ofa stricture. Cl Theabsence or presence of continuant sounds, (1 Theabsence or presence of aspiration. Biv Theabsence or presence of vibration ofthe vocal cords. (1 Theabsence or presence ofthe plosive burst Ea Ref: 5: READ THE TEXT BELOW: 5 Pontos: 1.00 / 1,00 Plosive Consonants are characterized by completely stopping air flowing out of the mouth, and then suddenly releasing it. In English, there are six plosive consonants in total Based on the text above, which of the words below contains a VOICED BILABIAL PLOSIVE consonant sound? O tar car Hiv BAR CO war O rar hitpssimulado.estaco.orfalunositemplate.asppagina-beq_alunos_agendamento.asp8t_cod_diseeDGT1322# 38

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