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Mupel : Bahasa Inggris Hari, Tanggal : September 2021

Kelas : IV (Empat) Waktu : 90 Menit

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d!

(Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat dengan menyilang a,b,c atau d!

1. Mario : Good morning, Miss Indah. 5.

Miss Indah : ……………., Mario.
a. Good night
b. Good day
There is a……… in my room
c. Good morning
a. ruler
d. Good afternoon
b. calendar
2. Mr. Jack : It’s nice to meet you.
c. clock
Mr. Fery : …………..too.
d. door
a. See you tomorrow
b. Good bye
c. My name is dina
d. Nice to meet you This is my………….
3. Nisa : Hello, Mike.
Mike :……, Nisa a. ruler

a. Bye b. bag

b. See you c. pencil

c. Hello d. pencil case

d. Good night 7. k – o – b – o

4. Vero: Good bye, Kevin. The correct arrangement is……

Kevin: …………, Vero a. book

a. Good Night b. koob

b. Good bye c. book

c. Good morning d. kobo

d. Good evening
8. What is the shape of ball?
It is………. 14.
a. oval
b. circle
c. cone
d. triangle What is it?
9. The shape of ice cream is………..
It is a …………….
a. Circle
b. Oval a. star
c. Cone b. heart
d. Triangle c. oval
10. …. Sorry for cutting your socks. d. circle
a. Me 15.
b. My
c. I’m
d. I This is Boby’s…..
11. Food – for – I’m – eating – your – sorry
a. Book
The correct arrangement is……………..
a. 3–6–4–2–5–1 b. Pencil
b. 3–6–2–4–5–1 c. Pencil case
c. 3–6-5–4–2–1
d. Ruler
d. 3–6–2–5–4–1
12. Saya juga senang bertemu denganmu. In II. Answer the following question!

English is…..
Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut!
a. See you again
b. See you next time 1. The English of lingkaran is……..

c. Nice to meet you 2. The English of bintang is…………

d. Nice to meet you too 3. Vania: What……. Your name?

13. Congratulation in Indonesia is………… Dina : My name is Dina

a. Ulang tahun 4. Sinta : How…… Raihan?

b. Bahagia Rihan : I’m fine

c. Pesan 5. How old are you? (Berapa Umurmu)

d. selamat I’m….. years old

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