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Question 2 A

Drawing is a communication tool for conveying what the client wants and imagines.

Drawings also act as guidelines for contractors.

Referring to interior design work, discuss the importance of drawings during the contract

administration and construction phases.

Drawings play a crucial role in interior design work during the contract administration and
construction phases. They provide a clear and detailed visual representation of the designer's ideas,
allowing the client and contractors to better understand and execute the project. Here are some key
ways in which drawings are important during these phases:

Communication: Drawings serve as a communication tool between the designer, client, and
contractors. They provide a visual representation of the design concept, making it easier for
everyone to understand and communicate their ideas and requirements.

Accuracy: Drawings ensure accuracy in the execution of the project. They provide precise details of
the design, including measurements, materials, and finishes, which are critical for the contractors to
follow in order to achieve the desired outcome.

Budget management: Drawings help in managing the budget by providing a detailed breakdown of
the materials and finishes required for the project. This ensures that the contractor knows exactly
what needs to be purchased and installed, reducing the chances of cost overruns.

Quality control: Drawings act as a guideline for contractors, ensuring that the work is done to the
required quality standards. The designer can refer to the drawings to check whether the work is
being done as per the design, and make any necessary adjustments.

Time management: Drawings help in managing the project timeline by providing a clear schedule of
the work that needs to be done. Contractors can refer to the drawings to know what work needs to
be completed at each stage of the project, ensuring that the project is completed on time.

In conclusion, drawings are essential during the contract administration and construction phases of
an interior design project. They facilitate communication, accuracy, budget management, quality
control, and time management, ensuring that the project is completed to the required standards,
within budget, and on time.
Question 2 B

As a Project Manager in KARAMI Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. you had been given a task to

produce school furniture which will be used by secondary school students in the next

school session. Your task is to present the design plan according to the following FIVE


i. Conceptualize the project

i. Project definition and planning

iii. Launch the project

iv. Monitor for project performance (and controlling


Phase 1: Conceptualize the project

Identify the purpose and goals of the project, as well as any constraints or limitations that need to be

Research and gather information on the target audience (secondary school students), their needs
and preferences, and any regulations or guidelines that need to be followed.

Brainstorm and come up with potential design concepts for the school furniture, considering factors
such as functionality, safety, durability, and aesthetics.

Evaluate the potential design concepts and select the most feasible and effective one based on the
project goals, budget, and resources.

Phase 2: Project definition and planning

Define the scope and objectives of the project, including the specific features and functionalities of
the school furniture.

Develop a detailed project plan, including timelines, budgets, resources, and roles and
responsibilities of the project team members.

Determine the materials and equipment needed for the project, and establish a procurement plan.

Develop a quality assurance plan to ensure that the final product meets the required standards.
Phase 3: Launch the project

Assemble the project team and communicate the project plan and objectives to them.

Procure the necessary materials and equipment, and set up the production facility.

Start the production process, and ensure that the project is progressing according to the plan.

Conduct regular project meetings to monitor progress, identify and address any issues or obstacles
that arise, and make any necessary adjustments to the project plan.

Phase 4: Monitor for project performance (and controlling)

Monitor the progress of the project against the project plan, and identify any variances or deviations
from the plan.

Use project management tools and techniques to analyze the performance data and identify any
areas where corrective action is needed.

Take corrective action to address any issues or problems, and communicate any changes to the
project team and stakeholders.

Ensure that the project is completed within the allocated budget, timeline, and quality standards.

Phase 5: Project Closure

Review and evaluate the project outcomes against the project objectives and success criteria.

Document any lessons learned from the project and use them to improve future projects.

Hand over the final product to the client (in this case, the secondary schools), and ensure that they
are satisfied with the quality and functionality of the school furniture.

Close out the project, including finalizing any financial and administrative tasks, and releasing any
resources that were used for the project.

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