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Action Research Project Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Arts, Science and Education

Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion

Roxas City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements 

For the Degree

Bachelor of Physical Education (BPED ) 

Christine Joy B. Docil



This chapter presents the Background of the study, Statement of the problem, Hypotheses

of the study, Theoretical framework and conceptual framework, scope and limitations,

significance of the study, and definition of terms.

Background and Rationale of the study

The main objective of the study is to determine Perception on the effects of using gadgets on

the academic performance. As an outcome of their heavy reliance on digital devices, both

academic achievement and health status endure. People become distracted by their digital

equipment, have difficulty in reading, and their teacher has to remind them to read their book.

With devices, teachers can teach but no one will listen. Students would have fewer attention

spans in school and that would spend more time with their hands on gadgets devices; students

will indeed play a game instead of listening to the teacher. It interferes with their study time,

using gadgets during class hours can land a student in trouble. The teacher dislikes seeing

students using their electronic devices during class because it is considered disrespectful and


Technology has been argued as having a positive impact on our way of thinking. Steve Johnson

(2005), in his nationally bestselling book Everything Bad is Good for You, posited that

technology is making us more intelligent due our means of obtaining, interpreting, and

processing information. Many studies have discussed how technology affects our brains and

impacts how much its use affects the way that we think and perform.
This study also deducted that the use of gadgets has a moderately positive effects in learning but

it also has a slightly negative effects. It was also deducted that there was no significant

correlation between the frequency of use and the impact of gadgets (JERELYN A. PATACSIL).

Using gadgets becomes common and vital to all people anywhere and anytime now. Many

people are using gadgets as part of their daily lives. Even in academics, students use gadgets to

expedite the things they need to finish in connection with their school works and other


This study also deducted that the use of gadgets has a moderately positive impact in learning but

it also has a slightly negative impact. It was also deducted that there was no significant

correlation between the frequency of use and the impact of gadgets. It makes you sacrifice other

learning things and make you feel no time for other things, which is very harmful. Also, Make

the student feel difficult to complete their work. It interferes with their study time. Gadgets hurt

your internal time management if students are addicted to technology or misuse it.

Technology has played a vital role in educational innovations, providing both teachers and

learners options and flexibility in their teaching and learning practice.

Technology has played a vital role in educational innovations, providing both teachers and

learners options and flexibility in their teaching and learning practice.

Technology has played a vital role in educational innovations, providing both teachers and

learners options and flexibility in their teaching and learning practice. If you’re determined to

use gadgets in your learning, you should be aware of the current trends. Study the main functions

of every gadget to understand whether it fits your learning style and goals or no. It’s necessary to

recognize general categories. Providing computers to schools increases the technology skills of

teachers and students in both the developed and the developing world. Laptop programs increase
students' engagement with academic work and school, improve technology skills, and have

positive effects on students' writing.

Spending too much time using the most common technological devices such as computers,

smartphones, and tablets can cause distraction and concentration difficulties. One of the negative

effects of technology on children is that it affects their academic success.

Student’s continuous usage of gadgets has many adverse effects, such as attention deficits, loss

of focus, difficulty in learning, anxiety, etc. Thus, we need to understand that technology and

gadgets make our lives easier. Therefore, we should not become addicted to them.

Statement of the problem

The main purpose of this study was to determine Perception on th effects of using gadgets on

the academic performance of grade 7 students of Tanque National High School.

Specifically, this study aims to answers the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of;

a. Sex b. Age

2. What are the effects of using gadgets during class hours?

3. What are effects of using gadgets on the academic performance of Grade 7 students?

Hypotheses of the study

1. There is no significant difference in the effects of using gadgets on the academic

performance of grade 7 students considering sex and age.

2. There is no significant relationship on the profile of the respondents such as home

location and monthly income of the family to the

Theoretical framework of the study

This research study correspond on how the effects of using gadgets on the academic

performance. Engage, Enlighten, and give learners with resources that will assist and inspire

them about what current research and information regarding the relationship between theory of

learning and the use of these gadgets on the academic performance of students implies. The

increased importance, roles, and value of educational technology devices present a continuing

issue for today's classrooms. A modernized classroom would not be completed without

computers, software, internet access, projectors, and a number of those other moderate tools,

given the existing educational trends. Furthermore, Keane (2012) clarified that incorporating this

terrific tool into the classroom can lead to the growth of real-world skills that will expand,

develop, and enhance students' knowledge of the curriculum's focal ideas today.

The statement that mobile devices could have the biggest impact on student performance at the

minimal possible while yet maintaining the strict focus on the tried and true educated theoretical

concepts and pedagogies continues to involve students in gadgets technology integration.

Because they make it possible to move away from the traditional, gadgets technology integration

has grown into a primary concern of technology for education. The theory of occasional, as

presented by Tinker (2001), introduces students to a scenario that occurs in a computer lab and
is frequently related to internet usage. The regular and integrated use of mobile technology

always brings to mind the wise old proverb of sending the students down the hall for a drawing.

Conceptual Framework

Perception on effects of using gadgets on the academic performance of grade 7 student.

According to a Yousuf (2007) study referenced in the article, a sizable majority (90%) of survey

respondents agreed that mobile learning is flexible and accessible at anytime and anywhere, and

that 78% of respondents agreed that gadgets learning makes it possible to receive quicker

feedback for distance learning.

According to the theory of constructivist learning, mobile technologies are more effective when

it is used and have an effect on how learning will develop in the future. It is anticipated that in

the not-too-distant future, technology gadgets that effect academic performance will be

accessible to educators, students, and the general community in the significant portion of major


The researchers believe aware and for certain that they'll be able to assessed the effect of using

gadgets on the academic performance of Grade 7 students at Tanque National High School in

accordance with the previous guidelines.

Figure 1. The diagram showing the relationship of the independent and dependent variables.

The diagram illustrates the connections between the usage of electronic devices and students'

academic performance as well as characteristics like age, sex, Home location and monthly

Independent Variables Dependent Variables


Age Perception on the effects

of using gadgets on the
academic performance of
Home Location grade 7 students

Monthly Family Income

Figure 1: The diagram showing the relationship between the effect of using gadgets on the

academic performance of the Grade 7 Students when they are taken as an entire group and

classified according to age, sex, home location and monthly income.

Significance of the study

The findings of this study help determine the effect of using gadgets on the academic

performance of students, impact to their study habit and the usefulness of electronic

gadgets to their academic performance. Likewise, this study is regarded significant to the


Students- This research would be an efficient way to educate students about the dangers overuse

of gadgets Students. This study is crucial to remind them of their responsibilities while engaging

their chosen technology. Also, they need to be warned of the negative effects of excessive usage

of these devices.
Teachers. The results could have consequences for both the why and the how in relation to

present developments and methods in education through the use of electronic devices,

challenging them to apply and practice using technology in their teaching strategies to make their

discussions with students easier, faster, and more pleasurable.

Parents. It would be appropriate for them to support the use of technological devices for all the

students' academic performance to be as effective as possible. They would also be reminded of

their crucial responsibilities to devote a lot of time to educating and mentoring their children

about the harmful consequences of using these necessary devices carelessly or inappropriately.
Chapter II


Foreign Studies indicated that using technology to present what students have learnt and to help

them express themselves. To create projects, they can use software. They become more engaged

with the material as a result, which increases knowledge retention. Students will find it simple to

keep notes in a creative arrangement of the knowledge they have seen through the utilization of

technological tools. It is fair to say that the use of technology has simplified life for students.

They can only transport a mobile phone or smart phone to school more easily than huge or hick


Due to the explosive growth of technology in learning, it has become a a practical and affordable

solution. Almost three quarters of Americans or 73 percent believes that investing in innovation

and advance technology sciences in education is key to the country’s long-term success

(Harris, 2009). Based on Freeman Dyson (2008) technology is a teaching aid. Gadgets an

interactive PowerPoint presentations and animation software can be used to present information

in interactive way. The method is equally helpful for teachers.

The importance of technology, using gadgets in schools cannot be ignored. In fact with the onset

of computers in education, it has become easier for teachers to impart knowledge and for

students to acquire it. The use of technology has made the process of teaching and learning

enjoyable. (Herzig, 2008). However, it is important to realize that failure to present

technology using gadgets in an appropriate form can lead to negative results.

Technology devices, according to Mayer, Griffith, Jurkowitz, and Rothman (2008), may have a

negative impact on students' learning outcomes if they are not used properly. Designing
interactive lessons for the World Wide Web is a handbook. The internet is a dynamic electronic

network that allows devices connected anywhere on the network to exchange information. It is

distinct from other cultures where learning is encouraged and promoted (Brooks, 2007).

According to Brooks' explanation, the usage of electronic devices by students may have an

impact on their ability to study.

Technology has eliminated space and time limitations. Online education and distance learning

have given a new dimension to education and higher learning. Even if students are physically

separated far away from each other they can be a part of one classroom though not physically but

virtually, they can.

Local Studies the use of local literature innovation reduces teaching time because it takes less

time to provide a lot of material. They have the capacity for creative use. The use of

communication strategies geared at the classroom is often ensured by media. Learners should

therefore be supported, inspired, and motivated to not just learn but also to keep learning

(Demegilio 2009). According to Demegilio, technology has a role in students' learning, both to

learn and to learn new things. This one was emphasized in the Journal of Athens Academy

(p. 66, 2009) that educational technology can make learning more engaging and pleasurable for

students. The usage of remarkable effects, changing graphics, and other techniques, among

others, might help learners experience less tired. Also, there may be interaction in the classroom.

By introducing modern devices into the classroom, teachers could take advantage of the students'

strong motivational potential. Many students who dislike school do not dislike modern devices at

all; in fact, just the reverse occurs. A system of education that made use of this drive would be

considerably more likely to succeed. Each gadgets , media has a unique profile of cognitive
advantages and disadvantages, and each medium can be used to increase the impact of others

(Chaves, 2008).



This research chapter includes the research design of the study, respondents and sampling

procedures, instrument development, data gathering procedures, and data analysis and

interpretation procedure subject of being studied or otherwise known as descriptive research


Research Design

The research design used in the study was the descriptive method. Descriptive study design. A

descriptive research strategy can study one or more variables using a wide range of research

techniques. In descriptive studies, data are gathered to test hypotheses, address concerns about
the subject of the investigation's state, and describe the circumstances of objects. (McConnell

2010, Duah 2015).

Descriptive research is a research method describing the characteristics of the population or

phenomenon studied. 

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study will be the Twenty-five (25) STE-A Student Tanque National High


Research Instrument

The researchers' methods will be utilized to collect the data, which will be separated into two

sections: Part I will consist of the socio-demographic profile of the respondents. Part III will

measure the how the effects of using gadgets on the academic performance.

Statistical Tools

The responses of the respondents were treated with the use of the following

statistical tools:

T-test. This was used to determine if there is significant relationship between the effects

of using gadgets on the academic performance.

One-way ANOVA. This was used to determine the differences on the perception of the

respondents on the effects of using gadgets on the academic performance according to age, sex.











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