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© General Location: Candidates: Special Arrangements: ‘Supervisor Information: fr Venue Venue Name: Address: ‘Venue contact: Saturday, 22.4.2023 08:30 13:05 AM Regular Exam - FCE_20 - Paper Based (PB) Supervisor Winterthur 2 - 25% extra time for Reading and Writing - Use of coloured pencils -Lip reading listening test Candidate has dyslexia and is hearing impaired requires 25% extra time for the Reading and Writing parts of the exam. Candidate can use coloured pencils to underline keywords in the Question booklets. Coloured pens are not allowed. The answer sheets must be filled out in standard pencil During the lip-reading exam, please make sure candidate can lip-read easily. Supervisor booklet for Lip-reading exams exp 2 candidates: Luc Hauser, Lorin Buschor. Luc Hauser requires 25% extra time and the lip-reading exam. Lorin Buschor requires a lip-reading version of the listening exam. Candidates are taking their exam together. Once Lorin's time is up, he can leave the room. Luc can stay and write until his time runs out or until he is finished, if he finishes before the time runs out. Breaks are flexible - candidates can say if they need longer breaks or if they would like to start with the next component eariler than planned. Supervisor booklet for Lip-reading exams explains everything in detail. The booklet is Sent via post a few days before the exam. The text should be read 3 times, first ime without breaks, second time with breaks, and last time without breaks. Please make sure to set a signal with the candidate (raising their hand or anything similar), So they can indicate when they are ready to continue with the exam. Please take 2 position where you will be easily visible to both candidates and make sure they can easily lip read The answers should be written on a BLANK piece of paper. The candidate should Write their name and candidate number on the paper and write the answers marking the question number and their answer, for example: 1. A. 2. B Blank papers will be provided with the materials, They will oniy be marked with some info: centre, exam type and date. The pre-printed answer sheets do not have all possible answers available, which is why a blank answer sheet is needed. Material will be ready in the Exam material cupboard in the office. Key to the cupboard is in the key box in the kitchen, above the coffee machine. Code is 1921 Special arrangement material crate will be in the exam room. The exam will take place in speaking room 3. The office will be open; |ELTS supervisor will open the door at 7:30. ‘Swiss Exams Zicherstrasse 46 8400 Winterthur Customer Service Winterthur Wifi Password: Milky Way!09 Venue Information: For your breaks and lunch there is a Migrolino gas station shop (with Starbucks coffee), a mall and several restaurants (e.g. McDonalds) within walking distance. Please leave the first row in the CB room free as reserves if possible. For your breaks and lunch there is a Migrolino gas station shop (with Starbucks coffee), a mall and several restaurants (e.g. McDonalds) within walking distance. Work Assignment Staff ‘Supervisor: Jeremy Boulat 0782336468 B Papers Candidate Information Sheet 08:30 — 08:45 15 Min Reading & Use of English 08:40 — 10:14 94 Min Writin« 10:30 = 12:10 100 Min Listening 12:25 — 13:05 40 Min

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