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When someone would ask me 10, 5 years ago of what I wanted for myself, I would always answer career.

I have
chosen a stable profession, one that pays well, one that is self-rewarding, and one that makes me an instrument to
help others. It is fulfilling in many ways. I think I have come to a point that I am contented of what I achieved,
however simple it maybe. When the pandemic came, I realized that there are things far more important. That family
is important. Family is most important. I have seen COVID patients struggle and die in front of me without even
hugging their loved ones for one last time.

We have encountered tough times in our lives. It changes us. It sharpens the way we see things in perspective. There
are those moments that strike us hard in the gut. It knocks us down but it builds an even tougher shield that protects
us from feeling the pain the next time we get the blow. Tough people are not always built tough, they become what
they are because of situations, and sometimes they are what they are because they have to be even if they wanted to
let their guards down in certain situations.

In this profession that requires us to take a lead, it gives us added load. The responsibility of taking the lead can be
burdensome that is why I have always admired female leaders. Female leaders that show both toughness and finesse
in their craft. Leaders with soft heart yet firm and tough when situations require. I admire when they speak their
minds, fight for what they believe in and stay true to their values.

In the short time that I came to hear your words, I knew you are kind. When I hear about you from others, it further
confirms your kindness. Even if have some friends and acquaintances in our workplace, I shall confess that I had
apprehensions about starting over in my new station. Yet, it gave me encouragement when I found someone sharing
the same battle whom surpassed her own fight with flying colors.

Allow me to write this piece in admiration of your person. Allow me to be one of those you can freely speak out
when you feel heavy and allow me to listen when you wanted to share those small victories along your way. That
aside from your close circle, allow me to be one of those that you can count on your side. I may have acquainted to
you for long but I would love to have known you more, deeper. I have found some good people around but I haven’t
seen so many genuine ones inside and out.

They say, it can be lonely up there. That it seems you have everyone but you have no one. I say yes in most
instances and as much as you do not want to be lonely, certain responsibilities require you to be. Although it can be
lonely, you don’t have to be alone.

Jed, 3-18-22

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