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Employee Time and Attendance Policy 

and Procedure in realtime

Introduction of attendance policy: Attendance policy template is needed in an
organisation when the employee frequent absence and tardiness is causing
disturbance in the business.  With enlarged company in order to deal with employees
issues, time and attendance policy is needed. In some companies absenteeism and
tardiness is considered as two different things but in other companies these 2 terms
are used interchangeably.

Effective working in any organisation depends upon punctuality, sincerity and regular
working of the employees and to a certain extent on employee attendance. In order
to ensure regular working it is necessary to lay down rules and regulations which are
followed within the organisation to maintain regularity. These rules and regulations
can be framed under attendance policy. Each employee in the organisation is valued
and is unique members who are encouraged to give their best productivity by being
regular and punctual. So they are expected tofollow employee attendance policy
and procedure regularly.
Absence of work for an employee can be authorised or unauthorised. Authorised
absence is an absence from organisation for a genuine reason for e.g. Illness etc.
Unauthorised absence may be defined as absence which are non reasonable and
non acceptable. For e.g. Non- medical appointments and day off for birthday
celebrations. These definitions are defined under employee attendance policy and
 In order to ensure attendance is in line with the organisation time and attendance
policy regular review and evaluation of data is being done. The main aim of having
work attendance policy is to provide supportive and inclusive working environment
which encourage all employees to manage their health and well being. Work
attendance policy gives a way to have regular updating of time off and total number
of hours worked. It must be known to a manager that when employee is working,
how much an employee is working. Managing an attendance procedure is important
not only from data collection point of view but it helps an organisation to know what
trends to follow to give time off to employees, what are the need of employees etc.  
Work attendance policy also points out on the productivity per employee. What’s the
time in and time out from work for an employee and how does an employee work
within those hours which give clarity on per employee productivity. The grey areas
are also highlighted when we study attendance and time data. For instance we get to
know which employee has reached saturation and is completely exhausted and need
a break. Similarly, we know which employee is least productive. We get to know
about the concept of presenters also through Employee attendance data. Presenters
are a theory in which employee report to work distracted and unable to carry out the
duty rightly.
Importance of having time and Attendance Policy:
1. Makes employees more regular and punctual.
2. Increase productivity.
3. Better use of skilled resource as the most skilled resource is of less use in
case they are not present regularly.
4. Increases employee reputation for dependability.
5. Helps management to take labour related decision.
6. Reduces absenteeism.
7. Major attendance issues can be identified.
8. Good attendance helps you in getting a good position.
9. Poor attendance put a responsible manager or co-worker under pressure as
they have to carry out the job of others besides their own job.
10. Good attendance record increases moral.
11. Attendance policy makes sure that employees are paid in full and on time.
12. Helps in making decision how attendance can be improved.
13. Incentivising rewards with good attendance record.
Consequences of Poor Attendance:

1. Cannot apply for internal job postings.

2. Unable to use discretionary sick time.
3. In eligible for voluntary overtime.
4. No holiday’s payments.
5. Not eligible for bonus etc.
How can problem of absenteeism be resolved?

The problem of absenteeism can be reduced up to a certain time by following

measures. However following the best attendance policy can also reduce
absenteeism to a certain extent.
1. Flexitime
2. Job Sharing
3. Tele commuting
4. Squeezed weekdays
Policy Brief

As per the employee attendance policy overview employees are suppose to be

present for work. Punctuality is important for normal and smooth functioning of the
organisation. Arriving late, excess absenteeism disrupts normal working of
organisation; this all has been explained in policy below. The real time attendance
gives clarity on other details as well. For details please refer below mentioned
sample attendance policy.
The content prepared has been created with greatest care. These policies
have been prepared for sample. However for accuracy and
completeness cannot guarantee. The user is therefore
requested to professionally check or to have professionally checked the suitability
of all content for its use.

Why there is need of Attendance Policy?

Sample - 1

1. The Objective  of the  Policy
2. Purpose
3. Policy  statement
4. Definitions
5. Recording time worked by the employee
a. Unforeseen  circumstances for the absence
6. Good  attendance
7. Employee  attendance policy and Procedure
a. Method of Tracking attendance
b. Attendance App for employees 
c. Employee attendance protocol
d. Documentation necessary for an excused absence
8. Difference between the excused and unexcused absence
9. Tracking of attendance  through the Point system
10. Attendance guidelines
11. Responsibilities
a. Director
b. Manager
c. Employee
1. Disciplinary  Action
a. Steps to handle Unauthorised  absence from work
b. Disciplinary  Warning
c. Disciplinary  Hearing

a. Objective:  The objective behind attendance policy is to encourage

attendance and to monitor employees regarding their punctuality.
b. Purpose:  The purpose of the attendance policy is to reduce absenteeism in
the workplace thereby implement and enforce an attendance policy.
3. Policy  Statement:
Punctuality and regular attendance recording and tracking are the signs of the best
attendance policy.  They both are required in order to ensure optimal productivity and
good work is done. As per the attendance policy, all employees are expected to report
to work on time and maintain the satisfactory record of attendance. In case an
employee is unable to attend office they are requested to inform their reporting
manager within the start of 1 hour of office timings.
4. Definitions :
4.1Absenteeism:  Absenteeism may be defined as when employees are not showing
up at work due to reasons like Tardiness etc. It does not include holidays, leave or any
emergency situations.
4.2Absence: It may be defined as an occasion or period of being away from a place
or person. Absence also means he/she who is not in that place in which he/she is
4.3 Tardiness:  It refers to coming in late, taking longer breaks then one is entitled to
and consistently leaving early without any reason. It can be explained further as more
than 5 minutes late as but less than 2hours. Leaving early for the scheduled break,
returning to work late after a scheduled break or leaving early before closure of official
work time.
4.4 Attendance:  The action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place
or event.
4.5 Break: It may be defined as the pause at work or during the time work is taking
4.6 Shifts:  Each of two or more recurring periods in which different group of workers
does the same job in a relay.
4.7 Weekly work hours:  The number of hours a non-exempt employee may spend
doing work for his/her employer without being entitled to overtime pay.
4.8 Presenters:  It refers to being present at work beyond the scheduled time even
when overtime is not required.
4.9 Partial Absence:   Arriving at work 2 hours late but missing less than 50% of
scheduled workday.
4.10 Excessive absenteeism:  It refers to the repeated occurrence or unscheduled
absences or tardiness that is unrelated to approved time off.
1. Recording time  worked by employee :
In order to record attendance in real-time basis, the company must comply with the
law to record for the number of hours worked by the employee. The number of sick
and vacation time an employee has taken and how an employee is paid in a timely
manner. It is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that their actual hours
worked and absences taken are recorded accurately.
There are two types of time off.
Prescheduled time off and unscheduled time off which can be explained as:
Prescheduled time off: Any off taken by the employee which can be planned in
advance? Sick time will be given only if it is possible.
Unscheduled time off: Unscheduled time off may be defined as time off taken by the
employee which cannot be planned in advance.
a. Unforeseen circumstances for absence:
It is necessary to have the timely attendance record in order to maintain the work and
attendance. However, there may be circumstances which are unforeseen in nature
and cannot be planned. However, an employee must try best to inform he immediate
manager about the possible absence from work as soon as possible so that
attendance can be recorded timely. In case you are not able to inform the manager
contact HR. Any unreported absence for more than 3 days will be considered as the
willingness to leave service voluntarily and strict disciplinary action will be taken in
such case.  For the proper record of attendance, any valid reason like medical
emergency, serious accident will be considered as an excuse by the company. For
support of absence for any such incident, it is necessary for doctor’s note or other
verification documents.
The following will not be considered as an excuse as per the attendance policy of
1. Waking up late
2. Getting late for personal reasons
3. Bad weather, extreme  weather conditions such as flood, hurricane
4. Holidays that has not been approved so far.
2. Good attendance
      An employee is said to have best attendance record if the following are met:
1. The Employee is reporting for work consistently
2. Punctual with entry and exit time’
3. Staying at work during working hours
4. Break taken only in the assigned timeline
1. Proper approval has taken in the case being absent or late
2. Absent or Late only for valid reasons.
3. Employee attendance Policy and Procedure
a. Method of tracking attendance:
The real-time attendance needs to be tracked regularly.  The mechanism for tracking
attendance needs to be defined and communicated to employees. There are different
methods to keep track of employee’s time and attendance. Some methods  are
different from others depending on the nature of the business. Employees are
supposed to punch card in and punch out the time card at the point of entry and exit.
The automated system must have tracking for:
a. Work time and break – The work time must be clearly defined and the punch
card must be able to track the work time schedule and the official break as
defined by time and attendance policy.
b. Automated time tracking – It must have automated time tracking mechanism
to record work and attendance.
c. In case there is any branch office where time tracking is not possible by an
automated machine, Manual timesheet recording must be done. The
attendance register must be kept at reception wherein each employee of the
branch is supposed to enter entry and exit details religiously.
d. The attendance system by default must be integrated with leave management
system. It must also have the automatic correct configuration of holidays
which can be uploaded and updated any time so that report will not reflect the
absent to wrong dates.
e. HR must make the monthly dashboard basis the report fetched on a monthly
f. The automated attendance tracking system must have provision to record
attendance of the field executives when they are attending any client visit,
then they can feed report in the App.
a. Attendance app for employees:
Attendance smart app helps to quickly track and manage attendance. With the help of
simple coding system, employer can know the whereabouts of employee and also get
to know missed days,days on which employee has been late along with reasons why
an employee is out of office. This app also helps in tracking sick time and vacation
This is one of the best apps for attendance measurement as it helps to track
attendance of the employee who is far at work or based remotely.
How does this App work?
Step 1: Each employee is assigned with a Smartphone with the app installed in it.
Step 2: Whenever the employee reaches the designated site, the system registers the
attendance of the employees.
Step 3: The app also helps to track in case the employee has left the site during any
time of the day.
Step 4: Custom made alerts to track critical sites where the employee is present. Alert
is received in case employee leaves the site 15 minutes before.
a. Employee attendance protocol:
According to the attendance policy measures are taken into consideration to define
employee’s absence from office due to various reasons which can be explained as:
a. Tardy:  An employee is said to be Tardy when he/she arrives at the office
after the beginning of office hours or is not in the office at the beginning of
office hours.
1. Excused:  Any kind of late arrival to office due to the following reasons is said
to be under the excused category such as inclement weather, traffic jam,
health-related emergency etc.
2. Unexcused: Unexcused tardiness means arriving late after the start of office
hours due to various non-valid reasons like getting up late etc. and not
informing immediate manager for the delay in attending office hours.
b.   Truant:  An employee who has been absent for more than 6 times without
informing the immediate manager or HR. There are different types of excuses
and no excuses which will be considered before deciding an employee to be
truant as per attendance policy in office.
Excuses which are considered to not declare truant

1. Personal illness
2. Illness of any dependent  family member
3. Death of an immediate family
4. Weather or environmental conditions.
5. Any religious holiday
Unexcused absence:

1. Failure to attend office without informing immediate manager or HR.

c.  Early checkout: Leaving office before the closure of office hours. In
attendance will be counted only in case employee has stayed in office for at
least one half of office day.
Excuse:  1) any occurrence of unforeseen circumstances.
Non Excuse: 1) for personal reasons like movies, watching theatre etc.
The most sincere of employees also need work day off at times. However the reasons
for missed workday vary from employee to employee, still, there can be reasons which
can be categorised as excused or unexcused absence.
Some of the most common types of  excuse absence include:

1. Sick time: Employee can be on extended sick time due to any reason like
under the influence of some viral infection etc which is communicable. Sick
time can also be said when an employee is not able to perform his/her normal
course of duty due to some illness. The number of sick days which can be
availed by employee varies from company to company, Example from
attendance policy are like 1 sick day for every 30 days worked or no. of sick
days allotted for the year.
2. Time for personal reasons:  This is also one of the common forms of
absence i.e. absence for personal reasons. The examples are mentioned
a. An employee has completed a project and is drained out. He/she wants some
personal time to get fresh back to work. During this time the employee has the
chance to recharge and return to work on the next challenge.
b. An employee is supposed to attend PTA meeting of their kid so would be
coming late to office. Such kind of absence comes under excused absence.
c. Vacation days: This is another kind of excuse allowed under attendance
Policy. The number of vacation days varies from company to company policy
and procedure. However, these vacation days must be planned in advance so
as to make arrangements for a substitute during employee absence. It is also
to be ensured that such vacation days do not interfere with normal working
hours of the office.
d. Family and Medical leave: The absence of family and the medical reason is
another type of excused absence. However, the grant of leave depends upon
the policy of the company. The policies which include these types of leaves
are under the category of the best  attendance policy.
e. Bereavement leave:  When a close relative passes away, receiving time for
the funeral is not an uncommon absence. Companies do not have this kind of
excused absence from work when deceased is as spouse, child or parent.
Unexcused absence:

In order to track attendance on a real-time basis, it is necessary to have some

unexcused absence as well.
1. All the form of absence cannot be excused. There may be the possibility that
an employee asks for absence and it is denied. After denial for absence
employee still takes that in such case disciplinary action is taken against the
2. Similarly, if an employee fails to attend office and do not inform the immediate
manager within the scheduled timeframe such actions calls for no pay for the
3. Also, any absence that is not mentioned or covered under the policy may be
considered an unexcused absence.
4. As such type of activities results in disruption of work it calls for strict
disciplinary action which may even lead to termination.
It is necessary to understand the policy well that what constitutes the excused
absence and what is not. Also required permission to be taken which is utmost
a. Documentation  necessary for Excused absence:
The attendance for the work done is marked or tracked as explained previously in
the policy. Documentation is necessary in case of excused absence and it is
compulsory to support it with proper documentation. In case of sickness, it is
necessary to submit medical certificate duly attested by the doctor to immediate
reporting manager or HR. 
Similarly, any other excused absence which requires any form of documentation, it
need to submit as per policy.
1.  Difference between  the excused and unexcused absence:
It is necessary that the business support a strong work and time attendance policy. 
Having clear guidelines about the excused and unexcused absence and the procedure
to take permission from the immediate manager or notifying a manager of an
unexpected absence helps to maintain productivity as well as employee morale.
Company policy and absence:

Unplanned absenteeism has a negative impact on the working of the company. The
company attendance policy must address the importance of regular work
The policy must encourage the employee to notify the immediate manager in advance
as possible when an employee wants to take a day off from work.

Unexcused absence Excused  absence

 An unexcused absence is an absence   In case of excused absence, an 
that has not been authorized by an  employee has received advanced 
employee supervisor. In some cases, an  permission from the immediate manager 
unexcused absence may be due to the  to not to be at work. Reasons do vary 
result of an unavoidable circumstance  however it includes funeral, scheduled 
such as death or a sudden illness. In  surgery etc. The absence policy must list 
other cases, the reason for absence is  the reason for which a person may 
personal. The attendance  policy request an excused absence and the 
 Must clearly define the acceptable  reason for doing so.
reason for the unexcused absence.  

1. Tracking absenteeism  through point system:

The point system is one of the ways to keep control of discipline related to employee
attendance and to notify that an absence cannot be taken casually and the regular
absence or tardiness or absenteeism will be dealt with strict disciplinary action.
Calculation of Point system:

1. The point system takes into account the progressive past 12 Calendar
2. Any employee getting 24 or more points in a 12 calendar month period under
this system will be terminated from the company.
3. On the first day of each calendar month, points accumulated during that same
month one year prior will be removed from the employee’s record for
purposes of this policy.
4. Any employee getting 3 or less than 3 points in a year will be rewarded with
one day off with pay. Real-time attendance is recorded in this case.
5. After receiving a day off with pay, an employee will begin a new 12 months
period for purpose of earning another day off under this programme.
6. Absences from work will accumulate points in the following manner:
7. If your absence is due to illness or injury, you may be required to provide a
doctor’s report supporting the necessity of your absence, as well as your
ability to return to your work, within 15 calendar days after the absence or
8. If your absence is the result of personal emergency other than illness or
injury, documentation supporting your absence may be required.
    No Point:
1. Absence due to work related injury.
2. Absence due to medical leave, lack of work etc.
3. Absence due to extreme weather conditions
4. Absence due to an accident.
Half point:

1. Leaving work early due to the proven emergency.

1 Point:
1. Late to work by 18 minutes or less for any reason not excused above.
2. Leaving work 2 hours before the end of scheduled work time for any reason
not excused above after notifying your supervisor.
2 Point:
1.    Late to work by more than 18 minutes for any reason not excused above.
2.    Leaving work more than two hours before the end of your scheduled workweek for
      any reason not excused above after notifying your supervisor.
3 Points:
1.     Absence for any reason not excused above with proper call-in.
Accumulation of Points can be explained as:

 12 points:  Written notice to employees.

 16 points: A written warning to the employee.
 20 Points:  A final warning to the employee.
 24 Points:  Termination of an employee.
1. If an employee wants to know about their point system they can contact the
HR for the same.
2. Each time when an employee accumulates enough point, the employee will
receive notice or warning.
For example: If an employee accumulates 12 points and receives a notice or warning
of such points and drop the points to 10 with the passage of time, the employee will be
issued verbal warning again.
Example for point calculation:

The Employee is 45 minutes late and leaves work 2 hours early and 3 properly
reported absence.
2. Points + 1 point + 9 points= 12 points = written notice.
10. Attendance guidelines.
The attendance policy of the company stress upon the guidelines to be followed for
attendance and punctuality.
1. The work schedule and the time for starting the work is made by the Head of
the department in consultation with managers depending upon the production
and business needs.
2. The communication of the defined work schedule is passed on from the head
of the department to manage and from immediate manager to subordinates.
3. Employees are advised to be at their workstation at the start of work time as
per the work attendance policy in a fit condition.
4. The work must continue till the end of work timings except for the break time
like the lunch break or tea break etc.
5. In case an employee is unable to attend office due to some emergency and it
is part of unplanned absence as per attendance policy in office. The
immediate manager should be informed on the same by telephone, message
or email. In case the immediate manager is not reachable, HR should be
informed on the same. The employee must call within 1 hour of starting work
6. In order to record attendance of the employee, it is necessary for the
company to ask for physician certificate in case of medical absence on regular
basis or in the event of medical absence exceeding 3 days.
7. Employee absence will be considered excused if it is covered by the policy
and employee notification to an immediate manager is satisfactory.
8. In case an employee absence is considered under unexcused category
wherein employee has failed to inform manager in stipulated time also
employee do not inform manager even in case of anticipated absence,
exceeds the length of absence as defined by the policy. Unexcused absence
calls for disciplinary actions as defined under the policy.
9. In case an employee is absent for more than 3 days without prior notice or
approval, In such case, it will be considered as job abandonment. The
employee is then separated from employment as a voluntary quit.
10. Excessive tardiness will result in strict disciplinary action as per attendance
policy in office.
11. In case employee reports working late than 5 minutes, he or she will be
docked for time missed. It will result in loss of pay up to 1/10 of an hour for
every 5 minutes of lateness or portion thereof.
12. An employee request to leave work early may be considered by the manager.
Approval in case of absence is based on the urgency of the reason.
Generally, it cannot be granted for more than 5 times in a calendar year.
13. The normal office timings  will be as follows:
Monday to Friday – 9 am to 6 pm
Lunch break: 1 to 2 pm
Saturdays and Sundays are off days in case business demands to work on Saturday;
there will be working as per “Late stay and holiday working “policy.
14. The time to report office is 9 am sharp. A grace of 5 minutes will be given
every day.
15. Employees who are studying along with working can attend their academic
institution by taking permission from their immediate reporting manager and
HOD. However, they have to complete 8
16. Working hours as per the time and attendance policy.  They will also be
allowed grace time of 5 minutes for their time in.
17. Employees are expected not to leave the office premises during office hours.
If in case of lunch etc. they need to go out than it can be done with the
permission of their immediate reporting manager.
18. Late arrival and early departure will not be tolerated and would be considered
as tardiness.
19. Leaving premises after 4 pm will be considered as an early departure. Only 4
early departures are allowed in a given month. If no. exceed 4, half day salary
will be deducted from employees.
11. Responsibilities:
Director’s responsibilities:

1. Defining the work schedule for employee’s basis the business demands.
2. To determine whether the employee or immediate manager are complying
with policy or not.
3. Taking corrective action as and when required.
Manager’s responsibility: ‘

1. The most important responsibility of the manager is to monitor its employee

2. In case any employee is coming late to the office on regular basis a meeting
can be arranged with the employee to discuss the issue faced by an
3. Options like flexible hours, work from home etc. can be given to employees
for helping them to manage work-life balance.
4. If there are issues related to mental health of employee which result in
absenteeism, help team member to meet the mental health professional.
5. HR can be approached in case there is any disciplinary issue against an
Employee responsibility:

1. To follow the attendance policy of the company religiously.

2. Getting approval from immediate supervisor for the leaves, tardiness or any
other deviation from the normal routine.
12. Disciplinary Action
a. Steps to handle unauthorised absence from work:
It is the responsibility of the manager to deal with the employee absence and it varies
from manager to manager. Forex. An employee who is absent for a single day will be
dealt with differently than someone who is absent on a regular basis.
Step 1: One should first make to have a contact with the employee on his/her regular
Step 2: If an employee is not contactable through any source in such case a letter to
be written to the employee asking the reason for an absence.
Step 3: Letter must notify the employee that absence is causing disruption in the
normal working of the employee so the disciplinary action would be taken against the
employee in absence of any response from employees end.
Step 4: Letter is generally sent in a way that manager gets s copy from the employee
which is duly signed by the employee.
Step 5: This and all other attempts to contact the employee should be recorded as a
matter of attendance policy in offices.
Step 6: Discuss the issue with the employee on their return.
Step 7: If the reasons for absence are valid, in such circumstances the leave although
unauthorised might be seen to be acceptable and steps can be taken to help
employee report absence properly in future.
b. Disciplinary Warning:
It is recommended that unauthorised absence should be handled with a succession of
warning, which, if ignored may result in a disciplinary hearing.
c. Disciplinary  Hearing:
o In case there is no change in employees behaviour after repeated warning
than an employee can be held for the disciplinary hearing.
o Explain to the employee that absence was unauthorised.
o If the employee continues unauthorised absence it is gross misconduct then
the employee may be dismissed for that.

Attendance Policy
Sample Template for Example
1. The objective of attendance policy in office is to make
employees present for work, on time, each day. Regular
attendance and punctuality are important to keep the
team and company running smoothly. Arriving late, being
tardy or absence from work causes disruptions and
creates burden on colleagues. 
2. Employee report to work on time, leave on time and
regard it. This is maintained and known through Real
time attendance.
3. Clarity on excused and non excused absence, as per
attendance policy in office.
4. No of sick days allowed in a given calendar year as
per attendance policy template.
5. Following good attendance habits. This is when the
attendance works as per the real time attendance.
6. Disciplinary action to be taken in case of prolonged
absence without notification.
7. Clarity on what kind of information must be recorded
and by whom as per best attendance policy.

Purpose:   The purpose of attendance policy is to provide an environment that helps

employees to maintain their health and wellbeing along with attendance at work or
attendance works.
Eligibility:  This Policy applies to all regular employees of the company.
It also serves the purpose of management of attendance so that employees are
treated fairly and work with greater efficiency while managing attendance at work.
Principle to be followed in management of attendance policy:

The general   principle followed in time and attendance policy is as follows:

1. To make sure that all process and procedures are in place for attendance
management to create good work environment. This must be the best
attendance policy examples.
2. To create standard benchmark so that employee’s absence is managed and
maintained fairly. This is as per employee attendance policy and procedure.
3. To develop a culture of compassion and support even to manage those
employees whose absence has become unsatisfactory?
4. Develop working environment in a way that employees undergoing sickness
absence are assisted with right support so that they return to work as they are
able to following the best attendance policy.
Definitions of Terms as per work attendance policy:

Constant absence:  As per time and attendance policy constant absence may be
defined as a term where in employee take short absence frequently. The reason for
constant absence may be unassociated.
Short absence:  As per real time attendance short attendance is the absence for
one or two days not more than 2 weeks at a stretch.
Long absence:  As per attendance policy in office, long absence may be defined as
an absence which is for more than 2 consecutive weeks.

Senior Management: The task of senior management is to

ensure that attendance policy is implemented and followed
within the organisation so that policy of attendance works
well. This task is taken by senior management under
attendance policy sample.

          HR Department: 
1. The foremost task of HR department is to make sure
that this policy is introduced and its supervision is
also done by HR Department as explained under
time and attendance policy.
2. Monthly reporting of absentees with senior
management by maintaining real time attendance.
3. To give training to managers on how to go ahead
with attendance policy in office.
Managers and supervisors:

1. To make sure that the attendance policy is followed within their teams.
2. Team follow employee attendance policy and procedure.
3. To provide a secure working environment to employees and maintain relevant
standard on day to day basis and follow the best attendance policy.
4. To seek support from HR regarding implementation of attendance policy
5. To make sure that employee attendance is maintained as per the attendance
policy guidelines.
6. To ensure that employee follow employee attendance policy and procedure
while notifying for their absence.
7. To ensure that employee absence is monitored regularly so that if there is any
problem it can be identified in an early stage. This is captured under real time
8. To give guidance to employees regarding Sample attendance policy.

1. To follow the rules and regulations as per the work attendance policy.
2. In case an employee is on prolonged illness they are suppose to inform their
supervisors on a day to day basis.
3. Following best attendance policy.
Notification of absence:

As per the sample attendance policy, employees must notify their managers in
case they are unable to attend the work due to illness.
1. Notification of details including the date they are not attending work.
2. Reason of their absence Employee is suppose to support their absence with
proper documentation.
3. What has caused the absence is it due to some disease or due to any health
and safety loopholes within the organisation. In case of prolonged illness the
manager is suppose to inform the payroll team.
4. If absence is because of some accident etc. payroll team must be informed by
5. Duration for which employee would not be attending work.
6. Time duration for which employee will keep informing the manager who in turn
will keep the records.
In case there is no communication from employee side according to time and
attendance policy manager should try to be in touch with the employee. He/she can
1. Get in touch with employee through phone/email.
2. Try to get details from colleagues in case they have any clue of their absence.
3. To visit the employee after getting contact details from HR. Any other person
from some department or Hr department must accompany the manager to
employee house.  For any \assistance or guidance HR should be contacted
on regular basis

Rules to be followed while recording the absence:

As per attendance policy in office:

1. In case employee is present for half day or more and is not able to do work for
another half day or less due to some illness it will not be considered as half
day. This absence will not be registered.
2. If Vice versa that employee is present for half day and is not able to attend
office for another half day, in such case attendance will be recorded as
3. In case there is no communication from employee on absence neither he/she
is contactable for 5 days in continuation it will be considered as unauthorised
absence and strict disciplinary action will be taken against the employee.
4. In case employee is on privilege leave and falls sick in such case if employee
produces document duly attested for sickness, then employee can take
privilege leave further.
5. If employee is sick on a holiday as announced by the organisation the
employee can’t demand leave in lieu of sick leave.
6. Contact must be maintained between the manager and the employee even
during period of absence.
7. The frequency of contact must be agreed between employee and manager.
8. The basic purpose behind the contact is that employee feel supported and
appropriate assistance is followed.
9. It is the basic responsibility of the manager/supervisor for monitoring
employee attendance and take appropriate actions.
The Best Attendance Policy:

Various habits are included under the attendance policy examples for eg. Good
attendance habit
1. Employee attendance must be marked regularly
2. As per the work attendance policy, all employees are supposing to report to
work 10 min before the start time.
3. Employees must finish all his personal tasks before the start time of office.
4. In order to make the best utilisation of real time attendance, employee is
required to work at the workplace and should take break only as and when
5. Don’t extend the break hours finish off lunch, coffee break etc within the time
allotted for such activities.
6. Try working for 20-30 minutes more after the finish of work timings. This is to
ensure no pendency of work next morning.
7. According to the attendance policy in office, in case you are getting late for
any reason, inform reporting manager /supervisor on the same.
Guidelines as per time and attendance policy:

1. Time and attendance must be managed rightly. An employee is expected to

be punctual and be available at work station before the start of office timings.
2. Employees coming to office late will be marked late as per time and
attendance policy.
The calculation of late arrival for 4 consecutive times will be marked as 1 day
leave. The late arrival means coming to office after work has started.
Similarly if the employee is leaving work early before end of work for4
consecutive times, it will be marked absent.
3. Timings of break varies from office to office and timings and duration of break
varies depending upon the business requirement.
4. An employee is supposed to stretch their work timings as per the business
5. As per the employee attendance policy and procedure the timings are defined
for each activity, however there can be change depending upon the business
requirement, in either case a notification will float from HOD to employees on
the same.
Work Attendance Policy Etiquette:

1. Employee are suppose to carry their i card / access card regularly to office. In
case the above is missed on any given day, HR should be informed on the
2. For any visit locally or outstation for official purpose HR software tool meant
for recording of attendance must be updated regularly.
3. As per employee attendance any day leave taken must be updated on hr
software, for details leave policy can be referred.
4. For any delay in reaching office on time, Managers must be notified
immediately. If the leave exceed 3 days medical certificate must be submitted
to HR on coming back to duty.
5. As per real time attendance record, any absence for more than 7 days without
approval will be considered as unauthorised absence. Disciplinary action will
be taken will be taken in such case which may even lead to termination.
Punch card:

1. The Punching card / access card must be swiped by employee while entering
or leaving the office.
2. Attendance is recorded automatically while punching the card through
automatic access card reader machine.
3. In case employee is visiting out of station, where there is no availability of
access card, attendance must be recorded and informed to manager and HR.
Attendance sheet: 
1. Attendance sheet is maintained in the offices where there is no automatic
access machine. The attendance sheet purpose is to mark attendance of
employees in these offices.
2. All the details including the employee code, employee name, DOJ etc are
captured in attendance sheet.
3. The attendance sheet must be maintained regularly without any over writing
4. All attendance sheet regulations are to be maintained by branch manager.
5. Attendance sheet must be checked regularly so that there is no signing of any
proxy or future dates.  Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the
employee found guilty of doing so.
Responsibility of maintaining Attendance Sheet:

1. It is the responsibility of branch manager to maintain attendance sheet well.

2. Attendance sheet must be kept at a place which is near to entrance of the
office so that it is the first task done by employees while entering the office.
3. All details must be filled and signed by employees neatly so that HR can
apprehend the sheet rightly.
4. The sheet must be sent to corporate HR by 20 th of every month. One copy of
the same must be kept with branch manager.
5. Any incomplete details will not be entertained by HR department.
6. HR should ensure they receive fully filled in sheets, in case of any
discrepancy the branch manager and employee must be informed via an
7. The data must be collated and sent to payroll team for further processing.
8. Internal audit of salary sheet must be done by audit team before payroll
process it for salary purpose.
Working Hours:

Days Office
Office Weekly off
working time

office/ 5 days    
regional working 9 am to 5.30 Saturdays and
offices/Branch Monday to pm Sundays
offices Friday

Revision of the policy

The company reserves the right to revise, modify any or all clauses of this
policy depending upon demand of business.
Explanation of the policy

Corporate HR department will be sole authority to interpret the content of this


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