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Patricia Andrei D.

De Guzman
Instruction: Answer each item in 5 or more sentences.

1. (focus: importance of eco-literacy on business and political leaders) The Bataan Nuclear
Power Plant, which is not operational as of posting, is believed to have the ability to lower
electricity prices. But it is also thought to have the capability of emitting unnecessary and
harmful type of radiation when a natural disaster strikes. Given the aforementioned pro and
con, should the Philippines activate the said nuclear power plant? Why or why not?

The issue of whether or not to activate the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant in the
Philippines has been a source of debate for many years. On one hand, the plant is believed to
have the potential to lower electricity prices in the Philippines. However, on the other hand,
there are concerns about the potential harm it could cause in the event of a natural disaster.
Specifically, it is believed that the plant would emit harmful radiation if a natural disaster
such as an earthquake or tsunami were to occur. Given these factors, it is important for the
Philippine government to thoroughly evaluate and consider all potential risks before deciding
on whether or not to activate the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant. The safety of the people and
environment should always be the top priority, especially when dealing with nuclear power. It
is essential to ensure that the plant is equipped with state-of-the-art safety measures and
protocols to mitigate any potential risks. In addition, it is important to implement a
comprehensive emergency response plan in case of natural disasters or other emergencies.
Furthermore, investment in renewable energy sources should also be explored and prioritized
as a long-term solution to the Philippines' energy needs.

2. (survey) In some countries such as Singapore, a person can be jailed and, in some cases,
even caned for violating simple environmental laws such as anti-littering and anti-
vandalism. Should the Philippines adopt a similar policy? Why or why not?

Environmental protection is a global concern. While Singapore's strict policies have

been effective in reducing environmental crimes, there are ethical and cultural considerations
that need to be taken into account when adopting such policies

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