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Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand;
Laboratory of Exercise Physiology, University of Savoie, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France; and 3Laboratory of Exercise Physiology,
University of Lyon, Saint-Etienne, France


de Lacey, J, Brughelli, M, McGuigan, M, Hansen, K, Samozino, P, ugby league is a collision sport that involves high-
and Morin, J-B. The effects of tapering on power-force-velocity intensity bouts of exercise exertion (9). Players are
profiling and jump performance in professional rugby league required to complete frequent bouts of high-
players. J Strength Cond Res 28(12): 3567–3570, 2014—The intensity activity (e.g., sprinting and tackling) sep-
purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a presea- arated with short bouts of low-intensity activity (e.g., walking
and jogging) (8,9). Because of these activities, players require
son taper on individual power-force-velocity profiles and jump
high levels of muscular strength and power in addition to
performance in professional National Rugby League players.
well-developed aerobic capacity (9,11). Professional rugby
Seven professional rugby league players performed concentric
league players typically have a scheduled match every 5–10
squat jumps using ascending loads of 25, 50, 75, 100% body days during the in-season, and thus, recovery is an important
mass before and after a 21-day step taper leading into the in- aspect in reducing an athlete’s fatigue that can be accumulated
season. Linear force-velocity relationships were derived, and the before and throughout the in-season. The season structure
following variables were obtained: maximum theoretical velocity typically involves a 4-month preseason, 6-month in-season,
(V0), maximum theoretical force (F0), and maximum power and 1 month for the playoffs if the team makes it.
(Pmax). The players showed likely-to-very likely increases in F0 A key element to an athlete’s preparation for competition
(effect size [ES] = 0.45) and Pmax (ES = 0.85) from pre to is the taper. A taper is a reduction in training load over
posttaper. Loaded squat jump height also showed likely-to- a period that allows an athlete to recover from the stress
most likely increases at each load (ES = 0.83–1.04). The 21- of training. In doing so, performance benefits can be
day taper was effective at enhancing maximal power output and enhanced after a tapering period, such as maximal power,
jump height performance in professional rugby players, possibly
vertical jump, 10- to 40-m sprint times, and isoinertial
strength (4–6). Although these traditional strength and
as a result of a recovery from fatigue and thus increased strength
speed measures allow some diagnostic information, they
capability after a prolonged preseason training period. Rugby
do not incorporate the entire force-velocity spectrum. The
league strength and conditioning coaches should consider
force-velocity mechanical capabilities of the neuromuscular
reducing training volume while maintaining intensity and aerobic system are well described by the inverse force-velocity and
conditioning (e.g., step taper) leading into the in-season. parabolic power-velocity relationships when multijoint
KEY WORDS maximum power, squat jump, power profiling, movement is considered (13). Maximum theoretical force
(F0) and velocity (V0) are extreme values identified as the
training, strength
x- and y-intercepts of the force-velocity relationship, and the
ratio between F0 and V0 determines the individual F-v pro-
file (Sfv). The F-v profile and maximal power (Pmax) have
been shown to have independent influences on performance
during squat jumping (16). No previous research has inves-
Address correspondence to James de Lacey, james.delacey01@gmail. tigated the effect of tapering on force-velocity profiling in
com. addition to performance measures in team sports. Such
28(12)/3567–3570 information is vital for determining the efficacy of tapering
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in team sports, which could potentially influence individual-
Ó 2014 National Strength and Conditioning Association ized programming. Therefore, the purpose of this study was

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 12 | DECEMBER 2014 | 3567

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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Jump Performance in Professional Rugby League Players

to determine the effects of tapering on power-force-velocity selves with the testing protocol. During each jump through-
profiling and jump performance. out the testing, the investigator signaled when to jump after
the pause on the box through verbal cueing. This minimized
METHODS the likelihood of participant jumping too early and using the
Experimental Approach to the Problem stretch shorten cycle.
To investigate the effects of tapering on power-force-velocity
profiling and loaded squat jump performance in a group of 7 Statistical Analyses
professional rugby league players, all subjects performed The vertical push-off distance (HPO) during the squat jump
loaded squat jumps with 25, 50, 75, and 100% of their body was determined by the difference between Hs and the
mass (BM) before and after a step taper. The step taper extended leg length. With only measures of HPO, jump
occurred during the final 21 days of a 4-month preseason height (h) and moving mass (BM + additional mass), mean
training period leading into the Australian National Rugby force and velocity over the push-off were calculated at each
League (NRL) in-season. Jump height was measured for load with the following equations (14):
each load, and linear force-velocity profiles were derived.
Mean force ¼ mgððh=HPO Þ þ 1Þ
The measures of F0, V0, Pmax, and jump height at each load
were compared before and after taper. qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Mean velocity ¼ gh 2 :
Seven professional male rugby league players (age, 24 6 3.6
years; height, 183.0 6 6.1 cm; weight, 99.0 6 12.2 kg), Then, linear force-velocity relationships were calculated
including 2 international players, from an NRL club volun- through least squares regressions, and Sfv was determined as
teered as participants for this research. Each participant the slope of the force-velocity relationship (13). The force-
signed an informed consent before participation. The Auck- velocity curves were extrapolated to identify F0 and V0 as
land University of Technology Ethics Committee approved the x- and y-intercepts on the force-velocity curve (15).
all procedures undertaken in this study (12/159). Finally, Pmax was calculated as follows:

Methodology P max ¼ F 03V 0=4:

Athletes attended 1 testing session at the start of the taper and
1 testing session at the end of the taper. During the first testing Taper
session, each athlete lay on his or her back for extended leg A step taper was used during the final 21 days of a 4-month
length measurement. This measurement was made on the preseason training period, where the volume of strength
right leg from the greater trochanter to the end of the training rapidly decreased, whereas intensity remained high
participant’s toes, which were pointed toward the floor (i.e., and conditioning remained unchanged (12). Strength train-
plantar flexed) to simulate the take off position during a squat ing was performed 3 to 4 times a week averaging approxi-
jump. The participant then stood up and squatted down to mately 60 minutes a session before the taper. Field sessions
a 908 knee angle, which was measured by a goniometer. From were performed 3 to 4 times a week averaging approxi-
this position, a measurement was taken from the greater tro- mately 60 minutes a session. During the taper, strength train-
chanter to the floor (Hs) and the crease between the glutes ing was reduced to 1 session per week taking approximately
and hamstrings to the floor (14). The second measurement 45 minutes, whereas field sessions remained at pretaper lev-
was made to provide the height of the box the athlete would els. Intensity relative volume (IRV) per session was used to
touch before exploding vertically. After a general 5-minute quantify resistance training load and volume during these
warm-up, the testing protocol consisted of 2, concentric- training phases (10). The first 7 weeks of the preseason
only squat jumps at 5 different additional loads at a percentage was the strength-hypertrophy phase, where an IRV of
of BM (25, 50, 75, and 100% BM). Jump height was measured 358.4 per week was calculated. During this phase, the ath-
with a linear position transducer (GymAware; Kinetic Perfor- letes typically performed high repetitions (6–15 repetitions)
mance Technology, Canberra, Australia) attached to the bar- with moderate loads (65–83% 1RM). The following 6 weeks
bell sleeve and placed outside the rack, so the wire would be were a strength-power phase, where an IRV of 156.87 per
vertical once the athlete stepped back to the box with the week was calculated. During this phase, athletes typically
barbell across his shoulder. To control the depth of the performed moderate repetitions (3–6 repetitions) with mod-
concentric-only loaded squat jump, a box was placed in the erate to heavy loads (80–95% 1RM). The 3-week taper lead-
squat rack for the participant to touch before exploding ver- ing into the season had an IRV of 40.8 per week, which is
tically. The height of the box was determined by the mea- shown in Table 1.
surement taken from the crease between the glutes and
hamstrings to the floor while in the 908 knee angle squat Statistical Analyses
position. Once the participants warmed up, they each had 2 For practical significance and because of the small sample of
body weight concentric-only squat jumps to familiarize them- professional rugby league players, magnitude-based
the TM

3568 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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the TM

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

50, 75, and 100% BM showed likely-to-most likely moderate

increases from pre- to posttaper.
TABLE 1. Resistance training program used
during the taper period.*
Taper program Set/Rep INT (%) An interesting observation from the present findings was
A1. Power clean 3 3 2 90 that V0 was not enhanced while F0 was likely to increase
B1. Overhead squat 3 3 6 80 after the taper. Sfv became slightly more negative from pre to
C1. Bench press 3 3 5 82 posttaper, which shows the slope of the force-velocity pro-
D1. Bench pull 3 3 5 82 file moving in the direction toward force capabilities,
*INT = % of 1 repetition maximum; Rep = repetitions.
although the change was unclear. It could be speculated that
velocity capabilities would change more so than force capa-
bilities, as shown in the study by Anderson et al. (2). The
greater change in F0 rather than V0 may have occurred as
a result of the short tapering period that was used in the
inferences were determined with a modified statistical Excel present study. The taper in the present study lasted 21 days,
spreadsheet (7). Effect size and 90% confidence limits were whereas Andersen et al. (2) used a 3-month detraining
calculated to compare the difference between pre and post- period. If the taper in the present study was longer, a greater
means. The value 0.2 was prespecified as the smallest worth- change in V0 may have taken place because of the overshoot
while difference (SWD) for between-subject SDs. Threshold phenomenon (1,2). However, Coutts et al. (4) observed sim-
values of 0.2, 0.6, 1.2, 2.0, and 4.0 were used to represent ilar findings to the present study with their short 7-day taper,
small, moderate, large, very large, and extremely large effects. where no significant changes were observed with higher-
Probabilities that differences were higher, lower, or similar to velocity isokinetic strength (5.25 rad$s21). Thus, velocity
the SWD were evaluated qualitatively as follows: #1%, capabilities may have improved if the taper had occurred
almost certainly not; .1–5%, very unlikely; .5–25%, over a longer duration. Furthermore, the training done
unlikely; .25–75%, possible; .75–95%, likely; .95–99%, before the taper was predominantly heavy loaded strength
very likely; and .99%, most likely. If the chance of both training with a few low and unloaded explosive movements.
higher and lower values was .5%, the true difference was If velocity was the prominent quality being developed pre-
assessed as unclear. taper, we may have observed a greater change in V0.
The initial benefit of increased force production may have
RESULTS been the result of recovery of fatigue from prolonged
F0, V0, Pmax, and jump performance at each load before and training. This has been shown by Coutts et al. (4) where
after taper are presented in Table 2. F0 had a likely small both isoinertial strength and isokinetic strength at slower
increase from pre- to posttaper, although any improvements velocities (1.05 rad$s21) significantly increased from pre to
in V0 and Sfv were unclear. Pmax and 4 jump heights at 25, post 7-day taper. Furthermore, Elloumi et al. (5) reported

TABLE 2. Mechanical and performance variables of professional rugby league players pre- and posttaper.*

Pretaper Posttaper ES (CL) Inference

F0 (N$kg21) 54.93 6 25.71 64.74 6 16.87 0.45 (0.05; 0.85) Small†

V0 (m$s21) 2.71 6 0.63 2.86 6 0.58 0.24 (20.44; 0.91) Smallz
Pmax (W$kg21) 34.87 6 10.97 44.71 6 6.72 0.85 (0.46; 1.24) Moderate§
Sfv 222.39 6 14.09 224.09 6 9.69 0.23 (20.26; 0.72) Smallz
Jump 25% (cm) 39.59 6 8.52 47.74 6 4.65 0.90 (0.20; 1.60) Moderate†
Jump 50% (cm) 31.66 6 8.49 42.09 6 4.63 1.04 (0.65; 1.42) Moderatek
Jump 75% (cm) 25.41 6 9.13 36.39 6 6.49 0.94 (0.58; 1.30) Moderatek
Jump 100% (cm) 21.20 6 9.51 30.30 6 5.08 0.83 (0.38; 1.28) Moderate§

*ES = effect size; CL = confidence limits; F0 = theoretical maximum force; V0 = theoretical maximum velocity; Pmax = maximal
power; Sfv = F-v profile.
†Likely positive.
§Very likely positive.
kMost likely positive.

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 12 | DECEMBER 2014 | 3569

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Jump Performance in Professional Rugby League Players

a total score of fatigue significantly lower during and after in-season, and therefore, coaches should consider starting in-
their 2-week taper in 16 national level 7-second rugby play- season strength training during the last phase of preseason
ers compared with 6 weeks of intense training. Previous strength training (i.e., 1–2 strength sessions a week while the
tapering literatures in rugby and rugby league have used 7- training intensity and aerobic conditioning levels remain
day and 14-day tapers, showing significant increases in per- high). This would allow adaptations in maximal power to
formance measures (i.e., 10-m sprint and 5 jump test) (4,5). take place and the athlete’s to recover from prolonged train-
This may have been the result of a potential increase in ing while still improving conditioning specific to the sport.
maximal power gained from the tapering period. Coutts et Thus, coaches can implement a step taper to potentially
al. (4) attributed the increase in strength, power, and endur- improve Pmax and performance leading into a season while
ance to a change in muscle fiber properties: increased anab- avoiding fatigue and still improving or maintaining aerobic
olism and a decrease in muscle damage. Elloumi et al. (5) and anaerobic conditioning.
attributed their performance increases to a reduction in
fatigue. The present study also saw improvements in perfor- REFERENCES
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the TM

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