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ALEKS Pie Report

Date: 25/07/2023 Student Name : Jostyn Alexander Toapanta Risco

Student ID : 2037256 Login Name : JTOAPANTARISCO
Class Name : 7mo de EGB - A Institution Name : Unidad Educativa Jaime Roldos Aguilera

Nat ural Numbers Fract ions

(47 Topics) (38 Topics)

Decimals, Rat ios, Proport ions, and Measurement and Int egers
Percent s (2 Topics)
(71 Topics)

Equat ions, Set s, Exponent s, and Segment s, Angles, and Logic

Radicals (19 Topics)
(12 Topics)

24 Triangles, Quadrilat erals, Coordinat e

Plan, and Transf ormat ions
(10 Topics)
Area, Surf ace Area, and Volume
(23 Topics)

Dat a Analysis and Probabilit y

(15 Topics)

The ALEKS Pie shows the student’s overall mastery of the class. Each slice represents a
group of topics. The darker color of each slice represents what a student has mastered
through knowledge checks, the lighter color represents what the student has learned but not
yet mastered, and the gray area represents what remains to be learned and mastered.

Learning History

ALEKS Progress Dat e Course Mast ery Time in t his Class

Current Knowledge 25/01/2022 14 hours 33 minutes

18 out of 237 Topics mastered

Initial Assessment 15/06/2021 0 hours

2 out of 237 Topics mastered

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