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ay : hello good morning sir, can i talk with u?

tr : sure
ay : my name is ayas, what’s your name?
tr : ma name is naki
ay : oh mr naki, nice to meet you, where are u from sir?
tr : i’m from singapore
ay : wow, so far. sorry, can u speak english?
tr : i can
ay : okey, btw may i know your job sir?
tr : my job’s dentist
ay : oh, dentist? and how long have you been a dentist?
tr : I’ve bin a dentist since about three years ago
ay : where do you work as a dentist sir?
tr : I work in indriati hospital
ay : oh, do you happy with your job sir?
tr : yes, i’m very happy
ay : do you like your job sir?
tr : of course
ay : why do you like your job sir?
tr : because i think dentist’s noble job and important job
ay : why do you think so?
tr : because, i can help everyone who has a disease in the teeth and i feel
ay : oh ya, what time do you always go to the hospital sir?
tr : usually in the morning
ay : oh, so, how do you always go to hospital?
tr : i always ride a bicycle
ay : why you don’t yus the motorcycle or car?
tr : haha, because my house’s very near
ay : ohh, besides that, it can nourish the body too, right?
tr : haha, right.
ay : whom do you always work in this hospital sir?
tr : with my brother, fadhil
ay : oh fadhil, from singapore too?
tr : no, he’s from jogja
ay : oh, very near. and what diseases do you usually treat?
tr : eum, usually cavities, but recently I found a patient with gum disease
ay : oh, i know it. what’s price rate if check teeth here?
tr : usually, around eighty thousand rupiah
ay : oh, very cheap, so where did u buy the medicine?
tr : already available from the hospital, just pay for it
ay : are the medicine that u bought the best medicine?
tr : eum, of course, because we have maintained the quality and cleanliness
ay : how often do u go to the hospital?
tr : everyday
ay : btw, do u have an assistent to help u?
tr : yea, i have two assistants
ay : wow, I think that was quite helpful for u, sir
tr : haha, relief enough
ay : what time do you usually open practice?
tr : at nine in the morning
ay : oh, very early, and then how many patients often come to check, sir?
tr : every week or every month?
ay : every week
tr : eum, range of fifty-five patients maybe
ay : ohh, more children or adults, sir?
tr : more children
ay : so, what does your assistant do, sir?
tr : they helped fill out the forms and helped pick up the medicine
ay : oh okey, that’s a great job sir, if I have a tooth complaint, I will come to
your practice, sir. thank’u for your time, bye”
tr : okey, my pleasure.. byee

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