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Unit 7

Task 70
1. Abstracts (A) and (B) are informative, while abstract (C) is indicative.
2. All the three abstracts share the Presenting the research and the
Summarizing the results move.
3. "We evaluate ...", "the effect ... is analyzed ...", "it is shown ...", "the
obtained results can be of help ...", "in this paper, the changing language and
rhetoric ... are characterized ... "results indicate ...", "we reject this conclusion and
introduce the theory of…, " "the theory clarifies ... "we conclude by arguing
that...", "the culmination of our efforts is a simple, but a general statement.
4. The present tense is the most frequently used. Abstract (B) also makes use
of the past tense for the reference to the historical event and the author's research
procedure and of the present perfect tense for the reference to recent research.
5. Abstract (C) seems to advertise the research by maintaining an assertive
tone, which is created by: the rhetorical strategy of counterclaiming and offering a
solution to existing problems (move "Presenting the research"); a fair amount of
meta-text; evaluative (in this context) word s and expressions, such an s "clarifies",
"arguing", " a simple, but general statement".
Task 71
This paper provides a study of the use of law to invoke and protect the
interests of the poorest consumers of the privatized water industry. It focuses on
the introduction of pre-payment devices and the legal action to prevent their use.
The context of the study lies in the privatization of the water industry in 1989…
The claims which surrounded the application of the policy were familiar: private
ownership produced efficiency, effective management, and attentiveness to
customers' needs. ... This article finds the claim to be false. It considers the social
engineering role of law in attempting to protect the interests of the poorest
consumers… It concludes by suggesting that not only is access to the law
differentiated by power and resources but that compliance with it is also mediated
by the same inequality.
Task 72
The following sequence of the abstract's parts is correct:
(C) (A) (D) (B)
Task 73
Version (A) seems to be too "factual"; it neither situates the research
described in the paper nor provides any discussion of the results. In contrast,
version (B) is too "indicative " for the abstract of a research report. Your version
should provide more balanced coverage of the paper.

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